Now that the chance for "collusion" is gone, what's next on the wish list for the Democrats and the Never-Trumpers, in their desperation to avoid another 4 years?
Thank you, Ann, for your Haruki Murakami recommendations. I read two of his books this month--Norwegian Wood and Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage--and they were both amazing. Thinking of going for 1Q84 next. What do you think?
So now that the Democrats have finally accepted the results of the election (No Putin takebakes) Trump's term begins, Right? 4 years and counting starting riiiight NOW!
One thing I haven't seen discussed anywhere: Suppose Trump wins reelection in 2020 and suppose the GOP retains the Senate. Why wouldn't a clever Senator propose: "Let's add seats to the Supreme Court" and challenge Dems to follow up on their claims to support this?
Also, I do (with appointment of Barr, especially, but also in challenges by Sen. Lindsay Graham) sense a sea-change in the investigative climate. Here's a list of 18 indictments against Obama/Clinton activities that could be investigated.
Now we will see if Scott Adams was right. He predicted that the bursting of the collusion balloon would lead to a preference cascade for Trump. I do see hints of it: even Althouse is now talking about the media and their Trump derangement as it it matters to her how awful and corrupt they are. She has always seen through most of the bullshit but I think now the clarity and enormity of it are becoming clear to her.
Remember: not a single American charged with collusion. No American even charged with crimes committed during the campaign I believe, just sleazy financial crimes long before, and process crimes after.
Out of the Blue, at dinner the other night, one of my dining partners asked me if I'd asked my French Friends about an "Unreported Church Burnings in France Conspiracy."
How the Hell All does one answer such a question? I live in Cambridge / Somerville MA, by the way.
Is Schumer so stuck in the news cycle that he still seeks advantage by denying Trump the opportunity to publish a rebuttal document simultaneous with the release of the prosecutor’s report?
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called for special counsel Robert Mueller's report to be released to Congress and the public in its entirety — and warned against allowing the report to be shown to the White House first or allowing President Trump to interfere in the decision-making behind what gets released.
“Now that Special Counsel Mueller has submitted his report to the Attorney General, it is imperative for Mr. Barr to make the full report public and provide its underlying documentation and findings to Congress," read the joint statement from Pelosi, D-Calif., and Schumer, D-N.Y.
"Attorney General Barr must not give President Trump, his lawyers, or his staff any ‘sneak preview’ of Special Counsel Mueller’s findings or evidence, and the White House must not be allowed to interfere in decisions about what parts of those findings or evidence are made public," it says.
Third. If Dems support eliminating the electoral college in favor of the popular vote, why don't they simply adopt that mechanism for choosing the Dem nominee: whoever gets the most votes during the primary season wins the nomination. That wouldn't require any law or constitutional amendment. If you favor this method, just do it!
and Fourth. It's not just FBI/DOJ that need investigations or that have past actions that require explanations/justifications, it is also the "media". See VCHansen, "autopsy of a dead coup" .
and Fifth, seen in the light of Russian Collusion investigation = Coup, was John McCain guilty of the crime of trying to overthrow the government?
November 10, 2016 "I want to emphasize to you, Mr. President-elect, that we now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed because if you succeed, then the country succeeds." Said President Barack Obama, meeting today with President-Elect Donald Trump.
Pompei is in Israel today, and he agreed with a CBN interviewer that Trump is Queen Esther redux saving the Jewish people from extermination. Purim is celebrated for Esther turning the tables on Haman and using the set day for Jews to kill Haman’s killers. Then she asked for only one more thing...another day’s fighting to finish off Haman’s Jew hating people.
DJT is going to grab the Jewish vote to add to his Evangelical Christians Faith moves people.
Another commenter mentioned Murakami's IQ84: English (from England) translation, found at Emmaus in along the Seine, France. I've not read it yet. I know that you like their work. I am hesitant towards picking up this particular book, due to emotional hangups.
I see that Fox News brought up McCain in their Trump interview. And then accused Trump of being 'obsessed' with McCain! As Trump pointed out, they are the ones that brought it up.
Why is the NYC/DC elite so invested in the legacy of Saint "Did you know he was a war hero" McCain? Isn't it odd how they - wrongly - think that the American people are incredibly upset at Trump dissing McCain? Isn't it weird, how the liberal NYT/WaPO attacks Trump for this, and the R Senators agree, and babble about "giving Trump a whipping over his McCain remarks"? Even more absurd, you have Bernie Sanders and Mitch McConnell both tweeting about how they loved John McCain and miss him.
I'm beginning to think we need to fire every Senator in Washington and start over again with a new slate. The DC elite has NEVER been more out of touch.
New report just out from the Ukraine (the Ukraine again!!)
Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden, was awarded $3.1M by a Ukrainian energy company WHILE VP Biden was conducting official business in Ukraine!!
A Ukrainian energy company founded by a ukrainian with deep ties to Vladimir Putin!!
Hunter Biden's job involved policy compliance.
Hunter Biden has ZERO expertise in neither compliance nor the energy sector!!
Once again, ONCE AGAIN, dems/lefties/LLR's trading on their official roles to gain hard cash directly from Putin's energy pals.
That's just one reason of several why this hoax collusion nonsense was dreamed up.
A cover-up operation as well as weaponizing govt against domestic political opponents.
No wonder Cap'n Billy Kristol of the SS LLR Bulwark was such a little eager beaver to help out all of his far left activist billionaire buddies. He just loves him some of that belly up to the corruption trough business!!
All while Sleepy Joe Biden was conducting official
November 10, 2016 "I want to emphasize to you, Mr. President-elect, that we now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed because if you succeed, then the country succeeds." Lied President Barack Obama, meeting today with President-Elect Donald Trump.
I sure hope someone interviews Li'l Bobby "Uranium One coverup dude" Mueller...and uses the very same 302 note taking scheme where FBI interviewers can "characterize" your testimony with no recourse to an audio or video record of the interview.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called for special counsel Robert Mueller's report to be released to Congress and the public in its entirety Taking bets on this getting fact checked? What happens to the report is laid out in the statute that created the Special Counsel. I have seen lawyers quoted that the law requires Mueller to give his report to Barr. Barr then in fact does share it with his boss. Also any accusations that might put persons under a bad light would have an opportunity to write a pre-buttle. Again this is all part of the law that was written by the legislative bodies. Near as I can tell, President Trump has the power to request a copy now. He is the boss. Nothing in the Statute would prevent Barr from handing a copy over. This is one of those examples of the media lying by omission. The media goes on forever about the report, never do they quote from the statute. Same with Pelosi and Schummer. If they ask Barr to treat the report as they demand, all they have to do is quote the statute that supports their demand. Quoting the statute leaves no room to set a narrative. Schummer and Pelosi are setting a narrative. They need a whole new narrative now, and citing facts will not allow that to happen.
As someone who voted for Trump I demand reparations from the Federal government for wasting millions of taxpayers' dollars on this sham of a Mueller investigation to try and bring down Trump unconstitutionally.
Inga sure felt good about the Mueller investigation a year ago:
Inga said:
As I said last night, I have serious concerns about the mental health of some Trumpists presently and in the future when this Mueller investigation is completed.
"Attorney General Barr must not give President Trump, his lawyers, or his staff any ‘sneak preview’ of Special Counsel Mueller’s findings or evidence, and the White House must not be allowed to interfere in decisions about what parts of those findings or evidence are made public," it says.
I am not sure where these two bozos found in Article I that an Article II Executive Branch employee has to report to Congress before he reports to his Article II boss, the President.
@exhelodrvr1 said... Now that the chance for "collusion" is gone, what's next on the wish list for the Democrats and the Never-Trumpers, in their desperation to avoid another 4 years?
There never was a chance for "collusion" because collusion is not a chargeable offense. Conspiracy against the United States, money laundering, theft of funds by conversion to personal use, violation of the "Emoluments Clause," and lying to investigators are indeed criminal offenses - which Trump's guilt is undeniable and definitely provable. Issuance of the Mueller report will change none of these criminal actions by the President and his staff and family.
My good news for March 22 was cutting the cable cord. My last Fios bill zoomed to $183.63 and a quick look at alternatives fell to streaming TV. I chose Hulu Live TV with 60 channels because the service included local CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox (an experiment in "over the air" was a return to 1950).
The streaming picture is better, the sound is better, interference is minimal and the $45 per month plus $30 monthly for Xfinity Internet is marvelous. I did buy 2 FireSticks for $60, complete with Alexa doing the channel switching and I bought my own Modem /Wireless box for $100.
Goodby to all charges and wires for set top boxes, DVR, rental equipment, taxes and local cable fees . I got two simultaneous users and 50 renewing hours of free DVR on the cloud.
Grand total savings, year one equals $2200 (183.63 x 12) - 900 ($75 x 12) - $160 (one time device purchases) - $70 Installation from Xfinity equals $1070!
**As Seth notes, while the story is one of survival for the Jews, it also shows the sorrow and disgrace suffered by every defeated people at the hands of their conquerors.**
Such division happened with Civil War. Similarly with Trump election and reelection??
Whats the over/under on a new Mueller investigation wherein Mueller is under investigation for not finding any Russian collusion?
@NorthOfTheOneOhOne, it has become clear there was collusion with foreign governments and a Presidential campaign, but that campaign was not Trump’s campaign.
Great tweet by Richard Fernandez (wretchardthecat) about the "elite:"
What was revealed was the extent of rottenness in the system. If Trump had been a godlike Alexander it would have been one thing. But he's not. That they are actually less competent than a casino manager and reality show host is too much for them to take.
I haven't read that one. You read 2 of the more realistic ones, so if you want to go into more fantasy, the one I've read that I recommend is "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle."
"Out of the Blue, at dinner the other night, one of my dining partners asked me if I'd asked my French Friends about an "Unreported Church Burnings in France Conspiracy." How the Hell All does one answer such a question? I live in Cambridge / Somerville MA, by the way."
Your pattern of capitalization makes me paranoid that there really is a conspiracy. My questions: 1. Do you have French friends (or French Friends)? 2. Does "French" mean people in America who subscribe to some sort of French philosophy or way of life? 3. How can you know even enough to ask about things in foreign countries that are not reported? 4. Is your dinner companion an amusing, enigmatic sort of person? 5. Is the conspiracy (or Conspiracy) supposed to related to the way churches are getting burned or the way the media are not reporting on it?
On this proposal to have the states change their laws to mandate giving all of each state's electoral vote to the candidate with the most popular votes (In the state? Nation-wide?), I wonder how that would fare in the Supreme Court. On the one hand, it is obviously an attempt to make an end-run around the Constitution, i.e., making an amendment without going through the process for adopting an Amendment legally, on the other hand, the current process already is in violation of the Constitution, but is hallowed by long usage.
I think the Supremes "should" call for going back to tally the vote for each person rather than party (the formation of parties not being anticipated in the Constitution), but hardly expect that to happen.
Alan Dershowitz points out that the Mueller Report necessarily by its nature is a report of an accusatory investigation, and in all fairness should not be released without an accompanying statement from the defendant speaking for the defense.
Gadfly, keep us posted. I'm about a week or two behind you. I'm deciding between youtube TV and Hulu live.Youtube TV has unlimited DVR,(I think) My internet is already costing me $80 mo. When I dump the TV my internet rate goes up because of the bundling. I got my over the air antenna up, with over 30 local channels. I'll be very interested in your satisfaction level.
Conspiracy against the United States, money laundering, theft of funds by conversion to personal use, violation of the "Emoluments Clause," and lying to investigators are indeed criminal offenses - which Trump's guilt is undeniable and definitely provable.
Gadfly, you say, "Trump's guilt is undeniable and definitely provable."
Interesting idea. If it's still to be proved, how can it be undeniable? Like so much about this two year saga, people have in fact not known what they are sure they "know." At the same time, some (like this guy Swalwell) seems prepared to deny what he does know. As the saying goes, pass the popcorn.
It is my understanding that the alleged "collusion" with "Russia" consist of a charge that the Trump campaign got information about Hillary!'s e-mails and the DNC's nefarious practices from Russian intelligence agencies and then arranged for Wikileaks to publish it.
If so, how in the world does this become a criminal charge? It seems to me that if the information came from the Devil himself, we should thank him for it.
As for "foreign governments meddling in American elections," that started in a big way with the Citizen Genet affair, etc., in Washington's re-election campaign in 1792 and has not let up since. Our elections have consequences for many other nations, and they try to look out for their interests, which seems reasonable enough to me.
Blogger gadfly said... @exhelodrvr1 said... "Now that the chance for "collusion" is gone, what's next on the wish list for the Democrats and the Never-Trumpers, in their desperation to avoid another 4 years?
There never was a chance for "collusion" because collusion is not a chargeable offense. Conspiracy against the United States, money laundering, theft of funds by conversion to personal use, violation of the "Emoluments Clause," and lying to investigators are indeed criminal offenses - which Trump's guilt is undeniable and definitely provable. Issuance of the Mueller report will change none of these criminal actions by the President and his staff and family." Well. No. Because if they could be proven they would have been proven. That is why so many periferal players were investigated. The sand is shifting under your feet.
1Q84 is the only Haruki Murakami book I've read. Althouse got me interested in the author and I more-or-less randomly chose it.
I read it on a Kindle, so I didn't really know how long it was and I should emphasize it didn't seem unusually long when I was reading it. It was an enigmatic work and so I read some reviews to see other people's take on it--they mostly didn't like it and complained about it being over 900 pages.
Wikipedia calls it "dystopian" but I'm not sure why--it is Japan (mostly Tokyo) in 1984 and an alternate version of 1984 which the main character, Aomame calls 1Q84 because she knows that it is a different version but isn't sure what else to make of it. The novel is a lot of things, mostly an intimate look at the inner lives of the two main characters. It is very romantic. But it is also somewhat lurid in parts (sex and violence). I don't think it is gratuitous--all these things mattered.
Now some coincidence: I was talking about the book at the dinner table and my oldest daughter (22) said that she bought the same book from Amazon (on Kindle). She didn't hear about it from me: One of her friends at their university is obsessed with 1Q84 and plans on getting a tattoo based on the book.
Today's ABQ Journal front page headline is about the State of New Mexico going all green energy by 2045 (jubilation, but bad news for the state's coal mining industry, and especially the Navajo Nation, which owns a lot of really good coal and gets a lot of revenue from it).
The issue of the Mueller Report is mentioned an page A-4.
It is my understanding that the alleged "collusion" with "Russia" consist of a charge that the Trump campaign got information about Hillary!'s e-mails and the DNC's nefarious practices from Russian intelligence agencies and then arranged for Wikileaks to publish it.
What is interesting here is the ambiguity and misdirection inherent in that charge. Outwardly, at least, the claim of Russian Collusion started with the request to the Russians for Crooked Hillary's emails when she had been Secretary of State four years earlier. Contrary to US law and regulations, she had never used government supplied email to conduct business while running our foreign policy as Secretary. It is required by law to be conducted using government email because the emails belong to the government, and, in her case, much of what she did was classified. Indeed, at the time, she was one of five original classifiers in the federal government, officially in charge of all of the classified information in the State Dept, when includes all of our embassies and consulates around the world (the protection of that classified information is why they all have Marine security detachments). Almost four years after leaving office, the FBI had more than probable cause to demand the return of her emails. Instead of requiring them under subpoena, or by use of a search warrant, they allowed her attorneys to sanitize her emails, and then provide them in a format that deleted much of the metadata. The problem, all along, is that that she had used her private email to conduct foreign policy around the world, in apparently over 100 foreign countries in those four years. And, every time that she sent or received email when she was out of the US, when she was in those 100 foreign countries, she transmitted her email credentials over communications owned and controlled by other countries, including some of our worst foreign enemies. So, it was essentially child's play for them to intercept her signing onto her email server, capture her email credentials, and then use them to access her email server, allowing them to see, in real time, the inside, classified, side of US foreign policy. No wonder she was probably at the top of the list around the world for being hacked during that time, and she, of course, was. But, the FBI allowed her attorneys to cherry pick the emails that they supplied to them for her, which meant that anything incriminating (showing that she had run the State Dept as a pay-to-play enterprise, greatly enriching her family and foundation) had not been provided to the FBI. And, then, they allowed her to delete everything on the server, and all of her electronic devices, in such a way, that it was unrecoverable, if the FBI ever did acquire her physical server, which they never did. Which essentially means that it was highly likely that a number of intelligence services around the world had copies of her emails for that time, led by the Russians and Chinese, but the US government officially did not (the NSA though probably at least had intercepted her email credentials, and others of the Five Eyes may have hacked her email server, along with everyone else). This is what Trump was talking about - getting the incriminating emails that the FBI had allowed her attorneys to delete, but intelligence services around the world almost assuredly had.
The DNC server, on the other hand, had had its emails somehow appropriated in spring of 2016, and were published by Wikileaks, to their embarrassment, primarily because of the shenanigans that were utilized in that organization for Crooked Hillary to beat Crazy Bernie Sanders. The DNC and its contractor Crowdstrike, claimed that their email had been hacked by the Russians. DNI Clapper, along with CIA Dir Brennan and FBI Dir Comey, utilizing hand picked forensic investigators, and forsaking standard investigatory practices, relying completely on Crowdstrike, concurred. Notably, they never actually had possession or access to those email servers. Wikileaks denied that the emails came from Russian hacking, but rather were the result of inside collaboration, and that was subsequently confirmed by file transfer times, and that the emails had been transferred to a FAT device (such as a Flash memory card). Oh, and the Russian credentials that were supposedly indication of Russian hacking appear to have come from a foreign policy advisor to VP Biden.
The key thing to keep in mind is that Trump was asking for Clinton's missing emails from 2009 through 2013, and the DNC emails that ended up on Wikileaks were from 2016, and maybe 2015.
Ms. Lujan Grisham's administration is also looking forward to garnering increased state revenues from the recent new discoveries in New Mexico's oil patch while also loading up legal staff to prevent any more drilling in said oil patch.
Did you say cognitive dissonance?
"Big Labor" these days are the teachers' unions and the AFSCME. Business, blue-collar unions, and Indians can all go to hell when their interests conflict with the prevailing ideology!
There never was a chance for "collusion" because collusion is not a chargeable offense. Conspiracy against the United States, money laundering, theft of funds by conversion to personal use, violation of the "Emoluments Clause," and lying to investigators are indeed criminal offenses - which Trump's guilt is undeniable and definitely provable. Issuance of the Mueller report will change none of these criminal actions by the President and his staff and family."
Conspiracy against the United States
Unfortunately for your definition, the President, and not the heads of the FBI or CIA, get to determine what conspiring against the US means. He (historically so far - someday it may be "she") gets to decide what countries to talk to, and what deals he wants to make with them. They work for him, and not the other way around. And, similarly, Congress doessn't get to second guess the President either, in terms of foreign policy - if they don't like it, they can impeach him.
violation of the "Emoluments Clause,"
The only real Emoluments Clause violation that has been credibly alleged was all the money that Crooked Hillary took from foreign countries and citizens around the world in exchange for US foreign policy shifted in their direction. Her very lucrative Pay-to-Play scheme when she had been Secretary of State never gets mentioned though when the Emoluments Clause is brought up. That is until recently when it has come out that Hunter Biden has apparently been well rewarded by foreign countries for his influence with his father, former VP Slo Joe Biden.
lying to investigators
Notice that this is one sided. FBI DD McCabe lied to NSA Gen Flynn to get an appointment for his agents to visit him at the Trump White House, and they also lied to him. They had a transcript of Flynn's phone call with the Russian Ambassador, legally shouldn't have, and he did not. They asked him about the call, and then charged him with lying to them when he didn't remember things, or remembered them differently. Pretty gross hypocrisy in my view, that they can lie to targets in order to get them for lying to them.
Not sure about any conspiracy, but L'Observatoire de la Christianophobie is a good site to keep up with offenses against the Church in France. Arson at Saint-Sulpice last week.
One has to read with common sense because they do record e.g. 'graffiti painted on the outside of St Lise de Haute Reveille' which of course doesn't necessarily signify anything (other than the deplorable moral standards of the perpetrator).
“Notice that this is one sided. FBI DD McCabe lied to NSA Dir Lt Gen Flynn to get an appointment for his agents to visit him at the Trump White House, and they also lied to him. They had a transcript of Flynn's phone call with the Russian Ambassador, legally shouldn't have, and he did not. They asked him about the call, and then charged him with lying to them when he didn't remember things, or remembered them differently. Pretty gross hypocrisy in my view, that they can lie to targets in order to get them for lying to them.”
This really bothers me. In the late 1960s, we were taught to detect narcs by asking them whether they were such. No longer. Police routinely are allowed to lie in order to catch criminals committing crimes. But in this case one Executive Branch employee (DD McCabe) took it upon himself to cause another, probably higher ranking, Executive Branch employee, (NSA Flynn) to supposedly lie to his agents by lying to him, and having his agents also lie to their target. They all, Flynn, McCabe, and the two FBI agents all took the same oath of office. They are all supposed to be working for the same team, and that was the root of the scheme to entrap Flynn - they weren’t, but Flynn thought they were. Flynn was playing on Team Trump, while McCabe, Strzok, etc, were playing on Team McCabe. Yet, somehow Team McCabe is allowed to entrap Team Trump members for lying to them by lying themselves, despite legally and morally owing their loyalty to President Trump, head of Team Trump. And Lt Gen Flynn was somehow the one indicted and convicted, and not McCabe, who had started off the entire entrapment with lies. How made McCabe (etc) god here?
Marc: An Iranian Christian sough asylum in the UK and was rejected with the following rebuke:
“You affirmed in your AIR that Jesus is your saviour, but then claimed that He would not be able to save you from the Iranian regime….It is therefore considered that you have no conviction in your faith and your belief in Jesus is half-hearted.”
mockturtle, I read a bit about that asylum business. From a Catholic Herald article dated Thursday:
... It is not the first time that the Home Office has been criticised for mishandling religious claims. Another convert was rejected because he said that Christ “did not have an earthly father”. The Home Office caseworker said this was incorrect, as Christ’s father was Joseph.
Do US asylum-interviewers test e.g. Muslim applicants as to their convictions about particular tenets of the Muslim religion? Mohammed's first legitimate successor? Tsk.
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Now that the chance for "collusion" is gone, what's next on the wish list for the Democrats and the Never-Trumpers, in their desperation to avoid another 4 years?
War with North Korea?
Thank you, Ann, for your Haruki Murakami recommendations. I read two of his books this month--Norwegian Wood and Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage--and they were both amazing. Thinking of going for 1Q84 next. What do you think?
Can I talk about naughty pet rats that wreck your furniture?
I'm running with scissors through the thread.
Mueller? Mueller? Mueller?
So now that the Democrats have finally accepted the results of the election (No Putin takebakes) Trump's term begins, Right? 4 years and counting starting riiiight NOW!
MAGA! WINNING! Weeeeeee!
One thing I haven't seen discussed anywhere: Suppose Trump wins reelection in 2020 and suppose the GOP retains the Senate. Why wouldn't a clever Senator propose: "Let's add seats to the Supreme Court" and challenge Dems to follow up on their claims to support this?
Also, I do (with appointment of Barr, especially, but also in challenges by Sen. Lindsay Graham) sense a sea-change in the investigative climate. Here's a list of 18 indictments against Obama/Clinton activities that could be investigated.
Now we will see if Scott Adams was right. He predicted that the bursting of the collusion balloon would lead to a preference cascade for Trump. I do see hints of it: even Althouse is now talking about the media and their Trump derangement as it it matters to her how awful and corrupt they are. She has always seen through most of the bullshit but I think now the clarity and enormity of it are becoming clear to her.
Remember: not a single American charged with collusion. No American even charged with crimes committed during the campaign I believe, just sleazy financial crimes long before, and process crimes after.
Dear Ann,
Out of the Blue, at dinner the other night, one of my dining partners asked me if I'd asked my French Friends about an "Unreported Church Burnings in France Conspiracy."
How the Hell All does one answer such a question? I live in Cambridge / Somerville MA, by the way.
Is Schumer so stuck in the news cycle that he still seeks advantage by denying Trump the opportunity to publish a rebuttal document simultaneous with the release of the prosecutor’s report?
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called for special counsel Robert Mueller's report to be released to Congress and the public in its entirety — and warned against allowing the report to be shown to the White House first or allowing President Trump to interfere in the decision-making behind what gets released.
“Now that Special Counsel Mueller has submitted his report to the Attorney General, it is imperative for Mr. Barr to make the full report public and provide its underlying documentation and findings to Congress," read the joint statement from Pelosi, D-Calif., and Schumer, D-N.Y.
"Attorney General Barr must not give President Trump, his lawyers, or his staff any ‘sneak preview’ of Special Counsel Mueller’s findings or evidence, and the White House must not be allowed to interfere in decisions about what parts of those findings or evidence are made public," it says.
Whats the over/under on a new Mueller investigation wherein Mueller is under investigation for not finding any Russian collusion?
Adding to my comments at 9:15:
Third. If Dems support eliminating the electoral college in favor of the popular vote, why don't they simply adopt that mechanism for choosing the Dem nominee: whoever gets the most votes during the primary season wins the nomination. That wouldn't require any law or constitutional amendment. If you favor this method, just do it!
and Fourth. It's not just FBI/DOJ that need investigations or that have past actions that require explanations/justifications, it is also the "media". See VCHansen, "autopsy of a dead coup" .
and Fifth, seen in the light of Russian Collusion investigation = Coup, was John McCain guilty of the crime of trying to overthrow the government?
Today's LinkSwarm, including some Althouse links.
Come for the Democratic Party's antisemitism, stay for the puppies...
November 10, 2016
"I want to emphasize to you, Mr. President-elect, that we now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed because if you succeed, then the country succeeds."
Said President Barack Obama, meeting today with President-Elect Donald Trump.
Pompei is in Israel today, and he agreed with a CBN interviewer that Trump is Queen Esther redux saving the Jewish people from extermination. Purim is celebrated for Esther turning the tables on Haman and using the set day for Jews to kill Haman’s killers. Then she asked for only one more thing...another day’s fighting to finish off Haman’s Jew hating people.
DJT is going to grab the Jewish vote to add to his Evangelical Christians Faith moves people.
Oh god. Girl in blue shorts in side bar all the way from ZZ Top's Legs solo. Has to be photoshoped. More thorough investigation required.
If you snap her in half her legs are 30% longer than her upper half. Not that you would want to do that.
Badgers tied at half.
Lose by 19 to the Ducks.
But Dana is HOF coach and his team is on a streak.
Another commenter mentioned Murakami's IQ84: English (from England) translation, found at Emmaus in along the Seine, France. I've not read it yet. I know that you like their work. I am hesitant towards picking up this particular book, due to emotional hangups.
I see that Fox News brought up McCain in their Trump interview. And then accused Trump of being 'obsessed' with McCain! As Trump pointed out, they are the ones that brought it up.
Why is the NYC/DC elite so invested in the legacy of Saint "Did you know he was a war hero" McCain? Isn't it odd how they - wrongly - think that the American people are incredibly upset at Trump dissing McCain? Isn't it weird, how the liberal NYT/WaPO attacks Trump for this, and the R Senators agree, and babble about "giving Trump a whipping over his McCain remarks"? Even more absurd, you have Bernie Sanders and Mitch McConnell both tweeting about how they loved John McCain and miss him.
I'm beginning to think we need to fire every Senator in Washington and start over again with a new slate. The DC elite has NEVER been more out of touch.
What's next, what's next?
Let's see... according to The Indexed History of Western Civilization, what comes after ... flip flip flip... a failed coup.
Oh my.
Does anyone have 4 chariot teams?
New report just out from the Ukraine (the Ukraine again!!)
Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden, was awarded $3.1M by a Ukrainian energy company WHILE VP Biden was conducting official business in Ukraine!!
A Ukrainian energy company founded by a ukrainian with deep ties to Vladimir Putin!!
Hunter Biden's job involved policy compliance.
Hunter Biden has ZERO expertise in neither compliance nor the energy sector!!
Once again, ONCE AGAIN, dems/lefties/LLR's trading on their official roles to gain hard cash directly from Putin's energy pals.
That's just one reason of several why this hoax collusion nonsense was dreamed up.
A cover-up operation as well as weaponizing govt against domestic political opponents.
No wonder Cap'n Billy Kristol of the SS LLR Bulwark was such a little eager beaver to help out all of his far left activist billionaire buddies. He just loves him some of that belly up to the corruption trough business!!
All while Sleepy Joe Biden was conducting official
The Oregon Ducks mopped the floor with the Badgers. Sorry, Wisconsin. And my Huskies will also go to the next round! Yipee Skippy!
How appropriate that today Trump is hosting a Lincoln Day dinner.
Lincoln being the last republican the democrats were successful in assassinating.
November 10, 2016
"I want to emphasize to you, Mr. President-elect, that we now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed because if you succeed, then the country succeeds."
Lied President Barack Obama, meeting today with President-Elect Donald Trump.
I think we need a new Special Counsel to investigate the Mueller investigation.
Is there a link about these burnings?
I sure hope someone interviews Li'l Bobby "Uranium One coverup dude" Mueller...and uses the very same 302 note taking scheme where FBI interviewers can "characterize" your testimony with no recourse to an audio or video record of the interview.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called for special counsel Robert Mueller's report to be released to Congress and the public in its entirety
Taking bets on this getting fact checked?
What happens to the report is laid out in the statute that created the Special Counsel. I have seen lawyers quoted that the law requires Mueller to give his report to Barr. Barr then in fact does share it with his boss. Also any accusations that might put persons under a bad light would have an opportunity to write a pre-buttle. Again this is all part of the law that was written by the legislative bodies. Near as I can tell, President Trump has the power to request a copy now. He is the boss. Nothing in the Statute would prevent Barr from handing a copy over.
This is one of those examples of the media lying by omission. The media goes on forever about the report, never do they quote from the statute. Same with Pelosi and Schummer. If they ask Barr to treat the report as they demand, all they have to do is quote the statute that supports their demand.
Quoting the statute leaves no room to set a narrative. Schummer and Pelosi are setting a narrative. They need a whole new narrative now, and citing facts will not allow that to happen.
Two words: Go Ducks!
As someone who voted for Trump I demand reparations from the Federal government for wasting millions of taxpayers' dollars on this sham of a Mueller investigation to try and bring down Trump unconstitutionally.
Reparations now!!!
Rachel Maddow looks like she is in the midst of a neural crisis tonight. Wolf was trying to keep hope alive. At CNN they are all so sad.
Erin Burnet and the others in the MSM stables can now find who stole those strawberries on the Caine, and then they'll help OJ find the real killer.
Crazy and stupid are forever. Let's lift a glass to the few on the left (e.g., Glenn Greenwald) who saw through the hype from the beginning.
Just the other day someone around here was positing that Trump was scared to death of Mueller.
Maybe the real Mueller report was the friends we made along the way.
OSU just won. Every Big Ten team but Wisconsin survived the first round of the tournament.
Has anyone else said it yet?
Mueller is closing in!
Inga sure felt good about the Mueller investigation a year ago:
Inga said:
As I said last night, I have serious concerns about the mental health of some Trumpists presently and in the future when this Mueller investigation is completed.
2/10/18, 8:36 AM
Detective explains his reasoning:
Pecan Pie in the Face
It seems Barbra Streisand may have just volunteered for the guillotine:
Oddly enough the Russians who have annexed half the Caucasus and the Chinese donr like that strategy
The story about the attempted nuclear hijacking in Brazil was two days ago.
DJT is going to grab the Jewish vote
ISIS dead, Golan Heights recognized. I hope he starts talking about the West Bank.
"Attorney General Barr must not give President Trump, his lawyers, or his staff any ‘sneak preview’ of Special Counsel Mueller’s findings or evidence, and the White House must not be allowed to interfere in decisions about what parts of those findings or evidence are made public," it says.
I am not sure where these two bozos found in Article I that an Article II Executive Branch employee has to report to Congress before he reports to his Article II boss, the President.
@exhelodrvr1 said...
Now that the chance for "collusion" is gone, what's next on the wish list for the Democrats and the Never-Trumpers, in their desperation to avoid another 4 years?
There never was a chance for "collusion" because collusion is not a chargeable offense. Conspiracy against the United States, money laundering, theft of funds by conversion to personal use, violation of the "Emoluments Clause," and lying to investigators are indeed criminal offenses - which Trump's guilt is undeniable and definitely provable. Issuance of the Mueller report will change none of these criminal actions by the President and his staff and family.
My heart goes out to all the President Trump MAGA haters today, God Bless America on this wonderful day. Special hugs to Chuck and Inga
My good news for March 22 was cutting the cable cord. My last Fios bill zoomed to $183.63 and a quick look at alternatives fell to streaming TV. I chose Hulu Live TV with 60 channels because the service included local CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox (an experiment in "over the air" was a return to 1950).
The streaming picture is better, the sound is better, interference is minimal and the $45 per month plus $30 monthly for Xfinity Internet is marvelous. I did buy 2 FireSticks for $60, complete with Alexa doing the channel switching and I bought my own Modem /Wireless box for $100.
Goodby to all charges and wires for set top boxes, DVR, rental equipment, taxes and local cable fees . I got two simultaneous users and 50 renewing hours of free DVR on the cloud.
Grand total savings, year one equals $2200 (183.63 x 12) - 900 ($75 x 12) - $160 (one time device purchases) - $70 Installation from Xfinity equals $1070!
I know - you ask: "What took you so long?"
Trump as Esther redux
I found this very interesting take on Purim
That's by Seth Barrett Tillman.
From review in Chicagoboyz
**As Seth notes, while the story is one of survival for the Jews, it also shows the sorrow and disgrace suffered by every defeated people at the hands of their conquerors.**
Such division happened with Civil War.
Similarly with Trump election and reelection??
Turbulence ahead.
Whats the over/under on a new Mueller investigation wherein Mueller is under investigation for not finding any Russian collusion?
@NorthOfTheOneOhOne, it has become clear there was collusion with foreign governments and a Presidential campaign, but that campaign was not Trump’s campaign.
Great tweet by Richard Fernandez (wretchardthecat) about the "elite:"
What was revealed was the extent of rottenness in the system. If Trump had been a godlike Alexander it would have been one thing. But he's not. That they are actually less competent than a casino manager and reality show host is too much for them to take.
"Thinking of going for 1Q84 next."
I haven't read that one. You read 2 of the more realistic ones, so if you want to go into more fantasy, the one I've read that I recommend is "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle."
"Out of the Blue, at dinner the other night, one of my dining partners asked me if I'd asked my French Friends about an "Unreported Church Burnings in France Conspiracy." How the Hell All does one answer such a question? I live in Cambridge / Somerville MA, by the way."
Your pattern of capitalization makes me paranoid that there really is a conspiracy. My questions: 1. Do you have French friends (or French Friends)? 2. Does "French" mean people in America who subscribe to some sort of French philosophy or way of life? 3. How can you know even enough to ask about things in foreign countries that are not reported? 4. Is your dinner companion an amusing, enigmatic sort of person? 5. Is the conspiracy (or Conspiracy) supposed to related to the way churches are getting burned or the way the media are not reporting on it?
On this proposal to have the states change their laws to mandate giving all of each state's electoral vote to the candidate with the most popular votes (In the state? Nation-wide?), I wonder how that would fare in the Supreme Court.
On the one hand, it is obviously an attempt to make an end-run around the Constitution, i.e., making an amendment without going through the process for adopting an Amendment legally, on the other hand, the current process already is in violation of the Constitution, but is hallowed by long usage.
I think the Supremes "should" call for going back to tally the vote for each person rather than party (the formation of parties not being anticipated in the Constitution), but hardly expect that to happen.
Alan Dershowitz points out that the Mueller Report necessarily by its nature is a report of an accusatory investigation, and in all fairness should not be released without an accompanying statement from the defendant speaking for the defense.
Gadfly, keep us posted. I'm about a week or two behind you. I'm deciding between youtube TV and Hulu live.Youtube TV has unlimited DVR,(I think) My internet is already costing me $80 mo. When I dump the TV my internet rate goes up because of the bundling. I got my over the air antenna up, with over 30 local channels. I'll be very interested in your satisfaction level.
Conspiracy against the United States, money laundering, theft of funds by conversion to personal use, violation of the "Emoluments Clause," and lying to investigators are indeed criminal offenses - which Trump's guilt is undeniable and definitely provable.
LOL. The punchbowl is never empty for our gadfly.
Gadfly, you say, "Trump's guilt is undeniable and definitely provable."
Interesting idea. If it's still to be proved, how can it be undeniable? Like so much about this two year saga, people have in fact not known what they are sure they "know." At the same time, some (like this guy Swalwell) seems prepared to deny what he does know. As the saying goes, pass the popcorn.
It is my understanding that the alleged "collusion" with "Russia" consist of a charge that the Trump campaign got information about Hillary!'s e-mails and the DNC's nefarious practices from Russian intelligence agencies and then arranged for Wikileaks to publish it.
If so, how in the world does this become a criminal charge? It seems to me that if the information came from the Devil himself, we should thank him for it.
As for "foreign governments meddling in American elections," that started in a big way with the Citizen Genet affair, etc., in Washington's re-election campaign in 1792 and has not let up since. Our elections have consequences for many other nations, and they try to look out for their interests, which seems reasonable enough to me.
Blogger gadfly said...
@exhelodrvr1 said...
"Now that the chance for "collusion" is gone, what's next on the wish list for the Democrats and the Never-Trumpers, in their desperation to avoid another 4 years?
There never was a chance for "collusion" because collusion is not a chargeable offense. Conspiracy against the United States, money laundering, theft of funds by conversion to personal use, violation of the "Emoluments Clause," and lying to investigators are indeed criminal offenses - which Trump's guilt is undeniable and definitely provable. Issuance of the Mueller report will change none of these criminal actions by the President and his staff and family."
Well. No. Because if they could be proven they would have been proven. That is why so many periferal players were investigated.
The sand is shifting under your feet.
1Q84 is the only Haruki Murakami book I've read. Althouse got me interested in the author and I more-or-less randomly chose it.
I read it on a Kindle, so I didn't really know how long it was and I should emphasize it didn't seem unusually long when I was reading it. It was an enigmatic work and so I read some reviews to see other people's take on it--they mostly didn't like it and complained about it being over 900 pages.
Wikipedia calls it "dystopian" but I'm not sure why--it is Japan (mostly Tokyo) in 1984 and an alternate version of 1984 which the main character, Aomame calls 1Q84 because she knows that it is a different version but isn't sure what else to make of it. The novel is a lot of things, mostly an intimate look at the inner lives of the two main characters. It is very romantic. But it is also somewhat lurid in parts (sex and violence). I don't think it is gratuitous--all these things mattered.
Now some coincidence: I was talking about the book at the dinner table and my oldest daughter (22) said that she bought the same book from Amazon (on Kindle). She didn't hear about it from me: One of her friends at their university is obsessed with 1Q84 and plans on getting a tattoo based on the book.
f so, how in the world does this become a criminal charge?
The same way people were arrested and jailed for leaking and publishing the Pentagon Papers.... Oh, wait...
Today's ABQ Journal front page headline is about the State of New Mexico going all green energy by 2045 (jubilation, but bad news for the state's coal mining industry, and especially the Navajo Nation, which owns a lot of really good coal and gets a lot of revenue from it).
The issue of the Mueller Report is mentioned an page A-4.
It is my understanding that the alleged "collusion" with "Russia" consist of a charge that the Trump campaign got information about Hillary!'s e-mails and the DNC's nefarious practices from Russian intelligence agencies and then arranged for Wikileaks to publish it.
What is interesting here is the ambiguity and misdirection inherent in that charge. Outwardly, at least, the claim of Russian Collusion started with the request to the Russians for Crooked Hillary's emails when she had been Secretary of State four years earlier. Contrary to US law and regulations, she had never used government supplied email to conduct business while running our foreign policy as Secretary. It is required by law to be conducted using government email because the emails belong to the government, and, in her case, much of what she did was classified. Indeed, at the time, she was one of five original classifiers in the federal government, officially in charge of all of the classified information in the State Dept, when includes all of our embassies and consulates around the world (the protection of that classified information is why they all have Marine security detachments). Almost four years after leaving office, the FBI had more than probable cause to demand the return of her emails. Instead of requiring them under subpoena, or by use of a search warrant, they allowed her attorneys to sanitize her emails, and then provide them in a format that deleted much of the metadata. The problem, all along, is that that she had used her private email to conduct foreign policy around the world, in apparently over 100 foreign countries in those four years. And, every time that she sent or received email when she was out of the US, when she was in those 100 foreign countries, she transmitted her email credentials over communications owned and controlled by other countries, including some of our worst foreign enemies. So, it was essentially child's play for them to intercept her signing onto her email server, capture her email credentials, and then use them to access her email server, allowing them to see, in real time, the inside, classified, side of US foreign policy. No wonder she was probably at the top of the list around the world for being hacked during that time, and she, of course, was. But, the FBI allowed her attorneys to cherry pick the emails that they supplied to them for her, which meant that anything incriminating (showing that she had run the State Dept as a pay-to-play enterprise, greatly enriching her family and foundation) had not been provided to the FBI. And, then, they allowed her to delete everything on the server, and all of her electronic devices, in such a way, that it was unrecoverable, if the FBI ever did acquire her physical server, which they never did. Which essentially means that it was highly likely that a number of intelligence services around the world had copies of her emails for that time, led by the Russians and Chinese, but the US government officially did not (the NSA though probably at least had intercepted her email credentials, and others of the Five Eyes may have hacked her email server, along with everyone else). This is what Trump was talking about - getting the incriminating emails that the FBI had allowed her attorneys to delete, but intelligence services around the world almost assuredly had.
To be continued
The DNC server, on the other hand, had had its emails somehow appropriated in spring of 2016, and were published by Wikileaks, to their embarrassment, primarily because of the shenanigans that were utilized in that organization for Crooked Hillary to beat Crazy Bernie Sanders. The DNC and its contractor Crowdstrike, claimed that their email had been hacked by the Russians. DNI Clapper, along with CIA Dir Brennan and FBI Dir Comey, utilizing hand picked forensic investigators, and forsaking standard investigatory practices, relying completely on Crowdstrike, concurred. Notably, they never actually had possession or access to those email servers. Wikileaks denied that the emails came from Russian hacking, but rather were the result of inside collaboration, and that was subsequently confirmed by file transfer times, and that the emails had been transferred to a FAT device (such as a Flash memory card). Oh, and the Russian credentials that were supposedly indication of Russian hacking appear to have come from a foreign policy advisor to VP Biden.
The key thing to keep in mind is that Trump was asking for Clinton's missing emails from 2009 through 2013, and the DNC emails that ended up on Wikileaks were from 2016, and maybe 2015.
Ms. Lujan Grisham's administration is also looking forward to garnering increased state revenues from the recent new discoveries in New Mexico's oil patch while also loading up legal staff to prevent any more drilling in said oil patch.
Did you say cognitive dissonance?
"Big Labor" these days are the teachers' unions and the AFSCME.
Business, blue-collar unions, and Indians can all go to hell when their interests conflict with the prevailing ideology!
There never was a chance for "collusion" because collusion is not a chargeable offense. Conspiracy against the United States, money laundering, theft of funds by conversion to personal use, violation of the "Emoluments Clause," and lying to investigators are indeed criminal offenses - which Trump's guilt is undeniable and definitely provable. Issuance of the Mueller report will change none of these criminal actions by the President and his staff and family."
Conspiracy against the United States
Unfortunately for your definition, the President, and not the heads of the FBI or CIA, get to determine what conspiring against the US means. He (historically so far - someday it may be "she") gets to decide what countries to talk to, and what deals he wants to make with them. They work for him, and not the other way around. And, similarly, Congress doessn't get to second guess the President either, in terms of foreign policy - if they don't like it, they can impeach him.
violation of the "Emoluments Clause,"
The only real Emoluments Clause violation that has been credibly alleged was all the money that Crooked Hillary took from foreign countries and citizens around the world in exchange for US foreign policy shifted in their direction. Her very lucrative Pay-to-Play scheme when she had been Secretary of State never gets mentioned though when the Emoluments Clause is brought up. That is until recently when it has come out that Hunter Biden has apparently been well rewarded by foreign countries for his influence with his father, former VP Slo Joe Biden.
lying to investigators
Notice that this is one sided. FBI DD McCabe lied to NSA Gen Flynn to get an appointment for his agents to visit him at the Trump White House, and they also lied to him. They had a transcript of Flynn's phone call with the Russian Ambassador, legally shouldn't have, and he did not. They asked him about the call, and then charged him with lying to them when he didn't remember things, or remembered them differently. Pretty gross hypocrisy in my view, that they can lie to targets in order to get them for lying to them.
Not sure about any conspiracy, but L'Observatoire de la Christianophobie is a good site to keep up with offenses against the Church in France. Arson at Saint-Sulpice last week.
One has to read with common sense because they do record e.g. 'graffiti painted on the outside of St Lise de Haute Reveille' which of course doesn't necessarily signify anything (other than the deplorable moral standards of the perpetrator).
“Notice that this is one sided. FBI DD McCabe lied to NSA Dir Lt Gen Flynn to get an appointment for his agents to visit him at the Trump White House, and they also lied to him. They had a transcript of Flynn's phone call with the Russian Ambassador, legally shouldn't have, and he did not. They asked him about the call, and then charged him with lying to them when he didn't remember things, or remembered them differently. Pretty gross hypocrisy in my view, that they can lie to targets in order to get them for lying to them.”
This really bothers me. In the late 1960s, we were taught to detect narcs by asking them whether they were such. No longer. Police routinely are allowed to lie in order to catch criminals committing crimes. But in this case one Executive Branch employee (DD McCabe) took it upon himself to cause another, probably higher ranking, Executive Branch employee, (NSA Flynn) to supposedly lie to his agents by lying to him, and having his agents also lie to their target. They all, Flynn, McCabe, and the two FBI agents all took the same oath of office. They are all supposed to be working for the same team, and that was the root of the scheme to entrap Flynn - they weren’t, but Flynn thought they were. Flynn was playing on Team Trump, while McCabe, Strzok, etc, were playing on Team McCabe. Yet, somehow Team McCabe is allowed to entrap Team Trump members for lying to them by lying themselves, despite legally and morally owing their loyalty to President Trump, head of Team Trump. And Lt Gen Flynn was somehow the one indicted and convicted, and not McCabe, who had started off the entire entrapment with lies. How made McCabe (etc) god here?
Marc: An Iranian Christian sough asylum in the UK and was rejected with the following rebuke:
“You affirmed in your AIR that Jesus is your saviour, but then claimed that He would not be able to save you from the Iranian regime….It is therefore considered that you have no conviction in your faith and your belief in Jesus is half-hearted.”
"which Trump's guilt is undeniable and definitely provable"
People like this really deserve to have their teeth kicked in.
mockturtle, I read a bit about that asylum business. From a Catholic Herald article dated Thursday:
... It is not the first time that the Home Office has been criticised for mishandling religious claims. Another convert was rejected because he said that Christ “did not have an earthly father”. The Home Office caseworker said this was incorrect, as Christ’s father was Joseph.
Do US asylum-interviewers test e.g. Muslim applicants as to their convictions about particular tenets of the Muslim religion? Mohammed's first legitimate successor? Tsk.
I for one am happy to have Bruce Hayden on my side, facts matter!
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