January 9, 2019

"Ocasio-Cortez somehow assumed Americans eat out three times a day."

Says Daily Wire, quoting this:
I can tell you a very personal story. As many people know, I was working in restaurants just a year ago, and when the president first assumed office with his racist and violent rhetoric, people started to send themselves home. And as we know, in restaurants, hospitality, every American eats if you can, if you’re lucky enough or we’re able to eat three times a day. And that means that we interact with the people who prepare our food three times a day. When those people start to go home, or rather go back to the countries which they originated from because many of them consider the United States their home, those places, they go into dysfunction.


LYNNDH said...

What nonsense.

rehajm said...

Her manner of speaking is perplexing. Yodaesque it is.

Infinite Monkeys said...

People going back to their countries of origin make those countries dysfunctional?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dysfunction is the left's daily Trump hate meld-down.

Balfegor said...

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) appeared on MSNBC with host Rachel Maddow, and proceeded to make some of the wildest statements of her neophyte career, including, “Every day immigrants commit crimes at a far lower rate than everyday Americans,”

Pretty sure she's accurate if you conflate legal and illegal immigrants. Because (1) it's quite hard (often impossible) for people with criminal records to immigrate to the US legally and (2) US has a higher baseline level of criminality than other developed countries. The flip side of this is that -- even apart from whether they commit crimes like identity theft or circumvention of border controls incidental to their illegal immigration -- the population of illegal immigrants is self-selected for elevated criminality precisely because people with criminal records mostly can't immigrate to the US legally. So there's a lot of dishonesty inherent in conflating the two populations.

Re: her quote, Daily Wire is being a little obtuse, much the same way other journalists are deliberately obtuse when it comes to interpreting Trump. She says "if you're lucky enough," which -- in the sort of stream of consciousness ramble here -- is surely intended to qualify the concept of eating out three times a day.

JAORE said...

So economics AND writing are poorly taught at Boston U?

CWJ said...

"...when the president first assumed office with his racist and violent rhetoric,"

Didn't waste any time did he? Examples please.

rehajm said...

One possible scenario: you live in a neighborhood where many people don't have jobs but have the benefit checks. Restaurants in those places are always filled at lunchtime.

bleh said...

She really isn't very bright. But whoever handles her social media accounts -- and I'm quite certain it isn't her -- does a very good job of communicating her message and making her opponents look bad.

PM said...

Check, please!

traditionalguy said...

She speaks truth. When Trump won the flood of peasants working for half wages dried up and many deported themselves. The DMV issuing Driver’s Licenses was suddenly empty for a year until the fear of Law Enforcing went away again.

rehajm said...

She conflates Americans with immigrant Americans with immigrants with scared illegal immigrants. That's what's confusing...

'Home' is either America or another country of native origin, depending on which is perceived to maximize empathy.

Bay Area Guy said...

I fully understand that AOC is temporarily the "it girl" in politics, so she gets a lot of coverage and a pass. That's fine.

But she lacks self-awareness. She does not appreciate that she is an inexperienced rookie, without skill or insight.

I'd take Congressman Dan Crenshaw over her any day of the week, on any issue.

Daniel Jackson said...

Or, maybe they stop going to eat crappy food rich in fructose (and other shit), start eating at home (or BACK home), and become healthier? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM

What a putz.

chuck said...

I thought she was kinda cute before she cultivated the genocidal commie look.

Nonapod said...

And as we know, in restaurants, hospitality, every American eats if you can, if you’re lucky enough or we’re able to eat three times a day.

Technically she didn't say Americans "eat out three times a day". She seemed to be attempting to make the point that in American sometimes people aren't lucky enough to be able to eat 3 times a day, which is probably just as silly of an assertion. Real hunger (people starving to death) while not entirely eliminated, is effectively non-existent in America. In fact we produce so much damn food in this country that we have a very serious obesity problem.

PB said...

Restaurant business us up, so Sandy, if your restaurant was losing business it was due to its own problems. Perhaps the bar staff couldn't mix good cocktails?

rehajm said...

What is an every day immigrant? Someone who crosses the border every day?

Every day American? I hear a dog whistle you racist...

tcrosse said...

Over at Spike there's an appreciation of her as The Female Justin Trudeau, the first fully Virtual politician.

Bob Boyd said...

When O'naturel closed, the waiters went home to the porn industry.

TomHynes said...

I think she meant restaraunts go into disfunction when employees leave. Enforcing minimum wage laws and enforcing immigration laws have the same effect on small businesses - they pay more for labor, and some go out of business.

Maillard Reactionary said...

This lady is batsh!t crazy and as dumb as a bag of hammers.

Appeals to a certain segment of the population though, it seems.

rehajm said...

There's a pecking order and she's at the bottom. She will be reigned in. Whoopi was a warning shot across her bow.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I made a comment yesterday regarding Elizabeth Warren, likability, and that their lack of likability was partly their doing and saying things that appear normal but cue people that they're really out of touch.

I give you peoples' exhibit B (yesterday was A).

Bob Boyd said...

"Her manner of speaking is perplexing."

To be fair, the Tide Pods hadn't totally worn off yet.

Rosa Marie Yoder said...

Laughing out loud!!!

It's kind of hard to believe that she really said that

Well, not really. But it sure is hilarious...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

So if Illegal Aliens are deported, we are all going to starve? Are we also going to live in filthy houses with un-mowed lawns!!! OMG the horror. Whatever will we do????? Who is going to take care of us. We're all gonna DIE!!!!!

No Americans know how to boil water, open a pack of ramen soup? Who can AFFORD to go out to eat three times a day, or even once a day?

I interact with the person who prepares my food three times a day by saying HI!! in the mirror in the morning.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

oh my God what on earth is she trying to say?? I think she needs Toastmasters.

madAsHell said...

She's gone full Pelosi!! "These are jobs Americans won't do".

rehajm said...

I don't believe we have an obligation to reshape our society to accommodate everyone's dysfunctions. We're not on campus anymore...

Infinite Monkeys said...

I think she meant restaraunts go into disfunction when employees leave.

That's what I thought at first, then I reread the paragraph. And reread it. The more often I read it, the more confused I became as to what "those places" referred to.

Tina Trent said...

Some clever journalist should find the names of these restaurants so they can be investigated for tax fraud. Having friends who are illegals and having worked in restaurants, I know several illegals who work or worked in restaurants and bars in Atlanta, and they are all paid under the table.

Not one illegal immigrant I know has ever paid any taxes on anything they've earned. And I know five well, former neighbors and friends, and several others as neighbors.

Virgil Hilts said...
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TreeJoe said...

The crazy part is while I don't believe she'll ever be MORE than a congressperson, we will likely see her in her current position for 3-5 decades.

Virgil Hilts said...

The only reason she still gets attention on left and in media (yeah, same thing) is because she's half-way good looking. She gets lots of gleeful attention on right because she's a moronic half-wit. Her presence is not improving things. I wish she would go away.

Darrell said...

She's as nutty as Chuck.

Chuck said...

This woman, Ocasio-Cortez, is insufferable and unlistenable for me.

But seriously, Althouse, if you are going to Fisk this backbencher's language and rhetoric, when the hell are you going to start in on the President of the United States?

You are giving her the sort of attention now, that candidate Trump got in the earliest days of the 2016 campaign at places like "Morning Joe." She will thrive on it. Sadly, the same way that Trump thrived on it.

gilbar said...

Nonapod said... Technically she didn't say Americans "eat out three times a day".

i noticed that too, but then;
she follows with "that means that we interact with the people who prepare our food three times a day"
so, WhereEVER we eat; someone ELSE is preparing our food.
Either a cook in a restaurant, or the illegal that cooks back in Yorktown heights for mom
one thing's For Sure: WE don't prepare Our food

Yancey Ward said...

Passionate intensity.

Chuck said...

Phidippus said...
This lady is batsh!t crazy and as dumb as a bag of hammers.

Appeals to a certain segment of the population though, it seems.

Yeah. Like I said.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Oh for god's sake Chuck. Althouse writes about what Althouse wants to write about. Get over yourself.

Fernandinande said...

I can tell you a very personal story.

But she didn't tell a personal story - I want my money back.

I also want monetary compensation for the brain damage caused by reading that racist and violent attempt at writing which apparently took place during one of those occasional cortical lulls.

Static Ping said...

I am trying to read this... it is very difficult. She is a complete loon, isn't she? She's not uninformed or vapid or any of those things. She's just nuts.

FIDO said...

Not only eat out, but eat out at the same restaurant. In NY. And she sees the same people. Does she live in the restaurant that she can see these people so often to know that they are moving?

And how does she know they are moving instead of just not coming to a restaurant with an idiot socialist who steals tip money?

But she tells NYers what they want to hear.

Yancey Ward said...

Chuck is the Bob Wright of our commentariat.

HoodlumDoodlum said...
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Chuck said...

Static Ping said...
I am trying to read this... it is very difficult. She is a complete loon, isn't she? She's not uninformed or vapid or any of those things. She's just nuts.

I was thinking of Ocasio Cortez as a 21st century Adam Clayton Powell. Funny thing is, if I said that, a lot of people would take it as a compliment. Completely unintended of course.

Anthony said...

She is the walking, talking, and dancing embodiment of Josh Billings' adage that "It ain't ignorance causes so much trouble; it's folks knowing so much that ain't so."

Sam L. said...

Doesn't seem to make any sense, but, well, She Guevara...

HoodlumDoodlum said...

people started to send themselves home

Oh no, not that--not people deciding that they have a lower likelihood of continuing to violate the law without consequence and that they should therefore stop breaking the law and return to their own countries/homes--nooo! That sounds really terrible and I'm glad the Democrats are on record as decrying that horrible horrible situation.

wildswan said...

Occasional is stating that the restaurants in NYC are staffed by illegal immigrants and can't function without them. She is ignoring the fact that the black community in NYC is suffering major unemployment. Why should the restaurants "go into dysfunction" because the illegals are gone when these restaurants have a large underemployed labor pool to draw upon? Come on, AOS, aren't you really saying that Trump's border policies are opening up job opportunities for Americans? Unless you're saying that the restaurant owners are racists who refuse to hire blacks and insist on illegals?
Is that it? Hey, United States Representative Ocasio Cortez, come on and tell us, based on your observations, why the restaurants only want to hire illegals? and tell us, United States Representative, why you are utterly indifferent to high black unemployment?

Black male unemployment figures for NYC:
West Brooklyn (46%), East Brooklyn, (24%), Central Brooklyn (23%), South East Queens (22%), Harlem/Washington Heights (22%), Central and South Bronx (22%), and North East Queens (7%).
Source: [url]http://visual.ly/new-york-citys-black-male-unemployment-numbers

Read more: http://www.city-data.com/forum/new-york-city/2178158-unemployment-rates-among-black-men-nyc.html#ixzz5c8CybfNn

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If illegal entrants want to self-deport - how is that a bad thing?

Curious George said...

Watch the interview. Rachel Maddow is just as big an idiot.

Birches said...

When can we talk about how out of her depth she is? Or is that sexist or racist? Surely the media isn't going to speak truth to power.

n.n said...

There was a similar remark about other unskilled professions. The illegal aliens were deported, followed by lower unemployment, as labor arbitrage and democratic leverage returned to their countries of origin. That said, while the issue of corruption and disruption is closely correlated with illegal immigration, the issues of civil (and human e.g. right to life) rights, quality of life, and unPlanned Americans is correlated with excessive legal immigration. Political, market, and perceptual distortions matter.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why would anyone want to escape their poorly run socialist dictatorships and come to Trump's racist America anyway?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Rachel Maddow is a hypocrite, and radial leftist, and a Hillary Clinton corruption excusing fraud.

n.n said...

She makes a false argument to justify replacing Americans and legal immigrants with illegal immigrants. A better argument would entail that the disruption has already occurred and been absorbed in communities, without progressive side-effects including forward-looking collateral damage.

Drago said...

It's easy to see why all the LLR's at the new lefty funded "The Bulwark" (previously the FusionGPS-collaborating The Cuckly Standard) were so happy to write up AOC in an affirming way in their first dem/lefty/"TruConservative...(wink wink)" fashion.


The LLR's aren't even trying to hide their democrat supporting inner true selves. And that, ladies and gents, is a very positive development: the exposing of what the LLR's are really all about: Dem policy wins

And nothing else.


janetrae said...

Does AOC's initial comment even make sense? At first I thought she meant people were staying home (rather than eating out), but the reference is clearly to the servers/workers in the restaurant -- so they are leaving this country because Trump is racist? Or because they see the handwriting on the wall that they are going to be deported? Isn't this a racist statement assuming that a large percentage of hospitality workers are illegal aliens doing the jobs Americans won't do? Or, what? Am I supposed to find a moral truth in incoherency?

Browndog said...

It seems like she's let it all hang out since her 60 Minutes interview. She's transforming quickly from energetic socialist to angry, radical marxist in her public speaking. Some might say all radical marixist are polite socialists in public to hide their true intent.

n.n said...

Racist rhetoric? Their lies of a diversity or color judgment.

Drago said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home: "Rachel Maddow is a hypocrite, and radial leftist, and a Hillary Clinton corruption excusing fraud."

Rachel Maddow is every bit as "brilliant" as obambi is "magnificent" as Durbin is "competent" as lefty "journalist" hack John Harwood is "professional" as Stolen Valor Da Nang Dick Blumenthal is "honest" about his "mispeaking" about his war record.

As any good LLR could tell you.

And, in fact, as our own LLR did, in fact, explicitly, tell us.

Because "True Conservative"

Oh, btw, this same LLR attacked war hero Tom Cotten, decorated White House physician Adm Robbie Jackson, and even called VP Pence a "s***-head".

Because...well, we all know why.

AllenS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AllenS said...

"You didn't build that." -- Barry Obama

"You didn't cook that." -- Occasional Cortex

WTF is up with these people?

CJinPA said...

In her defense, "we interact with the people who prepare our food three times a day" likely refers to "we" as group, with various members eating out for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Not all three.

Don't overreact to this woman's electoral victory. She beat an old white guy in a district that was about 50% Hispanic and 25% white.

Achilles said...

Of course Chuck and Cortez agree on the only important thing: orange man bad.

They are on the same team.

The only people who have passed more big government policies than Democrats are bush/Romney cuck wing Democrats.

No more cover for traitors like Chuck.

Sally327 said...

I find it helpful to remember that this person is a product of the American educational system.

Henry said...

Sounds like she's claiming that we need illegal immigrants because they work cheap.

Balfegor said...

Re: AllenS:

"You didn't build that." -- Barry Obama

"You didn't cook that." -- Occasional Cortex

WTF is up with these people?

She's on much firmer ground than Obama given that, well, she does seem to be talking about restaurant workers.

mesquito said...

My eating out ended when I got too busy making money too eat out.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...
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Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I'll bet she can see Venezuela from her house

Sigivald said...

"Racist and violet rhetoric".

Well, I mean, I'm sure she actually believes that; what are the odds she read or listened to him directly, rather than through breathless reporting of The Horrible Things He Said?

I think he's a shit, but "racist" is unsupportable by his actual utterances in context.

Kevin said...

She's from NYC. A ton of people, maybe even the majority, in NYC only eat out. They have tiny kitchens and no dishwasher, and a lot of apartments don't even have stoves/ovens or a full size refrigerator. A lot of them have a hot plate and a college dorm refrigerator.

And huge numbers of people even with full sized kitchens still only eat out, because their lives are so busy and they are pretty much only home to sleep, and because they *can* or simply want to, with literally 35,000 choices within reach.

Francisco D said...

The world's most historically dangerous cocktail = High levels of ignorance, motivation and unswerving self-confidence.

People with those attributes have caused more misery in the world than all the famines natural disasters combined.

Thank God that "Sandy" is just a Congressional backbencher and that Chuck is just an internet troll.

Bay Area Guy said...

Socialist Waitress of Color -- Yes, we're socialists, because you are all racists.

Chuck said...

Drago absolutely no one does more to make Althouse comments threads about me, then you. Your obsession seems to know no limits. For the record, as I have stated before but as you constantly ignore:

~There are few Republicans whom I have criticized. You've never seen from me a disrespectful comment about Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, John McCain, Bush 43, Bush 41, Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Kelly Ayotte, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, John Kasich, Barry Goldwater, Bill Buckley, etc., etc., etc.

~I have had precisely one non-hostile thing to say about Rachel Maddow for as long as I have known who she is. I called her one late-2016 interview with Kellyanne Conway "brilliant." I wrote that months before Maddow was nominated for (and won) the Emmy for the best news interview of the year for that interview. That's it. I have regularly criticized and disowned her, never agreeing with her, apart from my rightly calling that one interview brilliant. She demolished Conway but much moreso (by extension) Trump in that interview.

~I have had precisely on non-hostile thing to say about Dick Durbin. And you know it. I generally regard Durbin as evil; one of several malignant Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee. But the one time I accepted him as telling the truth was about Trump's "shithole countries" comment. That's it. That is all. I think Dick Durbin told the truth about that, and that anybody who denies it is lying. Period.

~Ditto Richard Blumenthal, also a malignant Democrat on Judiciary. When he interviewed Justice Gorsuch for his confirmation hearing, Blumenthal let it be known that he had asked the soon to be justice about Trump's comments on federal judges and Gorsuch said that he found them "demoralizing" and "disheartening." Trump of course blew up on Twitter and claimed, falsely, that Blumenthal mischaracterized Gorsuch. Blumenthal had done no such thing, as later made known by former Senator Kelly Ayotte, Gorusuch's Republican confirmation Sherpa. And as proven beyond all doubt by Gorsuch's confirmation hearing testimony just a couple of weeks later.

~It's Tom Cotton, not "Cotten," and I wrote that I think that he was and is lying if he claims to not have heard Trump say "shithole countries." I also wrote that I thought it was a pitiful lie, because I had previously held Cotton in such high regard. I looked forward to him running for President someday. It is such a stain on Cotton's honorable record.

~It's Ronny Jackson, not "Robbie," and I think that it was a professional fraud on his part to have listed Trump's weight as 233 and his height as 6'3". There was and still is a $1 million charity offer if Trump will allow himself to be weighed and measured by a neutral doctor. At the time of that controversy, we didn't know the full record of Dr. Ronny Jackson. As everyone now recalls, he withdrew his name from nomination as VA Secretary. He went back to the White House medical unit to await retirement, but he is no longer physician to the President.

~Mike Pence. I called him a shit head. I plead guilty as charged.

Unknown said...

I like that if you get her to talk enough

she exposes the arrogance, presumption, and lack of empathy and experience

behind the "world saving" proposals she advocates

she's just the SAME OLD THING

Renee said...

Do you buy a coffee everyday? Buy lunch? Buy pre-made meals at the supermarket? That's not making a meal at home. That's going out.

Drago said...

LOL Chuck thinks that spin on top of spin will obfuscate his continuous, over the top, extraordinarily positive messaging about dems as well as his continuous self-described "smear merchanting" on behalf of his fake conservative/dem allies against conservatives.

The good news is, as already mentioned, the "true conservative"/LLR charade is over.

It will never be 2015 again Chuck. You will have to come up with some new schtick.

Perhaps your FusionGPS allies can help you out in that regard.

Drago said...

Durbin-cuckholster Drago: "absolutely no one does more to make Althouse comments threads about me, then you."

I would like to say thanks to the Academy, my agent (shout out to Maury!!), my coaches, 1 of whom gave me my first big break, my parents sheldon and eloise back home in Dubuque, who taught me all the right lessons and encouraged me and loved me unconditionally, and most of all my wife..my partner, my pal, my best friend.

I love you all.

Seeing Red said...

That statement is dysfunction.

Richard Dillman said...

Lets see. Eating out three times a day might contribute to obesity problems, might deplete most budgets at NYC prices, and might
encorage gluttony, one of the seven deadly sins. In a good week, I can afford to eat out at a decent restaurant maybe once a week.

Drago said...

"Guy who makes every non-Trump thread a Trump thread" Chuck: "But seriously, Althouse, if you are going to Fisk this backbencher's language and rhetoric, when the hell are you going to start in on the President of the United States?"

"Later In The Same Thread" Chuck: "absolutely no one does more to make Althouse comments threads about me, then you"


walter said...

"Every day immigrants commit crimes at a far lower rate than everyday Americans."
I'm shocked Maddow didn't press her to make the obviously necessary distinction.
Further, non-federal crimes are typically not tracked for immigration status.
So..out of sight, out of her freeking mind...with bug eyes.

But you tell that darn Althouse, Chuck.
"But Truuuuuummmp!"
This time she's going to realize the error of her ways and honor your high ground.
You really need this as your comment signature:
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
C'mon..for the sake of new visitors here.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Crazy Eyes Cortez will self-destruct due to nonsense statements like this. She us unable to zip her lip and thinks she is way smarter than she really is.

Once she self destructs, the Dem party can go back to being the party of old, ugly white women and old ugly white and ugly black men with a sprinkling of young dumb Hispanics.

AP said...

Over at Spike there's an appreciation of her as The Female Justin Trudeau, the first fully Virtual politician.

I think this is more significant than many Americans might realize. Canadians elected Trudeau to our highest office on the basis of his demeanor, good looks, youthful energy, nice guy persona, etc. His policies were largely nonsensical, and he had no real experience or qualifications for the job, and yet, here we are.

The Conservative Party in Canada attacked Trudeau as "not up to the job", which didn't sway the left-leaning middle away from him. While I think most would agree that AOC is not up to the job, I'm not sure that actually matters anymore.

Being young, attractive, and spouting platitudes (even incoherently) can take you far in politics these days.

PM said...

First of all, it's T-H-A-N.

TrespassersW said...

I have no idea what point she was trying to make in that paragraph.

I suspect that she doesn't either.

Chuck said...

Blogger Drago said...
Durbin-cuckholster Drago: "absolutely no one does more to make Althouse comments threads about me, then you."

LOL! Well you would know about that; I do not. I only suspected.

And I apologize to almost everyone apart from Drago for my typo that auto-corrected to "then" instead of "than."

Unknown said...

AOC > The women and children on that border that are trying to seeking refuge and seek opportunity in the United States of America, with nothing but the shirt on their backs, are acting more American than any person who seeks to keep them out ever will be.

What the Democrats are saying here is

"We wish we could replace our current population with peasants from shitholes predisposed to our ideas of wealth transfer and central management."

Witness DeBlasio saying NYC will pay for illegal aliens health care yesterday.

Open borders and free health care - what could go wrong with that? El Paso, San Deigo, and Brownsville should follow the lead...

Drago said...

I really enjoyed LLR Chucks wall to wall passionate defense not just of obamacare but also LLR Chucks hilarious defense of obamas lies to sell obamacare.

You can check out LLR Chucks moronic pro-dem "performance" on the "Trump played a normal President" thread.


You wont believe how pretzled our Open Borders LLR became as he twisted every single fact involved!

Dare I say it? It was "magnificent"...-ly bad!

A classic LLR Cuck Chuck thread. Truly, one for the ages!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

AOC Derangement Syndrome. Oh my gosh, she really thinks y’all eat out three times a day, really and truly! I see you folks running around frantically, makes me chuckle.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Re: her quote, Daily Wire is being a little obtuse, much the same way other journalists are deliberately obtuse when it comes to interpreting Trump. She says "if you're lucky enough," which -- in the sort of stream of consciousness ramble here -- is surely intended to qualify the concept of eating out three times a day.”


The Vault Dweller said...

She's young. She's inexperienced. She's still in that young lefty mentality, where they are used to associating with only people from the middle class, upper-middle class, and well-off groups and so descriptions of tough times, or a hard life, are always in the hypothetical.

She is also really good for the Democrat party, and she is naturally savvy at how as a freshman she can accumulate some power and sway in the democrat party. She excites younger voters. And by virtue of her gaining some power in the party can help force through structural changes that make it easier for new faces to rise in the democrat party. This has been a problem for at least a couple decades in the democrat party. In large part do to the Clintons who tried to position themselves as the sole holders of power at the national level. Any new power distribution structure will have to appear to accommodate her and the most likely scenario is that it will open up to her and other people as well. If she stays in politics she might be quite an effective politician given some time.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga, tell us more about the three branches of government. Your little civics lesson last night gave me a good laugh.

Of course you defend AOC. Her progressive witlessness perfectly mirrors your own.

Curious George said...

"Kevin said...
She's from NYC. A ton of people, maybe even the majority, in NYC only eat out. They have tiny kitchens and no dishwasher, and a lot of apartments don't even have stoves/ovens or a full size refrigerator. A lot of them have a hot plate and a college dorm refrigerator.

And huge numbers of people even with full sized kitchens still only eat out, because their lives are so busy and they are pretty much only home to sleep, and because they *can* or simply want to, with literally 35,000 choices within reach."

What drivel. First, she's from the Bronx. Hispanic district. Her family did not go out for meals three times a day, nor do "the majority" of her constituency, nor does the majority of New Yorkers.

Drago said...

Inga...Allie Oop: "AOC Derangement Syndrome. Oh my gosh, she really thinks y’all eat out three times a day, really and truly"

She absolutely does.

She also thinks congress folks are "inaugurated".

She also thinks congress signs bills into law.

She thinks alot of hilariously stupid things, but not even she thinks Nancy Pelosi is the Constitutional "co-equal" of the President....

Nope, that one was Inga!


Seeing Red said...

It seems a lot of NYC apts don’t have garbage disposals, either.

Jim at said...

I've suggested not giving this stupid bint so much attention, but each time she opens her mouth she reveals just how clueless she is.

Give her a megaphone.

Robert Cook said...

"It seems a lot of NYC apts don’t have garbage disposals, either."

Why does anyone anywhere need a garbage disposal, (or a dishwasher, for that matter)?

Put the garbage in garbage bags, wash the dishes by hand. It's quick and it's easy and doesn't require expensive appliances to accomplish the task.

The Vault Dweller said...

She thinks alot of hilariously stupid things, but not even she thinks Nancy Pelosi is the Constitutional "co-equal" of the President....

I mean there are three co-equal branches of federal government it isn't unreasonable to suggest that the leader of half of one branch is at least in the same ballpark as the head of another. They both hold similar veto power over legislation. And my guess is that it is much easier for the speaker of the house to get something into a bill than it is for the president.

And while AOC does say some things that seem off, or just wrong, I think jumping on them risks falling into the same trap that those on the left do with Trump. When talks about having a 70% top marginal tax rate, to fund medicare for all. Her real message is that people who fall under that tax bracket are still going to have a real good life materially and raising the rate to that, can have a huge beneficial impact on lots of others who currently don't have a decent material life. It isn't about the specifics it is about the emotional message and the general direction of where she wants the country to move.

rehajm said...

Witness DeBlasio saying NYC will pay for illegal aliens health care yesterday.

Where does he get the money for that? Vermont tried this and the healthcare budget was going to exceed their GDP in a matter of months. NYC population is 15x what Vermont's is. Has anyone seen the numbers or is this just political pontification? Does everyone get care at Cedar Sinai and NY Presbyterian and NYU?

rehajm said...

Put the garbage in garbage bags

You should smell Cookie's neighborhood on trash days.

Nonapod said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jim at said...

But seriously, Althouse, if you are going to Fisk this backbencher's language and rhetoric, when the hell are you going to start in on the President of the United States?

Your allies in the mainstream press do that daily, Chuck. And you know it.

Nonapod said...

Despite what certain people on the left would wish, AOC is not going to go away. I just went over to Reddit and currently one of the top posts is about her. It's clear she's here to stay. It's clear she'll keep on saying moronic things no matter what ol' Whoopie or Nancy P say. And it's clear that a large segment of young know-nothings will continue to lap it up as the thoughts of a great mind. Stupidity is rampant in today's youth. It's actually pretty frightening.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I cannot fault Robert Cook for his practicality.

Most food scraps go into compost or the trash. Still need a disposal for the over-flow of bits.

Tom said...

And, just like that, one of the 2 broke girls in is Congress

The Vault Dweller said...

And it's clear that a large segment of young know-nothings will continue to lap it up as the thoughts of a great mind. Stupidity is rampant in today's youth. It's actually pretty frightening.

She isn't there to give ideas or specific policies, she is there to energize and motivate the disaffected younger segment of the left. DC is full of people who will craft whatever policy you want if you give them the broad parameters. In some ways she is pretty similar to Trump. Though I think Trump has far more wisdom and is much more of a Strategic thinker due to his experience. But she does show good political instincts. Whoever drummed up the media attention over the *attacks* she suffered for the dancing video was smart enough to know that would gain her a fair amount of support among the left.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If the tired socialist crapola came out of a fat pimpled white girl, the media would be on prompt total ignore. Castro-Cortez gets attention because of her youthful attractiveness. Same reason hollywooders are given so much attention. They don't know anything, but they are good looking and rich saying it.

America the shallow.

walter said...

Vault Dweller,
She should be challenged on the supposed morality (over facts) she claims...it's hazardous thinking.
Putting a brick on the accelerator to national economic fail is precisely immoral beyond belief.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Baby you can drive my car. beep beepmmm beep beep yeah.

Phil 314 said...

When I see the daily Chuck-Drago back and forth I'm reminded of Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd in "Moonlighting" or Ted Danson and Shelly Long in "Cheers".

Would you two just get a room!

Phil 314 said...

Does President Trump have nickname yet for AOC?

(PS Every time I see that abbreviation I think "Adminstrator On Call")

The Vault Dweller said...

Does President Trump have nickname yet for AOC?

The fact that he doesn't engage her directly, should at least suggest that his instincts are that it is best to not fan the flames and not attack her for her statements. If he thought he could make good political hay over mocking her, he would do it in a heart beat.

Titus said...

I eat out a couple times a day. Most people I know do too.

walter said...

That's because you live the Fab life.

Bilwick said...

The Girl Genius of the Boston University Economics Department strikes again!

gilbar said...

Tom said... And, just like that, one of the 2 broke girls in is Congress

i hadn't thought about it; but, yes, if Sandy had breast enlargement she could easily pass as as stupid as Kat Dennings

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I mean there are three co-equal branches of federal government it isn't unreasonable to suggest that the leader of half of one branch is at least in the same ballpark as the head of another. They both hold similar veto power over legislation. And my guess is that it is much easier for the speaker of the house to get something into a bill than it is for the president.”

Indeed, true.

gilbar said...

you know who's NOT eating out 3 times a day?

The Supreme Court has given no indication when Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg might return to the bench, as she missed her third straight day of oral argument

chickelit said...

Another hack with a rack.

stlcdr said...

It is actually quite bemusing to follow what’s going on with this woman.

She is part of the smart phone generation. Having a smart phone doesn’t make you smart.

Phil 314 said...

Who is the leader of "leader of half of one branch" of which she speaks?

Drago said...

“I mean there are three co-equal branches of federal government it isn't unreasonable to suggest that the leader of half of one branch is at least in the same ballpark as the head of another."


The head of the Executive Branch and Commander in Chief is "in the same ballpark" as the leader of half of one other branch.......


It just keeps getting better and better.

Inga and LLR Chuck are lighting it up on the left these days!

PM said...

Vault Dweller: "She is also really good for the Democrat party..."

Yeah, but I think she's really, really good for Republicans. She's already knotting the stomachs of the Pelosi wing, the money wing, and AOC+ will force them Dems into leftier positions than they want to be in given the results of the last election. Why? Because right in between Pelosi and the Millennials is Tech Money. Nancy needs it but Millennials supply it. And if we know anything about Tech, they like making money. You go, girl. Tear that party apart.

Nonapod said...

She isn't there to give ideas or specific policies, she is there to energize and motivate the disaffected younger segment of the left

Well she sure seems to be saying a lot of things that could be construed as at least ideas if not specific policies. Her 70%-80% tax, while certainly not original, is an idea. As is her idea of forgiving debt of Puerto Rico. But I get your point. It's not the specifics of the message, it's the message.

I look at her as potentially dangerous to both parties, but currently she's probably more dangerous for the Dems. Her personality and her message, crude though it may be, clearly resonates. I agree that she's not unlike Trump is certain ways in that she's sort of like the personified discontentment of a particular segment of society. Only time will tell how significant this group is. Will her thinking (or lack thereof) eventually take over the entire left, pushing out the old guard and what few moderates are remaining?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga and LLR Chuck are lighting it up on the left these days!”

“I mean there are three co-equal branches of federal government it isn't unreasonable to suggest that the leader of half of one branch is at least in the same ballpark as the head of another."

Drago sweetie,
This comment was made by neither myself or Chuck, it was made by The Vault Dweller, a conservative.

policraticus said...

She's stupidly wrong about eating out three times a day, of course. But she's not wrong about illegal immigrant workers heading back to their countries of origin in response to increases in pressure from law enforcement, document requirements and border security. And she's not wrong about this putting pressure, in turn, on restaurants who use low to medium skilled illegal workers in the kitchen. That is real, I can attest to it personally. Unfortunately for Rep. Cortez, Donald Trump isn't the culprit here. The nature of Trump's rhetoric aside, the increasing pressure on illegal immigrants living and working in NJ, at least, has been ongoing for at least 15 years. The rhetoric heated up under George W Bush and the Barack Obama administration doubled down on the pressure. The cost of coming to America and the difficulty of living here unnoticed has increased significantly and this has had predictable results. The Great Recession didn't help things, either. If she was a little older, and a little more perceptive, maybe a little less driven by blinkered ideology, she would have noticed this. I did. I had to. I actually run a business that once employed 8 to 10 illegal immigrants a summer, full time. In the Spring I'd have groups of immigrants coming to the back door looking for jobs. Now those jobs are being filled by 16-18 American teenagers and college students who work part time. It has made my job much more difficult and raised the cost of labor about 10%.

stlcdr said...

It sounds like, as others have noted, she LLC be a congrescritter for a long time.

tcrosse said...

According to PJ O'Rourke the three co-equal branches of the Federal Government are Money, Television, and Bullshit.

Chuck said...

Phil 3:14 said...
Does President Trump have nickname yet for AOC?

Great question! What will President Sniffie McBonespur call her?

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

~There are few Republicans whom I have criticized. You've never seen from me a disrespectful comment about Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, John McCain, Bush 43, Bush 41, Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Kelly Ayotte, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, John Kasich, Barry Goldwater, Bill Buckley, etc., etc., etc.

Chuck would never criticize someone who passed Obamneycare, pushed for open borders, sold out US manufacturing with crony free trade deals, or started a whole bunch of wars with no intention of winning or ending them.

Most of the "republicans" on his list were only there to betray the people that vote for republicans.

Which is why Chuck lies them.

walter said...

" It has made my job much more difficult and raised the cost of labor about 10%."
Yeah...you lost some leverage there.
Feel for ya..

FullMoon said...

Chuck said...

"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."

3/4/16, 4:46 PM

320Busdriver said...

What is it with todays youth. They think its normal to eat out more than once per day. Thats insane. Both from a health and fiscal standpoint. This nation is already so obese, and fiscally bankrupt. Whatevs...

Joaquin said...

Oh please, have on the news every single day!!!

PM said...

"Does President Trump have nickname yet for AOC?"

If he's the playa he believes he is, he should never address her other than cordially. She's gonna do God's work for him.

tcrosse said...

If he's the playa he believes he is, he should never address her other than cordially. She's gonna do God's work for him.

Hell, he should adopt her.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
If the tired socialist crapola came out of a fat pimpled white girl, the media would be on prompt total ignore. Castro-Cortez gets attention because of her youthful attractiveness. Same reason hollywooders are given so much attention. They don't know anything, but they are good looking and rich saying it.

America the shallow.

1/9/19, 2:00 PM

And I give you...Lena Dunham.

gilbar said...
Tom said... And, just like that, one of the 2 broke girls in is Congress

i hadn't thought about it; but, yes, if Sandy had breast enlargement she could easily pass as as stupid as Kat Dennings

Teh broke girl is fake bewbs? I has a sad. Or do you mean Ocho-Cocktails is just not as big as KD? The congresswoman is packing in her own right, it would seem, but I hadn't superimposed them. [scribbles]

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger tcrosse said...
If he's the playa he believes he is, he should never address her other than cordially. She's gonna do God's work for him.

Hell, he should adopt her.


Clearly no one is looking ahead to the inevitable Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez sex tapes. But perhaps she will survive them.

PM said...

Maybe not "looking ahead" but certainly looking forward.

RLB_IV said...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez knows exactly what she's doing by riding the bullshit wave. Re-election campaignng has commenced.

Robert Catesby said...

RE: "When the president first assumed office with his racist and violent rhetoric, people started to send themselves home."
Self-deporting. I love it!

RE: "And that means that we interact with the people who prepare our food three times a day."
Yes, this is nuts. Most of us interact with our partner and look in the mirror every day. So, yes, in that sense, "we interact with the people who prepare our food".

- - - -

But don't miss this gem: "I represent New York’s 14th congressional district, we are 50% immigrant. I represent the Bronx and Queens, Jackson Heights, over 200 languages are spoken in my district alone. We enjoy some of the highest rates of economic activity and the Bronx itself has had some of the highest rates of economic growth in all of New York City and that has been directly, directly correlated with our embrace of immigrants."
Almost all of this insane interview talks about "immigrants" -- not "illegal immigrants". No one is arguing that immigrants with skills can be valuable members of the society. The issue that she cannot seem to keep straight in her mind is that there is a difference between a Russian mathematician, an Indian doctor, and an illiterate farm worker.

She does refer to illegal immigration in an off-hand way toward the end of the interview when she says that the wall won't be effective because most illegals have overstayed their visas. Not even close:
(1) She confuses data that says an estimated 600,000 people are still here on expired visas -- compared to the estimated 13-15 million total illegals.
(2) She fails to realize that the wall becomes critical as part of visa enforcement. If a person overstays by more than 180 days on a temporary visa and is deported, they cannot re-enter the US for three years. Such laws, coupled with strong border security, is an incentive for people to play by the rules.
(3) It ignores the mass migration that is being actively planned, with potentially millions more wanting to come to the US if the early efforts succeed.

Open borders and mass immigration is unsustainable. Arguments about desirability or virtual are not relevant. It simply doesn't work.
(1) Combining open borders with a welfare state will certainly mean that social safety nets will be overwhelmed by an immigration tsunami. It already costs us $85-135 billion per year (local, state, and federal).
(2) There just aren't enough jobs for unskilled labor. Even if there were, automation will make those jobs go away, leaving millions of people in a permanent underclass.
(3) Even open borders fanatics admit the obvious: a flood of unskilled labor will make the wages for unskilled labor crash, as per the Law of Supply and Demand.
(4) Minimum wage laws prevent the flood of unskilled labor to reach a natural (low) equilibrium. But even if it did, any improvement in economic conditions for those on the bottom will mean another flood of unskilled labor pouring across the border, forcing wages down again.
(5) Open border theorists believe that once equilibrium is reached (after wags crash), new uses for this pool of excess labor will appear. This is magical thinking, powered by rainbows and unicorns. Economics doesn't say that when the price of goods and services gets low enough, a market will appear. If so, we'd be able to sell toxic waste. But there is a more obvious rebuttal: if there were a market for unskilled labor from Honduras, why isn't it being exploited in Honduras?

Drago said...

Inga: "Drago sweetie,
This comment was made by neither myself or Chuck, it was made by The Vault Dweller, a conservative."

Inga darling, I know that.

You were the one who agreed with it.


Charlie said...

"....we’re talking about local restaurants, we’re talking about local businesses, we’re talking about shuttering neighborhoods".

Shuttering neighborhoods? Has Don Lemon fact checked this yet?

Murph said...

"Every day immigrants commit crimes at a far lower rate than everyday Americans."

But, every crime committed by an illegal alien is a crime that would not have otherwise happened if he/she were not present in this country.

Every crime committed by an illegal alien is IN ADDITION TO, not instead of, crimes committed by legal residents.

Be said...

She might be trying to out Trump Trump, given the weirdly coherent inconherence of this statement.

Paul said...

Ocasio-Cortez is a fu*king idiot. No more..no less.

They may be trying to make her a young Biden, but Biden, despite his gaffs, did many things in life. Ocasio-Cortez has done none.

Fritz said...

Why are 32% of Federal prisoners non-citizens?

narciso said...

That's why I call her the 'other broke girl's despite her upper class background.

stevew said...

I've scanned these comments and don't think this has been said yet: Illegal Immigrants are, by definition, committing a crime by being here and so the crime rate for that cohort is 100%.

The Vault Dweller said...

I've scanned these comments and don't think this has been said yet: Illegal Immigrants are, by definition, committing a crime by being here and so the crime rate for that cohort is 100%.

I think that it is only technically a crime if one is an illegal immigrant by virtue of crossing the border illegally, but if one is an illegal immigrant by virtue of overstaying one's visa, then it is just a civil violation of the law. I am not positive on this though.

AllenS said...

Does Trump have a nickname for Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez?

Yes, it's, "Chuck".

Seeing Red said...

Every day immigrants commit crimes at a far lower rate than everyday Americans."

Ummm, aren’t there fewer of them?

Can you imagine if the fewer topped the crimes committed by everyday Americans?


I’m an everyday American.

BUT since almost everything is a crime nowadays....

Seeing Red said...

Again, open border means I can go the other way.

What’s the reciprocal?

gilbar said...

some bad O2 said...
Teh broke girl is fake bewbs? I has a sad. Or do you mean Ocho-Cocktails is just not as big as KD?

I'm pretty sure Kat Dennings is as GOD intended her to be. So you can leave that sad where it was. I mean Sandy's attitude; while respectable in her prime were, at best foothills to Kat's Mountains

stevew said...

"BUT since almost everything is a crime nowadays...."

I can't be sure but it is possible I exceeded the speed limit today, several and for extended periods of time.

PJ said...

Her supporters undoubtedly take her seriously but not literally. Big things can come of that.

Michael McNeil said...

I can't be sure but it is possible I exceeded the speed limit today, several and for extended periods of time.

According to at least one state Attorney General, involved in litigation before the Supreme Court, that's enough — one doesn't even need to speed very much (+5 MPH, say) or for very long — for the state to just up and seize your vehicle, with no recourse.

Leland said...

One can spend a long time dissecting the bad in that one paragraph.

Taken literally, it sounds like people, not sure if they are the chefs or patrons, didn't go home from the restaurants until Trump became President. Trump set them free from a lifestyle of loitering at restaurants.

Does she think because they are going home, they are no longer lucky enough to eat three times a day?

I could try to emphasize with what she intended to say. When I do that, it sounds like NYC restaurants have a habit of hiring illegal immigrants as chefs, and when Trump became President, he frightened them into leaving their homes in the US and going back to their country of origin. In short, Trumps presence convinced them to comply with immigration and labor laws, which doesn't sound like a bad thing for the rule of law. And "those places" ended up with trained labor returning.

And for those arguing we should have a "guest worker" program; wouldn't that cause such events to occur regularly? I guess that is why the pivot to "open borders" despite, as others noted, the borders are to be open in one direction only. Don't Democrats think that will cause us to tip over?

wildswan said...

Illegal immigrants are less likely to report crimes against themselves because they are afraid to draw attention to themselves. So this probably leads to underreporting of the number of crimes committed by illegal immigrants because the underreported crimes were probably mostly committed by other illegal immigrants in the same community. Most crimes are committed by persons who know or live near their victim.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Titus said, "I eat out a couple times a day. Most people I know do too. "

Just because you eat asshole several times a day, along with your degenerate circle of associates, doesn't mean that normal people do.

Rick said...

wildswan said...
Illegal immigrants are less likely to report crimes against themselves because they are afraid to draw attention to themselves.

The most revealing aspect to this theory is that the progs routinely cite it as fact when arguing it is a justification for amnesty. Somehow they forget it when citing the "fact" of illegal immigrants committing less crime.

Why it's almost like they claim to believe whatever supports their preferred political outcome!

Drago said...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: "... the women and children on the border that are trying to seek refuge and seek opportunity in the United States of America with nothing but the shirt on their backs are acting more American than any person who seeks to keep them out ever will be."

The LLR's at the former lefty funded "The Cuckly Standard" could not have said it any better....for their Open Borders dem allies....

..though they try mightily each and every day.

ngtrains said...

Is she dumber than Maxine Waters?


chickelit said...

Drago said...Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: "... the women and children on the border that are trying to seek refuge and seek opportunity in the United States of America with nothing but the shirt on their backs are acting more American than any person who seeks to keep them out ever will be."

If she really said that and believes that, all I can say is that she deserves all the scorn being heaped on her. More power to her enemies.

Drago said...

Oh, she really said it alright.

And in fact, its nothing different than what the NeverTrump LLR's have been saying as well. Just witness how often LLR Chuck attacks tea party members, conservatives who dare push back on Chuck's beloved Open Borders dems, etc.


Make no mistake, LLR Chuck and his dem pals aim to overwhelm republican voters with mass illegal immigration as that is the quickest way to a permanent far left political dominance.

MaxedOutMama said...

Well - further proof that she is not exactly working-class.

In NYC, it is true that many people don't seem to cook at all.

chickelit said...

AOC sounds spoiled. She should spend more time in the kitchen.

MayBee said...

Is she the left's Sarah Palin?

Drago said...

MayBee: "Is she the left's Sarah Palin?"

The dems/media/LLR's will never attack her in any substantive way at any time.

Combined withnear 100% over the top positive coverage in the left/msm media and continuous support in the left/LLR media (see the "conservative" (wink wink) The Bulwark from yesterday) its all clear sailing ahead for AOC.

I am putting the over/under of pro-AOC Made for TV movies and positive TV-Based "life stories" before the 2020 election at 7.

Prior to 2024 I would put the over/under at 23.

And dont get me statred in the book deals.

There will be so many it will be difficult for even supposedly well to do MI lawyers to stay stocked up!

320Busdriver said...

Blogger Fritz said...
Why are 32% of Federal prisoners non-citizens?

Thats really quite an amazing stat. Would've never guessed it to be that high.

narciso said...

Well with the huntress, they picked two actresses, Tina Fey who bears a mild resemblance but then presented her Greek aunt , and I called the game change 'julianne bender's be cause it lookd like she did it after a hangover.

For ocasio Cortez I'm guessing Rosario dawson or roselyn sanchez.

Unknown said...

I got ate out once a week or so

getting ate out 3 times a day seems like she's a real sex pig.

LA_Bob said...

Chuck said, "I was thinking of Ocasio Cortez as a 21st century Adam Clayton Powell."

It's an interesting thought. I just don't think she's as smart as Powell. And goodness knows she has no idea who he was.

LA_Bob said...

Don't you folks know why we eat out three times a day?

It's because we all have two jobs, remember? Good grief, this is so simple.

Bob from Alhambra

Irwin Chusid said...

28 years old but doesn't sound a day over 14.

Original Mike said...

Perfect example of why we need the Electoral College.

Narayanan said...


Narayanan said...

If you lived in college dorm with meal plan you are eating out 3 times a day.

DEEBEE said...

That’s Global Warming sea rise thinking. We are all gonna die

Nichevo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nichevo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gretchen said...

She is seriously stupid and detached from reality.

The only clear thought is that if immigrants (because apparently no citizens work in food service) go back to their home countries they go to chaos. Is she saying they come from shithole countries?

The fact that the left champions this idiot makes me depressed. The game is clearly to get enough illegal immigrants here to turn the US into a third world country. Maybe my grandchildren will need to make the trek to Guatemala for a better life.

Hey Skipper said...

Robert Catesby ...

Sums it up perfectly.

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