January 30, 2019

MSM's ham-handed protectiveness toward Kamala Harris: "The unique harm we cause when we dissect a powerful woman’s love life."

Oh, it's just exquisite, the harm we inflict on the delicate female candidate! It's unique! It hurts their tender feelings, so shush now, and allow this fine woman to become President, where we can continue to feel responsible for protecting her.

Yeah, that makes sense. Sorry. I want a President who will protect us. So your protectiveness toward Kamala Harris completely backfires.

I'm reading Monica Hesse in WaPo. The quote in the post title is the headline for her column. She's fielding the news that former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown has confirmed that years ago he dated Kamala Harris and he appointed her to 2 commissions, which — as Brown put it — "may have influenced her career." At the time, Brown was 60 years old and 30 years older than Harris. He was the speaker of the state assembly, and she was an assistant district attorney.

Why aren't we supposed to talk about that? There are at least some questions. In the #MeToo era, we have to wonder about whether the man sought sexual favors. In the case of Harvey Weinstein, we've heard from women who say he pressured them to give sex in exchange for career advancement, and that implies that there were women who said yes and received the advancement that was denied to the women who said no. That is a system of discrimination that matters a lot, even if we're disinclined to condemn the women who went along with it. But it's one thing to refrain from condemning them and quite something else to say these are the women we want to trust with the heaviest responsibilities.

If Kamala Harris is fit to represent the United States in confrontations with the greatest thugs in the world — Putin, et al. — she doesn't need kid-gloves treatment, and saying she does and impugning us for not getting in line makes me much more suspicious of this old love/"love" affair than I would have been if MSM weren't bending over backwards to protect her.

A little of Hesse's verbiage:
Plenty of us have... spent an awful lot of time discussing Bill Clinton’s willie and Anthony Weiner’s wiener: it’s not that we don’t talk about the sexual predilections of male candidates. But we do talk about them in a different way. We talk about men abusing power. We talk about women not even deserving power. The distinction matters, because the conversation isn’t really about sex, it’s about legitimacy. It’s about who we think has earned the right to be successful, and what criteria we’ll invent, and who we’ll apply it to.

“Maybe we should stop accusing women of ‘sleeping their way’ to the top,” Erin Gloria Ryan wrote in the Daily Beast in 2017. “Maybe because men have been the ones sleeping women to the middle and bottom.”
It takes two to "sleep." Both the man and the woman are trying to get something, and whether the woman gets as much as she wants — whether she gets to "the top" or only "the middle" — is no more interesting than whether the man got really great sex out of the arrangement or not. If, later on, we the people are judging a candidate, we look at what that candidate has done — whether it's the one that wanted to get sex or the one who traded sex for something else — and we judge them on the individual details. Why would sex be off limits just because women are more likely to be the ones in a position to give sex in exchange for something else, and the men tend to be the ones who want the sex so much they dole out non-sex favors to get it? Yes, it's different for men than for women, but so what? We the voters are the ones in the down position, stuck needing to vote for one of these fallible human beings. Don't tell me what not to talk about!
Does it help your career, to date someone powerful? I’d assume so. Does it also help to play golf with someone powerful, or smoke cigars with someone powerful, or belong to Skull and Bones? I’d assume that, too. But for decades we’ve accepted those relationships — many of which benefited only men — as standard procedure for how executives and politicians get ahead.
No, actually we haven't accepted it. Feminists have been denouncing the "old boy network" for as long as I've been listening to feminists, which is about half a century. The "standard procedure" has been under attack and deserves to be under attack.

We're supposed to throw feminism out the window now in order to help the fragile flower Kamala Harris? Ridiculous!


tcrosse said...

We're supposed to throw feminism out the window now to in order to help the fragile flower Kamala Harris? Ridiculous!

By all accounts, Kamala is hard as nails.

madAsHell said...


Lucid-Ideas said...

Kamala and Hillary have so much in common. Both their political careers got a bump from marrying the right man.

Yay feminism!!!

Otto said...

Hey Ann here's a news flash for you. Christian doctrine has denounced that behavior for eons.

J Melcher said...

That has always been my objection to Monica Lewinsky's treatment. SHE got a GS-9 civil service job at the Pentagon directly after her "services" to the President and the nation as an intern. That's a job that did not get offered to an older, uglier, other-gendered, or just less co-operative applicant. Unfair.

gilbar said...

So? so she sucked her way into her position? The only question is: Was she Qualified?
And, since she was able to suck her into TWO positions, her customer was Obviously Satisfied.
When you're shopping for a whore, you want one that's street tested and john approved

Nonapod said...

mayor Willie Brown has confirmed that years ago he dated Kamala Harris

Dated, lol. Should have said that they were "going steady".

At any rate, we're obviously long past the point where adultary is any kind of disqualifier for a presidential hopeful. She used sex to advance her career. She used her sexuality to put herself ahead women who weren't willing to sleep with an old man, not to mention men who didn't even have that particular card to play. I guess some would interpret that as admirable, a person willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

Fernandinande said...

Gosh darn those cigar-smoking golfers and the golf carts they rode in on.

Jaq said...

It’s like Dictionary.com running an article shaming us for suggesting that Occasional Cortex might have been a little crude using a gang rape metaphor to describe her legislative agenda.

Wince said...

It’s good to know powerful men still haven’t been completely replaced by turkey basters quite yet.

gilbar said...

J Melcher unfairly says...
Monica Lewinsky's treatment. SHE got a GS-9 civil service job at the Pentagon directly after her "services" to the President and the nation as an intern. That's a job that did not get offered to an older, uglier, other-gendered, or just less co-operative applicant.

So? Those older, uglier, other-gendered or just less co-operative applicants could have been offered a GS-9; if they'd just been a little less older, uglier, other-gendered, or unco-operative

Rick said...

If left wingers hadn't spent the last three years obsessing over Trump's sex life and turning his partners into celebrities maybe they'd be able to claim her sex life was irrelevant and those focusing on it out of line.


gilbar said...

Nonapod said...
mayor Willie Brown has confirmed that years ago he dated Kamala Harris
Dated, lol. Should have said that they were "going steady".

SHOULD have said that she was his FB

Jaq said...

"When your extremely good looking, powerful men let you lead them around by the dick! They let you do it!”

Lucid-Ideas said...

What's better, getting impeached for getting a hummer from the intern, or getting a hummer from a potential future president?

Screw Bill, Willie Brown is the true Slick-Willie!

Bob Boyd said...

Under Obama we were all racists. We can now look forward to being racist and sexist.

Lyssa said...

At this point, I’m almost hoping that Harris gets the nom, for no other reason then that I just love feminism-critiquing Althouse so freaking much.

Jaq said...

We're supposed to throw feminism out the window now to in order to help the fragile flower Kamala Harris? Ridiculous!

Why should today be different than any day in the past three decades? Maybe you should address your question to Glow Stick.

Cassandra said...

We're supposed to throw feminism out the window now in order to help the fragile flower Kamala Harris? Ridiculous!

Well, yes it *is* ridiculous!

Sadly, so much of what passes for feminism these days encourages women to think of ourselves as weak, passive victims - never acting, always acted upon - who can't possibly succeed in the world without a TON of help and special pleading. The cognitive dissonance of minimizing or refusing to recognize differences between men and women (in general), while railing against being held to the same standards we apply to men is just embarrassing.

Cassandra said...

Under Obama we were all racists. We can now look forward to being racist and sexist.

Identity Teflon.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, you should throw your Marxist feminism out the window. It's ridiculous.

Have you ever considered ordinary Christianity as a moral system? It's a lot better than that clusterfuck ideology you're embracing.

Harris seems to be doing very well. Her strategy, whatever it is, is working to her personal benefit.

All the feminist luminaries that show up in your writing turn out to be rich, usually hereditary beneficiaries of wealth and position. The absurdity of this never seems impress you. Like the Bazletons?

Yeah, chuck the dumb Marxist feminism. We all have our weaknesses. This is yours and it's ludicrous.

You do have a remarkable intellect. And you've fallen for the great vanity weakness of the remarkable intellect... You're going to construct the New Marxist feminist woman! The joke is on you.

JayDee77 said...

She will be allowed to get away with anything in ways only Obama would be jealous of.

traditionalguy said...

Since the Dem's political game is all about skin color, then Harris certainly paid her dues. As they say, she has skin in the game.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I imagine a conversation in a powder-filled, elegantly accoutered spa at the "Old Girls Club" going something like this...

So who did you have to suck to get here? Well....your hubby actually.

The conversation remains largely unchanged (with some minor changes) at the "Old Gay Club"

I try to imagine its equivalent at the "Old Boys Club" and come up bubkiss.

MBunge said...

Of course, the most interesting element of this is that it opens the door to Hillary 2020 just a bit wider. After all, you can't give Harris a pass on this and then pretend the Clintons' sexual history is disqualifying.


Big Mike said...

We're supposed to throw feminism out the window now to in order to help the fragile flower Kamala Harris? Ridiculous!

The degree of ridiculousness depends on whether you’re a registered Democrat or not.

Chuck said...

Superb blog post in every way. I hope that a male writer could do this as well as and as credibly as Althouse. Probably not. Good that Althouse did it.

Althouse have you seen that Scott Adams has taken to deliberately misspelling Senator Harris’ name as “Kampala”? It seems to be of a piece with Adams’ own regular defenses and rationalizations of Trump’s misspellings and purposeful branding of his opponents.

Greg Hlatky said...

mayor Willie Brown has confirmed that years ago he dated Kamala Harris

Maybe they had milkshakes at the corner ice cream shop.

narciso said...

Where is the swat team here:


Lucid-Ideas said...

National and DC politics is such a morass. So much corruption. Too many deals in too many powder-filled rooms. If you want to have a better outlook on things, you really don't want to see how the sausage gets swallowed.

Dave Begley said...

Go, Ann go!

Amexpat said...

I just found out that KH went to Hastings law school during my first year there in 1989. I don't remember her, but I do remember that Willie Brown, a Hastings Alum, was supposed to give a talk there during my first year. There was a large crowd waiting to her him speak and one of the arrangers, who knew him, announced that Willie Brown could not attend because of important state business (I believe that Black Law Students Association were the arrangers).

Turns out that there was no important state business that detained him, he was asked to shoot some scenes in the Godfather III. I remember thinking that it was weak that the arrangers couldn't be upfront for the reasons that WB didn't show up.

iowan2 said...

Those two commissions Brown got her a chair at? Grossed out North of $150k per year.

Kamala Harris is not a whore. She's is a high class Escort. So you can't call out her morals.

And what about a woman, that actively undermines another woman's home?

Molly said...

quoting Monica Hesse: "It’s not that we don’t talk about the sexual predilections of male candidates. But we do talk about them in a different way. We talk about men abusing power. We talk about women not even deserving power."

We DO talk about them in a different way: Men seek to acquire power (or money, or etc) in order to achieve sexual gratification. Women seek to offer sexual gratification in order to acquire power. (This is not to say that women don't desire sexual gratification or that men don't desire power, but the direction of causality runs in opposite ways.) Or give some examples of men who have married or dated with the result that their political fortunes were improved. Arnold S. and Maria Kennedy Shriver -- even that seems like a real stretch.

Jaq said...

The only other Kamala I know of is that whore in Siddhartha, I mean the beautiful courtesan to rich, powerful men. It’s almost like we are stuck in a Tom Wolfe novel or something...

Dave Begley said...

Let's talk to Blanche about this.

"In September 1958, Brown married Blanche Vitero, with whom he had three children, Susan, Robin and Michael. He also has four grandchildren: Besia, Matea, Mateo and Lordes, and a step-granddaughter, Tyler. Brown has had numerous public relationships with other women, but has remained legally married to Blanche. James Richardson, a Sacramento Bee reporter, said that “The measure of his flamboyance is he’ll go to a party with his wife on one arm and his girlfriend on the other.”[14] He has a daughter, Sydney Brown, by political fund raiser Carolyn Carpeneti."

Was KKH the other woman on his arm at those parties?

buwaya said...

K. Harris Alameda County deputy DA job may have been largely a sinecure. At the time, when she was in the local limelight to some degree due to the Willie Brown connection, it was noted that she wasn't doing much prosecuting. Also came up when she was campaigning for the SF DA job.

So why does a deputy DA get a very light workload?

That was when the local press was less, er, constrained, less unanimous.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

WaPo is democratic party propaganda.

Protecting their own is what they do.

pacwest said...

The real question is can she get Putin or Xi in bed, and how much it will benifit her, err, I mean the USA. The one thing I have consistently said about China and Russia is "fuckem". I'm voting for her!

Jaq said...

he was asked to shoot some scenes in the Godfather III.

Godfather III, that crime against the cinematic arts! It figures.

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

"cruel neutrality" - I love it!

Bob Boyd said...

Haven't we been hearing for at least 2 years Donald Trump doesn't deserve power?

Mike Sylwester said...

Kamala Harris has accused ICE officials of acting like the Ku Klux Klan.

Is that civil?

Why can't she herself be accused of offering sex for political favors?

If she wants civility, then she should conduct herself civilly.

Sebastian said...

"Willie Brown has confirmed that years ago he dated Kamala Harris"

So Trump was right and #MeToo is a sham?

"No, actually we haven't accepted it. Feminists have been denouncing the "old boy network" for as long as I've been listening to feminists, which is about half a century."

Sure. And they'll never stop. The point of feminism is the denouncing. As for progressivism in general, the motto is Never Enough.

"The "standard procedure" has been under attack and deserves to be under attack."

Except when it's not under attack and deserves not to be under attack. In fact, standard procedure is for feminists to give progs a blank check. Feminists are flexible that way. Cuz priorities.

"We're supposed to throw feminism out the window now in order to help the fragile flower Kamala Harris? Ridiculous!"

Are you saying that feminism means treating men and women equally, holding them equally accountable? I guess you haven't been listening to feminists for half a century that closely.

Mattman26 said...

I was just reading the Wikipedia entry on Brown, specifically re charges of patronage and favoritism. Sounds like he was very accomplished--and very casual--about rewarding his friends with taxpayer-funded goodies. Girlfriends on the payroll (not just Kamala), a lobbyist who bore his child getting a rent-free office, other well-funded appointments for political support.

Aren't we supposed to disapprove of that sort of thing, whether the "compensation" to the public office-holder is sex or something else? Isn't that kind of shameless and sleazy? How can that be off-limits as to a beneficiary who got significant taxpayer money and a career boost?

Jaq said...

The real question is can she get Putin or Xi in bed, and how much it will benefit her, err, I mean the USA.

Cleopatra Jones

donald said...

Just call her Senator Sidepiece.

Mike Sylwester said...

Has Kamala Harris ever discussed Willie Brown with anyone at the Kasowitz Benson & Torres law firm?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Shut up, the democratic WaPo dutifully shamed. Because, shut up.

Digging into the past and the process of ANY democratic, and how they climbed to power, is strictly forbidden and off limits. Because democratic #1, and she's a female.

Forget treating females same as men. All that feminism you learned about equality - throw it out the window.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We cannot question any democratic's past.

WE can however, dig deep into the scrawl on Kavanaughs 1980's year book.

wendybar said...

Isn't that something? A woman who CHOSES to sleep with a married man, needs protection?? Take responsibility for your actions. YOU chose to sleep with a married man, and you got two cushy high paid jobs from that interaction, and YOU need protection?? Give me a freaking break....THIS is why people don't take REAL cases of #Metoo seriously.

Anonymous said...

Nonapod said...
mayor Willie Brown has confirmed that years ago he dated Kamala Harris
Dated, lol. Should have said that they were "going steady".


He would appear at official events with his estranged wife on one arm and his main squeeze Harris on the other, while he was Mayor of SF and Harris was a city employee and DA candidate...

Indirectly (1 step removed) she worked for him

hombre said...

Brown was 60 and married, allegedly estranged, at the time of the Harris poontranage.

Rick said...

We're supposed to throw feminism out the window now in order to help the fragile flower Kamala Harris? Ridiculous!

It's nice Althouse still argues for a principled and supportable feminism. The fact that the left calls her a conservative for doing so suggests that isn't what they are interested in.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Kamala Harris back-tracks, a little, actually barely at all, bu realizes her phrasing must be more delicate. To cover the big lie that the collective corrupt left want to force you onto a government plan without any other options.

narciso said...

But not the risque yearbook of his accuser,

traditionalguy said...

I don't care what people say . I really like Horizontal Harris, the knee pad queen, because she has won her way to the top the old fashioned way, using her killer smile.

rhhardin said...

Men's sex drive is wholesome. Aggression and competition. Women have a devious interest in sex.

It's not a #MeToo problem, which is its own feminist idea.

As for talking about it, I'd assume it gets clicks. It's a pretty normal transaction.

Henry said...

Came to the comments. Did a text search for "kemo sabe". And "white" and "pale".

We talk about men abusing power. We talk about women not even deserving power.

"What do you mean 'we', kemo sabe?"

Didn't want to repeat anyone.

* * *

Scholar explains the joke, including a link to this wonderful alternative, told by Theodore Rockwell, technical director for the U.S. Navy’s nuclear-propulsion program in the 1950s and ’60s:

One time [Admiral Rickover] caught me using the editorial we, as in ‘we will get back to you by...' He explained brusquely that only three types of individual were entitled to such usage: ‘The head of a sovereign state, a schizophrenic and a pregnant woman. Which are you, Rockwell?’ ”

Back story on Kemo Sahbee:

Jim Jewell, director of The Lone Ranger from 1933 to 1939, took the phrase from Kamp Kee-Mo Sah-Bee, a boys' camp on Mullett Lake in Michigan, established by Charles W. Yeager (Jewell's father-in-law) in 1916.

Ray - SoCal said...

Wonder if this is true - comprising pics?


lgv said...

They "dated". It was probably just dinner and a movie with a kiss goodnight.

So she "shagged" a married man 30 years her senior in order to get support from big financial backers for her career. Let's not talk about it. It is not something worthy of examination. It's different than examining Trump's love life because she's a woman.

Got it. That is now the official MSM play book. There will be no more stories on the matter from the liberal press.

rhhardin said...

Hunter Killers (2018) has a woman President, one of the unintentionally amusing cast of stock characters with improbable dialogue.

One or two female submarine crew, but with no part beyond background presence. Much backstory was overlooked there. Neither yet obviously pregnant.

Bay Area Guy said...

Can we interview all the hard-working, honest 30-year old female attorneys in San Francisco from 1992, who had to struggle for a seat in the legal profession and didn't have the privilege to suck Willie Brown's aging member all the way to political stardom?

Isn't this like the Hollywood actresses who reluctantly gave it up to Harvey Weinstein for a choice movie role?

Let's hear from them!

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

She a ho

Oso Negro said...

It would be interesting if Kamala Harris would just come right out and say "Let's be clear. I like DICK. Willie Brown had it going on. We did it all."

Ambrose said...

Remember the glee from Democrats when the completely false rumors about Trump and Nikki Haley were being passed around? Where was Monica Hesse on that one?

Bob Boyd said...

The double standard for the any Dem candidate is a given. It falls to "journalists" to provide the rationals.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Christian doctrine has denounced that behavior for eons.”

Didn’t/ doesn’t seem to bother “Christians” at all when Trump did it.

M Jordan said...

I look at political figures through the Got It lens. Obama Had It. Trump Had It. Alexandria Cortez Has It. Among Dem hopefuls, Biden seems to Have It the most but he’s an Old White Guy and an idiot. Shultz doesn’t Have It at all. I’m thinking Harris might Have It the most but she doesn’t Have It enough to trump Trump.

Jaq said...

So we had John Kerry, the worlds most successful gigolo, bagging not one, but two hyper wealthy brides successively.

Now of the leading candidates, Beto O’Rourke, highly successful gigolo, married into one of the nations richest families, and Kamala Harris, gold digger extraordinaire. And Republicans aren’t supposed to talk about it.

Jaq said...

Didn’t/ doesn’t seem to bother “Christians” at all when Trump did it

Votes for Trump didn’t happen in a vacuum. Look at the option, have Bill Clinton once again padding around the West Wing on the prowl for “fresh talent.” You act as if Democrats offered a decent choice. And I don’t think Trump slept his way to the top, if you will recall, he did it with Twitter.

pacwest said...

And if she gets nominated I expect a promise of something much better than a chicken in my pot if you get my drift. I'm voting for her!

I know she will have a large number of favors to fulfill if she becomes President, but I won't take more than 5 minutes of her time.

Anthony said...

>>We're supposed to throw feminism out the window now in order to help the fragile flower Kamala Harris? Ridiculous!

Feminism hasn't been about women for years.

Drago said...

Durbin Cuckholster Chuck @ 1/30/19, 10:07 AM


That just might be the most pathetic of all LLR Chucks Auto-Dem/Lefty-Defense offerings!

And given LLR Chuck's continuous, high-volume, passionate, years-long history of defending and obfuscating for every democrat and lefty breathing and dead, that's saying something!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL - listening to leftwing fascists preach to the Christians how lowly and unacceptable they all are.

So tired and predicable.

Jaq said...

Rumor’s that Beto O’Rourke is really the Brad Pitt character at the end of Meet Joe Black, beautiful empty vessel married into that wealthy family, and that the movie's based on a true story, not the song “Old Black Joe,” are not true.

Humperdink said...

Since Trump pins a moniker on all of his political opponents, may I suggest he label her Stormy Harris if she gets legs (cough) in the primary.

narciso said...

Ah monika is the posts first gender apparatchik, I mean columnist.

glenn said...

I sure hope she doesn’t find out I said she has great legs. If we go by legs she wins easily. Snort, Snort. Grabs crotch, hitches pants, farts, belches. Heads off to get another beer.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

KKKamala is not qualified to be president. She is qualified to officially prosecute and hurt the American people.

-Removing all health care choices.
-Abolishing Immigration and Customs.
-Sleeping her way to the top. (Democrats are allowed, so shut up)

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gk1 said...

Another case of being reminded that none of these people in the media "shaming us" has any shame themselves. There is nothing laudable about sleeping yourself to the top of the food chain, I don't care how they try to repackage this. There are many accomplished women in politics and law they got ahead on their brains not their pussy. I am sure they are delighted to be bypassed professionally by this skank.

Drago said...

Inga: "Didn’t/ doesn’t seem to bother “Christians” at all when Trump did it."

Ah yes, the old scare quotes.

The only real Christuans in Inga world are those happy to carve up babies and sell off the parts while driving Christians from the public square while defending islamic supremacists.

Perhaps the Christians looked around and thought, hey this Trump guy doesnt want us dead.

Henry said...

I wonder if Monica Hesse realizes how bad her defense is.

As an aside, the actual story is boring. The jokes about it are boring. The jokes about it that follow the jokes about it are boring.

Yancey Ward said...

Willie was just mentoring Kamala. I am sure Hesse would give Willie a blowjob as a reward for doing so.

traditionalguy said...

Kemosabi means a scout you can trust. The artillery calls them Recon or Forward Observers. You have to trust them or your arttillery wipes out your own men. Texas Rangers killed the Comanche. Army Rangers killed the Viet Cong.

Cassandra said...

re: Inga: "Didn’t/ doesn’t seem to bother “Christians” at all when Trump did it."

If people of any faith (or no faith) only voted for perfect exemplars of their beliefs, they would effectively disenfranchise themselves.

Which may be the point of that particular canard.

Limited blogger said...

With the MSM spending a lot of bandwidth to cover for Kamala, Trump is going to be able to get a lot of stuff done.

ManleyPointer said...

"Kamala and Hillary have so much in common. Both their political careers got a bump from marrying the right man."

At least Hillary had to fend off Giuliani. Outside of the celebrity Schwarzenegger, CA hasn't elected a Republican to statewide office in a generation.

narciso said...

Hesse is a novelist of some kind, in the Moriarty picoult vein,

Bay Area Guy said...

One of the reasons Hillary lost (I believe) is because of the rank hypocrisy of having this "strong" woman preach to us about equality, women's rights, and female power while riding the political coat-tails of her charismatic husband. Also, enabling him to: (a) sleep with (Gennifer Flowers), (b) sexually harass (Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey) and (c) rape (Juanita Broaddrick) other women didn't help either.

Harris rode Downtown Willie Brown to high-paying Commission gigs, the DA office, the AG office, and the Senate. And now she wants to be Prez?

I don't think so.

Sam L. said...

The MSM is a wholly-owned minion of the Dem party.

bagoh20 said...

See, the Dems know what a qualified candidate is.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“If people of any faith (or no faith) only voted for perfect exemplars of their beliefs, they would effectively disenfranchise themselves.”

I’ll internalize that when it comes to Kamala Harris, it’s only fair.

bagoh20 said...

Trump may know the art of the deal, but Harris knows how to get to a win/win in negotiations.

hombre said...

The Democrats transition from felonious grifter to ignorant courtesan. Is it a step up or a step down? Do Democrats even notice the swamp anymore?

walter said...

“Maybe we should stop accusing women of ‘sleeping their way’ to the top,” Erin Gloria Ryan wrote in the Daily Beast in 2017. “Maybe because men have been the ones sleeping women to the middle and bottom.”
The ass ceiling.

bagoh20 said...

What makes a brand new Senator qualified for the Presidency a la Barack Obama, Kamala Harris?

Lets face it. The Dems don't care about ability, experience, policy or results. They only care about imagery, and winning. The DNC knows their voters are silly fools. You might as well nominate The Black Panther, or Wonder Woman

Fernandinande said...

If left wingers hadn't spent the last three years obsessing over Trump's sex life and turning his partners into celebrities maybe they'd be able to claim her sex life was irrelevant and those focusing on it out of line.

Dame Harris has a "love life", not a "sex life".

Drago said...

Inga: "I’ll internalize that when it comes to Kamala Harris, it’s only fair."


The Bill Clinton voters now boldly imply republican votes for Trump gives them carte blanche to vote for a candidate like Harris!

History began anew just this morning for the lefties and their LLR house pets!


So, to summarize the lefties over the last several decades: you stupid Christian conservatives need to dump your old ways of thinking and stop worrying about the sexual habits of politicians!! Plus, now that you horrible Christian conservatives have dropped your demands for perfect moral purity for your leaders your hypocritical choice empowers we leftists to vote for sexually shady characters..even though we already were and have been....so...so..shut up H8ters!!


hombre said...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...

‘“Christian doctrine has denounced that behavior for eons.”

Didn’t/ doesn’t seem to bother “Christians” at all when Trump did it.’

Wait a minute, Inga. Are you saying Trump whored himself for political/career advantage? I’m pretty sure Christians would have been bothered by that.

bagoh20 said...

I wonder how much effort and enthusiasm one puts into sex to get ahead in politics. I'm just not sure. Do you try really hard to please, or just go through the motions, check off the boxes, etc.?

Howard said...

Kammal Toe Harry will wipe the floor with Drumpfenspiel if he surviving Mueller's Coups.

Dave Begley said...

Bay Area Guy:

You really have a way with words and get right to the heart of the issue. Well done!

Jaq said...

That was desperate, even for Inga.

Anonymous said...

The MSM's ham-handed defense of Sen. Harris isn't much different than their ham-handed defense of then-Sen. Obama, particularly as it had concerned clear signs of his anti-white and anti-Jewish bigotry. Harris has been called at least once the female Barack Obama with good reason: criticizing her will be equated to some form of prejudice just as it was for Obama. Why shouldn't the MSM try it again? It worked for Obama; it is reasonable then to expect it to work for Harris, even if the specifics aren't correct.

Jaq said...

Blogger Howard said...
Kammal Toe Harry will wipe the floor with Drumpfenspiel if he surviving Mueller's Coups.

The press were unable to drag Hillary across the finish line, but this time certainly will be different! It doesn’t matter what she’s accomplished or not accomplished. Her identity and good looks are what really matter. You are probably right.

Jaq said...

But if she wants my vote, well, Willie Brown has already established the price.

Dave Begley said...

When I see KKH in Iowa I was going to ask her if she will apologize to Justice Kavanaugh but I've changed my mind.

The new question is: How do you think Willie Brown's wife felt while you were dating him for two years?

I won't use Bay Area Guy's colorful language but the sentiment is there.

John henry said...

Sounds to me like more validation of citizen Trump's statement about "when you're a celebrity they let you grab them by the pussy" (quoting from memory)

Would she have slept with him if he osned the corner C-Store? Or did she fuck him BECAUSE he was a celebrity and/or in a position to do her some favors?

Like Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.

John Henry

Howard said...

She is a ballsy prosecutor, Tim. Like a dog on a bone. Hillary's never had any real jobs

Trumpit said...

Right-wingers don't like the fact that Kamala Harris is human. Instead, they prefer an unpleasant pompous fraud, and sexual harasser in Schlump. Remember, the Republican rank and file had other, much better, candidates to choose from, but they fell for an unqualified self-promoting conman in Schlump. That grotesque blunder should put the GOP out of business forever. A less extreme conservative party may rise from the ashes of the current Republican party - one that limits gun ownership, and protects wildlife from rednecks, hunters and trappers. Do you know what a snare trap is? It is horror perpetrate by rednecks and other evil people on wildlife. Why is it allowed?


Leland said...

I read the original post. I have nothing to add other than;


gspencer said...

“'Maybe we should stop accusing women of ‘sleeping their way’ to the top,' Erin Gloria Ryan wrote in the Daily Beast"

Well, we'd do that if women would stop sleeping their way to the top.

Trumpit said...

"Marriage is for life, for love."

Divorce is a fact of life, too. People marry for all sorts of reasons. Look at Schlump's sham marriages, for example. No normal woman could love that.

Bay Area Guy said...

To supplement @Dave Begley's good question:

How do you think Willie Brown's wife felt while you were dating him for two years?

I would add:

What advice would you give to all the 30-old young female attorneys who didn't get to [blank] Willie Brown's aged [blank] and, therefore, didn't get a string of politically appointed high paying jobs?

Jaq said...

Blogger gspencer said...
“'Maybe we should stop accusing women of ‘sleeping their way’ to the top,' Erin Gloria Ryan wrote in the Daily Beast"

Yes, we know that Hillary would have been a Senator, Secretary of State, and a major party candidate for POTUS if she never met Bill! Haven’t you seen Sliding Doors? Your fate changes, but only a little.

Jaq said...

Blogger Howard said...
She is a ballsy prosecutor, Tim. Like a dog on a bone. Hillary's never had any real jobs

I’m sure she’s like a dog on a ‘bone,’ but I am not sure I want somebody with the vast power of the state behind them being “ballsy.” You guys like the whole jackbooted thug thing, I don’t.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

She’s a slut and women who worked their way to the top don’t want to hear about someone who slept her way to the top.

Jaq said...

Another word for “ballsy” is “reckless” and we don’t need a reckless president. I like the one we have that is working the best he can to end wars, not ham-handed warmongers like the last person you guys ran.

What happened to “give peace a chance”? Is it “well, not if he’s going to tweet crude stuff!” To paraphrase Churchill, I think, I would rather have “Tweet, Tweet, Tweet! than war, war, war."

Temujin said...

No...we also talk about women abusing power. Hillary Clinton, anyone?

John Ray said...

Willie went back to his wife. One supposes that Harris was not that great in the bedroom after all.

Harris' record as an assistant DA and as a DA was rift with problems she caused.

Harris' record as a single term Senator is mundane, at best.

All this leads one to believe that Trump wants her to get the nomination.

Drago said...

Trumpit: "Right-wingers don't like the fact that Kamala Harris is human"



chuck said...

I'd vote for a Margaret Thatcher, a smart, tough lady with political skills. If I were trying to get a woman elected president, that is how I would portray her.

JHapp said...

I am not a fan of the penalty except for cases like spies and corrupt government employees. I would like to see the requirement that the president elect personally execute our worst offenders.

Kevin said...

We're supposed to throw feminism out the window now in order to help the fragile flower Kamala Harris?

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

donald said...

Senator Side piece is a whore.

Caligula said...

Noting that at least some of what's portrayed as #MeToo abuse might actually be transactional sex threatens the narrative?

Is it somehow impolite to note that a young, attractive woman has a form of power that can be (and therefore sometimes is) traded for other forms of power, or other valuable considerations?

The narrative "men and women use what they have to get what they want" does lack the dramatic tension of "men act badly and women suffer because of that," but, sometimes it's a more accurate description of actually occurring behavior.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Harris has already lost. Even the idiotic American electorate will balk at Medicare-for-all, nationalizing the energy industry and banning all semiautomatic firearms. Any one of these on its own would do her in, all three at once constitute political suicide.

Trumpit said...

"Harris has already lost. Even the idiotic American electorate will balk at Medicare-for-all, nationalizing the energy industry and banning all semiautomatic firearms. Any one of these on its own would do her in, all three at once constitute political suicide."

You're part of the deplorable, "idiotic American electorate," and don't even realize it. Sad!

Drago said...

Speaking of deplorable, it appears that the dems/LLR's have decided now is a great time to simply drop the mask about wanting to murder new borns and have moved forward with the NY state latest law as well as the Dem Gov of VA openly calling for laws that allow mothers to whack their babies after the babies are born.

This actually makes sense if one is a leftist/lib/dem/LLR, since that would allow much more effective harvesting of organs and other spare baby parts, and even whole heads (a big "get" for the lefties) for whatever purposes our lefty ghouls would have for them.

Dude1394 said...

This is exactly the reason the democrat party will run black/Latino women for office from now on. They are used to giving them protection after they did the same for Obama.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

#MeToo, #HerToo, #NotHer, #NotHim, #FeminProgress

Bay Area Guy said...

Well, whatever happens to Kamala Harris in her 2020 Presidential bid, at least we now know why they call him "Downtown" Willie Brown.

I am not Laslo.

Dagwood said...

Trumpit said...

"Marriage is for life, for love."

Divorce is a fact of life, too. People marry for all sorts of reasons. Look at Schlump's sham marriages, for example. No normal woman could love that.


The president's actual name is TRUMP.

And your actual name is apparently C__KS__KER.

buwaya said...

"Willie went back to his wife. One supposes that Harris was not that great in the bedroom after all."

Willie has had many women, some of which were employed by Willie, or were employed by state agencies or had some political or financial interest in Willie. It not just K.Harris. Willie Brown was well known for this.

Just one (more) of very many -


"Molodetskaya has a similar rags-to-riches tale, having climbed rapidly from refugee saleswoman to society doyenne. Admittedly, her rise was fueled mostly by the power of association with the city’s most famous living politician. "

buwaya said...


"Carolyn Carpeneti, Mayor Willie Brown's fund-raiser and mother of his 2-year-old daughter, has been paid at least $2.33 million over the past five years by nonprofit groups and political committees controlled by the mayor and his allies, public records show.

Since 1998, when Carpeneti, then a socialite in the midst of a messy divorce, was tapped by Brown to raise money for the county Democratic Party, she has emerged as one of the top political fund-raisers in San Francisco.

People familiar with her career - political professionals, city officials, her ex-husband - say Carpeneti's success is rooted in her relationship with Brown, whom she met in 1995. Their daughter was born in 2001, when she was 38 and he was 67."

And etc., and etc. K.Harris was just one of quite a large number.

rhhardin said...

I don't get why you'd want a woman President.

rhhardin said...

Anythinig she'd enact would fuck up the economy.

rhhardin said...

Women can't think structurally.

Trumpit said...

"And your actual name is apparently C__KS__KER."

I can see why your name is "Unknown" because you're a nasty nobody.

Trumpit said...

"Women can't think structurally."

Do you mean logically? That's quite an assertion.

buwaya said...

Herb Caen, the legendary columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle (back when newspapers mattered), used to drop items of gossip about Willie quite regularly. He was said to have been a good friend of Willie, though maybe that was a bit forced. For sure Willie Brown was often enough a source of gossip as well as its subject.

This was a later one of Caens pieces-


"WILLIE WATCH: "It's all over." With those words, mayor-elect Brown let word get around over the weekend that his long affair with Kamala Harris, an Alameda County asst. district attorney, has ended. This news came as a shock to many, including those who found Kamala Harris attractive, intelligent and charming. As a mutual friend once observed, "Willie has finally graduated from girls to a woman." Also flabbergasted: the brain-trusters who found Kamala the perfect antidote to whatever playboy tendencies still reside in the mayor-elect's jaunty persona. The consensus: "Kamala and Willie just looked right together"

To say this (and everything else re Willie Brown/Kamala Harris) was an "open secret" is to severely misunderstand the situation. This stuff was in the newspapers for years.

Clyde said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Clyde said...

This one's for Kamala (NSFW!):

Joan Jett and the Blackhearts - Star Star

Drago said...

Trumpit: "I can see why your name is "Unknown" because you're a nasty nobody."

Is "Trumpit" your given name?

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Trumpit said...

You're part of the deplorable, "idiotic American electorate," and don't even realize it. Sad!

And you're not? You should vote. It's your only means of validating your stupid political philosophy.

Tinderbox said...

These people have a sense of history and attention span with a half life of about three days. Watching liberals flounder about in confusion until they sync up their talking points to justify Harris is like a catfish that's been pulled out of a hole and thrown onto the bank to flop around.

Trumpit said...

"Anythinig she'd enact would fuck up the economy."

Just like Schlump is doing, you mean. Holding the government hostage over a wall, for example. I know you like the wall because you hate swarthy people.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Senator Side piece is a whore.”

President Bone Spurs is a whore.

Drago said...

Inga: "President Bone Spurs is a whore."


Inga can't remember if she is supposed to be outraged by "modern relationships" or not outraged by "modern relationships"!

On top of that, Inga forgot that she supported, strongly, Mr 5-deferments Biden while he was VP!!

On top of that, Inga is a big fan of Stolen Valor Da Nang Dick Blumenthal!!

It just keeps getting better and better.

funsize said...

the relationship between Harris and Brown that i'm interested in isn't the dating one. Its the business/political one.

chickelit said...

rhhardin said...I don't get why you'd want a woman President.

I think the idea is -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- that electing a woman would begin to atone for eons of the patriarchy. Another notion is that the sins of fathers can be visited upon their sons. Why should a woman -- any woman -- have to give head to get ahead? Kamala will erase all that.

Rusty said...

Let's discus your relationship with your father.

Pokerone said...

Am I the only male out there who does not think this woman is attractive. I mean she's not Debbie Stabenow beastly but I wouldn't give Harris a second glance.

Bilwick said...

"Feminism hasn't been about women for years."

It hasn't been about freedom in decades. Mary Wollstonecraft must be rolling in her grave.

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