२२ जानेवारी, २०१९
Podcaster Joe Rogan and NYT writer Bari Weiss talk about the Covington Catholic school boys.
Rogan wonders how "a hat with white letters" has become "so repulsive to half the country." His guest — Bari Weiss (a NYT columnist) — says "some people see it as the equivalent of a white hood." Rogan counters: "Kanye wears it."
Weiss: "It was this perfect encapsulation of our outrage culture." The little clip was "like a Rorschach test." On her first look, she saw the boys as bullying. But "The challenge of what it means as a journalist is to not see people as signifiers, as stand-ins, based on their identity." Weiss finds it "horrifying" that blue-check-mark Twitter adults were saying "This is the face of white patriarchy — the 16-year-old kid.... Reza Aslan said have you ever seen a more punchable face... Kathy Griffin was saying I need names, shame him, dox him. How do these people not see the implications of that?... The fact that adults who should know better are fomenting this and don't see how thin... the veneer of civilization is — like they're taking a pickax to it."
Rogan agrees with all that. He decries the "lack of nuance" and "people taking one side versus the other and sticking with it" and "not confronting their own personal biases" and "looking at these things through the eyes of This is the enemy/I'm on the good side/They're on the bad side/Let's get them."
Rogan shifts to the subject of his childhood. His parents were hippies and he grew up "living in the middle of the hippie world." And he thought of people on the left as "well-read, kind, compassionate people." And now, it seems to him — just in the last few years — "people on the left are calling for violence." He's missing something here, but it's nice to know that his parents were kind, and he's an interesting example of a person whose initial affiliation is with the left, so that he's inclined to think what the people on the left think of themselves, that they are the good people. So now he finds it "very confusing."
I had to pause to look up how old he is. He's 51. He's working on a theory that social media is making the difference, causing people to say "punch Nazis," etc., when they would not say that in person. Social media is having an effect, but I don't see why Rogan is ignoring/forgetting the left-wing violence that went on before Twitter arrived in our world. The hippie aura is powerful.
Rogan and Weiss talk about how the word "Nazi" has been expanded so that it covers a 16-year-old in a MAGA hat and irrationally justifies violence against him. Weiss says: "That's what a lot of people in very high positions of power in this country — at least in the culture — actually believe, and they don't understand the implications of hollowing out words like that." She works at The New York Times. "I know this personally, because I'm called alt-right, I'm called an apologist for rape culture, I've been called everything. I'm a centrist. I'm a Jewish, center-left-on-most-things-person who lives on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, and is super-socially-liberal on pretty much any issue you want to choose. If I'm alt-right, what words do we have left for people who actually are that?" And if you use "Nazi" for a kid in a MAGA hat, what word is there for a hard-core white nationalist?
Rogan says he gets called "alt-right adjacent," even though he goes left on everything ("except guns").
Weiss says that when she first saw the still of the smiling boy, she had a visceral reaction, calling up memories of her schoolgirl days when teenage boys said cruel things to her, but she knows, and other adults ought to know, that you don't stop there. And if you're calling yourself a journalist, "your job is to figure out the facts of the case, not to make this into a kind of identitarian morality play." But that's what so many journalists did, and when more evidence came out, they only dug in.
२६० टिप्पण्या:
260 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»So many are apologizing that they got it wrong... just this once.
It's the KKK again.
This is as far as the leftwing brain can go. You're not a leftist democratic? why then - you ARE a member of the KKK.
left won the culture war and has moved on to fascist enforcement
This may help forestall the coming civil war, but I doubt it.
"far more complicated" = turns out the teens were being harassed and we in the media don't know how to spin that.
Did Nathan Phillip claim to be a Vietnam vet or did the media make him one?
Weiss says that when she first saw the still of the smiling boy, she had a visceral reaction, calling up memories of her schoolgirl days when teenage boys said cruel things to her, but she knows, and other adults ought to know, that you don't stop there.
Everyone has been a victim at one time or another. Healthy people get beyond that.
Be a shame if someone did something really horrible to Kathy Griffith. She's an adult celebrity in the limelight - she can take it.
You are dancing all around the problem.
These two people, Rogan and Weiss, are starting to address it.
You are haters and prejudiced. It is a class issue.
There are a lot of people who convinced themselves they are better people than there fellow citizens for one reason or another.
They are siding with the blue check hate mob every time and apologize the next day.
One day they won’t have to apologize.
They need to look into the Black Israelites that were harassing the Native Americans for over an hour before the Black Israelites started in on the kids. The Black Israelites were calling both groups awful, racist names, and yet the MSM has all but ignored that. They wonder why they are called fake news?? They only report what they think will gin up hate against President Trump and his supporters because that is their agenda. They have become the propaganda arm of the left.
But that's what so many journalists did, and when more evidence came out, they only dug in.
Most of the Left did this, including certain bloggers.
There is a simple name for someone who judges another person based on a picture of how they look and what they wear.
Of course anyone can make a mistake but if all your mistakes only go one way, you might be a bigot.
Here's your sign.
I have a long list of targets for when the civil war starts. Kathy Griffin gave me a good idea of how to handle her. She should know what trouble will be heading for her.
"punch Nazis"
A lot of leftwing democratic progressive brownshirts would need to punch the mirror.
"be heading"?
"some people see it as the equivalent of a white hood."
This is a nice distraction from violence by the people wearing black hoods.
You're very perceptive, Bob.
The picture recalled memories of the bad things Kids like that said to her in HS.
Wow. Its like the reporter/liberal reaction to Kavanaugh. They were all wimps and nerds in HS, and Kavanaugh (star athlete, chick magnet) was just the kind of guy they hated.
Insult inflation - is that bubble about to burst? The Left has already used up fascist and racist. Will Nazi lose its sting soon?
I don't have time to watch Joe Rogan interview people and this kind of show isn't real interesting visually.
I do have time to listen to Joe Rogan interview people and he is a terrific interviewer. Downloading this one now.
Most of his guests seem to be comics of UFC fighters and I don't have much interest in them. But then he does Ron White, jonathan Haidt, Lawrence Lessig or the like. I listened to Dale Earnheardt junior last week and he was fascinating. What really surprised me was the concussion problem in NASCAR, how he had been affected by it and the treatments that are available. About half the interview was about that.
I use the PodCast Addict app on my phone and listen in my car.
Two other good interviewers are Kevin Pollak and Alec Baldwin when they have interesting (to me) guests. Podcast Addict lets me know when they have a new show and lets me download if interesting
John Henry
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their hat, but by the content of their character.
"And if you're calling yourself a journalist, 'your job is to figure out the facts of the case, not to make this into a kind of identitarian morality play.'"
Also if you're calling yourself a serious person of any sort.
"Twitter has become almost an assigning editor to the media." They are in real jeopardy of a libel suit. They have quit being a passive transmitter.
The more I read about Kathy Griffith, the more I despise her.
This is the woman, whining about being mistreated over her "Joke" of cutting off Trump's head. She was recently attacking people for not standing by her and joining the social media lynch mob against her.
And so... she turns around and wants to destroy some teenage boy for life for wearing a MAGA hat. Wow, just wow.
The New York Times chick considers herself to be a "centrist." The disconnect is strong with this one.
Just the warm up. All leading to white males having full citizenship rights revoked. Hopefully this incident is opening more eyes. We've got about two decades.
"Rogan and Weiss talk about how the word "Nazi" has been expanded so that it covers a 16-year-old in a MAGA hat and irrationally justifies violence against him."
Correct analysis.
1. There were real Nazis in the 40s, against whom my Grandfather fought.
2. There's a few goofball Neo-Nazis in the US (like David Duke), who have no money, power or prestige and don't do much of anything.
3. There a 63 Million Trump voters, some of whom wear "Make America Great Again" hats which triggers leftwing idiots to challenge them, confront them, and falsely call them Nazis.
The problem ain't with the folks wearing political hats. The problem is with the crazy leftists who are triggered by the sight of such political hats.
Nathan Phillips claims to be a Vietnam vet and that he served in country as a Marine recon ranger.
There is no such thing. There is Marine Recon which is sort of like rangers and there is Army Rangers.
He claims to have gone on patrol in Vietnam but he is too young to have served in country.
He is, probably, a "Vietnam Era Veteran" since he seems to have joined before 1974. Guessing, based on his birth date.
But he does not claim "Vietnam Era" which is the official term. He claims he is a "Vietnam Time" vet.
John Henry
John Henry
Well, when (not if) a SJW decides to punch out (or worse) this kid, CNN, Kathy Griffin and the SNL writer who promised a blow job to anyone who does it will have a lot more to worry about than whether to swallow or spit. Lawyers may not even be the worst of it.
So the leftwing radicals - starting at the top with people like KKKamala - are now eating their own. They are swinging the 4200 people raped by Kavanaugh and a simple message about making America Great by a guy who is fairly liberal himself - Trump - as KKK!!!!!
This gal is not alt-right, she's admittedly socially liberal all day long, but that is no longer good enough by the new radical left-wing brownshirt standard.
The standard on the left - lie for the common good, or else you are KKK.
The journalist's job is getting clicks from his audience. There's no market for hard news.
Please note that Bill Kristol Red State and National Review reacted just like Left-wing liberals. They didn't wait for the facts but immediately called the teenage boys a bunch of racist/bigots/fascists.
National Review actually posted a article titled: "The Covington Students Might As Well Have Just Spit on the Cross” Since deleted.
What's the difference between a Never Trumper and a leftist?
Kathy Griffith and Alysa Milano - go punch your mirrors - stat.
Jonah Goldberg is actually defending The Covington Students Might As Well Have Just Spit on the Cross” with a lame, "Hey people have different reactions to things".
If you can't make "What's wrong with journalism today?" interesting, it won't work as a podcast. At the moment it's an easy sell.
NYT's David Brooks blames "new technology" for the Covington mess.
"Before you judge the reporters too harshly, it’s important to remember that these days the social media tail wags the mainstream media dog. If you want your story to be well placed and if you want to be professionally rewarded, you have to generate page views — you have to incite social media. The way to do that is to reinforce the prejudices of your readers.
"The crucial thing is that the nation’s culture is now enmeshed in a new technology that we don’t yet know how to control.
"I’m hoping it will be an important pivot point. I’m hoping that at least a few people start thinking about norms of how decent people should behave on these platforms."
What total garbage.
Let me give you an example of why Brooks is full of shit here:
Your Doctor tells you: "The crucial thing is, medicine is now enmeshed in a new technology that we don't yet know how to control.
It's true, your child died because we treated him for the Ebola virus and it turned out to be food poisoning, but before you judge the doctors too harshly, it's important to remember, new technology is the tail is wagging the dog in medicine these days. We're all under a lot of pressure to come out with a diagnosis quickly if we want to make money. Nobody uses tried and true methods anymore if they want to be admired by their peers and keep their position here at this prestigious clinic. There are plenty of other doctors who would love to take my place, believe me.
The fact is, food poisoning cases just don't interest most doctors anymore. Many will tell you they very much prefer to treat Ebola patients. It's unfortunate Ebola is so rare, hemorrhagic fevers are very trendy right now. It's hardly fair to blame the doctors for jumping to a conclusion when it means so much to them personally and professionally to get involved in the fight against a disease with shocking symptoms.
Anyway, I'm hoping this will be an important pivot point. I'm hoping at least a few of my peers start thinking about the fact that we have long known this new technology is providing an incomplete picture or is flat out wrong 95% of the time.
Well, if you will excuse me, I have to run. I do have other patients waiting and these Ebola protocols are making quite a demand on my time."
The non-apologists at National Review are not giving themselves cover, they're giving their audience cover. They like what they like and it's their audience.
The journalists are not going to go to hard news because there's no actual market for hard news.
Rogan says he gets called "alt-right adjacent,"
All right is the alt-right, alt-right is the new Nazi, and all Nazis should be punched.
#Tolerance #Diversity #Coexist
I like Bari Weiss.
"They like what they like and it's their audience."\
That's fine. Except, National Review keeps calling itself "Conservative" when neither its writers nor its target audience is. Since they've gotten $$$ from Google and God knows who else -that's their real audience.
Why don't they just sell themselves to Atlantic Magazine?
I’m hoping that at least a few people start thinking about norms of how decent people should behave on these platforms.
Perhaps Brooks should consider why most decent people aren't on those platforms?
Perhaps that's a clue to how most decent people behave.
rcocean: "What's the difference between a Never Trumper and a leftist?"
The same as a "LLR" on Althouse and a leftist: NOTHING
Honest folks are asking some questions:
Is Nathan Phillips A Vietnam War Vet Or Not?
Blogger johnhenry100 said...
“Nathan Phillips claims to be a Vietnam vet and that he served in country as a Marine recon ranger.“
That’s actually funny.
Anyone who was a ranger or marine recon would be insulted by the cross representation.
Good naturedly of course.
Bari mentions that people with lots of cultural power have these extreme hate-filled attitudes toward "the deplorables" and i immediately thought of the millionaire film director who tweeted out that the 16-y/o Covington kid should be doxxed and "ruined for life">
A good take-down of the idiots at NR who piled on without the facts.
Call-Out Conservatives Join the Left’s Lynch Mob
In addition to Rogan, when we start seeing regular clips from YMH and PMT, this blog will be hip, mommies.
P.S. clips from the B Club (not the Molly one) would really make the point.
P.P.S. BTW Rogan says he's warming to socialism in this conversation, too.
The problem isn't Twitter or facebook. The problem is the Media/Hollywood/TV Left finally has so much power they don't have to care what non-Leftists say or do.
The TV talks shows are unpaid DNC Commericals. CNN and MSNBC the same thing. Newspapers have given up any attempt to be objective. The WaPo regularly lies about Trump and attacks him 24/7.
They can to it, because they're insulated from any consequences. The Big Advertisers are with them. And they're part of Media conglomerates that are so big, they can't be destroyed by boycotts.
Shorter Brooks: Things got a little out of hand. It’s just this new technology and that lying son of a bitch Trump and…I would never hurt you. You know that.
Meanwhile, almost every Conservative on TV (even Fox) has to watch their language, since any deviation from the Liberal norm will be punished with Advertisers leaving and driving the Conservative off the air.
There will come a time when the left won't have to apologize any longer- think about that. This event is an uncomfortably close call for the teenagers, but isn't "complicated" at all- that is Weiss still trying to defend the doxxing campaign, however weakly.
And I will predict this right now- they get punished by the school anyway.
And if you're calling yourself a journalist, "your job is to figure out the facts of the case, not to make this into a kind of identitarian morality play." But that's what so many journalists did, and when more evidence came out, they only dug in.
This is the most important aspect to this story. The story, as it actually unfolded, is barely enough to make a local police blotter.
So news outfits like NPR follow up with super serious stories about "what really happened" and conclude "it's in dispute."
But that is a way to complete evade the real story. The real story is the fact that CNN accepted a third-party video, made no attempt to verify its accuracy, made no attempt to contact the people being accused in it, and broadcast it nationally. Then, a bunch of name-brand news-ish people followed up with unprompted outrage. That story of media irresponsibility is not in dispute.
Let's see... the full video was 'complicated', 2nd amendment needs repeal, the alt-right does the same thing and the Catholic Church is fucked up. No exactly a take down of the absolutely false and malicious MSM coverage of this incident.
Blogger Mr. Forward said...
Did Nathan Phillip claim to be a Vietnam vet or did the media make him one?
Some one needs to dig up his DD214
'Rogan and Weiss talk about how the word "Nazi" has been expanded so that it covers a 16-year-old in a MAGA hat and irrationally justifies violence against him.'
I do not think the word Nazi means what they think it means. A Nazi is someone who irrationally justifies violence against a group. That is what a Nazi is: I don't need to "expand" the word to include it.
People who call for harming children because they smiled while they wore the wrong hat, are Nazis. Real Nazis, murdering scum type Nazis. If our society does not tolerate Nazis, we need to not tolerate them.
Nick Frankovich, a managing editor at NRO (a cuckservative mag), published a vicious tweet attacking the teenagers when the story first broke. When the more complete videos appeared and torpedoed the original narrative, Frankovich took down his tweet, but issued no apology. It took Frankovich another day to issue a public apology, and he only did so because enough people remembered his original tweet and called him out on it because NRO jumped on the bandwagon making fun of the leftist media that promoted the original narrative.
NRO is going to meet the same fate at The Weekly Standard- Sir Robin the Braves, all of them.
It's clear now.
Stop letting them win. They are liars.
Leftwing assholes are the real Nazi. PERIOD.
Small Town Police Blotter:
Public Safety (01:46 hrs, 11/9/11) -- Officer watched three extremely intoxicated and giggling louts urinate on the road, on themselves, on one another, and on a taxi in front of the Harbor View Bar. The wet-legged men abashedly explained to the admonishing officer they had been kicked out of the bar before having an opportunity to use the restroom there.
Put Mr. Phillips in the taxi and you've got national news there.
Althouse blog has aged very well in the era of twitter.
These people lack judgment.
A MAGA cap is just a MAGA cap. It’s not a swastika. If you think they similar you should not be reporting or writing or on Twitter. You should throw out all electronic devices and go out and interact with different people.
Most of these elites have broken brains. Trump’s election has allowed them to expose themselves.
"Everyone has been a victim at one time or another. Healthy people get beyond that."
I see two alternative explanations, both somewhat disturbing:
1) we've become incredibly fragile as a society. We no longer know how to deal with difficult people/situations/outcomes without throwing temper tantrums.
2) they're cynically fake anxiety in order to gain advantage. If so, we have a surprising number of psychopaths among us.
John Henry,
I agree. He's pretty good when he stays out of politics, where he comes off as well..a meathead. When he has a fellow Trump hater on, he is over the top. And he is amazingly sheltered/ignorant of some common knowledge in that arena.
I had fun listening to him noticeably restrain himself in the recent interview with Mike Baker. He clearly likes and respects the guy, but gets schooled on Trump's treatment of Russia, among other things. I think it was in that one where he was completely shocked by Pelosi's wealth.
He was not so respectful to Candace Owens.
This has been helpful. You find out which of your friends would join the lynch mob and, further, which ones would be hardline party men ready to send people off to the reeducation camps. It's been surprising!
It's long past time to call out the left for who they are.
Leftwing racial brownshirted Nazis. Democratic. They think they are the good guys - but they really desire to shove us into ovens and destroy our lives.
It's interesting on Twitter seeing people judge whether one's profile picture seems white enough to classify them as white.
And watching the backlash of people reviling from the term to lay out their anti-white bona fides...
...the day after MLK Day.
"Weiss says that when she first saw the still of the smiling boy, she had a visceral reaction, calling up memories of her schoolgirl days when teenage boys said cruel things to her"
When I first saw that Indian guy, I thought he looked just like the crazy homeless panhandlers downtown who won't stop bothering you. Sometimes they are so aggressive it is scary. Now that I've seen more videos, I see that my initial impression was completely correct.
Diversity or color judgments are a clear and progressive setback for civilized society and human relations.
The proponents of “one-child” were always more honest in their motive, method, and outcome than their “selective-child” counterparts. Just say what you mean, without corrupting science, morality, ethics, culture, and everything else touched by your euphemisms, emotional appeals, equivocations, projections, and conflations.
We no longer know how to deal with difficult people/situations/outcomes without throwing temper tantrums.
We've been told we shouldn't have to, and any responsibility for adjustment lies with the other.
This is the underlying kernel on which the victim and grievance mentality is built.
So many are apologizing that they got it wrong... just this once.
They are wrong in principle and practice, and circumstantially for profit, which is forcing a monotonic divergence in our society.
"your job is to figure out the facts of the case, not to make this into a kind of identitarian morality play."
"Identitarian morality play" is pretty much the sum total of the PoMo Left's concept of history.
Why do people insist on calling him an "elder"? What, just by getting old he gets some sort of magical properties not available to non-Indians?
"Weiss says that when she first saw the still of the smiling boy, she had a visceral reaction, calling up memories of her schoolgirl days when teenage boys said cruel things to her"
A lot of the hate tweets and articles involved this theme. A Lib saw the boy's face and instantly recognized it as a type and a member of this same type set had bullied them.
But did that bullying actually happen? Or is it a deeply engrained meme coupled with literary license? What did Obama call it? A composite character? Maybe it's a memory of emotions experienced while seeing that scene played out countless times in movies and TV shows over many years.
The Rashomon saga continues as to who is invading whose space or who is more challenging and old Native American banging a drum, or a young teen wearing a MAGA hat. I am glad to see more multiple perspectives on this issue and although I don't think I rushed to judgement, I still think it looks like a smirk. No snarked intended.
Is the Red Trump Hat now a yellow star to ID the ones you can beat and kill? That is what the anti-Trumpers are saying. This is abot a civil war.
I still find it interesting how the vile Black Hebrew Israelites largely escaped critique. No death threats for them. I would have loved to see those assholes get interviewed in studio like Phillips. What a shitshow for these kids to experience.
NRO is going to meet the same fate at The Weekly Standard- Sir Robin the Braves, all of them.
He was not the only one there.
Mark Steyn nails it.
What's disturbing about this fake hate crime is not that the Twitter mob scented blood in its nostrils and went bounding after its prey, but that a big chunk of Conservative Inc piled on, as enthusiastically as the left. And Jay Nordlinger's finger-wagging about an "American disgrace" is absurd in its sanctimony:
If you think the teen's smile or smirk is a crime - then you might be a deranged loyal democratic.
Look at what National Review thinks of the Republican base, Catholic boys, etc.
The Covington Students Might as Well Have Just Spit on the Cross
I don’t think they counted on the story getting archived when they deleted it.
But did that bullying actually happen? Or is it a deeply engrained meme coupled with literary license? What did Obama call it? A composite character?
Maybe it was the memory of that arrogant frat guy in Revenge of the Nerds, or Karate Kid.
R/V, he's an established provacateur/activist banging a drum in a kid's face.
I think you are still affected by the old ad showing a (fake) Indian tearing up over pollution.
But the guy needs a better name to elevate his game. "Banging Drum", or some such.
"I still think it looks like a smirk" I have long known that, although I like to act, I can't do it effectively. People don't recognize my facial expressions properly. My smile looks fatuous or insincere.
When people guess what I'm thinking based on my body language and expression, they get it wrong. They're not to blame for that, but they are still wrong.
Often they don't believe me. We aren't good at reading minds.
The media also keeps trying to distinguish itself from "social media". They aren't. They are social media.
Take Nathan Phillips' assertion that he was a Marine recon ranger in Vietnam with a grain of stolen valor salt. If Phillips was born in February 1955, he would’ve joined the Marines in 1972 and headed to basic training then. The last big battle in Vietnam was the Easter Offensive that began in March 1972 (I was there). By 1972 however, less than 500 U.S. Marines, mostly advisors, communicators, and supporting arms specialists remained in Vietnam. The “Vietnamization” initiative replaced fighting Marines with ARVNs, and those Marines that remained had advisory roles. Mr. Phillips has a cred problem.
"I still find it interesting how the vile Black Hebrew Israelites largely escaped critique."
That's because the mob is racist and doesn't think of POC as counting.
All these journos felt comfortable telling us they knew what was in the kid's mind. Not one bothered to ask the kid.
I still think it looks like a smirk.
Some old guy beating a tom tom comes cruising into my group of sight seers waiting for a bus and beats a tom tom in my face, I would probably smirk too. It’s not a hate crime. But if you watch the scene unfold, you can see his face go through multiple emotions as he is all but assaulted by this man. Uncomfortable and awkward present a lot more strongly than “smirk” but bigots will always see what they want to see, and you see a smirk, OK. You will never admit it, but you can’t get past the MAGA hat, any more than I can get by the condemnation of “masculinity” in the Gillette ad. Difference is, that last week, I was a loyal Gillette customer, you were never a Trump supporter and are beyond reach.
It looks like Phillips was patient zero in the mass delusion though. He assumed, because of the MAGA hats that the boys were harassing the Black Hebrew Nation, or whatever they are called.
r/v: "The Rashomon saga continues as to who is invading whose space or who is more challenging and old Native American banging a drum, or a young teen wearing a MAGA hat."
This is the part where we pretend the teens weren't standing in one spot and this native american activist, who has lied before (see 2015 Eastern Michigan University hoax "encounter" initiated by this same dude) didn't go out of his way to walk right up into the faces of the teens.
He did.
It's on video.
r/v's response? Well, you know, it's hard to tell what happened with that......
Hey r/v, your time would be better spend encouraging all of your lefty/LLR allies to stop threatening these innocent teens with death, death against their families, attempts to keep them from attending college,...etc etc etc.
You know, all the sorts of things you Maoists do....
Isn't there an accessible record for service?
I remember my Dad was in charge of an American Legion chapter and ousted a fraud in the membership. I can't remember how that was determined.
Milo: "Mr. Phillips has a cred problem."
Not if LLR Chuck has anything to say about it.
LLR Chuck loves him some big time Stolen Valor dem hack liars....
Thanks God that the Weekly Standard didn’t live to see this day.
r/v's mind is so open his brains have fallen out.
R/V - what was the kid supposed to do? What would be the correct response?
Were the ends of his smile not correct enough for your democratic sensibilities? Too north? Too south?
These teens were waiting for a bus to arrive and a pack of crazy so-called black Israelites were taunting the teens with horrible things.
"cracker-faggot-paedo schoolboys"
Is that OK- R/V?
What a nice tolerant way to welcome teens to DC for a pro-life rally. (but wait – the teens were wearing MAGA hats – they deserve the oven, or the woodchipper)
Is a smirk too racist for that? oh no - a smirk! It wasn't a smirk - it was a smile.
A nervous smile. and you leftwing Nazis made it a crime. Shame on YOU.
Then an old man with a drum - drummed in the kid's face with a camera crew. How did the WaPO, house organ for the D party, get that so wrong? Ooooo – lies.
The video doesn’t lie. Just the editing.
What was he to do. Oh no - he smiled incorrectly.
What is the correct left wing democratic response from this poor kid?
We know what the response from the collective hivemind haters in Hillary-woodland was:
lynch them, expose them, ruin them, destroy them, kill them.
Kathy Griffith said so in a tweet. She demanded names.
Is that OK?
Some guy who writes for Disney tweeted that the teens belong in a wood-chipper.
Is that OK?
oh I know - the correct response is to never ever wear a MAGA cap and never never ever visit DC for a pro-life rally.
I haven't watched the video, because I know it would make me uncomfortable, but not in the way it's probably supposed to if I had all the "correct" bona fides. It would undoubtedly remind me of being in Berkeley, at events, and trying to have a debate with an opposing-perspective attendee. It didn't matter what the event/protest was about, it would undoubtedly hash out to personal issues, and the opposing person freaking out because if you opposed their idea, you opposed them personally (and were racist/whatever). You could never stay on topic, get anything done, never change any minds. It was hopeless. I get uncomfortable remembering this, because clearly nothing has changed except my willingness to talk across differences with people.
Personally I don’t see the point in reading the writing of any conservative who is more worried about getting invited to the “good” cocktail parties, you know, the ones Harvey Weinstein used to provide starlets for, than they are in giving members of the Republican base the benefit of the doubt until facts are known.
Never is a long time, NeverTrumpers.
"he finds it "very confusing""
Nothing to be confused about.
1. His prejudice was wrong: lefties weren't nicer and better read.
2. His prejudice was wrong: lefty violence ain't nothin' new, from the Vendee to the Kulaks to the Cultural Revolution to Che to the Weathermen to Antifa.
3. His confusion is based on ignorance, whether deliberate or not is hard to say: progs are systematically, intentionally, with all means necessary, treating all issues, all the time, as part of a narrative in the pursuit of their goals--to win the culture war and to seize power.
Of course, I despise the progs doing it, but I don't blame them: they are rational and they are ruthless. Anything goes. Mixing a Catholic boy into the omelette is the least of it.
But while I appreciate the occasional pangs of conscience on the part of the bystanders, the Althouses and Cohens and Rogans and Weisses, I dislike their oblivious teeth-gnashing laments, the OMG-how-could-they, it's-so-confusing BS.
The Black Hebrew Israelites are a fringe group like NY/DC media is a fringe group. Maybe someone will make a Broadway Musical about the Black Hebrew Israelites. It could be very funny.
"I still find it interesting how the vile Black Hebrew Israelites largely escaped critique."
They have nothing to lose.
I'd like to see an Althouse post after each new JRE podcast. I never expected my Althouse reading and JRE watching to cross.
There is Red Man Privilege.
I attended a large group B-Day party for a music scene social butterfly at a Madison music venue a couple years ago. Turns out one of her friends is a very proud Native American who had a special song to play for her and everyone attending..just he and his drum...for what seemed an eternity. It might as well have been a loop.
Really..got to that point where you look for someone to make the first exit.
But all endured as if in some sort of sermon..and at end clapped loudly like you would do for a horrible, screeching elementary school orchestra.
I suppose it was more a celebratory expression due to its cessation.
This is why I call them the enemedia. Spring-loaded to the pissed-off "they did it" position.
The maddening thing for the left is that Trump trademarked the phrase. You can’t simply make a blue version of the hat. That’s why all red caps are now suspicious. It’s an updated “red scare.”
"The Black Hebrew Israelites are a fringe group like NY/DC media is a fringe group. Maybe someone will make a Broadway Musical about the Black Hebrew Israelites. It could be very funny."
For years, (and possibly still today), they appeared every day in Times Square, haranguing passersby with their loony nonsense. They were always very abrasive.
If all the people who got angry at these kids would now just quiet down and vote for Trump next time, everything will be just fine.
NR = cowards.
They could issue a gigantic humble apology- instead they deleted and removed stuff they way leftwing lairs do.
Yeah..NYC folk seem to be quite used to them.
I don't think a bunch of Kentucky kids were expecting that in DC.
Now..supposedly Kendrik Lamar is an adherent.
"The maddening thing for the left is that Trump trademarked the phrase."
It's a meaningless phrase. What does "great" mean? To whom? Was it ever great? For whom? According to whose standards of greatness? What will be necessary (assuming it's possible) to make that prior "greatness" manifest again?
One essential act would be the removal of corporate power and money from all political decision-making. Therefore...it's impossible to MAGA.
Respectfully, I have come to the conclusion that the Covington Catholic story is not a very good example of bad journalism.
Instead, I think it is a wonderful example of how social media, in the absence of journalism, got it wrong. It all started NOT as the result of a bad or biased reporter. It started as a non-journalist’s video, posted to the ‘net and immediately becoming viral as a result of the way it was recorded (not by a professional journalist) and edited (not by a journalist).
It went viral, as things do on social media. Then, celebrities, columnists and pundits of all kinds jumped on it, to render their sage views and advice. Without much “reporting” at all. Just a bunch of non-reportorial opinionating and bloviating with far too little reporting.
And now it seems that “social media” is blaming “journalism” for a story that went viral all by itself on social media.
The liberals see themselves as the good guys therefore they can do no wrong.
Blogger Original Mike said...
r/v's mind is so open his brains have fallen out.
That’s charitable. His mind has long been closed. He says he kept an open mind, but I see no evidence of it.
This whole concept of “two screens” is achieved by leaving enough unsaid that the viewers can fill it in with their own life experience/prejudices. Once the facts are known, you would think that the two screens thing would fade, but there are hard core partisans, you can usually tell these people by their wide reading in philosophy. Well, if you call Marx a philosopher.
David Brooks:
I’m hoping that at least a few people start thinking about norms of how decent people should behave on these platforms.
How about decently? You know, just like they should behave in every other aspect of their lives. Is that really so difficult to understand?
Back in the day the racist bigots thought they were justified for all manner of atrocity, and today we recognize that evil. This is the bigotry and racism of our day and the challenge is at least as difficult, probably more since the bigotry is so prevalent among the powerful in the most influential institutions.
Those teenage students were exemplary in that very difficult encounter. They were literally heroic. They were surrounded by adults who acted very badly. It was the teenagers who showed how adults of goodwill should behave when faced with angry racism and bigotry. Their behavior gave great tribute the memory of Martin Luther King. The parallels are stunning. I'm very impressed with them and extremely disappointed in just about every adult involved. We have not overcome bigotry, we just changed the shape of it, the victims, and the bad guys, but it is there, maybe worse than ever.
This is the challenge of our time, as it was before for others. Will we rise to it? Which side will you be on - which side of history, which side of morality and humanity? I side with those truely impressive young people and what they showed us. I don't totally agree with their religion, their view on abortion, and probably a number of other things, but I respect them as people and their clearly superior ethics. The rest of us, not so much.
Respectfully, I have come to the conclusion that the Covington Catholic story is not a very good example of bad journalism. - Chuck
I give you National Review
Nobody is really talking about the Orwellian weirdness of our new leftwing police state.
The left are watching, controlling, deleting, editing, watching, reporting. They are going to pounce an anyone at anytime for any perceived crime. A red MAGA hat is the new KKK, according to the Orwellian police state.
This all started with Twitter and a fake outrage alert going out to the hiveminders on the left.
Creepy stuff.
"What was really, really disheartening was that the initial outrage was enough for the mainstream press to report on it. Like Twitter has become almost an assigning editor for The New York Times and The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal."
-Bari Weiss
Twitter made us do it, or "Could it be... TWITTER?", or "The outrage is coming from Inside The Times!"
She has a rice bowl to protect so she makes an excuse for her employer and colleagues who drove the hate rather than reacted to it.
I don’t know how Phillips would describe his religious affiliation. He speaks of indigenous traditions. Some people who observe them integrate them with Christianity, but some don’t. In any case, keeping in mind the parable of the proper priests and the Good Samaritan, whose religious practice Jesus’s listeners thought was wrong, listen to Phillips reflect on his experience on the Mall. Decide for yourself who is more pleasing to Christ, Phillips or his mockers. As for the putatively Catholic students from Covington, they might as well have just spit on the cross and got it over with. - National Review
Look at what the people attacking these kids are saying. Those words are right out of a KKK meeting in the woods in Mississippi around a fire.
Sure Chuck.
Ignore the longstanding pattern.
Respectfully, of course.
Oh look:
A Saturday Night Live comedy writer responded to the media’s false story about the Covington High kids by offering oral sex to anyone who punches them in the face.
“I will blow whoever manages to punch that MAGA kid in the face,” tweeted Sarah Beattie.
"It's a meaningless phrase."
All slogans are "meaningless" in that sense. You have to fill in the meaning in context.
Lets go to an old one -
What does "deus vult" mean? What does God will?
All these things that they say the hat represents are what they themselves have invented
A huge lawsuit against Twitter is warranted.
Why are leftist hate, leftist death threats allowed? Meanwhile, mere non-leftwing ideas get deleted.
Twitter is Twitter, the “Wankerati” and Delingpole calls them. We expect CNN to run with anything that they can remotely paint as. damaging to Trump, it’s people like Scott Adams and the National Review and writers on the right that we expected more of. What this shows is that they, like Chuck, are disgusted with the Republican base.
This was a worse blown call than that pass interference in New Orleans. But I am willing to chalk that one up to human fallibility. This one is because these people really do think the worst of the base and they had their prejudices seemingly confirmed by that first Tweet, so it was “too good to check."
LLR and #StrongDemDefender Chuck: "Althouse;
Respectfully, I have come to the conclusion that the Covington Catholic story is not a very good example of bad journalism.
Instead, I think it is a wonderful example of how social media, in the absence of journalism, got it wrong."
Cribbed directly from the now fully lefty wing-aligned NRO cucks who jumped all over the innocent highschoolers!
And never even bothered to really apologize. Just another in a long line of lefty/LLR "lets not quibble about who killed who" examples of the "conservatives" who never miss an opportunity to align with the radical left, like LLR Chuck, in order to maintain their 'please invite me to cool and important parties' viability.
First, to Althouse: In further fairness to you, we should all recognize just how circumspect you’ve been in this story, and that neither you nor Joe Rogan seem to have gone out of your way to make it a “bad media” story. I’ve been listening to Rush Limbaugh this afternoon; and Rush can’t get over it even as an immigration amnesty bill is introduced in the Senate at the behest of Trump.
tim in vermont: Bullshit on you and your stupid post. That link is to a column (not a news story), that was taken down by National Review. Followed in subsequent hours by several other columns that are nothing so much as corrective. You are proving my point, tim. It was a pundit columnist who took the p.c. bait. Not a pair of reporters with an editor.
R/V: although I don't think I rushed to judgement, I still think it looks like a smirk. No snarked intended.>>
It was about a 10 minute long session where an adult voluntarily moved right up to a child's face and yelled loudly/banged drum. Child did not block adult. Dozens of micro and macro expressions flitted across the child's face at this unpleasant and inexplicable behavior. So, when this happens to you, what do you habitually do?
I've had someone come up and harangue me loudly in a protest. I froze and tried to look neutral and wait it out. Felt like an idiot, felt cornered and a bit of visceral panic that most people can't avoid when assaulted (and yes, it's an assault). Have also had to wade through innumerable loud protests, and also listen to the most vile diatribes from the BHI--some of which included occasional nasty remarks tossed at me because, well, white??
Will you answer as to what expression would be OK to have when this happens to you? Will you offer some logical frame that casts even 1% of blame on this young man? Logic-supported rhetoric, a la Voltaire.
TIV: "What this shows is that they, like Chuck, are disgusted with the Republican base."
Yes, but not nearly as important as the fact that they are utterly smitten with the lefty base and will do whatever it takes to stay in the good graces of the left.
But only every single time.....on every single issue.
But trust me, they are the "truest of the true conservatives".....who just so happen to happily get "taken in" and "fooled" (gosh darn it) every single time by the lefties they are desperate to suck up to.
“I will blow whoever manages to punch that MAGA kid in the face,” tweeted Sarah Beattie.
I could be naive, but isn’t that like putting out a hit on somebody? Isn’t that illegal? Kind of sounds like the plot line from Unforgiven. Never mind the Twitter terms of service. But don’t look for Twitter to “punish” anybody but the nobodies.
“I will blow whoever manages to punch that MAGA kid in the face,” tweeted Sarah Beattie.
If those boys were a little less Christian, a couple of them would get together, record video of them punching each other in the face, then ask where they go to claim their reward.
I remember my mother getting upset at a button worn by a fellow Democrat "Where is Lee Harvey Oswald when we really need him?". This would have been in 1969 or 70.
It seems to me that's the faction that is now our dominant center left media culture now is the one that wore the button. I have fond memories of the friends of my mother who went to march with Martin Luther King or against the war and even went to jail on occasion. The button wearer was not one of them.
LLR The Cuckly Standard Booster Chuck: "That link is to a column (not a news story), that was taken down by National Review."
NRO is already well on its way to full blown FusionGPS colluding/lefty radical billionaire funded status....just like Chuck's beloved Cuckly Standard.
Sarah Beattie should extend that wonderful offer to Nathan Phillips and the Black Hebrew Israelites. Arrange it as one session to be efficient.
The left, BTW, has already moved on to Phase 2 of smear conservative Christian high schoolers, with the full-blown assistance of every LLR in sight.
Of course, the LLR's won't mean to be taken in by the left, again, as always.
It's just that, gosh darn it, how could we (the LLR cucks) have possibly known the smear merchants on the left would dare to smear a conservative?
It was impossible to predict!!
Remember when journalists used to wax all high and mighty about lowly bloggers not being real professionals?
All it took to corrupt them was cheap video.
" It all started NOT as the result of a bad or biased reporter. It started as a non-journalist’s video, posted to the ‘net and immediately becoming viral as a result of the way it was recorded (not by a professional journalist) and edited (not by a journalist)."
So what do journalists do, because we already have people to repeat rumours, lies and, and bullshit. We call them "everybody else". If totally failing at the basic job of journalism is not bad journalism, then what is? This cultural embarrassment was not only bad journalism, but the journalism that was involved was extremely bad. It was actually anti-journalism.
In addition, there were lots of "journalist" themselves who said horrible violent things, and many still refuse to retract them. Journalism no longer involves real journalists. It's just another group of people with opinions, the majority of them leftist to an unhinged level.
The idea that social media should not be trusted is not exactly breaking news.
R/V is like a professor at the Institute for Marxist-Leninism of the Central Committee, discussing dialectics with his fellow academicians. Meanwhile at the Lefortovo Prison, the NKVD is beating innocent people with rubber truncheons.
#StrongBlumenthalDefender Chuck: " It was a pundit columnist who took the p.c. bait."
Chuckie now trying to pretend the LLR cuck at NRO was a just a "one off"!!
It was every single LLR cuck at every single media location that was "fooled" (ooops!)
But only every single one...again.
LLR's and the left: a match made in heaven
Yes, tim; I don’t know if we will agree on even one thing and I don’t care. But my point is that I have total contempt for all of social media. Twitter; and Facebook, and Instagram and all the rest. Trump’s Twitter account, along with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s. Milo Yiannopoulos, and all the rest of them. Garbage; mistake-prone; unedited, uneducated and unreliable.
NR - what a disgrace.
Greg Hlatky: "R/V is like a professor at the Institute for Marxist-Leninism of the Central Committee, discussing dialectics with his fellow academicians."
R/V & LLR Chuck are like professors at the Institute for Marxist-Leninism of the Central Committee, discussing dialectics with his fellow academicians.
Yes unpersonning is a tricky thing, ask Ben Richards of the running man
LLR Chuck: "Yes, tim; I don’t know if we will agree on even one thing and I don’t care. But my point is that I have total contempt for all of social media. Twitter; and Facebook, and Instagram and all the rest. Trump’s Twitter account, along with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s. Milo Yiannopoulos, and all the rest of them. Garbage; mistake-prone; unedited, uneducated and unreliable."
The first criticism LLR Chuck has of any lefty on social media will be his first.
Well you're built like a car
You got a hubcap
Diamond star halo
You're built like a truck oh my
You're an untamed youth
That's the truth
With your cloak full of eagles
You're dirty sweet
And you're my girl
Get it on
Bang a drum
Get it on
Get it on
Bang a drum
Get it on
What is really sad is that as bad as people behaved here, it will not change any of them, except maybe the conservatives who jumped blindly on the bandwagon. Everybody else is just stuck with the ugly truth of themselves. It used to be that religion would turn such hatred around at some point in a person's life, but these people don't have that tool in their survival kit. They will likely remain broken, but still talking for years to come.
Rogan shifts to the subject of his childhood. His parents were hippies and he grew up "living in the middle of the hippie world." And he thought of people on the left as "well-read, kind, compassionate people." ....I had to pause to look up how old he is. He's 51.
Joe Rogan grew up in the same town as Louis CK, Newton MA. Affluent, liberal suburb of Boston.
A quite kid in a group of guys who were seriously into the discipline of Taekwondo. He was one of my first summer employees 33 years ago. We were both really just kids then.
Watch this spin kick knockout back then when he had hair.
So I guess we CNN, journ-o-lists all, treated the story with due care, as did the Washington Post.
Covington Catholic High School students surrounded, intimidated and chanted over Native Americans singing about indigenous peoples' strength and spirit, according to interviews with attendees of the inaugural Indigenous Peoples March in Washington, D.C.. - Washington Post
In the clip, captured during the Indigenous Peoples March in Washington on Friday, an elderly Native American man beats a drum and quietly sings, and a small group of activists and allies can be seen in the crowd behind him. Perhaps 18 inches in front of him, a white teenager in a “Make America Great Again” hat makes eye contact and smirks. A much larger crowd of teenagers—mostly male, mostly white, many wearing MAGA hats—hoots with delight at the wordless confrontation. The encounter was captured from multiple angles and circulated widely on YouTube and social media, generating widespread disgust. - Slate
But I think the real reason the clip has spread is simpler: It’s the kid’s face. The face of self-satisfaction and certitude, of edginess expressed as cruelty. The face remains almost completely still as his peers hoot in awed delight at his bravado. The face is both punchable and untouchable. Many observers recognized it right away. - Slate
Is there any calumny against Trump’s supporters you will not countenance, Chuck.
Video shows a crowd of teenagers wearing ‘Make America Great Again’ hats taunting a Native American elder after Friday’s Indigenous Peoples March at the Lincoln Memorial https://cnn.it/2FRKItZ
CNN has been going back and changing some stuff to cover their asses. Their story is now much more moderate than the one that fooled Scott Adams into condemning the boys.
"how circumspect you’ve been"
Yeah, circumspect Althouse: finding "charity" in the Indian-in-the-middle smear of the "rambunctious" Covington kids, expressing her uncommon "sympathy."
But the updates are a form of self-correction, which is rare enough.
How desperately do you think "journalists" right now are looking for dirt on these kids? Something, anything, to justify their own ugly reaction after the fact. Maybe someone has a porn magazine under their bed, or a long-dead slave owner in their ancestry. I'm sure we will find out.
"Journalism no longer involves journalists."
It does. Journalism was not originally about facts as such, but opinions.
Newspapers were never, prior to the mid-century in the US, assumed to have a goal of objectivity.
Consider that Karl Marx at one time was one of the better journalists in Europe.
That objectivity is a modern concept, and I think a pernicious idea.
It makes journalism into a profession, into which one hires only certified professionals in the art of presenting "respectable" news. And respectable opinion.
It creates barriers to entry, filters, permitting only the acceptable in.
The difference today in the US is that you have a mass media monoculture, not the warring newspapers of the good old days.
For an amusing look at what a real newspaper should be, Mark Twain, "Journalism in Tennessee". I made all the kids read it.
Free Speech. The left are against it.
Drago said...
LLR The Cuckly Standard Booster Chuck: "That link is to a column (not a news story), that was taken down by National Review."
NRO is already well on its way to full blown FusionGPS colluding/lefty radical billionaire funded status....just like Chuck's beloved Cuckly Standard.
It has been a leftist funded cuck wing effort for decades.
Lowry is a hack and is still out today defending the media and the rest of his racist cuck friends.
And of course Chuck, the clear and well known racist, is here defending NRO and all the other racists that jumped on these kids.
Just like he did.
Here’s another funny thing; you Trump cultists all go apeshit when the New York Times messes something up. Because it is the New York Times.
But when the Fox News Channel butchers something, the elites on the right and the left don’t care all that much. Because it is Fox News.
I don't have a MAGA hat. I never really thought of getting one.
But I'm seriously contemplating doing so now.
If all it takes is a hat for you leftist thugs to come dancing? Then let's dance.
You're going to blame people for shit they didn't do anyways, so what do we have to lose?
The Democratic hack press ARE digging for dirt on these kids. By golly there must be something. So far, face paint at a sporting event = racism!
Perhaps the leftists in the hack press will find a bake sale crime.
We ignore all left-wing malfeasance - all they way up to the top in the form of a Private Server while heading a major department of the federal government. We ignore the suspicious death of a DNC staffer.
But the wrong kind of smile, at the wrong kind of rally, wearing the wrong kind of hat = death threats on twitter, and a total trashing by leftwing celebrity.
The NYT matters a lot more than Fox news.
More, there is one Fox (OK, I'll give you also the editorial page of the WSJ, on a good day), but dozens of liberal outlets that coordinate news and opinion in print, online and broadcast form. These all tend to make the same "errors" at the same time.
A Lib saw the boy's face and instantly recognized it as a type and a member of this same type set had bullied them.
But did that bullying actually happen? Or is it a deeply engrained meme coupled with literary license? What did Obama call it? A composite character? Maybe it's a memory of emotions experienced while seeing that scene played out countless times in movies and TV shows over many years.
When I was younger I used to think like this. I had an ingrained prejudice against a certain type - good looking, athletic people. As I matured I realized that my prejudice did not lie in any actual experience. but in an attitude I had learned from family and reinforced by television and movies and novels. It took me a long time to outgrow that prejudice.
When I look back at my childhood, the only experience I had that came close to bullying were two nerdish boys in middle school who teased me a lot. Neither of them would have been mistaken as good looking or athletic. And back then it was considered teasing, not bullying.
P.S.- The family that taught me this attitude, just by coincidence, are die-hard Democrats, champions of the "little guy." I think they had a bad case of class envy.
Shorter Chuck: “Squirrel!"
"Here’s another funny thing; you Trump cultists all go apeshit"
If you understood the underlying realities of your polity, you should properly live in a state of constant apeshit. I don't see how you can avoid it. I want nothing to do with it anymore.
" Journalism was not originally about facts as such, but opinions.
Newspapers were never, prior to the mid-century in the US, assumed to have a goal of objectivity. "
I suppose you are right, but did the public back then mostly believe they were getting the straight dope? I know that when I grew up and up until until the last 20 years, and especially the last 10, people generally believed the major outlets were mostly fair, although they were not. I don't how anyone today could believe that.
dozens of liberal outlets that coordinate news and opinion in print, online and broadcast form. These all tend to make the same "errors" at the same time.
This! I strongly suspect that Journolist still exists, just underground and by another name. It is amazing how they all have the same message even unto making the same mistakes.
I guess our idea that journalism is fair and balanced is kind of foolish. It rarely was, and definitely is not today, but the idea is a strong one in our culture, becuase we want it so bad. If there was such place to get fair balanced reporting, would we use it? it would take special people to do such work. I don't know any such superhumans.
"but did the public back then mostly believe they were getting the straight dope?"
I don't think so, or better put, there was no uniform public as such.
You could go to the newsstand and you had your pick of opinions, fact-selection and spin.
It's really rather simple--a Twitter mob is a mob in every meaningful sense of the word, and when we defer to it we accept mob rule.
We can choose not to do that, but very few of us make that choice. And journos and politicians and academics and thought leaders have chosen to be part of the mob, which in the past, when mobs were physical rather than cyber, some chose not to do.
We're doomed.
Chuck is fine with CNN lying about the video, followed by every other talking head on his favorite channels (MSNBC, ABC, NBC). Repeating the lies of leftists on Twitter without verifying the story "is not bad journalism" in Chuck's world. NRO does not do journalism in Chuck's world. Next he'll be quoting Dick Blumenthal's endorsement of Nathan the Fake marine too.
Because Chuck thinks Althouse should write a different post about a subject nobody cares about. Thanks for sharing, Chuck. You rarely disappoint.
Wasn't there a big stink some years ago, when a school (maybe socal or arizona) was trying to ban students from wearing T-shirts with an American Flag on it on the 5th of May?
A whole lot of Hispanic kids would wear the Mexican Flag shirts, and the school wanted to stop the (presumably white, or at least "non-Hispanic") kids from wearing American Flag t-shirts. The administrators claimed they were trying to prevent tensions from flaring/keep the peace.
Maybe they should've been teaching kids tolerance of each other's views and acceptance of different backgrounds. You can be proud of your Mexican heritage while I'm proud of the USA. They are not mutually exclusive.
At least, that used to be the Left's push, tolerance and co-exist were the bumper stickers. Now we've moved the goal posts. You shall be made to conform. We need a "conformity" bumper sticker with all the "correct" symbols used to spell it out.
I cant wear a MAGA hat because it might incite someone to violence? I can't smile because someone might see it as a smirk? I certainly can't intentionally smirk, God forbid.
We're in Bizarro world man. Everything is backwards.
Blogger buwaya said...
The NYT matters a lot more than Fox news.
Congratulations! You win today’s internet!
Now; do you know why the Times “matters a lot more than Fox News”?
Chuck said...But when the Fox News Channel butchers something, the elites on the right and the left don’t care all that much. Because it is Fox News.
Go ahead..all ears (eyes).
Time will tell about Philips' service record. We've seen good leads exposed here. Thing is.. I worked with (mostly) Marine combat vets of 2 or 3 tours. The last thing I learned about em was just that. Other folks told me about who was Marine, Army or Navy. Not braggarts, not crazy, just good folks, albeit with a little darker sense of humor. I fully expect to learn even more about this guy, as the brotherhood doesn't like tarnish. Good research at this blog.
Chuck said...
First, to Althouse: In further fairness to you, we should all recognize just how circumspect you’ve been in this story, and that neither you nor Joe Rogan seem to have gone out of your way to make it a “bad media” story. I’ve been listening to Rush Limbaugh this afternoon; and Rush can’t get over it even as an immigration amnesty bill is introduced in the Senate at the behest of Trump.
She is circumspect because she is a prejudiced bigot who jumped on these kids just like the rest of the media. She understands and empathizes with the media and the leftist hate mob.
Definitely not with the kids she trashed and just like NRO and the rest of the cuck crowd they are mad they have to apologize and backtrack. You all think you are the "good" people.
Fuck you and all the other bigots. You people have been trashing trump supporters in racist and classless manner for the last several years.
These kids acted heroically. Far better than I could have. They were called niggers, murderers, crackers, racists by your leftist friends and they stood calmly and smiled.
Trump supporters have faced violence, hatred, outright stasi tactics from the globalist fuckheads that call themselves democrats and republicans.
You people are on a timer. We are not going to take your violence and racism and hatred forever.
Chuck said...
Blogger buwaya said...
The NYT matters a lot more than Fox news.
Congratulations! You win today’s internet!
Now; do you know why the Times “matters a lot more than Fox News”?
Because they are backed by a Mexican Billionaire who has a lot more money than the people who back or watch Fox.
Chuck has far more in common with Carlos Slim than he does with the average republican voter.
They both want to turn the US into Mexico.
buwaya said: "You could go to the newsstand and you had your pick of opinions, fact-selection and spin."
Explained perfectly by Yes, Prime Minister:
Jim at said...
I don't have a MAGA hat. I never really thought of getting one.
But I'm seriously contemplating doing so now.
If all it takes is a hat for you leftist thugs to come dancing? Then let's dance.
You're going to blame people for shit they didn't do anyways, so what do we have to lose?
I am going to second this.
Please come punch me in the face.
It is time to put and end to the power these racists and bigots have over our culture.
If Mr. P is really a vet - I will thank him for his service.
I don't like that he lied, and he did lie. I don't care for the fact that he, as an adult, taunted some visiting teens, and arrogantly drummed in their faces. All in an effort to feed the leftwing lie machine.
"Congratulations! You win today’s internet!
Now; do you know why the Times “matters a lot more than Fox News”?
Because the NYT has an enormously larger reporting budget; because it is backed by larger players; because it is an institution of a very powerful caste; and because it is referenced as a secondary source by many more outlets, Althouse for a very minor one.
The biggest influence it has probably is outside the US, where it (with a very few others, but all in the same milieu) is used as the primary if not only source of the US world view. Which leads to strange distortions in global opinion. I have always said that most anti-Americanism is manufactured in the US, as foreigners take US self-hatred to heart, or rather it is the NYT-worlds poisonous hatred of their own nation and society.
Dem Cultist Chuck: "Here’s another funny thing; you Trump cultists all go apeshit when the New York Times messes something up. Because it is the New York Times."
This is precisely what we expect of you and your lefty allies.
You are all out and proud smear merchants, as you shouted from the rooftops. You couldn't have been more proud to be part of the lefty spin/smear machine.
Just like The Cuckly Standard and now National Review.
The NYT certainly matters more to some people, but if the NYT mattered more to Americans than Fox News, Trump would not be President.
I suppose you are right, but did the public back then mostly believe they were getting the straight dope?
Every pro-lifer knows the media is full of shit. Including Fox and the Wall Street Journal, etc.
They are all very corrupt and dishonest when it comes to abortion. Other issues, too, but abortion is the most blatant.
And if you're wondering why this tiny little conflict was spun out into the media, the idea was to embarrass the Walk of Life and the Catholic Church.
buwaya: "I have always said that most anti-Americanism is manufactured in the US, as foreigners take US self-hatred to heart, or rather it is the NYT-worlds poisonous hatred of their own nation and society."
LLR Chuck would call that just another day in the lefty/LLR office.
Why stop with simply proudly smearing Trump and his voters and conservatives (particularly ones who with strong military records (Chuck hates that)) when you can join forces with the left and take anti-Americanism and anti-conservatism global?
Helpful database of racist symbols so you do accidentally flash any of them
One of the "White Power” hand signs is problematic, because apparently some people who never got the memo think it is means “Three points!” in a game called “basketball,” or “cage ball” or something. A game with suspicious origins and arcane rules. Players are sometimes known as “cagers” which is even more problematic these days.
Race is what they are using to inspire hate.
But the motive is protecting abortion and Roe v. Wade
This was not an accident.
Saint Croix said:
And if you're wondering why this tiny little conflict was spun out into the media, the idea was to embarrass the Walk of Life and the Catholic Church.
Show of hands: Who is "surprised" that LLR Chuck has come out swinging for those who attacked and defamed and smeared conservative high school students?
We are right back to rumor-mongering attacks on young children by our brave brave LLR who never met a Stolen Valor dem he didn't adore.
Word is coming in that the “Three Point Shot” is a sly reference to both the three ‘K’s in KKK and the heads of three klansman in their pointed sheets.
"And if you're wondering why this tiny little conflict was spun out into the media, the idea was to embarrass the Walk of Life and the Catholic Church."
That's just gravy for Chuck and his pals.
A nice benefit also by the leftwingers was to emphasize Make America Great hat = racist.
The left love to turn everything into proof of KKK.
What important story has Fox News gotten wrong that is as much wrong as this story has been?
It's one thing to get a story wrong, but it is quite another to get it wrong with malice.
"What important story has Fox News gotten wrong that is as much wrong as this story has been?"
Fox news does not follow the precise lefty script.
So Chuck is going to smear them too. And how dare Fox personalities not take LLR Chuck fav's Durbin and Blumenthal seriously?
That's "fightin' words" for Chuckie.....
Chuck: And now it seems that “social media” is blaming “journalism” for a story that went viral all by itself on social media.
A virus so virulent in its cross-infecting powers, the finest journalists in the land were helpless in the face of its infecting and raging through the NYT, the Washington Post, NPR, and a host of other major news organizations.
Its diagnostic fetid pustules just appeared all over their publications, print and digital, and there was nothing they could do to stop it! A veritable Black Death of journalism. Have the msm's critics no capacity for human sympathy at the sight of such misfortune? And how cruel to sneer at the blameless opinion writers of National Review as they fell to this unstoppable disease!
You've really outdone yourself in egregious sycophantic twattery today, Chuck my boy. Huzzah!
The left hates the Walk of Life. They pretend like it's not happening and they would destroy it if they could.
This was a manufactured hit job. Nobody gives a shit about this kid. He's not the target.
I can't wait to see how LLR Chuck begins to work in "subtle" praise for Ocasio-Cortez/kamala/CoreyBooker/(Insert Any Dem Name Here) like he has for "masterful" Lawrence O'Donnell (masterful!!) and "brilliant" Rachel Maddow.
The people who compare this kid to Brett Kavanaugh are doing so intentionally and with malice.
"And if you're wondering why this tiny little conflict was spun out into the media, the idea was to embarrass the Walk of Life and the Catholic Church."
These young boys were riding the four horsemen of the apocalypse;
1) White
2) Male
3) Catholic
4) Pro-life
Nobody gets four strikes.
r/V: The Rashomon saga continues...
Still at it with the illiterate use of this reference? (Guess it goes over well with your equally illiterate fellow pseuds.)
AD: "You've really outdone yourself in egregious sycophantic twattery today, Chuck my boy. Huzzah!"
As noted by wags across the internet, the LLR's and their lefty allies all knew it was a lie from the very first.
From the very first.
Unfortunately for these self-described smear merchants and purveyors of lefty orthodoxy, there was actual video, which they attempted to simply march right over.
Double unfortunately for the LLR Chuck's and the other lefty liars, there was LOTS more video so the second and third attempts to run over these high school conservatives didn't work either.
Now, LLR Chuck and his far left allies would like for you know 2 things:
1) It was all just a big misunderstanding
2) the high school boys are still guilty
Thinking back a bit, I remember being contacted by a morgue regarding an estranged Uncle. Yeah..weird..brusque coroner in Chicago: "Hey..this guy gotta get buried". I knew he had served so I went about establishing that via phone so he could get buried via vet benefits. Even though records holding center had burned down, it was still possible. Seems like this should be as well.
And now we find out that indeed, our Native American "friend" never served in Vietnam.
Another LLR Chuck/lefty meme bites the dust.
Tough break Chuck, and on top of all that Buzzfeed hoax "unpleasantness". Well, you and the dems aren't having such a great week, are you?
5) MAGA hats
Bari Weiss (a NYT columnist) — says "some people see it as the equivalent of a white hood."
While it's true that some people see it this way we should in turn understand these people are crazy and their positions ignored in determining right and wrong.
Breaking CNN:
They found proof that the Catholic School is racist.
At a bake sale in 2014, some of the evil parents of the evil MAGA hat wearing kids left some gingerbread men in the oven to long, and they got burnt.
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