Says the woman who assaulted a MAGA-hat-wearing man:
Based on the video, I think this looks like a sense of female privilege. She's an attractive woman in a bar, and she seems to think that she can take physical liberties with a man who's just sitting there — that she can wrap her arms around him and grab at his hat. Watch the video. Note that she did the same thing again in front of the police.
१८८ टिप्पण्या:
She's a victim of her own mental imbalance.
Stop it Althouse, just stop it! I’m going to burst a side here!
This seems completely reasonable
Women (that is, Left Wing Women) Should be ALLOWED to assault people because
The woman had ' a little to drink'
Has been 'discriminated against' 'so many times' In Her Past
I'd Really like to hear what some of our Left Wing Women commentators here would comment about this?
She's an attractive woman in a bar, and she seems to think that she can take physical liberties with a man who's just sitting there
Well of course she does...most women do. After all if the man responds the way he would to another man, he's now the bad guy. The guy somehow has a responsibility to behave appropriately, and the woman doesn't.
Men have responsibilities and no rights, women have rights and no responsibilities. This woman got the message and acted on it.
Female privilege is real. I've been victimized by it for decades. Both for good or ill. Normally its just a write off for the business at hand. Occaisionally, not so much. What are ya' gonna' do?
Santos, a Brazilian immigrant with a precious little accent, said she had a little bit to drink maybe that’s the reason that she couldn’t walk away but being discriminated for so many times in her life, she just had to stand up for herself by harassing someone else like they stand up for themselves back home in Brazil.
I guess she is the victim of laws against assault and battery.
The liberties that anti-Trump people take with Trump supporters are astonishing. But it goes beyond that. The cover article in the recent Weekly Examiner regarding the 30th anniversary of the fatwah against Salman Rushdie argues that the ayatollahs won. Cutting off heads appears to be a great way to win respect for your point of view. It lends credibility to swathing women in strange garb, pushing gays off rooftops, marking for death those who disagree with you, blasphemy laws, bigamy, and so forth.
Strange, that.
What are ya' gonna' do?
This incident might give the false impression that a man can call the police on a violent woman without getting himself arrested.
Proverbs 22:33 (on drink)
"Thine eyes shall behold strange women..."
Was she privileged? She was arrested. She appears to believe she was entitled.
I have been "sexually assaulted" by women quite a lot.
Less so lately.
Too stupid. Not attractive bar-hopper playfully has some fun. Meh!
But waiting for LLR to praise Althouse for another erudite, outstanding and significant post.
Spare us.
Being a self-proclaimed "victim" yields, if it works, currency today.
Really the law should not notice trifles. The boss should have comped the guy, told her she isn’t welcome if she behaves like that, and sent her home. End of story.
To what higher status can an immigrant aspire than Victimhood. It's the American Dream!
You are much more likely to be attacked for wearing a MAGA hat than you are to be attacked by someone wearing one. How obvious does this have to get?
The liberties that anti-Trump people take with Trump supporters are astonishing.
What's infuriating, is that the Leftwing loonies attack Trump supporters precisely because they know that Trump supporters will respond appropriately and not violently. Time and time again, the lies, the intolerance, the hate, the violence comes from the Left, not the Right.
Trump supporters are not public figures, and are often libeled by the press and those in entertainment. The actions of this left leaning person is a natural reaction to this narrative and are not her fault. What is needed is a class action lawsuit.
The funny part is that someone called her "an attractive woman."
I agree with Ken B -- this is where the owner should toss the "lady" out of the bar and tell her not to come back, ever, and the owner should buy a drink for the guy.
"She's an attractive woman in a bar"
LOL, she's over 200 pounds.
She’s a 5 who thinks she is an 8.
A woman could murder Kamala Harris’s entire extended family and get probation, and Kamala still wouldn’t say the words “female privilege”.
"The funny part is that someone called her 'an attractive woman.'"
Um...that was Althouse.
The woman appears a bit roly poly, but some people like big women, and everyone in that bar appears to have been chomping enchiladas.
Well, she's no Gisele.
And notice the Hispanic bartender did not react in any kind of knee-jerk solidarity.
That's what the Democrats fear most as the anti-Trump hysteria ages poorly.
I Agree.
She was offended that he wore that hat in a Mexican restaurant. She seems to think people should only partake of services of their ideological kin.
Actually, that bar looks like a fun place, they appear to welcome everybody, and they take their role as public hosts seriously. Next time I'm in Falmouth...
Guys wearing caps indoors? That's no way to treat a lady!
"The woman appears a bit roly poly..."
No, she's fat.
My guess: when she is in front of the judge she won’t be playing the victim anymore.
The MAGA hat has become the simplest test for mental issues on record. There is nothing else as sure, or as quick to get results. Just set the hat in a room of unsuspecting people. A normal person would might notice it (or not) and just keep on conversing or doing whatever they're doing. A bat-shit crazy person will see this as a sign to either commit violence or lay down in a fetal position across the room from the hat.
It's become fool-proof.
PS- if she was younger she'd be draft age, and ready to defend her country. Heh.
Well, a MAGA hat is pretty close to a Swastika,
Isn't it? That's what I've been told in college.
"Temujin said...
PS- if she was younger she'd be draft age, and ready to defend her country. Heh."
Probably not. She likely is an illegal alien.
Presumably, she left Venezuela because she doesn't like Socialism--or she's a spy. Deport! Deport! Deport!
Based on the video, I think this looks like a sense of female privilege.
I think it looks like a sense of "we need immigrants like this why, exactly?"
The Brownshirts used to show up at opposition rallies and start knocking heads. It’s an old script, it worked then, why shouldn’t it work now? Same script worked in South Africa.
Firstly, file this in the bulging file labeled "The Wonders of Alcohol". It gives a moron the self-discerning license to assault another because … I'M THE VICTIM!!!! TRUMP!!!!
My wife is a Brazilian immigrant - now a proud USA citizen - and almost every Brazilian I've encountered here supports Trump and Bolsonaro. The exceptions are the ones who've overstayed their Visa and are illegal.
One of these incidents will end in bloodshed. This guy (like Nicholas Sandmann or that kid at Berkeley) showed extraordinary restraint in the face of rage. Since the offenders taget eople they d not know, they ill inevitably pick the wrong person to attack.
These people aren’t crazy. They are like every other totalitarian movement in history.
The only difference is the people they want to wipe out are well armed and polite.
If Inga and her ilk get the chance it will be like the dozens of other examples in history: violence, starvation, re-education, mass murder.
There is nothing different or comic about this.
Note that she did the same thing again in front of the police.
No one said that people who vote Democrat are bright. Well, okay, they tell themselves that, but delusions are delusions.
Bullying in the Trump era is real:
""She's an attractive woman in a bar" LOL, she's over 200 pounds."
I repeat: She's an attractive woman in a bar. I could rephrase: In a bar, she's an attractive woman.
I'm guessing she believes she is attractive and that — this is the female privilege part — men will welcome her embrace.
I'd have to do research to know, but I suspect that men in bars are not overt in expressing no-touching rules to women.
Grabbing the hat could be seen as a teasing overture.
Would YOU have called the police on her? I think a stern "Don't touch me" would be more appropriate.
Masshole. Lock her up. Lock her up....
He got what he deserved. A gentleman does not wear a hat indoors.
Synonyms for roly poly are blubbery, chubby, corpulent, fat, fleshy, full, gross, lardy, obese, overweight, plump, podgy, portly, pudgy, replete, rotund, round, and tubby.
This is nothing compared to the case of Edith Macia at the Cal-Riverside.
Just watch this video and marvel at how these typical leftists think and act:
BY the way, I love The Hill headline about the woman "allegedly" taking the hat, while on the video she proudly proclaims why she took it and demanded the University help her take away the rights of the victimized student.
Watch how Not-So-Li'l Edith reacts when she is informed that we have laws protecting private property in this nation: "Man, f*** your laws"
That really ought to be the Motto for the democrat 2020 campaign.
Grabbing the hat could be seen as a teasing overture.
Would YOU have called the police on her? I think a stern "Don't touch me" would be more appropriate.
Women must never be made to feel bad about, or responsible for, anything, ever.
"Teasing overtures" are enough to get men thrown out of college these days.
Professor, you are correct that the standards of attractive are significantly lowered in a bar. And I wish I had a nickel for every average woman in a bar who thought themselves to be drop dead gorgeous.
I took off my cap at the DMV, and the female clerk actually said thank you.
Who called the cops? There has to be more to this story than is shown on the Ted Baxter 22 minutes that constitutes local news in this fair land.
Give that bartender an extra $5 tip.
So who wears the beer goggles in a bar?
I see dead Jews. Soros is enemy number one. That's what MAGA really means. The big lie cap is the equivalent of Make Germany Great Again in the 1930's that led to WWII, and 50-60 million dead. Slump is Hitler is a tautology. So she should be given a free drink for slapping that OFFENSIVE hat away. He should not be allowed, as a matter of policy, into the bar with that gross hat of hate. It's not a matter of free speech, but a matter of freedom for all people. The closest I could find was this "I see drunk people" hat on Amazon.
Temujin said: The MAGA hat has become the simplest test for mental issues on record. There is nothing else as sure, or as quick to get results>>>
I am currently dealing with this reflexive hate-attitude with a renewed friendship. I honestly don't know what to do. She and I used to be very close, but then she went through a tough time and basically withdrew from all of her friends. Ten+ years later, she contacted me, apologized, and we began to act as friends again. Turns out she was a big Barack supporter and is now a serious Trump-hater. I was showing her various products that my son-in-law sells online (clothing and novelty items) and a Trump-related shirt showed up. She got very upset and just kept saying that she was sorry but she really couldn't get past that, it threw her totally off. I was very calm and just said that he markets to all kinds of people and doesn't have a political focus. She kept remarking on it. First of all, how rude. Secondly, selling merchandise is how a member of my family puts food on the table! She has figured out that I voted for Trump (although my preferred candidate was Cruz) and has said a few provocative things about that along the way. It's nuts, it's just so nuts and so discouraging. She's otherwise an intelligent and thoughtful person but the Trump triggers her as though it were an electric cattleprod. I can't figure out how to integrate this hostile, ignorant (she has NO idea why I have come to the place where I have to reject most of the Left), and dismissive attitude into a friendship.
""Teasing overtures" are enough to get men thrown out of college these days."
I agree that the standard should be equalized.
I disagree that step one is calling the police on the woman.
Let's begin by just saying out loud when women take this kind of liberty that you don't want it. Get the message out. Let's have some lead time. I think the men have been cowed into not speaking, and it's time to step up socially and say what you want. Calling the police is stupid. Don't you think the police have other things to do? I don't want my tax money used for this.
And I've been hit by somebody and not called the police. I was hit by a guy in an electric wheelchair and I just talked to him (sternly) and said that it was a crime and I could call the police. I was hit by a vuvuzela at the Wisconsin protests when the police were right there, and I told the police I didn't want the person arrested.
The criminal law shouldn't be your first resort.
I am thinking of selling MAGA hats that are electrified on the outside. Some A-hole lefty tries to grab it off your head and -- BZZZZT -- he/she/xe gets a nice little jolt.
Trumpit: "I see dead Jews. Soros is enemy number one."
That makes sense when you understand that Soros collaborated with the Nazi's and is now strongly behind importing as many islamic supremacists into Europe as he can and that he hates Israel.
Good catch Trumpit.
I didn't expect such insight and honesty from you.
Here's hoping there's more of that to come.
If there’s anything but a dismissal she will win onappeal to the Mass SJC, who will recognize her female anti-MAGA privilege.
Trumpit--You need to get a grip. Make America Great Again is a political slogan, just like Hope and Change (Obama), It's Morning in America (Reagan), and Happy Days Are Here Again (FDR).
What the slogan means is in the eye of the beholder. To me, Make America Great Again means 3% annual economic growth, full employment, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and equal status before the law without regard to race, creed, or national origin.
Let's Get America Moving Again (JFK)!
Trumpit: "He should not be allowed, as a matter of policy, into the bar with that gross hat of hate. It's not a matter of free speech, but a matter of freedom for all people."
Well, clearly not all freedoms and clearly not for all people.
I'd Really like to hear what some of our Left Wing Women commentators here would comment about this?
As a right wing man, I'll only answer that had this been me wearing a MAGA hat, I would have turned around and popped that woman in the eye, right on the spot.
The more these entitled brats pull this crap without a response, the more it's going to happen.
"I repeat: She's an attractive woman in a bar. I could rephrase: In a bar, she's an attractive woman.
I'm guessing she believes she is attractive and that — this is the female privilege part — men will welcome her embrace."
No. No. And no. She's a fatty, she know she's a fatty. And her only hope to get a guy is with some loser in a bar who is drunk. She female privilege part is the welcome of her embrace, it's the excusing of her embrace.Guys will be happy that she just goes away eventually. The bullying she refers to is not men taunting her, it's ignoring her.
I have never seen a maga hat in mass.
Reporter: "There are two sides to every story."
There are at least two, but you wouldn't suspect it from so many of these news stories in recent years. Did the LSM bother to get the "other" side of the story before condemning Deplorables in hoax crime after hoax crime, Nick Sandmann, the security guard at Double Tree, the Starbucks manager, the countless "Beckies" on video who dared to disagree with a Negro? Did they let it slip that they were only pretending to believe Fear Mongrel?
No one heard from George Zimmerman until the media Fallows had already defamed him with doctored audio and video, showing him in a false light, and doing their best to get an innocent man convicted of murder. Much the same happened with Darren Wilson.
The blogger said, "Calling the police is stupid. Don't you think the police have other things to do? I don't want my tax money used for this."
With a day to sober up, the assailant is still calling herself the victim. It's not unlikely that there's stuff missing from the video.
Althouse said...
I'm guessing she believes she is attractive and that — this is the female privilege part — men will welcome her embrace.
This is an example of claimed "drunk girl" privilege, that passive-aggressive state where the carrots and sticks females offer and withdraw become hopelessly confused and transient.
Trumpit wants freedom FROM all people, not for them. When you tell me what hat I can war, you admit that you're fascist.
What Rory said.
"She's an attractive woman in a bar."
She's a heavy-set woman who takes great care with her nails and makeup to compensate. Her business, of course.
In my experience, such women can be self-absorbed and over-sensitive. It may be understandable, but the ancillary drama can be hard to take.
I have two friends who are drop-dead beautiful. The looks they get when we walk down the street together are from another dimension. They generally go natural.
RigelDog: I have a similar situation. My brother (a public school teacher) is a lefty and he knows I'm a conservative. We have a great reputation but he can't help himself from doing the following:
* Continually bringing up rude (and in my opinion ill informed) comments about Trump and his evil;
* Encouraging his elementary-age son to spew outright hatred of Trump;
* Trying to catch me off-guard with some critique of conservative principles (again, ill informed from my perspective) or "fact" about how conservatives are destroying people / alienating foreign powers / destroying the environment.
I tend to ignore him and change the topic, but he'd become unhinged if I practiced anything similar. Every now and than I get a zinger in, often flying beneath the radar.
It is tiring.
Titus: "I have never seen a maga hat in mass."
Note to self: Titus has never had access to Tom Brady's locker in the Patriots locker room (Restraining Order still in place??)
charge her with a Hat Crime
I have never seen a maga hat in mass.
but you have seen them en masse
> The woman had ' a little to drink'
Too drunk to consent, but not too drunk to assault
this TDS is so common,
they should sell the hats with surveillance cameras built in
She should have peed on him. Golden showers and showers of gold are what Schlump is into. Give 'em what they ask for if at all possible. He was asking for it by wearing a RED cap(e). Wearing a red MAGA cap means "charge!" to anyone who isn't colorblind.
> The criminal law shouldn't be your first resort.
The left has sold people that "stand up" == "assault"
See the antifa results in Portland
That "high road" sounds nice, but does not work against Alinsky rules.
Once enough judges have been trained in Intersectionality Law, this woman's claim that she was the one assaulted will be recognized as obviously correct. Men in MAGA hats will be arrested on sight.
She’s attractive in a 4:30am, she’s the last female in the bar, and you’re so fucking wasted it’s 75% probable you’re gonna get a DUI so you’ll fill anything kinda way.
Fill = Fuck.
I often go to this really, really good BBQ joint in Oakland, on San Pablo Ave. Mostly black folks, lotta Obama "Hope" posters, t-shirts and hats.
For some reason, I'm not triggered and haven't grabbed anyone's hat.
Why is that?
libs are full of HATE RED
Due to my innate wimpness I would never wear a MAGA hat to a Mexican restaurant. I admire this guy's nerve. This incident strengthens my resolve to not wear a MAGA hat to restaurants but also to vote for Trump.......I don't admire this woman's nerve. There was nothing flirtatious or good humored about her grabbing the hat. She was drunk and obnoxious..........Brazil has no problems with race, crime, or misogyny. She moved here to enlighten Trump voters and bring them up to snuff. We're all grateful for her efforts. Someday with sufficient diligence we will achieve the kind of country that is worthy of our immigrants.
“Blogger Unknown said...
this TDS is so common,
they should sell the hats with surveillance cameras built in”.
That and a tracking device for when the hat is stolen.
"Titus said...
I have never seen a maga hat in mass."
Probably because you're a bottom.
"Titus said...
I have never seen a maga hat in mass."
Curious George: "Probably because you're a bottom."
Filed under "Things I wished I had said".
The proper response would have been, "I am flattered, Ma'am, but you really need to go and flirt with someone a whole lot drunker than I am."
Ann Althouse said...
"I'd have to do research to know, but I suspect that men in bars are not overt in expressing no-touching rules to women."
You are correct. That behavior is treated as flirtatious when a woman does it. And some women take advantage of this to play humiliating tricks on men. The joke is supposed to be that the man foolishly believed the woman found him attractive.
Gahrie said...Men have responsibilities and no rights, women have rights and no responsibilities.
Jackie: How do you write women so well?
Melvin Udall: I think of a man. And I take away reason and accountability.
But there is also this- if the police aren't called, are you so sure she would have stopped at just grabbing the hat? I'm not.
And then they fucked.
I eagerly await Chuck's explanation for how this is not Trump Derangement Syndrome.
People wear those hats in Mexican restaurants in Georgia. Nobody gives a crap.
I’m gonna say this, outside of my time in the Navy, I’ve lived here all my life. Outside of professional race hustlers, and the assholes who engage them, this shot just doesn’t happen. Everybody’s too fucking busy working and
Living life.
Titus said...
"I have never seen a maga hat in mass."
For a moment I thought Titus was claiming to be Catholic.
She’s a 5 who thinks she is an 8.
@Gunner, she’s a 5 to you? Either you’re a generous man or wherever you live you’re seriously lacking in attractive women.
Seriously, though, in at least some Latin American countries an oversized butt is regarded as attractive, i.e., the way many of us Anglo males regard teats the size of cow udders. Who knows attractive she thinks she is?
I disagree that step one is calling the police on the woman.
The practical alternative is beating the snot out of her.
She’s old enough to know better. I give the young (handsome too!) man credit for not retaliating. She should apologize and not make excuses for her behavior.
Future Buzzfeed headline 1: "This Man and This Woman Were Just Wed In Overnight Las Vegas Style: You Won't Believe How They Met!!"
Future Buzzfeed headline 2: "10 Ways To Know If The Woman You Are Brawling With InA Bar Is Your Future Wife: You Won't Believe #7!!"
"She’s a 5 who thinks she is an 8."
Actually, on a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate her a "lets not quibble about what scales might say, lets all live and let live, and have you met my friend Biff here?...."
“If Inga and her ilk get the chance it will be like the dozens of other examples in history: violence, starvation, re-education, mass murder.”
Achilles is as nutty sober, as this woman is drunk.
Grabbing the hat could be seen as a teasing overture.
Maybe, if she hadn't been yelling at him first and if she hadn't tried to hit him again when the police were taking her out of the restaurant.
She looks like she's about 20 years older than he is. That's not a good age difference for "teasing".
She wasn’t teasing him, she was being aggressive. No excuses for bad behavior. Her body language and face don’t comport with flirting or teasing. As for calling the police, if she didn’t leave him alone after being told to do so, she could’ve been thrown out, if she didn’t leave peacefully then call the police.
"i'm the Brazilian Tupac!!" she yelled, as the police led her away.
We use to do this in grade school, when boys, with a sense of future attraction, would awkwardly pull a girl's pony tail, and a girl would chase a boy would chase a girl.
@Trumpit: You should be force-fed seagull pâté from seagulls which you yourself stuffed with IN-N-OUT cheeseburgers.
Titus said...
"I have never seen a maga hat in mass."
Titus, do men normally wear hats where you go to mass?
I'd like to see the woman's tan lines before judging her. Some women carry it very well.
Would YOU have called the police on her?
Would I have called the police? No, I'd have asked the bartender to call the police, so I wouldn't get arrested.
Anyway, the articles about the incident use a passive phrasing "police were called", but apparently the guy she was assaulting and sexually harassing didn't call the police, the bartender did, probably after she'd been asked to leave but didn't feel like it, being a Victim from Brazil and all.
This is just the hysteresis of the force required for female privilege versus the force required for male privilege. Very asymmetrical. Iceman still run the world. We will still run the world. they will just get more and more responsibility and make our jobs that much easier in the future. this is not the sign of the Apocalypse as his preach by buwaya pooty but rather just an adjustment. We're wack jobs are helping us move back to the middle of sanity
"We use to do this in grade school, when boys, with a sense of future attraction, would awkwardly pull a girl's pony tail, and a girl would chase a boy would chase a girl."
A few days ago on a Reddit thread "What Could Go Wrong", a video was posted of a group of kids about 10-12 years old during PE class- in the video a young girl sneaks up behind a boy holding a volly/soccer ball and kicks him gently and runs away- the boy turns, sees who did it, and violently hits her in the back of the head from a distance of about 15-20 feet. A commenter in the thread nailed with the following:
"A few years from now, he will suddenly realize that she was flirting with him."
Not sure if this Brazilian woman was a tourist or resident of the US. Either way, reminds me of a video in the "Wolter's World" YouTube series. Wolter is a U.S. born/bred husband/dad of a globetrotting family that made a YouTube career out of travel videos. Despite not being a traveller myself I find his videos like "Top 10 Things You Never Do in Slovenia" very interesting.
By popular demand, he did a "Top Then Things You Should Know About Travelling in the US". One of those things was: Don't touch the Americans. Wolter explained that being touched by strangers is a cultural no-no in this country.
This woman clearly did not see this video.
[@Trumpit: You should be force-fed seagull pâté from seagulls which you yourself stuffed with IN-N-OUT cheeseburgers.]
Cows are sacred in India, and in my life. You're confusing me with a redneck killer of animals like yourself. The slaughter of pigs and cows must be outlawed. Sadly, your health will improve as a result of such a law. Someone should force feed you your own idiotic words.
another Leftie "Wolf who cried 'Boy' " story, FFS.
These types of women are not uncommon in the bar scene. A bit cute, but overweght. Makes up for it by playing brashy, swaggering. But as the night wears on and no man has shown interest, her demeanor changes and signals with subtle body language that you won't have to work hard to pick her up for a bang.
@Howard: I find your ongoing use of the word "hysteresis" here and in prior comments hysterical.
Trumpit said...
She should have peed on him."
It's not easy for women to use urination as a weapon, since we can't aim like men can, unless you're talking about some xer with a dick. It's especially hard to aim if you have a big ass like that Brazilian harpy does. Instead of worrying about MAGA hats, she should give up the booze and burritos and take up pilates.
Trumpit: "Cows are sacred in India, and in my life."
That makes perfect sense as you've set yourself up as a "sort of God".
Pol Pot did that.
So did Mao.
Others too.....
EDH said...
Well, she's no Gisele.
And notice the Hispanic bartender did not react in any kind of knee-jerk solidarity.
Maybe because she's not really Hispanic? She's from Brazil, which is not a Spanish ex-colony
"Cows are sacred in India, and in my life. You're confusing me with a redneck killer of animals like yourself. The slaughter of pigs and cows must be outlawed"
Obviously cows are sacred to you, since you're defending the one in the bar. We're heading out to enjoy a nice tasty burger from Red Robin right now, and I will think of you as I relish every bite. Yummy, yuumy, yummy.
The only "burgers" Trumpit would approve of would be made of human baby parts.
And I don't mean the sanitized "Soylent Green" form of the food.....
she's been fed nothingburgers,
she's impatient, hangry and fuckless,
she pulls a 'Smollett'
and now is 'fat shamed'--
are we all in some giant cosmic vein, and Althouse has her finger on the pulse?
She seems like a typical woman to me, reasonwise. She's not claiming attractive woman exemption, just normal female logic exemption.
"Now don't try to reason with me."
Victim of too literal assault laws.
The Drill SGT said...
"Maybe because she's not really Hispanic? She's from Brazil, which is not a Spanish ex-colony"
Right, it was Portuguese. And "Macarao" is not a Spanish name. It's Portuguese. There are a lot of them on the new England coast. I don't know what the dynamic is between them and Brazilians.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"She’s old enough to know better. I give the young (handsome too!) man credit for not retaliating. She should apologize and not make excuses for her behavior."
Igna, whatever you had for breakfast, you should have that more often.
She's an attractive woman in a bar...
She would not attract Quaestor. I do not like painted nails. Especially nails painted black. Black nails look like something I expect to find attached to a very ripe corpse. A fleshy-looking pink is fine, maybe a red, but clear varnish as a finishing touch to a well-done manicure is best to my sensibilities. Frankly, a woman who paints her nails habitually has too much time on her hands, and one who uses black has a loose screw and should not be trusted.
Jabba the Hat!!
I like the way she says "bully" in her phone interview: (boo lay). She pronounces it just like Sam the Sham did.
"I think this looks like a sense of female privilege"
As opposed to all the other public male-female interactions?
"the standard should be equalized"
Now that's funny. You mean, after half a century of claiming that women are special, that they suffer under the second shift, that their precious bodies deserve privileges over men and babies, that STEM deficiencies are due to mean men, that all women should be believed but not all men, that in custody disputes women come first, that they should have it all?
You persuade your sisters, and vote accordingly, for "equalized standards" I mean, and we can talk. Until then, under the current prog dispensation, just as colorblindness is a form of racism, asserting equality is a form of sexism.
"...I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability."
That immediately came to my mind too.
And she is not attractive.
Brazilian women and's just a thing.
Chika Boom Chika Boom Chika Boom Boom Baboom Chick
"Maybe because she's not really Hispanic? She's from Brazil, which is not a Spanish ex-colony"
i used to go to the Colombian Restaurant in Ames( on account of because of the fact that my friend Ricci was a waitress there), and i'd watch the telenovela's while i'd eat.
I was watching one (and reading the english subtitles); when i realized that the dialog and the lips didn't match up. I asked Ricci what was wrong with the set, and she said:
"Nothing, it's a Brazilian telenovela."
And (finally!) i realized that the lips were speaking Portuguese, and the dialog was dubbed into Spanish. Considering that i was reading the subtitles in english, i felt very diverse.
Mad hatter
Right, it was Portuguese. And "Macarao" is not a Spanish name. It's Portuguese. There are a lot of them on the new England coast. I don't know what the dynamic is between them and Brazilians.
P-Town in Mass used to be populated by Portuguese immigrants before it was overrun by Fabs. The former came to fish and to raise families; the latter came to come.
Titus: "I have never seen a maga hat in mass." Drago followed up with"Note to self: Titus has never had access to Tom Brady's locker in the Patriots locker room (Restraining Order still in place??)"
Thanks for your comment Drago as it helped me understand. Since it wasn't an obvious abbreviation, I thought titus was talking about the Catholic Church, which would make sense since he hangs out with the butt-buddy types.
Well, she's no Girl From Ipanema but I'll bet she cleans up well.
Titus wrote: I have never seen a maga hat in mass
I'm surprised Titus sees anything but an upside-down view of hairy South Asian balls slapping against his sagging ass-cheeks.
Blogger chickenlittle said...
@Howard: I find your ongoing use of the word "hysteresis" here and in prior comments hysterical.
Howard needs a hysterectomy.
@Quaestor: East Indian Tea Bag Co?
Keep pushing it, leftists.
Keep it up.
Howard needs a hysterectomy.
Batten down the hatches. Howard will soon discover exegesis.
I can't figure out how to integrate this hostile, ignorant (she has NO idea why I have come to the place where I have to reject most of the Left), and dismissive attitude into a friendship.
Don't waste your time.
Life's too short to put up with people like that.
It is comforting to note the puss these trolls carry will shorten their lives.
IF she didn't insist that she was the victim, not him, I would have have thought that the police escorting her out of the bar should have been the end of it. Now I feel like she should spend a week or two in jail.
HR people are filth.
Ann Althouse said...
"The criminal law shouldn't be your first resort."
I'm afraid that train left the station in Nov 2016...criminal, or not.
Howard will soon discover exegesis.
Ain't that a kick in the hermeneutics.
Nothing more perfectly reveals the hate that is the true motive force behind victimology. She insists she is the victim as a way to justify her hatred and her right to act on that hatred. Please don't give me any baloney about the word "hate" being too strong. That's what it is, ad that is what the victim status is used perfectly to justify even while masking it. Passive aggressiveness as ideology.
She’s a victim. A fashion victim. Hasn’t this woman ever heard of Coco Chanel?
Rosiane: "I've been discriminated so many times..."
The true mark of a ideological serial complainer. He discriminated meeeee!!!1!!
I don't care if she ESL and all, she really should be aware that it's discriminated against me.
Ain't that a kick in the hermeneutics.
Yeah. Mine are still tender from my last run-in with Ritmo.
Time to add federal hate crime legislation to protect MAGA apparel wearing people.
Jussie Smollet can help promote the legislation as his penance.
Booker and Harris can sponsor it as penance.
Tom Brady has a MAGA hat. He’s the most popular guy in Massachusetts. People love a winner.
Would YOU have called the police on her? I think a stern "Don't touch me" would be more appropriate.
The guy wearing the hat told MassLive that it was the restaurant staff who decided to call the police.
Gahrie said...
Grabbing the hat could be seen as a teasing overture.
Would YOU have called the police on her? I think a stern "Don't touch me" would be more appropriate.
If it could be seen as a teasing Overture, and the bar protocol would have been to snatch the halfback smiling, and give her a little smack on the patootie with a clever quip. At which point, Althouse, I presume you call the riot police.
Well when the leftist narrative is that the MAGA hat is the new KKK robes, is it a shocker that they assault anyone who wears one? Just go to any leftist campus and ask if it's ok to assault a MAGA hat person and they will all say YES in unison. Brainwashed idiots.
Gahrie... maybe this guy isn't a chubby chaser like you.
Probably because you're a bottom.
Oh, no — Titus informed us quite some time ago that he and his husband never do it that way; if they did they'd always be battling (and not in a good way) over who got to be ‘top’ — so all they do is oral. Right, Titus?
Yeah, I know… too much information.
Idea for retiring early: wear a red hat with the letters "MGA" - representing a ficticious company (Maximum Gains Association). Get assaulted by an illiterate lefty, can I sue the crap outta them and retire? Asking for a friend.
@Big Mike
I gave her +2 for the Brazilian "exoticness", so I guess I am too generous.
“Keep pushing it, leftists.
Keep it up.”
Oh shut your pie hole. What you gonna do, call the cops?
Idea for retiring early: wear a red hat with the letters "MGA" - representing a ficticious company (Maximum Gains Association). Get assaulted by an illiterate lefty, can I sue the crap outta them and retire?
Illiterate or semi-literate people whether on the left or right don't tend to have much money to sue for. A notable exception being Floyd Mayweather Jr. who I think is worth anywhere from $500 million to a $1 billion. But I don't think you want him to hit you.
The guy wearing the hat told MassLive that it was the restaurant staff who decided to call the police.
The restaurant may have had previous experience with her harassing customers.
Jupiter said...
It's Portuguese. There are a lot of them on the new England coast. I don't know what the dynamic is between them and Brazilians.
as in Brazil was a colony of Portugal? Which is why they don't speak Spanish and are not Latino, etc.
Except their lobby got them added to all the Federal regs for AA as Hispanic.
"Ann Althouse said...
"I was hit by a guy in an electric wheelchair and I just talked to him (sternly) and said that it was a crime and I could call the police. I was hit by a vuvuzela at the Wisconsin protests when the police were right there, and I told the police I didn't want the person arrested."
Do you know whether either of those people ever went on to hit someone else? No? Then you simply do not have the data to say whether or not you did the right thing.
Howard: "..this is not the sign of the Apocalypse as his preach by buwaya pooty but rather just an adjustment. We're wack jobs are helping us move back to the middle of sanity."
It appears Howard is trying to tell us something.
What's that boy?
Grandpa has fallen into the Well and is trapped?!!
The Drill SGT said...
"as in Brazil was a colony of Portugal? Which is why they don't speak Spanish and are not Latino, etc.
Except their lobby got them added to all the Federal regs for AA as Hispanic."
Yeah, I'm just noting the complicated relations between former colonies and former colonialists. There is usually a degree of solidarity, due to cultural similarities, coupled with a degree of mutual contempt. No doubt due to familiarity. Like King Juan Carlos of Spain asking Hugo Chavez "¿Porque no te callas?".
What you gonna do, call the cops?
Sounds like s better alternative than beating the snot out of you, doesn’t it?
Maybe because she's not really Hispanic? She's from Brazil, which is not a Spanish ex-colony
This is a pet peeve. Brazilians (and Portuguese) really by rights are Hispanic.
You see, the term “Hispanic” (or Hispania) is ancient. It referred not to the relatively newfangled nation (kingdom) of Spain (which dates only to the late 15th century AD and didn't even exist as such during the entirety of the Middle Ages) — but to the whole Iberian peninsula — which for centuries during late medieval times consisted of five kingdoms: Castile, Aragon, Portugal, Navarre, and Granada (the last, the last remnant of Muslim Andalucia). Thus, throughout the whole of the Middle Ages — a whole millennium after the fall of the Roman Empire in the West — all these countries were “Hispanic” but there was no nation/kingdom of “Spain.”
Eventually, however, as it happened the rulers of Castile and Aragon (fortuitously of opposite sex) hit on the idea of marrying, and then once married unifying their formerly distinct domains under their new joint rule — creating de novo the new kingdom of “Spain” (whose name was basically brazen propaganda asserting a right to the entire Iberian peninsula). Following its emergence, the new, still only semi-united realm (Aragon and Castile had separate legal systems and institutions for many years) undertook to make its propaganda a real fait accompli. In a surge of imperialistic energy, the united kingdom of Spain succeeded in absorbing Navarre and Granada, along with a great deal else. Despite “Spain's” best efforts, however, Portugal resisted and determinedly remains to this day unconquered and unassimilated by its larger neighbor.
Given that historic reality, it's not right that Spain nonetheless ultimately win the propaganda war by everybody (or at least the U.S. Government) naively agreeing that all “Hispanics” must be Spaniards or their cultural and political heirs. Portuguese and their cultural inheritors also deserve the tag “Hispanic.”
in fairness re: immigration-- letting in a Brazilian might sound like a lot,
but it really isnt that many
She was obviously pulling his "ponytail". Alas, he's not a victim. She's a victim in love. He should have chased her around the "playground".
Would you guys quit talking Chinese
Just suggesting you wind your watch Drago
Howard: "Just suggesting you wind your watch Drago"
Dude, its 2019.
In a bar, she's an attractive woman.
@Althouse, I just hope I am never that desperate nor that drunk.
Don't get all the hate over a damn red hat. Seems to require a lot of energy. I'm just too lazy to engage in such hate.
I'm a top and my ass is hot not saggy bitches.
I am amazed at immigrants to this country who whine about discrimination. Head south back home buttercup, no one is stopping you, sorry you hate this country and the president we elected.
Titus has a hot ass, not saggy britches. Got it.
Methinks some mistaking this as flirtation might reconsider the claim she is the one suffering discrimination along with:
“While speaking with Rosaine I detected a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage,” Officer Cardoso said.
“She kept yelling profanities at me giving me the middle finger. Officer Elvira Ferrer was able to calm her down and finish booking,” the officer said.
Interestingly the bartender, who is of Mexican descent, defended Turner and his MAGA hat.
“The lady didn’t agree with his hat and I just kept telling her it’s alright, he’s not doing anything to me why is it even a problem,” Geo Macario, the bartender, told CBS.
But may have missed:
According to the report from Bowling Green Police, 57-year-old James Phillips was wearing a "veterans hat" inside a local Sam's Club when he passed the couple wearing "Make America Great Again" hats.
Phillips told police he flipped them off because of the hats they were wearing then walked off. The husband then approached Phillips, flipped him back off and put his hands in his face according to police.
Phillips then backed away and the two argued verbally until witnesses say Phillips pulled a gun.
Police say Phillips and his mother left the store and were followed by the couple to the parking lot where the dispute continued. Phillips and witnesses claimed the couple was harassing him while he was putting groceries in his car and he told the wife "it's a good day to die b****."
(Btw, Rosaine is almost twice his age...maybe that is a source of "discrimination")
The criminal law shouldn't be your first resort.
While on the face of it, this is correct, for normal people, and a normal society.
But, when people truly believe they have a moral right to do illegal things, there is no way to convince them otherwise. There are people on the left who truly believe that theft, vandalism and assault are not crimes when it is against (anecdotal quote) ‘nazis on the right’.
Did somebody edit the video of the woman grabbing the hat and flip it horizontally to reverse the text on the hat???
If ao, why? If not, do they sell hats with the text reversed and if so, would any Trump supporter wear such a hat?
unsurprisingly, Miss Rio is an illegal immigrant
Also, Herb, i assume that there is a mirror involved (probably the one in behind the bar)
An entitled an ungrateful guest...
“Deportation officers with ICE’s Fugitive Operations Team arrested Rosiane Santos, an unlawfully present citizen of Brazil, today near Falmouth, Massachusetts,” said ICE spokesman John Mohan, a local CBS affiliate reported. “Santos is currently facing local charges for assault and other offenses. She is presently in ICE custody and has been entered into removal proceedings before the federal immigration courts.”
I love a story with a happy ending. The hat attack woman is in the country illegally - overstayed 1994 visa. She's now in the custody of ICE and waiting for her deportation hearing.
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