"The piece exploded and pushed me into a whirlwind of coverage. Despite lots of pressure, protestors literally on my front porch, and harassment directed towards my family, I did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016. I voted third party.... I could stay home or vote third party as I did in 2016. But what will that get me? ... While I understand and accept the sincere conviction of some of my friends who have decided they will just sit out the process, I have decided otherwise. In 2016, we knew who the Democrats were and were not sure of who Donald Trump was. Now we know both and I prefer this President to the alternative. I will vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence. And, to be clear, it will not be just because of what the other side offers, but also because of what the Trump-Pence team has done. They’ve earned my vote."
Writes Erick Erickson.
७९ टिप्पण्या:
Guy is a weathervane.
Nothing wrong with changing your mind but Trump hasn’t changed.
"I will vote for Donald Trump and Mike Pence. And, to be clear, it will not be just because of what the other side offers, but also because of what the Trump-Pence team has done. They’ve earned my vote."
Well, Erickson's a bit slow, but, hey, he eventually got there!
Beware modern day "Conservative" theoreticians. They end up like Bill Kristol and Max Boot -- mentally and politically all bolloxed up.
To apply some grace, many people have stood on the stump and said all the things they'll do if their elected - and then not done any of them.
Trump stood up there and ripped at many norms - social and political - and espoused a very non-traditional way of doing things. If you DID NOT believe him on many of his policies, which most people stumping should not be believed, then I could understand being against him and then converting once you saw the proof in the pudding.
In my lifetime I can't remember an executive branch politician who has followed through so consistently on their promises.
Chuck hardest hit.
Well maybe not.
Chuck’s wife’s boyfriend hardest hit.
Call me a cynic, but who pays him, and is that changing?
How could he not be won over.
After we all learned from the DJT tweet that it turns out a bunch of ET was for work, not just relaxing. Sold!
Reminds of the R's who voted for Obama in 2008, only to find out he was a flaming lib. These people, and they are legion, lack discernment and good judgment.
Trump said he would build The Wall.
That’s not happening. Now this Fake Christian is on the Trump bandwagon.
Erickson is doing what he thinks best for his career. He’s incredibly consistent in that.
I love the “even George W. Bush” line. W was a terrible President. Clinton governed much more conservatively. W was a big spender who got the US into a completely unnecessary war and topped off his presidency with a Wall Street bailout.
He should have just painted dogs
Why not wait and see if there is a primary challenge. Is he saying he'd vote for Trump over Mittens? I don't believe it.
These people seem to be overly invested in their minute by minute feels.
Or maybe his billionaire liberal paymaster cutoff the checks.
They’ve earned my vote.
They earned mine in 2016 and I've never regretted my choice. I regretted voting for my Republican Congresswoman, who -- like McCain -- ran against Obamacare but then voted against the AHCA.
@mccullough, instead of "that's not happening" I suggest you amend your statement to read "that hasn't happened yet."
Look, I'm not going to make too much fun of anyone who eventually comes around to the correct answer even when their reasons for doing so are possibly, to put it kindly, faulty.
The same geniuses who told us "it's not a binary choice!" over and over now recognize that the choice is between a terribly flawed Republican candidate like Trump and a group that outright supports infanticide and straight up Socialism? Hey, welcome to the party, fellas.
Conservative commentators have much to be humble about. The infuriating part is that even when they get it right these days they still refuse to adopt humility and instead prefer to lecture us and heap scorn, sanctimony, and condescension on the rest of us--when we're the ones who got it right to begin with! Oh sure, they're the True Conservatives, the Principled ones, the Remnant--but they couldn't be bothered to ally themselves with us dirty non-elite voters who were trying, and have been trying, to actually win a fight or two.
I still--STILL--have not heard any good explanation for why so many of those people jumped on the Covington Catholic HS story with both feet and denounced those (innocent) kids in the harshest terms. The "we were fooled, we just acted too fast" excuses absolutely do not work when coming from LifeLongRepublicans who should know better than anyone how the Media works and how Media bias combines with Leftist attacks to smear targets. For God's sake the women of The View were more forthright about the fact that the red hats/MAGA gear caused them to suspend critical thinking and engage in a hateful reaction than the smart elite True Conservative commentator crowd has been! When Joy Behar is out-honesting you it really should be time for some self-reflection, you know?
The Trump-hate is, for the most part, understandable. Many of those guys really did have to deal with a lot of bullshit both from Trump supporters and from actual alt-right troll types. I genuinely don't blame them for not loving Big Trump--a little emotional detachment from the nominal leader of a party or movement could/should in fact be a good thing!
But there's a difference between being anti-war and being on the other side. You don't like crudeness & vulgarity, bluster & incoherence, emotional/celebrity appeal & irresponsible populist rhetoric; fine--no reason to like Trump or his campaign. But to not acknowledge that the Left will deliver those things in spades, unrestrained by any Media oversight, an in service of a far, far worse ideological agenda...well that's a special kind of stupid.
Conservative elites ought to know better. That they don't is more damning of them than anything stupid insult Trump could tweet.
Who are Bill Kristol and Max Boot going to support in 2020? Are they the "conservatives" who will endorse the green new deal? And how the hell did Bill Kristol ever get on TV? Even when he used to agree with me, he gave me the creeps. Althouse is right, I should have trusted my feelings.
voting Third party in 2016 was not only #Never Trump - it was #Never Hillary.
Which, we have learned, is illegal. It's illegal for Hillary to lose.
"Why not wait and see if there is a primary challenge. Is he saying he'd vote for Trump over Mittens?"
He did say that we can't have the Trump policies he likes without Trump. I didn't expect Trump to be as conservative as he has been. I expected another Bush type, but I was happily wrong on that, and I like him far more now than I did when I felt forced to vote for him. No Republican other than Cruz would have been close to Trump's policies so far. I think Erickson has learned the same lesson I have.
I am not going to criticize Erick--today. I myself went through quite a bit of the process that he claims to have gone through. Admittedly, I went through it faster than he did.
But I also started out as #NeverTrump. But I was also #NeverHillary, and eventually I realized that I had to give up on one of those. And I can identify the day where all that happened and I realized that I was no longer #NeverTrump, but instead #ReluctantTrump. And that was the day of Hillary's comment about 'deplorables'. I don't know how anyone could vote for a candidate for President who openly loathes half of the country. That seems mind-boggling to me.
Part of it, and maybe it's that I've been fooled too many times before, or maybe it was Trump's past association with many Democrats, was that I never expected Trump to govern nearly as conservatively as he has. This has been a great surprise. And I love his judge picks. Now, there are still many days that he ticks me off, so I doubt I'll ever make the jump to #EnthusiasticTrump. But, I am very happy with the choice I made and very happy the election turned out the way it did.
Big Mike,
As soon as Trump throws his Son In Law out on his ass then I’ll amend my answer.
Kushner is a scumbag.
@mccullough, so you're an anti-Semite? Good to know.
bagoh20 said...Who are Bill Kristol and Max Boot going to support in 2020?
Who did they support in 2018? Boot, Nichols, Rubin--lots of them said, plainly, that they wanted everyone to vote Democrat no matter what. Upballot, downballot, everywhere.
Gotta learn them Trumpists a thing or two! Teach 'em a lesson, don't you see?!
Such is their idiocy that they still thing "but Gorsuch!" is some kind of devastating ironic response.
"They’ve earned my vote."
Mine too.
Who are Bill Kristol and Max Boot going to support in 2020?
The good news is that these idiots have marginalized and isolated themselves -- so nobody really gives a flying hoot. Sayonora suckers!
Good thing I read this here, because I gave up on listening to Erickson long ago. He giggles and snorts when he amuses himself (which is often). He can’t keep to a subject. He spends more time talking about the weather and the Atlanta traffic than he does on politics. Once he wandered into a subject I know a bit about (Boeing’s complaint against Canadian subsidies to Bombardier to build the ‘Airbus A220’ jet) and managed to get every salient fact wrong! Occasionally he discusses Georgia state and local politics, about which he seems to know a bit.
HD nails it @12:21.
Big Mike,
I’m happy for you that Son In Law fulfilled that huge campaign promise — mentioned at no rally — to reform federal drug sentences.
You must be so happy with Son In Law.
Son In Law doesn’t want The Wall. So there is no Wall. Two years of GOP control and no wall. Sentencing Reform. Son In Law’s let issue.
You are a sheep Big Mike.
Son In Law doesn’t want The Wall. So there is no Wall. Two years of GOP control and no wall. Sentencing Reform. Son In Law’s let issue.
@mccullough, someone fed you a line of crap, and you're responded by saying "Please, sir, may I have another?"
Bay Area Guy said...
Who are Bill Kristol and Max Boot going to support in 2020?
The good news is that these idiots have marginalized and isolated themselves -- so nobody really gives a flying hoot. Sayonora suckers!
Trump's greatest accomplishment has been removing the masks from the enemies of this country and it's citizens.
Erickson is just a loser who wanted to be on Kristol's cruises and be one of the cool kids. He came to the right judgment late and if he had the ability Hillary would be president. Nobody should take him seriously.
The Italians, apparently big Warhammer 40k fans, built an impressive God Emperor Trump.
He is more popular around the world than leftists want to give him credit for. The deplorables all over the world are kicking the globalist scum out.
Big Mike,
You are easy to please.
Where is the fucking Wall?
Why wasn’t there a push to fund the Wall with two years of GOP control?
Because Son In Law and Mitch. Trump doesn’t have the discipline to get The Wall through. He refers to Son In Law.
I’m happy you got your federal sentencing reform for drug dealers.
Re-Elect Son In Law In 2020. Federal daycare is the next big issue on Son In Law’s agenda. Those daycares will be staffed with Mexicans.
Now Father In Law wants more immigration in the SOTU.
Son In Law runs the day to day presidency.
This guy is a mealy mouthed Religious legalist who has proudly knifed the scumbag, Immoral, shameful Bad Man Trump in the back a hundred times over the last 3 years up to yesterday. He makes me more ashamed to be a Georgian than that other fake Southern Baptist, Jimmuh Cartur.
God Emperor Trump rules over Dems and NeverTrumpers as well
Welcome to the team.
Hillary would be President, and the entire Trump family in prison by now if this asshole had his way.
The fact that Red State, Weekly Standard, Hot Air, etc. are virtually dead isn't near enough restitution for what these assholes almost pulled off.
What a grandstanding maroon some of these Never Trumpers are. As if they were not familiar with the lying, evil Hillary and the Clinton grifters.
I didn’t vote for the douchebag, but I’ll crawl over broken glass this time if need be.
Erickson wants to keep that sweet WSB gig in which he’s ruining the airwaves and the target audience ain’t down with the never Trump thing.
@Chris of Rights,
I am not going to criticize Erick--today. I myself went through quite a bit of the process that he claims to have gone through. Admittedly, I went through it faster than he did.
But I also started out as #NeverTrump. But I was also #NeverHillary, and eventually I realized that I had to give up on one of those. And I can identify the day where all that happened and I realized that I was no longer #NeverTrump, but instead #ReluctantTrump
I buy this.
When Trump first announced his candidacy in 2015, I thought he was a charlatan, a GOP version of Al Sharpton who ran in 2004.
But gradually I was proven wrong - particularly when the GOP establishment candidate, Jeb Bush, was so awful, despite all the millions he raised.
To me, it's mind-boggling that after 2 years of his presidency, with a very public record, there still exists "conservative" #NeverTrumpers. But some folks are slow learners, I reckon.
Too soon old there Erick. And too late smart.
Hey Erick; how do you know that you will even have an opportunity to vote for Trump in 2020? Trump may have resigned by then under the pressure of a devastating Mueller report. Trump may be under indictment in New York by then.
I am a Republican, and I am not “flirting” (Erickson’s word with ANY Democrats.)
I will be flirting with any Republican who primaries Trump. I will be flirting with Romney; with Kasich; with leaders like Mitch Daniels and Bob Corker, whether as Republicans or Independents.
Here is Erick Erickson, who didn’t vote for Trump versus Clinton, preaching to a conservative like me who did hold his nose to vote for Trump as the least anti-conservative option. Before we even know who the major party candidates are for 2020, and without knowing who any independent candidates are.
What a putz of a column this is.
Bay Area Guy said...
To me, it's mind-boggling that after 2 years of his presidency, with a very public record, there still exists "conservative" #NeverTrumpers. But some folks are slow learners, I reckon.
They were always on team globalist.
Trump just removed the masks.
Chuck said...
I am a Republican, and I am not “flirting” (Erickson’s word with ANY Democrats.)
I will be flirting with any Republican who primaries Trump. I will be flirting with Romney; with Kasich; with leaders like Mitch Daniels and Bob Corker, whether as Republicans or Independents.
You named a bunch of traitors you know nobody will vote for.
The masks are off.
Nobody believes you and nobody takes you seriously. You are a joke and you never wanted any of the things you said you wanted.
At this point you are only here to be mocked.
I always thought people like George Will were "Country Club Republicans", but had their place in the big tent. Trump has revealed they never believed in big tent.
Chuck said...
...preaching to a conservative like me...
Thankfully almost all conservative blogs informed former conservatives like me that we were not "real" conservatives if we were MAGA.
@Unknown (2:55), a very good insight.
Achilles you seem to represent a certain kind of voter who demands that candidates cater to the right wing of Limbaugh, Hannity and Breitbart. You see it as some sort of personal strength that you will withhold your vote(s) from Republicans if we nominate more candidates like Romney, Ryan, McCain, Flake, Corker, Kasich, Bush, etc.
You have had it easy so far; too easy. You have gotten loyal Republicans like me to vote fo a lot of your candidates out of party loyalty and fear of Democrats.
But when I hear about Deplorables calling Republican leadership “traitors” and talking about how only Trumpist/Tea Party Republicans will get their votes in general elections, I say, “Two sides can play that game. I am not going to stand by idly if the Trump cult wants to take over the Party. If you are saying that you would withhold your general election vote from a “traitor” like Romney and allow Democrat to win, I will give some serious thought to withholding my vote from Trump (in razor-thin Michigan) at the risk of allowing a Democrat to win.
The traitorous cuck can eat a shotgun.
The idea that we welcome NeverTrumpers back for "the good of the party" is the exact commandment they broke with us.
We supported their RINO cucks for decades under the promise that THEY would likewise support OUR candidate if he won the GOP nomination.
But when their turn came to hold their nose and "unify behind the nominee", they bolted.
Screw them and screw their support. I eould rather lose to Hillary a thousand times than have those NeverTrumper traitors circling behind my back.
They should be grateful they aren't hanging from lamp posts.
And BTW Eric, for someone who goes on and on about their Christianity, you should really take a closer look at your Vanity. Me me me, I I I. You've gone noseblind the Father of all sins - Pride.
Enjoy the fall. I'll be waiting for you in hell with an Eternity of pussy grabbing jokes.
Chuck: "I am a Republican"
Any man who must say "I am the King" ix no true king - Jonah Goldberg, Game of Thrones
Achilles: "Trump's greatest accomplishment has been removing the masks from the enemies of this country and it's citizens."
Nailed it.
Although I must confess, while I knew we had rats, I never expected this many or that they would be so deeply dug in.
Cuck: "I will give some serious thought to withholding my vote from Trump"
We don't want your vote, traitorous cuck. Go explore your Surrendering Gracefully Fetish with Hillary.
I will be flirting with any Republican who primaries Trump. I will be flirting with Romney; with Kasich; with leaders like Mitch Daniels and Bob Corker, whether as Republicans or Independents.
Apparently we must remind you Kasich already ran against Trump and got absolutely killed.
His performance was so bad no one can remember if Trump even gave him a nickname.
As for the others, are they running as pro-choice, pro-socialism, pro-war, pro-open borders or just the standard "I'm the kind of guy who will smile while the Dems give me anal bipartisanship" platform?
This is how extreme Trumpism has become, calling other Americans “traitors” for not being a Trump Cultist.
We are Never ever ever
Getting back together
All day long, Eric baby. For Eternity.
I chatted up the Big Guy and He gave me dibs on your torment.
Kevin said..."[Kasich's] performance was so bad no one can remember if Trump even gave him a nickname."
"calling other Americans traitors for betraying GOP voters by violating the Unify Behind The Nominee compact we faithfully adhered to for decades."
Fixed that for you.
Though I'm hardly surprised to see you sticking up for traitors.
If Chuck ever has his own Damascene conversion, we can be sure he'll become an annoying proselytizer of the first order.
Erickson had a nice chance on Bill Mahers show a couple weeks ago to defend Trump. He couldnt even defend fellow religous guy and Bush Republican, Mike Pence.
Inga: "This is how extreme Trumpism has become, calling other Americans “traitors” for not being a Trump Cultist."
You, yourself, have called Trump voters traitors. Literal traitors, and Nazi's.
And so has the entirety of the left for years.
Its astonishing how you really do have a history reset every single day where all the left has done us whitewashed from the record.
What a great little leftist you are!
re Erickson, et al.
Follow the money. Granted, unlike with Democrats/ the MSM this isn't likely to be a lot of money.
Durbin Cuckholster Chuck: "I will give some serious thought to withholding my vote from Trump (in razor-thin Michigan) at the risk of allowing a Democrat to win."
Gee, we'd all sure hate to lose your vote Chuck.....(wink wink)....
I always thought people like George Will were "Country Club Republicans", but had their place in the big tent. Trump has revealed they never believed in big tent.
Oh they believed, but only as long as they were in charge and could cooperate with the Democrats to never actually get anything they promised to do done.
This just might be the funniest thread in weeks, what with LLR Chuck and his pal Inga's typical lefty shenanigans.
Really, kudos.
Nobody cares what Fat fuck #Fakecon Erickson says anymore. What's really happened is that with the loss of the Weekly Standard and Erickson's failure to get a regular Nevertrumper gig on MSNBC or CNN or at the Bulwark - fat-fuck Erick can't keep up the #Nevertrump shtick. Its not paying him any $$$.
So the Grifter is going to latch on to Trump - after trashing him for 3.5 years and supporting Hillary in 2016.
This is just another $$$ driven flip-flop. Erickson has done a lot of these over the years. But remember: He loves Jesus in his heart.
Chuck said...
But when I hear about Deplorables calling Republican leadership “traitors” and talking about how only Trumpist/Tea Party Republicans will get their votes in general elections, I say, “Two sides can play that game. I am not going to stand by idly if the Trump cult wants to take over the Party. If you are saying that you would withhold your general election vote from a “traitor” like Romney and allow Democrat to win, I will give some serious thought to withholding my vote from Trump (in razor-thin Michigan) at the risk of allowing a Democrat to win.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Nobody believes you.
Nobody cares about you.
Bye Felicia.
Erickson is sorta pathetic. He publicly begged CNN to give him his old job back, and CNN snubbed him. Then the Weekly Standard goes belly-up and CNN/MSNBC hire a slew of Nevertrumpers - but tells fat-fuck Eric to pound sand. Then "The Bulwark" started up and hired ANOTHER bunch of NeverTrumpers - but Fat-fuck Erick never got an invite.
Poor little Eric. The fakecon, NeoCon. All the butt-kissing of the TV Liberal execs, Bill Kristol, the Neo-cons, and support for Open borders, Free-trade, Israel and hatred for Trump got him nowhere.
Boo Hoo.
#StrongCNNDefender Chuck: "I am not going to stand by idly if the Trump cult wants to take over the Party."
Ma ma, where's my pa?
Gone to the White House Ha Ha Ha!
Erick, welcome aboard. You still don’t recognize Trump’s genius but you’re making progress. I also think I see glimmers of progress in the Bush brothers.
It will be hell for those NeverTrumpers looking back after eight years of Reaganesque success. I will enjoy watching them stew.
And a prodigal son returns.
Though I will admit when I saw Jeb Bush publicly give approval to Trump on his actions regarding Venezuela it did make me somewhat apprehensive about what we were doing there. While I'm still not certain if what we are doing in Venzuela is right, I will say that on further review it at least seems very measured. Which I think is one of Trump's strong points. He is willing to mess with the dial until he finds what he believes the appropriate level of response, whatever that response may be. You can see that in his Rallies, where if you watch a lot of them sequentially you can see him sometimes really stress things, or tone them back, depending on what he thinks the best level of rhetoric is.
Why is Chuck still here? Enquiring minds want to know.
I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 but the way things are going now, I will be voting for him in 2020. Overall, he's been an excellent president on policy, although I don't agree with everything he's done or proposed. And while I don't particularly like his demagoguery (characterizing all illegal immigrants as violent criminals, for example, or calling the media the "enemy of the people"), I'm not sure that a more careful, nuanced approach would work - let's face it, the media and the Democrats called every Republican president and candidate prior to Trump a Nazi racist, too, so playing nice doesn't go very far. And on the other side of the coin, the Democrats are apparently going to nominate a lefty nutcase.
"Why is Chuck still here? Enquiring minds want to know."
He needs us.
I’m astonished that any republican would rather vote for a democrat, than trump.
The man fights and wins.
I’m amazed at how much good things he has achieved as President, against Democratic and Gop opposition.
He is moving the Overton window in so many areas.
For no wall, I blame Ryan and other corporate GOP types. They want cheap labor, and don’t really care about American workers.
I’m astonished at the opposition by our so called elites to the wall and immigration reform.
Trump is definitely ripping off the masks. McCain is a prime example of this.
Erik Ericson essentially followed my course as well.
It is easily helped by how horrible the Left is.
Chuck keeps bleating about Trump. Note he never mentions what the quality of the alternative is.
"Why is Chuck still here?"
Because GOP Cucks need to satisfy their sick fetish and coming to Althouse is cheaper than hiring a Dominatrix to humiliate them.
From long familiarity though not personal experience -- Erick Erickson likes to play a victim, especially to advance his career. He is a sneaky political operative and exaggerator who will say anything to cast himself in the role of being persecuted while he gives better than he ever gets.
He starts internicene wars -- among various factions of the pro-life movement for example -- calls people awful things on his radio platform then cries about being "bullied" when they defend themselves.
While he was claiming that he was being threatened, allegedly attacked, etc. over Trump, what he doesn't mention was going on the air every day for hours and accusing Trump supporters of being Klansmen, racists, murderers. It was relentless and specific and vicious and personal.
I think his complaints are a lot of hot air. And he loved the attention he got. He accused all Trump supporters of threatening his children, of causing his wife's illness, really, really sick stuff. And so he was hired by the Times and feted by National Review, a big step up for him -- for libeling people as violent, racist terrorists and nonody asked him to prove his increasingly hysterical and ugly claims.
He pretended to be a hate crime victim and boy did it pay off. And like most people who scream bully, he's a real piece of work in the political schoolyard himself.
Douglas: Trump has never called all illegal immigrants criminals. Nothing like it. And he alone speaks regularly of their being victimized by coyotes.
Always confirm.
Viz Erickson, he's also gasping for attention since he's been overshadowed on WSB (the largest radio platform in America) by the new "good thing I'm always right" libertarian who can actually tell, if not take, a joke, which is at least partial evolution for the breed. His airtime has been cut; he lost out on getting Herman Cain's spot when that lovely and decent man retired. The Kochs are likely pulling out of quietly funding Erickson's website empire Resurgent since he lost audience points. People hate them and their lies.
It's rarely noted but the also-non-politically-cultured, intellectual and amusing people on the right have stood firm with Trump. Victor Davis Hansen, Mark Steyn, Dennis Miller, David Horowitz, Daniel Greenfield. Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin (though Coulter will hold Trump to his promises, which IS political support). Also Rush Limbaugh, who is the Harold Bloom of talk radio no matter what you think of his politics. And several European commentators. What they have in common is an understanding of what's at stake when the leftist vision is achieved, and wit enough to earn by writing and not need to grovel to the open borders billionaires for cash.
In a Flight 93 election, Chuck would ask if the emergency exits still work. It isn't your party, Chuck. The alternative to Progressive isn't Progressive-Lite. Conservatives have as much right to run the Republican Party as anyone. If you don't want to go in the same direction- the emergency exits are there for you. But when you see that long fall, don't be surprised that we don't care what happens to you.
The thing is, Trump is pretty moderate, but the Dems refuse to work with him. As they would have any other Republican who won the election. It's just that Trump doesn't respond the same.
Erickson and Trump.
One is despicable, and it's not Trump.
alanc709 said...
In a Flight 93 election, Chuck would ask if the emergency exits still work. It isn't your party, Chuck. The alternative to Progressive isn't Progressive-Lite. Conservatives have as much right to run the Republican Party as anyone. If you don't want to go in the same direction- the emergency exits are there for you. But when you see that long fall, don't be surprised that we don't care what happens to you.
I was always interested in that "Fight 93" metaphor. Partly because I like Michael Anton and partly because it sparked such interesting conversations among us conservatives.
For my part, I voted for Trump. I didn't want to; no more than any of the Flight 93 passengers wanted to die, courageously or otherwise. So I don't need the "Flight 93 election" lecture.
But there is something about that whole metaphor that gets overlooked. The heroism of the Flight 93 cockpit-stormers is first of all in no way comparable to a bunch of people voting for Trump out of fears and loathings premised on Trump's lies and hucksterism. So there's that. There was no courage in voting for Trump. I know; I did it.
But moreover, let's remember why the Flight 93 heroes needed to act in the first place. It was because their tragedy had already begun to unfold. Their plane had been hijacked, as Trump hijacked the Republican Party.
Does anybody think that Michael Anton, the author of "The Flight 93 Election," favored Trump before Trump won the Republican nomination? He published "The Flight 93 Election in September of 2016, long after the Convention. It was easy then for him to whine about how the other Republican candidates (all of whom he would have assuredly been happy to work with in the White House) would not have been sufficiently disruptive for what our times require. Bullshit.
It was a Flight 93 election, and it required some gut-wrenching to vote Republican, because Trump had hijacked the nomination from Republicans and we were left with the choice of "Merely Awful" (Trump) or "Incomprehensibly Terrible for Decades" (Hillary).
So, yeah; a "Flight 93 Election."
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