I’ll bet most diehard Maga Trump supporters who love Russia, don’t know that private gun ownership is NOT ALLOWED by Vladimir Putin in Russia.— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) February 16, 2019
To put it briefly, in case you don't see my point, Griffin assumes that Trump fans love Russia. But it's Trump haters who made up the idea that Trump is in love with Russia. Griffin sees that something doesn't make sense, so why doesn't she consider removing her own assumption instead of clinging to it as it produces more nonsense?
Now, I'll give her credit. She's a comedian, and she's entertaining her audience. Building on a premise to produce ever more precarious notions is a comic technique. She has her fun by stimulating her people into thinking those other people are really ridiculous. And if in the process, she is ridiculous, so what? She can riff her way into extreme flights of fancy, and it works in real life to the extent that her real life is being a comedian.
I get it. I've sat in the audience for her show. It's a clown show that stays in showbiz mode, which is something you can't say about Trump. He busted loose, out of his TV show and into the beyond-comedy world. That's so weird that it justifies virtually any sort of comic reaction.
१८६ टिप्पण्या:
"But it's Trump haters who made up the idea that Trump is in love with Russia."
"...and it works in real life to the extent that her real life is being a comedian."
Per the brick wall in the previous post, perhaps that should be "comedian".
I am Laslo.
Maybe it's a shaggy dog story in quip form.
"so why doesn't she consider removing her own assumption"
Oh, please. "I can't believe she doesn't consider removing her own assumption!"
Progs gonna do the prog thing.
Giving her "credit" is an abuse of charity.
But I am pleased: the derangement, the sheer stubborn insanity preventing any clue about the opposition, serves us well. It's one of the few advantages of the right in this era of prog cultural hegemony.
Beware of “comedian”.
For a guy who supposedly is in love with Russia, Trump sure took a big bite out of their economy when he okayed the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. But fools like Griffin and HT who don’t know how to challenge their assumptions in the face of reality will always be inferior human beings.
"She's a comedian, and she's entertaining her audience."
She's not "entertaining" her audience, she is performing Social Justice Fellatio.
I am Laslo.
I'll bet most Hillary lost butt hurt revenge filled Constitution KILLERS have no idea that removing states rights in voting takes us to a RUSSIAN SYSTEM.
filed under: "It's not what you don't know, it's what you know that isn't so."
People will talk a lot of utter wham to hold onto their mistaken preconceptions.
This is even truer if those preconceptions are part of a religious or quasi-religious belief system. In this case, I think all of the above apply. Orange man = Satanic usurper.
We all have to admire the leftwing media-/hollywood/democratic party COLLUSION.
After 8 years of Obama trying to regain normal "flexible" relations with Russia, and Hillary and Bill actually pocketing money off of Russian Uranium deals - that Russia is now "Bogeyman" number #1 ! - is a testament to the real collusion between The Democratic Party and the media.
I’ll bet most diehard Maga Trump supporters who love Russia, don’t know that private gun ownership is NOT ALLOWED by Vladimir Putin in Russia.
For perspective, she should really have to draw a Venn diagram before saying something like that.
Short hand logic: Trump/Russia.
Just put those two words in a sentence and you can explain anything.
Comedy? Nope, it is hate all dressed up and called comedy.
Her statement also has the disadvantage of being untrue. Gun ownership in Russia is restricted to long guns, but Russia in 9th in the world in the number of privately owned firearms. More important, Russia illustrates the corruption that bad laws creates. When laws are made that people don't respect, the system of law itself is damaged. You are seeing this in the US where laws are ignored based on political preference -- from President Obama deciding to ignore immigration law to Sheriffs in Washington State deciding to ignore gun laws. In Russia, there are approximately 16 to 17 million private firearms, of which 6 to 7 million are registered.
instead of clinging to it as it produces more nonsense?
she's a bitter clinger.
Ann Althouse, the Kimmy Schmidt comedian of bloggers.
I agree that given that Griffin makes some people laugh, she is a comedian.
I don't find her that funny. I find her voice and delivery nails-on-chalkboard. This is different from the past. Either she changed, or I did, or both.
Griffin's not as terrible as President Hillary Clinton would be, however. So there is that. When I hear Griffin, I think of the lack of President H->er. And I am content.
But it's Trump haters who made up the idea that Trump is in love with Russia.
Only because they listen to what he says.
I know this was said above, but it didn't have a link to back it up.
@Jim, good point. Once upon a time you could tell a comedian because they were, you know, funny. Different today.
She attacked the Covington Catholic kids and I don't think she deserves any more attention for her "observations".
I want to know how the Hillary Clinton people decided it would be Russia they focused on. Especially after their very public RESET.
Althouse: "Notice the projection of the derangement into the mind of the people you can't understand."
Freder, she's talking about you.
Private gun ownership is anathema according to the Left, is it not? Would they not repeal the Second Amendment if given the chance? Is this not evidence of Russia Love?
"But it's Trump haters who made up the idea that Trump is in love with Russia."
More typical bullshit from the hit-and-run troll known as HT.
That which is not supported by evidence can be refuted without evidence.
most diehard Maga Trump supporters who love Russia
Both of them?
There's Russian bad drivers on youtube, that are a fascinating course in defensive driving alertness. Dashcams are everywhere so as to prove that you're not at fault.
It's not as good as Vietnam railroad engineers' cams, presumably there for the same reason, for relaxation.
Who is suffering from derangement? Here’s an example: The phrasing “most diehard Maga Trump supporters who love Russia” is not saying most diehard Maga Trump supporters love Russia. Face it, Althouse is suffering from TDDS, Trump derangement derangement syndrome.
> That's so weird that it justifies virtually any sort of comic reaction.
Does it justify 20 minute opening monologues every weekday on *each* of the "late nights"
consisting of Dem talking points on the news of the day?
But it's not remotely funny, though.
Giffy is a reverse comedian
She is ultra lame when she tries to be funny
but she is hilarious when trying to be serious
So, condensing the wisdom of this comment thread, the original statement can be reworded as, "People who don't exist don't believe a falsehood".
Although outside Althouse, the old bag is not sharp enough to be noticed.
Maybe Trump will ride a Vietnam railroad train. Get the soft seat, air conditioned coach ticket.
Trains going to China have screens on the windows to keep thrown rocks from injuring passengers.
"She has her fun by stimulating her people into thinking those other people are really ridiculous."
The three categories of comedy:
1. "I'm so ridiculous." (the comedian)
2. "We're so ridiculous. " (including the audience)
3. "They're so ridiculous." (people who aren't there)
@HT, @Freder, what Althouse wrote is the following: “Griffin assumes that Trump fans love Russia.”
One doesn’t need to do any special parsing of what Griffin wrote to see that this is perfectly correct — Griffin is talking about Trump supporters. I think I speak for most of us when I say that we have no special affection for Russia in general nor Vlad Putin in particular, but we sincerely hope that our government will maintain cordial relations with a country capable of delivering nuclear death to every city in the United States.
The next sentence Althouse wrote is “But it's Trump haters who made up the idea that Trump is in love with Russia.”
This is not refuted by HT’s assertion nor by Freder’s link.
Try this experiment. Try to think of even a single Leftist that will admit they were wrong about something. That is one of their pathologies. They are people who cannot or will not ever admit an error, no matter how small the error or how ridiculous it gets in the effort to maintain they were NOT in error. Classic case: Obama, his whole life.
Kathy Griffin is like a forest falling in the trees that no one here's it. It does provide a nice bit of fodder for the marks and punters.
“In Russia, there are approximately 16 to 17 million private firearms, of which 6 to 7 million are registered.”
They may be 9th overall, but for a population roughly half ours have fewer than 1/20th the number (maybe 1/30th), which is a rate of maybe 10%, versus our rate of > 100% (and, yes, we have more than our representative share here).
Blogger rhhardin said...
Maybe Trump will ride a Vietnam railroad train. Get the soft seat, air conditioned coach ticket.
Trains going to China have screens on the windows to keep thrown rocks from injuring passengers.
Maybe Trump didn't want to experience all the hoiking and spitting on Chinese trains
Someone said: "Try to think of even a single Leftist that will admit they were wrong about something."
That's pretty much the unprincipled side of progressivism. They weren't wrong, it's just that conditions have changed. I've found it very difficult to have productive discussions in recent years because it's impossible to get people to recognize analogy as a valid way of making a point.
Freder Frederson said: "Only because they listen to what he says....I know this was said above, but it didn't have a link to back it up."
The devotees of every conspiracy theory have a pile of points at their command. It's all anecdotal until all the relevant information has been weighed.
YouTube is flled with Russian gun videos. Not just civilian weapons, but Russian hillbillies firing military weapons like anti-tank rockets and missles.
Wait until the die hard MAGA supporters discover that Trump *didn't* collude with Russia. Trump's support will evaporate like hot sweat in a Santa Ana wind.
Quaestor said...
Private gun ownership is anathema according to the Left, is it not? Would they not repeal the Second Amendment if given the chance? Is this not evidence of Russia Love?
You know, that's a great point.
“I want to know how the Hillary Clinton people decided it would be Russia they focused on. Especially after their very public RESET.”
I think that it may have been payback for Trump’s joke that, after her people had deleted so many of her emails, if the Obama Administration really wanted copies of them, they should ask the Russians. This combined several points in one:
- Crooked Hillary had illegally used a private server to conduct business as Secretary of State, resulting in classified material being stored insecurely.
- As a result, her email account was very likely hacked by state actors, such as the Russians (but also the Chinese, and several other countries). What self respecting government wouldn’t have wanted to know what our State Department was doing in secret? As a result, her account was very likely one of the top hacking targets in the world. Compounding this, she apparently accessed her server remotely, outside the US, on a number of occasions, including apparently when on enemy soil (which means that these other countries controlled the radio waves or fiber over which she contacted her email server). They might have had a chance thwarting the hacking attempts, if they had kept their security updates up to date. But they didn’t, and were, almost assuredly, hacked. The only real questions are how frequently, and by whom.
- Meanwhile Wikileaks gets a copy of the emails form the DNC server. Covering up that it was almost assuredly an inside job, their contractor claims it was the Russians.
- And, finally, her campaign chair, John Podesta, fell for a fairly crude phishing attack probably originating from Eastern Europe, and had his emails dumped too.
Those of us keeping up thought that the joke was hilarious - typical Trump rolling a bunch of jokes together for a bigger punch. But he was too clever here, and the joke was hijacked by Crooked Hillary and her people, and the consequences are being paid to this day with the Mueller investigation, and probably a number of House investigations in the future.
As a result, her account was very likely one of the top hacking targets in the world.
@Bruce Hayden, you need to dispense with the understatement.
I think the email joke is a fig leaf. The Clintons had first-hand knowledge of how Russia conducts business, and set their agents to exploring Trump's business in Russia because something dirty would almost have to be there. The Clinton campaign was grinding about Trump's business connections in Russia during the summer, and Hillary Clinton herself was trying to put reporters on the scent by Labor Day.
My question is, why does the intended audience prefer such stale comedy?
I've sat in audiences of progs and marveled at how they will laugh and hoot and clap at jokes I know they've already heard many times over. I don't mean variants of the same joke (there's probably a limited set of ur-jokes around which all comedy revolves), but *the same fucking jokes*.
I recognize that Griffin's audience is probably mostly dimwits. But I'm not just talking about stoned retards in a comedy club. This also applies to educated cosmopolitans getting eruditely lectured by erudite lecturers in ostensibly "high culture" venues. It's cringe-inducing. I'm embarrassed for them. (More embarrassed than I am annoyed by the speaker's inability to refrain from interjecting his banal political opinions into something that has fuck-all to do with politics, and that annoys me plenty.)
to Bruce Hayden:
"They may be 9th overall, but for a population roughly half ours have fewer than 1/20th the number (maybe 1/30th), which is a rate of maybe 10%, versus our rate of > 100% (and, yes, we have more than our representative share here). "
1) In a study from 2007, they were 68th out of 178 countries assessed. Gun ownership in Russia has increased since then, while the population has not increased so much. The *rate* of gun ownership in Russia in 2007 was 8.9 per 100 people, while in 2017 it was 12.3 per 100 people. In essence, the population has increased by 5 million, and the number of privately owned guns increased by 5 million. Thus, under Putin, gun ownership has increased at the rate of 100 per 100 people.
2) It's a significant shifting of the goalposts to imply that Ms, Griffith is somehow not incorrect in her claim that "private gun ownership is NOT ALLOWED by Vladimir Putin in Russia," because it has some equivalence to "private gun ownership is ALLOWED by Vladimir Putin in Russia and is increasing -- but is not as much as in the US."
Ms. Griffith's statement is still a lie. Flat out.
3) We do not look to Russia for guidance on individual liberties, and the externsion of socialist Malthusian thinking towards liberty is inappropriate. The fact that other countries have fewer liberties than do we is not a reason to restrict them here. The concept of exceeding our "share" in the exercise of rights given to us by our Creator is a bad one.
The 1980s called. They want their foreign policy back.
Remember this all centers around the butina spy plot that wasnr there, the progs thought they could wrap the real enemy in this, being law abiding gun owners
Rory said...
I think the email joke is a fig leaf. The Clintons had first-hand knowledge of how Russia conducts business, and set their agents to exploring Trump's business in Russia because something dirty would almost have to be there. The Clinton campaign was grinding about Trump's business connections in Russia during the summer, and Hillary Clinton herself was trying to put reporters on the scent by Labor Day.
I agree, Rory.
I also suspect it was supposed to pull double duty. They were (in Podesta's emails) trying to come up with ways to protect themselves from Clinton Cash, which is very compelling. What better way than to act like they are so against Russia, and their opponent is the one in their pocket, than to put all the shade on Trump?
As for the security firm finding that Russia had hacked the computer, I think that was a bit of cart-horse putting. They *needed* that to be the result, so they didn't turn the server over to the FBI but had their own company come to the conclusion wanted.
“But it's Trump haters who made up the idea that Trump is in love with Russia. Griffin”
What? How wrong can you get? “Make up the idea”? If Trump’s interactions with Russia/ Putin doesn’t raise any red flags, then I’d say you truly have been blind.
I’ll bet most diehard gun-banning Clinton supporters who hate Russia, don’t know that private gun ownership is NOT ALLOWED by Vladimir Putin in Russia.
@Big Mike - you have likely noticed by now that I use a lot of qualifiers, such as apparently”. This is in a similar vein. Maybe Obama was #1. I think that Clinton’s emails were a lot more exposed. But maybe not. We do know that he used an alias (possibly meaning an outside account) to communicate with Crooked Hillary. We just don’t know, and may never know. Part of her exposure, of course, was that she apparently visited over 100 countries in her four years as Secretary of State, and likely exposed her email to the governments of many of those countries. Obama preferred staying home, hobnobbing with celebrities, shooting hoops, playing golf, and figuring his brackets. In any case, my use ( and probable overuse) of qualifiers probably stems a lot from my second career as an attorney of sorts. Trump, of course, never having been a lawyer, doesn’t qualify his statements like that, and is always getting himself in trouble with the ( inevitably progressive) “fact checkers” who find some nit or exaggeration, and give him an automatic four Pinocheoles.
“1) In a study from 2007, they were 68th out of 178 countries assessed. Gun ownership in Russia has increased since then, while the population has not increased so much. The *rate* of gun ownership in Russia in 2007 was 8.9 per 100 people, while in 2017 it was 12.3 per 100 people. In essence, the population has increased by 5 million, and the number of privately owned guns increased by 5 million. Thus, under Putin, gun ownership has increased at the rate of 100 per 100 people.”
Always like it when my seat of the pants, in my head, calculations come out somewhere close (I estimated 10%, 1/10, or 10/100, and the average of your two figures is 10.6/100).
What are those interactions - Inga?
Be specific.
That Trump was going to build something in Moscow? Trump is in the real estate business. How can you be alarmed over that, but not at all bothered by the Clintons pocketing millions of Russian dollars in secret - WHILE SHE WAS HEAD OF THE STATE DEPT.
How did the Russians "trick" American voters into voting for Trump over Hillary? Isn't that the ultimate goal of your innuendo? Where is the evidence that the Russians tricked voters or hacked voting machines?
A meeting with a Russian on how to get dirt on Hillary IS NOT ILLEGAL.
Oh wait - I forgot - it IS illegal to dig for dirt on anything Clinton.
No one likes Russia. Not even Russians.
Also, of course they have guns. What do all those fur trappers in Siberia carry around?
As John Kenneth Galbraith said a long time ago: “Faced with the choice between changing one’s mind and proving there is no need to do so, most people get busy on the proof.”
Inga- Allie Oop has not been keeping up with current events.
Griffin is in love, with Trump, and Putin. She dons a cat in the hat and masks her lifetime of disappointment with liberal doses of sadocomic relief. #HateLovesAbortion
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"What? How wrong can you get? “Make up the idea”? If Trump’s interactions with Russia/ Putin doesn’t raise any red flags, then I’d say you truly have been blind."
It is true, Igna, that the rest of us often do not see the many fascinating things that you see. But it's not because we're blind.
Yesterday, Trump was talking about his great relationship with Kim Jong Un. Wait until the Lefties find out about that!
Didn't Griffin show up on Trump's TV show at one point?
Did she not take Trump's money at one point?
There's plenty of guns in Russia. It's why so many restaurants in St. Petersburg and Moscow had metal detectors when I was there.
Here's what Wikipedia says about Russian gun laws: "Russian citizens over 18 years of age can obtain a firearms license after attending gun-safety classes and passing a federal test and background check. The license is for five years and may be renewed. Firearms may be acquired for self-defense, hunting, or sports activities. Carrying permits may be issued for hunting firearms licensed for hunting purposes. Initially, purchase is limited to long smooth-bore firearms and pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of up to 25 joules (18 ft⋅lbf). After five years of shotgun ownership, rifles may be purchased. Handguns are generally not allowed. Rifles and shotguns with barrels less than 500 mm (20 in) long are prohibited, as are firearms that shoot in bursts and have more than a 10-cartridge capacity. Suppressors are prohibited. An individual cannot possess more than ten guns (up to five shotguns and up to five rifles) unless they are part of a registered gun collection."
But I guess I must love Russia because I've been there twice, and I'm willing to bet that I had contact with an intelligence agent while applying for my visas. I even have nice things to say about my visits and the people I met.
I don't follow Kathy Griffin. I remember she said something nasty about the Covington kids. Did she apologize or did she just delete her tweet? If the latter, she's a low life. Who makes fun of people like Kathy Griffin? I know many here try their darndest, but we're not professionals. She needs to be ridiculed and mocked by polished professionals.
I have to think that part of your problem in not seeing any nefarious connections between Trump and Russia is because you’re so poorly informed. The other sad reality might just be because you’re Cultists, or maybe you’re just lazy.
Who knows? At this point it doesn’t really matter anymore.
This is in the same family of slurs that conservatives had a hard on for Putin when he was running circles around Obama 5 years ago. Zzzzzz. Whatever, sweet cheeks, now get back to trying to scratch and hustle to find work at a strip mall 'Comedy club'
Liberals are blinded by their preconceptions. It's why CNN ran a chyron identifying Northam as a Republican. It's just what is front of mind and substitutes for thinking. Northam is a racist so he must be a Republican.
Several weeks ago we had a family friend over to do some work in our house. He makes his living as a handyman.
My daughter the liberal happened to stop by. He apparently said something to her that she took to be sexist. Called her "honey" or something. I was right there but can't remember what it was. I took no note of it.
After he left she went into a rage about what a sexist, MAGA hat wearing (he had a Phillies hat on) scumbag, evil Fox News watching, Republican he was.
The funny part was, he is one of the most hard core lefties I know. His Facebook page is plastered with anti-Trump stuff. He was a huge Hillary supporter. He took a full month off from his business to campaign for the Democrats in the midterms.
But he said something that offended her, so he must be a Republican. No further proof needed.
She was shocked when my wife showed her his Facebook page.
I used to teach a course in critical thinking, and the first thing I taught my students was not to believe everything they believed.
Trump is a tool of the Russians. They know because they believe it. No further proof required.
People like Kathy Griffith are dumbshits. They just follow the Left-wing party and repeat it like Parrots. Even more absurd, they think anyone who disagrees is just so stooppid.
Nobody "loves Russia" or "Putin". There's never been any proof that's true. But Griffith doesn't care. I doubt she could find Russia on a map. She's squawking away.
She's also full of hate - cf: Covington boys.
A reasonable rule of thumb is to look at what politicians DO rather than what they SAY.
Make a list of the Obama/Clinton dealings with Russia. Place them in two columns:
- Favorable to Russia
- Pisses off Russia.
Now do the same for Trump.
It weighs heavily in favor of Trump being much tougher on Russia.
People keep trying to reason with Trump haters by giving examples facts etc.
THEY DON"T CARE. but if it makes you feel good - carry on.
Holy shit, Althouse; every day of every week your blog’s comments pages are a graduate-level course in how Trump’s fans are making crazed baseless presumptions about anyone who criticizes Trump.
Kathy Griffin’s tweet is mildly responsible debating, compared to many of the regular Trumpist comments here.
And everybody here knows exactly what I am talking about.
Inga and Chuck. Two girls, one cup.
LOL Inga- more of the same crap we've heard for that last 2 years,.
More tedious chuck shit.
The same twats who smeared the Covington boys over a so-called smirk - are the same people you can trust to know that Trump stole the election from Entitled Hillary - in concert with Poot!
Laslo Spatula said..."She's not 'entertaining' her audience, she is performing Social Justice Fellatio."
♫ Kathy came from out on the Island
In the backroom she was everybody's darling
But she never lost her head
Even when she was giving head ♫
Guns are not outlawed in Russia.. but they are strictly controlled:
According to the Law Library of Congress Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Russian Federation
Russian legislation on gun control is relatively strict:
Limits the circulation of firearms to Russian citizens. Older than eighteen years of age With a registered permanent residence,
For the purposes of self-defense, hunting, and sports activities only.
The acquisition of guns is based on licenses provided for a five-year period by local police departments at one’s place of residence.
After a thorough background check including a review of the petitioner’s ability to store guns safely.
Evaluation of his/her medical records. (Mentally ill people and those who have been treated for substance abuse are not allowed to possess firearms.)
Major issues related to gun control are regulated by the Federal Law on Weapons implementing regulations issued by the federal government and varied executive agencies.
Legislative assemblies of the Russian Federation constituent components can enact provincial laws related to the circulation of firearms so long as they do not contradict federal legislation.
Individuals are allowed to have up to ten long-barreled guns in their possession, and more if they are collectibles.
Individuals are not allowed to carry guns acquired for self-defense.
A license only serves as a carrying permit for hunting and sport firearms when these guns need to be transported.
Russian citizens may not own guns that shoot in bursts or have magazines with more than a ten-cartridge capacity.
The legalization of short-barreled handguns is currently being discussed by the legislature.
I find it astounding that the lefties on this blog are so preoccupied with the Trump/Russia hoax that they have failed to notice that the NGD that was proposed by AOC and Markey and quickly gathered the support of the top tier Dem presidential hopefuls is a scheme straight out of the old Soviet era. Think about it, how do you get 320 million people to upgrade their houses to conform to some arbitrary standard developed by the Dem commissariat? What exactly would it take to convince every one of the owners of the 263 million vehicles in the US to junk those vehicles and buy a state sanctioned "green" one? Does anyone see how either of these dictates could be accomplished in a free society other than by the point of a gun or confiscation of property or internal exile to Alaskan wilderness gulags or some other police state measure? How about the automobile manufacturing ten year plan that would be required? Where do you get the workers and plants and steel to increase vehicle production to 150% of current capacity every year for ten years and the same time you're rebuilding every building and rebuilding every power plant using "green" technology that itself is a pipe dream at this point? Who gets first dibs on the steel, the auto industry or the building industry or the power suppliers, and who makes that decision since there is no longer a free market in any industry to help balance supply and demand? Where does the necessary labor come from? Are the factories and construction industries going to be Pol-Potted by driving the office workers from the cities and forcing them into state dictated employment? And it's not just those three NGD dictates that are problematic, every single line item in the Dem NGD is going to require central planing, coercion and repression to bring about. To get to the point, our own resident lefties are so apoplectic over some yet-to-be evidenced Trump/Putin collusion that they turn a blind eye to their own party's proposals that would necessarily turn the US into a communist police state to rival the extinct USSR. God help us, and when the first ten year great leap forward is scheduled, please God may Inga, Freder, HT and the rest of the house idiots be the first ones to feel the boot on the back of the neck.
Each and every day the left prove they want to dismantle The Constitution in favor of a Russian system.
Speaking of head..if she dislikes Russia so much, she should do a severed bloody Putin head pic.
Because comedian.
Russia was our ally for some time? Remember?
It will be again at some point in the future, I guarantee you. The geopolitical stuggle caused by physical closeness to collosus Germany, with poor Poland stuck in the middle, has followed a cyclical pattern for over a thousand years.
Check out a time lapse graphic of the shifting borders of Germany, Poland and Russia. Fascinating stuff.
The left was in love with the Soviet Union throughout the 20th century. Now, the left hates return to Tsarist Russia allied with the Orthodox Church.
I like this incarnation of Russia much more than Soviet or imperial Russia. Trump seems to be the only adult in the house. He recognizes the dramatic improvement, and probably remembers (as I do) how much worse Russia was when the left loved it.
Inga and Freder believe the Trump/Russia Collusion story. Could there be any surer sign that it’s a hoax?
The world thanks Kathy for NOT reenacting the fabled Presidential Pee Pee Tape.
(My apologies if you were eating)
And everybody here knows exactly what I am talking about.
Yes. We do Chuckles.
Your Trump derangement seems far more personal than political, if you are as conservative as you claim/seem to be. Your animus is just too strong for a POTUS who is the most conservative since Reagan.
Did Donald fire you because you were an incompetent lawyer?
Did he grab your privates?
Something happened.
Its a bit subjective, coming up with a measure for "restriction", but on the whole Russian firearms laws seem to fall along European norms. They are less restrictive on the whole than Spanish laws, which were wn extreme case for centuries, but more so than Italian. Russia has a considerable sporting firearms industry.
Trump seems to be the only adult in the house. He recognizes the dramatic improvement, and probably remembers (as I do) how much worse Russia was when the left loved it.
It's been less than ten years since Obama told Romney that the 80's were calling and wanted their foreign policy back. Or since Obama told the Russians he'd be more flexible after the election.
Big Mike: "Inga and Freder believe the Trump/Russia Collusion story. Could there be any surer sign that it’s a hoax?"
You ain't seen nuttin' yet. Go back and read how Freder purposely mangled and turned on its head the results of the Bundy Trial out west.
Literally everything Freder wrote was the exact opposite of what the court found and how the court ruled.
And there is no way to chalk that much wrong up to a simple misunderstanding.
I like some things about Russia.
Russian society's fierce, nearly total rejection of feminism is great. We should take a clue.
I admire the Orthodox Church. It survived the Soviet attempt to exterminate it.
Russian literature is brilliant.
I've spent a lot of time with Russians. Roomed with Russians and Ukranians in college. Lived near the big expat Russian community in Brighton Beach. If you don't like Russians (to paraphrase Hank Williams, Jr.), you can kiss my ass. Russians are usually very jolly, big living, hard drinking and crazy fucking people. It's an insult to a traditional Russian to stop drinking an open bottle of vodka until every last drop has been consumed. You can't beat that.
Paul: "Guns are not outlawed in Russia.. but they are strictly controlled:"
Except for all the ones that aren't.
There are literal private armies run by criminal bigwigs not to mention what the generals themselves are pulling off on the side.
No different here where MS13 and the cartels have entire arsenals, so, naturally, we have to work very hard to disarm housewives in Peoria.
LLR Chuck: "Holy shit, Althouse; every day of every week your blog’s comments pages are a graduate-level course in how Trump’s fans are making crazed baseless presumptions about anyone who criticizes Trump."
LLR Chuck just yesterday---
Republican 2016 sweep of the House, Senate and Presidency and Supreme Court appointments: "Disaster"
That's all you really need to know.
Griffin is getting embarrassing.
As for the attitude expressed - nothing complicated here. She is addressing her audience. You here are not her audience. You dont share the same context in spite of the surface compatibility of language, as you and her audience are two peoples.
Consider the gulf between cultural contexts, across different countries, with different languages. Thats what you have here, it is a foreign cultural context to "legacy" America. You might as well be watching a German or Mexican show, which unless you have been raised in the culture and have a lifetime of context with which to process it, can lead to confusion. That you can understand her words is deceptive.
I wonder if any of Putin's pals paid Trump $500,000 like they paid directly to Bill Clinton.....after Hillary signed off on 20% of US Uranium Ore going to Putin pal controlled companies....which all led to Putin pals dumping $145 Million into the Clinton slush fund.
$!45.5 MILLION for a flick of the wrist and a Billy boy hour long chat in Moscow.
Nice work if you can get it.
Hey, you know who else had tons of stock in those same Russian energy interest companies?
If you guessed the Podesta brothers, well, you'd be right.
No one, and its not even close, had more shady economic and political interactions with the Russians and Putin than Hillary and the dems....which is why they spent so much effort to put in place the structure to cover it up.
And that structure sure came in handy as an excuse for a Presidential loss AND as a weapon to remove a sitting President AND as a way to cover up their illicit spying on domestic political opponents.
Althouse and Griffin both blind to the fundamental argument for unyielding defense of the right to bear arms that trans-CarrotTop's pig ignorant tweet inadvertently provided. Must be a soap opera woman blind spot.
Wow, I never realized Kathy Griffin was such a strong supporter of the 2A. You go,girl, Μολον λαβε.
Jersey Fled, great story. My leftist daughter is starting to admit that some things Trump is doing are good.
I can watch Mexican TV, which is mainly presented in a generic, international Spanish dialect and accent that is easy to understand for most Spanish speakers. There is the odd Mexicanism here and there, but these are sufficiently well known across the Hispanosphere, especially in the modern media system, which has actually had a culturally unifying effect. Lots of crossover and imports across borders, not just the "telenovelas".
There are some Mexican shows that are intended for international distribution. These are designed to be culturally generic, or nearly so, and indeed the actors, directors and writers are often an international lot. But others are Mexico-only. In those cases it is easy to miss the jokes.
I think Griffin isn't smart enough to play with her fans that way. She truly does think Trump supporters are Russian fans.
You want to know why the Left is so anti-Russian/Putin? It all started with Pussy Riot. The chance to drive a wedge between Trump and his supporters by claiming Trump was a Russian agent is just a cherry on top. Before Pussy Riot, Democrats were falling all over themselves to improve relations with Russia.
the Podesta brothers ripped off the Russians, spent the money on bad art, and the Journal commiserated with him, it's not surprising their orientation because they were lefties of the nuclear freeze stripe from the getgo. meaning soviet dupes, in a similar view they thought to
slime supporters of law and order, like judge bork,
those ladies are a large part why putin is still in power, the liberals turned the country over the oligarchs while the intelligentsia marveled and the people starved, now the oligarchs were much of the same bureaucracy, with a change of uniform, that band represents the chaos of those years,
"Russia was our ally for some time? Remember?"
Russia was never our ally. The USSR was our "ally" from 1941-1945 because Hitler broke the Nazi-Soviet pact and attacked them. Before that, Stalin was shipping them wheat and oil which allowed them to wage war on the France/UK.
BTW, lots of people: William Bullit, Kennan, Robert Taft, Herbert Hoover, Thomas Dewey and others were pointing out that Stalin wasn't our "ally" during WW2. However they've been airbrushed from History and we're left with the old myth that everyone loved the USSR during WW2 and thought Stalin was our big buddy.
You vote for the same people that do Ann.
Let that sink in to your bubble.
See, this is what I was talking about:
Blogger Francisco D said...
And everybody here knows exactly what I am talking about.
Yes. We do Chuckles.
Your Trump derangement seems far more personal than political, if you are as conservative as you claim/seem to be. Your animus is just too strong for a POTUS who is the most conservative since Reagan.
Did Donald fire you because you were an incompetent lawyer?
Did he grab your privates?
Something happened.
And I have made it clear; yes my hatred of Trump is personal to a great extent. As for policy, I don’t know what Trump’s policies are and I’m not at all sure that Trump has any. He wanted a big tax CUT bill, with no concern about tax REFORM. We got some reform, but only because some of the establishment GOP members of Congress worked on it. And Trump exploded our deficit spending with no good answers in what to do about it. On healthcare reform and the “replace” part of ‘repeal and replace,’ Trump’s response was the immortal “Nobody knew that healthcare could be so complicated.” Trump has done just fine with judicial nominations (how many leftist sympathizers say that, Drago?), but it is because Trump is being very effectively directed by the Federalist Society and Trump is the first President in modern history to enter office with no filibusters. The rules have been changed dramatically to allow presidents with a Senate majority to do what they like with judicial nominations.
You could have asked me about issues, and debated it if you didn’t like my responses. But no; you did the aka Kathy Griffin thing. The stupid, trashy, ugly thing; you wondered if Trump had grabbed my privates. You claimed that I’m a fake lawyer. You perfectly proved the point made in my first post on this page. You are Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome, personified.
Can I just say something about moderation and the blocking of some commenters’ accounts? I would expect to be blocked from commenting on this blog if I had ever written about Althouse, Did you get grabbed by the privates, Althouse? Did Wisconsin fire you because you were a fake/incompetent lawprof...?
I really would expect to be banned, if I had written about Althouse something along the lines of what you continually write about me. But since nothing seems to happen to you or anyone else, maybe I’m wrong about that.
Cathy G. makes mistakes. She admitted she makes mistakes before ('I went way too far': Kathy Griffin apologizes for photo shoot that featured bloody Trump head and she warned she'd do it again. She just did it again. Talk first and think later is her creed. She doesn't expect to be taken seriously and doesn't mind being laughed at. The absurdity of her jabbering is what makes her funny. Otherwise I find her intolerable.
Griffin doesn't even get the Russian gun ownership issue right:
"While self-defense and protection of property is a constitutional right guaranteed to Russian citizens, Russian legislation on gun control is relatively strict, limiting the circulation of firearms to Russian citizens older than eighteen years of age with a registered permanent residence, and for the purposes of self-defense, hunting, and sports activities only. The acquisition of guns is based on licenses provided for a five-year period by local police departments at one’s place of residence after a thorough background check, including a review of the petitioner’s ability to store guns safely and an evaluation of his/her medical records. Mentally ill people and those who have been treated for substance abuse are not allowed to possess firearms.
According to a report by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (police),[1] at the end of 2012 there were more than 6.3 million nonmilitary weapons registered in the Russian Federation, with a population of 142.5 million.[2] This number includes 700,000 firearms with a rifled bore and 4.2 million firearms with a smooth bore."
WTF? How much congruence is there between the set of MAGA Trump Supporters and the set of Russia Lovers? I am thinking little to none. Griffin derangement?
Chuck said..."I really would expect to be banned, if I had written about Althouse something along the lines of what you continually write about me. But since nothing seems to happen to you or anyone else, maybe I’m wrong about that."
Incredibly, Chuck never has understood who's blog this is.
Back to the topic at hand after another lengthy butthurt screed by Chuck:
Jim Carrey
Verified account @JimCarrey
Feb 5
Lindsey Graham is turning into a Russian bureaucrat. Stooping to protect a man who puts the ASS in foreign asset. What do they have on you Lindsey? Can’t wait to find out.
Jim Carrey artsy twitter
Kinda makes Griffin seem moderate
how would chuck colson put it,
Admitted Smear Merchant who literally asserts republican victories are a "disaster" Chuck: "You could have asked me about issues, and debated it..."
There is nothing to he gained by attempting to debate an admitted Smear Merchant who simply lies and parrots every democrat/far left talking point and launches racist attacks on african american conservatives and attacks children via rumor mongering.
LLR Chuck = Inga = Ritmo
nothing to see here:
Chuck doesn't understand Trump's policies. No surprise. Simple. So simple that big thinkers can't wrap their minds around the m. Or I should say"it". Trump appears to have one policy, and everything else derives from that one policy.
America and Americans first.
Here The New York Times has spent the last three years running interference for the Democratic party, skirling hysterically against candidate Trump, then President Trump, and minimizing every evidence of wrongdoing by the Hillary-Fusion GPS-rogue intelligence and law enforcement contingent while simultaneously coming done like a ton of bricks against anyone associated with the President, from Michael Flynn on down.
And now we have Andrew McCabe, former Acting Director of the FBI, beginning his book tour with an interview on 60 Minutes in which he admits that he was at the center of a plot to unseat the President of the United States. The Times put it this way: ‘McCabe Says Justice Dept. Officials Had Discussions About Pushing Trump Out.’
There follows a few hundred words of brow-wrinkled prose about their ‘so alarmed,’ ‘dire concerns’ that the President had just fired their guy, FBI director James ‘higher loyalty’ Comey, that they got together and wondered how they could entice the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet to collude (ooo, there’s that word!) to invoke the 25th Amendment and jettison a guy they didn’t approve of.
The Times story is cast in their best anodyne prose, carefully tilted to make it seem as if this was perfectly reasonable, business-as-usual stuff.
But it wasn’t reasonable, and it is business-as-usual only in a banana republic or a polity that is essentially ruled by hyper-bureaucratized administrative apparatus.
--Roger Kimball.
DB: "The Times story is cast in their best anodyne prose, carefully tilted to make it seem as if this was perfectly reasonable, business-as-usual stuff."
It will surprise you not in the least that self-annointed legal beagle LLR Chuck was johnny on the spot yesterday with some of his patented DemDefense obfuscation and lies attempting to buttress the moronic position that it is perfectly acceptable for the FBI/DOJ of an opposing admin to try and remove a sitting president by abuse of the 25th amendment.
There is no depth LLR Chuck will not sink to advance the dem/leftist/criminal cause.
Has anyone noticed how Kathy G's face looks like an oven roasted chicken wing? Sinewy and disjointed. Did she get bad plastic surgery? I don't remember her looking this bad before. She looks worse than she did when she committed career suicide holding Trump's severed head. The years have not been kind to her.
what do we have here:
Blogger Original Mike said...
Chuck said..."I really would expect to be banned, if I had written about Althouse something along the lines of what you continually write about me. But since nothing seems to happen to you or anyone else, maybe I’m wrong about that."
Incredibly, Chuck never has understood who's blog this is.
Nothing incredible about it. It’s Althouse’s blog. I understand that very well and practically all of my comments are aimed at her chosen subjects and contents. Often addressed directly to Althouse. Not any of you. I’d be delighted if it stayed there. But you Trump fanboys cannot leave me alone. You guys make me wonder if you understand that it is the Althouse blog and not the Chuck blog. Doesn’t Drago post a dozen or two “LLR Chuck” comments every day? More? Just leave me alone, so I don’t have to respond to your defamation.
So you don’t need to remind me about whose blog it is. It’s Althouse’s. She gets to make the rules. All I need to know, clearly, is what exactly are those rules.
Reading this blogpost and the comments therein, is a good example of Trump Cultism deranging the understanding of facts. It’s really not surprising anymore, but nevertheless is still disturbing. Who would’ve thought fellow Americans, even though they be rightists, could be so blind, dumb, uninformed and brain washed.
Interesting that your most verbose responses are to perceived attacks.
But since you , Dicking et al have err..broadened the topic, I have a related comment that you haven't responded to.
You wrote yesterday:
Blogger Chuck said...
I suppose that if I was watching this in a private meeting and I was the acting director of the FBI, after this guy summarily fired the Director without warning, it would not be so funny. And I would regard it as part of my oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America to think about investigating the application of the 25th Amendment of that Constitution
(regarding the "summarily fired" bit),
I asked
Are you referring to:
Rod Rosenstein letter recommending Comey be fired
seriously Chuck, are you this shallow, re your motions and briefs, bring your A game, now it's not easy because there is a haze of noise, blocking any real assessment of actual conditions, ignoring circumstance and inconvenient details,
Inga: "Reading this blogpost and the comments therein, is a good example of Trump Cultism deranging the understanding of facts."
hoax golden dossier, the Womens March leadership isn't antisemitic, covington boys were guilty, the left isn't erecting hate speech laws on campus, the planned parenthood videos were selectively edited (they weren't) gal speaks!!
Ah..Addy Hominem has dropped in to throw down.
You go girl!
Admitted Smear Merchant Chuck: "Doesn’t Drago post a dozen or two “LLR Chuck” comments every day? More? Just leave me alone, so I don’t have to respond to your defamation."
Chuck admitted to being a smear merchant. He proudly admitted it.
Now he denies it and calls those who point out his smear-merchant-iness defamers of him!!
Which is precisely what a smear merchant would do, isn't it?
LLR Chuck = Michael Avenetti
walter I suggest that you take up your off topic complaints with someone who cares about what you might write.
Let me sum this up for you LLR Chuck: if you are free to post as many lefty talking points and lies and smears that you want each day it's perfectly in bounds to point out that is what you are doing.
Its too bad for you if that hinders or impedes what you are clearly trying to achieve for Team Dem on this blog.
Ms. Griffin is apparently vying for the Alexandria Cortez-Ocasio award for intelligence. (Aka, "the Inga.")
LLR Chuck: "walter I suggest that you take up your off topic complaints with someone who cares about what you might write"
Its worth noting that it wasn't that long ago that LLR Chuck was taken to task for turning every thread, regardless of topic, into a pro-dem Trump bash session. After reading multiple complaints from other readers our Intrepid Lefty Narrative Warrior Chuck lashed out and told everyone that he would darn well (he cursed actually, as he is wont to do) post on any darn subject he darn well pleased and if others didn't like it they could....(you get the picture).
LLR Chuck, like every leftist in existence, does not appreciate his own rules being applied to him.
The Times put it this way: ‘McCabe Says Justice Dept. Officials Had Discussions About Pushing Trump Out.’
Please remind me. Why shouldn't I think the Warren Commission was a cover-up??
BTW, it was for this very reason (LLR Chuck clearly posting in bad faith, repeatedly, over multiple years) that led to Meade insisting that LLR Chuck absent himself from this blog.
Of course, LLR Chuck did no such thing, resumed presuming to lecture others on appropriate blog etiquette, and proceeded to continue with his Team Dem shenanigans.
LLR Chuck is no more serious a commenter than your local antifa "hero".
Well..that's one way to not answer a question, Chuck.
“BTW, it was for this very reason (LLR Chuck clearly posting in bad faith, repeatedly, over multiple years) that led to Meade insisting that LLR Chuck absent himself from this blog.Of course, LLR Chuck did no such thing, resumed presuming to lecture others on appropriate blog etiquette, and proceeded to continue with his Team Dem shenanigans.”
And hilariously Drago lectures someone else about commenting in bad faith. Can Drago respond to any liberal or anti Trump commenter without making up the most outrageous lies about them? Drago you hypocrite, you lie every single day accusing liberals if being in favor of MS13 gangs, extremist Islamacists, female genitalia mutilation, being in favor of violence toward conservatives, being pro post birth abortions, being anti Israel, all manner of lies come out of your gaping maw every single day. It’s you who are the joke, unserious and not credible.
Inga Fails Reading Comprehension: "And hilariously Drago lectures someone else about commenting in bad faith."
I did no such thing.
I relayed that was a reason Meade directed LLR Chuck to leave the blog.
See if you can make it through the next post with at least a 6th grade level of understanding.
I am confident you can if you apply yourself.
Inga the Golden Dossier Gal: "It’s you who are the joke, unserious and not credible."
Agree to disagree.
Inga: "Reading this blogpost and the comments therein, is a good example of Trump Cultism deranging the understanding of facts."
...It is this: people in the FBI (aided an abetted by elements in the CIA and the Obama administration) decided that they didn’t like the person who had been elected President of the United States. Their anger and frustration boiled over when the President had the temerity to fire their man, James Comey. So they plotted to get rid of him....
How is that view from your mirror?
I must've missed that photo op of all those Russian-loving Trump supporters with their bright, shiny Reset Button.
Anybody got a link?
In other news:
So Griffin voted for Clinton Inc, but claims concern about Russian ties...
If you go to the Twitter responses you'll see that her fans definitely take the statement seriously and think that Trump supporters love Russia with a red hot passion. Althouse's point is very well taken indeed.
Jim at: "I must've missed that photo op of all those Russian-loving Trump supporters with their bright, shiny Reset Button."
Behind the borscht?
Don't bother, Seeing Red. Inga is a Peter Strozk True Believer. All the bullshit and lies promoted and propagated by the left are real and true to her>.
By the way, missing the point of a post, missing the key message in an article, confusing cause and effect/causation&correlation, misreading the point of entire articles, etc., is sort of Inga's stock in trade.
As your parents always told you, if you are going to do something, be the best at it!
“It is this: people in the FBI (aided an abetted by elements in the CIA and the Obama administration) decided that they didn’t like the person who had been elected President of the United States. Their anger and frustration boiled over when the President had the temerity to fire their man, James Comey. So they plotted to get rid of him....”
Demented. Cultish. Just plain stupid.
Inga: "Demented. Cultish. Just plain stupid."
This is precisely what McCabe just asserted in his book tour.
And it is at odds with what McCabe testified to under oath.
As pointed out now by many news organizations and commentators, it's all becoming quite clear how this happened from the lips of those who did it all themselves.
From McCabe's book:
•May 9th, 2017, Comey fired.
•May 9th, 2017, (Evening) McCabe meets with POTUS.
•May 10th, 2017, McCabe meets with his team. Opens “obstruction” investigation.
•May 10th, 2017, (Afternoon) McCabe meets again with POTUS.
So, McCabe opens an obstruction case based on Comey's firing which McCabe, in his book, thinks is an obstruction issue.
But there is a problem for McCabe, on May 11, McCabe testified under oath to congress about the investigation and here are a few highlights:
Senator Rubio: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. McCabe, can you–without going to the specifics of any individual investigation, I think the American people want to know, has the dismissal of Mr. Comey in any way impeded, interrupted, stopped, or negatively impacted any of the work, any investigation, or any ongoing projects at the Federal Bureau of Investigation?
Director McCabe. As you know, Senator, the work of the men and women of the FBI continues despite any changes in circumstance, any decisions. So there has been no effort to impede our investigation to date. Quite simply put, sir, you cannot stop the men and women of the FBI from doing the right thing, protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution.
Remember, this is on May 11, the day after McCabe launches an obstruction case....for obstruction that in his sworn testimony even he admits never happened.
But wait, it gets even better!!
From that same May 11 congressional testimony:
Senator Harris. Has–I understand that you’ve said that the White House–that you have not talked with the White House
about the Russia investigation. Is that correct?
Director McCabe. That’s correct.
Your Russian narrative has crumbled, Inga. Give it up.
Original Mike: "Your Russian narrative has crumbled, Inga. Give it up."
Only Inga and few other dumb dead-enders are hanging out in Collusion Cafe.
They have already moved on to new lies and smears without evidence: money laundering, etc.
There is still hope that more process crimes can be manufactured from these other targeted lines of inquiry based on no probable cause.
Yes, Seeing Red.
Despite commentary provided by the players involved that support your points,
Addy Hominem sayss: "Demented. Cultish. Just plain stupid."
You honestly can't argue with that line of thinking.
Arguing with Inga is like arguing with LLR Chuck, or any demented leftist really.
Poor Inga. She is now calling "Congressional Testimony Under Oath"-Andy McCabe a liar.
Tsk tsk
Will McCabe ever recover from such a setback?
Reading material for Chuck
Michael Anton's followup.
Should be noted that the letter from Rosenstein (link above) was dated May 9th.
Lets not forget Comey's bizarre, admitted attempt to become one with a curtain as well as withholding the known political sourcing of the "Dossier".
For a position that works for the executive, he was NOT "summarily fired".
And actions post-firing keep adding to the need for him to be sent packing.
These...rats..are now merely angling to minimize their own damage as this comes to light.
Can you imagine how feverishly Inga must be looking for something, anything, which will negate McCabe's own testimony under oath?
If you want to know why McCabe is putting Rosenstein on the hot seat its because Li'l Andy is sending a message that he can take a lot of people with him.
In his position I'd probably do the same. When you are this far out over your ski's (FBI/DOJ hatching a 25th amendment coup plot?) you have to do something.
Remember when Inga laughed off the idea of a coup, and then here come's Andy in his book and he lays it all out!
And lets not forget about Lisa Page's testimony along with Baker's and others: the hoax dossier crafted by Team Hillary and the Russians, and which is completely faked, was the basis for all the FISA warrants (against the rules) and the counter-intelligence investigation by Mueller (against the rules) and based on no actual evidence (against the rules) and has now become a pure fishing expedition (against the rules).
But hey, all the players probably figured that Trump would be long gone before anyone figured out what they had pulled.
All things considered, that was not necessarily an incorrect conclusion. What other politician could have survived the Full East German Stasi-treatment?
Apparently, and to their everlasting dismay, just one. DJT
walter: "Drago, Should be noted that the letter from Rosenstein (link above) was dated May 9th."
Correct, on May 9th Rosenstein himself set forth all the dept violations and shenanigans Comey was guilty of, any one of which justified firing him, which Trump then does....immediately followed by an improper obstruction investigation based on nothing (which McCabe testified to under oath) followed by an improper "counter-intelligence" "investigation" (completely against DOJ rules) by Rosenstein himself!!
Gee, nothing to see here folks......
And these were all the same cats that cleared the path for the Uranium One deal (including Mueller who hid investigative details from Congress which would have stopped the deal) as well as the entire gang that cooked the books in Hillary's favor on her non-stop documented corruption.
I would love to know what the deep staters have on Jeff Sessions that turned him into a complete weasel disappearing act while they did this.
It should be pointed out that McCabe claims in his book (who knows if it is true or not) that in the middle of the banana republic/third world/Soviet-bloc country type coup planning meeting where Rosenstein apparently was going to wiretap the President directly that McCabe claims there was a consensus in the room that the Attorney General, Sessions, was a "go" for the 25th amendment ploy.
Strange isn't it? Sessions, who really did sacrifice a great deal to become an early supporter of Trump when it was all risk and no reward, suddenly, at a particular moment just after becoming AG, goes completely, utterly, irretrievably belly up and then disappears while the plotters continue their work.
How does that happen, one wonders....
Don’t forget the Brits. They’re involved, too.
It's actually kind of sad. They were so invested in the Russian narrative.
Drago said...If you want to know why McCabe is putting Rosenstein on the hot seat its because Li'l Andy is sending a message that he can take a lot of people with him.
..and make a few $$$ in the process.
Strange isn't it? Sessions, who really did sacrifice a great deal to become an early supporter of Trump when it was all risk and no reward, suddenly, at a particular moment just after becoming AG, goes completely, utterly, irretrievably belly up and then disappears while the plotters continue their work.
How does that happen, one wonders....
I have strongly suspected that the Russia/Mueller hoax served Establishment Republicans by keeping Trump on a leash. They were scared of him. He was never going to be impeached, just controlled.
The Democrats in the Obama Administration were much more ambitious. They first sought to derail Trump, then to cover up their blatantly illegal activities. The impeachment scam was never serious. It was just a way to keep a lid on spying and FISA abuses. They hoodwinked many Republicans mostly who still read WaPo and the NYT.
@Chuck, you come across to me as a cross between a toady and a whiner. Tedious!
I will say that if you did more posts like the funny fork one last night, it would be harder to ignore you.
Consider Kathky Griffin as the source--and true facts will be nowhere near her. The lady lives in the deepest la la land in Los Angeles.
Some people are still invested in the fake Russian stole the election narrative.
CRazy and insane arrogance. People who want to install Hillary.
Michael Goodwin: Andrew McCabe is a national disgrace – and we owe him a big, fat thank you
some Russian tool:
I'll bet most supporters of gun control who dislike Russia don't know that either.
SomeoneHasToSayIt said...
Try this experiment. Try to think of even a single Leftist that will admit they were wrong about something. That is one of their pathologies. They are people who cannot or will not ever admit an error, no matter how small the error or how ridiculous it gets in the effort to maintain they were NOT in error.
So true! I had a very lengthy debate with someone on another blog a while back about whether or not aviator's use 100% oxygen. I've been flying for forty years, both in the military and commercial world. He was a scuba diver I think and claimed that it was the same type of mixed oxygen that was used by divers and aircrews. My attempts at convincing him that he was wrong went so far as to include pictures of aircraft oxygen panels highlighting the "100% oxygen" toggle switch and stories of how we breathed 100% oxygen during our altitude chamber rides. I absolutely could not get this guy to budge one inch on whether he was wrong. Pathological indeed!
I had a blast doing it though.
It weighs heavily in favor of Trump being much tougher on Russia.
Ah, but that's proof he's really in cahoots with Russia. Pissing off Russia is just a clever ruse to curry favor with them.
Don't be fooled.
Lotta you folks don't do you no favors.
Favours as you like.
What did Lew Kwuan Yew say about Jimi?
The entire point is America is not nor has ever been Make america great again.
It's always, always been Make America Great Again.
Althouse is doubtful as to being able to distinguish difference.
No money in it.
Like Al Swearanger taught so, so many ago yearlings squired.
Sorry, I am not familiar with Trump’s activities with Russians. I lost interest in Russia after watching Obama arrange to sell us out after he was re-elected. Everything seemed like chaff after that.
Cuck: "I really would expect to be banned,"
Meade has, on several occasions, said you are not welcome here.
So why are you still here?
And why do you keep kissing Ann's ass? Do you think she's too stupid to see through your bullshit?
Wbere are those "principles" you keep lecturing us about?
Cupid stunt
Nothing compares, to me.
Nothing compares.
" I’ll bet most diehard Maga Trump supporters who love Russia, don’t know that private gun ownership is NOT ALLOWED by Vladimir Putin in Russia."
Should this not make her and audience love Putin for his gun control?
NS: "Should this not make her and audience love Putin for his gun control?"
It should, given that Putin is a commie who likes total control, just like the leftists/LLR's in the West.
What's really the coolest is that she is WRONG about the claim about private gun ownership in Russia. That was almost true in the USSR, but not any more:
I don't find her funny anyway, but I guess the need to put "Russia" in every sentence about Trump overwhelmed her ability to use Google. Maybe that's the real attempt at humor?
Except an analogy is NOT a valid way of making a point. Analogies are useful to illustrate or explain something in domain A by using similarities in domain B (e.g. explaining electric current by comparing it to water flow in a pipe.) But you'd be nuts to try to *prove* Ohm's Law is correct by referencing water pressure.
Total misapprehension of Griffith.
She doesn't do transgression: she does selective transgression. Selective transgression is an expression of cultural power, not comedy. All her comedy is based on telling other people they can't say or think the sorts of things she and her select peers are allowed to think and say.
I'm sick of this "comics have special rights to say and do things others can't because they're comics" bullshit. Look at the militant political correctnees it enforces in society. This was true of Lenny Bruce too, so this bullshit excuse has been around for a long time.
The interesting question is how selective transgression as practiced by powerful, establishment comics actually ends up repressing other comics and also ordinary people's speech. It's the same disturbing phenomenon as tenure in academia leading to a system where protecting the absolute "right"/privilege of a particular elite to absolute "free speech" (actually institutionally endorsed bias) led directly to suppressing first the ideas of those who do not have that privilege and now their ability to even exist in academia.
If you were starting your career and had started this blog before you had tenure, would you get tenure?
Of course not. You'd be purged, despite claiming objectivity.
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