"... and Texas’s early potential delegate haul has not been lost on those trying to push Beto O’Rourke into the race. Ahead of a nationwide contest that could come down to a delegate-counting exercise simply because of the sheer number of potential candidates, the thinking goes, any marginal advantage counts. 'It won’t stop candidates from doing all the early state stuff, but it changes the calculus overall,' says one Democratic fundraiser aligned with Harris, who’s spoken with national strategists how the calendar shift will play out. 'It changes where you put your resources.'"
From "How Early Voting Could Turn the Democratic 2020 Race on Its Head" (NY Magazine).
१२७ टिप्पण्या:
DJT will lose in 2020.
The next POTUS: Warren or Harris or Klobuchar
The next VPOTUS: Harris, Klobuchar, or Booker
Best guess of winning ticket: Warren/Booker
Here’s to hoping it’s a hideously expensive knife fight.
No chance of Warren/Booker. Two truly strange birds. Fake news? These two are fake people.
Agree Trump probably loses. Beto/Harris are the ones he should worry about. If that happens there’ll be a mass movement of people to that remote desert isle. Always wondered what became of Gilligan. Guess he got a gig as god to some primitives. Works as long as he can keep people away.
I have always wondered why the Hell we let the dim bulbs in Iowa and New Hampshire run our Presidential election process. It's not like we have to.
What a perfect mechanism for the open borders party to foist their will on the rest of the country. There will be speed bumps of sorts, of course. Perhaps outright rejection of California politics. Bring it on!
This might be the election that the Corrupt Establishment/Hysterical Pretend Socialist divide leaves the Democrat Party limp and exhausted by the time the General rolls around. Except that I don’t think that divide actually exists. The Democrats excel at making sure that everyone gets paid. It’s the source of their lock-step unity.
The more money that gets wasted “pushing” Beto and Harris the better. When the cuckolded donors get screwed in the end by Hillary, perhaps they’ll have learned a thing or two.
Arrrrggghhhh, mateys, there the she-beast be, Californica!! Spotted off Santa Barbara, they left the creature be, arggghhh. GRR, in the harbor SHE BE lad, Mister Stowe, prepare the grenadiers, today extra groggggg!!!! arggghhh!!!! THE SHE-BEAST!!!
Blogger Jupiter said...”I have always wondered why the Hell we let the dim bulbs in Iowa and New Hampshire run our Presidential election process. It's not like we have to.”
That’s right — screw the whole notion of “if it plays in Peoria” . The new paradigm is “if it plays in Sacramento.”
Personally I want Amy to be POTUS. But it is Liz to lose! You need a guy to defeat DJT fans. So Cory is the VPOTUS. Beto is a joke.
@Rajkumar Raosinhji: Great impression of America’s Politico.
Early voting will only give us more months to savor buyers remorse before we hold our noses while voting in November.
They are setting the table for Hillary's breakfast. Bon appetit!
Dems should keep hammering the “not Trump” message, it’s not like they stand for anything else viable nationwide. What they do stand for — open borders, unfettered abortion, stricter gun control, etc. — just doesn’t play well in Peoria. So they should stick with “not Trump.” Maybe even form a coalition with the Romney wing of the GOP.
What fresh hell awaits?
I predict that Kamala Harris will strike an ICEberg and starting listing starboard.
Steve Bannon at Oxford Union a few weeks ago said if Beto lost by less than 6-points, he would run for Prez.
She’ll go down headfirst.
Beto lost by ~2% running as a librul regressive in the Repubic of Tejas. Ergo ipso facto, he's got a shot across the country.
Bannon said Trump fucked up by focus on senate rather than house. It is a sign that they are not making the required inroads into black, latino and asian demographics which he says are required to beat the democrats
Robert Francis turns into "Beto"
Kamala Harris would be a much tougher opponent.
“Steve Bannon at Oxford Union a few weeks ago said if Beto lost by less than 6-points, he would run for Prez.”
It’s a given that Beto or Harris would win CA. The strategic challenge is to win enough of the rest of the nation. So once again, CA is irrelevant.
Cali will give Kamala an undeserved headstart. Will it be enough to offset her hillary level lack of campaigning chops and her disastrous back story?
Give me beto. Callow and unaccomplished, he is smarter with less baggage than the rest. Dems will think he is hispanic.
Warren is DOA after the genetics thing, and the exposure of her fraudulent claims. Trump should be so lucky as to run against her.
Harris is a fool, but that's no impediment.
Beto is a preening empty suit. He has no experience, and no qualifications. I think he's probably the front runner at this point.
The Dems may want someone who wins elections.
Why not Sinema? Or Keith Ellison? He beats people.
@Howie: Texas is not exactly a bellwether state.
btw, “bellwether” has a fascinating etymology. I wonder if Althouse ever blogged it?
Kamala Harris’s message to Middle America: “I may not stand for your interests, but at least I’m not Trump or Hillary.” That’s really about the best she can do.
Is it they are utterly crazy, 'wild in the streets' it's like zombieland before the cannibalism
"Beto" O-Rourke reminds me of James Coburn.
I'll post the link again. Very interesting talk.
Bannon @ Oxford
Beto has a poor stage presence. He looks uncomfortable and he mis-modulates his voice. Awkward best describes him.
Harder to defend 40-50 seats, than hold a handful of Senate ones:
The more the system encourages Democrats to front-load weak candidates, the better.
Frum makes this hard to stomach
Bannon v Frum Munk Debate
Bannon says dems kicked rep ass in mid-term house race: they worked harder getting out the vote. Bannon also says reps need to stop voter supression if they want to get naturally conservative minorities to vote for them.
With so many quality contenders the best strategy for Democrats in 2020 may be to run more than one candidate in the general.
-said no headline anywhere
Beto has a good chance. All the people inspired by Obama will be inspired by Beto. He can use the change and hope schtick again.
He’ll do very well in the suburbs like Obama did. He’ll get some crossover endorsements from Jeff Flake and Jeb and other retired Republicans. Maybe Mitt will throw him an endorsement.
Beto will be very good at the tears and determination when terrorists kill Americans like W was or school shooting like Obama.
We will gain our respect in the world again from France and Germany and England as the Muslims tear those countries up and their childless leaders pass away after Fine Speeches.
Hopefully, the Golden State Warriors will still be good so they can visit the Beto White House and promote the NBA against Guns and Take a Knee.
We will have our Country Back.
The Beto Utopia.
That's exactly what California and the United States needs, for California to become more important in Democratic politics.
Hillary can skip all the early states who hate her, and steal it later. Rachel is fine with that strategy.
The number of candidates will favor Clinton- all she really needs to do is to torpedo Harris- she can beat Warren heads up.
Howard: "Frum makes this hard to stomach
Bannon v Frum Munk Debate"
Bannon, regardless of what anyone might think about him, spends his allotted time focused on events and policies and results that have unfolded over the last 40 years or so and how that explains where we are today.
Frum spends every minute insulting everyone who disagrees with him.
Even worse was Frum's utter unwillingness to address the clear facts of American elitist policies writing off American industry, whole swaths of the American heartland, and the use of Americas armed forces as the dispisable plaything for the Davos set.
A clear example of why the elites from both parties never saw Trump coming and still dont know how to respond.
Had Hillary not hacked the dem nominating process Bernie would have won the nomination. That, along with Brexit, resurgent nationalism across all continents, and collapsing support for western european leaders would have cemented historys judgement on the performance of these self-styled "elites".
Rachel Maddow is all in for Hillary.
New York Times reported on Hillary's Secretary of State Money grubbing/ family indulgence in Russia. (no wonder she needed a private server!) - That fact is absent IN any of Rachel Maddow's reporting. It must be Fox News propaganda.
Democrats - they all suck. Find one who isn't in it to stuff their own coffers.
Good luck.
Kamala compared Immigration and Customs to the KKK.
She's a fucking dangerous moron. But mildly better than Hillary and Bill.
Civil rights are lost with super delegates, activist judges, excessive immigration, and inferred votes.
The funny think about Robert O'Rourke is that he's not Hispanic. The left made him an honorary Hispanic by changing his name to Beto.
It's actually Bob.
n.n: "Civil rights are lost with super delegates, activist judges, excessive immigration, and inferred votes."
I disagree with including super delegates in that list.
Political parties can set up their processes anyway they see fit. The fact the dems turned their process into a farce is their own problem.
Love Donald Trump or hate him, he's starting to cost Republicans.
In New Jersey's Senate race, voters reelected a certifiable crook (BFF/enabler of a FL doctor who pleded to 67 Medicare felonies) over a moderate Republican (in my upper middle-class town by 25 points!) because of Trump, who was not on the ballot.
In Connecticut's Senate race, voters tossed out a moderate Republican for a 22-year-old, again because of Trump.
Without Trump, those races might have turned out differently.
There is only so much people can take of obnoxious personalities. It's why, yes, Ted Cruz beat Beto the show pony, but Cruz got 340,000 fewer votes than the less wearying Republican governor did in his race. In Texas!
A prevailing thesis about the 2016 presidential race is that Trump didn't win but Hillary Clinton lost.
It's not hard to imagine a 2020 race that Trump will lose.
Robert O'Rourke is a billionaire (by inheritance/marriage) lily white dude who pretended to be something he isnt.
He should team up with Pocahontas Warren.
If you read thru that tangled mess - it's all code for - We are going to pick the areas who will pick Hillary. It's all going to be rigged again.
Have fun dems. With the same old same ole.
It belongs to Hillary, but what if they determine that she can't even run a pretense of a national campaign due to her health. Other than Chelsea, who would be her surrogate - Kaine?
Noting belongs to Hillary - unless they rig it. Which is what will probably happen.
If it looks like an ugly Dem primary, I expect a True Con Never Trumper to ruin one of his few advantages by staging a nasty and expensive primary.
I don't get it. A presidential campaign is a major investment of money and effort for a political party. It defines how they're going to be seen for the next four years. They should want a little market testing before anointing the early favorite.
How many times have we seen a dud candidate get all the early money and flame out when it turns out they can't connect with actual voters?
Now you want to put the big money primaries early in the schedule?
You're going to end up with someone the donors love, who can't shake a hand to save her life.
Last time it was Hillary, and how well did that work out?
The Republican equivalent was Jeb Bush, who wouldn't have been any better.
Beto has a poor stage presence. He looks uncomfortable and he mis-modulates his voice. Awkward best describes him.
In the Cruz-Beto debate, Beto seemed to give up about 30-40 IQ points.
Cruz was very precise with his language. Beto relied on the old college term paper strategy: If you cannot dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.
Hickenlooper-Tusli Gabbard
That would be exciting. But he's not leftwing enough. I doubt he'd call Immigrations and Customs the KKK. He's also not a money grubber like the Clintons. Personal money grubbing is a an important factor with the Rachel Maddow crowd.
Best guess of winning ticket: Warren/Booker
Yeah. You go with that.
Bannon said Trump fucked up by focus on senate rather than house.
That's because Bannon's an idiot. The Senate is far, far more important than the House. Always has been. Always will be.
Obama, Kamala and Beto. It sure seems like the Dems place a lot of importance on looks. Heck, you could even go back to Kennedy.
Blogger Unknown said..."Early voting will only give us more months to savor buyers remorse before we hold our noses while voting in November."11/24/18, 11:41 AM
I agree - it is a pure undemocratic action pushed by 'Party Elites' on both sides to pull the wool over voters' eyes.
Don't understand all the comments about "Beto" and "Kamala"? Democrats don't have enough money to push "Beto" nationally - vs. the ungodly sums they used to foist him over Texas. Secondarily, "Kamala" is not that well liked in California. However, since CA has its elections late it wouldn't matter. She would lose in a landslide against Trump or Haley.
So according to Crazy Jane, Trump cost Republicans two Senate seats in the bluest of blue states.
Did Trump cost Republicans Senate seats in North Dakota, Missouri, Indiana and Florida?
The Democratic nominee in 2020 will probably be someone nobody is talking about now. It's happened before that the nominee has come out of nowhere.
Two candidates who exploited their sex appeal to rise to national prominence.
Howard Schultz (D. Starbucks).
There are two kinds of white Hispanics. One is good, the other bad. The press decides based on the needs of the Democrats.
Kamala Harris: Willie Brown's mattress.
I remember when "gravitas" was important in a candidate.
I remember when "gravitas" was important in a candidate.
Still is. It's Latin for "gravy".
They'll put on their high school clothes and duke it out.
How is a self aggrandizing, fake, 'trust fund baby' billionaire supposed to win...the...presidenc…
Never mind.
How hot would the new First Lady be? Asking for a friend.
Nah. I am sticking with Melania. She has a quiet dignity that Soccer Mom O'Rourke lacks...and Melanian's rack is nicer.
I will stick with the rack that brung me.
Trump will have an advantage because his manifest flaws are baked in. You either like him or you don't.
A Kamala Harris, a Warren or a Beto will be forced to defend talking points that the Press has refused to press these candidates on in public. The 'accepted wisdom' of the chattering classes is not so accepted by people who do not start their zip codes with a 0- or a 9-
When discounting Trump's chances, just remember that Trump did better in this midterm than others who recently went on to win reelection, and they did not have the record of a strong economy, less foreign wars, and success in trade and foreign relations which Trump may well have at his back. In other words, the facts at this point do not discount his chances at all. The disdain of media mouthpieces is not the same as polling results let alone votes.
Hey, did anyone hear that ISIS is on the roll and winning ground?
That's right, you didn't, and you likely didn't hear how that horrible, unsolvable, inevitable situation we were in just a couple years ago has mostly evaporated,... silently, unheralded, unappreciated, and unreported.
IMO, the Dems need to run a Gen-X candidate for Prez if they really want to beat Dronald.
Salsa is Latin for Gravy
But hey, Kamala Harris, Warren, and Beto have been out there getting things done for the American people. I just can't think of what those things are right now.
Blogger Jim at said...
Bannon said Trump fucked up by focus on senate rather than house.
That's because Bannon's an idiot.
>>>>>>>>>>What a stoopid cuck you are.
Bannon first got Brexit elected, then Trump.
He succeeded because he fingered out how to exploit data via friendface to attract and swing voters in a very targeted way.
Many people have ritten books about this genius move of Bannon
Now, he has helped get several conservatives in EU States elected.
In resposse, Brusselles is trying to shut him down
Blogger Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Kamala compared Immigration and Customs to the KKK.
She's a fucking dangerous moron. But mildly better than Hillary and Bill.
Morons arn't dangerous, sweetie. That's why your gormlessness is why you r so harmless
Indian (Hindi) women in this country are crazy smart. I know, rasis, right?
Early voting is a sham, as is vote by mail and vote by computer. The idea behind it is that ever more marginal voters -- those who place the least value on their vote -- will cast their votes more often.
What is the goal? Better representation of people who don't care how they are governed?
At some point it's all arbitrary, isn't it? We forbid people one day short of eighteen years from voting, and allow people to vote who are unlikely to see the sun rise.
When a citizen is unwilling to spend the time it takes to watch a Seinfeld rerun to register, go to a polling place, & vote, I value their vote as much as they do.
In 2020, 20 Republican Senate seats will be up for re-election.
Dems won the House. In 2020, they go for the gold: Senate + WH.
How? By having a great ticket:
POTUS -- Liz Warren or Amy Klobuchar: The better alternative to Trump any day, any time, any century. They win bigly. Across the nation.
VPOTUS -- This is a check-box. What can we do to not alienate the outliers. Simple: Booker or Harris. It will be Booker. He will get the Dems to the finish line by getting the blue-collar vote and the minority men vote.
All over. Game over. GOP go home for good.
“I remember when "gravitas" was important in a candidate.”
So why did you vote for Trump?
Instead we have Acosta..and Snoop Dog Mueller and his Dem hack squad.
What a stoopid cuck you are.
Once again, using words you don't understand.
Warren and Booker.
The bleating drama queens ticket.
Michele Obama.
Black, woman,young(er,) celebrity and brings Barack along. Another 2 for 1.
They are racking up hundreds of millions in donations to their foundation, as well as the millions in book, tv and speaking fees.
Meanwhile, Clinton foundation donations down around 90% or so.
Isn't Obesity is a variety of gravitas?
Hillary has it too.
Bannon first got Brexit elected, then Trump.
That's a mark of ignorance, Howie. I was an early Trump supporter and that had nothing to do with Steve Bannon. I had never even heard of Bannon. I enjoyed Bannon when he came on board for the general campaign and when he served briefly because he made the right heads explode. But he didn't "get Trump elected." You can go ahead and credit Bannon for the rightwing swig heilers, but Trump's real strategy was cherry picking crossover voters. Hillary knows this and that's why she, the de facto candidate, is tacking right.
Greg Hlatky said...Kamala Harris: Willie Brown's mattress.
That's also where she go her head start. So to speak.
"The funny think about Robert O'Rourke is that he's not Hispanic. The left made him an honorary Hispanic by changing his name to Beto."
"It's actually Bob."
It will be interesting how Trump plays this. I think that if I were Trump, I might make some joke on the "Bob" like "Bagdad Bob" or something. But I think that "Bob" will have to be in the nickname to remind everyone that he is a fake Hispanic, just like Pocahontas is a fake Indian. Harris might be a bit harder - can't really get away with calling her "Willie Brown's mattress". That would, I think, be too much even from Trump.
Gophers about to take Paul Bunyan's axe from da badgers in Camp Randall... can ann hear the boos from the meadehaus? Now wisconsin can't even dominate in FOOTball, nevermind academics or state economy... The curse of a failed Scot walker... Sad.
Losing must be contagious... Whoa, turnover! Minnesota football! I love it...
...and it is TOUCHDOWN Gophers... I remember when Wisconsin was great once... Lol. Is this what 17k in taxes now buys ya?
Ted Cruz is Cuban.
Bob O'Rourke - he's not Hispanic. He's just a white dude married to a wealthy woman.
eh -so what - he's also not Hillary. Go Bob!
Good Gravy - look what the creepy mind-crime assholes on the left are doing toWinston Churchill - and an astronaut.
well seeing as he was the last of the co captains along with Kellyanne, and breitbart provided breathing space, but he was too impatient on tariffs and a little too agitated over the Syrian and north Korean crisises, hence he talked to wolf, and stockmanned himself,
And it is more than half freshman forinnesota heading to the bowl game.A torch has been passes. What is this? Another turnover? and Minnesota ball? Are the badgers trying to concede? 😀
did he even speak Spanish, that's not a prerequisite, remember how they made a big deal of tim 'clem kaddiddle hopper' kane's fluency, as with the sprout kennedy,
Didn't the Cruz / o' Rorke contest end over a week ago? Time to move on, ladies?
ESPN 2. Get your heads back in the game.
Move on? Bob is just gettin' started.
Another score. MN 36 WI 7.
Do women really your dream about beta bob? I just don't see the attraction...
30 point lead. And this is not an Alabama... It is MN freshmen. Wow wisco has fallen.
Kamala is officially - Immigration and Customs = the KKK Cray Cray.
Take any democrat candidate very seriously. Think Senator Elect Kyrsten Sinema.
The left will not stop until we are thoroughly fucked over.
Speaking of Californians.... my LA-born daughter-in-law and my son are spending the night in Madison (tonight) and wonder what they could do tomorrow for a couple of hours before continuing their journey back to Minneapolis. Fit & healthy professionals in their late 30's. Music lovers. Work in medical field. They're enroute from Michigan as we speak.
Tell them to find the arboretum, Rosa, bundle up and listen to the sounds of nature. Good walking after a long car ride and downtown Madison is always so dirty and littered after game day. I would steer clear of the natives too as they might not be so friendly and welcoming to outsiders these days. Losers are like that.
Are they white ex Californians? That will matter...
Unknown: She's Native. They'd like the arboretum. Thanks!
Harris and Flake, the Dem ticket. The Dems are moving fast to the farther reaches of the Left Universe. Polisi, Shummer, Warren are really being left behind.
it seem abrams was somewhat grating,
There are flocks of wild turkeys there too if you walk in deep, and a nice welcoming center that has educational exhibits and likely will be open on Sunday, one plus for Madison. Have them read about Aldo Leopold. A great man from wisconsins past... The conservative outdoorsman Scot walker was pretending to be...
If they like an old school breakfast, Mickies Dairy Bar
Mickie's is right across from camp Randall and likely will be packed in the morn with overnighting football fans... Fwiw. Jumbo pancakes tho.
Maybe these candidates realize they have nothing in common with people from the hinterlands and don't want to do the farcical staged photo-op where they're eating a burger at some Burger King in Iowa or whatever.
They'd be happier to drop the pretense and campaign in San Francisco or in Austin instead.
They'd be happier to drop the pretense and campaign in San Francisco or in Austin instead.
Which is the whole point of destroying the Electoral College.
Leftwing politicians want to tax rape you. Take away your crumbs.
A winning strategy for Trump would be to announce that enough is enough, and we are leaving Afghanistan. The sooner he announces it the better.
When you read anything coming from a Northeast oriented publication like NYMag, you can pretty much tell it is all fantasyland B.S. For example, NYMag states: "....candidates could spend more time courting votes in other enormous diverse states....?" California is enormous but not voter "diverse". But like all Liberals diversity is a state of mind only Liberals know how to interpret. LOL - early voting is a fools game pushed by both parties Elites.
arrrhhhhggk, the battle joined another day, lads, come on weary boys and shake it off, HOLD FAST BOYS, aye, aye Mister Johnson, prepare cannon! The she-beast aver, aver aver there drinkin the pinot, THERE! HARD TO PORT CANNON FIRE, UNTIL SHE TIRES LADS ARRRGGGHHHH!
she be unquenchable under the spell of the pinot, lads, aye, she be needin' a little groggg ayyyeeee
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