The report, prepared by Greater Cincinnati Investigation, Inc. and dated Feb. 11, employed four licensed investigators for approximately 240 hours to take statements from students and chaperones, as well as to interview third-party witnesses and review about 50 hours of video....The top-rated comment at WaPo is: "I trust this information because the truth always comes forth when the Catholic Church investigates itself."
The investigators said they found no evidence that the students responded in an offensive manner to the Black Hebrew Israelites or that they chanted “Build the Wall.” After asking chaperones, they performed a school cheer, according to the report, to drown out the Black Hebrew Israelites.
Other key findings include testimony that the students felt “confused” by Phillips’s approach. Investigators said they found no evidence of “racist or offensive statements by students to Mr. Phillips,” though some performed a “tomahawk chop.”
According to the report, one of the chaperones told students that if “they engaged in a verbal exchange with the Black Hebrew Israelites, they would receive detention when returning to school.”...
१३ फेब्रुवारी, २०१९
"Investigation finds no evidence of ‘racist or offensive statements’ by Covington Catholic students during incident on Mall that went viral."
WaPo reports.
९७ टिप्पण्या:
DUH. I and many others who actually watched more than the media driven video knew that from day 1. Now, WHERE are the apologies to these YOUNG kids, who were there to March for Life, and left with the left wing activists wanting to burn down their school???
Can someone explain to me how Nathan Phillips could not afford decent dentistry but could bring along his own personal videographer?
"I trust this information because the truth always comes forth when the Catholic Church investigates itself."
I Googled the Greater Cincinnati Investigation, Inc. and it doesn't seem to be affiliated with the Catholic Church. I assume that this investigation by GCI was paid for by the Church though? But I can't read this article to confirm that because WaPoo.
To the most popular commenter - Well then you find some offensive statement made. Of course, being Catholic, a boy, with MAGA hat is all the commenter really needs to know.
The Indian lied about serving in Vietnam.
No video backs up any claim against these high schoolers.
You can discount all day what the high school kids said but the video doesn’t move and the Indian does lie.
The Black Nationalists will be ignored unlike the White Nationalists even though both groups are very small and fringe.
David Duke and Louis Farrakhan make a living off serving as the Figure Heads of very small groups of people in the US.
Perhaps we should just start ignoring this stuff instead of giving it attention. And let’s definitely stop making shit up to create narratives.
Doesn't matter. They're clearly guilty of face crime.
"Sentence first -- verdict afterwards."
Remember when bullying was such a big problem?
The kids don't need apologies. They're going to destroy everyone in the courts.
No one should be punished for wearing a MAGA cap. No one should apologize for wearing a MAGA cap.
There was no need to review the evidence. That "Covington Kid"TM had the same smirk on his face that the jock had after he had just pushed my head into the toilet in the high school bathroom and given me a swirlee. As that may not have been the most common high school related injustice suffered by the girlie-men and lonely cat-women who made their decision of guilt or innocence based on high school era slights, feel free to substitute appropriate incidents. For example, ...had the same smirk on his face that the jock had as he left the dance with my girlfriend. ...had the same look on his face as when the lights got turned on, a picture was taken and it turned out that I was the only one jerking-off on the Oreo, etc... etc..
The Virginia Triumvirate did more to exonerate the Covington Kids than any lawyer ever could.
Two guys in blackface and the black man is a rapist. The black man went to Duke, which tried to railroad white lacrosse players while blavk basketball players were raping students.
Good post, Atlhouse. I appreciate this.
Next up in the Investigative News Department; an independent investigation of Jussie Smollett's hate crime report.
The top-rated comment at WaPo is: "I trust this information because the truth always comes forth when the Catholic Church investigates itself."
These same people cite Phillips' version as fact. Whatever theorem is necessary to discredit the out group will be asserted yet never once applied to the in group.
Covington is old news. That white kid on the cover of Esquire is the new target of anti-white hatred.
and it doesn't seem to be affiliated with the Catholic Church.
The Church hired the gumshoes thru some lawyers, as per their report.
Those WaPo commenters are pretty nutty, but somehow most of them seem fake - could they be Meddling Rooskies sowing discord? Chubby boys trying to impress some girl?
at any rate, those evil children will still have some 'splainin' to do after they sue the mendacious media, the skanky mendacious Indian and the racist black religious nuts, to wit:
"The tomahawk chop is a sports celebration most popularly used by fans of the American Florida State University Seminoles, Atlanta Braves baseball team, the Kansas City Chiefs American football team and the English Exeter Chiefs rugby union team."
Never fear, our leftist crowd will still claim that those boys are guilty of something far, far worse than any MS-13 murdering rapist: They are guilty of "Smirking whilst Catholic!" As such, as plenty of liberals on Twitter pointed out, these boys should be executed without benefit of trial, preferably via woodchipper.
Inga and Ritmo will be here shortly to tell you how guilty the Covington boys really are!
No one should be punished for wearing a MAGA cap. No one should apologize for wearing a MAGA cap.
Nice sentiment, but a bit detached from the real world.
Wear a MAGA hat in downtown Oakland, like folks wear the Raider Hat, the Warrior Hat or the Obama t-shirt.
Day 1 - a few stares, a few chuckles.
Day 2 - a few glares
Day 3 - Someone will either rip it off your head, or sucker punch you.
Goes well with the dailybeast story about Warren. How is it people were ready to ruinteenagers lives over something like this (even if it all happened as originally reported). I would think claiming native American identity is worse than possibly making a tomahawk motion or smirking
Is this one of those AOC factually correct/morally wrong deals?
Seems like there are a LOT of those lately.
But just like:
Zimmerman was hunting Trayvon,
Michael Brown had his hands up,
Justice Kavennaugh is a mean, drunk, rapist .....
Those damn white (!), Catholic (!), MAGA hat wearing (!!!!!!!) kids are Rayciiiiiist!
It's proof that they don't properly teach offensive remarks in school.
According to the report, one of the chaperones told students that if “they engaged in a verbal exchange with the Black Hebrew Israelites, they would receive detention when returning to school.”...
I guess a ruler across the knuckles doesn't get the job done in this day and age.
The top-rated comment at WaPo is: "I trust this information because the truth always comes forth when the Catholic Church investigates itself."
Fair. Cruel but fair.
Of course, the only reason we know about this story is almost all the major news organizations joined a Twitter mob without knowing the facts, so its not like they are in any position to talk. Of course, the local diocese also joined the Twitter mob. Sigh.
"Investigation finds no evidence of ‘racist or offensive statements’ by Covington Catholic students during incident on Mall that went viral."
This headline makes me think of the old psychiatrist-jokes, in which the most positive thing a psychiatrist will ever say about a patient is, "No psychotic behavior was observed today." Thus implying that there's psychosis aplenty there, but, today, we didn't happen to observe any.
"I trust this information because the truth always comes forth when the Catholic Church investigates itself." What, these people never heard of the Spanish Inquisition? They'll get to the truth! I just hope they didn't torture those poor boys too badly.
I do think I should thank that commenter and the WaPo for their nationwide news coverage and analysis of whether some high school boys might have behaved imperfectly in a stressful situation.
I am going to wait for the Mueller Report before deciding what I think.
'Smirking while being white' is not a capital offense. Can someone please tell the left to stop it with their virulent racist hate?
I trust this investigation just like I trusted Hillary’s self-purging of yoga emails. Except I actually do trust this investigation.
The Catholic Diocese officials hired an independent third-party to investigate to counter the expected smear on credibility. This fact does not prevent the smear, obviously, but let's just agree that the comment is a distraction.
I read that the "tomahawk chop" is simply people's interpretation of a common gesture used for synchronization that the group of boys used. Believing is seeing it seems. However, let's just agree that the article is obviously biased and cannot be trusted for objective truth and move on.
Really, why bother with the WAPO? How do you decide what to believe?
Finally, once again someone is broadcasting their ignorance of the "Spanish Inquisition", which was not conducted by the Catholic church and whose abuses were condemned by church officials at the time. Please realize that much of what you know about history is not true and act accordingly.
so basically the 'damning' part is that the boys did a Tomahawk chop, which is what Atlanta Braves & Florida Seminoles fans do during games. That's the horrible, racist, Hitlerian things they did. Totally equivalent to enacting a new 'Trail of Tears'. Got it.
Let's say - just for the sake of argument - those kids actually did what they were falsely accused of?
So what? What crime was committed?
I trust this information because the truth always comes forth when the Catholic Church investigates itself."
They have only a slightly better track record than the press when it comes to self examination.
Someone used the term 'lobotomy' to describe or explain the irrational thinking and behavior of the Left. Whatever the cause, there seems to be no cure for it. The good news is that they do not tend to reproduce prolifically.
so basically the 'damning' part is that the boys did a Tomahawk chop, which is what Atlanta Braves & Florida Seminoles fans do during games.
And, IIRC, so did the Kansas City Chiefs in their playoff game.
"Investigation finds no evidence of ‘racist or offensive statements’ by Covington Catholic students during incident on Mall that went viral."
steve uhr hardest hit.
And, IIRC, so did the Kansas City Chiefs in their playoff game.
Don't forget the Cleveland Indians.
Chuck said...
Good post, Atlhouse. I appreciate this.
Next up in the Investigative News Department; an independent investigation of Jussie Smollett's hate crime report.
Just a reminder.
Chuck was right there with the WAPO and all the leftists smearing the kid wearing a MAGA hat.
Because he hates Trump and Trump's supporters.
But yeah he says good post.
Awful person.
did he take a bite on this:
Their failing was that they didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition. But really, no one does.
I think Ann put's out lots of liberal narratives to jab her conservative readers ( majority of her readers), keep feminism in the forefront or to get lots of clicks.
in other news:
Phillips and the BHI deserve plenty of racist, offensive words. They earned them, as did Don Lemon and so many others in the LSM.
Some people lie to get attention, and their lies cause lots of trouble.
Rambunctious Indian elder Nathan Phillips is such a person. His main characteristic is that he is a lying trouble-maker.
Other examples are Dorian Johnson, Piaget Crenshaw and Tiffany Mitchell, the three Black youths who lied about the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, on August 9, 2014. Their lie was preposterous. They lied that Michael Jackson was standing still, with his hands held high, pleading to surrender, in the middle of a neighborhood street at noon, and he was shot repeatedly at short range by police officer Darren Wilson.
In fact, none of the three saw Brown being shot. The lies caused racial strife throughout the USA and caused riots and mass arson in Ferguson.
Recently I read a superb book titled False Witness: The Real Story of Jim Garrison's Investigation and Oliver Stone's Film JFK, written by Patricia Lambert. Jim Garrison was a lying trouble-maker, and so was his main witness Perry Russo.
I wasted much of my life studying and agonizing about the JFK assassination. I fell for Garrison's lies. This book exposes Garrison in a devastating manner.
Another example of a lying trouble-maker is Christopher Steele, who wrote the dossier that has poisoned US politics thoroughly during the past couple of years.
Steele is a professional lying trouble-maker. He is paid by rich people to concoct and distribute information to cause trouble for people who are disliked by those rich people. He has to do this work well in order to get repeat business from those rich people.
* Catholic school boys surrounded and harassed Nathan Phillips.
* Police office Wilson murdered Brown, who was standing still, with hands high, pleading to surrender.
* Liberal businessman Clay Shaw organized the assassination of President Kennedy.
* Donald Trump paid prostitutes to urinate on a bed where President Obama had slept in Moscow.
Preposterous lies told by trouble-making liars.
Someone mentioned the Cleveland Indians in the "tomahawk chop" conversation. I'm a native of Cleveland, (am I allowed to say I'm a native?) and former Indians fan. I have never seen the use of the chop at an Indians game, whether in person, or on the TV.
We do have one great fan, John Adams, I think his name is, who has sat in the bleachers for years, pounding a bass drum he bought at a garage sale. He really gets the crowds going.
Thank You
One-third of the 15-paragraph article “exonerating” the boys points out they still need to change, and failed to do so:
The report does not provide any recommendations for future changes, such as banning political attire or changes to chaperone protocol. Many people were critical that the adults in charge of the students did not intervene more forcefully to avoid or end the interactions.
The report also does not address underlying issues of diversity at the school that were raised by local NAACP leader Jerome Bowles and others.
Before the report was released, Bowles said the missteps occurred before the students left for the Washington trip.
“There has to be a look at diversity in the diocese in general. Covington Catholic is a very academically proficient educational institution; no one questions that,” he said. “But is the school totally preparing students for the workforce and a diverse world?”
So, a story that began with racist black men hurling insults at a group of white kids, ends with a race-baiting black man issuing the final insult to a group of white kids.
So who is more trustworthy - the Catholic Church or the WaPo? Tough call. And they did not exactly investigate themselves. Presumably "Cincinnati Investigations" has some credibility. Who has been hired to investigate the Post?
Fuck me. Who pays 4 investigators for a month's work to investigate this kind of thing? Idiots, that's who.
Michael - depends on who you ask. These new suburban, female college graduates who propelled the Dems in 2018 probably love the WaPo, NY Times and HuffPo. They probably despise all Christians, but love Muslims and Buddhists and barely tolerate Jews.
I was just watching a clip from the first episode of WKRP in Cincinnati, and I was trying to imagine a sitcom today featuring a relationship like that between Herb and Jennifer.
Some Catholics, yes; but, unless there is a causative principle and alignment, let's not indulge in diversity and wallow in color judgments.
I trust this information because the truth always comes forth when the Catholic Church investigates itself."
Yeah, unlike those paragon of virtue agencies that are so good at self-investigation, like the DoJ, FBI, IRS, CIA, FISA Courts, State Dept, House of Rep. IT, CBS, NBC, Hollywood, etc.
Yeah, the bureaucracy of the Roman Catholic Church sucks eggs. But to believe most others are any better is pretty stupid itself.
I think the apologies to the Covington kids should be as prolix and heartfelt as the insults that were hurled at them. I've seen no evidence of that. There's been a kind of "my bad but no harm, no foul" attitude towards their past libels.......The Washington Post has this in common with the Catholic Church. Neither organization realizes how bad their brand has been damaged......How did the Catholic Church recruit so many pervs and so many others to enable and cover up for their crimes? How does the Media gets so many stories wrong and then go on to award Pulitzers for such fucked up stories......We read many interesting back stories about George Zimmerman and his domestic affairs. I've got a hunch that there are some interesting stories to be told Nathan Phillips and the families of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, but don't hold your breath waiting for them.......Just recently there was a sensational murder in NY. Some girl's body was found in a suitcase. She was murdered by her ex boyfriend. The murder got a lot of airplay, but now that it turns out her boyfriend is an illegal immigrant, the story will disappear.....Excellent post by Mike Sylwester.
The comments just goes to show how deep the damage to these boys’ reputations is.
"I trust this information because the truth always comes forth when the Catholic Church investigates itself."
Well I DON'T trust this story because it appears in the Washington Post.
You cucks like playing the intersectionality game too, I see. Fuck-yeah all Alinski an shit. you go girl, keep leaning in.
Howard: "You cucks like playing the intersectionality game too, I see."
You clearly dont know what a "cuck" is, what intersectionality is, nor how "it" is played.
Other than that, spot on.
I think Howard is going senile, to be honest. What he calls “strafing” is more like leaking pee.
Achilles said...
Chuck said...
Personally, i've noticed now that the last two Chuck posts i've read were quite readable, and did NOT feel me with any desire to make any retorts or post any definitions .
I appreciate that Chuck; as i say, i Do read your posts.
You can't have it both ways, Drago. If you are GOPe, you are a cuck and if you are one of Trump's marks, you are ipso facto a cuck. See how that works... you people make shit up and get all huffy an shit when it's deflected right back atchya. You don't own language.
As far as intercoursanality, you people being viciously attacked from anti conservative anti christian anti white anti hetero, anti hick, anti ante bellum librual toxic domination and oppression is rightly a form of the same structure.
Blogger tim in vermont said...
I think Howard is going senile, to be honest. What he calls “strafing” is more like leaking pee.
I love it when you cry uncle. At least Drago has the fucking balls to be confrontational.
Mockturtle said: The good news is that they do not tend to reproduce prolifically.
I know! It is enough to make me become a Sangerian Abortion Supporter for 'Those People'.
Free Abortions for everyone on Manhattan Island and L.A! (San Francisco doesn' much of a fertility problem if you get my meaning...)
Howard: "You can't have it both ways, Drago. If you are GOPe, you are a cuck and if you are one of Trump's marks, you are ipso facto a cuck. See how that works..."
Adding additional false choices and flawed logic does not enhance your position.
But then, if your terminology and logic is already flawed, whats the difference?
Carry on!
" the fucking balls to be confrontational."
Confrontation with no reasoned argument is what bitches do. It's the definition of a bitch, and it's what you're doing. Maybe you can't help it.
WaPo libs would demand an apology from Trump if he stopped someone from trying to rape their grandmothers.
The top-rated comment at WaPo is: "I trust this information because the truth always comes forth when the Catholic Church investigates itself."
And the point of repeating this gratuitous bigoted anti-Catholic remark?
So leftist Howard is upset that these boys did nothing wrong. That interferes with his dreams of killing them, no doubt, just like all his Twitter buddies on the left.
Yeah... remind me again what is the difference between Howard and his fellow leftists and Heinrich Himmler? Of course, Himmler had a snazzy outfit, but the principle of murdering people that he didn't like is exactly the same between Himmler and the left.
"Investigation finds no evidence of ‘racist or offensive statements’ by Covington Catholic students during incident on Mall that went viral."
Which is very nice of Althouse to post, considering that she was so charitable to the "man in the middle."
Now it turns out, as was clear to the rest of us right away, that it was a set-up, that the Covington boys were being framed, that they did not represent a side, and that there was no "middle" to be in.
To be charitable to Phillips, all progs are phonies. To be charitable to Althouse, she does post evidence that shows her errors.
This report does not exonerate the church, it impugns it. The diocese condemned the boys. This investigation was to see if that was justified. It was not. The wapo commenter has it backwards.
How would the Post and its commenters respond if Mueller and his team had conducted the investigation and formed the same conclusions as the church-hired agency? I mean, Mueller is above all reproach, right?
Investigation finds no evidence of ‘racist or offensive statements’ by Covington Catholic students during incident on Mall that went viral.
hasn't this passed the statute of limitations,
an interesting angle:
Mike Sylwester said...
Some people lie to get attention, and their lies cause lots of trouble.
Rambunctious Indian elder Nathan Phillips is such a person. His main characteristic is that he is a lying trouble-maker.
We have yet to see any proof that any recognized Indian tribe has recognized him as an elder. Old Indian Nathan Phillips may be true, depending on where you define old. Elder Nathan Phillips is likely a lie. I imagine tribal elders are like church elders- just getting old isn't a qualification. And the tribe/church has to recognize the title.
The Washington Post is notoriously anti-Catholic. And it's comment boxes are known as cesspools of venom and hate.
Like most anti-Catholic hate, such comments are exceedingly boring and tedious, belittling the person who posts them -- or reposts them.
I hope this will used to sue lots of people.
The washington post is only anti-Catholic when its "Conservative"
When its felt the Catholic Church is on the Left's side, like attacking American patriotism and supporting open borders and illegal immigration, then the Catholic Church becomes "Men of God speaking God's Truth".
This resembles the church burning narrative of 1996, which the Marxist council of churches used to break the momentum of Christian churches.
"Personally, i've noticed now that the last two Chuck posts i've read were quite readable, and did NOT feel me with any desire to make any retorts or post any definitions. I appreciate that Chuck; as i say, i Do read your posts."
This is an interesting dynamic I've seen repeat over 20 years of blogging:
Some troll who has been a douchebag for years will suddenly make a few civil rational comments and everyone starts to fawn over the New Improved Douche.
Meanwhile, the Average Joe who has been civil and reasonable for years gets... nothing.
“Some troll who has been a douchebag for years will suddenly make a few civil rational comments and everyone starts to fawn over the New Improved Douche.”
But in your case you’ve been a steady douche, dependable to always be an asshole.
“Meanwhile, the Average Joe who has been civil and reasonable for years gets... nothing.”
LOL! If you’re referring to yourself, I’d have to ask you in what reality do you reside?
They seem to do everything to disarm the people:
If the truth doesn't elicit any sort of apologies from the Internet bullies, perhaps a lawsuit against them will.
To hell with all the lying leftist twitter twats.
F U Inga
Apology from Steve Uhr never happened either. Creep.
Now when do we get the results of similar investigations of Phillips and those who attacked the Covington boys? (We already know the Black Hebrews are racist nuts)
(San Francisco doesn' much of a fertility problem if you get my meaning...)
They really don't. And it's not just the homosexuality...heterosexuals in S.F. aren't having kids either. many of them can't afford to.
@Dickin'Bimbos, wear two condoms.
Another FU for Inga. FU OINKINGA
"Adam Shit(D) is an unscrupulous charlatan"
It isn't about the boys, or the native American, or the Black Hebrews anymore - the story, once again -is about the lying hack D-party press.
Time to look at the time line.
On January 19 Althouse posted a Cafe post titled "Deep Snow Cafe" that featured a white SUV partially covered in snow. At 9:39 steve uhr commented all in a tizzy about a video that "punks wearing maga [sic] hats harassing native Americans." Since poor steve uhr had not ever looked up how to use the HTML a tag to make a hot link he was reduced to telling us how to search for the video on YouTube. A bunch of us did, and we saw that there were short videos tied back to CNN, but also a longer one that showed Phillips approaching the boys and pounding his tom-tom in their faces. And given the reality depicted by the longer video, a bunch of proceeded to abuse steve uhr, who was much confused by the push-back, in our comments.
Slowly it came out that a bunch of people who should have known better, Scott Adams not the least of them, had jumped to an early conclusion based on the highly edited tape that made Nathan Phillips into a good guy and not the instigator of the incident, and these people -- the honest ones, anyway -- were forced to walk back their early condemnation as the longer videos became more widely known.
And we've spent the intervening time since January 21st with people divided into two camps: either sticking to the original misguided belief that the boys from Covington Catholic had to have done something wrong, versus the rest of us, the sane ones, slowly giving up on trying to talk sense to congenitally hate-filled twits.
And there you have it.
Nick Sandman - the truth in 15 minutes.
Inga: "LOL! If you’re referring to yourself - "
Poor Inga, trying to contort a casual observation into an insult.
And failing.
But what is most pathetic - I return to Althouse after 6 years to find Inga still squatting on this blog and taking cheap shots at anyone with a different opinion.
Highlight of her day, what she lives for.
What a pathetic creature. What a wasted life.
Typical stupid WaPo readers. This result does not exonerate the church, this result is a problem for the church, which joined in the slandering of the children, just like the stupid bigoted WaPo readers.
Fen said...Some troll who has been a douchebag for years will suddenly make a few civil rational comments and everyone starts to fawn over the New Improved Douche.
Meanwhile, the Average Joe who has been civil and reasonable for years gets... nothing.
What is it that the Average Joe deserves? And from whom?
Are you familiar with the story of the prodigal son?
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