Anyone who watches those video and praises those kids for poise and restraint is full of crap.
— Imani Gandy (@AngryBlackLady) January 23, 2019
They were acting like thugs.
And if they had been Black, “thug” is the only word that would’ve been used and none of them would be on the TODAY show.
This country is diseased.
I'm putting this up to show you that it's being said. I don't agree with the perception — I'm certain I would not say "thug," so I know it's not the "only word" — but I understand that many people have this perception and are choosing to encourage it in others, and I find it terribly sad.
१४८ टिप्पण्या:
Well, the Black folks on the scene were acting like thugs. Me thinks the lady is more embarrassed than angry.
"Do not look in materials you have gathered for evidence that a suspect acted or spoke against the Soviet authorities. The first question you should ask him is what class he belongs to, what is his origin, education, profession. These questions should determine his fate. This is the essence of the Red Terror."
- Martin Latsis, Cheka official, 1918
Who is this Imani Gandy person? Is she of any import or influence, or is she just another voice in a mob?
No words would have been used and it wouldn’t have ever made any media reports. So I guess she’s partly correct.
okay, let's play the game!
a bunch of clean cut black teens, are confronted by a crazed white guy; that walks right up into the middle of their group, and LOUDLY plays the clarinet... ONE INCH away from one of the teens...
And the black teens, just stand there; smiling?
put down the pipe; you've had enough!
Imani Gandy be black. Best ignore what she say.
Is it even a very good exercise to try to imagine? There were black people involved in this. They were spewing invective. And they are not being called thugs. They are being ignored.
But let's play it. A group of 16 year old black teens go to a march in Washington. A group of white protesters surround them and call them n*ggers, say they are future school shooters, etc. A Native American begins drumming in the face of one of they black teenagers. Drumming at an African American!!! And the teenagers chant school cheers and one smiles at the drummer while the white men make racist taunts.
Would we call those black teenagers "thugs"?
"This country is diseased."
And we have found the pathogen and the vector. The pathogen is racial self-righteousness and indignation. The vector is twitter. The medicine is another Carrington Event. The cure does not exist. The prognosis is negative. So is the message.
"Oh them? That's just Richard Spencer's group. We've learned to ignore them as they yell on the streets, everyone in a big city has learned to just walk away."
Can you see it?
Ok, so standing there while someone gets in your face is "acting like a thug"?
What color is the sky in your reality?
If they the kids had been Black:
A) This would have never been a story. (Notice nobody is discussing the hateful actions of the Black Hebrews)
B) The race of the boys would definitely not have been raised.
"I understand that many people have this perception and are choosing to encourage it in others, and I find it terribly sad."
It is sad. But I got past sad a long time ago. I fear there's a war coming in this country, and then we'll all find out what sad really is.
Thugs are traditionally the indian.
SJW types are now so obsessed with the difference between "punching up" vs. "punching down" they have forgotten A) why are they punching and B) punching is BAD.
It has ceased being a conscious activity. It's automatic. On auto-pilot now. Where I see white boys, there I must strike
This ends poorly
I've lost track of who's chiming in on what side. As far as I'm concerned the while thing is ridiculous, and all in the commentariat.
The original after all was to get somebody fired, which itself is commentariat play.
This is why constantly talking about "white privilege" and "toxic masculinity" is bad. You are completely erasing any humanity in people, and seeing them as a group with no problems, no fears, and sole responsibility for the actions of others.
I'm of the traditional view that children are not worth paying any attention to.
Apparently Imani Gandy has never visited World Star Hiphop
To quote former Howard Stern Wack Packer and KKK Grand Dragon Daniel Carver, "wake up white people." If you do not understand by now that the social justice craze is animated by a downright loathing of white people, you have not been paying attention. Read some of the comment threads on blogs at The Root, for example, if you actually have any doubts. Read all the gleeful op-eds downright giddy over white's heading for minority status in the next several decades. America is doomed.
This is battlespace prep for the Amy Coney Barrett hearings when she is nominated to the Supreme Court. They will be worse than the Kavanaugh hearings. First, the left must damage the image of the Catholic Church.
This was a planned hit job.
Mookie has until Friday to retract and apologize or its lawsuit time.
This person represents that the media will publicize any statement of the left with no push back,and no effort at truthful representation of facts. Giving the lie a small color of legitimacy. A percentage of those will see the statement as supporting the ongoing narrative.
Mission accomplished
Truth dies in an echo chamber
@ Wilbur - Yep, I agree with you man. People can only stand so much and then out come the machetes and it's Hutu-Tutsi time. For my part, I will GTFO as soon as it starts because I don't want to shoot anyone, certainly not my friends or family. They may or not feel the same about me, because I refuse to celebrate the sexual deviancy of homosexuality, don't believe in special privileges for persons of color, don't like big government, and generally want to be left the fuck alone.
The fact that this woman felt comfortable playing the "If they were black" game demonstrates how this event united Twitter in one way: Everyone agreed to ignore the black nationalist group hurling racist and anti-gay slurs, starting the whole episode.
This group of screaming black men, Black Hebrews, is the one that activist Nathan Phillips called "the prey," about to be victimized by Catholic school boys.
We don't have to imagine "If they were black" because they were, in fact, black. Black racists. And we don't have to imagine what would happen. We know what happened. They were shielded from criticism because their behavior didn't fit the Approved Narrative.
Blogger gahrie said...
If they the kids had been Black:
A) This would have never been a story. (Notice nobody is discussing the hateful actions of the Black Hebrews)
B) The race of the boys would definitely not have been raised.
One of the Covington Catholic students was black; and he was singled out for vicious taunts about his organs being harvested, by the Black Hebrew Israelites. Right?
Another dumb whore heard from.
"This was a planned hit job."
"Professional leftists plan everything."
The culture war is on in a large way. There is no dealing with these people. Trump needs to dial it up until they tap out.
I thought the quick denunciation of the lads by the Diocese of Covington was a particularly shameful contribution. But the leaders of the Catholic Church are the all time pros at fucking young men in their care.
"This is battlespace prep for the Amy Coney Barrett hearings when she is nominated to the Supreme Court. They will be worse than the Kavanaugh hearings. First, the left must damage the image of the Catholic Church.
This was a planned hit"
Echo. Couldn't have said it better.
Who is this Imani Gandy person?
Angry Black Lady. Says it right there on her damn twitter account.
Is she of any import or influence
Well, angry black people were yelling at not-angry white people, and the not-angry white people were blamed for their privilege of standing there and smiling at the anger.
So if angry black people is your thing, she's right there, on twitter. Angry Black Lady. Not hard to find, I guess, if you're looking for that.
I try to avoid people who are angry about skin color.
In this counterfactual...
"if the white kid was black"
Would he still have a MAGA hat on?
Would the drummer be white?
Would the drummer have the MAGA hat?
makes a difference
Maybe should should do up all the alternative scenarios as graphics
and ask "what do you feel happens next in each one"?
Had the Black Israelites harassed a bunch of black teenagers for that long there would have been violence.
I'd just like to say that I'll be happy to send out the funeral notices for anyone who wades into a group of black teenagers on the Mall & gets into their faces while beating an Indian drum. I hope not to get any takers on that offer.
And another thing - fuck Nathan Phillips and fuck the Native-Americans. There is nothing special or spiritual about the remnants of a recently stone age civilization. I doubt his claims of service in Vietnam with the USMC and I would like to see his Omaha Tribe certification as well.
"One of the Covington Catholic students was black; and he was singled out for vicious taunts about his organs being harvested, by the Black Hebrew Israelites. Right?"
And he was called a "n-gger" by the group of blacks.
“but I understand that many people have this perception and are choosing to encourage it in others, and I find it terribly sad.”
Sad is the emotion you turn to when you want to avoid the issue - to turn away from it. Unfortunately, the War on Individualism is interested in everyone. You will be made to care.
That's so stupid. There were black people there: in the MAGA group, passing by, and as members of the Black Israelites who were yelling things many would consider offensive. There's been no story about any of these people. (As well there shouldn't be stories about any of the people there, as they're doing nothing particularly remarkable.)
BONUS: We don't have to imagine "If they were black" because some of the Convington kids WERE black. They were targeted by the Black Hebrews:
At the 1:20 mark (which comes after the Phillips incident) they call one of the few black students the n-word and tell him that his friends are going to murder him and steal his organs.
1/23/19, 10:35 AM
Blogger Michael K said...
This is battlespace prep for the Amy Coney Barrett hearings when she is nominated to the Supreme Court. They will be worse than the Kavanaugh hearings. First, the left must damage the image of the Catholic Church.
This was a planned hit job.
Michael, I was heartened by the very tough pushback on Senators Harris and Hirono when they dared to suggest that certain federal judicial nominees’ memberships in the Knights of Columbus were somehow disqualifying for those nominees. I saw that pushback in the Wall Street Journal, the Bulwark, and on the select Fox News Channel programs that I still watch.
I expect that you shared those feelings of mine.
So, we get to hear from AngryBlackLady. I think I saw her down on State Street the other day wearing six overcoats and screaming that someone had stolen her wanga.
If you look at the various tapes, there is a lot to see and hear--the black hebrews spouting their nonsense, a bunch of restless high school boys doing all sorts of things that 15, 16 and 17 year old boys do, including some counter shouts and tomahawk chops (but I've seen lots of people do that), some native American guy getting right in a boy's face beating a drum (what was that all about?), all of which is pretty peaceful, lively, nonviolent, and cacophonous. The one thing I don't see is anyone acting like a thug. So I conclude that AngryBlackLady either (1) has not watched the videos, (2) is vision impaired, or (3) is full of caca. I think it is probably both (1) and (3).
If you want to see thug behavior, go to Englewood, North Lawndale, or Austin. There is plenty of thug on display. But keep moving and don't flash any gang signs.
@Althouse, Jack Wayne has your number.
BTW, wben is the racist term "people of color" going to fall out of favor?
Whites have skin color. They are not transparent, they are not subhuman, tbey are not "white" (hold your hand up to this white background... light brown in contrast, yes?), hey are not without color.
The POC racism is tbe same racism that has blacks killing other blacks for being too "light".
Knock it off. Call them out as racists when tbey use "people of color"
It's the fault of the media and the leadership on the left, both of which know that they are promulgating devastatingly damaging lies in the pursuit of power.
'And if they had been Black, “thug” is the only word that would’ve been used' I am curious: Does that poster or anyone have a single instance of the word "thug" being used for a black person who did not actually attack anyone?
Chuck--I saw it, too.
Mazie Hirono is a one-woman wrecking crew on the stereotype that Asians are smart.
The conservative media "pushback" is useless. Sure, it is to be expected (the least that can be expected) but it has no significance to the balance of power.
These outlets might as well not exist for all the good they do.
Chuck: "Michael, I was heartened by the very tough pushback on Senators Harris and Hirono when - "
Why are you trying to change the subject?
If only more thugs met in public and no violence broke out.
Fen--are you THE Fen? The author of Fen's law (The Left doesn't really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about)?
If so, I am in awe.
Since Angry Black Lady is confused, let me help: black kid beating someone's head against a concrete = thug; black kid waiting for a bus = kid waiting for bus; black kid charging a police officer = thug; black kid dancing = kid dancing.
I know this is a hard concept for an Angry Black Lady, but most people don't have a ton of sympathy for violent criminals. Also, and maybe this is a white person thing, a violent criminal who is killed in self-defense by his intended victim is particularly unsympathetic.
The strength of the Catholic School boys is very frightening to the "Kill the Christians and Jews" wing of the Democrat Party. Their chants and drumming trying to get evil spirits to help them destroy White Christians is having NO effect at all on they must be thugs.
That reminds me of Tokyo Rose's broadcasts in WWII calling the Marines on Guadalcanal beasts and inhuman thugs recruited from Insane Asylums. That was the Jap's excuse for losing 37,000 Japanese Soldiers that were wiped out by the Catholic/Christian Marines, most of whom were 18 to 19 years old.
The Progressive hate-the-whites media needs them some excuses. I blame Trump.
Are thugs typically non-violent? No.
These outlets might as well not exist for all the good they do.
Beyond keeping Zoe and Pippa in kibble and tennis balls, I agree.
Chuck cites the bulwark, unironically, the folks who think defending the Lincoln memorial students is somehow declasse.
Blogger Fen said...
Chuck: "Michael, I was heartened by the very tough pushback on Senators Harris and Hirono when - "
Why are you trying to change the subject?
I was addressing myself, agreeably, to Michael K and his comment.
Considering the verbal abuse these kids were dealing with, I think they behaved pretty well. It could've easily devolved into fist fights or throwing objects. I am not even certain they were taunting the native american rather than thinking he was beating his drum to their chants. I think it was only when he stared down Sandmann for quite a while and maybe not until the one other native american started arguing with another kid that they realized these guys were not on their side and might be trying to get them to do something on film. I do know that Nathan Phillips lied multiple times to the media and his veteran status and elder status do not give him immunity from criticism for that.
And if they had been Black?
Black like Candace Owens/Blexit ? Ask her!
btw KY Prosecutor Sanders seems to mean bidness w over a dozen on the case
The students were accosted, berated, and threatened by black BHI thugs, and Indigian thugs, all while refusing to lash back with anything racist or hurtful of their own, but no Lefty has taken even the slightest notice of that.
Oh, and at least one of the Covington kids was black, and I don't know of anyone calling him a thug.
I was addressing myself, agreeably, to Michael K and his comment.
I agree with you, Chuck, but I also agree with buwaya, as usual.
Think the MAGA hats were given to the kids as part of the setup. I would like to learn who did that.
It reminds me of the video of the guy (never identified) paying the Kavanaugh hearing demonstrators. The video was taken by two doctors standing in line to get into the hearings.
"Michael, I was heartened by the very tough pushback on Senators Harris and Hirono when they dared to suggest that certain federal judicial nominees’ memberships in the Knights of Columbus were somehow disqualifying for those nominees. I saw that pushback in the Wall Street Journal, the Bulwark, and on the select Fox News Channel programs that I still watch."
Heartened to see the WSJ or FoxNews push back is a very low hurdle to clear. It will chasten no one.
If Ginsberg dies and Coney-Barrett nominated, I don't know how the Democrats will attack her, but I suspect they will simply make up things like they did in the Kavanaugh hearings.
Char Char Binks said...
The students were accosted, berated, and threatened by black BHI thugs, and Indigian thugs, all while refusing to lash back with anything racist or hurtful of their own, but no Lefty has taken even the slightest notice of that.
I dunno. Sometimes I think that's the worst thing you can do to a leftist grifter, uh...I mean... activist.
I don't know how the Democrats will attack her, but I suspect they will simply make up things like they did in the Kavanaugh hearings.
Exactly. Those of us who believe the entirety of #MeToo was part of the long game for stopping Kavanaugh see parallels in the intensity of the critical attacks on Catholics.
What a stupid bitch. If Chief Meth Mouth had gone up to any group of black teenagers in Anacostia and started banging his retard drum in their face, they would have knocked his ass unconscious.
"Think the MAGA hats were given to the kids as part of the setup. I would like to learn who did that."
Nick Sandmann has stated that he bought the cap in Washington that day from a vendor.
Does that poster or anyone have a single instance of the word "thug" being used for a black person who did not actually attack anyone?
No, but victim status is valuable, and must be maintained even at the expense of truth.
if a white man stepped up to a black teen like that, he'd likely have been gangstomped
and if not (say they were in all ways comparable but for race), the viral video would have given whitey the social death penalty
I hope this woman gets sued. Her idiocy in ignoring that the black thugs that actually were there have been ignored by everyone, in order to pretend that if the kids were black they'd be getting called thugs, is so malevolently egregious that it amounts to further libel (she is, after all, asserting that the white kids should be called thugs).
Imani Gandi is only going after them because they are white and Christian, just like the other commenters on her twitter are. The lot of them are racist, ignoramus bigots.
does Imani know what the "Black Israelites" were saying? Were they "thugs"?
And if they had been Black, “thug” is the only word that would’ve been used and none of them would be on the TODAY show.
To the extent this is true the left would have responded by calling every person asserting this a racist and concluded the whole event is white supremacy.
It's revealing even people undertaking this thought experiment cannot apply it to themselves. They only apply it to others because applying it to both sides would cause them to question their original and ideologically driven assertions.
I'm no longer willing to give any credence to the idea of "good faith" to people on the other side of these issues. They have made perfectly clear what kind of people they are. To hell with them.
Michael K: if you think the boys deserved it because of wearing MAGA hats, try that theory on girls in short skirts and low cut blouses.
The Orwellian leftwing shaming is the telling part of this tale.
The Black Israelites were trash talking. The kids might have been as well.
The only reason any of this matters is that some of the kids were wearing MAGA hats. That right there is a crime in the minds of the radical anti-free speech left.
If the kids had been black, Phillips the Native would not have been beating his tom-tom in one of their faces. I wonder why.
Do you suppose Imani knows?
Blogger Yancey Ward said...
"Michael, I was heartened by the very tough pushback on Senators Harris and Hirono when they dared to suggest that certain federal judicial nominees’ memberships in the Knights of Columbus were somehow disqualifying for those nominees. I saw that pushback in the Wall Street Journal, the Bulwark, and on the select Fox News Channel programs that I still watch."
Heartened to see the WSJ or FoxNews push back is a very low hurdle to clear. It will chasten no one.
If Ginsberg dies and Coney-Barrett nominated, I don't know how the Democrats will attack her, but I suspect they will simply make up things like they did in the Kavanaugh hearings.
I expect that you are right.
Just as Democrats did with Bush 41’s nomination of Thomas, and Bush 43’s nominations of Miguel Estrada, Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Alito, and Trump’s nomination of Gorsuch. All confirmed with almost zero Democrat support. And very much unlike the Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan nominations
Oh...they are Hebrew Israelites, not Black.
I guess "cracker" isn't racial:
"Dating back more than a century, the theology is difficult to define today because the movement is split into dozens of semiautonomous groups. In general, adherents contend that race does not exist, and so they eschew being referred to as black or categorizing anyone else by race. They group people instead based on what they call nations, believing that there are 12 tribes among God’s chosen people. White people are not among those tribes, they believe, and will therefore be servants when Christ returns to Earth."
This anti-white hatred won’t end well. White male backlash is coming if something doesn’t change.
Blogger Michael K said...
I was addressing myself, agreeably, to Michael K and his comment.
I agree with you, Chuck, but I also agree with buwaya, as usual.
Think the MAGA hats were given to the kids as part of the setup. I would like to learn who did that.
It reminds me of the video of the guy (never identified) paying the Kavanaugh hearing demonstrators. The video was taken by two doctors standing in line to get into the hearings.
It looked to me like about a quarter of the kids were wearing them. My guess was that at some time during their trip, the group came across a gift shop or souvenir stand that featured them. And that some of the kids, with $20 or $50 or $100 in fresh “Washington trip” spending money from their parents, bought the hats. I further suppose that Nick Sandmann was “targeted” (an overly dramatic term that I’m not entirely comfortable with) by the Indians because of his hat.
No matter what I might guess, I expect that there is an entirely non-sinister explanation for the hats.
Standing and having someone approach you is truly the most thuggish behavior, is it not?
"Thugs", note, act as they do to project macho intimidation; it's literally about posturing.
It's real hard to call what those kids did "thuggish", especially in response to actual provocation, which is one thing the thug mindset does not encourage backing down from.
Had they been thugs, they would have ended up fighting with the Israelites using slurs on them, I'd think.
@gilbar -- the clarinet is a perfect touch.
After a storm there must be a calm
They catch me in the farm
You sound your alarm
Poor a-poor a-poor me, the Israelite
Desmond Dekker Israelite
With the patently vile BHI folk there, looks like too much of a cluster __ to be orchestrated. Spin/coverage is another story.
If the hats were given to them, that would be out by now.
Anyone who boasts how angry she is, as a way of life, a permanent condition, should be ignored.
The kids were acting like kids. Some of the were acting like goofballs. Some weren't. I keep reading about one kid taking off his shirt. I don't know what that is about. But then not all kids were acting the same and nothing really actually happened.
Have any of these mad opinion-havers ever chaperoned a school field trip? Camped with boy scouts? Coached a junior varsity sports team?
Shark jumping has started in earnest
even better
"I understand that many people have this perception and are choosing to encourage it in others, and I find it terribly sad."
I vaguely remember reading somewhere that the statement flagging leftists as feeling and not reasoning while conservatives flow with reasoning over feelings is a canard. I really can't remember times when this kind of thing was driven by conservatives.
I don't know when the Democratic party quit paying attention to data (other than polls) and started demonizing instead of discussing, but the Kennedy characterization of Bork certainly made it mainstream-Dem.
"Imani Gandy -- angryblacklady" -- But what does Madea think?
I'm no longer willing to give any credence to the idea of "good faith" to people on the other side of these issues. They have made perfectly clear what kind of people they are. To hell with them.
Clyde pretty much nails it. Start with Kurt Schlichter's maxim: They hate us and everything we stand for. Act accordingly.
Diversity rears its ugly head when profit presents itself.
Shark jumping has started in earnest
More like jumped the Ass.
There were thugs there. Black thugs. Barely mentioned in the reporting. Even then it is presented as a background issue.
Imani Gandy seems to make a pretty good living being Angry and Black. She's a supporter of the abortion industry, BTW, which may account for her dislike of pro-life Catholic teens:
"Imani is a senior legal analyst for Rewire.News, where she covers law and courts and co-hosts Rewire.News’ podcast Boom! Lawyered. Imani also began and continues to write the Angry Black Lady Chronicles.
"Imani is a recovering attorney turned award-winning journalist and political blogger. Previously, Imani founded Angry Black Lady Chronicles, winner of the 2010 Black Weblog Award for Blog to Watch and the 2012 Black Weblog Award for Best Political Blog. She received her JD from University of Virginia School of Law in 2001, where she was a Hardy Cross Dillard scholar and an Editorial Board member of the University of Virginia Law Review. She has presented at several conferences and panels, including the 2013 Abortion Care Network as the Keynote Speaker; the 2014 Baffler Conference; the 2016 YBCA 100 Summit; the 2016 PPFA 100th Anniversary at the Brooklyn Historical Society; the 2018 SXSW Panel “If Roe Were to Go”; the 2018 plenary for National Abortion Federation’s annual meeting; and the 2018 Affect Conference as the Keynote Speaker. Boom! Lawyered won Podcast of the Year in 2017 from the Population Control Institute."
Chuck, Miguel Estrada was never confirmed. Democrats filibustered him explicitly because "he is Latino" as proven by leaked memos. Naturally, the media made the scandal about the leak rather than the ultra-racist content.
'Hot Mama' Gandy
I'm no longer willing to give any credence to the idea of "good faith" to people on the other side of these issues.
You still have to take it person by person. But the key to understanding the left as a movement is that those who do approach issues honestly (i.e, liberals) are recognized as different and regularly treated as enemies by the left wingers. This is largely because public left wingers encounter so few liberals they might as well not exist.
Consider the threats and denunciations Althouse received during the Great Fleebagging.
From the comments section of the Washington Post, "A Viral Story Spread..." Dennis Byron wrote:
"You are probably not aware (and none of the lefty media --- which is all media) will tell you that this whole thing was orchestrated by a Democratic Party PR group called Survival Media Agency.
"Did you really not notice the A-roll and B-roll professional cameramen and professional lighting equipment trailing along with the five native American drummers (not one as the propaganda makes you think) and five native American F-bomb throwers that surrounded the 16-year-old kid 1000 feet away from where they had a permit to have a march?
"You probably think the kids surrounded the one poor old Vietnam vet. Oh wait a minute -- Not two ways!
"You probably think the kids blocked the one poor old not-a-Vietnam vet from going up the stairs to the Lincoln Memorial (was that in version one of this story or version two?). Oh wait a minute -- Not! He came from Bacon Park and could have gone up to the Lincoln Memorial anywhere over a 500 foot length of the stairs before he got almost all the way over to the bus turn in off Independence Ave.
"You probably think the the one poor old not-a-Vietnam vet was trying to protect the kids from the nutty black guys (or the nutty black guys from the kids--just another part of poor old not-a-Vietnam vet's story that keeps changing.). Oh wait a minute -- Not! The chaperones were doing just fine at keeping the kids away from the nutty blacks but if poor old not-a-Vietnam vet wanted to get between the two groups as he claimed in version three (or was it version four) of this story, he could have stopped 100 feet from where he stopped..."
"Anyone who watches those video and praises those kids for poise and restraint is full of crap."
Could this paragon of Truth tell us where in the video those kids acted un-poised and un-restrained?
Let’s consider two group of high school kids: the survivors from Parkland and the Covington group. One group is heralded for their maturity and innate wisdom that we must recognize and honor, but can’t be criticized because they’re “just kids”. The other group are pilloried and called racist products of bad parenting, and they are physically threatened, with calls to be doxxed and denied college admission. Others publicly fantasize about violence being done upon them because they think differently than the so-called moral arbiters – even though they’re just kids. Neither group volunteered for their exposure, and I don’t say their trauma is equal, but I wonder – if some whacko gets stoked to take a gun to the Covington school, would those kids then be validated and honored? Actually, I’m not really wondering.
I have to agree that anybody who would condemn a group of black boys for the identical behavior would be a racist who can only see what his prejudices tell him to see. Same as what happened with the people who condemned the white boys for something, I am still not sure what.
Funny how the writer takes racism as a given in any person who wold defend the boys. It’s an elliptical argument, an argument he bootstraps from his own prejudices.
Blogger Qwinn said...
Chuck, Miguel Estrada was never confirmed. Democrats filibustered him explicitly because "he is Latino" as proven by leaked memos. Naturally, the media made the scandal about the leak rather than the ultra-racist content.
I knew all of that. Your 2-sentence summation is so thoroughly correct that as I read it, I thought, “This guy gets it. He knows. I better go back to my post and see what I misstated...”
But I didn’t misstate anything. I wrote that Estrada was nominated. He was. And blocked by Dems exactly as you describe. Never confirmed (for the DC Circuit, for the uninitiated). I know the story and I have even met Manny Miranda!
I don’t know what I wrote that you would disagree with because I didn’t disagree with what you wrote.
The press canonized Trayvon Martin, who was a thug. So I really have no doubt that they would have reported very favorably toward black high school students acting with restraint when being berated by adults. It is crazy to think otherwise.
Would some individuals have criticized them? Sure. It is a big world and there will always be a few deranged individuals who want to express themselves. Case in point: There are still people blaming the Catholic HS students. People like Imani Gandy.
OH WAIT! My apologies!!!
I wrote that “they were all confirmed with almost zero Democrat support.””
And you caught that error.
Kudos to you and my humble apologies, Qwinn. You are the man, today. 101% correct.
If you want you can Help Aaron Fix Angry Black Lady's Car.
weren't the hebrew israelites there black? Doesn't that fit the "thug" quotient?
not the narrative though.
Your school failed you. Your diocese failed you. Your Church failed you, with some of the nation’s most visible Catholics, lay and clerical, rushing to join the pile-on. America failed you.
What you mean we, Kimosabe?
WP's new take: conservatives pounce yet again!
People can only stand so much and then out come the machetes and it's Hutu-Tutsi time.
Careful. That's crazy talk according to some people. The same people who will call you psycho for pointing out the obvious.
The very same people who don't think anything will happen to them when the shit hits the fan.
Oso Negro said...
@ Wilbur - Yep, I agree with you man. People can only stand so much and then out come the machetes and it's Hutu-Tutsi time. For my part, I will GTFO as soon as it starts because I don't want to shoot anyone, certainly not my friends or family. They may or not feel the same about me, because I refuse to celebrate the sexual deviancy of homosexuality, don't believe in special privileges for persons of color, don't like big government, and generally want to be left the fuck alone.
And where exactly do you think you can be safe if you GTFO if the SHTF hare? The United States is the safe haven for the rest of the world. There is no safe haven for Americans of any stripe.
The diocese abandoned the kids, but that won't save them from scrutiny, nor will their "third-party" investigation. Virtue signal all you want, the progressives will still hate you.
Wow another idiot with a twitter account. I have no idea who that is and neither do I care.
Blogger Fernandistein said...
Imani Gandy be black. Best ignore what she say.
Don’t ignore her because she’s black—ignore her because she’s an idiot.
Blogger Matt said...
Since Angry Black Lady is confused, let me help: black kid beating someone's head against a concrete = thug; black kid waiting for a bus = kid waiting for bus; black kid charging a police officer = thug; black kid dancing = kid dancing.
I was assured he was a “gentle giant”!
"but I understand that many people have this perception and are choosing to encourage it in others, and I find it terribly sad."
Althouse would like some fussy minorities to STFU. The PR team for this kid has already told said that the kids did nothing wrong and the native dude was an interloper. It makes Althouse sad when minorities (and others) don't understand this. She wishes you were more capable of understanding the reality of such w/o yur emotionalism and lack of perspective. Try to reach Althouse's understanding, cause yur failing makes her sad.
"Fen--are you THE Fen? The author of Fen's law (The Left doesn't really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about)? If so, I am in awe."
LOL. Yes. And I coined it on this very site. Thanks for tbe kudos but if you ask around you'll hear I'm really not that big a deal. ;)
adSs: "The PR team for this kid has already told said that the kids did nothing wrong and the native dude was an interloper."
Its super duper fortunate for the PR team that the video evidence completely backs them up and shows clearly what the Native American trouble-making and serial liar and 3-time Gone AWOL stolen Valor hack activist was up to.
She simply never even really thought about what she was saying. She just needed to say something. You can't just sit there and let the stench of your own prejudice sink into your nostrils like a political dutch oven.
The left were clear vicious bigots in this affair, and they just can't face it. They see it reflected in the complete video and the revised facts, but they look away and point at the other side instead of just accepting the ugliness they are. I can't really blame them. It must suck.
I wonder how many of them even looked at the complete video, or listened to what the Black Israelites were saying. That would be hard to face, and I bet few had the courage.
One can only imagine the horrors this "Vietnam times"/"Recon Ranger" witnessed as he worked diligently to repair refrigeration units in Nebraska and Southern California....
.....that is un between the multiple times he went AWOL...
"courageously" of course. I mean, like, of course.
BTW, if you get a chance, google this "tribal elder" (also a lie) taking on a mythical Eastern Michigan Univ fraternity that supposedly harassed him.... the time the cops showed up our intrepid party elder warrior (LOL) could not explain how it was that the ENTIRE fraternity group had completely disappeared (party paraphernalia included) so much so that it was almost as if they were never there!!
Now, I know what you are all thinking: precisely how many Medals of Honor was this guy awarded?
Had to be double digits....
Had to be!
Perhaps he can keynote the Dem national convention in 2020.
Bowe Bergdahl could introduce him....assuming LLR Chuck isnt available.
Let's be clear, it was the Blacks there who really caused the whole incident and were the main purveyors of the racism and bigotry. The Indians were minding their own business too, and were taunted by the Blacks who egged them on to attack the students until Chief Stolen Valor took the bait and did what he was told to do by the Blacks. The students behaved the most appropriately, and the Blacks the least. "Why?" is the question people should be asking, becuase the answer is the answer to our racial problems?
Fen, I quote your law all the time. It's like being in the presence of Abraham Lincoln, more or less.
The video shows two assholes who wouldn't yield to the other even though doing so meant exactly zero, and they did this cause......illogic.
BTW, If you want to find a hero in the videos, pick out someone who is calm and also not a dick or cunt.
And, do you think that your comments qualify as dick/cunt stuff, or are you just callin' balls and strikes w/ a jovial flair?
Self-awareness is tricky.
IOW, Drag,
How cool is it that you are the drummer dude in these threads?
You can't
call a Spade a Spade
these days
Whites are circling the wagons
"The video shows two assholes who wouldn't yield to the other even though doing so meant exactly zero, and they did this cause......illogic."
One of your "assholes" was 16 years old and minding his own business, while being threatened and insulted by grown men, and your other "asshole" was also a grown man who is a proven liar and poseur who intruded into the kid's space while said kid was being threatened and got inches away from his kid's face with a drum for the clear purpose of intimidating a child and trying to force him to leave his own space.
It's pathetic that you see both those people as "assholes", equally at fault. If you can't see the difference, you can't see anything clearly. You just have too many assholes.
All the other kids (even some of the ones who were ranting and raving) got out of the geezer's way.
Any non-asshole 16 y.o. knows that you always get out of a geezer's way. No exception. Even if ya gots yur MAGA hat on.
All the other kids (even some of the ones who were ranting and raving) got out of the geezer's way.
Any non-asshole 16 y.o. knows that you always get out of a geezer's way. No exception. Even if ya gots yur MAGA hat on, and the geezer is non-white.
Fixed, for y'all.
Yea, the person being attacked deliberately with intimidation and threats is just like the victim of that intimidation. Nice set of values you got there. I guess you think that MLK should have stayed home or kept his head down and shuffled away to avoided all that intimidation in the South. He must have been just as much of an asshole as those good ole boys getting in his face. Just give it up. You are on the wrong side of justice and decency here, but you don't have run it up the flagpole.
I'm not blinded by the color of a person's skin. The bad guys are bad. You can't see them unless they are the right color for your prejudice. A racist never knows which side to take unless they know what race the parties are. I could tell the good from the bad just from listening to the audio.
You don't make your intended point by saying that a white kid standing in front of a native geezer is the equiv re MLK in the sixties.
It's cool that you don't see that.
Carry on.
I think the point is well made, and the bigotry the same. The only difference is the skin color and who's turn it is to be tested. You are failing.
"The only difference is the skin color and who's turn it is to be tested."
Right, that geezer veteran w/ F-ed teeth would have kept equal rights away from white folks if that kid didn't stop him from directly walking up those stairs.
You must have been captain of the debate team.
Now I'm sad, too.
Listen hear, boy. Who you think you are walking round here with that hat on. You bess take it off or I'll take it off for ya. Your type don't belong around here. Git back with your own, boy. It ain't safe around here for you people.
Is this the thread where we relay our conversations w/ our imaginary stuff?
Assuming so:
Me: Listen hear, Wanda. Should we have Brown-Lipped Abalone or listen to Avalon?
Wanda: F U.
It's not the indian guy taking the white kids' rights away. It's Twitter, and the media, and the doxxers, and the people pressuring colleges to not accept them.
It's you. Yes, you. You're the baddies.
Kids should know that they're gonna meet loons. If they see an old geezer w/ a drum and missing teeth who's acting oddly: let him move on.
Gotta know that, and gotta know that one plus one is two: then yur ready for some sorta college, though not one I'd go to.
"Let him move on"? The indian guy confronted *him*. He gave no indication that he wanted the kid to move aside. He very obviously targeted him. Because hat.
All the other kids moved aside. And so did this one, eventually.
We don't want to raise brats. This is true even though many of you are biased re your affiliation re this white kid and your lack of connection (if not innate hostility) re this loon geezer, F-ed tooth, veteran non-white.
"I find it terribly sad."
If I weren't so cynical, I would find it terribly infuriating that Althouse and the Althouses of the world find the deliberate prog attack on non-progs, and their systematic and continual devastation of the culture, "sad."
How could they! It's sad! They shouldn't! It's so unfair!
All the other kids (even some of the ones who were ranting and raving) got out of the geezer's way.
Wait...I thought the Indian claimed that the White kids surrounded him and prevented him for walking up the steps of the Lincoln Memorial?
There is an alt version of the movie, "Gravity," that came out of Bollywood. It stars a woke cast of high-caste Indian people who come to America on H1-B visas, and design a low-cost rocket capable of delivering its payload and returning safely to earth. The payload is mostly kids in MAGA hats, who think they are on a great space adventure, but unfortunately it is a one-way trip. It's on YouTube probably.
DC is a "sundown town,” if you are going to wear a MAGA hat around here, you better hightail it soon as someone says “boo” and never let us catch you here after sundown or looking at one of our women.
Sitter Space: "if that kid didn't stop him from directly walking up those stairs"
The path up the stairs was open, nothing prevented Chief Shitbird from walking up the stairs.
The kids were off to one side, waiting for their buses to arrive. Chief Shitbird chose to walk over to them and plow into the center of their group.
You already knew this. But you are trying to craft a false reality, one in which you are the "righteous rude standing up for an oppressed minority". To compensate for something dark and scuzzy in your owm life. What exactly did you do? There is no need for you to slander innocent teenagers, confess and seek forgiveness for your corruption.
Sitter Space: "Sure, maybe I DID make a pass at the babysitter, but I stood up for Indigenous Peoples, so I can't be a total douche, right?"
Wrong. That's not how this works. And you still remain a total douche.
Get off the babysitter and apologize.
Cuck: "But I didn’t misstate anything. I wrote that Estrada was nominated. He was. And blocked by Dems exactly as you describe. Never confirmed"
No, you actually said:
"Just as Democrats did with Bush 41’s nomination of Thomas, and Bush 43’s nominations of Miguel Estrada, Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Alito, and Trump’s nomination of Gorsuch. All confirmed with almost zero Democrat support." - Cuck at 12:08pm
You claimed ALL were confirmed, including Estrada. That error slipped past you because you lie so often that you can't keep your own thoughts straight.
It's a fitting punishment.
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