November 20, 2018

Obama looks and sounds weirdly woozy.

That is just very strange!

According to The Daily Mail, Obama — speaking at "the Obama Foundation summit at the Mariott Marquis hotel in Chicago — said the world "badly needs remaking" and "'What prevents us from implementing most of the things that we would probably collectively agree would make the world better is not the absence of technological solutions, it's because there are humans involved and that the dynamics of the society" but — as you hear in that video — "the reason we don't do it is because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues."

The Daily Mail assumes Obama was specifically talking about Trump and attempts to delve into Trump's possible "mommy issues." I think Obama might be talking more generally about the problem of the human psyche. "Mommy issues" came last on a list he constructed on the spot, so I think it was just one more idea about things that complicate human psychology. But I think the author of "Dreams From My Father" has at least as many "mommy issues" as the next guy.


gerry said...

"the reason we don't do it is because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues."

So let's give a bunch of humans who claim not to suffer from such traits control over everyone else.

Same old same old.

Achilles said...

He is an empty suit. He is doing retail politics and that means a lot of off TelePrompTer work.

He is a mediocre mind at best.

rehajm said...

It couldn't be that your policies suck and many people recognize they would do harm, could it?

Achilles said...

— "the reason we don't do it is because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues."

How weirdly honest Obama is.

We know Democrats are racist anti Semitic woman beaters.

Those are more daddy issues than mommy issues though.

rehajm said...

We are fraught with....stuff.

Most eloquent President ever.

CJinPA said...

Critics of modern feminism will say the gals of "Daddy issues." Obama is probably taking a shot at men who are "afraid of strong women." = "Mommy issues"

Taking the excerpt as a whole, it's the lament of the progressive elite that simple, less educated folks insist on debating ideas like borderless countries and international governance.

n.n said...

Yes, progressive confusion, political congruence, Twilight fringe religious/moral philosophy, #HateLovesAbortion, diversity, anti-nativism, conflation of logical domains, redistributive change (e.g. perpetual smoothing functions), social justice, immigration reform, concentration of people for green spaces and gerrymandered districts, and shared or shifted responsibility to sustain monopolies and practices.

Achilles said...

Interesting going’s on down in Orange County California.

Republican governor candidate won the county.

But Democrats won every single house seat in the county with votes that came in after Election Day.

There were 300000 more votes in the county in the house races than the governor race.

They aren’t really even trying to hide it.

Jim at said...

Woozy? Maybe somebody finally punched back twice as hard.

Paul said...

Didn't Obama have 'Daddy' issues?

Long time ago he was a Lame duck. Now he is just lame.

Michael Fitzgerald said...


Dave Begley said...

"said the world "badly needs remaking""

Pal, you had your eight years. Eight long years with Dems controlling Congress for some of those years. You failed. Shut up and go away.

Nonapod said...

What prevents us from implementing most of the things that we would probably collectively agree would make the world better is not the absence of technological solutions, it's because there are humans involved and that the dynamics of the society

I'm curious who the "we" is and what the "things" are.

Knowing Obama I suspect the "we" are the usual generic progressive technocrat nitwits.

And the "things" aren't what I would consider things that would "make the world better". I imagine that his and his ilk's solutions involve more and deeper heavy handed government interventionism in everyone's daily lives the world over, further centralizing power on a global scale, all in the name of the percieved greater good. And this glorious future is being held up by a few obstinate rural, deplorable bitter-clingers who are "confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues".

But that's just a guess.

Dave Begley said...

And the American people just disagree with your failed policies. It has nothing to do with hate, anger, racism or mommy issues.

What a fucking fraud this guy is.

Rabel said...

He's not wearing his wedding ring. He normally wears his wedding ring.

Draw your own conclusions.

Stacy Jo said...

He looks tired and defeated.

chuck said...

I think Obama was bullsh*tting, as he usually does. I mean, where's the beef?

stevew said...

I've got nothing to add as you all are doing a fabulous job of expressing my opinion of this guy and this "speech". I would also note Ann's insight of identifying the leap from what Obama actually said to the assertion by the media publisher that he was going after Trump. Frauds.

William said...

My guess is that Øbama surely doesn't have daddy issues given that there was no constant dad in his life.

What a rodent!

RK said...

He's drunk on his money. It makes him feel strangely conflicted but he can't quite put a finger on the problem.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Obama looks and sounds weirdly woozy.

With Pritzker win, pot legalization is now in legislators' hands, but not all are on board

The Choom Gang rides again.

AllenS said...

Without reading the previous comments, I will say, as I have been saying, Obama is/was nothing more than an affirmative action hire. Shame on all of you who bought his bullshit.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Obama still hasn’t quite got this whole disagreement thing figured out.

Rabel said...

Once again, the vocal stylings of the wonderful Tammy Wynette become a part of our national conversation.

Sing it, Tammy.

Michelle is on a book tour so there aren't any cookies getting baked at the Obama mansion.

And speaking of "baked" that's a viable alternate interpretation.

Sebastian said...

"it's because there are humans involved"

That's always the problem with progressivism, isn't it?

Rick said...

It's long been a tradition that ex Presidents don't criticize the sitting President. Bush was exceptionally gracious about maintaining this discipline even as Obama childishly blamed him for everything Obama didn't like.

Recall this every time the left media claims Trump's violating political norms - like directly criticizing the media - is dangerous. Also note this isn't Obama's first Trump criticism but these conscientious supporters of norms somehow haven't noticed this one being violated.

Whoever could have predicted that?

Bilwick said...

Red Diaper Barry apparently had Uncle (as in "Uncle Frank the Commie Rat") issues.

Jess said...

With the freedom of being an ex=President, and the ability to go just about anywhere, Obama now has access to some prime herb, and I'm betting he enjoys some daily.

zipity said...

Gee, it would be nice if this narcissistic POS would be like most of his predecessors, and just fade away.

Sadly for us, he holds himself in such high regard, he cannot imagine a world that does not require his towering intellect.

Such a POS.

Rob said...

Obama might have said, "When they get bitter, they cling to their mommy's boobs."

chickelit said...

Obama is projecting regarding “ mommy issues.” Stanley Anne spent her life badmouthing America and failed to pay forward a dime. When she got sick, she slithered back and died on the public dime. This caused “outrage” on the left and she was held up as a reason for Obamacare.

rhhardin said...

Obama is confused that the act isn't working.

Dave Begley said...

And has anyone seen the design of his proposed library in Chicago? Ugly doesn't begin to describe it.

Darrell said...

Obama should be the fourth companion on the new Doctor Who.

The Vault Dweller said...

I'm not exactly sure what Mommy Issues entails, but Trump doesn't strike me as someone with Mommy Issues. Mommy Issues sounds like someone who is weak, overly sheltered, indecisive, and constantly looking for someone to take care of them.

The oddity is that my guess is that Mommy Issues generally arise when someone is overly mothered when they are a child, yet my sense is Daddy Issues arise when someone doesn't get enough fathering as a child.

I wonder what would be the outcome and what would we call someone who didn't get enough mothering or someone who got too much fathering?

Drago said...

Opposition to marxist policies and philosophy now deemed a "mommy issue".

The lefties simply cant dig enough mass graves fast enough to reach Utopia.

Ken B said...

Played video with no sound. Looks stoned.

Nonapod said...

The Obamas are currently worth north of $135 million (not including the $400k a pop Obama gets and the $225k a pop Michelle gets for each speaking appearence). At a certain point you've made enough money, unless you're an Obama of course. Then you can moralize and lecture everyone else on the evils of accumulating vasts fortunes while pocketing obscene profits from the Limousine Liberal set.

The Vault Dweller said...

"(not including the $400k a pop Obama gets and the $225k a pop Michelle gets for each speaking appearence)."

Now this is the real interesting information. Combined with the fact that the Clintons get nothing now, it seems reasonable to infer that the political powerbrokering has realigned under the Obama's influence and not the Clintons. I doubt that Hillary will be able to sail through the primary process with as much insider support as she did in 2016.

Rob said...

Darrell wrote, "Obama should be the fourth companion on the new Doctor Who." Nah, he's already the third companion.

hayek said...

The contrast in the family environment in which he and his wife grew up could not be more different. She was the product of bourgeoise values and he of chaos.

Ken B said...

It's love! He's overcome by watching Monica Lewinsky! He wishes he had resigned his senate and pursued her, I think he watched that video and longed for the lost years with her, not Michelle!

Lewis Wetzel said...

The lefties simply cant dig enough mass graves fast enough to reach Utopia.
Most Lefty plans require that people die. Abortion, assisted suicide, saving the environment. Right now they are just waiting for enough white men to die so they will win more elections.

Quaestor said...

Remaking the world was the objective of all the great mass murdering tyrants of modern history. The fact that Obama apparently believes "remaking the world" is a laudable goal ought to move any rational person to thank his Maker that Obama is an ex-president.

MadisonMan said...

And has anyone seen the design of his proposed library in Chicago? Ugly doesn't begin to describe it.

It will win Architecture Awards because Reasons.

MayBee said...

Rabel- yeah, I would say baked.

But Xanax + Alcohol is an alternative theory.

MadisonMan said...

Jet Lagged is a possibility too.

traditionalguy said...

He has been awaiting his fate since his stolen Solyndra loot hidden in a Thailand Estate was confiscated by a US Special Forces raid. Mommy said there would be days like that.

Vance said...

Nothing wrong with wanting to remake the world.... the right way. Obama and the left believe that all you need is to command people, and kill the ones who don't listen, and you can get "utopia!" Utopia for whom is never asked.... usually it's the elites who get Utopia and the peasants who get killed.

There is another way to remake the world, though. That's Jesus' way, which consists of people changing on the inside. A moral people, who self govern, have very little need of an outside government. A people who keep the 10 commandments; who have honor and integrity; who keep their word.... have little need of police, of laws and judges. People who strive to maximize their virtues and minimize their vices. That is a people that can have real utopia..... not the version preached by Obama and the left. Obama's Utopia is that of the prison; of hell.

walter said...

Yeah, kind of a sequitur not, that mommy issues insertion.
Long night at a Chicago strip club?

Tired or not, he still has that ability to see the problems beyond the rest of us damaged beings.
Though that jaunty prediction that the Republican drummed up caravan issue would disappear after the midterms might be haunting his omniscient psyche a bit.

Quayle said...

In essence: ‘we could make progress but there are people in the way.’

An intellectual structure we better beat down immediately.

Henry said...

What prevents us from implementing most of the things that we would probably collectively agree would make the world better is...

...the lack of a collective.

walter said...

They're working on that..

mockturtle said...

Remake the world? That's the problem with globalists. They really want to run the world because they are uniquely blessed with great wisdom and ideals. Why can't he be like other ex-Presidents and just go away? And get off our lawn!

Quaestor said...

He has been awaiting his fate...

Links, please.

mockturtle said...

Venezuela might be the appropriate place for Obama to peddle his utopian wares.

FullMoon said...

But I think the author of "Dreams From My Father" has at least as many "mommy issues" as the next guy.

Yep. His Mom dumped him. She was more interested inhelping strangers than being with him. Might have bothered him some as a kid but probably came to grips with it as an adult.

walter said...

Blogger Quaestor said...
He has been awaiting his fate...
Links, please.

mockturtle said...

"We are fraught with stuff."

Wow, that's pretty profound.

n.n said...

She was more interested inhelping strangers than being with him.

Redistributive change and profit sharing a la Fannie and Freddie, and Obamacare, etc., in the guise of sustainable, reconcilable, pro-life solutions.

bleh said...

He has been awaiting his fate since his stolen Solyndra loot hidden in a Thailand Estate was confiscated by a US Special Forces raid. Mommy said there would be days like that.

Sounds fake as fuck. Is your source some conservative Boomer's Facebook page? Stop spreading shit like this unless you have a solid basis for believing it.

n.n said...

There has been extraordinary progress or monotonic change. Now, we need to properly qualify it in order to avoid a liberal path that is historically littered with collateral damage at the tail-end of a republic.

chuckR said...

But I think the author of "Dreams From My Father" has at least as many "mommy issues" as the next guy.

Bill Ayers has a Mom?

Hagar said...

Obama is like poster left behind after the show closed.

Bilwick said...

"Sounds fake as fuck. Is your source some conservative Boomer's Facebook page? Stop spreading shit like this unless you have a solid basis for believing it."

Indeed. Those of us in the pro-freedom camp should emulate "liberals" (by whichI mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping State fellators") and ONLY make statements backed by the most iron-clad logic and fact-checking.

MayBee said...

MadMan- jet lagged in Chicago?

AllenS said...

One thing good to say about Barry's momma, is that she knew, that if this black child stayed in Indonesia, the only job he would be able to get would be cleaning bathrooms.

Wince said...

...we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues."

"Then I'm like drowning in bukkake at this point."

Marcus Carman said...

Back on the pipe big time, I see.

AllenS said...

Drugs? Alcohol? Take your pick.

Bruce Hayden said...

Help. Running Chrome on an iPad, and I can’t turn off the friggen video. Sucking battery life like crazy. And this video has no controls whatsoever.

Apparently, Google now automatically mutes videos in Chrome, but has a list of sites that it automatically runs them because everyone wants to see videos from those sites, and magically Blogger, another Google product, ended up on its white list. Other browsers have options to turn off auto play, as does Chrome elsewhere, but apparently not for its IOS version.

viator said...

Enough of that legal choom will do it.

Scott M said...

And some of us...spoiler alert...have no mommy issues. Or daddy issues, for that matter. Some of us realize that our parents did their best and that our failings are almost completely down our own personal choices.

viator said...


AllenS said...

Has anyone else noticed that since Obama left office and is now on the touring circuit, he's talking more Ebonicly? I can hardly wait for act 3.

bagoh20 said...

Does this mean he's no longer clean either?

Tommy Duncan said...

His handlers did a nice job of hiding the real Obama for 8 years. It's amazing what a teleprompter and a freshly pressed suit can do.

bagoh20 said...

Can any Democrat speak without trying to insult half the country? We get it already. We hear you everyday on every network. We are racist rubes full of hate. We just have a strange way of showing it. We don't protest outside your house, or break windows, or shit on cop cars, or call you names, or follow you into restaurants or elevators. We accept election results and attempt to change minds with ideas. We hate in silence, and cover it up by going to work and minding our own business. We are sneaky little fucks like that.

etbass said...

I'd like to see a bullet list compiled by Obama that would honestly and succinctly, give us a picture of what the world would look like in his dreams.

alanc709 said...

And yet, we re-elected him, arguably the worst president in history.

Maillard Reactionary said...

It must have been quite a strain for him, having to act in public like a serious adult for 8 years. Let's grant that he's earned the right to loosen up and let his inner Marxist scold come out and shine, at last.

Clearly, we continue to disappoint him. How bitter this must be for one who only wishes the best for us!

Hagar at 3:21 summarized it well, in my opinion.

wild chicken said...

Mommy issues

Trump's a tits guy, right?

Well there you go.

Tank said...

Tank and Zero both have those big, floppy elephant ears.

Obama is like Tank. Just a thought.

It’s only racist if you say it about him.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

As many have noted, probably stoned. I bet Obama gets offered dynamite shit all the time. He can't always say no, it'd be impolite. You're probably going to need an "Obama is stoned" tag.

Paul said...

Obama is back to snorten coke.

Anita Villegas said...

This is an Obama problem. Obama has the mommy issues. Google his mother, abandoned, strange parade of men, and everyone just laps Obama essence like they were kittens. Reject projection. Don't let anyone tell you what to think feel. Rage. Had such a thing for him, too, even had a dream about him. Now look at the naked man. Just contempt.

Matt said...

"the reason we don't do it is because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues."

"Just because I, I mean we, already have a PS4 doesn't mean that we can't also get an Xbox One. They're not the same. Besides we made a ton of money off that Netflix deal. If we want to play Halo all day that's our business. Malia's already gone off to college and we'll hide it when she gets back. Besides Reggie got one. The reason we don't do it is because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues."

Comanche Voter said...

You spend enough time in a Choom Wagon when you are in your late teens, early onset dementia follows.

And the psychobabble crapola about mommy issues or daddy issues is for weaklings. And not very bright weaklings at that.

LA_Bob said...

In the video, Obama looks like he's showing his age. He looks tired.

For some reason, I can't get audio in either Firefox or IE.

AllenS said...

Kind of ironic, isn't it. Obama looks tired, and Crooked Hillary ain't no ways tired.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

In the meantime we are finding out how Trump wanted to abuse his office to get the DOJ to prosecute his political enemies. Impeachable offense.

alanc709 said...

You mean, like using the IRS to target political opponents? Even Nixon didn't do that..... but Obama did.

Jim at said...

In the meantime we are finding out how Trump wanted to abuse his office to get the DOJ to prosecute his political enemies. Impeachable offense.

Apparently Obama's not the only one who's stone out of his gourd today.

narciso said...

he had not a few enablers:

Molly said...


Good Lord, he's stoned out of his mind.

Inga ... etc., the President is not barred from directing DOJ to prosecute someone. He is at the apex of the law enforcement structure and all of the Executive Branch works for him

If he asked the DOJ to do something outside its purview or illegal on some other score, that would be different (as were Obama's adventure with the IRS and the Obama surveillance of Trump campaign, apparently).

Also, where's the impeachable offense with Trump? Wanting to do something? He didn't do it, did he? But if he had, see above.

narciso said...

did they not commit indictable offenses, rhetorical of course they did, meanwhile, Obama did try political opponents, potential rivals like McDonnell, upholders of statutes like sheriff arpaio,

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...

"In the meantime we are finding out how Trump wanted to abuse his office to get the DOJ to prosecute his political enemies. Impeachable offense."

Inga, please elaborate. Which political enemies? Prosecute for what offenses? Were the prosecutions unwarranted and the enemies innocent? What evidence do you have to support your assertion?

narciso said...

not to mention, what holder tried to do, to those who interrogated khalid sheikh mohammed, meanwhile it has been 10 years since he reversed the pleas that ksm and others made, thus occasioning this odyssey long ritual,

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"... I mean, we, we, we are fraught...with...stuff."

As usual, Joe Biden was dead wrong.

narciso said...

actually jfk did, and they applauded him for it, you know with a 'nudge nudge' where do you think john dean, got the idea for an 'enemies list'

now in the irs case, the treasury workers union, hinted at what needed to be done, how about fast and furious, arming at least two cartels, the one whose head is on trial, and another which has been eclipsed, by even more blood thirsty figures,

William said...

I had a gag me with a spoon response to Obama's gift of a floral bouquet to Michelle when she was on stage delivering a lecture. It had the same vibe as Al Gore's prolonged kiss with Tipper at the convention. I don't think it's possible for them to get divorced, but all that cosplay must wear them out. They're not trained actors. How much enthusiasm can they continue to show for each other.

narciso said...

hey they fooled some of the people, for eight years, so what's a few months,

gilbar said...

one word: Choom Gang

chuck said...

Stop spreading shit like this unless you have a solid basis for believing it.

Yeah. Please remember that 30% of the population, and all current liberals, completely lack a sense of humor. We may laugh, but IT'S NOT FUNNY.

DanTheMan said...

"Lecture" is just the right word. Obama never tires of lecturing us, from his position of absolute moral superiority, on how wrong other people are. He, of course, suffers from none of these defects.
I suspect the lectures will never end...

Out of curiosity.... Is there any record of him admitting he was wrong about something?

DEEBEE said...

It was pukingly vintage Barack, condemning all of us after he had a couple of hiv fav adult beverages

narciso said...

first bureau, now ncis, who next:

Drago said...

Inga: "In the meantime we are finding out how Trump wanted to abuse his office to get the DOJ to prosecute his political enemies."


A lefty writes that as we now know the left weaponized the federal govt against its political enemies across multiple federal agencies and law enforcement and intelligence services.

So what does our golden showers hoax dossier-lovin' gal do in the face of that?


As expected.

Drago said...

Molly: "Inga ... etc., the President is not barred from directing DOJ to prosecute someone. He is at the apex of the law enforcement structure and all of the Executive Branch works for him"

How dare you fall back on what the Constitution allows Molly!

Don't you know that document is, like, over a hundred years old and was written by white dudes!!!

Plus: electoral college!! double plus: Emoluments!!!

Drago said...

LLR Chuck is not going to appreciate all this criticism of his "magnificent" obama on this thread.

He's not going to like one little bit.

Even now I'll bet he's curled up in the corner clinging tightly to his "Li'l Dickie Durbin" Doll while sucking his thumb and plotting how best to attack Trump's young son again.

Drago said...

And it wasn't just conservatives that obama and his little hench-people went after. Any old journalist that didn't toe the line was attacked by obama's govt agencies as well.

Spying on journalists....and their families. Seizing their records.

All in a days work for our would-be Stasi-like lefties.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The DOJ should prosecute Hillary. She's a criminal who used a Private Server while head of the STATE DEPT. To hide her international money grubbing deals.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"The New York Times reported in 2015 that "shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, [former President Bill] Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock." In total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian government nuclear agency Rosatum."

Hanoi Paris Hilton said...

Yo, Bleh...

"some conservative Boomer's Facebook page? Stop spreading shit like this..." Whoa, dude. Heavy, heavy. You sure brought me up short!

Judging from Mister Bleh's finely tuned sense of humor, I can see why following his brilliant comedic colleague Michelle Wolf's rude fiasco this year the White House Correspondents decided to terminally delete the comedian part. The "Special Forces + Solyndra" bit is what we literary types call "hyperbole". It's Greek, you can look it up, Pretty funny, I thought

mandrewa said...

It does look like he's drunk or something. But I don't see anything wrong with what he said, at least in the short excerpt we are given. A lot of people have those issues.

Temujin said...

The Choom Gang is back and it's beautiful.

DavidD said...

"... most of the things that we would probably collectively agree would make the world better...."

Lemme guess: gun confiscation, income confiscation, re-education camps for deplorables, ...

iowan2 said...

Inga: "In the meantime we are finding out how Trump wanted to abuse his office to get the DOJ to prosecute his political enemies."

Yep, new talking points have been issued. The talking points are shy of exactly what crime is involved.
The talking heads have resurrected some other dead horses to flog. The Trump Tower meeting...again no mention of what the crime is. The firing of a corrupt FBI director, again, no crime. Accepting the resignation of the Attorney General raised a lot of hackles. Several tweets that were so bad they couldn't even quote from them...still no crime.

This all passes as hard hitting investigative 'journalism'. Lies, innuendo, smears, un-named sources, gossip, wish casting and rampant ineptitude.

gilbar said...

you have to admire the idea of the O'Bama Foundation interviewing Barry O'Bama and having the interview broadcast on O'
NOTHING says objective news reporting like being interviewed by yourself on your own channel
Hard Hitting Journalism!!

Nichevo said...

Hanoi Paris Hilton said...
Yo, Bleh...

"some conservative Boomer's Facebook page? Stop spreading shit like this..." Whoa, dude. Heavy, heavy. You sure brought me up short!

Judging from Mister Bleh's finely tuned sense of humor, I can see why following his brilliant comedic colleague Michelle Wolf's rude fiasco this year the White House Correspondents decided to terminally delete the comedian part. The "Special Forces + Solyndra" bit is what we literary types call "hyperbole". It's Greek, you can look it up, Pretty funny, I thought

11/20/18, 7:15 PM

You’re new here right? I could see you thinking that haha jk. But this traditionalguy character is known for some rather insane statements delivered with a straight face and evidently meant to be taken seriously.


Separately, I was going to get into the NPC‘s regurgitation of what are apparently new talking points about PDJT’s wish to fulfill his campaign promise of prosecuting Hillary Clinton, but I see that plenty of people have given Inga an appropriate spectrum of abuse. Inga, let me just try and ask the question straight, hoping against hope for a straight answer.

Do you mean to say, that it is not just wrong or unwise, but Impeachable, to direct the DOJ, YOUR Justice Department whose function you direct, to prosecute criminal offenses, because and only because these offenses were committed by political opponents? In other words, in 2008-9 and 2012-3, McCain and Romney could have committed any crimes they wished, or limit it to those like HRC is accused/suspected of, and President Obama would have been powerless to prosecute them?

Anita Villegas said...

Obama is likely self-medicating.

AllenS said...

Perhaps Obama isn't drunk or on drugs, but just someone that without the teleprompter reading something others wrote for him to say, he's just an incompetent blowhard that doesn't have a cognizant thought in his head.

stlcdr said...

Oh, let’s play the game ‘if Trump said it’...

Headline: ‘Trump advocates killing people to make societal progress!’

MD Greene said...

And has anyone seen the design of his proposed library in Chicago? Ugly doesn't begin to describe it.

Hey, it could be worse. I've seen the Clinton library in Little Rock, including the framed, handwritten note from Whoopi Goldberg.

I miss the days when former presidents didn't have "libraries" and foundations.

Charlie said...

Didn't his "mommy" dump him off on her parents?

mtrobertslaw said...

I watched that segment down at Earnie's. Earnie summed it up like this: "That old boy's been hitten' the juice."

Unknown said...

I'm kind of enamored of the idea that the next Dr. Who could BE Obama. Take it a new direction, a 'Mr. Bean' direction, bumbling into situations, making them incredibly worse, then walking out and pretending he was never there. He'd be a natural, already got the mannerisms and a know-it-all attitude.

Unknown said...

DanTheMAn, 11/20/18, 6:33 PM, does it count as "admitting he was wrong about something" if he says he didn't state his position well enough to get people behind it?

glenn said...

Projection be whut he do.

PB said...

The money he's making is going to his head. He thinks people pay to hear him because he's really smart and now he thinks his every utterance is brilliant. I hope he and the missus invest their dough with the next Bernie Madoff.

Geoff Matthews said...

Is it possible that Obama was a little high during this? I could see him taking a puff now and then.
It makes you think that everything you say is interesting.

Anthony said...

What a sanctimonious asshole.

RobinGoodfellow said...

Blogger Anthony said...
What a sanctimonious asshole.

I think you won the thread. I can’t think of a more perfect summation of this man and his career.

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