Oh, my. I guess she meant it figuratively, but this is awful speech. Maybe she thinks it's okay because it's just not funny. Meanwhile, Louis CK was funny while saying awful things, as noted in this post yesterday. Some other Louis CK-related tweeting I'm seeing this morning:
I hold no brief for Louis CK, but if you don't like what he's done, you should probably cease using the word "transgressive" favorably to refer to things you like. If anything is "transgressive," it's that Louis CK routine.— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) December 31, 2018
Every Judd tweet reveals his terror that the woke mob will drag him next. https://t.co/L8TZ77E52s— jon gabriel (@exjon) December 31, 2018
"Trangressive" is supposed to make Lefties wet.
The Left becomes neo-Puritans.
Ellen Rona Barkin is an American actress and producer.
Now we know that much.
Rule By Actresses where the same creature claims "...if i ever saw a white man walking alone in the dark. i am a jew. we know the color of the enemies skin."
Louis CK is not only right, he’s obviously right. These kids were not gifted with wisdom when they avoided being shot themselves. They’re just stupid teenagers who were near a tragedy. And we are stupid as a society for pretending otherwise.
The Parkland "victims" are parading around on the backs of their dead classmates, lecturing us as they are given bureaucratic perks. It's the path to a government job.
I don't know Louis CK particularly and he didn't strike me as funny. But offending everybody and not giving in certainly is a plus.
How about ignoring both comedians’ tasteless jokes and teenagers spouting off? Embrace the healing power of and.
Jeselnik Thoughts and Prayers
does parkland shooting humor right.
"hold no brief?"
I had always thought it was "hold no beef" as in a beef against.
What an excellent day to learn something new.
Unapproved politically incorrect tweets? No Twitter for you!
Rape and murder revenge porn? No problem! Blue check!
What the Parkland survivor victims are doing is much worse than any joke from a comedian.
The Parkland David Hogg lecture-vacation circuit is beyond tasteless.
Meanwhile, Louis CK was funny "while saying awful things" - I didn't think they were awful, but I am not posting under my real name. I could not say that using my real name, which is why we have Trump. Jon Gabriel is a treasure.
Rape revenge is a whole genre of female action flicks. They get to punch out all sorts of bad guys. Great stuff.
Agent 99 in Get Smart pioneered it by knocking out a huge bad guy with her feather-light punch. It was a sight joke back then, but action flicks have now picked it up.
The genre doesn't even realize that it's not necessary to have a rape scene at all; guys like to watch the babe knocking out bad guys.
I reported the Tweets, but she's got a blue check-mark, so....
The Brits once reserved a small area of Hyde Park , London, that they called Speaker’s Corner/Royal Arch, for condemned men about to be hung on the Royal Gallows could have Free Speech for a few minutes before execution. That started the tradition we inherited here. But now that speech has been stopped by the Proggressives every chance they get.
They want onlyDead MenWalking with no one listening to them, on penalty of destruction.
This is why I only read Judd tweets by Winona.
CK is funny. (listened to the skit Ann linked)
He's not wrong about how incredibly weird the younger generation is in regard to everything being offensive. They are being groomed to be the future leftwing free-speech police.
The speech-police schoolmarm left and hypocritical Hollywood left must be defeated or they will remove free speech protections. but not for them. just for us.
The love and compassion shown by the Left every day inspires me to be a better person.
Who the fuck looks to a comedian for “love and concern?”
Read Barkin's whole Twitter feed. She's nutso.
The Rape of Louis CK echoes The Rape of Lucrece.
While the narrative poem in rhyme royal has fallen out of fashion, perhaps an indy film could elaborate on the theme. Maybe Louis CK could even play himself, finding a path to Hollywood redemption in submitting to the ultimate humiliation at the hands of...Kevin Spacey!
I liked her in the big easy, after that she's been terminally foul.
No he was targeting the survivors who insist on waving thr bloody shirt to recreate the aftermath of dunblane and port arthur.
Ellen Barkin? Is she still around? I thought she was dead. I loved her in Diner.
Here is Andy Richter's contribution to the conversation.... (Link)
"You know what’s the worst, most boring kind of comedy? The kind where older white men are angry that older white men can’t do or say whatever the fuck they want anymore."
I responded....
When the emperor is not wearing anything the comedian is going to call it, whether the emperors like it or not.
Andy Richter is Conan O'Brien sidekick
Speaking of great '80s actresses, I saw a recent interview with Joanna Cassidy where she was asked about #MeToo. She said back in the day she laughed at people who behaved like Harvey Weinstein and said "Seriously...? You have to be kidding!" She also said, as Althouse has noted, that some women and men will do almost anything to get into a picture, so there is a lot of commerce in many of these incidents.
She is writing her memoirs, but is going to hold back until she retires and doesn't want to work anymore. Interesting strategy.
As to CK's wisecracks, I'll note again that media star and possible Harvard man David Hogg was in another building at Parkland, was never a target of the shooter, and climbed to prominence on the bodies of his dead schoolmates. If you can't mock him...? Hogg should go far in Democrat politics.
Should women who call for raping someone who said something they didn't like be raped? Should those rapists then be raped in turn (or are they immune because of their undocumented status)?
Are we at the point where using letters from the alphabet can be construed as rape, yet?
Yeah, where's the comedy of love and concern?!
Ellen Barkin was delectable both in Diner (1982) and The Big Easy (1986).
Of course, this was 3 decades ago.
To put it in perspective, Betty White was probably hot 37 years ago, too.
A "way-past-the-sell-date" Hollywood starlet has to do something, right? As John Cougar Mellencamp once sung - "Oh yeah, life goes on - long after the thrill of livin' is gone" So, why not Tweet about various perceived Leftwing outrages....
Well its perhaps the wrong way to achieve the right result, because the media cant let go of its preferred narratives.
I thought Barkin was hottest in Sea of Love opposite Al Pacino.
In these precincts, I learned of the insults Louis CK directed against Sarah Palin. They were grotesque beyond all imagining. He didn't try to be funny. The insults were meant to be gross and offensive. That, not humor, was their point........It's telling that these insults were not publicized and that, so far as I know, they had no impact on Louis CK's career. When Hollywood types dump on him for his Parkland comments while giving him a pass or even praise for his hideous insults directed at Sarah Palin, they compound their hypocrisy......Given it's recent record, the prelates of the Catholic Church should no longer be preaching against the evils of masturbation and premarital sex. They just look stupid and hypocritical when doing so. The luminaries of Hollywood in like manner would be well advised to stay mum in their criticism of CK's whimsical musings on the fat kids of Parkland, but, of course, they won't. I'd like Louis CK to do a killer set on Ellen Birkin and her smelly old cunt. That would be droll.
There is something to be admired in not backing down. I will grant Louis CK that much.
Who cares what any celebrity thinks? I can learn more about reality listening to a seashell.
This comment thread is going to look like Trump's slat fence in another hour or so. Delete this one too.
William - #!
I had not seen Barkin in anything after Sea of Love when she turned up in Animal Kingdom on TNT 3 years ago. She is quite good in that series playing a sociopathic GILF.
I have Barkin listed in 8 of my DVDs. I never particularly noticed her. Just another generic actress.
Political correctness is fascism pretending to be politeness.
The film female role doesn't require a particular woman. They all play the same part.
The one with the che Guevara look and bandana a as much as suggested it.
Yes, well, I guess New Year's is over.
Louis C.K before it was announced that he likes to masturbate in front of, well, just about anybody: "He's great, he's soooo funny, he's clever, creative. Let's give him a show. No, wait- 2 shows! Can't get enough of Louis."
Louis C.K. after it was announced that he likes to masturbate in front of your sister: "His words are vile. Rape him."
Actually- the routine in question is pretty much Louis doing Louis. He's always been funny in parts, and cringe-worthy in other parts. That's his act. His sins apparently are not as forgivable to the left as those committed by Roman Polanski. I can't read those people at all. Louis CK is bad, but monologues about steaming vaginas on New Years Eve television (NBC), as the countdown is going on, is apparently OK.
I'm not sure where we're headed. Anyway- off with his head!
I never thought CK was as funny as his reputation had it. Still, what did he do that was wrong? He asked for consent to a sexual act, got it, and then did it. BFD
True colors eventually show, Ellen likes Lorena Bobbitt?
Louis ck is vulgar stupid, but then again he didn't have authority like Lauer moonves and co, that would be a horror.
What an old, sick broad. Barkin, that is.
I still like that scene where Bradley cooper beats the stuffing out of him in americam hustle.
BTW, when is the #metoo crowd going to descend upon the Barkins who married an ugly fat older rich guy. We all know for a certainty, that had “rich” been deleted from the adjectives, Barkin wouldn’t have dreamed of letting Perlman drape her over a chair to take a hard one. The only difference between Perlman, Weinstein, CK, O’Reilly, and Moonves is that Perlman married his victim and paid her handsomely in the divorce...almost as much as the others paid in hush settlements.
Those who got what they wanted haven’t complained. We’re hearing from those who didn’t. Barkin should stay in her lane.
- Krumhorn
"I hope louis ck gets raped"
She didn't mean rape-raped, so it's all good.
It does clarify prog reasoning. Male masturbation in front of women, asking first: bad. Female #MeToo anti-male homophobic rape fantasies: good.
Since progs started with terror and mass slaughter, shortly after 1789, I guess we should consider it progress.
It shouldn’t take too much effort to restrain the impulse to call our hostess a “sick fuck”. Simple courtesy would demand that much, and proper breeding would ensure the result.
- Krumhorn
Man. Barbara Feldin. Hubba hubba.
Maybe Louis C.K. should be punished by having to hang out with frank Kevin Spacey.
Erm. Barbara Feldon. Crimies.
You might not think this kind of humor is funny, and that’s fine. Moreover, you might think Louis C.K., who initiated sexual situations with unwilling women, is a creepy person who has lost the right to joke about uncomfortable subjects. That’s also fine. But it would be silly to pretend that Louis C.K. has undergone some sort of change or deliberate pivot. He’s just doing his same old shtick.
But many in the media have seized upon the idea that Louis C.K. has suddenly became a right-winger—that his new material is some dramatic departure from his pre-scandal days as a woke comedy icon. “Audio of a New Louis C.K. Set Has Leaked, and It’s Sickening,” warns Slate, striking the tone of a nun listening to Eminem for the first time. The Daily Beast accuses Louis C.K. of “pandering to the alt-right,” which is quite the broad categorization; the tons of people—New Yorkers, presumably—who can be heard laughing in the background of the leaked footage would probably be surprised to learn that they take their cues from Richard Spencer.
I can’t recall very many people on the left complaining that Louis C.K. was pandering to pedophiles when he joked about normalizing child rape so that rapists would be more likely to let their child victims live. On the contrary, GQ placed that joke on its list of the 10 best Louis C.K. skits, hailing him as the most transgressive and celebrated comedian “of his generation.”
Those who suddenly find themselves balking at Louis C.K.’s edgy material should admit that the comedian didn’t really change. They did.
The left are eternally fine with the correct kind of mocking.
Mocking the people who are using their dead classmates to lecture circuit and to prompt the removal of your 2nd amendment rights is strictly off limits.
Ellen Barkin can claim that she was joking. Rape jokes are permissible when they reference male rape. This is quite revealing, psychologically, as these damaged women often express such, and castration fetishes. Once you see it, you can't un-see it.
Rape Culture
It's always funny when men are afraid.
Has Ellen Barkin done anything interesting lately? I mean, since "Freebie and the Bean"?
Oh, that was Alan Arkin? Nevermind, then!
It would seem Louis C.K. has found the confidence and courage to do what he wants because he's concluded he's got nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
She's really Barkin up the wrong tree.
My neighbors are hard left. They include a picture of the Obama family on the shelves that only contain family member pics. They have, in the past, described LCK as their FAVORITE funny man. Guess I'll have to ask them if they have any favorite comedians on deck.
When someone says,"That's not funny!", I always assume the "to me" is silent.
- Me
Isn't this grounds for banning her account?
If Ellen Barkin really wanted to get back at Louis she would go masturbate in front of him.
Fair's fair.
CK is in the dog house.
His only way out is to keep left. If you can survive the leftwing censors, you can survive. Choose wisely, CK. Expansion of totalitarian thought-crimes and censorship will be a one-way street.
Blogger chillblaine said...
Ellen Barkin can claim that she was joking. Rape jokes are permissible when they reference male rape. This is quite revealing, psychologically, as these damaged women often express such, and castration fetishes. Once you see it, you can't un-see it.
Rape Culture
It's always funny when men are afraid.
You cucks are funny
Rape fantasies/threats are not usually 3rd-person, are they? (Obviously I'm not someone to know). In any event, what's she all jacked up about? Was it CK's admission yesterday that he regrets the whole "Is it ok if I masturbate" weirdness? Ok, fine then he regrets it. It's more than you can say about most weirdos. And technically the permission requests should have been pretty mitigating anyway.
In any event, maybe I'd not have minded if Ellen Barkin wanted to/tried to rape me a few decades ago. But I don't think she holds the same (marginal) appeal for me in that regard nowadays. Is that ok to say? Can I degrade the toll age has taken on her attractiveness as a would-be rapist? I mean, she is indulging rape as a threat, so I think I reserve the right to use any characteristic I choose to rate the attractiveness as a would-be rapist insofar as it affects whether our sex would have been willingly consented to or not. If I didn't then it wouldn't really be rape now, would it?
I was looking at this thread a couple of hours ago and now there are more disappeared posts from this thread than disappeared students in a picture of an Argentine university demonstration taken in 1981! Too soon?
More re the war on males:
To put it in perspective, Betty White was probably hot 37 years ago, too.
@Bay Area Guy, Betty White is 96 and she started acting in the 1930s or thereabouts. Her point of maximum hotness as closer to 73 years ago than 37.
With a lisping voice, he imitated a young person, stating, “‘You should address me, as ‘they/them’ because I identify as gender neutral.’”
"In response, C.K. said, “Okay, you should address me as ‘there’ because I identify as a location, and that location is your mother’s c*nt.”
In another part of his routine, C.K. said that his doctor told him to stop eating ice cream. This is when he started spouting anti-gay slurs. “I said, ‘You need to go f*ck yourself. And don’t ever touch me again, you old f*gg*t. You old f*cking Jewish f*g. Get your f*cking hands off me.’ You’re f*cking with my ice cream, I get upset.”
Speaking of the Parkland shooting survivors who have since become outspoken advocates for gun reform, C.K. said, “You’re not interesting because you went to a high school where kids got shot. Why does that mean I have to listen to you? Why does that make you interesting? You didn’t get shot, you pushed some fat kid in the way, and now I gotta listen to you talking?”"
You cucks are funny
This all you got?
anti-de Sitter Space: So? It's not funny. I don't care for the guy's humor. But it's nothing to clutch your pearls over. People have said worse, and did it years ago.
Grow a set.
This seems to be a classic case of "Too soon" as far as comedian fodder. But seriously, this is vintage CK so I think the bleating is coming from people who never watched his act. I'm reasonably sure if it was CK stand up regarding castrating NRA members these same aggrieved people would be rolling in the aisles with laughter and high fiving each other.
I'm reasonably sure if it was CK stand up regarding castrating NRA members these same aggrieved people would be rolling in the aisles with laughter and high fiving each other.
Without a doubt.
"Q: What did Jeffrey Dahmer say to Lorena Bobbitt?"
"A: Are you gonna eat that?"
Ellen Barkin on Late Night with David Letterman.
BTW Betty White was gorgeous in the day. Behooves you to Google images of her early in her life.
That's all Howard ever had, a born troll.
There has always been a part of the Borg that CK never embraced, the SJW PC victim section. If he wants a career he'll embrace that part now and finally become fully consumed by the left-wing Borg, and he'll get his career back.
Q: Why was Helen Keller such a bad driver?
A: She was a woman.
I always liked this Louis CK bit:
Everything is Amazing and No One is Happy
He's obviously a sick puppy, though. As is Barkin, who in her younger days I found very sexy. She has not aged gracefully.
Bill Burr did a hilarious bit about the "Disgrace Channel" a place for folks that have upset the pc crowd to chill and still make money until they could comeback to society again. Folks like Paula Deen after someone said she said the n word back in the early 1990's. They may very well have to as what can be said out loud is ever changing and subject to the whims of the mob. Burr is smart in that he refuses to apologize because he knows thats exactly what they want. The best you can do is ignore is an keep pressing on. At some point Bill knows they will get him, its just a matter of time.
No one should hold his briefs.
"In any event, maybe I'd not have minded if Ellen Barkin wanted to/tried to rape me a few decades ago."
Hey Bitchmo, I can guarantee most sane decent human beings would stand aside and point and laugh if you were raped with a 2x4 then beaten about the face with it, you repulsive noxious turd of a human being. Happy New Year, you repulsive pile of shit. Here's hoping 2019 features a headline about your head being gruesomely stomped like a grape.
Jim Daniels,
Anger management not on the New Year resolution list this year?
Tried it in '06. Overrated.
Prisons are full of real rapists. Go get even with them.
"The truth is, big-studio executives are old. They’re my age and even older, and this is something I’ve been talking about a lot lately: Men just will not move over. Your time is up, dude. Now say thank you for everything you got and move the fuck over. Next!
What if I were saying, “Yeah, agents, why aren’t I playing opposite—I don’t know—Ryan Gosling? Why aren’t I still the girl in the red jacket from Sea of Love?” Why are the guys running these businesses between the ages of 60 and 80? The only audience they care about is 19-to-35-year-olds, so get a 35-year-old to green-light movies.
They’re not doing anything wrong; they just aged out of the job, just like I can’t do 10 pull-ups anymore. Men will just wait you out. They refuse to get old. This whole fantasy about women freaking out over aging—that’s bullshit. It’s the men who are hysterical.
At a certain point, the jesters of society will realize that their craft is hated by the Neo-Puritans of the Left and will fling their darts wide once again to the Left as well as the Right. CK may be a first.
The Left is a bigger target. It is funny to see Bill Mahr consciously stop himself to go after so much senseless low hanging fruit. Ever note how his interesting interlocutors are all center/right and his 3 Lefty Bobbleheads are there to spout gibberish while Bill collects his thoughts?
Ellen Barkin. All I remember her in was a so called comedy where a male dirtbag was turned into a woman.
While she failed at playing a man in anyway, she got the unappealing part spot one. The movie got it correct: she is a woman only an orphaned daughter could love.
LOL PJ57. Yeah, conservatives are really showing how poor they are on the impulse control thing these days. If anger management didn't teach the little bastard Jim Daniels, perhaps prison will. After all, that seems to be the remedy of choice for the majority of his president's inner circle - and will probably become the intervention of necessity for his president himself.
Here's to a 2019 with more prison time for more Trumps and Trump wanna-be's and Jim Daniels! Cheers -
Ritmo should be smeared against the pavement like an insect.
Hes a rather pitiful fellow, like the demon possessed wretch in that tale in Luke
What better representation is there of our fake "Christian" (in name only) conservative friends, than narcissistico's commiseration with Jim Daniel's violent sociopathy over a Gospel reference.
I guess they could start a bar brawl together after heartfelt discussions concerning two Corinthians. LOL!!!
Don't hate me just for not being as stupid as you, Jim. Try to learn instead. Or at least hit your head repeatedly like the autistic kids do when they feel confused and upset.
Our Trump voters really are true to form, aren't they? And totally predictable.
Like I say Louis ck has poor impulse control, pure id, the huntress did forgive him years later for his lascivious outbursts
why fx gave him a series, along with Russell brand and Kamau bell I'll never know.
Why do you assume she means it figuratively? I think she means it. I think she believes he raped women, because she's a fool, and wants to see him raped in return, because she's bilious. There is nothing to indicate she means it figuratively, whatever that could be.
She is just continuing her Fatal Attraction role
I have zero interest in watching his comedy routine. I've stated previously in this blog that anything can be turned into comedy successfully when approached in the correct manner. That said, I'm fairly confident that Louis CK is not the correct messenger for any sort of comedy that I would enjoy.
That said, what we are seeing here is classic tribalism. The value of his comedy is measured exclusively based on his position in the tribe and since he is currently exiled he is suddenly terrible. This is yet another example of the "love and tolerance" crowd that lives pretty much exclusively on hate.
Ugly on the inside suits Ellen Barkin; it compliments her former outward beauty. It makes her a wash.
Blogger TerriW said...I had always thought it was "hold no beef" as in a beef against..
They mean th e same in Muellerspeak: to have a beef is to write (hold) a brief.
Yes, yes...Jim Daniels represents all.
Sounds more like a PPPT created troll/false flag to bolster his simplistic rendering of those who disagree with his shif flingin'.
But hey..2019..another year he can pray the fabled/appropriated PPPT materializes.
It's like James mcevoys 23 personalities.
I kinda liked the fat kid joke.
In other news:
Jeselnik Thoughts and Prayers
does parkland shooting humor right.
Area atheist only sent thoughts to victim's family
So many ageing attention whores starved for the spotlight elbowing each other for their 15 minutes more of fame.
The difference between a conservative and a liberal:
Louis CK says shockingly grotesque and sexually violent things about Sarah Palin's body. He runs into Palin at some event. He is terrified and goes up to apologize. She graciously teases him and invites him to go fishing with her in Alaska.
Louis CK tells a joke about high school students who have responded to a mass shooting at their school by accusing Republicans of trying to kill them. In return for this grotesque libel, the students are showered with awards, travel, money, parties with celebrities and lifelong sinecures -- for the act of accusing innocent people of trying to kill them. Louis CK mocks the sinecures. Ellen Barkin, who likes to assert she is not white because she's Jewish, who says she fears being raped by random white men, and who conflates Christianity with anti-semitism, takes offense and says Louis CK should be raped.
Which one of these women would you want to run into on a deserted country road? A college application board? The neighborhood potluck? The oval office?
David media Hogg got accepted to Harvard with 1200 on his SATs. CK rests his case.
Era of that’s not funny
Oh no, white male rape is still funny. It might be the last funny topic we’re allowed.
In the future, SNL might be entirely about which white men deserve to be raped.
Louis CK making fun of Democrat memes is a bigger sin than his #metoo moment.
People wondered if he could come back from his #metoo moment.
No one believes the industry will embrace him after this.
exactly Kevin. CK can be forgiven but only if he stays on the leftwing [plantation
Ellen Barkin is an anti-semite.
I like how the defense is "how he must feel about them" and "how he must talk about them".
Which is really "how she imagines he feels and talks", but she ... can't, or won't, discern a difference?
(I'm old enough to remember when "rape culture" was bad...)
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