... don't think too hard.
And don't forget to use the Althouse Portal — which you can always find in the sidebar — if you've got something you need to buy at Amazon. I've taken down all the ads on this blog, so please think of me when you're doing your Amazon shopping.
and now, Ladies and Gentlemen, Le Rat Du Jour
There seems to be an end of a French contest on. I worked the only Frenchman audible on the band - he's up pretty late. So I've got one point.
Aha, he's got a directional antenna. That's why he could hear me. Helps me more than it helps him.
It is muy interasante that you have chosen a leetle ratoncito as your mascot.
ask him what the plural of 'cyclops' is
and if 'bicycle' has only one 'i', should it be ' bicyclops'
What’s up with Chuckles?
i want fat rats!!11!!
In other news,
Le Rat Du Jour
Has Paris' famed dead-rat café been mentioned yet on this blog? If not, it's about time. Toulouse-Latrec set a painting there.
The Rat Mort - where champagne flowed and much furtive love making went on behind the thick curtains of little private alcoves.
It's the building on the right in the first photo at this site:
nevermind-- i looked it up in the encyclopedia
À bon chat bon rat.
"The Rat Mort - where champagne flowed"
down la rue from Le Rat Agile
a comment on rats, and other subjects! ----
In other news, the site - a holy site to those of us who lost loved ones there - of the old World Trade Center was lit in a watery shade of red last week, at the orders, according to a news report I read, of sad old Andrew Cuomo, to celebrate the legalization of infanticide in New York State.
I love rats - if I had many years to live, I would spend a lot of time with pet rats - I love cockroaches --- think of those beautiful Mexican songs, about how the cucarachas so charmingly dance - well, I am sort of a really talented entomologist, and I could tell you things that would make you laugh and cry about the good aspects of the average cockroach's personality ----- so I find it easy to love those who seem, at first glance, unlovable ----but I find it hard to imagine loving someone who would light up the site where some one I cared about (and her unborn child) was murdered by hateful terrorists ---- I find it hard to imagine loving someone who would light up such a holy site in a watery shade of red to celebrate the legalization of infanticide.
Please pray for the gluttonous proud old man. He really needs the prayers of so many of us.
Penny, the attractive Norway rat, is "off the sauce". She's accepted the situation and that Jeff, the stocky wood rat, has moved on. So has she. Good for her. Her confidence is rebuilding, thanks to the purchase of several long wish-listed Amazon items - she deserved it - but also the new attention she's receiving from Donald, a rugged bush rat, that moved in to the hole 3 doors down. Very butch. Very handsome. Very "crocodile dun-rat".
So it turns out the bank shooter we had some distance away In sebring was a prison guard trainee from Indiana, someone who was entirely in his rights to own a fire arm.
If you miss baseball season, as I do, there's always fan favorite Yeti, here appearing in San Juan, Puerto Rico, during winter ball. El Yeti Viene! Yeti Comes In! Yeti can recover from this.
The Rat Mort - where champagne flowed"
"Toulouse-Latrec set a painting there."
later it was "To loos we trek" after all that bubbly
Don't forget to give some love to my, "Total Recall," video, which asks the question: Did Cohaagen, 'have it coming?' Did he deserve to have his eyeballs sucked out of his skull by the vacuum of space? And remember, Cohaagen was a decent administrator. He paid for Benny's half-brother, who worked in accounting, to have his wing fixed. And his teeth. Cohaagen: Mean or Misunderstood.
Blogger D. said..."i want fat rats!!11!!"
I much prefer the svelte rats.
Skiing in Vermont. It’s cold but not 20 below cold. Great conditions. Cold lift rides but my buddy and I used the singles line to get ahead of the longer regular line. Worked beautifully, lots of runs, my legs are sore. Apres ski beverage was delicious. Have a great Sunday all!
Rats! Rats! always the Rats lately.
Badgers over Gophers, 4-3.
I had a math teacher in high school whose surname was de Saint-Rat, and I lasted a semester (two quarters, perhaps?-- so long ago) in his father's Russian language class at the university, too.
Am happy to pray for the Cuomos. But Andrew ought to be excommunicated, bell, book, candle.
like that scene in 2001:Space Odyssey,
where the dyslexic astronaut exclaims: My God, It's Full of Rats!"
i want fat rats!!11!!
Let me have rats about me that are fat,
Sleek-headed rats and such as sleep a-nights.
Yond Rattius has a lean and hungry look,
He thinks too much; such rats are dangerous.
they DO look a little...Ann-O-rexic
There's a guy on YouTube who trains mink to hunt rats with him and his dog. It can be fascinating to watch, but not for the squeamish.
"Pimp My Rat", with your host, Ann Althouse
Each episode consists of taking one rat in poor condition and restoring it, as well as customizing it.
Blogger narciso said...
So it turns out the bank shooter we had some distance away In sebring was a prison guard trainee from Indiana, someone who was entirely in his rights to own a fire arm.
I've been wondering why that is not in the news. At first,. I wondered if he was a Muslim . Nope. Maybe his father is a Democrat like Kaine's kid.
That was a witty one, Matthew, yes coohagen is like the administrator of a company town like Pullman.
It would be “It's full of Srats!” (Sir Rats?)
althouse draws barbie rats.
Throw anothe rat on the barbie!
I'm trying to think but nothing happens.
--Curly Howard
Dunno Stephen,
Think your cockroach expertise can shed insight into the weird, macabre (in)human spectacle In NY you mention?
Wife went grocery shopping today. Bless her heart, she remembered both that I need shave cream and that she is not to buy Gillette Foamy anymore.
"Hey Moe. What's this stuff for?"
"It's for sale stupid. So start selling."
Juxtaposing Curly Howard and the Amazon portal
what’s being almost completely ignored even on the right (the NY Post is just about alone in mentioning it, and they don’t emphasize it much at all) are Phillips’ most vicious lies, told quite early in the game (I’ll get to what they were in a minute). These particular lies probably had a big role in shaping people’s perceptions of the boys and helped to spur their widespread demonization.
It was Phillips himself who quite early on, during his Saturday interview with CNN that set the original tone and was widely disseminated, gave the following description of the Covington boys:
It looked like these young men were going to attack [the Black Israelites]. They were going to hurt them. They were going to hurt them because they didn’t like the color of their skin. They didn’t like their religious views. They were just here in front of the Lincoln — Lincoln is not my hero, but at the same time, there was this understanding that he brought the (Emancipation Proclamation) or freed the slaves, and here are American youth who are ready to, look like, lynch these guys. To be honest, they looked like they were going to lynch them. They were in this mob mentality.
That is not some disagreement about who went up to whom, or whether the wall was mentioned by the boys, or what caps some of them wore. This is an extremely defamatory statement by a political agitator, designed to shape perceptions that the boys were vicious racists with a killer instinct. The language is purposefully inflammatory and of the harshest variety.
Thank you, narciso, and yes. Cohaagen was ruthless, but he did manage the Mars Colony pretty well, all in all. He was even going to put a Jamba Juice in Venusville, until the rebels had to mess things up. We kvetch about his brutality (Gif these people air!) but remember, he just wanted to still be friends with Hauser, and have cornflakes for supper.
Big Mike
Check out italianbarber.com
Ken B,
Maybe Chuckles has been hired by Kristol:
“One reason my colleagues and I are focused on a Republican primary challenge to Trump—apart from the fact that we’re Republicans—is that it doesn’t present any of the problems of inadvertently helping him by being a spoiler,” Kristol wrote in an email.
Kasich/Flake for turd party.
Why did they remake it, and then set it on earth, honestly the only improvement is Kate beckinsale as the stone character.
Big Mike said...Wife went grocery shopping today. Bless her heart, she remembered both that I need shave cream and that she is not to buy Gillette Foamy anymore.
Unlike you, I buy my own shaving products like she buys hers. But like you, I'll never buy Gillette again.
With all the digital content media journalists being laid-off, it dawned on me how the American natives must have felt when smallpox began killing them by the thousands.
The only natives who survived, were the ones who bred with French trappers. If you have sex with a French trapper, you are basically immune from disease, because they have antibodies for everything.
A French trapper can't get AIDS.
If only the "journalists" had bred with French trappers...
French trappers rare in DC swamp
The bank shooter was a boy named Sue - Zephen Xaver. Can you imagine going through life at the end of every line and list?
"althouse draws barbie rats."
I always feel like I'm drawing a male rat, but you readers keep seeing females. What's up with that?
Thai rabbit.
Etienne, that's very good. French trappers, "have antibodies for everything." Clever. And I will just add to that the Jewish mystique that I carry, why women secretly dig me and they don't know why, and it drives them mad with rage. It's the whole carrying antibodies for the plague that I got. Also AIDS. Now, I'm not going to test my theory, mind you. Gross.
"I always feel like I'm drawing a male rat, but you readers keep seeing females. What's up with that?"
We are all Ken Rats.
I have finally concluded that rat cartoonist Ann Althouse has been sending a subtle message with her late-night "Café" comment collectors of late. At first, I thought that our hostess was honoring her hero, Scott Adams who draws the Dilbert strip to generate wealth.
In reality, she is keeping us attuned to the increased pace in the Mueller investigation of the most dishonest presidential administration in America's history. After Bob Mueller was appointed Special Counsel in May 2017, investigations already underway came before the public, including an FBI visit with an FISC judge to secure electronic surveillance of a Trump lackey, Roger Stone, who, for good reasons, is world-renowned as a rodent fornicator or if you prefer more direct language - rat fucker. The term "ratfucking " was made famous by Woodward and Bernstein in their classic book on Watergate - "All The President's Men."
Nixon's election campaign staff members like H.R. Haldeman, Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy rose to the top in name recognition and went to jail as a result of their political sabotage which operated under the "whatever it takes to win" philosophy. Robert Mueller III has successfully convicted an even larger group of ethically-challenged Trump staffers than the Nixon administration wrought, which are leading him straight to the bossman. Finally, special counsel has indicted Roger Stone, without the need to bring him before the grand jury. When you lie about an event but generate 30 emails outlining the circumstance, you will go to jail.
Remember that Ted Cruz tried to tell us in the 2016 presidential primary: "Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."
I was wondering if anyone here has ever heard of this moron, his name, I believe is Glenn Reynolds? I literally just heard about him. What's his deal? Insta-putt putt pundit? Whatever. This video is called, Insta Fire, in which I demonstrate how to saw wood for a quick fire. Instaputtputt would probably take all day to build a fire.
"In reality, she is keeping us attuned to the increased pace in the Mueller investigation of the most dishonest presidential administration in America's history."
^^^^^^ Summarizes why lefties have zero credibility.
File this under "Trump Caves".
"Maduro gave U.S. diplomats three days to leave the country, but the Trump administration said it wouldn't obey, arguing that Maduro is no longer Venezuela's legitimate president. That set the stage for a showdown at the hilltop U.S. Embassy compound Saturday night, when the deadline was to expire.
But as the sun set on Venezuela's capital, the Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying Maduro's government was suspending the expulsion ...."
increased pace in the Mueller investigation of the most dishonest presidential administration in America's history.
This is so perfectly demonstrates the Reagan Quote. Roughly paraphrased, "the left not knowing anything is not the problem, it's just that so much of what they know is wrong'
My memory contains Zero charges of criminal conduct, and even less convictions, concerning the Administration of Donald J Trump.
she remembered both that I need shave cream and that she is not to buy Gillette Foamy anymore.
I switched to plain soap and water years ago. It works fine and my beard is no less bristly than average, maybe a little more so. Not only does that save me a fortune but it gives me the satisfaction of no longer putting money in the pockets of Big Shave Cream.
increased pace in the Mueller investigation of the most dishonest presidential administration in America's history.
This person must be too young to remember LBJ. It is said that LBJ was such a liar that he had to get his wife to call the dog.
I have deactivated Twitter and Facebook. I'm expecting to be sued for defamation, and soon. Open request for referral for legal representation. I wish to file myself on these grounds, and have plenty of documentation. That's all from Matthew. Going dark now.
say what you will about the LBJ admin, at least they never lied about anything important like Vietnam
Drudge fake news:
"Baby 'twins' have two different fathers..."
"Twins" is in quotes because, as the the stomach-churning article explains, they're not actually twins at all.
Blogger stevew said...
"Skiing in Vermont. It’s cold but not 20 below cold. Great conditions. Cold lift rides but my buddy and I used the singles line to get ahead of the longer regular line. Worked beautifully, lots of runs, my legs are sore. Apres ski beverage was delicious. Have a great Sunday all!"
Growing up in Colorado, then spending an appreciable part of my life there after that, never understood skiing in VT. Snob here. Skied in many of the western states by now, but hoping to ski in ID at least - the ski area two hours from out MT house looks down on Sandpoint and Pend O'Rielle, which is a beautiful view, and they have had some of the best late season skiing in the country the last several years. You can race on skis in the morning, and in sailboats on Pend O'Rielle in the afternoon (we had similar in CO - skiing A Basin in the morning, and Dillon Reservoir in the afternoon).
Currently, my partner and I have been having a dispute about my going skiing ever again. My father skied until he was at least a decade older than I am now. She reminds me that my bones are getting fragile, etc. But my next brother, now also on Medicare, is still ski racing, and doing at least one downhill a year in the USSA Masters Series, in order for a shot at the combined championship for the year. And he's the one who had the more fragile bones, and broke more of them growing up. It's like riding a bike - not something that you forget how to do. Rather, as with a bike, balance and strength are the issues (that brother who is still ski racing cross trains the rest of the year, alternating running and mountain biking during the week, and mountain climbing on the weekends).
The interesting ski news though is that my kid is in Japan this week skiing. The pictures look like there is an amazing amount of powder there. And looks decently light - not the Sierra Cement you find along the west coast, but more like what you find in the western Rockies (including the Wasatch in UT). Pictures of them blasting through trees look glorious. Reminds me of the week we got snowed in at Snowbird, at about the same age. Where I learned about "the steep and the deep", where, when the powder is deep enough, you can almost ski off cliffs. Half of Snowbird, the part off in the trees, was almost unskiable because it is so steep, until you got a big enough dump. Over six feet of light powder by the time they opened the top of the mountain. As for my kid, they have their first real job after getting their PhD last August, which means having a significant income for the first time in their life, after scrimping for the previous nine years in college. Hope the trip to Japan means that they are contemplating settling down. Apparently, I am one of the worst offenders about grandchildren, up there with their significant other's (SO) mother. Who coincidentally lives up in VT. Interestingly, kid's SO, having grown up in VT, never skied until college, and didn't get serious about it until last year, after moving to CO, which is why they didn't join my kid on the trip to Japan (kid, growing up in CO, started skiing at 3).
"Currently, my partner and I have been having a dispute about my going skiing ever again."
Let me add that, growing up and wintering in the desert her entire life (except for 4 years in CO with me), she never really learned how to ski on snow (she claims she was pretty good behind a boat), and only went snow skiing a half dozen times in her life. I think that she spent much of those trips in the lounge. I expect that part of it was buying all those ski outfits. I started skiing at 10, and ski racing at 15, then skied for better than the next half century, sometimes frequently, breaking 100 days a year several times. I don't think I would have any problems skiing, since I have only not skied for two or three years now. But I expect that she will prevail by the simple expedient of keeping herself well away from any snow, which means that I will likely not be near any in the foreseeable future (except that we occasionally hit either the first or last snowstorm of the year on our yearly migrations between MT and AZ). No snow means no snow skiing (and I am not about to try learning to water ski).
"I always feel like I'm drawing a male rat, but you readers keep seeing females. What's up with that?" Cataracts?
"What's up with that?" Cataracts?"
Did you mean Cata-rats?
"Robert Mueller III has successfully convicted an even larger group of ethically-challenged Trump staffers than the Nixon administration wrought, which are leading him straight to the bossman. Finally, special counsel has indicted Roger Stone, without the need to bring him before the grand jury. When you lie about an event but generate 30 emails outlining the circumstance, you will go to jail."
Huh? You skipped over the Grand Jury refusing to indict. Stone was indicted for seven process crimes created by the various investigations into Russian collusion. Nothing that he actually did, just process crimes related to the investigations. So far, Mueller has managed to indict Trump people for stuff they did years before the worked on his campaign, for process crimes created by the various investigations, and a bunch of Russians and Russian companies for show, that they never expect to get into court. Mueller is supposed to be looking for Russian collusion, and hasn't found any, whatsoever, in the Trump campaign (studiously ignoring that collusion between Crooked Hillary, her campaign, and the Russians, is sitting right in front of his eyes, with their Steele Dossier and selling them 1/5 of our uranium). The only conviction of anyone in the Trump Administration was his NSA, Gen Flynn, who was caught in a perjury trap set for him by FBI DDir McCabe, who lied to Flynn, sent his agents over to the White House on false pretenses, and had them lie to him, and then was only able to get that Flynn didn't remember a conversation that they illegally had the transcripts for with the Russian Ambassador. Sentencing has, again, been postponed, with the Judge, recognizing Mueller's lead counsel, from when he lied to the judge in previous high profile appearances, again smells the stench of prosecutorial misconduct. Pretty much everyone else indicted (except for Cohen and Manafort) worked for the campaign for free, trying to angle for a nice WH job if Trump won.
@Althouse, you don’t know how to draw a rat’s penis?
The crime is clear for all to see. It was exposing the truth about Hillary and defeating her in the election. The rest of this is just noise. Just like the crime the Covington boys committed was to not reject and renounce Trump.
This stuff is not hard. Honest.
They just can’t say it out loud, but they all know it. They have to say something though, or the public conversation would be owned by people saying WTF is Mueller really investigating. It’s as simple as buwaya says it is.
I switched to plain soap and water years ago.
I don't even use soap..just hot water..for decades. I used to use Gillette blades though..no more.
Althouse wrote: And don't forget to use the Althouse Portal — which you can always find in the sidebar — if you've got something you need to buy at Amazon. I've taken down all the ads on this blog, so please think of me when you're doing your Amazon shopping.
added: Yeah, don't forget to reward me for kicking you in the groin each and every day.
I suppose the next person to comment on shaving will insist that he uses ice water and a Bowie knife, because only wimps use hot water and shave cream and sharp razors.
I suppose the next person to comment on shaving will insist that he uses ice water and a Bowie knife, because only wimps use hot water and shave cream and sharp razors.
Howard must be busy today.
The director of graduate studies for a Duke University School of Medicine department stepped down Saturday after screenshots of an email reported to be from her circulated on social media, suggesting students refrain from speaking Chinese to "improve their English." "I encourage you to commit to using English 100 percent of the time" on campus or in professional settings, the email states.
Wow. This is the exact advice any language teacher would give a person. Middlebury College has language programs where you pay your tuition up front and are required to speak only the target language for six weeks, no matter if you can’t even say “hello.” If you slip up, you are kicked out without a refund. It’s a way of concentrating the mind. I guess the kids don’t want to learn better English. It’s a “white” language, you know.
"I guess the kids don’t want to learn better English'
I doubt its the medical students that got angry. Indeed, I doubt it was the Asian students that complained, Asian students being those to which this sort of advice is usually directed.
"I suppose the next person to comment on shaving will insist that he uses ice water and a Bowie knife"
I have done this. OK, it was tepid water and a balisong.
"It’s as simple as buwaya says it is."
Most things are. Complications come when people want to obfuscate the truth or cover up lies.
buwaya, was the balisong made from a leaf spring of a jeepney?
buwaya, sorry, I just googled balisong and learned that I was thinking of a Bolo knife not balisong. I have two kris swords made from jeepney springs.
I don't even use soap..just hot water..for decades. I used to use Gillette blades though..no more.
Just a little bit of bar soap while in shower to keep track of where I've shaved, but that's it.
And, yeah. Used the double-bladed Gillette since 1984. When the current pack runs out, I'll look for something else. Bunch of freakin' idiots.
Bruce Hayden: Huh? You skipped over the Grand Jury refusing to indict.
Mueller never brought Stone before the Grand Jury so they refused nothing. As for process crimes, lying to authorities will always land you in jail. In Stone's case, he, like all liars among Trump racketeers, lie without regard to previous lies already told.
And of course, the big unanswered question: If there was no conspiracy, why did twenty or so members of the Trump teams lie at all and why did Trump find it necessary to attack his own investigators for his entire presidency that could have proven his innocence?
And a bonus question: Why is Kevin McCarthy refusing to appoint the GOP members to the House Intelligence Committee? This hopeless tactic is based on a GOP belief that Mueller will shut down soon and they don't want the Dems to release the official hearing transcripts to the special counsel. So there must be some there there.
Jim at said...
I used to use Gillette blades though..no more.
And, yeah. Used the double-bladed Gillette since 1984. When the current pack runs out, I'll look for something else. Bunch of freakin' idiots.
Gillette set the shaving world on fire with Trac II twin blade cartridges back in 1971 and I still use a Trac II razor. But I discovered that blade quality went down hill and prices went up, so I changed over to German-made Mercur twin blades in the '90s. They were longer lasting and much, much sharper but Mercur went out of this business shortly after I discovered them, so I bought every blade I could find on the internet. I am down to 20 Mercur cartridges - about a two year supply.
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