"Would that be [makes a face] — right? — sort of not — right? I don't feel good. Feels a little phony — phony to me. People say, Oh, you should get a dog. Why? It's good politically. I said, That's not the relationship I have with my people."
Trump muses about having a dog at the White House, but concludes "it feels a little phony to me."
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) February 12, 2019
"That's not the relationship I have with my people... Obama had a dog." pic.twitter.com/xZTuMozOYk
Someone in the crowd calls out "Obama!" Trump points at him, laughs, and says, "Yeah, Obama had a dog, you're right."
Perhaps the man in the crowd wanted Trump to riff on Obama's childhood acceptance of eating dog meat in Indonesia, but Trump only spoke of the dog Obama acquired as he entered the White House. Obama's dog acquisition really did seem to be a political move, and Trump could have gone on about the phoniness of Obama's dog specifically, but he moved on to another subject. He'd already made his point that White House dogs seem phony and acknowledged — I'm reading his face-making — that in his case walking around with a dog would look especially phony.
When I was listening to the speech last night, when Trump said "That's not the relationship I have with my...," I thought he was going to talk about relationships with pets and say something about not getting a pet that you are not committed to spending time with and treating as a fellow sentient creature. That's one reason not to get a pet.
But he said "That's not the relationship I have with my people." For a second, I thought he was calling dogs "people," then I realized he was going to a completely different place. He wasn't talking about what dogs deserve. He was criticizing the politicians who get dogs to influence how human beings think about them. It's phony. It's manipulation. And Trump doesn't do that.
We could talk about what Trump does do and whether any of it is phony, but, whatever, he doesn't do it with dogs. And maybe he only refrains from using a dog as a political prop because it just wouldn't work for him. It would just look wrong for him to walk around with a dog. That seems to be what he's thinking about as he makes those faces and gestures. GWB and Obama looked pretty sweet walking with their dogs. Trump is a showman, but that means he knows what shows to put on. And maybe he is just being himself, doing what comes from his true core, whatever that is. It's hard to think of his self-presentation as natural and purely self-expressive, but maybe in some weird way, it is.
This discussion makes me think of the old Coco Chanel aphorism: "Nature gives you the face you have at twenty. Life shapes the face you have at thirty. But at fifty you get the face you deserve."
Nature didn't make his hair go like that or turn his skin orange. There's some unnatural stuff going on, but — at least theoretically — those things express the man. And that is what Chanel meant, that what you look like when you are old is what came from the inside.
Some people just don't like pets... he's probably one of them. At least he's honest about it.
Since supposedly (people select) dogs (that) look like their people, what would Trump's dog (if he had one) look like?
But nature didn't make his hair go like that or turn his skin orange.
You do know that the Media pushes the color to achieve those tones, don't you? Trump overdid the spray tan for the first debate, but that was a long time ago. And most of Hollywood does the same.
"Some people just don't like pets... he's probably one of them."
But unlike a lot of those people, he has avoided getting a pet.
There are a lot of people who get dogs and then have dogs that they wish they didn't have.
They get them because they imagine some benefit, perhaps having to do with how they will look, perhaps with some idea that their children ought to have dog, or because that's just what people seem to do. But they find it's too much of a commitment or they don't watch how they treat the dog early on and then they find the dog acts in a way they don't like.
Why does he need dogs, he has “my people”, you folks, his loyal followers.
Why did Obama need a dog, when he had you, Inga, his emotional support rat
Bo and Sonny were swell doggies. 13/10
“Since supposedly (people select) dogs (that) look like their people, what would Trump's dog (if he had one) look like?”
Drago or Fen maybe.
1. Agree with Will Cate above. Also, he's really busy in his job. But maybe his son would like one. He could take care of it.
2. I've seen Trump up close. His hair is just very, very fine. I think that's natural. As to his skin color, that's probably a different thing. The white skin around his eyes suggests tanning or something.
But, hey, what about KKH's hair and skin color? Fab!
He could walk on the beach like Nixon.
He explicitly said that he doesn't have enough time to spend with a dog to be fair to the dog--acknowledging the pet/master pact that few talk about. He may be your best friend, but you are his best friend, too. Trump just showed his true character and it's good.
"You do know that the Media pushes the color to achieve those tones, don't you?"
I'm certain that's not his natural hair color. I can see the white roots, which he's allowed to get more than an inch long. I color my own hair, and I can tell you I would NEVER let the roots get so long.
As for his skin color, I'm sure he wears makeup for a big performance. I don't know what sort of products he uses for his ordinary appearances. It might be some sort of tanner that changes the skin, but it might be a tinted moisturizer or foundation or maybe some sort of brush-on powdered "bronzer."
The color saturation can be turned up. Of course I know that, but you can't turn up what's not there at all. If he allowed his hair to grow in white, it would still be white if you turned up the saturation. If his face were more pink, turning up the saturation wouldn't make it orange.
Come on, he's leaning into the orange. It's silly to deny it.
Trump is the least phony President since Ike.
Maybe he’d especially love the alanc709 breed, despite the constant scratching and snarling he’d make a good pet for Master Trump.
"Why does he need dogs, he has “my people”, you folks, his loyal followers."
I've seen people and I've seen dogs, and what people do is not the same.
Have you ever had a person who treated you the way a dog with treat you? That would be very weird. Who would want that sort of person around?
"He explicitly said that he doesn't have enough time to spend with a dog to be fair to the dog--acknowledging the pet/master pact that few talk about. He may be your best friend, but you are his best friend, too. Trump just showed his true character and it's good."
I agree that he implied that, which is why I expected him to go on in that vein. But he switched to talking about his people. He's a people person.
Truer Trump
“Who would want that sort of person around?”
> Come on, he's leaning into the orange. It's silly to deny it.
There are a lot of black, brown, white, and olive, but there is only one Orange Man.
Don't forget poor Buddy. As soon as he was no longer useful to Uncle Bubba he had an 'accident'. Of course it was all a workman's fault. Nothing bad that befalls the Clinton's is ever their responsibility.
Unlike you, Inga, I'm no one's pet. I was a reluctant Trump voter. My original opinion of Trump was that he was a stalking horse for Hillary. His coarseness can irritate me. But his results matter, and I've become a Trump supporter, because I think America hangs in the balance, and people like you support it's destruction, regardless what you claim.
Hell Hounds will be nipping at Inga's ass for eternity.
2. I've seen Trump up close. His hair is just very, very fine. I think that's natural. As to his skin color, that's probably a different thing. The white skin around his eyes suggests tanning or something.
I hate to break it to you, but hair seems to become "finer" with age, assuming you keep it. Mine certainly has.
The Clintons had a cat. Cats are good pets for politicians because they don't need your constant attention. When they moved to the White House, they got a dog. The cat and dog did not like each other, though. When the Clintons left office, they left the cat with Mrs. Currie the secretary and took the dog with them. That dog died, according to Wikipedia, while "playfully" chasing contractors who were working on their house into the street. But they got another dog just like the dead one. They never reunited with that cat.
He already has phony. The blowharding is real but the gruff blowhard persona is an act. A dog doesn't work with that.
He should get a pit bull named Coonhound.
Bob Dole had a condo in Florida to keep his tan up so he wouldn't have to wear makeup for all his TV appearances. I believe McCain got melanoma on his face because of a skin peel he had before he ran for Prez the first time.
You all know who else had a dog, right?
Not only has my hair gotten finer, but my forehead is growing.
I see MiniMongo thought of the Clintons, too. I was writing my comment as that one was posted and didn't see it. I always felt sad for the Clintons' poor, unwanted cat.
The few times Obama was photographed with his dog it looked like an awkward relationship. I would have felt bad for the dog except I expect there was someone on the White House payroll whose job it was to care for the dogs. Since the Obamas are seldom in their home, and the girls never seemed all that interested in the dogs, I'm guessing the dogs have been quietly "re-homed".
ALTHOUSE says: "self-presentation as natural and purely self-expressive, but maybe in some weird way, it is"...Really? Weird how? Weird why? Because you like dogs and cats and think he doesn't? It seems to me I've seen many tapes of Trump public appearances from quite a few years ago - indeed he was YOUNG! He seemed to be the exact same Trump he is now. How's that for weird! ...a man who acts like himself over an entire lifetime! That is so rare and unusual - unfortunately - it seems 'weird' to some!
There's always that possibility, I guess, that Barry ate the dogs.
I believe Socks was Chelsea's cat, and she was in college in 2001. Bill is probably allergic. Socks had too much white for Hillary, she wanted all black.
MMcN said: "Since supposedly (people select) dogs (that) look like their people, what would Trump's dog (if he had one) look like?"
I'm gonna say a Chow.
“I think America hangs in the balance, and people like you support it's destruction, regardless what you claim.”
You may think Trump is saving the country, but to me that sounds like you’ve become a Cultist. We Democrats, liberals and progressives knew from day one what Trump was and how he feeds you people the politics of hate and spite and you eat it up like dogs eating from it’s master’s hand.
It’s up to us on the left to save the country...from you folks and your Master.
I would think a germophobe would have trouble with pets.
I like it that he acknowledges that politicians do things to look good to voters. Politicians try to manipulate us in so many ways- getting dogs, walking hand in hand with their children who are too old to do such things, looking sweetly into their spouse's eyes, on and on. Trump may be a weirdo, but he won't get a dog and he doesn't seem to make Melania and Barron play the game.
Media outlets and "analysts" like to talk about how much Trump lies, but politicians lie to us in many ways. They way they live to increase their polling numbers is also a kind of a lie.
Trump is far less contrived than the criticism of him. Trump said he didn't believe in changing diapers. That's a billionaire's prerogative. There is nothing inherently enobling about changing a diaper, and there are other ways of bonding with your infant. I could see Trump taking a dog out for a walk with a servant along to pick up the dog poop. I'm sure the media would criticize him for that, but that's the way billionaires roll..........Now that I think about it, I have seen many pictures of politicians with dogs, but I have never seen a picture of a politician picking up dog poop. A picture of a politician with a dog is humanizing. A picture of a politician stooping over to pick up dog shit is a trope in the making.
Ann Althouse said...
"Some people just don't like pets... he's probably one of them."But unlike a lot of those people, he has avoided getting a pet. There are a lot of people who get dogs and then have dogs that they wish they didn't have.
ATHOUSE adopted a real bad-dog of a thought in her post and is now trying to talk her way out of it. That's kinda weird to watch.
I took it to be a dog meat joke. To say "Obama had a dog" is like saying Obama ate a dog as a meal. Like when Hannibal Lecter said he was having an old friend for dinner.
Dogs made America great and dogs keep America great. The relationship Trump has with his people is: he knows how much his people love their dogs, his people know how much Trump loves them, dogs have their duties to perform for their people and Trump has his duties to perform for his people. The relationship is a symmetrical. Trump is the Artist of the Symmetrical Deal.
"We Democrats, liberals and progressives knew from day one what Trump was"
From Day 1, Democrats took money from him. The Clintons went to his wedding, their daughters stormed around New York together. The DNC and the Clinton promoted him as a credible candidate. It was in about Day 10,000 of his public life that Democrats, liberals and progressives changed their minds about Donald Trump.
Will Cate said...
Some people just don't like pets... he's probably one of them. At least he's honest about it.
I thought he was germophobic. I could see that as the primary reason for him not having a dog. However, what he alluded to about the Obamas dog Bo still rings true.
Some politicians get pets, dogs usually. Others build a single lane bowling alley in their house. Still others make a show of going to church. These things often work in their favor, at least as far as public perception is concerned. It can backfire, such as the time H.W. Bush went to the supermarket and was fascinated by the checkout line technology.
Trump is the rare politician that doesn't take on these affectations. His hair and his tie and his skin color predate his time in politics. He is a WYSIWYG guy. I didn't see the entire speech, but from the excerpts he doesn't appear to be criticizing politicians that get a dog or whatever, just saying it wouldn't be right for him.
I think Coco Chanel's statement about faces has greater truth when applied to waistlines. I have effortlessly kept my extraordinary good looks into old age, but my waistline is a better reflection of my virtue and self restraint.
Trump certainly is a showman. And you can tell he says and does things for show. But it comes off as more honest than usual politicians, at least to me. It is hard to describe but it is kind of like how a professional illusionist is still honest. They are upfront about their goals. They are going to play a trick on your perception, but they don't hide that fact from you. Similarly it is like how a written television drama is more honest than a reality TV show. The written show is upfront that it is going to try to affect your emotions to entertain you, but the reality TV show brings uncertainty of whether the person is being genuine or not. Trump is honest on his goals he wants strong border security, to curb illegal immigration, to bring back manufacturing jobs and jobs in general to the US, to appoint conservative jurists, and keep the US out of messy, entangling wars and foreign affairs. He then puts on his show to get those things done.
Ted Kennedy "The Swimmer" gave the Obama's Bo, a Portugese Water Dog.(ahem)
Traits: Can sit, present paw/shake, lie down, roll over, get off, wait
The dog traits are similar.
Just another lie. If he liked dogs, he would have one - especially if he could cause pain picking them up by holding onto their ears - LBJ style. Why is it necessary for him to say these idiotic things - nobody cares what he does or doesn't do - except self-loving Donald.
Some politicians screw the pooch.
"Dogs made America great and dogs keep America great. "
Good man you have there, Ann.
I agree with Trump about dog ownership. I'm not remotely like Trump, but I do live in an apartment building in a densely populated city. I could not provide a good life for the type of dog I'd want.
Give me some land and I'd 100% get a dog. I love dogs.
Some people have detractors who accuse them of abusing dogs. Trump is one of those people.
I was just watching Bobby Kennedy's victory speech the night he clinched the CA primary in '68. He put those dog detractors in their place -- just before he was shot down like dog by an animal.
"It's manipulation. And Trump doesn't do that."
It's beginning to dawn on people that the bullshitter in chief is actually the most straightforward and honest person in politics.
"... nobody cares what he does or doesn't do - except self-loving Donald."
Except you cared enough to comment, huh?
So, what's Boris Johnson's excuse?
President Trump pointing out that Obama -briefly- had a dog points out both flaws in that fraud's disposable and foreign character. Trump doesn't need one: he has a large and extremely loyal family, so when he's not working he has more than enough companionship around the White House.
Donald Trump does not need a dog to have a common touch. He's a class traitor clear to the bone. Good.
Oh..if he got a dog, you can be sure there would be outrage about it somehow.
Trump knows that if he got a dog, then walking your dog in public would be denounced as a racist act.
How about a commenter poll to see what percentage have a dog?
1) I have a dog.
2) I'd like a dog, but my priorities are all screwed up.
3) I'm not proud of it, but I settled for a cat.
3) There's something fundamentally wrong with me.
Blogger Lucien said...Trump knows that if he got a dog, then walking your dog in public would be denounced as a racist act.
A "dog whistle"
Dogs don't go well with New York City. Apartment living. Dog walkers with 12 dogs on leashes at a time.
Sherman McCoy got into a lot of trouble walking his dog. It was all down hill after that,.
@bob boyd
Should add:
1a) I have a dog but wish I did not.
"I hate to break it to you, but hair seems to become "finer" with age, assuming you keep it. Mine certainly has."
White hair is noticeably coarser than nonwhite hair. This is the worst part about going "gray." The white hairs are thicker and wirier. They stick out. That makes it tempting to yank them out at first. You can find them without even looking in the mirror. They feel different, and they don't feel like fine hair.
I suspect you're confusing fineness and thinness. Your hair might thin as you get older, but you can also have thick but white hair. If you do — I do — I bet it's not fine hair, which is that floppy silky kind of hair that a baby or little toddler might have, but coarse hair, the kind you want to calm down with a straightening iron.
I don't care if Trump or anyone else has a pet or not. What I do care is if they get a pet for show and then neglect the animal.
Dogs, in particular, are pack animals who need closeness, affection, time with their people and especially the structure of discipline and being IN a group. If you are too busy to provide those things your dog will be emotionally affected. It is cruel.
I admire someone like Trump who recognizes that "having" a dog would not work for him.
As to being orange or having his true hair color. Many people when they tan have an orange tint. As a 90% (Ancestry.com) Scottish,Irish, Welsh person, I tan with an orangish undertone (where I don't freckle). As to true hair color, sure Trump is coloring his hair. At least he isn't wearing a marmot on his head (bad toupee)
It doesn't help that the media went crazy in changing the color tones and lighting to make it even more so.
Trump should re-purpose himself like THIS PICTURE That would be awesome!!!
The whole White House pet thing is rather silly. I like his individuality. It's the opposite of the mind-crime group-think dress-barn loyalist cult left hivemind.
“There are a lot of people who get dogs and then have dogs that they wish they didn't have.”
I think that my partner is a cat person. But maybe around 2010 or so, she wanted a dog. One that could fit on her lap. The type I hate. I paid for it and her daughter acquired it. She was convinced that he (the dog) was dumb as a rock, but I think that he outsmarted her. She claimed that he refused to potty train. What that meant was that he cleverly, regardless of how she tried to prevent it, dumped in every room in the house. She really didn’t like dog shit miraculously reappearing on a somewhat regular basis under her bed. We were still walking several hours every day then, and he wouldn’t walk sedately along side of her. I told her that he was stilll a puppy, and needed to be trained. No, I was told, he was too stupid to learn. He enjoyed his walks with me, because I let him do much of the decision making, but I was spending most of my time by Reno practicing patent law, so couldn’t be as much a part of his life as I should have been. Ultimately, she gave the dog to the daughter, and he didn’t get along with her husband’s dog, so was revoked, or maybe showed up at a White House dinner while Obama was still President.
This last September, we got a kitten. Siamese mostly with some honey colored tiger markings. She is convinced that he may even be smarter than her previous Siamese and part Siamese cats. At 4-5 weeks, he was litter box trained in 24 hours of bringing him home. When she was feeling bad a day or two ago, she demanded that I bring him to her to cuddle. Seriously, he already is her emotional support cat, and she has plans to get him trained as a full blown service animal. Funny thing there is that she insists on loving on that cat much more like you would treat a dog, than a cat. Yet, I think it obvious that she is a cat person, not a dog person. We had him fixed a week or so ago, and it wasn’t a minute too soon. He is slowly mellowing as the testosterone works it’s way out of his body. Still, he seems to prefer my roughhousing more than her lovings half the time, and he sleeps with me wearing leather welding gloves to protect my hands and wrists from his depredations. As I said, she is clearly a cat person, not a dog person, given how differently she treated the two pets I have seen her with.
For master level trolling, he could get a Caucasian Shepherd Dog, which is of Russian origin.
"ALTHOUSE says: "self-presentation as natural and purely self-expressive, but maybe in some weird way, it is"...Really? Weird how? Weird why? Because you like dogs and cats and think he doesn't?"
I'm thinking of some of the visual aspects -- especially the long and strangely arranged hair. But also the speech and the face-making and gestures, which are very theatrical.
Sometimes he says something like: They tell me to be presidential, and I could be very presidential, but you would be bored.
To me, that says: I have to put on a show.
Should have been:
“Ultimately, she gave the dog to the daughter, and he didn’t get along with her husband’s dog, so was REHOMED, or maybe just showed up at a White House dinner while Obama was still President.”
Tank loves dogs. He loves to play with them, and pet them, and take them for walks.
Tank loves to give dogs back to their owners.
“White hair is noticeably coarser than nonwhite hair. This is the worst part about going "gray." The white hairs are thicker and wirier. They stick out.”
True! My white hairs are so unruly!
I'm not a big fan of Trump's personality, but I find him likable. Mostly because the left are seething with non-stop mouth breaking rage and hate at him. It makes his goofy singularity endearing.
We have 3 dogs because we decided we'd like to live in a quasi-kennel.
All 3 are great companions in their own way.
White hair is noticeably coarser than nonwhite hair.
You (and possibly Trump) aren't old enough yet. I trimmed my dad's hair on the porch last week, and the clippings never made it to the floor. He's always had fine hair, but now it's even more so.
"Sherman McCoy got into a lot of trouble walking his dog. It was all down hill after that,."
At first glance I thought you were talking about Sherman and Mr Peabody and I thought, Wow. The Doc cuts a broad swath.
Blogger Bob Boyd said...
How about a commenter poll to see what percentage have a dog?
1) I have a dog.
I think you left out at least one choice, Bob:
I have a dog and am saving it for supper.
(not a big fan of dogs here. Unless properly prepared)
John Henry
“Mostly because the left are seething with non-stop mouth breaking rage and hate at him. It makes his goofy singularity endearing.”
This is the politics of spite. What does it say about you? It’s not in the best interests of the country to revel in such spiteful emotions. “Rage and hate” by the left and never Trumpers toward Trump is based on his substance, which is hateful, spiteful and destructive, it’s not based on his orange skin and thin weird hair. Normal people don’t love such things
Dogs perceive orange as sort of brown.
The Democrats do not.
"It's phony. It's manipulation. And Trump doesn't do that."
Seriously? This is all that he is and does.
Come on guys....Trump looking like THIS THEN....
He could enter the next rally wearing a kilt and sporran. Dirks in his socks THE FULL REGALIA
Enter accompanied by bagpipers playing a fighting song. How about March of Cambreadth
*OK those are Polish Winged Hussars...they are pretty damned cool too. We might as well get into the mood, since this is where the Dems are taking us.
Inga will faint.
what would Trump's dog (if he had one) look like?
Inga: "Drago or Fen maybe"
Well, mine is shortened from Fenrisulven, the monster wolf of Norse mythology who sleeps until the apocalypse is upon us, when He will devour the sun and end All Things.
So yeah, I think a wolf would be a good fit for the God Emperor.
And geez woman, learn how to throw a punch. You suck at insults.
We might as well get into the mood, since this is where the Dems are taking us.
I mean, back to the 16th century or before with their Green Deal. If we are going to have to live in barbarian conditions, might as well go whole hog.
I started reading Bonfire last night and when I got to that part, i started laughing out loud so hard I woke my wife up.
For those unfamiliar, Sherman McCoy struggles to take his dog on a walk in the rain so he can go to a payphone to call his honey. The dog gets him so flustered that he calls his wife by mistake, doesn't recognize her voice and asks for Maria.
I'm really liking this book all over again.
John Henry
No doubt Buddy the chocolate Lab is long gone. It's a good bet Bubba didn't get another dog. Buddy looked good with Bubba. Hillary, not so much.
Inga: "is based on his substance, which is hateful, spiteful and destructive,"
Like what?
LOL you Democrats are fracking delusional.
Remember when you worked yourself into hysteria because you just *knew* Trump was going to round up the Gays for execution?
You should be committed.
Blogger Fen said...
Well, mine is shortened from Fenrisulven, the monster wolf of Norse mythology who sleeps until the apocalypse is upon us, when He will devour the sun and end All Things.
Kind of like the really cool 40' high papier mache Trump that the Italians paraded with great joy the other day? Once seen, it can't be unseen. It is totally awesome and in a good way.
The Italians love our President! At least those Italians do.
John Henry
“Remember when you worked yourself into hysteria because you just *knew* Trump was going to round up the Gays for execution? “
No I don’t remember any such thing. Maybe that only happened in your head.
I just showed my husband my posts.....he says he is starting to get nervous and is gonna lock up the guns.
What a joker he is.
Yes Wolfe captured small details like the rough language of the bond traders that's why scaramuccis blue streak wasnt a surprise
One does get the distinct impression Trump did actually see a dog once long ago and at far remove. He's aware they are animals that exist in the world, anyway.
Inga and her lefty/LLR pals plan on "saving" the US by "fundamentally transforming" it (obama's stated goal) thru the following policies which at least 4 of the declared dems are openly supporting:
- Full blown socialism
- full Open Borders an abolishing ICE
- "modernizing" (wink wink) the Constitution and destoying the balance of power the framers built into the system as well as dumping the Bill Of Rights for the 1st, 2nd and 4th amendments immediately
- infanticide
This is how Inga and LLR Chuck and all the rest of the leftists are going to "save" the US.
Uh huh.
Inga: "No I don’t remember any such thing. Maybe that only happened in your head."
Maybe it was in a hoax dossier.....
If Trump got a dog, some Inga psycho would run over it.
And I don't think the Secret Service gets assigned to pets.
Cookie: "One does get the distinct impression...."
Cookie spun the Marxist Wheel today and it landed on Trump is Dumb so thats the theme for today.
So few plays in the lefty playbook.
Context is important, Wolfe displays it again in back to blood where a police raid is blown all out of proportion
Blogger Drago said...
Cookie: "One does get the distinct impression...."
Cookie spun the Marxist Wheel today and it landed on Trump us Dumb so thats the theme for today.
So few plays in the lefty playbook.
2/12/19, 9:49 AM
Inga: "No I don’t remember any such thing.
This proves that Inga is a liar, not to be taken seriously. It was all over the news for weeks after the election. Perhaps she was in a stupor from self-medication.
Althouse, remote mind reader: where do you get the speculation about eating dog? Sounds like you just need to say something bad about a Trump supporter, anything.
Blogger narciso said...
Context is important, Wolfe displays it again in back to blood where a police raid is blown all out of proportion
I've not read Back to Blood beyond the Kindle sample so I can't speak to the book.
but I did notice that Wolfe used the phrase in Bonfire:
“I wish I could help you, but what can I do? Behold the wrath of the people!” Oh, she’s afraid like all the rest! She knows she should stand up against this element! They’ll go after black people like her next! They’ll be happy to do it! She knows that. But the good people are intimidated! They don’t dare do a thing! Back to blood! Them and us!"
So now I am wondering if there is a connection between the two books and just what this "Back to blood" phrase means.
John Henry
Didn't Obama have one of those hypoallergenic hybrid dogs? What ever happened to that dog?
Another data point showing Trumps feminine personality disorder. His junk food diet is what stimulates his repeating estruses loop. Since he's regularly in heat, male dogs can't resist humping him. Not a good look in a photo op.
Didn't Obama have one of those hypoallergenic hybrid dogs? What ever happened to that dog?
I think it was a Portuguese Water Dog.
George and Laura Bush really enjoyed Barnie, their Scotch Terrier. That looked real.
Obama being dragged down a path by his Portuguese Water Dog (hey there, I've got a designer elite pooch!) looked and was phony as the dickens. It was clear to me that dog and dog eater didn't have a relationship. In fact that's the only picture I've seen of Obama with his dog. You show me a picture of the dog nuzzling Obama's perfectly creased trousers, and I might change my mind. You show me a picture of the dog playing with Obama's kids, and I might change my mind. The dog was a prop kept locked in the basement.
Trump can't be bothered to play by that kind of phoniness.
Wonder how many residents of Trump Tower own dogs.
The recent Dem Presidents had to specify that "No Drug Sniffing Dogs" are allowed" in their Whitehouse.
As noted above, Ted Kennedy foisted the dog on Obama. As a cruel joke, knowing Obama disliked pets.
Trump remembers the attitude towards dogs set by another King in the first ever rock and roll hit: You aint never caught no rabbit and you aint no friend of mine. They said you was high classed, well that was just a lie.
"Cookie spun the Marxist Wheel today and it landed on Trump is Dumb so thats the theme for today.
"So few plays in the lefty playbook.
My remark had nothing to do with Trump's intelligence.
Blogger Fen said...
I don't think the Secret Service gets assigned to pets.
Still..I wonder if they create code names for them. Those could be hilarious.
Blogger traditionalguy said...
Trump remembers the attitude towards dogs set by another King in the first ever rock and roll hit: You aint never caught no rabbit and you aint no friend of mine. They said you was high classed, well that was just a lie.
Mama Mae Thornton was a King?
I thought she was a queen.
John Henry
So what happened to, "If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog"?
Dogs everywhere are heaving a sigh of relief.
It’s up to us on the left to save the country...from you folks and your Master. - Inga
Stupidest comment you've ever made. And that's saying something.
You leftists have done more to destroy the foundations of this country than any other entity. And it's not even close.
If the Founders could see into the future what you've done? They wouldn't have wasted time shooting at the British.
I had the same thought what kind of dog would Trump get? I think he'd look great walking a big St. Bernard on the White House lawn. But I totally get that he's an urban guy and likes his environment (inner and outer) immaculate so having such a dog would be a major inconvenience. I like that he recognizes he doesn't have the time to devote to a dog, and he would never have a dog for political benefits, and people who like him don't need him to do that sort of thing.
I love dogs and enjoy socializing with people who have dogs, petting their dogs, etc. But I live in an apartment and don't want a pet. If I ever get a house I'd get a dog. I had a cat for 19 years and even traveled with her cross country, we had an intense bond, but cats no longer appeal to me. Don't really believe in the dog versus cat person myth. Now I actually love birds outdoors. Once a hummingbird crashed into my glass porch door and was knocked out. I got to hold that hummingbird in the warm sunlight until it revived. That was amazing, a once in a lifetime experience.
I think Trump is amazing, also a once in a lifetime experience. I appreciate that.
When you travel a lot, a dog is a pain in the ass. As president, maybe not so much. But basically you are buying a dog for your help. Who are probably unlikely to appreciate the honor.
Inga is one of our natural rulers, so you guys should treat her in more respect. Her side doesn’t “lose” elections” they have them stolen from them, and our side doesn’t “win” elections, we steal them from our betters who, as I said, are our rightful rulers.
She's kinda quiet these days about Mueller's hammer dropping any moment.
Blogger tim in vermont said...
When you travel a lot, a dog is a pain in the ass.
When I was about to have my back surgery and knew I would have to retire after that, I got a golden retriever. She was a wonderful dog. I drove across the country with her twice. She spent a year in New Hampshire with me. I think you have to be home and have a yard to have a dog comfortably. Little dogs are OK in apartments.
I had dogs for years but that was somebody was home all day.
Wire Fox Terrier Best In Show!
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