"A group of male students in their program created the list more than a year ago... Dozens of senior girls decided to speak up to the school administration and to their male classmates, demanding not only disciplinary action in response to the list but a schoolwide reckoning about the toxic culture that allowed it to happen. 'It was the last straw, for us girls, of this "boys will be boys" culture... We’re the generation that is going to make a change.'...The girls and administrators agreed that they should have a large meeting with the male students in the program, including the boys who created and circulated the list.... Sitting toward the center of the room during the meeting was the male student credited with creating the list, an 18-year-old senior in the IB program. After listening to all of the girls’ speeches, many of which were directed specifically to him, he stood up and spoke to the group, admitting to making the list and apologizing for the hurt it caused.... The Bethesda-Chevy Chase students are planning a day next month in which pairs of students — one senior girl and one senior guy — will go to the younger students’ classes to talk about toxic masculinity, said... one of the senior girls taking the lead on the campaign."
From "Teen boys rated their female classmates based on looks. The girls fought back" (WaPo).
११७ टिप्पण्या:
Why does anyone outside the school need to hear about this?
There have been numerous such lists about men in the NFL [and some explicitly about butts] compiled by women and it would not surprise me to learn that women have done the same things in high school. There are feministas and then there are normal women.
Teenagers are mean but I don't know if the antidote to public shaming is more public shaming. But maybe it is. Maybe Hammurabi was on to something.
isn't that EXACTLY how we got facebook?
Dozens of senior girls decided to speak up...
I don't suppose anyone ran the numbers to determine the mean ranking and standard deviation of the rankings of the girls who spoke up, and if there was a statistically significant difference between their rankings and the rankings of the group as a whole.
Just wondering, you know, because I'm interested in figures...
Advanced students should have known that it’s bad form to calculate an average to greater precision than the underlying data.
Dog bites man?
Men are pigs
Thats why 16 year old girls spend $100 a month for lingerie at Victory Secerets.
We are animals and all animals engage in mating rituals.
Who cares?
Seriously. Gus rate girls by their looks, and how easy they think the girls are. Girls rate guys by their access to funds, their looks, and how "bad boy" they are.
I wish he'd stood up and called BS on the whole thing, because that is what is deserved
What a crock.
Like girls don’t rank. I want to go thru their closets in a few years. And their SM.
Every set can be well ordered, sets of girls above all. It's the axiom of choice.
Probably the girls are against transfinite induction as well. Typical.
Analytics has infected everything. Curse you, Moneyball!!!
Almost 5-6 years ago a similar list - made by Freshman college girls (can't remember where) - made it into the public. Than there was the famous "guys we've fucked" list from Miami-Dade Central almost a decade ago.
So seminar on 'toxic femininity' when?
Then there's this 'latent' gem posted today over at Instapundit from 2014 (no idea why today)…
The sexual politics of this nation is beyond fucked up. It's completely evident now that there is a 'tolerance dividend' for what is acceptable from boys and girls that is clearly working in one direction only. AGAINST boys and males. Powerful institutions are enlisted in this cause, mostly shot through by women who are rad-fems in all but name.
The real funny part? Facebook actually got its start as just one such 'rating' engine. Incidentally Facebook is used by women on a 2:1 ratio to men. NOW THAT's PATRIARCHY FOR YOU!!!
Isn't this how Facebook started, in Zuckerburg's Harvard dorm room? Hard to think of him as toxically masculine, or any sort of masculine at all.
I don't see how tearing up the ranking will prevent boys from immediately knowing what approximate score each girl has.
... putting them all in burkas and deleting all their social accounts, on the other hand ...
They’ll still be grading you on your looks, you just won’t know what the exact score is.
Science deniers.
I feel certain that the girl who was rated 9.4 complained bitterly.
This is a national story because it serves The Narrative.
It's just because girls don't like math.
Although girls compete furiously to increase their own attractiveness ratings, it is apparently out-of-bounds for boys to do the rating.
The solution is obviously the Cold Neutrality of algorithmic evaluation: surely a phone camera app could have this function added to it?
Or we could all just pretend that physical attractiveness really doesn't matter much (or perhaps that everyone's a '10' anyway). And therefore adolescents (female ones, anyway) shouldn't care about it. Even though we know they do.
"After listening to all of the girls’ speeches, many of which were directed specifically to him, he stood up and spoke to the group, admitting to making the list and apologizing for the hurt it caused"
"The hurt it caused"? I am betting that most of them could have compiled the list themselves, and any differences would have been in the second or third decimal positions. Perhaps they would have been happier if their names were left off the list?
Didn't they used to have a thing called Beauty contests?
Thankfully, all-boys schools like the one Justice Kavanaugh went to don’t have this problem.
What is the offense, exactly?
Is it in noticing female beauty? (ontological shortcoming in males)
Is it in commenting on it? (social faux pas)
Is it in judging others based on narrow criteria (lack of sufficiently critical thought)
Is it in noticing that some girls are NOT beautiful? (unkindness)
Is it in judging girls who are their superiors? (not knowing their place)
Any reaction to this should really examine what the error is. It's entirely possible that the attempt to deal with the offense will be worse than the offense itself.
When did profoundly immature become toxic masculinity?
Right, like girls don't rate guys like this. What garbage. Push back is needed; young men to tell the hectors that girls do it too, so push off.
They should have rated the girls on temperament. The data could be tested more objectively when the pussy got out of the bag.
One male classmate, seeing the name of his good friend Nicky Schmidt on the list, told her about it, and within 24 hours, dozens of girls had heard about the list.
Before television and before the telephone, "tell a woman" was often used for mass miscommunication.
decimal points to the hundredth place
That sounds pretty accurate.
But I guess the real problem is that the ratings didn't go to eleven.
Some of the girls had more Significant Figures than others.
The science of choice. Not that "Choice".
This is a national story because the other stories have fizzled, the ratings are down, and Democrats are under increased scrutiny.
Emasculate these useless males. Only females are allowed to rate other women by their looks, which may be their purpose in life.
Good to know that this sort of ranking/assessment (on looks) won't ever happen to them again for the rest of their lives.
Is this program for foreign students or for American kids who want to study overseas before or after graduation? I'm guessing the latter, or it wouldn't have been reported in WaPoo.
I am glad no woman (or women) ever rate men.
And I say that as somebody who had consistent dates between the ages of 15 and 30.
In other words women are not shallow and dated me because of my personality.
Has everyone forgotten Karen Owen from Duke and her "F*** List"?
I don't suppose anyone ran the numbers to determine the mean ranking and standard deviation of the rankings of the girls who spoke up, and if there was a statistically significant difference between their rankings and the rankings of the group as a whole.
Are you implying the low-ranked girls complained? What if it was the top ones? What better way to make sure your high ranking is known outside of your school than to get this kind of publicity? It will get leaked for sure now.
"The Bethesda-Chevy Chase students are planning a day next month in which pairs of students — one senior girl and one senior guy — will go to the younger students’ classes to talk about toxic masculinity, said... one of the senior girls taking the lead on the campaign.""
What world do they live in that they don't know that this will only provoke further scorn and hilarity? I can't imagine better raw material for the teenage raconteur's riffing. One of the costs of feminism seems to be the insistence on willful ignorance regarding men.
Someone got ranked 9.4?
Pictures or it didn't happen.
That school is fucking retarded. Who the fuck are they to say that people can't make lists ranking? How is that an infraction?
Maybe the muslims are on to something when it comes to dealing with this idiot feminazi's and their public school beaurocrat tyrant enablers. A pox on both their houses. It's probably the ugly girls complaining.
We need a word to mark the moment when quote marks are removed from ideological phrases like "toxic masculinity."
"Mainstreamed," I guess.
I'm sure the phase was, until somewhat recently, preceded by "what critics say is" or "so-called..." "toxic masculinity."
The power wielded by the Left to transport, ever more quickly, ideas from the fringe of academia to mainstream media is truly stunning.
Schoolgirls don't rate schoolboys? Remember slam books?
Ah, I remember the days when a young lady could keep a card file rating the boys' performance in bed as she slept her way through the biology department. The word was that it was hilarious.
Ignorance is Bliss said...
I don't suppose anyone ran the numbers to determine the mean ranking and standard deviation of the rankings of the girls who spoke up, and if there was a statistically significant difference between their rankings and the rankings of the group as a whole.
Oso Negro said... I feel certain that the girl who was rated 9.4 complained bitterly.
I really think that IiB and Bear of Color are onto something hear. What WERE the rankings of the protesting chix?
If sexual harassment mattered to Trump's base, he wouldn't have been elected. Trump likes hot women like his daughter, Ivanka. Sadly, most of his female supporters don't look like that. He'd rate them a 3 or less.
Ignorance is Bliss at 9:28 raises an interesting question. My guess is that girls in the bright normal range of the spectrum would be the ones most likely to take offense and organize opposition. The apex girls are cognizant of the great hand that Mother Nature has dealt them and want to keep playing the game forever. The girls towards the dull end of the spectrum are put out by the ratings system but don't protest because nobody ever pays attention to them anyway.........There's a parallel with Marxism. The most committed Marxists came from bourgoise backgrounds.
Am I the only one who suspects this over-reaction is a perhaps not entirely witting attempt to pretend that girls don't rate boys on their looks?
Now if they’d ranked the girls based on their souls, the scores would have ranged from 0.5 to 1.9.
It was cruel of the boys to make such an organized and public list. The list should be suppressed and the boys should be disciplined, but this should be done in a discreet way. Boys are going to sort girls out on the basis of their looks, but it should be done in a less blatant way. Boys should be censured for crass behavior but, here again, the punishment should be discreet and appropriate.
Yeah, because girls never talk about boys the same way...right?
Afflictions that are skin deep can penetrate to the core of the soul. Some dermatologist (?!) discussed Marx. He claimed that Marx's alienation came not from the dynamics of capitalism but rather from the fact that he had a painful and ugly skin condition.
Instead of one overall ranking calculated improperly to the hundredth place, there should have been also rankings of subcategories -- hair, face, voice, breasts, waist, ass, legs, clothing and skin complexion.
Therefore, each girl would get an overall ranking and also several subcategory rankings. Each ranking would be rounded to an integer (e.g. 7) -- not to decimals (e.g. 7.3).
Maybe the boys should rank the girls also for femininity and flirtatiousness.
There's no need for the boys to rank the girls' intelligence, because the school already does that.
The HORROR!!!!! The horror...
The guys should have just stuck with the binary system- fuckable, not fuckable.
I wouldn't have had the courage at age 17-18 to have done it either, but I keep hoping a boy somewhere will stand up in one of these public shaming episodes and say, "Fuck off."
How Facebook got started.
Some boys at one of the high schools I went to did that. When one of them told me about it I said, "I don't think that's very nice. You're going to hurt people's feelings." And that was the end of it. No need for official reeducation sessions.
There is a correlation between looks and evolutionary viable genetics and attributes. Also, with the normalization of diversity, color judgments are socially "progressive."
The overarching take-away from this and pretty much everything is: don't document what you do, especially on the internet.
Anyone else remember the website hotornot.com? There is a subset of women who are intensely interested in how they rank compared to other people.
The problem is that someone published this list. Keep it at the whispering campaign level, and there isn't much to complain about. But when it's a published list, someone has something to gripe about.
Having said that, if this is the worst thing going on at the school, good for them.
Because Lord knows that middle and high school girls the world over have never made meticulous lists of boys and ranked those lists by various criteria and definitely never ever punctuated the dots of the i's and j's of those lists with little baby hearts.
Ow ow ow... My eyes are stuck in full upward roll! Can somebody who can see a phone screen please call me a doctor? Preferably a cute make one?
Establishing and maintaining the hierarchy among the girls at the school is the job of the Mean Girls. Let interlopers beware.
This ranking system was wrong because?
He shouldn't have apologized. What a Beta. Not going to get laid like that.
Just because I am a writer doesn't mean I can't take the easy way out and change a narrative description to a numeric equivalent.
7.6/10. Would do.
I suspect the cheerleader coach is still a female. On what basis does she choose the squad? Guessing 90% looks, 10% pom pom skill.
Seems like it was handled pretty well, by the kids and the principal. Good for them. The phrase toxic masculinity is abhorrent, though. Why can't the older kids go around to the younger kids and just say it's not nice to hurt people's feelings, and such a list can do that?
The boy has been accused of unsanctioned measurement perpetrated on youngsters, whom we measure and measure in so many ways. Sanctioned measures include grades, achievement tests, school admissions, IQ tests and their ilk. If you could use a composite measure of pulchritude and IQ, you would likely have a measure more predictive of a person's success than IQ alone, which is not terribly predictive on the higher end.
Some boys at one of the high schools I went to did that. When one of them told me about it I said, "I don't think that's very nice. You're going to hurt people's feelings." And that was the end of it. No need for official reeducation sessions.
Bingo. Boys and girls do all sorts of idiotic things. What teens/children do when they think no one's watching has no real bearing on the rightness of their actions.
It's the job of adults (parents, teachers, society) to let them know when they do something dumb, and encourage them to aim a little higher. No need to go high and to the right. But once it's out there, a little correction/education isn't a bad thing. And leave the "toxic masculinity" aspect out of it.
Dumb (getting caught)/rude (doing something you wouldn't appreciate having done to you) is dumb/rude, no matter who does it.
Were the boys using school resources to do this? If not, how is it any business of the school's to intervene?
Blogger MayBee said...
Why does anyone outside the school need to hear about this?
My first reaction, too. I'm guessing that a reporter is either a parent of a kid in that school or an acquaintance of one of the parents.
It's gonna take a lot of these vapid stories to fill the void left by the demise of Collusion Delusion.
People have issues: https://people.com/celebrity/all-the-sexiest-man-alive-covers/
Cucks give women numerical scores based on looks, deplorables cheer.
Limbaugh's Undeniable Truths of Life #24: "Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to the mainstream of society."
In other words, the list wasn't bad because of the girls at the top of the list felt bad.
Why cannot the girls see what a wonderful service the boys ar doing for them for free.
With the knowledge of how they are perceived by the opposite sex they save valuable time either accepting advances from boys who are at their level or above, and of course rejecting the same from those with less rank than themselves. This will make the selection of dating- mating-reproducing partners mush more efficient.
""... 18 girls in the Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School’s International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, ranked and rated on the basis of their looks, from 5.5 to 9.4, with decimal points to the hundredth place.""
Not understanding the problem, especially for the top 9.
Boys rating girls on their looks? Wow, that's shocking. I think every HS boy has been involved in this. But "the list" isn't supposed to be given to the girls and cause hurt feelings. In any case, the mean girls are already bullying the Fat chicks.
Wasn't Bo Derek a 10? So, 9.4 should be pretty Bo Derek like.
Our HS class elected its Homecoming King and Queen and the scores were made public, including the breakdown of votes by sex. There were two back in the old days. Boys and Girls votes for the "Queen" were always similar. But the Girls were always voting for Homecoming King's that caused most of the boys to go: WTF?
He spotted everyone 5.5 points off the bat, and recognized that no one is perfect with a 9.4 maximum.
In terms of being sensitive to everyone's feelings that ain't too shabby.
Going around to younger grades reminds me of Just Say No to Drugs program in the 80s. A lot of people signed up for that because it looked good on college applications. One of the people signed up because he was a drug pusher. Gotta get your customers while they are still young.
It seems that these problems and solutions build an excellent case for separating the schools by sex. So that the teenagers can be kept from harming each other.
Does anyone seriously believe that girls don't also rate boys? Maybe not exclusively on appearance, but any man who has been a teenage boy knows exactly where they stood in the hierarchy of female esteem, which girls were "in their league" and which were decidedly not.
Wait, you mean to tell me that somewhere in America some boys judged some girls by their looks? Well paint me gold and call me Oscar.
Oh brother. I'm so annoyed. I'm sure the girls never rate other girls on anything. Is that toxic masculinity?
1. Decimal points is funny. "9.63" starring Bo Derek.
2. There's stuff like this then there are Spring Break videos. Big world out there.
rcocean beat me. Again.
Thats why 16 year old girls spend $100 a month for lingerie at Victory Secerets.
Some girl gives teacher, counselor or some other official a list of proof of the boys' stupidity and "toxic" character. The school official reads the list and says "Damn, these guys are right on!"
When I was in high school, the guys made these lists. Also, the girls made these lists. The lists were always the topics of conversation. I had three younger siblings (girls), all of them and their peers had these lists. I had friends who were gay -- guess what? They had their lists too, but not necessarily of the opposite sex.
This raises the question: How dumb are these Chevy Chase girls?
It's the job of adults (parents, teachers, society) to let them know when they do something dumb, and encourage them to aim a little higher. No need to go high and to the right. But once it's out there, a little correction/education isn't a bad thing. And leave the "toxic masculinity" aspect out of it.
This, thanks.
All you Althouse Demographic* folks who are defending this: would you not be disappointed in your son for behaving in such a crass and ungentlemanly manner toward ladies? Would you not want to kick the ass of a kid who disrespected your daughter in this fashion? Sure, kids do asshole things because they are still learning, but they need to be taught some character and self-discipline. To go through life with some consideration for the feelings of others ~ is it somehow controversial that teaching this is part of raising children?
*male, 60ish, overly cranky, have crushes on Althouse
“It was cruel of the boys to make such an organized and public list.”
It was a private list. The girl(s) made sure it went public.
I don't blame the girls for speaking up. I do wish someone would speak up for the boys and let them know that being sexually attracted to some people, and not others, is perfectly human, fine, and not anything to be ashamed of. What's not very polite is to express these feelings in a way that is likely to make others feel bad about themselves.
This is a comment from the WaPo piece, and I think this point of view is sensible and fair. This is what people should be teaching their teenage children.
You can bet $100 against an old lemon that boys were not allowed to argue back.... because the girls are too fragile to handle disagreement.
People who organize this public shaming of boys are fascist thugs.
Think of the terrible damage this list did to the men in the program.
Any guy who rates himself below a 5 has zero chance.
"Humperdink said...
I suspect the cheerleader coach is still a female. On what basis does she choose the squad? Guessing 90% looks, 10% pom pom skill."
Almost every squad, especially at the smaller high schools, has a token fat chick. Shame on me for noticing.
Why do people think they can talk people out of being people?
The most instructive portion of the (first) Fyre Festival documentary was how it demonstrated the astonishing power of "supermodels" to create buzz. People who are famous for nothing more than being beautiful have zillions of social media followers willing, wanting, needing to be influenced by them. In what world does beauty buy so much influence? This world. Fight it all you want with "toxic masculinity" seminars, but it's not changing. Ever.
my personal experience is that most groupthink cruelties visited on girls is done at the hands of other girls, not guys (though they sometimes unwittingly fall into the girl mob).
so i find this kinda cute. a good laugh. i would wager that the rating system was pretty straightforward, fair and accurate.
(blessed Now with years of genuine feminine friendship, there are good women in the world! but those teen years made me cautious to trust most any woman's backhand, while easy trust with men was consistently rewarded and true. my experience)
@Rob:Advanced students should have known that it’s bad form to calculate an average to greater precision than the underlying data.
That's not true. Children in a family only come in integer units, but to report the average only to integer units would be inaccurate and misleading. If a city averages 2.45 children per family and you wanted to estimate the children found in ten families you'd have to say 20 children instead of 24.5, which might be tolerable, but if you had 100,000 families you'd have to say 200,000 instead of 245,000. Your proposed standard would make it nearly pointless to do anything with a mean other than calculate it.
It's the standard error on the mean of the data that should set the precision you quote the mean to. That takes into account the spread of the data about the mean as well as the sample size used to determine the mean. If the mean was estimated from a sample size of 100 families and had a standard deviation of 0.7, you'd say 2.45 because your standard error is 0.07. If the mean were estimate from a sample size of 1000 families and had the same standard deviation, you'd say 2.450 because the standard error is 0.002.
So, the warlock is dead and never was, and voices of the lost babies have been effectively squelched, again. That said, this is not a national story. The issue is reacting with rational, practical, and reasonable proportion, especially in light of PC (progressive confusion) that has been normalized in earnest over several decades.
These proto-women can't look at it as useful information from the market, so I guess they'll just have to check Tinder... or whatever site it is you 'swipe' to vote on attractiveness.
"The girls fought back"
By complaining to adults? Didn't "fighting back" in this sort of situation used to mean turning the tables by doing something clever? Usually "fighting back" doesn't mean getting "getting someone else to fight your battles for you."
The photo in the linked article shows a 6, a 4, and an 8.
"my personal experience is that most groupthink cruelties visited on girls is done at the hands of other girls, not guys (though they sometimes unwittingly fall into the girl mob)."
Yah. It's been described as psychic warfare, designed to shred another girls reputation and destroy her self-esteem.
My theory is that Humankind actually did attempt a Matriarchy some thousands of years ago.
It turned out so horrific that the survivors went mad and tore their hearts out, and all history of it was burned.
The hot chicks play sports now, Title Nine, natch. Cheerleaders are not what they used to be.
"Would you not want to kick the ass of a kid who disrespected your daughter in this fashion?"
Hi Inga Sock.
You actually think rating girls 1-10 is disrespectful?
American Women. The most spoiled creatures on the planet.
"The feminist movement died a millisecond after impact" - Lucifer's Hammer
This shit has been going on since the beginning of time. Wtf do these people think happens when class facebooks and yearbooks are released. It was a ritual every year in college to go through the freshman facebook and identify the hotties. Women were into it as much as the men.
Stories like this have become painful to me. But it’s hard to explain why. It’s partly the bias against boys, how the misdeeds of boys are shouted from the housetops, while the misdeeds of girls are excused or ignored. It’s also partly how the WaPo exploits an anti-male bias in the culture to sell its ‘news’ stories.
But mostly my sadness is for these boys themselves at the school who are now undergoing an Orwellian reeducation program until they learn to love Big Sister. It is this last piece that is most difficult to watch.
Women resent even the notion that hierarchies exist. Men think they're great because we love to compete. Can't wait for our first female president. Hopefully she'll be Golda Meir-level fugly and we won't live in terror that Bolsonaro will disrespect our President's looks.
Hi Inga Sock.
You actually think rating girls 1-10 is disrespectful?
I've been commenting here under this and only this name since 2012, but whatever.
I do think the boys' behavior was disrespectful, yes. Feel free to discount my opinion because I'm a woman, ya bitter dipshit, but, my husband would be fit to be tied if some mouthbreather whose character lives in his dick made a humiliating public spectacle of reducing any of our five young daughters to a cattle auction rating. So it's not just a woman thing. Now our daughters--all pretty, if that makes their point of view relevant; the bitter dipshit brigade seems to think the only women who would have a problem with this are the ones whom the mouthbreather brigade would find wanting--have been raised correctly and confidently so that if they wound up on such a list they would ignore it with the same diffidence with which they always regard crass petty losers who are beneath them.
So it's all good in my hood, but people who are responsible for raising young people in general need to tell them that it's polite to at least keep their more shallow tendencies inside their heads or contained among their fellows. Remember, if you don't have anything nice to say, keep your damn trap shut.
Fen is a cuck and a sock is the only trim he ever gets
> one of the senior girls taking the lead on the campaign."
What is her ranking?
I agree with CR about the "Orwellian reeducation" program going on at the high school. I think that simply admonishing the kid who made the list would have been enough. Having a mass meeting where the aggrieved girls get to lecture the boys for two and a half hours smacks of something out of the Cultural Revolution in China.
Did the trans-girl complain about being left off the list?
Maybe the girls can start a new list and rate everyone a 10. Like a participation trophy.
Luckily girls never embarrass boys or focus on relative status.
Many years ago the Reader's Digest printed as an amusing story an account of some guys standing on the street and saying 745, 852, 413, etc. as women walked by. When asked, they said they were assigning millihelens, the number of ships each woman would launch, given that Helen of Troy launched 1000.
In the real world, like TV, all girls are rated on looks.
If you don't look great, your chances of being an actress are low.
If you do look great, AND you can act, you still might be rated on ... other things.
Like how Harvey rated the aspiring actresses who consensually "interviewed" with him,
or other top alpha-male horn-dogs (like Pres. Clinton? or Matt Lauer?).
This is a sure-fire way to create more hypocritical Dem males -- who say the looks don't matter. When they do. Very much.
Maybe too much in our society. But stopping Free Speech talk about it is going to hurt more than help. Tho it might make it easier to help in other ways.
See this former prison pastor about the real world.
"Studies have also shown that "drinking, drug use, and frequenting public places late at night increase the chances of victimization, because these “high-risk” activities tend to create opportunities for criminals". Where is one most likely to find such activities? On and near university and college campuses, that's where. Young female students, intent on having a good time, living in a "wear-what-you-want, do-as-you-please" feminist campus culture, often make easy targets, because so many of them are oblivious to reality. That's made worse by their choice of clothing, among other factors."
If your car is stolen, the thief was bad, it's his fault. Even if unlocked, it's the thief's fault. Even if the keys are in the unlocked car, it's the thief's fault.
It's stupid to leave your car unlocked.
Rapists DO care what you wear. It's stupid to advertise "easy sex" in what you wear.
This post is useless without pictures.
Back when I was a student at MIT there was an "alternative" student weekly called "Thursday" (guess what day it was published ...). During my Senior year there was an article in it written by one of the co-eds there that I happened to know.
Fortunately I didn't know her as well as apparently some other young men did, because the article was comprised of her reviews of their sexual prowess on a 1-star to 5-star scale. The paper was sanctioned in some fashion or another - I'm not sure what. I ran into her later after we both graduated. She told me that she was called into the Dean of Students office and was asked "How many credits do you need before you graduate?" She told the Dean that she only needed one more semester. He told her "Then you better pass them all, because that's going to be your last semester at MIT." She did and it was.
So - do girls do stuff like this? Hell yes, don't give me this "toxic masculinity" BS. Men and women have rated each other for sexual attractiveness AND have publicized it for as long as there have BEEN men and women. That's not going to change. But using 1984 as an instruction manual needs to stop.
or as Andy Williams said a looong time ago....
The boys watch the girls while the girls watch the boys who watch the girls go by
No wonder the kids are depressed.
I'd love to know what criteria they applied. Figure, Height, Good Cheekbones. I bet the ugly ones weren't too happy.
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