February 17, 2019

"'I have this weird thing that if I sleep with someone,' she explained, 'they’re going to take my creativity from me through my vagina.'"

"She was laying out why she didn’t have a partner, why she worried about the depletion of artistic energy that stripping bare in front of someone could precipitate. 'I’m lonely when I’m in relationships,' she continued. 'It’s my condition as an artist.'... There it was, in black and white: Dating could sap you. There it was: If you want to be your fullest self, it’s possible a partner will weigh you down...."

From "How Lady Gaga convinced me to give up dating — and finish my book" by Anna Maxymiw (WaPo).

I think "tak[ing] my creativity from me through my vagina" is a better image than "weighing you down."

Gaga had me researching incubi — the demons that have sex with women. I was wondering if they were thought to extract the creativity from women. I'm reading Wikipedia and it seems that incubi are involved in the very specific form of creativity that is childbearing:
Incubi were thought to be demons who had sexual relations with women, sometimes producing a child by the woman... Thomas Aquinas argued against the possibility of children being conceived by intercourse with demons: "Still, if some are occasionally begotten from demons, it is not from the seed of such demons, nor from their assumed bodies, but from the seed of men, taken for the purpose; as when the demon assumes first the form of a woman, and afterwards of a man; just so they take the seed of other things for other generating purposes."... It became generally accepted that incubi and succubi were the same demon, able to switch between male and female forms. A succubus would be able to sleep with a man and collect his sperm, and then transform into an incubus and use that seed on women.... 
Gaga wanted artistic creativity, so the idea that the man is "taking" her creativity through the vagina could be understood as his giving creative force to her, but in a way that determines where her creative energy will go, which is into childbearing.


Ignorance is Bliss said...

I do not avoid women, Mandrake, but I do deny them my essence.

Meade said...

Don't be a succubus stooge.

Meade said...

" but I do deny them my essence."

Always be edging.

Lucid-Ideas said...

"I think "tak[ing] my creativity from me through my vagina" is a better image than "weighing you down."

It is decidedly worse. Also, I'm assuming the sex she's referring to is consensual? Jesus and she still sees this as some kind of violation. File under reason #9,365 for "reasons women are never happy". It would be horrible if some guy robbed her creative ability to come up with and wear a 'meat suit'. Just terrible.

Henry said...

Creative people need walls. Walls work.

Ralph L said...

No wonder they didn't like sodomy. Too much to think about.

Birkel said...

Never put your dick in crazy, boys.

Also, don't avoid the obvious declarations of crazy.
Believe those women.

MikeR said...

"Precious bodily fluids"
It goes both ways.

alan markus said...

Now I know why I tripped across this on YouTube last night:

Vaginal Knitting/the Feed - Art takes many forms, from detailed oil painting to a vagina carved out of soap. But just a warning for the squeamish or the easily offended, this is a period piece and it has some strong themes and ideas that some people may find confronting.

Quaestor said...

This whole thread went hopelessly into the ditch as soon as Lady Gaga and creativity appeared in the same sentence.

Quaestor said...

The horrendous element is this: General Jack. D. Ripper is a fictional creation.

Fernandinande said...

Does the Gaga person have any not-elevator-music songs?

Tommy Duncan said...

Standard barn boots aren't tall enough for this thread.

Skipper said...

Is anybody not completely nuts?

Unknown said...

How do you write women so well?
I think of a man. And I take away reason and accountability.

holdfast said...

And these are our contemporary thought leaders.

We are so fukt.

Fernandinande said...

Wikipedia? Here's what the experts say:

"As to that of S. Paul in I. Corinthians xi, A woman ought to have a covering on her head, because of the angels, many Catholics believe that “because of the angels” refers to Incubi. Of the same opinion is the Venerable Bede in his History of the English; also William of Paris in his book De Uniuerso, the last part of the 6th treatise. Moreover, S. Thomas speaks of this (I. 25 and II. 8, and elsewhere; also on Esaias xii and xiv). Therefore he says that it is rash to deny such things. For that which appears true to many cannot be altogether false, according to Aristotle (at the end of the De somno et uigilia, and in the 2nd Ethics). I say nothing of the many authentic histories, both Catholic and heathen, which openly affirm the existence of Incubi.

But the reason the devils turn themselves into Incubi or Succubi is not for the cause of pleasure, since a spirit has not flesh and blood; but chiefly it is with this intention, that through the vice of luxury they may work a twofold harm against men, that is, in body and in soul, that so men may be more given to all vices. And there is no doubt that they know under which stars the semen is most vigorous, and that men so conceived will be always perverted by witchcraft."

Bob Boyd said...

I'm guessing the incubus just wanted to get lucky and the rest of all that was a product of endless discussion with girlfriends after he didn't call or write.

It's easier to understand if you're not that smart.

rhhardin said...

There was a large lineup of men at the Kroger flower shop on Valentine's day. Guys trying to stay out of creative energy trouble.

Unknown said...

She hasn't written anything yet

trying for some weak sauce Earnie Hemingway


Bob Boyd said...

A wall won't stop an incubus. They laugh at bollards.

The Vault Dweller said...

I've heard of male fighters abstaining from sex leading up to a bout, to hopefully preserve their vigor and stamina in the fight. But frequently when it comes to men, it is the beauty of someone who is their muse that drives them to artistry or to create. And I think in Greek mythology the nine muses, were nine very beautiful women who would inspire works of art and creativity in men. The nine muses also sealed themselves away from most earthly toils, like the drudgery of mundane work. It kind of makes sense that the muses were female since females are typically associated with creation and nature. And I think while the muses were all women, they typically only inspired men to create, not other women. Does that mean Lady Gaga doesn't think she needs a muse, or does it mean that lady gaga thinks of herself as her own muse?

gspencer said...

"There it was, in black and white: Dating could sap you. There it was: If you want to be your fullest self, it’s possible a partner will weigh you down...."

Female version of Jack D. Ripper, "I first became aware of it, Mandrake, during the physical act of love... Yes, a profound sense of fatigue, a feeling of emptiness followed. Luckily I — I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. Loss of essence. I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. Women, er, women sense my power, and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake...but I do deny them my essence."

Amexpat said...

Some male artist have said a similar things - that having sex with a women drains their life/creative forces. So far enough for Lady Gaga to claim the same.

Great artists are often extremely self centered. So perhaps she wants to avoid hurting or using others, which is almost par for the course for great artists.

gilbar said...

Ignorance is Bliss said... I do not avoid women, Mandrake, but I do deny them my essence.

It's the Fluoride people! It's the Fluoride!
Do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk, ice cream? Ice cream, Mandrake? Children's ice cream!...You know when fluoridation began?...1946. 1946, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual, and certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.

Fernandinande said...

A wall won't stop an incubus.

Magical Words™ and detergent can keep the Incubi in Mexico:

"For S. Caesarius tells in his Dialogue that, after a certain priest had hanged himself, his concubine entered a convent, where she was carnally solicited by an Incubus. She drove him away by crossing herself and using Holy Water, yet he immediately returned. But when she recited the Angelic Salutation, he vanished like an arrow shot from a bow; still he came back, although he did not dare to come near her, because of the Ave MARIA.

S. Caesarius also refers to the remedy of Sacramental Confession. For he says that the aforesaid concubine was entirely abandoned by the Incubus after she was clean confessed."

JAORE said...

From what orifice does the crazy flow?

gg6 said...

...Or maybe Lady Gaga is simply gaga.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Gaga thinks that her "creativity" resides in her c*nt...or more politely vagina???


Sometimes I am just embarrassed to be a woman by the idiotic things that other women say and do.

I can understand being "lonely" while in a relationship, especially one that is not a very good relationship. Been there and done that. Some people are actually better being alone. And as has been discussed being "alone" does not necessarily mean being "lonely".

Bill Peschel said...

I took a look at her book. Nine years to write a memoir about two months she spent at a lodge?

Good for her for writing a book. I wrote one as well ("Writers Gone Wild" from Penguin; buy it through the Althouse link!). It took me 15 years, from the initial idea, collecting the material, getting the courage up to do the work to write the proposal, find an agent, and see the project through.

I also went through two marriages, job changes and moves. And, no, my wives did not type my manuscript. I had a computer.

But mostly, it was getting out of my own way and willing myself to do the work that got me there. If I had thought to blame women and cast my struggle as heroic, instead of pathetic, I too could have worked the zeitgeist. Instead of a bum, which is what I am.

Temujin said...

I always look to Lady Gaga for greater knowledge of the whole universe thing.

Bob Boyd said...

Steaming can't be very good for the ol' creativity either, I wouldn't think.
Like when Gwyneth suddenly realized there was an optometrist in her path she, her eyes got wide, her mouth dropped open, but she was completely out of ideas.
An un-steamed vagina might have been screaming, Turn! Turn!, but nothing...radio silence from the nether regions.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

AS soon as Gaga lectured Mike Pence, I thought - FU. I don't care how talented you are, you bore me. Go away.

buwaya said...

Neurotics amplifying each others neuroses.

Very much like the one-time fad of anorexic girls finding each other online and "supporting" each other to greater extremes of thinness.

Whatever's happened to anorexia?
It seems to have dropped out of the news.

I suspect unhappy girls have found other ways to manifest their problems.
Madness pursues fashions I think.

Sebastian said...

Next, a feminist will use the Gaga theorem to explain Bach's creativity.

David Begley said...

Ann makes a very interesting point that childbearing is a creative activity. I agree. The ultimate creative activity.

Gaga is a Sacred Heart girl. She should know better than to spout such foolishness.

There used to be a thing with football that the players weren’t suppose to have sex the week of a game. Or maybe the day before. They then could take their frustrations out on the other team.

In “The Natural” the evil woman deprived Redford of his career, but he was redeemed by Glenn Close.

walter said...

If she wants to preserve her vag-ergy, she could consider oral.

Fen said...

I respect Lady Gaga as an artist. Her Bad Romance vid is full of symbolism. I could do a college course on it.

Although its counter-intuitive how artists like her and Madonna can be so out of touch with the world around them. Madonna giving political advice is as silly as my attempt to sing Like A Virgin.

Difference is, I have enough self-awareness to be embarrassed.

Fen said...

"Sometimes I am just embarrassed to be a woman by the idiotic things that other women say and do"

There is always Florida Man to remind you its humanity in general.

But to be fair, I think Gaga meant she wanted to redirect her sexual energy towards her art.

Or maybd she gets VERY creative with her vagina ;)

Drago said...

If I just had a nickel for each time one of my dates told me that....

Fernandinande said...

Ann makes a very interesting point that childbearing is a creative activity.

By that measure humans might qualify as the least creative animal.

Unknown said...

the most likely ethereal thing a man will take from the vagina of these two


Unknown said...

> Her Bad Romance vid is full of symbolism. I could do a college course on it.

> It was written and produced by Nadir "RedOne" Khayat

"Bad Romance" comes from someone else's redirected vaginal energy.

Ann Althouse said...

The idea that you need to abstain from sex to do well in things other than family life is widespread. What is the argument for celibacy in the priesthood? What about athletes who think abstaining from sex gives them better athletic power?

Here's a book that I've read and recommend: A History Of Celibacy.

Is this a topic you have thought deeply about?

Bob Boyd said...

It's a cycle.

Celibacy >>> creativity >>> getting laid >>> creativity fades >>> celibacy >>> creativity >>> getting laid >>> creativity fades >>>

John Ray said...

"Does that mean Lady Gaga doesn't think she needs a muse, or does it mean that lady gaga thinks of herself as her own muse?"

First, one must ask: Does Gaga think?

Charlie Currie said...

Rosemary's Baby

SGT Ted said...

Lefty women sure are obsessed with their vaginas.

SGT Ted said...

Crazy lefty women especially are obsessed with their junk.

David Begley said...

I can tell you what the Jesuits told us about celibacy in high school. Because they were celibate, they didn’t have a wife or family to take care of and worry about. They put God and us students at the top of their list. That’s where all their time was expended. It worked!

walter said...

Yeah..not working so well in the priesthood...distraction of forbidden err..fruit and all..
Certainly not settled science in athletics:

Now, you might also remember reports about the 450,000 condoms circulated and handed out around the Olympic Village in this year's Games in Rio. Kind of an odd party favor, if you will, for thousands of top-tier athletes if the common consensus is that abstinence is the key to optimal athletic performance, right? Well, not if athletes want to blow off steam once their event wraps up or don't agree with the beliefs of ancient Roman and Greek educators who felt abstinence was the only way to ensure harmony between body and spirit. Even in this day and age, some coaches believe sexual frustration leads to increased vigor and that ejaculation draws testosterone from the body, reducing aggression and strength, per research published in the journal Frontiers in Physiology.​

To make some sense of all this, Frontiers in Physiology researchers read through hundreds of studies regarding sexual activity's influence on sport performance. Their meta-analysis debunked some myths, but the researchers weren't thrilled with how little hard evidence there is on the relationship between sex and sport. In fact, once they filtered studies for those with the utmost reliability, only nine were left and included in their analysis.

"Abstaining from sexual activity before athletic competition is a controversial topic in the world of sport," lead study author Laura Stefani said in a press release. But she notes: "We show no robust scientific evidence to indicate that sexual activity has a negative effect upon athletic results."

One study observed former female athletes; they found their levels of strength didn't differ whether or not they had sex the night before an event. Another body of research discovered a beneficial effect sex had on marathon runners' performance.


traditionalguy said...

Big deal dealing with happy endorphins.Now post part depression, that helps write the creative blues.

David Begley said...

A few weeks back I was at a retreat where Fr. Kevin Schneider, S.J. was the director. He’s from Wisconsin. He teaches at Creighton Prep, he is the Chaplin to some athletic teams and also spends time at the Jesuit Middle School. He is a father figure to hundreds of boys each year. A force for good. Unmarried.

traditionalguy said...

Post partum

Dust Bunny Queen said...

There is nothing at all wrong with being celibate. Actually, it can be a good state for some people. Artistic creativity and the ability to focus more deeply or meditate on other topics (like God or Philosophy for example) can be enhanced by being celibate. Many artists are celibate or go through periodic periods of celibacy.

Voluntary celibacy that is congruent with your own nature as opposed to 'forced' celibacy: It is the forced (against the nature of the person) celibacy that seems to be the root problem in much of the priest scandals.

Forced intimacy can also be a problem. Especially in cultures where you are required by custom to be married and bear children.

Being alone/solitary, despite whether celibate or not, can also be an enhancement or detriment. It just depends on your nature and whether you accept your nature. Recognizing that other people have different natures is important as well.

Gaga's idea that someone is "taking" her creativity is the objectionable, to me, concept. If you are drained by contact, by sex or being too much with other people it can be draining. Recognize that and change your situation, but don't accuse the other person of "taking" or stealing from you.

Recognize who you are. Introvert. Extrovert. Something in between. Accept what you need. Find ways to get what you need. Alone or Crowds. And don't blame other people.

Yeah. I've thought about this. It took many years of my younger adulthood to recognize what I need, what makes me happy, and what is expected that doesn't make me happy. Then to find a compatible companion (husband now for 25 + years). Compatible in our natures. Not exactly the same as each other but compatible and willing to be accommodating to each other.

Bill Peschel said...

A look at her Wiki page shows Gaga in a relationship since 2011, so perhaps she was bullshitting, and the author made the mistake of taking her seriously.

walter said...

Related: Anthony Weiner is on the loose...

Tom T. said...

Cyril Connolly made a similar point about procreation: "There is no more sombre enemy of good art than the pram in the hall."

walter said...

Reminds me of a film I worked on where the tat covered, nose-ringed SJW sound gal became so much more pleasant to work around once the 1st AC proceeded to bang her.
Many thanks went to that guy..for "taking" one for the team...and Art.

Tinderbox said...

An incubi story can be handy when pregnancy exposes your infidelity.

buwaya said...

"What is the argument for celibacy in the priesthood?"

Several. But the primary organizational one was to prevent a hereditary priesthood which would pile up heritable estates through the power of their position, which were substantial at the time. That way led to ultimate corruption, or one form anyway.

The Church has edged up on it, corruption, in various ways at various times.

One modern one seems to be the flip side of establishing temporal power of dynasties through inheritance. It seems to be one of indulgence, or a cult of pleasure, by a homosexual mafia.

The other one seems to be a dependence of its financing upon secular institutions such as the German “Kirchensteuer”, among others. This gives the German government and its culturally-unfriendly bureaucracies a degree of influence over an institution they despise.

The Vault Dweller said...

Reminds me of a film I worked on where the tat covered, nose-ringed SJW sound gal became so much more pleasant to work around once the 1st AC proceeded to bang her.
Many thanks went to that guy..for "taking" one for the team...and Art.

There might be some science behind that.

Rosalyn C. said...

I just watched a very tragic film yesterday called "Camille Claudel" which told the story of an extremely talented young sculptor who became a pupil and studio assistant to Rodin and then became his mistress and muse. She lost everything including her self respect and sanity because of that relationship. You could say she shouldn't have allowed that to happen, that she shouldn't have given herself and her love so totally to such a selfish man. He didn't have a problem at all keeping his wife/cook/housekeeper and being obsessed with Claudel as his muse and lover. From my experience I have found women do tend to become more attached emotionally and psychologically when they have sex than the men do. I think this is what Gaga was referring to. I don't think that means that a woman can't have a relationship and be an artist but that she has to be discriminating about who she actually devotes herself to. A guy can screw with anybody he finds attractive and it won't matter to him until he decides he wants someone serious. It's very different. Call it the double standard or some kind of metaphysical difference, I don't really know.

BTW, I watch the film through Kanopy.com via my public library. Starring Isabelle Adjani and Gérard Depardieu.

Rabel said...

Lady Gaga is first and foremost a businesswoman. A very successful businesswomen. She's successful partly because she has some talent but mostly because she figured out the correct answer to part 2 of the Underpants Gnomes business plan (2. ????) and applied it in spades.

Her version:

1. Make something to sell.
2. Get attention.
3. Profit!

She's worth 300 million dollars.

Earnest Prole said...

Run, don't walk, to watch the Lady Gaga documentary on Netflix, then watch her with Bradley Cooper in A Star Is Born.

ALP said...

What, no "Seinfeld" reference yet - you guys leave it to ALP, always late to the party? Please recall the episode where Elaine and George both forgo sex. Elaine gets dumber while George gets more intelligent. That is the only source of wisdom we need. Seinfeld is Gospel.

n.n said...

This effect is not limited to women and their cats in hats, or couples, but is a well know and documented risk of relationships. To quote our national charter:

We hold these truths to be self-evident ... That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted ... laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable

Some relationships are more productive than others, and a measure of moderation is prudent in life, love, diet, and in virtually every aspect of our lives.

n.n said...


To a woman, sex is like the garbage man. You just take for granted the fact that any time you put some trash out on the street, a guy in a jumpsuit's gonna come along and pick it up. But now, it's like a garbage strike. The bags are piling up in your head. The sidewalk is blocked. Nothing's getting through. You're stupid.

Classic, but not scientific. George is involuntarily celibate and calculates "42". While Jerry is sexual active and "wrote a 20 minute bit about how homework stinks."

YoungHegelian said...
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YoungHegelian said...

I also wouldn't be surprised, this being Hollywood, that there's some sort of munged-up Tantric Buddhism underlying the assertion of "taking away creativity through my vagina".

While some schools of Tantric Buddhism make use of sexual intercourse as a path towards Enlightenment, often left out in the western discussions is the fact that the male denies himself orgasm, since the loss of semen represents a loss of spiritual energy (the Sanskrit/Pali/Whatever word escapes me, but I guess it's equivalent to "Chi").

I'd bet dollars to donuts there's some whack-job Buddhism behind this, just like behind a lot of Madonna and others whack-jobbery was some strange variant of Kabbalistic Judaism.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

visit STAPLES, for all that incubi

ps put a sock in it, GaGa--your mind is in the cloaca
and quit talking out your ass

Maillard Reactionary said...

So THAT'S where they keep it.

AA: "Is this a topic you have thought deeply about?"

Perhaps it is not a subject that, necessarily, admits of deep thought. To each his or her own in that connection. Know yourself and treat yourself and others well. Is there more to it than that? Otherwise I am baffled, a familiar state for me, alas.

Enlighten us. We could use it.

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