... talk, talk, talk.
(And buy, buy, buy — if you want — through the Althouse Portal to Amazon.)
I'm bumping this so the Obamacare thing won't be at the top. Please, if you must talk about that, go to the next post. Bring up new subjects here, and try to have some fun and end the evening on a creative note.
७२ टिप्पण्या:
NJ Attorney General investigating claims of harassment and abuse by undocumented aliens employed at Trump National Bedminster Golf Club.
Discuss. Be sure to address what would be more personally damaging to the Donald Trump brand:
a) Employing illegal aliens.
b) Being caught in bed with a live boy.
c) Being caught in bed with a dead girl.
I think we can all be grateful that James Buchanan was the worst president in American history. His vacillation and inaction helped to hasten the onset of the Civil War and to ensure that the South would have a running start in equipping its army. For sheer ineptitude and wrong headed thinking, there's no one even close in American history........ On a personal level, however, he was honest and honorable. He was almost certainly gay and had an enduring, semi open relationship with a US Senator with whom he lived for many years.......Were it not for the fact that he was such a disaster as president, I'm sure we would have long ago even treated to a movie celebrating the beauty of their love in such an oppressive society. I had these thoughts while watching the biopic of Collette. That movie presented an absurdly idealized view of Collette's romance with a cross dressing lesbian. Think of what they could have done with James Buchanan if he hadn't screwed up and gotten 600,000 Americans killed.
But instead of anger over losing many, many trains of thought, I salute the man who whought the phrase "train of thought" and variants.
It was about "old" and it was good.
Real good.
But gone.
And Xhip Ahoy@!!
TJeyu ought be the ones missed intentionally.
Bissage is the most over-rated commenter/tator I've ever even heard of.
The Flynn case gets curiouser and curiouser. Mueller defied the court order and did not produce the interview record that formed the basis of the charge. Instead, he produced an interview of Strzok describing the Flynn interview 8 moths after the fact and saying that he thought Flynn a truthful. Mueller's filing did not challenge Flynn's version of events and essentially said "yeah, we cut corners, lied repeatedly, faked records, and generated a crime, whaddaya gonna do 'bout it?"
Judge Sullivan is scheduled to hold a hearing on Tuesday. At this point, Judge Sullivan is dealing with criminals. And it ain't Flynn.
48th time: wall broke 4th.
And Katniss says #notMe!
The law says you cant challenge the documentation they present, that's how we they ended up with Jerry brown in 2010.
Gotta get some anti ICE free gifting young #ourtime gals in charge of shit.
For the workers!
I should be clearer the statute.
Yes the law is inadequate because it only addresses the act, but not the heart behind them dutti
(But before they do..and completely submerge the economy in the process, buy shit via Althouse portal!)
Trump: Obama, Pelsoi, and Schumer All Used to be In Favor of the Wall and Against Illegal Immigration
I saw Clint Eastwoid’s The Mule tonight and really liked it.
I told someone at lunch today how Meade was inspired by a Clint line in Gran Torino to ask Ann out on a date.
Expecting Meadehouse to see that movie tomorrow out of gratitude to Clint.
Just returned from watching Handel's Messiah performed by the symphony chorus and orchestra. Truly is a moving production and a foretaste of life with the Messiah forever. Handel surely was inspired by God as he composed Messiah.
I liked Gran Torino. A lot. Clint does a grand job of telling a story on the big screen. We will taking in The Mule, maybe this weekend.
I went to see breaking the curve and American sniper, the end of that one when they show Kyle's funeral procession is affecting.
"I think we can all be grateful that James Buchanan was the worst president in American history."
I think like Gates invented nata you owe me $40 per troll.
Look, if you're trying to help, you do it wrong.
But if not, Satan ought right woulda had his way with 'ya I reckon.
So be like Althouse: cliched troll.
IF you respect the troll, then...
Just got back from a Christmas pageant, put on by a bunch of homeschool kids at a church in Junction City. I have to say, those six-year-olds sing a lot better than I ever did.
I bought some Christmas presents on Amazon this afternoon and forgot to use the Portal. Should I write them a letter and get a check for $0.10 sent to you?
Is it your opinion that having, obviously, mastered your skill you declaim looking downward on others that haven't, in your opinion at that time, mastered any observable skill, you can ingestedly suppose drawings close.
I prefer all black when it cpomes top music.
Yes Guildy...to an extent.
But clearly cheddar socks run rings around sticky sweaters.
Don't even..
Buchanan was perhaps the most qualified candidate till Bush sr but dred Scott the panic of 1857 and the Utah uprising all created a perfect storm.
At the end, they projected carols on a large screen, and the audience sang along with the piano. It occurred to me that, in a fundamentally monarchical society, the frequent references to Christ as the Lord, the King, the Prince (of Peace), were essentially subversive, implying an higher allegiance. These songs were propaganda, in a war that began with Herod, and I pondered the question of who wrote them, and when, and who won. If anyone could be said to have won. It's kind of like the Cold War; we beat the Soviets, but the poison they pumped into us while we were beating them is killing us now.
I had tears in my eyes. Carols in church at Christmas always do that.
Repeat the sounding joy
Repeat the sounding joy
Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy.
Because this is ultimately not our world, politics is necessary because man is fallen, otherwise life is nasty British and short.
The joy is the promise of Christs redemption which cannot be earned but granted.
Was Tupac cocked up by Whites?
Both his Albumn's "All Eyes On Me" one and two and Greatest Hits with of course the only real
Pac before he died youngly, Hit 'em Up.
"You ni--as ,ade a mistake"
"When you put my rhymes with Dre
TKhyg Niuggs arrived and I'ts judgemtn day
Hey homey of you feel me,
Tell thej trickes they just shot t
fift kill me
I can'
a mofo rattle ad shake\
I can make a motherfucker rattle and shake,.
Hey homie if ya feel me, tell them tricks,
They shot me, but they missed:
They didn't kill me.
Shouldn't have gone to Vegas, that place ain't safe.
But you can see how subversive a theme this would be in a regime where the ruler is god.
Hence pilates queries to jesus.
If frederick Douglas heard those lyrics heck even Dubois would say winning the future, why would you kill each other?
narciso said...
"The joy is the promise of Christs redemption which cannot be earned but granted."
That's part of the problem I have with Christianity. I don't like taking charity.
Most of what you have of true value was given to you. We need charity pretty badly.
I think Tupac encapsulated Hobbes sentiment most thoroughly.
Tupac was the son of a Panther, as is Michael b Jordan, the analogue of an African warlord.
I guess I shouldn't waxe philosophical so late at night, but still what is our purpose. If its merely personal avarice see above.
So there's this poem I had to analyze and write about in college. It has always sort of stuck in my brain for these 20 or so years. Last night I decide to search for it. I'm going to share it in the spirit of the theme "creativity". But what has troubled me for the longest time is the phrasing and ambiguity of the very last line.
The Boarder
by Louis Simpson
The time is after dinner. Cigarettes
Glow on the lawn;
Glasses begin to tinkle; TV sets
Have been turned on.
The moon is brimming like a glass of beer
Above the town,
And love keeps her appointments—"Harry's here!"
"I'll be right down."
But the pale stranger in the furnished room
Lies on his back
Looking at paper roses, how they bloom,
And ceilings crack.
I put my lighted Moravian Star up last night between the front porch columns. Every few years, the wind blowing it around loosens the bulb enough that it stops working. That's the usual extent of my Christmas decorations.
Laslo ame collaboration me laszo be.
Guildofcannonballs said...
Is it your opinion that having,
I won.
Now Harden must agree and give m all money cause I played, he knows it, know know knows it,m adn so he wiull, ghrough Altyhopuose [ay.
Naturally of course any bolderdashist attempt's not "ya kmow' then we;;
You're like fenster from the usual suspects you realize that
Mueller can't show the judge the original 302s because they contradict the plea agreement Flynn acceded to. If Mueller shows the judge those original 302s it will prove that Flynn lied during the pleading, and that Strzok lied in the interview Mueller did show today.
I doubt Flynn even remembers the questions and answers at that interview 6 months afterwards, so relying on his plea agreement this way is probably circular, self-serving logic for Mueller. There is a reason Sullivan asked for the originals- he thinks it possible Flynn was coerced into a false confession. Using a 6 month-after-the-fact 302 from Strzok is almost a priory evidence for such a false confession, and Sullivan was trying to determine if Strzok July 2017 agreed with Strzok January 2017- it is a key evidence trail to ensure justice is being served. If the original 302's supported the Flynn pleading, Mueller would have produced them today, so I think Sullivan must conclude they contradict it. I think he should set the plea agreement aside and order Flynn's legal bills be paid by the Special Counsel's office.
There was a rumor last summer that McCabe? ordered that some 302s be altered.
It would not surprise me if the original Jan ones were destroyed, either through malice or incompetence. It's obscene that they don't make recordings.
For the last 3 years, there has not been a single LLR Chuck posting on this blog that has not read like a DNC press release....
...except for those extraordinarily rare moments when LLR Chuck needed to misrepresent his true beliefs for a brief period in order to maintain his "muh principles" conservative "street cred" (such as it is, for it fools no one)....which he inevitably inadvertently exposed as a false persona, through his inability to consistently maintain his charade.
Usually during a clearly alcohol induced lack of discipline.
From a lefty/dem perspective I suppose one would simply say of LLR Chuck's "performance" here that good help is hard to find.
Sorry lefties/dems, LLR Chuck and the Army of Cucks represented by Max Boot et al are about as good as you are going to get.
Ty, beautiful poem. The town people are insulated in pleasurable synesthesia. The moon is full and wet. Their cigarettes and televisions and small talk ward off the little deaths of solitude.
Is the boarder ominous or pitiable? Is he supposed to be an artist who sees beyond the superficial tinkling of glasses and glowing televisions? Or is his unpleasant synesthesia really no more profound than the convivial synesthesia that pulls the other people to each other? Does he desire or revile their lives? Should he?
Something we forget: not long ago, we lived closer to each other, with only screen doors separating us, but we also knew so much less about the people around us because that is how civilization itself was sustained. The boarder is the fly in the ointment.
Australia to move embassy to Jerusalem.
Iran, Hamas, Dems/left and LLR Chuck hardest hit.
As always.
Jupiter said."That's part of the problem I have with Christianity. I don't like taking charity"
But, the thing is, it's NOT charity; it's A GIFT (on account of because GOD so loves us!)
There's no grudge in it, it's freely given.
As I have mentioned on this blog, Mrs. Dink and I have been visiting presidential homes. Up to about 12 or 13 homes now. A few years ago, we visited Buchanan's home in Lancaster, Pa for a tour. There were four (total) lined up for the tour.
The man who greeted us was dressed in period garb. After the greeting, the next words out of his mouth were: "I am here to convince you that James Buchanan was not the worst president ever". At the time of the visit, Obama was president. I kept my mouth shut.
The New Yorker review of The Mule is bizarre.
Clint’s character is a horticulturist like Meade.
Mr Dink? have you been to Hoover's birthplace in West Branch, Iowa?
it's pretty neat(as is attached museum/library). It's right off of i-80, so it might be on your way to somewhere (iowa city? tipton? moscow?)
Hoover grew up awfully poor to end up being the richest 30 year old in the world. You could tell from West Branch, that he wanted more! He wanted cold water streams and trouts.
If he'd been born in West Union, he never would have left
Thanks for the poem! Loved it.
Especially the moon like a glass of beer. You've got to be looking straight down at the beer to see it as a white circle. And then the bubbles are like the craters.
@gilbar. We have not, but it will be on our list. Being from the NE, we are covering the ones close to this region. The most fascinating one so far was the Berkeley Plantation (Harrison) outside of Richmond, Va.
So many interesting facts about the place. Just two: 1) Benedict Arnold had his eye on the place as his spoil had the Brits won the Revolutionary War. 2) The grounds were home to over 100,000 union troops during the civil war.
"The New Yorker review of The Mule is bizarre."
Will check it out. I skipped it because I'm not interested in a story about a drug mule. I'd have to be pushed a lot to care about this.
I saw "Gran Torino," but to find another Clint Eastwood movie I've seen, you'd have to go all the way back to "Unforgiven." Only a small handful of others — "Dirty Harry," "The Outlaw Josey Wales," a couple others from the 70s. All those movies he directed? I haven't been seeing them. I saw "Thelonious Monk: Straight, No Chaser." Not much else.
It was just a fluke that I saw "Gran Torino" and I found it bloggable and said some things that led to some live-changing conversation.
Watched "The Outlaw Josey Wales" last night on DVR. Love that movie, especially the immortal (ha) line: Easy man to track, leaves dead men wherever he goes".
It also has piqued in getting a Gatling gun for my backyard pleasure. They are available. Restored originals are $45K (+/-), reproductions in small calibers are much cheaper.
Berkeley's Hundred claims to be the site of the first Thanksgiving.
It's also very near John Rolfe's (widower of Pocahontas) settlement of Varina. He got Virginia's ball rolling by stealing and sprouting West Indian tobacco seeds.
Here's a good Jose Wales conversation --
What's missing at the end is: "I could have missed."
President Kennedy issued a letter certifying the Berkeley Plantation as the site of the first Thanksgiving. The letter is hanging on the wall inside the plantation house.
*piqued my interest
That's because Joe Kennedy sold them the booze.
Wait a minute, who in the hell is Jose Wales? [he asks himself]
In the 90's, CSPAN had a series that visited Presidential gravesites--or was it birthplaces?--with historian Richard Norton Smith. What sticks in my mind is that Hoover's are in sight of each other, as are Nixon's. Both showed their very humble beginnings, not that they were.
Who is Jose Wales you ask? Why he must be a Dreamer.
Oh, wait. I saw the 2008 film "The Changeling" — directed by Eastwood.
"Cool Hand Luke" will be on the agenda for tonight.
she don't know what she's doing!
oh, she knows EXACTLY what she's doing!
I had an interesting discussion yesterday with a good friend of mine. He is the one who keeps abreast of Q postings for the rest of us (finally found out what "Q" stands for - supposedly he has a DoE Q security clearance (I had one throughout most of the 1980s)). The basic problem is that massive wrongdoing on the part of the Obama Administration working with the Deep State have been uncovered. We learn more and more about what went on, and nobody is ever prosecuted. Just some of such:
- Lois Lerner was allowed to retire on a full pension after taking the Fifth Andt, after using her office at the IRS to prevent Tea Party organizations from getting tax exempt status.
- Crooked Hillary, when Sec of State, was one of five original classifiers in the govt. She ran all of her communications, including highly classified material, from her dept and others, through her private email server, that was almost assuredly hacked early on by most of the major intelligence agencies around the world (including the Russians). This was very likely the biggest intelligence breach of the last several decades for the US.
- She apparently did this in order to hide her pay-to-play monetization of her office. She was essentially selling American foreign policy to the highest bidders.
- The Clinton family foundation, despite its tax exempt status was used extensively as a family piggy bank, and to retain its most important retainers and associates.
- FISA Title VII was enacted as part of the PATRIOT Act after 9/11. This allowed the NSA to collect massive amounts of information on the Americans. Strict safeguards were put in place to protect our civil liberties. Yet by Spring of 2016, it had all been weaponized by the Obama Administration. Thousands of queries were made by contractors, who had no legal right to be anywhere close to these databases. During the year ending in May that year, some 85% of the thousands of queries made were by contractors. Non government employees, such as working for opposition research firm Fusion GPS. Thousands of FISA unmaskings were ordered, led by UN Ambassador Samantha Powers, who had no intelligence need to be anywhere near those databases. DAG Yates, among her other sins, had essentially doubled the number of intelligence consumers who had access to FISA intel.
- DoJ, FBI, CIA, and probably State, worked together to acquire FISA Title I warrants on a low level Trump campaign worker, knowingly using bogus information fed to them by a Clinton campaign contractor (Fusion GPS), in order to surveil electronicly, and with more conventional means most of the Trump campaign, transition, and early Adminstration, under the "two hop" rule they had in place. This was accomplished by a combination of Obama officials and top level federal bureaucrats working closely together.
- After Trump took office, many of those very same top level federal bureaucrats conspired to get a special prosecutor appointed to investigate the same bogus Russian collusion conspiracy, using the same unverified Clinton funded opposition research. They collected some of the least principled prosecutors in the DoJ for this, and used their power to harass the democraticly elected President for purely political reasons, lying through their teeth to go as high as they could by intimidating one Trump affiliate after another.
And it continues. Q has assured us that this mess will be cleaned up. But will it? We have seen little evidence of that. Almost two years in, and not a single arrest for blatantly illegal behavior by so many. This friend's point is that the only way that Trump gets reelected is if he does a decent job at cleaning this up (he talks to more and more who will otherwise sit out the next election, and just buy guns instead). And the House will spend much of the next session trying to impeach Trump.
My college boyfriend and I were transporting a drive-away car (do they still do that?) from Sarasota to San Francisco. It was a pink Cadillac. Maybe a Mary Kay car? We stopped in central Kansas. It was the birthplace of Bob Dole. The cinderblock gas station was the only building for miles. The rest of everything was corn. They had flyspecked postcards of Bob Dole. Bob Dole keychains. They were proud of him.
We should shut down Washington. Everyone should legislate by teleconference from the place they represent. No business could be conducted unless the legislators were smack in the middle of their home district, and far away from each other.
Humperdink: "Who is Jose Wales you ask? Why he must be a Dreamer"
"Dreams are like clouds floating across a clear blue mind...."
Sondra Locke passed yesterday.
gilbar said...
"But, the thing is, it's NOT charity; it's A GIFT (on account of because GOD so loves us!)
There's no grudge in it, it's freely given."
It appears you are unfamiliar with the essentials of Christian theology. The reason we are in need of God's grace is that God created us doomed to Hell, which He also created. Because of our sinful nature, which He designed. Sounds a lot like Mueller, come to think of it.
One of the interesting aspects of anti-white racism is the possibility that the racists aren't actually racist. They're pretending to be racists to get the approval of other people. They're phony racists. They don't actually believe white people are evil or bad or worse than anybody else. But they say it to advance in our culture, to gain elite approval. That's why you'll hear white people say racist things against white people.
This is a fascinating article about "strategic white-bashing."
Does it make a difference that Sarah Jeong is not a racist racist, she's just pretending to be a racist? I think it does. It's hip racism, ironic racism. Racism that we should not take seriously, because it's not meant seriously. But of course if that's the standard, than we white people should be allowed to be hipster racists as well.
The most infuriating thing about Sarah Jeong were not actually her tweets, although many were in bad taste. What angers me the most are all the people willing to defend her not on the basis of free speech, but on the basis of "she gets a free pass because she's not white." For instance, this Vox article outrages me, and this WaPo article outrages me too.
There are people in our culture who think it's okay to hate on people because of their white skin. Hate on them, deny them job opportunities, and fire them. I'm glad that Jeong's hipster racism--if that's what it is--brought out the serious racists.
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