1. How are you watching? The news channels have been nattering for hours about how to watch. They’re laying down the first phase of a narrative that we’ll look back on. In 2016, I didn’t fully appreciate the narrative at the time, and I don’t want to miss it this time. But I always assume things will be boring!
2. Seems fair to say it’s not a “blue wave.” 7:51 CT.
3. Fox News says the Democrats will take the House.
4. CNN says Cruz wins and GOP keeps the Senate.
५४६ टिप्पण्या:
546 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Watch what? At poll closing time its over. There shouldn't be any results published until the last poll closes. We can get the results tomorrow.
Our media at work: they not only tell us we must watch the news, but HOW we must watch it.
You're watching the news that way? Oh no, you're doing it wrong!!!!
You don't want to be a wrong-watcher, do you?
You know who watches the news wrong? Racists.
Cubanbob: Exit polls, Bob. We know just how accurate they are. ;-)
They will start calling some east coast races pretty early. I remember they called some in 2016 with only a few percent of the vote counted.
In the future, our media overlords will tell us how to wake up, make toast and tie our shoes to not run afoul of those who might make our lives miserable.
You wouldn't like that, would you?
BTW I went out and got my popcorn this afternoon.
It's early to bed, assuming we are not awakened by rioting in the street or the sound of our American Institutions collapsing.
They will start calling some east coast races pretty early. I remember they called some in 2016 with only a few percent of the vote counted.
They can call Elizabeth Warren's reelection now, so she can get a few hours jump on her 2020 bid over everyone else.
Trump will still be looking at House races in California while Liz is putting some distance between them.
Indiana closes first, I think. Probably the Senate race is too close to call.
Larry Schweikart says to ignore all exit polling, even the ones that favor your side. He says all exit polling is bullshit.
So there's that.
President John Kerry would likely concur with this.
Here in Costa Rica I'll use the Axios Live Map
I'm watching via the two scariest words, in any language, for a Democrat:
Election Needle
I still believe we won't know who won the House until January. The Dems need that long to go through their usual infantile b.s.
The real time forecast on 538 for dems to win the house just increased from 84% to 84.3%
total ignore from me.
I'm tired of feeling anxious.
The democrats and their media are corrupt.
Well, the GOP is forcing open every car trunk and closet door, so we might get results a little earlier and more accurately...assuming we don't find boxes of ballots pre-filled in.
Fox keeps running these crawls of approval polls. I just add 10% to every poll for Republicans because Democrats got to put their thumbs on the scale. It is what they do.
Which explains why they are always surprised when they lose.
So Real Clear Politics has already called a House seat in Kentucky for the Repubs. I guess polls must have closed there at 6 EST. Or else the district has three people.
Check out this just released Project Veritas video.
"DACA voters? We've got tons of 'em."
And this is in Texas.
At our polling district, we are running 75% of all eligible voters actually voting...in a MIDTERM!
The polling person said they have never seen numbers like this.
Granted, this is a small polling location, but 75% is 75%.
Republican or Democrat, there are a lot of angry voters out there.
Could WI really put T Evers in as Governor over Walker? Wife says she thinks Evers will win. I’m not so sure. God, I hope not.
Proudly not watching.
Apparently, Drudge is linking to exit polls that appear to be showing a red wave. We shall see.
"Watching the midterm election results"
I'm not.
FIDO: 75% is nothing. Philly gets 100% routinely. Sometimes they even get more than 100%
I'm watching MSU - Kansas tonight.
I'll check in on the results occasionally, but I like waking up in the morning and digesting it all over my elliptical.
Indiana with 3% in has Braun at 59.4%
1. Nope. Not gonna. Can't make me.
I'll watch some movie or some recorded show or maybe the usual Tuesday fare of Doctor Blake Mysteries and then Doc Martin, and then I'll check the news about 11-11:30.
The WSJ has some interesting election coverage statistics in real time.
Figures, considering this is a lot like watching the stock market.
One of the voting issues in my state was to make punishments for drugs to be much lower.
I am sure open to doing that for Pot.
For heroin and meth? Making that a misdemeanor? AYFKM?
Will be watching Kentucky vs Duke tonight. I generally don't watch the election returns on television- I follow online with no talking heads- just results. And I will comment here as I did in 2016.
The last election I actually followed in television was 2004- been doing it online ever since.
Wow! Bernie won in VT
I was about 10 time zones ahead of America in 2016 and was able to watch 2 am television online and the despair and wailing was a sight to behold.
Sorry, I meant to say that Drudge is reporting a BLUE wave, based on exit polls
I remember watching the returns in 1980. Tuned in at 8 p.m. and the race was called at 8:15. Good times.
Fox News has a good crew. Brett Hume is still the best.
That said, I will wait until my (Democrat) fiancee goes to bed before I tune back in. It is more important to keep peace in the family.
In the event of ties everywhere the speaker of the house becomes president.
I don't have a TV and don't visit the "news" sites, so I'll just wait for reports at the usual places I visit online.
They make presidential elections into spectacles, where there is coverage at practically every moment. I don’t remember if that’s ever been done for a midterm. If that’s what’s happening now, I don’t want to see it. I’ll be curious to see what the results are tomorrow, though.
> Sorry, I meant to say that Drudge is reporting a BLUE wave, based on exit polls
I think Drudge very much wishes for a blue wave. We will see if wishes are horses.
Regarding exit polls, here's that little weasel Robby Mook, Hillary's 2016 campaign manager:
Warning: exit polls are like online dating profiles. Things may not be as they appear. And they may break your heart.
2:06 PM - Nov 6, 2018
Jersey Field notes: FIDO: 75% is nothing. Philly gets 100% routinely. Sometimes they even get more than 100%
I'll bet!
They will call all democrat wins as early as possible, they will delay all republican wins as long as possible. They will attempt ( as they do every election ) to pull another Florida early call.
Blue governor wave. I know Illinois is a lost cause.
Not watching yet-
Thinking about it, obviously. Thinking everyone will find a reason to be happy, everyone will find a reason to be angry.
In the end, the only 'victory' will be which ever party gets 218 Members elected to the House. A Pyrrhic victory.
Blue governor wave. I know Illinois is a lost cause.
kasich going down wouldn’t be a surprise. He deserves to. Why vote for dem-lite?
I’m happy no more ads.
Kasich isn't on the ballot, dewine is up against the adopted head of red squaw's contraptions,
It all basically depends on how many Republican-owned voting machines were programmed by the GOP to switch Democratic votes to Republicon.
They've also tried the usual voter suppression tricks, like limiting poll hours and requiring residential street addresses from Native Americans who live on reservations without streets, but those backfired.
Republicans are uptight people, and their mobs usually consist of lunatics clutching guns and threatening civil war. But hopefully the Trump rallies offered them enough opportunity to dress up in red, white and blue and pretend that they actually cared about the country. I can never tell if their repression and hatred of others leaves them with enough energy to actually care about the country itself, or its people.
The real question is whether Democrats can get away with vote fraud at levels never seen. Since they control most of the election apparatus, I think the answer is "yes." Or sí, if you prefer.
I'm going to watch Steve Bannon live at 8 bells.
Why not?
I haven't seen but 5 minutes of him speak, but I hear he's kind of a Sarah Palin kinda rogue. Tired of the same old screeching same olds--why not?
It's early to bed, assuming we are not awakened by rioting in the street or the sound of our American Institutions collapsing.
Hatred, fear and ethnic nationalism were never American institutions. You're thinking of Europe.
Call Bannon. He'll help you out. Bannon to the rescue!
He's saving "Western Civilization," you see. And that's a tall order. Constantine's conversion is a hell of a way to reach back for.
We're just going for the whole post-1776 part.
The real question is whether Democrats can get away with vote fraud at levels never seen.
Don't worry. Texas's (and other red states') Repubicon-owned voting machines come programmed to switch to red votes from blue.
Between that and gerrymandering you've suppressed enough of the vote to more than make up for any of the actual cases of that rare and very infrequently ever documented chimera you call "voter fraud."
Chimera? Or is it a unicorn?
A fear of fake votes for a party with alternative facts. It's splendid, isn't it?
Pee pee mouth takes things that Democrats do and says that Republicans are doing it. About 6 years ago, Democrats started using vote counting software that gives them the results they program upfront. If they want the Democrat to get 68.375% of the vote, that's the result they get at the end of the night. Republicans got a judge to issue a search warrant for the machine, but the Democratic judge ordered that the warrant was to be served the next day during business hours. Republicans filmed a crew showing up in a van at night taking away the machine and replacing it with another, but the judge refused to look at the tape.
I'm watching a replay of Fox News' coverage of the 2016 election night to pass the time waiting for tonight's results. Hillary Clinton still sucks, and whatever happens tonight, she's still not the President.
Ritmo must have just got out of bed.
That late night McDonalds shift can be really hard.
I like how Repubicons can't tell you what policies of theirs have done any good. It's kind of like they're resigning themselves to being a party of just fake marketing.
Ok, this gives me hope for the GOP. At NBCNews rights now, they show the Indiana Senate race with Mike Braun (R) at 57 and Joe Donnelly (D) at 39 with a notation "Too close to call". Now, it is only 7:42pm in Indiana, so I could accept "Too early to call", and they used that elsewhere. But here, it is "too close to call" with a 18 point lead...
It's 2016 election night all over again.
Not harder than recycling an even older than you, less original, and more crotchety demented person's fake insults, Fran D.
But go ahead with that hatred and personal attack - as boring and unoriginal as it is. I heard it's really doing wonders for your political program this year.
When hatred and fear become boring. It's Republiconism full circle.
Because it depends on which precincts have reported, Leland. Some results are predictable, some aren't.
I know, very hard stuff. Too sophisticated for a Republicon to understand.
I follow online with no talking heads- just results.
Me, too, Yancey. RealClearPolitics is the best site, IMO. Meanwhile, I can watch hockey.
I think wasn't that like when Karl Rove went into the FOX Noise poll reporters room to argue with them about how their call for Obama in '08 had to be wrong?
If Repubicons lose it will be because America just doesn't hate harshly enough.
Americans must learn to hate. It gives them focus!
They need more anger!
Use the dark side of the force, Americans. Just like Palpatine told you to do.
Trump's entire reign is basically a theft of the Star Wars Episode 3 script.
I didn't understand what the f was going on there, too.
Approx two years ago:
"Yes, on November 8, you Joe Blow, Steve Blow, Bob Blow, Billy Blow, Billy Bob Blow, all the Blows get to go and blow up the whole goddamn system because it’s your right. Trump’s election is going to be the biggest ‘fuck you’ ever recorded in human history and it will feel good."
It still feels good.
I honestly don't know if Americans are hateful enough to vote Repubicon this year.
What a shame that would be. I mean, Trump is a great president (or so he says); and we're just not good enough to deserve him.
And by not good enough I mean, we're not hateful enough.
In 2016 I went to bed early. Will do the same this year. It's an early rise for me tomorrow.
PPPT: "I know, very hard stuff. Too sophisticated for a Republicon to understand."
Hillary is a republican?
538 now gives the dems a 91.6% chance of regaining the house.
I hope and pray that the people of New Jersey can vote out Sen. Bob Menendez so that he can have some more quality time with underage Dominican hookers. I voted for his opponent, Bob Hugin.
538 now gives the dems a 91.6% chance of regaining the house.
Wow. That is less than thew 93% chance he gave for Hillary winning. Or the 97% chance he had up on the NYT election meter at around 7PM on election night.
I did the same. I woke up about 3am and gotup for awhile. While surfing everything but politics, I stumbled across clickbait saying "Who will President Trump nominate for the Supreme Court?" I thought WTF? It was the first indication I saw that he'd won.
I guess if Pee-Pee face is going to shit all over this blog I'm out.
Virginia is now unexpectedly pretty much officially blue at the national level.
Our polls are rising.
I'm honestly disappointed in Trump. All that power and he couldn't manage to bring the full apparatus of his state to bear on this?
I mean, can't he even bribe a county official or two to declare a favorable result?
I guess he can add one more of many failures to his resume.
Virginia is now unexpectedly pretty much officially blue at the national level.
Northern VA is proof that having lots of degrees doesnt mean you actually know anything.
Arlington/Alexandria/Fairfax - or as I like to call it, the Axis of Evil.
Mine is the voice of America, Browndog.
Your's is just the voice of the hateful mob. Or maybe its own Browndog.
I'm telling you why Trumpism is going to fail in America. Ignore it if you want.
For two years I had to listen to this scumbag cumstain turn America into a mini-tyranny. All his hate, the hate crimes, the hatred of his predecessor and his legacy - no matter how much of it he mooched off of. And pushing policies and governance less popular than a New York sewer rat.
And lies. About everyone and everything. Big and small. A country forced to live in a sociopath's fantasy world as he commanded the ship of state and hijacked it to that ridiculously nonsensical end.
Now is when we get to gloat. This jackass has been governing against reality for 730 days, with only his own bloated ego steering it, and the country's sick of it.
IF you don't like it, renounce your citizenship. You big baby.
There are worse options than that, though. I fully expect that Trump's blowout tonight will contribute to a nice spike in the white America suicide rate, as high as it already was.
You have been practicing a form of political slow-suicide for many years now. Putting it on steroids over the last two doesn't make it any less suicidal.
Grow up and take some responsibility for your national abomination.
I’m with you BD.
A bunch of nattering nabobs!
For years Republicons at least had the sense to understand that optimism was the winner - as much as they lied about what they could sell worth being optimistic about.
Tonight is when we find out if Trump's marketing of "American carnage" really is a winner.
Guess not. Better luck with that message next time.
Jack Wayne and Browndog crybaby are apparently forming their own circle jerk of tears.
I guess it beats contributing to the white America suicide rate.
At least, that's what the humanitarian in me feels obliged to say.
Fuck off, both of you. Your vision died in 1945. This country defeated it.
And it's never coming back, no matter how many 1929s or 2008s you keep trying to push on us.
I was absolutely stunned to find out that they were checking photo ID at our polling station in SoCal. I wonder if that was the case for all of the tables (here in my area they separate voters by different colored tables). I voted straight R ticket although I did vote for DiFi because I believe her opponent Kevin De Leon is WAY worse if you can believe it and she needs all the help she can get. Heavier turnout than the primaries but even though there were a lot more cars in the parking lot there weren't really that many people inside. Kinda weird.
What a bunch of sore losers. I guess as much as Trump's lies pumped up your tiny egos over the last two years, the next two hours will show you that reality is a little less kind of a nanny.
Total babies. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
Come on back when you're grown up enough to join reality - i.e. never.
Rut roh, where is that blue wave?
I think liberal tears are on the menu tonight.
I want to create a Republicon tear collection. Browndog and Jack Wayne can provide the first samples.
(This is exactly the kind of thing Republicons were saying two years ago, BTW).
It's not like we didn't warn these jackasses. Fascism's just not going to work in America.
Take your corporatism as far as you want. But once it crashes and burns, the only populism that's going to save it is the authentic kind - from the left.
Right-wing populism is not a real thing. It's as phony as Trump.
If it were real then you wouldn't have been fighting to shrink the electorate and suppress the vote all this time.
Time's up!
I'm not! There's U-20 world cup qualifiers on, but I may possibly eschew tv for sewing. Gotta do something with my hands/brain....
The 538 forecast has dropped to just a 39.3% chance that the Democrats take the House tonight.
Pee Pee Mouth hits the crack pipe early.
Don't stop.
Some things are like flashing lights saying “ I am an idiot”. Quoting probabilities to three significant figures in an election is one of them. Changing those numbers every few minutes is another. Nate Silver is a charlatan.
Donna Shalala is projected to win!
The only pipe I'm seeing is in Darrell's mouth.
You used to sucking on something else, Darrell?
538 is giving the Republicans a 60% chance they hold the House.
We're getting our election results on METv.
I agree with BD that someone is shitting all over this thread. I’m waiting for Henry to show up and give us a lesson on numeracy again. Or should it be INnumeracy? N8 Ag is trying desperately to save his business.
It won't be a "wave" because the D party is not clear on what it wants. But Trumpism will not win either. The electorate's being realigned. Working class politics are in. Trump and his qaeda (base) will keep fighting for the votes of people who believe his snake oil charlatanism will work for them. Moderate Republicons are out. The race will get more progressive Democrats in. This race is just about transitioning the parties. D will become more progressive, and the hold-outs among the redcoat Republcons will be the fascist-nationalists who see themselves (rightly) as the only real alternative to that, as illegitimate as they are.
538 is giving the Republicans a 60% chance they hold the House.
That's not what's on their website.
Reach down and find your tiny balls, Jack Wayne. This is the era of Trump. You fools rejected civility long ago. As well as mouth moderation or comment quotas. If you want unlimited Trump love go look at his Twitter feed FFS.
I keep worrying 538 stuff is Russian trolls.
Bannon war room--real time-
This guy knows every candidate, every demographic, getting his info real time.
Donde votar?! Donde votar?! Por favor!
Kentucky 6 is a Republican hold.
I like Decision Desk HQ. I just like everything about it, including Brandon's story and John Ekdahl's personality. Brandon had a dream and he's fulfilling it and I love it.
Indiana Senate seat flips.
Over to you, PPPT.
Braun beats Donnely...yuuuuuge
That damn Nate Silver website is cracking me up. Real time predictions! Updated with reality!
My only wish is that the GOP keeps the Senate so Attila the Hun can replace Sleepy Racist Ruth on the Supreme Court.
Florida looks real good.. close, but good
Will Florida deliver for Republicans?
So far, maybe.
I cannot wait for all of my Facebook friends to stop telling everyone they voted. I mean. Good for you I guess.
Big concern for GOP has to be the currently GOP House seats in California. They are gonna lose at least some of them - question is how many.
Tennessee looks like a safe Republican seat.
Projection is one loss in CA.
"I cannot wait for all of my Facebook friends to stop telling everyone they voted."
"Joe Donnelly of Indiana is done for. It might well be that the red state Democrat's fate was sealed by his vote against Brett Kavanaugh in the Senate."
IF FLA delivers for Republicans it would be a miracle.
Hey, MSNBC projects a Republican Senator pickup.
Sounds good for my projections.
"Gillum and Nelson are both down by about 1 percent, with 90% of the vote in."
I don’t want to hear any more MeToo crap.
NJ let the vile Menendez stay in office.
Seeing Red,
I give you the F.B.I.
--Hans Gruber
Changing to msdnc...expecting meltdowns to commence any minute. REC is enabled.
Nate Silver looks like a putz and a charlatan. That's good because he is a putz and a charlatan.
538 now gives Dems only a 5% chance of winning the Senate.
House is now 60/40 for Dems.
At least Wi gov is to close..yet..
Blackburn gets Corkers Senate seat.....yuuuuge
MSNBC is #sad
Is that fun or what?
James Carville is not happy!
funsize said...
I'm not! There's U-20 world cup qualifiers on,
Kansas is playing Michigan St - both teams look good. Duke - Kentucky up next. One reason college basketball is better than college football is that the best teams will play each other.
... Well. This is familiar looking.
Trumpism is winning.
Democrats will either learn to be progressive or keep losing.
The corporatists and milquetoasts will be turned out. As will the Republicon "moderates."
It's realigning. The Republicons are getting the message on it at least as fast if not faster than the Democrats.
Blackburn is my personal hero because she was the first female in Congress to have a cute (white) hairstyle rather than politician lady hair. That was a big breakthrough.
RK said...
538 is giving the Republicans a 60% chance they hold the House.
That's not what's on their website.
I think he was criticized for that projection and has now started doing it a different way.
here is where he retracts
Nate Silver
· 28m
Well, I'm trying to do 6 things at once -- we think our live election day forecast is definitely being too aggressive and are going to put it on a more conservative setting where it waits more for projections/calls instead of making inferences from partial vote counts.
Nate Silver
With that said, Democrats have to flip some seats at some point -- the Comstock-type districts won't quite be enough. They aren't losing many tossups yet, but they aren't winning them either.
Joy is "staying positive"..does that mean they are hoping for a D win....lol
Dang, that Trump can Stump, he's the energizer bunny, on steroids
You seem mad, Bitchmo. You mad, bro?
we think our live election day forecast is definitely being too aggressive and are going to put it on a more conservative setting where it waits more for projections/calls
I read this as "we need to encourage the Pacific Time Zone to get out to the polls and save us"!
I live in reality. I leave the emotionality to Don Drumpf and his bitch PMS. Or PMJ. Or whatever it calls itself.
According to Fox, Texas has 170 million voters.
WT ever loving F?
Get it together jackasses!
Is this the Wave?
Surfers disappointed everywhere.
PMS.. (PMJ?) is very bad at reading emotions.
It's too busy experiencing its own emotions.
And it's looking for a Drumpf to suck up to.
Insert image of a foaming-mouth drooling beastly little Tasmanian devil thing scurrying about. And getting face cancer.
At least three Senate pickups for Republicans.
According to Fox, Texas has 170 million voters.
WT ever loving F?
Get it together jackasses!
Being a state propaganda tv channel doesn't leave much to the numerically inclined.
Menendez juror is at his election party.
Texas is surprising at the moment. Early returns from blue areas? Polls had the Hispanic candidate well ahead.
Donde votar! Donde votar!
Pity the thread has been hijacked making a conversation difficult...but that's the price one pays for free speech. I'm bailing until we have a definitive result.
No worries, Ken B
The Pee Pee Man went from sore winner to sore loser in less then half an hour! Momma should have warned him to not put his trust in "blue waves".
Does Drudge look a bit douchey here? He has the headline NBC PROJECTS ... but the link is not to a call, just yet another 65% chance thing.
I'm waiting to turn on the MSNBC coverage until more races have to be called. Shadenfruede deferred.....In the meantime, I'll have to content myself with Presidential Micturation VCR's end-zone celebratus interruptus.
Is this the Wave?
Surfers disappointed everywhere.
Like reportedly killer swells in La Jolla.
Yeah, you mad Bitchmo.
So Republicans gain in the Senate.
I guess that means fuck Trump.
Hey, Jew-killing "Gunner -" sounds like you're mistaking me for Browndog and Jack Wayne, the circle jerkers of sore loserdom who took their marbles home and left before the night even got started.
There are adult literacy courses available if you have trouble reading. I'm sure they can hook you up!
Having lived in MI I’d love to see stabenow lose. But I don’t believe it. It’s close now, but I don’t believe it.
Does Drudge look a bit douchey here? He has the headline NBC PROJECTS ... but the link is not to a call, just yet another 65% chance thing.
I think he is just posting 538's weird moving odds.
You don't bother me, PMS Jeans.
You're just another hyperactive pimple on the ass of progress.
There are boot-licking losers like you everywhere. Take heart in that!
@Birkel, not so good here in Virginia. We expected Comstock to lose her seat -- the east end of the 10th district is all gated mansions and McMansions and private schools, and the limousine liberals living there were hit hard in the wallet by her vote for the Republican tax reform. She carried the west end of her district, where I live, by a huge margin but it wasn't anything like enough to overcome the east end. But Dave Brat in Virginia 7 is 500 votes behind with just 13 precincts left to report and Scott Taylor in Virginia 2 is 3100 votes behind with just 20 precincts left to report. So that may be 3 seats flipped here in Virginia.
Corey Stewart never had a chance against Smarmy Tim Kaine. His main claim to fame is that he worked on Trump's 2016 campaign, and Trump fired him.
"Well, I'm trying to do 6 things at once -- we think our live election day forecast is definitely being too aggressive and are going to put it on a more conservative setting where it waits more for projections/calls instead of making inferences from partial vote counts."
What does that even mean? I'm going to wait for someone else to call it before I call it? Help a Cracker out, stat dudes (or chicks). Alternatively, how do I get this guy's job?
WI is leaning toward Scott Walker...
Have not gained yet. Cruz is still losing to the Irishman married to the billionaire heiress.
Eddie Willers
No, I mean Drudge,s label for a link to NBC misrepresents that link.
98% votes are counted in Florida
49.9% DeSantis
48.8% Gillum
50.3% Scott
49.7% Nelson
Foxnews says that Dems win the House. Seems to early.
I take that back. Scott Taylor is back in the lead by 1000 votes with 16 precincts yet to report. However Dave Brat is still behind, by less than 300 votes, with 112 precincts left to report. Virginia went into the election with one district rated "Leans Democrat," and the Republican incumbent did lose. We also had three rated "Toss Up," all with Republican incumbents, and the GOP has won one, leading in one, and slightly behind in one. If the Republicans pull out all three then kiss the Blue Wave good bye. Even holding two out of the four is good.
Make that twelve precincts still to report in VA 7.
Saint Croix
So, 5% to come then.
You're just another hyperactive pimple on the ass of progress.
Soviet style progress!
Also, Ann, "Blue wave" is not the preferred nomenclature: its "Azul Wavo". As in "Donde Votar"
Not watching t.v. Too much noise pollution. Keeping up online where I can check what I'm interested in and ignore everything else.
Soviet style progress!
Interesting you think that's the way Trump's America is going.
Take your meds tonight Ritmo.
You need to be fresh for the McDonalds morning shift.
@Bay Area Guy - Maybe Americans really do yearn for open borders, higher taxes, and a lot more homosexuality. We will see.
I hope not - but there's a lotta Leftwing voters in CA and elsewhere who certainly do.
Keep up the hate, condescension, contempt and phoniness, Fran. An 80-year old has-been is your model (and apparent joke-writer) but perhaps one day, you too can hope to be a real boy! With a will and a mind of your own!
Just not today. Or probably in ten years.
I don't know if Scott will be able to hold Nelson off in Florida. Most of what is left to report in Florida is in Miami-Dade and Broward. There are a few counties where Scott is doing well with votes to count, but my back of the envelope calculation shows it very possible to make up the 85,000 deficit in just those two counties alone. Most of the panhandle shows 100% in, so Scott doesn't have a reservoir of votes there. It will come down to the wire, I think.
DeSantis in a better position, though- a bigger lead by about 20,000 than does Scott.
wave = ola
blue wave= ola azul
On the Texas race- those vote totals look like early vote numbers, and it is likely that a big pile of them were already reported, but without the precincts being finished- look at the percent reporting-7.3% with over 5 million votes counted makes no sense. It wouldn't surprise me if the big cities turned in the early vote more than did the rural areas.
Scott called winner in Florida.
Indiana flips.
North Dakota flips.
Sorry, Democrats and worrisome conservatives.
Now what?
2 and 3 contradict each other.
It's too early. Watch Giant in the meantime. It's on.
I think the various ways these are breaking just illustrate how balkanized the country is. Different districts, different issues. Trump went after Republicons he no longer felt were helpful to his one-man show, and those dudes are out. Democrats in some districts are winning on female identity politics, in others probably on progressivism and a rejection of corporatism. The country is not united, it's become more tribal. Why shouldn't it, after 2 years of Trumpism? Things are re-aligning within both parties and pretty much going exactly as you'd predict. Trump may be a charlatan, but his nationalism is and always was the evil twin toxic sibling of progressivism. These forces are are moving together. RINOs and corporate Democrats are both being flushed out.
So, 5% to come then.
don't drive over my bridge!
I worked with an Officer when I was at Air Mobility Command as a Test Manager. This was about 6 years ago. When he retired, I asked him what his plans were. He said he was going to move back home and run for Congress. In 2016 he lost to the incumbent by 10 points or so. I think this year the SOB just might pull it off. I hope so - he is uber conservative. Or should I say, mucho?
@SweatBee, that's what I'm doing too.
@Bay Area Guy - but even if Berkeley has 700% turnout, they still have 1 seat. We are required to believe as Nate Silver does that 24 districts who went Republican in 2016 are now SO unhappy that they will switch.
Ok, a big chunk from Broward has landed, but only reduced Scott's lead by 13,000- still up by 71,000 votes. It might be close to callable in both the Senate and governor's race. These would be big for the Reps- both races.
If I were in Texas, I'd vote for the Hispanic fellow: Roberto Rourke.
We are required to believe as Nate Silver does that 24 districts who went Republican in 2016 are now SO unhappy that they will switch.
Many were no doubt Democrat seats. They'll go with Trump's manufacturing rhetoric, but not to have their health care taken away - let alone for the sake of some non-Trump Republiclone douchebag with no mind of his own. These people vote economics not ideology. Duh.
Fuckin' Menendez won in NJ - what a sleazeball. Where's the #metoo folks when you really need them?
I set the over/under at 55.5 at the end....
So it looks like 55 are a solid bet.
Wonder if I get to 56.
Come on Montana!
PPPT believes economics and jobs do not track .
PPPT is stupid.
Fuckin' Menendez won in NJ - what a sleazeball. Where's the #metoo folks when you really need them?
Standing up to the bigger sleaze ball known as "Trump," which his party NEVER WILL. Duh. Identity politics for women does not favor the party of Trump. Or his VP who's afraid to be alone with a woman and calls his wife "mother." How hard is that to understand?
Heitkamp...........gone in ND....biggly
I continue my maverick voter status here in Massachusetts, and remain dumbfounded to believe that this state, like NY, CT, DE, MD, were part of the Original 13.
Florida can be called- Scott will win and so will DeSantis.
Haven't seen any results yet from AZ.
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