২৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৮

Beto O'Rourke's anti-Wall ad reframes the question around upscale American interests.

It's not about the longings of poverty-stricken outsiders anymore. Look!

It's about the aesthetics of the environment, Big Bend National Park-type vistas of the Rio Grande, the seizing of property from Americans through eminent domain, the "exile" of American land on the Mexican side, and the sealing off of corridors used by animals.

It's like that ad were made precisely for me. Here's what I blogged in February 2016:
Why aren't we talking about the environmental impact of the wall Trump says he will build?

I raised the subject in the comments to the earlier post about the wall. I said: "Am I the only one who worries about the wall as aesthetically and ecologically troubling?" John Henry said:
Why aesthetically troubling? You have no idea yet what it will look like, do you? I suspect that in some placed it may be a wall, in others a fence, in others natural barriers. No wall is needed when the border is at the base of a 100' cliff, for example.

Ecologically troubling? You are the first person I have ever heard ask that. Could you elaborate?

I think you are the first person I've seen have trouble with the what the wall looks like, too.
I said that I was concerned about "a wall slicing through such a long huge length of" of America, "imping[ing] on nature so brutally" and that I worried about "the plants and animals that flow back and forth within those areas." I didn't remember hearing anyone else bring this up, but I had no trouble finding this Newsweek article from a few days ago: "THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF THE U.S.-MEXICO BORDER WALL." There's a photograph with the caption: "Javelina (Pecari tajacu) turn away after looking for 100 yards for a place to cross the U.S.-Mexico border fence near the San Pedro river corridor in Arizona in July 2008."...
ADDED: This is the greatest American presidential ad ever made:

Here's some of the competition. Beto O'Rourke is in the game, and you are a fool if you underestimate what he is doing with this ad. Right now is the time to take him seriously. I can see the impulse in the comments section is to deny the seriousness of the power of this message. You are losing right now.

৩৯৩টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   393 এর 201 – থেকে 393
Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

On Obama/Trump voters. For most Obama to Trump voters, I've seen it for two reasons. One was that Clinton really was just that bad.

For liberal Republicans that came home, it was this. Obama failed -- even by the very metrics he set out for his own programs like the ACA, Cash for Clunkers, Stimulus, etc. And, after failing that badly at every metric he gave us, returning to Trump was better than signing up for another 4 years of a party that failed at everything they tried to do -- and had lied to them to boot.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"But, in my opinion, the fact that Beto put out that ad means that Trump is winning. Maybe winning is too strong of a word. Trump has reframed the debate. Beto is having to fight Trump on Trump's terms. Beto's side might still win the issue (however you define that) but a year ago they did not think they would have to be fighting it here."

In other words, you completely agree with me.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Shouting Thomas said...
What's the environmental cost to our cities to turn neighborhoods into slums to accommodate illegals?

What happens to a community when the rental property is taken up by people willing to living 10 to a room?

This is something that Althouse will never experience personally, so forget the effectiveness.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

Finally watched the video. It’s a good ad except for the “realistic” border policy phrase. Too condescending.

But then again the ad’s not geared towards those who might feel the condescension.

I’ll say it again, Beto/Bobby isn’t trying to win over the Althouse commenters.

MayBee বলেছেন...

I think the set in question is affluent American women.

Do affluent American women all think alike? Are they/we really a set? Or are we people with our own opinions?

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"Yeah, yeah. You buried your head in the Sanders and went on and on about how effective Bernie's ad was too -- the one that used Simon and Garfunkle's "America." Look where that got you prediction-wise."

That was a fantastically effective ad! I don't remember what I predicted about it, but I was certainly correct about its power, and it totally screwed up Hillary's game.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Thank God for the Democrat primaries! Where these leftist clowns and poseurs get to express their 2 minutes of hate towards Trump and then tear each other up.

Should be fun. I hope Al Sharpton runs again.

chickelit বলেছেন...

I think the set in question is affluent American women.

The cohort which rhhardin tags "soap opera women."

RigelDog বলেছেন...

Ann I do think you are completely correct about this being extremely effective. No one, regardless of their position on immigration, likes the look of an ugly-ass wall. What are the possibilities for an effective counter-campaign? Pro-barrier forces should hit back with example after example of environmental degradation and uglification of the land caused by unchecked and chaotic immigration. We should also be working hard to address these real concerns. Fpr those here who are artists, environmentalists, landscapers---what comes to mind?

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Here's my original post about the Bernie Sanders "America" ad: "'Wow. That is effective. I've got to turn myself away. That is effective.'... I fired it up in my computer, because I knew I wanted to blog about it. I was in tears at 0:20, when the voices started and experienced chills seconds later. It's that song. My God! Let us be lovers, we’ll marry our fortunes together...."

I still get chills today, just thinking about it, remembering those lyrics.

In my second post, the next day, I wrote (responding to a commenter who'd said "A sad, superannuated song for a sad, superannuated candidate"): "Ah, but that's why I like it. There's this deep feeling we have about America. It makes sense to speak of looking for it, longing for it. Obviously, we are right here in America, so what's to look for? But that obviousness is obtuse. We understand the idea of looking for America, finding the real, more essential, more beautiful America, the America that fulfills our dreams and lives up to our ideals. Donald Trump says "Make America great again," as if there's one America and sometimes it's good and it can go bad and it can become great again. But another, more poetic way to put that would be "Make America America again" or "We'll find our way back to America." I don't recommend that as a slogan for Trump. Too easy to call him reactionary and racist. But you see my point: Americans understand the idea of searching for America: We've all come to look for America."

Did I make a prediction? I don't see that.

chickelit বলেছেন...

That was a fantastically effective ad! I don't remember what I predicted about it, but I was certainly correct about its power, and it totally screwed up Hillary's game.

I don't believe that anyone "screwed up Hillary's game" -- ever. She took what she thought was hers and mostly got it. She lost by a narrow margin. She walks free today, unscathed by her alleged crimes which make Trump's "Russian collusion" look like misdemeanors. She is still untouchable. People in your comments section -- I'm looking at Inga -- cheered Storzk (sic).

That being said, Hillary is subject to age as we all are. Also, she probably can't bear the notion of losing again.

jim বলেছেন...

The problem with the wall is that it would in effective, wasting money, time, and human energy.

Kevin বলেছেন...

I still get chills today, just thinking about it, remembering those lyrics.

I get a totally different feeling when the globalists, who insist America is not only bad but the greatest evil on the planet, go to patriotism as their closing argument every four years.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Speaking of "the set in question is affluent American women," I just watched the Bernie Sanders "America" ad again, and it's clear that it reaches out very strongly toward white women. The first part of it is image after image of white women (including Sanders's wife).

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

Of course both ads target affluent, suburban/urban white women.

Those are the same women that the Democrats were fuming about being made to vote against their interests by their backwards, MAGA-ish husbands. This is the carrot to the stick of unwomanning them like they did to Nikki Haley, Christine O'Donnell and Sarah Palin.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Speaking of Hillary's game, if you click on the link at the end of the post, you'll get to "Ten of the Most Successful Presidential Campaign Ads Ever Made (with Lesson Plan)." Watch the Bill Clinton one, "Man from Hope," and look for Hillary Clinton in it.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Here's very effective video about immigration in America, both legal and illegal.

It's very complicated, all of it. But can you vote for the guy who doesn't like the aesthetics of the wall but isn't going to do anything to get rid of sanctuary cities/states?

MayBee বলেছেন...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
Speaking of "the set in question is affluent American women," I just watched the Bernie Sanders "America" ad again, and it's clear that it reaches out very strongly toward white women. The first part of it is image after image of white women (including Sanders's wife).

That's interesting, because all the college kids liked Bernie. The white women were either GOP or were all wearing pantsuits to the voting booth.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Watch the Bill Clinton one, "Man from Hope," and look for Hillary Clinton in it.

Was she hoping Bill could keep it in his pants long enough to get elected?

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"Watch the Bill Clinton one,"

-- The funniest analysis I remember of the 1992 election I heard when I finally made it to college in 2002-3 was: "The ad that won Bill Clinton the election was Ross Perot's."

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

There's an affluent American woman born every minute.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Speaking of "the set in question is affluent American women," I just watched the Bernie Sanders "America" ad again, and it's clear that it reaches out very strongly toward white women. The first part of it is image after image of white women (including Sanders's wife).

The one who bankrupted a college?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

We've all come to look for America.

@Althouse, neither you nor Sanders really get America. You want to see capitalism in action? Don’t read the Wall Street Journal and for God’s sake stay away from the Times and the Post. Don’t talk to the manager at a big bank, either. Talk to the guy who bought a zero radius lawn tractor and a trailer and he mows people’s lawns. He does a good job and he has as much business as he can handle so he’s wondering if he can buy another mower and take on another person. He cares about the paperwork he has to do and the hoops he has to jump through to take on an employee, and to him illegal immigration is literally an existential threat.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Actually, I know some affluent white women and most really are stupid [or clueless] enough to fall for this nonsense.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

No head in the sand here- that ad isn't all that effective. It won't move the needle at all, which is the only parameter that matters, and I write this as someone who thinks the wall won't be an effective deterrent, either.

The problem with the ad is that it preaches to the choir, and Althouse is proof of that, I think.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Seeing Red, yup. The one who committed a couple felonies lying on her loan applications but who won’t go to jail because she’s married to a prominent politician whose vote Schumer needs.

Althouse doesn’t care; she didn’t teach contract law.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

And here is the another issue- it implies that O'Rourke is for other border security measures, which is, of course, not true. At best, the ad makes wall-opponents feel good about themselves, but it persuades no one.

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Selecting open borders is suicidal. Do you really think, (not believe), these third world, unlawful ignorants are going to respect the environment? Back away from the bong, yuppie scum.
Instead of visiting Burning Man, or Austin TX, cruise the ghettos. That's where they'll be located. This ain't a college town transfer, and you'll be one choice too late! Taxes go up with the next dumbocrat government, you'll not get to move into the gated communities and 911 won't work. (See Malmo Sweden).

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"The one who bankrupted a college?"

Yes, but the song!

Drago বলেছেন...

MayBee to Lefty Ally LLR Chuck: "Are you arguing with yourself here?"

Yes. Yes he is.

Because thats what the dems/left need today and LLR Chuck stands ever vigilant on Fortress Democrat.

KjO বলেছেন...

What the good fellow from Texas fails to realize, or acknowledge, ‪is, The Wall is the result of the unseriousness of politicians to enforce current immigration laws. ‬

Anthony বলেছেন...

Yeah, kinda how "effective" and "convincing" Blasey Ford was. Caused all sorts of dingy faux-intellectuals to swoon.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Yeah, we cares about crime, drugs, the rule of law, or the undercutting of American workers.

Nope, Bambi might be cut off from his mother by a big Wall. That's all that matters.

In case anyone's noticed, we have about a 100,000 miles of Freeway's in the USA, which effectively cut off animals and "slice up big hunks of America". Ever see Deer run across a 6 lane Freeway?

But I guess "affluent Women" use Freeways, so that's A-0K.

rcocean বলেছেন...

But I agree with Althouse. Never underestimate the stupidity and frivolous nature of the American public.

In a sane world, Blaisy Ford would never been heard. But the R's quite rightly took it seriously and addressed the concerns - incredibly dumb concerns - but concerns none the less.

The Environmental impact of the wall can be addressed. Perhaps someone could point out the damage that illegals do to the environment.

rcocean বলেছেন...

I don't understand why trump isn't addressing the American people. Maybe he's waiting for the state of the union address.

n.n বলেছেন...

If politics is won on emotional appeals, then whether it's refugees forced to flee from social justice campaigns, political congruence ("=") that is exclusive, the nonrenewable, marginal green blight, or the quasi-religious, faith-based policy of selective-child, it's already over, and bullshit wins.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

My own sense of aesthetics must differ from the Professor’s. I think Trump’s Wall is more aesthetic than fly-covered dead bodies of fathers, mothers, and children in the desert after their coyote (guide) has left them without adequate water of directions.

chickelit বলেছেন...

The Bernie ad spoke to what we need: to "look for America." The Beto ad speaks to what we don't need -- a wall. It's sort of like equating a positive and a negative. To the extent that Trump has gotten the hard and softer left to admit that we need enforced borders at all is a win. Remember Trump's art of the deal and negotiating tactics. As far as I'm concerned, Pelosi and Schumer are still on vacation, arguing that there is no issue with borders at all and that ICE is the KKK.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Perhaps someone could point out the damage that illegals do to the environment.

Are you kidding? No one even wants to acknowledge the number of wildfires in California caused by illegals improperly extinguishing campfires in the hills.

Gospace বলেছেন...

Blogger tim in vermont said...

There is a house that is basically collapsed from heavy snow near me, and rotting away that was built right on the border, half. in the US, half in Canada. It’s not unique at all.

There are 6 airports that cross the US-Canada border. At least one business with lines painted on the floor with customs officers present to record imports and exports. The longest unfortified border in the world is between the US and Canada. There are bits of Canada in the US and bits of the US in Canada.

AFAIK, there is nothing similar along the US-Mexico border.

Rusty বলেছেন...

" Perhaps someone could point out the damage that illegals do to the environment."

Did you just volunteer to pick up the trash that illegal boarder crossers leave along the boarder? Miles and miles of garbage.
Thank you, citizen!

Editor বলেছেন...

I don't care about the ad. The guy will win or lose depending on how effective political corruption is when he runs. The ads, like the voters, don't matter.

Until you get rid of a lot of political corruption, elections don't matter.

David Begley বলেছেন...

I looked up Beto. Columbia,’95. Crew. Played in a punk band. Nominally Catholic. Crummy jobs in NYC. Depressed. Minor real estate development in NYC. (No Trump!) Moves home. Internet biz. Politics. Marries the daughter of a billionaire. Lives in a mansion. Three kids. Perfect!

n.n বলেছেন...

A Sun Wall and cities on the border. How can anti-nativists, pro-selfies, and Pro-Choicers deny jobs, clinics, schools, homes, and green lawns for the refugees, and Mexicans refuse a quality life for their southern neighbors? Station environmentalists to maintain the clean, green wall for Mexican, Guatemalan, Honduran children. Meanwhile, allow the Mediterranean to finish processing collateral damage from older, planned social justice adventures without borders but with a fantastic act of legerdemain.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Can the father-in-law legally fund his campaign?

Gahrie বলেছেন...

If politics is won on emotional appeals, then whether it's refugees forced to flee from social justice campaigns, political congruence ("=") that is exclusive, the nonrenewable, marginal green blight, or the quasi-religious, faith-based policy of selective-child, it's already over, and bullshit wins.

Hence my call for the repeal of the 19th Amendment.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

"Heads In The Sand"

nothing says 'aesthetics' like a sun-blanched human skull on the desert floor.

the partially-buried skull of a child, the decapitated skulls of cartel victims,
the fragmented cranium of a murdered Border Patrol agent, etc.

Heads in the sand.

Farmer বলেছেন...

Not effective on me. The cheeseball music is so over-the-top that I'm consciously aware of an attempted emotional manipulation. Also, the complete lack of explanation/substance re "we need real immigration reform." I believe Dems want immigration reform about as much as I believed the GOP wanted healthcare reform and this just reinforces that belief.

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

"which is, of course, not true."

Truth has never been point.

ALP বলেছেন...

Something just occured to me: can you imagine the grafitti this wall will attract? Miles and miles of it. There will be a "burning man" type festival around the wall in which participants paint it or do other art installations.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

@Farmer - Yeah, it didn't work on me either. The completely vapid "real immigration reform" is a turn-off. TELL ME WHAT THAT MEANS!!!

I'm beginning to think Gahrie has a point.

Brian বলেছেন...

I can see that it would be an effective ad. Around October of 2020. Or effective at raising money... now. Does it move Iowa? NH? SC?

There are going to be too many candidates in the Democratic Party fight this year. The winner will be the one that most speaks to the bases's fear of Trump.

Does this ad touch that? I don't know.

The Bernie ad was persuasive, but for the wrong voters. The real voters were the super-delegates. The game was rigged for Hillary(H->).

FIDO বলেছেন...


We are using two different definitions of 'effective'

Althouse means it makes tugs her heartstring or makes something tingle ala Chris 'Party Hack' Mathews.

For me, effective means 'resulted in victory' for a candidate or an idea.

I hope this ad is as effective 'my definition' as Bernie's was.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Yancey Ward said...
"And here is the another issue- it implies that O'Rourke is for other border security measures, which is, of course, not true."

I think you have put your finger on the real issue. This ad shows that it has finally dawned on the Democrats that the reason they don't want the Wall is obvious to everyone. They don't want the Wall because it will work. This ad is intended to provide a belated explanation for the tooth-and-claw death struggle they have been waging against it for two years now.

FIDO বলেছেন...

AFAIK, there is nothing similar along the US-Mexico border.

We are not regularly invaded by Canadians.

hstad বলেছেন...

Althouse said: "....It's like that ad were made precisely for me...?" AA's ignorance about the border is extensive with her reaction to this Hollywood propoganda video. AA go to the border and see what the unabated illegal immigration horde has done to the environment. Billions of tons of plastics, garbage, etc. left there! The ad portrays a beautiful scenery from 20,000 feet. Like to see the ad actually portray reality at the ground level. If people like AA are taken in by a fictional Ad, why bother to vote.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

we need real immigration reform."

Trump offered that. The Dems refused.

chickelit বলেছেন...

I still believe that the D's should nominate one the Castro twins from San Antonio. Their family story will strum the heartstrings of soap opera women unlike any other(s). Plus they are a twofer -- ever more so than Jack and Bobby were.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

So what’s Robby B’s advice to the countries surrounding Venezuela?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Anyone who has traveled in Mexico outside the designated tourist zones come away asking themselves, "How in the world can people live in such a dump?

I don't know how to say this in PC terms, but Latin American culture, particularly the subculture inhabited by those who would come here illegally, do not value the environment or ecology. If you hearken back to the heaps of trash left by at the National Mall in DC after famous Leftist rallies, you have some idea of what you'll find scattered all throughout Latin America.

I've been there. I've seen it. I've traveled extensively on business trips over the years.

Think of the photos of trash left by the illegals who are attempting to cross. We're actually doing the environment a favor by building some effective means of impeding their entry.

That's not an argument in favor of an aesthetically challenged building project, mind you. I'm just arguing that there's another side to this environmental debate. The wall will keep out people who trash the places they live.

I know. I know. It sounds harsh and bigoted. And it pains me to say it. But I still have pictures in my mind from travels 30 years ago in Mexico. I was just stunned by what I saw away from the tourist areas.

chickelit বলেছেন...

The great thing about the Castro Bros from the feminist POV is that they are male, but men had nothing to do with their upbringing.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

"I'm planning to say I told you so (in about a year)."

I'm planning on calling you a retarded lefty cunt . . . (right now).

This ad is obviously so brilliant, that post menopausal taxpayer funded leeches in lily white Madison are swayed.

You retarded lefty cunt.

cronus titan বলেছেন...

You know what we need? Another reason to make rich white women happy and indulge their feelings.

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

"This is an extremely effective ad. Don't bury your head in the sand."

That's why you were able to see right through it?

As far as the ad targeting affluent American women. Well, that's just more proof that feminism and progressivism is merely a sop to well off women with zero concern for the working class, especially those in poor minority communities victimized by the criminal element being allowed to remain here via Sanctuary policies and catch and release open borders scofflaws in Government positions who never have to bear the consequences of what they advocate.

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

"You know what we need? Another reason to make rich white women happy and indulge their feelings."

That's exactly right. There's no more oppressed people that we need to defer to, or to craft policy around, than the sensibilities of rich white women.

veni vidi vici বলেছেন...

One effective response to this ad is to note that:

"Since 2007" (Beta's reference point for increasing illegal overstays/immigration), Democrats have controlled the legislative branch (trace the numerous House-passed bills that were strangled and never brought to the floor during Reid's reign in the Senate) for nearly every year, and THEY DID NOTHING. Enter a president who agitated for greater border controls, and THEY DID NOTHING but fight him - even on those solutions for which they had previously vociferously advocated.

Another effective response to the enviro/ecological cloying for sympathy going on here ("YOUR public lands" - what a twat) would be to note that the Great Wall of China has stood as an impenetrable barrier to fauna for many centuries, and life has gone on. Beta's scheme takes its place along the lines of making a tiny minnowfish in a stream somewhere near Sacramento into the justification to deny California farmers irrigation water for a decade. Herein lies the path to idiocy, to say nothing of the inherent loss of competitiveness against aggressive foreign economic actors.

I predict the response would be something along the lines of more emotional heartstring-pulling narrative, cajoling and shaming. Will that work anymore, or have we reached the point at which to make it work would require an unending media assault on the senses, whose boomerang effects will be unpredictable and perhaps uncontrollable?

n.n বলেছেন...

repeal of the 19th Amendment

Please, no diversity. Despite statistical inference, women are not a monolithic bloc. Neither are men. We should be wary of the path paved by color judgments.

William বলেছেন...

After a moment's reflection, it occurs to me that immigrants do not cross the border at places of pristine beauty. And, if they did, it would be a simple matter to find ways of enforcing the border that are not so aesthetically damaging. The reason that the scenery depicted in the ad is so majestic is because people don't use it.......,As I say, it takes a moment's reflection to reach this conclusion. The ad is immediately effective, but it is refutable. Do you as an affluent white woman feel any amount of resentment at having your feelings manipulated in such an overt and fraudulent way?

n.n বলেছেন...

A hybrid Great Wall and Sun Wall, with migratory channels for the coyotes, the scorpions, etc. Instead of towers, there will be windmills. Clean, green, aesthetic, safe, migratory birds excluded. The proceeds from the energy market will be used to fund border development, and Mexico's effort to help their southern neighbors.

Leland বলেছেন...

A simple counter to Bobby's ad.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Trump has acknowledged that the wall wouldn't go everywhere. Not that facts matter (apparently) to the target audience.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Blogger Farmer said...
"Not effective on me. The cheeseball music is so over-the-top that I'm consciously aware of an attempted emotional manipulation. Also, the complete lack of explanation/substance re "we need real immigration reform." I believe Dems want immigration reform about as much as I believed the GOP wanted healthcare reform and this just reinforces that belief."

Well it wasn't made for you and me. You know people who can think rationally. It's for women.

DavidUW বলেছেন...

The Republicans in order to counter it, would do well to mention illegal immigrant crime, like say cop killing in a bucolic California suburb, and then pivot to something white suburban women are concerned with, like their sons being accused of rape in college and how they fixed that, along with maintaining pre-existing condition coverage and actually do something more to roll back obamacare and point out the benefits thereof.

Not Sure বলেছেন...

I had to look up CBF.

The meaning is clear from the context.

CBF = chronically befuddled female

Chuck বলেছেন...

Blogger Original Mike said...
Trump has acknowledged that the wall wouldn't go everywhere. Not that facts matter (apparently) to the target audience.

Trump claimed Mexico would pay for The Wall. Trump said, “Mark my words” on that.

I am marking his words. Should we not mark Trump’s words on that?

n.n বলেছেন...

re: Officer Singh

The image of dead girls next door pushing up daisies was not effective. Perhaps a scene of a happy couple with one-child and a dog, and memories of their recently aborted father will. Americans first. Mexicans first. Guatemalans first. Tend our gardens, help our neighbors, and the girl next door, a journalist, and a father would still be alive now.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

So Chuck believes Trump will put a wall everywhere, confirming n.n.'s 12:44 observation.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Our prisons are filled with illegal immigrants. They cost up to 100,000 a year to house.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

We are not regularly invaded by Canadians.

Actually, we are--at least in the sunny SW--but they leave when winter's over. ;-)

Darrell বলেছেন...

CBF = Christine Blasey Ford.

n.n বলেছেন...

then pivot to something white suburban women are concerned with, like their sons being accused of rape in college and how they fixed that

Ah, the warlock trials. Redirection without apology. That's effective.

re: Obamacare

They need to determine whether unaffordable and unavailable is caused by cost or price. If it is the former, then distributing the expense may be the most effective solution. If it is the latter, then Obamacare and single-payer choices will only redistribute the burden and reduce long-term viability.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Original Mike asks: Can the father-in-law legally fund his campaign?

Do you think JP Kennedy financed his son's campaign?

Drago বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Darrell বলেছেন...

Mexico is paying for The Wall in the form of lower American trade deficits--deficits that were designed as foreign aid that Congress didn't have to vote for and incur the voters' wrath.

Drago বলেছেন...

StrongDurbinDefender Chuck: "Trump claimed Mexico would pay for The Wall. Trump said, “Mark my words” on that.

I am marking his words. Should we not mark Trump’s words on that?"

Trumps trade deals alone, which the far left open borders crew and their LLR adjuncts like Chuck said would never happen, will already deliver tens of billions more than the wall will cost.

Mexico has already paid for the wall by signing that deal.

It seems like only yesterday LLR Chuck was advancing the lefty narrative that Trumps trade talks were going nowhere.

Hmmm, did LLR Chuck ever lift his face from Durbins groin long enough to admit he was wrong?

Or is that something self-described smear merchants like Chuck never do?

Not Sure বলেছেন...

A really effective counter-ad would be Willie Horton going through a revolving-door border crossing on his way to kill a floppy-eared puppy sitting adorably next to a little blonde girl pulling the petals off a daisy.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Blogger Original Mike said...
So Chuck believes Trump will put a wall everywhere, confirming n.n.'s 12:44 observation.

No; I think Trump was lying. He didn’t have a plan; didn’t have a clue. He was making up more of his bullshit that his low-information supporters were gullible enough to believe.

One of Trump’s 10,000 lies.

My “marking Trump’s words” means holding that lie up for ridicule.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

"People cheered Strozk."

People who don't care about the law.

Drago বলেছেন...

I think we have officially entered Full LLR Chuck Obfuscation Mode similar to Chuck's and the left's lies about the obama admin never "wiretapping" Trump, which of course they did, on a galactic scale.

Bobby O'Rourke open borders republicans like Chuck will claim that if there is not a golf tourney sized check that reads Mexico-For The Wall, that Trump didnt keep his promise.

This is of course the nonsensical gibberish the far left and Chuck have been reduced to in advancing todays leftist line of attack.

I expect quite a bit more of this in the coming months as LLR Chuck attempts to help salvage the far left open borders position.

In between racist posts of his, naturally.

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR Chuck: "No; I think Trump was lying."

Admitted smear merchant thinks Trump is lying.


Not Sure বলেছেন...

It's not a lie. Trump was using air quotes when he said "pay." It's just that a lot of people missed that because of his small hands.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Chuck must be the only one on the planet who is shocked, shocked! at a politician not following through on a campaign "promise".

You're boring, Chuck.

Drago বলেছেন...

Not Sure: "It's not a lie. Trump was using air quotes when he said "pay." It's just that a lot of people missed that because of his small hands."

If you like your lefty/LLR talking points, you can keep your lefty/LLR talking points. No one will take them away. Period.

In fact, I suspect you will have greater access to lefty/LLR talking points, at a higher level of quality and a reduced cost as well!

I dont think LLR Chuck's "magnificent" obama bothered to use air quotes.....

Original Mike বলেছেন...

I imagine Chuck believes in Beto's "real immigration reform".

Chuck বলেছেন...

Drago that’s a stupid lie that no one with a brain should accept. The modernized NAFTA does NOT transfer any money from Mexico to the US Treasury.

Mexico is not paying for a wall.

MB বলেছেন...

You are overestimating the benefits of human impact on the environment. Just as the Korean DMZ turned out to be of immense positive value for the environment, building the wall will benefit every creature large and small, from Monarch butterflies to pumas and coyotes.
The US-Mexican border can become a site for environmental tourism.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

Interesting that its pointed out that Chuck was fixating on the lefty talking point of "small hands." It could be that Chuck is just pretending to be a conservative (and a bar member) and that is why he is in lockstep with lefty propaganda. It also could be his sexual fetishes, as his lifelong monogamous sexual partner is Palmula Handerson.

Drago বলেছেন...

The other point that is impossible to miss is LLR Chuck's hilarious and obvious discomfort whenever the spotlight is turned to brightly on one of his fabulous far left/dem allies.

So much so that Chuckie will move heaven and earth to muddy the waters to protect his soros-funded pals.

Its no wonder really. Chuck and the left (but I repeat myself) know that their shared leftist hypocritical and illogical positions cannot stand the slightest scrutiny.

Hence, Chucks typically leftist blog behavior.

Buford Gooch বলেছেন...

Why are we still agreeing to call him Beto? His name is Robert. Beto is a nickname for Roberto, not Robert. Let's all refer to him as Bob O'Rourke.

Jim at বলেছেন...

What Tina Trent said at 7:57 AM.

n.n বলেছেন...

immense positive value for the environment, building the wall will benefit every creature large and small

A kind of coral reef that proliferates the multitudes and diversity of life.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Blogger Original Mike said...
I imagine Chuck believes in Beto's "real immigration reform".

You jackass. You could only “imagine” that, because I don’t believe in anything from O’Rourke.

Why would you write something so dopey? I started commenting on the previous page referring to O’Rourke as a millennial douchebag.

It’s the last refuge for you Trump dumbfucks; anybody who crtitcizes Trump must be a leftist.

Drago বলেছেন...

Original Mike: "I imagine Chuck believes in Beto's "real immigration reform"."

No need to imagine.

Its axiomatic.

Is a particular policy being advanced by democrats for the benefit of democrats?

If so, you already know the position of Soros/Omidyar/FusionGPS supported Bill Kristol, Max Boot, LLR Chuck, et al.

Drago বলেছেন...

Beto O'Rourke: "You jackass. You could only “imagine” that, because I don’t believe in anything from O’Rourke."


LLR Chucks pitch perfect narrative alignment with the left is not actually what it appears to be!!


Its really inexplicable how that happens...over and over again...day in and day out...over years....


Pull the other one Stelter-boy!

n.n বলেছেন...

Perhaps we could construct a series of affordable, convenient located Planned Parenthood clinics, with emotionally, legally, and ethically impenetrable walls... and erect the Great Sun Wall on top to feed, clothe, employ, and entertain the hungry, unPlanned children without borders.

Drago বলেছেন...

Noted Racist Commenter and LLR Chuck: "
It’s the last refuge for you Trump dumbfucks; anybody who crtitcizes Trump must be a leftist"

Note to self: guy who is in pitch perfect alignment with the left does not identify as a leftist.....

....but has self-identified as a smear merchant......

....who only attacks conservatives and their base voters....never the left or lefty voters....

...and theres that pitch perfect lefty/LLR narrative alignment again....


Darrell বলেছেন...

Chuck should give us his full legal name so that we can vote against him, should he ever run for elected office--as he hinted at yesterday.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"It’s the last refuge for you Trump dumbfucks; anybody who crtitcizes Trump must be a leftist."

I barely voted for the guy, I have problems with his mannerisms, and concerns over some of his policies. But I also see good policy as well. It's really rich of you, of all people, to accuse people of myopic vision when it comes to Trump. Look in the mirror.

And with that, I have to go shovel the driveway.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Drago you hateful little troll.

I supported the nominations of Jeff Sessions, Betsy DeVos and Scott Gottlieb. More than any other Althouse commenter, I supported the nomination of Justice Gorsuch, and then the nomination of Justice Kavanaugh.

My views don’t “align” with the left. They “align” with the Federalist Society and with traditional Republicans.

Drago বলেছেন...

Chucks Resident AlthouseBlog Smear Merchant Fake Conservative schtick would have been much better developed and persuasive if he had, even once, simply used language and vitriol aimed (though fakely) at the left that Chuck routinely, daily, uses against conservatives and those opposed to the left and soros-funded Fake Right.

Just once.

Just. Once.

But deep down, his true self never had it in him.....for all too obvious reasons.

Alas, the best laid plans...eh Chuck?


Go ahead Chuck. Wow us. Attack o'Rourke and the left with 1/10 of the vitriol you use daily attacking the right!

Go for it!

Not to worry, at this point it would only be more amusing than believable.

Not to worry though: you still have every single lunatic lefty on this site fully in your corner.


Drago বলেছেন...

LLR Chuck: "I supported the nominations of Jeff Sessions, Betsy DeVos and Scott Gottlieb. More than any other Althouse commenter, I supported the nomination of Justice Gorsuch, and then the nomination
of Justice Kavanaugh."


(Wink wink)

Why, I'll bet some of your "best friends" are actual conservatives too......

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"I was in tears at 0:20, when the voices started and experienced chills seconds later. It's that song. My God! Let us be lovers, we’ll marry our fortunes together...."

When I started to read this, I started to get chills seconds later. My God! "Let us be lovers"! In a political ad! But my God! Even Althouse was in tears!

As if more proof was needed: we are fucked.

hombre বলেছেন...

Althouse: “I can see the impulse in the comments section is to deny the seriousness of the power of this message. You are losing right now.”

Sure, Professor. Tomorrow’s polls will reveal a massive shift from opposition to support of illegal immigration, NOT.

It would behoove Republicans to counter, however. Some of the land that will be cut off by the wall is a huge graveyard for illegals and a series of airstrips for drug smugglers. The welfare costs of illegal immigration are staggering. Etc. The media won’t cover. Ads are needed.

And: “I think the set in question is affluent American women.” Or, perhaps more accurately, “affluent, ignorant American women.”

hombre বলেছেন...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
“You Trumpsters are acting like the people who didn't take Trump seriously when they had the chance.”

Democrats are insane. Noticing that does not equate with not taking them seriously. Insane people are dangerous and must be taken seriously at all times.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

This as is probably not as effective on those families driving to Tombstone, AZ for a day of fun in the Old West when they see the signs along the road -- the big ugly ones that say

• If you have automotive trouble, please stay in your vehicle and dial the 24-HOUR Roadside Assistance Hotline at ...
• Active Drug and Human Smuggling Area
• Visitors may encounter armed criminals and smuggling vehicles traveling at high rates of speed
• Stay away from trash, clothing, backpacks, and abandoned vehicles
• If you see suspicious activity, DO NOT CONFRONT! Move away and call 911

Don't have many of those in Wisconsin, do you?

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Hombre asserts: Insane people are dangerous and must be taken seriously at all times.


Drago বলেছেন...

mockturtle: "Hombre asserts: Insane people are dangerous and must be taken seriously at all times."

Who says I don't take LLR Chuck and antifa and the Muslim Brotherhood seriously?

John henry বলেছেন...

This post has been up 10 hours and has over 300 comments.

Ann quoted me copiously in the post.

Coincidence? I think not.

Now I just need to figure out how to monetize this.

John Henry

gilbar বলেছেন...

William said...
Anyone remember Reagan's Star Wars program? The liberal argument against it was that 1) it wouldn't work

actually, their 'argument' was that it couldn't be guaranteed that it would work with %100 effectiveness, in %100 of ALL Imaginable scenarios. In other words, it couldn't be guaranteed that it wouldn't Not work (thus, asking to prove a negative).

The Russians thought (correctly,) that there was a possible possibility that it Might work, pretty well; and then (as you said) spent themselves to death trying to keep up.

realestateacct বলেছেন...

The wall is being made necessary by judicial decisions and political decisions which prevent reasonably efficient detention and deportation of those violating our immigration laws. I would prefer rapid and unappealable deportation to those who enter the country illegally. In the current situation, we are an attractive nuisance to criminals and those likely to become a public charge.

With Visa overstays we have some idea of who has come into the country and have a process to assure that they are not a danger to the public or likely to become a public charge before they are admitted.

gilbar বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
John henry বলেছেন...

Known unknown

Do you hav a link to the tombstone sign? I'd like to be able to show it to people who claim the open border is not a problem.

John Henry

Rusty বলেছেন...

Chuck said...
"Drago that’s a stupid lie that no one with a brain should accept. The modernized NAFTA does NOT transfer any money from Mexico to the US Treasury.

Mexico is not paying for a wall."

Wait til it's built and then see what happens. The important thing your conveniently forgetting is that he promised a wall. Not who was going to pay for it. Those of us that think rationally knew we the taxpayer would pay for it. We still want it.
It must be very tiresome being you.

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

It is effective because it is effective propaganda. No one is going to put a wall up in big bend. The amount of land "lost" is miniscule. Have you seen the current barrier, wildlife easily passes through it. The wall will cause multiple orders of magnitude less environmental damage during its lifetime as windmills do yearly.

If Beto wants to limit illegal immigration from visa overstays, then have the **** at it. The democrats want open borders and the dissolution of the us as a sovereign nation so they can gain more political power. Marxists always do.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Tina Trent বলেছেন...

I do take O'Roarke seriously: he will be Kamala Harris' VP candidate. She will bring the not-quite African-American-authenticity thing (she was born in the U.S. to Indian and Jamacian academicians), just like Obama, also the reassuring professional pretend-centrist-concealing-a-radical-leftist thing, just like Obama, and O'Roarke will bring the Sierra Club.

This is his first Sierra Club commercial. There will be more. The Sierra Club exists in the Democrat coalition to absorb accusations of elitism while exuding concern for upscale environmental themes that appeal to the important 300-600K dual salary households.

Kamala will do: black women, less important women, race, immigration, race, anti-incarceration, race; Beto will do: environment, women who want to pretend to vote for a Kennedy, pretend labor rights, cool aging Gen X.

The odds that he doesn't have sexual skeletons in his closet seem to be minimized by his need to stay married to his father-in-law, but I never underestimate political libidos. For example, Kamala Harris slept with Willie Brown to get ahead in politics.

Chuck বলেছেন...

No Rusty; time and time and time again Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall. Trump said, “Mark my words,” Mexico would pay for the wall. And every Republican in the primary tried to warn voters that it was a lie. It WAS lie. I am not going to forget that. I am not cutting Trump any slack on that lie. The great negotiator talked himself into a little box on this issue and I expect that he’s going to get a humiliating loss out of it.

He is certainly not going to get $25 billion to build any Great Wall. I don’t think he is going to get any symbolic victory with $5 billion either. He is going to watch the House pass its own version of what the Senate already passed, and then whine about it.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“The cohort which rhhardin tags "soap opera women."”

And that type of condescension will come back to bite you folks in the ass again in 2020, just like it did in 2018. It’s college educated suburban white women who are leaving Trump behind in droves.

LA_Bob বলেছেন...

Known Unknowns said, "This ad is probably not as effective on those families driving to Tombstone, AZ for a day of fun in the Old West when they see the signs along the road..."

Well, there you go. The counter ad should juxtapose scenes from O'Rourke's ad with images of the big ugly signs.

Fantasy vs reality. Some of us prefer reality.

Bob from Alhambra

Chuck বলেছেন...

Rusty said;
...Wait til it's built and then see what happens. The important thing your conveniently forgetting is that he promised a wall. Not who was going to pay for it...

Like, “We have to pass the bill to see what’s in it...”

Now we have to build The Wall to find out how it will be paid for.

DC Bruce বলেছেন...

Having just returned from a visit to Big Bend National Park, I can understand the emotional appeal of the ad. The administration is not seeking money to fortify the entire border (there's no barrier at all at Big Bend, and the Rio Grande can be crosses with a canoe). What the administration should do is post videos of the areas where it is seeking to build a wall, probably as an "upgrade" to an existing barrier.

Mexicans routinely cross the Rio Grande at Big Bend and leave small displays of handcrafts at spots on the nearby trails, with price lists and a collection jar for customers to leave their payment if they buy something. The Park Rangers know about this and admonish people not to buy these "illegal" goods. But if they really wanted to stop it, they could just confiscate the stuff.

Understandably, they would rather US citizens use the official border crossing to visit the nearby Mexican village of Bocadillo where these secret craft vendors live. However, the almost complete absence of border patrol agents in that area (unlike elsewhere, where they are very visible) tells me that both sides have reached a mutually beneficial modus vivendi. The Park probably provides legal employment for a number of Mexicans, so it's in their interest that everyone behaves himself.

LA_Bob বলেছেন...

"...you are a fool if you underestimate what he is doing with this ad.

I agree with you. I would not underestimate the potential impact of this ad.

I just wouldn't overestimate it, either.

-- Bob from Alhambra

Rusty বলেছেন...

"And we're going to build the wall. And we might just get Mexico to pay for it."
Most of us know the difference between rain and piss, Chuck.

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

Also, the wall will work because it will exist, unlike enforcement of current immigration laws. And once people see it and see it exists, they will ask why other things we have can't also be visible and also work -- like our immigration laws.

It's genius, really. Let everyone in DC who is a Democrat or Republican argue over whether the wall will work. Meanwhile, build the wall. It will work by existing.

It's governing by magic trick, and remember, Trump excells at that. It's also definitional, and even artistic. He should start with an art installation, lights projected over the desert, some contest people can win.

hombre বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Beto is coming, whether you like it or not. He infinitely more intelligent and ready to be President compared to the fraud you folks voted for.”

Yes. And besides, he is a burglar and hit and runner who was not prosecuted for either. Perfect experience for a Democrat in the big league.

Darrell বলেছেন...

So if the US saves $50 Billion over the next few years with a smaller deficit with Mexico, Mexico will not have paid for the $25 Billion Wall.

Sure. Your logic is impeccable.
I'd still stay away from crows, though. Those things will peck your eyes out, logic or no.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Ah Inga wants to go back to the 2% Obama normal.

Lydia বলেছেন...

Right now the Beto team is studying the Obama campaign and calculating how to dupe voters again. My prediction: Yes, we can do it again.

Plus this -- "Obama Met Beto. Then the Whispers Began. Speculation about 2020 increased within Obamaworld after a recent Obama-O’Rourke summit":

A week and a half after narrowly losing the closely-watched Texas Senate race, the soon to be ex-congressman from El Paso met with the ex-president at Obama’s office in Washington D.C., the Washington Post reports. Obama must have liked what he heard, because at a live podcast taping four days after their November 16th meeting, he told his former strategist, David Axelrod, that O’Rourke was a “very impressive young man” who reminded him of himself.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

It’s college educated suburban white women who are leaving Trump behind in droves.

That’s because they’re ruled by their boobs ovaries and vaginas.

Credentialed doesn’t mean educated.

wholelottasplainin বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Drago বলেছেন...

LLR Chuck is not taking his Pelosi bluff-calling loss very well at all, is he?


Again, I feel compelled to ask: did LLR Chuck ever admit that he was wrong about Trump delivering Trade deals, including with Mexico?

Of course he cant...because the left cant
..and Chuck and the left are one.

But only completely

wholelottasplainin বলেছেন...

Jay Elink said...
Funny, innit, how the Proglodytes have no freakin' problem at all with absolutely ruining scenic vistas with their stupid, ineffective and gigantic wind farms and solar energy collectors where "the eagle fries with the dove", but when it comes to the Wall............they start bleating "but...the environment!" "And what about the migrating birds and butterflies?

Here in Massachusetts, the moonbats are at least consistent: they shriek "Don't build the wall, AND "Don't build that ugly Nantucket Wind Farm and spoil our pristine views!!!

Drago বলেছেন...

Unga: "Beto is coming, whether you like it or not. He infinitely more intelligent and ready to be President compared to the fraud you folks voted for.”

What did you and LLR Chuck like most about the culture-appropriating fake hispanic guys drunken hit and run?

If more than 1 thing, list in order of priority.

What would you and LLR Chuck say is the fake hispanic's greatest achievement to date?


Go ahead Inga/Chuck, regale us with the Fake Hispanics many many accomplishments....

Too funny

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "And that type of condescension will come back to bite you folks in the ass again in 2020, just like it did in 2018."

Do you have any links where you took yourself to task for your 2016 condescension?

Oh, right. Russians!!!!! Dossiers!!!!

Drago বলেছেন...

Remember, diversity is our greatest strength!

Which is why Inga appreciates the repeated failure/married into money/straight white dude.


I wonder how Kamala will handle that?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Obama must have liked what he heard, because at a live podcast taping four days after their November 16th meeting, he told his former strategist, David Axelrod, that O’Rourke was a “very impressive young man” who reminded him of himself.

In other words, in badly over his head?

Drago বলেছেন...

Perhaps we should start calling the fake hispanic/cultural appropriator "Pancho Villa".

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

It's aimed at those who care more about abstractions and less about people.

MayBee বলেছেন...

And that type of condescension will come back to bite you folks in the ass again in 2020, just like it did in 2018. It’s college educated suburban white women who are leaving Trump behind in droves.

What does it mean to say individuals are doing something as a group and in droves? Is it condescending to group them together in the first place?

Women are just people. As are college educated suburban white women. We aren't a group to be "won".

John henry বলেছেন...

Why not, Drago? The entire concept of "hispanic" is fake anyway.

John Henry

Chuck বলেছেন...

Blogger Darrell said...
So if the US saves $50 Billion over the next few years with a smaller deficit with Mexico, Mexico will not have paid for the $25 Billion Wall.

Sure. Your logic is impeccable.
I'd still stay away from crows, though. Those things will peck your eyes out, logic or no.

Paraphrasing the great Inigo Montoya... You keep using that phrase; trade deficit. It do not think it means what you think it means.

The US Treasury doesn’t get any money out of a trade surplus or a trade deficit. It is not, and never was, money that is any sort of line item in a federal budget. It isn’t even income that can be taxed.

And the fact that we even have to go over a simple fact of economic life such as this is a disgrace to this blog’s comments pages.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Inga is a racist who is deeply offended that Trump’s economic policies have led to record low unemployment for young blacks and Hispanics. She and Chuck want to keep black and brown people in their place. Inga figures that blacks looking at payroll taxes are apt to get “uppity.”

chickelit বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
It’s college educated suburban white women who are leaving Trump behind in droves.

I don't think there were "droves" to begin with. I don't know any in real life. Sure they're here and elsewhere online but not in my family or friends. My elderly mother voted for for Trump, but she didn't go to college.

Drago বলেছেন...

Noted racist commenter and self-described smear merchant and trafficker of rumors about children thinks other commenters postings about economics are a disgrace.

When leftists on this very blog falsely accused Brett Kavanaugh of being a long-time gang-rape leader LLR Chuck did NOT call those offerings a disgrace.

I think the verdict is very much in on our intrepid pro-soros-funded Bill Kristol fanboy Chuck.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

What would you and LLR Chuck say is the fake hispanic's greatest achievement to date?

Well he did marry an heiress.....it's something politicians appear to be good at.

FIDO বলেছেন...

I do not support the Wall because I am unmindful of the cost, fiscal and environmental. It is real and it is hideous.

But a Wall, unlike drones, ICE and satellites, can't be turned off with a 'pen and a phone'.

If we had fewer Democrat POLITICIANS actively cheering subverting the Law, a Wall would not be necessary.

Althouse, in her laughable 'cruel neutrality', can't see beyond her tingles.

Drago বলেছেন...

I cant help but notice that Inga and LLR Chuck and all the other notable lefties are not exactly lighting this thread on fire with the laundry list of O'Rourkes "infinite" intelligence indicators and lifetime achievements.

Not surprising, since there are....none.

Little wonder why LLR Chuck flexed immediately to #InstantDemDefenseModeViaDeflection

Drago বলেছেন...

FIDO: "If we had fewer Democrat POLITICIANS actively cheering subverting the Law, a Wall would not be necessary."

If we had fewer Democrat POLITICIANS and fake conservative LLR's actively cheering subverting the Law, a Wall would not be necessary.


Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Gahrie said...
I can see the impulse in the comments section is to deny the seriousness of the power of this message. You are losing right now.

Repeal the 19th.

12/29/18, 8:48 AM

God help you if you're not a MOBY.

Teach those children well.

Logic dictates 51% of the population being told they shouldn't be equal in terms of voting after having had equality, mostly although of course many many millions of lucrative careers have been made believing otherwise (cf. Universitys and Colleges of which there are many in every state, teaching just exactly what??? Ignore those who choose to disregard grammar fads?) or are you the epitome of why Althouse believes as she does?

I always knew there were a bunch of racists on the right, knew it after a short time about the Left too but worse (as in more) but the right usually didn't have the Commies buggering so opoenely.

You all think if you were Fredo you would have just gone along to get along, killing killing killing mobster style without conscious.

And you lecture us?

Fredo and I are soul mates in certain ways, and our story is yet to have been told from the real point of view, that which is a view without murder.

Fredo and I just wanted all the damn murders to end. Like Trump. We will do whatever it takes to stop the killing.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Before attaching any meaning to 'college educated white women', I'd want to know what their major was. If it was Women's Studies or the like, well...

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

"Stop raping people!" -

Andrew Breitbart.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

We won't allow it. If you allow it, good for you to be so comfortable you appreciate the finer aspects of my boy Huxley's Brave New World.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Beto is coming, whether you like it or not. He infinitely more intelligent and ready to be President compared to the fraud you folks voted for.

Beto strikes me as the kind of guy that some women and gays would vote for based on looks alone. Sure, Trump is hard to look at sometimes but, at least he has run a thing or two. What has Beto ever run (as opposed to ran for)?

He might make an OK VP candidate to get the youth vote but who over 50 is going to put their trust in him?

Chuck বলেছেন...

Drago said...
Noted racist commenter and self-described smear merchant and trafficker of rumors about children thinks other commenters postings about economics are a disgrace.

When leftists on this very blog falsely accused Brett Kavanaugh of being a long-time gang-rape leader LLR Chuck did NOT call those offerings a disgrace.

I think the verdict is very much in on our intrepid pro-soros-funded Bill Kristol fanboy Chuck.

You worthless liar. You troll. You've now put up more false, distracting clutter about me. You made me look back through older posts, and remind the few intelligent readers here that I did indeed post comments in defense of Justice Kavanaugh.



And here:


And a half dozen places on this page of comments, where I specifically attacked the presumptive Democrat handlers of Christine Blasey Ford:


So you see, dear readers; this is one of those many times where the links to what I wrote before prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Drago is trolling everyone along with me with utterly false claims about what I have said before.

Larry D. বলেছেন...

The Righteous Mind
"Liberals seek to create justice and equity; whether doing so harms core institutions simply doesn’t enter into their moral reasoning. Conservatives, in contrast to their typical caricature, do care about justice and fairness, they merely cherish vital institutions relatively more. If there’s a conflict, conservatives will err toward protecting institutions."

Drago বলেছেন...

Poor LLR and BestestLeftyPal ever Chuck.

You have never once, under any circumstances, declared any comment by any leftist on any topic a "disgrace".

Precisely as I have asserted.

You sad, very sad, pathetic little thing.

And to think, you don't even have your Soros-funded/Omidyar-funded/FusionGPS Collaborating Weekly Standard lefty-zine with which to comfort yourself.


Drago বলেছেন...

Not to worry LLR Chuck.

Your lefty pals know you had to go "all in" on that "kavanaugh support" to maintain what little credibility you had remaining here.

That's why they never held it against you...because they didn't believe it either!

Jim at বলেছেন...

Yet this person probably voted for the fraud Trump.

You voted for Jill Stein.
You have absolutely no standing to criticize others for how they voted. None.

FIDO বলেছেন...

Chuck might be a Republican, though he has been...gentle in criticizing Democrats.

So this is naturally suspicious.

Personally, I am not exactly clicking my heels in joy at having Trump represent the Party. Unlike LLR Chuck, I did not vote for this Tool who has no Conservative Street Cred.

But...he gets things done. He has moved the window SO FAR to the Right that everyone is waking up to how looney left the Dems have gone.

This is a PR gift of enormous magnitude.

He is also getting something done on an issue that MOST Americans, much less Republicans, have wanted for a LONG TIME!

This is not enough for Chuck. Winning is not enough.

Grow the Fuck Up Chuck.

It isn't perfect, but it is good.

It is entirely possible to throw some shade on Democrats without the 24/7 Trump rants.

Maybe you can stop pouting and grow some hair on your scrotum.

Trump will get my vote next election. He now has Conservative cred.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
"It’s college educated suburban white women who are leaving Trump behind in droves."

Huh. I wouldn't have thought they were his type.

Howard বলেছেন...

the deplorables are angling for a glorious martyrdom like sissyphus pushing up the rock only to have it fall to the ground. They too stoopid to realize the wall is the football, Trump is Lucy and they are Amerikkkka's fav loser, Charlie Brownstain.

chickelit বলেছেন...

@Howard: That was deep, man.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Even a reference to classical Greek mythology.

Drago বলেছেন...

FIDO: "Grow the Fuck Up Chuck.

It isn't perfect, but it is good."

The mistake you make is believing that you and Chuck share the same objectives and that those objectives are oriented in a conservative direction.

There is zero evidence LLR Chuck supports those objectives.


Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Look I ain't seeing the signs I used to see.

The tuna tasting.

Not as good.

As it used to.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Sides The Wizard of Oz, Van Morrison stands alone as and artist endeavour worthy of

walter বলেছেন...

His ad will appeal to those who are into political correctness.."symbol of division".
Oh noes...what will people think?
Screw that..it's actual division.
A better enforced border.
But yes..it will be effective in reinforcing, not changing anyone.

In terms of "I told you so", you'll have no metric by which to trace the success of the ad other than Beto's success. IOW, no metric...mere correlation.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

I ho;e Van Morrison said d"Nope" when Rush aid million for his 4th wedding.

Same ktie, Dog blessk anGod too the million dollar hour man Elton John.

walter বলেছেন...

What might actually change minds would be an ad highlighting the anger of those doing the legal legwork to immigrate legally...along with a few potent thoughts from border security agents.

Rob C বলেছেন...

Nothing like insisting that someone who is named Robert Francis O'Rourke be called "Beto"

Shouldn't he be being crucified for cultural appropriation?

I think we should all just call him Francis (with the proper inflection) to show the proper respect and seriousness his campaign deserves

Gk1 বলেছেন...

But here is the thing the dems and Beto's commercial give the game away. They can always come up with a reason not to build the wall but have no credible alternative themselves. "Common sense immigration"? What does that even mean? Half of the country no longer believes either party on immigration and its left to Le Orange one to do all of the heavy lifting. The left is flailing and trying to change the messaging stat, as its a losing proposition.

walter বলেছেন...

The most potent bit in the ad is visa overstay part.
Trump should offer stronger enforcement measures of that in exchange for the wall.
Win/Win..right errr...Behhhhto?

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Guildofcannonballs said...
Gahrie said...
I can see the impulse in the comments section is to deny the seriousness of the power of this message. You are losing right now.

Repeal the 19th.

12/29/18, 8:48 AM

God help you if you're not a MOBY.

Teach those children well.

Logic dictates 51% of the population being told they shouldn't be equal in terms of voting after having had equality, mostly although of course many many millions of lucrative careers have been made believing otherwise (cf. Universitys and Colleges of which there are many in every state, teaching just exactly what??? Ignore those who choose to disregard grammar fads?) or are you the epitome of why Althouse believes as she does?

I always knew there were a bunch of racists on the right, knew it after a short time about the Left too but worse (as in more) but the right usually didn't have the Commies buggering so opoenely.

You all think if you were Fredo you would have just gone along to get along, killing killing killing mobster style without conscious.

And you lecture us?

Fredo and I are soul mates in certain ways, and our story is yet to have been told from the real point of view, that which is a view without murder.

Fredo and I just wanted all the damn murders to end. Like Trump. We will do whatever it takes to stop the killing.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Similar signs here:



mockturtle বলেছেন...

Known Unknown: Yes, it is Organ Pipe National Monument. I camp there often. Much of the perimeter is fenced and there is considerable BLM presence there, mostly in helicopters. It's a beautiful and very popular park despite the danger. When my late husband and I used to hike in Big Bend NP we sometimes encountered illegals who came across the Rio Grande [on foot, as the river is practically dried up]. Last time I was there, alone, was in 2015 and it seemed safer, fewer thefts and drug traffickers.

wholelottasplainin বলেছেন...

Kevin said...
I still get chills today, just thinking about it, remembering those lyrics.

I get a totally different feeling when the globalists, who insist America is not only bad but the greatest evil on the planet, go to patriotism as their closing argument every four years.

Me too: on Mon-Wed-Fri we're a nation that has plundered and enslaved and made aggressive war...a horrible sexist, homophobic country that uniquely oppresses women and "people of color"..

On the other days, they say we've always been a uniquely compassionate country, so not allowing open borders is "Not Who We Are."


GRW3 বলেছেন...

Trump should take advantage of this to make a counter add showing the environmental destruction being done by the illegals and compare that to what land that is currently protected by walls and fences. Any market that runs the Betoadd should run this Trump add.

walter বলেছেন...

"..not allowing open borders is "Not Who We Are.""

Translation: "Wrong think!"

walter বলেছেন...

Just run ads focusing on real issue like avoidable death and abuse.
Turning this issue into some sort of people-less blather is bullshit.
Compassion for people, especially the kids dragged into this by mal-informed "adults" should refocus priorities.
Have you ever highlighted an article about those waiting via legal process?
Does such an article exist?

walter বলেছেন...

(No..not going to derive it from new & improved NYT and New Yorker)

Jeff H বলেছেন...

Ms. Althouse: Please compare the environmental impact of the wall (in it's worst aesthetic and ecological manifestation) with the economic--and environment--impact of millions of illegal aliens flooding the border and hence on to our streets and into our jobs.

Thanks in advance.

Josh Scandlen বলেছেন...

Let the pro-energy people do the same about wind Turbines and let's see what Beto's folks say then.

Of course the wall is actually effective. Wind Turbines??? Nope.

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