११ फेब्रुवारी, २०१९
At the Grammys, Michelle Obama only needed to open her mouth to set the audience into raving ecstasy.
That was after Alicia Keys gave a speech, introduced "all my sisters," and Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, and Jada Pinkett Smith had each given little speeches. Scroll back and look at all that if you want. I just wanted you to see how the celebrities, exposed to an intense concentration of stardom, went so wild over Michelle.
I never watch the Grammys. I just saw that in the news this morning.
१०९ टिप्पण्या:
Lotta rich, famous confused folks at the Grammys.
All awards shows are trash and full of trash, and the Grammys are the worst of them. Their failure to acknowledge Vinnie Paul in the In Memoriam segment is only the latest disgrace.
Did Michelle release an album?
I love it! A bunch of stupid, loud-mouthed whores, doing typical stupid, loud-mouthed whore self-congratulatory bullshit on a big old stage in fancy clothes with a roomful of pretentious assholes cheering them on, and I'm not paying for it!.
I quite like Gaga and Jada’s dresses.
Damn, she's a big Lady.
Nothing wrong with that. Just more of her to love.
Is there any reason why famous girl singers are all bat-shit crazy?
How is she not running for President? She's so loved she could easily win the nomination.
Cult worship.
Michelle never screwed up like Hillary did. For that we cheer!
Yet another Hollywood/L.A. circle jerk.
What other industry is so obsessed with constantly crowing "Look how great we are...."
Seems to me it exposes a deeply repressed feeling of guilt over the money showered on entertainers who in the grand scheme of things are pretty insignificant.
“Music helps us share ourselves,” said Mrs. Obama, in a surprise appearance. “It allows us to hear one another, to invite each other in.”.......I can never decide about this Michelle person - is she simply an idiot or the world's most commonplace bs artist?
Agreed. If Michelle wanted to run for president, the sky would open for her and the angels would sing.
She is not running for president because she wants the love, and as an icon she doesn't have to do anything to get it. She doesn't have to sing, she doesn't have to dance. All she has to do is show up. She doesn't care about power.
I think she is much more self-aware than Hillary (how could anyone be less?). I will be very, very, very surprised if she ever wants to climb down off that pedestal and run for office.
What has this woman DONE other than marry Barack? She got into Princeton and went to law school. Big deal.
If she would have gone to Illinois State, she'd be a divorce lawyer in Chicago.
I hope she DOES run. I would love the Trump/Obama debates!!
If she would have gone to Illinois State, she'd be a divorce lawyer in Chicago.
Not without a law license, she wouldn't. But I'm sure judges ask Harvard law grads to surrender their licenses all the time.
Sing it with me: "Cult of personality, cult of personality, cult of personality"..
Well, there's just no question; she should be president of the United States. Why even bother with a vote?
Mike said...
"How is she not running for President? She's so loved she could easily win the nomination."
Yes, and if she wanted a gigantic shit sandwich every single day for eight years, there are undoubtedly people who would be happy to supply the shit. But dumb as she is, she ain't that dumb.
I bet in the Soviet Union they had award shows to reward all of the good communists that did their part to fulfill the latest “five year plan” too.
The human tendency to idolize others is pathetic and pernicious. I have no particular dislike of Mrs. Obama, but the adoration she elicits shows the mindlessness of this behavior. Mr. Obama was not a great or even good president: he, as was Bush and Clinton before him, an agent of the oligarchs who own the country, and he carried on the wars and protected the Wall street gangsters (and the military torturers)and persecuted whistle blowers with no chorus of complaint from the Democrats who see Trump as an unprecedented evil in the White House. They're all fools.
It must destroy the soul to receive such unadulterated veneration.
Who thought showcasing her entire legs was a good idea? Four of those would be scary.
Would BO have gotten the same reception--or better?
Did the audience not know who it was until she spoke?
I understand that her ghost-written book has sold very well. Why? Who would read it?
Blogger Dave Begley said...
What has this woman DONE other than marry Barack? She got into Princeton and went to law school. Big deal.
Yeah. Contrast this to the huge accomplishments of Hillary Clinton.
Dave Begley said...
I understand that her ghost-written book has sold very well. Why? Who would read it?
Dave, you read it and tell us. Come on, take one for the team.
It showcases womanpower. Mindless but numerous.
Autotune sounds so much unlike historical on-pitch singers that I'm surprised anybody uses it.
On-pitch singers, e.g., Judy Collins, Joni Mitchell, Joan Baez.
It's a perfectly intelligent reaction, becuase we all feel things when we think, and it's foolish to think/feel that we don't. If you feel a deep respect and admiration for Michele, even if you can't think of anything she has accomplished, well, that's as valid as having a reason, becuase it's all the same thing. Sometimes I feel like punching people right in face, and I have to stop holding back just becuase I think it's a bad idea.
This is covered by Sailer's "Rule by Actresses" since music performance is largely acting nowadays, and they're acting while on the Grammy stage.
"From the Motown records I wore out on the South Side to the ‘who run the world’ songs that fueled me through this last decade, music has always helped me tell my story, and I know that’s true for everybody here, whether we like country or rap or rock, music helps us share ourselves, our dignity, our sorrows, our hopes and joys. It allows us to hear one another, to invite one another in. Music shows us that all of it matters, every story, every voice, every note, in every song. Is that right ladies?"
[Verse 1: idontknowjeffery]
Make her suck your dick the first date
You scared to rape a bitch? I can't relate
She let me in her house, nobody safe
Now pass the plate, rape, rape
She let me text her, won't let me touch her
She say she can't fuck, I'm like her brother
Kick down the door unannounced while she lay on the couch
I gives a fuck this your house, place that crotch on my mouth
Michelle never screwed up like Hillary did. For that we cheer!
She never had many decisions to make. When she did she usually screwed up. The White House Garden is okay. How's that school lunch thing working out?
"It must destroy the soul to receive such unadulterated veneration."
I like to think that she is rolling her eyes inside.
If John Lennon were alive he would tweet to Barack: "You may be more popular that we were but your bird can't sing."
Michelle can't run for president. All they'd need to do is keep showing that security camera footage of her hospital dumping a dying uninsured patient into a taxicab when she was in charge of the community outreach program.
This just reinforces my notion that I'm wired a little differently than most people. While there are certainly people I greatly respect and admire, I've never felt (what I assume must be) that feeling of overwhelming worship of a living person. The closest I've ever gotten to that feeling would when I'm watching a very high level virtuoso instrumentalist execute a complex piece or improvisation, like Guthrie Goven or Bill Dickens. But even then it's a quiet admiration, I don't feel urge to emote.
Com on Xmas, you know they can hide that sort of thing... you can wear blackface and get away with it if you're a Democrat.
So you think the relative popularity of Barack vs Jesus is funny, chickenlittle? I can't imagine what sort of mind thinks like that. Sad.
Of all the awards shows I don't care about, I care about the Grammys the least. I've seen and heard of some Academy Award winning movies, but I don't recognize the names or works of those in the Grammy list. Iirc, Grammy night used to be a big night for nipple slips, but what with the #metoo movement even that transient pleasure is denied us.......I read somewhere that Allison Krauss has won more Grammys than any other performer. How did that happen?
Girl Power!
Freeman Hunt said...
"I like to think that she is rolling her eyes inside."
Nonsense. For the second time in her life, she's proud of her country.
Oh please, Michele, run run run run....
Neither could Lennon’s.
She got into Princeton and went to law school.
She got into Princeton because her brother, Craig Robinson, was a highly recruited basketball player who was a central cog in Princeton teams that annually knock off ranked teams through their unusually patient playing style. It was a package deal for him to play at Old Nassau.
Grammys? Jethro Tull. Enough said.
I never watch the Grammys. I just saw that in the news this morning.
I also watch news about things I never watch.
Or no I don't. Should I?
After Norah Jones won a Grammy, my wife went out, and purchased her record. We listened to it once. It was terrible.
Michelle's presence in that still frame made me think of John Lithgow in 'The World According to Garp.'
I do not mean this as snark: just the imposition of size where not visually expected.
I am Laslo.
Has there ever been a less talented individual applauded as much as Michelle Obama? If she hadn't married Barack O, she would still be utilizing her degree from Harvard Law by doing community relations for a Chicago hospital.
"Blogger chickenlittle said...
If John Lennon were alive he would tweet to Barack: 'You may be more popular that we were but your bird can't sing.'"
Compared to Yoko?!
"Blogger zipity said...
Yet another Hollywood/L.A. circle jerk.
What other industry is so obsessed with constantly crowing 'Look how great we are....'
. . ."
Journalism. At least Hollywood/LA turn a profit.
1. Grammys are balderdash. Elvis only won THREE, but -- to quote someone else; I don't remember who -- he was canonized as a secular saint by millions, maybe billions, of fans, and that is NOT happening with the forgettable Grammy winners, is it?
2. As to Michelle O, she may have gone to Princeton (and she did), but her senior thesis was a mess. You can read it here if you want to, but you're more likely to skim it after the first few pages. However, she is very tall.
I didn't know singers were so small.
Just another self-congratulatory circle jerk populated by a bunch of pompous media drones. Surely reading a book would be more uplifting than watching such crap.
"I also watch news about things I never watch."
I don't watch the news. I see the news because I read it.
I just watched the clip provided. Michelle said a few banalities about how nice it is to listen to music and the crowd looked like they were hearing the Gettysburg Address. Watching all that love and adulation was kind of alienating. It wasn't as bad as the Nuremberg Rally, but it just seemed excessive.
In toy train measures Michelle is O scale in an HO world.
Still not much of a sense of fashion, I see. She dressed better before others dressed her.
Maybe I should Michelle a little credit. After all, she knew what every public school in America should be feeding its students.
I guess that comes with a law degree.
I didn't know singers were so small.
It's the noise that got big.
The Official Left has always given the Obama's so much adoration for so little actual action or accomplishments other than posturing. She's gotta love the love. Again- I don't think Michelle is evil, but I do think that she, like her husband, are a props to aid in virtue signaling.
So much adoration over so little actual stuff.
Were she too run, Michelle Obama would win the Dem nomination -- and possibly the White House.
This is not a good reflection of our country. Rather, it's a sorry reflection of the current state of the Democrat Party.
Nothing against Michelle -- if she ran for Senator or Governor of Illinois, she'd probably win, and then have a platform to do stuff. And maybe that stuff would benefit her state and constituents.
But, thankfully, she recognizes that a presidential campaign is over her head.
But who knows? If the Dems start knee-capping each other and are perceived to be too weak to beat Trump, watch for the Draft Michelle forces to emerge.
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The word on the street is that Michelle has the balls to run for President.
@Lewis: Yes, even compared to Yoko.
With all the records that Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong etc left behind, why would anyone even bother listening to current music?....... I'm probably not in the Grammy demographic.
I didn’t know Tony Bennett was still alive. He looks good
Linebacker size, but can she tackle?
If Michelle Obama decided that she too would like to be President, what would her platform consist of? I don't consider her very smart at all, in fact, my guess would be that she's an idiot.
I can’t get the video to play but Michelle looks big enough to walk under to the bus stop. That’s one thing that always bugged me about her: she’s a tall woman to begin with, but she always insists on wearing heels to jack herself up even higher. That says inferiority complex to me.
I pegged her as a “tower of glower” early on.
I just realized another reason I like Trump - his wife will never run for President.
With Diana Ross, it really was the Grammys hahaha
I think American Women in general like American Men are getting taller.
Trump’s wife will run for president in a decade. We just don’t know who his fourth wife will be yet. I’m guessing Sarah Palin
@bagoh20: His daughter might, though.
@mccullough: Doesn’t explain why this woman insists on being the tallest woman in every photograph.
Mrs. O needs to fire whoever is helping her pick out her outfits - she looks like K2SO from Star Wars. Yeeeeshh.
We're doomed.
Democrat party members braying over their cult leader. Pathetic scumbags fawning over this vicious bigot, just emetic.
Robert Cook At 9:16 says many sensible things.
Of course, these same things sound like pluses for Trump, so he might not actually mean them.
I just realized another reason I like Trump - his wife will never run for President.
He does like them dumb and ambitious enough to aim just for his wallet, but nothing more noteworthy in life than that.
I get the impression that's the way you like 'em, too.
I no longer watch the Grammys, or any other bit of "Entertainment" industry self congratulations.
Never give support to America's enemies
I don't think Melania's all that dumb. As a matter of fact, I think she's pretty sharp. Marla Maples was dumb, yes--Ivana was not dumb, but was a major pain.
So: Melania's the best of the bunch.
Trump once said he didn't want a low-maintenance wife, he wanted a no-maintenance wife--and I think he found her. I imagine they get a kick out of each other.
"all my sisters"
Men can get into celebrity worship as well, but these days we usually require our idols to accomplish something first--win games, invent gadgets, make big $$.
By comparison, sisterhood comes cheap. Approached as sisters, women are easy.
"If Michelle Obama decided that she too would like to be President, what would her platform consist of? I don't consider her very smart at all, in fact, my guess would be that she's an idiot."
She's smart enough (so far) not to run.
Grammys? Jethro Tull. Enough said.
Yeah. I remember that. I like Tull - and the album for which they won is decent - but it had no business being in that category, let alone winning it.
BTW, that was actually the million-dollar question on Who Wants to be a Millionaire. The guy passed on answering because he wasn't sure ... but he just knew it wasn't Jethro Tull.
"With all the records that Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong etc left behind, why would anyone even bother listening to current music?"
Don't forget Steely Dan!
Michelle is a man.
"Melania's the best of the bunch."
It's one thing to say that about a group of women or even an array of girlfriends. It's really special to say that about present and former wives. Think Brigham Young or Tommy Manville or Osama bin Laden.
The Eloi are always predictable.
At least her junk wasn't showing.
That's embarrassing.
Two's a couple, but three's a bunch.
Michelle Obama has zero accomplishments other than skipping 2nd grade and snagging Barack.
The democrats certainly embrace politicians with a swarmy fervent love. The swoon over how "attractive and stylish" Hillary and Michele are (when they are in fact ordinary looking women with makeup artists and huge clothing budgets), they make plays, movies and friggin' musicals about RGB, they salivate over Obama and Bill Clinton.
The only Republican politician who has ever had a fervent following is Trump, and I dare say every Republican I know who likes him thinks he has weird hair and wish he'd be less of a jerk sometimes. No one is starry-eyed.
That said, Michelle Obama is too smart (I think smarter than her pretty-boy husband) to run for president. Why do hard work when you rake in millions by just showing up.
Why do the Dems put so many of their people on a pedestal? The Obamas, Hillary, the Kennedys, Beto... I don't get it. It's kind of creepy. The only analogous Republican I can think of is Reagan, and he's not even close.
Jaime - to be fair there is quite a cult of personality around Ronald Raygun. Maybe too much Bedtime for Bonzo? Or maybe something to do with him financing death squads in Central America?
rhhardin: "On-pitch singers, e.g., Judy Collins, Joni Mitchell, Joan Baez...."
Yes, but let us not forget the best of all, the never-yet-equalled Frank Sinatra. Perfect intonation, perfect enunciation, perfect rubato ("swing"). Generally speaking, good judgement in the choice of material. And the bands!
A singer is a musician whose instrument happens to be inside their body.
Many of that Grammy lot would be better described as "vocalists", or "entertainers."
"I get the impression that's the way you like 'em, too."
I'm sure you can do a lot better than Melania. Maybe something really hot like the smartest woman in the world (Hillary). She could use a new love interest, and you probably have the right plumbing.
Michelle Obama isn't the huge lady in the photo in the monstrously unflattering gray sequined pantsuit, is she? Say it isn't so, Michelle!
It's ok, baggies. We know your penis has too much sway over whatever brain would keep you from finding a talentless statue of a gold-digger attractive. Some of us can find women who are attractive, not greedy and not a dingbat whose mouth has nothing interesting to say. Sounds like you're not one of them. What a shame.
Maybe it's like that saying about the rich man and a camel in heaven being pushed through the eye of the needle. It is easier to push a camel through the eye of a needle than for baggies' brain to outthink his penis. But then, he thinks money can change the nature of reality.
It can't. But he's really easily fooled into thinking it can.
Ritmo, I remember way back in the day when you were obsessed with my balls. Now my penis fascinates you too? I'm flattered as always, but just because you aren't attracted to beautiful women doesn't mean that I'm interested. I'm not homophobic, but in your case, I'll make an exception.
I'm offended by her appearance in whitehair.
Right. Fascinated.
Just because your many love life failings are transparently explicable doesn't mean anyone's fascinated with anything about them. Your tale is as old as time.
So how high do you want to top marginal tax rates to be in the next few years? 70%?
Would any of those rates apply to you?
Who are you going to lobby to keep that from happening, bagsies?
It's funny watching the Trump Residency fall apart at the wheels. Pretty soon he won't have a cabinet member left - or at least one with a brain. It will be like a bunch of zombie Frankensteins at that table, nodding yes to every psychotic raving he lets loos and applauding his greatness.
Charlotte Allen: "Michelle Obama isn't the huge lady in the photo in the monstrously unflattering gray sequined pantsuit, is she? Say it isn't so, Michelle!"
I found the video of japanese tourists pointing at Michelle while running away with poorly synched voiceovers the most entertaining.
Alex: "Or maybe something to do with him financing death squads in Central America?"
Commie death squads hate it when others fight back.
actually mitt romney was providing capital for the early paramilitaries, the guerillas couldn't win on the battle field, so the international community forced the truth commissions, and they took over within a generation, in south America, notably still in Uruguay, Venezuela of course, Bolivia et al,
If it hasn't been said already, the most annoying thing about the Michelle O worshipers is how they all call her "my forever first lady".
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