What? I will admit that sometimes SNL lands a good Trump joke. And I generally trust Althouse to only highlight genuinely funny SNL material. But this was utterly lame. The only mildly funny line was Baldwin’s reference to his parking spot meltdown. This skit was just weird. Giuliani is a vampire. Trump is having sex with Putin. I felt bad for the writers and a little embarrassed for Althouse.
I can't imagine laughing at a Baldwin skit knowing that Darrel Hammond is so much better at playing Trump but Baldwin gets the part anyway because he's Alec Baldwin.
Funny if you are 13 years old. And have been listening to propaganda from the school, and MSMBC. Humor is subjective, yes. But the best barbs are done when you don't actively HATE the target. SNL is just an episode of the MSM, with an attempt at being funny. A long time ago, decades, SNL was funny. Now it's leftists, all the way down. It's funny only if you share the groupthink. When everybody else gets the joke, so do you. so cool. Comedy isn't funny anymore. The Universities have given us a bunch of conformist, groupthink fools, who detest most of this country. Just another excuse to virtue signal about hip they are.
Sorry I guess I’ve lost my sense of humor. Not a single laugh. Well may Rudy was good for a chuckle. They lost me with the veiled nazi quip. When you have to go that low you got nuttin.
Wow, Alec Baldwin can joke about committing assault. How Progressive. It’s interesting how he continues to get a pass for all of his inappropriate behavior. I guess you just Gotta be on the right side of things.
When SNLwriters are telling the truth we are in Opposite Day. But the next few weeks events should tell whether it is Mueller orTrump that is a dedicated Traitor that takes mega cash bribes to cover up the selling out the American Deplorables to the highest bidder.
And how is France doing this week? The French Deplorables don’t seem to want to be part of the Fourth Reich either.
Usually Althouse just tells us that successful comedy is not good. In the past she's stated that particular SNL skits were awful when rich-from-comedy folks like Stern and Rogan have said those same skits were great.
Here, by not being a comedy dolt, she F-ed herself w/ her audience.
It's cool that being wrong can be the right course, w/ the right/wrong audience.
Odd, too.
P.S. Recently boss-lady asked if my blog (if I had one) would succeed. Answer = F no! I'm always surprised that most folks suck re knowing what they know ta do. If you know nothing else, by definition, knowing yer own limits should be certain! Why is that hard?
“@Althouse, if you found any of that funny you may need some psychotherapy. (I note that Inky has always needed psychotherapy.”
I note that Old Big Mike is taking on the role of the asshole curmudgeon in these threads since our other old Michael left. Anyone who didn’t see any humor at all in that skit is very deep into their Trump sychophancy/cultism. Not only have you lost your self respect, you’ve lost your sense of humor.
Today i do simply refuse to give those Gleichschaltungers any eyeballs, even if I would learn something that would make me more dangerous against them.
Another day perhaps, I may come back and observe these Devils upending the American scaffolds, get training in deadly spite, and motivation and courage to do some overturning myself. but not today.
Closer to agitprop than to comedy. They should make the Trump piñata wear a dunce cap and then have different members of the cast curse him and spit on him. That should serve to soothe the spirits of the audience and cast members and fulfill their primal needs. It must be stressful having to pretend that their jokes are funny or even that they want them to be funny rather than hateful.
After Al Franken got caught, he should have said that he was making fun of Roger Ailes. Everyone would have had a hearty laugh, and he'd still be in the Senate.
A Cash-for-Clunkers skit would have been hilarious. And they wouldn't have had to limit the subject to automobiles. Think Hillary and the Clinton Foundation.
SNL? I'd rather watch old reruns on YouTube than any of the new stuff.
I wonder if Baldwin actually feels "in character" when he spoofs Trump? As someone who struggled to do vocal impressions, I don't find him convincing at all.
“Looks like the person to the left of whoever is portraying Melania, is mocking disabled reporters.”
Like Trump did? That person is supposed to be Giuliani and Guilliani actually does often do those motions with his hands when he is being interviewed. Go look at a few clips and see for yourself.
I was just being snarky and pointing out how people can misinterpret a picture or even a video to read something into that didn't really exist. Similar to how people misinterpreted the pictures and video of Trump mocking the reporter. He was certainly mocking the reporter, but not for his disability. He was mocking the reporter because the reporter had been hoisted by his own petard, when he pushed back on Trump when Trump claimed that there were Muslims celebrating on 9-11 in New Jersey. The reporter claimed there wasn't even though he himself had written an article shortly after 9-11 claiming there were. The stammering voice and gesticulations Trump used were meant to mock a person who was exasperated at being caught in a lie or inexplicable situation. Trump also used the same voice and gesticulations to mock Ted Cruz. Also there is no evidence that Trump was even aware the reporter was disabled.
But if people persist in claiming Trump mocked a disabled reporter using his disability, then I am going to insist that SNL is mocking the disabled in this skit as well. Shame on the entire uncaring lot. I also saw an SNL video that mentioned sexual abuse of children, locks like everyone on that show supports that as well.
I liked the ridiculous bro handshakes between Putin and the Crown Prince, and how that upset Trump. Even though Trump is unafraid to take actions that puts him at odds with international establishment types, you do get the sense that at least a part of him really wants people to like him, he wants to be the popular guy. Because of that I was willing to overlook the Saudi oil comment which is kinda silly because the US gets almost no Oil from Saudi Arabia. And given the fracking boom here in Oil and gas, the international policy options are shifting on oil.
Trump tells better jokes at his rallies than SNL does on their show.
I only realized the vampire was Giuliani once they used his name, I also thought it was some kind of disabled thing with the hands. Had to google it to find out the joke - which is simply the left making fun of Giuliani's looks.
"Like fanatics everywhere, the Trumpsters lack a sense of humor."
Untrue, I laughed my butt off when I saw Hillary falling into her campaign van. And also stumbling down a flight of steps. I thought she doing was her best Chevy Chase/Gerald Ford impression. Unless, of course, she was drunk.
NBC asks for photo ID and insist on proper procedure ... Every member of the standby line is required to present a valid photo ID when the ticket is issued and at the return time. Please note that all tickets are non-transferable and non-exchangeable. NBC staff reserve the right to revoke the tickets of, or not issue any tickets to, anyone in line if proper procedures are not followed...
The problem with Left-wing comics is they never think outside the box. Republicans are always made fun of for being:
1. Stupid (Ford/bush II) 2. Bigots or Religious hypocrites 3. Goofy, Uncool nerds (Nixon, Bush I)
But those don't work with Trump - and they didn't work with Reagan. in the 80s they kept trying to show Reagan as a movie actor idiot - but it never worked. And showing Trump as a moron doesn't work either.
One way to satirize Trump is to show him as glib, untrustworthy salesman who engages in outrageous puffery and hyperbole. But you'd have to write it well.
Don't they say that puns are the lowest form of humor?
They aren't.
SNL's Trump humor has become like the "that's what she said" jokes, but with mean-spiritedness. They have completely worn the material out. No real creativity - nothing new.
I think there was plenty to go after in Obama--his enormous self-regard was horrible, but pretty funny in a way.
His desperate efforts to be cool by inviting every rapper he could find to the White House.
The way he threw a baseball. Or rode a bike.
As to Alec Baldwin's impression--doesn't look like Trump (facial expressions all wrong), doesn't sound like Trump--Darrell Hammond, on the other hand, was fabulous.
Watch him talk about it (in 2004): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYpD68t6Pt8
When he plays a good guy, like in Beatle juice or red October hes acting hes usually the clueless jerk like in departed or the last mission impossible series, who ends in somewhat of a noble note,
Inga is upset that the police in Massachusetts dared to arrest 6 of her beloved "spark of divinity" MS13ers who just so happened to have happily carved up an innocent teen.
"That includes killing 17-year-old Herson Rivas on Aug. 2 with a large knife like they were “chopping wood.”
One of the accused, according to the affidavit, stabbed the defenseless teen “with such force his knife became warped during the attack.”
Inga and the dems know that the arrests of these precious precious delightful lads takes 6 more immigrant votes for dems off the rolls in future elections.
Not to worry Inga. Ill bet the dems in Massachusetts can implement the same voting schemes as the dems put in place in CA so these wonderful lads can keep on registering their support for glorious dem policies.
Oh, deary me. Inga has little old me in her cross hairs. Bring it, bitch.
Meanwhile we are checking the migrant caravan for anyone who could empty bedpans. Next nurse’s strike we’re gonna use them for scab labor and bust your union. We plan to call them “The Friends of Inga” in your honor.
Inga...Allie Oop said... “@Althouse, if you found any of that funny you may need some psychotherapy. (I note that Inky has always needed psychotherapy.”
I note that Old Big Mike is taking on the role of the asshole curmudgeon in these threads since our other old Michael left. Anyone who didn’t see any humor at all in that skit is very deep into their Trump sychophancy/cultism. Not only have you lost your self respect, you’ve lost your sense of humor.
Sez Inga, our own version of Mao's wife, the detested Jiang Ching: utterly humorless, wasting her life thrusting feeble Fists of Fury heavenward.
Narciso, I’ve developed a theory that New Yorkers want to live in grime, crime and grit. They keep voting for it and have for decades. IDK if they feel their lives are too sterile or they’re part of the world. I don’t get it.
I don’t think it’s a badge of honor to be mugged because that’s the price you have to pay to live there.
Yes Giuliani helped save that blighted berg, and they have let it sink into a rotten offal filled crime ridden cesspool under deblasio.
It would not surprise me to see the whole franchise close down and just rerun the funnier seasons like "Hee Haw Silver" did. My kids only vaguely know about this show because they heard about it from us or might see a clip circulate on a Vine (if its actually funny) but they don't have any interest in it and this is NBC's seed corn.
The last time I tried to watch SNL has to be over 10 years ago, but I came away with the impression: Hey this is just two hours of commercials with an occasional comedy bit inbetween. Why am I sitting through this?
Pretty unfunny. Sadly unfunny. In 1978, I used to make my 12-year old self stay awake to watch SNL on a black and white TV, in the dark of my room, with the volume on low. God, that was funny.
garbage. nothing is funny. you can't call a gay person gay anymore, you have to call them same sex attracted. really, if you are laughing, perhaps should look into that. there is nothing funny about attacking trump, not when the January SHITSTORM hits. you absolute morons. look at you.
12/3/18, 4:42 AM Blogger AllenS said... SNL making fun of the Clinton's would be very funny, especially if they used a different sized cigar every week.
No, what would be funny is if they told the Lewinsky story Rashomon style, with Bill Clinton's viewpoint involving a huge cigar, Hillary Clinton's viewpoint involving a tiny cigarillo, etc.
This was was a spot on skit, loved the extended high five routine that pushed Trump to sideline. I am surprised Althouse watched this—can her picture of the tweeter in chief be losing some of the shine.
Remember when Giuliani came on SNL to announce that the terrorists would not shut the show or city down, while the towers were still smoking with the remains of thousands of New Yorkers?
What would this cast of SNL do, I wonder, in response to a 9/11? Likely apologize for existing.
And why is it not homophobic when they slur Trump by insinuating that he is bedding Putin?
I appreciate a pretty broad range of comedy, but I draw the line at Nazi accusations. That are also obvious and dumb. I don't see it.
I want my (more balanced, less mean spirited) SNL back!
Ann: Why is it OK for pop culture to lean so far left? Doesn't that tend to alienate half of the population? Not that there is any way to fix it, but why does one side/half have to concede, particularly with something that used to be so much less mean spirited.
I repeat: "I want my old SNL back! I was a huge fan up until they went down this path.
"rigidly tied up in their political agenda and perpetually aggrieved that pop culture"
aggrieved is your word.
this is actually rage, we tolerate the open promotion of homosexuality, the Mary Sues being forced on us, the glorification of abortion on "Girls." Ann, sorry to say, you are probably doomed to spend eternity in hell, or have to come back and suffer this earth again. You understand nothing.
'leans left,' Ann when these people take over, understand this, they are going to start going after property rights. what in the world have you learned in all this time. They Leninists are going to take over. My nephew is a Sheriff Deputy in Portland. There are tens of thousands of Antifa, infesting that city. Probably Madison too. Well, you will care when they start roaming the suburbs. leans left.
Blogger Humperdink said... How about a SNL skit Fidel and Bill sharing a good Cuban cigar? Fidel would be smoking his.
Bill turns to Fidel "Hmmm, so that's how you use those things."
Big Mike, bitch is not PC. Proper, accepted terminology is feckless cunt. At least until the lefties change it again. Can't tell the players without a program.
Perpetually aggrieved is SNL firing Norm MacDonald for humorously observing that OJ Simpson was guilty.
Or Tina Fey punishing Tracy Jordan for making a homophobic comment that didn't fit her brand of homophobia as humor, in the middle of a season of her show that joked about child molestation and other edgy subjects.
I don't worry about the people who aren't amused by this. I worry about the people who take it seriously.
Tina Trent:Perpetually aggrieved is SNL firing Norm MacDonald for humorously observing that OJ Simpson was guilty.
Have you ever seen MacDonald's opening monologue when they had him guest host less than two years after he was fired? NBC seems to want to memory-hole it, but the audio at least is on YouTube:
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१२९ टिप्पण्या:
Even some Trumpsters will laugh."
You're too forgiving.
Fuck these people.
What? I will admit that sometimes SNL lands a good Trump joke. And I generally trust Althouse to only highlight genuinely funny SNL material. But this was utterly lame. The only mildly funny line was Baldwin’s reference to his parking spot meltdown. This skit was just weird. Giuliani is a vampire. Trump is having sex with Putin. I felt bad for the writers and a little embarrassed for Althouse.
Nothing funny. They read Trump so badly that it's not an impersonation at all. It's just the lefty line on Trump.
Oh, yeah. Ho, fucking ho.
"What did Nationalism ever to do Europe?"
Yuck, Yuck. How so-phisoto-cated.
Its like watching a 16 year old making snarky jokes about the HS Principal.
"Cause he's so dumb".
This makes me yearn for the days of Chevy Chase playing Gerald Ford and falling down.
Or Dana Carvey as George Bush.
Maybe they can hire Al Franken and up their game.
Co-opting the effective dig against the next women Democrats.
Die in a fire.
The funniest line was the Saudi guy telling Trump he'd still sell oil to the US. I guess the SNL writers never heard of fracking.
Seriously (and I mean "seriously") there wasn't a clever line in the whole skit, much less a funny one. And I'm not even a Trumpster.
Melania decorated the White House with the skulls of her enemies, was funny, whoever came up with that. Not SNL.
heck even Michael donoghues 1981 season was better than this, but only on the margins,
I always feel bad about making fun of comedy. Because some people find it funny.
But the current SNL cast is completely untalented. I mean they're bad.
I mean Charles Rocket bad.
I assume SNL is just a cash machine and NBC execs rake in the $$$ - no matter how bad it is. Or maybe the audience is braindead.
that was the Babylon bee, the nadir of snl was in the 08-09 season, but then they went lower,
Snl women are all uggos. Nobody is recognizable playing Melania.
I can't imagine laughing at a Baldwin skit knowing that Darrel Hammond is so much better at playing Trump but Baldwin gets the part anyway because he's Alec Baldwin.
Funny if you are 13 years old. And have been listening to propaganda from the school, and MSMBC. Humor is subjective, yes. But the best barbs are done when you don't actively HATE the target. SNL is just an episode of the MSM, with an attempt at being funny. A long time ago, decades, SNL was funny. Now it's leftists, all the way down. It's funny only if you share the groupthink. When everybody else gets the joke, so do you. so cool.
Comedy isn't funny anymore. The Universities have given us a bunch of conformist, groupthink fools, who detest most of this country. Just another excuse to virtue signal about hip they are.
Sorry I guess I’ve lost my sense of humor. Not a single laugh. Well may Rudy was good for a chuckle. They lost me with the veiled nazi quip. When you have to go that low you got nuttin.
It would have been better if they had just shown us the drunk lama.
Ih and I quit watching about half way thru. They got nuttin’.
Wow, Alec Baldwin can joke about committing assault. How Progressive. It’s interesting how he continues to get a pass for all of his inappropriate behavior. I guess you just Gotta be on the right side of things.
What happened to your senses of humor Trumpists? The skit was just a wee bit too close to the truth? Hmmmm?
Really not interested in supporting snl in any form.
@Althouse, if you found any of that funny you may need some psychotherapy. (I note that Inky has always needed psychotherapy.)
What happened to your senses of humor Trumpists?
We used it up during all the times SNL mocked President Precious.
Trumpster? Please, my preferred pronoun is Trumpalo.
When SNLwriters are telling the truth we are in Opposite Day. But the next few weeks events should tell whether it is Mueller orTrump that is a dedicated Traitor that takes mega cash bribes to cover up the selling out the American Deplorables to the highest bidder.
And how is France doing this week? The French Deplorables don’t seem to want to be part of the Fourth Reich either.
You know what would have been a great SNL skit? Mocking Obama for winning the Nobel Peace Prize on the come. The jokes write themselves.
Trumpster rhymes with dumpster, so it's a good name for such deplorable people.
"Trumpster rhymes with dumpster, so it's a good name for such deplorable people."
You continue misread your political opposition. Coming from the likes of you and your ilk, we wear that term as a badge of honor.
The funniest line was the Saudi guy telling Trump he'd still sell oil to the US.
If he said Los Angeles, he would ha e been telling the truth.
What happened to your senses of humor Trumpists? The skit was just a wee bit too close to the truth? Hmmmm?
Who needs SNL when we have you to laugh at?
Rudy is a vampire?
He made the city livable again.
Usually Althouse just tells us that successful comedy is not good. In the past she's stated that particular SNL skits were awful when rich-from-comedy folks like Stern and Rogan have said those same skits were great.
Here, by not being a comedy dolt, she F-ed herself w/ her audience.
It's cool that being wrong can be the right course, w/ the right/wrong audience.
Odd, too.
P.S. Recently boss-lady asked if my blog (if I had one) would succeed. Answer = F no! I'm always surprised that most folks suck re knowing what they know ta do. If you know nothing else, by definition, knowing yer own limits should be certain! Why is that hard?
“@Althouse, if you found any of that funny you may need some psychotherapy. (I note that Inky has always needed psychotherapy.”
I note that Old Big Mike is taking on the role of the asshole curmudgeon in these threads since our other old Michael left. Anyone who didn’t see any humor at all in that skit is very deep into their Trump sychophancy/cultism. Not only have you lost your self respect, you’ve lost your sense of humor.
My preferred pronoun would be Trumpette.
Today i do simply refuse to give those Gleichschaltungers any eyeballs, even if I would learn something that would make me more dangerous against them.
Another day perhaps, I may come back and observe these Devils upending the American scaffolds, get training in deadly spite, and motivation and courage to do some overturning myself. but not today.
Closer to agitprop than to comedy. They should make the Trump piñata wear a dunce cap and then have different members of the cast curse him and spit on him. That should serve to soothe the spirits of the audience and cast members and fulfill their primal needs. It must be stressful having to pretend that their jokes are funny or even that they want them to be funny rather than hateful.
After Al Franken got caught, he should have said that he was making fun of Roger Ailes. Everyone would have had a hearty laugh, and he'd still be in the Senate.
AA troll mode status: ON
The real Cultism is the corrupt left, Inga - lead my Rachel Maddow and the rest of the on-air talent at MSDNC.
Golly - I sure don't recall SNL going after Obama or Nancy or any other mock-able democrat.
A Cash-for-Clunkers skit would have been hilarious. And they wouldn't have had to limit the subject to automobiles. Think Hillary and the Clinton Foundation.
Be hilarious if they mocked Hillary or Bryan Pagliano, or Comey or Strozk.. But they would never insult THE PARTY.
Since they are so reliably crude - where are the Seth Rich jokes?
Althouse: "Even some Trumpsters will laugh."
I doubt that.
Like fanatics everywhere, the Trumpsters lack a sense of humor.
Jim said: "Comedy isn't funny anymore."
Maybe the real problem is that you've become so bitter in recent years that you've lost your sense of humor.
SNL? I'd rather watch old reruns on YouTube than any of the new stuff.
I wonder if Baldwin actually feels "in character" when he spoofs Trump? As someone who struggled to do vocal impressions, I don't find him convincing at all.
Looks like the person to the left of whoever is portraying Melania, is mocking disabled reporters.
They should raise the bar and try some fart jokes.
“Looks like the person to the left of whoever is portraying Melania, is mocking disabled reporters.”
Like Trump did? That person is supposed to be Giuliani and Guilliani actually does often do those motions with his hands when he is being interviewed. Go look at a few clips and see for yourself.
I think it's cute the leftists think they finally have Trump cornered.
They need their pound of flesh, even if it isn't from the guilty person.
Remember them going after Scooter Libby, because he allegedly leaked Valery Plame's identity to Robert Novak? And as it turned out it was actually Richard Armitage who had leaked her identity to Novak?
I was just being snarky and pointing out how people can misinterpret a picture or even a video to read something into that didn't really exist. Similar to how people misinterpreted the pictures and video of Trump mocking the reporter. He was certainly mocking the reporter, but not for his disability. He was mocking the reporter because the reporter had been hoisted by his own petard, when he pushed back on Trump when Trump claimed that there were Muslims celebrating on 9-11 in New Jersey. The reporter claimed there wasn't even though he himself had written an article shortly after 9-11 claiming there were. The stammering voice and gesticulations Trump used were meant to mock a person who was exasperated at being caught in a lie or inexplicable situation. Trump also used the same voice and gesticulations to mock Ted Cruz. Also there is no evidence that Trump was even aware the reporter was disabled.
But if people persist in claiming Trump mocked a disabled reporter using his disability, then I am going to insist that SNL is mocking the disabled in this skit as well. Shame on the entire uncaring lot. I also saw an SNL video that mentioned sexual abuse of children, locks like everyone on that show supports that as well.
They don't call them Clintonistas for nothing.
Hillary cast herself forever in the Evita role a long time ago.
With her, it fits. With Trump, it's just stupid.
I liked the ridiculous bro handshakes between Putin and the Crown Prince, and how that upset Trump. Even though Trump is unafraid to take actions that puts him at odds with international establishment types, you do get the sense that at least a part of him really wants people to like him, he wants to be the popular guy. Because of that I was willing to overlook the Saudi oil comment which is kinda silly because the US gets almost no Oil from Saudi Arabia. And given the fracking boom here in Oil and gas, the international policy options are shifting on oil.
Trump tells better jokes at his rallies than SNL does on their show.
I only realized the vampire was Giuliani once they used his name, I also thought it was some kind of disabled thing with the hands. Had to google it to find out the joke - which is simply the left making fun of Giuliani's looks.
"Like fanatics everywhere, the Trumpsters lack a sense of humor."
Untrue, I laughed my butt off when I saw Hillary falling into her campaign van. And also stumbling down a flight of steps. I thought she doing was her best Chevy Chase/Gerald Ford impression. Unless, of course, she was drunk.
NBC asks for photo ID and insist on proper procedure
Every member of the standby line is required to present a valid photo ID when the ticket is issued and at the return time. Please note that all tickets are non-transferable and non-exchangeable. NBC staff reserve the right to revoke the tickets of, or not issue any tickets to, anyone in line if proper procedures are not followed...
Yes Giuliani helped save that blighted berg, and they have let it sink into a rotten offal filled crime ridden cesspool under deblasio.
Admission not guaranteed either.
SNL hasn't been funny for the past 20 years.
SNL could have a cold open of Hillary coughing for 20 minutes.
Bill and Hillary playing to empty seats, unable to sell tickets to their events, and being ridiculed for it by Maureeen Dowd: Comedy Gold!
The problem with Left-wing comics is they never think outside the box. Republicans are always made fun of for being:
1. Stupid (Ford/bush II)
2. Bigots or Religious hypocrites
3. Goofy, Uncool nerds (Nixon, Bush I)
But those don't work with Trump - and they didn't work with Reagan. in the 80s they kept trying to show Reagan as a movie actor idiot - but it never worked. And showing Trump as a moron doesn't work either.
One way to satirize Trump is to show him as glib, untrustworthy salesman who engages in outrageous puffery and hyperbole. But you'd have to write it well.
That's why that Phil Hartmann sketch re Iran contra, was genuinely witty.
The Clintons are the easiest Satirical targets ever. But Comic Lefties don't want to attack them.
Obama wasn't just a hard target because he was black. He's a bland, intelligent man - there's no much there.
I usually find something to laugh at in SNL skits but this one was a dud. They don't get him well enough for comedy.
Though I agree he craves popularity.
I find them boring and lacking in creativity.
Next week, they gonna do Bush1
(Credit to Etienne )
Put him in a aluminum casket and ship his ass to Washington on a C-130 with the back door open. No modifications necessary.
Hell, they can even air drop it with a parachute for his last jump.
Baldwin ever do any musical?
Looks like he has voice : tenor?
Don't they say that puns are the lowest form of humor?
They aren't.
SNL's Trump humor has become like the "that's what she said" jokes, but with mean-spiritedness. They have completely worn the material out. No real creativity - nothing new.
Is this really what SNL is gonna be for the next 2-6 years? Put a fork in it.
I think there was plenty to go after in Obama--his enormous self-regard was horrible, but pretty funny in a way.
His desperate efforts to be cool by inviting every rapper he could find to the White House.
The way he threw a baseball. Or rode a bike.
As to Alec Baldwin's impression--doesn't look like Trump (facial expressions all wrong), doesn't sound like Trump--Darrell Hammond, on the other hand, was fabulous.
Watch him talk about it (in 2004): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYpD68t6Pt8
When he plays a good guy, like in Beatle juice or red October hes acting hes usually the clueless jerk like in departed or the last mission impossible series, who ends in somewhat of a noble note,
Inga is upset that the police in Massachusetts dared to arrest 6 of her beloved "spark of divinity" MS13ers who just so happened to have happily carved up an innocent teen.
"That includes killing 17-year-old Herson Rivas on Aug. 2 with a large knife like they were “chopping wood.”
One of the accused, according to the affidavit, stabbed the defenseless teen “with such force his knife became warped during the attack.”
Inga and the dems know that the arrests of these precious precious delightful lads takes 6 more immigrant votes for dems off the rolls in future elections.
Not to worry Inga. Ill bet the dems in Massachusetts can implement the same voting schemes as the dems put in place in CA so these wonderful lads can keep on registering their support for glorious dem policies.
To be amused by SNL, I'd need to buy a TV. Ain't worth it.
Oh, deary me. Inga has little old me in her cross hairs. Bring it, bitch.
Meanwhile we are checking the migrant caravan for anyone who could empty bedpans. Next nurse’s strike we’re gonna use them for scab labor and bust your union. We plan to call them “The Friends of Inga” in your honor.
rcocean said...
This makes me yearn for the days of Chevy Chase playing Gerald Ford and falling down.
Even that wasn't funny, because Ford was a very talented athlete.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“@Althouse, if you found any of that funny you may need some psychotherapy. (I note that Inky has always needed psychotherapy.”
I note that Old Big Mike is taking on the role of the asshole curmudgeon in these threads since our other old Michael left. Anyone who didn’t see any humor at all in that skit is very deep into their Trump sychophancy/cultism. Not only have you lost your self respect, you’ve lost your sense of humor.
Sez Inga, our own version of Mao's wife, the detested Jiang Ching: utterly humorless, wasting her life thrusting feeble Fists of Fury heavenward.
Karma struck back at Chevy chase thiugh:
Narciso, I’ve developed a theory that New Yorkers want to live in grime, crime and grit. They keep voting for it and have for decades. IDK if they feel their lives are too sterile or they’re part of the world. I don’t get it.
I don’t think it’s a badge of honor to be mugged because that’s the price you have to pay to live there.
Yes Giuliani helped save that blighted berg, and they have let it sink into a rotten offal filled crime ridden cesspool under deblasio.
The "Rudy the bat" routine was cute.
It would not surprise me to see the whole franchise close down and just rerun the funnier seasons like "Hee Haw Silver" did. My kids only vaguely know about this show because they heard about it from us or might see a clip circulate on a Vine (if its actually funny) but they don't have any interest in it and this is NBC's seed corn.
Now what I wrote at 9:41, that’s funny. SNL, not so much.
The last time I tried to watch SNL has to be over 10 years ago, but I came away with the impression: Hey this is just two hours of commercials with an occasional comedy bit inbetween. Why am I sitting through this?
That was supposed to be Rudy? I thought it was James Carville until the accent was wrong.
Pretty unfunny. Sadly unfunny. In 1978, I used to make my 12-year old self stay awake to watch SNL on a black and white TV, in the dark of my room, with the volume on low. God, that was funny.
tcrosse said...
Bill and Hillary playing to empty seats, unable to sell tickets to their events, and being ridiculed for it by Maureeen Dowd: Comedy Gold!
hell--if you want to see evil dinosaurs who eat people, just watch Jurassic Park
It's ironic Baldwin is the left's Trump. He really could shoot someone in the audience and still host SNL. Even so, Trump is still funnier.
Not a Trumpster but I couldn’t get past the 1st minute.
Jay Elnik on Inga: "Mao's wife. . . ." Now THAT'S funny!
Also: Inga the State-cultist calling other people "cultists." Now THAT'S even funnier!
Still Not Laughing... Try harder.
There's something missing... They need more cowbell.
garbage. nothing is funny. you can't call a gay person gay anymore, you have to call them same sex attracted. really, if you are laughing, perhaps should look into that. there is nothing funny about attacking trump, not when the January SHITSTORM hits. you absolute morons. look at you.
SNL making fun of the Clinton's would be very funny, especially if they used a different sized cigar every week.
P.S. Recently boss-lady asked if my blog (if I had one) would succeed. Answer = F no!
On be bright side, PBJ, you've given up on the Robb Report rich-man shtick? I mean, the wealthy don't have bosses.
Next week, the jumbo-salami-size cigar and Monica walking funny.
12/3/18, 4:42 AM
Blogger AllenS said...
SNL making fun of the Clinton's would be very funny, especially if they used a different sized cigar every week.
No, what would be funny is if they told the Lewinsky story Rashomon style, with Bill Clinton's viewpoint involving a huge cigar, Hillary Clinton's viewpoint involving a tiny cigarillo, etc.
How about a SNL skit Fidel and Bill sharing a good Cuban cigar? Fidel would be smoking his.
See, the jokes write themselves. I knew I was onto something.
Althouse is becoming soft, really really soft. I guess we'll just have to get used to it.
"...Darrel Hammond is so much better at playing Trump...."
This was was a spot on skit, loved the extended high five routine that pushed Trump to sideline. I am surprised Althouse watched this—can her picture of the tweeter in chief be losing some of the shine.
It was disgusting seeing them laugh about the murder that was practically a cassus belli a few weeks ago.
Remember when Giuliani came on SNL to announce that the terrorists would not shut the show or city down, while the towers were still smoking with the remains of thousands of New Yorkers?
What would this cast of SNL do, I wonder, in response to a 9/11? Likely apologize for existing.
And why is it not homophobic when they slur Trump by insinuating that he is bedding Putin?
I appreciate a pretty broad range of comedy, but I draw the line at Nazi accusations. That are also obvious and dumb. I don't see it.
"Even some Trumpsters will laugh."
some Trumpsters.
Which ones? The ones who aren't all rigidly tied up in their political agenda and perpetually aggrieved that pop culture leans left. So boring!
What's the word for how funny Baldwin is? He's a real face slapper.
I want my (more balanced, less mean spirited) SNL back!
Ann: Why is it OK for pop culture to lean so far left? Doesn't that tend to alienate half of the population? Not that there is any way to fix it, but why does one side/half have to concede, particularly with something that used to be so much less mean spirited.
I repeat: "I want my old SNL back! I was a huge fan up until they went down this path.
"Many good moments in last night's cold open. Even some Trumpsters will laugh."
So let's test us Trumpers' reaction to an SNL skit digging at Hillary or Barry, if anyone can find one.
"rigidly tied up in their political agenda and perpetually aggrieved that pop culture"
aggrieved is your word.
this is actually rage, we tolerate the open promotion of homosexuality, the Mary Sues being forced on us, the glorification of abortion on "Girls." Ann, sorry to say, you are probably doomed to spend eternity in hell, or have to come back and suffer this earth again. You understand nothing.
'leans left,' Ann when these people take over, understand this, they are going to start going after property rights. what in the world have you learned in all this time. They Leninists are going to take over. My nephew is a Sheriff Deputy in Portland. There are tens of thousands of Antifa, infesting that city. Probably Madison too. Well, you will care when they start roaming the suburbs. leans left.
Blogger Humperdink said...
How about a SNL skit Fidel and Bill sharing a good Cuban cigar? Fidel would be smoking his.
Bill turns to Fidel "Hmmm, so that's how you use those things."
Big Mike, bitch is not PC. Proper, accepted terminology is feckless cunt. At least until the lefties change it again. Can't tell the players without a program.
Is Alec B. in JAIL YET? Have they taken his CCW in NYC cause of his alleged crimes? NO?
Perpetually aggrieved is SNL firing Norm MacDonald for humorously observing that OJ Simpson was guilty.
Or Tina Fey punishing Tracy Jordan for making a homophobic comment that didn't fit her brand of homophobia as humor, in the middle of a season of her show that joked about child molestation and other edgy subjects.
I don't worry about the people who aren't amused by this. I worry about the people who take it seriously.
I remember when humor was part of pop culture.
Tina Trent: Perpetually aggrieved is SNL firing Norm MacDonald for humorously observing that OJ Simpson was guilty.
Have you ever seen MacDonald's opening monologue when they had him guest host less than two years after he was fired? NBC seems to want to memory-hole it, but the audio at least is on YouTube:
Which ones? The ones who aren't all rigidly tied up in their political agenda and perpetually aggrieved that pop culture leans left. So boring!
You don’t get real people, do you, Althouse?
So boring!
Lucky that SNL provides relief, wot?
Althouse said...
Many good moments in last night's cold open. Even some Trumpsters will laugh.
I love good Trump humor. Didn't see any in that hackneyed routine. Seriously, name one.
Even the Giuliani as Nosferatu (1922) routine is old.
Even the Giuliani as Nosferatu (1922) routine is old.
New York was actually a decent city by the time Giulani left office. The left will never forgive him for that.
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