Blogger JML said...”Looks like NYC has an extra $3 BIL to spend now that Amazon pulled out....”
I think Amazon will regret that decision more than NYC will. Amazon is starting to look and act like a sports franchise owner, expecting municipalities to cater to them with subsidy.
Without naming names, there are some here who endlessly praise Amazon and the Amazon business model, without paying heed to the proven dangers of monopoly.
Amazon has raised my standard of living a lot. Whatever you want you can get. No visiting stores to see if they have anything you want. Huge cost drop.
Mass shootings are a real national emergency. When the Democrats get the executive I'll expect action on that. Say, Valentines Day 2021. Then climate change. That fake president.
WintersTale: Mass shootings are a real national emergency. When the Democrats get the executive I'll expect action on that. Say, Valentines Day 2021. Then climate change. That fake president."
There's some big contest on. Lots of Europeans that I've already worked in 2017 and 2018. But here's a guy sending super-fast morse from the Canary Islands, weak signal - surprisingly he heard me. So I have one point in the contest. Africa.
Where did Winters Tale say that? Why do you lie so much Drago? You do it to everyone you think is a liberal or opposed to Trump. What is wrong with you?
"Amazon will pay property tax on its new Long Island City offices. It will pay corporate tax — not just on its profits, but on its capital base. Its employees, especially highly paid ones, will pay the city’s personal income tax. Those taxes, of course, will be somewhat offset by the incentives that the city has promised the company — up to $2 billion, depending on how many people the company hires and how many facilities it builds. Those incentives were a wasteful way to attract corporate investment. But in the long run, the tax revenue New York City gets from HQ2 will probably far exceed the cost."
I agree with this assessment. You must compund the direct and indirect economic benefits over sevral years, and potentially decades.
This was a huge hit to NYC. The largest online marketplace corp on earth just said "no" to America's "Dowager" metropolis. Alejandria Ojos-Locos crows in the distance...
I am not sure if I'm on your "endlessly praise Amazon" list -- actually, I can't think of anyone posting here who merits that description. But I'll chime in now: I know about literally dozens of companies that I would never have heard of but for browsing Amazon. Also, as I don't drive and live about a half hour's walk from the nearest shopping drag here, it's extremely convenient to have things shipped to me. YMMV, especially if you've got a car, as you probably have.
rhhardin, Amen to that. That's exactly how I feel about it. But Jeff Bezos is The Richest Man In The World, so hating on him is OK.
So were going after the wife of a White House aide, remember they went after a congressional staffer for not kneeling in abject surrender before the first family, now its gun sights at 50 meters.
NYC won't have any extra money to spend. The 3 bn was in tax abatements, if I understand it correctly. NYC would have gotten some tax money, now they get nothing.
High rents high prices on staples not luxuries , now they've closed off an Avenue dir advancement, no fracking they should have the lemming as their mascot.
Amazon did not need NYC. NYC did not need Amazon. They could not agree to terms. So the deal fell through. Both Amazon and NYC are both fine & will go their separate ways.
Josh Barro: I find it weird that people talk like Amazon was being flaky. They thought they had terms! Then New York pols tried to change the terms! Which was fine, there was no contract yet. But it was also fine for Amazon to say no. Sometimes, no one is the bad guy, there’s just no deal.
Except not president and with no privilege for executive appointments. She's a freshman congresswoman subject to house ethics rules. It's ok though cause it was totally worth it to skip orientation for that mad celebration kegger with her beta orbiters.
She's a child and your statement is a false equivalence. If you weren't consumed by hatred for Trump you'd see that.
Useless to criticize Amazon. They are big because of preferential federal tax policies created by Congress. In a nutshell, by constantly plowing revenue into expansion, they pay very little tax. Typical government, help the big businesses and screw the mom and pop’s.
Democrats ore being led by AOC. The amount of stupid that leaks out of her by accident is scary, because she is working hard not to say all the stupid she is capable of. AOC is the model we are told to emulate. Collage educated, a degree, in economics no less. She really thinks that $3 billion that Amazon was to receive as reduction in taxes, on gross profits of $27 billion, that would have been paid by Amazon is now available for her to spend. She is Democrat stupid.
Way more stupid than people that don't believe in vaccinations.
Nancy Pelosi isn’t being led by AOC. Democrats aren’t being led by AOC. She a bright candle burning now, she’ll soon be barely burning in a few months from now. Democrats aren’t as obsessed by her as you folks are.
These mass shootings are done by who? I'm the Klan? The Nazi party? No, they're the "Ingas" of the world. Emotional outburst fueled by drugs. How we gonna "do something" about that? Shit is pouring across the borders. Do something... if it only saves one child... clueless.
Well this last fellow was a felon, the ons last year had been protected from accountability, by the school the district the state and the nation. The therapeutic programs work as sell as the pax in serenity.
Conn Carroll @conncarroll 8 hours ago, 7 tweets, 1 min read Read on Twitter
Some quick notes on early coverage of President Trump's announcement today that pretty much all reporters are missing 1/ The WH did not make one executive action today. In reality they made three, only one of which involved an emergency declaration. 2/ First the WH announced they would be funding $601 million in wall construction from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund, relying on 31 U.S.C. § 9705. This does not require an emergency declaration. 3/ Second, the WH announced they would be funding $2.5 billion in wall construction under 10 U.S.C. § 284 (this is MilCon $ for combating drug trafficking). This does not require an emergency declaration. 4/ Finally, the WH announced they would be funding $3.6 billion under 10 U.S.C. § 2808. This money does require an emergency declaration. 5/ According to the WH this money will be spent sequentially so the § 9705 money will be spent first then the § 284 money then the § 2808 money. 6/ So depending on how fast they can begin construction, they will have to spend over $5 billion (including the $1.3 billion in fencing appropriations) before any of the emergency money is ever tapped 7/
Jeff Bezos made a friendly offer to send Donald Trump into space aboard one of Bezos' Blue Origin rockets. That is beginning to look like our best DJT solution. First President in space! Once in space he might forget to return.
This week MSNBC reported that Trump is considering doing an annual fireworks celebration on the Fourth of July in the nation's Capitol. Such brilliance! Obviously he hasn't enjoyed the largest, most expensive, fireworks display anywhere in the world as magnificent as the celebration occurring annually on Independence Day in DC.
And today he announced that "I didn't need to to do this" when he declared his National Emergency. And after calling Liz Warren, "Pocahontas," today he declared Ann Coulter as being "off the reservation." Sounds like he dislikes American Indians.
Bob Boyd, I did not get a degree from Boston U, but I do understand there wasn't a big bag of cash lying around that NYC was going to give to Amazon. Which perhaps is why I knew there wasn't a big bag of cash involved...
If is ain't one thing, it's another. QWe all gonna die.
The global insect population outweighs all of humanity by a margin of 17 to 1, but humans are on track to wipe insects out in a matter of decades, according to the first worldwide review of insect decline.
This would be doubly catastrophic. First, losing the insects means losing the animals that feed on them, thus shattering the entire ecosystem. Second, losing the insects — which pollinate plants and keep the soil healthy — would devastate agriculture and our ability to feed a rapidly growing population.
“Unless we change our way of producing food, insects as a whole will go down the path of extinction in a few decades,” the alarming new study in the journal Biological Conservation warns.
The Australian researchers reviewed 73 historical reports of insect decline worldwide to understand the underlying drivers. They found “dramatic rates of decline that may lead to the extinction of 40 percent of the world’s insect species over the next few decades.”
The cause? Human-driven habitat loss, pollution, and climate change.
“The global insect population outweighs all of humanity by a margin of 17 to 1, but humans are on track to wipe insects out in a matter of decades, according to the first worldwide review of insect decline.”
Stock Market All Time High Draw dawn from multiple theatres of war Appointment of multiple originalist judges Gas/oil/energy costs low Tax relief for the middle class especially renters Elimination of tax on student loans discharged to disability Withdrawal from the economy killing global warming treates no one else abides by Global temperatures in arrest or cooling Criminal justice reform, a huge boon to African American men Many, many regulations eliminated
AOC is like every Democrat. The have not one principle they will adhere to. Democrats, the left, invented situational ethics. Like #metoo ? An absolute "believe every woman" unless its a Black politician. Then its "due process". Funny that we had to believe the white professor, but the black professor, needs video with sound and 3 eye witnesses. Economics? Punish the rich, unless they too are leftists. Then its OK because shut up. Foreign policy? World wide excursions into nation building is evil. Until President Trump gives his generals and State Dept two years to got out of shit hole countries, then bringing troops home is stupid. Walls to secure the border are immoral, except for the ones Obama built. Democrats only believe in the never ending lust for power.
New York lost billions in wages and taxes. I'm spelling this out because some commenters still seem to think - if the process they are using can be called thinking - that New York "saved" 3 billion for higher purposes than jobs (such as job training.) No. New York wasn't giving Amazon anything. It just was taking less in taxes from Amazon or, in one case, certain Amazon property taxes were going into a fund and then being granted to Amazon by that fund. If Amazon isn't there to be taxed then there's no three billion and also since three billion was just a fraction of what Amazon was going to pay in wages and taxes all those other billions have been lost. Billions and billions are going somewhere else.
Here's the breakdown from
There were four major tax breaks for Amazon.
1 Excelsior Tax Credits Amazon was going to receive to $1.2 billion in Excelsior tax credits over a ten-year period.
2. Industrial and Commercial Abatement Program (ICAP) ICAP provides property-tax abatements lasting up to 25 years for industrial and commercial buildings that are built, expanded, or modernized. The Amazon project, was going to receive a 100 percent abatement for 11 years, which then phases out over the following four years. It was estimated that the abatement would total $386 million.
3. The REAP credit is available to businesses that relocate from outside New York City to Lower or Upper Manhattan or the other boroughs and make property improvements worth more than 50 percent of the property’s assessed value. The credit is worth $1,000 for 12 years per eligible full-time employee. for Amazon the potential total REAP credit by 2039 was $900 million, assuming the creation of 25,000 jobs. If Amazon had created 40,000 jobs, the total REAP credit could have been $1.44 billion.
See, all these are tax credits or abatements.
4. Then there was to be a capital grant from Empire State Development (ESD). This looks as if New York was giving actual money. But New York wasn't giving actual money it had. Instead Amazon was going to put money into the ESD fund and then Amazon was going to get that same money back from the ESD fund as a grant. The money for the ESD grant was to be paid into the ESD fund by Amazon under a "PILOT" program and then ESD would grant the money back to Amazon to reimburse it for capital building costs. But now Amazon will never put the money in the fund. The state has no more money than before in the ESD fund.
Bottom line: New York lost millions upon millions in tax dollars and confirmed its reputation as unfriendly to business and developed a new reputation as a reneger on deals. This is how a rich state slowly gets poor. Venezuela comes to New York.
I heard some Democrats mocking the economic illiteracy of AOC. So it can be done: You can be so stupid that even Dems think you're stupid. It's like Weiner. He showed the world that it's possible for a Dem to be involved in a career ending sex scandal. Of course it took him two or three tries to show the world (if you catch my subtle word play) but he finally succeeded.......There is yet hope that AOC will crash and burn, but maybe she serves a useful purpose for the Dems. She allows Pelosi pretend to be a centrist and DeBlasio to pretend to be pro-business........In her world, Pelosi and DeBlasio are the conservatives. We Trump voters are fascists and Klan members.
Any study propping up "climate change" can't be trusted. In 6 months this will be revealed as yet another corrupted study.
Although if true, the Blue City States will be most affected, those that have contempt for Red States, where tbeir food actually comes from.
I say good riddance. I'll provide the popcorn while we watch the food riots burn leftist cities to the ground. It's not like you are our fellow countrymen anyway.
Short and easy to read. A sample: The Communists fight for the attainment of the immediate aims, for the enforcement of the momentary interests of the working class; but in the movement of the present, they also represent and take care of the future of that movement. In France, the Communists ally with the Social-Democrats(1) against the conservative and radical bourgeoisie, reserving, however, the right to take up a critical position in regard to phases and illusions traditionally handed down from the great Revolution.
In Switzerland, they support the Radicals, without losing sight of the fact that this party consists of antagonistic elements, partly of Democratic Socialists, in the French sense, partly of radical bourgeois.
In Poland, they support the party that insists on an agrarian revolution as the prime condition for national emancipation, that party which fomented the insurrection of Cracow in 1846.
In Germany, they fight with the bourgeoisie whenever it acts in a revolutionary way, against the absolute monarchy, the feudal squirearchy, and the petty bourgeoisie.
@FullMoon, yawn. Wake me up when mosquitos and bedbugs are extinct. And fire ants. I get that cockroaches will be thriving when every other arthropod species is gone, but those damned mosquitos ...
People who believe in the lier truth of the Bible need to explain to me why Noah didn’t swat that pair of mosquitos when he had the chance.
I'm not the go to person to explain the fine details of this, but they're fiddling around with the hadron collider to understand the properties of dark matter. The trick is to get two dark matter particles to collide. This will help them in their analysis. The down side is that this may trigger another Big Bang that destroys the cosmos. These things happen. Madame Curie died of radiation sickness. The cosmos gets destroyed. There's a price to pay for the advancement of science.......Anyway, if it does happen, all this talk of global warming will look pretty silly.
Such is what I was really trying to say, but I will stand by the statement as written. Rarely does one get a freudian slip in one's favor, though I have heard that when one refers to oneself as "one" the cool kids whip your ass.
I see that before I had even posted a comment on this page, I've been called out by name for personal insult. Is that okay with both of you?
I entered this "café" post comments page for one reason, which was to offer up major props to Althouse for one of her observations from a couple of days ago, when news broke of Scott Pelley's 60 Minutes interview with Andrew McCabe. CBS began to flog the interview with Pelley talking to other interviewers about what McCabe would be saying. Althouse -- almost alone -- made the excellent and correct observation that what we were getting was Pelley talking about McCabe. Not McCabe's own interview answers. Please click on that link and re-read Althouse's post. It's a beautiful thing. She nailed it!
Now, we are beginning to see how important Althouse's caution was. McCabe's spokesperson has released a statement: "Certain statements made by Mr. McCabe, in interviews associated with the release of his book, have been taken out of context and misrepresented. To clarify, at no time did Mr. McCabe participate in any extended discussions about the use of the 25th Amendment, nor is he aware of any such discussions. He was present and participated in a discussion that included a comment by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein regarding the 25th Amendment. This anecdote was not included in 'The Threat,' Mr. McCabe merely confirmed a discussion that was initially reported elsewhere."
Naturally, the Trump-supporting and McCabe-hating media elements loved the initial characterizations made by Pelley. And Pelley was doing a fabulous job of ginning up interest in Sunday night's edition of 60 Minutes. In response to the statement from McCabe's spokeswoman, CBS has been bleeding out bits of transcript from the interview, and Fox news chicks have been saying, 'See, he did sort of say that!' In truth, we are finding out that careful reading and analysis shows far less difference between McCabe and Rod Rosenstein than the 60 Minutes promoters claimed.
Althouse was right, to be suspect. Brava. Kudos to Althouse. We can watch the 60 Minutes interview on Sunday. And then watch 25 more interviews as McCabe does his book tour. The fact of this statement, released on the Friday before the Sunday broadcast, with a book on the way, says an awful lot about McCabe's confidence and about the new breach between Pelley and his interview subject McCabe.
It was his statement to the inspector general report, which he is under criminal investigation for leaking among other matters. That's why he was removed re Horowitz's recommendation.
I'm not reassured, just like general Ross has this habit of programs that go pearshaped. Yes the odds that Oppenheimer's words would be resurrected are slight
Please stop the madness! If I have to read another long-winded, unctuous, political screed by Chuck, I will gouge out my eyes with an oyster fork!!!! I will go to church! I will double the alimony to my ex-wife! I will go gluten-free! JUST MAKE HIM StOP!
“First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they even shoved a fork into the pig Tate's stomach! Wild” ~Bernadette Dohrn, friend of Obama
Dave said... Yesterday Chuck was repeating Nancy Pelosi's exact talking points near word for word.
And when you popped off with that dumb shit comment, I immediately pointed out that senior Senate Republicans, Jonah Goldberg of National Review and the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board all voiced the same thoughts.
So fuck off, Dave. Do everybody a favor and post whatever you want but stay away from me and my comments. Either that, or come up with smarter comments. ------------------------
I just wanted to save this comment. I had no idea this was Chuck's blog.
Dave said... I thought we cancelled paris. I always wanted to be a philosopher, but my precision with words rivals that of the president.
The Paris Climate Accord was signed by Obama. International agreements, Treaties, are binding to the United States when they are ratified by the Senate. Obama never submitted the agreement (not a treaty) to the Senate. While Democrats squeal like stuck pigs over Trumps actions and claim he oversteps the Constitution, those same Democrats never bother with the constitution when it serves the narrative of the left to ignore it. The media, (democrat opperatives with bylines) never fact check the left. Never count their lies. The United States can only be bound by agreements that are ratified by 2/3 of the Senate. Executive actions are only good until that executive is in office.
Many people have questioned the veracity of Trump pronouncements over the past two years. And you know what Trump's statements have cost me? Not one nickle.
Obama's statement that I would save $2500/year with BambiCare was not only a falsehood, it cost me real money. My health insurance premiums went from $9K/year to $15K/year.
So when I hear the Dems/media/Inga/LLR comment on Trump's prevarications, I just laugh.
What's online, what's in the news, but first check the ham band for anything interesting. I picked off Belize, Hawaii and Australia right away. New Zealand didn't repond but he isn't responding to anybody else either. That suggests Australia has a highly directional antenna, which helps both sides, including me with my 15 watts.
Department of other stuff you can have on your desk next to the mouse.
Our local expert — in “feeling” (I was going to say reading) hysterical environmentalist, leftist (but I repeat myself) screeds and memes — weighs in with regard to yet another subject matter.
One might observe in this regard that in the U.S. there are 47 native wild species of bumblebee — one (1) of which was placed on the endanged species list back in 2017 — for a grand total of 1 on the list.
Re 2 earlier comments: Amazon has raised my standard of living a lot. Whatever you want you can get. No visiting stores to see if they have anything you want. Huge cost drop.
I love browsing thru old used book stores. I always can a gem. But I also love the convenience of Amazon. I guess I'm bi-booksual.
While Amazon is good in many of its departments at providing great variety of choices as well as excellent prices, ironically it's not always the best with regard to its original speciality: books.
It's true that Amazon very often does have, not only a variety of choices, but quite good prices in the “books” dept. — however, Amazon also has a formidable competitor there that one really ought to refer to for (oftentimes) even better prices not to speak of choices: to wit,, which is to say: the “Advanced Book Exchange” — a consortium of 10,000 or so used bookstores all presenting their wares under the common “ABE” umbrella.
When purchasing through, the ABE website shows you a list of books and their bookstores meeting your search criteria — organized (say) by lowest price or whatever — then handles checkout and payment so your credit card isn't exposed at any of these 10,000 used bookstores….
It works quite well, and its prices are good. Just the other day, for instance, I ordered a scholarly but artistic book on ancient Maya art — to wit, The Blood of Kings by Schele and Miller, in response to a footnote in another book pointing at same. From Amazon, the cheapest copy available costs now $69 — the next copy $175.
ABE contrariwise presently has a number of copies of this very same book available starting at just over $6 (!) — with no shipping charge. Yesterday I got the copy I ordered through ABE: a big glossy art book 10" x 10" x 1" in size, which is in perfect, like-new condition. (I think I paid a bit more for mine to get a copy its bookstore rated as being “good”: $7.)
It's too bad that the Advanced Book Exchange hasn't set up a referral system for small-scale blogging entrepreneurs, like Amazon has for (e.g.) Althouse — to encourage them to (also) refer people to ABE — but they apparently haven't.
This week MSNBC reported that Trump is considering doing an annual fireworks celebration on the Fourth of July in the nation's Capitol. Such brilliance!
Even better if he uses the fireworks Hillary had scheduled for Nov. 2016.
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९६ टिप्पण्या:
Looks like NYC has an extra $3 BIL to spend now that Amazon pulled out....
When I had natural hair color, I was told it was “mousey brown.” Others called it “Protestant Brown.”
Blogger JML said...”Looks like NYC has an extra $3 BIL to spend now that Amazon pulled out....”
I think Amazon will regret that decision more than NYC will. Amazon is starting to look and act like a sports franchise owner, expecting municipalities to cater to them with subsidy.
Without naming names, there are some here who endlessly praise Amazon and the Amazon business model, without paying heed to the proven dangers of monopoly.
The young Badger hockey team has had a rough year, but they just beat Notre Dame, 2- 1.
Yay, us!
That rat has a pointy nose like a shrew, which is a tiny little thing. Creepily so.
Amazon has raised my standard of living a lot. Whatever you want you can get. No visiting stores to see if they have anything you want. Huge cost drop.
Mass shootings are a real national emergency. When the Democrats get the executive I'll expect action on that. Say, Valentines Day 2021. Then climate change. That fake president.
WintersTale: Mass shootings are a real national emergency. When the Democrats get the executive I'll expect action on that. Say, Valentines Day 2021. Then climate change. That fake president."
Confiscating weapons and cars! LOL
Not even LLR Chuck is that stupid.
Close though...
There's some big contest on. Lots of Europeans that I've already worked in 2017 and 2018. But here's a guy sending super-fast morse from the Canary Islands, weak signal - surprisingly he heard me. So I have one point in the contest. Africa.
“Confiscating weapons and cars! LOL”
Where did Winters Tale say that? Why do you lie so much Drago? You do it to everyone you think is a liberal or opposed to Trump. What is wrong with you?
Shooter was a felon in 94, ineligible to buy a gun:
Frok Noah Smith today at Bloomberg:
"Amazon will pay property tax on its new Long Island City offices. It will pay corporate tax — not just on its profits, but on its capital base. Its employees, especially highly paid ones, will pay the city’s personal income tax. Those taxes, of course, will be somewhat offset by the incentives that the city has promised the company — up to $2 billion, depending on how many people the company hires and how many facilities it builds. Those incentives were a wasteful way to attract corporate investment. But in the long run, the tax revenue New York City gets from HQ2 will probably far exceed the cost."
I agree with this assessment. You must compund the direct and indirect economic benefits over sevral years, and potentially decades.
This was a huge hit to NYC. The largest online marketplace corp on earth just said "no" to America's "Dowager" metropolis. Alejandria Ojos-Locos crows in the distance...
...the distance crows back, "primary"
"Amazon is starting to look and act like a sports franchise owner, expecting municipalities to cater to them with subsidy."
Rams' five bil stadium = no gov dough.
At least I think I read that somewhere. Though if it's true it be the exception that proves......
Anywho, I can't wait to get in there. Looks awesome.
Sure, it's not the same as seenin' Jack on the court. But, several bill still buys somethin'.
They hate guns and they want to ban the internal combustion engine, so it's not a stretch
"Mass shootings are a real national emergency."
More people are killed by illegal aliens than by mass shootings.
“Wife Of White House Comms Director Comes Out Against Vaccines: ‘Bring Back Our Childhood Diseases’”
Darla Shine
Here we go LOL #measlesoutbreak on #CNN #Fake #Hysteria
The entire Baby Boom population alive today had the #Measles as kids
Bring back our #ChildhoodDiseases they keep you healthy & fight cancer
7:43 AM - Feb 13, 2019
OMG, what an idiot.
I am not sure if I'm on your "endlessly praise Amazon" list -- actually, I can't think of anyone posting here who merits that description. But I'll chime in now: I know about literally dozens of companies that I would never have heard of but for browsing Amazon. Also, as I don't drive and live about a half hour's walk from the nearest shopping drag here, it's extremely convenient to have things shipped to me. YMMV, especially if you've got a car, as you probably have.
rhhardin, Amen to that. That's exactly how I feel about it. But Jeff Bezos is The Richest Man In The World, so hating on him is OK.
In other Alexandria "donkey-chompers-i-shoot-from-the-hit-fer-mad-pwnnge" Cortez news...
She apparently hired her beau (white of course, 90% soy) as a staffer. Dot gov address the whole bit.
I'm thinking of hitting vegas and putting money on her being gone before inauguration day 2021. Any takers?
@rhhardin: I thought Kroger’s was first in your heart.
I love Amazon! I’ve always hated shopping in brick and mortar stores.
Heck we use Amazon and even omidyars e bay on occasion, the question is what kind of job is the like of gianuris, in, apparently locusts.
Purple noose tail, clever.
“She apparently hired her beau (white of course, 90% soy) as a staffer. Dot gov address the whole bit.”
Jared and Ivanka. She’s like Trump.
So were going after the wife of a White House aide, remember they went after a congressional staffer for not kneeling in abject surrender before the first family, now its gun sights at 50 meters.
Bezos was a little two clever with his hunger games aet up remember the contest than the four runner ups than the two.
I see the ads are back. I did use your portal for some major purchases.
They are wholesome ads, though. Pastries, sheet music, and jewelry, so can’t complain.
NYC won't have any extra money to spend.
The 3 bn was in tax abatements, if I understand it correctly. NYC would have gotten some tax money, now they get nothing.
High rents high prices on staples not luxuries , now they've closed off an Avenue dir advancement, no fracking they should have the lemming as their mascot.
Amazon did not need NYC. NYC did not need Amazon. They could not agree to terms. So the deal fell through. Both Amazon and NYC are both fine & will go their separate ways.
Josh Barro:
I find it weird that people talk like Amazon was being flaky. They thought they had terms! Then New York pols tried to change the terms! Which was fine, there was no contract yet. But it was also fine for Amazon to say no. Sometimes, no one is the bad guy, there’s just no deal.
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said..."I love Amazon! I’ve always hated shopping in brick and mortar stores."
Me too. I detest shopping.
No they definitely have their place.
"She's like Trump"
Except not president and with no privilege for executive appointments. She's a freshman congresswoman subject to house ethics rules. It's ok though cause it was totally worth it to skip orientation for that mad celebration kegger with her beta orbiters.
She's a child and your statement is a false equivalence. If you weren't consumed by hatred for Trump you'd see that.
Useless to criticize Amazon. They are big because of preferential federal tax policies created by Congress. In a nutshell, by constantly plowing revenue into expansion, they pay very little tax. Typical government, help the big businesses and screw the mom and pop’s.
They say that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is responsible for Amazon leaving New York.
Can we please get AOC here in Arlington, Virginia?
Oh never mind:
Democrats ore being led by AOC. The amount of stupid that leaks out of her by accident is scary, because she is working hard not to say all the stupid she is capable of. AOC is the model we are told to emulate. Collage educated, a degree, in economics no less. She really thinks that $3 billion that Amazon was to receive as reduction in taxes, on gross profits of $27 billion, that would have been paid by Amazon is now available for her to spend. She is Democrat stupid.
Way more stupid than people that don't believe in vaccinations.
Dont forget cow farts.
I love browsing thru old used book stores. I always can a gem. But I also love the convenience of Amazon. I guess I'm bi-booksual.
Nancy Pelosi isn’t being led by AOC. Democrats aren’t being led by AOC. She a bright candle burning now, she’ll soon be barely burning in a few months from now. Democrats aren’t as obsessed by her as you folks are.
Best comment from narciso's link about the release of the Nigerian brothers without charges:
Replying to @AJGuglielmi
Good! Those two Nigerian gentlemen are supposed to bring me $100 million.
These mass shootings are done by who? I'm the Klan? The Nazi party? No, they're the "Ingas" of the world. Emotional outburst fueled by drugs. How we gonna "do something" about that?
Shit is pouring across the borders. Do something... if it only saves one child... clueless.
She's on the leading edge, its like norma Desmond really objects she just doesn't like
the details. You have to vote for it, to find out what's in it.
Then they should have no problem voting no on NGD.
“No, they're the "Ingas" of the world. Emotional outburst fueled by drugs.”
Whoa I may need to rethink taking my blood pressure med!
Well this last fellow was a felon, the ons last year had been protected from accountability, by the school the district the state and the nation. The therapeutic programs work as sell as the pax in serenity.
And BUMBLE BEE, why do you “yell” your name? Sheesh calm the hell down.
History will show today to be the best day in many years for America.
Conn Carroll
8 hours ago, 7 tweets, 1 min read Read on Twitter
Some quick notes on early coverage of President Trump's announcement today that pretty much all reporters are missing 1/
The WH did not make one executive action today. In reality they made three, only one of which involved an emergency declaration. 2/
First the WH announced they would be funding $601 million in wall construction from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund, relying on 31 U.S.C. § 9705. This does not require an emergency declaration. 3/
Second, the WH announced they would be funding $2.5 billion in wall construction under 10 U.S.C. § 284 (this is MilCon $ for combating drug trafficking). This does not require an emergency declaration. 4/
Finally, the WH announced they would be funding $3.6 billion under 10 U.S.C. § 2808. This money does require an emergency declaration. 5/
According to the WH this money will be spent sequentially so the § 9705 money will be spent first then the § 284 money then the § 2808 money. 6/
So depending on how fast they can begin construction, they will have to spend over $5 billion (including the $1.3 billion in fencing appropriations) before any of the emergency money is ever tapped 7/
Good grief. AOC thinks New York should "take that $3 billion dollars that we were willing to give to Amazon and invest it in our local community."
She has no idea how things work, does she?
Know not a clue:
Jeff Bezos made a friendly offer to send Donald Trump into space aboard one of Bezos' Blue Origin rockets. That is beginning to look like our best DJT solution. First President in space! Once in space he might forget to return.
This week MSNBC reported that Trump is considering doing an annual fireworks celebration on the Fourth of July in the nation's Capitol. Such brilliance! Obviously he hasn't enjoyed the largest, most expensive, fireworks display anywhere in the world as magnificent as the celebration occurring annually on Independence Day in DC.
And today he announced that "I didn't need to to do this" when he declared his National Emergency. And after calling Liz Warren, "Pocahontas," today he declared Ann Coulter as being "off the reservation." Sounds like he dislikes American Indians.
One night while tending bar, AOC overheard conversation about a "money pit".
She's been looking for it since.
Bob Boyd, I did not get a degree from Boston U, but I do understand there wasn't a big bag of cash lying around that NYC was going to give to Amazon. Which perhaps is why I knew there wasn't a big bag of cash involved...
At the all star break bucks have best record in the league. On track to win 60+ games.
If is ain't one thing, it's another. QWe all gonna die.
The global insect population outweighs all of humanity by a margin of 17 to 1, but humans are on track to wipe insects out in a matter of decades, according to the first worldwide review of insect decline.
This would be doubly catastrophic. First, losing the insects means losing the animals that feed on them, thus shattering the entire ecosystem. Second, losing the insects — which pollinate plants and keep the soil healthy — would devastate agriculture and our ability to feed a rapidly growing population.
“Unless we change our way of producing food, insects as a whole will go down the path of extinction in a few decades,” the alarming new study in the journal Biological Conservation warns.
The Australian researchers reviewed 73 historical reports of insect decline worldwide to understand the underlying drivers. They found “dramatic rates of decline that may lead to the extinction of 40 percent of the world’s insect species over the next few decades.”
The cause? Human-driven habitat loss, pollution, and climate change.
“The global insect population outweighs all of humanity by a margin of 17 to 1, but humans are on track to wipe insects out in a matter of decades, according to the first worldwide review of insect decline.”
First to go, BUMBLE BEES.
They was a homicidal blacklisted on that wave length played by mark Linn baker.
Stock Market All Time High
Draw dawn from multiple theatres of war
Appointment of multiple originalist judges
Gas/oil/energy costs low
Tax relief for the middle class especially renters
Elimination of tax on student loans discharged to disability
Withdrawal from the economy killing global warming treates no one else abides by
Global temperatures in arrest or cooling
Criminal justice reform, a huge boon to African American men
Many, many regulations eliminated
Ah hell, I'm too tired to type it all.
I feel verclempt. Talk amongst yourselves.
You see, if you study, you know that these two things:
Human-driven habitat loss and global warming -
are much more closely connected than -
CO2 emissions and global warming.
But damn our heroes the politicians need those those carbon tax revenues.
AOC is like every Democrat. The have not one principle they will adhere to. Democrats, the left, invented situational ethics. Like #metoo ? An absolute "believe every woman" unless its a Black politician. Then its "due process". Funny that we had to believe the white professor, but the black professor, needs video with sound and 3 eye witnesses.
Economics? Punish the rich, unless they too are leftists. Then its OK because shut up. Foreign policy? World wide excursions into nation building is evil. Until President Trump gives his generals and State Dept two years to got out of shit hole countries, then bringing troops home is stupid.
Walls to secure the border are immoral, except for the ones Obama built.
Democrats only believe in the never ending lust for power.
New York lost billions in wages and taxes. I'm spelling this out because some commenters still seem to think - if the process they are using can be called thinking - that New York "saved" 3 billion for higher purposes than jobs (such as job training.) No. New York wasn't giving Amazon anything. It just was taking less in taxes from Amazon or, in one case, certain Amazon property taxes were going into a fund and then being granted to Amazon by that fund. If Amazon isn't there to be taxed then there's no three billion and also since three billion was just a fraction of what Amazon was going to pay in wages and taxes all those other billions have been lost. Billions and billions are going somewhere else.
Here's the breakdown from
There were four major tax breaks for Amazon.
1 Excelsior Tax Credits
Amazon was going to receive to $1.2 billion in Excelsior tax credits over a ten-year period.
2. Industrial and Commercial Abatement Program (ICAP)
ICAP provides property-tax abatements lasting up to 25 years for industrial and commercial buildings that are built, expanded, or modernized. The Amazon project, was going to receive a 100 percent abatement for 11 years, which then phases out over the following four years. It was estimated that the abatement would total $386 million.
3. The REAP credit is available to businesses that relocate from outside New York City to Lower or Upper Manhattan or the other boroughs and make property improvements worth more than 50 percent of the property’s assessed value. The credit is worth $1,000 for 12 years per eligible full-time employee. for Amazon the potential total REAP credit by 2039 was $900 million, assuming the creation of 25,000 jobs. If Amazon had created 40,000 jobs, the total REAP credit could have been $1.44 billion.
See, all these are tax credits or abatements.
4. Then there was to be a capital grant from Empire State Development (ESD). This looks as if New York was giving actual money. But New York wasn't giving actual money it had. Instead Amazon was going to put money into the ESD fund and then Amazon was going to get that same money back from the ESD fund as a grant. The money for the ESD grant was to be paid into the ESD fund by Amazon under a "PILOT" program and then ESD would grant the money back to Amazon to reimburse it for capital building costs. But now Amazon will never put the money in the fund. The state has no more money than before in the ESD fund.
Bottom line: New York lost millions upon millions in tax dollars and confirmed its reputation as unfriendly to business and developed a new reputation as a reneger on deals. This is how a rich state slowly gets poor. Venezuela comes to New York.
I heard some Democrats mocking the economic illiteracy of AOC. So it can be done: You can be so stupid that even Dems think you're stupid. It's like Weiner. He showed the world that it's possible for a Dem to be involved in a career ending sex scandal. Of course it took him two or three tries to show the world (if you catch my subtle word play) but he finally succeeded.......There is yet hope that AOC will crash and burn, but maybe she serves a useful purpose for the Dems. She allows Pelosi pretend to be a centrist and DeBlasio to pretend to be pro-business........In her world, Pelosi and DeBlasio are the conservatives. We Trump voters are fascists and Klan members.
Just like the extinction of the polar bear.
Any study propping up "climate change" can't be trusted. In 6 months this will be revealed as yet another corrupted study.
Although if true, the Blue City States will be most affected, those that have contempt for Red States, where tbeir food actually comes from.
I say good riddance. I'll provide the popcorn while we watch the food riots burn leftist cities to the ground. It's not like you are our fellow countrymen anyway.
Starve to death.
Dave I have just one quibble
Withdrawal from the economy killing global warming treates
President Trump has not withdrawn from a single treaty.
No enemies to the left. Straight out of the Manifesto.
Short and easy to read. A sample:
The Communists fight for the attainment of the immediate aims, for the enforcement of the momentary interests of the working class; but in the movement of the present, they also represent and take care of the future of that movement. In France, the Communists ally with the Social-Democrats(1) against the conservative and radical bourgeoisie, reserving, however, the right to take up a critical position in regard to phases and illusions traditionally handed down from the great Revolution.
In Switzerland, they support the Radicals, without losing sight of the fact that this party consists of antagonistic elements, partly of Democratic Socialists, in the French sense, partly of radical bourgeois.
In Poland, they support the party that insists on an agrarian revolution as the prime condition for national emancipation, that party which fomented the insurrection of Cracow in 1846.
In Germany, they fight with the bourgeoisie whenever it acts in a revolutionary way, against the absolute monarchy, the feudal squirearchy, and the petty bourgeoisie.
I thought we cancelled paris. I always wanted to be a philosopher, but my precision with words rivals that of the president.
@FullMoon, yawn. Wake me up when mosquitos and bedbugs are extinct. And fire ants. I get that cockroaches will be thriving when every other arthropod species is gone, but those damned mosquitos ...
People who believe in the lier truth of the Bible need to explain to me why Noah didn’t swat that pair of mosquitos when he had the chance.
They hitched a ride on a cow,
Stalin targeted the social Democrats over the nazis, they did go after bruening
Their way eventually boils down to Highlander politics. But the general idea has moved from Marx to Gramsci to Alinski and it is very effective.
I like to think about it like that asshole boss who is suck a huge dick to his employees but sucks way, way up to his boss, the way LLR Chuck would.
The right is individualistic and not as good as cooperating as the left. It is our great weakness.
I'm not the go to person to explain the fine details of this, but they're fiddling around with the hadron collider to understand the properties of dark matter. The trick is to get two dark matter particles to collide. This will help them in their analysis. The down side is that this may trigger another Big Bang that destroys the cosmos. These things happen. Madame Curie died of radiation sickness. The cosmos gets destroyed. There's a price to pay for the advancement of science.......Anyway, if it does happen, all this talk of global warming will look pretty silly.
Such is what I was really trying to say, but I will stand by the statement as written. Rarely does one get a freudian slip in one's favor, though I have heard that when one refers to oneself as "one" the cool kids whip your ass.
Well Loki could come through the singularity and we know where that leads. What are the safeguards.
Dear Althouse (and, I suppose, Meade);
I see that before I had even posted a comment on this page, I've been called out by name for personal insult. Is that okay with both of you?
I entered this "café" post comments page for one reason, which was to offer up major props to Althouse for one of her observations from a couple of days ago, when news broke of Scott Pelley's 60 Minutes interview with Andrew McCabe. CBS began to flog the interview with Pelley talking to other interviewers about what McCabe would be saying. Althouse -- almost alone -- made the excellent and correct observation that what we were getting was Pelley talking about McCabe. Not McCabe's own interview answers. Please click on that link and re-read Althouse's post. It's a beautiful thing. She nailed it!
Now, we are beginning to see how important Althouse's caution was. McCabe's spokesperson has released a statement:
"Certain statements made by Mr. McCabe, in interviews associated with the release of his book, have been taken out of context and misrepresented. To clarify, at no time did Mr. McCabe participate in any extended discussions about the use of the 25th Amendment, nor is he aware of any such discussions. He was present and participated in a discussion that included a comment by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein regarding the 25th Amendment. This anecdote was not included in 'The Threat,' Mr. McCabe merely confirmed a discussion that was initially reported elsewhere."
Naturally, the Trump-supporting and McCabe-hating media elements loved the initial characterizations made by Pelley. And Pelley was doing a fabulous job of ginning up interest in Sunday night's edition of 60 Minutes. In response to the statement from McCabe's spokeswoman, CBS has been bleeding out bits of transcript from the interview, and Fox news chicks have been saying, 'See, he did sort of say that!' In truth, we are finding out that careful reading and analysis shows far less difference between McCabe and Rod Rosenstein than the 60 Minutes promoters claimed.
Althouse was right, to be suspect. Brava. Kudos to Althouse. We can watch the 60 Minutes interview on Sunday. And then watch 25 more interviews as McCabe does his book tour. The fact of this statement, released on the Friday before the Sunday broadcast, with a book on the way, says an awful lot about McCabe's confidence and about the new breach between Pelley and his interview subject McCabe.
This is the same carp they said seven months ago, either McCabe needs more omega 3 or he was lying through his tookus then.
It was his statement to the inspector general report, which he is under criminal investigation for leaking among other matters. That's why he was removed re Horowitz's recommendation.
the proven dangers of monopoly.
Proven my fanny.
With the exception of government granted/mandated monopolies, name one honestly gained that wasn't a boon to consumers.
"Well Loki could come through the singularity and we know where that leads. What are the safeguards?"
Tony Stark.
I know, right?
I'm not reassured, just like general Ross has this habit of programs that go pearshaped. Yes the odds that Oppenheimer's words would be resurrected are slight
Dear Meade (and I suppose, Chuck),
Please stop the madness! If I have to read another long-winded, unctuous, political screed by Chuck, I will gouge out my eyes with an oyster fork!!!! I will go to church! I will double the alimony to my ex-wife! I will go gluten-free! JUST MAKE HIM StOP!
Fondly, Bay
Here is the Oneida Cityscape Stainless Steel Cocktail Fork, Item no. 2507FOYF that is available through the Althouse Amazon portal. $6.99 and free shipping as always is available for Amazon Prime members.
Let me know where to send it.
And have a great weekend.
OK, I have to admit it: That was funny!
“First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they even shoved a fork into the pig Tate's stomach! Wild”
~Bernadette Dohrn, friend of Obama
Original Mike
Yes, a lot of stupid on display. Not least by Inga and the others here who think NY was giving money to Amazon.
@chickenlittle - the correct answer to what sound does a leftist doorbell make was “Bernardine Dohrn”
Blogger Dave said...
Dave said...
Yesterday Chuck was repeating Nancy Pelosi's exact talking points near word for word.
And when you popped off with that dumb shit comment, I immediately pointed out that senior Senate Republicans, Jonah Goldberg of National Review and the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board all voiced the same thoughts.
So fuck off, Dave. Do everybody a favor and post whatever you want but stay away from me and my comments. Either that, or come up with smarter comments.
I just wanted to save this comment. I had no idea this was Chuck's blog.
2/15/19, 6:07 PM Delete
He is quite the gentleman.
Dave said...
I thought we cancelled paris. I always wanted to be a philosopher, but my precision with words rivals that of the president.
The Paris Climate Accord was signed by Obama.
International agreements, Treaties, are binding to the United States when they are ratified by the Senate. Obama never submitted the agreement (not a treaty) to the Senate. While Democrats squeal like stuck pigs over Trumps actions and claim he oversteps the Constitution, those same Democrats never bother with the constitution when it serves the narrative of the left to ignore it. The media, (democrat opperatives with bylines) never fact check the left. Never count their lies.
The United States can only be bound by agreements that are ratified by 2/3 of the Senate. Executive actions are only good until that executive is in office.
This used to be taught in highschool
Many people have questioned the veracity of Trump pronouncements over the past two years. And you know what Trump's statements have cost me? Not one nickle.
Obama's statement that I would save $2500/year with BambiCare was not only a falsehood, it cost me real money. My health insurance premiums went from $9K/year to $15K/year.
So when I hear the Dems/media/Inga/LLR comment on Trump's prevarications, I just laugh.
What's online, what's in the news, but first check the ham band for anything interesting. I picked off Belize, Hawaii and Australia right away. New Zealand didn't repond but he isn't responding to anybody else either. That suggests Australia has a highly directional antenna, which helps both sides, including me with my 15 watts.
Department of other stuff you can have on your desk next to the mouse.
lol re Chuck's cocktail fork comment
That was actually pretty funny!
First to go, BUMBLE BEES.
Our local expert — in “feeling” (I was going to say reading) hysterical environmentalist, leftist (but I repeat myself) screeds and memes — weighs in with regard to yet another subject matter.
One might observe in this regard that in the U.S. there are 47 native wild species of bumblebee — one (1) of which was placed on the endanged species list back in 2017 — for a grand total of 1 on the list.
NYC rat OD'd on sidewalk
Re 2 earlier comments:
Amazon has raised my standard of living a lot. Whatever you want you can get. No visiting stores to see if they have anything you want. Huge cost drop.
I love browsing thru old used book stores. I always can a gem. But I also love the convenience of Amazon. I guess I'm bi-booksual.
While Amazon is good in many of its departments at providing great variety of choices as well as excellent prices, ironically it's not always the best with regard to its original speciality: books.
It's true that Amazon very often does have, not only a variety of choices, but quite good prices in the “books” dept. — however, Amazon also has a formidable competitor there that one really ought to refer to for (oftentimes) even better prices not to speak of choices: to wit,, which is to say: the “Advanced Book Exchange” — a consortium of 10,000 or so used bookstores all presenting their wares under the common “ABE” umbrella.
When purchasing through, the ABE website shows you a list of books and their bookstores meeting your search criteria — organized (say) by lowest price or whatever — then handles checkout and payment so your credit card isn't exposed at any of these 10,000 used bookstores….
It works quite well, and its prices are good. Just the other day, for instance, I ordered a scholarly but artistic book on ancient Maya art — to wit, The Blood of Kings by Schele and Miller, in response to a footnote in another book pointing at same. From Amazon, the cheapest copy available costs now $69 — the next copy $175.
ABE contrariwise presently has a number of copies of this very same book available starting at just over $6 (!) — with no shipping charge. Yesterday I got the copy I ordered through ABE: a big glossy art book 10" x 10" x 1" in size, which is in perfect, like-new condition. (I think I paid a bit more for mine to get a copy its bookstore rated as being “good”: $7.)
It's too bad that the Advanced Book Exchange hasn't set up a referral system for small-scale blogging entrepreneurs, like Amazon has for (e.g.) Althouse — to encourage them to (also) refer people to ABE — but they apparently haven't.
This week MSNBC reported that Trump is considering doing an annual fireworks celebration on the Fourth of July in the nation's Capitol. Such brilliance!
Even better if he uses the fireworks Hillary had scheduled for Nov. 2016.
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