"And Mexico will not be able to sell their cars into the United States where they make so many at great benefit to them — not a great benefit to us, by the way. But at least now we have a good new trade deal with Mexico and with Canada. But we will close the border. And that means that Mexico is not going to be able to sell their cars into the United States until it’s open. But we’re going to either have a border or we’re not. And when they lose control of the border on the Mexico side, we just close the border. And we have a very powerful border. We built a very strong border in a very short period of time. And the military has been fantastic, the job they have done.... You know, I’m the first president who’s done to this extent, but they wanted this for years. And some of the presidents, I guess they didn’t care or they wanted open borders. I don’t think they wanted open borders. Because most of them, if you go back to 2006, they all approved essentially a wall, a very powerful fence, which is pretty much the same thing. But in 2006, if you look, Obama, you look at Hillary Clinton, you look at Schumer, all of the people that are standing up protesting, they think it’s good for them politically. See, I think it’s bad for them politically. I think the fact that they’re weak on the border is very, very bad for them politically. But you know, I have only been a politician for three years so maybe they know better than me."
From the transcript at Grabien News (which also has video).
५८ टिप्पण्या:
"Maybe they know better than me"
Good one! Schumer is doing what is good for him personally politically, but at the expense of his party and his country.
And off topic, but I have to work and am reading this morning.
Chris Salcedo on Steve Scalise at Townhall:
"Scalise profiles this deranged wanna-be killer as, “living a kind of double existence. While quiet and unassuming in person, he was angry and confrontational online.” Every key stroke was even more extreme than the previous, the same barrage of loathing toward Republicans and conservatives that sadly has become the hallmark of the modern day left since the election of President Trump. Like his masked ANTIFA brethren, his online anonymity made him bolder and seemed to compound his discontent. This dark side of social media has led many to believe it’s a primary driver of the ever-growing and violent divide among our people. This one man would unload his venom in a hail of gunfire. It would take a small army to heal the myriad wounds he would inflict."
Sound familiar?
You think you know what happened to Congressman Steve Scalse?
No wonder the intelligentsia is throwing fits over Trump's language!
There is a very clear message in there to the Mexican government to either be helpful or Trump is going to make sure they get as much difficulties on their side as he can possibly stir up.
Do it!
And then watch some Obama judge order it opened.
A day ending in Y I suppose.
And that means that Mexico is not going to be able to sell their cars into the United States until it’s open.
More importantly, cars stolen here in AZ won't be able to cross the border.
Previous administrations have given Mexico the political equivalent of a time out. Now someone is willing to actually punish them. Choices have consequences.
Do it!
And then watch some Obama judge order it opened.
The obviously poor decision making of a select few judges makes the proletariat mistrust all judges. There should be an expectation of cruel neutrality.
However, and I have said this before, cannot judges only rule on something if someone actually brings a case? And if so, shouldn’t there be a defendant in the case? We only hear the judges ruling, and not the arguments made, and by whom.
The Mexican people may be all for helping the "refugees" pass through Mexico on their way to the U.S. as a way to aggravate the gringos a little (payback is a bitch, etc.), but having them stay in Mexico for a prolonged period is another thing, and having a substantial portion of the "caravan" just plain stay is not at all desirable. No sir, no way Jose!
Good - Trump is a president who actually tries to improve things one by one.
You can say what you want. But until you let the rubber hit the road, it is cheap talk.
I would hate to be an American expat in Mexico right now. Just saying.
Do it!
I travel to Mexico on business and our family travels there for vacations and visits to friends. Is Trump locking the border for travel into Mexico?
Is he stopping all the vegetable trucks moving into the US? That will go over well at the supermarket.
Is he stopping all the vegetable trucks moving into the US?
E Coli meds hardest hit.
I love it. Trump rants, incoherently,* and his fans love it. Maybe he will power the border closing using steam?
* - The rant is incoherent, but I take no stand as to whether Trump is himself incoherent. Maybe he just knows that incoherence will rile up his opponents and that his fans are mouth-foamers?
I travel to Mexico
Get your drugs and guns from China, like the rest of us do.
For those who haven't been paying attention, Trump's opening position is never his most reasonable.
This is wrong on so many levels...
Tcrosse observes: For those who haven't been paying attention, Trump's opening position is never his most reasonable.
Negotiation. I'll ask a ridiculously high price and you'll think you're getting a deal when I cut it by 25%.
Some border checkpoints here in AZ were temporarily shut down the other day simply because they needed to catch up with processing the huge influx of migrants.
Again, Venezuela watching, waiting...
And the border was shut in both directions due to staffing limitations.
One word.... Stupid.
Vicki from Pasadena
@ mockturtle said ...
More importantly, cars stolen here in AZ won't be able to cross the border.
How much $$$$ is this industry???
AZ and CA? NM too?
Who is winking on the other side of.
*Amber alert system* for stolen car can't be too hard to put in place for tech industry and insurance.
Thanks for this useless update on yet another useless installment of something meaningless that Orange Hitler says. I saw a VICE special within the last few days that shows the border "barrier" in Arizona. There's not a goddamn thing there and thousands walk back and forth constantly.
Trump either wants this issue to be like Republican abortion (something he rallies votes with but never resolves since that would put it to rest and remove his political power) or is just too much of an inflammatory dumbass to reel in his rhetoric, make some deals and compromises and get the appropriations to reinforce the security and barriers.
I think it's both. If someone really cared about reinforcing the border they would do it quietly and without this much noise. Trump just wants to make noise. Everyone knows that.
So he will keep it unsecured where people walk back and forth but close the legitimate border to legal shipping and import/export. What a fucking genius - by which I mean the word "moron."
No matter. His base is too stupid to know the difference either and that's all that matters to him. They will lap this up.
*Amber alert system* for stolen car can't be too hard to put in place for tech industry and insurance.
Here in Yuma, the car would be already across the border before an alert could be sent out. In fact, it would be over the border before it was noticed missing.
People are outraged that Trump actually does things to try and solve problems. Libs are such sissies.
Of course it’s a great benefit to us! Trade is good for both parti. THIS is the kind of thing Trump should be slammed for - economic ignorance - not porn stars or collusion fantasies. But he won’t be; it'll be back to “literally Hitler” and “cock holster for Vladimir Putin” by tomorrow.
Reagan closed the border until we got the body of Kiki Camerena back.
Or he closed the border as a taste of what could happen if we didn’t get him back.
Stop the remittances. That’ll get their attention. A lot of Mexicans go back home for the holidays.
Bullying and threatening other countries will obviously come at a cost down the road. Trump moves on to the next thing, but memories will almost certainly linger in the citizens and governments of the countries he attempts to push around.
Wow, have your comments pages gotten stupid, Althouse. They may be following lead from you.
Such an order by Trump (if we can even imagine such an order) wouldn’t last 24 hours in a federal court. And it wouldn’t take “an Obama judge” to enjoin it; any federal judge would do it in a New York minute.
It wouldn’t just be the ACLU suing; General Motors, Ford, Nestle, Rexnord, Halliburton, Caterpillar, Black & Decker, Cargill and Tyson Foods would be among thousands of businesses that would sue and would quickly win in a federal court,
This is more meaningless trash talk from Trump. He cannot and will not unilaterally shut down the border including all trade. And he is a dumbass for pretending that he could.
Ken B with the dumbest comment on the thread thus far- Donald Trump is ignorant of economics! Yes, folks, our billionaire businessman and NYC real estate developer is an economic ignoramus. Dismiss his entire work history and the astonishing and unprecedented success of his singular presidential fiscal and trade policies- Dis guy don't know what he's doin'!
Get busy with the stupid Craig, Cook, PeePee boy, and Inga! That one won't be topped easily. Too bad ARM/Shiloh isn't around to help since he was always good for blithering hot takes.
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, tired of his own racist past, takes the position that the United States cannot have a border and the country must allow the Chamber of Commerce set immigration policy.
One wonders if Chuck is once again in full operational alignment with Democrats.
And here Chuck is to remove doubt.
Annie C said... [hush][hide comment]
And off topic, but I have to work and am reading this morning.
Chris Salcedo on Steve Scalise at Townhall:
"Scalise profiles this deranged wanna-be killer as, “living a kind of double existence. While quiet and unassuming in person, he was angry and confrontational online.” Every key stroke was even more extreme than the previous, the same barrage of loathing toward Republicans and conservatives that sadly has become the hallmark of the modern day left since the election of President Trump. Like his masked ANTIFA brethren, his online anonymity made him bolder and seemed to compound his discontent. This dark side of social media has led many to believe it’s a primary driver of the ever-growing and violent divide among our people. This one man would unload his venom in a hail of gunfire. It would take a small army to heal the myriad wounds he would inflict."
Sound familiar?
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
I'll be happy to meet either that sociopath Jeans or Moon in person and kick both of their asses. Either individually or together.
Of course, Trump continues to perpetuate the Great White Male DIe-Off so both of them will have shortened lifespans thanks to him anyway. But if either one of them had the balls to show themselves they could get their wish a heck of a lot earlier and in the way they prefer.
11/22/18, 11:11 PM
Blogger Narayanan Subramanian said...
*Amber alert system* for stolen car can't be too hard to put in place for tech industry and insurance.
11/23/18, 9:38 AM
You can GPS and chip a car to know location and disable it.
Mexico did nothing to stop this caravan, did nothing to stop the previous ones, and plans to do nothing in the future. At some point, Mexico either has to change this policy, or the US has to stop the caravans at the Mexico/US border. If the US government is going to just allow the caravans into the country, then Mexico need do nothing.
Tell me, what is the logical argument against forcing the asylum applicants to remain in Mexico? We make asylum applicants in Pakistan remain in Pakistan.
Blogger Chuck said...at 11:27am..
"Wow, have your comments... gotten stupid, ...Chuck." Classic from a know nothing lawyer on economic subjects! Sure a Judge can rule in the favor of Ford, as an example, forcing Trump to open the border. Next week Trump will order the border to close again for a different reason. You're an economic illiterate who assumes only full closure extracts a price. Chaos at the border over the long term forces economic entities to review their relationships with Mexico. Thereby, forcing Mexico to make a rational decision about their lack of immigration enforcement.
If anyone's ever in the market for a tattle-tailing, whining, uber-feminist SJW who doesn't know if Trump's border policy is actually stopping illegal immigration or not - (but will lick Trump's butt anyway), they can always decide to read the cries of FullMoon.
It's funny how the little guy doesn't think comments are visible until it quotes them. It's like it's re-posting them as a plea, a cry to see if others will help interpret them for it.
Even its fellow Trump-lovers find it obnoxious and want it to leave.
FullMoon said...
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
I'll be happy to meet either that sociopath Jeans or Moon in person and kick both of their asses. Either individually or together.
Translation: Waaaaahhhhhh!!!! Mommy!!! He triggered me!!!
Of course, Trump continues to perpetuate the Great White Male DIe-Off so both of them will have shortened lifespans thanks to him anyway. But if either one of them had the balls to show themselves they could get their wish a heck of a lot earlier and in the way they prefer.
So are you pro-Trump's shortening of the America lifespan or against it? By just quoting it it looks like you must approve.
I'll take this as a sign that you are in favor of his efforts to shorten your lifespan.
Thank you. ;-)
Amazing how some people (and most "pundits" and journalists) have learned nothing about Trump's way of thinking and Trump's methods after nearly 2 years of watching him as President.
Let me buy you a clue. Trump:
a) knows that most people and countries act according to their own best interests
b) knows that for most people and countries their own best interests consist of making a lot of money so they can buy things they want.
c) The United States of America is the world's largest market and buyer of foreign goods, and yet there's very little from outside of the United States of American we have to get from outside and very very little we have to get from a single supplier outside the country (some rare minerals and/or elements come to mind).
With this in mind what is his "close the border strategy"? It isn't to keep everyone out - he knows he can't do that even with a fence (though the wall would handle most of it). His close the border strategy is to threaten Mexico in their pocketbook - to hurt their economy badly - which is something can do and will hurt them much more than us (as China, Germany, and France have belately learned). And the pain will continue until they do something about their problem of letting (i.e., faciliating) "migrants" across their country and into ours. And their own people too.
Pay attention, people. Use common sense. See patterns. Try not to be an idiot leftist or stupidly adn reflexively anti-Trump.
Closing the border borders on insanity.
Build the wall with deer carcasses, just to make Trumpit sad!
Democrat party members assuring us that Trump is crazy, his speech reckless and dangerous, disaster sure to follow. Like clockwork, they are wrong, ridiculous and hysterical,
"But you know, I have only been a politician for three years so maybe they know better than me."
And he slays 10,000 Philistines with the jaw-bone of an ass. How can you not love it?!
With the Mexican people beginning to notice that having all these strangers tramping through their country is not exactly in their best interests - in fact it is rather unpleasant and also costs a lot of money they would rather have spent on themselves - Trump is also serving notice to the Mexican government that he can cause them further troubles with their own people if it continues to facilitate these "refugee" caravans.
This is one way to make Mexico pay for the wall.
What a monster Trump is, deliberately trying to cause a shortage of Democratic voters.
RE: Closing the southern border.
The less-than-intelligent lefties always view Trump's pronouncements as policies. They are strategies.
Trumpit: "Closing the border borders on insanity."
Ever growing list of countries that have decided its okay to be "insane" by Trumpit standards:
and on and on.....
I notice that none of the dipshits progs and Democrat party members here have slithered back to this thread to apologize for doubting our favorite president in the wake of the news this morning that Mexico will be keeping ALL the illegal Invaders on Mexican territory until further notice. Trump shows you all how to win, he is an outstanding defender and ambassador of our country, and there isn't one single Democrat party member with the grace and guts to admit that. Democrat party scumbags....
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