They were already emboldened by the language used by President Donald Trump and senior members of his administration -- words like "nationalist" and "invasion" that have hateful dual meanings -- according to a review of sites frequented by white supremacists. And they saw Tuesday's results as a victory for white America....
"This changed history. It cleared away any of the remaining fog of confusion about what exactly we are dealing with in this country," Daily Stormer founder and publisher Andrew Anglin wrote. "This is a race war. Period."...
"Steve King won," Anglin wrote. "If last night was a referendum on Steve King's white nationalism, as the Democrats were trying to frame it, then white nationalism won."
"It doesn't take an overt slur for these individuals to basically become emboldened and to recognize and be excited by policies that they see would further their goals," said Keegan Hankes, a senior research analyst at the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project. "When they hear the President say things like, 'I'm not a racist,' they turn around amongst themselves and say, 'He just has to say that for practical reasons,' 'he just has to say that basically to get himself cover, to do the things that we want him to do,'" Hankes says....
१४ नोव्हेंबर, २०१८
CNN: "Trump says he's not a racist. That's not how white nationalists see it."
"White supremacists are saying they were winners in last week's midterm elections."
१८४ टिप्पण्या:
"White supremacists are saying they were winners in last week's midterm elections," and progressive Democrats say the same thing.
So when CNN wants the true dope, they go to a collection of fringe nut jobs.
I've witnessed Jew-hate from the left for years.
Up next on CNN - Farrakhan. Oh wait - nope.
Both do have an interest in pushing race as a divisional topic.
Again the word "Nationalist" is not the same as "white nationalist"
CNN taking great strides to confuse it and paint everyone they can with the corrupt leftwing Southern Poverty Law Center broad brush.
Is he still on Twitter after calling Jews "termites"? You get rid of termites by covering your house with a tent and filling it with poison gas.
One more data point suggesting political spectrum isn't linear but a curve that bends back upon itself.
"So when CNN wants the true dope, they go to a collection of fringe nut jobs." Yawp. No one actually cares what white supremacists say, except for those on the left who want to use them. I follow quite a number of conservative sites. I never ever see one white supremacist, or anything resembling their point of view.
Why should Trump get to decide what he is?
Wasn't that Andrew Gillum's line about DeSantis?
I didn't realize that Trump just got reelected.
Words like "news" and "reporter" have hateful dual meanings, according to a review of sites frequented by "news" "reporters".
When we hear a reporter say things like, "I'm not biased", we turn around amongst ourselves and say, "He* just has to say that for practical reasons", "he just has to say that basically to get himself cover, to write the the things that he wants to write."
*Xe. Xe can haz news 'porter job now?
If there are a handful of real white supremacists who like Trump - Trump should tell them to sod off.
But what is the real number in that group?
And if Trump is such a racist, why does he take pride in black empowerment and the rising tide of black entrepreneurship and higher black employment? and why won't CNN cover it?
Perhaps Trump doesn't use the PC words the media would like - but the truth about the ccaravan and most illegal immigration is carefully hidden by the D-hack press.
Right up there is vote fraud in Florida.
There are lots of ways for people who are white not to go along the PC, all but one of them benign. The one would be white dominationists. All the rest have no ill will towards others but believe something or want something.
White nationalists might believe nothing more than that people in this country decide who lives here, not people in other countries. Nationalists who are white, in other words.
Derbyshire reviews the terms. Really worth reading if you're going to be reading MSM accusations and lumpings-together.
Deny individual dignity, abort life that is deemed unworthy, indulge in diversity, Jew... White privilege... redistributive change. Progressives and liberals are looking to CNN and SPLC for guidance and affirmation.
Question: who has white supremicists on speed dial: Trump or the CNN reporters?
QUOTATION: “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that's all.”
It's obviously very easy to ascribe any motives to what someone says as long as you are allowed to dictate the meaning of the words from that person.
I take comfort in knowing that more TVs will be tuned this evening to “SpongeBob SquarePants” on Nick at Nite than will be watching CNN.
You will never here a word about this from CNN:
The leader of America's most prominent communist party credits Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders with helping usher socialism into the political mainstream, but says it's essential to back Hillary Clinton if she defeats Sanders in the Democratic presidential primary.
John Bachtell, national chairman of the Communist Party USA, says he cast a ballot for Sanders in the Illinois primary in March, but that the self-styled democratic socialist's loyal backers should temper their criticism of Clinton as a warmongering Wall Street puppet.
I’d be concerned that CNN is giving publicity to these jagoffs but CNN’s ratings are so low it doesn’t matter much. Maybe the Dems can keep giving these jagoffs publicity to keep them in business. Host a debate between Farrakhan and Duke. They’d probably get a joint venture going against the Joos. CNN could give them a program. Could spend the first half of the show attacking each other and the second half they attack the Joos.
I’ve never seen a photo of Trump with Duke. I’ve seen some of Clinton with Farrakhan and Obama with Farrakhan.
Why do we care what "white nationalists" think about at all? They're such a tiny minority that they're completely irrelevant. I doubt that there's more than a few thousand people in the entire United States that would openly self identify as a "white nationalist". There's almost certainly more transgender people than white nationalists.
Why obsess over negligible groups?
Surprised cnn did not get David Duke, wait he supported Hillary...
Typical, cnn is gas lighting again on the influence of White Supremacy.
I guess cnn needs to keep the White Supremacy Boogieman alive, while it’s actually only a few idiots.
Andrew Anglin is the poster child of the term useful idiot.
"When they hear the President say things like, 'I'm not a racist,' they turn around amongst themselves and say, 'He just has to say that for practical reasons,' 'he just has to say that basically to get himself cover, to do the things that we want him to do,'"
Only the true Messiah denies his divinity!
Seriously-- these are people who are irremediably full of shit about everything a person can be full of shit about, and suddenly they're authorities about whether some guy they've never met is a racist?
"There is wishful thinking in Hell as well as on Earth." -- C.S. Lewis
The Photo That Never Saw The Light of Day: Obama With [racist and anti-semite Louis] Farrakhan in 2005
A journalist announced last week that he will publish a photograph of then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama (D) and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan that he took in 2005 at a Congressional Black Caucus meeting, but did not make public because he believed it would have “made a difference” to Obama’s political future.
The photographer, Askia Muhammad, told the Trice Edney News Wire that he “gave the picture up at the time and basically swore secrecy.”
--- End quote ---
Did no-one ask the Flat Earth Society? They were in the tank for Trump, and are just PUMPED.
Nonapod: Why obsess over negligible groups?
Why indeed?
The usual suspects have lately gone all in pushing this idiotic "white supremacist" propaganda. It's thoroughly nasty and beyond crude, but they've got gullible viewers believing that it's a Serious and Dangerous Thing, and by golly we've got to keep flailing away at these "white supremacists" or it'll be Nazi Germany all over again.
And who's a "white supremacist"? Not just these chuckleheads they keep presenting as Important Representatives of White Men Who Voted for Trump. Anybody who doesn't toe the PC line on any race-related matter is now a "white supremacist". Ha, I don't think you even have to be white these days.
Why indeed.
"I've witnessed Jew-hate from the left for years."
Your statement raises some questions:
1. Who do you consider "the left?"
2. What do you consider to be "Jew-hate?"
3. What have you seen that illustrates Jew-hate from the left?
The thing about CNN is that even if you never watch it at home, you can't escape it. It's deep state TV and it's just about everywhere.
"One more data point suggesting political spectrum isn't linear but a curve that bends back upon itself."
Well, my 9th grade civics teacher told us (in 1970) that if you go far enough to the right or far enough to the left, you'll end up in the same place.
As for how Dems and white (sic) nationalists could both claim the mid-term election results as victories for their sides, that's easy: the Dems are looking at the majority they gained in the House, and the white (sic) nationalists are looking at the Republican majority maintained in the Senate. They're each ignoring the other side's electoral victory that mitigates their respective triumphal claims.
Your statement raises some questions:
1. Who do you consider "the left?"
2. What do you consider to be "Jew-hate?"
3. What have you seen that illustrates Jew-hate from the left?
Find me a Lefty who has denounced Farrakhan, Robert Cook.
There is a lot of anti-Semitism among Blacks. Also bizarre conspiracy theories -- the CIA invented crack cocaine to destroy the Black community, the government assassinated ML King, etc.
I guess cnn needs to keep the White Supremacy Boogieman alive,
Because of Russian Collusion. Lack thereof.
CNN(D)'s proof that we are all racists is that King and Trump both want to protect our sovereign border, and they use words that CNN does not approve.
Hey CNN - You were OK with it when Bill Clinton said it.
***corrections to my post above.
For starters, Rober Cook, right after Trump won the election, I witnessed an older man in a local grocery story who yelled out, at the top of his voice, so that everyone could hear, that "Trump and Jews were going to destroy everything."
I'm not making it up. I am not paraphrasing.
I live in a 70%-Democrat registration town. I doubt that guy was a right-winger.
Years ago, I knew some folks in Montreal who were total socialists and they HATE Israel, and the Jews...
Of there's that Louis Farrakhan guy.
“I've witnessed Jew-hate from the left for years.”
Dummy doesn’t know how many Jews are on the left.
“Trump and Jews were going to destroy everything."
I'm not making it up. I am not paraphrasing.
Hahahaha, yeah...right.
Inga- that American Jews support corrutocrats is beyond me. I am not denying that they do. You are using leftwing tactics to paint what I said as something else. Typical of you.
I denounce Farrakhan.
Inga - are you calling me a liar?
If you want to deny that leftwing hatred of Jews exists, Inga - go right ahead. This only provides more evidence that you are the village idiot.
At least Robert Cook has guiding principles. You Inga - are merely a hack.
Racists and Nazis are the new Westboro Baptist Church. "See these fringe lunatics? We in the MSM are going to talk about them constantly as a way to smear all conservatives."
And they wonder why ordinary people tune them out...
Bimbo, if your comment is true, realize the guy who shot up the Synagogue murdering 11 people also said negative things about Trump and Jews. That did not make him a leftist. It made him a rightist who wanted Trump to be even further to the right. He was a well known figure on alt right sites, he was no leftist.
Bimbo, you are merely a mouthpiece for Fox.
If Trump is a racist, then by the same logic every Democrat is a card-carrying Communist.
I'll take Archie Bunker Trump over the mass murdering Democrats any day.
LOL - Inga- I don't have cable, and I don't watch Fox.
"Obama says he's not a socialist. Socialists don't see it that way" wasn't a headline in 2008, you might remember.
“LOL - Inga- I don't have cable, and I don't watch Fox.
Gateway Pundidt, Breitbart, rightist rags...nuff said.
"For starters, Rober Cook, right after Trump won the election I witnessed an older man yelling out at the top of his voice, so that everyone could hear, that 'Trump and Jews were going to destroy everything.' I'm not making it up.
"I live in a 70%-Democrat registration town. I doubt that guy was a right-winger." older guy you assume to be a left-winger on no evidence is not indication of "Jew-hate on the left." Even if he was a Democrat, and even if, as appears true, that he hates Trump, that does not prove either that he's left-wing or that the left-wing is rife with Jew-hate.
"Years ago, I knew some folks in Montreal who were total socialists and they HATE Israel, and the Jews..."
(Note: always FOUR dots if ending the sentence...the three-dot ellipsis followed by a period.)
Knowing "some folks years ago" who may have been "total socialists," (is this your interpretation or did they describe themselves as total socialists?), who "HATE(ed) Israel and the Jews" is, again, not evidence that the left is rife with Jew-hate. How many is "some?" Did they represent a large cohort of people who all agreed on Israel and the Jews? What, to you, characterizes hatred of Israel? Is criticism of Israel's policies and practices vis a vis the Palestinians, by definition (to you), hatred of Israel and the Jews, (i.e., anti-semitism)?
"Of there's that Louis Farrakhan guy."
Is Farrakhan a leftist?
One of the many weird things that liberals believe: if you are a conservative, you watch Fox News.
Oh I see. I should tailor my view of things to how White Nationalists view things!
I don't think so.
If White Nationalists thought the Earth was flat, what would that mean to me? Not much at all.
Actually, Inga, my major sources are all over the place, Inga. Alternative sources of news from the Democrat Media Industrial Complex are needed.
Where do you get your vile leftwing bent, Inga? CNN? Maddow, SNL, Vox? Kos? Late night comedy?
Farrakhan is supported by leftists, Robert Cook. You know this.
"Obama says he's not a socialist. Socialists don't see it that way" wasn't a headline in 2008, you might remember."
Well, Obama certainly was not a socialist.
Igna- you probably liked InfoWars back when Alex Jones was a 9-11 conspirator, right?
and that leftwing propagandist millionaire - Michael Moore. He's cool. Cuba has a nice dictator for life and really swell healthcare.
The media continues their smear. Now that they are done with Kavanaugh, it’s on to Matthews and back to trump. Democrats hard at work.
A few openly anti-Semtic members of Congress just got elected, Democrats. And another one who was the the number two at the DNC was elected MN state AG. In the meantime the BDS movement isn't composed of rightwingers.
Robert - I know my experience with "one guy" in a supermarket doesn't mean all leftists hate Jews- (and they don't) but many on the far left do. the FAR left.
The idea that there are only right-wing radicals, is nonsense.
CNN: "The Earth is round. That's not how (Group x) sees it"
Why would anyone care one iota what Group X thinks?
The world will be a better place when CNN is banned from airports.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
"If you want to deny that leftwing hatred of Jews exists, Inga - go right ahead."
It's more complicated than that. The Left hates Israel, because it is a Western Democracy, and the Left seeks to destroy all western democracies. But in the US, most Leftists claim that hatred is directed toward the nation, and not toward Jews as such. And American Jews want very much to believe this, because they are lefties themselves, and hope to be treated as honorary POCs when their alliestake over the country. This is all becoming a bit trickier, as the Muslim invaders the Left is importing pump their poison into the nation's discourse.
The bottom line, though, is that the Left has won. American politics is now identity politics. All you people talking about how you're not racists are straight out of 1964. They couldn't care less about your fucking Kumbaya opinions. Your skin is white, and you don't have a colored dick in your mouth. Ergo, you're a racist.
This is all guilt by association used against Trump.
Let's talk about the new Dem female Muslim just elected from MN. In addition to the fact that she probably committed immigration fraud and bigamy, she hates Jews and Israel.
Sigh. This trope again.
Racists who hate the idea of Blacks, Asians and Mexicans getting into our country has a choice
Democrats: who hate them and want to open the spigot on pretty unlimited immigration AND give preferences to anyone who is not a white male
Republicans: Who hate them, don't care about 'race wars', but are not for unlimited immigration, at least in principle (see Paul Ryan) They also do not hate white men, which is a better deal than racists get from Democrats.
So if they support Republicans, it is because Republicans are the least bad option for them to support, not that there is an congruence between the two groups.
The tiniest crumb they are getting from Trump is he wants to actually defend the border, something no Democrat will do.
"Farrakhan is supported by leftists, Robert Cook. You know this."
I do not know this. I have not paid Farrakhan the slightest attention in many years, and I have not seen any reporting about him in the media. While he was a very public and controversial figure decades ago, he seems to have long ago faded away into obscurity.
What leftists support him? On what basis do they support him? I mean, he may well be a leftist...I honestly don't know. But, even if some leftists support him, this doesn't mean he is a leftist. Do they actively praise him or do they merely refrain from criticizing him? If the latter, perhaps they just don't bother paying attention to him, or perhaps they have other reasons for not criticizing him. (Again, we have to rely on your perception of who is a leftist...just being a Democrat does not make one a leftist, except in relation to someone to the Democrat's right...but that would mean even liberal or moderate Republicans must be "leftists," which, of course, is not so.)
I can start with Women's March organizers.
The whole BDS movement is firmly entrenched in the left, too. You could separate Anti-Israel from Antisemitic, but it's not hard to find individuals that can hold one belief along with the other.
Well, Obama certainly was not a socialist.
Just as Trump isn't a racist--despite overheated rhetoric.
What have you seen that illustrates Jew-hate from the left?
Linda Sarsour could not be reached for comment.
The only time I watch Fox News is when I visit my father who has it on pretty much all the time. Honestly if it wasn't for that I probably would rarely see it since I have the bottom tier cable which only has the local channels and home shopping network (plus broadband internet). I get most of my news from a wide variety of sources all over the internet, which sometimes does include the Fox News website. I like to compare how different sources report the same stories.
Unfortunately I think in our modern age you have to go out of your way to get a reasonably balanced idea about what's really going on in the world. These days despite us having an incredible access to information it actually requires a lot more effort to get anywhere close to the truth than one might imagine. Everyone's trying to influence you one way or another. A smart consumer of content is aware of this and views things with a healthy amount of skepticism.
You also have to be aware of your own biases and be careful not to only believe what fits in your world view. This is hard because reading content presented by those with opposing views from yours can be infuriating and/or tedious at times.
many on the far left do. the FAR left.
The obvious example is Linda Sarsour, organizer of the women's marches. She's the darling of the left, and is anti-Semitic as they come. Let's not even try to say she's only anti-Israel, not anti-Semitic.
"the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project"
That hate group spouting hate speech?
"The idea that there are only right-wing radicals, is nonsense."
Who said that? I'm sure there are many people across the political spectrum who are personally anti-semitic to one degree or another. However, to claim, simply, there is "Jew-hatred on the left," (a broad and amorphous statement that does not define terms or quantity--but implies" many), is to claim an unsupported personal belief, nothing more.
What leftists support him? On what basis do they support him?
The Women's March Has a Farrakhan Problem
Trump is obviously not a racist. CNN is a propaganda outfit, watching CNN is like spending WWII in Germany reading Der Stürmer.
So, Althouse is this a funny post?
Did I miss the joke?
Ho hum....Just another day of hate for the left....
It's interesting that, for example, 108 people were injured in a terrorist attack decribed as a "massive rocket bombardment" by the Times of Isreal over the past few days, yet this story has apparently been barely reported by the 3 major networks. Therefore, it's highly likely that an overwhelming majority of Americans are completely unaware of it. Certainly some people might say that it's not really germane to a typcial American, it's just another brutal Hamas terrorist attack in a long line of brutal attacks. Nothing new or interesting. But maybe more people should care about it? Maybe they should be allowed to determine what is important to know about or not?
Everybody likes a bigger pay check, lower taxes, less war, and general prosperity - even racists. They probably like apple pie too. Does that make pie racist. Left and logic don't mix.
CNN will violate any standard to attack Trump. They wouldn't think twice about beating him bloody with a baby seal at a preschool and burying him in a sacred Indian graveyard on Columbus day.
I'm pretty sure that white supremacists agree with CNN on Israel, much more than they do with Trump.
There are far more racists that agree with CNN and the Dems than the ones that might like Trump: black racists, Hispanic racists like La Raza, antisemites, etc.
The National Socialists painted people with broad, sweeping strokes (i.e. diversity, racism). The Nazis were Pro-Choice and practiced a policy of selective-Jew (i.e. life deemed unworthy of life). The Nazis promoted a policy of redistributive change. The Nazis were not nationalists, and were, in fact, globalists. The Nazis made alliances with brown people, notably Muslims. Perhaps white-brown people. The Nazis conceived and progressed the concept of "Jew privilege". The American right is libertarian, not socialist, communist, or fascist. The American center is conservative, character-oriented, pro-life. The American left is socialist, diverse, pro-choice. You would think that the SPLC, the premier diversity racket, would know. They probably do.
@Inga "Bimbo, if your comment is true, realize the guy who shot up the Synagogue murdering 11 people also said negative things about Trump and Jews. That did not make him a leftist. It made him a rightist who wanted Trump to be even further to the right. He was a well known figure on alt right sites, he was no leftist."
Meh. Just means that people like things to be one-dimensional. Left<-->right. It actually means nothing at all. You probably could not find an issue on which I agree with those people. You probably could find many issues on which antifa agrees with them.
Do WaPo and NYT reporters have the few thousand white supremacists on speed dial?
How do they find these needles in so many haystacks so quickly.
I would not know where to look.
Given that all white nationalists (a tiny fringe group) support immigration restriction, it follows that all Trump supporters are white nationalists. QED
The way the mainstream media slanders the Trump movement is really quite scandalous. Why do they do ii?
The explanation I favor is based upon class, meaning the perennial struggle between those whose incomes are derived largely from capital (including human capital in the form of highly educated brains) and those whose incomes are mostly derived from their labor.
Given the vast continental disparities in income and wealth that currently exists around the globe, it is no secret that policies allowing free movement of labor and capital and manufactured goods between the West and the poorer parts of the world favor the former at the expense of the latter In fact the data and basic economic theory show they bring about a wholesale redistribution of income between labor and capital that swamps the rather modest gains in our country's total GDP.
True, these same policies have lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in other parts of the world, to which the partisans of capital (and the pundits they employ) point as moral justification. In effect what they are saying to blue collar America is "Let's you and him share."
Only a bigot could refuse.
Keeping trade and immigration off of the agenda is the number one priority of the donor class that bankrolls both political parties and owns the major mainstream media. If they have to stoke the racial divide to do it, well, then, in the mind of the cynical knaves among them (of which there are more than a few) that's what's nice about living in a multi-racial society. For those who wish to divide and conquer, diversity is their strength
Only if and when African- and Hispanic-Americans begin to see through this tactic in numbers will the ordinary working men and women of this country be able to substantially improve their standard of living.
"'What leftists support him? On what basis do they support him?'
"The Women's March Has a Farrakhan Problem"
Thanks...a very interesting article.
It certainly shows that at least some in the Women's March Leadership are choosing not to openly (or only belatedly and too mildly) criticize someone they see as broadly aligned with their political goals or agenda. This shows them to be either badly mistaken, naive, politically calculating, stupid, cowardly, or some combination of these. Frankly, some of them may even be anti-Semitic. If they do not clarify their opinion regarding Farrakhan, they cannot complain if others accuse them of being anti-Semitic or as protective of an anti-Semite. It does not prove that they, in toto, are anti-Semitic, or that large swaths of the left are anti-semitic, and it certainly doesn't prove that Farrakhan is a leftist.
Robert "no enemies to the Left" Cook is not honest.
Those of you who sometimes give him credit fool yourselves.
CNN: Lies our specialty!
Trump says he's not a racist. That's not how CNN sees it.
Therefore CNN is comprised of white nationalists.
I don't believe Trump is a racist, he does cater to racists but George Soros pays white nationalists to openly praise Trump to help socialism.
Robert Cook said...
"Farrakhan is supported by leftists, Robert Cook. You know this."
I do not know this. I have not paid Farrakhan the slightest attention in many years, and I have not seen any reporting about him in the media. While he was a very public and controversial figure decades ago, he seems to have long ago faded away into obscurity.
What leftists support him? On what basis do they support him?
Obama. Clinton. Clinton. Stephanopolous. CNN as an institution. Sanders. Pelosi.
They support him on the basis he gets black people who hate jews to vote for democrats.
Robert Cook said...
"'What leftists support him? On what basis do they support him?'
"The Women's March Has a Farrakhan Problem"
Thanks...a very interesting article.
It certainly shows that at least some in the Women's March Leadership are choosing not to openly (or only belatedly and too mildly) criticize someone they see as broadly aligned with their political goals or agenda.
Linda Sarsour is the most prominent leader of the Women's March.
She is as anti-semitic as any Nazi ever was.
The support of FGM and Sharia law are just a bonus.
Howard said...
I don't believe Trump is a racist, he does cater to racists but George Soros pays white nationalists to openly praise Trump to help socialism.
Is it possible to not cater to racists?
What racist policy has Trump pushed and supported?
Is it the record low unemployment among black/hispanic people?
Was Barrack Obama racist for driving black unemployment and welfare/food stamp rates up?
Trick question: How racist was Bill Clinton?
Remember"they all look alike."
An all day bitch fest about racism!
So new!
Nothing like this has ever been done before.
Talk about yer intellectual stimulation.
Remember the photo of Farrakhan & Obama purposefully hidden by the media until after his Presidency. No big deal to me that he was caught with him, no surprise there either, but the media would have gone nuts if Trump was caught smiling with David Duke. Trump doesn't run in the same circle as Duke, but Obama clearly did share a circle with Farrakhan. Still, crickets from the totally unbiased and never fake news media.
I get it now. Achilles hates America because we are ungrateful to combat veterans who defended our freedom. Except, since WWII no US joined combat has resulted in victory or defended the freedom of any American, let alone the entire country. This helps to explain his spit-freckled anti-commie rantings that helps to paper over the futility of his noble and brave service and over-compensates by telling himself he is now a freedom fighter. I'm sure he is right that he is not alone in this mental prison created by the Neo Cons I and countless others reelected in 2004.
You know, for a bunch of people thinking they just brought home a massive blue wave, the left sure seems pissed off over the stupidest things.
Winners don't run around screaming in anger after they've won.
When a man sues to open his private club to Jewish and Black members, and smashes the unspoken racism of Palm Beach, and to make the point has his attorney send a copy of "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" to the town council, what is that exactly supposed to say about him?
Except, since WWII no US joined combat has resulted in victory ...
@Howard, I thought your esteemed leader Hillary declared victory in Libya. We’re you asleep? Or are carefully defining “US joined combat” to exclude Libya?
I do not know this. I have not paid Farrakhan the slightest attention in many years, and I have not seen any reporting about him in the media. While he was a very public and controversial figure decades ago, he seems to have long ago faded away into obscurity.
If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?
Nope Cook has just answered that riddle. If he don't know, it never happened.
And, faded into obscurity??? That's your standard? Who is keeping the white nationalist in the news? CNN.
Catch a clue Cook.
Except, since WWII no US joined combat has resulted in victory ...
True, but that is a political fuck up. Not the Generals, sure as hell not the soldiers. Politicians lack the spine to commit to a goal and carry it out. I'd remind you to show our Vets some respect, but your hate crowds out honor and respect.
Howard said...
I get it now. Achilles hates America because we are ungrateful to combat veterans who defended our freedom. Except, since WWII no US joined combat has resulted in victory or defended the freedom of any American, let alone the entire country. This helps to explain his spit-freckled anti-commie rantings that helps to paper over the futility of his noble and brave service and over-compensates by telling himself he is now a freedom fighter. I'm sure he is right that he is not alone in this mental prison created by the Neo Cons I and countless others reelected in 2004.
Just like in 2004, you are on the Neocons side now.
The Neocons have always been on the same team as the democrats. You are on the same side as the Bush's too. And the Flake's and McCain's.
Ouch, that cuts to the quick.
Howard said...
Except, since WWII no US joined combat has resulted in victory or defended the freedom of any American, let alone the entire country.
I am thoroughly aware of how our politicians kept us from killing the Taliban. We knew exactly where they were and could have killed them at any time.
But we caught them. And let them go. And watched their leaders as they sat 200 meters inside Pakistan. We had constant 1 meter grids on the Haqqani leadership.
We caught the same guy 3 times in one 3 months period.
We watched them wire up a compound with dozens of 155 shells and we were not allowed to blow up the compound or the little house they were sitting in half a click off.
You are on the same side as the people who turned the middle east into a flaming pile of shit.
You are on the same team as George HW Bush and Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama.
Trump is using "nationalism" as a counter to "globalism", a pernicious concept that is relatively new, but still just another iteration of "inter-nationalism", long a precept of the Left. As in "Workers of the World, Unite!"
Note this definition from Wikipedia:
"Nationalism is a political, social, and economic system characterized by the promotion of the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining sovereignty (self-governance) over the homeland."
Note the absence of "racism" in that definition. Note further, NOT interests of a "particular race", but a particular nation.
Once upon a time "nationalism" was a synonym for "patriotism". But due to the Left's relentless pushing of divisive "identity politics" and tribalism, traditional forms of American nationalism, which included the "melting pot" and cultural assimilation, have been deformed to create a pejorative "nationalism" purportedly held only by whites.
IOW the Proglodytes' drive to push Americans apart (divide and rule) has led them to unilaterally change a term that formerly denoted political unity, not separation.
Our politically/historically ignorant young people will not spot the deception.
iowan2 said...
Except, since WWII no US joined combat has resulted in victory ...
True, but that is a political fuck up. Not the Generals, sure as hell not the soldiers. Politicians lack the spine to commit to a goal and carry it out. I'd remind you to show our Vets some respect, but your hate crowds out honor and respect.
Sorry. Wrong.
Many of the generals were hip deep in that crap.
COIN was pure bullshit.
Half the generals want to repeal the second amendment. Obama purged the flag officer ranks. Look at some of the goings on at the military academies.
Your only hope is the NCOs.
Dems winning the House is seen as a win for white supremacists, apparently.
Well it fuels distrust in the political system and to bluntly put it, less interest in white working class interests.
Robert Cook wrote: Well, my 9th grade civics teacher told us (in 1970) that if you go far enough to the right or far enough to the left, you'll end up in the same place.
My wife visits a few unusual prepper sites such as survivalblog, and one run by an honest-to-god archdruid called Ecosophia that regularly has 200+ comments on his posts by an eclectic and erudite bunch (he also exercises a heavy hand on nasty commenters; some of the regulars here wouldn't last one day there).
She observed that the far left and far right preppers agree on a lot of things: emergency preparedness, getting involved in your community, growing your own food, home schooling, and a deep suspicion of the government.
The only difference is that the right are more into guns than the left.
(And, no, these aren't supremacist sites, either.)
There are really no left and right wings any more, nor is there any difference between Democrats and Republicans. There are really only two sides in today's struggle: Those who believe CNN and those who don't.
"You are on the same side as the people who turned the middle east into a flaming pile of shit."
The U.S.A. is one of those largely responsible for that.
White supremecists probably believe that 2+2=4. I guess that makes me a white supremecist too.
"Winners don't run around screaming in anger after they've won."
Hahaha! That's the eternal mood of the Republicans.
"'Except, since WWII no US joined combat has resulted in victory or defended the freedom of any American, let alone the entire country.'
"I am thoroughly aware of how our politicians kept us from killing the Taliban. We knew exactly where they were and could have killed them at any time."
What does that have to do with factually true Howard's comment? The Taliban are not a threat to American lives.
"'Except, since WWII no US joined combat has resulted in victory....'
"True, but that is a political fuck up. Not the Generals, sure as hell not the soldiers. Politicians lack the spine to commit to a goal and carry it out."
But...why were we ever even involved in any of the post-WWII wars we've been involved with? None had any valid goals. There was no self-defense necessity for any of them, including the wars we're in right now. Our only goals have been expansion of U.S. global dominance.
That's the eternal mood of the Republicans.
Pure projection. Since November of 2016 - even though I didn't vote for him - I couldn't be happier about Trump.
Economy's booming. Progress being made on nations who've been screwing us over forever. Somebody finally doing something about illegal immigration.
And best? He drives his opponents stark-raving mad. That - in itself - pleases me greatly.
So, yeah. Best president since Reagan. What's not to be happy about?
If you intend to fight a war without accounting for politics you will lose.
Asserting that the military could win wars except for the politicians is like asserting that the ocean is drinkable except for the salt.
Wars are politics from beginning to end.
"But...why were we ever even involved in any of the post-WWII wars we've been involved with? None had any valid goals. There was no self-defense necessity for any of them, including the wars we're in right now. Our only goals have been expansion of U.S. global dominance."
You answered your own question. If we are not dominant, who is? China? The Soviet Union?, a totalitarian communist alliance? Would anyone trust how that would work out for us, not to mention the rest of the world. Whether they understand it or not, the Chinese, and the Russians have nothing to fear from a dominant U.S. Our dominance in the world has been overwhelmingly good for the people of the world who are not themselves despots. Do you trust the same from totalitarian regimes with nuclear weapons?
Those conflicts, as unsatisfying as they were, did preserve our dominance, and did stop communist expansion which was in full flower and is overwhelmingly bad for the world's people - at least for the ones they haven't already killed in the hundred millions.
It's always easy to say something done was worse than doing nothing, but that is a huge leap of faith not reasonable in light of the facts at the time or even now in my opinion.
“And best? He drives his opponents stark-raving mad. That - in itself - pleases me greatly.”
It pleases me greatly that Trump is stewing in his own juices since losing the House. Democrats up by 32 now.
“Winners don't run around screaming in anger after they've won.”
The only ones screaming are you Trumpists. “They're stealing the election!!!11!”
“And Althouse doesn’t care!”
“ probably liked InfoWars back when Alex Jones was a 9-11 conspirator, right?”
Blogger bagoh20 said...
"But...why were we ever even involved in any of the post-WWII wars we've been involved with? None had any valid goals. There was no self-defense necessity for any of them, including the wars we're in right now. Our only goals have been expansion of U.S. global dominance."
You answered your own question. If we are not dominant, who is? China? The Soviet Union?, a totalitarian communist alliance? Would anyone trust how that would work out for us, not to mention the rest of the world. Whether they understand it or not, the Chinese, and the Russians have nothing to fear from a dominant U.S. Our dominance in the world has been overwhelmingly good for the people of the world who are not themselves despots. Do you trust the same from totalitarian regimes with nuclear weapons?
Those conflicts, as unsatisfying as they were, did preserve our dominance, and did stop communist expansion which was in full flower and is overwhelmingly bad for the world's people - at least for the ones they haven't already killed in the hundred millions.
It's always easy to say something done was worse than doing nothing, but that is a huge leap of faith not reasonable in light of the facts at the time or even now in my opinion.
Shitting $11 Trillion plus more than 1,000,000 killed for nothing. Hundreds of thousands of perfectly fine young man like Achilles damaged forever. Our costly distraction actually hurts US hegemony in favor of China and Russia.
"Democrats up by 32 now."
That means that Trump did far better than either Obama or Bill Clinton at the same point in their presidencies. Not bad for the new Hitler, and bringer of all things evil. I thought the nation was really unhappy with Trump. Seems like they like him better than the darlings of the Democratic party - the best the Dems could produce for the last few decades. According to the results, Trump is just more loved by America than any Dem in recent history.
“That means that Trump did far better than either Obama or Bill Clinton at the same point in their presidencies.” it doesn’t, lol.
What ever white nationalists say goes. That's how they decide things at CNN.
Oh I see. I should tailor my view of things to how White Nationalists view things!
I don't think so.
If White Nationalists thought the Earth was flat, what would that mean to me? Not much at all.}}}}
True, and an even stronger analogy is this: If White Nationalists think that the Earth is round, must I take the opposite position just to prove that I'm not a WN? If research shows that WNs tend to be married, have children, and like Buffalo Wings, should I get a divorce, renounce my kids, and boycott restaurants that sell Buffalo Wings? That's the logical result of the dominant narrative being shoved down our throats---any and every possible (or imaginary) link between WNs and non-progressives is proof that non-progressives are WNs.
It's ok to be white.
"Shitting $11 Trillion plus more than 1,000,000 killed for nothing. Hundreds of thousands of perfectly fine young man like Achilles damaged forever."
The question was whether or not the very idea of fighting those wars was valid. They certainly could have been executed better, but the mistakes were primarily political. Unless you have a foolproof better plan in hindsight that you would have been able to offer at the time, we don't know if the cost would have been double or triple if we ignored the threat.
I'm not saying I know what the best course would have been, even in hindsight, but I get tired hearing all those who do seem quite certain of it. The history of ignoring strategic threats does not tell me the costs are low. Achilles' sacrifice may well be more valuable than we know. Not knowing the unknowable, I prefer to assume it was, and I thank him, as the world should.
This is the same discussion that goes on here every day.
Same points. Same rants. Same insults. Same players.
Don't you guys ever get bored with this shit?
Don't you have anything better to do?
Henry said...
If you intend to fight a war without accounting for politics you will lose.
Asserting that the military could win wars except for the politicians is like asserting that the ocean is drinkable except for the salt.
Wars are politics from beginning to end.
I agree. 100%.
But the funny thing is that all of the people running around cheering about the US losing are supporting the politicians that caused it to happen.
Howard, Inga, Cook et al are cheering for the Obama, Clinton, Bush, McCain team.
The globalists hate our country and run pieces of shit like Kyrsten Synema who supported the Taliban against us into congress. The Taliban are deranged animals.
McSally was a terrible candidate and probably another Romney/Flake like traitor. But at least she didn't support the taliban.
All these people bitching about the soldiers that protected them voted for Hillary Clinton who has voted for and started more wars than anyone. Obama is a close second. And the Bush's supported them against Trump so now all the war mongers are on the same team.
It is just that their war is against the United States.
Shouting Thomas said...
This is the same discussion that goes on here every day.
Same points. Same rants. Same insults. Same players.
Don't you guys ever get bored with this shit?
Don't you have anything better to do?
It beats actually doing something about the problem doesn't it?
As long as people complain about a piece of shit taliban supporter like Synema stealing an election with magical votes found two days after the election we can slouch along.
We don't want to feel anxious or deal with the termites eating away the foundations of the republic.
It's ok to be a white nationalist.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“And best? He drives his opponents stark-raving mad. That - in itself - pleases me greatly.”
It pleases me greatly that Trump is stewing in his own juices since losing the House. Democrats up by 32 now.
Isn't it awesome how every close election magically turns out to be a democrat win?
Especially when you can get a senator elected 2 days after the election is over that wanted the Taliban to kill your "daughter."
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“That means that Trump did far better than either Obama or Bill Clinton at the same point in their presidencies.” it doesn’t, lol.
Inga is really that stupid.
“ it doesn’t, lol.”
Because 32 > 63 in Inga’s world.
langford peel said...
It's ok to be a white nationalist.
Oh for fucks sake.
You people never stop. This does nothing to help the country.
Only democrats and people who want to destroy our country push this shit. There is nothing "white" about it.
I am really tired of being called a racist and I am really tired of people like langford peel giving them cover to do it.
yes, it's about on par with the 1982 midterm, which toads the wet sprocket, because that happened in the midst of a recession,
Langford - your kind not wanted here.
“Achilles said...
I said Republicans would win the Presidency and the House.
You said democrats were going to win.
I was right. You were wrong.
In a few days Republicans are going to hold the house.
I will be right again. You will be wrong again.
And Republicans will be around 60 seats in the senate.
Both Cantwell and Hutchinson are running ads in Washington State. The Washington State Senate race is close. Much closer than people think.
11/1/18, 3:22 PM
when America loses, does the life of an average Vietnamese Cambodia, Iraqi, improve any, the same with the ayatollahs that replaced the shah,
the answer is no, Cambodia is perhaps an extreme example, probably only surpassed by the congo, where Mugabe's fall didn't quite work out 20 years later, give or take,
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Achilles said...
I said Republicans would win the Presidency and the House.
You said democrats were going to win.
I was right. You were wrong.
In a few days Republicans are going to hold the house.
I will be right again. You will be wrong again.
And Republicans will be around 60 seats in the senate.
Both Cantwell and Hutchinson are running ads in Washington State. The Washington State Senate race is close. Much closer than people think.
11/1/18, 3:22 PM
You win some. You lose some. I was wrong about how committed we were to honest elections and to decency as a country.
But you are supporting a woman who wanted the Taliban to kill your "daughter."
I was wrong about the election.
You are a piece of shit.
Sucks for both of us.
“But you are supporting a woman who wanted the Taliban to kill your "daughter."”
There is no truth to your “story”. This is what happens when you don’t live in reality and are drowning in conspiracy theory and deliberate misinformation. You don’t have the instinct or brains to know what is lie and what is truth.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“But you are supporting a woman who wanted the Taliban to kill your "daughter."”
>>At one point, Hancock posed a hypothetical in which he made a “personal decision” to “go fight in the Taliban army.”
>>Sinema responded, “Fine. I don’t care if you want to do that, go ahead.”
Sinema's only goal was that the US lose.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
There is no truth to your “story”. This is what happens when you don’t live in reality and are drowning in conspiracy theory and deliberate misinformation. You don’t have the instinct or brains to know what is lie and what is truth.
So yeah.
You are a piece of shit.
I like how Trump is the one accused of not knowing politics, yet he ran a winning campaign against the Democrats, the media, and many of the GOP on far less money than Bill, Hillary or Obama spent. Then he loses a fraction of the seats that Clinton or Obama did - both considered political geniuses by Dems. I bet he could shoot a guys on 5th Avenue and still not lose as many seats nationwide as Obama did with the record at over 1000!
"This is the same discussion that goes on here every day.
Same points. Same rants. Same insults. Same players.
Don't you guys ever get bored with this shit?
Don't you have anything better to do?"
We aren't all retired. This is how the rest of us avoid work.
Add one more to the Democratic House, Andy Kim, a former Obama aide, bringing the total to 33 pick ups, so far.
Blue Wave!
"Howard, Inga, Cook et al are cheering for the Obama, Clinton, Bush, McCain team."
I defy you to show where I have ever expressed approval for Obama, Clinton, Bush (?!), or McCain. They are all warmongers and servants of the wealthy elites who are destroying our republic.
Robert Cook said...
"'Except, since WWII no US joined combat has resulted in victory or defended the freedom of any American, let alone the entire country.'
So what? You might as well argue that we didn't defend any American, let alone the entire country, in WWI or WWII. Big oceans separating us from them, and all that. But that would be stupid, donchathink?
And WTF does "joined combat" mean? The Korean war was fought to a stalemate, but can you really argue that the South has utterly defeated the North in everything since?
Or would you like some Soy Sauce with you North Korean Surf 'n Turf, aka "Seaweed and Zoysia Grass"?
Oh, and even where we did lose, in Vietnam, just whose aircraft carriers have visited Cam Ranh Bay since, as the Vietnamese have sided with the US, rather than the Russkies or their historical enemies, the Chinese?
I wonder if Avenetti beat the snot out of that woman to burnish his democrat street cred?
It worked for Ellison.
If Avenetti goes full Islam and slices a few heads off while advocating for FGM he would be a lock for the VP slot in 2020.
I hear they can do live brain CTE testing now. Achilles should look into that.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Add one more to the Democratic House, Andy Kim, a former Obama aide, bringing the total to 33 pick ups, so far.
Blue Wave!
One of those democrats, Ilhan Omar, married her brother.
Probably to cheat immigration laws.
She is also a rabid anti-semite just like the rest of the blue wave.
Howard said...
I hear they can do live brain CTE testing now. Achilles should look into that.
I know you don't want to face the fact that you support the same douchebags that started all the wars you seem to hate.
I mean I know it sucks to be on the same team as Bush/McCain/Romney.
But there you are.
Thanks for your condescension and pity. We love it when you do that.
More re nationalism:
"Back in the early 1990s, President Bill Clinton's soon-to-be deputy secretary of state, Strobe Talbott, said openly that "all countries are basically social arrangements … [that] are all artificial and temporary." He added, "Within the next hundred years … nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single global authority."
Conservatives, as opposed to liberals such as Talbott, don't see America as a temporary social arrangement. They recognize the march toward supranational global authority as fundamentally undemocratic, because it represents a growing concentration of power in the hands of unelected bureaucrats presiding over unaccountable institutions further and further removed from the people affected by their decisions."
Not much to do with "whiteness" there, is there....
Achilles: the royal we?
“Achilles: the royal we?”
Maybe there more than one that lives in his head.
Howard said...
Achilles: the royal we?
I can't think of a single vet I know who likes it when some douchebag calls us crazy, says "it must be the PTSD," or says we all have CTE and tries to blow us off.
So yeah, the royal we.
How nice it must be to be on the same team as Keith Ellison, beater of multiple wives. That is probably even better than being on the same team as Obama or Bush.
Democrats are now the party of marrying your brother before getting elected to congress.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Achilles: the royal we?”
Maybe there more than one that lives in his head.
Ah yes, there is Inga, supporter of Bill Clinton, known rapist.
And Kyrsten Synema, who says "go ahead and join the Taliban" while railing against the military.
It must be hard to sleep at night for you while being such a disgusting human being.
Bob Menendez, who "only likes the newest, youngest girls" is a democrat.
Fully supported by Inga and Howard.
There will be a Democrat Blue wave to the Caribbean brothels soon I imagine. They have the newset youngest girls.
I heard a pol or pundit recently put it perfectly. I think he said that he would never call Trump a racist (or anti-Semite?) but that racists/anti-semites see him as their champion, and that it's clear Trump wants those people to see him as their champion.
That's the way to call these convenient maniacs out. Just ask them why it's so important for them to get those people's votes.
Democrat lawyer Avenetti was just arrested for domestic violence.
Democrats officially support beating wives, but only if you are a democrat.
There isn't enough to prove that, but he was on the take from that Lebanese cardiologist
The irony, is the talibans patron Qatar who have her stoned and buried, quradawi has a whole routine on that.
That's who synema the wiccan supported back in 2002,
Every single one Achilles stories are untrue. That’s what happens when you can’t discern the difference between truth and fiction.
“Avenatti's wife, Lisa Storie-Avenatti, denied reports that the alleged domestic violence incident pertained to her in a statement to Buzzfeed from her lawyers.
"My client and I have reviewed the TMZ article alleging that my client, Lisa Storie-Avenatti, has been injured and that Michael Avenatti has been arrested as a result of some incident that occurred between them. This article is not true as it pertains to my client," the statement said. "Ms. Storie-Avenatti was not subject to any such incident on Tuesday night. Further, she was not at Mr. Avenatti's apartment on the date that this alleged incident occurred. My client states that there has never been domestic violence in her relationship with Michael and that she has never known Michael to be physically violent toward anyone.”
34 House seats now.
Blue Wave!
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“Avenatti's wife, Lisa Storie-Avenatti, denied reports that the alleged domestic violence incident pertained to her in a statement to Buzzfeed from her lawyers."
Leave it to the Republicrazies to get their basic facts wrong.
They really don't stand for anything apart from factlessness - just in the service of their attacks on what the country wants, and the party that's willing to serve it.
They're just anti-democracy and that's about all they stand for.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Avenatti's wife, Lisa Storie-Avenatti, denied reports that the alleged domestic violence incident pertained to her in a statement to Buzzfeed from her lawyers.
"Initially, TMZ reported the alleged abuse victim to be Avenatti’s estranged wife, the story was subsequently corrected to report the alleged victim was another woman.
Avenatti denied he physically abused the woman or any woman ever, in a statement following his arrest."
Good enough for me. That's way more than anything you had on Kavanaugh who was obviously innocent from the start.
So Avenetti was arrested for beating a woman. Not his ex wife.
But then again you voted for a rapist so we know you don't believe a single word you say or really even have a soul.
Keith Ellison beat two of his wives so far.
But you know, Sharia law. Another plank in the democrat party platform.
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
“Avenatti's wife, Lisa Storie-Avenatti, denied reports that the alleged domestic violence incident pertained to her in a statement to Buzzfeed from her lawyers."
Leave it to the Republicrazies to get their basic facts wrong.
He was arrested.
You support men who beat women.
You're allowed to slap a woman when she's hysterical. It's in old movie plots.
The idea was to get Trump to tell white nationalists, or "white nationalists", not to vote for him, and in so doing, tell the average white person that he's not concerned about their interests. They wanted to get him to campaign against himself, the same way they got McCain to campaign for Obama.
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