U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, the highest-profile openly gay person in the Trump administration, is leading the effort, which kicks off Tuesday evening in Berlin. The U.S. embassy is flying in LGBT activists from across Europe for a strategy dinner to plan to push for decriminalization in places that still outlaw homosexuality — mostly concentrated in the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean.Excellent.
“It is concerning that, in the 21st century, some 70 countries continue to have laws that criminalize LGBTI status or conduct,” said a U.S. official involved in organizing the event....
Narrowly focused on criminalization, rather than broader LGBT issues like same-sex marriage, the campaign was conceived partly in response to the recent reported execution by hanging of a young gay man in Iran, the Trump administration’s top geopolitical foe....
“This is not the first time the Iranian regime has put a gay man to death with the usual outrageous claims of prostitution, kidnapping, or even pedophilia. And it sadly won’t be the last time,” Grenell wrote. “Barbaric public executions are all too common in a country where consensual homosexual relationships are criminalized and punishable by flogging and death.”
Can we get something like this for Trump?

३१४ टिप्पण्या:
314 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»"Can we get something like this [a halo] for Trump?"
Wickedly spot on.
I guess that makes Trump a gay Nazi.
Seems like we had this conversation the other day, but it concerned a 'Q' not an 'I'. What does 'I' signify? Inclusiveness??
madAsHell said...
What does 'I' signify?
I'm guessing it's not Incel
Liberal NPCs (channeling Luke Skywalker being told Darth Vader is his father): "That's not true! That's IMPOSSIBLE!"
Worst Hitler ever.
Doubtless this will be framed as pointless pandering by the haters.
I like it!
But, I fear that our Sharia-law loving Mullahs in the Muslim world will not be so enlightened.
1) Wants to end criminalizing of homosexuality
2) Has Jewish grandchildren
3) Increasing support among black and latino males
4) Friend of Israel
5) On the record as being anti-gun
6) Propogandist forces in America are ROUNDLY antagonistic
Iran is our top geopolitical foe? Does that mean the ‘80’s called and want their foreign policy back?
"But some of you conservatives are so bent on getting back to traditional morality and using political power to do it that you're ready to leap into the risk that is Pence. I think Trump is smarter than that. I see Trump as pro-gay and being cagey about it."
~Ann Althouse, July 12, 2016, upon the news that Trump had chosen Governor Mike Pence of Indiana as his running mate.
As you'll see on that comments page, I agreed with Althouse at the time. That is, I agreed with what Althouse wrote as a prescient appraisal of Trump. I liked it as a subject matter that I thought might offend many Trump supporters. But I was still learning at that time, that Trump could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue, and his supporters would not withdraw their support from him.
Dems' minds (such as they are) BLOWN!!!!! I'm guessing they'll now have to HATE gays, since Trumpr's FOR them.
I think we should decriminalize consensual homosexual conduct across the aboard, but increase the penalties for watching old re-runs of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.
That will cause some brains to short circuit. Then they'll reset and complain that he's only doing this to help his reelection campaign. Nevermind that he was in favor of gay marriage before most Democrat politicians.
Trump should invite Don Lemon, Jonathan Capehart and Jussie Smollett to the signing ceremony....
Anyone honestly think the corrupt-media DNC asshole left will give Trump credit for anything, ever?
More evidence Trump is Poot's poodle. Up next on Maddow!
"But, but, Trump isn't being pro-gay! He's being anti-Islamic!"
To be said on MSNBC in 3,2,1.....
It never made any sense to me - this Trump being anti-gay - that the left has been howling about even before the election.
The guys is on record across the board as being pro-gay rights.
He's got photo after photo of him at gay-themed and gay-rights events all over NYC.
The dude has gay friends!
It just goes to show you how much of the sexual politics isn't sexual at all - it's just pure politics.
They hate Republicans so they must hate Trump, even if he doesn't actually hate them, nor much his base.
ALTHOUSE: "Can we get something like this for Trump?"
Ha!....yes, yes, and then combine it with a Nobel? And then the all-time IRONY Award for Althouse! Yea, let us all conform on that - I'm in!!
But, but...I thought Trump was anti-gay?
Oh, guess that was fake news, too.
LLR Chuck: "As you'll see on that comments page, I agreed with Althouse at the time. That is, I agreed with what Althouse wrote as a prescient appraisal of Trump"
This toadying is beyond laughable.
Face it Chuck, you were asked to leave.
To use Althouse's rich remark: "They [the Progs] won't know which way to tsk."
Dick Durbin Cuckholster Chuck: "I liked it as a subject matter that I thought might offend many Trump supporters."
Demonstrating absolutely conclusively that you don't actually know any Trump supporters.
Seems like we had this conversation the other day, but it concerned a 'Q' not an 'I'. What does 'I' signify? Inclusiveness??
The Clinton Steele Dossier is real!
Lucid-Ideas: "It never made any sense to me - this Trump being anti-gay - that the left has been howling about even before the election."
Trump was never racist, until he ran as a republican.
Trump was never a misogynist, until he ran as a republcan.
As soon as Trump declared as a republican, and especially after he won the nomination, the lefty/LLR hive-mind grouped for attack as they always have against any republican/conservative and all the old smears, from all the usual smear-merchant suspects, were brought front and center again to help the dems.
Here's a fun video of Jesse Jackson of Rainbow/PUSH giving Trump a Lifetime Achievement Award to working hard to give African-American's opportunities.
Inga and LLR Chuck hardest hit, as always.
Right on schedule, I am attacked personally following a comment of mine that went straight to Althouse's blog-post subject and was addressed fundamentally to Althouse and no one else.
I will not be responding to any personal attacks today. To the extent that this page now becomes cluttered with personal attacks on me, without my participation at all, is something that will give me some small measure of satisfaction.
Worst Homophobic President EVER!!
By the way, if anyone reads any blog poster who attempts to resurrect the historically ignorant and smear-worthy claim that all of Trump supporters (about 90% of all republicans) are modern day John Birchers, well, just put that in the same bucket as Tawana Brawley, Jussie Smollett and the hoax golden showers dossier.
Certain LLR posters betray a particularly.....far/radical lefty....view of what Trump voters believe.
Meade to LLR Chuck: "Leave"
wendybar: "Worst Homophobic President EVER!!"
Worst Anti-semitic President EVER!!
Worst Racist President EVER!!
Worst Dictatorial President EVER!!
"The Trump administration is launching a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality in dozens of nations where it's still illegal to be gay"
So national borders don't matter afterall.
Well, Trump will always be the first Jewish president. Sorry, Bernie.
Of course, the War on Trump continues, and it may yet lead to ultimate prog victory.
But progs could have coopted Trump at an early stage. They gambled on vilification instead. Their ruthlessness is in keeping with their ambition, but the gamble may not pay off.
Here, Trump nicely maneuvers to appeal to the feelings of nice women, typically exploited by progs. "Excellent!"
Anticipate the leftzies taking credit for this.
Will be spun as Trump being forced to pretend he is not a hater.
Seems like we had this conversation the other day, but it concerned a 'Q' not an 'I'. What does 'I' signify? Inclusiveness??
The 'I' stands for "intersex," or what used to be called hermaphrodites.
How much good could a good Chuck chuck if a good Chuck could chuck good?
And does a good Chuck even exist?
Chuck, please get over yourself.
"For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself." - Gal. 6:3.
Right on schedule, I am attacked personally following a comment of mine that went straight to Althouse's blog-post subject and was addressed fundamentally to Althouse and no one else
Someone who talks this way as an adult probably got bullied a lot in junior high school for being incredibly obnoxious.
The bullying seems to be well deserved in this case, although it is getting sort of stale. Wouldn't it be better to just ignore Chuckles?
Can we get something like this for Trump?
Not if it means lifting Andrew Sullivan off the ash heap of history.
While it's a laudable enough goal, I don't really see where the US has much leverage to exact this kind of change. What mechanisms, exactly, does the US plan to use to pursue this goal? Is it just a backdoor to get the Europeans on the anti-Iran bandwagon after the Warsaw conference fell flat on its face?
This will not persuade a single gay person to change his or her mind to vote for Trump instead of for Democrats. Not one. It will score no points. He’s doing it because it is the right thing to do.
What a concept! Pity nothing like that ever occurred to any of his three immediate predecessors.
Lucid-Ideas said...
2) Has Jewish grandchildren
Hell, he has a Jewish daughter (converted). I don't think it's possible to have juvenile Jewish Grandchildren whose mother is not Jewish. e.g. no conversions of minors. and Jewishness is matralineal.
I guess that makes Trump a gay Nazi.
There were a lot more of those — gay Nazis, I mean — than mere statistics would predict.
It's not a mechanism of force. It's a bit like peer pressure. and yes - doing the right thing by calling it out.
This will not persuade a single gay person to change his or her mind to vote for Trump instead of for Democrats. Not one. It will score no points.
Disagree, respectfully.
There's a small, non-vocal cohort of Gays, who actually don't focus exclusively (and often loudly) on the struggle, but rather just work, and live and peacefully lead their lives.
If they do vote for Trump, it will be done quietly.
Overall, it's a good move.
1. disarms both American and EU opponents.
2. allows attacks on Iran, others from a human rights angle
3. Good PR for the Grenell angle
4. Most of his base is OK with not executing Gays
5. avoids the gay marriage fights by focusing on the basics. e.g. first right is the right to life
lastly, it's the right thing to do
Not if it means lifting Andrew Sullivan off the ash heap of history.
He already has. Sullivan has been writing for New York Magazine couple of years now. He is histrionic about Trump (hey, it's Sullivan) but he's also produced some pretty good stuff there, particularly on the identity politics issue. I actually prefer Sullivan in this medium to his old blog, since there is much less immediacy to have a take on whatever headlines were occupying the lower third.
J. Farmer said...
"Is it just a backdoor...?"
The point where Gene Rayburn would've stared directly at the camera, holding his skinny mic.
I am Laslo.
Excellent timing by Trump.
As the Jussie Smollett case unwinds, the usual suspects will be saying that just because it was a hoax does not mean that Trump is not racist and homophobic.
The Dems are terrified of losing some of their coalition. That is why the attacks on Trump are so unhinged.
Straight man's burden?
Seriously, tho, I'm sure in this respect imperialism is a moral imperative and all cultures are totes NOT equal.
Narrowly focused on criminalization, rather than broader LGBT issues like same-sex marriage
The first is a Second and Third World problem. First things first.
whatever headlines were occupying the lower third.
Or his.
Jussie Smollett Offered Job At CNN After Fabricating News Story Out Of Thin Air
our perfect pitch president.
"chef's kiss" mmm-wah!
The I is for incest.
Just give it a few years.
We going to impose sanctions on all 70 countries?
This is like the Kim & Kanye Sentencing Reform Act. Eyewash
I do appreciate the Muslim trolling of this proposal. Trump is good at games.
Laslo: "The point where Gene Rayburn would've stared directly at the camera, holding his skinny mic."
I miss the 70's game show gangs on Match Game and the Gong Show.
The Unknown Comic and Gene Gene The Dancin' machine (time filler) will live forever in my memory.
Barris had to have made a mint on his game show productions.
It reminds Europeans what they're letting in their countries.
And yet Richard Grennell faced a lot of opposition (from Democrats) and his confirmation hearings were delayed and delayed by them.
@Laslo Spatula:
The point where Gene Rayburn would've stared directly at the camera, holding his skinny mic.
I am Laslo.
Haha. A generation behind me, I'm afraid. For me growing up the guy with the skinny mic was Bob Barker. But I do miss those old wacky 70s TV personalities like Charles Nelson Reiley, Jaye P. Morgan, and Richard Dawson.
J. Farmer asked "what mechanisms could the US use?"
You're not paying attention, Farmer.
Tariffs. On KY lube.
Jussie Smollett Offered Job At CNN After Fabricating News Story Out Of Thin Air
I am not sure we need satirical news sites like The Onion and Babylon Bee anymore. Doesn't regular news suffice?
I don't see how this is in our national interest. If we expend our -- whatever you want to call it, moral authority, leverage, bargaining chips -- on lobbying other countries to be friendly to their gays, we will have that much less to use to lobby them to do or not to do things that actually affect our own citizens. Muslim countries, not only in the Middle East but also in Africa (such as Nigeria), are going to see this as proof of our decadence. It will validate expansionist Islamists.
And I say this as a supporter of gay rights in the United States. I'm simply against meddling with other countries' internal affairs, no matter how vile or abhorrent.
But if we're going to do it anyway, it's a great middle finger to the progs!
Tariffs. On KY lube.
Water-based lubricants are terrible for anal sex. Silicone-based is much better. Pjur's Back Door Anal Lube in my preferred brand. Buy it through the Althouse portal here!
I'd read that Jussie Smollett had received a "racist" letter and was upset by it. He was further upset because he didn't get enough attention about the "racist" letter---so he staged this "incident".
I'd also read that Smollett was getting written out or canned from the TV show Empire--and thought that staging the incident might let him keep his job there.
Was the "racist" letter a "Dear Jussie" letter from the Empire producers saying, "Sorry, we're going in another direction and you are off the show?"
Inquiring minds want to know.
But I do miss those old wacky 70s TV personalities like Charles Nelson Reiley, Jaye P. Morgan, and Richard Dawson.
How could you forget Paul Lynde?
This will not change anything at all for the typical Trump hating liberal. It will pass through the mush that they call brains like a nutrino, having no effect and leaving no trace. They will not have to recalibrate or rethink anything. In their alternate reality, he is and always will be a homophobe.
How could you forget Paul Lynde?
Never was a huge fan. Liked him as Uncle Arthur on Bewitched, though. And, of course, every kid is a sucker for Templeton from Charlotte's Web. But my favorite Paul Lynde is the Gilbert Gottfried impression.
George W Bush did more to stem the rise of AIDS in Africa than anyone. What good did that do him? AIDS infected Africans who are alive because of the drugs his programs provided never get interviewed by Stephen Colbert or Trevor Noah. Funny that.
Remember how Trump said he could shoot a man in Times Square and not loose any support?
If, in 6 years, we find the number of countries outlawing homosexuality has dropped from 70 to, say, 40, how much credit will Trump get? Now, I reckon, Trump could engage in actual gay sex in Times Square and still not gain any support from his opponents. Even his gay opponents.
I wonder which actors will play the racist MAGA-hat wearing murderers in the last 2 episodes of "Empire".
It would be a nice touch if they would bring Schneider and Wopat in to fill the niche.
They could have a gussied up Truck painted up like the General Lee and always be on the prowl for small, innocent, absolutely angelic-looking perfectly demographically balanced young children (who are all Valedictorians and whose parents include at least 1 Congressional Medal of Honor or Nobel Prize winner) to, you know, run over. Like all Trump voters do.
Just like Coonman's campaign commercial showed....
I would be surprised if some LLR somewhere hasn't already submitted a script with that plotline.
While the homosexual quasi-gender does not have a redeeming value to society or humanity, and as such does not merit normalization, it is also not a progressive condition and does not pose a threat or risk to viability, and does not warrant rejection (e.g. Pro-Choice). It is as most behaviors merely tolerable, perhaps a bit more as it involves consensual human relationships. That said, tolerance of the homosexual quasi-gender is a good first step, which will hopefully not progress the doctrine of political congruence ("="), and will not be limited to politically favorable classes determined by color, sex, etc., and diversity generally.
Homosexuality is not a gender, quasi or otherwise.
W Bush did more to stem the rise of AIDS in Africa than anyone. What good did that do him?
Do it anyway. Do what you can, when you can, within reason and reconciliation. Principles, including individual dignity, intrinsic value, and perhaps inordinate worth, matter.
Homosexuality is not a gender
It is a quasi-gender that exhibits both masculine and feminine sex-correlated behavioral attributes.
J. Farmer: "@n.n.
Homosexuality is not a gender, quasi or otherwise."
There are no "rules" you can apply to the ever fluid, ever changing, every human a gender unicorn, gender landscape.
In fact, I would bet by your merely writing that could open you up for prosecution in a future far left/LLR administration.
"4. Most of his base is OK with not executing Gays"
Damning with faint praise.
More righty then lefty heads would explode if Newsweek magazine did a cover with Trump, a halo, and the caption “The Second Gay President.”
It is a quasi-gender that exhibits both masculine and feminine sex-correlated behavioral attributes.
No. The only defining nature of homosexuality is sexual attraction to people of the same sex as you. It has nothing to do with "sex-correlated behavioral attributes." Homosexuals run the gamut from hyper-masculine to hyper-feminine and everything in between.
And yet Richard Grennell faced a lot of opposition (from Democrats)
Can't have the wrong people do the right thing.
@Left Bank of the Charles:
More righty then lefty heads would explode if Newsweek magazine did a cover with Trump, a halo, and the caption “The Second Gay President.”
Please god no. Sullivan's cover story for Newsweek was full of his usual toadying for Obama. Plus the whole thing is based on Toni Morrison's dumb remark that Clinton was "the first black president," which itself was no compliment to Clinton but more wallowing in black self-pity and victimhood.
Left Bank: "More righty then lefty heads would explode if Newsweek magazine did a cover with Trump, a halo, and the caption “The Second Gay President.”
Isnt it interesting how the far left and the LLR's arrive at precisely the same erroneous and, quite frankly dumb, narrative destination?
I've already given, in written form, what Althouse has asked for.
As I dud (sic) it not for prestige but instead amusement, again shall it be done by me.
We are living among a rarest of rare men, the best a 21st Century man can get. Thank God for potUS Donald Trump.
"I wish people would create and sign off each comment with a tagline, like dear old Feste." - Guildy
The "I" in LGBTI stands for "intersex," a modern version of "hermaphrodite." It used to refer to people born with "anatomy that is not standard for male or female." I think people are using it now to refer to ambiguous sexuality, regardless of anatomy.
"For if anyone thinks someone else is nothing, when everyone is something, he deceives himself." Opinionations 3.14
Nobody cares about gays anymore. That shit is soooooo four years ago. The Hivemind only cares about trannies now. If Trump won't endorse drag queen daycare, he is evil!!!!!
This is total fake news since I don’t see it on CNN or WaPo.
Nobody cares about gays anymore. That shit is soooooo four years ago. The Hivemind only cares about trannies now. If Trump won't endorse drag queen daycare, he is evil!!!!!
As Steve Sailer likes to say, now that World War G is won, it's time for World War T.
He already has.
MY ash heap of history is the only ash heap of history.
More righty then lefty heads would explode if Newsweek magazine did a cover with Trump, a halo, and the caption “The Second Gay President.”
Given his history, it would have to be the First Bisexual POTUS.
My senator was the first openly bisexual congressperson. Now she is the first openly bisexual US Senator.
I am not sure if her sexuality helped or hurt Sinema in the election. McSally was lackluster and seems openly asexual.
Sex sells.
How will the Saudis take this?
MY ash heap of history is the only ash heap of history.
Ah. Then only you can life him out. You should be safe.
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
How will the Saudis take this?
Up the ass, as usual.
Sebastian said...
But progs could have coopted Trump at an early stage. They gambled on vilification instead. Their ruthlessness is in keeping with their ambition, but the gamble may not pay off.
You people keep saying this. It is completely wrong. You are applying your own ideological paradigm to both Trump and to the globalists that don’t apply to either.
The people who control the leftists are not progressives. They don’t care about their tools.
Likewise Trump is not an ideologue as most people here are.
They are not on anyone’s team. They are playing a different game than you are. You all need to wise up and realize the game you are in.
Chuck said...
Right on schedule, I am attacked personally following a comment of mine that went straight to Althouse's blog-post subject and was addressed fundamentally to Althouse and no one else.
Poor oppressed Chuck.
The traitor can’t figure out why he is called names by all those jerkoff racist trumpkins that won’t listen to the smart and beautiful Chuck who wants open borders endless wars and Democrats in office.
The masks are off you lousy weasel. Romney and flake and McCain and Kristol and Kasich are all naked and without cover.
Nobody trusts a traitor. Even your leftist allies hate you.
Matt said, "The I is for incest. Just give it a few years."
Watch. This is the next domino to fall. Pedo and incest normalization. You're already seeing it. 2 years ago Slate had a piece doing exactly that. The recent 'kids in drag' shit.
Watch. They absolutely intend to go after this fringe. I don't think it will be the 'line in the sand' normal people think it will be. The left will go for it because you're against it.
That is a massive underestimation. It isn't 'against it', it's being 'horrified by it' and even more 'horrified by' the lefts' willingness to normalize it.
If that doesn't break the world so to speak I don't know what will....
Continuing what someone earlier said, Fred Trump wasn't a racist demon until his son ran for President.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
How will the Saudis take this?
The current leadership that is working with Israel to modernize the country will take it in stride.
That is why the globalists are trying to remove them.
And stupid tools like you are just along for the ride all tool like and stupid.
Did Obama do this international gay outreach during his 8 YEARS OF THE PRESIDENCY?
If not, why not?
Asking for a gay friend, Jussie Smollett.
Inga: "How will the Saudis take this?"
Isnt it interesting that you mention the Saudi's out of all the muslim nations n the world.
Oh, thats right.
The Saudi's are working closely with the US, Israel, Egypt, Kuwait, and Jordan to contain the Iranians......so naturally, like every good lefty/LLR, Inga targets those nations who are most cooperative with the US.
Because of course she is.
“Dems' minds (such as they are) BLOWN!!!!! I'm guessing they'll now have to HATE gays, since Trumpr's FOR them.”
No lefty heads will be exploding as we know full well the disengenuous nature of this pandering. I suspect most gay people won’t be fooled either. There will be an occasional confused gay person who wants to believe, so they will.
Current leadership that is working with Israel to modernize the country will take it in stride.
You are ventriloquizing Saudi PR propaganda. Most of what has driven recent Saudi behavior is power consolidation. It has minimally liberalized in some areas while regressing in others. And MBS' tenure has been marked by significant capital flight from the country, which is the exact opposite of what the reforms are supposed to accomplish.
That is why the globalists are trying to remove them.
That makes no sense. Why would globalists want to remove a regime that was trying to modernize Saudi Arabia and make it more attractive to foreign investment?
Because they have committed themselves to the Qatar-Turkish-Iranian alliance more and more.
Inga: "No lefty heads will be exploding as we know full well the disengenuous nature of this pandering."
The Party of Farrakhan Pals and moronic hoaxes would like to lecture us.
I especially like how Inga removes every conservative gay persons agency and pre-emptively declares them confused.
Inga knows the minds of every gay person better than they know themselves.
How delightful.
Isnt it interesting that you mention the Saudi's out of all the muslim nations n the world.
There are 10 countries in the world that penalize homosexuality by death: Afghanistan, Brunei, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. By most every empirical measure, Iran is a freer and more open society than Saudi Arabia.
Now one must tread carefully because the umma specially represented in the tribal structure and the imams likd hawali and co, are understandably opposed
Pjur's Back Door Anal Lube in my preferred brand.
Seriously, Farmer? That's what it's called? ;-D
Seriously, Farmer? That's what it's called? ;-D
Follow the Althouse portal if you don't believe ;)
Farmer does not like those nations that are most cooperative with Israel.
I think people are using it now to refer to ambiguous sexuality,
So.....pretty much....inconclusive.
Like the Iranian imam who preached at music's mosque just weeks before the pulse attack. Something so samizdat it still isnt brought up in local news
There were a lot more of those — gay Nazis, I mean — than mere statistics would predict.
Exactly, Quaestor. That's why the assassination of Ernst Röhm was entirely political. The homo charges were just an convenient excuse.
Follow the Althouse portal if you don't believe ;)
At least there is no ambiguity. ;-)
Rohm was part of the esser wing that still toyed with nationalization of industry
Ironically, the countries that are most likely to criminalize gay sex are the shithole countries.
Rohm was part of the esser wing that still toyed with nationalization of industry
Yes, but has Drago started to support Chuck and Inga?
I feel a breakthrough is coming, and frankly I'm surprised Chuck and Inga haven't shown Drago some love for Drago being Drago and Chuck being Chuck and Inga being Inga.
For anybody not aware, as Drago and I like to write because it means we aren't wasting everyone's time again repeating the same exact comments again and again and again like LLR's we mock!, the literally 1000th time, what Drago and I think of Chuck and Inga and what Chuck and Inga think of Drago and I is MORE IMPORTANT than what you are here at Althouse's blog for.
Way, way more important. Reward what you want repeated.
Nobody hit first, totally simultaneous, (Ha! I spelled it correctly) ergo we all must suffer while for another 1001 times Drago and I and Chuck and Inga, and Inga and Chuck and Drago and I, drag out shitty ocd shit with dopamine hits only looking more likely with each "publish" button pushed.
Chuck, Drago, I, and Inga: I am not referring to you literally, only metaphorically. I love you guys. And Ritno too was the best, along with all y'all.
Most families only wished they spent as much quality time with each other as do we.
Heads Held High Brothers and Sisters: Tomorrow we shall repeat ourselves again here to reward ourselves for previous repetitions!
"I wish people would create and sign off each comment with a tagline, like dear old Feste." - Guildy
Rob: Too funny! :-D
"But if we're going to do it anyway, it's a great middle finger to the progs!"
Also puts progs on the spot just a bit: Muslims are The Other, therefore good, therefore anything bad said about them is a matter of "islamophobia"--but wait, they still kill gays?
And Trump gets an "Excellent" from Althouse, so good political move to appeal to nice women, who will be one of the deciding factors in the coming elections. If he gets enough nice white women on his side, it's game over for the Dems.
Message received Guido!
Apparently, Guido is mad as hell and he isn't going to take it anymore!!
This guy:
Farmer does not like those nations that are most cooperative with Israel.
As I have said over and over and over again, and what your tiny brain seems incapable of grasping, even if I was totally, completely, and 100% motivated by some irrational hatred of Israel, it would make absolutely no difference to whether anything I said was true or false, right or wrong, logical or illogical.
As it happens, I do not "like" or "dislike" any entire country. The concept is nonsensical.
As it happens, I do not "like" or "dislike" any entire country. The concept is nonsensical.
Oh, Farmer! You don't love America? :-(
“Middle East: repressed
Several countries in the conservative region still provide for the death penalty for homosexuality, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Israel leads the way in terms of gay rights, recognising same-sex marriages that are performed elsewhere although not allowing such unions in the country itself. Gay couples can adopt children.
There were massive demonstrations in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in July to protest a law denying surrogacy rights to same-sex couples.
Lebanon is also more tolerant than other Arab countries.”
At least there is no ambiguity. ;-)
I guess the marketing department thought it was best to go for the direct approach. The same manufacturer also produces a product called "analyse me." Very subtle.
narciso, I was unable to open your link.
Much as it was with nations facing Marxist insurgencies, eh farmer.
Oh, Farmer! You don't love America? :-(
Ouch. For an America First, ethno-nationalist, that is hard to take!
He was one of the first nazis who was really keen on socialism.
Inga, if Israel is so much more advanced than other nations in the region, and of course they are, why is it leftists across the globe target Israel for special criticism and sanction?
Much as it was with nations facing Marxist insurgencies, eh farmer.
Much as what was?! What the hell are you talking about? Do you get some bizarre satisfaction out of being incredibly hard to follow?
How about this one:
"Nikki Haley in farewell talk: U.N. 'hopelessly biased' against Israel"
Inga, if Israel is so much more advanced than other nations in the region, and of course they are, why is it leftists across the globe target Israel for special criticism and sanction?
Israel commands so much attention for a simple reason: it is on top of the cultural and historical epicenter of the world's three major monotheisms. For leftists in places like South Korea or Japan or Taiwan, Israel receives very little to no attention.
Oh that's without a doubt, recall the acclaim Arafat was given Qaddafi ahmadinejad.
“Also puts progs on the spot just a bit: Muslims are The Other, therefore good, therefore anything bad said about them is a matter of "islamophobia"--but wait, they still kill gays?”
This is nonsense. Where have any Liberals or Progressives ever said that EXTREMIST Islam is “good”? Extremism in all forms is antithetical to life. Just read the shit that comes from Achilles gaping maw.
Lebanon is also more tolerant than other Arab countries.
Lebanese Christians are more tolerant of homosexuality than Muslims.
A Lebanese psychiatrist referred the son of a big shot Lebanese MD for me assess. I let her know that he struggled with having very intelligent parents and siblings (all with PhDs or MDs) when he was of average ability.
As an aside, I mentioned that he was gay and wondered if that was a problem in his culture. She said it is a good thing they are Christians. If they were Muslim, schzzzz. She made a throat cutting gesture.
It makes me personally happy that Trump is doing the right things even if he never gets credit from the otherside of the aisle. He is standing on the "right side of history" to borrow a phrase. :-)
So I googled to look for a news story I could read about this. This was the #4 result, from Out.com:
"Trump’s Plan to Decriminalize Homosexuality Is an Old Racist Tactic"
Inga: "Where have any Liberals or Progressives wverbsaid that EXTREMIST Islam is “good”?"
Going Full Inga: Why lawdy lawdy I ain't never hear-ed of such a thing!!
"Maher & Sam Harris: Left Has Allied With Islamists; "Self-Loathing" Liberals Think We're Just As Bad"
As an aside, I mentioned that he was gay and wondered if that was a problem in his culture. She said it is a good thing they are Christians. If they were Muslim, schzzzz. She made a throat cutting gesture.
That said, Bardo in Beirut and Posh in Bourj Hammoud are both fantastic gay bars. In the region, only Tel Aviv has better gay nightlife.
haven't read the other 149 comments, but this is a Nixon to China kind of move (not THAT big but it's the idea/feel of it), makes total and absolute sense, and as a conservative Christian I have -0- problem with it, especially politically. Trump is at heart, my feeling/read, somewhat of more of a libertarian than either con or lib, which i also have no problem with. Will this elicit faint or appropriate praise from the usual suspects? I have a feeling/read on that too, until they prove otherwise I expect the worse from my "betters". They have yet to disappoint.
Can we get something like this for Trump?
Why? Not when he "offsets" it with yet another ill-advised, gratuitously hateful injunction against transexuals in schools and the military.
Being "ahead" of the tardy Republican curve for some anti-prejudicial movement from ten years ago doesn't really count when he's all about setting other, more current groups back.
@Trump International Crime Syndicate:
Not when he "offsets" it with yet another ill-advised, gratuitously hateful injunction against transexuals in schools and the military.
Do you think it's okay for the military to have sex-segregated facilities? Why or why not?
Drago's pretending to be Jewish again.
My favorite gay couple are two guys who used to run an antique shop in Denver.
Total republicans.
'Like OMG! is that even allowed?
Do you think it's okay for the military to have sex-segregated facilities? Why or why not?
Do you think it's ok for Trump to use the military to institute policies the military recommends against simply as a political proving ground for his trans-phobic base?
Stop with the mental masturbation. You know he had no supportive institutional expertise for his umpteenth blatantly political BS.
Hoax PPT: "Drago's pretending to be Jewish again."
What are you, meshuga?
Someone is not reacting very well to our strengthened relationship with Israel....tsk tsk
@Trump International Crime Syndicate:
Do you think it's ok for Trump to use the military to institute policies the military recommends against simply as a political proving ground for his trans-phobic base?
By all means let's not contemplate the consequences of a policy, let's just start shouting "trans-phobic." I don't believe women in the military should be forced to share facilities with men, even if those men have mutilated their bodies and are taking hormones. Trans people who want to serve in the military are perfectly welcomed. They just have to serve as members of their own sex and not what sex they believe they are. Believing you're a woman no more makes you a woman than believing you are Napoleon makes you Napoleon.
Drago fully on board with Wahhabism.
Netanyahu's doing a great job of letting his country be run by guys in black hats and black coats who won't sit next to women on airplanes and are exempted from military service. All so that the state can pay them to read scripture all day long and pop out at least a half dozen kids.
Drago Values. This stuff will definitely save the Middle East. I'm so glad to know this is what American taxes are paying for.
HoaxPPT: "Do you think it's ok for Trump to use the military to institute policies the military recommends against simply as a political proving ground for his trans-phobic base?"
Its actually the opposite. It was the obama-ite lefties who inflicted the policy on our all military forces and then basically created a cadre of Brennans/Clapper/Comeys at the top who were happy to go along to get 2nd or 3rd or 4th star.
Yeah, lets let folks into the military who enter with the need for expensive medical supplements and knowing they will be out of commission for extended periods just so the lefties can experiment to appease their insane base.
Farmer vs Ritmo.
Odds on Farmer, six/one.
The little fella gonna run, or break down into vintage insults.
By all means let's not contemplate the consequences of a policy, let's just start shouting "trans-phobic." I don't believe women in the military should be forced to share facilities with men, even if those men have mutilated their bodies and are taking hormones. Trans people who want to serve in the military are perfectly welcomed. They just have to serve as members of their own sex and not what sex they believe they are. Believing you're a woman no more makes you a woman than believing you are Napoleon makes you Napoleon.
FOr a guy with an aberrant sexual orientation you sure as hell are pretty fucking judgmental of people with aberrant sexual identity.
But it's nice to see that you forego any evidence of harm for a second time in order to attempt a "logic" game out of your obvious prejudice. Talk about "shouting."
I don't debate people too biased to be reasonable. As the saying goes, you can't reason someone out of something they never reasoned themselves into.
Inga is now arguing against herself!
“Trans people who want to serve in the military are perfectly welcomed. They just have to serve as members of their own sex and not what sex they believe they are.”
No, this is incorrect. The SC revived the transgender ban.
“The Supreme Court has reinstated President Trump's order placing restrictions on transgender persons enlisting and serving in the military by granting a stay of two lower court injunctions that had blocked the president's policy. The justices voted 5-4, reflecting the high court's conservative majority.
The decision allows the Pentagon to prevent many transgender persons from joining or, in some circumstances, remaining in the military while the lower court rulings that had blocked the policy are appealed. The justices did not allow the Trump administration to leapfrog the appeals court, as it had requested.”
Moon is a real sloppy seconds sort of a sociopath, ain't he?
FOr a guy with an aberrant sexual orientation you sure as hell are pretty fucking judgmental of people with aberrant sexual identity.
I hate to brag but took the Ritz one minute to prove me right.
Definately not predictable.
As Instapundit likes to say about Trump: "Worst. Nazi president. Ever."
'Like OMG! is that even allowed?
This article does a decent job of exploring gays within the alt-right, even if it is gay from a gay left perspective.
Farmer's big into the sex segregation thing in barracks - which is a great reason for banning teh gays, of course. That was the whole thinking all along; keeping the horny homo from david peckering up his fellow troops.
Logic, you see.
Montana Urban Legend (Ritmo PissAnt etc.[hide comment]
I don't really see myself as white or black either; although I would probably pass generally for "white"
HoaxPPT executes a perfect lefty narrative retreat to a more secure position atop Strawman Hill.
Not a moment too soon I'd say.
Next up HoaxPPT will be throwing democrat Woodrow Wilson at us.
It really does boggle the mind when one hears a gay person expressing a willingness to ostracize a transgender person.
Never change little Ritzy
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
It's good to know that the stupidest threads are just ripe for the threadjacking. I'll be sure to leave a trail of turds on every one of the brain droppings here that suit my fancy.
Shyster contractor got "triggered" already, I see.
More old comments that he doesn't know why they triggered him.
He really loves to butt his head in where it doesn't belong. Kind of like the contractor who sawed his thumbs off by fucking around.
@Trump International Crime Syndicate:
FOr a guy with an aberrant sexual orientation you sure as hell are pretty fucking judgmental of people with aberrant sexual identity.
Saying that believing you're a woman does not make you a woman is not being "pretty fucking judgmental." It is stating a plain truth. An individual person's worth is based on their own character and behavior, not on their group identity. And that's how I judge people: individually. But that has nothing to do with military policy. I don't support men performing in female sports either.
Once sociopath sloppy seconds Shyster Contractor gets triggered there's no telling how triggered he'll be.
He'll dump a whole load of old comments on the thread. Exquisitely triggered by each and every one.
Dickin' asks: My favorite gay couple are two guys who used to run an antique shop in Denver.
Total republicans.
'Like OMG! is that even allowed?
Actually, I've known quite a few gays and lesbians who are politically conservative. It seems to depend on whether they are in the arts or in professional fields or business.
@Inga...Allie Oop:
It really does boggle the mind when one hears a gay person expressing a willingness to ostracize a transgender person.
Please identity a single transgender person I have ostracized? And I guarantee you I know more and count more transexuals, drag queens, drag kings, and gender benders as friends than you have ever known in your life. That said, a transexual woman is not a woman. Every human being deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, but a tiny fraction of human beings do not get to redefine gender for the result of the world.
Saying that believing you're a woman does not make you a woman is not being "pretty fucking judgmental." It is stating a plain truth. An individual person's worth is based on their own character and behavior, not on their group identity. And that's how I judge people: individually. But that has nothing to do with military policy. I don't support men performing in female sports either.
Saying that believing you're meant to engage in female reproductive behavior does not make you a woman is not being "pretty fucking judgmental." It is stating a plain truth. An individual person's worth is based on their own character and behavior, not on their group identity. (Which means that you're being judged on your reproductive behavior). And that's how I judge people: individually. But that has nothing to do with military policy. I don't support women engaging in male reproductive behavior either.
FTFY, Farmer. Your bigotry is easily exposed with just a few word changes. Very easy to do.
But it's not the point. The point is that your need to exclude is just that; your own need. There's no rational basis for the rest of the country to go along with it. And the military experts don't.
Deal with that, dude.
“He'll dump a whole load of old comments on the thread.”
Makes me wonder why Althouse doesn’t see that as boring to other commenters? Or does she?
Farmer's always had a raging hard-on for finding some group to arbitrarily exclude.
Why is that, Farmie?
Better he make his point other than by scolding other nations, but I am agreeable to cut the man a little slack.
Nobody will be rightly calling him the "First Libertarian President" but there is far more to be admired than deprecated about DJT.
Oh. And THE WALL? Past three decades we have lived in South Texas border counties. Several years we had a house at the lip of the Rio Grande escarpment, illegal aliens running nightly through our yard. Yes it is a National Emergency. - HXG
You mock me, you do, but my nature is summarized by this:
Happiness that things sound and act like they should when you voice "simultaneously."
Many words that big I misspell.
I wish they were spelt a lil dif.
Makes me wonder why Althouse doesn’t see that as boring to other commenters? Or does she?
I think he can definitely be moderated out of here. Clearly he can't add anything new to any thread, and that shouldn't be too hard to point out.
He repeats himself as often as Mary Glynn does. Ann has no patience for someone who never shuts up and just repeats and reposts the same thing over and over and over and over again.
@Trump International Crime Syndicate:
FTFY, Farmer. Your bigotry is easily exposed with just a few word changes. Very easy to do.
Find me a woman with an X and a Y chromosome and then we'll talk.
But it's not the point. The point is that your need to exclude is just that; your own need. There's no rational basis for the rest of the country to go along with it.
So why isn't Usain Bolt allowed to compete in women's sprinting competitions? Why can't Floyd Mayweather box women? Why sex segregate people in jails and prisons?
Ritmo and Igna foaming at the mouth because Trump continues to pick off parts of their coalition of special interests.
Want proof? Simply look at them talking about everything but the subject of Trump's announcement.
Chuck: " I liked it as a subject matter that I thought might offend many Trump supporters. But I was still learning at that time, that Trump could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue, and his supporters would not withdraw their support from him."
And Chuck intentionally offends Trump supporters of all stripes and then complains that he gets attacked. I can't say what I think of Chuck in polite company.
Makes me wonder why Althouse doesn’t see that as boring to other commenters? Or does she?
I'm sure they wouldn't mind rising up to complain. Or maybe they're just too tired to. But every time he pops in scores of other commenters complain about the particular sort of freak show he makes of things. They don't like it. It's like watching one of their fellow partisans on alcohol, peyote, cocaine and speed all at the same time.
Find me a woman with an X and a Y chromosome and then we'll talk.
Find me an intersex person who needs permission from you to exist and then we'll talk.
For a very unmanly guy you sure are zealous about your little Y chromosome now, aren't you? Why is that?
Get over yourself.
“So why isn't Usain Bolt allowed to compete in women's sprinting competitions? Why can't Floyd Mayweather box women? Why sex segregate people in jails and prisons?”
That is competition. The military is supposed to work as a unit, not competing with one another when under fire.
HoaxPPT: "Ann has no patience for someone who never shuts up and just repeats and reposts the same thing over and over and over and over again."
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
“He'll dump a whole load of old comments on the thread.”
Makes me wonder why Althouse doesn’t see that as boring to other commenters? Or does she?
Just begging for it, haha! Funny how you, Chuck and the little fella pollute threads and are the first to cry to mommy when expeiancing a little playful pushback.
Lack of humor amonst the leftzies.
Ann Althouse said...
Inga, you said something awful and got people talking, then you published — what? — 16 MORE COMMENTS JUSTIFYING YOURSELF.
It makes NO SENSE for one person to publish so many comments in a thread. You said something that sounded hateful and really wrong to me and to many other people, and yet you don't apologize, you just keep responding, comment after comment, as if you've got a lot to say and it's really interesting. Show some goddamn restraint.
“Why sex segregate people in jails and prisons?”
As for segregation in jails/ prisons, are you comparing the troops with convicts/ criminals?
Teh trannies is stealing Farmer's Y chromosome, folks. It's his patrimony. His identity.
He'll show them.
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