January 11, 2019

"Sources confirmed to Fox News that the White House has quietly reached out to a small number of GOP lawmakers and conservative legal advocates, reassuring them it would be ready for any court vacancy."

"Under new White House Counsel Pat Cipollone, a ready list of top-tier candidates is being updated. The low-key, unofficial heads-up is similar to when rumors of Justice Anthony Kennedy's retirement were rampant in 2017 and 2018. He announced last June he would leave the court."

From "Ginsburg absence shakes court: White House makes preparations, coming weeks seen as key" (Fox News).


Seeing Red said...

Shouldn’t the WH make preparations?

Shouldn’t they already have made preparations?

rhhardin said...

Probably something more elaborate than just leaving RBG in a trash bin outside the court is needed.

Getting rid of Justices is not easy with modern TV coverage.

Nonapod said...

If there's anything that could push the Government shutdown off the front page it'd be the retirement of RBG and subsequent hellstorm that will inevitably ensue.

Thorley Winston said...

I wonder if we'll hear that the Senate can't vote on confirming a new Supreme Court justice if the rest of the federal government is shutdown (except for the parts that aren't).

Ken B said...

I wish her a long and happy retirement.

show me one socialist success in world history said...

Rhhardin...The dustbin of history is good enough for me.

Mark O said...

Hearing that, she's made a full recovery.

tcrosse said...

If and when she shows up for work, I'd like to see some fingerprints just to make sure it's really she.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Probably something more elaborate than just leaving RBG in a trash bin outside the court is needed.

Getting rid of Justices is not easy with modern TV coverage.

Mother: (Terry Jones, turning off radio) Liberal rubbish! Klaus!

Klaus: (Eric Idle) Yeah?

M: Whaddaya want with yer jugged fish?

K: 'Alibut.

M: The jugged fish IS 'alibut!

K: Well, what fish 'ave you got that isn't jugged?

M: Rabbit.

K: What, rabbit fish?

M: Uuh, yes, it's got fins.

K: Is it dead?

M: Well, it was coughin' up blood last night.

K: All right, I'll have the dead unjugged rabbit fish.

(Voice Over: one dead unjugged rabbit fish later)

K: (putting down his knife and fork) Well, that was really 'orrible.

M: Aaw, you're always complainin'!

K: What's for afters?

M: Rat cake, rat sorbet, rat pudding, or strawberry tart.

K: (eyes lighting up) Strawberry tart?

M: Well, it's got *some* rat in it.

K: 'Ow much?

M: Three. Rather a lot, really.

K: Well, I'll have a slice without so much rat in it.

(Voice Over: One slice of strawberry tart without so much rat in it later)

K: (putting down fork and knife) Appalling.

M: Moan, Moan, Moan!

Son: (Graham Chapman, coming in the door) 'Ello Mum. 'Ello Dad.

K: 'Ello son.

S: There's a dead bishop on the landing, dad!

K: Really?

M: Where's it from?

S: Waddya mean?

M: What's its diocese?

S: Well, it looked a bit Bath and Wells-ish to me.

K: (getting up and going out the door) I'll go and have a look.

M: I don't know who keeps bringin' 'em in here.

S: It's not me!

M: I've got three of 'em down by the bin, and the dustmen won't touch 'em!

K: (coming back in) Leicester.

M: 'Ow d'you know?

K: Tattooed on the back o' the neck. I'll call the police.

M: Shouldn't you call the church?

S: Call the church police!

K: All right. (shouting) The Church Police!

(sirens racing up, followed by a tremendous crash)

(the church police burst in the door)

Detective: (Michael Palin) What's all this then, Amen!

M: Are you the church police?

All the police officers: (in unison) Ho, Yes!

M: There's another dead bishop on the landing, vicar sargeant!

Detective: Uh, Detective Parson, madam. I see... suffrican, or diocisian?

M: 'Ow should I know?

D: It's tatooed on the back o' their neck. (spying the tart) 'Ere, is that rat tart?

M: yes.

D: Disgusting! Right! Men, the chase is on! Now we should all kneel!

(they all kneel)

All: O Lord, we beseech thee, tell us 'oo croaked Leicester!


Voice of the Lord: The one in the braces, he done it!

Klaus: It's a fair cop, but society's to blame.

Detective: Agreed. We'll be charging them too.

K: I'd like you to take the three boddabin into consideration.

D: Right. I'll now ask you all to conclude this harrest with a hymn.

All: All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The church has nicked them all.

Drago said...

A LLR Chuck nightmare in the making!

He will have to pretend to be for ANOTHER conservative nominee.

It has to be exhausting.

rehajm said...
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cubanbob said...

It ain't over till the fat lady sings. Supposedly Ginsburg has been given all of the briefs so presumably she is still active. If I was 85 and just been operated for lung cancer unless I was broke or without any friends and family I would just hang it up. It is doubtful she will outlive the Trump Administration and unless the Democrats return to something resembling American normalcy odds are the president after Trump won't be a Democrat either.

rehajm said...

If he gets them locked and loaded maybe they can confirm with the efficiency of an F1 pit stop, long before the law firms can assemble another CBF melodrama.

Heh. Efficiency- naaaah!

Rick said...

Another miss for the "rumor" mill.

steve uhr said...

So is everyone in agreement that if she retires (or dies) in 2020 the next president (or trump if he is re-elected of course) gets to nominate the new Justice?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Biden rule is no replacements prior to an election. We just had an election, Steve.

steve uhr said...

Right. And there is another election in two years I believe.

Drago said...

steve uhr: "So is everyone in agreement that if she retires (or dies) in 2020 the next president (or trump if he is re-elected of course) gets to nominate the new Justice?"


Do you have any more stupid questions.....that you'd care to write down?

tcrosse said...

So is everyone in agreement that if she retires (or dies) in 2020 the next president (or trump if he is re-elected of course) gets to nominate the new Justice?

It all depends who controls the Senate. The GOP senate chose not to consider Merrick Garland, and that's just the toughest of shit. Win a few elections if you don't like it.

Drago said...

steve uhr: "Right. And there is another election in two years I believe."

Is this the part where we are supposed to pretend the Senate is held by the democrats?

You know, just to make Steve feel better?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
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steve uhr said...

Refresh my memory. What was the reason McConnell gave for not considering garland?

tcrosse said...

refresh my memory. What was the reason McConnell gave for not considering garland

There weren't the votes to confirm. Period.

Anonymous said...

"Not enough votes to confirm."

alanc709 said...

Don't blame McConnell in this case, since it's called the Biden rule for a reason. Dems go ballistic when the GOP re-uses their tactics against them, as if that never happened.

rcocean said...

Shakes the court?


rcocean said...

I still think she'll last till 2021.

Only the good die before 90.

rcocean said...

SCOTUS Judges rarely die in a POTUS election year. Since 1950, there has been exactly one.


Matt Sablan said...

Jeesh. That's what presidents are supposed to do.

rcocean said...

BTW if Ginsburg retires or dies in 2020, Mitt Romney already has his "We need to wait till Jan 2021" NYT pleasing speech ready.

gspencer said...

Every major news sources has obits of all famous people at the ready. Research and photos are lined up, the text is largely written. So why would the WH have a list if candidates for any big public office at the ready. Even with a relatively young and Court you never know. Tragedies do happen; car and plane accidents the most likely.

Yancey Ward said...

Have there been any videos of her since she broke the ribs? If not, that probably tells you everything you need to know.

rcocean said...

I'd hope Trump was "ready" since he already has a list of candidates.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"quietly reached out to a small number of lawmakers"

easy to see how this could be a delicate undertaking

Drago said...

I love how steve uhr is all: hey, marquis of queensbury rules guys!

Too funny.
But dont worry, you will absolutely have an "army" of LLR cucks ready to surrender on the issue.

Chuck said...

The irony would be pretty delicious; if in the same weeks/months as the hagiographic CNN special and the feature biopic come out, the nation is reminded what a selfish mistake RBG made when she rejected suggestions that she retire in 2011 and give her seat at that time to an Obama nominee with a then-sizable Dem majority in the Senate.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FIDO said...

Uhr, you pretend that we forgot the 'civility' of the Kavanaugh hearings. We know what you and your ilk are capable of. Your adage is 'If I am weak, I beg for mercy as befits your values, if I am strong, I will oppress you as befits MY values.' I think that quote is from Obama.

We've seen your version of mercy in 2008 and we no longer tie that hand behind our back anymore.

Not that I expect Althouse to be any kind of moral help at all. She takes strategic powders.

Jaq said...

Back in the day, this was called "Kremlin watching."

Jaq said...

McConnell had some cards and made a bodacious gamble. Now he has better cards. It's that simple steve.

Qwinn said...

The Biden rule applied to lame duck presidents at the end of their 2nd term anyway, didn't it? And also that the Senate was controlled by the other party, I think. Not sure on that one.

Not that it matters, IMO. The idea that even if we did wait, that Dems would reciprocate and not slam through whoever they wanted whenever they had the opportunity and votes is laughable.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Holy crap! When they screeched that people would die if Kavanaugh was confirmed, I didn't think they meant his fellow justices! I will surely listen to these sober, sensible, high-minded, nonpartisan, liberty-loving folks next time around.

Gahrie said...

Refresh my memory. What was the reason McConnell gave for not considering garland?

What happened to Garland was neither unfair nor unusual. 25% of failed Supreme Court nominations that have failed, failed because the Senate simply refused/failed to act.

Gahrie said...

steve uhr: "So is everyone in agreement that if she retires (or dies) in 2020 the next president (or trump if he is re-elected of course) gets to nominate the new Justice?"

Only if the next three Democratic nominees have to go through the same shitstorms that Bork, Thomas and Kavanaugh went through.

hawkeyedjb said...

If judge Ginsburg dies or retires, Democrats will launch a preemptive impeachment. "No nominees from a president under impeachment!"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

they will try to impeach him over supposed sex with someone not his wife 10+ years ago.

Birkel said...

Good call. I agree.

Trump's fourth and fifth nominations - during his second term - will be anticlimactic.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck pretending he's all for replacing a surefire lefty vote to rule against Trump in any judicial proceeding.

Too funny.

Drago said...

Actually I feel let down. By this time of day LLR Chuck has usually loaded up Althouseblog with dozens of "hot takes" from the farthest reaches of his beloved Lefty Fever Swamp sites of MSNBC and Vox and CNN and NPR and Media Matters from their "brilliant", "professional", magnificent nd "masterful" lineup of far left hacks.

Perhaps he's a bit under the weather?

Drago said...

I mean, not even one Durbin or Blumenthal or Franken quote yet.

Tsk tsk

Bruce Hayden said...

“So is everyone in agreement that if she retires (or dies) in 2020 the next president (or trump if he is re-elected of course) gets to nominate the new Justice?”

Nope. Biden Rule only applies in the eighth year of a President’s term when the opposing party controls the Senate. 2020 would be Reump’s 4th year, and his party controls the Senate.

Bruce Hayden said...

The Senate Dems seem to be getting ready to oppose Judge Amy Coney Barrett on the basis of her Roman Catholicism (and all her kids). That is one interpretation of their opposition to Brian Buescher’s membership in the Knights of Columbus. It is risky, since their best chance of building a permanent majority are the Hispanics, who are mostly Roman Catholic. How do they go about attacking a Roman Catholics, but not pissing off the Hispanics? Should be interesting.

Birkel said...

Bruce Hayden,
Without the Court the Democrats would not have developed the bureaucracy and the rules by which power is exerted. Losing the Court threatens the very essence of Democrats.

Imagine no federal workforce unions.
Imagine a reinterpretation of the property interest in a federal job.
Imagine bureaucracies limited to clearly authorized interpretations of statutes.

Trump could set the stage to reverse the excesses caused by Roosevelt's power grabs.

hawkeyedjb said...

Any senator who tries to impose an unconstitutional religious test on a nominee should be expelled from the Senate, posthaste.

Gretchen said...

So here is the deal, after the shit pulled to get Obamacare passed, I do not give one shit about Republicans being consistent or playing by the rules because Democrats cheat at every turn.

If RGB doesn't leave the SCOTUS feet first, the democrats will turn on her like a pack of wild dogs.

eric said...

How do they go about attacking a Roman Catholics, but not pissing off the Hispanics?

How have they managed to insult, demean, degrade and character assassinate every black person who has dared to call themselves Republican without alienating the black vote?

DRP said...


Tina Trent said...

SCOTUS is an easy gig. Judges don't work hard; their clerks do the heavy lifting, and they shouldn't be flitting around making the entertainment news the way some do. ACB can be home for dinner with the kids.

FIDO said...
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FIDO said...

In other news, Christine Blasey Ford and her therapist are working hard creating memories about how (insert name here) did something awful somewhere and sometime (to be determined).

The letters have already been written for Feinstein's approval.

And Althouse will believe them because 'muh abortion'.

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