"I am ashamed because I know what Mr. Trump is. He is a racist. He is a conman. He is a cheat. He was a presidential candidate who knew that Roger Stone was talking with Julian Assange about a WikiLeaks drop of Democratic National Committee emails."
From the PDF of Michael Cohen's opening statement to the House Oversight Committee.
You can watch the action live here.
६२७ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 627 पैकी 201 – 400 नवीन› नवीनतम»Inga: "Did Trump know that the emails were stolen and that Stone was coordinating with Wiklieaks and Assange on his behalf? If so, Trump should’ve contacted the FBI"
Inga still doesnt understand the basic timeline!!!
Too funny.
Apparently, the FBI should be out arresting the 50,000,000 Americans who were aware of the emails/DNC/wikileaks public stories!!
Hey Inga, if YOU watch the news, YOU knew about it at the same time!
Did you call the FBI?
Traitor. LOL
Can’t find that pony in the shitpile yet, eh Inga?
“Inga, I knew in June of 2016 that the e-mails were stolen, should I have contacted the FBI?”
If you had been aware that someone who was working on your behalf had been coordinating with Assange, yes.
And you would be liable in tort for damage done with your stolen vehicle if you recklessly left your keys in the car.
So it's a bit more complicated.
And taking abandoned property on a park bench may not be theft.
Again, complicated.
I mean Vanity Fair has the goods on Trump. Right?
YOU read it Mike, because obviously you’re reading something into it that’s not there. Cultism will do that, apparently.
Book deals and movie deals.
He better sign those now. No one will care in 3 months.
This is what Mueller has wasted thd supreme courts Time about:
Why is Rodney Dangerfield (deceased) staring at Drago.
Criticizing others for English guarantees a typo, LOL.
Just as a CYA move, I am going to call the FBI today to let them know I am aware of wikileaks publishing the DNC emails.
You can never be too careful.
I will fit it in after heading to the store to stock up on bleach, cords, ski masks and excess magazines and envelopes.
You never know when business will take you to Chicago!
Still dropping in the clearly debunked “coordinating with Assange” turd. Your own sources revealed your lies Inga. Repeating it won’t change the facts.
So a man convicted of lying to congress is now testifying to a congresional committee and I am supposed to take anything he says as being truthful?
Anyone who thinks cohen is 'telling the truth', well I have a bridge for sale. I has a nice location and already has a tool scheme setup on it. Just 6.5 million US, send all used bills, small denominations only, no return address please. Proceeds to be used for the 'resistance' - wink, wink, nudge, nudge...
Trump had plenty of time to contact the FBI about Stone coordinating with Assange, he didn’t.
Stone was constantly trying to get a heads-up, with details, from Wikileaks but he never got that- the only actual facts he ever published in his tweets in 2016 about the e-mails were the same ones I or anyone else found beforehand from Wikileaks' own public announcements.
Unless Inga can show Stone participated in the hack/theft, there is nothing here. Just knowing about it isn't a crime, or else I can expect Mueller's knock on the door at 6 a.m.
I mean, Inga has stupendous levels of ignorance.
I just heard a clip of Cohen (paraphrased by memory); "Everyday, everyone in the organization knew their job was to protect Mr. Trump". This is said as a negative, but wouldn't that exactly be the job of a hired attorney representing their client; to protect the client? No surprise I guess that Cohen was disbarred.
Inga wrote:
"Trump had plenty of time to contact the FBI about Stone coordinating with Assange, he didn’t."
I had the same information, directly from Stone's own tweets, Inga, and I didn't call the FBI either. Does that make me a criminal?
Amash (LLR - Michigan) is on the other team.
Inga I took my VF quote from the same article you posted excerpts from. So I DID read the whole thing. Unlike you who cherry picked breathless allegations but ignored the “to be sure” graf. You are dishonest. You misrepresented what your own source was saying. You should be ashamed of yourself for smearing Trump with lies.
Trump LIED about speaking to Stone, who told him about Wikileaks (and stolen emails). Trump was aware of the upcoming dump. “BEFORE” it occurred.
Boom there it is.
Royal ass Inga's ignorance is her strength.
I know Trump's a criminal, but no more criminal than most of our past presidents. All politicians are liars. At least Trump is honest about his nature. That's why the DC people hate him. He's supposed to act like he's honest.
Stone repeatedly in the Summer of 2016 tweeted promises about the impact of coming Wikileaks data dumps, so anyone who read his tweets had the exact same information that Cohen claims Trump was given, Inga. Are all those readers criminals?
Royal ass Inga,
Wikileaks announced publicly that they were going (in the future!!) to dump documents.
That is in the Vanity Fair article you linked.
War is not peace.
Inga: "Trump had plenty of time to contact the FBI about Stone coordinating with Assange, he didn’t."
Hey, FBI? Yeah, OrangeManBad here. Listen, fellas, have you seen these public reports about wikileaks that have been reported in the press. Hmm mm. Hmm mm. You have? Well, uh, me too....whats that? Why am I calling? Oh, well, you see I happen to know that you guys in govt are targeting me so I thought it would be prudent for me to report to you everything that is already public....uh, well, yeah. Thats it......click
If you had been aware that someone who was working on your behalf had been coordinating with Assange, yes.
Inga's own evidence explicitly states they don't know the nature of the contact which means the assertion of "coordination" is completely unsupported. But she asserts it because she instinctively asserts whatever is necessary to keep the whole conspiracy theory afloat.
The kicker though is that tomorrow she'll criticize others as conspiracy theorists.
"Trump was aware of the upcoming dump. “BEFORE” it occurred"
Inga, I was aware of the upcoming dump, too, because Julian Assange himself announced it in an interview in June of 2016.
You really are the stupidest troll ever.
Inga: "Trump LIED about speaking to Stone, who told him about Wikileaks (and stolen emails). Trump was aware of the upcoming dump. “BEFORE” it occurred."
No, he didnt.
Too funny.
Boom, there it ain't....
Does any of this mean Hillary becomes President?
If not, none of it matters.
Scream on, drooling leftists. It's all you have.
The rest of us have better things to do.
“Inga: "Trump LIED about speaking to Stone, who told him about Wikileaks (and stolen emails). Trump was aware of the upcoming dump. “BEFORE” it occurred."
No, he didnt.
Too funny.
Boom, there it ain't....”
Aren’t you idiots watching the hearing? Did you not just hear Cohen testify to that?
This is the announcement in June 2016, more than a MONTH before Stone gave Trump the alleged "inside info" (which he couldn't have because Inga's Vanity Fair article clearly says that Mueller can't show actual contact between Stone and Wikileaks). Check the date:
Follow the link: Guardian Article June 12 2016
So how is a discussion in July 2016 any kind of "inside info" if it was published to the whole world already?
Some people's stupidity is exceeded only by their arrogance.
Imagine going through life thinking you know everything ... and then publicly displaying just how dumb you really are.
Boggles the mind.
Royal ass Inga believes harder than the rest of us.
Her ignorance and blind faith are her strength.
Did you not just hear Cohen testify to that?
Nope not listening to the convicted liar lying right now in front of the Congress he lied to. Who would believe him?
I'm not watching so could anybody tell me, any Russians yet?
Inga: "Aren’t you idiots watching the hearing? Did you not just hear Cohen testify to that?"
Cohen lacks the ability to violate Space-Time.
You must see Cohen as a mystical time-traveling wizard!
Inga - cohen is a convicted perjurer. He has been convicted of lying to congress. He is going to jail for lying. Why should anyone on the planet - even leftists - beleive anything he has to say at this point?
I realize Trump is orange man bad and you hate him from the bottom of your soul and hillary is really the president and all.
But seiously, everybody knew about the wikileak dumps - everybody.... So all of us who read all of these public pronouncments is guilty too and should go to jail?
Do you have a hobby?? Maybe you should take one up. I suggest learning to play the drums.
Arashi: "Do you have a hobby?? Maybe you should take one up. I suggest learning to play the drums."
It shouldnt be difficult. She already plays the "dumbs".
So hes on the way to jail but hes lobbying for Kazakhstan?
The republicans don’t want us to believe Cohen because he has already lied to Congress when he testified in support of trump. Got it.
Well if she takes up the drums, she will have something she can beat on with sticks anytime she likes, and with practice she can make it musical.
Maybe we could redeploy ICE to arrest the 50,000,000 Americans who knew in June of 2016 about the hacked emails but didnt report it to the FBI.
Cohen admits he has no evidence Trump colluded with Russians, 'but I have my suspicions'
Well - big boom there.
This thread is done.
steve uhr: "The republicans don’t want us to believe Cohen because he has already lied to Congress when he testified in support of trump. Got it."
The complete lack of evidence probably comes into pkay here.
But when did a complete lack of evidence ever stop the stalinists from getting their man?....
Still, your tears over the exposure of your dems collusion hoax is duly noted.
Interesting how this thread became more about Inga's stupidity and willing ignorance than Mickey Cohen's absolute sleaziness.
DB at Home,
You win the thread today.
So as we now see, its all about feelz. I have no proof, but this is what I want things to be so there it is..
Mike: "This thread is done."
Perhaps, but I have my suspicions.....
While Trump is talking peace with world leaders the Congress is talking to a discredited unethical lying lawyer about old dirt and hearsay. No wonder Americans trust Trump more than congress or the Press.
Who would you prefer to succeed at the work they are currently doing on your behalf? I think the Democrats and the Press would prefer Trump fail, and that's pretty telling about who they are and why they cannot be trusted as much as a New York philandering real estate mogul.
Cohen is being coached by Lanny Davis. And yes - Cohen doesn't have a lot of credibility.
Lies, half-truths and innuendo. But that's all it takes to find a crime against humanity.
Plus- It's illegal to stop the Clinton money grubbing entitlement-to-power.
Either do you, Steve Urh - *COUGH - Covington kid smear campaign*
"And you would be liable in tort for damage done with your stolen vehicle if you recklessly left your keys in the car."
Agreed, but I am not sure how this part of it analogizes to the current issue - unless you mean to say that Hillary should sue Podesta for costing her the election?
It's a bug not a feature
One is reminded of the pyakov purge trial, where he kept being told which German and Japanese agents he met and at which location.
Steveuhr why do you care what Republicans want? Be your own man. Or, more likely, be Inga's man here. One might be a little cautious about pinning their hopes on the "testimony" of a convicted liar, since Congress has never, until today, invited a perjurer back to "testify" to them. But there's a first time for everything, as they say.
So, since you appear eager to believe Cohen, what hard evidence has he proffered to support his "testimony" today? Anything substantial?
steve uhr,
Most of the lying for which Cohen was convicted was for tax evasion and lying on loan forms.
None of that lying benefitted Trump.
I was wrong Drago. Having too much fun swatting down pesky lefty arguments. If I was on steve and ingas side I'd be fucking depressed right now.
Cohen’s other clients are going to sue him for recording them.
They are going to get that book and film money.
Wilileaks, like Lara Logan (Those bazongas!) and Sharyl Atkinson we’re hero’s of truth until it turned out the Actually were, you know, hero’s of truth.
Exactly so!
In the same way Hillary was responsible for handling US government documents with due care, so was Podesta for the DNC documents.
The DNC was the aggrieved party, separate from Hillary Clinton.
And we have already been over this. He had Cohen made an illegal contribution to the campaign.
This is so dishonest it's laughable. Freder, you make yourself look like a hate-filled, ignorant ass when you make this point.
Hillary wanted to kill Julian Assange. Said so.
is that illegal?
This just in - even CNN is saying that cohen is LYING right now in his congressional testimony...
Well, when you've lost CNN, you've really, really lost it
“Mueller also dedicated much of the January indictment to unraveling the various lies that Stone told about his contacts with Credico, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, and conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi. But the special counsel did not explicitly say whether Stone, Credico, or Corsi were ever actually in contact with WikiLeaks or Assange about the stolen e-mails.”
Where is in the article did it say Mueller “CAN’T” verify? You apparently WISH that’s what Mueller said. Mueller won’t verify st this time, for his own good reasons that YOU don’t know.
“Between the plain text of his filings, however, lie indications that Mueller may have these answers.If you re-read charging documents from the special counsel’s office—both what has been included and what hasn’t—the series of outcomes narrows considerably. These are the known unknowns of the Mueller probe. while there may not be any one smoking gun in the Russia investigation, it could become a mushroom cloud left for Congress to litigate.”
Tom Steyer is not getting his money's worth.
No, DB@H, it is not illegal to state you want to kill somebody without an affirmative step in a plan to accomplish that outcome.
Stephen King cannot be convicted of wanting to kill half of Maine (in his books).
Having no principles is a pathetic way to go through life.
Yet you support illegals breaking the law.
Cohen just lied to Congress again today, claiming he never "wanted or sought" a job in Trump admin. But he bragged to people in 2016 that he left the Trump org for a WH counsel office job*. Both Don Jr. and Eric Trump just tweeted out that they have evidence Cohen is lying about that. If this is true and Cohen lied under oath today that will void his plea agreement and he would be sentenced to the full term his admitted crimes require.
Maybe I will watch this hearing now that it's getting interesting.
*This was in answer to Jim Jordan's direct questioning about whether Cohen is doing this to get back at Trump for withdrawing the WH job offer.
Royal ass Inga is angry that we cannot prove her asserted negative.
Ignorance is her strength.
He had Cohen made an illegal contribution to the campaign.
Amusingly he repeats this right after Cohen provided proof Trump paid him back which means the payment was made by Trump rather than Cohen and would not be subject to limitation if it were a campaign contribution. This is of course on top of the fact that this is a personal expense not a campaign expense so it's not a campaign contribution at all.
When you parrot others' talking points without understanding the underlying facts it's hard to react to changes in the circumstances.
Get your hot poli-porn action all day.
Left on left side show over here--->
Ex-Bernie Spokesman Lashes Out at Hillary’s Team, ‘Biggest A**Holes in American Politics’
Howard as Howard the Duck, starring Howard
“Having too much fun swatting down pesky lefty arguments.”
Haha self flattery, self delusion.
“If I was on steve and ingas side I'd be fucking depressed right now.”
That’s because you’re a Trump Cultist and it’s made you stupid.
Trump doesn’t use email or text.
Smart man.
Inga: "Where is in the article did it say Mueller “CAN’T” verify? You apparently WISH that’s what Mueller said. Mueller won’t verify st this time, for his own good reasons that YOU don’t know."
Not a single person has been charged in any way with anything related to what you keep referring.
No. One.
Mueller is speaking loud and clear thru his indictments.
Loud and clear.
Go ahead Inga. Admit it. You still believe the hoax dossier is real, dont you?
Indications, Inga? Read the fucking article. Even the title gives away the game you're playing: READING BETWEEN THE LINES IN ADVANCE OF THE SPECIAL COUNSEL’S REPORT
What you keep quoting are the wishes of VF "reading between the lines." But journalism ethics (at least your source has some even if you don't) requires them to state very clearly, in the fourth paragraph (here pasted in its entirety) the following (key text bolded by me):
"Mueller also dedicated much of the January indictment to unraveling the various lies that Stone told about his contacts with Credico, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, and conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi. But the special counsel did not explicitly say whether Stone, Credico, or Corsi were ever actually in contact with WikiLeaks or Assange about the stolen e-mails. In a court filing three weeks later, Mueller at least partially addressed this issue. After previously describing Stone’s attempts to contact Assange through hapless go-betweens, the special counsel’s team said for the first time that it “obtained and executed dozens of search warrants on various accounts used to facilitate the transfer of stolen documents for release, as well as to discuss the timing and promotion of their release.” Consequently, prosecutors wrote, “Several of those search warrants were executed on accounts that contained Stone’s communications with Guccifer 2.0”—the Russian entity that hacked the Democratic National Committee—“and with Organization 1,” a.k.a. WikiLeaks. In other words, Mueller has the receipts when it comes to Stone’s contacts with Guccifer 2.0 and WikiLeaks. What is unclear is the substance of these contacts, and whether they are limited to what is publicly known."
Looks plain and easy to understand.
We are not done today, but Elijah Cummings' circus is a lot of fun today. It has a great clown show aspect. It reminds me when lefty's got excited about Comey's testimony only to cry in their beers later. It is just hilarious.
Never heard that one Alan, yo are quite clever
Plain text link to the article in question:
False in one, false in all.
Which Congresscritter said that recently?
Mueller isn’t done indicting and he’s NOT telling everything he knows in his speaking indictments, despite what you Trump Cultists desperately need to believe.
Cohen is a rat.
That was a spot-on tweet by Trump.
The idea that Trump ever meant for Cohen to pay off Daniels himself is about the most laughable thing ever. How many lawyers have you ever met who would willingly pay a client's costs for anything, especially $135K? It isn't like this was a case taken on contingency. You can be damned certain that Trump has the bill Cohen gave him for that payment.
Ha. Now Cohen proves the dossier wrong too. Not a good day for conspiracy theorists.
“Plain text link to the article in question:”
I provided the link in my excerpts Mike. What do you think you’re proving?
Cohen playing the Jew-card now. Lol
You people deliberate like Nancy Grace about Jon Benet Ramsey
Vanity Fair is Hollywood leftist propoganda - LOLOLOLOLOL.
If Cohen is rat, Trump is ipso facto guilty.
Inga - if there were any there there vis a vis Trump in the mueller snipe hunt - it would have been leaked to CNN by now. Just like the fbi leaked their pre-dawn raid of Roger Stone to CNN so CNN could be setup and get all the juicy pictures..
You know this intellectually, but your hatred of the POTUS keeps you from admitting this to yourself. Maybe the leftists need to take some coureses on introspection and self evaluation??
Mueller isn’t done indicting
Many smarter people than you have tried to steer you in the right direction. IF there were ANY conspiracy charges coming they would HAVE TO BE in the court filings. Therefore the lack of conspiracy charges against Manafort, Stone, Papadapolous and Cohen indicate there was NO conspiracy. It would have to be in their filings, even if they only alluded to Trump. You can hope for more but the plain facts (I see you've given up on quoting Vanity Fair) show Mueller came up dry on collusion and conspiracy.
Read between the lines. That's where the blank parts of the page are.
Cohen saying he’s not guilty but pleaded guilty.
The federal prosecutors in New York are lying, according to Cohen.
I prefer to get my news talking points from "Pride and Prejudice"
Royal ass Inga believes harder than do you.
Her ignorance and belief are her only strengths.
Mockery is all she ever deserves.
Inga: "Mueller isn’t done indicting and he’s NOT telling everything he knows in his speaking indictments, despite what you Trump Cultists desperately need to believe."
The desperation is becoming quite....desperate...isnt it?
Ger, I guess we are going to find out about vast numbers of "conspirators" that we had previously never heard of!!
Many more hotel rooms!!
Many more "showers"!
Trust us! Its coming!
Now please continue to donate to the DNC!
Right now we have a Special Offer where LLR Chuck will match any donation to the DNC in excess of $100 as part of the democrat-sponsored "Re-establish True Conservatism By Electing Far Left Democrats At All Levels!' campaign.
Cohen picked a terrible time to be in the taxi business with Uber and Lyft.
It is easy to understand, Mike. Stone was trying to find out what was going to be dumped- he said and implied exactly that in his public tweets and interviews- I know because, as a politics junkie, I always read such articles, and I never failed to be disappointed in Stone's promises/speculations when they were compared to the actual data dumps. I doubt Stone ever talked to Assange directly, and I make that assertion because Stone apparently was relying on Credico for information, not Assange himself. Indeed, by all appearances, Stone was trying to minimize the connections to Credico because they were direct evidence that Stone was a bullshitter of the highest order- making assertions about the e-mails that were never once supported by the actual material. I can't find a single assertion Stone made about the them that was actually true other than times of the release which was public knowledge from Wikileaks itself.
“But the special counsel did not explicitly say whether Stone, Credico, or Corsi were ever actually in contact with WikiLeaks or Assange about the stolen e-mails. In a court filing three weeks later, Mueller at least partially addressed this issue.”
I posted this same sentence at least TWICE. What do you think you’re proving? It did NOT say Muueller “CAN’T” say, it says Mueller “DID NOT” say.
You don’t know the difference between “DID NOT” and “CAN’T”?
Again, you WISH that’s what they article said, it didn’t. Learn to read and not guess.
I provided the link in my excerpts Mike. What do you think you’re proving?
I'm proving you pulled quotes that were "reading between the lines" while I pulled out the factual statement that Mueller has NOT said Trump or Stone or Manafort had inside info from Wikileaks. If Mueller had that he would have shown it in the filings.
Seems like we've covered this already.
Cohen has, on at least two occasions, denied parts of the sentencing document from the SDNY.
He has committed perjury today.
Howard: "You people deliberate like Nancy Grace about Jon Benet Ramsey"
That commercially successful?
Mike, now you’re backtracking. You said Mueller “CAN’T” say. You either misspoke or are lying, or are engaging in wishcasting.
It’s completely consistent to say he pleaded guilty to bank fraud but didn’t commit bank fraud.
Inga: ,Again, you WISH that’s what they article said, it didn’t. Learn to read and not guess."
Yes, Inga wrote that...about an article that itself is billed as "a guess"!
An astonishing performance by Inga today. Truly LLR Chuck-worthy.
Mike, until you can prove Royal ass Inga's negative, she wins.
Ignorance is her strength.
You cannot argue, with logic, a person out of an argument they used no logic to achieve.
Inga: "You either misspoke or are lying, or are engaging in wishcasting."
Leave the democrat committee members out of this!!
And Mike, as I said, I posted that very SAME sentence at least twice, then you post it thinking you’re proving what you asserted.
Let me put it another way- if you have Julian Assange on speed-dial, why would you need to rely on Randy Credico to get information from Assange? In the indictment, you can see Credico (name redacted, though) basically telling Stone to just fess up because it was going to be the lies and tampering that were going to sink him. Stone was apparently trying to obscure the fact that he was full of shit in his tweets and interviews. It is almost impossible to not understand that from the indictment documents themselves.
Cohen going to talk to his lawyers now.
Remind me not to follow your legal advice, ever.
If pleaded guilty, then must admit guilt going forward.
Or the agreement may be pulled.
That's what allocation demands.
Inga: "And Mike, as I said, I posted that very SAME sentence at least twice,"
And have yet to comprehend it even once.
Dreaded auto-in-correct wins again!
“And have yet to comprehend it even once.”
You are afflicted with the same malady that poor Mike is. Wishcasting, born out of blind loyalty to Trump.
LOL...no it’s sad.
Ignorance is strength.
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Royal ass Inga abides.
“But the special counsel did not explicitly say whether Stone, Credico, or Corsi were ever actually in contact with WikiLeaks or Assange about the stolen e-mails. In a court filing three weeks later, Mueller at least partially addressed this issue.”
I posted this same sentence at least TWICE.
Not at 12:08 where you actually excised that specific sentence from the quote, trying to change the meaning of the article. You are dishonest and have repeatedly disputed the content of that sentence. If you acknowledge it's true then you must wonder why Mueller didn't charge anyone for the crime you are imagining.
"It’s completely consistent to say he pleaded guilty to bank fraud but didn’t commit bank fraud. "
I have sat in on a defendant pleading guilty in federal court. The judge took great care to ensure that (among other things) the defendant knew and understood that once his plea was made, he would no longer be able to deny that the events to which he was making the plea took place - effectively, "don't come back and tell me that you did not do this" once the plea is in. For Cohen to make the statement is not consistent.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Mueller isn’t done indicting and he’s NOT telling everything he knows in his speaking indictments,
Inga can't understand what this means though. It is she who is making pronouncements not supported by the currently public information and thus it is she who implicitly claims knowledge of the unknown.
This is of course all while she criticizes others for claiming to know what will be disclosed in the future.
She can't even understand her own positions.
Inga, Stone regularly claimed to talk directly to Assange in 2016, and to other Wikileaks' persons, but the indictment basically demonstrates that those statements were untrue. At best, Stone seemed to think he had an inside man via Credico, but even that seems to have not really been true since I have seen no confirmation from Credico himself that he got information from Assange that wasn't public already, or gave any such information to Stone. How can I know this? Because Credico hasn't been charged with anything- he was smart enough to admit to stuff that wasn't illegal to begin with- something Stone should have done himself. Contacting or trying to contact Wikileaks isn't a crime, or else lots of journalists should be arrested and tried, including Credico, who hasn't.
Inga, you have been exposed, again.
LLR Chuck cannot be pleased with this turn of events.
By the way, Diane Feinstein just threw this hearing under the bus.
But not Inga. Inga BELIEVES!
"Hacking is illegal", says a woman who sounds like everything she knows about computers she learned by watching 1992's Sneakers starring Robert Redford and River Phoenix.
By the way, thanks to all of you who fought her while I was working. I salute you!
I posted it first, because it directly refutes the two sentences you cherry-picked from the article (12:08). Let's not forget you were saying it proved Trump KNEW about the Wikileaks dump before it happened by some nefarious means. You have been shown that Mueller did NOT say that, and I did it by showing the sentence you left OUT of your extraction. Others then tipped you off to the Guardian article that appeared a month before that meeting, showing that anyone who can read knew Wikileaks dump was coming.
Now you slither in here claiming the fact you re-posted my excerpt proves...well I'm not really sure what you're on about. You never acknowledged it. You don't make sense. Your direct statements have been shown to be false. Somehow you got my goat though, according to you. I'll let the reader decide what to believe.
The Democrats got so desperate they started throwing up smears about videos of Trump beating Melania in an elevator, Trump has a love child, more hoax golden dossier videos, etc etc etc!!
Inga asked me yesterday if I would be making popcorn for today. The answer is no, but I wish I had!
Stone's biggest crime is that he's an diot and an egomaniac. All he needed to do was use the Clinton defense.
"I don't recall."
Inga will never listen to you, Yancey.
“This is of course all while she criticizes others for claiming to know what will be disclosed in the future.
She can't even understand her own positions.”
No. I’ve said numerous times in past discussions about “what Mueller knows”, that NONE of us knows. I don’t pretend to know, like Mike just did. You folks continuously act as IF you know, I don’t pretend, I say I don’t know... and NEITHER do you people.
He lied to Congress before, so, OF COURSE they'll believe him THIS time.
Mueller-HIllary is dragging this out because if Mueller-Hillary had the goods on Trump - in terms of cOLLUIONS! we'd already know it and Trump would be impeached by now.
Keep hope alive. Keep the suspense going until 2020. That's the real plan.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“His filings on Stone and Manafort show the FACT that neither had ANY communication with Wikileaks. NONE! And the cherry on top is that even if they did it ain't a crime, which your sideways elisions above illustrate cleverly.”
No they don’t.
“Mueller may be deliberate, but he’s not necessarily straightforward. As his investigation appears to draw to a close, the key to understanding his intentions relies not only on examining the information he has included in previous filings, but also upon considering the information that he appears to have omitted, or redacted, from them.
Mueller’s 24-page indictment of Roger Stone, issued in January, revealed that the self-described dirty trickster encouraged radio host Randy Credico “to do a ‘Frank Pentangeli’”—a reference to a character in The Godfather: Part II, who lied to Congress only after his mobster brother showed up in the courtroom. But Mueller, the former Marine, also included numerous vagaries in the document.
He outlined a series of cases where Stone was in contact with Trump campaign officials about WikiLeaks’ plans to release stolen e-mails, but did not identify said officials, in accordance with D.O.J. policy. Resultantly, we are left guessing the identity of the person who “directed” an unnamed “senior Trump campaign official “to contact Stone about any additional releases and what other damaging information [WikiLeaks] had regarding the Clinton Campaign.” In the end, the filing prompted nearly as many questions as it answered.“
2/27/19, 12:02 PM
“Your direct statements have been shown to be false. Somehow you got my goat though, according to you. I'll let the reader decide what to believe.”
Yes, members of the cult must remain loyal to the Cult Leader.
Forgetful Inga: "I don’t pretend, I say I don’t know... "
You long ago pronounced Trump the most corrupt and criminal President in our history as well as calling him a treasonous traitor.
History begins anew for Inga each day so she doesnt remember any of that.
I don’t pretend to know,
Numerous times including below you have flatly asserted Stone "coordinated" with Assange.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Trump had plenty of time to contact the FBI about Stone coordinating with Assange, he didn’t.
2/27/19, 12:35 PM
Bipolar Inga is out again.
Here it is. Those are your words from 12:02 CST. What were you trying to say there Inga?
I will read the transcript later, but I would say it would be perjury for Cohen to claim what he did was not crime if he has already pleaded to it and allocuted the details. A judge is supposed to ensure that the pleader understands what it is he is doing and agrees that he understood what he was doing was criminal- remember, there is intent that has to be met here when taking a plea.
How inept is your investigation if years go by, and you cannot get the HIllary-revenge death nail?
Howard said...
"I prefer to get my news talking points from "Pride and Prejudice""
It shows, Ethel.
I like the part about how Trump demanding schools keep his educational records secret was somehow nefarious.
Hilarious, in hindsight, article from 2012: "Donald Trump wants Barack Obama to publish his college and passport records but won't reveal his own", which has this:
"I tell you what, he'll provide them to you when you provide yours to him," said Michael Cohen, executive vice president at the Trump Organization and special counsel to Trump, in what began as a friendly encounter.
I readily agreed to the deal, and offered to provide my college records and passport-application records to the Trump office for inspection. That seemed to prompt a change of heart.
"But what's your point? Mr Trump's not the president of the United States and he's not running for the presidency," Cohen said."
I don’t pretend to know, like Mike just did.
Ha ha ha. Mueller has told you what he knows about this incident because he has had to file the paperwork on Stone and Manafort. The law is clear. If there's a conspiracy (which is what collusion boils down to) then it must be charged to the co-conspirators and any unindicted c0-conspirators will be named or alluded to.
Show me where it is in the Manafort filing! Or Stones! I know you can call me names and allege I'm a Trump whatever, but I'm not talking about Trump. I'm asking about the black and white law at issue. Show me I'm wrong. If you can.
"No they don't" was you. The rest was you quoting me, you idiot!
That is literally your entire quote from your 12;02 post and you deny ONLY the part where you quoted me. How interesting. Learn to read.
Then use quotation marks correctly, you idiot.
Anyone here can scroll up to 12:02 and see those are your words (except for where you quote my clever "cherry on top" analogy), Inga. Get a grip. You are obviously losing touch with reality now.
Allocution is what you do in court.
Cohen got his sentence.
He’s free to say whatever he wants now.
Also, people try to revoke their guilty pleas all the time. Sometimes they are successful. The Supreme Court just issued another decision allowing it.
So admitting you’re guilty to a charge doesn’t stop you from saying you are not guilty outside court or even stop you from changing your mind inside court after you plead guilty.
The criminal justice system just moves along. Sucks for Cohen to have to go to prison and pay a fine but that’s what happens. It’s a system. You don’t want to be caught up in it.
If Mueller had something on Trump, the Dems wouldn't be parading this sleaze in front of the cameras. This is just battle space prep for keeping the circus rolling after Mueller fizzles out.
Chuck: "Fuck you, Birkel.... You piece of shit... you are stupid and contemptible."
Imagine if we were all guests at an Ann Althouse's dinner party, and she allowed one guest to continually bully everyone else while she looked on.
What would that say about her character?
And notice what gets her out of her chair. Complaints from the bully's victims. Criticism of her hospitality. To which she will demand everyone ignore the bully. And tbat if you happen to walk in on him punching a guest, do not intercede. And if the bully punches you, don't punch back. Only when you get the bully on the ground will Althouse will step up and put a stop to it before he gets bloodied. Only for him though, never for you when the situation is reversed - he is a feature at Chez Althouse, not a bug.
You don't allow guests under your roof to be treated this way. You don't enable the bully at your dinner table. You remove him. Or perhaps we aren't really guests here at all. This is a business - Chuck brings drama, drama brings clicks, clicks bring Amazon. You're a client, not a guest, your harassment is good for the show and necessary to pay for the wine in Ann's glass.
But maybe that's not it either. I would be ashamed of myself if I enabled a bully and set him upon guests in my house. But I would want my businesses customers to be run off either.
You can make better sense of Ann's behavior from the perspective of a social scientist putting obstacles like Chuck in your path because she's bored. He would not be here if Althouse didn't want him here. And we are not guests or clients... have noticed tbe walls yet? And the marks we have made on them going down this path, over and over again, for the last six years?
Next time you pass the rat portraits in the foyer, take a closer look. You may find some bear a strong resemblance to personalities back at the dinner party.
Well, nice chatting. That dress looks magnificent on you. But this is normally when Althouse's Cucks randomly appear to dramatically declare they would be happier if we ignored all the Chuck drama. It's stale after 6 years, but there's a spot right over there with a good view of Althouse. It's a fun game some of us play, try to catch her moving her lips. But stealthy about it though, and if Meade walks up, we're just lovers who snuck of for a makeout session. Grab a bottle of wine from behind the bar, we might be there awhile.
Only idiots use quotes when reprinting an entire post. That would add confusion. And only an idiot wouldn't recognize the quote they took from ME and used in their quote, after all it was set off with quotation marks.
So you aren't going to explain what you meant at 12:02 (quoted by me at 1:47) at all? Didn't think you could.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“His filings on Stone and Manafort show the FACT that neither had ANY communication with Wikileaks. NONE! And the cherry on top is that even if they did it ain't a crime, which your sideways elisions above illustrate cleverly.”
No they don’t.
You put quotation marks around YOUR OWN comment. And then you DON’T use quotation marks around MY comment. LOL.
Sheesh, what a dummy.
He’s free to say whatever he wants now.
Nope. He is NOT free to contradict his plea while under oath. Or tell new lies while under oath. Those things will void his plea deal.
Yes, but when you allocute, you are admitting that what you did was criminal and you knew it at the time you did it. Legally, you aren't supposed to be allowed to plea to something you didn't do or didn't know was illegal. So, if Cohen was saying today that he didn't commit a crime, then he is either lying today, or lied in the allocution. As a lawyer, he will have a much higher bar to claim his plea was an error of some kind. If today's testimony wasn't sworn, then there would be no problem.
No Inga I did not put those quotes there. You did. You were quoting me, you idiot. You put the quotes in your post at 12:02 and if you aren't going to even read WHAT YOU WROTE and honestly discuss it, there's no use continuing. I just wanted to know what you meant with WHAT YOU WROTE.
I already know I meant in my quote you used. But your meaning is still unclear. And I guess I don't care enough to stick around and see if you ever write a coherent sentence. There's things I need to get to doing. Thanks for the laughs!
"Wikileaks disseminated emails that were STOLEN. I guess that’s not important to you."
A Democrat staffer was murdered over this too. One of your own people too. Odd what parts of this story are important to you. I guess we have to wait for Trump to murder a campaign worker for leaking to the press, as these "principles" of yours are so situational.
I reprinted your entire post, Inga. From the name to the time stamp. That is the proper way to quote a post. In entirety without alteration. All quote marks are understood by normal people to be the person who wrote the original post in such a format. Should I excerpt you, like you did to me, I would put quotes around the excerpt (as you did for my excerpt) or set it off with italics. But I did not excerpt. In the spirit of openness I quoted your whole post. Too bad you are so fucking dumb you can't understand that or address the issue.
Mike - what you're trying to do is very noble. But it's not worth it. Inga is both stupid and insane. Trying to be logical with her is utterly pointless.
FWIW, I've enjoyed your posts. As for Inga - I wish there were a way to really block certain posters so I wouldn't have to age any faster than I have to.
Did Cohen have any information about Trump’s use of an unsecured phone in the White House?
Asking for Inga.
I'm watching CNN at the airport. The 7 "political analysts" including Jeffrey Toobin and Jake Tapper, are totally clueless on these issues. The main focus seems to be, "Trump repaid Cohen with a check for hush money to a porn star!"
Nobody in the airport cares or understands.
Stormy has been quiet lately since she was hit with that big attorney fee bill.
I guess she finally realizes she hasn't been getting good legal advice.
Cohen v Avenatti - who's sleazier?
There were numerous right-wing apologists for Dick Nixon during Watergate, but justice prevailed in that case in that Nixon resigned for his numerous felonies before he was to be impeached. He avoided jail because Ford pardoned him. President Pence will likely pardon Schlump when he resigns in disgrace. The GOP and its benefactor, the NRA should be dissolved by order of the court for crimes against humanity, and wildlife. The right-wing trolls on this blog will all suffer a heart attack, or commit hari-keri. Sayonara Rethuglican trolls!!
Mike, just an FYI. When quoting multiple people in a comment, it’s a good idea to indicate who said what. I understand YOU recognized your own comment, but I didn’t ( after SO many comments by you and I),nor would other commenters. Don’t be sloppy, use better ways of quoting people to be clearer and more concise.
Six more years Trumpit. Six! See if you can handle it.
I wish we had CNN and the Internet when that lying weasel John Dean was testifying to Congress. Woulda hammered him too!
“See if you can handle it.”
HAHAHA, I’d like to see how you people will handle the Mueller investigation conclusions, IF they contain bad news for Trump, but there will always be the die hard Cultists...
Inga: "..but there will always be the die hard Cultists..."
Can you believe there are some idiots running around who STILL believe the hoax dossier is real?!!
Amazing, I know!
Fortunately there is no one on this blog who is that demented, right Inga?
I agree with your analysis. On the bank fraud he was either lying to The House committee or to the judge.
But as a practical matter nothing will be done. The SDNY isn’t going to do anything else to him and no one else on the DOJ is going to parse his testimony and prosecute him.
And people try to revoke guilty pleas all the time without being charged for perjury.
The criminal justice system is a game with rules like any sport and then it has customs like any sport that are allowed even though they are against the rules.
People plead all the time who are innocent. Everyone knows it. I’m not saying Cohen was innocent of all the charges. But things like “material” false statements aren’t even really factual. They are based on bank’s customs but banks make loans all the time based on loan apps they know have false information. That’s how the housing crisis happened. Banks didn’t give a shit.
And Peak Oil!
Inga I explicitly said I was re-posting YOUR whole post. Then said it again after you went on a tangent. I don't believe anything you wrote, including this POS at 2:27. Why does it matter how its formatted when you won't address the question of what you meant by what you wrote? You simply used the formatting as an excuse to claim confusion and elide the question, like you're still doing, because you cannot explain what you meant without contradicting your other assertions.
Callahan is right. I should have known better than feed the troll. But sometimes it's fun to battle it out over meaningless political bullshit.
Inga, what you might think is bad news, others might not.
In fairness, I really dislike Blogger's rather limited feature set when it comes to comments. Proper forum software allows users quote blocking (usually with a clickable "quote" feature) so quotes can easily be demarcated unambiguously. A good forum also has easy WYSIWYG style editing so people don't have to know HTML in order to do things like embed a URL in text, use different styles of text, and embed images or video ect.
HAHAHA, I’d like to see how you people will handle the Mueller investigation conclusions, IF they contain bad news for Trump, but there will always be the die hard Cultists...
Much, much better than you people continue to handle Hillary's loss to
President of the United States of America Donald John Trump.
1984 is a how to guide for them:
“Callahan is right. I should have known better than feed the troll. But sometimes it's fun to battle it out over meaningless political bullshit.”
Callahan is the idiot who has said on multiple occasions that he’ll go after cucks who aren’t loyal enough to Trump with a hammer. I believe he said he’d “slice them like a hammer”, which sounded strange to me, “slice” like hammer? Shouldn’t it be pound like a hammer? That you align yourself with Callahan isn’t surprising, lol
Meanwhile President Trump is negotiating the end of the Korean War,
And India and Pakistan are shooting each others' planes down.
"And I guess I don't care enough to stick around and see if you ever write a coherent sentence. There's things I need to get to doing. Thanks for the laughs!"
Inga, get off the computer and focus on your grandkids, or you'll be hearing something very close to that every Sunday morning from your daughters as they attempt a graceful exit from tbeir weekly visit to tbe nursing home.
Politics has made you delusional. Trump Derangement Syndtome is rotting your brain. No doubt your loved ones find you a chore that must be endured. Why do you spend so much time on the internet screaming at people you hate?
I'm weary of witnessing your mental healtb deteriorate further. And I resent you involuntarily inducting the rest of us in your self-medicated Two Minute Hate (and you really should get a watch).
Go spend a few years with family. I promise you Trump will still be here when you get back.
(fade to Inga's Daughter Household)
Daughter: ...and walked in on her. Sbe was back on the internet screaming af strangers..
Son-in-Law: I'm so sorry baby...
Daughter: She promised! And she didn't even last a week! Sometimes I don't recognize her. That's not the woman who raised us, it's some kind of monster.
Son-In-Law: I didn't want to stress you out last weekend, but the kids are afraid to be left alone witb her and don't know how to tell you.
Daughter: Okay, that's it. We can't live like this anymore. Not when she won't take this addiction of hers seriously. It's like a cancer eating her alive, I'm not subjecting the girls to this.
Son-in-law: What about those people her doctor recommended?
Daughter: Sunset Vistas? Would that make be a bad daughter?
Son-in-law: Not at all honey. We can visit her every Sunday. It's all going to work out. Don't worry.
Daughter: Unless she finds out you voted for Orange Man?
Son-in-law: Ssssh! Not even in jest, baby, don't tempt Fate!
Inga will always eventually resort to name calling.
Aren’t you idiots watching the hearing?
2/27/19, 12:45 PM
That’s because you’re a Trump Cultist and it’s made you stupid.
2/27/19, 1:15 PM
Then use quotation marks correctly, you idiot.
2/27/19, 1:56 PM
Sheesh, what a dummy.
2/27/19, 2:02 PM
Callahan is the idiot who ...
2/27/19, 2:47 PM
Ah Fen, just another Trump Cultist creating scenarios and fantasies. Be careful or you’ll start ranting like poor boy Fen and think you sound clever. Fen, my advice to you is to step out of your fantasy life, there is a real world out there.
I've got them as being on recess for an hour and forty minutes. Wish I had a lunch break like that!
Blogger Michael K said...
"Meanwhile President Trump is negotiating the end of the Korean War,
And India and Pakistan are shooting each others' planes down."
And there's a dog and pony show going on in the house that the usual suspects are treating as gospel. Buncha dopes.
Mike said...
Chuck slithered away leaving her to argue alone. Sad.
There are a few people on this blog -- notably Althouse, but a handful of other commenters here (they mostly know who they are because they know that I have interacted with them in an interesting and respectful way) -- who are worth it, to debate legal issues.
You aren't one of them.
But because you earlier went out on a limb to demand what law might have been broken by Trump vis-à-vis his hush money payments to mistresses, I wanted to come back and single you out for the mistake in that regard.
Michael Cohen pled guilty -- he was dead to rights -- to a number of violations but most relevant a violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act. Counts 7 and 8 of the Cohen SDNY information were violations of 52 USC Sec. 30118 and 30116. Basically making an illegal corporate contribution (through the National Enquirer, in common parlance) and an illegally large campaign contribution (by the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels for purposes of advancing the campaign.
Now there are a couple of things to note. First is that Cohen was not part of the campaign, although he was certainly a contractor to the campaign it seems. Cohen would not be criminally culpable for the many failures to report all of this campaign-related activity. And in lots of cases, the candidate himself wouldn't know all of the details and might not have any criminal culpability for mere reporting errors, even serious ones.
But Trump knew all about Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal and was beyond any doubt closely involved in coordinating the scheme. Including talking about it with Cohen in at least one recorded conversation, overseeing and paying for phony corporate entities, and generally hiding the entire thing. Oh, and lying about it to reporters on Air Force One. Trump has arguable MORE culpability than Cohen; it may be a violation by Trump of 18 USC Sec. 371, for conspiracy to defraud the United States through impeding the Federal Election Commission in carrying out its duties, or causing false statements under 18 USC Sec. 1001 and 18 USC Sec. 1519, by causing the campaign to file false FEC reports.
And I am no expert in all of the bank fraud, mail fraud and tax fraud crimes that may attend to just that set of facts for Trump.
But Mike you missed the best argument for Trump. Which is that, sure the payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal had elements of illegality but it was not Trump's fault because Trump was relying on Cohen's legal advice...
At least with regard to the FECA violations, Trump might evade a conviction by claiming that he did not have the requisite state of mind for FEC crimes. But you didn't say that. You and others think that there is simply no crime in paying off a blackmailing woman with whom you had an affair, for the sake of your own privacy. That much is simply false, in the context of campaign finance. If you are a federal election candidate in the middle of a campaign and your payoff is to help the campaign, that really is a legal issue. You want to argue against that? Fine. Go to the great Brad Smith at Capital University in Ohio. One of my heroes. He disagrees with me, and he (philosophically, at least) defends Trump on this issue. Brad Smith, one of the top conservative election law experts in the country is not a fan of Trump, and God bless Brad Smith for that.
Speaking of India's plane loss, can't believe they are still using MiG-21s.
Michael K said...
Meanwhile President Trump is negotiating the end of the Korean War,
Well since Trump single handedly ended the North Korean nuclear threat way back in Singapore, we stopped caring. Such a negotiator. Such a lover. He's been getting love letters from Kim Jong Un. Nothing to worry about anymore.
Trump Derangement Syndtome is rotting your brain.
It doesn't have anything to do with Trump. She claimed voting for Romney would usher in The Handmaid's Tale. She's unable to be rational about any non-leftist.
“She claimed voting for Romney would usher in The Handmaid's Tale. She's unable to be rational about any non-leftist.”
Liar. What is wrong with you people? Is telling the truth really just too difficult?
Looks like LLR Chuck finally pulled away from the Media Matters Smear Merchant Training site to rejoin us!
I cant wait for Chuck's next Eddie Haskell-ish suckup "dont make me leave" post to Althouse.
Im putting the over/under on Chuck's treacly missive word count at 1500.
Dick Durbin Cuckholster Chuck: "And I am no expert in all of the bank fraud, mail fraud and tax fraud crimes that may attend to just that set of facts for Trump."
Self-admitted Smear Merchants gotta Smear!
I wonder if Jussie Smollett will be available to play Michael Cohen in the Made For TV movie of this hearing.
If there is a cattle call for lefty protesting partisans outside the committee Im hoping Chuck gets there early enough to be selected.
AOC using a baby voice to question Cohen.
Is telling the truth really just too difficult?
Here is Inga's exact comment.
AllieOop said...
the new Republican Party's future, The Handmaid's Tale.
It's a shame we can't have an honest lefty other than Althouse. But it's greatly amusing those least capable of reason and moderation think they represent exactly those traits. This is one cost of left wing media dominance: people on the far left think they are moderate because people on MSNBC are crazier than they are.
Having no principles is a pathetic way to go through life. - Inga
Having the wrong ones is worse.
"Your stupid as shit Russia collusion thing is DOA, Inga."
You have to remember that "stupid as shit" appeals to Inga. Like sttracting like.
"He was a presidential candidate who knew that Roger Stone was talking with Julian Assange about a WikiLeaks drop of Democratic National Committee emails."
Complete and utter horseshit. As was revealed today when Republican questioner held up news article htat showed this was common knowledge one month before Wikileaks reavealed info
mccullough said...
Cohen going to talk to his lawyers now.
Not watching, but don't you mean Hillary's lawyer?
“Wikileaks disseminated emails that were STOLEN. I guess that’s not important to you.”
Just when I think liberals could not possibly get any more stupid, they manage to find some innovation to ascend to new heights.
With Schlump in charge, the threat of war will subside and an actual war will begin. He will win the Nobel War Prize invented especially for him.
And Rick, just what do you think you’ve proven? Post a link to that quote for one, secondly we all use hyperbole. I’d suggest you have Drago, the hyperbolic extraordinaire, that you might pay your attentions to. You’re nothing more than a prissy scold.
But Trump's hyperbole is always lies.
Chuck recited the laws that Cohen pleaded guilty for breaking (except the campaign finance jag which was a political hook that got Mueller and Cohen each something on the bargain - and is a bull shit interpretation of an inapplicable law) but never got around to telling us how Trump was implicated.
We might have the first recorded instance of Cohen Derangement Syndrome. LMMFAO
Too funny, fake lawyer.
Chuck recited the laws that Cohen pleaded guilty for breaking (except the campaign finance jag which was a political hook that got Mueller and Cohen each something on the bargain - and is a bull shit interpretation of an inapplicable law) but never got around to telling us how Trump was implicated.
We might have the first recorded instance of Cohen Derangement Syndrome. LMMFAO
Too funny, fake lawyer.
The White House had its meetings with Kim Jung Un and the trip to Hanoi laid out right to the minute, weeks ago. Yet the Dem hierarchy still made sure to hold this Giant Media Circus today, just as negotiations were taking place in Hanoi. Today all cameras are focused on a professional liar, just two months out from going to prison for lying to Congress, who is now brought back in by that same Congress to pose as their star witness in bringing down a President. Let me repeat that:
He's a professional liar. He's going to prison for lying to this congress. These same people now want us to view him a a credible source of information. (by the way, also lying to Congress: Hillary, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan).
This entire circus is undermining our negotiations with the North Koreans. Undermining a possible quiet period to this nuclear threat. Undermining a possible move to bring North Korea back into this century.
And my friends ask me if I'll ever vote Dem again? Not in this lifetime. I am so disgusted with them, my eyeballs are hurting.
I remember when the left loved stolen emails and documents being released by wikileaks
And I am no expert in all of the bank fraud, mail fraud and tax fraud crimes that may attend to just that set of facts for Trump.
You keep bringing up bank fraud, mail fraud and tax fraud with the Stormy Daniels payment. There is no fraud.
And it wasn't a campaign contribution. As mentioned in Cohen's testimony today, there were other times, BEFORE TRUMP was a candidate, that he payed off people for potential stories. Including 15,000 for a "love child". Were those similar payments pre-emptive campaign fraud? Are all NDA's now considered campaign expenditures?
Cohen pleading guilty to it being campaign fraud doesn't make it campaign fraud. Just means he didn't want to fight it.
A man pleading guilty to jaywalking doesn't mean that me telling him to cross the street am also guilty of jaywalking. Or conspiracy to commit jaywalking. Especially if he used the crosswalk.
As an aside, does anybody think Cohen was a good witness today? Does he make a good John Dean fill in on CNN (after he gets out of prison of course)?
We need a poll!
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