January 5, 2019

The top-rated comment on the WaPo column, "A freshman, a viral video and a profanity revive Trump impeachment talk."

"Kanye called himself a 'lazy mfer' in the Oval Office and trumpy and all his lackeys smile and giggle. trumpy uses vile, vulgar, smutty language and all his lackeys smile and giggle. Rep. Rashida Tlaibs [sic] says it and everyone gets the vapors! Can you say f-ng hypocritical?"



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walter said...

Worse..HT's links are a road to nowhere/nothing.

sdharms said...

Oh, Dear William, you said: "William said...
Off topic: Only one in six white southern families owned slaves. White southerners were pretty damned stupid for losing their lives and livelihoods to support their rich neighbors right to own slaves. Also the abolitionists were pretty damned stupid to frame their rhetoric in such a way as to cause a bond beteeen the slaveholder and his dirt farmer neighbor. The whole thing could have been handled better."
If only you could understand the fierce independence of the southerners. They didn't fight for slavery of blacks -- they fought against slavery by northern elites.

tim maguire said...

sdharms, plus they can feel superior to blacks and push them around even if they don’t own them. How simplistic of some people to think the only difference between a free society and a slave society is that some people own slaves.

Jon Burack said...


I am not confusing Rashid Tlaib with anyone else. On her first day in office she had a posted note saying "Palestine" taped to her map where Israel is. She is a supporter of BDS and a pal of Linda Sarsour. That's anti-Semitism enough for me. BDS singles out Israel for a boycott the purpose of which is to force the right of return that would destroy Israel as a Jewish homeland. Somehow, the boycotters show no interest in Sudan, Syria, Pakistan, Somalia, Turkey, Afghanistan or any other land where genocidal violence has been inflicted. But Israel somehow merits their ire for defending itself against rocket attacks and terrorism. I see no other explanation than Jew hatred for this unbelievable imbalance. I again repeat, it is a bore and a distraction to focus on Tlaib's potty-mouth remarks. She is far more malevolent than that. If we continue here to waste time on fluff like this here, I will make myself a nuisance about this every time. Count on it.

Narayanan said...

I don't want to put the children in any danger. But the reported quote begins >>>
Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib of Michigan told a rally of the "grassroots" group, Move On, “People love you and you win, and when your son looks at you and says, ‘Mama, look, you won. Bullies don’t win.’

Is her son call her *bully*

DEEBEE said...

If Rashida had called herself an mfer, ala Kanye, I am sure Repubs would swoon with the same intensity as perceived by this commenter.

Birkel said...

Correct. Calling yourself a thing is hardly worth noticing. Calling somebody else a thing is inherently different.

That is why potential employers ask for recommendation letters from third parties, not the applicant.

Unknown said...


stlcdr said...

As long as the government and the press have ‘the vapors’ over words (that can never hurt you) and do actually nothing, then I’m fine with that, as are most of the deplorables. Keep the gov. Shut down while the rest of the nation gets on with life without interference.

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