"But consider this: Trump largely inherited practices initiated in the Obama years, military moves that were meant to threaten and coerce North Korea in light of its diplomatic failures.... Into this near autonomous skid towards conflict blundered Mr. Trump. It did look grim for a few months, the two threatening strikes on each other, missiles flying, and speculation even emerging that the United States might move nuclear weapons back onto South Korean soil.... Say what you will about Trump, but after some very bad years of active nuclear testing and missile shooting, disarmament on the Korean peninsula has already occurred. Things are quieter and two leaders who previously weren’t talking – ever – now are. Sure the United States should remain vigilant, but much of the penis-wagging and button-pushing is over. To say no success has occurred is factually incorrect. Just getting rid of the war cry is enough to cheer over."
Writes William M Arkin in The Guardian.
I'm enjoying this genre of awkward acknowledgement of Trump success. Notice how carefully it steers around any potential criticism of Obama. On quick first read, I thought "much of the penis-wagging and button-pushing is over" referred to Obama, but that wouldn't happen. For Obama, the penis metaphor will be actively avoided. For Trump, they'll use it whenever they can.
१९७ टिप्पण्या:
Well after all whatever psychological "penis" Obama had to wag, it wasn't much. Too cool for school, too cerebral, and fairly limp and impotent. Couldn't scare Whoa Fat with that.
There's no objective evidence regarding the existence of Obama's penis.
You can talk directly to a guy with a sense of humor. That's how direct talks were possible.
"No one knows," eh? Really! Who wrote this, Pauline Kael?
Guardian writers are bloody wankers.
Obama penis wagging? Barack or Michelle's?
"Notice how carefully it steers around any potential criticism of Obama."
They did more than that. They give Obama the credit.
Say what you will about Trump, but after some very bad years of active nuclear testing and missile shooting, disarmament on the Korean peninsula has already occurred.
The important part isn't the disarmament but that those who hate him can still say whatever they will.
So Trump is the first president to directly engage with Kim, bluntly and incessantly, and the factual result is that no more missile tests are being done and Kim is sitting down for repeated negotiations. Are all reporters this fucking dumb!
The Obama Presidency has been remarkably more successful in its third term than the first two.
It's like he finally figured out what he was doing wrong.
One needs a penis to wag...
Evidence of Obama’s.....?
Not even a smidgen
Remember when Obama asked Trump what magic wand he was going to wave?
I guess now we have the answer.
We certainly can’t drill our way to the #1 exporter of oil! It’s the magic wand that made it so.
Perhaps not coincidentally, we seem to be hearing a lot less about a threatening Russia these days.
Trump, for all his bluster, treats Kim with respect and allows him to save face by treating him as a serious world player. Trump is a better diplomat than any SoS we've have in many a decade.
This opinion piece, linked below, suggests Schlump will be outplayed again by the rotund dictator. Schlump says about Kim, ‘We fell in love.’ Folks, we have crud for a president, so always expect the worst from him, and fear any so-called success or breakthrough. It likely will be a mirage.
The Fat Kid looks very much like he may have diabetes, heart problems, and whatever else goes with obesity. odds may be that he will die of natural causes before his young children are old enough to take over. Even if he does, by now his children may also be old enough that it is clear none of them is a born killer, and so they are unlikely to survive for long after he is gone.
So, what to do?
These "diplomatic" developments may be all about Kim Jong'un trying to arrange something, anything, for the regime to survive after his death. Neither Trump nor Xi may have much to do with it.
Doesn't apply to Obama?
We are in the dark as to what went on behind the scenes, as usual with these things.
I suspect we will hear more of substance, eventually, from the Korean side than from the US side. One day the Korean information barriers will fall, but the American ones will stay up. In many ways as with the collapse of the Soviet Union, where the US still keeps the sorts of secrets that for some time were openly accessible from the Soviet archives.
Yes he is. Now on to Venezuela and the unmasking if the socialists. They always want people to starve.
As the bumper sticker says. Free markets feed; socialism kills.
Is Danny Ortega paying attention?
DOW +26,000!
Record low unemployment!
Pulling out of foreign entanglements!
"This opinion piece, linked below..." Thank you for bringing your best evidence.
The Guardian shines their shoes with shit and composts the Shinola.
Rumor has it that under Obama's crafty leadership the CIA had its own controllers on the ground in Pyongyang who suddenly established for them the new long range ICBM's with the needed Minature H-Bomb war-head technology. Obama's plan was to have Kim start the nuclear war with the USA so profit ensues and the USA is left half destroyed.
And last time Trump went to make peace with Kim in Viet Nam, a missile was launched by the CIA's Navy at Airforce One from Whidbey Island, but was intercepted itself. We are at war. But not with the Koreans.
Perhaps not coincidentally, we seem to be hearing a lot less about a threatening Russia these days.
Pooty-poot has a green snow issue and a decrepit navy issue. They also have Germany by the oil/energy balls.
With respect to Trump. the Left has two "go to" plays:
1. It won't work
2. If it does work, credit Obama's pre-existing policies.
When it came to which penis should be waved at the world on their behalf, Americans picked Trump's over Hillary's.
No one quite knows why Pyongyang slowed its public and overt testing, nor why Donald Trump’s bluntness and boasting that his nuclear button was bigger seems to have worked.
More often than not the simplest answers are the correct ones. There's this human tendancy to reject obvious explanations, especially when they don't comport to their world view. Rather than accepting what's clear, people tend to over complicate things in an effort to resolve their cognitive dissonance. Because to accept the obvious means you might have to re-evaluate your entire belief structure, and that's too difficult and frightening.
Well the journal admitted the north Korean spy chief had been their gobetween for some five years prior, witn no results to show for it.
Pooty-poot has a green snow issue and a decrepit navy issue. They also have Germany by the oil/energy balls.
But thanks to Trump unleashing US energy production, that grip is far less firm than it otherwise would have been.
IMHO, Trump gets what a great many of our betters do not: less lash, less backlash.
The reset button worked well, Trumpit. Oh now THAT was an illusion.
"No one quite knows why Pyongyang slowed its public and overt testing, nor why Donald Trump’s bluntness and boasting that his nuclear button was bigger seems to have worked."
Well, I got my belly laugh for the day.
Oh wait what?
For the most part, the world has been much more responsive to Trump's penile gesticulations than it was to Obama's.
It's all in the wrist.
Thank you, Obama! You gave us Trump.
One more time, Trump has a yard of dick, and a bag full of balls, and everyone in Pyongyang knows it.
Bob Boyd observes: When it came to which penis should be waved at the world on their behalf, Americans picked Trump's over Hillary's.
And, more importantly, his balls.
If it does work, credit Obama's pre-existing policies.
Poor Obama. Despite being the most brilliant President there ever was or ever will be he doesn’t get the unanimous credit he so rightfully deserves. Instead he gets blamed for the messes his predecessors made and no credit for his brilliant policies while he was in office.
Thankfully the brilliant historians at The Guardian are here to set us straight.
The missiles flying happened during the Obama years.
narciso@10:54: Interesting. One wonders what criteria were used to determine what to redact.
Darn! Where is that reset button? I left it around here somewhere. I told the Russkies I’d have more flexibility after I was re-elected. They just didn’t want to play ball. Now they are stuck with Trump. Too bad! I would have given them a great deal. Jimmy Carter always said give ‘em something they want before they ask so they’ll know your intentions are good.
Now Kim has to deal with Trump. Good luck! That guy Trump is nuts. You never know where you stand with him. He makes nice and then he clobbers you in the puss. The Norks better watch their step. He could launch nukes anytime. It could be over in ten minutes.
How does Trump expect to get a deal under those circumstances? What could he give them?
—from Pensees d’ Obama compiled by the Inner Thoughts Project, a joint venture of Amazon, Google. Facebook, and Verizon.
“We know what you want.”
Just a casual glance at a tv at the gym this morning told me all I need to know in regards to the N Korea talks.
Trump is dangerous, and we fear is today’s byword.
Mr. Arkin, Fox Butterfield called, and he wants his fallacy back.
"Just a casual glance at a tv at the gym this morning told me all I need to know in regards to the N Korea talks." That seems to be the level of thought from essentially all the Expert Commenters on Korea and Trump.
the US still keeps the sorts of secrets that for some time were openly accessible from the Soviet archives.
That's why I read British newspapers to learn about American news.
Those English chaps don't understand America nor does William Arkin of The Guardian know or understand Donald Trump.
"Things are quieter and two leaders who previously weren’t talking – ever – now are. Sure the United States should remain vigilant, but much of the penis-wagging and button-pushing is over. To say no success has occurred is factually incorrect. Just getting rid of the war cry is enough to cheer over."
Narcissistic people like The Donald never change - except to get more deeply involved in their unrelenting self-love. The two leaders may be talking but neither understand that talking and speaking are not the same. So stay turned for more juvenile behavior concluding with "My dog's bigger than your dog," and " Kim Jong-un sends me beautiful letters," which likely is a reference to Sesame Street letters.
90% of winning is showing up. No drama Obama was not a negotiator. If you don't come to the table to talk nothing happens.
Obama preferred a low key round of golf over the messy and complicated process of negotiating a deal. Obama also saw negotiation as a zero sum game. Trump spent his life creating win-win deals where both parties benefit.
I just sent a two-hour video of Obama trying to get an umbrella through a garden arch to North Korea. That will remind them of how good they had it.
" The two leaders may be talking but neither understand that talking and speaking are not the same. So stay turned for more juvenile behavior concluding with "My dog's bigger than your dog," and " Kim Jong-un sends me beautiful letters," which likely is a reference to Sesame Street letters."
After decades of reading political and military and business leaders memoirs, and of others testimony about them, and moreover a working lifetime of experience with "executive decisions", the statement above seems rather strange.
People are very complex, their motives are mixed, decisions are contingent, and its remarkable just how much really is understood beforehand, but it was simply not valued the same way then as (often ill-informed) hindsight demands. Or are driven by institutional limitations not easily got around. Much of what we know or assume about these things are "just so" stories.
The China trade thing's going in the right direction, too.
It turns out that concrete consequences, when demonstrated, get action, and whiny requests ("strong letter to follow") don't.
My vote is that partially the NORK leader likes the fact that he and his country are being treated by Trump with respect. And maybe, to some extent, that it is Trump, this bigger than life American icon, doing it. Trump either makes fun of you, or he builds you up a bit, depending on whether he is your friend or your enemy. Carrot or stick. Sounds silly, but Trump is part of American culture, and do it does seem to matter to a lot of people around the world. They call North Korea the Hermit Kingdom for a reason, so there the people on the street may not know Trump from anyone else on the street. But the top leadership do have big screen TVs, do look at foreign TV, and esp American TV. I think that their view of Trump is kinda like how Dennis Rodman was viewed there. And I think that Rodman was enlisted at one point as a go between by Trump. So maybe the reason that Trump us successful where his predecessors were not, is that some of these leaders can almost see themselves on Celebrity Apprentice, by playing things Trump's way.
In his exuberant style, Shouting Tom succinctly states the following:
DOW +26,000!
Record low unemployment!
Pulling out of foreign entanglements!
That really does cut to the chase. It explains why most folks don't give a crap about Trump's tweets, or whether he banged Stormy Daniels, or whether he sometimes exaggerates when giving a speech.
Most folks aren't political junkies (like this august crowd).
Most folks want to: pay the bills, raise their kids, watch sports, go on a few modest vacations, and get laid every now and then.
If unemployment is low, then the workers are working.
If the Dow is high, then the shareholders are increasing their 401Ks.
If we avoid foreign entanglements, then young men (and now women) are not getting sent overseas to risk injury and death in some Nation-Building exercise.
Nobody cares whether icebergs in Antarctica are melting or not melting. It doesn't impact their lives.
Trump is more attuned to this dynamic than the hysteric leftist politicians dominating the airwaves and Democrat Party.
For the first time in 2 years, I think Trump has inched over the 50-50 odds to become the favorite to win re-election.
buwaya, people who have never negotiated anything more complex than an apartment lease are not the best judges of what is going on.
"No one quite knows why".
Oh, FFS.
I will predict, half in jest, that if Kim and Trump do ink some significant de-nuclearization treaty, Kim and Obama will be nominated and win the Nobel Peace Prize.
Blogger Sigivald said...
"No one quite knows why".
"Oh, FFS."
Bullys are cowards at heart. They will always back down when confronted.
Isn't it really disturbing that our "elite" foreign policy "experts" and deep thinkers are so ******* incompetent. The last twenty years have completely jaded me on our elite guvment.
Utterly predictable.
Arkin was an airforce targeting analysts who got most every target wrong, so naturally geen piece signs him up, he got general Boykin's because he was an avowed christian.
In all fairness to Obama, his penis wagging was limited to what ValJar would allow, and in any case, the prior administrations had established no functional way to deal with North Korea beyond kicking the can down the road.
Once more into the breach: Why I detest The Grauniad, reason 124687345.
At the time, many folks were not thrilled about the outcome of the Korean War -- psychologically, nobody likes playing for a "tie."
70 years later - compare the oppressive, violent, backwards-ass North Korea to a reasonably free and prosperous South Korea.
It's so glaringly simple - and yet, half the country here (the Left) are historically illiterate morons who fail to appreciate this.
That's why I read British newspapers to learn about American news.
Reading foreign press is the way to go. I even find out more about US news watching Mexican TV than our own. Sad but true.
Obama's problem was he never actually waved his penis at the world.
He was convinced by State Dept experts to wave a specially made phallic symbol, virtually indistinguishable from a hotdog-on-a-stick, created for him in a political science lab at Harvard.
"The Fat Kid looks very much like he may have diabetes, heart problems, and whatever else goes with obesity. odds may be that he will die of natural causes"
I'd prefer a CIA plot using a surreptitious nerve agent. Make his death look like a heart attack, i.e., natural causes. The bin Laden operation was ordered by President Obama and successfully carried out by Navy Seals on 5-2-11 in Pakistan. Schlump will wine and dine Kim, the brutal killer, rather than eliminate him. Schlump, who shirked military service, is a cowardly wimp at heart.
compare the oppressive, violent, backwards-ass North Korea to a reasonably free and prosperous South Korea.
Hey, that's AOC's ideal state after the GND.
You make the penis metaphor sound like a bad thing.
Nobody cares whether icebergs in Antarctica are melting or not melting. It doesn't impact their lives.
Actually, the Antarctic ice cap is growing.
The Poor Man's LLR Chuck' gadfly: "Those English chaps don't understand America nor does William Arkin of The Guardian know or understand Donald Trump."
He certainly knows America and Trump better than you.
Then again, how hard is that?
What? No credit for Dennis Rodman?
Nobody cares whether icebergs in Antarctica are melting or not melting. It doesn't impact their lives.
Should icebergs, by definition, be melting?
Me: Nobody cares whether icebergs in Antarctica are melting or not melting. It doesn't impact their lives.
Mock: Actually, the Antarctic ice cap is growing.
See? I remain proudly and defiantly ignorant of the Antarctic ice caps, icebergs or bergcaps.
My expert knowledge on this topic is based on the general proposition that water is good.
"For Obama, the penis metaphor will be actively avoided. For Trump, they'll use it whenever they can."
With Obama it can only be a metaphor, there is no there, there.
the penis-wagging and button-pushing is.......triggering trans-genders everywhere!!
"I'd prefer a CIA plot using a surreptitious nerve agent. Make his death look like a heart attack,"
I thought that you were against killing living things. Assasinations are a bad idea anyway, no matter which way your moral compass points.
"Into this near autonomous skid towards conflict blundered Mr. Trump."
He "blundered" into making progress. Right.
Even when they correct their errors, progs are incorrigible.
Seeing Red said...
Yes he is. Now on to Venezuela and the unmasking if the socialists. They always want people to starve.
As the bumper sticker says. Free markets feed; socialism kills.
It's like another one asks? "What did socialists use for lighting before candles? Electricity."
As the InstaPundit says, "Under capitalism, the rich become powerful. Under socialism, the powerful become rich, and everyone else becomes poor."
What would Hillary have waved? A checkbook, I think.
"Then again, how hard is that?"
Enough with the penis metaphors!
Cautiously optimistic. Good luck to the people negotiating reconciliation.
The Guardian can now return to its principal interests: prophetic climate and "white girls next door".
No one knows? Trump knows.
Calling Fox Butterfield.
It's the underpants gnome thing:
1. Trump does X.
2. Good thing Y happens.
3. ????
4. Credit Obama.
Did you ever see those natives in new guinea with their dicks inside huge cones that just stick right out there? Imagine if any major nation like say the U.S. had a culture of men doing that for formal occasions, and so our president shows up with his dick in a huge presidential dick cone adorned with the presidential seal. It would make for captivating photos with foreign leaders.
Here is Hillary being diplomatic.
As for the "My Button is bigger than your button and mine works," that was a reality check for Rocketman.
Trump has the Spaceforce that has destroyed the NORKS nukes and missiles facilities and can do so again anytime Trump wants. And also Trump's military has the codes to misdirect Kim's CIA provided missiles.
The actual power that kim had was a conventional War artillery barrage slaughter of inhabitants of Soul. Trump has counters to a great deal of that capability too , plus a guarantee to kill Kim.
On top of that, Kim realized that in a showdown negotiation using Kim's CIA provided nuclear ICBM threat, he was being set up for a real missile launch at the Hawaii USA by a CIA Navy submarine using Uranium disguised as a Nork missile that sets off the desired War with Kim.
The TDS is strong. Jerry Coyne even admits he is opposed to negotiating just because it's Trump.
One bit of analysis that deserves to be repeated more than it is: Kim didn't build his shithole country. Kim knows it is a shithole country and doesnt' particularly want to live in a shithole country. Among other things, Trump is offering him a way out of having a shithole country that doesn't involve Kim having to die.
Donald J Trump is shaping up to be one of the most impactful POTUS in my lifetime for sure.
Icebergs should be melting. If not- the water they're floating in is freezing. Which would be a bad thing.
As for the ice caps, available evidence indicates life on Earth survives quite well without them. OTOH, Life in Chicago wouldn't with 200 feet of ice on top of it. Warm is better than cold. Ice ages and a good life for the human species are incompatible.
"Kim and Trump do ink some significant de-nuclearization treaty..."
You are a perfect example of why I oppose the legalization of pot. Put down the bong, and think with your brain instead of your dong.
How's the Koolaide in Trumpania, Skip?Blogger Hey Skipper said...Perhaps not coincidentally, we seem to be hearing a lot less about a threatening Russia these days.
"No one knows why Pyongyang...........", just like no one knew why Tehran released the hostages on Jan. 20, 1981. 40 years later they still have no clue. Rest assured, Prof. Althouse, you will be able to enjoy the awkward acknowledgment for some time to come.
If Trump is victorious with the Norks, then China can move Foxcon from Wisc to pyongyang
Actually, the Antarctic ice cap is growing.
Actually, this naked statement is deceptive at best and total bullshit at worst. Antarctic Sea Ice is indeed growing while land ice (which is what really matters, since sea ice is seasonal) is decreasing rapidly. So while overall ice coverage in the Antarctic Winter is indeed increasing, the mass of ice is decreasing.
What would Hillary have waved? A checkbook, I think.
Deposit slip.
"The penis mightier than the Sword"
"I have a penis, and a phone"
My morning routine is incomplete if I don't get around to looking at the G.'s photo galleries for the day; they are captioned by the earnest lackeys of 'progressive politics' (who aren't, by the way, typically ace spellers/editors). "A blue dress in the shade of Democrats, Tina Fey kept it classic.... All the better to let her gags speak for themselves." "Laura Harrier arrived... wearing a bespoke, ethical gown by Louis Vuitton in support of the ethical Red Carpet Green Dress initiative." "Women prepare to take part in the event, which features a marching parade...."-- am not sure why this last was amusing but I think it was because the event organizers were emphasizing 'women's contributions to the Viking invasions of York' and here they were! real live women!, if not real live Vikings.
Antarctic Sea Ice is indeed growing while land ice (which is what really matters, since sea ice is seasonal) is decreasing rapidly. So while overall ice coverage in the Antarctic Winter is indeed increasing, the mass of ice is decreasing.
Your Occam Razor needs sharpening.
“I will predict, half in jest, that if Kim and Trump do ink some significant de-nuclearization treaty, Kim and Obama will be nominated and win the Nobel Peace Prize.”
I think that the Nobel prize. Committee will be in quite a pickle in a couple years, if Trump pulls this off, and esp if he can put something on paper between Israel and Saudi Arabia, effectively isolating Iran, and, thus greatly reducing Islamic terrorism around the world that the Sunnis and the Shia are using as proxies against each other. Either one SHOULD earn Trump a Nobel Peace Prize. Both, along with our pulling out of Afghanistan and Syria, should guarantee it. But, of course, he’s Trump. And OrangeManBad. Their dilemma, after having given Obama their prize, is going to be either do the politically unpalatable, and award the Prize to Trump (plus some others just to lessen the import) or be seen as the pompous political hacks that they obviously are, given their award to Obama, with no serious ( positive) foreign policy accomplishments during his eight years in office. Indeed, after having received the Nobel Peace Prize for his rhetoric and sharply creased pants, Obama went ont o destabilize more of the world than any recent American President, by, along with his trusty sidekicks, Crooked Hillary and Lurch Kerry, turned Libya into a violent failed state, started a civil war in Syria, that created the refugee problem currently destroying Europe, and subsidized Iranian terrorism with those pallets of money. In short, they are probably either going to have to award their prize to Trump, or be an international laughing stock. My vote is for the latter.
"No one knows" why Venezuela's economy is doing so poorly. "No one knows" why S. Korea has boomed while N. Korea has stagnated.
Howard decides to go Full Inga--Only Read The Headline!!
The ships Russia is building "faster than the US" are all tiny little vessels or support ships, which even the hack Daily Beast points out in its article are not even counted by US when determining fleet size.
Hey Howard, why dont you go slap together about 30 paper boats and toss them into your tub---that way YOU too will be building "ships" faster than the US.
Russias capital ships are in complete disrepair and are rusting away at the piers.
The Russians can barely keep a couple squadrons of aircraft operating effectively in Syria because their GDP is the size of Italy!
But go ahead Howard: Be very very afraid of the Russians....
Crazy people once entertained visitors to Bedlam, now they entertain readers of the Guardian. If you like the crazy, go for it.
I don't think that we should discount the possibility that the Norks are out & out racists & really didn't like the idea of negotiating with "an African", even if that "African" was the POTUS.
Dealing with a rich & powerful white guy as POTUS may be bad enough, but no doubt involves much less loss of face than caving to some "Spear Chucker", to use the only American racial insult that comes to mind as carrying the same black Africans as sub-human barbarians sense.
Never, ever, underestimate the depth of East Asian racism, especially towards dark-skinned peoples.
I think that the Nobel prize. Committee will be in quite a pickle in a couple years, if Trump pulls this off, and esp if he can put something on paper between Israel and Saudi Arabia, effectively isolating Iran, and, thus greatly reducing Islamic terrorism around the world that the Sunnis and the Shia are using as proxies against each other.
I'll go on record as stating neither of these things is going to happen.
Bruce Hayden said...
“I will predict, half in jest, that if Kim and Trump do ink some significant de-nuclearization treaty, Kim and Obama will be nominated and win the Nobel Peace Prize.”
I think that the Nobel prize. Committee will be in quite a pickle in a couple years, if Trump pulls this off, and esp if he can put something on paper between Israel and Saudi Arabia, effectively isolating Iran, and, thus greatly reducing Islamic terrorism around the world that the Sunnis and the Shia are using as proxies against each other. Either one SHOULD earn Trump a Nobel Peace Prize (etc.)
Hate to say it but part of the ongoing problem is that United States cannot be trusted. Trump makes a deal, then in two or six years he is gone and next guy and administration have different attitudes. Rulers like Kim and Putin going to be in charge for a long time whereas U.S. presidents come and go. Especially with all the American politicians and deep state fighting Trump every step of the way.
If you were Putin, or Kim, or any other world leader would you expect future U.S. politicians to keep promises Trump makes?
"No one quite knows" = 'much to our chagrin'?
Hate to say it but part of the ongoing problem is that United States cannot be trusted.
And whose fault is that?
If you were Putin, or Kim, or any other world leader would you expect future U.S. politicians to keep promises Trump makes?
If I were Putin or Kim, I wouldn't Trust Trump to keep the promises he makes.
If I were Putin or Kim, I wouldn't Trust Trump to keep the promises he makes.
Because his promises need Congress approval, right?
Freder snidely opined.
"If I were Putin or ,Kim, I wouldn't Trust Trump to keep the promises he makes."
And yet, Freder, He has kept more of his promises than any other president in the last 30 years.
Freder. I'm beginning to think you're dishonest.
Howard said...
"If Trump is victorious with the Norks, then China can move Foxcon from Wisc to Pyongyang"
The venn diagrams in your head are cartoon worthy.
Maybe they are post-pre-missing Obama.
Does Althouse abide?
"No one quite knows why..." British version of "We may never know his motivation."
Could it be something to do with the submarine returning flying the Jolly Roger?
The Norks are still trying to squeeze money from the USA but they aren't still trying to do it by launching missiles. Is the whole of North Korea just a portrait of your own country after China's Belt and Road initiative leads to Chinese influence on your country's economic policies? Well, maybe so because, look ... the Chinese also have a lot of influence in Venezuela. So. Kim and Maduro and Chinese economic influence on both of them. And it's not like the Chinese try to mitigate the hard lives people lead in North Korea and Venezuela. The Chinese aren't calling for better policies. But, be fair - the Chinese let 45,000,000 of their own people starve to death between 1959-1961. So to the Chinese the Venezuelans probably seem fairly well-off still.
Blogger BUMBLE BEE said...
Could it be something to do with the submarine returning flying the Jolly Roger?
I've mentioned this several times over the past 6-12 months and there has been very little discussion. We know very little about this but here is what we do know:
The USS Jimmy Carter returned to port in September 2017 flying the "Jolly Roger" (pirate) flag. This flag is only flown on completion of a successful operational mission. Not a training mission.
The Jimmy Carter is a special operations submarine designed to carry Seals, Delta and the like into covert locations.
Around the same time the NorK nuclear underground test site collapsed. Several hundred NorK nuke scientists may have died in th ecollapse.
The US does have a "Rod from God" weapon. This is a chunk of titanium about the size of a telephone pole that is launched from space and hits the ground at mach 5-10. Roughly comparable to a small nuke in force but little to no evidence what hit.
Is there a connection? Who knows. Our govt will never tell.
It was not long before the "earthquake" that Kim was being very bellicose and he and PDJT were bragging about button size.
It was not long after the "earthquake" that Kim and PDJT announced suspension of nuclear and rocket tests and their first meeting.
I am sure it was all just coincidence. No doubt Obama was trying to do some back door diplomacy that resulted in this. After all, PDJT is just a bozo who could never accomplish anything like peace.
And we know how good Obama is with back doors. IYKWIMAITYD.
Brief article about the Carter mission here:
John Henry
Blogger Drago said...
The ships Russia is building "faster than the US" are all tiny little vessels or support ships, which even the hack Daily Beast points out in its article are not even counted by US when determining fleet size.
Cool story today about the Russkies selling 3 half completed frigates to India. They can't get engines for them.
Also, a few month's ago the Russian's only drydock was sunk. The sinking damaged their only aircraft carrier. Repairs to the carrier will be difficult without the drydock.
And the carrier is quite the joke. Where our carriers travel with a supporting fleet of destroyers, frigates, supply ships and others, theirs travels with a couple of tugboats because it regularly loses all power.
Trumpit and Howard, serving the communists since 1917
"I've mentioned this several times over the past 6-12 months and there has been very little discussion. We know very little about this but here is what we do know:"
As above, we are not party to very much in anything like this. We don't even know what the participants are really arguing about, nor what forms the argument takes - as in that submarine business.
Blogger Freder Frederson said...
If I were Putin or Kim, I wouldn't Trust Trump to keep the promises he makes.
Why not?
What promises has he made, either as president, candidate that he has not kept. Or is in the process of keeping eg; the wall.?
John Henry
"The ships Russia is building "faster than the US"'
China however actually is building faster than the US.
well that's that:
Summarizing the Leftist Collectivists above:
Pessimism springs eternal.
Antithetical to the American ethos of the last 400 years, give or take.
I love the "Rod from God" weapon. I hope we have such a thing, but I'd call it "Vlad the Impaler".
John Henry, it is not so much about trusting Trump to do what he says as that there is no sense in this country that an administration is responsible for anything the previous administration did, never mind what the following might do.
Maybe Trump told Kim: "If you like your nukes, you can keep your nukes." Unlike the American people, Kim knows when he's being lied to.
I have an idea: Kim knew that Obama's were idle threats and that Trump's were real threats.
The Left doesn't care if the Norks have Nukes or don't have Nukes.
The Left doesn't care if the Norks oppress their own people or don't oppress their own people.
The Left doesn't care if the Norks threaten South Korea or don't threaten South Korea.
The Left chiefly cares about denying Trump any political benefit if some deal is reached or criticizing Trump if a deal is not reached.
That's how they roll.
If Kim fears what Trump might do, but not what Obama would have done, does that mean he trusts Trump more or less?
I wouldn't Trust Trump to keep the promises he makes.
The problem with America keeping promises isn't with the President who makes them but with his successors. For example we all knew Democrats / the left would undermine the war effort in Iraq in order to maximize criticism of Republicans.
Judging by Putin's reactions lately it seams that Trump isn't a very good "butt boy" or "cock holster.
Blogger stevew said...
I have an idea: Kim knew that Obama's were idle threats and that Trump's were real threats.
Pretty much everyone knew that about Obama from the beginning. The red line in Syria just verified it.
"Trump largely inherited practices initiated in the Obama years, military moves that were meant to threaten and coerce North Korea in light of its diplomatic failures..."
BULLSHIT squared. Obama's practice with NoKo and everybody else was to grumble a bit but clearly signal he did not intend to do anything more--Iran, NoKo, NATO commitments, China trade, China strategic challenges, Russian expansionism, Syria, everything (except Israel, he pushed hard on them). No wonder they all loved him, and no wonder they dislike Trump after 8 years of Obama giving in on everything before they even had to engage. Who wouldn't prefer Obama's approach?
Except America, of course, but Obama was a citizen of the world whose presence in America was just happenstance, so none of that mattered to him.
What promises has he made, either as president, candidate that he has not kept.
Pulling out of Syria (most recently). Replacing Obamacare with something even better. Having Mexico pay for the wall. Immigration reform. Replacing the "terrible deal" NAFTA with something better (the new agreement hasn't been passed yet, and it is not a complete overhaul, it is just minor changes). Eliminating the trade deficit with China. 4%+ economic growth (he hit it one quarter). Bringing back waterboarding "and a lot worse". Releasing his tax returns once the audit was completed (surely all his tax returns are not still under audit). Have Melania explain how she got a green card.
I could go on.
I could go on.
Please do..and provide links to video of him saying "I promise to.."
Reminds me of this, from Casablanca:
STRASSER: You give him credit
for too much cleverness.
My impression was he's just
another blundering American.
RENAULT: We mustn't underestimate
American blundering.
I was with them when they blundered
into Berlin in 1918.
FullMoon said...
Hate to say it but part of the ongoing problem is that United States cannot be trusted. Trump makes a deal, then in two or six years he is gone and next guy and administration have different attitudes. Rulers like Kim and Putin going to be in charge for a long time whereas U.S. presidents come and go. Especially with all the American politicians and deep state fighting Trump every step of the way.
That's why Presidents who want lasting accomplishments sign treaties, that get passed by the US Senate.
Which is not what Obama did, and why pretty much everything he's done is being undone by Trump:
Because everything Obama pushed was crap. As such, he knew he could not push it through actual public debate.
But, rather than do "not crap" (which would mean not blindly following the leftist idiocy he was indoctrinated with in college, and never got past), Obama stuck with crap, and assumed his successor wouldn't have the balls to undo his crap.
Perhaps the “penis wagging” did refer to an Obama—Michelle. : 0
“What promises has he made, either as president, candidate that he has not kept.”
Mexico is gonna pay for the Wall!
Please do..and provide links to video of him saying "I promise to.."
So, in your book a promise must be preceded by these three magic words.
Good to know.
The problem with America keeping promises isn't with the President who makes them but with his successors.
Indeed. That Trump has managed to make any diplomatic progress at all with North Korea is astonishing. After all, the US re-elected the president who helped kill the cooperative Qaddafi while letting the defiant Assad cross "red lines" freely. Then we almost elected as President the Secretary of State who was the architect of that insane "no worse friend, no safer foe" foreign policy.
Of course, maybe Kim is faking, just betting that he only has to survive Trump before he can get another donkey-brained administration.
Wildswan reminds us: But, be fair - the Chinese let 45,000,000 of their own people starve to death between 1959-1961.
Ah, yes! The Great Leap Forward. Are schoolkids learning about Mao and his colossal mistakes?
but much of the penis-wagging and button-pushing is over.
Not that the metaphor “penis-wagging” offends me, but what exactly would the metaphor be if a women were president?
You can say that a women has balls - so maybe you can still say “penis-wagging”?
William Arkin is a peacenik who always finds any possible rationalization to oppose the use of military force.
If he thinks Trump is doing a good job, that's a warning sign that Trump is being too conciliatory.
Mickturtle: "Ah, yes! The Great Leap Forward. Are schoolkids learning about Mao and his colossal mistakes?"
Are you kidding?
Mao is revered by the left and, in particular, in the Universities.
The obamas put a Mao ornament in the White House Christmas tree because nothing says "Celebrate the birth of Christ" better than a pic of an atheist mass murdering commie.
And dont get me started on Anita Dunn and her love affair with Mao.
Not that the metaphor “penis-wagging” offends me, but what exactly would the metaphor be if a women were president?
You can say that a women has balls - so maybe you can still say “penis-wagging”?
Isn't it transphobic to assume a woman president wouldn't have a penis?
sinz52: "If he thinks Trump is doing a good job, that's a warning sign that Trump is being too conciliatory."
This is the expected fallback position for the lefties.
The US does have a "Rod from God" weapon. This is a chunk of titanium about the size of a telephone pole that is launched from space and hits the ground at mach 5-10. Roughly comparable to a small nuke in force but little to no evidence what hit.
Tungsten, which is much heavier, and a little cheaper.
The US does have a "Rod from God" weapon.
No it doesn't. It has been suggested, but not built (perhaps because each rod would cost more than $100 million to launch into space).
I came across a children's bio of mao, on the remainder shelves, which neatly elides all these troublesome matters,
but much of the penis-wagging and button-pushing is over.
Not that the metaphor “penis-wagging” offends me, but what exactly would the metaphor be if a women were president?
Pissing contest.
oh never mind:
Freder Frederson said...
The US does have a "Rod from God" weapon.
No it doesn't. It has been suggested, but not built (perhaps because each rod would cost more than $100 million to launch into space).
My friend in the Pentagon failed to deny it.
Do Rods from God exist? They most assuredly could exist and already in orbit. Have they been used? Well, there's been no official acknowledgement that they exist or have been used. Are there people in the military who think they have been used? Yes. Is there anyone in the military who will confirm it? No.
Thomas Wictor was the first person I know who wrote that they have been used. Something caused that North Korean mountain laboratory to collapse. Without any nuclear fallout. Rods From God is certainly one possible way. Feel free to posit another.
This may be a Commodore Perry moment.
Hes also been following gcc operations in Syria and Yemen, a large part of why they ran the khashoggi info op.
"Not that the metaphor “penis-wagging” offends me, but what exactly would the metaphor be if a women were president? "
I think Titania McGrath would teach us that the answer is so obvious it barely needs stating: it would be the very same penis-wagging metaphor only with the biologically female wagging penis of a President Hillary, President Kamala or President Cherokee Princess.
what exactly would the metaphor be if a women were president? "
Plenty of "transgender females " with penises.
narciso, thanks for the answer on the 58 "Officials."
I was about to look that up.
Blogger Gospace said...
Thomas Wictor was the first person I know who wrote that they have been used. Something caused that North Korean mountain laboratory to collapse. Without any nuclear fallout. Rods From God is certainly one possible way. Feel free to posit another.
I am pretty sure that TW was where I first read about the Rod from god against the Norks. Also the Carter and Jolly Roger.
One of the most interesting writers on the internet. Some of his theories are a bit out there but he does do things nobody else does like using frame by frame analysis to show Saudi rucksacks on supposedly American tanks to posit that the Saudis are actually doing stuff in our name. Or the frame by frame analysis of the takedown of a Portland fascist to argue that there are plainclothes federal agents mixed in with the demonstrators.
He got kicked off Twitter, was on Gab for a while but did not like it. Now posts at quodverum.com
Not often enough, unfortunately.
John Henry
Link from CR [per narciso] https://www.conservativereview.com/news/another-media-hoax-anti-trump-letters-58-bipartisan-officials-mostly-democrats/
Do they ever, ever check these stories out? And, more importantly, do they ever publicly apologize for the misinformation? I guess they think that by whanging away at President Trump they will eventually convince the public of his unfitness for office. Meanwhile, CNN is well down in the ratings....And FOX on top, as usual.
Steven said ...Of course, maybe Kim is faking, just betting that he only has to survive Trump before he can get another donkey-brained administration.
Can they pass de deux for the second term also? Without any longer term change?
Technically Trumps’s hands are bigger, despite the painting of Obama with tendril fingers, perhaps a metaphor — a normal robust cucumber is better than an English one. Pedigreed as tha latter might think itself to be.
Of course the military doesn't deny the existence of such a weapon; Neither Confirm Nor Deny is an obvious policy, even if you assume you're talking to someone who would be in the loop.
But the thing about Earth orbit is that you cannot hide objects in it; far, far too many people are observing orbital space, there's nothing to hide behind, and orbital changes are necessarily rare (because you can't refuel). Further, everything humans put in orbit gets there on top of a pillar of flame, and people track all those launches.
Now, in theory, there could be some Rods from God orbiting disguised as something else. If an object is big enough to be an operational Rods from God weapon system, its orbit is known and available in public databases available to interested amateur observers. And its disappearance would also be observed by those amateurs and noted in the databases.
Which is to say, if we'd hit NK with a Rod from God, it would have shortly thereafter been published exactly which object with which satellite-or-space-junk database number was used in the attack.
On the other hand, perfectly ordinary GPS-guided bunker busters can be dropped from a high-altitude stealth bomber without anybody witnessing anything other than some faint radar blips, and a bit of AWACS jamming means you can't be sure any corresponded to any particular aircraft.
If you have an enemy with sophisticated air defenses, a missile defense system, and a continent of strategic depth to their airspace, a Rod from God works wonderfully since none of that stuff can stop it. But if the foe is a small country with mediocre and outdated air defenses, AWACS-supported B-2s with GPS-guided bunker busters make far more sense, both in cost to money and to secrecy, than using any Rods from God you might have disguised in orbit.
Remember clear and present danger, the us navy tried to present a spotter directed laser guided bomb for a car bomb, but the residue gave it away.
No it doesn't. It has been suggested, but not built (perhaps because each rod would cost more than $100 million to launch into space).
Listen carefully......"My button works!".
his bluntness
I guess they think that by whanging away at President Trump they will eventually convince the public of his unfitness for office.
Keep an eye open for Inga's comments. She is here every day.
His Bluntness ...
my dingy is called His Bluntness
Putin told Trump that Kim doesn’t have a button. Trump said he believes Putin, despite what our own intelligence has said.
Hey Olaf how's winter? You know, it's not winter in Australia.
“MOSCOW (AP) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says the United States has asked Moscow’s advice in dealing with North Korea before a summit between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader.
Trump and Kim Jong Un are expected to meet on Wednesday and Thursday in Vietnam’s capital. Their first meeting last summer ended without substantive agreements on North Korea’s nuclear disarmament.
Lavrov, who is also visiting Vietnam this week, said in comments carried by Russian news agencies on Monday that Russia believes that the U.S. ought to offer Pyongyang “security guarantees” for the disarmament deal to succeed. He also mentioned that “the U.S. is even asking our advice, our views on this or that scenario of” how the summit in Hanoi could pan out.”
Putin told Trump that Kim doesn’t have a button. Trump said he believes Putin, despite what our own intelligence has said.
Would that be the same intelligence agencies that spied on Trump during the campaign and got together with the FBI to try to get him thrown out of office? Those guys?
@Inky, regarding your 8:25 comment, you somehow think it's bad that Trump consults with foreign leaders who may have insight into the psyche of Kim Jong Un? I admit that this approach stands in remarkable with Barack Obama, who consulted with no one not named Valerie Jarrett, but nevertheless I find this approach refreshing.
Their product had not been impressive:
Letting 'former' jihadists back in their [or our] country is to invite a Trojan horse. While I'm not surprised that the likes of Corbyn would welcome them back with open arms, I would hope that most of the UK leadership will have better sense. Alas, I'm not sure they do. Just like Europe, they fail to see that their well is being poisoned.
It baffles me that many Democrats and Media types seem to hope that Trump FAILS at this meeting.
Chuck et. al. would rather Trump have egg on is face and the world be a much more dangerous place, than he gets a single thing in the win column.
I would have liked Obama to be wildly successful at healing the racial divide and calling out his side on some of their self destructive pathologies.
I would have liked to see some more Mid East Peace and a Strong and Independent Iraq.
I like to be rich so it would have been great for me if he had actually been successful with his economic policies.
Luckily, I didn't need to worry about resenting any successes that Obama had because besides ruining our healthcare system, he didn't actually have any.
My standard for Trump is to not be Obama or Hillary. So far he has WILDLY surpassed my expectations.
Their unwillingness to see reason. Is legion
Of course we've been talking to a country that borders North Korea and had a seat at the table in the previous multilateral negotiations with North Korea. Only an utter idiot would fail to consult with South Korea, China, Japan, and Russia over important negotiations with North Korea. It would be gross incompetence not to talk with the Russians about talks with Kim Jong Un.
Thanks chillblaine, my forever bro.
Althouse, you're cooky for bored violence.
"I'm enjoying this genre of awkward acknowledgement of Trump success."
Lack of war doesn't bore you so you won't ever vote for it. Sadly acknowledged.
As discussed, because Reid is Reid, I have come to understand my hatred equally of RBG and he. It makes me by def. not hateful toward Jewish/Woman/Mormon NPC's but NPC's in and of themselves eo ipso.
The whole Gestalt "I am so powerful I mumble within my weakly frame although we all know I will Hymen Roth-style live 25 years after I'm dead" great power, that these people, affecting the dribbled-yet-powerful testifications to Satanism ascribe idolatry to, Jussie-up.
The other bird of orey:
Everybody said "oh yeah, those C students, well, well by God they manage the A students" so I said okay and I got me my C's but I still ain't been the boss after 40 years.
Inga: "Putin told Trump that Kim doesn’t have a button. Trump said he believes Putin, despite what our own intelligence has said."
Inga is very very upset that we haven't loaded up billions more on pallets and delivered them to the iranian mullahs who support killing gays and oppressing women.
Sorry Inga, you are just going to have to deal with the Iranians not being handed more billions of dollars from the US.
Perhaps you could start a GoFundMe for them.
Korea is the island to the Middle East's Continent's.
Trump solve all.
Trump solve all.
The next actor he say "Trump solve all" he win.
Trump solve all.
Nobody has hated Jussie more than Jussie, we all been shown that.
Why hasn't Althouse's peeps tried, like the fallen Catholics tried?
Fair enogh.
I got no answer for what happened. Decades late may the Jesuit Pope might, maybe. Doubt it. Don't know for sure.
We all know trying to virtual signal kills, unless we are too smart to acknowledge, complicity.
Pete Boyles, maybe, got these proggie fucks to not kill many many Denver citizens.
This is a real victory, no joke. Look them up in CO who thought they should make Denver the injection Capitol of America....
Pete is old. He has limits. There is nobody to fight and win the fights he has won. Rosen is smarter now though, and, as an accountant, Mike knows most scores better than the scores know.
BootRubinKristol are paid to say what?
It is so tough to identify a pattern.
Hope those credentials paid for themselves over and over and over 'gain.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Putin told Trump that Kim doesn’t have a button. Trump said he believes Putin, despite what our own intelligence has said.
Those same intelligence agencies told the FISC that Trump paid hookers to pee on a bed Obama slept in and Russia was blackmailing him so they could use electronic surveillance to spy on the Trump campaign.
"penis wagging" is really the weakest possible formulation of "dick swinging" ever put together. So much for "journalism".
I trust that my President will Trump lil Kim and all you lunatics that doubt otherwise. I don’t even care if I’m wrong. Suck it haters of the USA
For over 50 years we matched North Korea's daily threats with nice baby talk and lots of money/nuke reactors/food... it always went no where. Next cycle they started threatening all over again.
So Trump tells them we will squash you like a bug if NK even think about attacking...
Big change in rhetoric. North Korea freaks out and thinks maybe Trump is crazy enough to really do it. So they start talking to us. I am not shocked.
Trump used standard 'how to talk to a bully' talk. It worked when 50 years of wimp talk and bribes failed.
I'm not shocked at all.
Don Surber puts it best "Kim wants MacDonalds" ie moving into the 20th century and moving away from China's control.
Love the site, Ann.
I'm enjoying this genre of awkward acknowledgement of Trump success.
"Trump does everything wrong, except for the few things he does right -- which don't count cuz Obama totally did them first. (Plus, he's still Hitler.)"
Trump's strategy has "worked," by virtue of the fact that he has given Kim Jong Un everything the Kim family has ever wanted.
He has acceded to meeting with Kim twice, in Asia, giving the bloody-handed tyrant equal footing on the word stage with the President of the United States, which was unthinkable to the last 11 U.S. Presidents. We have done all the conceding, and North Korea has conceded nothing.
Some negotiator!
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