A reporter asks Trump.
Video at the link. Trump's answer:
Oh, Michelle Obama said that? I haven't seen it. I guess she wrote a book. She got paid a lot of money to write a book. And they always insist that you come up with controversial.
Well, I'll give you a little controversy back: I'll never forgive him for what he did to our United States military by not funding it properly. It was depleted. Everything was old and tired. And I came in, and I had to fix it. And I'm in the process of spending tremendous amounts of money. So I'll never forgive him for what he did to our military. I'll never forgive him for what he did in many other ways, which I'll talk to you about in the future.
But what he did -- because she talked about safety -- what he did to our military made this country very unsafe for you and you and you.
The "safety" he's saying she talked about must refer to threats she says she received as a result of Trump's raising the question of whether Obama was born in the United States. From Michelle Obama's book (
quoted at WaPo):
“The whole [birther] thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed. But it was also dangerous, deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks,” she writes. “What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls? Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And for this I’d never forgive him.”
By the way, why did Trump say "Oh, Michelle Obama said that? I haven't seen it" and then "because she talked about safety"? It seems to be one statement, she'll never forgive him for putting her family's safety at risk by raising the "birther" question. Did Trump see that statement or not?
११५ टिप्पण्या:
Is there demand for Michelle Obama forgiveness?
If memory serves, didn't "Dreams from My Father" raise the birth issue all by itself?
I won’t forgive her for wrecking school lunches. Doesn’t she know the terror she caused in childern?
If it hadn’t been that it would have been some other theme for kooks. It comes with the job.
Will she forgive Hillary Clinton?
"If memory serves, didn't "Dreams from My Father" raise the birth issue all by itself?"
-- Not the book itself, but an early edition book jacket made a claim about his being born in Kenya. Not that it should matter since his mother was an American citizen, so he'd still be fine either way. Later editions removed that wording.
"was putting my family’s safety at risk."
Moochelle be doofus.
Barack Obama ... [told us that he] was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. He may also be 1/1024th Amerindian.
Michele Obama seems like the kind of person who finds at least one unforgivable thing each day. Also, do the Obamas really want to go there? No kooks actually took a shot at them. Quite a few white cops died after the Obama Administration repeatedly promoted the false narrative that white cops were the principle cause of black deaths in the inner cities.
I don't know where Obama was born, and neither does he. It's moot, and nobody cares.
What I do believe, based on evidence I find credible, is the 'long form' he released is fake.
Why he had to generate a fake one...you tell me.
Later editions of Obama’s college records also scrubbed his claim of being born in Kenya to get preferential treatment.
It's too bad Trump didn't come back with Matthew Sablan's question. Will she forgive Hillary? Or is Michelle destined to be angry at people for the rest of all time.
How did Michelle Obama know where Barack was born? How does Barack know where he was born?
I don't like it when people think if you do not assume what everyone else assumes, you are crazy.
BHO tells people that his mother and father split up when he was two, but in fact it appears they never lived together as man and wife. Dunham was in college in Washington a few months after his birth while father was in college in Hawaii. Why does Obama continue to tell people that his mother and father were together until he was two? Who knows. Maybe it's what his mother or his grandparents told him.
Seemed like Obama wanted to prolong the "birther" issue himself because he felt it was a dead end for his opponents and made him the victim. So he slow walked production of the long form birth certificate. Trump made tactical errors that convinced Obama that Trump wasn't at his level. The advantage may be that Trump learns from his mistakes in a way Obama never had to because of a pliant media.
Yes, is there anyone who Michelle Obama will acknowledge forgiving?
The Obamas - coasting through life on AA.
I thought the Obamas were good Christians?
"is there anyone who Michelle Obama will acknowledge forgiving?"
I think she forgave America for not being worthy of her husband (at least for a little while).
Honestly, who gives a f*ck about ANYTHING Michelle Obama’s book says?
I don’t give a crap about anything she says, and clearly she didn’t write the book. So it’d be like caring about what her ghost writer says, and I’m sure very little of it has any relationship to reality anyway.
Pure propaganda to make “history” look kinder to the Obamas.
If you want to care about anything Michelle says, care about: “For the first time in my adult life I’m proud of my country”
Nice yank on the chain by Trump.
(In some cotton picking sense, I suppose, "yank on the chain" is offensive to those who live in the black hole of political correctness.)
Michelle always was Barack’s pit bull.
I still have niggling doubts about his citizenship stemming from from that book promotion pamphlet or flyer stating that he was Kenyan. That was just shrugged away.
How about those patients who were shunted out the door, of the university of Chicago hospital
What bullshit. Obama milked the birther controversy for all it was worth.
So, by stirring up hatred against TRump, Obama is putting Trump and HIS family in danger.
And did Michelle ever criticize the Celebrities making "Jokes" about killing Baron Trump or harming the First lady? Did she criticize the Griffin's severed head? Or the articles/discussions where liberals "Fantasize" about killing Trump?
Clinton made it an issue. Perhaps in response to Obama's Chicago-style politics. Obama "settled" it with production of a doctored certificate of live birth.
Anyway, the idea that someone talking about where Obama was born was somehow "Threatening" Obama and his family, is frankly insane.
People talked about George Romney in 1968, not being allowed to run for POTUS because he was born in Mexico. People claimed McCain couldn't be POTUS because he was born in Panama.
Were they "threatening" McCain and Romney's family?
Can we talk about the Obamas and the press? The same news organs that detest Trump fawned over the Obamas. Black and white difference. The former NYT editor, Jill Abramson, carried a plastic doll likeness of Barack in her purse. That’s pagan idolatry. I don’t respect anyone in her position expressing that level of icon worship.
Chicago thuggery is on the rise again.
My recollection of the birth controversy is a little different. First of all as others have noted, the forgiven Clintons first raised it, though Trump did certainly run with it. Obama could have ended it at any time - but it was more beneficial for him to let others, IMO, make fools of themselves with it. I credit Obama's political instincts for this - never stop your opponents when they are making a mistake.
BTW, Obama is the most UnAmerican POTUS we've ever had. Born in Hawaii, goes to school in Indonesia, goes back to Hawaii.
He never came to mainland USA to live till he was 18. Then spent his entire life in Chicago, Massachusetts, and NYC.
No wonder he thinks there are 52 states.
"All this for a damned flag" at a 9/11 ceremony is all I ever needed to know about Michelle Obama.
those patients who were shunted out the door, of the university of Chicago hospital
An early seed of health care "reform", including cost shifting, redistributive change, and marginal coverage, to force a perception of doing something. Also, Planned Parenthood to progress after-birth burdens, taxable labor, and increase the GDP.
Clearly she's not a Christian.
"The same news organs that detest Trump fawned over the Obamas."
-- Which I never understood. Trump says mean things about reporters and sometimes tells them they can't be mean in the White House.
Obama tried to jail them and illegally spied on them. So, I just don't get why Trump is the enemy of the Free Press, and Obama is a swell guy.
Well I certainly forgave Moochelle for not being proud of her country until Barack the Magnificent was anointed as Presidente. And I can forgive her for going through life with a perpetual snarl on her face. And I can forgive her for not disappearing into the sunset like former first ladies* have done. And I can forgive her for lacking the class that other first ladies* have exhibited.
* HRC excluded.
"All this for a damned flag" at a 9/11 ceremony
She's bitter that the human rights leaders, and the majority human sacrifices, who freed the American slaves, were mostly "White-American." The Civil War marked a dark day for diversity (i.e. color judgments) and its advocates, that still informs us of the bigotry normalized under the same label.
Obama is a swell guy.
He hadn't seen it, but he had heard about it and was aware of it. His statement downplays the importance of it and let's him take it in another direction.
Matthew Sablan, 10:03:
Because fundamentally the left are secular Calvinists, and Obama is among the elect.
Vice President for Community Relations. $300,000 per year. Nice work if you can get it...
Oh FFS, do we have to talk about this birther thing again - or, more accurately, shout at each other about it again? Kudos to Trump for trying to change the subject.
Wow. Between the two families and the over-the-top criticisms they both get, who is really in the most danger here- Obama's family or Trump's? This lack of perspective is interesting to me. If Barron Trump is injured in a politically motivated attack, will Michelle Obama apologize for the things she and the Left have said about Trump? Really, who would you rather be from a point of personal safety in this country- Malia Obama while her father was president or Barron or Tiffany Trump today? I mean, seriously, it is consider to be sophisticated humor to portray the death of Donald Trump in particularly gruesome ways in the mass media- in ways that I never once saw done in the case of Obama.
Look, bitch, we can never forgive your asshole husband for being coy about his fucking birth certificate.
Obama wasn't born in Kenya. Neither was his father.
Trump did the birther thing to end the Obama charade, put up or shut up.
I didn't see the calls for assasination, the severed heads ( of both Trump AND dubaya). Michelle, ma belle can stfu.
At least Obama didn't spend his honeymoon in Moscow like Trump did. Oh wait.....
For years before running for public office Obama allowed people to think he was from Kenya. Why is anyone surprised when the issue was questioned and people sought proof? His resistance to provide a birth certificate was curious and then he only provided a computer printed certificate and not a photo copy of the typewritten and signed original.
I love how Trump just doesn't play the game that they democrat media is accustomed to. Make an absurd statement, expect republican to grovel, try to explain away absurd statement. Screw that, it doesn't work, it's never worked. Just blast right back at them, over and over and over again.
I'm pretty sure Trump WILL ask Michelle if she forgives clinton for the birther stuff on a tweet later. Just didn't thing of it at the time. He went for the thing that I like.
"I was worried about you and you and you" getting killed. That translates to everyone much better.
The idiot press hasn't figured out that Gottcha questions to Drumpf always backfire.
See, ask a gottcha question and the deplorables, like the Unknown Blogger above, slurp of the intern feed he dribbles out.
Looking at a forest --
"Hey, what about that leaf on that one tree?"
The birther thing was “resolved” as Hillary’s email thing was “resolved.” By media declaration and investigative dereliction by DOJ. Democrat judges also forestalled inquiry by declaring several plaintiffs “without standing” to challenge Obama’s legitimacy.
Sheriff Joe’s investigators raised some interesting questions about the birth certificate after it was finally released. The book jacket and Obama’s African family also raised some issues.
I don’t know the truth and neither does the leftmedia. How strange that it sticks in Michelle’s craw.
I say again that Michelle should have read the manuscript before she let it be published in her name.
As for the "birther issue," it is beyond stupid. It is still only 57 years ago that Barack Obama Jr. was born, and there are still plenty of people alive who remember the tongues wagging when the Dunham's teenage daughter gave birth to a black baby 2-3 months early. Even in Honolulu that was way out in 1961.
I guess she wrote a book. She got paid a lot of money to write a book. And they always insist that you come up with controversial.
Well, I'll give you a little controversy back . . .
He diminishes and dismisses her, and then uses her own attack to justify hitting back.
That is pure Trump swagger.
I like the way trump sizes up the question with "yeah sure, she was paid a lot of money to come up with some controversy in her book" which really gets to heart of this crap. No one out side of the Media bubble gives two shits about this anymore and they can't force us to no matter how hard they try. This story will be gone in half a news cycle to move on to some other "outrage" against trump.
“Is there demand for Michelle Obama forgiveness?”
Which was my immediate response. It was such a weird question. In the real world it would provoke a shout of mocking laughter and 15 minutes of sarcastic and hilarious riffing.
why Trump is the enemy of the Free Press, and Obama is a swell guy.
USA Press has bondage fetish with Lefties.
Trump is cutting their chain AKA independent reporting.
Imagine Conan Barbarian release Grace Jones.
why Trump is the enemy of the Free Press, and Obama is a swell guy.
USA Press has bondage fetish with Lefties.
Trump is cutting their chain AKA independent reporting.
Imagine Conan Barbarian release Grace Jones. And tossing her a spear
Who cares if Trump saw the statement or not? Obviously Althouse. Besides that?
I am sure that Michelle Obama is very knowledgeable about kooks, malcontents and demagogues, her husband certainly spent a lot of time with Islamic Racists, bomb throwing radicals and preachers who say things about Jews and White People which are far more inciteful than being called 'not American born'.
So she is projecting from the awful violent people on the Left she meets every day...and loves.
Trump: "Well, I'll give you a little controversy back: I'll never forgive him for what he did to our United States military by not funding it properly. It was depleted."
Complete bullshit. Our military spending is obscenely large, and has been for decades. We not only outspend every other nation on earth, but we outspend the next seven nations combined. (Those seven nations include Russia and China.) And this doesn't count the public and secret (black) budgets of the various intelligence agencies, all of which serve military aims and are essentially military entities.
James Madison:
"In time of actual war, great discretionary powers are constantly given to the Executive Magistrate. Constant apprehension of War, has the same tendency to render the head too large for the body. A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence agst. foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people."
"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare."
And so it is.
As for birth certificates, if your kid, or grandkid, needs one for his college or passport application, they will be happy to print one up for you, though I think it is the county clerk's office, not the hospital (if any).
"What do you say to Michelle Obama who says she will never forgive you for your birther comments in the past?"
"Is that a gun, or are you happy to see me?"
"You mad, bro?"
Not having read the book, I've heard via the radio that both kids were IVF, so Ingachuck'etc…, that would seem to make the 'gun' question moot.
At least reporter follows the proper protocol of leftie Jeopardy! and formats disapproving rants in the form of a question.
Jim Acosta is leftie Jeopardy!'s Turd Ferguson.
One of the great Christian stories of forgiveness is that of St. Maria Goretti. Don't know if Rev. Jeremiah Wright ever covered that on Sunday mornings.
Can anyone name such a prominent figure as Barry Soetoro about whom there is no objective background? Perhaps Soros...?
Bill Ayers is "just a guy in the neighborhood", kinda like Mister Rogers?
Err, iirc, Obama had the fact he was born in Kenya posted on his Presidential webpage for approx eleven months..
Since money has different levels of purchasing power, Cook is, as per usual, both honest and terribly misleading...with touch of disingenuousness.
The best comparison of 'how important is military spending' is not an arbitrary figure. It is a percentage of the GDP. How much of your 'bux' is being spent at your prices to buy guns.
If one goes by PERCENTAGE of military spending compared to GDP, it goes like this:
Saudi Arabia (10%)
Russia (4.3%)
America (3.1%)
South Korea (2.7%)
India (2.5%)
France (2.3%)
Turkey (2.2%)
Australia and Italy (2%)
China and Brazil (1.9%)
This paints a far different 'emphasis' than one that Robert Cook wishes to make...so let me make it for him!
It is hard to think of a single thing that Obama did that didn't help damage our nation: cut military spending, spend LAVISHLY on things that barely helped the nation, baldly welcomed millions of immigrants in, vilified police and Republicans openly and gave moral cover to attacking them, and pissing off all our closest allies while giving moral cover and bribes to our enemies.
And Michelle is proud of this man. Which says something about her too.
Has anyone debunked or even challenged Sheriff Joe's "9 points of forgery"?
"What do you say to Michelle Obama who says she will never forgive [Trump's] birther comments in the past?"
Does she forgive Van Jones his 9/11 truther comments? Does she know what country she was First Lady of? Has she ever heard of "Coast To Coast AM"? How is she friends with Oprah if charlatanry bothers her?
I could go on endlessly with this one,....
There is a reason that the Founders required being born in America to be President: They wanted the person to have his finger on the pulse of America and LOVE America as a nation.
They could not envision a time of 'technical' legality, where a little Hawaiian born baby gets whisked to spend all his formative years in an Islamic Madras in Indonesia: where he learned to love Tumpeng more than Hot Dogs and Apple Pie.
So the technical point of his world entry is quite besides the point. It is his World VIEW entry which had much more impact...and he reigned that way.
Only the Obama cultists care about their opinions at this point and given his total flop in the midterms, not as many in his party do either.
They have no grace or self-awareness, in lining their pockets by basking in celebrity driven limelight, they have morphed into a less likable version of the Clintons.
"I'll never forgive him for what he did in many other ways, which I'll talk to you about in the future."
Wouldn't Michelle forgive Trump if he made a good Act of Contrition and said a few Hail Mary's?
What about Hillary? I’ll never forgive him for the new normal and Obamacare.
Robert Cook, I’m totally with you. Labor (it’s all the same really) is self-alienating, and consciousness can be false. Class struggle is real and so is the world the materialist doctrine describes. You me and buddy, we’ll be working in the morning and fishing all afternoon.
Meanwhile, it’s back to the grindstone for our filthy corporate paymasters and these commending slobs who have yet to realize the shining, transcendent truths we can see from here.
See you at the Revolution, comrade, standing atop a dead Starbucks espresso machine, ecstatic with hope and chastened by the weight of all History pressing upon our glorious shoulders!
Viva la revolucion, Robert!
Viva you glorious bastard!
Obama's daughter was in more danger working for Harvey Weinstein.
Also, we’ve put a life size Obama bust, with brown skin even, next to the fridge on the 2nd floor faculty lounge
His soothing, calm demeanor and strong noble profile give Hope! during round-table diversity discussions.
R. Cook quotes Madison to show how much he was against war. EXCEPT: Madison was writing in his usual rope-a-dope style to say that America’s Standing Army and wars would be totally different and not a problem. I guess he roped his dope....
"This paints a far different 'emphasis' than one that Robert Cook wishes to make...so let me make it for him!"
Uh...and what is your point? What point of mine do you think you are somehow undoing?
What did Trump actually say about the birth certificate? I recall an appearance with Oprah Winfrey where he claimed that he had no doubt Obama was a natural born American citizen, so his question was why not produce the certificate and end the silly controversy? Reasonable question, and something completely different than suggesting Obama was foreign born.
The questions of Obama's birth were raised during the 2008 primary campaign.If we had a serious news media, they might ask MO if she felt her children were in danger why didn't she convince her husband to release his birth certificate and end the controversy prior to April of 2011 - three years later.
We know - because Obama thought the issue gave him an excuse to yell racism. Another example of BO racially dividing the country.
His response is precisely why the left hates him.
Eff me? Well, eff you.
Don't like getting punched in the nose, leftists. Well, stop throwing the first punch. It's pretty simple.
Complete bullshit. Our military spending is obscenely large,Try
Fine. Vote.
You know the spending that is obscene? The entire dept of Education. The defense of the Nation is an enumerated power of the Federal govt. Not education. The constitution specifically declares that a power of the individual States
ps Were you one of those that wet your pants when President Trump talked about getting out of NATO?
"R. Cook quotes Madison to show how much he was against war. EXCEPT: Madison was writing in his usual rope-a-dope style to say that America’s Standing Army and wars would be totally different and not a problem."
"ps Were you one of those that wet your pants when President Trump talked about getting out of NATO?"
No. NATO should be disbanded.
Kenya, Hawaii..black, mixed..uniter, divider..
Obama is "Composite" Man. When all his qualifications were academic, that info was sealed...had to elect him to what was in him.
At least Trump apologized when he acknowledged that Obama was born in HAwaii.
Trump without evidence didn't just say that he thought Obama was born in Kenya. He was telling his base that Obama was an illegitimate president. That he should be expelled from the White House. Not hard to imagine some nuts trying to make that reality.
Is anyone asking WHY Michelle Obama is charging big bucks for tickets to attend a book launch? Doesn't this seem to be a bit odd -- even greedy?
Has any WELL-KNOWN author -- who really had something to say -- done this in the past?
Robert Cook said 11/10/18, 11:02 AM...
"We not only outspend every other nation on earth, but we outspend the next seven nations combined. (Those seven nations include Russia and China.) And this doesn't count the public and secret (black) budgets of the various intelligence agencies..."
Mostly bullshit...
First, curious you don't mention that our 'obscenely large' military spending provides a good chunk of the defense for at least 5 of the next NINE nations combined (i.e., France/UK/Japan/Germany/Italy) Then you can begin to understand why France/UK/Japan/Germany/Italy only spend an average of ~1.6% of their GDP on defense - well less than the global average of 2.2%)
Second, you also conveniently ignore the fact the US military is the primary enforcement arm of the UN and the first-line humanitarian relief agency for the world - which requires a degree of spending on 24/7 readiness shouldered by no one else.
"With great wealth comes great responsibility..."
Third, your claims also don't count the public and secret (black) budgets of the various intelligence agencies of notoriously secretive China, Saudi Arabia, and Russia.
Uh...and what is your point? What point of mine do you think you are somehow undoing?
There is that willful obtuseness and disingenuousness that makes you so very charming to try to debate with, Cook. That and your refusal to concede any point, no matter how small (We call it 'Doing an Inga'. You dodged a bullet on that naming, by the way)
For the slow of thinking: You, Cook, asserted that there is this mystic 'proper' number for American military spending and that you, Cook, are the owner of this knowledge and further, that you, Cook, have the moral right to judge our current spending and make a moral ruling on it.
Sensible people laugh at such pretentions. What you have is a half assed opinion based on your own biases, no more or less.
But to look at the numbers OBJECTIVELY, one can make some comparisons which actually ILLUMINATE instead of posture and mislead.
To wit: a Rich Man spends more on, for example, housing, than a poor man, though both people need to spend A percentage of their budget on shelter.
If a Bushman of the Kalahari (I hate the term 'San'. My name is more romantic) spends 3% of his time and resources on his grass hut as George Soros spends 3% of HIS time and resources on HIS multiple mansions, both are spending the same percentage. One gets more out of it because, hey, George Soros is rich.
So if America is spending billions more than China, hey, it is because WE are rich and our spending is a mere 52% or so higher than China (if Chinese statistics are true. They aren't).
America is about 9 times richer per capita than the Chinese. Is it any wonder that our spending is multiple times more than the Chinese? We like winning and we don't like dying. The Chinese are far less cautious about the lives of their soldiers...but are still spending a shit ton of their GDP on military expenditures.
This makes curious and thoughtful people wonder. But not you, Cook.
They could not envision a time of 'technical' legality, where a little Hawaiian born baby gets whisked to spend all his formative years in an Islamic Madras in Indonesia: where he learned to love Tumpeng more than Hot Dogs and Apple Pie.f
Yes. This gets to the core of what should be the debate.
If not for the color if his skin, and self identifying as African American (6.25%) Obama as a white candidate would never held any populations interest. There is nothing about the man that holds anyone's attention. Add to that, Obama spent his formative years in Hawaii. Yes a State, but coming into the Union in 1957, 4 years before Obama was born, a long way from representing the culture of America. Myself being of Obama's generation, the influence of WWII on the nation by the huge population of Veterans running our industries, cities, states and nation, the sense of unity during that time is striking as compared to the present. I doubt Hawaii had the same vibe. As such Obama just doesn't get us.
But of coarse that important debate was buried by PC speak, to the detriment of the Nation. Obama was set to Fundamentally change something he was incapable of identifying. Obama's intellect never rose above that of collage dorm room, all night pot party and debates, level of discourse. Always an exercise in abstracts, not reality. Lots of us are exactly the same as Obama in that regard. We all went out into the world to earn a living and learned quickly that those abstracts got shattered in the day to day business of producing results, something Obama never has had to do.
steve uhr: "Trump without evidence didn't just say that he thought Obama was born in Kenya. He was telling his base that Obama was an illegitimate president. That he should be expelled from the White House. Not hard to imagine some nuts trying to make that reality"
Lefties said the Reagan was an illegitimate President.
Lefties said the W was an illegitimate President.
And we actually had a lefty (like Uhr) nut try to make a new "reality" on a baseball field very recently.
You really have to work hard to not know things to be a lefty.
How awful of Trump for asking for evidence that Red Diaper Barry wasn't trying to evade the citizenship qualification.
Drago -- You're becoming as unhinged as our president. I understand. Rough week. Maybe you should watch reruns of Gilligan's Island or the Flintstones or something to take your mind off recent events. I was gonna suggest football but that is prob on your do-not-watch list.
Step Steve uhr. Dems have done far worse to every Republican Since at least Nixon. AND Democrats have tried to assasinate Republican congresssmen. The desire was there. Dems just dont spend anytime actually, you know, shooting a gun and learning how to aim.
robother@9:28 This! The Obamas are scum personified, absolutely responsible for so much of the foul state of politics in our nation, and they have the blood of dozens of murdered police officers on their hands- And they're proud of it. Yet millions of Americans, not counting Democrat party members, admire these evil people. Barry is so cool, and Michelle is so beautiful and accomplished... Gawd, this nation needs an enema to get the democrat party poison out of it.
Blogger Hey Skipper said...
If memory serves, didn't "Dreams from My Father" raise the birth issue all by itself?
No; your memory is not serving you at all.
I don’t think any topic exposes the alt-right moonbattery of the Althouse commentariat quite like the Birther thing. Even Donald Trump backed off it (after making a complete ass of himself), and yet deep in the wacko fever swamps, they are still trying to prove that Obama is a Kenyan.
No, Hillary didn’t start it. No one has a single quote from Hillary that started it.
And yes, Trump said a bunch of laughably insane things about it including the claim that he actually had his own “people” in Hawaii, who were “finding things... they cannot believe.” (What a great Trumpism; who knows what that is supposed to mean? That ‘they are finding things that they can’t believe’...?)
I can’t have a conversation with anybody about birtherism with anyone anymore. If you bring it up in my presence, I will not stop until the point is demolished. Some people freak out about the N-word being used in their presence. With me, it is the Birther thing.
"America is about 9 times richer per capita than the Chinese. Is it any wonder that our spending is multiple times more than the Chinese? We like winning and we don't like dying."
So, because we're "richer" than the Chinese (though they are loaning us money) we just naturally spend more on our War preparations? Like the difference between rich man buying a Ferrari and a poor man buying a Volkswagen? What about our need? What if the rich man buys 100 Ferraris? It that really necessary to meet his transportation needs? At what point do increasing expenditures exceed the point of diminishing returns and become simply wasteful?
What is this great danger that will kill us all if we don't spend more on war preparations than the next 7 nations combined? Who are we "winning" against?
In sum, your argument is invalid.
Cookie: nice quotations from Madison. You don't think we (and Trump) know that war sucks? Duh. We're all morons compared to your lovable and sagacious self, right?
I thank the stars every day that we have a President who's not going to get us involved in the penny-ante disputes of any of the various shithole countries that are currently at war with other shithole countries, or -- even worse -- with their own countrymen.
Si vis pacem, paro belli. It's really just that simple.
rp@1:53 My feelings exactly. This despicable cunt was gifted $65 million to pretend she wrote a book. This in addition to the millions the scumbag Obamas waltzed out of the White House with. And now she's got the call to charge suckers hundreds more to come look at her fat ugly ass and listen to her flap her stupid gums in complaint of how hard she has it. What a piece of shit. Only Democrat party members can be stupid, venal and pathetic to line that pig's pocket with more ill-gotten gain.
rewarded by berterlsman for their part in the bribe to the Iranian regime,
steve uhr said:"Trump without evidence didn't just say that he thought Obama was born in Kenya. He was telling his base that Obama was an illegitimate president. That he should be expelled from the White House. Not hard to imagine some nuts trying to make that reality."
Lets make a few adjustments, shall we?
"He was telling his base that Trump was an illegitimate president. That he should be expelled from the White House. Not hard to imagine some nuts trying to make that reality."
Funny how the things change over time.
Michelle who?
Who cares? I've never been so proud of my country as on the two days that Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama left the White House. Moochie had a good run--at least she didn't steal too much of the silverware (in contrast to Hillary).
And Moochie will make just as much of a ton of dough in retirement as Hillary and Billy Jeff did.
She is upset that Trump ain't upset that she is upset.
She is upset that Trump ain't upset that she is upset.
Politics ain’t beanbag.
“Bring a gun to a knife fight” and “punch back twice as hard”, phrases stated by BHO, aren’t exactly calming to his supporters.
Donatello Nobody: good job of missing (or ignoring) the point.
Seems to me those Madison quotes were in support of the 2nd Amendment. That standing armies were a temptation to an unprincipled president and thus a threat to Americans' liberty, and therefore the People had a right to bear arms as a precaution.
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