"Thanks to the sloppy, one-sided reporting of the malicious, agenda-driven media, a group of Catholic high school teenagers and their families have become the subjects of threats and harassment from a hateful online outrage mob. [leftwing mob] Their only sins? Being white, Catholic, and supporters of the president."
Video evidence and statements from multiple witnesses indicate that the boys were targeted by two groups of protesters who hurled hateful, racial, homophobic slurs at them while they waited on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial for their bus after participating in the March for Life.
I've read a lot of stuff today posted about Nick Sandmann and the other Kovington Kidz by a variety of people, and clicking on their twitter pages has led me to one conclusion: Today's left is a coalition of losers whose only commonality is their seething resentment of people more successful than themselves.
Today's left is a coalition of losers whose only commonality is their seething resentment of people more successful than themselves.
Not quite. Rather, today's left is a coalition of losers whose only commonality is their seething resentment of people. Period. They don't even like themselves.
Now the leftwing mob are digging into high school photos at sporting events. Turns out, if you wear face paint with your school colors on, you're a racist.
"I just don't get it," one CNN reporter said. "We worked really hard to fact-check the video a few days later and everything." He pointed out that without the media, no one would be around to misinform the public on important events, allowing people to quickly draw conclusions before all the facts are in. "What are people going to do---form their own conclusions after reviewing all the facts themselves? That'll never work."
A Washington Post journalist pointed to the news organization's slogan on the wall, "Democracy Dies in Darkness." "Our democracy would die without our hard work slanting the news to a particular worldview without bothering to check if our facts are accurate. It says so right there on the wall."
Illustrations on Canvas. We put in some modular Ikea cubbies, and stapled canvas to the back. It's fun to do illustrations, using sharpies, etc. I am not going to comment on the weird cat; I veer.
Another Yeti In The Can. This is my exposition on how I conceived this bit, and the technical aspects of making video, including a hat tip to my great drama teachers.
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage Then someone will say what is lost can never be saved Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
I can see you, Your brown skin shining in the sun. You got that hair slicked back, And that Native garb on, baby. And I can tell you my distrust for you will still be strong, After the boys of Covington have gone.
If you personally want to affect the outcome of this situation, regarding anti-Catholic bigotry, and if you are looking for a charity, may I recommend looking up your local Catholic Archdiocese web site. All of them I think have scholarship funds for tuition assistance for their parochial schools.
I can't think of a better bang for the buck, in American charities, than in getting kids out of the public schools and into a Catholic parochial.
"If you personally want to affect the outcome of this situation, regarding anti-Catholic bigotry,"
As this was really a spoiling attack against SCOTUS nominee Amy Barrett's Catholicism, the proper response is for conservatives to surround Ginsburg's house and serenade her recovery with airhorns all through the night. In hopes that the added stress will mercifully send her on her way.
But conservatives are pussies, so we'll just write 500 word essays of Outrage Porn Clickbait instead.
@buwaya, you make a good pro-parochial-education argument. But there are certain sins for which the Catholics must contritely atone before I will encourage others to entrust children to their care.
Movies from 1944 aren't very relevant, generally, to the modern world, or to reality itself, no matter what world they were about.
This one however is surprisingly, well, accurate, and relevant, fundamentally descriptive in both general and specific ways - "The Bells of Saint Mary's", with Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman, about the troubles and glories of a parochial school.
No, Catholic parochial schools rarely have singing priests or nuns that look like Ingrid Bergman. And neither Crosby nor Bergman were anything like as virtuous as the parts they play. Hollywood was a pit even then.
But the fundamentals of the parochials value, and parlous financial condition, and the qualities of the people that run them, these are all still there, the same as 70+ years ago. The story could be remade today with nothing important changed, and still be completely realistic.
I was listening to talk radio today. Non-leftwing radio. You know what they were playing and talking about? Martin Luther King and his glorious timeless speeches.
What were horrid leftists talking about? The destruction of Catholic teens for wearing MAGA hats.
Buwaya, what is gone now is not the singing nun or priest, but almost all of the nuns and priests who used to do the teaching in the parochial schools of my youth.
Blogger Rabel said... Notice who's been the cool-headed guy above the fray in the Tom-Tom fiasco? The Donald! Unless I missed something. -- Yeah.. Probably sending support on the DL.
Buwaya, in another Althouse thread, in response to a comment of mine, you said:
Richard Fernandez has a lot more to say. He went to Harvard after all. I am just a simple engineer. I only have a few conclusions, and on those points I am sadly repetitive. If I had a blog it would be boring.
Sorry, but I disagree with your conclusion, at least in its spirit. Perhaps if you had a daily blog, where like Althouse you felt you were (at least self-) obligated to keep it up with daily postings, that might I suppose get to be too much — boring for you and perhaps for others — though I doubt the latter.
In that case, though, I suggest you write a periodic (not daily) column, like Wretchard does — while PJMedia (the same umbrella as Wretchard and Instapundit publish under) would probably be the most congenial site for you, one would think.
Therefore, I think that Ann Althouse, Glenn Reynolds, and others who have read and appreciate the quality of your comments here, buwaya, should approach the powers that be at Pajamas Media and arrange it. Seriously.
Well, Birkel..depends on the day he posts. If you want to read someone seemingly disinvested from the country telling you we're screwed day after day, be my guest. Just saying that content might not fit into the PJmedia business plan.
@Fen much obliged, Olde Sport! Next round is on us!
Come on down to the Mermaid Café and I will Buy you a bottle of wine And we'll laugh and toast to nothing and smash our empty glasses down Let's have a round for these freaks and these soldiers A round for these friends of mine
walter, I am invested and I have had the same message for a decade or more. I am not saying the tone is great, but sometimes you need a person to shout "Fire!" In a crowded theater when there is a fire.
I believe we are a generation from Civil War II. Should you or I pretend otherwise? And should we take the number of weapons sold on the last decade for less than it is? The people who know best are voting with their dollars, after all.
Being correct and unhappy about it is no treat, I will tell you.
I wish I had Michael K's faith in the courts to severely punish the media who libeled the Covington boys. The reckless disregard of the truth is evident, even though that is not the standard when they aren’t public figures. But the media, and some Democrats and some on the left will intimidate and doxx and bring pressure on the church.
PJ said... @buwaya, you make a good pro-parochial-education argument. But there are certain sins for which the Catholics must contritely atone before I will encourage others to entrust children to their care. ************************
ALL Catholics? To atone what a bunch of perv priests have done?
“ALL Catholics? To atone what a bunch of perv priests have done?
What illogical bullshit.”
The Catholic Church has been clearly on the side of evil for the last several years. The current pontiff is a Marxist and the Catholic Church has been a globalist tool since he took over.
Catholics have a responsibility to be a part of a church that is doing evil.
The catholic school leadership of the school and the diocese was right in front attacking these kids.
Catholics don’t need to apologize. They need to take their church back or leave. They are supporting evil.
I am vindicated already. The media is now huffing about pictures of football games in Covington. I used to live in Ft Thomas, which abuts Covington. I guess I can look forward to endless coverage of my old neighbors, until the lawsuits are all settled or dropped.
The Catholic Church is going to do everything to reconcile these grievous wrongs. I am pointed to Heaven; my only responsibility is to my soul, and my soul alone. I pray fervently for healing, every day at Mass. It's my duty and obligation to show up, every day, and pray. Also, I spend every waking moment in communion with G-d. Achilles, all due respect, you probably have your dick in your hand.
@chillblaine, I don’t know what Achilles has in his hand, but you plainly have your head up your ass. A church that sacrifices altar boys to pederast priests will do nothing to support the boys from Covington. It will support that blundering bishop and defer to he Democrat politicians, as it always has. (c,f., Ted Kennedy’s annulment of his marriage to first wife Joan after a quarter century of marriage)
How prevalent is home schooling among Catholics? What is their education philosophy? I mean purpose of pedagogy >>> leading the children to what?why, by and with what means? Similar questions that institutions are facing and failing in this country. QED with doings of past several years.
In Baltimore City every middle class family, black and white, A.M.E. and Protestant, struggles to get their kid into a Catholic school. They are the cheapest non-public schooling available.
@Jay Elink -- Of course not "ALL Catholics," I (a Catholic, BTFW) was referencing "the Catholics" as the institution that operates the Catholic parochial schools under discussion and still -- from the head -- fails to contritely atone for all the harm it has done to children. Decontextualize much?
PJ said... @Jay Elink -- Of course not "ALL Catholics," I (a Catholic, BTFW) was referencing "the Catholics" as the institution that operates the Catholic parochial schools under discussion and still -- from the head -- fails to contritely atone for all the harm it has done to children. Decontextualize much?
The phrase you are looking for is not "the Catholics," it is "the Catholic Church."
A whole lot of ass covering going on in the MSM, but though the additional information come to light by publication of the long videos is indeed hair-raising, just the still photo going with the initial comments is enough to show that that the charges against the kids were totally false and unwarranted.
If Amy Coney Barrett is nominated for the Supreme Court, I shudder for her kids. I guess if I were her, I would think twice about accepting the nomination. I guess they are not really public figures, but they will still be viciously attacked.
The Ass Covering Media is interesting study. The 2 minutes I could stand to watch, the talking head was interviewing a Native American activist lawyer. Her narrative was that the kids are responsible in the end, Prevocators (hats) violant actions (smirk) and the same list of false accusations. The talking head nodded, asked a few leading questions...and we are off to break. In the end I cant contact the network and accusing them of fake news. They just interviewed a guest. Pay attention. They let the guest puke out all the lies, and then say 'what? we support free speech, we cant control their words' Transparent horse apples, but that is their not so slick MO
If Amy Coney Barrett is nominated for the Supreme Court, I shudder for her kids. I guess if I were her, I would think twice about accepting the nomination.
Great. The slimy left has won. Drive away all the honest people because they will destroy you and anyone within splattering distance. That's a big part of Democrat Party game plan. Let everyone know they will be destroyed exactly like Kavanaugh.
Catholics probably do not appreciate comments from the peanut gallery, but I think there is a big chasm between the hierarchy and the laity on this. The pope just cannot get away with telling the laity to call the civil authorities (911). The hierarchy needs to clean house themselves, and in ways that means something to the Catholic laity.
I've never understood the Left's worshipful attitude toward Native Americans. As I posted the other day, my observations are that those who assimilated into 'white man's' culture have succeeded as well as anyone else and are not suffering from discrimination. Most who live on the reservations live in squalor unabated by their lucrative casinos. Races may be equal but cultures are not.
I adore my Catholic parish, and I am instructed to pray for the entire Catholic family, including the head of the Church. My favorite day is Tuesday, when after Mass, we get to do extra devotional to the Virgin Mary. Praying the Rosary has completely changed my life. I am perfectly reconciled with my mother, and I plan on seeing her in Heaven. I adore my soul; sometimes I think that my ancestor was once a great king. And, my name is Matthew. This literally means, "Gift From God." Let me tell you, when you see everything, even pain, as a gift, it makes life pretty sweet. Yes, I pray, and it is with such intensity, that I truly believe a few more stalwarts getting together to focus pray, can achieve ANYTHING.
But the fundamentals of the parochials value, and parlous financial condition, and the qualities of the people that run them, these are all still there, the same as 70+ years ago. The story could be remade today with nothing important changed, and still be completely realistic.
My Catholic high school in Chicago is still open and the students are all black. It is a lower middle class black parental group but the tuition is paid and 96% of the kids go on to college. The white alumni still support the school. A classmate of mine paid for a new roof a few years ago. I have gone to several annual alumni dinners and black alumni are starting to take over as the white alumni died off.
The Church itself has been badly damaged by the takeover in the 1960s of the American seminaries by the left and the gays. The Pope is a Marxist, as someone above posted. Still, the role of the Church in education is still alive.
@tim, for crying out loud, I was plainly comparing “the Catholics” to other operators of schools, not to believers in other religious doctrines. Do you likewise object to “the Democrats nominated Clinton and the Republicans nominated Trump” on the ground that it was actually the Parties that nominated those candidates while many individuals registered to each Party were aghast?
Those who want to demonize Catholic school kids should realize that not a few former and present Catholic school kids are persons of color. There is a fine tradition in the less-fashionable parts of our big cities for middle- and working-class blacks to send their kids to parochial schools, even if they aren't Catholic.
Most parents today have no idea of the depth of leftist, anti-Christian indoctrination in their child's school as well as the poorly conceived system of education. Vouchers are the only answer, IMO.
While I am not a Catholic I applaud Catholic schools. My younger daughter attended them through junior high. Having received some inheritance, I used it to send my grandchildren to non-Catholic Christian schools through elementary.
in grade school, I was plucked out of a poorly run public school to go to a Lutheran school across town. my folks paid a lot extra (on top of the taxes they already paid to send me to a poorly run public school) and sacrificed to do this.
It was a HUGE difference. Actual education. Small class rooms. Old fashioned structure with really amazing teachers. I ended up back in the public school system in high school, but that was due to the logistics. The Lutheran High School was even farther away. The public high school was much better, so I opted to stay closer to home for that. By then, my early education helped me in a less structured system.
Leftists who criticize non-public sources for education - religions based or otherwise, are merely acting as loyal stooges in the Teachers union tax rape crap sale to promote a once size fits all education system. Bonus - the leftwing indoctrination.
It is beyond negligent that the news media are still criticizing, bashing, and lying about the teens. The only reason they are doing so is that they know a lie will spread. That is the goal. Lie - a sneak in a non-apology at 2:00AM.
The left wingers in our hack press remind us of German Brownshirts.
chickenlittle said... Out on the road today I saw an Althouse sticker on a Cadillac. A little voice inside my head said “It might be Crack, it could maybe be Crack
Many of my Catholic schoolmates "of color" rose to the top, and not because of "the great society". It was their schooling combined with their parenting. Nothing more. They sharpened themselves on the grit of Catholic schooling with parental support.
Having received some inheritance, I used it to send my grandchildren to non-Catholic Christian schools through elementary.
In my early adulthood I had never heard of a non Catholic religous school. There is a relatively explosion of the private non Catholic school. Why, was the question I asked my self. Went from seeing none, spotting them popping up. New ones. Less than 20 years old. Where did they come from? Economics tells me a market will only support so much service. The conclusion is, a vacuum was created when the Judiciary decided what local schools could and could not do. Since the ratification of the Constitution, we had Catholic schools for the Catholic portion of the population. The rest went to Protestant Schools. All education was faith based. Protestants ran the public schools and the Catholics ran their schools. Until Judges decided decided the people were to stupid to govern themselves. Now we have public schools that are antagonistic to religion, Private Catholic schools and the new Protestant private schools. You would think the Educational elite, with an obscene percentage of Phd's in their midst would be informed enough to see what is going on. Can you honestly think of any single segment of society that is so highly educated that is running a system failing on so many levels?
Meanwhile,I suppose this will be all over the news today, with celebrities calling for the teen to be beat and ostrasized?
"Police have arrested a man they believe brutally beat an 88-year-old woman in a park in San Francisco’s Visitacion Valley neighborhood on Jan. 8, before breaking into her home across the street.
The suspect, 18-year-old Keonte Gathron, was arrested in San Francisco on Saturday after committing another robbery, according to the San Francisco Police Department. The details of that incident are unclear.
The victim of the Jan. 8 attack, Yik Oi Huang, suffered life-threatening injuries including fractured ribs, shattered facial bones and a fractured spine. She remains in the hospital in critical condition"
no place else to Register my shock & Awe of the national earthquake from the malicious creation of Hate-media against white catholic boys. the monstrous power of guerilla journalism is getting very scary.
Where is Twitter's @Jack?!!!!!
What does CNN know about the path back from their broadcast, production, linkup to ... original source?
Who is the one right there filming the lyin' Indian? what happened next? who worked it. who knew? would Jim acosta have an idea? How about @arishapiro?
something huge got broken this weekend. it even netted the Big Fish @scottadams, ohmygod!! ScottAdams is my daily rock of gentle perspective on the PolPot Media assault against trump. and he is always Right!
so yeah, it was big for me to see him(in the original that he removed)solemnly condemning these kids, and I thought OK, poor guys got caught being assholes. THEN! wait. completely theatered.
these guys are so connected, too powerful and too good at controlling our minds.
@Iowan2: Based on the research I've seen coming out of the field, I believe that people with PhDs in Education are neither educated nor elite. They are bogusly credentialed mediocrities.
It's actually called an EdD, not PHD, and it's really hard to get if you have any integrity or aversion to spouting pure bullshit to your committee or chair.
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१११ टिप्पण्या:
Enjoy the latest Democratic Presidential Clown Car Update.
Alt-Rat Stickerz for your car--advertise them in RodenTrack magazine
"Thanks to the sloppy, one-sided reporting of the malicious, agenda-driven media, a group of Catholic high school teenagers and their families have become the subjects of threats and harassment from a hateful online outrage mob. [leftwing mob] Their only sins? Being white, Catholic, and supporters of the president."
Notice who's been the cool-headed guy above the fray in the Tom-Tom fiasco?
The Donald!
Unless I missed something.
Turns out:
Video evidence and statements from multiple witnesses indicate that the boys were targeted by two groups of protesters who hurled hateful, racial, homophobic slurs at them while they waited on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial for their bus after participating in the March for Life.
Oh really?
This guy should be fired from Disney.
Buy 'em by the pack! One for the Topolino, one for the MaseRATi !
Behold: Disney employee
Turns out vast swathes of progressive democratic leftwingers are child abusers.
Twitter all cool with threats of violence from these same leftists.
I've read a lot of stuff today posted about Nick Sandmann and the other Kovington Kidz by a variety of people, and clicking on their twitter pages has led me to one conclusion: Today's left is a coalition of losers whose only commonality is their seething resentment of people more successful than themselves.
Today's left is a coalition of losers whose only commonality is their seething resentment of people more successful than themselves.
Not quite. Rather, today's left is a coalition of losers whose only commonality is their seething resentment of people. Period. They don't even like themselves.
Now the leftwing mob are digging into high school photos at sporting events. Turns out, if you wear face paint with your school colors on, you're a racist.
Good work- hack-D press.
Speaking of rats.
Media Desperation.
The logical conclusion is to outlaw sport face paint. It's just so very racist.
@Mark: I stand corrected.
Social media have lowered the amount of inertia that must be overcome in order to protest that they've made possible a revolt of the couch potatoes.
@Not Sure
easy with the Kapital K's eh? You dont want to give them any ideas,
like the Kovington Kidz Klan.
gnome sane?
Leftists are government whores. Government whores for government whores - who demand more government whoring.
geez-- even smiling is frowned upon
Press That Sicced Mob On Teenagers Based On 10-Second Video Clip Unsure Why Some People Call Them 'Fake News'
"I just don't get it," one CNN reporter said. "We worked really hard to fact-check the video a few days later and everything." He pointed out that without the media, no one would be around to misinform the public on important events, allowing people to quickly draw conclusions before all the facts are in. "What are people going to do---form their own conclusions after reviewing all the facts themselves? That'll never work."
A Washington Post journalist pointed to the news organization's slogan on the wall, "Democracy Dies in Darkness." "Our democracy would die without our hard work slanting the news to a particular worldview without bothering to check if our facts are accurate. It says so right there on the wall."
Illustrations on Canvas. We put in some modular Ikea cubbies, and stapled canvas to the back. It's fun to do illustrations, using sharpies, etc. I am not going to comment on the weird cat; I veer.
That purple-eyed punk rat needs to wipe that smug, arrogant, condescending, smirk off his narcissistic little rat face. Or else.
Another Yeti In The Can. This is my exposition on how I conceived this bit, and the technical aspects of making video, including a hat tip to my great drama teachers.
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
- Janis Joplin
The lawsuits, therefore, will be glorious.
Out on the road today I saw an Althouse sticker on a Cadillac. A little voice inside my head said “It might be Crack, it could maybe be Crack.
CageMatch: MAGA-RAT vs TomTomMouse
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Then someone will say what is lost can never be saved
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
I can see you,
Your brown skin shining in the sun.
You got that hair slicked back,
And that Native garb on, baby.
And I can tell you my distrust for you will still be strong,
After the boys of Covington have gone.
@Birkel, I believe those lyrics are by Kris Kristopherson and Fred Foster. “Busted flat in Baton Rouge 🎶 ... Me and Bobby McGee 🎵”
You gotta learn about Country, Dude.
Rathouse. The place for perspicacious providers of content fodder.
Tomorrow is going to be insane.
If you personally want to affect the outcome of this situation, regarding anti-Catholic bigotry, and if you are looking for a charity, may I recommend looking up your local Catholic Archdiocese web site. All of them I think have scholarship funds for tuition assistance for their parochial schools.
I can't think of a better bang for the buck, in American charities, than in getting kids out of the public schools and into a Catholic parochial.
"If you personally want to affect the outcome of this situation, regarding anti-Catholic bigotry,"
As this was really a spoiling attack against SCOTUS nominee Amy Barrett's Catholicism, the proper response is for conservatives to surround Ginsburg's house and serenade her recovery with airhorns all through the night. In hopes that the added stress will mercifully send her on her way.
But conservatives are pussies, so we'll just write 500 word essays of Outrage Porn Clickbait instead.
airhorns, or maybe some vigorous harpsichord playing
@buwaya, you make a good pro-parochial-education argument. But there are certain sins for which the Catholics must contritely atone before I will encourage others to entrust children to their care.
Movies from 1944 aren't very relevant, generally, to the modern world, or to reality itself, no matter what world they were about.
This one however is surprisingly, well, accurate, and relevant, fundamentally descriptive in both general and specific ways - "The Bells of Saint Mary's", with Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman, about the troubles and glories of a parochial school.
No, Catholic parochial schools rarely have singing priests or nuns that look like Ingrid Bergman. And neither Crosby nor Bergman were anything like as virtuous as the parts they play. Hollywood was a pit even then.
But the fundamentals of the parochials value, and parlous financial condition, and the qualities of the people that run them, these are all still there, the same as 70+ years ago. The story could be remade today with nothing important changed, and still be completely realistic.
I'd settle for suing every last one of the blue checks for libel, threats, etc etc.
And twitter too.
Out of existence.
I was listening to talk radio today. Non-leftwing radio.
You know what they were playing and talking about?
Martin Luther King and his glorious timeless speeches.
What were horrid leftists talking about? The destruction of Catholic teens for wearing MAGA hats.
I know who the brownshirts are.
Buwaya, what is gone now is not the singing nun or priest, but almost all of the nuns and priests who used to do the teaching in the parochial schools of my youth.
Rats leaving the ship once their money is threatened.
Big Mike,
I get to prefer icons from my generation.
Kris Kristopherson will always be the Rubber Duck to me.
Another anomaly, fer sure:
Blogger Rabel said...
Notice who's been the cool-headed guy above the fray in the Tom-Tom fiasco?
The Donald!
Unless I missed something.
Probably sending support on the DL.
Buwaya, in another Althouse thread, in response to a comment of mine, you said:
Richard Fernandez has a lot more to say. He went to Harvard after all.
I am just a simple engineer.
I only have a few conclusions, and on those points I am sadly repetitive.
If I had a blog it would be boring.
Sorry, but I disagree with your conclusion, at least in its spirit. Perhaps if you had a daily blog, where like Althouse you felt you were (at least self-) obligated to keep it up with daily postings, that might I suppose get to be too much — boring for you and perhaps for others — though I doubt the latter.
In that case, though, I suggest you write a periodic (not daily) column, like Wretchard does — while PJMedia (the same umbrella as Wretchard and Instapundit publish under) would probably be the most congenial site for you, one would think.
Therefore, I think that Ann Althouse, Glenn Reynolds, and others who have read and appreciate the quality of your comments here, buwaya, should approach the powers that be at Pajamas Media and arrange it. Seriously.
Harvard ain't all that, anyway.
The average man with his ear to the ground beats the head in the clouds ass hole at Harvard.
Richard Fernandez is an exceptional thinker with his ear to the ground.
So is buwaya.
Dunno Michael,
He might be asked to provide a less fatalistic vision.
What, pray tell, is fatalistic about truth telling?
"Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said "
Love the nick! Well played. Waitress, drinks for his table.
Well, Birkel..depends on the day he posts. If you want to read someone seemingly disinvested from the country telling you we're screwed day after day, be my guest. Just saying that content might not fit into the PJmedia business plan.
much obliged, Olde Sport!
Next round is on us!
Come on down to the Mermaid Café and I will
Buy you a bottle of wine
And we'll laugh and toast to nothing and smash our empty glasses down
Let's have a round for these freaks and these soldiers
A round for these friends of mine
I am invested and I have had the same message for a decade or more. I am not saying the tone is great, but sometimes you need a person to shout "Fire!" In a crowded theater when there is a fire.
I believe we are a generation from Civil War II. Should you or I pretend otherwise? And should we take the number of weapons sold on the last decade for less than it is? The people who know best are voting with their dollars, after all.
Being correct and unhappy about it is no treat, I will tell you.
Today is the day of the rats, when all the weasels were exposed!
Finishing your Joni Mitchell lyric:
Let's have another round for the bright red devil, who
Keeps me in this tourist town
I've always thought the 'bright red devil' was her lover's..ummm...erect penis.
Am I wrong to think this? (sorta like Jackson Browne's "Redneck Friend")
"Get out your cane" ....Co-cane?
if you are correct, someone needs to visit the urologist
I don't like being a pendant, but it is Kristofferson, isn't it?
I wish I had Michael K's faith in the courts to severely punish the media who libeled the Covington boys. The reckless disregard of the truth is evident, even though that is not the standard when they aren’t public figures. But the media, and some Democrats and some on the left will intimidate and doxx and bring pressure on the church.
PJ said...
@buwaya, you make a good pro-parochial-education argument. But there are certain sins for which the Catholics must contritely atone before I will encourage others to entrust children to their care.
ALL Catholics? To atone what a bunch of perv priests have done?
What illogical bullshit.
Jay Elink said...
“ALL Catholics? To atone what a bunch of perv priests have done?
What illogical bullshit.”
The Catholic Church has been clearly on the side of evil for the last several years. The current pontiff is a Marxist and the Catholic Church has been a globalist tool since he took over.
Catholics have a responsibility to be a part of a church that is doing evil.
The catholic school leadership of the school and the diocese was right in front attacking these kids.
Catholics don’t need to apologize. They need to take their church back or leave. They are supporting evil.
A-fuckin'-men, Bro
I am vindicated already. The media is now huffing about pictures of football games in Covington. I used to live in Ft Thomas, which abuts Covington. I guess I can look forward to endless coverage of my old neighbors, until the lawsuits are all settled or dropped.
Achilles, are you a practicing Catholic?
chillblaine said...
“Achilles, are you a practicing Catholic?“
The Catholic Church is rotting from the head..
At some point as a member of that organization you bear responsibility for it’s actions.
The Catholic Church’s actions and attacks on these kids and families have been atrocious.
The Catholic Church is going to do everything to reconcile these grievous wrongs. I am pointed to Heaven; my only responsibility is to my soul, and my soul alone. I pray fervently for healing, every day at Mass. It's my duty and obligation to show up, every day, and pray. Also, I spend every waking moment in communion with G-d. Achilles, all due respect, you probably have your dick in your hand.
There are plenty of non-Catholic options for parochial schools, especially at the elementary/middle school level.
Buwaya, what's with the vote in MARAWI?
What's your take?
@chillblaine, I don’t know what Achilles has in his hand, but you plainly have your head up your ass. A church that sacrifices altar boys to pederast priests will do nothing to support the boys from Covington. It will support that blundering bishop and defer to he Democrat politicians, as it always has. (c,f., Ted Kennedy’s annulment of his marriage to first wife Joan after a quarter century of marriage)
How prevalent is home schooling among Catholics?
What is their education philosophy?
I mean purpose of pedagogy >>> leading the children to what?why, by and with what means?
Similar questions that institutions are facing and failing in this country.
QED with doings of past several years.
In Baltimore City every middle class family, black and white, A.M.E. and Protestant, struggles to get their kid into a Catholic school. They are the cheapest non-public schooling available.
"my only responsibility is to my soul, and my soul alone"
Not at all - we also have responsibilities to others. That is made very clear in the Scriptures.
@Jay Elink -- Of course not "ALL Catholics," I (a Catholic, BTFW) was referencing "the Catholics" as the institution that operates the Catholic parochial schools under discussion and still -- from the head -- fails to contritely atone for all the harm it has done to children. Decontextualize much?
This sort of situation calls for everyone to have some ice cream, no one can stay mad when they're eating ice cream.
PJ said...
@Jay Elink -- Of course not "ALL Catholics," I (a Catholic, BTFW) was referencing "the Catholics" as the institution that operates the Catholic parochial schools under discussion and still -- from the head -- fails to contritely atone for all the harm it has done to children. Decontextualize much?
The phrase you are looking for is not "the Catholics," it is "the Catholic Church."
Their only sins? Being white, Catholic, and supporters of the president.
You left out "male." That's four sins.
@stevew, try me.
A whole lot of ass covering going on in the MSM, but though the additional information come to light by publication of the long videos is indeed hair-raising, just the still photo going with the initial comments is enough to show that that the charges against the kids were totally false and unwarranted.
These kids learned one thing about Washington: never wait for a bus when the editors of National Review are nearby.
@Birkel, I will never understand what people saw in Janis Joplin, outside of heroin dealers who saw her as a steady stream of income.
If Amy Coney Barrett is nominated for the Supreme Court, I shudder for her kids. I guess if I were her, I would think twice about accepting the nomination. I guess they are not really public figures, but they will still be viciously attacked.
"The Second Amendment is currently protecting propaganda." Has it ever been any different?
What Big Mike said at 7:12 AM.
The Ass Covering Media is interesting study. The 2 minutes I could stand to watch, the talking head was interviewing a Native American activist lawyer. Her narrative was that the kids are responsible in the end, Prevocators (hats) violant actions (smirk) and the same list of false accusations. The talking head nodded, asked a few leading questions...and we are off to break.
In the end I cant contact the network and accusing them of fake news. They just interviewed a guest. Pay attention. They let the guest puke out all the lies, and then say 'what? we support free speech, we cant control their words'
Transparent horse apples, but that is their not so slick MO
First they came for the Catholics.
If Amy Coney Barrett is nominated for the Supreme Court, I shudder for her kids. I guess if I were her, I would think twice about accepting the nomination.
Great. The slimy left has won. Drive away all the honest people because they will destroy you and anyone within splattering distance. That's a big part of Democrat Party game plan. Let everyone know they will be destroyed exactly like Kavanaugh.
I worked Isla Beata in the Dominican Republic with my bent over ice antenna so there's that.
Catholics probably do not appreciate comments from the peanut gallery, but I think there is a big chasm between the hierarchy and the laity on this. The pope just cannot get away with telling the laity to call the civil authorities (911). The hierarchy needs to clean house themselves, and in ways that means something to the Catholic laity.
campy said...
Their only sins? Being white, Catholic, and supporters of the president.
You left out "male." That's four sins.
Demonstrating for right to life. That's 5.
The elites consider all of these to be mortal sins nonetheless.
I've never understood the Left's worshipful attitude toward Native Americans. As I posted the other day, my observations are that those who assimilated into 'white man's' culture have succeeded as well as anyone else and are not suffering from discrimination. Most who live on the reservations live in squalor unabated by their lucrative casinos. Races may be equal but cultures are not.
I adore my Catholic parish, and I am instructed to pray for the entire Catholic family, including the head of the Church. My favorite day is Tuesday, when after Mass, we get to do extra devotional to the Virgin Mary. Praying the Rosary has completely changed my life. I am perfectly reconciled with my mother, and I plan on seeing her in Heaven. I adore my soul; sometimes I think that my ancestor was once a great king. And, my name is Matthew. This literally means, "Gift From God." Let me tell you, when you see everything, even pain, as a gift, it makes life pretty sweet. Yes, I pray, and it is with such intensity, that I truly believe a few more stalwarts getting together to focus pray, can achieve ANYTHING.
But the fundamentals of the parochials value, and parlous financial condition, and the qualities of the people that run them, these are all still there, the same as 70+ years ago. The story could be remade today with nothing important changed, and still be completely realistic.
My Catholic high school in Chicago is still open and the students are all black. It is a lower middle class black parental group but the tuition is paid and 96% of the kids go on to college. The white alumni still support the school. A classmate of mine paid for a new roof a few years ago. I have gone to several annual alumni dinners and black alumni are starting to take over as the white alumni died off.
The Church itself has been badly damaged by the takeover in the 1960s of the American seminaries by the left and the gays. The Pope is a Marxist, as someone above posted. Still, the role of the Church in education is still alive.
@tim, for crying out loud, I was plainly comparing “the Catholics” to other operators of schools, not to believers in other religious doctrines. Do you likewise object to “the Democrats nominated Clinton and the Republicans nominated Trump” on the ground that it was actually the Parties that nominated those candidates while many individuals registered to each Party were aghast?
Those who want to demonize Catholic school kids should realize that not a few former and present Catholic school kids are persons of color. There is a fine tradition in the less-fashionable parts of our big cities for middle- and working-class blacks to send their kids to parochial schools, even if they aren't Catholic.
Most parents today have no idea of the depth of leftist, anti-Christian indoctrination in their child's school as well as the poorly conceived system of education. Vouchers are the only answer, IMO.
While I am not a Catholic I applaud Catholic schools. My younger daughter attended them through junior high. Having received some inheritance, I used it to send my grandchildren to non-Catholic Christian schools through elementary.
in grade school, I was plucked out of a poorly run public school to go to a Lutheran school across town. my folks paid a lot extra (on top of the taxes they already paid to send me to a poorly run public school) and sacrificed to do this.
It was a HUGE difference. Actual education. Small class rooms. Old fashioned structure with really amazing teachers. I ended up back in the public school system in high school, but that was due to the logistics. The Lutheran High School was even farther away. The public high school was much better, so I opted to stay closer to home for that. By then, my early education helped me in a less structured system.
Leftists who criticize non-public sources for education - religions based or otherwise, are merely acting as loyal stooges in the Teachers union tax rape crap sale to promote a once size fits all education system. Bonus - the leftwing indoctrination.
The "news" media cannot be trusted. They are democratic operatives with a narrative.
Turn it all off.
It is beyond negligent that the news media are still criticizing, bashing, and lying about the teens. The only reason they are doing so is that they know a lie will spread. That is the goal. Lie - a sneak in a non-apology at 2:00AM.
The left wingers in our hack press remind us of German Brownshirts.
chickenlittle said...
Out on the road today I saw an Althouse sticker on a Cadillac. A little voice inside my head said “It might be Crack, it could maybe be Crack
“Les rats, les rats!” - Albert Camus La Peste
No, the slimy left hasn't won. But any mother would think long and hard about exposing her children to such hate. That's the plan.
"A little voice inside my head said “It might be Crack, it could maybe be Crack"
I thought I knew what love was
What did I know?
Those days are gone forever
I should just let 'em go, but
Let it please be Crack, oh dear God
It must be Crack, it must be Crack
Or I shall die
At Meadhouse:
A (reading M's last comment): "Remember medleys?"
M: "Yeah. Those were great. Make medleys great again."
Just to review:
Many of my Catholic schoolmates "of color" rose to the top, and not because of "the great society". It was their schooling combined with their parenting. Nothing more. They sharpened themselves on the grit of Catholic schooling with parental support.
I remember Bill Medleys! Deep voice.
Having received some inheritance, I used it to send my grandchildren to non-Catholic Christian schools through elementary.
In my early adulthood I had never heard of a non Catholic religous school. There is a relatively explosion of the private non Catholic school. Why, was the question I asked my self. Went from seeing none, spotting them popping up. New ones. Less than 20 years old. Where did they come from? Economics tells me a market will only support so much service.
The conclusion is, a vacuum was created when the Judiciary decided what local schools could and could not do. Since the ratification of the Constitution, we had Catholic schools for the Catholic portion of the population. The rest went to Protestant Schools. All education was faith based. Protestants ran the public schools and the Catholics ran their schools. Until Judges decided decided the people were to stupid to govern themselves.
Now we have public schools that are antagonistic to religion, Private Catholic schools and the new Protestant private schools. You would think the Educational elite, with an obscene percentage of Phd's in their midst would be informed enough to see what is going on. Can you honestly think of any single segment of society that is so highly educated that is running a system failing on so many levels?
Meanwhile,I suppose this will be all over the news today, with celebrities calling for the teen to be beat and ostrasized?
"Police have arrested a man they believe brutally beat an 88-year-old woman in a park in San Francisco’s Visitacion Valley neighborhood on Jan. 8, before breaking into her home across the street.
The suspect, 18-year-old Keonte Gathron, was arrested in San Francisco on Saturday after committing another robbery, according to the San Francisco Police Department. The details of that incident are unclear.
The victim of the Jan. 8 attack, Yik Oi Huang, suffered life-threatening injuries including fractured ribs, shattered facial bones and a fractured spine. She remains in the hospital in critical condition"
no place else to Register my shock & Awe of the national earthquake from the malicious creation of Hate-media against white catholic boys. the monstrous power of guerilla journalism is getting very scary.
Where is Twitter's @Jack?!!!!!
What does CNN know about the path back from their broadcast, production, linkup to ... original source?
Who is the one right there filming the lyin' Indian? what happened next? who worked it. who knew? would Jim acosta have an idea? How about @arishapiro?
something huge got broken this weekend. it even netted the Big Fish @scottadams, ohmygod!! ScottAdams is my daily rock of gentle perspective on the PolPot Media assault against trump. and he is always Right!
so yeah, it was big for me to see him(in the original that he removed)solemnly condemning these kids, and I thought OK, poor guys got caught being assholes.
THEN! wait. completely theatered.
these guys are so connected, too powerful and too good at controlling our minds.
godspeed, america
who is following the money now?
@Iowan2: Based on the research I've seen coming out of the field, I believe that people with PhDs in Education are neither educated nor elite. They are bogusly credentialed mediocrities.
I believe that people with PhDs in Education are neither educated nor elite
I'm a teacher. So do I.
It's actually called an EdD, not PHD, and it's really hard to get if you have any integrity or aversion to spouting pure bullshit to your committee or chair.
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