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Say the Chicago police,
quoted in WaPo.
Chicago police have said they’re investigating the alleged assault against ["Empire" actor Jussie] Smollett, who is black and openly gay, as a possible hate crime. Smollett told police he was attacked around 2 a.m. on Jan. 29 by two people who yelled racial and homophobic slurs, tied a rope around his neck and poured a chemical substance, which he believes to be bleach, on him. According to Smollett, at least one assailant told him “this is MAGA country” during the attack....
ABC7, meanwhile, published a report citing “multiple sources” who told the ABC affiliate that police were investigating whether the actor and the “two persons of interest” had “staged the attack allegedly because Smollett was being written off ‘Empire.’"...
The actor told [Robin] Roberts he believed some doubted his story because he said his attackers referenced President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan.
“It feels like if I had said it was a Muslim or a Mexican or someone black, I feel like the doubters would have supported me … a lot more,” [Smollett] said. “And that says a lot about the place that we are in our country right now.”...
He said... he never told police his attackers were wearing MAGA hats. “I didn’t need to add anything like that,” he said. “I don’t need some MAGA hat as the cherry on top of some racist sundae.”
Some analysis
from Tonja Renée Stidhum at The Root:
[T]here are clearly people who never believed Smollett from the very beginning... It could be something personal against him, the disconnect between fighting for black men and fighting for gay rights... But, there was a bizarre sense of... joy around the whole thing that was very, very unsettling....
And let’s say CPD did, in fact, legitimize the sources claiming the “staged” story. Since when do you immediately trust the words of the Chicago Police, when you’ve seen the corruption within their system at the expense of several black bodies? Does that change when that black body is black and gay? Or a celebrity on a show you don’t care for? Or for general tea and messiness? How do you reconcile with that?
१७३ टिप्पण्या:
It is all an act.
The democrats know who the true racists are.
Disgusting people.
As the saying goes, screencap this.
This was a hoax
Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together smelled a hoax
It will be revealed as a hoax
Because of its high profile people are working frantically to 'cover their butts'...
...this includes police brass with lots to lose if they don't work frantically to 'cover for him'
Screencap this
Anyone who doesn’t see this as a hoax is a liar or a fool. If Jussie Smollett has really been attacked by a couple of honkie racists, he’d be testifying from a hospital bed.
In this age of elevating victims to folk hero status, of Twitter mobs, and of mythology around people who wear MAGA hats, I reserve the right to view any alleged incident with a high degree of skepticism until real, hard evidence emerges.
Wonder if Smallet has heard of Tawana Brawley.
At least they didn't inquire about the frequency.
If it is a hoax, this explains why it was so important and convenient that he was on his phone when the attack occurs, so that a "witness" could hear someone yelling "MAGA"
I'm surprised Al Sharpton isn't there forming protests and spouting off how racist we are for not believing the lies.
Of course it is a hoax. The tell was th rope, the unnecessary detail considered important by the liar hoaxer. Like the glass table in the UVA fraternity house, the rope was the clue to the obvious lie. No fraternity house has ever had a glass top tabl and even the most meanie rightie Trumper racist pig doesn't carry around a noose, just in case. Lame.
I heard that the "attackers" were two Nigerians, who, or at least one of them knew Jussie.
even the most meanie rightie Trumper racist pig doesn't carry around a noose,
Or bleach to pour over his head during a polar vortex....It would freeze.
So according to "The Root" we need to believe in "Hate crimes" even though there is no evidence because....reasons.
We all know this is a fake "hate crime". There is no evidence. Smollett refused to hand over his cellphone to verify his supposed real-time conversation and there's zero evidence it ever occurred.
I think liberals need to start teaching classes in how to fake a Hate crime because the people doing it aren't up to speed. Here are the flaws I see in the Smollett fake hate crime:
1) use of a noose. This is always a red flag.
2) having at hate crime occur at 2 AM when its 0 degrees outside
3) changing stories about who attacked you.
4) MAGA hats - another red flag
5) Shouting "this is MAGA country" in a Chicago that's 50% black and 50% Gay
6) Calling the police 40 minutes after the attack
7) Declaring you were fighting for your life - while holding on to your subway sandwich and cellphone
Hatecrime fakers should learn from this poor example. Try to learn and lets get Fake Hate Crimes the respect they deserve!
"Wonder if Smallet has heard of Tawana Brawley."
Heh - male Tawana Brawley!
Innocent victims of crimes don't act the way this dude is acting.
Did he claim the attackers said "MAGA" like that? That's what I heard elsewhere and it sounded way too much like what a politically "woke" screenwriter would do for an hour-long police procedural, not real life.
This is thing of beauty:
"It feels like if I had said it was a Muslim or a Mexican or someone black, I feel like the doubters would have supported me … a lot more,” [Smollett] said. “And that says a lot about the place that we are in our country right now.”
I'm lying, and you know I'm lying. But you would have believed me if I'd said my assailants were black or brown, so that says a lot about your racism.
Nobody in Chicago is going to brag about being MAGA country. That is all the proof of this being a hoax needed.
Jussie is also Jewish. This was another mistake. He should have lied that the MAGA hatters said: "Die Jewish, gay, Nigger. This is MAGA Country"
This would have gotten the SPLC and ADL on his side. I missed opportunity.
Two brothers are being held as "people of interest". I guess they're Nigerian? And one of them worked with Jussie on Empire. Doesn't exactly fit the stereotype of the MAGA hat wearing white boys. That's not to say that these two rather large black gentlemen can't be Trump supporters, but the fact that one of them knew him certainly doesn't follow the narrative of a random attack.
It's like you people are mind readers.
This is Overton Window 101
What has fundamentally occurred in our modern version of 'plebians vs. optimates' is that our friends on the left - having actually succeeded in winning normalcy and enfranchisement for unjustly oppressed peoples - didn't have an end game for a power strategy post civil rights.
Their strategy has been exo posto
Find anyone on the fringes of society
Regardless of the fringe
Or why they're there
Or their choices
Champion them
In exchange for their votes
Put all your power behind them
Shame those that aren't in that fringe
Pedestalize the fringe-dwellers
Several things occurred. The fringe got crazier and crazier (trannies, pedos etc.). And the people that were supposed to be oppressing them got more aware of this and also realized that outright victimization wouldn't work. Among other things.
Now, said oppression and outrage must be 'manufactured' because it doesn't really exist - at least not in the way that provided their original power.
The Overton Window shifted, and being fringe-dwellers themselves, they didn't realize it.
Now information is democratized. The lies will be discovered and we have a different 'smell test' for these shenanigans, but they don't have a different strategy.
This is now why 99% of these can be disregarded almost immediately.
Incidentally, there are so many there's now a website cataloguing 'fake hate'
Any hate crime with wrongly drawn swastikas, or KKK markings, or MAGA hats, or Nooses is ALWAYS fake.
who is black and openly gay
Aww, "The Littleist Victim". Openly black, too, I bet.
there is also no evidence to say that this is a hoax.
Except for all the evidence.
Got to look at the bright side— what Jussie supposedly did is not as egregious as what Indian elder Nathan Phillips did by lying about innocent teens.
Howard said...
It's like you people are mind readers.
If you had a mind, Howard, we could read yours, too
BTW, how did the attackers know who he was? Wasn't Smollett bundled up against the cold? It was zero degrees out. And go look at the "hate letter" he got. It looks like a 2 year old wrote it.
I'm surprised.
Leftist never admit the Left is wrong. So they'll go for obscure snark or cryptic Bullshit that makes them feel better.
Again, with the Left, the truth is irrelevant. They think they're in a political war and everything is political. So, you NEVER give an inch. You NEVER criticize the Left or do the right thing unless its somehow politically advantageous or at least neutral.
Hey, WaPo and The Root. Where else need I go to get the bottom of this complexly intersectional hate crime?
Lucid: Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together smelled a hoax
From the get-go.
Anybody at this point with *one* functioning brain cell who still thinks it's conceivably legit?
Uncharacteristically for you (since you are such an excellent and timely aggregator and curator of current events), this story is racing ahead of WaPo and The Root.
The latest are all linked at Drudge right now.
Two suspects, having connections to Jussie Smollett and the show for which he appears as an actor (the name escapes me), are under arrest.
And the Chicago ABC affiliate (Chicago has great local news and network branches) has this cogent summary:
Multiple sources have told ABC7 Eyewitness News that police are investigating whether Smollett and the two men staged the attack allegedly because Smollett was being written off of "Empire."
A source familiar with the investigation told the ABC7 I-Team that Smollett failed to appear for an interview with detectives earlier Thursday, but has since spoken with police.
Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson contacted ABC7 to say they are continuing to treat Smollett as a victim and the investigation remains ongoing.
A source briefed on the Smollett investigation confirmed to ABC News that Chicago police are questioning the two persons of interest -- one of whom has appeared on "Empire."
The law enforcement official also told ABC News that the homes of the persons of interest were raided Wednesday night. Police removed shoes, electronic devices and other items they believe could help them determine if the two people played any role in the assault.
Pitures? Pictures.
It's like you people are mind readers.
The Covington accusers taught us how. Plus of course the last twenty years worth of fake hate crimes gave us a clue. When was the last one of these to actually be true?
Chicago is MAGA country? Since when?
That alone sounds like a lie.
Leftwing Antifa terrorists actually showed up at Tucker Carlon's home.
Martha said...
"Got to look at the bright side— what Jussie supposedly did is not as egregious as what Indian elder Nathan Phillips did by lying about innocent teens."
Not so sure about that. What do you suppose this twisted freak was planning to do if the CPD actually arrested someone? Fess to the whole thing? I don't think so.
One more thing to add. And I say this as someone who believes both that homosexuality should not be illegal nor should they should be discriminated against...
That really was when it started if you think about it. Why do you ask?
I believe fundamentally that homosexuality is a choice. You are not born with it. The lifestyle is a choice and it is and always will be a sub-optimal lifestyle choice attended by any number of additional quality of life negatives. The normalization of gay lifestyles, gay choices, and specifically medical hazards (HIV) as 'normal' was (80's give or take) absolutely when the doors got blown wide open.
The funniest thing of all is the gay men themselves are feeling this as more letters keep getting added to their original movement and they themselves get marginalized and pushed out as 'being too normal' 'too old school' 'too mainstream'.
I have no sympathy and it is no surprise - none at all - that Smollett is gay. These drama chickens are coming home to roost.
What did that SNL write recently? "You can only be avante garde for so long until you become garde"
Your garde now gays. I know that hurts to hear. You got it. You're normal. You don't get to make up stories anymore.
(sheds tear)
So two friends from Nigeria helped stage an attack.
Damn truth is really stranger than fiction. But then Nigeria is MAGA country.
Nonapod: Two brothers are being held as "people of interest".
Credit to Chuck for links pointing out that enquiring minds are curious about exactly what "of interest" they're being held for.
The hole keeps getting bigger. The only drama is who will eventually fall to his doom in it. No need to speculate -- like any good play, all will be revealed in the end.
Once again leftists, you can't keep blaming people for things they didn't do and expect there not to be serious blowback. Eventually, people aren't going to give a damn and end up doing worse.
More proof that the demand for hate crimes far outstrips the supply. -Lincolntf
Or, Howard, realize that Chicago is not MAGA country, has a thriving gay scene and sculpture telling everyone entering their neighborhood and the hat wearers would get beaten up before SM.
"It feels like if I had said it was a Muslim or a Mexican or someone black, I feel like the doubters would have supported me … a lot more."
Nah-ah. Sorry, buddy. You counted on prog credulity and sympathy by smearing deplorables. You didn't count on deplorable pushback, using, you know, like, facts and stuff.
Nigerian-national, black, body builders, wannabe actors, sometime extras on the show, workout buddies with Jussie Smollett... and MAGA-reciting homophobic Trump-fans?
Yes, let us say it for the record; there are some circumstances in which your correspondent Chuck will stand up for the MAGA crowd. This sounds like a slander of "MAGA" that has festered for a week now.
I eagerly await the Law and Order SVU episode based on this hoax that portrays it as non-hoax. And, yes, it is an obvious hoax. You literally have to have an IQ under 90 to believe Smollett's story.
Smollett's claim to fame will be not one but two listings on -- #348 and #349.
Somewhere, I saw a link to a story that a source familiar with the investigation had said that while the Chicago PD asked Jussie Smollett for his cellphone records, they independently obtained them directly from the phone company.
And that when they got the redacted .pdf from Smollett's attorney, they compared what Smollett redacted, to what they had. And that the comparison substantially assisted the progress of the investigation.
Anybody else see that? I can't find it now.
It was superfetatious from the beginning.
Chicago cops are in a tough spot here. I am sure they "know" what is going on but cannot publicly say so. Best result would be for this to just fade away from news attention. Media will cooperate once they realize it's likely false.
You literally have to have an IQ under 90 to believe Smollett's story.
Unfortunately, that covers about 50% of Black people...the people he was trying to convince.
Tawana Brawley could not be reached for comment.
The police hierarchy's quote doesn't seem weaselly, but there's an awful lot of detail in these news stories. Maybe what resolves them is that the police need one of guys to confess that it was a set up, and so are treating it as a real assault until one of the two guys admits it was a planned encounter?
Best result would be for this to just fade away from news attention.
No. Because then there will be another one. And one after that.
This crap has to stop.
Not only is it bullshit, it's an insult to victims of actual crimes.
AllenS said...I heard that the "attackers" were two Nigerians, who, or at least one of them knew Jussie.
Such is the power of Trump's racist messaging/persuasion!
I note WLS has just updated reporting to include the two suspects have been arrested!
(still somehow not including nationality though...)
This is my first post about the incident.
I try to hold back until things firm up, because so often they turn out to be hoaxes, but it seems insensitive to just start expressing suspicion right in the beginning.
Has there ever in the last 15 years been a story about a hate crime in the U.S. that involved a noose that turned out to be real? When I see a noose in the story, I stand back.
Rory is correct- they have detained the two men and must hold it over their heads that they might be charged with the assault that Smollett alleged- this is the only way to get the truth out of them, I suspect.
There goes that powerful Subway spokesperson contract.
I put out my rule of thumb last night- if the injuries in an alleged hate crime are superficial or non-existent, then it is a hoax.
LLR Chuck: "Yes, let us say it for the record; there are some circumstances in which your correspondent Chuck will stand up for the MAGA crowd."
Never when it matters. Never when it counts. Never before the cards are shown.
Only after the fact. When the undeniable has been made clear.
And only as a piggy-back attempt to attempt to re-establish credibility before the next betrayal or stabbing in the back.
Everyone knows a LLR Chuck in their lives. The guy who can never be counted on...unless its sidling up to the opponents.
Later, at the victory party, LLR Chuck pops in with a Gee, we did great today didnt we?....
.....while everyone just stares at him.
I suspect its been that way most of his life, given his esablished actions.
The noose thing stood out to me too. I don't think I read anywhere that he was physically harmed in any substantial way, so the claim of the noose and the bleach don't fit. Plus the MAGA reference, again an over-the-top detail designed to make the reported assault more credible.
There goes that powerful Subway spokesperson contract.
Yeah, maybe that's fine, considering how that one spokesman ended up.....
Smollett's story ticked every single hoax identifier- no real injuries, takes place at a time and place with no possible 3rd party witnesses, involved a noose or any other kind of odd paraphernalia to be carrying around, like, for example, bleach, and for the cherry on top, claims that it was a Trump supporter in downtown Chicago.
Plus the MAGA reference, again an over-the-top detail designed to make the reported assault more credible.
Only to the credulous of a certain political viewpoint, though. It's a product of living in a political bubble.
"You think a couple of MAGA goons gonna get my Subway?"
Jussie Smollett
Verified account @JussieSmollett
Frauds are everywhere y’all. Protect the mind, heart and spirit of you and your people at all costs. Just remember... Salt, cocaine and anthrax can all appear to be sugar
Ann Althouse said...Has there ever in the last 15 years been a story about a hate crime in the U.S. that involved a noose that turned out to be real?
That's not the correct question, though.
The correct question is how does hearing a story about a hate crime involving a noose make people FEEL?
Those feelings are valid and must be respected--that's true whether or not there actually was a noose, or an attack, at all.
Even if it's a hoax the FEELINGS people of color and homosexuals (and all other at-risk groups we must care more about) feel in response to the story are what's important and what we should all be talking about. To focus on anything else is, frankly, close to another hate crime and most definitely insensitive towards homosexuals and people of color.
Be better, everyone.
Downtown Chicago is teaming with Trump supporters. They wander the streets at night with nooses.
"... a rope... a noose"
FTR, the "rope" in question was a clothesline, about the thickness of a boot lace.
"But, there was a bizarre sense of... joy around the whole thing that was very, very unsettling...."
What she is seeing as "joy" is the comic relief of seeing another attempt to paint a portion of the public as deplorable racists blow up on the Wile E. Coyote ACME launchpad.
The Road Runner knows the coyotes wants to kill him; he can only laugh at his good fortune that this particular Coyote is so inept.
Beep Beep.
I am Laslo.
"They wander the streets at night with nooses."
...and bottles of bleach
and for the cherry on top, claims that it was a Trump supporter in downtown Chicago.
Yeah, because Chicago is such a Republican town. [chortle]
Althouse: "..but it seems insensitive to just start expressing suspicion right in the beginning."
What is insensitive is to pretend false
accusations like this aren't legion, always in the same direction and always promoted across all media over the globe with ferocity and immediately weaponized.
White, though completely hidden MAGA spouting neer do wells prowling the Chicago streets in sub-freezing weather carrying bleach and a noose and procaiming Chicago to be MAGA territory and targeting a b-actor from a niche show by name in bad lighting.
Yeah, gee, it would be insensitive not to give that one a chance.
I try to hold back until things firm up, because so often they turn out to be hoaxes,
As far as I am aware, they always turn out to be hoaxes...I can't remember one in the last 15-20 years that turned out to be true.
but it seems insensitive to just start expressing suspicion right in the beginning.
OK that's fair...but how about condemning the hoaxes and liars after the truth is know like CBF and Phillips...who you still haven't condemned.
One might consider the failure to condemn the bad actions of those on the Left, like CBF and Phillips, to be a hate crime itself against the Right.
Absolutely not. That's the whole point. His lie was a deliberate attempt to weaponize sympathy. That's why he should get none nor should his 'community'
Furthermore, his community should be outraged. Every single one these fake attempts to weaponize sympathy destroy significantly any remaining good will the community has managed to garner.
If I was gay, I would be outraged at these drama queens constantly sabotaging hard won acceptance. They should be calling out Smollett on his selfishness.
If a couple of Muslims or Mexicans had attacked him while shouting MAGA sentiments, I would have totally believed him. Well, on the bright side, the Nigerians were not, so far is known at this time, illegal aliens. That would be a real downer if they were undocumented immigrants.
Fake and profitable news. Smart.
Just saw that the Nigerian men have been arrested, not just being questioned. No mention of what specific crime/s they are being accused of. -Lincolntf
So good, they're dangerous.
February 15, 2018
"Subway announced a new multi-channel marketing campaign Thursday. The world's largest restaurant chain said the campaign intensifies its proposition to "Make It What You Want."
"Subway is the only quick-service restaurant that truly celebrates individuality and customization," says Craig Cimmino, executive creative director, mcgarrybowen NY. "By highlighting that you can 'Make it What You Want' in life and at Subway, we've created a rallying cry for Subway customers, franchisees, and the brand."
Good Bayesian test. How accurate is your picture of reality?
Was your first reaction to the story to wonder whether it was a hoax? Your picture of reality made a good prediction.
Was your first reaction to the story to assume that this is just the kind of thing MAGA people do? Your picture of reality doesn't work very well. You may want to revise it.
Or, you may want to attack the people who understood things better than you did. That's a choice, if you prefer your picture of reality, to reality.
"no real injuries"
Interesting how all the MAGA Nazis are 1) ghosts and 2) incompetent.
Worst Nazis ever.
Seriously though, if the Left truly thought there were Nazis in their midst, they would be treading much more carefully.
And many of them would already be dead.
Are the Nigerians Muslim?
when they got the redacted .pdf from Smollett's attorney, they compared what Smollett redacted, to what they had.
In fact, the redacted numbers were the numbers of the Nigerian guys. He pointed the cops right to them. Again ... more evidence that the guy is not smart. (This tidbit comes from a local cop site with a slightly mixed track record of being right ... mostly accurate, but only mostly.)
Seriously though, if the Left truly thought there were Nazis in their midst, they would be treading much more carefully.
I bring this up to my students all of the time. If Trump was the NAZI fascist people accuse him of being, people would be afraid (and punished for) to accuse him of being a NAZI fascist.
In other words, "we've spent 1,000 times the resources we devote to any murder, and are still stumped by this mysterious mystery".
Casting is very important for these roles. Nigerians are not usually offered roles as white racists. Perhaps he was trying to diversify. It's a scandal how people of color are never offered white racist roles. America would be a stronger, better country if black people were allowed to be white racists.
This is already old news though. The guys worked out with Jussie in his gym sometimes. Sure they could have attacked him and said "MAGA" to cover up why they were doing it-- but they'd still have to know him well enough to know he was walking to Subway at 2:00 am on a sub-zero Chicago night. They took a Lyft there, for heaven's sake. And you know, they'd be saying "MAGA COUNTRY!!" with a Nigerian accent.
The guys worked out with Jussie in his gym sometimes.
This is starting to have all the hallmarks of a gay tryst gone bad.
Much of the rest of the world sees sex between men as shameful for the bottom & not "really gay" for the top. Needless to say, this arrangement can often expose the bottom to abuse & violence as part of the deal. In the words of the Dalai Lama: "It's not gay if you beat them up afterwards".
It's a good idea to step back and not want to appear insensitive.
But of course by then, all the Good Citizens have stepped in with their oh-so-senstive condemnations of the people who did this and the climate of hatred and racism the president has created. Even Joe Biden had to jump on the "isn't this awful" train.
So in the past few weeks we've had the Covington Catholic MAGA Hat wearer hatefest, and the Smollett MAGA-saying hate crime. And who is willing to look and say, "I see a culture of hatred but maybe it isn't coming from Trump"?
Seriously though, if the Left truly thought there were Nazis in their midst, they would be treading much more carefully.
I bring this up to my students all of the time. If Trump was the NAZI fascist people accuse him of being, people would be afraid (and punished for) to accuse him of being a NAZI fascist.
Tom Wolfe quotes Gunter Grass's opinion of an overheated panel discussion in 1965:
“For the past hour I have my eyes fixed on the doors here,” he said. “You talk about fascism and police repression. In Germany when I was a student, they come through those doors long ago. Here they must be very slow.”
If only Jussie had been hit with a half-full jar of Hellmann's mayonnaise, THEN we would have a post...
I am Laslo.
AA: ...but it seems insensitive to just start expressing suspicion right in the beginning.
Lack of gullibility and insensitivity are two different things.
As you yourself point out, certain things are highly correlated with hoaxes. Even the initial limited information about the incident screamed "hoax" to anybody familiar with the dreary history of "hate crime" allegations.
It's one thing to strive to be objective and fair-minded. But there is also an "oh come on" point beyond which any intelligent, objective, fair-minded adult should begin to recognize the obvious.
Young Hegelian:
This is starting to have all the hallmarks of a gay tryst gone bad.
If Smollett wasn't in on it, then I'd say yeah that's probably what happened. But considering he was threatened by a MAGA letter, he denied security, and then went out walking at 2am and just happened to run into them, I'd say he almost had to be involved in planning a fake hate crime.
I don't know why he waited 40 minutes to report it-- maybe giving them time to get home? Maybe he wasn't sure it was a good idea after all (hint to Jussie: it wasn't)
"Has there ever in the last 15 years been a story about a hate crime in the U.S. that involved a noose that turned out to be real? When I see a noose in the story, I stand back."
People just don't carry around bits of Rope like they used to. I don't know why. Maybe its because we got rid of horses.
Thanks Ficta, I've been trying to remember that quote.
Its always amusing that some people can't accept that someone will 100% lie about something. so, they tried to convince themselves that *part* of it was true. Or maybe its true except blah blah.
The power of the big lie.
"But considering he was threatened by a MAGA letter, he denied security, and then went out walking at 2am and just happened to run into them..."
I now suspect the MAGA letter is fake too.
Blogger Fen said...
FTR, the "rope" in question was a clothesline, about the thickness of a boot lace.
Much easier to fit in a pocket..
certain things are highly correlated with hoaxes
At this point, isn't any Trump reference one of those things? I know the media tend to gravitate toward the "perfect" stories, so when a girl says white men in MAGA hats chanted "Trump!" at her while they tore off her hijab, of course that goes to the top of the media pile and of course it's a lie.
But have there been any real MAGA hat and/or Trump supporter hate crimes? Maybe some that weren't quite so theatrical? I'm willing to be educated on this, because I only see the cases that go big (Louisiana, Ann Arbor, New York subway), but so far they're all hoaxes, aren't they?
"I don't know why he waited 40 minutes to report it"
He also continued to wear the rope (clothesline actually) around his neck after he got home. Odd behaviour for someone who suffered an actual attack.
rcocean said: "some people can't accept that someone will 100% lie about something."
The other half of this is that people can't wrap their minds around the iron rule that, if you say certain people don't lie or people don't lie about certain situations, then every single liar will immediately claim to be one of those people or in one of those situations.
Drago, you need to back off your obsession with me for at least one day. I am here, denouncing what appears to me to have been a hate crime hoax. And a slander of the MAGA movement.
I posted a couple of comments on Althouse "café" posts days ago, before much of the latest information was known, because I suspected a hoax then. I hoped that she would blog the developing story. Now, she has. She admits to having waited rather deliberately, and that is no fault of Althouse. But don't blame me for waiting until the story got better.
I was going to suggest that you are really off-base and stupid on this topic, but you are almost always off-base and stupid.
This time, you are laughably off-base and stupid.
Give it a rest today, as I cheer for an investigation of Jussie Smollett's possible false report to police, as well as the Trump Administration's initiative to ask about citizenship on the 2020 census.
The Overton Window theory is a bit too rich for my thick skull. For the Libs who buy into this story, it's really just Dunning-Kruger winning over "If it's too good to be true, it is" to shut down their Straight-Face testing.
Where is your BS detector WRT Trump? Oh, that's different because Deep State
Chuck: lose the kick-me sign rather than have it customized in neon
fivewheels said: "But have there been any real MAGA hat and/or Trump supporter hate crimes?"
I can't think of specifics, but think there might have been a couple things by teens that would qualify as harassment.
I now suspect the MAGA letter is fake too.
Me too. There were only three possibilities, I think
1) There are a bunch of wild MAGA-saying people wandering around, and one wrote a letter to Smollett and some others happened to run into him at 2 am and beat him up. This seems unlikely.
2) The letter and the attack were related, valid, and Smollett had nothing to do with either of them and was the victim of both.
3.) The letter and the attack were related and part of something Smollett had set up to make himself look like a victim.
#2 seems less and less likely, mostly because the guys knew Jussie would be out at 2 am on a super freezing cold night. And because Jussie seems to have known at least one of them and didn't report that to the police.
Mayor Emanuel and Police Superintendent Eddie “Special Ed” Jackson would love to see this go away with no resolution through police work— either no resolution at all or a confession by Smollett. The last thing they want is another black man (Smollett) brought down by the police.
Having said that, Smollett’s story is extremely unlikely. It was cold. He’s nobody to the general public. There are some homeless people wandering around in that location, but not many racist, Trump supporting gay bashers.
This is not MAGA country.
This story began over 2 weeks ago.
"..but it seems insensitive to just start expressing suspicion right in the beginning"
Unless you are part of the group being falsely accused of racism and homophobia. Where is your sensitivity for them?
We know how this plays out:
Frontpaged for weeks
"Trump supporters attack gay black actor!"
Page A21 3 months later
"Reported hate crime possible hoax"
And we are left with a 1000 Ingas who "know" we are racist homophobes but can't remember where they read it.
Cory Booker
Verified account @CoryBooker
The vicious attack on actor Jussie Smollett was an attempted modern-day lynching. I'm glad he's safe.
To those in Congress who don't feel the urgency to pass our Anti-Lynching bill designating lynching as a federal hate crime– I urge you to pay attention.
12:09 PM - 29 Jan 2019
Like Jussie, Booker has a flair for the dramatic...
Cory Booker
Verified account @CoryBooker
1h1 hour ago
For over a century, Congress has failed 200 times to pass legislation recognizing lynching for what it is—a bias-motivated act of terror. Our bill, just unanimously passed in the Senate, would finally make lynching a federal crime. The House must now act.
Site has photos, timeline, info. Kind of sympathetic to Jussie. Not gonna lie, this thing makes me laugh a little as it plays out.
Oh, and Jussie says he fought assailants off. If these the guys, Jussie one bad ass mofo, fer shure!
Rope not fastened in noose and is slack around his neck
Young Hegelian, "This is starting to have all the hallmarks of a gay tryst gone bad."
Yeah, I'm going to say semi-bingo only though. More info on this whole thing keeps dropping by the minute.
My theory
Smollett is a bottom gay with typical 'bottom' issues. Smollett apparently has a full-time BF and it's coming out the two Nigerians have had a long running top relationship with Smollett. Dubious as to whether or not BF knows. Lots of rumors swirling about the show...
Nigerians decide to be dicks and hold Smollett's relationship with them over his head for protection of their jobs...
Threaten to out him to BF or as a 'catcher' to others...
Hatches a scheme whereby they and he can garner support and publicity (no such thing as bad publicity right?) to help him (and them) keep their gigs...
Slap each other like sissies...
Smollett shows up back at home with BF, "I just got beat up by racist thugs"….
Here comes sympathy your sweet sweet whore...
Stupid, poorly thought out story begins to fall apart because it was never put together well to begin with...
That's my theory. We'll see how much of the above I guess right.
My Bayesian theory of how the world works is pretty right...usually.
For over a century, Democrats in Congress have succeeded 200 times to block legislation recognizing lynching for what it is—a bias-motivated act of terror.
walter said...
This story began over 2 weeks ago.
And who was the first Althouse commenter to suggest to our hostess that she blog the story?
It might not have been me, but I am not sure who suggested it to her any sooner. I know that I was suggesting it to her two days ago (and before, I think, although I haven't had more time to search my own comments). A week or more ago, I wrote that I suspected it as false reporting.
What is your point as it relates to me?
"There are some homeless people wandering around in that location, but not many racist, Trump supporting gay bashers. This is not MAGA country."
You seem to be implying that Trump supporters would do such a thing.
Based on what? 100 stories just like this one.
Amadeus 48 -
True, but I don't think Emmanuel and Jackson want people to think that part of Chicago isn't safe for gay black men- or any person- to walk around in. He was in Streeterville near the Lowes hotel and the Sheraton - the city needs tourists and taxpayers to feel safe there.
Blogger Chuck said...
This sounds like a slander of "MAGA" that has festered for a week now.
Cuck: "What is your point as it relates to me?"
A man with no credibility wants to explain himself.
I've got to wash my hair that night, sorry.
The scenario Smollett described reminds me of the decades ago case of Dr. Jeffrey McDonald who killed his family and blamed it on hippies. He said there was writing on the wall that said, "Acid is groovy". LOL! I was watching the Dick Cavett show when McDonald was on the show defending himself and convincing no one.
Fen—that was ironic overstatement. There aren’t any racist, Trump supporting gay bashers.
Right. So that's your big gripe with me? That I overlooked the FIRST week of slander of some amorphous non-entity? Count me like Althouse. I'm not an investigator, but I am glad that there are investigators, and I hope that they are good, are thorough and are ethical. And I try to wait for investigative results.
I didn't wait as long as Althouse did; is that okay with you?
Again; my recollection is that a thorough search of my posts (which you can do if you want) will show that at least a week ago I commented with my doubts about this case.
but it seems insensitive to just start expressing suspicion right in the beginning.
It seems gullible to do otherwise.
A... another Covington Affair perpetrated by diversitists.
Blogger Lucid-Ideas said...
Young Hegelian, "This is starting to have all the hallmarks of a gay tryst gone bad."
Yeah, I'm going to say semi-bingo only though. More info on this whole thing keeps dropping by the minute.
My theory
Smollett is a bottom gay with typical 'bottom' issues. Smollett apparently has a full-time BF and it's coming out the two Nigerians have had a long running top relationship with Smollett. Dubious as to whether or not BF knows. Lots of rumors swirling about the show...
Nigerians decide to be dicks and hold Smollett's relationship with them over his head for protection of their jobs...
Threaten to out him to BF or as a 'catcher' to others...
Hmmm. Jussie wants to meet Nigerians. For quick sex, or they are blackmailing him. Tells boyfriend/roommate he is jonsein' for special Subway treat as reason to leave apartment.
Something happens, maybe he got smacked around, maybe he slipped on the ice. Anyway, has to give reason to BF for minor injury, makes up attack story, for sympathy. BF presses him to call cops. Jussie cannot back off story or BF will be pissed. Media gets story , Jussie has to stick with it or he will be ostracized by everyone.
It has come to the point that trusting anything the mainstream media say, unless they have rock solid evidence to back it up, is foolishness. This goes doubly when the story fits the media's left-wing narrative as it has become apparent that much of the media does not care what the truth is as long as the story fits their agenda. The story may be true, it may not be true, but the story is coming from the equivalent of the loud guy on the street corner who heard it from his uncle who heard it from his cousin's friend who knows things. Be warned!
As to this story, I am reserving judgment since all I am getting is stuff from anonymous sources from various news outlets and who the heck knows what is real and what isn't. The thing is this sounds like a local news story that only is mildly interesting because the alleged victim is a minor celebrity. Why we should care except in passing is unclear.
MayBee—you are fundamentally right, but North Water Street has about three levels, and the farther down you go, the flakier it is. I think Jussie was entering his buiding on the ground level under all that elevated street infrastructure—at least that’s the way it looks on the photos. That’s a lot like one of the rings of hell down there. Tourists would only go there if lost.
If the case is never solved, Emanuel and Jackson can—wait for it— blame Trump. If they have to charge Smollett for filing a false report, they have torpedoed another successful black man— just look at our friend from The Root. She looks ready to swallow anything.
If the case is never solved or Smollett confesses, they are off the hook and they never have to call Smollett a liar.
By the way, there were 475 fatal shootings in Chicago last year. The police were involved in 4 of them. It isn’t the cops that are killing black people.
But have there been any real MAGA hat and/or Trump supporter hate crimes?
@fivewheels yes , but not in the sense you probably mean. I am aware of numerous unprovoked assaults on people wearing MAGA caps, especially during the 2016 campaign. In one particularly egregious case that happened after the election a young woman with, and apparently part of, an Antifa mob sprayed pepper spray into the eyes of an elderly man who was wearing a red baseball cap, even though the cap did not read “MAGA.”
According to statistics Chicago had ~38,000 assaults in 2018. Now why is this one covered ad nauseum . Initially the narrative was that the perpetrators had MAGA hats and that the victim was black. Who cares what hat they had on, they beat up someone. Oh no the crime is immaterial, the Alinsky(from Chicago) rule is brought into play because of power not justice. The media is an extension of the Democratic party and to link the president to a crime, especially against a black man would diminish his chance of a second term in office and reinforce the narrative that Trump is promoting hate and he is a racist. If this is an hoax , it will prove nothing. Do you really think the press is going to stop and say this proves he is not a racist, of course not. But it was another great avenue for the media to promote it's meme whether true or not. That is called propaganda.
Ann did not add any commentary to the article , but just repeated it. For what purpose? Why didn't she hold back until all the facts came out?
I just looked at the layout on North Water Street, and I don’t think my layout is right in the last post. It looks like the entrance is not buried under street level. My mistake.
Blogger Chuck said... Right. So that's your big gripe with me?
Good grief, Chuck.
It's only a "big gripe" to you. Maybe the first place to search is your earlier comment in the same thread.
Just trying to give you perspective re the timeline..which you so often need.
Chuck also has a flair for the dramatic.
"How do you reconcile with that?"
I use my brain.
1: Jussie, and his manager, both of whom claim they were on the phone with each other when the attack occurred, refuse to give their cell phone records to the cops.
With those records, the cops could get cell tower data, and know almost exactly where Jussie was when the "attack" occurred. Which would let them know which surveillance cameras to look at more thoroughly (since they haven't been able to find any signs of the attack so far).
If the attack wasn't a hoax, Jussie would be giving them that info.
2: Jussie changed his story, now multiple times, on things that a real victim wouldn't be changing. Did they shout "this is MAGA Country?" Were they wearing MAGA hats? Some other red hats?
These aren't hard questions, if you're telling the truth
The thing is this sounds like a local news story that only is mildly interesting because the alleged victim is a minor celebrity.
National media outlets - including ABC Nightly News - had it as their lead story the day it happened. Good Morning America fawned over the alleged victim just this week and another round of national news outlets featured it.
It is a national story orchestrated to smear people who voted for the wrong person.
That's why we should care.
Blogger Chuck said...
Somewhere, I saw a link to a story that a source familiar with the investigation had said that while the Chicago PD asked Jussie Smollett for his cellphone records, they independently obtained them directly from the phone company.
And that when they got the redacted .pdf from Smollett's attorney, they compared what Smollett redacted, to what they had. And that the comparison substantially assisted the progress of the investigation.
Funny, if true.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
I try to hold back until things firm up, because so often they turn out to be hoaxes, but it seems insensitive to just start expressing suspicion right in the beginning.
But it's not "insensitive", let alone outright evil, to express belief in the guilt of innocent people, like Kavanaugh and Sandman?
"Cruel neutrality" goes both ways, or else it's not actual neutrality/
its silly of you to think someone in Chicago PD will be held accountable. The brass is extremely corrupt, and the beat cops are just trying to hold on to their jobs despite the bureaucracy.
You know what would be nice, although it will never happen? For some people who believed in the original story to say publicly, "Isn't it wonderful that America is not as racist as we thought it was?"
I thought the same thing years ago, with Tawana Brawley, and also the "black church burnings" crisis. How about the NAACP or the people at the Root express some gratitude that the news was fake, and America isn't so bad after all?
Same with women who reacted to Duke lacrosse, and the UVa frat, and the mattress girl, etc., etc. "America is not as sexist or misogynistic as we thought. Our bad! What a relief!"
Because America really is a great and extraordinary country, and it's so tiresome having to listen to every bullshit story get magnified by the press.
The idea that CHICAGO is MAGA country is ridiculous on its face.
Show me the evidence
I don't suppose they found any DNA on the classic cutout letter threat note with "white powder" mailed from within Chicago...
142 comments. The media wins and ann gets the most clicks for the day.
Hoaxes like this are anti-white hate crimes. But that's cool.
Smollet says his assailants poured bleach over his head.
Why is his hair not orange?
it seems insensitive to just start expressing suspicion right in the beginning.
When I told people I'd been abducted, lynched and probed with a noose by illegal aliens from outer space wearing MAGA hats, some of those people were insensitive enough to express suspicion right in the beginning.
..the threat letter that got Jussie offered extra security protection, which he declined..only to saunter out solo a week later to get a sammich at 2am.
Insensitive people make Fernandistein sad.
Apologies if someone upthread already posted this, but the two Nigerian dudes, according to TMZ, have been arrested.
According to the report, police seized 5 bottles of bleach, a red hat, 2 laptops and other items.
The family said the 2 men left for Nigeria the day of the alleged attack. This is consistent with what law enforcement sources previously told TMZ ... that the men left for Nigeria and returned Wednesday night, and the police tracked their travels and were waiting for them when they landed in Chicago.
As the worm turns....
I got a picture of the aliens -------there's one! ------------>>
and those insensitive people still doubt my story
Smollet says his assailants poured bleach over his head.
Why is his hair not orange?
When was Trump attacked by Nigerians?
Greg P rightly observes: But it's not "insensitive", let alone outright evil, to express belief in the guilt of innocent people, like Kavanaugh and Sandman?
Yes, that's the way the game is played. A Lefty, especially a minority, gay [or trans!] or Prog woman, must always be believed until proven to be lying. Even after being proven a liar, he/she/it will be believed. A Conservative must always be assumed to be lying, even after proven to be telling the truth.
Lucid-Ideas said...
Absolutely not. That's the whole point. His lie was a deliberate attempt to weaponize sympathy. That's why he should get none nor should his 'community'
What an ugly sentiment! How can you ignore the very real pain felt by people who heard this terrible story? How can you not empathize with those people--they're members of traditionally-marginalized minority groups, after all!
I'm afraid you're going to have to think deeply about this issue, Lucid. You need to get your mind right and recognize that the feelings inspired by the story are valid, real, and must be considered whether it turns out the story is true or not. It's a story that COULD be true, understand?? The fact that it COULD be true is what inspires pain in those communities and to focus on a minor, tiny thing like whether some claim of a hate crime was false/a hoax or not is to miss what's important.
If you were sufficiently woke you'd realize that systems of oppression are perpetuated by an insistence on things like "objective truth" and true intersectional awareness requires us to deprivilege "facts" and focus instead on the concerns and feelings of important groups.
You've got a lot of work to do and I hope for your sake you'll get started. Remember: it's not the job of POC, homosexuals, or any other traditionally-marginalized group to educate you. Get woke!
The Chicago police department is desperately short of detectives, but more than 15 detectives were assigned full time to this case for 2 weeks. All of those detectives were handling multiple cases, which were all put on hold so they could focus on the Smollett case full time.
A lot of violent crime investigations weren't investigated because of the huge amount of manpower assigned to this investigation. The key to evidence collection is prompt recovery, but the detectives have been assigned to Smollett, and legitimate crime evidence will be lost due to Smollett's desire for attention.
Hopefully, Smollett will be charged with filing a false police report and then reimburse Chicago for all of the resources wasted investigating this case. It would be nice if the Judge also requires him to visit the actual victims of crimes whose cases didn't get promptly investigated and apologize.
"What do you suppose this twisted freak was planning to do if the CPD actually arrested someone?"
Just say "you got the wrong guy although he does have extreme white privilege"
Rinse and repeat..
The one thing he had working for him was that the story was so outlandish who would be so stupid as to make up a story like that. Well, apparently he would. Whatever his fate in the courts, he shall have to live the rest of his life with this amount of acumen and shrewdness.......I wonder if the story is shown to be a hoax if he can continue as a recurring character on the show. Well, why not? It's probably good for ratings, and the writers can create a sympathetic dumb ass gay character. All the gay characters I see on tv are witty and clever. He could create a new meme.
He joins such distinguished company as Nathan Phillips and that guy who was with Michael Brown when he was shot. These guys told obvious and palpable whoppers, and their media interlocutors never asked a single skeptical question, nor so much as raised an eyebrow. Instead they expressed sympathy for the ordeal the poor liar had undergone. I wonder if the media understands how bad these stories make them look. Probably not. They're also members of the protected class.
LLR Chuck: "Right. So that's your big gripe with me?"
Same one that any conservative has with admitted smear merchants who advance lefty talking points.
Why do you ask? Its not complicated.
but the two Nigerian dudes, according to TMZ, have been arrested.
A Hutu vs Tutsi-class redistributive, and, perhaps, retributive change crime?
Who will report on the ineptitude of the reporter's?.......America is a big country with lots of white people. Some of them do stupid things. Just be patient. Some day a white Trump supporter will do something heinous, and the media will opine on how Trump has debased the country and on how morally superior they, the media, are to such failings.......There's a downside to being a member of the protected class. Bill Cosby got away with it for years because who wants to be the first to come forward with such a story against such a revered figure. Well, if, right at the onset, one or two had, Bill Cosby might have 1) been able to beat the rap 2)realized that he was engaging in some extremely dangerous behavior and changed his ways.......I hope Robin Roberts or Savannah Guthrie gets mocked for their fatuity and gullible interactions. If not , they're just postponing payment on an interest bearing debt.
This sort of bullshit has been tried before and will be tried again for exactly the same reason — media attention. How many people knew or cared to know who this Juicy Smollet person is two weeks ago? I doubt even the pathetic life-wasters who watch "Empire" had much interest in the actor or his role. Smollet and his agent have gotten exactly what the hoax was engineered to deliver — disproportionate publicity.
Smollet is a cipher, a flesh and blood stand-in on a social justice checklist. In fact, he's a threefer — negro, homosexual, and Jewish, an empathy leech designed by nature to suck the accord out of any soul it battens on. The problem is one parasite is much like any other. After a while, it gets bloated and repellant, making room for room for another less well-fed psychic lamprey to take its place. The solution is to find a larger host. Ergo the "attack".
It's been done before for exactly the same reason. Dan Rather tried with some success to submerge his reputation as a lunatic clown with a penchant for hurricanes by adding a touch of Ludlumesque intrigue to his persona as the man mistaken by the agents of The Mob/The KGB/The CIA/S.P.E.C.T.R.E. for the frequency-knowing Kenneth.
Watch the interview and pay attention to his eyes. They give him away.
"Jussie wants to meet Nigerians. For quick sex, or they are blackmailing him. Tells boyfriend/roommate he is jonsein' for special Subway treat as reason to leave apartment.
Something happens, maybe he got smacked around, maybe he slipped on the ice. Anyway, has to give reason to BF for minor injury, makes up attack story, for sympathy. BF presses him to call cops. Jussie cannot back off story or BF will be pissed."
I doubt the BF would care. Gay men, no matter how girly, are not women. The only way the BF would get jealous is if he wasn't invited. Even married "monogamous" gays like Dan Savage bring play pals home to share.
Blogger William said...He joins such distinguished company as Nathan Phillips and that guy who was with Michael Brown when he was shot. These guys told obvious and palpable whoppers
There were many so-called witnesses in Ferguson who perjured themselves.
"I knew that no matter how I handled this, there would be criticism of it," McCulloch said. "So if I didn't put those witnesses on, then we'd be discussing now why I didn't put those witnesses on even though their statements were not accurate."
He later added, "I thought it was much more important to present anybody and everybody and some that, yes, clearly were not telling the truth. No question about it."
McCulloch said he won't charge the witnesses involved with perjury. But he acknowledged, "There were people who came in and, yes, absolutely lied under oath."
Andrew's comment @3:49 is spot on. But of course none of this has to do with America writ large. Sad that such a large percentage of our populace revels in denying our social progress, so that the evidence of bigotry either becomes ever more "micro" or constructed out of lies. What in their characters takes solace in perpetuating the idea that their fellow countrymen are forever unredeemed, and that that undemption is the greatest of sins. As I've said before, must pick at that scab lest it heal. But for the smart set like althouse, we must we beat on ceaselessly into the past.
Assuming the two Nigerians did help to fake an attack on him, what crime are they guilty of? Aiding and abetting the filing of a false police report?
"Ann Althouse said...
"I try to hold back until things firm up, because so often they turn out to be hoaxes, but it seems insensitive to just start expressing suspicion right in the beginning."
And that's how a Hitler gets away with a Reichstag fire.
Haven't read the whole thread yet, but I would say that regardless of whether this is an attack or a hoax one thing is clear:
It wasn't perpetrated by any MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters, so that whole narrative about blaming the president is completely debunked.
All of the local news channels reported but only to say that the reports that this is a hoax are unconfirmed. They're going to hold out until the very end.
They were apparently released without charges, so they almost surely told the police that it was a hoax perpetrated by Smollett, who, by the way, has hired Michael Cohen's criminal defense attorney. This tells me that Smollett is likely going to be charged himself. At this point, the CPD has no room to maneuver- to not charge Smollett will be hard to explain.
"ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) -- A 19-year-old man who pleaded guilty to a hate crime after a noose was found hanging from a light outside a Maryland middle school has been ordered to perform 120 hours of community service."
But it is a little disturbing how many stories in the "noose racial" websearch have a trajectory that looks like this: "Noose found; investigation underway; no followup report of any kind."
To give an illustration of the relation the, to call them in absence of anything better, the Left has with 'evidence' a link to an opinion piece dated, do take notice, 15 februari 2019;
It is an opinion piece of a mind boggling dishonest, conceited stupidity.
To give a little preview
"Videos and photos portray the students as hateful towards the culture of the other two groups. Imagery shows the students mocking them and allegedly chanting “build the wall” and other MAGA rhetoric over the groups’ cultural chants."
One of those 2 groups being the Black Hebrews.
And this is in the student paper of Baker University;
"Baker University is a private Christian university in Baldwin City, Kansas. Founded in 1858, it was the first university officially founded in Kansas. It is affiliated with the United Methodist Church"! So the rot goes really deep.
What is the point of having an opinion-making machine if you cannot use it.
If there are one or two stories, you can doubt or disprove them, but if you have 100 then you are automatically going to adjust your estimates of the likelihood of something like this happening, because some proportion of them are likely true.
There is absolutely no advantage to having this story brought to a conclusion. If it turns out to be a hoax, people will always focus on this one counterexample that disproves the left's narrative. If the perpetrators are caught and punished, then people can begin putting some mental distance between themselves and the criminals, saying "these are some seriously mentally disturbed white supremacist Nazi lowlifes, that's not who I am".
So the best outcome, from the left's point of view, is to have the story remain unresolved, part of a mountain of guilt heaped upon the heads of MAGA hat-wearing Trump supporters. A taint from which you cannot escape. If you don't know who did it, how can you claim it's not someone like you?
They'll probably end this investigation very soon, set the perpetrator(s) free if they don't fit their preferred narrative, and move on to the next outrage. In any case, you can't prove anything, so they'll just repeat their version of the story ad nauseam until it becomes the accepted truth. And Justin Smollett will become some sort of modern civil rights hero, with a street named after him.
By the way, this is an excellent example of what Bruce Schneier calls a movie threat: a wildly implausible threat that nevertheless people are afraid of, due to its dramatic nature and due to its popularization by the mass media.
Instead of having a rational policy of crime prevention, now the Chicago police get to be on the lookout for Trump supporters with bleach bottles.
People would much rather fight such a threat than, say, illegal immigration or drug addiction. Just writing the words "drug addiction" is putting me to sleep.
This is why some statistics are distorted or not even collected: because they would restrain the media's agenda-setting power, in circumstances like this. People find it hard, almost impossible, to evaluate the relative seriousness of the threats they face. So the media implicitly do the ranking for them.
Just as hate crimes are now more serious than crimes
So too must the penalty for hoaxing hate crimes be greater than faking a crime report
same logic applies front to back
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