"... here in Columbia [Missouri] and places like it, the president enjoys a herolike status among women who say he is fighting to preserve a way of life threatened by an increasingly liberal Democratic Party.... Some of Mr. Trump’s female backers initially supported him only reluctantly or do so now in spite of reservations about his bawdy language and erratic behavior. But they shared in his victory after the bitter and partisan battle over the confirmation of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh. And many believe the president when he reminds them during each of his hourlong pep rallies that the world they know — largely Christian, conservative and white — is at stake on Tuesday.... Rachell Marks, 59, who works in car sales in Billings, Mont., said she would continue to support Mr. Trump because she believed he told the truth. 'I have an infatuation and a love for this man that’s not normal,' Ms. Marks said. 'I give the highest respect when people are telling the truth and giving their political power. If anything, I have a deeper respect now.'"
From "At Trump Rallies, Women See a Hero Protecting a Way of Life" (NYT). Worth clicking just to see the fantastic photograph of Rachell Marks. Other great photos too. I give the NYT credit for trying to understand the women who it would be so easy to dismiss as not making sense. And the blending in of the "experts" is just plain funny, intentionally or not.
१०० टिप्पण्या:
It's weird. It's almost like women are people, with the ability to think individual thoughts and not just the same thoughts other women think. Could it be possible?
While political strategists and public opinion experts agree
Not presented in the article: Evidence that political strategists and public opinion experts are correct.
Yes Ann. Rachel's killin it.
I have all these feelings too and I am a man. I'm the only Trump supporter in my group of friends. Will go to yoga with my liberalish, apolitical Muslim friend tonight. She tolerates me. Can't wait to cancel out her vote for whitey O'Rourke on Tuesday. Woo!
Women think in details, which tends to wind up herd behavior. It's in which details they're getting that they differ.
They let you grab them by the pussy produced the biggest herd shift in history, a detail all women got. Men didn't care about it at all.
A large part of the joke in Veep is thinking up idiotic details to feed the voters and the detail backfiring to even more idiotic counterdetails from the opposition.
Those are women being mocked.
"Public Opinion Expert" seems like a jokey slogan you might have on a cap or t-shirt, like "Sex Expert" or "Master Baiter".
And what's this with the term "A Way of Life"? Do liberals in Malibu also want to protect "A Way of Life"? Do journalists in New York want to "Protect A Way of Life"?
They use the wording to make her life sound antiquated and outside the "normal" life. But not in an interesting way a minority might life differently. Like she's a hillbilly or the man in the Amazon rainforest.
"At Trump Rallies, Women See a Hero Protecting a Way of Life" (NYT).
Doesn't everyone vote to protect or promote a particular way of life? Hasn't the NYT been banging on endlessly about how Trump is a Threat to Our Norms and Everything We Value, who must be stopped so we can remain Who We Are?
Rachell Marks, 59, who works in car sales in Billings, Mont., said she would continue to support Mr. Trump because she believed he told the truth. 'I have an infatuation and a love for this man that’s not normal,' Ms. Marks said.
Creeps me out when people get all swoony about political figures like this, but at least she seems to recognize that getting icky like this about pols isn't "normal". Put not your trust in princes, ma'am, even if you're going to grant them your rationally-considered support.
But if they're going to get icky like this, I guess I should be grateful that they're going to get icky about the people I want to win office, and not those other SOBs.
MayBee - sorry I boorishly repeated your point. Just missed your post before I posted mine.
I am a woman who votes how I want. I am more conservative than my husband,
AND I don't let him tell me how to vote!! I know!! That's not what Democrats say about people like me!! I am not a robot who does what the in-crowd is doing!!
Republican women are great. Gregarious, well dressed, team workers. Lot of former nurses for some reason. And business owners. They've got everything the original feminists wanted for women.
Totally different from these dowdy, timid shrinking violets who carefully sound you out to make sure you're on the right side, and then turn to ice when they realize you are not.
How could you..
Blogger MayBee said...
"It's weird. It's almost like women are people, with the ability to think individual thoughts and not just the same thoughts other women think. Could it be possible?"
It is possible. But progressives strongly advocate against individual thought. It messes up the narrative.
Does anybody really want to answer a lengthy series of questions about the extent to which Donald Trump is a truth-teller?
Or would they care to go over a list of which issues that Trump has made good on campaign promises that he kept?
Or even a discussion as to whether Trump is in fact a good dealmaker in a business-like tradition?
Althouse; what this NYT article did, was to let Trump supporters speak, without cross-examining them in any way. And without editorializing about those comments (although there was a bit of that; parts that you chose not to blog). I understand you, Althouse; the Times' having done that has an air of fairness about it. Just letting Trump supporters speak, as it were, without defensiveness to the readers of the Times.
But it seems to me that sometimes letting people just speak on their own is what exposes them ridiculous. It's a bit like the thing that Jay Leno did with his "Jaywalking" feature, where he asked simple American history questions and fundamental, elementary social/science questions to people on various streetscapes. In his own political way, Jesse Watters of the Fox News Channel has done the same thing; going to notoriously liberal campuses and city squares to as street people basic political questions.
The questioning is always gentle and open and non-confrontational. It is the answers, that are so damning.
Can't see the line "stop making sense" without thinking of Talking Heads. The line is from Girlfriend is Better:
I got a girlfriend that's better than this
But you don't remember at all
As we get older and stop making sense
You won't find her waiting long
Stop making sense, stop making sense
Stop making sense, making sense
I got a girlfriend shes's better than that
And nothing is better than this (is it?)
As we got older and stop making sense...
If I lived in Billings, I know who I would buy a car from: Rachael Marks!
I wonder if the NYT knew about this from the Billings Gazette.
“Prosecutors say a 54-year-old Billings woman used a 91-year-old man's credit card without his permission to buy a fur coat, pearl earrings and other merchandise.
Rachell Tina Marks was arraigned Monday in Yellowstone County District Court and pleaded not guilty to felony deceptive practices.
Judge Gregory Todd allowed Marks to remain free while the case is pending on a posted $2,500 bond.
According to court records, Billings police received a report on June 4 from state social workers about a possible elder abuse case.
The victim, a 91-year-old man, told an officer that he met Marks while grocery shopping in May. She struck up a conversation with him, and they had lunch together a few days later, the man said.”
@Chuck -- Parsing the words is a way to miss the meaning. Two things stand out to me.
First, a lot of the women interviewed are small business owners. That cuts against the stay-at-home soccer mom stereotype (thought the Times hits on that too). Second, is a recurrent attitude of emotional toughness:
"He may be blunt, but I can take it."
Ms. Spencer-Sauer said, grinning as she recalled the suck-it-up response she offered [to her daughter]: “Well, I don’t know what to tell you, dear, but he won.”
“I didn’t vote for him for his character,” said Charlene Brown
Ms. Marks said with a shrug: “People tend to get on people’s nerves.”
@David Begley. I wonder if that old man was David Byrne. That's almost a perfect fit for his song.
"a 54-year-old Billings woman used a 91-year-old man's credit card without his permission to buy a fur coat, pearl earrings and other merchandise."
Well Trump was comin'.
In other news:
LLR Chuck us very very upset that these republican voters continue to disregard the sage political advice offered up ever so "graciously" and in "expert fashion" by himself and his lefty allies.
Its almost as if these silly rubes can look around and discern what is in their own best interests?
I know! Crazy, right?
I cant wait for Vichy Chuck's next link to a "brilliant" and/or "magnificent" Maddow or NPR or Media Matters piece which will totally expose these poor benighted Trump supporters!
Thanks in advance #StrongCNNDefender Chuck!
"Brian Stelter republican" Chuck: "Does anybody really want to answer a lengthy series of questions about the extent to which Donald Trump is a truth-teller?"
Filed under: Questions that should never be asked by admitted/self-described Smear Merchants.
Particularly those who have a history of injecting false far left talking points into discussions.
The pussy quote alluded to the unspeakable truth about female hypergamy. Go anywhere where rich people hang out and you will see hot women overrepresented. Hot women have choices.
Can't see the line "stop making sense" without thinking of Talking Heads. The line is from Girlfriend is Better
One of the awesome David Byrne solo efforts is his song Miss America. It's a brilliant mix of sex and politics.
This idea that only dumb people voted for Trump is amazing to me. Per the Pew Research Center, whites with a college degree voted for Trump by a 49% to 45% margin. Clinton's overall margin among the college educated came entirely from Blacks and Hispanics, so the difference was more a racial one than one based on education level.
The most dramatic move towards Trump was among those without college degrees - a traditional Democrat strength. Funny, but I don't recall them being called stupid when the voted for Democrats.
C'mon give Chuckles a break. He raised on very serious issue. Trump had totally failed to get even close to his biggest promise:
You're going to get sick and tired of all the winning.
I'm no ways tared of all the winning.
Why invent an awkward coinage like herolike? What's wrong with heroic? I think we know. Heroic would be conceding the point. Hero-like implies a quasi-heroism. Scumbags.
Poorly educated applies to a great many college graduates, BTW. It's why they are keeping Asians out of Harvard. The last thing they want to do is starve grievance studies for students.
JF: "The most dramatic move towards Trump was among those without college degrees - a traditional Democrat strength. Funny, but I don't recall them being called stupid when the voted for Democrats."
These were people who either voted for obama or didnt bother voting at all.
This is what so angers LLR Chuck and his far left operational allies.
Largee swaths of voters voted for obama twice and then noticed that the left and LLR's were selling them out so they decided to go with the guy that was actually speaking about their concerns and then the LLR's/lefties started writing them out of picture as hopelessly dumb and racist.
These voters look around and think "oh, so after voting for obama I am now a racist?. The LLR Chuck's and Maddows and Max Boots and Kristols have no idea (still) how discredited they are!
And I think that is just perfect.
If Chuck has a theory about how to pick the Democrats electoral lock on the blue wall without populism, I am listening.
Chuck is a small tent Republican. Maybe even a pup tent Republican.
Besides, Trump is right about trade. Even Dreamboat up north conceded that Trump was right to fix NAFTA.
Chuck: But it seems to me that sometimes letting people just speak on their own is what exposes them ridiculous.
An observation that will apply to some representatives of any given grouping of people.
Killer point about something or other you just made there, Chuck.
Chuck has a platform of keep BMWs, landscapers, and maids cheap for Democrats in gated communities.
Rachael Marks is a dead-ringer for the Megan Mullally character on Will and Grace. There must be a ton of money in Montana car sales.
It's weird. It's almost like women are people, with the ability to think individual thoughts and not just the same thoughts other women think. Could it be possible?
Sure. But it is kind of rare.
"If Chuck has a theory about how to pick the Democrats electoral lock on the blue wall without populism, I am listening."
There is an interesting very recent Munk Debate from Toronto that you can pull up on Youtube that goes to the heart of that issue. Only an hour or so.
Frum vs Bannon.
If you keep track of what each guy is saying you will notice something fundamental which explains Trumps win: Frum spends every available minute insulting Trump voters, labeling them with every slur in the book, just about demanding that the voters return him and his pals to power, etc.
Bannon spends every minute of his time talking about the concerns of the working class people, the events over the last 30 years and how those events impacted negatively the middle and lower middle class, what those people feel and want, how it might be achieved, what new coalitions that cross party affiliations can be forged, how these issues transcend national boundaries and are happening everywhere, etc.
Boiled down:
Frum(LLRs): Shutup you stupid rubes and put us back in charge for your own good and dont argue when we drive your standard of living into the ditch and replace you as fast as we can.
Bannon (to all lower and middle class workers): your concerns are real, legitimate, global in nature and the "self-annointed" and self-replicating "elites" have massively failed you in obvious and undeniable ways.
The biggest surprise of the debate: the "before and after" votes of this liberal Toronto audience as to the proposition underlying the debate.
Tells you all you need to know.
A leader with integrity and with an actual agenda to help you is so rare that many sceptical women took a while to test him and to trust him. Now, they will never leave him.
Maureen Dowd is an ex-pert. Katie Couric has retained her pert, but she has access to the best plastic surgeons and spends four hours a day in the gymn.
Women at Trump rallies seem to love him. Their joy is palpable.
Obviously, these women are NOT associated with the University of Missouri.
So, Drago; where do all of those hardscrabble members of the working class go for their healthcare?
After they have lynched some rapist drug-dealing South American illegals (if they can find any); where will they get their triple bypass operations and their cancer treatments?
The news is always that Trump has a problem with women.
And yet he won the election.
The point of the article is to signal to the NYT leadership that only reactionary rubes could possibly support Trump. Thus all the emphasis on the women being old and wanting to preserve a Christian (shudder) lifestyle.
Make that readers, not leadership
Darrell said...
Women at Trump rallies seem to love him. Their joy is palpable.
EVERYBODY at Trump rallies seems to love him! What is so novel about that? People at Obama rallies loved him. People at WWF events love their wrestling heroes. People at Eagles' and Giants' games love their teams.
The operative question is not whether people at Trump rallies love him. That is the most blandly unimportant question anyone could ask.
The question is whether Trump, and Trump candidates (since Trump inserted himself into Republican primaries this year like no President in modern history) will make the sale with independents and the significant number of Republicans who are personally put off by Trump?
where do all of those hardscrabble members of the working class go for their healthcare?
Since they now have jobs and rising wages, I'm assuming they will fork over the co-pays out of their own pockets.
The point of the article is to signal to the NYT leadership that only reactionary rubes could possibly support Trump.
The point is to support Trump is to hate women.
You don't hate women, do you?
Noted Racist Commenter Chuck: "(since Trump inserted himself into Republican primaries this year like no President in modern history) "
Demonstrably false.
It is your "magnificent" obama who has inserted himself into a midterm like no other President in modern history.
But then again, after launching an East German-like domestic spying operation against political opponents, of which the LLR's all approved and even now defend, is anyone surprised?
Come on Chuck, just slide on over to the party of the rich already where your message of tax the middle to buy off the poor and leave us people at the top in our gated enclaves alone!
"Kamala Harris republican Chuck: "To, Drago; where do all of those hardscrabble members of the working class go for their healthcare?"
It would be impossible to caricature Vichy Chuck as a full-leftist political ally any more effectively than he does himself by his comments.
Chuck is still hoping Trump is an anomaly. That the system will pass him through, like a kidney stone, and then things will go back to normal. He refuses to address the underlying issues. Trump was able to be elected President because the political class are inept and corrupt. The Democrat party ran Hillary Rodham Clinton and the Republican party tried, hard, to nominate Jeb Bush. That pretty much tells you all you need to know. Its like that scene in Back To The Future were Marty tells Doc Brown that Ronald Reagan is the President.
Since it is early in the month, I got to read the entire NYT article, thanks Althouse.
I must point out a couple of examples of what was for me classic, glaring @npr/@nyt methods of smear:
1. ". . . said she believed the president’s claims that the migrant caravan heading toward the United States from Central America was being funded by American liberals — probably, she said, by George Soros, the Jewish billionaire who has been . . . " Did the woman herself describe Mr. Soros as "Jewish", as if that would matter? I will bet my 401K none did. Not a chance. (Malicious nyt)
2. Twice they use the phrase "visceral fear of immigrants and raw anger" as a broad description of many (in story and then a caption) which is irritating for a couple of reasons.
One obvious, evergreen problem here is the terrible @npr/@nyt habit of omitting "Illegal" from people's position on "immigrants".
But uglier is their use of "visceral". It pops out to me because I love that word. It describes such an intimate, personal state of being where one is supremely focused, alive, attentive.
I would argue it would be difficult to diagnose that state from the outside, like a reporter taking notes. (What specific body tics revealed the viscerality of their fear?)
The truth is, @nyt @npr aim every single day, every minute, every paragraph, to affect their audience viscerally.
They are SO jealous of Trump's success!!!!
Godspeed, america
The only question remaining is whether or not LLR is a full-blown lefty political ally for pay (like the National Review/Weekly Standard crews) or if he is so dumb he is simply an unpaid volunteer on Cap'n Bill Cuck Kristols Crew on board the SS Dems Returned To Full Power.
It doesn't matter what the article says those are a bunch of dog whistle photographs. Look at all these white people against you! You know the New York Times motivations you can't ignore it
NYT Reporter: Now, Republican Marie is a type a person that if you gotta...
Militant Feminist: [interrupting] If this gash doesn't get her buns off the Trump train I am gonna drive this bike up her butt!
NYT Reporter: ...while Progressive Patty tends to be more direct.
LLR Chuck goes for the Further Left Than Kamala lynching slur against Trump supporters.
Who didnt see that coming?
CF: Great analysis of the article! The use of such manipulative terms has been rife in the MSM for too long and many still don't see it. Fortunately, most of us do which is why we have Trump. :-)
"...threatened by an increasingly liberal Democratic Party..."
They aren't liberals. They're fascists.
Drago said...
Noted Racist Commenter Chuck: "(since Trump inserted himself into Republican primaries this year like no President in modern history) "
Demonstrably false.
It is your "magnificent" obama who has inserted himself into a midterm like no other President in modern history.
But then again, after launching an East German-like domestic spying operation against political opponents, of which the LLR's all approved and even now defend, is anyone surprised?
You're doing that thing again, Drago. That thing where you "quote" me without a link or a reference, because you are making it up.
I never called Obama or his presidency "magnificent." You don't have a quote from me, or a link. And more than a dozen times I have challenged you on this, and not once have you provided a full quote or a link.
I never once voted for Obama or supported him. But Althouse did. And in TrumpWorld, as long as someone like Althouse is at least winking at Trump, and especially not criticizing Trump, she's okay but anybody who criticizes Trump -- even, and especially lifelong Republicans -- is attacked.
If you are going to throw out broad, baseless charges like the "approval" by Republicans of an "East German-like domestic spying operation," I am going to call you a dumb, worthless Trump cultist. You don't have anything like a quote from me that Obama is "magnificent," and you don't have evidence that any Republican like me approves of an East German-style domestic spying operation.
You've got nothing.
Chuck: After they have lynched some rapist drug-dealing South American illegals (if they can find any)...
I always thought that "lost it" was a terminal state. Reading Chuck's comments I realize that it's a progressive disorder, and that apparently there are infinite degrees of "lost it". And Chuck's manifestations of the disorder don't seem to be asymptoting, either.
(There's a lot of debate around here about Chuck's troll status. Most seem to think he operates like, say, Inga or Ritmo or Alex or PBJ - just a moby, or an attention-whore throwing down stupid crazy shit to get a reaction. But I maintain that he's an honest true-believin' die-in-the-last-ditch Conservative(tm) sperg, lost in a world he doesn't understand. A Don Quixote of cuckservatism, if you will. Albeit a quixotism characterized by a sizable admixture of puerile vindictiveness.
I'll defend your honor and integrity, Chuck. I alone here have faith that all the stupid crazy shit you throw down here is thrown down in 100% good faith, no matter how stupid, no matter how crazy, no matter how rarely it actually makes any sense.)
"Twice they use the phrase "visceral fear of immigrants and raw anger" as a broad description of many (in story and then a caption) which is irritating for a couple of reasons."
I don't have any good arguments, so I'll just throw a lot of adjectives at you instead.
Obama rallies had 80-600 people--bused in.
Hillary rallies (some) had Hillary greenscreened in. She didn't appear on the cellphones of the people holding them up when she "walked" in front of them.
If Republicans merged early voting with the Trump rallies it would be all over now.
cf: Twice they use the phrase "visceral fear of immigrants and raw anger" as a broad description of many (in story and then a caption) which is irritating for a couple of reasons.
"Our enemies are full of fear and anger", they tap out angrily and fearfully in every article, tweet, or facebook update, occasionally taking a break from their frantic tapping for another fear-driven, rage-filled scan for the presence of armed fascists under their beds.
After they have lynched some rapist drug-dealing South American illegals (if they can find any); where will they get their triple bypass operations and their cancer treatments?
Can't you just feel the love that Chuckles has for Republican voters? Why he loves them almost as much as the Democrats do.
Have a Manhattan for me Chuckles.
Chuck said...
“So, Drago; where do all of those hardscrabble members of the working class go for their healthcare?”
In which LLR Chuck espouses Medicare-for-all.
Quelle surprise.
Gahrie said...
Have a Manhattan for me Chuckles.
Chuck strikes me to be more like a Pink Squirrel kinda guy.
Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard said...
MayBee - sorry I boorishly repeated your point. Just missed your post before I posted mine.
Ahhh, but you said it so much better!
Angle-Dyne writes [re LLR]: I always thought that "lost it" was a terminal state. Reading Chuck's comments I realize that it's a progressive disorder
More like chronic.
But I maintain that he's an honest true-believin' die-in-the-last-ditch Conservative(tm) sperg, lost in a world he doesn't understand. A Don Quixote of cuckservatism, if you will. Albeit a quixotism characterized by a sizable admixture of puerile vindictiveness
Kinda like George Will.
Ha! Good find David Begley! Other items that Rachel purchased: "spongebob squarepants themed golf clubs" A girl needs a hobby. She looks good in her mug shot, too.
LLR and admitted Smear Merchant Chuck's World:
Obama = "magnificent"
Maddow = "brilliant"
Left wing hack "journalist" John Harwood = "professional"
Li'l Dick "US Troops are Gestapo" Durbin = "conpetent" and "effective"
My all time favorite LLR Chuck-ism was his immediate and passionate defense of Garrison Keillor during his #MeToo exposure.
That one ranks just above LLR Chucks repeated defense and minimization of DaNang Dick Blumenthals multiple Stolen Valor lies.
I am quite certain we all have our favorite "LLR Chuck inadvertantly slips into unhinged lefty behavior..(wink wink)" monents, but those are some of mine.
And dont get me started on how passionate Chuck is in defending CNN's attacks in republicans! Its been hilarious but we just dont have that kind of time!!!
DavidD said...
Chuck said...
“So, Drago; where do all of those hardscrabble members of the working class go for their healthcare?”
In which LLR Chuck espouses Medicare-for-all.
Quelle surprise.
Where exactly did I "espouse Medicare-for-all"?
I can save you and the few remaining Althouse readers of good faith; I've never espoused any single-payer system, nor "Medicare for all."
I'm not a Democrat. I've never been a Democrat, like Fred and Donald Trump were. And I have never suggested that the United States needs a national universal health care system. As an entitlement.
Like Donald Trump suggested.
“ You don't have anything like a quote from me that Obama is "magnificent," and you don't have evidence that any Republican like me approves of an East German-style domestic spying operation”
Good Lord, Chuck, you get played like a piano. You must get slaughtered in the courtroom.
@Chuck, an atheist like me should not be pointing you towards Matthew 7:5.
Drago you lying sack of shit.
You have never quote me as calling Obama "magnificent."
I never said that Rachel Maddow was brilliant. What I said was that just one interview that she did with Kellyanne Conway was brilliant, and it later turned out that Maddow's interview won her the Emmy for best live news interview. I do believe that it was the one and only generous comment I ever made about Rachel Maddow.
I don't know what you are talking about with John Harwood. I don't remember saying anything at all about him. I don't know if he is professional or not in general. But you won't quote me.
I took the side of Blumenthal and Durbin on one and only one issue; it was when they said that Trump used the phrase "shithole countries." I still think that on that one point, they are right. And that Trump's apologists are lying on that same point. Absolutely nothing has changed my mind about that. I don't like Blumenthal, or Durbin. Durbin's competence (and he has a lot) is in legislating in a way that normally offends me. Which is why it is such a big deal when I would take Blumenthal's side against any Republican. Even a "Republican" like Trump.
And Drago, if my "defense"(?) of Garrison Keillor is such a favorite of yours, why don't you just quote it in full? So that everyone can see if it stood for leftwing politics?
And to Althouse. For the umpteenth time, look at what "Drago" has done to another one of your comments pages. Clutter, on clutter.
Wow. Patronizing much?
Judging by the young people I see at work, every College Graduate these days is "poorly educated".
They don't really know much of anything, outside of their technical area, and most of them can't write a literate sentence.
And that's coming from me: A bad writer!
I'm not so sure if the article, filled with loaded language as it is, permits the average NYT reader to see how The Other Half lives, but I give kudos to the articles' photo editor who put together those photos from multiple photographers. The photos tell a more powerful & sympathetic story than the text.
Good catch, Perfesser!
LLR and self-identified Smear Merchant Chuck takes time out from suggesting Trump voters will be lynching illegal immigrants to complain that others are posting things he doesnt like.
I for one appreciate the fine work Althouse performs on this blog and I certainly would never be so patronizing and "man-splaining-ish" to correct her taste in oversight of said blog.
But thats just me.
LLR Chuck: "Which is why it is such a big deal when I would take Blumenthal's side against any Republican"
Its just another day ending in "Y", as your "performance" today conclusuvely demonstrates.
Or would they care to go over a list of which issues that Trump has made good on campaign promises that he kept?
I’m not tired of winning, Chuckles.
Your list isn’t my list.
We will not agree.
Dickie Turban helped make Illinois a shithole state, so there goes your argument for that.
But... since the majority of voters voted for this......
Dick Durbin-love is what made LLR Chuck come out swinging in attacking Tom Cotten.
LLR Chuck can always be counted on to go after any republicans that decide they have had enough of the dems nonsense and shenanigans.
But only every single time.
Antebellum South ... Pollsters on the scene detect/report hugely support for Abe ( sings I am not from Japan honestly to tell the truth)
Chuck response ... Illegal for them to vote.
Do I have it right?!
There must be a ton of money in Montana
Ted Turner owns half the state.
Where's he by the way?
"Does anybody really want to answer a lengthy series of questions about the extent to which Donald Trump is a truth-teller?"
Or would they care to go over a list of which issues that Trump has made good on campaign promises that he kept?
Or even a discussion as to whether Trump is in fact a good dealmaker in a business-like tradition?"
Are we grading on a curve??? I'd debate you point by point if I had time today (I don't). I get the dislike for his style on your part, I just don't understand the hatred for a President who is persuing what seems to be the most conservative agenda since Reagan. Each to their own I guess.
CF: Great analysis of the article! The use of such manipulative terms has been rife in the MSM for too long and many still don't see it.
Completely agreed.
"Women See a Hero Protecting a Way of Life"
Written in tone of anthropologists visiting an alien tribe.
Still, it's true: conservative women, like conservative men, see a hero protecting a way of life, against evildoers trying to impose a way of life.
Chuck: get a grip. No one here GAF what you think.
When exactly did liberals become racist? I think they are, White
"Women See a Hero Protecting a Way of Life"
A way of life under a Constitution that does not wallow in diversity, indulge a rite of selective-child, tolerate monopolies and practices, normalize political congruence, and give life to redistributive change.
Chuck said...
“Where exactly did I ‘espouse Medicare-for-all’?”
Chuck, Chuck, Chuck,
Everyone knows that Medicare-for-all is the end-game for the Democrats.
And here we have LLR Chuck echoing the Democrats’ call for health care to be the focus.
And many believe the president when he reminds them during each of his hourlong pep rallies that the world they know — largely Christian, conservative and white — is at stake on Tuesday.... Rachell Marks, 59, who works in car sales in Billings, Mont., said she would continue to support Mr. Trump because she believed he told the truth.
The NYT has gotten hold of some internal polling that reveals the Dems are doomed in the House and that the Republicans will gain more than two seats in the Senate. They are setting up the fourth estate arena for charges that racism is responsible for Republican victories and gains in the House and Senate.
Attempts to delegitimize the entire government will begin Wednesday morning. Heh.
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