"The court says doctors found 'no evidence of disease elsewhere in the body.'"
ADDED: Ginsburg was diagnosed with colon cancer in 1999 and pancreatic cancer in 2009 and was treated successfully. She is 85 years old.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
९४ टिप्पण्या:
Time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking.
Well,I wish her the best but hope this will persuade her to hang up her career.
If I listen carefully, I can hear Rachel Maddow's head exploding....
First falling and breaking her ribs, now this. Christmas comes early. The grim reaper is going to give Trump another Supreme Court seat, hopefully by this time next year.
Breyer is 80.
She's going to try and hang on for at least two more years. Hopefully when Trump is re-elected, she'll relent and retire.
Let me guess: Romney gave her cancer like he gave the wife of that guy who worked for a company Romney no longer owned.
Remember: Trump started all this incivility stuff. It didn't exist prior to Trump's campaign. Ask any lefty or LLR and they will tell you the same.
Good thing she's got US government employee health care.
In England she'd have been triaged "too old" and surgery rejected.
In Canada she'd have been on an 18month waiting list.
They will keep finding the cancers. My maternal grandmother went this way in her mid-70s about a decade ago. A series of different cancers were removed with the same statements about there being no evidence of it anywhere else, but eventually killed her anyway.
That is the problem- there is no evidence of it anywhere else until it is big enough to see.
The Constitution says lifetime appointment, but what was the life expectancy of someone who reached adulthood in 1788? This gerontocracy, with senility covered up by young clerks and complicit fellow Justices, is ridiculous. But apparently no remedy exists, short of Roberts putting moral pressure on the elderly. Who will be the first Justice to "show up" at oral arguments on life support?
"Who will be the first Justice to "show up" at oral arguments on life support?"
A better question is who will be the first one to show smelling of formaldehyde?
Just as her movie is coming out!
I wonder which movie is going to be more flattering- the one about Cheney or the one about Ruth Bader Ginsberg?
This might be a good time to revisit how the lefties/LLR allies celebrated the death of Scalia and openly hoped for an early demise of Clarence Thomas.
But remember, incivility started with Trump. It did not exist prior to the Trump campaign.
So, I guess we'll get fewer videos of Ginsburg working out with hot takes from young lefty/LLR "journalists" proclaiming: I just did Notorious RBG's Workout, and I'm exhausted!!! fan fiction.
I don't mind saying it: I hope she kicks the bucket soon.
In Canada she'd have been on an 18month waiting list."
Not if you are a hockey player.
Between this and the broken ribs, her lungs have taken a beating.
A conspiracy theorist would wonder if she actually fell and broke her ribs, or was that a disguise for a previous cancer treatment/examination?
David-2 said...
Good thing she's got US government employee health care.
In England she'd have been triaged "too old" and surgery rejected.
In Canada she'd have been on an 18month waiting list.
No, those things wouldn't happen because she's one of the most powerful liberals in the country. She would get preferential treatment because shut up. Now, if she were an ordinary citizen of those country, she'd be in trouble because she'd have a duty to die.
"This gerontocracy, with senility covered up by young clerks and complicit fellow Justices, is ridiculous."
Justice Ginsburg is the same age as the current chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
I did not know that RBG survived pancreatic cancer. Very, very few people do.
I wish RBG good health and successful recovery because politics is not my "be-all and end-all."
However, it is fair to ask, why an 85-year old twice cancer survivor would want to stay on the Supreme Court?
If the answer is, "love of power," well that's not good.
If the answer is, "I must continue to fight for my cause! (leftist equality)", well that's not so hot
If the answer is, "because my young leftwing law clerks will prop me up, do all my work, and push my agenda," well that's bad too.
If the answer is, "I don't, but I blew it by not retiring under Obama, and wrongly thought HIllary would win and appoint my replacement, so now I am just clinging to prevent a Trump-appointed replacement, and God, I don't really believe you exist, but please give me 2 years, and a new President," well, that's bad too.
Let this be a lesson to all other old judges who intend to wait to retire after the next Presidential election because they feel sure which party will win.
Here's wishing her a speedy recovery.
And a Merry Christmas!
Michelle Dulak Thomson said...I did not know that RBG survived pancreatic cancer. Very, very few people do.
Makes her kinda Notorious..
It's odd that Scalia drops dead so suddenly while she seems unstoppable.
Makes previous predictions of Hil's imminent demise seem laughable.
Modern Medicine
The court says doctors found 'no evidence of disease elsewhere in the body.'"
How would they know? Did they open up that much of her?
And was this a 9-0 ruling or 5-4?
Given the number of cancers, they might have ran a full body PET scan
"conspiracy theorist would wonder if she actually fell and broke her ribs, or was that a disguise for a previous cancer treatment/examination?"
Hmmm that IS intriguing.
Not that I'm into that kind of thing.
alanc709 said...
A conspiracy theorist would wonder if she actually fell and broke her ribs, or was that a disguise for a previous cancer treatment/examination?
A conspiracy theorist would be an idiot. Why report the previous cancer as broken ribs, then report this one as cancer? Unless this cancer was actually broken ribs...yeah, that's it.
I wouldn't be surprised if the cancer was found when examining a chest x-ray taken for the broken ribs.
This is one tough lady! Glad she is ok.
I hope she isn't being pressured to stay by her "allies".
At some point, you should probably retire and enjoy the rest of your life.
Maybe some people don't ever want to retire and are made of different stuff.
I doubt that a frail 85-year-old lawyer recovering from her third cancer can strength and energy to read hundreds of briefs and to write dozens of opinions.
The broken ribs led to the early discovery of lung cancer. Some people get all the breaks.
So who will wail more when RBG dies: Chuck or Inga?
She's not going anywhere until the Grim Reaper shows up. I'd prefer her to retire, but she won't. So: think she'll try to be the first brain dead justice--literally brain dead, like zombie style?
You could already make a case for philosophically brain dead, of course.
Bill Peschel said...
The court says doctors found 'no evidence of disease elsewhere in the body.'"
How would they know? Did they open up that much of her?
A PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scan is good at locating cancer within a body. Odds are she has had one recently.
Having been way to close to these circumstances 3 times in the last 26 months, my prayers are with her. End of life in these circumstances border on cruel and unusual punishment.
RK said...
I don't mind saying it: I hope she kicks the bucket soon.
Yea, not near as much as she is hoping.
I Just looked up the wiki bio of Rush's dad. He practice law until he was 102, I remember Rush saying he went into is office every day. He died 2 years after he retired. Some people are lucky enough to get paid to do the thing they loved, and never had to work a day of their life.
Who will be the first Justice to "show up" at oral arguments on life support?
Already happened. Read what Bob Woodward wrote about William O. Douglas in The Brethren (available via the Althouse Amazon Portal).
Time to retire, Ruth. And let the chips fall where they may.
The pancreatic cancer survival rate is tiny and is not improving. It killed former Creighton president Fr. John P. Schlegel, S.J. I think Aretha Franklin had it too.
RBG dodged a huge bullet with that.
Mandatory retirment for all federal employees at 80.
RBG had colon cancer and pancreatic cancer, both of which were successfully treated in the past. During my undergrad days, I took a nuclear physics course. We were taught that when the existing cancer is treated with radiation, other non-cancerous cells are injured by that radiation treatment which results in another bout of cancer in 5 to 10 years.
I wonder how many leftist professors are now frantically ginning up stories about witnessing bad behavior by Raymond Kethledge, Amy Coney Barrett, Joan Larsen, Amul Thapar, or Thomas Hardiman?
Once cancer is in the lungs, it pops up in other places.
It's like whack-a-mole.
The pancreatic cancer survival rate is tiny and is not improving. It killed former Creighton president Fr. John P. Schlegel, S.J. I think Aretha Franklin had it too.
And Patrick Swayze, Detroit Pistons coach Chuck Daly, my father-in-law ....
Yancy @11:51 said:
"A better question is who will be the first one to show smelling of formaldehyde?"
Well, Senator "Disco Bob" Lautenberg got away with it for a while in his job.
Gosh, there are a lot doctors commenting on this blog!
Relevant xkcd comic about cancer. The artist's wife has been fighting it.
She's senile. Schlump is more stupid than senile. They both need to go.
It's Unknown who said this (but i'm thinking it was -Vance)...
She's not going anywhere WHENthe Grim Reaper shows up. I'd prefer her to retire, but she won't.
fixed it for ya!
The Reanimated Corpse of RBG isn't going to let little things like lung cancer (or pancreatic cancer! (or colon cancer!!)) stop it from being on the court
I hope she recovers nicely, safely, at home, in well earned retirement.
Apparently there are rare varieties of pancreatic cancer that are treatable, but the common one isn't unless it's found very early--before symptoms appear.
Add Steve Jobs, Michael Landon, and the Shah to the list. Stupid of Carter to let him in the US for futile treatment.
I don’t think she’ll retire, the defeat of HRC ended that possibility unless Trump is replaced by a Democrat before she passes.
Gosh, there are a lot doctors commenting on this blog!
That, or maybe because it's difficult to find anybody who hasn't been impacted by cancer in one way or another.
weren't there thousands (THOUSANDS!) of proper little libs that were saying that they'd
"Be Glad To Donate a Rib To Ruth"?
Were's the line up of people saying that they'll gladly donate a lung?
I guess she is allowed to err..mislead:
12/15/18 "[My health] is fine [and] my ribs are almost repaired," she said.
Jim at said... Gosh, there are a lot doctors commenting on this blog!
Times like this, i sure miss Dr K
How far along are we in face/head transplant technology and how many / which of her acolytes have volunteered?
Should be easy peasy and ethical for them - how do you tell when it's different (x)person
From Ann's projections Ginsburg has another 19 years to go(2018-1999).She will 104.
Ann is always selling in her OED way.
Classic reference to Jackson's Whole from "Vorkosiverse"
If She dies, no-one will be told. It will be weekend at Fuzzy's.
The computer says let's play a game of precedent and President ...
If Kennedy dealing for Kavanaugh (who is not yet auto fill), who'll RBG deal for? Maybe Hillary on SC? She's more qualified for auto fill at least.
Hillary Clinton -= a pathological liar is considered "qualified"?
The media is downplaying it but the SC press release said she had a lobectomy. They didn't just excise a couple of growths, they removed a lobe of her left lung. That's serious surgery for anyone, let alone an 85 year old.
She will have an extended recovery time even without complications.
Good luck, Justice Ginsberg.
You people are dreaming. She is under constant surveillance. The minute she drops dead a black bag team will sweep in and bring her to a “top shelf” exclusive medical facility. She will be plugged into a heart lung machine that will artificially mimic life functions until the Democrats take the senate and presidency. We will be regaled with tales of her heroism staring down the grim reaper. Until conditions are right and they pull the plug. As long as trump is president or McConnell is majority leader she is immortal.
She's in our prayers.
Cancer is very hard on people. Treatment makes you sick and recovery is shadowed by fear you haven't beaten it. Why is it that there are these sick frightened old women - Hillary is another - staggering around in pain and holding on to power?
Keep fighting, girl. I wish her a long healthy life .... in retirement.
I think it must have been divine intervention that saved us from Hillary picking new SCOTUSes.
Jesus, was disrespected by the powerful and the connected in his time due to his poverty, outspoken words, and adoration among the deplorables. Today wealth is disrespected like poverty was then, and the rest is similar with Trump. All they need is a cross. They already have the false charges and kangaroo court. Who is gonna play Pontius Pilatus?
I have beaten cancer twice. The first one was a very close call, I nearly didn't beat. The last one was a decade ago. Today, I'm totally healthy, as if it never happened. This is very possible, and anyone who gets challenged should know that, and fight expecting to win.
I think you hit all the points. And yes, none of them are good.
"ADDED: Ginsburg was diagnosed with colon cancer in 1999 and pancreatic cancer in 2009 and was treated successfully. She is 85 years old."
She gets cancer every ten years: Looks like this one is a few weeks early. Hopefully she will be fine.
IIRC, Steve Jobs also died from pancreatic cancer.
@Dicking ... "qualified for auto fill at least".
I Is being sarcastic
This report due at your convenience ...
Check currently Justice qualifications by trying name on auto fill.
If given the opportunity, Trump should nominate a very conservative woman or one of the other 109 genders that are not hetero male. I couldn't stand to watch another episode of poundmetoo.
Have anyone seen the biopic?
Does it answer or give clue to
***However, it is fair to ask, why an 85-year old twice cancer survivor would want to stay on the Supreme Court? ***
From earlier movie about her I believe
To call her statist is too tame.
Her outlook does not permit individuals existing qua individual with agency ...
this denial which is central to feminism which railing against patriarchy while seeking government action previously labeled paternalism.
She has not been asked ever to distinguish between personal private action and statist political manipulation aka making law from the bench or Congress.
"I don't mind saying it: I hope she kicks the bucket soon."
That's because you and Scalia shoot Bambi in the back back from the horrors in Vietnam.
"That's because you and Scalia shoot Bambi in the back "
Nope, high lung shots are preferred location. Bambi's dad will bleed out very quickly. We are not after Bambi. Not enough meat for the freezer.
Currently, no further treatment is planned
I think this statement was intended to provide reassurance but I don't think it's necessarily good news.
Based on the 5/4 ruling of SOTUS today against Trump's immigration treatment of asylum seekers, with Roberts in the majority, it appears we are going to need to replace RBG for sure to get a conservative majority on this court.
I think pancreatic cancer killed Billy Carter too.
Tumpit: "That's because you and Scalia shoot Bambi in the back back from the horrors in Vietnam."
Nonsense, we shoot them in the front from the victory against ISIS in Syria.
I'm not sure RBG had the most aggressive form of pancreatic cancer, adenocarcinoma.
I don't think Ginsburg has to worry about retiring. Our Chief Justice will take her place in the liberal wing. Seems he is fading slowly to the left a bit very year.
Much as I would like to see her leave the court she sure is a tough old bat!
I hope Trump is able to replace both RBG and Breyer with jurists who respect the Constitution.
Individual freedom is a lovely thing and I would prefer that freedom be respected.
I certainly wish the Justice only the best, but I've lost two older relatives to those cancers and I can tell you neither is an easy way to go.
Also, both seemed to have gotten better before a catastrophic collapse and unpleasant end.
One even lasted several years past the diagnosed end date, but her life was not much fun.
Wouldn't wish it on anyone but an ISIS leader.
This is Rush's GRANDFATHER, not his father, who live to 102.
iowan2 said...
I Just looked up the wiki bio of Rush's dad. He practice law until he was 102, I remember Rush saying he went into is office every day. He died 2 years after he retired. Some people are lucky enough to get paid to do the thing they loved, and never had to work a day of their life.
I do not wish ill upon RBG. I do wish she wasn't on the Supreme Court, And President Trump could replace her.
Since she was able to vote against Trump today in the hospital after surgery, I doubt he will ever be able to.
She voted from her hospital bed in a 5-4 decision against Trump’s asylum ban. That’s why she won’t retire. So long as Roberts can be counted on to replace Kennedy as a swing vote to get cooing editorials, she has every reason to hang on. I give her props for hangin’ tuff
- Krumhorn
Thanks Unknown, mental block, I knew better, still got it wrong.
The statement released by the court is weird to say the least, as it seems to perform the feat of comparing apples to oranges. It speaks of an initial pathology evaluation showing malignancy. Then it says there was no evidence post-op of remaining disease, then talks about pre-op scans showing no other cancer elsewhere, even though neither of these two things impacts the pathology analysis (presumably still in progress).
If the pathology evaluation is not complete (i.e. seeing if the margins are clear, among other things), it is not possible to say there is no further evidence of disease, that's the whole point of doing the pathology! I'm sure results can be fast-tracked for a VIP, but having them by noon the same day as the procedure was done is unlikely, most people wait days to weeks for those kind of results.
It seems more like the post-op analysis and pre-op scans mentioned in the statement are statements of hope that all the cancer was removed rather than medical opinion, it reads like a classic case of trying to make news sound less bad than it really is.
Since she was able to vote against Trump today in the hospital after surgery, I doubt he will ever be able to.
If she is kept alive indefinitely on life support can she vote by proxy?
She’s a tough old gal. Pancreatic cancer is almost always a death sentence. Give her credit for being tough if nothing else. Despite her awful politics I kinda think I’d like if I knew her personally.
I too wish she were no longer on the Court, but suspect she's delightful in person -- like most of my many very liberal friends. If Scalia enjoyed her friendship, I bet I would too.
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