The Trump appointee declared that precedent has been set that the White House should have given Acosta due process before taking away his credential and that harm to the reporter has already occurred....So what happens now? And I'm not talking about the rest of the judicial proceedings. I mean what happens at the White House press events, with Acosta forced on Trump (and Sarah Sanders)? At first, I thought, they can just never call on Acosta. But I immediately questioned whether that's what will happen.
Acosta has emerged as a hero of the #Resistance after making a habit of shouting and interrupting when Trump and members of his administration are available to the media....
At the time of the event that led to the revocation of the press pass (when Acosta struggled with a young, female intern over control of the microphone), I wrote, that I had the feeling that "Trump and Acosta are both in control and choosing to do this theater of mutual hate."
So I tend to think Acosta won't be frozen out. That's not Trump's style. He likes to fight. He engages. You might argue and say then why was the press pass revoked? That was another dimension of fighting. You might say: But Trump lost and he hates losers. But he didn't really lose. He's got to take hits to remain the protagonist in this theater of mutual hate. If Acosta had lost the court battle, he'd be much more appealing than he is now, as the rude lout the court forced into Trump's house.
Watch and see. I think Acosta will get his opportunity to "ask questions" (that is, aggressively challenge), and Trump (or Sanders) will do what they do. As Trump likes to say, we'll see what happens. I'm guessing the words "fake news" will be used — along with "rude, terrible person" and "enemy of the people" — and the stinkeye will be bestowed.
१५७ टिप्पण्या:
Why didn't the intern file battery charges against him and get a restraining order? You know, punch back twice as hard, in all?
They will use each other but the courts lose big. The damage to the US news coverage was not considered from allowing Acosta back.
Too much drama. I hope they ignore him.
Judges used to require a legal basis to render a decision.
Impeach the rogue judge.
The judge's house needs squatters. Sqatters have rights.
Well that was round two--first round to Trump, second round to Acosta and his enablers. It's gonna go the distance--we'll see what subsequent rounds yield.
Trump can call on him with a preface about how he's unwelcome and a symptom of out of control courts forcing him on the American people even though he's completely unqualified to be a reporter. Give him an impossible frame every time.
Now the symptom of out of control courts and idiot reporting, Jim Acosta.
Tell the judge to go piss up a rope.
I continue to be amazed that we live in a republic in which every presidential decision, no matter how large or small, requires the unanimous consent of every federal judge - what are there, some 700 of them? Maybe the executive branch should ask, why do I need to go begging to you to make a decision?
Since when are journalist licensed by government? Just because Acosta is employed by CNN doesn't make him anymore a journalist than anyone here commenting. So why aren't Althouse commenters who wish to call themselves journalist allowed to be at the press conferences and allowed to ask questions? No doubt the questions would be far more probative than anything DNC house organ propagandists are asking.
In the interim, Trump can simply state he will not accept or reply to any CNN staffer and have the intern not give them the mic.
I wonder if Trump will do what was suggested at Instapundit; move to press briefings to the Old Executive Office building. Otherwise, I expect the administration to do a few more things with Acosta. The best thing would be to encircle Acosta with interns. Have them stand in front of him. And when Acosta is called on; don't hand him the mic, but rather, have the interns hold onto it and just point it at him like a reporter would do. When he tries to grab the mic; we can see if the interns have studied the flops of NBA and soccer athletes.
WWF is back in town. Maybe Trump and Sarah Sanders can just answer Yes or No and then call on someone else. Either that or just make it a long interview with Acosta and freeze out all the others.
Where's the irreparable harm in one CNN reporter being denied access to the White House?
Blogger hawkeyedjb said...
I continue to be amazed that we live in a republic in which every presidential decision, no matter how large or small, requires the unanimous consent of every federal judge - what are there, some 700 of them? Maybe the executive branch should ask, why do I need to go begging to you to make a decision?"
Clarence Thomas recently warned the lower courts about this.
New rules.... Don’t let the reporters hold the microphone. . . Multiple wireless mics with ability to remotely cut sound.... lots of opportunities for better control of the event.
Rhetorically, did the Whitehouse block Acosta or CNN?
Both are making a show of it - CNN *is* the news - instead of CNN just assigning a different reporter as a Whitehouse correspondent.
Give the press pass back to Acosta, then pull it 5 minutes later.
I say again: end the White House press briefings and restore the swimming pool.
I read this somewhere else, if Acosta has a right to a White House press pass, then doesn't every citizen of the US also have that right. And if that is so, then perhaps the Prez should announce that from now on press passes will be allotted weekly via a nationwide lottery and any US citizen that wishes may participate. Furthermore, all press passes will be distributed via the lottery system.
Can you imagine the howling?
This judge has made his decision now let him enforce it
Put in a trapdoor.
Agree with Althouse. This will work to Trump's advantage.
Too bad the court got involved. Our cultural/societal degringolade continues.
The White House Press Corp made Bush pull the pass of that internet blogger. Didn't that upset the delicate balance of the world?
I have a hard time seeing the justification for a temporary restraining order. First it should fail because Acosta can't (should not be able to) show likelihood of success on the merits; and second because I don't see the irreparable harm. Who is harmed by Acosta missing a few press gigs while waiting for the full hearing?
Wendybar said, "Too much drama. I hope they ignore him."
I think that's a way forward. Ignore him. Don't call on him from now on. Make him get more extreme. Make him raise his voice even higher. Make him grandstand from a higher box. Get him to make himself more laughably edgier. Do the same if others adopt the same tack.
Make him/them look more and more like toddlers because they are.
What gilbar wrote.
I guess you don't need a Hawaiian judge to issue bullshit rulings now. Justice is woke and part of the Resistance.
Trump should hold all news conferences via Skype and cite carbon footprint.
on a more serious note,
cubanbob said...
Since when are journalist licensed by government? Just because Acosta is employed by CNN doesn't make him anymore a journalist than anyone here commenting. So why aren't Althouse commenters who wish to call themselves journalist allowed to be at the press conferences and allowed to ask questions?
Acosta (and every other 'bona fide' journalist) has been issued a Title of Noblity (as authorized by the US Constitution) to receive the property benefits of Presidential Access.
Althouse commenters have no more right to press conference access than they have a right to hunt the king's deer, or live on baronial estates. The Constitution is CLEAR. These 'bona fide' journalists are BETTER THAN YOU, and are thus Entitled (and Ennobled) to access.
He should call only on Jim Acosta forever.
Does the TRO require the POTUS to call on Mr. Acosta? To allow Acosta a certain number of minutes to bloviate as part of every press conference? To have press conferences? Amazing how many penumbrae and emanations our Constitution is still being discovered to have.
Since this judge is one of his own Federalist Society vetted appointees, I wonder how much confidence Trump has in their recommendations going forward?
I'm a sales guy, have been for a long time. I have often been in the position of presenting to a group of prospective customers. Occasionally one of the audience will ask questions that betray their hostility to us and our offering. If it becomes obvious that this person has already decided against us - we almost always know when this is the case - there are a couple of tactics we can use to undermine and counter them. First is to state that they've asked a good question, then ask the rest of the audience, by a show of hands, how many other people have the same or similar question. Most in the crowd will not raise their hand, whether they agree with the question or not. We then offer to discuss with that person "off line". That usually puts an end to the questions. The other tactic, and this could work with Acosta, would be to let him prattle on for as long as he will. This will anger his fellow press people, maybe even turn them against him (more). When he stops Trump or Sanders can survey the room, pretend to think about what Acosta has said, and perhaps respond with, "I'm not sure I heard a question there Jim.".
Calling only on Jim Acosta would turn the other reporters against him, and it would demonstrate the absurdity of there being a right to ask questions of the President. And any attempt to sue to force the President to call on anyone else you could expect would be opposed by Jim Acosta, as well as demonstrating how far anti-Trump courts are willing to overreach (can't wait to see the "fair" systems they would attempt to design and the lawsuits that would ensue were any of them actually implemented).
On an Actually serious and practical note...
Roughcoat said... Agree with Althouse. This will work to Trump's advantage.
Our Professor is right (as nearly always) Trump should let Acosta make as big of a jerk as he wants. Something about enough rope or digging or something
Press passes assigned by lottery. Any US citizen (over 18) could apply.
Jim Accoster. Such an obvious pun, but a little high brow for a Trump nickname. Shame.
Does this mean that legally a President is required to listen to any lecture by a reporter asking a "question"? Or is Trump (or any future president) still allowed to cut them off?
So can I go to court and force the White House to give me a press pass? If not, why not...Acosta has no special rights that I don't.
The First Amendment freedom of the press does not refer to refers to things. The word "press" when the First Amendment was written meant the machinery needed to publish, not reporters.
Trump could of course give Acosta back his pass, then cancel all future press conferences and briefing.
He won't do that, because the press conferences benefit Trump as much ( probably more ) than the press.
Refuse to hold press conferences until the case is fully adjudicated.
If Trump loses, refuse to hold press conferences. Instead, hold interviews with select reporters.
Well. I'm going to request a Hard Pass now. Clearly, anyone can get one.
Due Process? Do I have to be given due process before being removed for trespassing? This seems patently ridiculous.
Acosta doesn't really ask questions - he grandstands with leftwing talking points and he badgers and harasses Trump with his leftwing script. Also, doesn't let others have a turn.
USA Today says it was abased on due process...... “U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Kelly, a Trump appointee, said the White House had violated Acosta’s Fifth Amendment right to due process by suspending his press badge without explanation or a chance for CNN to appeal the decision.”
the court should have thrown it out. Sad.
I wish the White House would request a restraining order against stalker Acosta. He's not a journalist, he's an activist.
What we need is a little of ol’ Judge Roy Bean,
”First we'll have a fair trial, then we'll hang him”
Give Accosta a due process hearing, then take away the press pass.
Is he really a Trump appointee?
The MSM first called Snipes a Republican - and that turned out to be a total lie.
The Press Pass issue is the sole responsibility of the Executive Branch. Ask SCOTUS to make an emergency ruling.
I think every person in America who is laid off from now on should follow a Due Process claim against the company that laid them off.
Or move the "briefings" to the Executive Office Building parking lot. The Press Secretary can stand in a doorway or behind a window, sheltered from the weather.
I would make all recipients of white house press passes sit through a day long "Behavior Buddy!" training seminar. It would cover all aspects of White House Press corps behavior, like how properly ask a question, how to share time with the responder to the question as well as their other reporters, how to treat other people, how to treat other people's property like say a microphone, and also how to handle emergency potty situations. Fully participating would be mandatory to have an ongoing press pass. It would be as childish, sanctimonious, and patronizing as possible. At the end all members would have to make a behavior pledge, and sing the "Behavior Buddy!" graduation song, while wearing their "Behvaior Buddy!" Mortar Boards. Upon completion they would receive their white house press pass and smiley face sticker. Of course I would call on Jim Acosta to participate in all demonstrations and scenarios. If he doesn't do what a "Behavior Buddy!" is supposed to do, he would have to wear the "Misbehavior Meanie!" sack-cloth of shame.
As far as what Trump will actually want to do, probably not much. Trump's interactions with the press tend to help him overall. It really helps him with his base, considering their dislike of the press. And it helps him with the middle, when the press gets to emotionally involved and asks silly or stupid questions.
They don't have to call on Acosta. Keep the microphone out of his hands and ignore his rude interruptions.
"The White House Press Corp made Bush pull the pass of that internet blogger. Didn't that upset the delicate balance of the world?"
-- I don't remember this; if I were that blogger, I'd sue all of the media that did that, because -- look at some internet celebrities that are rolling in millions now. They did actual harm to that blogger.
What's with all these TROs in the last few years anyway? Has the meaning of irreparable harm changed? Where is the irreparable harm if Jimmy has to sit on the sideline for a few months?
Stevew@10:47: Trump is not your subtle, passive-aggressive type.
If I were Trump, I would close the press room altogether in this case. However, I do think Althouse is correct in her reading of the situation.
They will let Acosta in
They will give him the microphone
After one question+answer, the smallest, thinnest female intern will be sent to get microphone back, but this time she'll keep trying regardless of Acosta's resistance
Acosta will look hilarious fighting off a little woman
Stopping the entire press briefings would be counter productive. Just let Acosta act up, and if he goes over his time again, yank it again.
Yeah, so right you are mockturtle. And Acosta isn't a prospective customer so Trump can be more aggressive aggressive.
The First Amendment gives special powers to CNN, right?
Blogger WK said...
USA Today says it was abased on due process...... “U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Kelly, a Trump appointee, said the White House had violated Acosta’s Fifth Amendment right to due process by suspending his press badge without explanation or a chance for CNN to appeal the decision.”
Does this mean that if the government finds out someone is leaking classified information on our military to say, Pakistan or Russia, do they need to give that person due process before revoking his security clearance and preventing his access to any governmental information? Do they need to send him a letter before they try anything, give him a hearing date, allow him access to all evidence used against him including collection methods?
What would be the grounds for excluding me from the press room in my role as White House Correspondent for
this will be a race to see which one of them is going to be the first one to lose it, publicly.
I agree generally with the idea of letting Acosta make an ass out of himself all over again. He will lose his shit, it's just a matter of time. He's an angry and entitled member of the #Resistance.
Noted: All these lawsuits on the left.
We need more lawsuits against the Clinton Crime Family. Start digging. Never stop.
As I read the comment above about the ruling, the White House could let CNN appeal the decision to the authority in charge of this, then deny the appeal. I don't see how the court could say it is the authority to which the appeal must be directed- if that were the case, even a bar couldn't eject a customer for bad behavior without having it tried in court.
Blogger Molly said...
What would be the grounds for excluding me from the press room in my role as White House Correspondent for
I think CNN's argument is that once Acosta received a White House Press Pass, he earned some sort of Liberty or Property interest in it, which is protected from removal without due process under the 5th Amendment.
Which strikes me as odd, because I think there was a case where the court held that Social Security recipients hold no 5th amendment right to their social security payments, and that they could be removed or diminished based solely on the government's actions.
Rhonda Rousey hired as microphone holder.
The press should be happy that Trump is so available and willing to spar but it has gotten out of hand. Sanders should hold a press conference with new rules that state any reporter called upon may ask one question. If the President wishes to take another question he may allow it. That's it. No shouting or silly attention seeking antics. No one should have special seats or other preferences. Rein the whole thing in. Have rules of behavior and enforce them.
Just move on. Whoever's the petty asshole will reveal himself.
As I understand it (I am not a lawyer) the due process clauses typically affect government agencies because of their being tied to enforcing the constitution. No necessarily so for private entities.
Close down the daily question/answer format. Take written questions and answer them without all of the fucking drama queens around.
Blogger WK said...
Rhonda Rousey hired as microphone holder.
This is a good idea. I guarantee they could find some 6'6" 300 lb. recent college football player graduate, who would love an internship working for the White House press secretary.
-- I don't remember this
He caused a stir on his first day by asking a positive question. The other media did a deep dive on the guy and found out that he owned a gay porn website.
Althouse limits herself to the gossipy goodness of the spitball fight between Trump and Acosta. And has nothing to say of the amazing spectacle of a federal judge invoking due process over a press pass. Unexpectedly! Trump would do us all a favor by refusing to go along with this nutsack and his egomaniacal judicious “Power”. And, by the way, we get a good example of how a Strict Constructionist™️ Judge is no better than a Living Document Judge when it comes to expanding judicial power.
Give Acosta his own Mr. Microphone, modified with a remote kill switch.
Acosta should interview this judge.
"The other media did a deep dive on the guy and found out that he owned a gay porn website."
-- How the world has changed in just ... God, it has been forever, hasn't it?
Can't u deplorables think it through? When the Dems get back they would ban Fox news. Trump's Fragile Id Uber alles
Does Acosta have Right to burn His Press Pass?
And demand replacement document?
"When the Dems get back they would ban Fox news."
-- Banning an entire news station is different than revoking the pass of a single person. Even still, Obama had meetings with select journalists (as have all presidents before him.) They could do that; it would be fine.
Like they saym read the whole thing.Annoying but expected. Much will be made of the fact that Judge Timothy Kelly is a Trump appointee, having joined the bench in D.C. just 14 months ago, but the decades-old Sherrill ruling from the D.C. Circuit didn’t leave him much room to maneuver. That’s the leading precedent, and a district court judge is duty-bound to follow it.
Methinks Althouse is correct. Trump can be as gracious or nasty as the occasion requires.
Consider one or two News Conferences filled start to finish with Acosta ad hominem harangues, Trump politely trying to get Acosta to frame a coherent question about policy, then "Sorry folks, we are out of time."
some of the shut-out reporters who never had a chance to speak will then quietly educate their errant comrade.
Who cares if this works to Trump's advantage- its bullshit. This makes the joke about what do you call a thousand lawyers at the bottom of the ocean way more appealing to many of us.
Except sherill had never had a White House pass.
I liked the idea I saw here in the comments on a different post: Trump should only invite and/or call upon international journalists. He could even say it's for the sake of diversity.
Possible White House options:
1. They will be giving him special clown-style microphone
2. They will be giving him Mission Impossible style mic - with announcing 'This microphone will self-destruct in 1 minute'
3. They will let him fight a smallest possible, but persistent intern for the microphone
4. Trump will have Hillary-peregruzka-style kill switch for Acosta's mic
Jim's new microphone
Hey good lookin! We'll be back to pick you up later!
The press-conference microphone has been controlled by a young female intern.
From now on, the microphone should be controlled by a federal judge.
The term of art for Acosta–Trump is Kabuki Theater.
Also, the woman who wrestled with Acosta for the microphone should appear in a huge arm cast, with a sling, at the next press conference. Maybe she can hire someone like Jackie Chiles.
The options are endless
Hey! I'm as funny as Stephen Colbert!
This is another example of Donald Trump exposing the US establishment's intellectual decadence.
The WHCA is in charge of these passes. Since when is it a constitutional office that has such rights? Move the press conferences to the executive office building and ban all media from the white house grounds unless invited..
The next Democrat President will be able to do whatever he or she wants to do.
Would not this make a good case for the White House to appeal up the chain to the Supreme Court and have the new SCOTUS slap down the 700-odd federal judges, each thinking he is the Supreme Court?
Much better to do it against an extremely unlikable antagonist such as Jim Acosta than in some case that the public may be more sympathetic to.
If they're not idiots, one response will be to install off switches for each microphone, at the podium. So you let Alcosta say something stupid, then you turn off his mic and mock him ruthlessly
A better solution would be to give him a hard pass, then pull every single reporter's hard passes, and end the process of giving them out.
There is far more harm done to many more people by Acosta being there than by him being banned. He severely interferes with and degrades the very purpose of the briefing. He does that harm to all Americans, the rest of the media, and The President. What if he pulled out his dick while asking normal questions politely?
I bet a ban would hold for that even though there would be no harm to anyone. What is wrong with these judges? It seems that a legal education scrubs the mind of common sense and logic, and replaces it with some kind of reverse logic or maybe they just flip a coin. The law has become the most unreliable, unfair, subjective and damaging institution in our nation. In short, it is either dumb, corrupt, or both.
I would like to see Trump expand the press pool. There are currently 49 seats.Have it in a venue that seats at least 200. No assigned preference seating. Let everyone pick a number when entering and then pick the numbers at random to select who gets to ask questions.Why should monied news organizations be able to buy more access to power than smaller ones. Give media exactly what they claim to want - more equality.
Howard said...
Can't u deplorables think it through? When the Dems get back they would ban Fox news. Trump's Fragile Id Uber alles
Obama already did this.
He also put reporters in jail and illegally spied on them.
But you know that.
And Fox is on your side by the way.
Trump should just start calling on him as: "Yes, the asshole in the front."
Trump need to pick on him. He is an easy target. It will give Trump lots of opportunities to criticize CNN and Acosta on nation TV. Just point out their lies, bias, open hostility, and lack of decorum, every single time.
So much for Trump's record of appointing competent judges.
Now FOX can find the most obnoxious reporter in the nation to send at the next Democrat President. Well, maybe not FOX, but how about Breitbart News?
Why do still call the president the most powerful man on earth when he can't even ban one asshole of a reporter from his press conferences? A judge would never have done this to Obama.
If Trump lets him back in, I will be sorely disappointed in him.
Thoughts here in no particular order:
- How on earth is this a due process ruling? Is there a formalized law around the granting and retracting of permanent press passes? Is there a set of regulations around how you retract a press pass based upon an individual's behavior, and the WH ignored those rules? I don't even care about this manufactured case, but now I'm sitting here going WTF on the judge's ruling.
- If I was the White House, I'd now institute a required training and credentialing process for all press before being allowed to ask questions of the President. It would be a day long, mandatory, and required to be repeated every 3 months - and it would be shown as a result of Acosta's behavior. I'd turn him into a narcissistic pariah. And if you haven't completed the training....well then you can observe, but you can't be handed a microphone.
- This ruling opens up many media outlets to claim they have a RIGHT to be in the white house press pool and ask questions of the President. If I was a fringe media outlet, I'd be demanding my right. Just wait for a neo-nazi publication to file a claim using CNN as support for their right to have a WH press pass.
Tree Joe's paragraph 2 is the way to go. Suspend all WH press conferences until the training can be put together and completed. Until them do all news conferences via Facebook or in a town hall setting and the media only gets in if they will telecast the town hall.
That would really put it to all the big media groups and withhold all members of the admin from going on any shows. Every admin event must be town hall style and no media gets in othern than to film it.
Step 1. Never call on Jim Acosta
Step 2. When he screams out his questions/soliloquy's immediately end the press conference.
Step 3. His WH press corp comrades start beating the shit out of him because he is effectively ending the press conferences.
Alternative approach:
Step 1 hire 6'8" 300 lb intern to hold the mic.
Step 2. Call on Jim to ask a question.
Step 3. When he starts his soliloquy and doesnt ask question, direct intern to move to next reporter with microphone.
Step 4. If Jim becomes disruptive or keeps shouting, end press conference.
Step 5. His WH press corp comrades start beating the shit out of him because he is effectively ending the press conference.
Its really as simple as treating him like a child and making him and his peers eat the consequence.
"My dog ate your press pass. So sue me."
Let him eat up air time and look at the time press briefing over.
The judges will wear Trump out. This case should have been laughed out of court without a hearing. Its ridiculous. And they should have made CNN wait a few months for a hearing like they would have if it had been little old you or me bringing the suit. If this keeps up, Trump will say fuck this and he wont' run in 2020.
The television game show Jeopardy requires the answer to be given in the form of a question.
It seems like an easy thing for a reporter to do.
But if so, I can see the next press briefing
"This is the White House Press Corp. As such, we expect you to have at least a Kindergartener's level of professionalism. SOME OF YOU seem to have a problem with this. As such, we are instituting some remedial life lessons. Mr. Acosta, please pay attention:
1) Don't interrupt.
2) Take turns.
3) Use inside voices.
4) Don't hit girls.
5) You don't get to hold the microphone anymore.
6) You get 30 seconds to ask your questions. Use it wisely
7) Don't shout out until the teacher calls on you.
8) Stay in your assigned seats (Mr. Acosta gets seated in the very middle of the mob of reporters)
Mr. Acosta, do you understand these rules?
No No No. This is a yes or no question. Do you understand these rules, the DUE PROCESS that the White House is laying out to bring a bit of decorum and professionalism to the White House briefing room that we've lacked...well...since you got here.
If you can't abide by these rules, maybe your organization can find someone with enough manners and intelligence TO abide by them to replace you.
DO YOU UNDERSTAND? And here is a document you need to sign to verify that you understand."
"Oh...the rest of you reporters? No. We aren't demanding you sign something like this. YOU aren't a problem and you understand basic manners in a way that this doofus clearly does not, or refuses to abide by. He is a sad testament to what his organization has become."
That would make my day.
Make him apologize publicly before he gets his pass back.
CNBC lied in their report, claiming Acosta never put a hand on her. The judge must logically take that position too, since it is obviously legitimate grounds to pull a pass (assuming that grounds are even needed.)
Trump should not comply with this. Cancel WH press conferences until this gets resolved correctly in court.
I still have not heard a coherent explanation of why the White House can't do whatever they want about letting reporters in. It seems like a no-brainer, and I am not seeing that acknowledged in the articles I see. Can someone explain this?
Trump should refuse to comply with that bogus order.
I was in a 'review' class once.
One of the students had went out of his way to piss off the company.
So at test time, everyone got the same test.
HE did not. He got a much harder test.
Make the reporters all fill in new applications for press passes. Hand written. Errors in the documents are grounds for not issuing a new pass.
But I really like the remedial education classes for a new press pass.
Deep state TV wins again, broadcasting to captive audiences in airports and any gym where there is at least one liberal.
If Trump ignores this order, very few people are going to hold him to any account except maybe 2/3 of the Democrat party. What is that, one in five people?
This is a very bad precedent to make people okay with ignoring judicial orders. A judicial order may be the only thing standing between you and a rendition and to make them ignorable is not a good thing.
But that judge should have thought of that as well.
So far no one here noted the fact this TRO is for 14 days, during which the White House simply needs to show they have a process to review these things, then simply say "we reviewed Acosta's actions and they do not comply with our rules." Cite that as "due process" and move on. If this goes to the SCOTUS Trump will win on the merits. Nothing the judge said today goes to the merits of the 1A challenge. This was solely a due process ruling, meant to be a nudge to the parties to work it out.
"In response to the court, we will temporarily reinstate the reporter's hard pass," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement. "We will also further develop rules and processes to ensure fair and orderly press conferences in the future."
Speaking to reporters after the decision, Trump said, "If they don't listen to the rules and regulations, we will end up back in court and we will win."
He later added: "We want total freedom of the press. It's very important to me, more important to me than anybody would believe. But you have to act with respect when you're in the White House, and when I see the way some of my people get treated at press conferences, it's terrible. So we're setting up a certain standard, which is what the court is requesting."
Also, this suit is not done. This is a very temporary injunction. Acosta could be out on is asscosta very soon after given a few days.
Why didn't the intern file battery charges against him and get a restraining order?}}
Many reasons probably, but the intern initiated minor, unwanted physical contact when she went in for the microphone, and Acosta responded with a minor, physical contact when he used his left arm to fend her off. IMO it's mutual battery and so de minimus that we don't need to litigate.
I definitely think the microphone stays in the hands of the interns at all times. This is better than just cutting it off, and whoever is at the podium can direct the intern. That would turn the game into corrupting the intern, which is a game that will definitely be played.
Then as others suggest, let Acosta rule the roost until his peers hate him.
This will all be boring for Sanders, but Trump already has his outlet via Twitter.
Why in the name of the Sweet Orange Prince are reporters handed control of the microphone? It's not THEIR microphone---and when it's time for another question, a recalcitrant reporter should not be able to obstruct an orderly meeting by continuing to wield the wand of power.
Unbelievable....the judiciary is nuts.
Cancel the whole damn thing.
Rhonda Rousey hired as microphone holder.
The moment Acosta touches her she'd go down for the count, out cold.
Does anyone have access to the agreement reporters sign to get a press pass? (I doubt they're just handed one.) What does that say? I suspect it states that the pass may be revoked at any time for any reason.
On a side note, I have the understanding that the The White House Correspondents' Association is involved in the issuing of press passes. Anyone have [documented] insight? From Wikipedia: "Among the more notable issues handled by the WHCA are the credentialing process, access to the President and physical conditions in the White House press briefing rooms." Sounds like a cartel. What Trump should do is bypass the WHCA.
Another interesting option is to simply stop press briefings in the White House.
Maybe the microphone-manager should be a big, husky guy instead of a fragile young woman. An enforcer.
Put a taser in the handle of the microphone. At the discretion of the person on the podium, he gets to push the button which cuts off the mike and ups the amperage.
Fine. Give him all the rope he needs to hang himself. Time for some jiu jitsu.
Have you considered that said action hay have already begun?
"Do you have a followup, Jim?" [loop]
FIDO's got the idea. Zzzzzt! Plus Acosta gets his drop the mike moment. WIn-win.
I am of the opinion that Acosta clearly wants his own show so he can be the New Keith Olbermann, screaming his Two Minutes of Hate at Trump instead of having to actually work for a living...which journalism barely is. Not the way he does it.
So this drama is so he can quit this gig.
On the one hand, I want him gone.
But on the other hand, if Trump makes him a martyr, he might get that gig he so clearly desires.
On the Gripping Hand, his show will be on CNN, which no one watches unless forced to by Airports around the globe.
Just get rid of the hard passes and make it an open press pool with a handful of slots and have these press pricks stand in line like the rest of the schmoes. As they are standing in line and trying to clutch a ticket they can thank their best buddy Jim for screwing the rest of them with his hot dogging. Fuck these pricks, they don't deserve any special access really since they turned it into a pissing contest.
I genuinely don't understand under what law or precedent or principle this makes any sense. No press restriction is implied by restricting the access of certain, named individuals. Any organization can simply name another individual.
Is this just judicial "because I say so" crap? Because that's not cool.
IIRC, Trump doesn't do the White House Correspondent's Dinner.
So their ability to do Press Passes is passé
Handing a mic to reporters seems at least somewhat new. Anyone know when that started?
Howard@11:30 You're such a stupid asswipe. Sablan and Achilles already served you, but I just wanna add that you are a fucking douchebag. No wonder that you are a democrat party member, brutally stupid, insipid bigots is the Democrat party base.
I pointed out before that this is a case of the alpha male slapping down a rival. So Trump is still the alpha, and has control and advantage.
This advantage is heightened by the fact that Acosta did not get back in by his own merits, but by appealing to a judge.
Trump's best move, I think, is to change nothing about the format of the press conference -- He already dominates it -- but to continue to (verbally) slap down Acosta and even have him removed when necessary to assert dominance.
The lawyers and pundits can spin it however they want -- but Trump has the balance of power here, and the skill to use it. He just needs to keep doing what he is already doing.
Old news is never new news. This incident reminds me of Trump at the Nevada caucuses.
He’s smiling. See, he’s having a good time,” Trump said of a protester who was being escorted out by guards. “Oh, I love the old days, you know? You know what I hate? There’s a guy, totally disruptive, throwing punches, we’re not allowed to punch back anymore. I love the old days, you know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out in a stretcher, folks. Oh, it’s true.”
Trump went on to complain that “the guards are very gentle with him,” before saying, “I’d like to punch him in the face, I’ll tell you.”
Put a taser in the handle of the microphone.
And the activator in the hands of the other Presstitutes.
I know you like the current times, when you can be as obnoxious as you'd like without consequences. Women have been trading on that for centuries. Now men like you are trying to get the same vaginal immunity.
God knows that if Democrats had to rely on the quality and persuasiveness of their ideas, they'd be as current as the Know Nothings. But it's good that you are settling into your 'core competencies: throwing hysterics until you get your way and cheating ala Broward.
Your party is now the guy pitching a fit until everyone is exhausted and will finally give you anchovies on the pizza just to get you to shut up.
Except Trump don't play that way. He is showing you the door.
Hunger Games with pair of correspondents each.
You'd think if Trump really were Hitler he'd be able to ban Acosta from his press conferences.
Blogger Achilles said...
Howard said...
Can't u deplorables think it through? When the Dems get back they would ban Fox news. Trump's Fragile Id Uber alles
Obama already did this.
He also put reporters in jail and illegally spied on them.
But you know that.
And Fox is on your side by the way.
So you are in support of tyrannical Obama, very good. It proves you are not a ideological lapdog.
Blogger Matthew Sablan said...
"When the Dems get back they would ban Fox news."
-- Banning an entire news station is different than revoking the pass of a single person.
Right, not the entire organ
Blogger Michael Fitzgerald said...
Howard@11:30 You're such a stupid asswipe
You'd think if Trump really were Hitler he'd be able to ban Acosta from his press conferences.
The truly sad thing is that Acosta does think that Trump is Hitler, and that he (Acosta) is the bravest man in the world by defying him.
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