"… and then express the desire to punch the kids in the face. How did this grotesque inversion of the truth become the central narrative for what seemed to be the entire class of elite journalists on Twitter? That’s the somewhat terrifying question. Ruth Graham on Slate saw a 16-year-old she’d seen on a tape for a couple of minutes and immediately knew that he was indistinguishable from the 'white young men crowding around a single black man at a lunch counter sit-in in Virginia in the 1960s' or other white 'high school boys flashing Nazi salutes.' Even after the full context was clear, Graham refused to apologize to the kid, or retract her condemnation.... Across most of the national media, led by the New York Times and the Washington Post, the narrative had been set. 'I’m willing to bet that fifty years from now, a defining image of this political era will be that smug white MAGA teen disrespecting a Native elder and veteran. It just captures so much,' Jessica Valenti tweeted. 'And let’s please not forget that this group of teens … were there for the March for Life: There is an inextricable link between control over women’s bodies, white supremacy & young white male entitlement.' This is the orthodoxy of elite media, and it is increasingly the job of journalists to fit the facts to the narrative and to avoid any facts that undermine it.... Liberal democracy is being dismantled before our eyes — by all of us."
From "The Abyss of Hate Versus Hate" by Andrew Sullivan (New York Magazine).
१६४ टिप्पण्या:
That times have become so mad that Andrew Sullivan's come back around to being sane again should let anyone know just what awful times we live in
Every once in a while someone who drive me nuts - does the right thing.
Thank you, Andrew.
Much of the time I disagree with Sullivan, but when he’s right, he’s right.
The Atlantic (links posted previously by Saint Croix) are worth a read as well.
The media, hollywood and all the various leftwing twitter-twats got it exactly wrong.
I do hope there are lawsuits. Start with CNN.
The Media Botched the Covington Catholic Story
And the damage to their credibility will be lasting.
This Is How the Left Destroys Itself
It’s ridiculous to claim that the Covington Catholic schoolboys are a symbol of what ails America.
Andrew Sullivan must have saved up his "f*ck you" money by the way he's going counter to the established narratives
I don't think I've every heard, or read "beggars belief". I've heard "begs belief", but not "beggars belief". It seems to be a UK colloquialism.
Beggars sounds too much like buggers.
There is an inextricable link between control over women’s bodies, white supremacy & young white male entitlement.
Yes..they are all lies created and promulgated by the Left in order to defeat and punish their political opponents.
"...entire class of elite journalists..." Really? "Elite"? Who are they? What class? I haven't seen any.
It doesn't beggar my belief at all. "Journalists" have more than amply demonstrated their contempt for flyover rubes and their children. "Microagression" recipients tend to be from high victimization status groups and are thereby shielded.
Even assuming (just assuming for argument's sake - I'm not saying they did any of it - hold the insults) the Covington kids did every last thing they were accused of, is that a reason to want to punch them, lock them in a building set on fire, lynch them? Yes, those would be boorish, contemptible things. Would any one of them have been unlawful? Sullivan has been too kind. These "journalists" are monsters.
I love what Sullivan says about WaPO and the NYT. oh wow.
Welcome to journalism by omission, Andrew. Glad you finally noticed.
Sullivan is right, of course. It seems like a throwback to years ago when he often wrote sensible stuff.
I do love how we're told by the people Sullivan cites and others that the boys wearing MAGA hats at an anti-abortion rally was provocative and shouldn't have occurred, while the same folks couldn't have been more delighted at thousands wearing pussy hats at the time of Trump's inauguration.
If it wasn't for double standards, the left wouldn't have any standards at all.
Men around the world who have been conscripted into the army to fight and die for their country will snort with derision at the stupid notion that women "have a right to control their own bodies".
What bullshit.
A bit over the top (I hope). One thing I don't get is comparing left-wing bigotry and racism with that among Trump's supporters. I don't see much in the latter group because they simply don't talk in those terms. It's all inferred by the left, whose aniti-white racism is the new racism as far as I can tell. Very disturbing.
Like this:
What I saw was extraordinary bigotry, threats of violence, hideous misogyny, disgusting racism, foul homophobia, and anti-Catholicism — not by the demonized schoolboys, but by grown men with a bullhorn, a small group of self-styled Black Hebrew Israelites. [...]
And yet the elite media seemed eager to downplay their role, referring to them only in passing, noting briefly that they were known to be anti-Semitic and anti-gay. After several days, the New York Times ran a news analysis on the group by John Eligon that reads like a press release from the sect: “They shout, use blunt and sometimes offensive language, and gamely engage in arguments aimed at drawing listeners near.” He notes that “they group people based on what they call nations, believing that there are 12 tribes among God’s chosen people. White people are not among those tribes, they believe, and will therefore be servants when Christ returns to Earth.” Nothing to see here, folks. Just a bunch of people preaching the enslavement of another race in public on speakers in the most inflammatory language imaginable.
Eligon actually writes: “Whatever tensions are sparked by Hebrew Israelite teaching, some adherents chalk that up to people being unwilling to accept uncomfortable doctrine.” The Washington Post ran a Style section headline about “the calculated art of making people uncomfortable.” In a news story entirely about the Black Israelites, the Washington Post did not quote a single thing they had said on the tape, gave a respectful account of their theology, and only mentioned their status as a “hate group” in the 24th paragraph, and put the term in scare quotes. Vox managed to write an explainer that also did not include a single example of any of the actual insults hurled at the Covington kids. Countless near-treatises were written parsing the layers of bigotry inside a silent schoolboy’s smirk.
The smirk crime.
The left adored liar Hillary hack Peter Strozk's arrogant smirk and his vile wormy seat wiggle. But this poor kid and his modest smile caused the leftwing hivemind to lose their shit.
Who is going to publicly humiliate Debra Messing and Kathy Griffin?
Good for Andrew. But I still hope the idiots all get sued by the group of lawyers that Nick Sandmanns family has hired.
There is an inextricable link between control over women’s bodies, white supremacy & young white male entitlement.
What I really can’t understand about all of this is that it seems to me such provincial thinking.
I read that and I think please explain China’s policy.
Interesting that Sullivan only discusses the black radicals and the kids, but not Nathan Phillips. He also finds a way to blame Trump for the Left's hatefulness and bigotry. You see, it's because of Trump that Leftists hate white men and have gone off the deep end into identity politics. Because none of that was happening before Trump came down the escalator to announce his candidacy.
Sullivan has some blind spots -- usually stemming from his feelings about Obama and Trump -- but unlike many these days he's able to think clearly about a lot of issues. Again, I do think it's interesting how he avoided discussing the conduct of Nathan Phillips, the professional agitator and valor-stealing liar.
Incidentally anybody else get a kick out of the phrase "Indian Elder" that keeps getting used throughout the media? I kind of doubt they're using it simply because he's old.
Is it an actual title? Did he tell them that's what he was and they just ran with it (see also: recon ranger)? Or are they using it to reinforce the stereotypical "tribal" image that people always get when discussing Indians?
Well said. Maybe this will come back to haunt them in the way of that standing ovation for Polanski at the Oscars........Or maybe not. Milton and Marvell are never criticized for their support of Cromwell. Goethe, Byron, and Beethoven don't catch any flack for their admiration of Napoleon. Lenin and even Stalin were beloved by many of the deep thinkers of their day. Neruda wrote a sonnet morning the passing of Stalin. Ortega and Chavez had more writers and movie stars as advocates than as antagonists. The historical record shows that those people who judged the kids so harshly and unfairly will not themselves be judged harshly or even at all. History is not written by the winners but rather by the historians, and they look out for their own.
Then they [Black Israelites] took it up a notch: “Look at these dirty-ass crackers. You’re a bunch of future school-shooters. You crackers are crazy. You crackers have got some damn nerve …” And again: “When you guys gonna shoot up another school? You all gonna shoot up a school.” Yes, the man was accusing a bunch of schoolboys from Kentucky of wanting to murder their classmates — solely because they’re white.
Once the Israelites figured out the kids were Catholic, they offered this about what appeared to be a picture of the Pope: “This is a faggot child-molester.” And this about Donald Trump: “He’s a product of sodomy and he’s proud. Your president is a homosexual. … It says on the back of the dollar bill that ‘In God We Trust,’ and you give faggots rights.” At that homophobic outburst, the kids from the Catholic school spontaneously booed.
The boys — stuck waiting for a bus — decided to respond to this assault by performing school chants. Most look a little bewildered, as one might imagine. Some even tried to engage. Here are the spoken words I heard, in response to the abuse: “That’s racist, bro.” “That’s rude.” “Why are you being mean? Why do you call us Klansmen?” “We don’t judge you.” One of them offered to shake hands, and was rebuffed. Another offered some water from a plastic bottle. The response? “You got some Trump water? What does it taste like? Incest?”
More info ignored by twitter twat Nazis and the Democratic media
"To put it bluntly: They were 16-year-olds subjected to verbal racist assault by grown men; and then the kids were accused of being bigots."
Andrew is wrong about wearing MAGA hats. So what? it's called free speech.
And ordinary person Phillips is just fine with this. He's exceeded his objective.
Sadly, Andrew loses it at the end as he wanders into "Maga hat" = white supremacy.
The historical record shows that Robert Kennedy was killed by America's gun culture and not by a Palestinian nationalist. Who are you going to believe: agreat Rolling Stones song or your own lying eyes?
I got into a discussion with a pro choice, Trump hating Republican and she said that it was all about abortion. I asked her why they didn't say that on the news. She said "well, they can't say it out loud!"
Made my day.
It’s very hard to read anything after “beggars belief.” British cliches. Sullivan can do better.
The problem of SJW attacks will go away as the SJWs go away. Just stop reading their shit and patronizing their colleges. They’ll be gone within a year.
Call it the MAGA boycott.
They are bound and determined to create a white nationalist movement because according to their theories, it must exist. It's trivial ontology!
When you're convinced that all of your opponents are "literally Hitler", rationalizing stupidity comes easy.
"Beggars belief" may be cliched, but it's perfectly good English, "begs belief"?
There is a fear on the left. Andrew has it. Everything must come back to "blame Trump- he's a racist" Even after an incredible display racism, lies, bigotry, and reality flipping by ... ONE side of the tribal line.
OK philosophy majors, question of the day: Were the German Volk of the 1930's beneficiaries of White Privilege?
The SJWs will soon boycott all shops and businesses that sell MAGA caps. Sales of MAGA caps and guns will increase.
Twitter is an Id engine. It rewards the revelation of participants worst thoughts and impulses. And in doing so, it reveals who the real monsters are for all to see. It is simultaneously the worst and best invention of our modern era. It rewards mob behaivor and abets violence. It can bring down the mighty and it can make a star out of a nobody.
And I will never, ever touch it. It is pure, concentrated chaos.
I am convinced many on the left would blindly cart us off to the gas chamber or at least the thought-crime camp - for simply wearing a hat. This event taught us and showed us.
I see the future: The David Hogg Institute for Proper Thoughts
It will be a large and important government building.
Sullivan was born a subject of her Majesty and is allowed to speak the Queen's English, BTW. It's not like Madonna's 'Brit accent.'
This entire debacle is so sad. I thought the hate directed at George W. Bush was bad, but the Trump hatred has made people insane. If you had told me ten years ago that an internet mob could ruin the life of a young boy just because they didn't like the look of his face or the hat on his head, I would not have believed you. Yet, here we are. Every media outlet that has enabled this needs to be sued out of existence.
Sullivan's studious avoidance of Nathan Phillips comports with Althouse's recommendation from earlier today. Despite all his demonstrably false statements in the press, including about himself, Phillips said nothing in the video. To most liberals he was just an "elder" playing a peace song on his drum and trying to deescalate a tense situation. It is much harder for liberals to ignore the ugly reality about the black radicals. With Phillips they can at least pretend that some of the original narrative still holds water.
Sullivan can be incredibly annoying, but he is an honest man on the Left (mostly). He may be the closest thing we have to Orwell since Christopher Hitchens passed.
Good for Andrew Sullivan.
He all but tossed a quarter to Ruth Graham and Jessica Valenti and tell them...
"Take this quarter. Go downtown and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face!"
Some people need to look up the definition of "beggars."
You think your narrow, not to say parochial... Well, yes to the very definition of parochial... understanding undermines the point Sullivan is making?
I'm no Sullivan fan, but this "beggars" criticism does not reflect well on those making it.
I'm just at a lost still. I think the Sandmann family needs to legal action against these publications/paid writers. I am not a fan of suing people, but I think there has to be a punitive action against these people. They WON'T STOP unless they face some consequences. I hope the the boys can go back to their private lives.
In a news story entirely about the Black Israelites, the Washington Post did not quote a single thing they had said on the tape, gave a respectful account of their theology, and only mentioned their status as a “hate group” in the 24th paragraph, and put the term in scare quotes.
The In Group is protected, their sins omitted when possible minimized when not.
The Out Group gets death threats and blacklisted from education and employment for awkward smiles.
This is who they always were. They are just more comfortable letting the crazy out now than they used to be.
"This is the orthodoxy of elite media."
It's interesting to me how the word 'orthodoxy' is used in this way, as a negative description of someone else's beliefs, even when those beliefs have nothing to do with religion.
Originally the word meant 'right opinion.' But I like Auden's definition (or description) best: 'Orthodoxy is reticence.' Not much reticence in the elite media, though; would that there were more reticence.
Sullivan can be incredibly annoying, but he is an honest man on the Left (mostly).
Let's not go overboard writes Sarah Palin's Uterus.
the issue is subject matter. Sullivan understands the left well and his opinions are worth reading. He doesn't know jack about the right or libertarians and should be ignored on that subject.
It only beggars belief if you haven't been paying attention. Oh, and if you are credulous to the point of idiocy with respect to the Left's actual beliefs (as opposed to their STATED beliefs).
I didn't see much that I didn't expect from the Left and the Media. The disappointing, and in some cases shocking, part was how the "Right" reacted. True Conservative principled Remmant types fell all over themselves to join in the denunciations, immediately. They, of all people, ought to know better. NRO ran a hit saying the kids "may as well have spit on the cross." Most of them have since apologized (most in an pretty unsatisfactory way) but I have yet to see anyone explain how it happened other than to say they were "fooled" and "acted in haste." Which, you know, does not at all explain it.
I do wonder, Professor Althouse, if you still think your reaction of "I'm not even going to watch it" regarding the footage was the best response. You didn't get too far out ahead of the facts but by refusing to engage you allowed the people presenting the narrative tell you how to feel, without giving yourself a chance to get the full picture and think critically (not to mention think deeply) about it yourself.
It does not beggar belief if you have watched the left since the 60's when they (we) all shouted for peace and love, yet stood and applauded the likes of Bill Ayers as he blew up people. Literally.
They still applaud those who destroy. Always have, since well before and well after the 60's (Lenin, anyone? Stalin? Chavez? Ocasio-Cortez?)
Friedrich Engels' Barber said...
"OK philosophy majors, question of the day: Were the German Volk of the 1930's beneficiaries of White Privilege?"
I would answer if I could find some one who can define "white privilege". It is a mystery term to me, much like "systemic racism" or "institutional bias".
This is the orthodoxy of elite media, and it is increasingly the job of journalists to fit the facts to the narrative and to avoid any facts that undermine it.
Callback to Iowahawk (from 2013): Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving.
I was glad to see Sullivan touch on the believe that racism is only power plus prejudice. The entire concept of "punching up" is made possible by believing in that particularly damaging definition of the word racism. If you subscribe to "punching up", it's okay for the marginalized to attack the oppressors, but never the other way around. Given how we see this playing out in our culture, after being deep-basted in critical theory politics for the better part of a decade, two questions need to be answered.
1) Are people naturally bigots or are they taught bigotry?
2) Will equality and harmony between the races take a long time or will it happen quickly?
If it's taught (hint: it is), then our children learn these behaviors. If it will take a long time (it will), then we're teaching GENERATIONS of children that this behavior is okay. It's IMPOSSIBLE to have any sort of equality and harmony between the races when abject hypocrisy is openly preached by one side for one side. I don't agree with Sullivan often, but I agree with him here. This isn't the language of liberal democracy. This is the language of civil war.
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King."
Sullivan lives in the Leftwing journalism land of the blind, but every once in a while his one good eye sees something, good for him.
The teenage boys were guilty of:
1. Being Catholic
2. Being White
3. Wearing MAGA hats
4. Being Pro-Life
There must be a hate crime in there somewhere, right?
I expect that for some that were actually there and involved it seemed like one of those movies with the improv and bad parts thrown in.
Almost real, like when the stunts that get noticed make the final cut.
Liberal democracy is being dismantled before our eyes — by all of us
What do you mean "us" kemosabe?? The intrepid investigator of Sarah Palin's uterus is worried about journalists/the Media letting their bias erode civic trust! Sully's "just asking questions, where there's imagined smoke there must be real fire" shtick is today used to excuse all sorts of malpractice--he was a goddamned pioneer. I know the "only Nixon could go to China" deal but maybe there's a better spokesperson for this particular idea.
Far Side: Lone Ranger Dictionary
It's always the audience that's in charge. The writer is just selling their clicks.
Sullivan, sometimes, is one of the last honest brokers of news.
He doesn't know jack about the right or libertarians and should be ignored on that subject.
His dissertation was on Michael Oakeshott, so respectfully, you don't know jack about Andrew Sullivan.
mccullough said...The SJWs will soon boycott all shops and businesses that sell MAGA caps. Sales of MAGA caps and guns will increase.
Newseum To Stop Selling "Fake News" Shirts (August 2018)
Newseum Closing - Cites "Unsustainable Operating Costs"
Because the leftwing thought crime tribe hath labeled "Make America Great Again" = racist, MAGA hats are not allowed?
Your label is YOUR label and it's not accurate. It's tribal bullshit. It's anti-free speech tribal bullshit.
Sarah Palin, pick up the white courtesy phone.
Isn't "they shouldn't have been wearing x" MAGA hats or otherwise, akin to "she shouldn't have been wearing a miniskirt in a bar"?
This abyss of hate is a stone already rolling down hill. Gathering speed. Crushing men, women and now children that are in it's path. Our times are analagous to the 1850's before the Civil War. The spark will come from somewhere.
Twelve years later and I still think of the "look at my boobs" photo when I read the name "Jessica Valenti".
Our time are analagous to the 1850's before the Civil War.
I've noted this before so my apologies if you're already heard it: I divide my time between the bluest of Blue and reddest of Red America, and in neither place have I ever heard an actual, live human being express a desire to kill a fellow American over a difference in political belief. It's solely a virtual phenomenon, which means it's fake.
Your label is YOUR label and it's not accurate. It's tribal bullshit. It's anti-free speech tribal bullshit.
1/25/19, 3:38 PM
Haven't you heard "free speech" is racist? The fact that you can string words together without making too many grammatical errors makes you a racist too.
To "beggar" someone means to impoverish him, to reduce his wealth so much as to make him a beggar. To beggar belief is to reduce credibility so much as to make belief impossible. It is not an exclusively British usage by any means, and to "beg belief" is nonsensical.
The Bishop in Covington KY has finally issued a public apology for his earlier condemnation of the teens' behavior in the Nathan Phillips confrontation. The statement is in the twitter feed of Nick Sandmann's attorney, Lin Wood. Apparently the bishop received a visit from lawyers and a preservation of evidence demand from the diocese, in addition to the request for a formal apology.
"How did this grotesque inversion of the truth become the central narrative for what seemed to be the entire class of elite journalists on Twitter?"
What do you mean, how? The Narrative is the thing. It has been that way for years. You, Andrew, contributed to it -- remember Sarah Palin?
Inversions of the truth have been prog MO for over two centuries. All animals are equal etc. etc. It's grotesque, alright, but it's a bit late to notice it now. Progs fight. Their hate is a tool. They are quite rational and cold-blooded that way. After the kulaks and the killing fields, what's a few Catholic boys from Kentucky?
Anyway, this is just Sullivan's version of the Althouse bystander lament that it's "terribly sad."
It's better than nothing, which for progs and feminists is a low standard, but when the chips are down, when someone really has to stand up to the prog attack, I won't count on Ann or Andy. They'll find a way to rationalize their support for the people who only weeks or months before made them "terribly sad."
There are certain people who have or are reinventing themselves in modern times as honest brokers who actually speak hard truths and don't fit into neat little molds.
Glennwald is one. Sullivan may be another.
The spark will come from somewhere.
Once again, that's just crazy talk. Some people will call you a psycho for pointing out the obvious.
The very same people who think it's just fine and dandy to blame people for things they didn't do and expect them to just sit there and take it forever.
I ever heard an actual, live human being express a desire to kill a fellow American over a difference in political belief.
Then come to certain parts of Washington state and take a number. There are plenty of people on the left who express no doubts as to their intentions.
The destruction people have wreaked on their own credibility and that of media institutions this past week has been HUGE. Buwaya would like to see Harvard burn, but this is more important: the gatekeepers, the propounders of the narrative, are destroying their ability to control it. While ugly to behold, it foretells better times ahead. They didn't deserve their credibility, which was earned through distance and position, and the proximity of social media is accelerating its decline. They're just like us, only worse oftentimes.
Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King."
If you recall the story, they gouged his eyes out.
This is where the left is today. If a word, an idea, a smirk has an element of the traditional about it, it is already wrong, and not just misguided but hateful and evil. It doesn't matter if an idea makes good sense, has always made good sense, it merits the literal destruction of him who holds it. No society can survive or flourish when such insanity has the intellectual upper hand. Proving this to those on the left will ultimately result in a hot civil war. Intellectual bigots won't surrender their empty ideals until they are shown how worthless and shallow their contrarian ideas are. This will require that they suffer losses that exceed microaggression.
Tommy, you win the prize for my trick question. Sorry to be a little pedantic, but some philosophers of the last century (nominalists, Wittgenstein) thought words like "German Volk" and, by my extension, "White Privilege", were nonsensical or meaningless words, as they did not denote anything (it gets philo-technical here), and thus were the source of false or nonsense issues and speculation. Although the words carry no meaning, they are able to carry big loads of hate. Last go round, such errors of meaning helped in the murder of a lot of people.
A serious question: as we discuss the Catholic Boys-as-evil-white-males-opposing-abortion, has anyone on the Left come out against the NY abortion law?
Just one?
That perhaps you can be pro-choice but believe that abortion up to nine months is too far?
That this is no longer pro-choice but rather the desire to salt the earth of those who disagree?
How is it not simply unfettered vengeance and hysteria against a perceived unjustness of society now exacted upon the unborn?
How is it not a death cult?
I am Laslo.
It doesn't beggar belief at all. This is who they are.
It was dismaying to watch their excitment when they thought they had a documented example of the hate they are so sure resides in the hearts of the people they disdain. Here at Althouse, the first commenter to report on this episode used it as an excuse to blame Trump for what he thought he was seeing.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home @2:23 PM. So much this! Democrat party members just love the vile slimy maggots that permeate their corrupt organizations, and they despise white males who do not subjugate themselves to the racist sexist derangements of the democrat party.
"Maybe this will come back to haunt them in the way of that standing ovation for Polanski at the Oscars."
That "haunted" nobody. Who among them lost a nickel by it?
OMG Andy just realized that the cretins he made common cause with due to gay rights and the Iraq War for 15 years are batshit crazy and hate white non-liberals! Who could have predicted this?
"How is it not a death cult?"
All of it is a death cult, and nothing but.
They have created a secular religion with abortion as its sacrament.
It is perverse. It is satanic.
"Buwaya would like to see Harvard burn,"
I would not like to see anything burn. Its simply that which needs to happen, as Berlin had to burn. A great deal of value was lost in Berlin, but there was no alternative.
Everything, else, including your MSM, is downhill from the intellectual high ground of your culture.
Its all an effect of the state of your best and highest. Which is as you see.
Sadly, he is not wrong.
That this is no longer pro-choice but rather the desire to salt the earth of those who disagree?
See Rod Dreher today -- "Of Pogroms & Political Theology":
In his great short book How Societies Remember, the social anthropologist Paul Connerton discusses how new social regimes make it their business to wipe out what came before it. This is a matter of effective social psychology. It’s why the Christians destroyed pagan shrines. It’s why the conquering Muslims did the same to non-Muslim sites. It’s why the first Protestants desecrated Catholic churches, and why the French revolutionaries (and all subsequent anticlericals) did the same. Whatever their stated rationale, when a new social order has been announced, its instantiation (we believe) requires tangible signs of defeat of the old. ...
Seen in that light, you begin to understand why the MAGA hats atop the heads of white Christian boys who had been in town for a pro-life rally became a condensed symbol of defilement of all that secular liberals hold sacred. Why didn’t the liberals in media and on social media rage against the Black Israelite cult, which was caught on film being openly and viciously racist and anti-gay? Because progressivism today is a supersessionist movement that is a reaction to Christianity and what they construe as “whiteness.” As hateful as they are, the Black Israelites do not inspire the same contempt within the mind of the progressive, not only because as blacks, they are favored victims in the progressive pantheon, but also because secular progressivism considers itself an antagonist to Christianity.
How did this grotesque inversion of the truth become the central narrative for what seemed to be the entire class of elite journalists on Twitter?"
There are lots and lots of LLR's and their lefty allies running around.
Smirk, baby, smirk!
Sullivan says it's Trump's fault that his friends and cohorts are revealing themselves as idiots. But I suggest that they were always idiots, and they always will be idiots.
As Freeman Hunt has said, that whole scene at the Lincoln Memorial was essentially OK, and the kids were probably learning something. No one was tuning up the shivs and billy clubs. It was a bunch of Americans--many of them crazy as bed bugs--letting it go in the public square. After all, the kids were there to participate in a protest march against Roe v. Wade, a totally legit civics activity. The Black Hebrew Israelites were there to rag some Native Americans--one lost tribe to another, I guess--, and it spilled over to the kids. The kids were taking it all in and acting like kids but behaving very well, too.
Where this went wrong was the great global pile-on by the elites--newspeople, actors activists, thought-leaders, etc. If Sullivan were honest, he'd admit that he would have piled on , too, because that is what he does. Remember how Sullivan mocked Sarah Palin's dealing with a Down's Syndrome child, and what a sneering, thick-witted, obtuse bully he was? I do. I gave up on him and others then (I'm looking at you, Peggy Noonan) because I realized that he and they had no heart.
So, I'll say this again. It's from a talk Dorothy L. Sayers gave in 1938:
"To oppose one class perpetually to another — young against old, manual labor against brain-worker, rich against poor, woman against man — is to split the foundations of the State; and if the cleavage runs too deep, there remains no remedy but force and dictatorship. If you wish to preserve a free democracy, you must base it — not on classes and categories, for this will land you in the totalitarian State, where no one may act or think except as the member of a category. You must base it upon the individual Tom, Dick and Harry, and the individual Jack and Jill — in fact, upon you and me."
Amadeus to Andrew Sullivan: you have a lot of work to do to earn atonement.
Great questions, Laslo.
Buwaya answers well.
The one thing I am surprised about re the NY law is that we did not hear from any men's rights groups.
Seems to me only fair that if a woman wants an abortion after 7mos--a completely viable child, that usually requires birth up to the point that the child's head crowns (so they can crack the skull and suck out the brains for full delivery)--that if the father wants the child, and the mother has to almost give birth regardless, shouldn't he have the option of getting the child born alive, and he gets full custody?
Also SMH at the strange new respect from our Conservative brethren here for POS azzhole and Sarah Palin Pregnancy Detective Asswipe Sullivan... Shit like this is why Democrat party members get away with shit like Nathan and the Israelites. You fucking lapdogs are so ready to roll over for a snack... Pathetic.
Earnest Prole said...
"I divide my time between the bluest of Blue and reddest of Red America, and in neither place have I ever heard an actual, live human being express a desire to kill a fellow American over a difference in political belief. It's solely a virtual phenomenon, which means it's fake."
Hmmmm.... Ever hear anyone talking about "A woman's right to choose"? Know what it is she's choosing? I'm a little surprised they didn't point that out in this case. That if only the Catholics had gotten with the program 16 years ago, there wouldn't be any little racist hate-mongers in MAGA hats cluttering up the mall. I'm guessing that was where they were headed, but they got blind-sided by the longer videos.
"Earnest Prole said...
"I divide my time between the bluest of Blue and reddest of Red America, and in neither place have I ever heard an actual, live human being express a desire to kill a fellow American over a difference in political belief."
I have, in the bluest of blue. Not from people who have a clue about killing though.
"What I saw was extraordinary bigotry, threats of violence, hideous misogyny, disgusting racism, foul homophobia, and anti-Catholicism — not by the demonized schoolboys, but by grown men with a bullhorn, a small group of self-styled Black Hebrew Israelites."
Andrew Sullivan normally beats around the bush - so is the new Andrew Sullivan or the Andrew of old, writing in "The Dish" blog?
" aniti-white racism is the new racism as far as I can tell."
BUT, leftist and academic dogma insist that only whites can be racist. And it would seem to follow that only men (or is it only white men?) can be sexist. And in the United States, only Christians can be religous bigots.
Therefore: calling for a white Catholic teen boy to be assaulted (or even assasinated, preferably in the most painful way the writer can imagine) primarily for being white, Catholic and male can be neither racist nor sexist nor an example of anti-Catholic bigotry.
Do you really think any of those who are still insisting that the teens were at fault (or otherwise had it comin' to them) could look in a mirror and see themselves as what they imagine their most despised enemies might be?
Its simply that which needs to happen, as Berlin had to burn. A great deal of value was lost in Berlin, but there was no alternative.
Or as Pat Robertson said after 9/11, "God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve."
he is what passes for sane, at new York magazine, the place that allowed Wallace and Schmidt to manufacture stories in the 08 campaign, and dropped the Weinstein story in 2016
Thanks Momma for posting safe-space pablum. It's psychological comfort food to salve our wounds when Dear Leader bowed down to the evil banshee Pelosi.
Earnest Prole,
You are a disingenuous scoundrel, or a fool beyond remedy, but whatever.
The twin towers were ordinary office buildings full of ordinary businesses and ordinary people.
Harvard (and Yale, and the rest) are the filters and indoctrinators of your leadership, and the teachers in a cascade of the rest of your master class, and ultimately of all of you. They are critical to what you are. Your cultural, social and political problems come from there.
If you want to change what you are, or what you are becoming, then you must capture Harvard, through a new long march, which is very unlikely as they know all about that trick. Or you must destroy it.
I think I make a clear case.
Howard--You are going large tonight. Is your romantic partner ready for some rough stuff? You are King of the WORLD!!!
The word is out that L. Lin Wood, the defamation law firm out of Atlanta (which became famous representing John and Patsy Ramsey after Jon Benet was murdered and Olympics bomber Richard Jewell) has stuck there noses into the Nick Sandmann incident at the Lincoln Memorial. So they are going to sue anybody and everybody who says bad things about the Sandmann family.
OK, I will shut up about the Sandmann's paying a PR firm to write a fake letter.
Amadeus: Yes,yes, yes... After we watch Rachael
In five months, or seventeen, God forbid, depending on how things go, the dream of retirement to a lovely flat in Malaga will come to pass. And then your affairs will be much less interesting to me.
Gadfly - the Sandman family and their teenage son, were leveled with death threats and libel.
By the entire hack press.
"Liberal democracy is being dismantled before our eyes — by all of us."
Who is "us"? Unless he means the left, that's about 50% wrong.
Yes, it’s wrong to burn ordinary office buildings full of ordinary businesses and ordinary people, but buildings full of "intellectuals" and "elites" are fair game.
As noted previously, it’s fine if you fancy yourself a Cambodian neoconservative but at least have the courage of your convictions.
"To put it bluntly: They were 16-year-olds subjected to verbal racist assault by grown men; and then the kids were accused of being bigots."
Gadfly - I recall you pimping a liar page set up to make it look like the parkland shooter wore a maga hat on facebook. Turns out that was a fake facebook page created by an alt-left liar.
Shorter Trump hating hater: WE hate Trump so much that if you dare to support him, we get to lie about you.
This incident really plays up just how many people out there would gladly sign up tomorrow for Maoist, Cultural Revolution-style Red Guards, to go house to house to smash wrongthink--which they alone will define, and the judgement is final and irrevocable.
It's scary, really.
they never did show the shooter's social media page, they only alluded to it,
malaga, that's an interesting choice, you visited there often?
Covington School is so last week. Roger Stone got arrested today and the arrest means Trumps days are numbered. Don’t you know anything?
Critical theory works to take stuff from other people, I have serious doubts about its ability to feed people after that runs out.
Thank you for calling out those who continue to foment hate and bigotry, Althouse.
Oh yes, and thank you Andrew Sullivan.
Graham, Valenti, Marcotte -- the whole disturbing cohort of disturbed females should put under a microscope to find out what makes them tick like time bombs.
You are running out of any solutions but Cambodian ones.
Consider what your realistic options actually are.
And then, if you find one, try it to your last breath.
no, there's Marxist ones first,
White people are held to entirely different standards of behavior that Black people. Duh. Racism is no problem if directed against White people. Duh. Safe spaces are not for White boys unless they are confused about their gender. Wake up and smell the coffee, Andrew
"Why would she lie?" "Why would Nathan Phillips lie?" ......Sadly for Phillips, there's all that footage showing that he lied. Bummer.....The record shows that activists are willing--always and enthusiastically--to lie. Their lies are in service to a higher truth. The Covington smirk smear got stymied by all those videos. The smirk smear was meant to advance the narrative that Catholic HS boys when not raping women like to congregate in mobs and attack minorities. That narrative has fallen apart, but there will be other narratives on other days and on those days the the right (as opposed to true) narrative will win, and America will be a better place.
Why is a hijab a symbol of the free exercise of religion and a MAGA hat the equivalent of a white KKK hood?
Prager University has been kicked off Spotify. Watch a few Prager U. videos and tell me how such censorship has any place in this or any free nation. Facism is alive and well with big tech today.
A big problem with self-defense is allowing the threat to get the jump on you. The threat is already in the house, and some of us are just waking up. Good morning, Andrew.
One of the things I have noticed is, although all these people in the media and online are screaming that these high school boys are triggering hate and racism by wearing MAGA hats and being white, the actual people at the scene are completely confident that they can abuse these kids without any consequences. The black Israelites taunt them with racist epithets repeatedly, yet they are clearly not afraid of over 100 white high school boys retaliating in any way. Likewise Mr. Phillips and his cohorts walk right into the middle of this large group of white boys, some wearing MAGA hats, and Mr. Phillips decides to beat a drum into the face of one of the white boys wearing a MAGA Hat while his cohorts argue that these boys are oppressors/usurpers, based solely on their skin color, and should go back to Europe where they came from. Yet again, they clearly are not worried about any retaliation, fully confident that they are safe and in no immediate danger although totally outnumbered.
So, the outnumbered adult ‘people of color’ were not in any way afraid or worried about any retaliation from the over 100 white high school boys in MAGA hats, and felt it was ok to insult, demean, and get in the face of all of them knowing the media and virtue signalers would pretend that the over 100 white high school kids who did nothing but stand where they were told to wait for the busses to pick them up (and one kid smiled while and adult beat a drum in his face) were somehow in the wrong because, by being white and some wearing MAGA hats, the black adults were triggered to taunt them with racial epithets, and Mr. Phillips was triggered to walk into the middle of them banging a drum while his cohorts told them they were sinners because they are white.
Only in America could the small group of adult minorities feel no fear amongst a huge group of white kids, say horrible things to the kids, get all up in their face, argue they should go home to Europe – knowing full well the white kids wouldn’t retaliate – and the media thinks it is the white kids fault.
I only read as much Sullivan as I could stand. A blind pig finds an acorn once in a while. A stopped clock is right twice a day. Now Andrew can go back to studying Sarah Palin's uterus.
It's funny that the "Black Israelites" don't seem to have individual names, like they're part of a herd of indistinguishable animals.
Blogger tim in vermont said...
Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King."
If you recall the story, they gouged his eyes out.
He can surely fake them out? The invisible man could not, he got caught by the townsmen. My backup, a little silver mine near Leadville CO. Not worth production now but when currency is measured in bags of silver or gold, perhaps. Only the hardy live above 9000 ft ABS.
William: "Why is a hijab a symbol of the free exercise of religion and a MAGA hat the equivalent of a white KKK hood?"
Because the path our lefties and their
trained LLR housepets have taken is full blown identity (in the place of economic class) politics within the inevitable leftist/LLR marxist framework of "analysis" and criticism.
The hijab is totally non-western, therefore "correct" on the group level.
A MAGA hat represents a strain of thought that says the west is ok...and that is unacceptable to the left/LLR's.
I'd have to spend some money on drill bits and fuel and explosives.
Carrying over from the other thread:
"Fascism is alive and well with big tech today."
It is. And note that Google, Facebook and Amazon between them control about half of the total spent on advertising in all media. The bulk of the rest is in a very few converged holding companies with media assets, about four.
That is, Your funded communication channels are controlled almost entirely by a very few people running an effective oligopoly.
Nathan Phillips and BHI just re-elected Trump. Trump almost lost it with the shutdown, but Nick Sandmann represents the people Americans love. Or at least an electoral majority of Americans.
... good doggy. Roll over, that's a good dog....
Self-awareness is not a liberal's strength. Myopia..is.
Seems to me to "beg belief" is to request it of someone without a basis for its existence, while to "beggar belief" is to devalue its possiblilty of occuring. Kind of like how some people say "from worse to worse" rather than "from worse to worst". Despite the attempts of the progressives to destroy them, words do have meaning.
And they wonder why they are losing their jobs left and right. They are evil. I rejoice in their unemployment.
Never has powder drier been than Althouse's dryness powderwise.
Remember begore grade school boasts of hatered consuming your soul was, in it's own lil' way, kinda, sometime's like 7-2 beats AA, neat*?
*Because it was new oh so many decades ago.
Apparently beggars can be choosers. They can choose to be assholes. And I can choose to be one right back.
Of course it beggars, the issue is why doesn't everyone agree the beggardness is 24/7 always unless you're a derpy.
There is literally not a single thing ever that HASN'T beggared everything concieved, belief just a sadly growing-old way to say "as old as I am I consider everything everyone has done as a form of beggared ambition unfulfilled" or some such just so non-Dean Barnett way of advancing the discovering of Truth.
Not hate vs hate. Hate vs kids.
It doesn’t beggar belief, it’s entirely, easily believable.
ONce yesm , even I was a ounge ddreamer
I'll not deny you all the same.
You are literraly like Althouse a Nazi if you don't agree with Laurece Trobe tue :aw {roppesser from Aharvard.
What was fake about the letter that the PR firm wrote?
I owned you Nazi fucks in '56 and I will own you and all y'all kids.
I will never not own you and your children, Nazi!
Nazi Nazi Nazi!
Largo: "@Gadfly What was fake about the letter that the PR firm wrote?"
Our Poor Man's LLR Chuck just hoovers up whatever lefty talking points are laying around and then tries to pass them off as original thinking on his/her part.
He/she has been doing this for years as he/she attempted to gin up interest in his/her own blog.....which didn't work....for obvious reasons.
k why ain't you aing to yi-semites publically kill you some Nazis!
Nazi baziNaziii!!!
The word is out that L. Lin Wood, ... has stuck there noses into the Nick Sandmann incident at the Lincoln Memorial. So they are going to sue anybody and everybody who says bad things about the Sandmann family.
OK, I will shut up about the Sandmann's paying a PR firm to write a fake letter.
While being highly impressed they managed it...I still don't understand how the Sandmanns set all of this up? Could you explicate further?
If you want to change what you are, or what you are becoming, then you must capture Harvard, through a new long march, which is very unlikely as they know all about that trick. Or you must destroy it.
Personally I think we should burn down Harvard and Yale because I hear that 25% of the women who attend are raped.
That microaggression nonsense was never about justice. It was about power and nothing else. So even though these things seem hypocritical, they really not if you understand the actual motivations.
"fifty years from now, a defining image of this political era will be that smug white MAGA teen disrespecting a Native elder and veteran."
No. Fifty DAYS from now the Truth will have caught up this Lie and the Media will pretend they didn't gin up Witch Hunt.
1) The teen was the only adult in the room. You cannot read minds, you hsve NO IDEA if the teen was trying to portray "smugness" or forcing a smile to show he was not intimidated by the drumming in his face. He's 18 years old, not a professional poker player, for crying out loud.
2) The "native elder" is a left wing agitator who has done this twice before. And "tribal elders" don't go around bullying teenagers, they mentor them. Phillips is sick in the head
2) Phillips never served in Vietnam. His entire 4 year Marine enlistment was spent in Kentucky, repairing refrigerators. He went AWOL 3 times and was busted down to Private. He is what we in the Marine Corps refer to as a "shitbird". We have no respect for shitbirds and worse, he's guilty of Stolen Valor. Refering to Phillips as a veteran is disrespectful to all true veterans.
"It just captures so much,' Jessica Jessica Valenti tweeted.
Back to mind reading again. Hey Jessica, I bumped into you last week and you gave me quite the look. Since I telepathic like you, it was "obvious" that you want me to bend you over right across the hood of your car, you nasty slut. Fair?
'And let’s please not forget that this group of teens … were there for the March for Life"
Yes, the catholic kids want to prevent the murder of babies. Outrage.
"There is an inextricable link between control over women’s bodies"
When are you going to start taking responsibility for the choices you make with your body? You know that intercourse carries the risk of pregnancy yet you CHOOSE to accept that risk. You also know that birth control is not 100% effective yet you CHOOSE to take that risk as well. And then you whine about your "body" to justify taking another life. It's not your property and it's not subhuman.
Democrats justified slavery but defining Africans as subhuman "apes". America justified the slaughter of Native Americans because they were subhuman "savages". NAZI socialists justifed the Holocaust by declaring Jews to be subhuman "parasites". You think declaring a fetus as subhuman so you can kill it is any different?
At least stop pretending its not human. I don't fault a woman for putting her quality of life first, but don't act like you weren't responsible for the CHOICES you made. If you want reproductive rights, be responsible for the risks you already accepted. Otherwise, you are making a good argument against women being mentally capable of making decisions for themselves. Are you able to judge risk vs reward? Are you of sound mind? Maybe your own Mother should have you diagnosed as mentally unfit?
"white supremacy & young white male entitlement.'
And now you're being racist and sexist. But not out of ignorance. You know more than most the oppression of racism and sexism. How have you become the thing you loathe most?
Andrew Sullivan is incensed because the Black Israelites are anti-gay and anti-white, but he managed to find time to declare that the teens should not have been wearing MAGA hats to a pro-life march.
Why not? The Republican Party is the pro-life party; the Republican president is enacting a pro-life agenda. Who the hell is Sullivan to assert that *some* people should not express support for a political party that is supporting its cause?
And he doesn't even realize what an insane thing that is to say in writing.
Amusingly, that insufferable national monument to the media self-fellation, Newseum, went bankrupt this week. It doesn't even rise to the level of irony: it's jist funny. Apparently propagandistic exhibits on propaganda by propagandists is not what tourists want to see when they go to D. C. Also, kicking through the cocoon of Mike Wallace's jism at the door turned off many.
Also hilariously, Johns Hopkins actually announced that they were buying the building because they wanted to influence government more. They actually said that.
These institutions -- the media and academia -- have lost even the most vestigal reflex of shame. Or common sense. Hopkins is also suffering under a tidal wave of crime, so they want their security guards armed while institutionally opposing gun ownership for other Americans. Some pigs are more equal than others.
There was a post on Insty about the six principles of critical theory. You all should read it and you will understand why they don't care about your logic. Logic is a tool of the oppression.
Buwaya might be right, the gilet jaunes are finding this out, but they must be not only punished, but destroyed for the role of their fathers in supporting the French empire. The rest is just noise.
You will never reason them out of positions they didn't reason themselves into. Why gaffy and LLR chose the other side of this battle is beyond me.
The real question Ann, is, given how much you are steeped in all of this, how did you not see it coming?
Do you not see there is even more to come? That everyone who is getting away with threatening violence upon children and their school are giving license to those who would do so, or do worse in the future?
Maybe your first clue should have been to note the relationship between the 'micro-aggressed' and 'micro-aggressors.' The 'concern' has always been a one way street. Did you not notice that? Did you not think it relevant? Do you not see that the goal is to de-normalize any opposition?
The 'educated' types may scoff, but how is this anything other than the fruits of Cultural Marxism?
Yes this is disturbing, but exactly why is it so hard to believe?
Note: the leftwinger loyalists who post at Althouse and trashed the teens, they are conveniently missing.
Twitter is evil.
When fax became common place back in the 80's, it immediately became a weapon on the bully. (Received at 4:55 PM: "Attached is my notice commanding you to appear in court tomorrow morning at 8 AM to defend the terrible things I'm claiming you have done". Yes, I'm a lawyer.) I could predict who would use it for that. Twitter allows and, indeed, encourages this behavior among the general population - and amplifies it by applying a thin veneer of anonymity. This can only end badly.
The Level of Violent Imagery Directed Against Covington High Boys Is Dangerous and Wrong
Note how liar leftists hang on for dear life to any desperate thread, because they arrogantly KNOW it must be true.
The left are one collective throbbing memo.
"Left-wing zealots have often been prepared to ride roughshod over due process and basic considerations of fairness when they think they can get away with it. For them the ends always seems to justify the means. That is precisely how their predecessors came to create the gulag."
Welcome to reality, Andy. (The reality being that "liberals"--and by that I mean of course, "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping government humpers and State fellators"--are scum.)
Not Beggaring Belief: the Pussy Cap brigade resenting a better-manufactured, higher quality hat for a more successful brand.
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