November 17, 2018

In the Overnight Snow Café...


... you can leave a sprinkling of comments.


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rehajm said...

I now think of alligators when I see windshield wipers in that position.

David Begley said...

Doesn’t Meadehouse have a garage?

Etienne said...

Never park your car under a tree.
Only bad things happen under a tree.
Junkyards are filled with cars that lost to trees.

MadisonMan said...

Good running to see today at the NCAA D1 XC Championship out at Zimmer.

Go Bucky!!

Ann Althouse said...

"Doesn’t Meadehouse have a garage?"

Technically, yes.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Too stuffed for two cars? Or single car garage?

Ann Althouse said...

It's a 2-car garage, but you'd have to park the cars in tandem. Things could be arranged to get the cars in. We just don't do it.

rehajm said...

Well, I've finally 'cut the cord' on cable television. Out with the TiVo box, in with live streaming television!

Now I need to catch up to those of you who have thrown out the television...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Honda is inside? As it should be.

gilbar said...

i miss the Old Days, before Global warming, back when it didn't start really snow until December
Darn Global Warming !

Quaestor said...

Now I need to catch up to those of you who have thrown out the television...

Throwing out the television does not mean changing the method of conveyance.

tcrosse said...

That's about as much snow as paralyzed NYC.

Big Mike said...

Out here in Virginia we tied some sort of record for earliest snowfall, and it wasn’t just a dusting — two days later my lawn is still covered in frozen white precipitation. A quarter century ago the climate alarmists were claiming that snowfalls were going to be a thing of the past. Yet another scientific prediction that failed to happen. The theory is every bit as broken as phlogiston.

Fernandinande said...

I'm mandreaming of a white privilege.

mockturtle said...

Never park your car under a tree.

Especially one with sticky seed pods.

320Busdriver said...

A good day for quattro.

Fernandinande said...

"As this process has unfolded, I have come to realize that the mere mention of James Damore awakens a tribal response from supporters of the equity agenda. Saying anything positive about Damore is considered a form of harassment."

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

is there room to do doughnuts back there with that car?

Mmmmmmmm-- doughhhhhhhhnuts!

Mike Sylwester said...

In our recent discussion about Megyn Kelly's blackface remarks, I wrote several comments about blackface performances in Judy Garland movies.

More recently I came across an old avideo of Garland singing in blackface when she was about 15 years old.

I cannot explain why this scene was done in blackface. It's very strange.

Hagar said...

Trump promises to deliver Republican votes for Nancy Pelosi to be Speaker of the House.

Doubt that he is actually going to do it, but when did we last have a President with that much sense of humor?

Francisco D said...

We use the garage to avoid heat rather than snow.

It was cold yesterday in southern AZ: mid 40's in the AM and mid 70's in the afternoon, very sunny.

I do not miss the Midwest.

narciso said...

So it turns out this whole khashoggi kerfluffle is the cover for a new anti western alliance,

The new Yorker missed this story as well

tcrosse said...

Meanwhile, British politicians have their heads full of angry bees.

mccullough said...

It’s easier to brush snow off a smaller car. Unless you are Shaq. Then it’s easy to brush snow off any car.

Fritz said...

When we had our house built almost 30 years ago, we had our garage built oversized, so there is plenty of room for 2 cars, and a fair amount of stuff. We have congratulated ourselves on that decision every time it snows.

narciso said...

Yes prime minister was the optimum view

Meade said...

"Doesn’t Meadehouse have a garage?"

If it's in the garage then the TT isn't serving its purpose as a landscape objet d'art.

FIDO said...

Looking for suggestions for other websites to terrorize.

Since Megan McCardle went to the Dark Side at the WaPo, I have been spending too much time here.

What's a good set of sites?

Hagar said...

There is something Churchillian about Trump.

Hagar said...

And Elvis the Pelvis was a cultural misappropriator and as such a most miserable person.
Who knew?

FullMoon said...

Trump will go to Ca and meet fire survivors.
Exiting Gov Brown and incoming Gov Newsome will accompany him.

Why? They both trash him all the time, and Newsome actually ran his commercials as protecting Californians from Trump.

I actually think they are concerned Trump will be well received.

Over 1,ooo people still unaccounted for.Mostly over seventy years old.
Norovirus outbreak at one of the shelters.

Anonymous said...

I've never regretted my efforts to keep the garage a space for cars, not stuff.

FullMoon said...

Blogger FIDO said...

Looking for suggestions for other websites to terrorize.

Since Megan McCardle went to the Dark Side at the WaPo, I have been spending too much time here.

What's a good set of sites?

Try Reddit. Plenty to choose from. Of course, you will be banned from a sub reddit if you go against the flow. Generally takes one mild contrary viewpoint.

Jimmy said...

Last night’s official tally was:
DEAD: 71 (all but one found inside a home.)
MISSING: 1,100
HOMES DESTROYED: 9,740 (only about 5% have been search so far)
Most recent post at American Digest. Gerard Van der Leun says the count so far is just preliminary.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Why are the wipers sticking up like that.

D. said...

Why are the wipers sticking up like that.<

don't stick to windshield?

J. Farmer said...


So it turns out this whole khashoggi kerfluffle is the cover for a new anti western alliance,

Yet another example of Saudi miscalculation and hubris. I am sure the Saudis did not expect the incident to blow up in their faces the way it has, but you certainly cannot blame Saudi rivals for influence in the region from attempting to capitalize on a Saudi blunder. Over the last several years, the Saudis have attempted to dislodge Assad from power in Syria through the arming and funding of various radical Sunni groups, it has attempted to isolate Qatar, and it has waged a destructive war in Yemen. All have been spectacular failures. They even attempted to diplomatically punish Canada over extremely mid criticism.

A smarter American strategy for the Middle East would be to balance competing regional rivalries against each other as opposed to trying to come down favorably on one side against the other. Part of that strategy would involve moving towards normalization with Iran, but that is not likely to be a tenable position in the current political climate.

Achilles said...

J. Farmer said...

So it turns out this whole khashoggi kerfluffle is the cover for a new anti western alliance,

Yet another example of Saudi miscalculation and hubris. I am sure the Saudis did not expect the incident to blow up in their faces the way it has, but you certainly cannot blame Saudi rivals for influence in the region from attempting to capitalize on a Saudi blunder. Over the last several years, the Saudis have attempted to dislodge Assad from power in Syria through the arming and funding of various radical Sunni groups, it has attempted to isolate Qatar, and it has waged a destructive war in Yemen. All have been spectacular failures. They even attempted to diplomatically punish Canada over extremely mid criticism.

A smarter American strategy for the Middle East would be to balance competing regional rivalries against each other as opposed to trying to come down favorably on one side against the other. Part of that strategy would involve moving towards normalization with Iran, but that is not likely to be a tenable position in the current political climate.

Saudi Arabia is fighting against something in the Middle East. Mysterious forces.

Totally not proxy wars by Iran who is totally innocent of all this.

Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel have made an alliance and want peace. But no matter what we cannot have peace in the Middle East. Especially not if the US supports it.

Iran has dozens of journalists in jail and has murdered thousands. They were not even Muslim Brotherhood operatives and were actual journalists. But we must distance ourselves from Saudi Arabia and cozy up with Iran.

Because the world conforms to Farmer's paradigm. Farmer cannot deal with anything outside that paradigm.

That is the only explanation for the bad faith arguments on this topic.

I love how the CIA is suddenly a source of truth again too.

narciso said...

That's getting the chicken before the egg, Qatar has sought the leadership of the salafi umma, the Iranian sponsored thr houthi rebellion against Saleh as they did against the maronite thirty years earlier.

J. Farmer said...


Saudi Arabia is fighting against something in the Middle East. Mysterious forces.

Totally not proxy wars by Iran who is totally innocent of all this.

The goal of the war at its outset was to restore Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi as president of the country. And yet, Hadi has no legitimacy in the country, and while it was a stretch to imagine that the Saudi bombing campaign would lead to his reinstatement, it is absolutely absurd today. Hadi is a Saudi puppet who is currently on house arrest in Riyadh. The United Arab Emirates long ago abandoned the stated goal of restoring Hadi and have been desperately seeking potential allies within Yemen.

Your point of view is like saying the Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan was our fault because we funded the people fighting against it. The reason Iran is involved in Yemen (and its influence and involvement has always been rather limited) is because it sees an opportunity to extract a price (at a low cost to itself) from a rival government. In fact, this was the exact mentality that Saudi Arabia when deciding to arm and fund radical Sunni groups in Syria to weaken Assad, an Iranian ally.

Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel have made an alliance and want peace. But no matter what we cannot have peace in the Middle East. Especially not if the US supports it.

I think that is a hopelessly naive point-of-view. Saudi Arabia supports the Al Nusra Front and Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and this is an example of how they "want peace."

Iran has dozens of journalists in jail and has murdered thousands. They were not even Muslim Brotherhood operatives and were actual journalists. But we must distance ourselves from Saudi Arabia and cozy up with Iran.

Please identity single major benefit that has accrued to the US in the last two decades as a result of the the US-Saudi relationship. And if you would actually read an argument and consider it instead of constantly falling back into your stump speech, you would understand that I have said over and over that the case for distancing the US from Saudi Arabia predates and is independent of the Khashoggi. In fact, I was saying all of this back when Obama was larding the Saudis with weapons sales and supporting the war on Yemen. And I have continued saying it as Trump has doubled down on those policies.

Because the world conforms to Farmer's paradigm. Farmer cannot deal with anything outside that paradigm.

That is actually a much more apt description of yourself than it is of me.

In your unbelievably cartoonish view of the region, autocratic rulers in Egypt and Saudi Arabia just want peace and prosperity but are constantly thwarted by the venal and hateful Turks and Iranians. Not sure where you put Iraq on the just-wanting-peace spectrum. But in any event, that is certainly one way to view the region. I think it is diametrically opposed to reality, but it is a worldview nonetheless. What I see in the region, by contrast, are a group of self-interested states jockeying for power and influence.

J. Farmer said...


That's getting the chicken before the egg, Qatar has sought the leadership of the salafi umma, the Iranian sponsored thr houthi rebellion against Saleh as they did against the maronite thirty years earlier.

What does "sponsored" mean in that sentence? The uprisings against Saleh were massive and nationwide and not confined to the Houthis.

Hagar said...

A tale of two caravans:

I. A dense pack of largely young men.

II. A more sparse group of mostly women and children. Many of the women seem to be quite well dressed, with fashionable hairdos and aviator sunglasses, etc., and speak excellent American accented English.

FWBuff said...

You may have discussed this already, but does anyone know what has happened to Dr. @MichaelK? I've missed seeing his comments over the past few weeks. I hope he's okay.

Gahrie said...

Shorter J Farmer:

All of America's friends are the bad guys. All of America's enemies are really the good guys just trying to protect themselves from us and the bad guys. America needs to abandon our friends and stop worrying about our enemies.

mockturtle said...

I posted in another thread: Exactly so, Farmer. The old 'good guys' vs. 'bad guys' trap is what gets us into foreign conflicts. IMO, there is no foreign leader we can totally trust. The best we can hope for is that we can trust our own leadership. And that's usually in question.

Achilles said...

You are boring Farmer.

Disingenuous and ridiculous.

You couldn’t be a better tool for the globalists.

narciso said...

I think he is at Chicago boys, the zaydi may very well have grounds for the feelings against the kingdom.

mockturtle said...

You may have discussed this already, but does anyone know what has happened to Dr. @MichaelK? I've missed seeing his comments over the past few weeks. I hope he's okay.

Someone posted that he's still active on another blog. I notice that buwaya has also made himself scarce of late. While he sometimes irritates me with his gloomy prophesies, they guy is scary smart and very knowledgeable. I miss you, buwaya!

FullMoon said...

Chip Ahoy, who used to comment here has some interesting things over

"The thing is, Twitter is totally ridiculous. It's actually obscene. When you click on Trump's text then the thread opens up and behind his feed are all the responses to it. Apparently there are hundreds of people worldwide whose sole purpose in life is hastening to slap on any and every pathetic counterargument they can pull out of somebody else's butt. The same things over and over and over ad nauseam. Poorly crafted Photoshops that somebody else did because the people who post them are too dull to do any thinking themselves. All of them vapid partisan axioms held by OCD types mentally retarded thinking themselves clever. The contrast between Trump tweets that communicate clearly and all the very real Twitter garbage they invoke is vast. It is the very picture of a descent into hell."

Achilles said...

J. Farmer said...

What does "sponsored" mean in that sentence? The uprisings against Saleh were massive and nationwide and not confined to the Houthis.

Bad faith.

Achilles said...

It needs to be pointed out that the Houthis are a minority in Yemen and any claim their uprising was widespread and unanimous is a complete lie.

J. Farmer said...


All of America's friends are the bad guys. All of America's enemies are really the good guys just trying to protect themselves from us and the bad guys. America needs to abandon our friends and stop worrying about our enemies.

You would do well to actually make an attempt to understand the arguments I make and respond to them rather than falling back on caricature and strawmen. I do not use the term "friends" to describe US allies and never have. I have also said that we should maintain normal political and diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia, which is not abandoning them. The Saudi client relationship has led us, in the name of reassurance, to indulge the Saudis worst, most destructive habits. This does nothing to increase US security, which is the purported aim of US foreign policy.

FullMoon said...

Personally, I miss Crazy Mary

Anyway, Doc is alive and well.

Mike K website

J. Farmer said...


You are boring Farmer.

Disingenuous and ridiculous.

I admire your ability to ignore every point I brought up and to yet again fall back on casting personal aspersions. Speaking of boring.

You couldn’t be a better tool for the globalists.

Trump's foreign policy is about the only thing that has even earned him a modicum of respect from so called "globalists." His Saudi policy especially is nothing more than a doubling down of policies begun by his predecessor. That alone should give you pause.

J. Farmer said...


It needs to be pointed out that the Houthis are a minority in Yemen and any claim their uprising was widespread and unanimous is a complete lie.

The uprising that led to Saleh's stepping down is the uprising in question, and it was in fact widespread and not confined to the Houthis. This was in 2012. His successor, Hadi, then came to power. If you are going to have such strong feelings about a country, it would do you well to acquaint yourself with the basic facts.

George said...

Only in Australia's capital:

Australian Capital Terrotory (Canberra) police have appealed to the public to help them find 4 men who vandalised a Jewish community centre.

In the media release the have included photographs of the men and pixelated their faces to protect their privacy!

narciso said...

And I specified zaydi which is the tribal confederation, but that war goes back to the latter days of the Kennedy administration

J. Farmer said...


And I specified zaydi which is the tribal confederation, but that war goes back to the latter days of the Kennedy administration

You "specified zaydi" for the first time in this thread about 20 minutes ago.

Birkel said...

Other people must carefully parse each sentence I deign to type.
I demand that you understand me perfectly.
Any confusion I have about what you type is your fault.

Ron said...

Noble Silvio! Soldiering on.....

J. Farmer said...


Oops, I referred to you as "Zaydi" in the last post. Apologies for the typo.

As for "zaydi which is the tribal confederation," that is not even a totally accurate assessment of the situation. If anything, the Houthis are a confederation made up of Zaydi. From the Yemeni blogger Atiaf Al Wazir:

"First, while no statistics have been collected on the composition of Ansarullah, commonly known as Houthis; it is believed that many of their members are Zaydi but also come from various religious schools of thought in Shi’a and Sunni Islam, including Ismaili, Shafiʿi, and Ja’afari. Many Sunni tribesmen and soldiers have also joined the Houthis and fight along their side. In fact, prominent Shafi’i leaders like Saad Bin Aqeel, a Mufti of Ta’iz, are amongst Houthis’ leaders and in fact presented a Friday sermon at one of the sit-ins prior to their advance into the capital."

J. Farmer said...


Other people must carefully parse each sentence I deign to type.

Parse? How about respond to it at all. Not sure how that's a very high bar in communication. Of course, ignoring an argument and relying on juvenile insults is not a lesson I expect to have much resonance with you. But still nice to know I can live rent free inside of your head. It's a cozy (if lonely and empty) space.

JaimeRoberto said...

Why are the wipers sticking up like that.

When it's cold like that they just pop out naturally.

Birkel said...

Smug don't resonate.
Smug smugs with smugness, smugly.

Birkel said...

Like a Smurf.
But more condescending.

J. Farmer said...


Remember, pal, my parents were hardworking and responsible and paid the taxes that put food in your and your family's mouths. So perhaps you should just say "thank you" and be on your way. Okay? Bye bye now. Hugs and kisses.

gilbar said...

just saw these clumped together:
Alcohol deaths soar for middle-aged, women...
Number of Witches in USA on Rise...
Living together becoming more popular than marriage...
University mandates 'all students' take 'diversity and inclusion' courses...

not saying that they're connected; well, Yeah i am

rhhardin said...

There seems to be a large shark-dive-gone-wrong genre of flicks. Open water I II III, 47 meters down, etc. It offers the opportunity to fill a fill club fall schedule with more than WWII submarine action films. Babes.

Etienne said...

"Why are the wipers sticking up like that"

Wipers aren't $1 anymore, and rubber isn't rubber.

Wipers should be erect in the cold.

Birkel said...

Imagine a guy that Smug.
Carly Simon on Line 1, holding for Smug.

Unknown said...

Yes, the rubber freezes to the windshield, and when you turn them on, they either don't move, or they rip the rubber off of the blade.

J. Farmer said...


No, no. "Thank you" was what you were supposed to say. It's easy. Just two single-syllable words. Thank. You. Go on and try it. It'll be a good little character builder for you.

Howard said...

Cold facts are disingenuous, ridiculous, boring, smug and globalist. MAGA, Bitches

Ralph L said...

Why are the wipers sticking up like that?


Althouse has lost many most excellent commenters. Even I was gone for 4 years, and during those months she posted fewer posts, after increasing when I was reading her before.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Imagine a guy that Smug.”

Yeah, his named is Birkel.

Paco Wové said...

"In the media release the[y] have included photographs of the men and pixelated their faces to protect their privacy!"

Tim Blair's Men of No Appearance in the flesh.

Achilles said...

J. Farmer said...

Remember, pal, my parents were hardworking and responsible and paid the taxes that put food in your and your family's mouths. So perhaps you should just say "thank you" and be on your way. Okay? Bye bye now. Hugs and kisses.

I knew/know people killed and maimed by your Iranian friends who never participate in proxy wars or do anything bad. They never took explosively formed projectiles to Sadr City and helped them attack us.

You will of course claim those soldiers were doing nothing for you and were in fact the evil people and that Iran never really did that anyway.

Just like there aren't hundreds of Iranian military personal in Yemen and the "popular" Yemeni uprising had no support from Iran.

So yeah. You are a condescending asshole who couldn't be any more disingenuous.

And of course here comes Howard, another globalist tool to back you up.

mockturtle said...

Henry brags: Althouse has lost many most excellent commenters. Even I was gone for 4 years...

Wow, quelle tragédie! ;-) Just playin' with ya, Henry.

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Imagine a guy that Smug.”

Yeah, his named is Birkel.

How long before Inga claims I am going to go shoot a bunch of innocent people today?

She is on your side here Farmer.

Just like the WAPO.

A globalist tool.

Chest Rockwell said...

"Now I need to catch up to those of you who have thrown out the television..."

I've been on youtube tv for about a year and half now. I love it. I get more stations than I can watch, I can dvr everything, and it travels with me on my phone. I paired it up with a Chromecast and it's great.

Ohio State escapes today!


Interesting article. I'm a software engineer, but I work for a small company in the midwest. I can't imagine working for one of these multi national west/east coast firms. Sure the pay is good, but the culture must be stifling. I make a comparable salary and the cost of living here is so much cheaper. Plus, I'm pretty sure Facebook could disappear tomorrow, and no one would care. It's a garbage company. My brother is CTO for a large California software shop, and I'd say a majority of his employees are Asian. And a *lot* of them are women. Can't speak to their experiences of harassment, but I've haven't heard it's an issue. Personally, I can't see it being an issues in the real world. Engineering is one of those fields where you have to produce results or you won't make it.

Also, Farmer is a smug twat.

Birkel said...

Oh, Farmer, it is cute that you believe you are better than me.
Your reasoning, as always, is based on assumption and a haughty condescension.
I wouldn't have it any other way, your Smugness.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J. Farmer said...


I knew/know people killed and maimed by your Iranian friends who never participate in proxy wars or do anything bad. They never took explosively formed projectiles to Sadr City and helped them attack us.

You will of course claim those soldiers were doing nothing for you and were in fact the evil people and that Iran never really did that anyway.

American soldiers were also killed by Sunni jihadists, particularly in Western Iraq, aided and abetted by the Saudis. And the Saudis have supported radical Sunni groups in Syria and are recruiting Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Yet, that doesn't seem to bother you so much, or you don't seem to think it should have any bearing on the US-Saud relationship. Why?

Just like there aren't hundreds of Iranian military personal in Yemen and the "popular" Yemeni uprising had no support from Iran.

Saleh, who is also a Zaydi and whose 30+ year reign as president marked a period of tension between the Saudi-Yemeni relationship, had largely been in opposition to the Saudi/UAE block. He was indeed forced from power through popular uprisings in 2011 and 2012. Support for his ouster included Al-Islah and members of the Southern Movement? Is it your contention that these groups are controlled by Iran? Go get some facts and come back and talk to me.

So yeah. You are a condescending asshole who couldn't be any more disingenuous.

No, I say very clearly what I think and what I believe. I disagree with you. And your teeny tiny ego apparently cannot even handle that.

She is on your side here Farmer.

I know basic logic is not your strong suit, but let me try to make this simple. If somebody I disagree with on a host of political issues says that 2+2=4, they're not made wrong by the fact that I disagree with them on other topics.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“How long before Inga claims I am going to go shoot a bunch of innocent people today?”

Maybe if you didn’t sound like a nutcase, it wouldn’t be something that could even be imagined about you, I recall you bragging about getting your “military friends” together to do some “wet work” when it comes to liberals. So Captain America, my hunch about you may not be that far off the mark, based on the nutty and threatening things you say here.

J. Farmer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I know basic logic is not your strong suit, but let me try to make this simple. If somebody I disagree with on a host of political issues says that 2+2=4, they're not made wrong by the fact that I disagree with them on other topics.”

That’s too difficult a concept for the likes of Achilles, or Birkel.

J. Farmer said...

@Chest Rockwell:

Also, Farmer is a smug twat.

Sweet of you to say so. Thanks.

J. Farmer said...


Your reasoning, as always, is based on assumption and a haughty condescension.

No, it was based on your own self-pitying, sad-sack story. And I didn't say I was better than you. I only said that my parents didn't abdicate their responsibility to feed their children to the taxpayers, like your did. And considering that it was on the back of my parents' hardwork that you and your family ate, a modicum of gratitude would not be out of line. But sadly you seem to have internalized being an entitled charity case. Oh well. Life goes on.

Mark said...

Maryland. Maryland. Maryland. Come on!

FullMoon said...

Dems have found their talking point regarding Camp Fire.

Mis management partially to blame, only BECAUSE Climate Change caused so much extra dry timber and ground cover.

Trump, flanked by Gov Brown and incoming Gov Newsome, says, "Some have seen the light"
When asked by reporter if they had any comment, Brown and Newsome said NO.

narciso said...

The prime figure in recruiting shahid s against coalition troops was sheikh Salman al awdah an ally of bin laden, he broke away over tactics seeing the Arab spring would work better to spread islamism, al awdah is facing the death penalty.
al quedas Syrian branch nusra front strongly supported by Qatar is operating in Idlib province, along with Islamic state,

commoncents said...

New video shows migrant caravan is 'organized, well-funded'

ps. would you consider adding CC to your blogroll?

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Why we can't have nice things, reason 1042:

They broke in, used a slide and got hurt. Now, they say the ride operator should pay.

In late April 2017, Mulcahy and McGovern were in Myrtle Beach for a friend’s wedding and entered a closed Pavilion Park, the suit says.

“Even though it was closed, the plaintiffs were easily able to move the unsecured gate at the entrance to the Pipeline Slide and climb the stairs to the top of the slide,” the filing reads.

The two women did not know water needed to be sprayed on the slide and a burlap sack was used to go down the ride.

They went down the slide and crashed into a metal barrier at the bottom. The filing says the women suffered broken ankles and knees and Mulcahy needed surgery.

The lawsuit contends that state code requires rides to be guarded against use by non-authorized people.

Defendants in the case failed to secure the slide to prevent access, and the two women were not given instruction on safe operation of the slide, the suit contends. The women ask for an unspecified amount of damages in the filing.

Officials from Broadway at the Beach did not respond in time for this report.

narciso said...

Al Islah is being targeted by the uaes forces largely coordinated with Eric prince and a prime military contractor burned recently by buzzfeed. So it seems that the legacy media as well as journolist properties like buzzfeed are coordinating attacks on the Israeli gulf states alliance along with Robert muellers team.

J. Farmer said...


The prime figure in recruiting shahid s against coalition troops was sheikh Salman al awdah an ally of bin laden, he broke away over tactics seeing the Arab spring would work better to spread islamism, al awdah is facing the death penalty.

And why was al-Ouda sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia?

narciso said...

Saleh cynically used the returning jihadist from Afghanistan in the last civil war in the 90s, an odd mix because their security services and army were largely trained by Iraqi baathist, this led to the embryo of al queda in the Arabian peninsula responsible for the USS Cole bombing.

J. Farmer said...


Nothing there I disagree with. But it is enlightening when you consider that the GCC's stated goal at the outset of the war was to return Saleh's vice president and hand-picked successor, Hadi, to power. Hadi now sits in Riyadh on house arrest, and one of the primary outcomes of Saudi's attack on Yemen has been to empower AQAP.

campy said...

"their responsibility to feed their children to the taxpayers,"

Watch your syntax, please!

J. Farmer said...

Watch your syntax, please!

Haha. Point taken. In fact, I should probably just delete the whole damn thing. Mud slinging can always feel fun and invigorating, but you do always end up feeling dirty afterwards.

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“How long before Inga claims I am going to go shoot a bunch of innocent people today?”

Maybe if you didn’t sound like a nutcase, it wouldn’t be something that could even be imagined about you, I recall you bragging about getting your “military friends” together to do some “wet work” when it comes to liberals. So Captain America, my hunch about you may not be that far off the mark, based on the nutty and threatening things you say here.

You are part of a violent party that believes in obvious hoax conspiracies. Do you still believe in Golden Showers?

You are mad that people called you out for not condemning Hodgkinson for months and you were constantly pointing out Scalise was a member of the NRA after he got shot and that he should support gun control now.

You are mad that the democrat party was caught on video paying for violence at Trump rallies.

You are mad that democrats got caught openly trying to steal elections in Florida.

You are mad that your party is openly antisemitic and getting called out on it.

You are mad democrats beat women, are never held accountable, and are getting called out on it.

Democrat Congressman Swalwell just threatened to nuke people who believe in the Bill of Rights.

You are a party of unhinged violent nut cases.

You don't believe a single word you say. Your only goal is power over other people.

I will never let you have that power over me or the people I love because you are a disgusting person surrounded by other disgusting people.

Achilles said...

J. Farmer said...

American soldiers were also killed by Sunni jihadists, particularly in Western Iraq, aided and abetted by the Saudis. And the Saudis have supported radical Sunni groups in Syria and are recruiting Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Yet, that doesn't seem to bother you so much, or you don't seem to think it should have any bearing on the US-Saud relationship. Why?

Oh gee. I don't know.

You think maybe things have changed a little since then?

Maybe there are different people in charge in Saudi Arabia now?

People who made peace with Israel?

Who want to modernize Saudi Arabia?

I know that is too much for you to grasp. Your world view is too limited and frankly, stupid.

But you sit up on your little hill of ignorance looking down at people who know more about the situation than you.

Nothing will penetrate your bubble of stupidity. There is no point.

The fact that the WAPO, Turkey, Iran, and degenerate amoral losers like Inga agree with you should make you think a little bit.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Regarding Achilles 4:45 rant.

This is what happens when one steps one foot too many into the deep end of lala land.

Sad, really.

FullMoon said...

"Channing Dungey, the ABC Entertainment president who made the bold decision to yank Roseanne after its star made a racist tweet, has resigned her post. Sounds like the rumors that ABC regrets their hasty decision to drop Roseanne.

It was a bold and idiotic decision.

The Connors, the replacement for Roseanne has dropped double digits and two stars — John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf — have allegedly been asked to take big pay cuts. Revenues for advertising are also sinking.

As for Dungey, Entertainment says: It was Dungey who announced the cancellation of Roseanne after Roseanne Barr posted a racist tweet about Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett. “Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show,” she said at the time.

They claim she was widely praised for her decision. She was also widely condemned and by the people who actually watched the show.

Does anyone actually believe Roseanne is a racist? She didn’t even know Valerie Jarrett was black — many don’t. Jarrett is half-white and looks more middle eastern than black. The network could have put a letter in Roseanne’s file and kept her on. Instead, they decided to cater to the leftist mob on social media and Valerie Jarrett.

Roseanne apologized over and over but all the mob would do is trash her. She had to be destroyed.

John Goodman said Roseanne was ‘missed’ Roseanne and the ABC brass regretted their decision. It’s likely true. Their decision was worse than anything she said.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The fact that the WAPO, Turkey, Iran, and degenerate amoral losers like Inga agree with you should make you think a little bit.”

Too dumb or too crazy to realize I didn’t express ANY opinion on Farmer’s argument. What I said had nothing to do with his argument. My comments concerned themselves with your nuttery and Birkel’s arrogance.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

When people like Achilles thinks a grandmother in her mid sixties is a threat to him, one can surmise that person is not dealing with a full deck. No one wants power over you, you lunatic.

J. Farmer said...


Before I start, I would like to point out that you are allowed to write paragraphs longer than one sentence.

You think maybe things have changed a little since then?

Yes, they have changed "a little," but not significantly so.

Maybe there are different people in charge in Saudi Arabia now?

Not significantly different, no. The King is almost 83 years old and has played a prominent role for decades.

People who made peace with Israel?

"Made peace" is a chimera. What you are referring to is intelligence and diplomatic cooperation that goes on behind the scenes. Saudi Arabia continues to have no official diplomatic relations with Israel, and their behind-the-scenes interactions with Israel are nothing new. They were discussed in leaked diplomatic cables from a decade ago.

Who want to modernize Saudi Arabia?

So are you in the business of swallowing whole heartedly any line the Saudis feed you? Does the possibility that they are acting in a self-interested manner even occur to you? Also, Saudi Arabian leaders have talked about modernizing for decades. There are actually very systemic problems with the Saudi system that make that a difficult proposition. MBS has managed very moderate liberalizations in some areas while backsliding and becoming more authoritarian and heavy-handed in others.

I know that is too much for you to grasp. Your world view is too limited and frankly, stupid.

But you sit up on your little hill of ignorance looking down at people who know more about the situation than you.

Except you do not "know more about the situation" than me. You are not even minimally informed on basic facts.

J. Farmer said...

p.s. As I have said repeatedly and you have steadfastly ignored, a cornerstone of Saudi policy in Yemen today is to recruit and empower Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Please explain how this is good for American security.

J. Farmer said...

p.p.s It seems to be a further irony lost on you that Trump's strategy vis-à-vis Saudi Arabia (i.e. arms sales and support for the war on Yemen) are Obama-era policies. Speaking about being on the side of globalists.

walter said...

Raised wipers is a dog whistle...

Birkel said...

Yeah, as I mentioned above, Smug thinks he gets to assume things that were never typed about others.
And he demands nobody reach the obvious conclusions that Smug's own typing demands.

Smug is just a wonderful guy.
Ask him.

Birkel said...

Mud slinging?
Smug means pretending to know what he does not know.
Some would call that lying.
Others would call is Smugging.

None of what Smug typed is true, regarding my story.
Smug evidently believes lying is an appropriate tool once Smug fails.
Smug away, chap!

J. Farmer said...


Were you not going on and on just a few weeks ago about being raised on government cheese and free school lunch? Where do you think the money that paid for your food came from big boy?

J. Farmer said...

And in case your memory is failing you (perhaps as a result of childhood malnourishment), you can read your own comments here:

"I started from nothing: government cheese and peanut butter and powdered milk."

"And I assure you I starter from subsidized school breakfasts and school lunches."

So were you lying then or are your lying now?

Birkel said...

The false assumption is that what I described was a persistent state, instead of a temporary state that was overcome.
But I would suggest you Smug some more, about facts you assume.
Smugging is your natural state, as is assuming ages and states/counties in which we both lived.

Smug away.
That will be convincing to other people.

(Meanwhile, you assured me you were a bootstrap sort of person. These latest outbursts of Smug belie that earlier Smugdom.)

J. Farmer said...


The false assumption is that what I described was a persistent state, instead of a temporary state that was overcome.

I never made any such assumption. I said that you should be thankful to the hardworking strangers who put food in your mouth. That's as true now as when I originally said it.

That will be convincing to other people.

Luckily I don't comment here to get validation about my personal life, of which no one on here knows a damn thing. That's what my family, friends, and loved ones are for. The fact that an anonymous internet douche does not like me means less to me than the dirt on my floor.

Meanwhile, you assured me you were a bootstrap sort of person.

I have never made any such assurances, and I challenge you to quote a single thing I ever said to that regard.

Birkel said...

You typed that you were self-made, and more so than am I.

Also, you should not have dirt on your floors; For shame, Smug.

narciso said...

yet Qatar is at the forefront of militias from the subcontinent to the niger river basin, the golden chain comprise many of the figures, bin Mahfouz, alamoudi, who funded al queda, the atlantic council and the Hillary Clinton campaign, the junior player prince talal, funds what one would consider dhimmi studies from Cambridge to Georgetown, citigroup, cnn and previously newscorps,

Birkel said...

I have less reason to thank generosity of others than does Elon Musk.
And less still than Warren Buffett.

My bourgeois values cannot be used to hold me down, LMAO.

J. Farmer said...


You typed that you were self-made, and more so than am I.

Wrong again, I'm afraid. Your memory really is faulty. I never said anything about being "self-made." Find a quote of me saying anything like that, and I'll send you some free food. It'll be just like old times. When you and your family were charity cases.

J. Farmer said...


yet Qatar is at the forefront of militias from the subcontinent to the niger river basin, the golden chain comprise many of the figures, bin Mahfouz, alamoudi, who funded al queda, the atlantic council and the Hillary Clinton campaign, the junior player prince talal, funds what one would consider dhimmi studies from Cambridge to Georgetown, citigroup, cnn and previously newscorps,

With all due respect, I honestly do not know what point you are trying to make. Is there anyone here signing the praises of the Qatari royal family that you believe that was a response to?

narciso said...

meanwhile max boot removed (well at this point,) there are no doubts, flacking for eric 'nukem' swalwell,

narciso said...

because this is the other outfit, you fail to acknowledge, would benefit if prince salman falls, it's an imperfect choice but it's a choice, nonetheless,

Birkel said...

Do you have a link to my quote, that you offered above?
The one that proves I'm living rent free in your head?

Thanks, Smug.

wildswan said...

I think that the elections 2018 disheartened everyone. How could Walker have lost? Yet the Democrats continued their slide among the blacks in the Milwaukee / Madison. So they aren't happy either. Look out the window and the golden leaves are off the trees. Snow. Why not prepare for Thanksgiving and Christmas? A sort of political hibernation.

I still read what people have to say. But I'm mulling it all along with the wine.

Achilles said...

J. Farmer said...

With all due respect, I honestly do not know what point you are trying to make. Is there anyone here signing the praises of the Qatari royal family that you believe that was a response to?

J. Farmer pretends he is not on the same side as the neocons, globlists etc...

He pretends really, really hard.

He pretends Saudi Arabia hasn't changed at all in the last couple years. Nothing has happened to it's leadership that has turned the neocons against it.

He pretends Iran is a good country with good leaders and only countries allied with the US are involved in proxy wars.

He pretends on his little hill of ignorance that the world is just like he and Max Boot say it is.

He is in perfect alignment with Bush, Obama, Bush, Bush, Clinton etc.

Birkel said...


I wish those who would exercise power over us would ever consider a break.
But I understand they will not.

J. Farmer said...


Do you have a link to my quote, that you offered above?

It's in the same comment I quoted you. I'll give you a hit's colored blue and your icon turns into a little hand when you hover over it.

The one that proves I'm living rent free in your head?

There is no quote for that. That's based on the fact that for the past two to three years, you incessantly involve yourself in threads with me to tell me you don't like me. I got it. I'm gonna be just fine. But it does seem to be an unhealthy psychological obsession. Perhaps it's a weird after effect from how inadequate you must've felt standing in that free lunch line. Who knows.

Thanks, Smug.

Anytime, buddy. Mwah.

narciso said...

I guess fatigue, also how did the margin in Milwaukee, compare with two even four years ago, so a little detail, all the outlets misrepresent a house ethics report against mark meadows, the lead complainant, allysia farah, points this out, just one blip, if he comes up for leadership like they did with jim Jordan, a few months ago,

J. Farmer said...


because this is the other outfit, you fail to acknowledge, would benefit if prince salman falls, it's an imperfect choice but it's a choice, nonetheless,

I don't believe that the US government should do anything to cause MBS to fall. I believe we should adopt a more neutral stance to the various power rivalries that go on in the region. I support the concept of so called offshore balancing. That does not require indulging reckless clients in their reckless behavior.

narciso said...

I see it like the middle east version of the godfather, prince salman is Michael, there isn't a sonny I can think of, perhaps the late prince Aziz, the king is don vito, he's up against tattaglias, and the barzinis, but is trying to go legit,

J. Farmer said...


He pretends really, really hard.

Right. Talking about casting my first vote for president for Pat Buchanan, defending the tenets of ethno-nationalism for two decades, supporting groups like UKIP and Front National in their bids to extricate themselves from the EU, arguing for a minimum 10-year moratorium on immigration, opposing racial quotas, etc. is all part of my devilish plan to hide the fact that I actually support the complete opposite of the arguments I've been making for 20 years.

He pretends Saudi Arabia hasn't changed at all in the last couple years. Nothing has happened to it's leadership that has turned the neocons against it.

What I said precisely was, "Yes, they have changed "a little," but not significantly so." And I wrote, "There are actually very systemic problems with the Saudi system that make that a difficult proposition. MBS has managed very moderate liberalizations in some areas while backsliding and becoming more authoritarian and heavy-handed in others. "

So you're either illiterate or willfully misconstruing what I said.

He pretends Iran is a good country with good leaders and only countries allied with the US are involved in proxy wars.

I have never said anything remotely comparable to that. Please quote anything I said that you believe even slightly resembles that sentiment. I'll give you a hint: it doesn't exist.

He pretends on his little hill of ignorance that the world is just like he and Max Boot say it is.

I have opposed Boot's worldview for years. Including back when he was a cheerleader for the Iraq War. Boot is a liberal interventionist, which is pretty much the opposite foreign policy I advocate.

He is in perfect alignment with Bush, Obama, Bush, Bush, Clinton etc.

Let's see, I trashed Bush's and Obama's foreign policies repeatedly. Yet you are defending Obama-era policies towards Saudi Arabia. Apparently the irony is lost on you as it seems to be flying right over your head.

Birkel said...

Yes, Smug, you have pretended to have made more of yourself than have I - compared from where we started - and I know that cannot be true.

But do tell how you are more virtuous.
Your childhood of relative extravagance should win the day.

J. Farmer said...


I see it like the middle east version of the godfather, prince salman is Michael, there isn't a sonny I can think of, perhaps the late prince Aziz, the king is don vito, he's up against tattaglias, and the barzinis, but is trying to go legit,

Interesting comparison. John Hulsman wrote a book called The Godfather Doctrine about 10 years ago using the same metaphor but drawing different analogies. For example, the use Michael to define the realist camp, which is not a foreign policy position I would associate with MBS. But in any event, it's been a long time since I read the book.

I guess the only part of that sentence that I would take exception with is the "trying to go legit" part. I think a huge question mark hangs over that statement, and what we have seen in the short-term has not been encouraging.

narciso said...

yes and they weren't enthusiastic against moving against an Iranian proxy, recall the uae's operations against islamist in eastern Libya, in support of general hafter, (who isn't paranoid, his predecessor general younis, was executed on orders from al queda chief bel hadj)

J. Farmer said...


Yes, Smug, you have pretended to have made more of yourself than have I - compared from where we started - and I know that cannot be true.

Getting it wrong yet again. What I said in response to you at the time was, "As for me being 'so damned silly,' if you'd like to compare portfolios, I'll put my history of decision-making up against yours any day of the week."

That was the statement that sent you into a tailspin. The "compared from where we started" was your little caveat, and it was also your motivation in telling me your hard luck, sad-sack childhood story. As if I cared.

But do tell how you are more virtuous.
Your childhood of relative extravagance should win the day.

I have never claimed to be more virtuous. And I certainly don't apologize for my parents'taking their parental responsibilities seriously and providing for me and my siblings. I feel sorry that you didn't have the same thing. In fact, I may need a tissue it's so damn sad.

J. Farmer said...


yes and they weren't enthusiastic against moving against an Iranian proxy, recall the uae's operations against islamist in eastern Libya, in support of general hafter, (who isn't paranoid, his predecessor general younis, was executed on orders from al queda chief bel hadj)

Again, what point are you trying to make with this statement?

narciso said...

who the legacy media, I know that fool david 'abbott' Kirkpatrick, has to be considered with his fairy tale about the wonderful Egyptian revolution, since he works for the times, but Ignatius, follows the same route,

J. Farmer said...


who the legacy media, I know that fool david 'abbott' Kirkpatrick, has to be considered with his fairy tale about the wonderful Egyptian revolution, since he works for the times, but Ignatius, follows the same route,

You seem to be an informed person, and I am willing to take your point of view on the subject seriously, but I honestly find figuring out what you are saying to be a formidable task. What does this sentence mean?

narciso said...

the analogies are inexact, but it similar to the Sandinista and attempted revolutions in el Salvador and the sharp pushback by elites, non involvement then would have led to soviet encroachment as far as the Guatemalan border,

Birkel said...

But weren't you willing to bet that you hade made more of yourself than have I, based on our relative staring points?
Wasn't that the proposed wager for which you offered your name and E-mail?

If not, what were you planning to bet?

J. Farmer said...


the analogies are inexact, but it similar to the Sandinista and attempted revolutions in el Salvador and the sharp pushback by elites, non involvement then would have led to soviet encroachment as far as the Guatemalan border,

I understand that. It's the whole, "he may be a bastard but he is our bastard" argument. I don't want to get bogged down in the Cold War, and I think that a lot of the concern over Soviet encroachment in Latin America was wildly overblown. But even accepting that for the moment, it was still within the context of Soviet-US rivalries, and the Soviet Union was a superpower. There is no similar foe or threat that the US faces from the Middle East. None of the regional powers there have the ability to seriously challenge US security, for example.

Birkel said...

Odd that I find narciso a challenge but understandable.

J. Farmer said...


But weren't you willing to bet that you hade made more of yourself than have I, based on our relative staring points?
Wasn't that the proposed wager for which you offered your name and E-mail?

No, I implored you several times to email me and we could hash out the details, and you steadfastly refused. The "based on relative starting points" was the dead horse you kept beating in that exchange.

But in any event, this is getting beyond boring. Yeah, I got it. You think I am smug, you don't like me, blah blah blah, yada yada yada. Are we done now?

Birkel said...

Don't like you?
Where did you gather that?
This is just another example of the assumptions you allow yourself that you would criticize in others.

You are Smug and therefore ineffectual.
And you are nearly incapable of constructive criticism, Smug.

You do not, of a choice, abide.

narciso said...

Well growing up in Miami, it was far from overblown one might consider this a little like the hit on Romero, by certain members of the salvadorans security establishment.

J. Farmer said...


And you are nearly incapable of constructive criticism, Smug.

I love constructive criticism. It's the only reason to write in a public forum like this. I wish there were more of it. It's not my fault that so many of the people who choose to engage with me here are ill-informed. But then again, it does make me happy when I do occasionally run across incisive criticism. So in a spirit of thanksgiving, there is that.

You do not, of a choice, abide.

Ideas, not people. There is a lesson in there for you somewhere.

narciso said...

The cold war was over when you were seven years old, you'll find many of the ones who suggested neutralism was wrong but gutman them at Newsday dickey at the post were clearly mistaken.

J. Farmer said...


Well growing up in Miami, it was far from overblown one might consider this a little like the hit on Romero, by certain members of the salvadorans security establishment.

As I said, I don't want to get bogged down in the Cold War. So if you're going to reply, at least address the point I made: "But even accepting that for the moment, it was still within the context of Soviet-US rivalries, and the Soviet Union was a superpower. There is no similar foe or threat that the US faces from the Middle East. None of the regional powers there have the ability to seriously challenge US security, for example."

And I grew up three hours from you, for what it's worth.

J. Farmer said...


The cold war was over when you were seven years old

And neither of us were alive during the First World War. Does that preclude us from having opinions on the subject?

Birkel said...

Your inability to see the constructive criticism for what it is, is a personal failing.
The comments about Smug are constructive.
Try seeing.
It is illuminating.

Imagine a rich kid pretending to be better than a poorly kid.
And imagine the poor kid isn't poor these days.
Rich kids have trouble.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“But it does seem to be an unhealthy psychological obsession.”

Bingo. Not just with Farmer, Birkel has done his weird obsessive thing with wwww, myself, and others he thinks he can bully. What he hasn’t discovered yet is that this behavior shows him to be odd and yes...obsessive.

J. Farmer said...


Let me see if I can make this clear for you. I'm here to say what I think. If everyone else disagrees, that's fine. I comment here because I get something out of it. And that's what I care about. So long as that's the case, I'll continue to do so. If someone has another opinion, they are free to take a number, get in line, and kiss my ass.

Imagine a rich kid pretending to be better than a poorly kid.

There is actually quite a gulf between being a "rich kid" and being a "poorly kid." But please stop the self-pitying. It's very unbecoming of a grown man.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“If someone has another opinion, they are free to take a number, get in line, and kiss my ass”.

Ohhhhh hahahahaha! I told him to kiss my royal ass several times, so now he calls me Royal Ass Inga. Too funny.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Birkel, you know too much cheese in your childhood makes you emotionally constipated as an adult.

Birkel said...

And you cannot imagine Smug.
You think it a criticism instead of an observation.
Imagine if you could be persuasive.
But you cannot.

As for pity, I do pity your inability to understand.
Wouldn't it be nice if you had been born poor and understood the world?
Your Ameri-centrism is ignoble.

FIDO said...

It appears that Gillum and Nelson have been defeated.

Humperdink said...

My favorite Inga comment (a lot to choose from I know) was when the nut case in the theater shouted: "Heil Hitler, Heil Trump". And proceed to depict the Commie-Pinko Lefty as a Trump supporter. Classic Inga.

narciso said...

So it appears mifsud who was no 2 contact with papadopoulos was as tied to Saudi general intelligence as with with timofeevs valdai club (which has had contacts at various times with James Comey and Jamal khashoggi)

Drago said...

My favorite Inga comment was her response when told that our very own CDC has estimated 500,000 young girls in the US at risk of Female Genital Mutilation due to islamic practitioners of this horrific act.

Inga's response? "Not all muslims".

Not a word in defense of the young girls. But then, as a lefty, Inga knows the islamists are off-limits for any criticism. Which is why the tidal wave of attacks by islamists always, and I mean always, results in Inga doing her best to accuse republicans and Christians of much worse.

BTW, did you hear about the Jewish Kristallnacht remembrance ceremony in London last week? Yep, a bunch of Inga's beloved islamist supremacists showed up shouting death to the jews.

# of lefty complaints about the islamists doing this? Zero.

narciso said...

So then there was this:

J. Farmer said...


Imagine if you could be persuasive.
But you cannot.

As I've said, the opinion of me from someone who doesn't know me means nothing. I don't care about being persuasive here. Nobody here is involved in my life. I'll worry about being persuasive in the places it matters: my family, my community, and my business. Thanks for the advice, though.

Wouldn't it be nice if you had been born poor and understood the world?
Your Ameri-centrism is ignoble.

Yeah, if I only hadn't lived abroad for several years in my 20s and spent time in places like Northwest Thailand trying to help human trafficking victims, I'd probably have a much keener sense of the world. At a minimum, I probably would have supported the last 20 years of American foreign policy that's been such a sterling success.

You're certainly right I am Ameri-centric. That's precisely the nationalist agenda I've been advocating for 20 years. You might even call it "America First."

FullMoon said...


Kansas State University students were horrified after a student posted a picture of a racist note on the door frame of his home at Jardine Apartments. The note read, "Beware n***ers live here! Knock at your own risk."

Immediately the calls went out (metaphorically speaking) to track down any Trump-supporters, MAGA-hat-wearers, or generally right-leaning members of the student community who MUST have been guilty of this horrible act.

WIBW reports that campus police began investigating the note, presumably with an open mind, and investigators say the student has admitted making the sign and hanging it.

Prior to the police determining the note was a hoax, Jeff Morris, K-State's Vice President of Communication and Marketing, said acts like this are unacceptable and not tolerated at the University.

“We’re rallying behind the students to make sure they know their supported and apart of the K-State family," Morris said.

"At this time we don’t know who did this, or why, or what their motivations were, and we don’t want to speculate until we finish the investigation.”

The school says they will handle the situation “in accordance with applicable disciplinary procedures.”

As WIBW noted, officials did not define what that entailed, but we are sure it will involve group hugs, safe-spaces, and "it's-the-environment-that-did-it" excuses.

Birkel said...

Pro-Thai rape is not a winning platform.
But you do them.

narciso said...

So with Chinese Islamist and probably even Cambodian interests circling what does neutralism entail there, (Thailand was the base of the anti communist forces against hun Sen in the 80s)

Humperdink said...

Another favorite is the proverbial Inga chortle after a perceived Trump misstep. When Trump comes out on the winning end, she returns to her fetal position.

J. Farmer said...


Pro-Thai rape is not a winning platform.
But you do them.

Right. Helping people who have or have attempted to be trafficked through the golden triangle is being "pro-thai rape."

You really are a vile, disgusting person. Please say that to my face. Please prove you aren't the giant, gutless coward I assume you are. Please demonstrate that the taxpayers subsidizing your shitty parents' shitty decision-making was not in vain. Otherwise, please do me a favor, find a loaded gun, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger.

Chest Rockwell said...

I can't make sense of this paragraph. Is this just terrible writing? Can someone explain?

THE FIRST TIME Matice Moore realized that Moore’s gender might have been incorrect was during an argument with a girlfriend. Moore was assigned female at birth and was raised as a girl. “She said one of the reasons she was breaking up with me is because she wanted to be with a woman,” Moore told me. The exchange was deeply emotional. “She could barely finish the sentence.” The observation clarified a feeling that had been nagging at Moore, who was 30 at the time. “I always felt that I have a boy inside me who needs to share space with this woman-facing identity,” Moore said. “But I didn’t know how to bring that to the surface.”

FIDO said...

Meh. The answer to these 'hoax' racist displays is to treat ANYONE who does them exactly the same as you would a Klansman.

So if you are some Jewish Lesbian Feminist and you so lack attention that you put a swastika on your get expelled and labelled a racist and Anti-Semite.

No defense by the other professors. If racist statements are bad, attention whores who try to 'start a conversation' or 'make an art display' etc get the same treatment.

Birkel said...

I like that you believe you are tough.
Guys who grew up poor always lose to guys who grew up prosperous.

By rule.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“My favorite Inga comment (a lot to choose from I know) was when the nut case in the theater shouted: "Heil Hitler, Heil Trump". And proceed to depict the Commie-Pinko Lefty as a Trump supporter. Classic Inga.”

Excuse me? Go and cut and paste where and when I said the guy was pro or anti Trump. I didn’t opine on his political affiliation. Why do you people lie so much?

narciso said...

Yes I thought that was uncalled for, we can debate political viewpoints respectfully. The category error should be made evidence I imagine you rely on leogrande and other figures who missed the boat re central america.

Birkel said...

All nineteen of Royal ass Inga's offspring agree.
She never makes up positions.

J. Farmer said...


Guys who grew up poor always lose to guys who grew up prosperous.

John Anthony Farmer
(813) 391-5431

There's my contact information, big boy. Please get in touch and demonstrate to me how tough it made you growing up as a sad-sack charity case.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Another favorite is the proverbial Inga chortle after a perceived Trump misstep. When Trump comes out on the winning end, she returns to her fetal position.”

Hahahaha, “fetal position”? I could kick your metaphorical ass with a broken leg. I have no fetal position, dummy. I’m a grown woman who isn’t in the least bit intimidated by the lunatics here.

Humperdink said...

Curious if our beloved Inga agrees with fellow lefty Kamela Harris that ICE is the modern day equivalent of the KKK.

Or with another lefty tyrant wannabee, Eric Swalwell, that AR-15's and their ilk must be turned in or face nuke-e-ler annihilation from the US military.

Birkel said...

I prefer Royal ass Inga when she lauds Leftists who yell "Heil Hitler" during plays.
That is my favorite Royal ass Inga.

J. Farmer said...


The category error should be made evidence I imagine you rely on leogrande and other figures who missed the boat re central america.

I have said several times now that I have no interest in getting bogged down in a Cold War digression. And I will repeat the statement I made earlier that I believe you have been unresponsive to...

"But even accepting that for the moment, it was still within the context of Soviet-US rivalries, and the Soviet Union was a superpower. There is no similar foe or threat that the US faces from the Middle East. None of the regional powers there have the ability to seriously challenge US security, for example."

Humperdink said...

" I’m a grown woman who isn’t in the least bit intimidated .."

That's pretty clear to anyone who reads your work. Lack of intimidation is not your problem.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Not a word in defense of the young girls. But then, as a lefty, Inga knows the islamists are off-limits for any criticism. Which is why the tidal wave of attacks by islamists always, and I mean always, results in Inga doing her best to accuse republicans and Christians of much worse.”

Did you people get into some bad ganga tonight? The Blue Wave making you grumpy? And my dear Propoagamdist, I AM a Christian. Also the Jews that were murdered were murdered because some alt right nutcase believed Jews were guilty of helping refugees come into this country. A Jewish refugee society named HIAS was helping refugees come to the States, which included Muslim refugees, BTW. You have a few things in common with the Synagogue shooter Drago, maybe a little introspection would serve you well.

Ralph L said...

Chest Rockwell, I guessing Moore was too butch a Lesbian for her girlfriend.

Birkel said...

The Blue Wave that gives Democrats fewer representatives in the House than Republicans has?
So a tiny wavelet?

Royal ass Inga cannot even.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Curious if our beloved Inga agrees with fellow lefty Kamela Harris that ICE is the modern day equivalent of the KKK.”

Curious if our beloved Humpy agrees with fellow righty and Trump “lawyer”, Giuliani, that the FBI is equivalent to modern day “stormtroopers”.

narciso said...

Well it's a smaller country like Iran that has been influential over smaller countries like the kingdom and the Emirates they use asymmetrical warfare at strategic checkpoints like the red sea and the Persian gulf, they have aided the Sunni supposed foes like the Taliban just like Iraqi security services kept in contact with outfits like hezbollah.

J. Farmer said...


Well it's a smaller country like Iran that has been influential over smaller countries like the kingdom and the Emirates they use asymmetrical warfare at strategic checkpoints like the red sea and the Persian gulf, they have aided the Sunni supposed foes like the Taliban just like Iraqi security services kept in contact with outfits like hezbollah.

And? What lesson do you imagine we are supposed to draw from what you just said?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Democrat Gil Cisneros has captured a Republican-held U.S. House seat in Southern California, capping a Democratic rout in which the party picked up six state congressional seats.

With Cisneros’ win, Democrats will hold a 45-8 edge in California’s U.S. House seats next year.“

narciso said...

The #metoo aggressor over the children survivor of the Cambodian killing fields take a bow, you know I would have to resort to another language to describe this obscenity, since I don't know Khmer I would have to try in spanish.

narciso said...

The past isn't past, the dog returns to its vomit:

Now this situation was probably complicated through the death of pablo Escobar which splintered the drug supply network first to the California cartel then various guerillas, the impact of IMF adjustment plans than enabled the likes of Chavez to rise.

narciso said...

One possible factor:

J. Farmer said...


One possible factor:

One possible factor in what?! What the fuck are you talking about? You claim that English is your first language, but I swear your posts read like you ran them through Google Translate before copying and pasting here. Can you explain in plain English what you are talking about without resorting to one fractured non sequitur after another?

narciso said...

Temper temper, so we are supposed to ignore all interests in south east Asia or just some, I know the history there is complex to say the least, from the kuomintang to the Shan states in Burma to other matters.

But you respond better to insults it seems

Marc in Eugene said...

A wonderful essay in the current issue of First Things, by Harvard professor of history James Hankins, about civility, the virtue that in the Renaissance would have been called humanitas. What 'current... rebirth of character education and the serious study of classical literature' in the US he is talking about, however, I don't know.

Dr Michael K. wrote a post at his blog last month about retreating from here. He was allowing himself to get involved in the recurring shouting matches and didn't like his indulgence in it. Wrote that he continues to read here.

I've wondered about Buwaya, too.

Drago said...

Thank you Inga for perfectly, perfectly, responding precisely as i said you would.

Not a single word of criticism of her beloved islamic supremacists.

Not a single word.

J. Farmer said...


Temper temper

Point taken. But if anything it is born out of a frustration at attempting to understand and engage with you. I cannot really do that if I cannot understand what you are saying.

so we are supposed to ignore all interests in south east Asia or just some

That is an overly large. Which interests are you referring to? What actions are you advocating we take?

The South Thailand insurgency has been going on for more than half a century. It is primary a job for the Thai government and the Thai people to sort out. Thailand is itself a false country, and despite decades of efforts of Thaification, the northeastern Isan region remains culturally, linguistically, and ethnically closer to Laos than the Thai people of central Thailand. There is also the role of the Chinese diaspora's influence in Bangkok.

Humperdink said...

Inga in a quizzical mood asked: "Curious if our beloved Humpy agrees with fellow righty and Trump “lawyer”, Giuliani, that the FBI is equivalent to modern day “stormtroopers”."

Allow me to respond. Oh yes, I agree. Of course I am referring to ones in leadership who were leading a coup against Trump who have been canned.

You really don't see the forest for the trees, do you? I would explain he wasn't referring to the entire FBI, but you are to stoopid to see that. But hey, you aren't intimidated *cough*.

Birkel said...

Smug ignores Marc.
As if by design...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Birkel misses Marc’s point entirely.

Humperdink said...

Now Inga, answer my meager two questions regarding sister Kamela and brother Swalwell.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Allow me to respond. Oh yes, I agree. Of course I am referring to ones in leadership who were leading a coup against Trump who have been canned.”

Then you are no different than Kamela Harris.

J. Farmer said...


Smug ignores Marc.
As if by design...

Go find a sharp object and fall face first on it.

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