Today, at the top right corner of the home page:

There's no particular reason for that op-ed to appear now other than to give KH some substance within our political emotions. Here's an excerpt:
I remember that I had just entered the race for California attorney general and she asked me how it was going.She called her mother "Mommy."
“Mommy, these guys are saying they’re going to kick my ass,” I told her.
She rolled over and looked at me and unveiled the biggest smile. She knew who she’d raised. She knew her fighting spirit was alive and well inside me.Remember Hillary launching her 2016 campaign by talking about her mother? Is this a woman-running-for-President cliché? I imagine advisers telling women candidates that they must associate themselves with motherliness, but without causing us to picture them in the motherhood role.
My mother died on Feb. 11, 2009, two months after her 70th birthday.... And though I miss her every day, I carry her with me wherever I go. I think of the battles she fought, the values she taught me, her commitment to improve health care for us all.... As I continue the battle for a better health care system, I do so in her name.
Kamala Harris's mother was a breast cancer scientist (and her father is a Stanford University economics professor).
Kamala Harris: Hillary without the charm.
(and her father is a Stanford University economics professor)
She doesn’t seem to have learned much about economics from him.
I was thinking the same thing as Ann. Kamala Kardashian Harris is a fighter and she loves her mother just like Hillary. But KKH is more diverse and not a harridan grifter.
Expect more of this as the NYT prepares the battlefield for KKH.
So that is where we are. Someone who slept her way to the top is NYT's the best choice for POTUS. She could still get my vote, but I don't think 2 years is enough time to get enough votes like that. Maybe if I was an early voter?
that's Dr. Mommy to you!
pacwest said... She could still get my vote,
Are you saying that she could Prove Her Loyalty, in a Team America way?
The democrat media industrial complex propaganda machine.
Odd there are never any fawning NYT-WaPo articles written about any R's - ever. Male or female. Black or brown.
Who needs early votes, when you can keep counting until the desired result is achieved.
"Are you saying that she could Prove Her Loyalty, in a Team America way?"
It would only take ten minutes or so.
Is this a woman-running-for-President cliché?
I think so. I remember Obama talking about his mother's last illness. He was also lying through his teeth but that was back in the day when lying was considered smart politics.
Wouldn't you like to have been a bug on the wall when the NYT hashed out who they were going to "front" among the Dems for 2020? There had to be be lots of screaming & yelling, cocks sucked (figuratively & literally), & no doubt, lots of money changing hands --- in a totally above board & legal way, of course!
The media loves transparency, as long as it doesn't have to be applied to them.
In 1994 Brown, 60, met Kamala Harris, a full 30 years his junior, and she became “the Speaker’s new steady,” Brown’s “girlfriend” and “frequent companion.” The two-year relationship worked out well for Harris."
At age 61, wouldn't I love to jump the bones of a 30 year old beauty queen.
My political career was a complete failure in that respect. I didn't even go on the DC junket. Too busy working at Big Law and being with my wife and young child.
The only question is if the American voters are silly enough to vote for her. Anything is possible. And if she gets elected, buy more ammo.
What the NYT wants is an attractive front for their administration.
Love her.
Vicki from Pasadena
We should start a game here. Let's predict the mythology that is going to be built up about KKH.
We already have fighter and love of her mother.
Loves the Oakland A's baseball team.
Tough on crime, but in a nice way.
Will fight extreme groups like the Knights of Columbus.
Favors diversity.
She "wrote" a children's book.
Against war.
Fought against evil insurance companies.
Fought that evil, beer drinking Catholic frat boy Brett Kavanaugh.
Wants to save the Earth from global warming. We are all going to die!
Wants to tax fat cats that don't pay their Fair Share.
She's best buddies with Oprah.
Barack secretly endorses her but it leaks. Surprise!
By improving our healthcare system she means central planners raising taxes and redistributing wealth from the haves to the other the haves.
OT, but I repeat: If you want to reform health care, you have to talk to to the health care providers directly - trying to manage them secondhand by subverting the medical insurance industry is not going to work - ever.
Yesterday our hostess was telling us how great "White Boy Robert" O'Rourke's ad is.
Today Harris receives prominent space to tout her feelz as a qualification for presidenting.
They cannot all win.
They can, however, all lose.
Front --> figurehead.
Mommy ->
"Kamala Harris's mother was a breast cancer scientist (and her father is a Stanford University economics professor)."
And yet she's such a dumb-ass. Just another dumb-ass Dem, good thing we've got Trump or she might get elected.
Her campaign theme song "Dear Momma" and her campaign movie "Mommy Dearest".
Tupac can perform as her hype man 3D image.
Are people more--or less--likely to read the NYT during the holidays?
I suppose the childless are more.
Not a front runner until Trump nick names her
A white man with her qualifications wouldn't even consider running for President unless he were a complete egotist. But heck, Obama was less qualified than Harris and he ran and won. Had Hillary Clinton won the presidency Harris might have become Attorney General, an appropriate position considering her background. I think the NYT is running this campaign for Harris to see if it gains traction -- if so then the Obama's and Oprah will get on board enthusiastically. People still will ask if Harris is actually qualified and be reassured that she is smart and will have the best experts.
So are we all just pretending we've had an in-depth conversation about the failures of Obamacare? Because I thought Obamacare was historic and a Big F*cking Deal, and all of the sudden we're talking about how bad it is again.
"Not a front runner until Trump nick names her"
It's too bad he's already used horse face.
I haven't looked into details.
But, based on what I've come across, IMHO Tulsi is hotter. Does the NYT know something I don't?
Tulsi surfers. And knows a bit about war.
Am I missing somthin'? What's w/ the CA chick?
Economics is learned at home, if etymology makes any sense.
"Remember Hillary launching her 2016 campaign by talking about her mother?"
I don't remember that. I only remember when, according to Althouse, she used the "N word" in her ad.
This stuff is Althouse at her best.
I keep seeing Kamala ads when I visit Instapundit. Anyone else seeing those? They tell me that she is "caring".
From the wayback machine:
When Barack Obama was asked about his executive experience on Anderson Cooper's 360, he claimed that running a Presidential campaign was more "executive" experience than Governor Sarah Palin's tenure as mayor of a town in Alaska.
Aside from the fact that Obama deliberately left out Palin's current executive experience as Governor of our largest state, Alaska, Obama's answer seemed to imply that voters were unable to distinguish the difference between a politician running a campaign, and a person already elected to an executive office with actual experience under their belt, such as Palin.
Meh. Teddy used Rose, too.
If Kamala becomes the Democrat nominee and then she debates with Trump, then he should ask her if she ever has talked with anybody from the Kasowitz Benson Torres law firm.
Sen. Harris has a public record, from her years as DA and AG and Senator. Rather than her resume, rather than heritage, why not focus on her public achievements (if there are any).
In a debate, Trump should ask Kamala to specify exactly which communities perceive that ICE is similar to the Ku Klux Klan.
Then he should ask her to specify whether those particular communities perceive that any other federal agencies are similar to the Ku Klux Klan.
If The NY Times wanted to help her, they’d put these advertisements for her at a better time. This is the slowest news week of the year. Even the fools who regularly read that middle-brow rag arentvreading it this week.
Puff pieces need better time slots. The NY Times will go all in for Beto. Their female readership, which is most of their readership, wants Beto. Not Kamala.
Aren't we operating under a health care system largely developed during WWII? Limits on salaries made companies begin to offer health care/benefits packages to attract talent. Couple that with expanding intervention by local, state and federal govts into the health care market over the years and you have a severely distorted market.
I guess we could try and reduce govt intrusion into the health care market? Nevermind. That's just silly.
Bay Area Guy:
Clue us in. What exactly did KKH do in public office?
It's possible that the NYT is just running Kamala up the flagpole to see if the right people salute.
"Even the fools who regularly read that middle-brow rag arentvreading it this week."
It's bad enough that you, by bringing in reality, are fussing w/ Althouse's concoction.
But then, you also call her a dummy for her reading habits.
Dave Begley said...
Bay Area Guy:
Clue us in. What exactly did KKH do in public office?
If you were to ask me, she was nothing more than what the French call
"Une Grande Horizontale".
I don’t think she’s currently “against war”.
Kamala Harris's mother was a breast cancer scientist (and her father is a Stanford University economics professor).
She will of course be positioned as one of the downtrodden, her actual circumstances to the contrary.
reams said...
"Not a front runner until Trump nick names her"
It's too bad he's already used horse face.
How about "Senora Defarge"?
Oh lord, really? I can't help but think its a complete set up to let Trump run unopposed if this is the democrat's answer in 2020. Her only other accomplishment other than being Willy Brown's side piece is she looks and acts like a poor man's Oprah Winfrey.
How does she feel about building walls in national parks?
Sen. Harris has a public record, from her years as DA and AG and Senator. Rather than her resume, rather than heritage, why not focus on her public achievements (if there are any).
Probably her biggest achievement was to help establish California as a sanctuary state. Oh, wait.
Remember when the media kept trying to tell us the election was "over"? Overism was all the rage in 2016.
I suspect there will be a similar effort in 2020, first pushing Harris as being inevitable to spare the Dems the damage of 40 candidates telling us exactly how the other 39 don't measure up.
Then when Harris is finally crowned, we'll get poll results that tell us Trump can't win because no black, brown, or female people will vote for him.
I would also look for a spate of articles soon about how candidate X can't win and should bow out so as not to strip the eventual nominee of donor money and media attention. There will be tremendous pressure on donors not to fund certain candidates "for the good of the party (comrade)"
Kamala Harris: Everyone Gets Sick. And We Deserve Better.
Her ghostwriters have the formula down: Trite truism + undefined platitude = Elite Democrats swoon.
She's the logical Dem Nominee.
Sanders, Biden = too old, too white, too tired.
Cory Booker = too crazy
Beto = Too Irish & too fake.
Remember when the media kept trying to tell us the election was "over"? Overism was all the rage in 2016.
Telling us that debate and discussion of anthropogenic global warming is “over” hasn’t worked, either.
I feel sick
I’m also a Bay Area guy. Kamala’s accomplishments:
1) failing the bar exam
2) sleeping with willie brown in order to:
3) become DA of SF, where she
4) promises never to enforce the law, ie the death penalty, in particular for a cop killer which then led to
5) her election as California AG, where she
6) ignored the Constitution by ignoring the “theee strikes” law and ordered parole officers not to enforce residency restrictions against sex offenders, supported the state universities’ breaking Prop 209 (also unconstitutional), however she still found time to:
7) flip to defending the death penalty as state AG, decided to get tough by putting mother’s of truant kids in jail (!!), work to keep an exonerated man in prison on a technicality (filing late paperwork), violated the law by harassing Backpage, eventually forcing its shut down for speech she didn’t like. All of this led to:
8) her election as US Senator, where she:
9) hounded Kavanaugh, and other judicial candidates, in particular following Feinstein’s anti-catholic tests for office.
In other words, a doctrinaire “progressive” with a certain moral flexibility like Barack “marriage is for a man and a woman, but I evolved” variety.
Therefore like Barack, electable, but unlike Barack, with possibly enough of a checkered record to not fool midwestern voters.
Its all politics people.
You can list all the "problems" with Harris till the cows come home.
The MSM will protect and say nothing. In fact, when the R's bring that crap up the response will be: Racist! Sexist!
And the R's will respond, how exactly?
Clue us in. What exactly did KKH do in public office?
Protect a sex offender?
Hillary was the worst candidate ever.
She had a 20 year track record of lies, corruption, and crazy left-wing statements.
And the MSM protected her and never said a word against her.
And she almost won. And would have beaten Jeb! or Cruz or anyone - except trump.
I'm praying for Bernie nomination.
DavidUW97 has it exactly right, to which I would add that Harris refused to prosecute a police officer who shot and killed a thirteen-year-old from behind for the crime of carrying a toy gun. Social justice is fine in theory, but in practice it's more important to curry favor with California's powerful police union.
Are the Democrats Going to Overthink Themselves Out of 2020?
Enter CNN’s latest power ranking. Kamala Harris has been deemed “the new Democratic front-runner.” Why? As a “nonwhite woman, Harris looks like the Democratic Party base these days.” The list is full of hot takes that dangerously revolve around identity and not much else. Golden boy Beto O’Rourke, arguably the most exciting figure in the Democratic Party, is ranked a lowly 10th, because he’s “a man running in a party becoming dominated by women.” Julián Castro is ranked seventh, in part because of “the rising influence of Hispanic voters within the Democratic coalition.” Joe Biden “is a white male.” Sorry, Joe! Elizabeth Warren is “a woman in a party that was nominating women at a record pace in 2018.” And Mike Bloomberg’s biggest vulnerability seems to be that he’s “a white guy from N.Y.C.”—not the more glaring political handicap that he’s Mike Bloomberg and it’s the year 2018.
Gimme the dope advocate Guv. Hickenlooper. At least he waz a guv. Senators make lousy presidents.
And the R's will respond, how exactly?
The R's will bend over and take it.
Unfortunately they'll be running against Trump.
Kamala Harris is just the "crazy democrat" Clare McCaskill was referring to in her commercials and running away from with both feet. Like most empty headed pols from California, they are never challenged in their thinking until it's way too late. By choosing Harris, the dems will basically concede fly over states and the south and banking on a huge turnout on both coasts to make it close but the math is still the math.
well at least she isn't congratulating herself for debating whether to pay for a treatment like Obama, that happened later:
Thanks Earnest. Forgot about that gem. Yeah, she could "stand up" to the cops and not look to get the death penalty for a cop killer safely in SF, but as a state politician she had to get the police (and prison guards') approval. Again, if you don't like her standards, she has others!
Even the milquetoast GOPe GHW Bush ran the Horton ad. I can't imagine Trump will let her get away with the cop killers, illegals etc.
This doesn’t surprise me. The NYT is in the big media tent in NYC. Lotta chicks there got their jobs honking somebody’s horn.
She thinks The Knights Of Columbus are a hate group?
Lem: "She thinks The Knights Of Columbus are a hate group?"
Yes, in the same way that Inga and LLR Chuck and the rest of the leftists think every Trump voter is an uneducated member of a white nationalist group.
Her belief that faithful Catholics are unqualified from being a judge due their faith should really be a plus.
The Dems already have the people of color & CA vote sewn up. What more can she bring? I wouldn't rule out the white male candidates--except for the old ones--if the superdelegates still have power.
NYT painting a target on Kamala Harris' back.
If she's lucky, the #MeToo frenzy will burn itself out in 2019. OTOH, Dem primary votes don't mind cognitive dissonance.
Mountain Maven: you had me at 'dope advocate'.
I don't believe any candidate pushed this early has ever won.
KH would make an absolutely horrible President- worse than BHO and Jimmy Carter. However, I can't imagine her winning a national election. The NYT's and their readers are insane.
"She thinks The Knights Of Columbus are a hate group?"
For gay hate, not race hate.
"She thinks The Knights Of Columbus are a hate group?"
For gay hate
The Knights DON'T hate, period. Never have.
But apparently you too are another anti-Catholic who thinks that they are a hate group.
She has not given birth. Even Hillary knew she had to bear at least one child. She has no stake in the future.
Kamelo, camel. Esperanto. Adoru la kamelon, adore the camel.
Senator Harris might win the 120 or so electoral college votes of California, New York, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Vermont. But 120 isn’t 270.
"We all get sick and we all deserve better"
Better than what?
Better than her Mom and the fees she charged as a breast cancer surgeon?
“The Knights DON'T hate, period. Never have”
I don’t disagree. Harris does.
Lets get down to the brass tacks
Knights of Columbus: Spaghetti Dinners
Kamela Harris: NO Spaghetti Dinners
Clearly, if we vote by what's Important; it is CLEAR that Knights of Columbus will provide us with Spaghetti Dinners, while Kamela Harris, Will NOT!
AND! there's More at stake, than just delicious Spaghetti! There (almost certainly!) will be dinner rolls, and (probably!) some sort of salads
The reasoning is clear, and beyond dispute. Knights of Columbus Spaghetti Dinners!
As someone noted, Willie Brown's side piece.
How did she launch her political career? On her back.
And what does this barren woman care about the future? She leaves no legacy. That conversation with her mother is pure fiction, but even so she will never have any such conversation with her children because she has none. Too bad, because she looks to have pretty good genes.
The fact that she has no children leaves her wanting for someone to boss around, and that leaves you and me.
KKH attacked a federal judge nominee from Nebraska. I know the nominee. In Omaha, the Sons of Italy do the spaghetti dinners. The Knights do the fish fries.
You’ll vote for her, Ann
David Begley said... Fish Fries
hmmm? well, Council Bluffs (and it's suburbs : ) always did seem weird to me; But STILL!
Knights of Columbus: Fish Fries!
Kamela Harris: NO Fish Fries!
The points remain the same (except, there're probably aren't rolls then; hush puppies? Fries?).
Scott Adams makes the best case for Why Kamala and Beto are the top picks.
They are the best looking.
I think he's right.
Scott Adams makes the best case for Why Kamala and Beto are the top picks. They are the best looking.
How many years has it been since the uglier Presidential candidate was elected?
Meade you’re forgetting Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, New Jersey, Rhodes island, Delaware, Connecticut, Maine, Illinois, Minnesota, Virginia (probably, middle aged women will love Harris and somehow think she’s a successful career woman rather than a slut, plus government), and no one ever knows Florida. Might not win but democrats are guaranteed 220-230 electoral votes.
Which of those states, didn't Hillary carry, Illinois, but you have a point.
I don't know if the Democrats will be serious, but if they are they will choose Bloomberg for President in 2020.
Holy crap, I despise KH but did not know she failed the bar exam. That's perfect. Apparently Hastings Law did not prepare her for being in the top 50%. Now I get to expand my favorite trivia question - Barak Obama, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris - which "one" not "ones"] passed the bar on their very first try?
I've said it before - KH has never really run against a Repub or the Repub machine, not had her skeletons paraded, not had the scornful, bitter, condescending speeches she makes taken out of context and put in 30 second ads to make her look like a complete shrew. Still I don't want her to be the candidate because I sincerely fear she could win.
Kamala Harris's mother was a breast cancer scientist (and her father is a Stanford University economics professor).
Adopted, right?
If Trump wins 10% more, compared to the last election, of the black vote by arguing they are better off than they were, as individuals, then Trump will swing states by 1.5-2%.
That would seal the upper Midwest and Florida.
With Trump's approval rate amongst black men reported at 25% or more, it would not be a surprising outcome.
It would not surprise if Trump improves his vote percentage amongst Latinos as well.
Unlike Barack Obama, who married a black woman from a working-class family, Kamala Harris is married to a wealthy white lawyer. She was 50 when she married, so she has no kids. I wonder how she polls with black voters? Is she black enough? (I don't know the answer. I'm really wondering.)
I get annoyed when politicians exploit family deaths to make themselves sound noble and claim they've inherited their parents' wonderful qualities.
People, November of 2020 is 23 months off. Let's not start counting votes.
Everybody eats spaghetti. We deserve spaghetti dinners.
Parents a professor and a scientist. Married to a lawyer. Protegee of a powerful politician. A regular Horatia Alger story.
My head hurts. Willie Brown is not the first smart guy to like stupid girlfriends.
Well, if the NYT is all-in on her, she has the Manhattan vote nailed down.
Also, why is everyone writing off Clinton? You really think she and her ambition are just going to go away quietly in a crowded Democratic field with no clear front runners?
"Kamala Harris: Everyone Gets Sick. And We Deserve Better."
This can be read as if Kamala Harris makes everyone sick and that we deserve better than her.
Otherwise, it's a non-sequitur.
Jeremy Abrams said...She has not given birth. Even Hillary knew she had to bear at least one child. She has no stake in the future.
That sounds Keynesian.
Greg Hlatky said...Parents a professor and a scientist. Married to a lawyer. Protegee of a powerful politician. A regular Horatia Alger story.
She pulled herself up by her shoe straps.
Virgil Hilts: "Holy crap, I despise KH but did not know she failed the bar exam."
Hillary, Michelle Obama and KH all failed bar exams.
Thats how you know they are the most qualified and smartest women the planet has ever produced.
Just ask any lefty/LLR.
Of course, Hillary failed the bar exam for the same reasons KH and Michelle did: racism and the patriarchy.
It goes without saying.
I wonder if Mueller can expand his investigation to include the corruption that had to be involved to keep these amazing women from passing? I'll bet LLR Chuck would adore that.
2020 bumper sticker:
Harris O’Rourke
She is already begging me for money, how did she get my email address? Just no Kamel Toe
Harris has an air of celebrity that, under normal circumstances, a freshman senator wouldn’t have had time to acquire. But this year has been anything but normal. She greets the 20-somethings as though they’re relatives at a family reunion: “Hi, everybody! Hi, guys!” Then she notices that one of the staffers is still seated, and her voice drops a full octave: “Stand up, man!”
The startled staffer springs to his feet. “Kevin,” he says, extending a hand.
“What’s your last name?” demands Harris.
“Thank you!” She shakes his hand.
The meeting ends. Before Harris heads to the Capitol, she must first stop by her office to welcome the date she’s bringing along, a DACA recipient named Denea Joseph, who emigrated from Belize at the age of seven and grew up in South Los Angeles. (She cofounded a Facebook group called “Slay, Kamala, Slay.”) At Harris’s office, Joseph is waiting on a beige couch, wearing a graphic-print blouse, black slacks, and heels. Harris settles down next to her while an aide runs through Joseph’s lineup of media interviews. “It’s about you, but it’s not about you,” Harris says to calm her nerves.
Limited blogger said...
Not a front runner until Trump nick names her
(In Steve Martin voice:) "Willie's coooooze me!"
It would only take ten minutes or so
"With me, three minutes is all you need!"
At least there won't be a Democratic party candidate who only differs in name by a second middle initial from another famous politician, so there's that. I still get the two Bush presidents' names confused, and I voted for them both (and still think of the one with one middle initial as the best living ex-president, for what it's worth!)
Obama knew his race huckstering career required that he be married to a Black woman. KH has liberated herself from that constraint. I would not underestimate her. She is much smarter than either Obama.
Harris is for real.
Stop snickering.
She shouldn't be considered.
She is putty for the Media and the Democrats.
Harris is filled with ridiculous ideas.
She would be a horrible president.
Thanks to Trump, we know that personal insults and comments won't derail a candidacy. There needs to be solid evidence of disqualification.
Find it.
I watched a ridiculous Obama get elected on no qualifications.
He was an absolute disaster as president.
The media overlooked every legitimate disqualifier because they wanted that narrative. Kamala Harris is too attractive to the same people who elected Obama. Unlike Obama, she actually has some qualifications. She is what the media wants to see in 2020.
More than the old white lady in Massachusetts, or the Texas Kennedy, or the old withered socialist from Vermont, Harris is the Democrat's strongest candidate.
Fortunately, Trump already knows this and won't be surprised by this anointment.
They're not the only ones who have pushed Kamala.
I wouldn't underestimate her either, particularly if she were running against a GOPer who didn't have the fortitude to point out the above (no death penalty for cop killers, sanctuary supporting, ICE=KKK, etc).
I doubt Trump will feel shackled by not wanting to appear "mean." I wouldn't underestimate her, but if the Republicans just point out her positions, I'm skeptical it appeals to normal people in the Upper Midwest. But what do I know, I grew up on the wrong side of Milwaukee with a bunch of Ladish workers.
Oh and I forgot the anti-Catholic bona fides won't play well in the heavily Catholic states.
F Harris, We need AOC!!!!
She is skinnier, looks more like Norma Rae, and has better Twitter ghost writers.
Who needs a prosecutor as President?
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