Though the margin of victory was only about 20,000 votes (with a decisive turnout of black voters), we're told the project was "likely too small to have a significant effect on the race...".
One participant in the Alabama project, Jonathon Morgan, is the chief executive of New Knowledge, a small cyber security firm that wrote a scathing account of Russia’s social media operations in the 2016 election that was released this week by the Senate Intelligence Committee.I hope he'll also say that it's impossible that what the Russians did in the 2016 presidential election could have had an impact on the race — but somehow the nation has been roiled by that impossibility for 2 years.
The project’s operators created a Facebook page on which they posed as conservative Alabamians, using it to try to divide Republicans and even to endorse a write-in candidate to draw votes from Mr. Moore. It involved a scheme to link the Moore campaign to thousands of Russian accounts that suddenly began following the Republican candidate on Twitter, a development that drew national media attention.
“We orchestrated an elaborate ‘false flag’ operation that planted the idea that the Moore campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet,” the report says....
There is no evidence that Mr. Jones sanctioned or was even aware of the social media project. Joe Trippi, a seasoned Democratic operative who served as a top adviser to the Jones campaign, said he had noticed the Russian bot swarm suddenly following Mr. Moore on Twitter. But he said it was impossible that a $100,000 operation had an impact on the race.
The funding [for the Alabama false flag project] came from Reid Hoffman, the billionaire co-founder of LinkedIn, who has sought to help Democrats catch up with Republicans in their use of online technology.
The money passed through American Engagement Technologies, run by Mikey Dickerson, the founding director of the United States Digital Service, which was created during the Obama administration to try to upgrade the federal government’s use of technology....So, our tax money got these people up and running?
Mr. Morgan reached out at the time to Renée DiResta, who would later join New Knowledge and was lead author of the report on Russian social media operations released this week.
“I know there were people who believed the Democrats needed to fight fire with fire,” Ms. DiResta said, adding that she disagreed. “It was absolutely chatter going around the party.”...
The report does not say whether the project purchased the Russian bot Twitter accounts that suddenly began to follow Mr. Moore. But it takes credit for “radicalizing Democrats with a Russian bot scandal” and points to stories on the phenomenon in the mainstream media. “Roy Moore flooded with fake Russian Twitter followers,” reported The New York Post.
११९ टिप्पण्या:
When the left use facebook, it's all cool and good.
The GOP are not allowed to even use money. The left are allowed all the international cash they can find.
Brooklyn authors hardest hit.
Replace the word "Moore" with "Trump" and you arrive at something utterly obvious:
“We orchestrated an elaborate ‘false flag’ operation that planted the idea that the [Trump] campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet,” the report says....
Who needs Tech Experts when you have the New York Times?
The Clinton's tendency to collect foreign donations deserves a mention. It seems to me collecting foreign cash to make your own ads is FAR more effective than accepting inept "help" from foreign Facebook ads. Have you seen them? Totally and hilariously bad.
"I hope he'll also say that it's impossible that what the Russians did in the 2016 presidential election could have had an impact on the race — but somehow the nation has been roiled by that impossibility for 2 years."
"I hope"? "somehow"?
Dems talking out of both sides of their mouths. No surprise.
Lock 'em up, seriously.
JounOlist will always be with us.
That's the beauty of being a Prog. Anything and everything is morally justified except being out of power.
If the Prog is out of power it can only mean someone dumber and more ignorant, with less prestigious credentials is in power. That hinders Progress. We don't want that, do we?
Okay then.
Henry, 8:28:
"Replace the word "Moore" with "Trump" and you arrive at something utterly obvious"
That's a good catch!
Isn't this an illegal campaign contribution for the Democrats ?
Manipulating elections is criminal. Real time experimentation with manipulation is good if you're doing it for the right reasons, or something?
Or is it- See Republicans we can do it too, even though we claim it didn't work...just look at the results! Anyways, now you need to join us in our fake election hacking narratives.
Trippi "said it was impossible that a $100,000 operation had an impact on the race."
$100,000 in a $12M race = "impact impossible"
$10M in a $2B race = "threat to the republic"
The first case is 0.8% of total spent by the candidates.
The second case is 0.5% of total spent by the candidates and their PACs.
Lock them up.
they posed as conservative Alabamians, ...etc
New Knowledge says -
"By 2016 we'd developed the disinformation protection tools to track disinformation operations in real time, and were the first organization outside the US intelligence community to identify Russia's campaign to influence the US presidential election. As the information war escalated, we believed it was our responsibility to provide a reliable disinformation solution to national security agencies and corporations."
They almost make it sound like they were against "disinformation" whereas they were actually providing it.
That's odd.
I searched in the NYT article, and did not get a single hit for the phrase conspiracy to defraud the United States.
Must be a bug in the search algorithm.
So, our tax money got these people up and running?
That is a primary function of the "deep state".
Althouse feeding triggers to snowflakes please feel the joy of the Lord by purchasing cheep Chinese crap through the Altazon bolt holes
I have a tough time accepting that social media manipulation is more egregious than manipulation originating from NYT/MSM or the 'bricks and mortar' manipulation originating from the war rooms of the Hillaryites.
The notion of "Free and Fair Elections" hardest hit.
@Ann:"The money passed through American Engagement Technologies, run by Mikey Dickerson, the founding director of the United States Digital Service, which was created during the Obama administration to try to upgrade the federal government’s use of technology...."
So, our tax money got these people up and running?
I don't think that's what this means. The sentence is poorly written. If we rewrite it I think we can make it clear:
The money originated with the LinkedIn founder. He passed it through American Engagement Technologies.
American Engagement Technologies is run by Mikey Dickerson.
Mikey Dickerson was the founding director of the United States Digital Service which was created during the Obama administration to try to upgrade the federal government’s use of technology.
That's where the tax money comes in, Mikey Dickerson's resume. But neither tax money nor the United States Digital Service were involved in this operation. The journalists and editors who worked on the story simply tried to cram as much information as they could into the same sentence despite it being unrelated to the topic of that sentence.
sought to help Democrats catch up with Republicans in their use of online technology.
Who would have thought? In 2008 we were so lame for not using Twitter!
The project’s operators created a Facebook page on which they posed as conservative Alabamians, using it to try to divide Republicans and even to endorse a write-in candidate to draw votes from Mr. Moore.
Are these groups paying Chuckles?
After that election the news media (npr was crowing about this) seemed to like to point out that even in red Alabama a Dem could win a statewide race. Yeah, true when the GOP candidate had numerous credible allegations of sexual improprieties on his record, but that little fact was never mentioned. After the election, that is. Why didn't Moore's accusers appear during the primary campaign season? Did they just appear out of hiding three weeks before the general election? If they had been around earlier Moore would never have been the GOP candidate and Luther Strange would (probably) have won easily.
stevew said...
The notion of "Free and Fair Elections" hardest hit.
The elections were both free and fair. Unfortunately, free and fair elections still suffer from a garbage in, garbage out problem.
More self-boosting nonsense. The Alabama special election was a combination of a Democrat running as a Republican and the Republican being a terrible candidate. In essence it was a contest between two Republicans. If a few bucks invested in social media can have a greater effect in an election compared to millions in the usual media buys then it would be criminal for companies to spend their advertising budgets on traditional media.
Actually, free and fair election suffer from two different garbage in, garbage out issues.
First, if voters are making their decisions based on garbage information, then their resulting votes will be garbage.
Second, if all of the candidates in an election are garbage, the winner of the election will also be garbage.
The problem is morons.
And it’s Howard, in for the ad hominem. At 8:53am.
"a Democrat running as a Republican"
Careful, now. Before you know it, you'll be calling the entire Dem party a false flag operation.
I was against Russian trolls before I was for it.
Oh, and Orange man bad,
To walk the cat back across the room , Moore would not have been the candidate had McConnel and friends not sandbagged a credible if less tractable candidate in the primaries . Mc Connell and friends assumed that if they could remove a Freedom Caucus candidate , Mo Brooks , the dopes in Alabama would do as their Betters expected and run an Establishment hack, Luther Strange, as the R Candidate. Strange was seen and rightly so , as a tool of the corrupt R party , The Big Mules as they are known in Alabama,and rejected. And Moore slid into the nomination . Had McConnell and friends kept their hands off the primaries , Mo Brooks, a reliable conservative , would be senator and Jones would be looking for Honest Work. Brooks 2020.
Democrats can harness social media,
Republicans cannot.
Democrats can talk to Russians.
Republicans cannot.
Democrats can spread fake news.
Republicans must accept the lies and smear job and endless prosecution and ruin.
Democrats can use limitless funding from secret & foreign sources.
Republicans are not allowed to use any money ever for anything.
Democrats are our rulers.
The R party and all deplorables should be rounded up and placed in prison camps right after the leftwing fascists steal all their stuff.
Simply incredible that people actually believe this stuff has any affect what so ever on people's votes.
Scum-of-the-earth Democrat party members lying, cheating and stealing. That is just what they do.
"As Russia’s online election machinations came to light last year, a group of Democratic tech experts decided to try out similarly deceptive tactics.
The story starts out with a lie. They are just doing what they did during 2016. They're just now boasting about it like Comey. This won't end well for them.
"Secret Experiment in Alabama Senate Race Imitated Russian Tactics". Only that's not quite true, is it? The Russians weren't trying to fool anyone into thinking any candidate had Russian backing. The Democrats didn't imitate Russian tactics-- they imitated McCarthyite tactics.
It's different when WE do it!
Can't wait for Mueller to issue indictment of American Enterprise Technologies.
The politicians' usual fear is what are women going to think, and that edits everything said by politicians.
The false flag stuff just goes the other way on what will women think, getting them to think against instead of think for, is all.
Trippi "said it was impossible that a $100,000 operation had an impact on the race."
Just last week we were told the standard was "for the purpose of influencing" the election.
I'm sure they won't be investigated by the FBI because in this case they lacked the intention to violate the law...
It's Joeseph for the sub simian @9:01
Rhhardin speeches from experience recognizing his fellow #feminizedbrain victims of #realmanmindfuck
It involved a scheme to link the Moore campaign to thousands of Russian accounts that suddenly began following the Republican candidate on Twitter, a development that drew national media attention.
Also known in counter-intelligence circles as the Hasselhoff-German algorithm.
File this under "It's ok when we do it."
Hillary Clinton can lie to the FBI/Peter Strozk.
Michael Flynn goes to jail, after being ruined and destroyed.
Celebrate your leftwing betters!
BTW, this is exactly what is happening with the NeverTrumpers and their syncophants on social media. Completely fabricated followings, I suspect.
Isn't it surprising that they didn't choose to experiment with hurting the Democrat candidate? Truly unexpected, I tell ya. They had to assume it might affect things some and that would just be a bonus. Nice.
Not found on Rachel Maddow's fake new show for the loyal leftwing hivemind:
Attkisson - a real actual curious journalist:
As of now, Carter Page hasn’t been charged with so much as lying to the FBI or filing a faulty tax return, let alone Russian spying. He endured the most intrusive, intimidating methods the government has at its disposal. He was the subject of media leaks. His reputation was destroyed. If he’s never charged with being a Russian spy, he’s either that slippery … or it would suggest that the top intelligence officials who targeted him were either incompetent or corrupt. It would seem to border on criminal.
Did someone just confess to an illegal in-kind campaign contribution?
The problem is morons.
This. The fight is for the morons in the middle
Law is not law when it's not equally enforced.
"The Democrats... imitated McCarthyite tactics."
Dems INVENTED "McCarthyite" tactics. McCarthy never actually used them.
It’s not an offense, or even offensive, if The Evil Party does it. It’s just business as usual.
For example, does anybody believe it has been established with any certainty that Seth Rich was the victim of an attempted robbery or that “no reasonable prosecutor” would have charged Hillary with her blatant email crimes? How about Clapper’s perjury? The Flynn leaks?
The stench of Democrats pollutes DC.
Democrats were also brought in from surrounding States, and the local Dem election officials let the vote. Lots of towns with wonky voting totals--more voters than registered voters. Moore was pressured by Repubs not to challenge the results. Did thye play a part in this?
And please note that Google executive Sundar Pichai says Russia-linked Ad Accounts spent a total of $4,700 in advertisements during 2016 Presidential Election, offering his remarks during an exchange with Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) in House Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday in Washington, DC on December 12, 2018.
As I've said before, someone needs to tell us what Russia could do for Trump that he couldn't do for himself.
"The project’s operators created a Facebook page on which they posed as conservative Alabamians, using it to try to divide Republicans and even to endorse a write-in candidate to draw votes from Mr. Moore."
Lifelong "conservative Alabamians.........
And we've got our "conservative" publications like the now, thankfully, defunct Cuckly Standard being funded and controlled by lefty Billionaires (Soros/Omidyar) and collaborating directly with FusionGPS.
Sound's almost like the entire game is rigged to deliver victories to democrats via fake LLR's and fake "TruCon" hot takes.......
Don’t be mad about this unless you’re also mad about what the Russians orchestrated.
“As I've said before, someone needs to tell us what Russia could do for Trump that he couldn't do for himself.”
He couldn’t get any banks to loan him money, so he had Russian money and help. Of course he owes them, to this very day. His actions reflect this pretty clearly.
Hillary and George Soros were funding "boiler rooms" filled with hundreds of people, each with hundreds of online identities, visiting every influential website to leave comments praising Hillary and bashing Trump. They even managed to hack the Daily Mail arrow system on comments--pro-Hillary comments got thousands of green "up" arrows in seconds and pro-Trump/anti-Hillary comments got thousands of red "down" arrows. According to press reports, the combined Soros/Hillary internet spending was around $6 million total, with Hillary spending another $3 million late in the race.
Mueller won't entrap people or destroy their lives, the media won't hyper ventilate and throw fits. Lefty cunts like Inga and Chuck won't care, or recognize the double standard. They will continue to fellate deep state coup attempts and abuse of citizens, as long as it gives the left more power.
Leftist twats should be lined up against a wall and shot.
"Of course he owes them, to this very day. His actions reflect this pretty clearly."
If you change "Trump" to "The Clintons, then you might have a point, but regarding Trump, that's just stupid talk. Do you know what he's done to Russian interests in just two years, not to mention ordering the killing of hundreds of their hired military.
Nobody has been as hard on Russia as Trump in the last 20 years.
He couldn’t get any banks to loan him money, so he had Russian money and help. Of course he owes them, to this very day. His actions reflect this pretty clearly.
There hasn't been a president this hard on Russia since Ronald Reagan. That's the plain reality. There's a different reality that exists only in your head, and they'd be taking care of it if it wasn't for the Democrats' drive for deinstitutionalization back in the 1970s and 1980s.
Translation: Despite using Russian Tactics and Mass Media Smear Campaign for events more than 40 years ago, Democrats still barely more popular than Alleged Pedophile.
Notably, Trump's support for fracking and for the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines has taken hundreds of millions of dollars in hard currency out of the Russian GDP, and tens of millions of dollars in hard currency out of Putin's own pockets.
But there's little enough sense trying to explain logic to a retired university professor, much less explaining logic to any Democrat. Democrats don't deal well with logic.
"Don’t be mad about this unless you’re also mad about what the Russians orchestrated."
You are correct. Democrats are just like Russians. Same goals - same methods.
The Russians appearantly spent less that $5,000 on it. The Dems are way ahead on this.
Actually many of the claims against Moore were fake evidence as Allred admitted this was the beta test for cavanaugh.
Inga: "He couldn’t get any banks to loan him money, so he had Russian money and help. Of course he owes them, to this very day. His actions reflect this pretty clearly."
Which banks refused to loan the Trump Org money?
Which Russians funded and "helped" Trump? In what amounts? For which projects? Paid to the Trump Org when?
How much is owed to these Russians? By which entities?
Most importantly: why does Putin want the US to expand its military?
Why does Putin want NATO to increase spending?
Why did Putin want Trump to send missiles to Poland?
Why did Putin want Trump to send offensive weapons to Putins opponents in Ukraine?
Why does Putin want the US to be the worlds largest energy producer?
Why did Putin want Trump to publicly oppose the Russia-Germany gas pipeline?
Why did Putin want Trump to whack 400 russian mercenaries in Syria?
Why did Putin want the US to increase sanctions on Russian pals of Putin?
If thats what Trump does while Putin is controlling him, can you imagine what would happen if Trump were unleashed!
The GOP spent 30 million against Moore, Thomas wictor who was too doubleplusungood for twitter tracked the history of Moore going back 30 years
JFC, do these people want us to believe that the Russians invented this sort of chicanery? Facebook and the internet are not essential to these tactics. It's been going on since this country was born.
The Financial Times has named billionaire financier George Soros as its 2018 “Person of the Year,” not only for his achievements but for “the values he represents” as being the “standard bearer of liberal democracy and open society.”
"No one likes Mr. Trump more than Republican women do. This parallel truth about women in the electorate jumped out from the data in the Dec. 17 Fox News Poll, a random national sample of registered voters. Mr. Trump’s overall approval rating in the Fox poll is 46%. His approval among Republican women is 93%—8 points beyond his approval among GOP men. Republican women outrun men in their support for Mr. Trump on virtually every issue Fox polled." Gotta love Republican women.
Gabriel said...
"@Ann:"The money passed through American Engagement Technologies, run by Mikey Dickerson, the founding director of the United States Digital Service, which was created during the Obama administration to try to upgrade the federal government’s use of technology...."
So, our tax money got these people up and running?
I don't think that's what this means. The sentence is poorly written. If we rewrite it I think we can make it clear:
The money originated with the LinkedIn founder. He passed it through American Engagement Technologies.
American Engagement Technologies is run by Mikey Dickerson.
Mikey Dickerson was the founding director of the United States Digital Service which was created during the Obama administration to try to upgrade the federal government’s use of technology.
That's where the tax money comes in, Mikey Dickerson's resume. But neither tax money nor the United States Digital Service were involved in this operation. The journalists and editors who worked on the story simply tried to cram as much information as they could into the same sentence despite it being unrelated to the topic of that sentence."
I got the same thing as Gabriel from that. What really caught my attention was this:
"The funding [for the Alabama false flag project] came from Reid Hoffman, the billionaire co-founder of LinkedIn, who has sought to help Democrats catch up with Republicans in their use of online technology.
He can't be serious. The DNC has been at the forefront of online media use for a long time; this sounds like projection to me. I still think (but can't prove yet) that there were other forms of electoral manipulation going on, including crossover voting in partisan primaries - Alabama is an open primary state - and purchasing ads for a straw candidate à la the McCaskill/ Akin race in 2012.
If Trump is weak on Putin, how does one explain obama and his weaker sanctions against Russia and russians nd obamas promise to be more flexible with Putin after obamas reelection (Medvedev: "I veeeel reeelay your message to Vlad-ee-meer"...)
Mueller should contact Inga to get Trump's Russian loans data. He doesn't seem to be able to find any himself.
You are probably aware of the term "limited hangout". That is what this is. Even the news article writer appears to know this because they hedged their story with....
"The report does not say whether the project purchased the Russian bot Twitter accounts that suddenly began to follow Mr. Moore. But it takes credit for “radicalizing Democrats with a Russian bot scandal” and points to stories on the phenomenon in the mainstream media."
Because the point was made so carefully, it is all but certain that the Russian Bots were actually the creation of the project- for example, the article's writer could have asked Morgan this specific question, and I have to assume the question was asked and Morgan refused to answer it. I am guessing someone was about to blow the whistle on this entire operation, so Morgan and others got out in front of it.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Don’t be mad about this unless you’re also mad about what the Russians orchestrated.
It's interesting she only cares about the potential hypocrisy of people she hates. It's just as true that if you're mad about the Russians you have to be mad about this (especially if you're mad about supposed campaign contribution violations) yet somehow that escapes her concern. That left wingers should be consistent as well has escaped her notice even though the difference is quite stark since she specifically and her fellow left wingers generally claim the future of the nation is at stake.
And to be clear the Russians didn't orchestrate anything. They ran a few nonsense memes no one of any intelligence believes had any effect at all. Democrats orchestrated the current hysteria.
"Of course he owes them, to this very day. His actions reflect this pretty clearly."
Darnit Inga. You gotta think a bit before making comments like that. Try usung stuff that's not so easily refutable.
The "Mueller's going to get him" line is probably still your best option.
How much LNG did Poland just agree to buy from the United States?
Damn that Trump, pushing a pro-Russia agenda...
Ingas performance this morning is so poor its going to make it very difficult for LLR Chuck to step in and put the daily lefty narrative and talking points back together.
Remember, LLR Chucks/Ingas and others Team Left is only as strong as its many weakest links.
Leland at 9:20 a.m. CST:
I thought the exact same thing- the story's first line is a lie- they were the doing this during the 2016 campaign, too. The idea that the Democrats were behind the Republicans in using social networks this way is ludicrous.
Birkel: "How much LNG did Poland just agree to buy from the United States?
Damn that Trump, pushing a pro-Russia agenda..."
According to Inga and Chuck and the rest of the Lefties, having the US undercut Putin and his associates personally is apparently precisely what Putin wants.
Its a strange sort of "logic" that Inga and the lefties/LLR's wisely dare not even try to explain.
The Democrats who control Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google and the rest of Silicon Valley believe Republicans have the tech advantage.
Seems legit.
Ah, I see Inga is calling for Doug Jones to resign and the election to be run again. Good on you, Inga.
A Hawaiian judge should issue a stop-work order on The Wall because it would interfere with next year's George Soros Caravan.
Was it the Russians who caused Inga to vote for Jill Stein instead of Hillary?
Inga is Russian bot, don't you know?
"He couldn’t get any banks to loan him money, so he had Russian money and help. Of course he owes them, to this very day. His actions reflect this pretty clearly."
Possibly your most moronic post ever. Stunning cluelessness.
So...these tactics are only bad if Democrats lose. If Democrats can win by using them, they are a-ok with this.
Moore lost because of the carefully orchestrated conspiracy to paint him as a pedophile and a trial by press. A victim of #MeToo, shortly following its conception, to deem him nonviable and for democratic leverage. It wasn't social media, but mainstream media, and at the cost of millions of dollars, to influence and steer the election.
Nn is correct but then are these covert Intel type social media campaign somehow leverages off of the top of the main effort to break camel's back? Asking for a friend
Would there have been the same outrage if Roy Moore had been followed by Brazilian bots?
Don't think so. There's something especially disreputable about Russians.
How corrupt is it to have the almost the entire mainstream press as your campaign? that's the kind of corruption the democrats can live with.
Of course to the same MSM/hivemind, the cliche' bomb repeated add-nauseous is that a few poorly produced facebook ads said something negative about poor Hillary and the crux of the election was destroyed because of Russian meddling. If the Russians meddled for Hillary, it would be cool. Truth is the Russian meddling was in all directions. It only matters now because Hillary lost. In reality, it would not matter at all if the correct media approved candidate won. That's why the media are not holding anything back anymore. and people like Matt Lauer are out.
Russian Oligarchs for Hillary, and the Clinton foundation.
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said..."[Trump] couldn’t get any banks to loan him money, so he had Russian money and help. Of course he owes them, to this very day."
"His actions reflect this pretty clearly.": Really? Please elaborate.
He couldn’t get any banks to loan him money, so he had Russian money and help. Of course he owes them, to this very day. His actions reflect this pretty clearly.
But remember, we're the drooling imbeciles who are stuck in conspiracy theories.
/rolls eyes
Unknown said...
"After that election the news media (npr was crowing about this) seemed to like to point out that even in red Alabama a Dem could win a statewide race. Yeah, true when the GOP candidate had numerous credible allegations of sexual improprieties on his record, but that little fact was never mentioned. After the election, that is. Why didn't Moore's accusers appear during the primary campaign season? Did they just appear out of hiding three weeks before the general election? If they had been around earlier Moore would never have been the GOP candidate and Luther Strange would (probably) have won easily."
Sounds like a replay of the Billy Bush tape maneuver.
"We literally have ten thousands of Russian bots that were popping out forty-thousand posts per minute, not per hour — on Twitter. There's active engagement in our politics. I'm not saying they change any votes, but what are we doing to stop it. What has the administration done to stop it. And Trump has not ordered any of his national security folks to even engage in that."
- Joe Trippi last year, not seeming to be aware that his side was responsible, or simply lying.
The call was coming from inside the house, Joe.
Time for a new special counsel....
There's something especially disreputable about Russians.
It is the close association that can be plausibly made with their Soviet predecessors. It's the same modus operandi used to associate diversity (i.e. color judgments), Germany's national socialists, attribution of numerous wars throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, political congruence ("=") or selective exclusion, and relabel the "wings" and center (i.e. constitutional) in the American frame of reference.
are these covert Intel type social media campaign somehow leverages ... to break camel's back
A "butterfly effect"? Possible, but not probable.
The Intelligence Community pays contractors big money to provide studies proving threats.
1) We in the Intelligence Community need more money because of foreign threats.
2) *Intelligence Community pays contractors for studies proving foreign threats*.
3) See, here is proof that we need more money because of foreign threats.
“But remember, we're the drooling imbeciles who are stuck in conspiracy theories.”
Yes, YOU are.
I’m always amazed at how ill informed you folks are.
“Other activities by its employees and bankers that have sullied Deutsche include market manipulation in commodities and debt, rigging Libor rates, and the suspicious departure of about $10 billion from Russia via Deutsche's Moscow branch. U.S. and U.K. regulators fined Deutsche about $700 million last year for compliance failures that a New York regulator said could have allowed for money laundering.
All of which brings us to the president of the United States.
When Trump nearly went personally bankrupt in the early 1990s, he left a handful of major U.S. banks on the hook for about $3.4 billion in loans he couldn't repay (and about $900 million of which he had personally guaranteed). Hotels, casinos, real estate, an airline and other parts of his debt-ridden portfolio went into bankruptcy protection. In the wake of that collapse, Trump became a pariah among major U.S. banks, and he had to find unique ways of lining up money for the infrequent and small-bore
deals he pursued thereafter. That left him borrowing money from labor unions and small, local lenders. Deutsche, keen at the time to make a name for itself in U.S. investment banking and commercial lending, was less hesitant to do business with Trump.
Deutsche's first transaction with Trump involved a modest renovation loan for 40 Wall Street, a Manhattan skyscraper Trump controls, in 1998. Trump did little to merit Deutsche's involvement after that until the early 2000s, when it agreed to loan him as much as $640 million for a Chicago project — the Trump International Hotel and Tower.”
You people must live in the Trump Cultist bunker so deep underground you have no clue about what is going on in the real world.
“The concern about Deutsche Bank is they have a history of laundering Russian money," Schiff said on NBC's "Meet the Press."
He continued: "They paid hundreds of millions of dollars in fines to the state of New York, because they were laundering Russian money. And this apparently is the one bank that was willing to do business with the Trump Organization. Now is that a coincidence?"
Last month, the Frankfurt-based lender was raided as part of a lengthy money laundering probe related to the Panama Papers disclosures, the reveal of millions of documents that exposed how the world's wealthiest politicians and business leaders hide their money.”
You Trumpists seem to like a good mystery, here’s one for you. Inform yourselves, try some other reading material other than Gateway Pundit.
“A mysterious case playing out in Washington amid tight secrecy – and presumed to involve the special counsel Robert Mueller – has been revealed to concern an unnamed corporation, owned by an equally anonymous foreign country.
The US circuit court of appeals on Tuesday issued a ruling that answered some of the questions in a judicial drama that has increasingly obsessed Mueller-watchers intrigued by the exceptional lengths to which the US government has gone to keep it secret. In several other regards, however, the judgment merely deepened the mystery.
Moss said that the involvement of a foreign-owned corporation in such a supremely sensitive and high-profile case suggested a bank with possible financial dealings with Trump or his family business. “This suggests to me that Mueller is following the money – Trump is heavily dependent on foreign banks as US lenders gave up on him a long time ago.”
Last month Deutsche Bank, Germany’s biggest lender, which is also the biggest lender to Trump, having provided almost $400m in loans, had its Frankfurt offices raided as part of an investigation into alleged money laundering. Trump has also had well-documented financial dealings with Saudi Arabia and Russia, where according to his former legal fixer Michael Cohen he tried to develop a Moscow tower through much of the presidential election year 2016.”
Well if Adam Schiff said it, it is almost definitely bull shit.
Trump cannot get loans!
He owed $3.4 billion.
Yogi Berra thinks Royal ass Inga gets confused.
yes, that's why wilmer pickering Mueller's firm, represented them, it's a laundromat, like the outfit, comey used to flack for, that alderman's office represents a lot of persons in the Chicago political world,
also guess who owned 3% of deutsche bank stock, in return for the investment in his mega skyscraper, prince talal,
Well, if The Guardian is citing unnamed corporations and anonymous countries, I'm certainly convinced.
Thanks for the tip, Inga.
The altered year book probably impacted the election more than this hypocritical experiment.
Moore who may or may not be a scumbag, being falelseoy reported to have been banned from his local mall probably had more impact than this too. All this does is underscore how weak a candidate Clinton was vs Trump.
Henry VII's mother was 13 when he was born. Moore was robbed.
"“A mysterious case playing out in Washington amid tight secrecy – and presumed to involve the special counsel Robert Mueller – has been revealed to concern an unnamed corporation, owned by an equally anonymous foreign country."
Mysterious cases!!
Presumed to involve someone!!
Revealed to an unnamed corporation!!
Owned by an anonymous foreign country!!
5 will get you 10 someone is saying someone else is being peed upon........
Inga: "You people must live in the Trump Cultist bunker so deep underground you have no clue about what is going on in the real world."
List of Inga-designated New Leader of The Free World:
1) Merkel......OUT
2) May......on her way OUT
3) Macron.....18% poll approval, and sinking....
4) Trudeau.....(This one was just funny!!)
Note to self: I'm not sure Inga is as wired into "reality" as she thinks she is.....
Has Inga yet explained how it is that Putin controls Trump but Trump publicly challenged Merkel and the rest of the German Sellouts to Putin on their new gas pipeline from Russia to Germany which will funnel billions of Euro's directly into the pockets of Putin and his pals?
I mean, since Putin controls Trump and all, what's the angle Inga?
Don't leave us in suspense.
Given we now know Comey lied to Trump, is there any leg to stand on on an obstruction charge for firing him? He admits to lying to his boss, who received demands from both political parties to fire Comey. Only in the government does anyone think lying to your boss while stealing sensitive documents won't get you a pink slip.
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