BBC reports.
Remember all the concern that if the U.S. opposed the storming of our border it would mean shooting and killing people?
ADDED: Trump's reaction:
Mexico should move the flag waving Migrants, many of whom are stone cold criminals, back to their countries. Do it by plane, do it by bus, do it anyway you want, but they are NOT coming into the U.S.A. We will close the Border permanently if need be. Congress, fund the WALL!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 26, 2018
ALSO: Another point of view:
I'm surprised the US would use pepper spray and smoke pellets with all the baby carriages and moms around.— Sharyl Attkisson🕵️♂️ (@SharylAttkisson) November 25, 2018
AND: I watched the video that Attkinson passed along, and I didn't see any "baby carriages." I don't know who the people in the video really are, but I note that no one is carrying luggage. Maybe 20% have small backpacks — less full than what you'd see on a school child — and the rest are carrying nothing at all. These don't look like migrants. They look like protesters — and nearly all young men. They are actively breaking through, bending a gate in a wall. Don't American police use tear gas on American protesters who are this disorderly? I don't understand Attkisson's surprise.
OKAY: In the comments to her own tweet, Attkisson tweets, "I was being sarcastic; I don't see any baby carriages."
७८ टिप्पण्या:
These guys weren’t going to get here for months, I was assured. The stories were even accompanied by math!
It doesn't appear that they actually "walked" all of the way here.
Good. Maybe next time Mexico will address the problem at their own southern border.
A Washington Examiner headline:
"Pelosi calls illegal immigrant youths 'patriotic,' promises amnesty"
Mexico will deport Central American migrants who attempted to storm the US border, its interior ministry said.
Doing the jobs Americans won't do.
To echo Tim, I distinctly remember all the poo-pooing of the Caravan fear mongering before the election (“Thye’re 1000 miles away!”)
I hate to say it but yes, if you try to storm the border with a child in tow, you and the child will be repelled, and yes maybe with some tear gas.
If someone breaks and enters your home and tries to steal stuff would you say “well that’s okay” if they were carrying a child?
"Remember all the concern that if the U.S. opposed the storming of our border it would mean shooting and killing people?" I was never concerned that the U.S. would start shooting people. That was Democrat/Media fear mongering. Nothing more.
I'll believe it when I see it.
The line from the liberals was that the caravans were fake news, and that we would hear no more about them after the election because Trump was only using their nonexistent threat to whip his white supremacist followers to the polls.
"Pelosi calls illegal immigrant youths 'patriotic,' promises amnesty"
This is what america is all about!
we MUST allow access to ANY immigrant that desires it; we MUST allow them to stay in Pelosi's house
Last week, after caravan members recuperated for several days at a Mexico City sports complex, they held a vote. The group opted to travel all the way to Tijuana, Mexico’s largest border city, instead of taking a much shorter route toward the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas.
So why would they decide to go more than twice as far to reach the U.S. border?
The simplest explanation is that the activist group guiding the caravan, Pueblo Sin Fronteras (People Without Borders), has a strong support network in California, a “sanctuary” state where local officials and courts are more sympathetic to migrants.
It’s the “simplest” explanation because it is the correct explanation. These guys seem to be some real high speed walkers though!
This crap is being organized in the US; not just "supported."
here's from a post on Nov 6 (three weeks ago)...
World Class Liar Freder Frederson said...
There's at least one huge whopper of a lie in the statement:
They are 900 miles from the U.S. border and walking. Unless they find motorized transport, in two weeks they will still be at the very least, 600 miles away.
So, Freder; they did the last 600 miles in ONE WEEK?
Because, according to YOUR lies; they were on foot, and Peaceful
None of that stuff they all repeated endlessly a couple of weeks ago was ever said...
Here's how Obama would have handled this.
San Diego Union Tribune - 11/25/2013:
"A group of about 100 people trying to illegally cross the border Sunday near the San Ysidro port of entry threw rocks and bottles at U.S. Border Patrol agents, who responded by using pepper spray and other means to force the crowd back into Mexico, federal officials said."
I'm surprised the US would use pepper spray and smoke pellets with all the baby carriages and moms around.
Men can take the pain.
These people were driven to the border. If they were marching, they wouldn't be anywhere near the border.
gilbar, it's way worse than that. Per the NY Times, the first several hundred migrants arrived in the border city of Tijuana on Nov 14. That's two days *before* Freder claimed they would still be 600 miles away.
The leftwing groups who transported these people to the border for the big show should be required to bus them back.
Sorry, my mistake! That's SIX days before freder said they'd be 600 miles away.
It's a joke to say they are "marching" to the border. It's a media lie. These people were driven to the border, with a few marching photo-ops mixed in for optics.
Remember - with the left - optics count. Reality can be trashed. Just ask Maddow and her respect for corrupt Clinton.
You too can march 2000 miles in mere days!
The advance and support teams these people had is amazing. Food, lodging, medical services, transportation, nifty backpacks. Why don't they just stick with that?
"I don't understand Attkisson's surprise."
I think Attkisson is employing that venerable old writer's tool, "sarcasm". On they other hand, maybe you're the one employing it, and I'm too slow to pick up on it this a.m.
Paco Wové said...
I think Attkisson is employing that venerable old writer's tool, "sarcasm".
Can't watch the video right now, but that was my assumption. Attkisson is playing off the presentation of the caravan as being made up of all women and children.
When FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot Ms Weaver in cold blood she was able to shoot her without hitting the baby she was holding.
Luckily she didn't fall on top of the baby.
Some fine shooting there. Who says the FBI can't do anything right?
Those bozos from ice et al should be able to aim the tear gas precisely enough not to harm babies. Maybe we need the fbi on the border.
John Henry
Attkisson on Twitter:
I was being sarcastic; I don't see any baby carriages.
FBI assassin Horiuchi is a he.
John Henry
From the Gateway Pundit:
Guest post by Joe Hoft
"Yesterday’s Headline is todays hoax. The illegal alien mother ‘fleeing’ from the border wall was all a lie. It was a setup.
After further review, yesterday’s ‘horrific’ picture of a woman with barefoot children running from the US border wall was a hoax. In the background of the picture a group of men are posing for one camera man and another is running towards another camera man. In other areas, people are just standing around. The woman with the children was just a photo-op."
Sharyl is 100% being sarcastic. There are a few people who look like they could be women but the video shows 99% of those rushing the gate to be young men.
I believe the group that showed up in Tijuana on Nov 13th was the LGBT members of the caravan that were being starved, beaten, and robbed by the other people in the caravan.
Dear migrant caravan: We'd love to take you in but unfortunately our shadow President Hillary Clinton says we must send you a very clear message that we are not going to be able to continue to provide refuge and support. Signed, America.
The sarcasm doesn't work on people who haven't investigated the video.
French Frigate Shoals and Johnston Island are all US territory. And he Jr Senator from Hawaii was in high dudgeon about the use of tear gas to repeal the attempt to get a beach head. Molokai is also US territory.
Wow - background of picture really shows what a set up it was...
Thanks for mentioning!
Every Attkisson has a kiss inside.
The organizers of this "caravan" are hoping somebody gets killed or badly injured. If it's a woman or a child, all the better for their purposes.
I'm legitimately curious about what would have happened if the U.S. border guards had done nothing. Just kept the gate closed.
The organized coordinated propaganda spread by the democrat alphabet channels.
Dear migrants,
The land here is a toxic waste dump stolen from others by toxic males who spend their time driving toxic cars and shooting toxic animals poisoned by the toxic land. The better thing to do is walk to Venezuela, a paradise of socialism with pure land. A country meeting climate goals as its oil production drops and population goals as its population drops. The country your organizers come from. A socialist country, an example to us deplorables. Walk south, you'll be there in six weeks or less. There they don't complain. There, my friends, you will be happy. Wave your Honduran flag. Issue a manifesto calling the Venezuelans monsters and demanding that they let you in, as you are doing here. You are pure, your only wish is to be a monster, too, like the Venezuelans. So natural. They must let you in, of course. We know your organizers and funding are from there - I don't know why they aren't suggesting it. So, Venezuela or bust!! Best wishes from the land of the toxic filled with gringos (you really wouldn't like it here.)
It's amazing how quickly Mexican officials got tired of the caravaners. I'm thinking it has something to do with that Honduran woman complaining about the free food they gave her and saying tortillas and refried beans is food fit for pigs.
Mexicans put refried beans on toast and eat it for breakfast.
"Remember all the concern that if the U.S. opposed the storming of our border it would mean shooting and killing people?"
Concern? Not by me.
If I see one more picture of that woman pulling her grandchildren [?] away from the tear gas, I'm going to scream. The MSM is so selective in its spinning of the news it's ridiculous but what is even more disheartening is that so many people are taken in by their deceptions.
isn't it Interesting, that folks like Freder Frederson disappear for a while whenever showing their faces would show the egg on it?
Where are you, Freder Frederson ? Tell us why it's Okay for O'Bama's boys to use pepper spray, but a war crime for Trump's guys to use tear gas? That way you can just gloss over the fact that the CAR a Van is at the border
"I don't understand Attkisson's surprise."
"OKAY: In the comments to her own tweet, Attkisson tweets, "I was being sarcastic; I don't see any baby carriages."
Sometimes the author of a blog that one generally finds worth reading says something that makes one question why one should be reading the blog at all, ever. In particular when it is on a subject that said blog author considers to be her specialty.
Blogger rhhardin said...
The sarcasm doesn't work on people who haven't investigated the video.
The sarcasm was obvious to anyone who had any knowledge of the general story of the caravan, in conjunction with (or perhaps without even) knowing the identity of the author.
Pretty funny coming from Althouse, the self-styled master of humor, sarcasm, and all things wordy.
Theatre plays both ways to both addled ends of the spectrum
Blogger gilbar said...”isn't it Interesting, that folks like Freder Frederson disappear for a while whenever showing their faces would show the egg on it? Where are you, Freder Frederson ? Tell us why it's Okay for O'Bama's boys to use pepper spray, but a war crime for Trump's guys to use tear gas? That way you can just gloss over the fact that the CAR a Van is at the border”
Don’t worry, he’ll be around with some excuse.
Freder is like Servpro. “Like it never even happened.”
Attkisson tweets, "I was being sarcastic; I don't see any baby carriages."
I read a BBC piece last night claiming the US had tear gassed women and babies. I was concerned, but skeptical, because I’ve witnessed lying by the BBC in the past.
I'm heartened to see that at the local level, at least, Mexican authorities seem to be cooperating effectively with the US authorities to control the border. I'm curious as to what is going on with the elected government, since last week, members of the incoming administration (specifically Olga Sánchez Cordero, Mexico’s incoming interior minister) seem to have told reporters on the record that they had agreed with Trump to implement the "Remain in Mexico" strategy for dealing with these purported asylum claimants, but then over the weekend they started claiming no deal.
Either way, it's not really in Mexico's interest to have hordes of dubious vagrants marching up through the entire country to throw themselves at the US border. Both because they'll be stuck with hordes of dubious vagrants marching through their country, and because at the US border, their citizens, many of whom are legally able to enter the US, are going to find it a lot more difficult if these migrants keep clogging up the lanes and forcing the US to close border checkpoints. Mexican GDP per capita is also significantly higher than most of the Central American countries from which these migrants originate (about four times Nicaragua, and about twice Guatemala), so it's not great for Mexican workers to have them around. So I think there is an alignment of interest here, and we should be willing to give Mexico additional aid to control their southern border, on the condition that they also not do anything to encourage their citizens to circumvent US border control.
Wow - background of picture really shows what a set up it was...
Puffington Host, Al-Jazera[sic], and CNN all ran that pic.
The Puffington has another pic of the same woman with the six-year-old in diapers, probably because of some sort of highly contagious and disgusting Central American brain worm, and the other child actor is MIA.
The sarcasm was obvious to anyone who had any knowledge of the general story of the caravan,
That's how we know that the Puff Host, Associated Press, and Reuters are just being sarcastic when they write
"Activists, Politicians React With Horror At Border Scenes Of Tear-Gassed Children
Mothers carried sobbing children away from tear gas fired by U.S. officers at the Mexican border.
Children screamed and coughed amid the gas, The Associated Press reported.
One woman collapsed unconscious amid the chaos, and two babies sobbed with tears running down their faces from the gas, Reuters reported."
Pravda and Tass were never any worse than this.
Re: Tijuana vs. Texas, they may also have been briefed on the presumed advantages of having their claims heard in the Ninth Circuit rather than the Fifth.
Wow. Talk about irony challenged.
I haven’t read the thread yet, but I can hear Hardin laughing.
(“I read the comments and couldn’t find the audio of Hardin laughing that you mention. You owe me an apology.”)
I'm surprised the US would use pepper spray and smoke pellets with all the baby carriages and moms around.
I'm surprised any mother would bring their child to a riot.
P.S. See something, say something. Perambulator seems out of place at a riot. Good way to tote in a large bomb.
You can cover 2,000 miles a lot faster if you run the whole way.
Average low information voter believe the women and children story.
With all those cameramen there, isn't it amazing that not a single one managed to capture what happened that caused the people guarding the U.S. border to decide to use the tear gas.
I'm reading more stuff about Mexicans being pissed about these caravaners. The cartels also think they are bad for business. I hope they kill the American Lefties with them, while they are at it.
Sarcasm is a lost art! Even Atkinson failed at this! Could be that "Twitter" just is a poor platform for this type of communication. Don't use it so I can't inform anyone if that is true.
Blogger Fernandistein said...
The sarcasm was obvious to anyone who had any knowledge of the general story of the caravan,
That's how we know that the Puff Host, Associated Press, and Reuters are just being sarcastic when they write....
Indeed, more than that. That's how we know they were lying and creating fake news.
My un-PC reaction when I first saw these photos [elsewhere] was "They have fairly decent clothes for refugees."
Just tell Inga that the migrants plan to vote Republican and serve as scab labor next time there’s a nurse’s strike. She’ll be at the border in a flash with a machine gun!
OMG it Babies at the Border!
Get out the hankies and the self-righteous indignation.
Emigration reform, and a good neighbor policy, would reduce direct and collateral damage from immigration reform at both ends of the bridge and throughout. It would also make plain the consequences of planned parenthood including selective-child, free trade with implicit tariffs (e.g. labor and environmental arbitrage), redistributive change, diversity (i.e. color judgments/discrimination including racism), and civil right violations through gerrymandered votes.
It's all fake. They're five thousand miles away and walking on foot. They won't be here until 2026 at the earliest. You're just fearmongering. - Freder Frederson
I'm shocked that Althouse missed the sarcasm.
how do you say 'perambulator' in Spanish?
asking for an amigo
"HuffingGlue Post" is another, and provides a glimpse into their methodology
When I first heard about the caravan from Honduras, I took a look at the map and tried to figure out where they would try to cross the US border. It was pretty obvious that the shortest distance would be to a border crossing in east Texas (close to Brownsville): Honduras is on the east side of Central America, and the US border dips way south in east Texas (I guess the Texans got pretty aggressive after that unfortunate incident at the Alamo). Tijuana must be the farthest border crossing point they could have picked. When I say "they" I don't mean the marchers (I should say "marchers"), I mean whoever is actually calling the shots for them. Based on recent reports of the responses of the Mexicans in Tijuana and the Mexican government, this may have been a poor choice.
The image of the family "fleeing" the tear gas was featured by ABC News this morning on Good Morning America. Anyone want to bet that they'll acknowledge tomorrow morning that it may have been staged?
Today, we dive headfirst into the logistics of the migrant horde. Via Sarah Hoyt, via Instapundit.
"Yesterday’s Headline is todays hoax. The illegal alien mother ‘fleeing’ from the border wall was all a lie. It was a setup.
After further review, yesterday’s ‘horrific’ picture of a woman with barefoot children running from the US border wall was a hoax. In the background of the picture a group of men are posing for one camera man and another is running towards another camera man. In other areas, people are just standing around. The woman with the children was just a photo-op."
Stands to reason, if you're going to manufacture a "Gaza" of oppressed refugees along the U.S. border, you'd also have some "Palliwood" productions (faked video/photos) to go along with it.
I keep thinking the "migrants" look very clean for people who have been walking in dusty places for weeks on end with no luggage or way to do laundry or shower. I keep seeing a lot of white and light colored shirts and pants with no spots, stains or just general dustiness. Where are they getting clean clothing, and why are they traveling with nothing?
perambulator: carreola, cochecito.
Who gave them the nice DSLRs? I spotted at least two in this video.
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