Clinton remains the best-known and most accomplished potential Democratic candidate in the nation. She and her husband, former president Bill Clinton, bring immense star power. There is a greater determination than ever, across the nation, to elect the first women president, thanks to Donald Trump and the Me-Too movement. And millions of voters — not just diehard Democrats — believe they were robbed in 2016. They crave payback. A Trump/Clinton rematch would be the riveting political story of the century....The 2020 campaign season begins in 3 days. Are you ready for the riveting rematch?
I'm still using my "Hillary goes away" tag. I'm not ready to make a "Hillary 2020." Everything about staying is still, so far — for the purposes of this blog — a subcategory of going away. And yet... there is always hope.
১৭৫টি মন্তব্য:
"most accomplished"
Serious question: what has she accomplished?
That’s downright embarrassing, and an admission that the party has no ideas. Thanks for clearing that up!
That's deadpan humor, right?
The Dems wouldn’t be that stupid to nominate Hillary. A sure loss.
It will be Kamala Harris, Beto or Howard Schultz.
Sweep that Private Server under the rug. Sweep all of Bill's sexual abuse under the rug. Sweep all of Hillary's slut-shaming and destruction of Bill's accusers under the rug. (Believe all women? - under the rug) Sweep the Benghazi lie under the rug. Come on media- you can do it.
This time no FBI investigation to undermine her campaign. It's the obvious choice.
That's deadpan humor, right?
Bedpan humor, which is different from self-defecating humor.
Like Jeb Bush. Maybe some elites think it's a good idea, but nobody is going to nominate her. Not happening.
If things go well for Trump, it doesn't matter who the Democrats nominate, he will win.
If things don't go well, it doesn't matter who the Democrats nominate, they will win.
Except maybe Hillary Clinton.
Who are these "millions of voters--not just diehard Democrats--[who] believe they were robbed in 2016"? Anybody who thinks that Hillary Clinton was robbed of the presidency in 2016 is a diehard Democrat and deserves Hillary Clinton as the nominee in 2020. They should keep doing the same thing over and over again in hopes of a different result.
"Serious question: what has she accomplished? "
She's amassed a gigantic fortune.
Run, Hillary, RUN!!!!! I want and NEED to vote against you again1
Democrats are looking for someone to worship, so a charismatic charlatan like Beto will be their candidate.
I'm with Sebastian. Hilary has nothing in the way of accomplishments. Kamala Harris and Corey booker both have significantly more but still not a lot.
As for "star power" just the other day you had a post about bill Clinton being asked to stay away.
That's some amazing star power. Hilary is nowhere to be seen.
In 2020 dems will be asking them to campaign for Republicans
John Henry
campy said...
"Serious question: what has she accomplished? "
She's amassed a gigantic fortune.
Pretty sure she doesn't want to talk about how that happened.
Oprah Winfrey will be the 2020 Democrat candidate if she wants it.
”Run, Hillary, RUN!!!!!”
Run? Hell, she can barely stand up without help.
Alternative headline: Democrat Bench Wafer Thin
And millions of voters — not just diehard Democrats — believe they were robbed in 2016.
Robbed, how? oh that's right - the Russia lie.
Some democrats who voted for Obama, came out for Trump. Perhaps we need a law to force all democrats to support Hillary, or else. After all, it's illegal to look into the Clinton Crime Family or to discuss any Clinton dirt. It's illegal to say anything bad about Hillary before an election. She can never lose.
How Former Soviet Union- Putin-esque.
Run, Hillary, Run!!!
First Hubby Bill Clinton will be an outstanding spokesman for the #Metoo movement.
Here in Illinois, we drive forward by keeping our eyes firmly on the rear-view mirror. The Sun-Times is the perfect vehicle for this message--a zombie newspaper owned by the Chicago Federation of Labor.
The voters who believed they were robbed in 2016 were the ones who supported Bernie.
She isn’t left enough for 2020 Democrats.
I hope she fucking runs. Drag out her and drug her up one more time.
Democrats problem in finding a viable candidate is their base has moved far left and wants a radical, but the moderates they need to win won't like that.
Hillary fills the bill. The radical base can believe Hillary is actually far more to the left than she will let on and the moderates can believe she's an ordinary center-left politician.
I will vote for Hillary if she walks up a flight of stairs unassisted, on any given evening.
For two flights of stairs I will volunteer for her campaign.
For three flights of stairs I will attend her funeral.
The Democrats need a sacrificial lamb to run in 2020 while they strive to rebuild their farm team for 2024. Who better than Hillary?
She and her husband?
Was this written in 2015? 2011? This is a time-capsule of unawareness.
Strong-ankled Hillary.
Dominatrixes play a large role in the sexual fantasies of Democrats and freedom plays a large role in the fantasies of Republicans.
I would call it the amnesia of hope.
Althouse's "Hillary Goes Away" tag is evidence of a fundamentally optimistic nature.
She's running. The only question is if there are enough of the Bernie sanders/Kamala Harris commie wing of the party who are strong enough to put down the corrupt looting Clinton faction of the party. I hope they literally start killing each other in the streets.
Democrats put Trump in the role of fascist dictator because that's what gives them a real thrill.
Oh, man!!!
Nah, Bernie Bros won't let it happen. Dems are partying like it's 1972.
I'd go with Kamala. She checks off all the right grievance boxes.
Perhaps an effort by Obama-led forces to frame the choice for Democrats early so she Clinton doesn't slow walk way into the nomination and suck out all the Democrat resources along the way?
Editorial is out of Chicago, by Laura Washington, who wrote two days before the 2016 election.
Laura Washington: Blacks don’t trust Clinton with Obama’s legacy
11/06/2016, By Laura Washington
As the presidential campaign closes out, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is grappling with myriad reports that African-American voter registration and turnout is flagging.
The black vote is the Democratic Party’s most loyal, most reliable base. The African American vote helped Clinton stave off U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ insurgent primary challenge. The black vote helped make her husband president.
It’s making Clinton very nervous. She has unleashed an arsenal of surrogates to ramp up turnout. Her not-so-secret weapon, President Barack Obama, has been stumping hard.
“The African-American vote right now is not as solid as it needs to be,” Obama lamented last week on the black-oriented “Tom Joyner Morning Show.”
He says, “my legacy’s on the ballot.”
Problem is, black voters don’t trust Hillary Clinton with Obama’s legacy. They haven’t forgotten the vile tactics she deployed against Obama in their 2008 tussle.
The audacity of nope.
Just DO IT, Hillary!
Her new campaign slogan should be "The Statute of Limitations May Have Run Out On My Crimes."
That seems to have been written under a pseudonym by Hillary Clinton.
Can she be president if she is in a federal prison?
Give her this, she can still order up a bespoke op ed.
Democrat Party: [Looking for a viable candidate]
Democrat Party: I'm hitchhiking.
Hillary Clinton: How far you goin'?
Democrat Party: Washington DC. How far you going?
Hillary Clinton: To the first place I can pick up a fat campaign check.
Democrat Party: ...OK!
[Democrat Party enthusiastically jumps in and introduces itself]
Democrat Party: I'm the Democrat Party. What's your name Ma’am?
Hillary Clinton: Here we are!
Democrat Party: OK!
[Democrat Party jumps out]
Democrat Party: ... Thanks for the company!
Democrat Party: I hope I can repay you someday!
If she even survives two more years, she will be too feeble to cackle.
Bahahahahahha!! I hope Grandma runs again!! I would love for her to be the first 3rd time loser!!!
Who paid them to write this?
Hillary is, was, and always will be one giant ball of ambition for power. THere is nothing else to her. She will never stop and never go away until she is defeated in a primary. Combine her ambition with an unshakable religious belief that she was robbed of her rightful place as resident twice by sinister forces, it would be a surprise if she did not run in 2020. She has taken every step needed to set up a 2020 run. Good luck Democrats.
Hillary 2020: Third Time's the Charm!
Hillary 2020: Still Playing the Gender Card!
Hillary 2020: It's Gotta Be Her Turn!
Hillary 2020: You Said She'd Be Dead By Now!
Hillary 2020: Bill's Around Here Somewhere
Hillary 2020: Dance With the One Who Brung Ya!
Hillary 2020: Because the Boomers Can Still Screw It Up More!
"Serious question: what has she accomplished?"
Never let it be said that no one loves Hillary. I know lots of people who do. They are all highly credentialed careerists who measure their success by their clout in their fields.
They measure success by the prestige of the job you manage to land. By this measure Hillary is highly accomplished. If you ask, "Yes, but what concretely did she do there?" they are taken aback. They honestly do not understand why you would ask that. It's beside the point.
Oh, and, Kevin? Don't forget this slogan:
"Hillary 2020: You can't prove a thing!"
The fact that she’s unwilling to rule herself out is all you need to know.
The idea that there are no viable candidates besides her is the big lie/ Clinton-propaganda put out by the Clintons and their surrogates, the mega-donor support-grifters, who still want a slice of insider-graft should she ever manage to climb into the seat of power she so desperately desires.
I had a longer comment written, but will defer to EDH. The thing that caught my eye was that it was in The Sun Times- a Chicago newspaper, so I did the exact same thing EDH did- see what else Ms. Washington had written and found the exact same column they did from 2016. It could easily be a veiled warning to the Democratic Party that "Hillary! Part III is Coming, so Wake the Fuck Up!"
Star power? Trump can electrify a football stadium. Crooked Hillary is lucky to do so in the living room of one of her bigger bundlers, surrounded by the faithful, throwing money at her to buy access and special privileges when she finally arrives back at the White House. Her husband could light up rooms. Herself never really could.
That is what Glenn Reynolds at Instapudit calls "credentialism." What you do is unimportant as long as you have the right credentials. I interview students at ome of hte est universities, including Stanford, Duke, Georgetown, Ivy League, etc. as part of the recruitment process. It is no longer surprising to interview candidates whose high-water mark was the day they received their admissions letter. Many (a significant minority) view their admission as a guaranteed ticket for the best jobs. THey now have the credentials and as far as they are concerned, they won.
The democrat party would be wise to dump her. I say that against my own interests. I think there are more desirable candidates who would be a real threat to Trump.
Hillary's problem is that she wants it for HER, for her grifters and her donors. It's not about the American people, it's all about the Clintons and their desperate grasp to stay in power, and the reap the benefits of that power and to continue the Clinton Money Grubbing.
Hillary is like Humphrey.
Here's Hillary's thinking.
Hey, I won the popular vote by three million and lost MI, WI, and PA by a combinded 90k votes. I can make that up in jif.
If Walker/Vukmir losses in WI, Gilliam/Nelson win in FL, and PA has a big Dem turnout in the midterms.....she may be right.
That's of course she could get through the primary...which I don't think she can.
Fun new game!
Hillary 2020: They All Look Alike (cackle)
Hillary 2020: Elect me this time or I'll run again in 2024
Nominating Hillary! in 2020 would be the dumbest thing that could happen, so I'm guessing it will.
Matt Dowd's unblemished stream of terrible predictions remains unbroken.
Why ABC News continues to pay him for poor results is odd - if predictable - to me.
Can they not find a new former fake Republican to be wrong?
This one is broken.
If the Democratic field for 2020 going into New Hampshire is 6 candidates, I would not bet against Clinton if she is one of them. A wide field without a clear front-runner outside of Clinton would be set up for a candidate with broad name recognition and a pool of voters who have already voted for her twice before in primaries. She could easily win the the early primaries with 20% of the vote and end up running the rest of the way against the weakest 1 or 2 candidates in the field who just survived by being the most Bernie like.
Hillary 2020: Wait'll you see my new oven mitt muumuu!
Hillary 2020: Deplorables are adorable!
Hillary 2020: Show me the money!
If you thought Hillary lacked major accomplishments in 2016; wait until she runs in 2020. In 4 years, all she will have accomplished is sticking with her #MeToo proof husband and watching one of her biggest backers go to jail thanks to #MeToo. Run, Hillary, run!
In the meantime, Trump will be running on record employment, market based wage growth, and standing up to all the hate the Democrats can generate.
Recycling a McGovern column from '74? Or Kerry from '06?
Michelle Obama would have a much better chance.
This column isn’t pro-Hillary so much as an acknowledgment that Dems have no plausible emerging candidates. The Senators are duds, the governors are duds.
Hillary is also a dud. The Dems should get Michelle to run.
Blogger Pianoman said...
"I'd go with Kamala. She checks off all the right grievance boxes."
Kamala is also an empty vessel. Literally. She will struggle in big stage debates.
I think it would be easy to remind everyone of the Clintons criminal behavior and above-the-law antics. over and over and over... Lets do this.
Bill Clinton, the sexual abuser who did so while climbing the political ladder from Arkansas to the White House. Sex in the oval office with a 22 year old. Can you imagine anyone on the R-side getting away with that?
Hillary - the private server abuser, who set it all up in order to hide her dealings.
Her abuse of classified information should land her in prison, like it does anyone else. The fact that it did not, is because Obama was successful at institutionalized political corruption into the DOJ and the FBI.
As Michelle was Barack boss at one time, she should be eminently and imminently more or as qualified as him/he
Non-Chicagoans should be advised that a couple of years ago the Sun-Times was saved from bankruptcy and closing by a group led by a former alderman and with financial backing from local labor unions. It is now a mouthpiece for the latter.
You might keep that in mind as you try to make something of this.
@chronus titan. decades ago I realized that job candidates from the Ivy League didn’t feel the need to prove themselves on the job. I didn’t hire them. I needed people who were ready to show me what they can do, not point to their Ivy diploma on the wall.
"Serious question: what has she accomplished"
Stay out of jail, still has lawyer license (?!)
Clinton remains the best-known and most accomplished potential Democratic candidate in the nation.
Which is kind of sad for the Democrat party.
The fact that Hillary is still considered the Democrats best chance to beat Trump should be extremely demoralizing and upsetting to the Democrats. The Clintons, Obama, Reid and Pelosi have strangled a generation of Democrats in the crib.
I think MikeR (8:53) makes a great case for Republicans in open primary states to cross over and vote for Hillary in the 2020 primaries.
Sebastian said...
"most accomplished"
Serious question: what has she accomplished?
More than Spartacus or jerry Browns mistress.
David Begley said...
The Dems wouldn’t be that stupid to nominate Hillary. A sure loss.
It will be Kamala Harris, Beto or Howard Schultz.
Or Sergeant Schulz. He could run on the slogan, "We know nuthingk!"
By 2020, the State Department will be cleaned out of her flunkies, the FBI will be cleared out by her partisans, the DOJ will have the careerists booted out or transferred to positions of banality and the CIA will still be the CIA.
But her bag of dirty tricks will be empty. People will know that the Clintons will no longer be able to pull the strings to protect them because Trump has been cutting those strings. Most of those resignations and firings have been her helpmates.
Further, Grassley and other Republicans are now going after her Tools like Avennati, Bromwich and Katz. They can't pull lawfare and get away with is by just saying 'never mind'.
Meanwhile, the Media STILL isn't being listened to by 40% of the nation...and those who DO listen to it were already on her side anyway.
When even Althouse gets a chuckle out of the bald partisanship, the media fight is lost. (Not that she would ever be uncouth enough to vote for a Trump)
So yes, she will run. The Scorpion has to sting. I don't see how she can be anywhere near as effective because thus far, there are no new scandals by Trump. All she has is insinuations of Russian collusion and that is news almost as old and almost as Honest as Crooked Hillary.
Also, I would not be surprised if the DOJ starts to examine the Clinton Foundation and the Haitian Earthquake fund.
THAT is new news.
I think MikeR (8:53) makes a great case for Republicans in open primary states to cross over and vote for Hillary in the 2020 primaries.
That's what Rush was exhorting us to do in the 2008 primaries.
"Everything about staying is still, so far..."
I had trouble reading that.
'Serious question: what has she accomplished?
More than Spartacus or jerry Browns mistress.'
Linda Ronstadt isn't running. I think you mean Willie Brown's mistress.
Both Bill and Hillary Clinton are very old and very frail.
This is obvious when you see them close up and unmanaged, off camera.
I have to quote John Oliver from 2015: “Do it! Please, do it!”
Bottom Line: Mrs Clinton mismanaged her cabinet post.
Extrapolate from that...
I just read, not three days ago, that the Dem party is trying to distance themselves from Bill and Hillary. They don't want anything to do with either of them. Now she's running. This is why no one listens to the news anymore. They make shit up.
Be careful what you wish for. I'm convinced Trump won because the D's were all too busy debating how big her landslide would be, and didn't call up the legion of cheaters that they normally do.
Like the 59 districts in Philly where Obama got 19,000 votes. And Romney got.. zero. Not one.
No matter who is running on the D ticket, they won't make that mistake again. They are going to pull out all the stops this time in Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania.
I'll be surprised if Trump wins any of those states, or the election in 2020.
Looking further into the future, I would suggest Tulsi Gabbard.
chuckR said...
Linda Ronstadt isn't running. I think you mean Willie Brown's mistress.
“They all look alike.”
The Democrats' strongest potential candidate is Michael Bloomberg. He is again a registered Democrat.
Clinton can evolve her message and learn from her mistakes.
Probably not, though, due to poor health
"They don't want anything to do with either of them. Now she's running."
There's a faction of democrats that recognizes her electoral poison and is trying to help them out the door. The Clintons have other ideas.
Hillary 2020: If Kerry & Biden Can Run, So Can I
Another reminder that old timer Sessions needs to go.
It's time for some fresh blood - someone who will follow the law. and yes, Hillary should be investigated - again.
The Democrats' strongest potential candidate is Michael Bloomberg.
He will be 78 in 2020. Though you still might be right, that's pretty sad.
Democrats are beta-testing voter fraud on a larger scale than ever before this Tuesday. If things go as hoped, we’ll know in few days whether Hillary will declare. The one thing that will keep her away is the prospect of losing.
Kerry is...a stretch.
" I would love for her to be the first 3rd time loser!!!"
William Jennings Bryan would like a word with you.
*Hillary Clinton remains the Democrats best chance to defeat Trump in 2020 * They misspelled few words:
Remains : retains or controls
Best chance : foulest methods
She"owns" Perkins, Coie
Or otherwise around.
Hillary is going to run, if she can keep on getting money in.
If the GOP keep the house and increase their Senate Majority, you probably will see a lot more house cleaning at the FBI, DOJ, and Intelligence Agencies. And a lot more come out about the deep state, that was all in for Hillary.
It seems FBI Deep State was also behind the anti Kavanaugh forces.
I agree with FIDO's comment that a lot of flunkies of Hillary will be cleaned out by 2020.
If the GOP gets the house, you may see some action to make the Internet Giants less biased.
Perhaps the deplorables have learned to like her.
@ Mockturtle
Looking further into the future, I would suggest Tulsi Gabbard.
Tulsi doens't hate the deplorables. There is an element of deranged revenge that runs deep inside the left, and they want to force an unlikable candidate down out throats.
Hillary. How can we say Goodbye, when you never leave?
JAORE said...
" I would love for her to be the first 3rd time loser!!!"
William Jennings Bryan would like a word with you.
"I would love for her to be the first FEMALE 3 time loser" Okay...Fixed it!!
Temujin said...
Who paid them to write this?
Wikileaks explained that to us. For some reason I have seen zero reporting in the MSM
One internal strategy document dated January 2015 — months before Clinton officially kicked off her campaign in April — with the curious heading “Earned Media/Next Steps” exposes how the campaign made an albeit infrequent practice of crafting supposed news pieces from beginning to completion.
It also revealed a list of 65 Jouro-listers that were willing to print DNC talking points under their own by-line
They'll come up with someone else. Trump wasn't even a sparkle in the electorate's eye at this point 4 years ago. I didn't think Trump was really running until after several primaries.
Serious question: what has she accomplished"
Stay out of jail, still has lawyer license (?!)
Hillary 2020: Stayed Out of Jail, Still has Lawyer License!
Lot of good zingers here showing that Hillary is easy to pillory.
Note Trump will have failed to meet his campaign promise to "Lock her up." Might not play well with some of his base.
Also, DanTheMan's comments about Democrat determination at 11/4/18, 11:11 AM are worth heeding.
The main thing to remember here is that since winning in 2016, Donald Trump has changed a lot of people's minds about him as President... A lot of folks who were on the fence, or who held their nose, or who maybe stayed home or voted 3rd party, have seen that he is not the bogeyman the media tried to make him out to be, and are pleasantly surprised by his performance so far... A lot of Never-Trumpers and even some Democrats... So unless there some major scandal, war or economic collapse between now and 2020, Trump will win again by an even bigger margin next time... The die-hards anti-Trumpers will never be convinced, but I think their numbers are much smaller now than they were 2 years ago...
Hillary 2020: NOW more than ever
Hillary NOW!
Ray - SoCal said...
If the GOP gets the house, you may see some action to make the Internet Giants less biased.
It will certainly be a popular position to break them up.
If a position is popular with he electorate but contrary to the wishes of the oligarchs the power used to be with the oligarchs.
Trump changed that.
Hillary is queen of the "WE HATE YOU, deplorables, but please support me" cabal.
It's exhausting. Hey dems - try something better. If you are brave enough to break free. Which I doubt.
Agreed with Dan the Man - but why not put forth someone who actually inspires real votes?
oh and Kerry and Biden are tired, too. Really tired. The Hillary-Biden-Kerry-Pelosi brand. Hillary ads the corrupt/criminal/sexual abuse excusing element.
Get your mind bleach ready ...
Stormy is coach to Hillary : how to dance in undies for men to stuff money.
The main thing to remember here is that since winning in 2016, Donald Trump has changed a lot of people's minds about him as President... A lot of folks who were on the fence, or who held their nose, or who maybe stayed home or voted 3rd party, have seen that he is not the bogeyman the media tried to make him out to be, and are pleasantly surprised by his performance so far... A lot of Never-Trumpers and even some Democrats... So unless there some major scandal, war or economic collapse between now and 2020, Trump will win again by an even bigger margin next time... The die-hards anti-Trumpers will never be convinced, but I think their numbers are much smaller now than they were 2 years ago...
This is true of me. I didn't vote for him but I will comfortably vote for him next election. As will my son. My daughters are still in high school so they think Trump is regularly raping women because that is the narrative the teachers seem to be teaching.
The vote for Trump back in 2016 was, for far too many people, an anti-Hillary vote, though immigration resonated.
What has changed except she is older, richer and more obnoxious? She can never walk back from that 'Deplorable' comment. Not in a way that anyone not a sycophant will believe.
So a lot of rank and file Democrats are NOT going all in on Hillary. My opinion but I would put a $100 on her not winning next run vs. Trump.
The only way Dems win in 2020 is if Trump has a heart attack and dies.
and let's not forget, PDJT's approval numbers with blacks and hispanics has also increased dramatically... plus the #WalkAway movement... President Trump is methodically and systematically chipping away at the Democrat's base.. slowly shifting the Overton Window... makes me think of the scene in "There Will Be Blood" where Daniel-Day Lewis' character explains to young Eli about how he drilled his oil out from underneath him...
"Drainage! Drainage, Eli, you boy. Drained dry. I'm so sorry. Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? Watch it. Now, my straw reaches acroooooooss the room and starts to drink your milkshake. I... drink... your... milkshake!"
Nobody has lost more than Hillary. I like: Hillary 20/20 not served consecutively.
That being said: if Trump tries a third term, I would vote for a Democrat to stop that nonsense. Even the arrogant Obama never tried that, though he wishes he could have.
Notice when any democrat says anything about Hillary's e-mails, it's always in the context of "e-mail"-- which sounds so innocent.
Why would anyone care about - email?
Notice how Obama and the left never ever EVER use the words "PRIVATE SERVER."
Ds, "We've looked throughout the entire nation; at all 320 million of us. And the only one who can lead the Democrat Party which in turn will lead America to be the best, the most welcoming, the most generous, lives in Chappaqua, New York."
This tells me I have done the right thing cutting people attracted to political conversation out of my life. The thought of having to listen to them yammer about Hillary again will make me slit a wrist.
With that headline, there should be no more wonder why Chicago and the state are a mess. This election officially sends Illinois on the road to Cali and NYC.
If Hillary exits stage left, I will gladly shut up about her.
I have no power to do this. The left have all the power. Will they force her out, or buy into her BS?
Hillary got the candidate SHE wanted to face in 2016, and she could not beat him. Of course this is why the Russian lie was inserted into the hivemind.
Serious question: what has she accomplished?
That's a question I've asked leftists for years.
"Well, she was a Senator."
OK. Name some legislation she championed. (silence)
"Well, she was Secretary of State."
OK. Name some accomplishments as SoS.
"She flew to x and y and z and met with a, b and c."
OK. And? What was accomplished from those meetings?
“Hillary 2020: NOW more than ever
Hillary NOW!”
Nope, not gonna happen. Don’t get excited Chickie.
Two words never seen together in a male mind: Hillary and excitement
The "caravan" could have had a nice "bridge" to walk in on.
Notice how Obama and the left never ever EVER use the words "PRIVATE SERVER.
Obama can't because he sent email to Hillary's provate server and to other private servers that people in his Administration were keeping. That destroys the "I did not know" argument right there.
"If the Clintons pack them in, consider that a valuable gauge of Hillary’s viability.
Does Hillary still sell?"
As if anyone paying to see them is paying to see her. They're there to see Bill. He might be a cad, but at least he's interesting.
Mr Wibble is making the most sense. Power to be the OZ behind the curtain. Power to elect the next President, and the residual power to control that person while in office to do the bidding of the donors. If Clinton and his wife pull it off, they are thinking they are in silent controlling partner position for another 10 years.
This is as much about a dick measuring contest between the Clinton's and the Obama's. Biggest dick wins the seat to be the behind the scenes power brokers.
Hillary knows that she need only control the nominating process.
She knows the lefty base will do exactly as they are told.
And why shouldnt she believe that after successfully hacking the dem primary in 2016, having her henchmen direct ALL funds (including state party funds illegally) to her campaign, and all but directing Bernie on stage to shut up about the emails, which he naturally did?
WisRich said: "Hey, I won the popular vote by three million and lost MI, WI, and PA by a combinded 90k votes. I can make that up in jif."
She probably thinks she can make it by just not promoting Trump as a candidate this time around.
Nixon was the last time a major party candidate received the nomination twice. 1960 and 1968. That didn't turn out so well.
Sorry folks, but the dem party isn't that stupid.
Bernie won CO - but super delegate Polis voted Hillary.
He's a biggest fraud going.
Watch who the Clinton machine tries to destroy.
Without superdelegates does she have any chance at all?
The MeToo era was launched because Hillary was deemed finished as a candidate I thought.
It would not be suspicious at all if Trump's SoS took dozens of millions from foreigners who had business with the State Department then destroyed the records of communications at the time, so why don't you guys just drop it?
You know what Democrats would say, right? I am sick of hearing about Trump's goddamned emails! That's what they would say, I am sure.
The fake news media are trying to make Hillary look like a real 2020 candidate for one reason only: to make her arrest and prosecution for her crimes seem like a political move.
Why not Walter Mondale? Why not Michael Dukakis?
Interesting point, tradguy. Very interesting.
@traditionalguy, I agree with Annie C's analysis. But whether it works with someone like Trump who doesn't much give a damn about what the mainstream media caterwaul about is a good question.
And millions of voters — not just diehard Democrats — believe they were robbed in 2016.
This happens in every election. I'm sure millions of Alf Landon voters thought they were robbed, too. (Wait a minute...were there millions of Landon voters...?)
Sorry folks, but the dem party isn't that stupid.
That's your opinion, steve.
Blogger Meade said...”Without superdelegates does she have any chance at all?”
I’d vote for her in the Wisconsin primary.
Hillary wants to run and to win. She has no idea of settling for anything less than victory and the White House. The other candidates are not as single-minded and cold-hearted and so Hillary has the advantage in the part of politics conducted in back rooms. Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden simply don't have what it takes to stop Hillary. But when she faces voters then being ruthless isn't an advantage. But in 2016 by using the superdelegates she didn't really have to face the voters until she was the nominee of a party. Even then she drove the press to cover up for her. The NYT, Wapo etc also didn't have and still haven't got the nerve to oppose her. The wild card in the process was Trump who addressed himself to the voters' problems and prevailed. But Hillary cannot imagine paying any attention to the voters because they pay no attention to her. Consequently this steely determination is moving slowly further and further away from reality like a person lost in space moving away from the home ship. And she, sick, old and out-of-touch, is taking the Dems with her. This how I see it, and, good riddance to them all. Karma.
The only way to get rid of Hillary would be to prosecute her for the private server and to force the Dems to face her monstrous betrayal of our secrets. Is that likely in this generation? So this is why I've always thought that Hillary will run in 2020 and that she is likely to get the nomination - but she will not get the White House under any scenario, legal or revolutionary. But that is another story.
I would LOVE the opportunity to vote against Hillary ONE MORE TIME.
Sorry folks, but the dem party isn't that stupid.
It's not personal. It's business.
This is not a shocking or surprising development coming from people who think Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the hippest cat around.
That made me literally LOL.
Nixon was the last time a major party candidate received the nomination twice. 1960 and 1968. That didn't turn out so well.
How so? Nixon won and was re-elected in a landslide in '72.
Watergate was a bullshit issue until he got stupid.
This hanging on to never-was has-been Hillary Clinton shows the delusion, illusion, and desperation in those who advocate and/or hope for it.
Someone needs to explain to Hilary that "no" means "no".
Someone should throw some water on the Hildabeast and end this story once and for all.
So if Hillary becomes President will she be let out of jail during the daytime on some sort of work release program?
“Why not Walter Mondale? Why not Michael Dukakis? “
Why not Paul Wellstone? Why not George McGovern?
Meadel: "Without superdelegates does she have any chance at all?"
They'll simply call them something else.
Are the Democrats really that stupid? Well, maybe.
Hillary got nominated in 2016, because of the establishment (it was her turn) and blacks (they have 20% of Democrat Primary vote and usually vote as a bloc)
I can't see the Establishment pushing for a 2x loser. And Blacks will go for Booker or Harris over Hillary.
The Establishment will go for Biden over Hillary.
If they want someone over 70.
Forget Hillary - I like the ticket of Eric Holder-Anthony Weiner.
I don’t know, B.A.G. Don’t you think Weiner-Holder has a better ring to it than Holder-Weiner? Unless you’re going for the Trans vote
The polls show Holder in the front, and Weiner in the rear.
Somehow, when I hear Hillary's name I think I hear a horse whinnying in the background.
Curios George: Make it Holy Water and watch her sizzle!
Spartacus 2020: NJ Will Allow Cory Booker to Run for President and Senate
Blogger Narayanan Subramanian said...
Spartacus 2020: NJ Will Allow Cory Booker to Run for President and Senate
LBJ and Lloyd Bentsen both ran for Senate and VP simultaneously.
Both were Texas.
Is it state or federal law that permits this?
John Henry
The mediaswine are insane and they are driving politics in this country. Clinton in 2020? O’Rourke, Sinema and Gillum in 2018?
"She will never stop and never go away until she is defeated in a primary."
In 2016 she could rig the Democratic primary process to ensure she'd win. It's hard to believe the Democratic Party would let her do that again.
Ultimately her greatest liability isn't her deep corruption but her inability to perform as a candidate in any but the most controlled situations. If some people seem to have a star-power that attracts attention, she seems to have an anti-star-power that discourages it.
Her (few) supporters must wish she had something to offer beyond "I'm female, and I'm not Trump- isn't that enough?" but that's all they've got to work with.
Is it enough?
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