I'm picturing him entering banging a drum and walking straight up to her and standing there beating the drum right in her face. Because that is the state of the union.
ADDED: A more "serious" view:
This is right, IMO. Pelosi shouldn't have cited security concerns as a reason for disinviting Trump from giving the SOTU. It would have sent a stronger message just to say she wouldn't pretend it was business-as-usual with the government shut down. https://t.co/5vcx41HYzz— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) January 23, 2019
UPDATE: Nancy says no.
UPDATE 2: Trump reacts:
NEW: President Trump responds to Speaker Nancy Pelosi not authorizing his State of the Union address in the House Chamber until the shutdown ends: "I'm not surprised. It's really a shame what's happening with the Democrats. They've become radicalized" https://t.co/APBKrpLaeI pic.twitter.com/FPsqL6iJvp
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) January 23, 2019
१६१ टिप्पण्या:
Give me the good ol' days when the State of the Union was just a written message. Yet another terrible precedent handed down to us by the awful Woodrow Wilson.
Pretty funny, Ann. I think it would blow up 1 million heads if he donned tribal headdress and chanted while walking into the Capitol, banging the drum slowly . And as long as Nancy played along, held her ground and...smirked, I think it would be hilarious. Well..chilling for some, hilarious for others.
I can always dream.
@Althouse, they could make it pay-per-view and balance th budget in an evening!
Trump puts the "bully" in bully pulpit. News at 11.
Heh. You have a wicked sense of humor Ann.
And like Nathan Phillips, Trump served as a super secret Navy Seal in the jungles of Vietnam.
Anyone remember this?
I imagine something similar, but Pelosi has the drum beating furiously to an unmoved Trump.
The smirk heard round the world.
I don't think it would be in Pelosi's best interest to make a whole thing out of this. Just let him do the SOTU, then you can give the grumpy Dem response. Maybe AOC should give her own response, that'd really upset the Dem gerontocracy.
Seriously, if Democrats succeed in preventing the address for political reasons, that is yet another line crossed that cannot be uncrossed. Republicans will do the same whenever they want to make a point with a Democratic president.
Can one chamber pass a resolution inviting the President and have him address just the Senate?
LOl. Althouse rocking for the win.
We need a poll!
Should Elizabeth Warren bang a drum?
OMG could you imagine the meltdown?
I know one thing though: not one leftist currently criticizing the Kentucky students would criticize Pelosi.
Ah, the theater..................
If trump gets up there in the SOTU speech & says "Give me a wall & I'll give the DACA kids a path to citizenship", what the hell is Pelosi gonna do? I mean, a whole bunch of Repubs cheering & the Dems sitting on their hands because they'll fuck over a bunch of poor ol' immigrant kids just so they can piss in Trump's face? The Latino Democratic base is just gonna luv that!
The problem with the Dems' shutdown strategy is that, aside from making sure Trump never wins at anything, they don't have a strategy. What sort of strategy is it to say say "Fuck all of you!" when the only leverage you have is a bare majority in the House vs the WH & Senate? That's starting to become apparent to more & more Democrats, especially of the "moderate" wing.
Actually, the Cheeto will be smirking, thinking that he has triumphed over Pelosi. Grave mistake, Cheeto in charge.
Vicki from Pasadena
Wait until he mentions he’s negotiating a $1 trillion deal with China and they’re buying......
The talking heads can’t stop that.
What a childish ass Trump is. Pelosi should rescind the invitation and tell him to grow the hell up.
Nancy put up a wall and won’t let Trump in.
That is hilarious.
She’s allowed not to invite the president but she’s allowed to invite anyone into my home.
Trump theater at its best. Hopefully Nancy will order the SAA to block the door to the Chamber.
Does Pelosi have enough mobility in her botoxed face to perform a smirk?
When did Nancy send the invite?
“When did Nancy send the invite?”
So poorly informed...
Perhaps Nancy can channel George Wallace and stand in the House door. George was a democrat too.
Season 3 of the Trump presidency has really explored the boundaries of the narrative.
I'm imagining this as an epsiode of the West Wing too. Lots of walking and talking in the White House and the House chamber.
The House belongs to Congress. The President is invited. That goes back to merry old England. No invitation, no speech. Separation of powers and all that.
"Pelosi should rescind the invitation..."
She already did.
He'll be like a party-crasher.
Will she stand in the doorway and block up the hall? I'm quoting the most over-quoted and my most-hated Dylan song.
For he that gets hurt will be he who has stalled....
I was hoping Trump would give the speech somewhere else, and avoided all the nonsense of sitting representatives and fake applause and booing. I understand the President doesn't want to be snubbed. It seems to me he could be better off giving a speech in an environment he controls.
There's also the security problem of having the whole federal gov't under one roof. Eventually, it will bite us in the ass. Given enough time some enemy is going to hit us. In an age of television and the internet there's no practical reason to do it the way we do. The tradition isn't that old.
When did Nancy send the invite?”
So poorly informed...
Not really. She said no you can’t come in.
He’s showing up uninvited.
As far as I know it was stalemate. Since he seems to be showing up on a certain day uninvited...
Try and keep up.
FWIW, Titania McGrath's new poem "Covington" is a masterpiece.
Are we sick to death of these old tired leftwing hag wealthy socialists? I am.
Ann Althouse said...
"Pelosi should rescind the invitation..."
She already did.
He'll be like a party-crasher.
I don't think she rescinded. She only "suggested" they find another date, after the shutdown.
Banging a drum, hurling diversitist epithets, and capturing choice bits on camera.
Pelosi, for her part, will wield her oversized, novelty gavel over the People's heads.
After stating that he has been barred from the House, Trump could address, not the Congress, but the people, from the Capitol steps.
That would be symbolic, and I think historic.
Pelosi and Schumers and majority of Democrats and liberals have one big advantage over Trump and people who voted for him.
Pelosi and the rest do not care about the average worker, Trump and voters do.
Trump may cave because he and his base care for the common man. The main reason Trump is fighting for the wall is because he keeps his campaign promises.
The wall is symbolic.
"Pelosi should rescind the invitation..."
“She already did.”
“He'll be like a party-crasher.”
She didn’t formally rescind the invitation.
Will she stand in the doorway and block up the hall? I'm quoting the most over-quoted and my most-hated Dylan song.
Ever notice how some days almost everything you read brings up a Dylan line?
Maybe it' s just me.
I'm with several commenters here.
Move past giving the speech in Senate Chambers. Think outside the box. The whole country is currently outside the box. This is what you do best. This is what you did to win. You are Cortez. Burn your ships.
Nowhere does it even say you have to give a speech. Give it somewhere else. Stop playing by their rules. They hate you. They won't play fair. They can't be civil to you or they lose.
Does he need an invitation? Doesn't Article II Section 3 of the Constitution describe a presidential power to convene Congress for "extraordinary" occasions?
Trumps says:, Thanks for the invitation, see you there.
“Therefore, I will be honoring your invitation, and fulfilling my Constitutional duty, to deliver important information to the people and Congress of the United States of America regarding the State of our Union,” Trump wrote. “I look forward to seeing you on the evening on January 29th in the Chamber of the House of Representatives. It would be so very sad for our country if the State of the Union were not delivered on time, on schedule, and very importantly, on location!”
Oh, formally . Got it.
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
"Pelosi should rescind the invitation..."
“She already did.”
“He'll be like a party-crasher.”
She didn’t formally rescind the invitation.
1/23/19, 12:51 PM
Still think he should do it rally style. In a venue holding ten thousand.
Congress and Supremes get preferred seating to keep them safe. Of course they have to pay extra.
She already invited him. He accepted. Worried about "security"? Trump has it covered.
Blocking him at the door will be the most awesome, epic, disastrous, political fuck up ever.
It's the same thing you have with vampires. They can't come in unless they're invited. But she formally invited him, and then informally said he's not welcome, hoping he'd follow the informal message. I'm sure the White House has spoken to Congress's Sergeant at Arms, and that office has either said, we are charged with barring you per the Speaker's order, or we will honor the invitation you have shown us.
It's absolute opera to watch Trump and Pelosi dance.
Are you not entertained?
Pelosi believes she has the right to control who comes into the House but that the government has no right to control who comes into the country.
She walked right into this one.
Best and brightest.
Have you ever uninvited anyone from anything?
I haven't. But I'm sure if I ever had to, I would bullshit it up and not be "formal."
The closest thing I can remember is once, when I was in high school, I wanted to invite someone to a party that she had not been invited to and it was a huge deal trying to figure out what to say to make the invitation good when she knew she had not been invited originally. To her credit, she was just straightforward and spared me the trouble: She knew she'd not been invited and she was glad to be invited now.
But that was painful enough that I remember it clearly, more than half a century later.
Uninviting somebody? I can't imagine how awful that would be. But then I am not Speaker of the House material.
Give it from the Capitol steps with a suitable accompaniment of brass bands, elephants, Blue Angels flyovers, etc.
Isn't Pelosi's next move to wait until five minutes before the speech and pull the plug, so that he has to march away in a mirror image of her having to get off the bus? He'd better have a contingency plan.
mccullough said...
Pelosi believes she has the right to control who comes into the House but that the government has no right to control who comes into the country.
She walked right into this one.
Oh, that's beautiful.
Althouse writes:
"Trump plans to walk right up into Nancy Pelosi's space — Will she smirk and block his way?"
I'm picturing him entering banging a drum and walking straight up to her and standing there beating the drum right in her face. Because that is the state of the union.
The kid didn't block the thug's way, the thug walked up to him and stopped.
You should stop spreading such dishonest fake news, Althouse.
What would Trump do if Pelosi stands in his way, smirking? Walk around her, of course. And show her up for the ineffectual blowhard that she is.
Actually, the Cheeto will be smirking, thinking that he has triumphed over Pelosi. Grave mistake, Cheeto in charge.
How old are you, Vicki? Twelve?
"I look forward to seeing you on the evening on January 29th in the Chamber of the House of Representatives. It would be so very sad for our Country if the State of the Union were not delivered [within the Walls of the Capitol, on time and under Budget.]
Donald J. Trump
CJinPA said...
Seriously, if Democrats succeed in preventing the address for political reasons, that is yet another line crossed that cannot be uncrossed. Republicans will do the same whenever they want to make a point with a Democratic president.
Can one chamber pass a resolution inviting the President and have him address just the Senate?
Yes, the Senate could invite him to give them a State of the Union address.
It's normally the House that does the invite, because the 100 Senators don't want to let the 435 rabble House members in "their" place
Ann: "Will she stand in the doorway and block up the hall? I'm quoting the most over-quoted and my most-hated Dylan song.
For he that gets hurt will be he who has stalled...."
Why is this your most-hated Dylan? Because it is over-quoted or some other reason?
My concern is that the media, fearful that Nancy and their other friends in the progressive left will be upstaged by Trump, will simply not broadcast any SOTU speech by Trump that has not been sanctioned by Pelosi and Schumer. Did the networks break away from their regular programming last week to broadcast Trump's comments on the immigration issues? Not in my region, they didn't.
Ann Althouse said...
"Pelosi should rescind the invitation..."
She already did.
No, she didn't, so you're wrong about this, too.
She "suggested" that it would be a bad idea for "security reasons".
She could have said "I'm cancelling the SotU Address to the House." She didn't, because she's a weasel.
And because she's such an idiot that she still thinks Trump's just another wimp Republican, who can be embarrassed into doing what the Left wants.
Weasel bluff called
"It would have sent a stronger message just to say she wouldn't pretend it was business-as-usual with the government shut down."
Except she was planning on junketing off to Europe and Afghanistan on gov't planes, so obviously it IS "business as usual", for her, anyway.
Have you ever uninvited anyone from anything?
I once had to disinvite an employee's husband from an office Christmas party because the staff hated him so much. She cried in my office when I told her. Extremely awkward. Six months later they were separated and divorced a year after that. I always worried that disinvitation got the ball rolling.
Since the US Senate is also available, Trump will keep that option in his back pocket as he walks up to capitol and Nancy will haveto decide whether or not they will create a human WALL or not!
Its absolutely perfect and I fully expect to hear that Trump exposing Pelosi again will send LLR Chuck right back into therapy!
Looks like it will be so very sad for our country.
Does he need an invitation? Doesn't Article II Section 3 of the Constitution describe a presidential power to convene Congress for "extraordinary" occasions?
Trump should either just send it to Congress in writing, or formally convene Congress for a special session.
Pelosi shouldn't have cited security concerns as a reason for disinviting Trump from giving the SOTU. It would have sent a stronger message just to say she wouldn't pretend it was business-as-usual with the government shut down.
As I said earlier, this would set a horrible precedent. It's not going to be "business-as-usual" in the U.S. for a long time, if ever.
It's normally the House that does the invite, because the 100 Senators don't want to let the 435 rabble House members in "their" place
There's also no room for 535 total members, but I assume the Dems will boycott.
"Have you ever uninvited anyone from anything?"
Yes. I keep disinviting Chuck from smear-commenting here. But he's so rude, he won't even RSVP to my polite disinvitation.
"After stating that he has been barred from the House, Trump could address, not the Congress, but the people, from the Capitol steps.
That would be symbolic, and I think historic."
Ya know what would be even symbolic-er and historic-er? A SOTU address from the Lincoln Memorial steps.
Pelosi says no
Trump should immediately announce he is convening a joint session of Congress on Jan 29 for the purposes of carrying out his Constitutional duty to inform Congress of the state of the nation.
"Nancy will haveto decide whether or not they will create a human WALL or not!"
Lucid-Ideas said...
"Anyone remember this?"
Fondly. As an early example of fake Trump news. Judging from your comments I bet you know that the many other pictures from this meeting show them all laughing.
Meade wins the thread!
Maybe he should bang a gong instead?
Well you're slim and you're weak
You got the teeth
Of the hydra upon you
You're dirty sweet
And you're my girl
Get it on
Bang a gong
Get it on
Get it on
Bang a gong
Get it on
"Uninviting somebody? I can't imagine how awful that would be. But then I am not Speaker of the House material."
Pelosi is Trump's sworn political enemy and I think she genuinely despises him. Plus inviting and uninviting him are done as a political act to advance her position, policy, and standing.
I've never uninvited anyone from anything. For us we would be uninviting a friend or acquaintance - that would be awful.
Nice to know that Nancy Pelosi owns the people's house. That she would think her action is appropriate tells you a lot about the Democrat mindset. I can't imagine a Republican doing this. Even an orange Hitler pussy graber has more respect for the people and the nation's institutions than the Democrats do.
For all the hand wringing about Trump's lack of decorum and presidentialism, when it comes to actual uncouth and unprecedented actions, Trump really doesn't compare to what Democrats have done since he was elected. I guess if they pretend that he is this monster it gives them permission to be actual monsters.
Maybe she can keep him out with a wall.
The idea of having the State of The Union on the Capitol Steps or the Lincoln Memorial is awesome. The only problem is that it is too cold.
I understand that McCarthy put an the invitation to a vote. They should follow through and put everyone on record. Just note that President Trump wants to respect the "norms" that everyone is always caterwauling about and follow tradition and dare the Democrats to vote against it. Of course many if not all of them will. Put them on the record. Let that be something for their Republican opponents have to use in the next election. "When Congresswoman Blowhard had a chance to embrace political norms and reach across the aisle she voted no."
The God Emperor is going to keep the pressure on.
Has LLR Chuck volunteered to lead the First Michigan Cuck Regiment to Washington to establish an effective democrat/Lefty-Only Narrative Zone around the Capital?
Perhaps LLR Chuck could maneuver his lefty-shock troops to link up with Cuck Cruise Commodore Billy "sweet sweet lefty billionaire lucre" Kristol's Band Of Quick Surrender "TruCon" "warriors".
I would force the issue on other matters as well.
For instance when an illegal immigrant commits a crime after he was arrested and released in a sanctuary city they should arrest the mayor or police chief who allows that as an accessory. It doesn't matter if it sticks or not. Arrest them, cuff them and put them through the system.
In New York City there were often token arrests at political protests. But when Giuliani was mayor and there was a big protest with politicos and celebrities he had the cops run them through the system like the regular mutts. Not an enjoyable experience and I remember people like Percy Sutton and Susan Sarradon squawked like crazy.
It is time to impose a cost on this irresponsible behavior. Enforce the letter of the law and punish these animals.
When my son was around 8, we said he could have a BD party with 8-10 kids. He made his list and had 8 names on it. He made it a point to tell us "Joe" was not on the list and was not invited. A few days later, the kids, including Joe, were out in the yard playing. My son stomps in and grabs the list, and adds Joe to it. Me and his mom said, "We thought you weren't inviting him?" He said, "I'm not! I want to add his name to the list so I can scratch his name off," and with great satisfaction he proceeded to cross through his name so hard the paper ripped.
Seems to me that the fact the government is shutdown/dysfunctional is a reason to have the state of the union address, not a reason not to.
The latest news is that she is officially closing the door on him. My guess is he'll hold it in the senate with open invitations to all Congressional representatives. Throw in a coup in Venezuela that we are assisting with liberal Canada's cooperation, and PT Barnum couldn't arrange better promotion. Blow-out ratings.
Would she lock the doors?
If so, he could use it as a demonstration of the power of physical barriers, then deliver his SOTU.
Again, what does Trump do if the broadcast media refuses to televise his SOTU speech whether it be in the Capitol, somewhere else in Washington or some other venue in another state. Of course, if the broadcast media were to take that action they would expose themselves as the hypocrites they are ("free speech", et al)just as their brethren in the social media have been exposed.
Stream it from the Whitehouse site.
But I don't think MSM will be able to resist the ratings at this point.
That's the point. The God Emperor is the agent of exposing the corruption of diseased institutions like the media and the Congress. We all know it. He is putting it in your face.
He has to show what a piece of shit the media is when they refuse to carry the State of the Union.
Fox News will have banner ratings if they are the only ones covering it and the rest will have to cover it.
I hope she does lock the door and he goes to the Capital Steps to make the speech. Standing next to Angel Moms and Wounded Warriors and Cops and victims of the Mexican Cartel. With all the Republican Members of Congress around him.
Except Mitt Romney and Ben Sasse of course.
Of course we would say the Pledge of Allegiance and sing the National Anthem. There should be a fly over of the Angels. They should even get that Bald Eagle that they used to have in Yankee Stadium and have it fly over and land on Mike Pence's head.
Keep it dignified and subtle.
Pelosi may be an ass, but the House is king of their chamber. No president has any business stepping foot in the chamber without the House's permission. Likewise, no member of Congress may simply barge into the White House, or either one intrude into the chambers of the Supreme Court.
Why can’t the eagle land on trump’s head?
What about the Great Rotunda in the US Capitol?
McConnell should invite the president to address the Congress in the Senate chamber.
At over 9,000 square feet, I should think that 537 people could squeeze in.
Of course they are the masters of their domain. That doesn't mean that you can't use political theater to score points off of their intransigence and hatred. The time to acquiesce to the liberal narrative is long since over. The President is always trashed for "violating norms" of Presidential behavior. Here the ultra liberal socialist Democratic House is violating one of the most enduring Presidential Norms. Make them own it.
The God Emperor does not play for the Washington Generals like Mitt or Sasse or the cucks at the Weekly Standard and National Review. He has to take the ball and go strong to the hole.
The withered crusty hole of Nancey Pelosi.
Why not just deliver the written document to both houses via courier and then go on national media (radio and TV) and deliver the SOTU to the American People and let Pelosi etall stew in their own unbounded hatred? That would work and set a new precedent to not do the SOTU to a joint session, which has become nothing other than a dog and pony show without the dog or pony.
steve uhr said...
Why can’t the eagle land on trump’s head?
Thats in the official vice president job description like going to funerals and going on "The View."
Plus Pence is a fat head so there is more landing space. Once the eagle got tangled up in the God Emperor's golden tresses it will take weeks to get them untangled.
Just curious...
Do Democrats and liberals truly not realize they way they treat Trump is going to eventually be the way THEY are treated?
Do NeverTrumpers truly not realize the way Trump is treated is going to eventually be the way THEY are treated?
Oh, he's just messing with her now. I'm sure having to respond messed up her day, and now she has to think that he might just try it. Except, he can just stand on the steps of the Capitol and provide the SOTU starting with "The State of the Union is great again. However, inside these walls, the Democrats continue to spend your money on trips around the world, investigations that never end, and security to keep you and me out."
Pelosi finally discovered a border she can believe in.
Pelosi is Trump's sworn political enemy and I think she genuinely despises him.
She certainly does after the airplane incident.
Have it in the Senate chamber. Or WH lawn. Fine with me.
Legal Insurrection has a post where they remind us that the Speaker controls the audio and video feed from the House Chamber. So the God Emperor can not just barge in and start talking because she has refused he Chief Executives Constitutional duty to make a report to the Congress and the people of the State of Our Union.
By doing so she illustrates that this Union no longer exists.
Just another violation of "norms" by the Democrats reminiscent of the nuclear option of getting rid of the filibuster. That didn't have any unintended consequences now did it?
She's a complete failure as Speaker of the House. She's doing all this because she wants Open borders and loves illegal immigration. Nancy doesn't care about the suffering Federal workers or contractors either. They can all go fuck themselves because Nancy doesn't want border security.
I don't want this person running the country with a Democrat President.
BTW, do all civility dumbshits, and lovers of the filibuster REALLY think that Chuck Schumer will keep it, once he gets power and a Democrat President?
Pelosi should resign or be impeached.
Just have it in the Senate. Or somewhere else in DC. Invite Congress, the SCOTUS, and all the usual people. If the Democrats refuse to show up, that's even better.
I would have it in the White House. It is the .real "people's" house.
Have it standing next to the Angel Moms and the other victims of illegal immigrants. Use all the pomp and circumstance of the Presidency.
Invite the Congress. If only the Republicans show up so be it. Publish the list so we know who is on the side of the socialist Democratic House and their leaders Nancy Pelosi and AOC.
Just allow in the cameras but not the enemy of the people press. You can't give a speech with Jim Acosta screaming in the background.
Pelosi may be an ass, but the House is king of their chamber. No president has any business stepping foot in the chamber without the House's permission. Likewise, no member of Congress may simply barge into the White House, or either one intrude into the chambers of the Supreme Court.
That’s hard to square with her no borders stance.
Agreed- have it in the Senate chamber. Screw Pelosi. the woman who lives behind a wall.
Jim @ 1:33
You beat me to it? Why are progressive so juvenile.
They are radical.
The left proved beyond any doubt when the wanted to KILL some kids in MAGA hats.
A grassroots ground swell needs to rise up and demand Pelosi's impeachment.
The State of the Union "report" is something that the President is supposed to give/deliver periodically to Congress. It is in the Constitution.
There is no requirement that it be a speech in FRONT of Congress or even be a speech at all. In fact (if I remember correctly) 26 other Presidents have never given the "report" in a speech format.
Trump should just prepare a written "report". Give it to the appropriate person in each House of Congress to be then given to Congress. Those Bozos can then just read the damned "report".
HOWEVER, because the American People would like to know what is in the State of the Union Report, then Trump can give it as a speech in front of the media and a big honking crowd of people. Give the actual "report" and then elaborate on it in a speech.
Problem solved. Watch Nancy-poo's head explode. Win-Win.
Dust Bunny Queen,
Yes, exactly.
Far from a nothingberder or a bad precedent, this SOTU is one of the most important presidential addresses in modern American history. The president must take this opportunity to point out to the citizens of our country just how deranged and dangerous, violent, bigoted, traitorous and evil the democrat party is. This latest Fake News Democrat party attack on kids has peeled back the masks, now the president needs to stick America's face in it and demand that the people of this nation make the choice to continue to be a free people, or cede their liberty to the despicable scumbags representing the democrat party, and that.most definitely includes that incompetent, raving communist idiot Bernie Sanders.
I don't want Crusty Nancy to resign or be impeached. Never stop your enemy when they are making a mistake. She can't control her caucus. AOC and Mad Max are the face of the Democratic party. She is screwing up big time and you need to just let her do it.
"Seriously, if Democrats succeed in preventing the address for political reasons, that is yet another line crossed that cannot be uncrossed. Republicans will do the same whenever they want to make a point with a Democratic president"
That will never happen. Because Republicans are pussies.
We need to stop falling for that trap - the Dems do something outrageous and we let it slide for now...for the promise of playing it back on them later. But when that time comes, we fold because of "reasons". So the Dems get away with it without any consequence.
I think its a form of cowardice on the Republicans part - rather than standing up the Dems at that moment we delay confrontation, fully knowimg we won't follow up on later date.
So I assume the Dems won't show up and it will be all cheers and smiles.
Well the other half of the Uni-party - the Republicans - would still be there, and there are enough of them that hate POTUS almost as much as the Demcratic members of the Uni-Party do, so they could stand in for them, yell and scream and roll on the floor like a four year old at Walmart screaming for a new toy.
"Again, what does Trump do if the broadcast media refuses to televise his SOTU speech"
Revoke their credentials and redistribute them to media that broadcasts or livestreams his speech. Meet the new White House Press Corps.
"Mr Acosta, I'm sorry but you don't work here anymore. You can perform yohr drama from Lafayette Park"
"Gentleman, please escort CNN out of the building"
"Now... where were we? As yes, PJM, Milo and tben Breitbart. What was your question, Milo?"
"they've become radicalized."
Those three words will insinuate themselves into the public's unconscious, burrowing away and eating at the Democrat brand.
And yeah a lot of people here will say "That's nothing new, I already knew that", but the fact that you, or your friends, already think that the Democrats have 'moved left', doesn't really matter. Trump has a talent for catchy one-liners that stick.
C-SPAN will broadcast the speech, as will FOX. The others will broadcast product full of the Democrat party child molesters and rapists from Hollywood.
I just hope there's a Dem response of the quality that spawns many memes.
Cue up the next Chappstaquiddick.
"If trump gets up there in the SOTU speech & says "Give me a wall & I'll give the DACA kids a path to citizenship", what the hell is Pelosi gonna do? "
-- Same thing she did the last two times he offered that; pretend he isn't really offering that or that she should get that "for free" and demand more concessions from him.
What a huge disgusting breach of protocol. Nancy invited them UNinvited Trump. The DNC-Media complex can spin all they want and say Trump started it, but it is Nancy who is breaking with tradition and being rude and elongating the pain for furloughed workers.
Maybe Trump can stalk into the House one of these days, as a surprise, surrounded by his (armed) Secret Service guards and declare, as Oliver Cromwell did to the Rump Parliament, "You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!"
Meanwhile, here's what the Constitution says:
U.S. Constitution - Article 2 Section 3
Article 2 - The Executive Branch
Section 3 - State of the Union, Convening Congress
“He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States."
Blogger Virgil Hilts said...
FWIW, Titania McGrath's new poem "Covington" is a masterpiece.
We have our own Titania McTrumpit, he is here all week folks.
Has anyone invoked The Dingell Norwood Bill rules of invading someone’s space?
What about the Dingell-Norwood Bill?
Pelosi is old and busted. Trump will just come up with a new venue on the fly and then rub her botoxed face in it. Thats one thing I have noticed during the shut down is all of the old democratic tropes and crutches aren't working like they used to because Trump has tossed out the rule book. The Rule book was the republican president rolling over and assuming a fetal position while the press and democrats kick and spit at them. They don't know what to do when someone punches back.
Do it in a venue full of the supporters. Who wants to see those sour Dem faces again anyway? It's like a mass pouting of toddlers who have to eat their vegetables.
Pelosi believes she can anger Trump. Won't happen.
"What about the Dingell-Norwood Bill?"
The question remains unanswered even today. It's not that answer is beyond us, but that we may not have the wisdom to use the answer for the betterment of mankind if we had it.
The Dems were already radicalized when I was born (one year after 1968), and have only grown more so since. I don't object to Trump acting as if it's a recent development, though. If he pointed out how long it's been the case, the useful idiots who didn't notice and have supported them for the last 50 years wouldn't accept it because they'd have to admit they've been dupes all along, and as we all know the most important thing to almost all of them is their own monstrously oversized self-regard. If phrasing it that way makes it easier for the idiots to finally acknowledge it, fine. Whatever works.
“What about the Dingell-Norwood Bill? ”
Hahaha. Never gets old.
Start polling that illegals are breaking 60-40 for the GOP and Pelosi eill build the wall by hand.
I constantly get amused by the 'woke' Trump supporters who assert that they, and ONLY they are A) Interested in the truth, borders, low taxes, larger than average penis sizes and whatever else things that Trump will bring them on a silver platter, B) that they are such a huge majority that they have the ability to tell all the 'GOPe', 'Never Trumpers', 'Uniparty', Democrats, Bernie Bros et al to go fuck themselves because they don't need the votes of people like me who actually like norms and a bit of class...but I will settle for winning.
If the 'GOPe', 'Never Trumpers' and 'Uniparty' were not there actually doing some of the heavy lifting, grunt work, and unity to Trumps agenda, he would be dead in the water.
To wit: if the Republicans were such 'pussies', Pelosi and Schumer would have the 2/3 vote to open the government with Republican help and at that point, Trump would trumpet, tweet, trill and tocsin all he wants. He would be a mega lame duck and lose in 2020.
They are taking a hell of a lot of heat and you folks are ingrates. Try to BELIEVE in a Big Tent. There is lots of room in there for folks who hate Trump...but hate open borders more. People who despise Trump...but think that Democrats as they are now are a social cancer. Who think Trump is an idiot...but don't want America going down AOC's Venezuelan option.
This team of vipers, to quote a recent book about the Trump WH, will hiss but the only hurrt this childish show down does is to harm those of us held hostage by this farce.
Titania has a book newly published, I saw somewhere.
Assuming the government shut down will end some day I would just as soon POTUS deliver a half-assed SOTU in the Senate Chamber now as wait to deliver a proper SOTU after the shutdown ends.
Sounds like she is staging a coup. or trying
Even a dick joke.
Fido makes a compelling case for civility.
FIDO I agree with you particularly when I have to listen to Ann Coulter spout off and go off the reservation. Fuck her. We get it if Trump doesn't do a wall to your liking he's finished. Reminds me of Richard Viguerie during the Reagan years. Great, where do you plan to go because your one issue is not completed to your satisfaction. With him it was banning abortions like that was ever going to happen.
The problem, FIDO@7:24PM, is that the NeverTrump cucks are doing heavy lifting for the democrat party with their ceaseless undermining of the competency and authority of our favorite president. As horrible and unpleasant as Donald Trump makes you lace curtain Republicans, the democrat party and progressive agenda does that to us normies. If you fucking weak bitch cucks put half the effort raising hell about the far more egregious examples of Democrat party members lying, cheating, deceiving, being bigoted vicious evil scumbags as you do complaining that president Trump is uncouth, then you might have a point. As it is you are just one of the Hugh Hewitt, SE Cupp, Ed Morrissey weaklings giving aid to the enemy. I'm sure Kamala Harris will be much easier for your sensitivities to stand.
And to claim that the rat bastard GOPe like Cool, Murkowski, Corker, Sasse et al are "taking a hell of a lot of heat"? Huh. As much as Trump, or more, or in comparison practically nil because they are cowering behind the democrat party Hate Trump campaign? GTFO with that bitch-ass shit, cuck.
r/v: "This team of vipers, to quote a recent book about the Trump WH, will hiss but the only hurrt this childish show down does is to harm those of us held hostage by this farce."
R/V is another big-time lefty fan of "spark of divinity" killings by illegals.
"On the night of her graduation, Sarah Root, a twenty-one year-old Iowan from Council Bluffs, was struck and killed in Omaha by Edwin Mejia, who entered the country illegally and was driving drunk – three times over the legal limit – and drag racing.
Following state criminal charges of motor vehicle homicide and outreach by local law enforcement, (Obama ICE) ICE declined to use its discretion to issue a detainer requesting that local authorities hold the individual until it could take custody. Mejia subsequently posted bond and has since disappeared. Nearly five months later, Mejia still remains at-large."
This was a two-fer win for the left: the illegal was allowed to just wander off and get away with killing this girl....who was white.
The illegal is probably illegally voting for dems somewhere else so that makes it a three-fer win for the lefties/LLR's.
Even a dick joke.
Fido makes a compelling case for civility.
If you can put up with my East Coasty personality, certainly I can put up with your neck bearded, mouth breathing, trailer park ass.
We have more important work to do: defeat the Democrats at every turn legislatively and reveal them for the intolerant, racist, sexist assholes that they are.
A little graciousness could go a long way.
And really, who doesn't like bigger dicks? Perhaps inmates, but that is a special case.
Okay, Michael Fitzgerald is...still in. We need his vote. Just try to keep him in the corner of the big tent somewhere.
If he wasn't surprised he wrote a strange letter.
You are winning me over FIDO. Just a few more insults and I'm your buddy for life.
Go team!
But when that time comes, we fold because of "reasons".
When the time comes the GOP folds because the media can't stop talking about how terrible it would be and how their polls show the voters will never forgive them if they act.
They fold every time because they're bullied into folding.
But hasn't Trump in effect showed what a paper tiger the media is? After their 24/7 assaults from the leaked NBC Access Hollywood audio to today Trump still stands. Trump has shown how worthless the republican party is and like a fixed fight they are supposed to go down on cue. The "folding" is an act. This is what depresses me is after Trump is gone we go back to a staged match and have to pretend its real again. I'm not sure that's possible any more.
I'm with Donald Trump, FIDO, because he for my country, my family and me. I hold no regard or allegiance to the republican party except in its usefulness to defeat the democrat party. The democrat party is the enemy of my country, and they threaten the health, safety, and welfare of me and mine. The republican party has not supported the president to the degree he needs and deserves, and many republican party members and elected officials have openly sided with our enemies to oppose our president, often for petty and specious reasons. I couldn't give a flying fuck for the republican party and the likes of Jeff Flake, John Kasich, Little Marco and all the rest. Donald Trump is the only man in government that I trust, that I have faith in. God bless America and God bless Donald Trump!
Oh snap. Posted in the Atlantic
"I am prompted to issue my own ethics reminders for The New York Times. Here they are: You were partly responsible for the election of Trump because you are the most influential newspaper in the country, and you are not fair or impartial. Millions of Americans believe you hate them and that you will causally harm them. Two years ago, they fought back against you, and they won. If Trump wins again, you will once again have played a small but important role in that victory."
Yikes, POTUS shares my political instincts on better to wait on SOTU.
Racers need a little sumpin' to calm the nerves.
But hey, end result increased available organs!
"Trump reacts..."
That's not bloggable. All Trump does is react.
Now if he thought about something seriously for a change, that would be bloggable. Just like man bites dog.
But "Trump reacts" is about as common as dog bites man.
I think its a form of cowardice on the Republicans part - rather than standing up the Dems at that moment we delay confrontation, fully knowimg we won't follow up on later date.
At the moment the Democrats are promising to impeach Kavanaugh for perjury while none of those who slimed him have yet to pay a price.
Trump has caved on Twitter, and not just caved but acknowledged the disinvite as Pelosi’s prerogative. It’s so spectacularly unlike Trump - did some Republicans senators make him, or have they reached a deal on the shutdown?
Its funny I had a different reaction not that Trump caved but that there must be some deal formed or on its way. Hard to say. he seems to be enjoying himself too much. I can safely rule out he's afraid of attracting bad press or getting a sound thrashing by the NYT editorial board of trannys, drama students and democratic operatives.
Wow thanks for all that useful advice!
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