I used to work for a government contractor, and then for a company that did mailings (utility bills, bank statements etc). We always had to work Veterans Day, but it was a nice slow day..
In the past few weeks, They put a bunch of mountain bike trails all over the BLM land we let the dogs run on. I expect it will suck if it becomes popular, but so far no problem.
At least I don't have to listen to people thanking me for my service today.
What was your service that you don't have to listen to people thanking you for?
Army. Afghanistan and Iraq. Bush and Obama administrations.
I have stopped with the unit details because they are sufficiently identifying and there are people who like to camp out at houses and go after families of political enemies on this board.
Today The Conservative Treehouse website published an insightful article, titled The Cleaner, about Matt Whitaker, the new acting Attorney General.
The article argues that since October 2017 Whitaker has been declassifying and releasing various documents cleverly in order to undermine the DOJ/FBI cabal that has been trying to cover up DOJ/FBI misdeeds.
For example, Whitaker released all the text messages of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.
Whitaker has been doing this legally but has not been taking public credit for doing so. The cabal, however, knows that he is the official who has been doing so.
@Achilles, Serious question. Do you appreciate when people (esp strangers) thank you for your service? Or is it obnoxious to you? Or are you indifferent?
I had a friend who was a veteran. If he saw someone in a restaurant or store who was clearly military, he would thank them for their service very loudly. On one hand I appreciated it. But sometimes I wondered if the people on the receiving end would have preferred to be left alone.
I met a veteran in a bar one time, who told me he never says it, and hates when people say it to him.
Those who invest all of their spiritual energies in politics will reap the whirlwind. The evidence is all around us—the paroxysms of inchoate, infantile rage suffered by those who have turned fallible politicians into saviors and devils, godlike avatars of Good versus Evil. Camille Paglia
Mike Sylwester said... Today The Conservative Treehouse website published an insightful article, titled The Cleaner, about Matt Whitaker, the new acting Attorney General.
Trump better get on this.
They are actually going to declare Arizona for that piece of shit al quaeda supporter based on a bunch of ballots they are still finding.
Her "lead" is "widening."
If these elections are allowed to be stolen then it is only a matter of time.
I see that scumbag Avenatti now is trotting out some fruitcake Latino who accosted Tucker Carlson's daughter at their club. According to this ambulance chasing creepy porn lawyer, Tucker Carlson went out of his way to randomly start attacking a gay latino man, who was just minding his own business. How Tucker was supposed to know that he was a pillow biter, this cunning legal mind doesn't say.
The actual story is that this brave resistance member called Tucker's 19 year old daughter "tucker's whore" and "a cunt." In a just world, he would have been beaten within an inch of his life by Tucker and his son, but they apparently have more restraint than is warranted.
These lefty thugs attacking doors and screaming in people's faces in restaurants need to be violently put down. Not used a generate publicity for creepy porn lawyer. It's getting past the tipping point.
I'm a vet who didn't serve in a war zone. I don't think Veterans Day is about guys like me, at least not in the way it's about guys like Achilles. So thanks, Achilles.
Andrew said... @Achilles, Serious question. Do you appreciate when people (esp strangers) thank you for your service? Or is it obnoxious to you? Or are you indifferent?
I appreciate sincerity. I honestly like individuals. I want to help everyone. Honestly help them.
But I hate the empty expressions. The virtue signaling.
The insincerity.
There are things that are more important that whether or not you can get an abortion or how much of my money the government gets to give to you, or whether gay people can get married.
There are rough edges in this shit. The government is a poor tool for solving your problems.
If you support due process, one person one vote, rule of law, right of self defense and speech I find that far more gratifying than any expression of appreciation for my service.
Arrgghh! In college (West Georgia College, when Newt was a history professor) I was on the committee that picked entertainment for the students. As well as bands and movies, we booked lecturers.
We saw Stan's name and booked him instantly. This was the Monday before the election in 1972. Being a small school, I had to borrow the geology department's van to drive to the Atlanta airport to pick him up. He took it all in grand style and was the best attended speaker we ever had. He also took the time (he didn't really have a choice since I was driving him back) to stop over at my fraternity (Alpha Kappa Psi) house and sign his name on the vast Marvel murals we had painted on our walls.
He had a big and interesting life and will be missed.
This man created a lot of our modern myth and media landscape. You could argue (and litigate) that he got credit for things he shouldn't have, but in the end, no Stan Lee and our world would look very different.
Achilles... a friend's son flew A-10s ground support. Only a few close friends know this. It is not to be discussed. Same reason, but international scale. Thanks for helpin out!
Howard said... Those who invest all of their spiritual energies in politics will reap the whirlwind. The evidence is all around us—the paroxysms of inchoate, infantile rage suffered by those who have turned fallible politicians into saviors and devils, godlike avatars of Good versus Evil. Camille Paglia
Paglia sees where the river of history is flowing.
Democrats are willing to destroy our confidence in elections. They are willing to destroy the pillars of the Republic just to win. "Republicans" are helping them do it.
Fuck anyone who supports Synema in Arizona. She is a piece of shit who hates this country. It is perfect that they are frauding this piece of shit into a senate seat.
Anyone who wants Synema to win the election at any cost is just a depressingly sad human being. They are still "finding" votes. Votes that are magically all for Synema.
If those votes were real they would be statistically similar to all of the other votes in Arizona. The election was called because the small but magically growing number of votes had no reasonable chance to honestly change the election.
Anyone who accepts her legitimacy is an enemy of the republic.
A lot of people want to just roll over.
On Veterans Day the democrats are going to declare Kyrsten Synema of all people the winner of that election.
At least some of the "inchoate, infantile rage" has to do with people being dissatisfied with their lives and themselves for whatever reason. It's a lot easier to blame and demonize someone else than to actually change yourself or take responsibility for your own unsatisfactory situation.
@Achilles, Serious question. Do you appreciate when people (esp strangers) thank you for your service? Or is it obnoxious to you? Or are you indifferent?
I appreciate sincerity. I honestly like individuals. I want to help everyone. Honestly help them.
But I hate the empty expressions. The virtue signaling.
I never say this type of thing to complete strangers because how do I know what their experiences were in the military. What types of action or not action they have seen. I feel that I don't know them well enough to intrude on what might be extremely unpleasant or even very pleasant memories.
Most of my male relatives served in the military. Grandfathers in WWI. Father and Uncles in WWII and Korea, close friends, ex husband in Vietnam, nieces and nephews in Iran and Iraq. All saw combat and most never really wanted to discuss it very much.
While I am very grateful for the "service" of my family members and of everyone who has served and truly honor their experiences, I just feel it to be a weird thing to say to total strangers.
Tucker Carlson has a good time bringing lefties on his show and ridiculing them for their inability to answer obvious objections, so now, unsurprisingly, it looks like their answer is violence. The center right media is guilty of amplifying the voices of these nut jobs.
I wasn't immersed in the comic universe and I was always turned off a bit by the Jack Kirby thing. I liked Stan Lee's little cameos in the movies. The loss of another force of good in the world.
Stan Lee has had an outsized impact on my life. I started reading Marvel comics as a kid in the early 80s back when they were 65 cents a piece. I remember hearing Stan Lee's voice every Saturday morning narrating Spiderman and His Amazing Friends and The Incredible Hulk cartoons. The lion share of the cartoons, TV shows, movies, and video games I enjoyed as a kid and young adult probably took some inspiration from something Stan Lee did.
The only other people I can think of who can compare in terms of influence on me personally are Jack Kirby, J. R. R. Tolkien, Gary Gygax, Shigeru Miyamoto, and George Lucas.
Re: Veterans Day and people 'thanking' us for our service
I certainly don't speak for all veterans, but it used to kinda bug me when people thanked me. I didn't do it for the recognition or the thanks. I certainly didn't do it for them. I did it because, well, I thought I should.
However, over the years I've realized if someone didn't serve - for whatever reason - and they want to express their gratitude for those who did? OK. For this one day, fine.
But - for the love of all - learn the difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day.
Lol, Gore's lawyers let out a hearty cheer every time they disqualified a military ballot, and now they are the poster child of the left, because they want time to keep manufacturing votes.
Veteran here. No combat. C-130 Nav. Had some close calls and lost some friends. Training was dangerous at times. Served some lonely months in some lonely places. And didn’t have it near as rough as the new guys. (I separated in 1990 with 9 years in). They have a much higher ops tempo than I did, and mine was considered high at the time. I got to fly and serve with some good men and women. You can appreciate what I did but no need to thank me anymore. It seems veterans used to get very little thanks and now get too much. That said, I will often ask if the place has a veterans discount. 10% is 10%. So thank you to all those that thank veterans by offering a discount.
The problem with AZ is the same as NV. They got the CA infection. Rats run off the sinking ship and it's docked at the AZ and NV borders. I jumped off the CA ship too, but like a good immigrant, I appreciate my new home and the values that made it attractive to me. I don't want to change it into the sinking ship I just left.
The problem with AZ is the same as NV. They got the CA infection. Rats run off the sinking ship and it's docked at the AZ and NV borders. I jumped off the CA ship too, but like a good immigrant, I appreciate my new home and the values that made it attractive to me. I don't want to change it into the sinking ship I just left.
So, you believe most people leave Ca in order to turn their 'new state' into another Ca. Rather than leaving Ca in order to escape the craziness?
Very interesting. Oh, I should note, you don't take those libral attitudes wit ya. It is only everybody else, am I right?
mockturtle: AM I THE ONLY ONE....who is tired of hearing 'women' with nasal, whiny, little-girl voices?
No. I think I've, er, whined about that myself a few times here. Not only do they speak at a pitch and in a style wildly inappropriate for a grown woman, but they make it even worse by doing it VERY LOUDLY. (Hey lady, if you insist on talking like a 15 year old when you're pushing fifty, could you at least use your, ahem, "inside voice"? Jaysus.)
Don't know who's more nails-on-chalkboard, though - those women, or so many men these days who speak in a frequency range that at one time was never heard from the mouth of any male past puberty. "Estrogen voice". It's truly creepy, and it's everywhere.
Howard said... Those who invest all of their spiritual energies in politics will reap the whirlwind. The evidence is all around us—the paroxysms of inchoate, infantile rage suffered by those who have turned fallible politicians into saviors and devils, godlike avatars of Good versus Evil. Camille Paglia
Paglia sees where the river of history is flowing.
Democrats are willing to destroy our confidence in elections. They are willing to destroy the pillars of the Republic just to win. "Republicans" are helping them do it.
Fuck anyone who supports Synema in Arizona. She is a piece of shit who hates this country. It is perfect that they are frauding this piece of shit into a senate seat.
Anyone who wants Synema to win the election at any cost is just a depressingly sad human being. They are still "finding" votes. Votes that are magically all for Synema.
If those votes were real they would be statistically similar to all of the other votes in Arizona. The election was called because the small but magically growing number of votes had no reasonable chance to honestly change the election.
Anyone who accepts her legitimacy is an enemy of the republic.
A lot of people want to just roll over.
On Veterans Day the democrats are going to declare Kyrsten Synema of all people the winner of that election.
Fuck this.
Paglia's point was precisely demonstrated in your above rant.
Poster by Love & Rockets creators, Gilbert and Jaime Hernandez. Jaime is a wonderful draftsman in a style reminiscent of Hank Ketcham ( Dennis the Menace) while Gilbert has esoteric fare with a Hundred Years of Solitude vibe.
Gilbert goes by the name Beto. He is a real hispanic, though.
So, you believe most people leave Ca in order to turn their 'new state' into another Ca. Rather than leaving Ca in order to escape the craziness?
@FullMoon, I saw it happen in Virginia. People moving out left-wing lunatic asylum Maryland into Virginia, only to try to turn Virginia into another Maryland.
"Estrogen voice". It's truly creepy, and it's everywhere.
I suspect that at the end we will find that it's because our water supply is chock full of estrogen: birth control pills and the mare's piss that women take for hormone replacement therapy flushed down the toilet, and pee from women taking mare's piss supplements.
@FullMoon, I saw it happen in Virginia. People moving out left-wing lunatic asylum Maryland into Virginia, only to try to turn Virginia into another Maryland.
Yes. Happened in WA, OR and MT, as well. I'm sure they had the best of intentions but they are Californians and they just have to Californicate.
"Estrogen voice". It's truly creepy, and it's everywhere.
I suspect that at the end we will find that it's because our water supply is chock full of estrogen: birth control pills and the mare's piss that women take for hormone replacement therapy flushed down the toilet, and pee from women taking mare's piss supplements.
@Howard, ifeels different this time. The sheer blatancy of the vote theft is different. Chicago brags about voter fraud, but they actually do try to hide it a bit. What's happening in Broward is open and no one is making much effort to hide anything. It's as though the perps have received assurances that they will never be punished.
bbkingfish said... "I see that Trump is celebrating Veterans Day by telling Florida not to count military ballots."
And I see that bbkingfish just got that talking point from his handler. Gary posted that one earlier, bb. Looks like you are sucking hind tit on the Soros Sow.
@Big Mike -- The Florida thing looks fishy, but the Arizona election is simply how Arizona has decided to do elections. They allow people to mail or drop off sealed mail-in ballots up until the time the polls close. Sealed ballots cannot be opened until the name is verified. This creates a huge post-election-day counting effort.
I think it's unsurprising that this process has bubbled more votes toward Sinema. My guess is that the biggest backlog of late votes will always be in dense urban districts, where Democrats almost always have the high levels of support. I hope that someone does a real analysis once this political season is over for good.
The only thing that makes Sinema's win at all controversial are Republican doubters attached to the election-night number. McSally was ahead! But that was just a snapshot and should never have been presented as a result.
@mockturtle, Arizona can’t be Florida. Florida in the summer is so humid that you almost want to use scuba gear to take a walk outside. My friends from Phoenix assure me that Arizona has a dry heat,
"So, you believe most people leave Ca in order to turn their 'new state' into another Ca. Rather than leaving Ca in order to escape the craziness?
Very interesting. Oh, I should note, you don't take those libral attitudes wit ya. It is only everybody else, am I right?"
I didn't have any to bring. I have been a conservative/libertarian for decades trapped in CA where everything and everyone I voted for lost nearly every election. Then when I did win, the left would overturn it in the court. I have had no leftist attitudes since I left college in the early 80's. Now I'm in Nevada and it's happening here just as I watched it happen in CA. The vastly more free laws and culture I moved here for are already changing before my eyes. There is a huge influx of CA leftists and mush-headed fools who don't realize that it's their voting that ruined the CA they moved there for originally. They were dumb there, and they are dumb here. Time and experience doesn't lead to wisdom in everyone. If it did, there would be no leftists over 30.
So, you believe most people leave Ca in order to turn their 'new state' into another Ca. Rather than leaving Ca in order to escape the craziness?
Yes. YES YES!!!
I am IN California. Jefferson State. The people from the Bay Area and So Cal who move up here to supposedly get away from the crazy in their areas and then proceed to bring the crazy with them.
Not as much craziness, not as libtardish as where they came from. But still they want to change the area that they moved TO to be more like where they left. They say they want to 'get away', but they just can't help themselves. Stop the things and try to make everything "better"...in their eyes.
Like the guy who buys property next to a cattle ranching operation. Builds a really big house and then bitches about the cattle, noise and flies. Complains because the 4H bake sale doesn't have organic and gluten free cookies. Is annoyed at the people hunting ducks or deer in the areas around his property where they have done so for 100 years. Inevitable.
They don't mean to do it. They just do. Little bits at a time, but change they do. It is like an infectious disease.
Do you think people like Sean Penn and Danny Glover learned anything from their love affair with Hugo Chávez? They still think the whole socialism failure is just an accident that will work right the next time. Trump's fault, no doubt.
It's not just a cliche that most conservatives start out as liberals. I did. What makes us change so radically, and why is that transition so more common than the reverse?
"It's not just a cliche that most conservatives start out as liberals. I did. What makes us change so radically, and why is that transition so more common than the reverse?"
Hardening of the arteries, reduced blood flow to the brain.
I started out conservative and moved leftward when I saw that life wasn't as neat and tidy and black and white as the conservative world view would have it.
@FullMoon, I saw it happen in Virginia. People moving out left-wing lunatic asylum Maryland into Virginia, only to try to turn Virginia into another Maryland.
Yes. Happened in WA, OR and MT, as well. I'm sure they had the best of intentions but they are Californians and they just have to Californicate.
Interesting. Only know a dozen or so who have left Ca. No libs in the group. Of course, only anecdotal. You guys actually know any liberal Ca transplants?
Like the guy who buys property next to a cattle ranching operation. Builds a really big house and then bitches about the cattle, noise and flies. Complains because the 4H bake sale doesn't have organic and gluten free cookies. Is annoyed at the people hunting ducks or deer in the areas around his property where they have done so for 100 years. Inevitable. Ha! Those are the same people who buy a joint near the airport or railroad tracks and then complain about the noise.
I get the feeling most vets like it when you "Thank them for their service".
But I personally don't do it. I never got in the habit.
When I grew up EVERY adult male was a Vet. WW2, Korea, Vietnam and everything in between. If you'd thanked everyone for their service, you'd be doing it all Veterans day.
And most of them didn't want to be thanks. They wanted to move on.
"The problem with AZ is the same as NV. They got the CA infection. Rats run off the sinking ship and it's docked at the AZ and NV borders. I jumped off the CA ship too, but like a good immigrant, I appreciate my new home and the values that made it attractive to me. I don't want to change it into the sinking ship I just left."
My parents moved to Charlotte county Florida from Pennsylvania in 1973, making them darn near natives. It was very conservative at that time. After a few years, bumpers starting popping saying "We don't care how you did it up north". The worm has now turned. Now you cannot replace your front door without a permit. Or an electrical outlet. That's how they do it up north.
You had Okies who moved out here in the 1930s and kept voting D for 50 years because they'd been D's back in Oklahoma.
The same is true of a lot of people who came here from NYC, Chicago, etc after WW2. They didn't like the racial tensions, the taxes, and the corrupt politics "back East" - so they came to SoCal or the Bay Area. But they kept voting D.
Two things about the AZ senatorial campaign: 1. McSally was a never-Trumper early on. 2. Sinema has passed herself off as a 'moderate'. I didn't watch any of the debates so I'm not sure how convincing she was but some must have been convinced.
I thought I overspent on a 4K OLED TV but it looked really great for sports, as long as you took the over the air broadcast. But then I bought a 4K Apple TV and now the thing is incredible. Lately I have been using Artcast, which is an app that displays 4K images of all kinds of art, the app is free, and there is some pretty good free content, but you can buy a $4.99 a month “Gallery Pass” which gives you the premium content. The picture is stunning, it looks like a glossy magazine printed page. You can sit and watch paintings, each displays for a couple of minutes, and it is surprisingly entertaining. One issue is that some paintings are portrait mode, and some are landscape and they are seldom the exact aspect ratio as the TV.
I started out conservative and moved leftward when I saw that life wasn't as neat and tidy and black and white as the conservative world view would have it.
I think it’s the other way around. It’s not conservatives who believed in “scientific socialism” or that every problem could be solved by some program and a generous dollop of cash. The expression “Better than nothing is a high standard” is a recognition that most often when you try to fix problems with the hammy hands of government, you end up making matters worse on account of the world isn’t as black and white as the liberal world view would have it.
rcocean: This reports where Californians came from decade by decade you can track the Okie pulse. The New York influence is more recent, but are now outstripped by Philippinos
"And by God....they are going to pound you into the shape that THEY determine is the best one for you, whether you like it or not."
Plan to confiscate guns? Check Plan to restrict free speech? Check Plan to persecute a demographic group? Check (white males) Plan to implement intimidation? Check (Antifa) Disregard for human life? Check (Pro-choice) Plan to implement socialism? Check Tolerance of certain unlawful behavior? Check "Who counts the votes decides"? Check
One more thing about the AZ senate election: Look who they elected to the Senate previously. McCain and Flake. So what did we expect, another Goldwater?
No dog in the hunt for me (my up for grabs Senate seat went early to Mike Braun), but frankly I'm not surprised by the Sinema victory in AZ.
Martha McSally - while an exemplary person - really came across poorly as a candidate. Very preachy. Puked cliches and talking points. Boring when not preachy.
And let's face it, Sinema's pretty easy on the eyes.
Nor do I think this signals anything about the supposed "purpling" of AZ. It's just one election. The Republican won the governor's race handily.
His book quotes the remark made by the director Billy Wilder in 1945: "The optimists died in the gas chambers, the pessimists have pools in Beverly Hills."
It wasn't their nature that was malleable, just their actions in the moment. If their nature had been malleable than Communism would have been a smashing success.
If you go by the historical record, most wars are as fatuous and ill considered as WWI or the Thirty Years War. That said, you don't live through history but through current events. You show up and do your duty, but keep in mind that future historians will probably regard your sacrifice as not only in vain but foolish and wrong headed......The Mexican-American War had none of the high sounding sentiments that surrounded WWI. It was mostly an imperialistic land grab. Despite that--or maybe because of that--it was the making of our country. I don't think Americans accrued any great benefits from WWI or Vietnam or some of these recent actions that are imbued with such noble purposes......I'm a non combat veteran of the Vietnam era. I don't regret my service, but it was rather pointless and futile. I had a friend who suffered a permanent disability as a result of his combat service. He took pride in his service and, with some radical adjustments, did okay in later life but I can't help thinking (but never saying) that it was all a waste.
So it will be interesting to see if John Kyl follows through on his statement that he will only serve as appointed successor to McCain for a short time, and if that means he resigns soon and the Governor appoints Martha McSally to fill the vacancy this time. Arizona with two women Senators would be something.
Billy Wilder is an interesting example of somebody who knew a lot about happiness but almost nothing about how to make other people happy. Next time you watch a Billy Wilder movie, try and imagine I am wrong about that. I am not, the movies are good, in that movie buff way, but still .....
Leonard Bernstein, when he was conducting - and he was a good conductor, but could have been better - focused on that (that being, for purposes of this short comment, the ability to show other people what it looks like to feel happy - a trait the best politicians all have) - the same way a good politician does - the body language, the control of the way one looks at the audience, the excitement about being right about something .... the conflict with the imagined others, who simply do not understand ....
Most men are not successful. Women love them anyway, if they are minimally attractive, until such time as they become difficult to love, at which point their attraction drops below the minimal level. (if you understand this sentence, you can skip that plan you had of reading a novel of Houellebecq to understand this world ---- trust me).
I read sometimes the heartfelt complaints of transgender people who feel they are not loved as the women or men they really are, and want to be known as (God bless them), or the complaints of good family men who consider themselves undervalued in this world, or the complaints of cute women who think cute women are not protected enough, and I feel in my heart that they are all right.
God loves me, I know that, and I hope he knows that there were several times - more than five, less than 20 --- when beautiful women wanted to have sex with me and I refused, because I knew that if they fell in love with me they would never - even if they fell in love with me --- forget me as much as I would want them to forget me, in later years when they were with the man who was the man God wanted to be with them as man and wife. And no, as much as I wanted to sleep with them, I did not want them to have that specific memory ....
Yes, what I am saying is I am one of those guys who turned down sex with multiple women because I knew they would not want to marry me, even if they wanted to have sex with me.
All years are strange years, the 80s though today included.
God loves us all. Probably you more than me, but that is just a detail. God loves you, God loves us all, and if I have gone through hard times, that is not your problem, that is not God's problem, that is just my problem. I am fine with that. God is God and God can say he loves all of us, I can't honestly say the same thing, and that is the difference between me - and probably you - and God. Like I said, God loves us all, and all I have ever done is be a little kinder than expected, on my best days.
So ... take my word for it. Billy Wilder was talented, but imagine the best of his movies, but a hundred times better. That is what art is about.
Well sunset boulevard has a light hearted twist even the ending in dark. Stalag 17 likewise also with William Holden, I really have seen enough of ninotcka to evaluate it, by that i mean none.
There's a classic movie channel that runs many of these, not tmc so I've also seen too ri, and river kwai and sand peoples (some of those are awfully long)
My first boyfriend wore Old Spice after shave on dates and I found some at home in my father's bathroom, put some on a handkerchief and took it to bed with me so I could remember the scent of him. The rest of my life I never liked any other scent on men. Old Spice or nothing. It was a symbol of masculinity and I still find it exciting.
Pebbles, an interesting film among other things that it cast not too positive a light on the kuomintang who were now the govt in Taiwan where they filmed.
Steve McQueen's dilemma as an innocent man who is yet a scapegoat.
Sand Pebbles is a great movie in that it shows what it is like to walk around the engine room of a navy vessel (a riverboat in Sand Pebbles, but ceteris paribus - the engine rooms of cruisers and destroyers and even battleships of the day were not all that different).
It also is good because, back in the 20th century, there were so many intense and unlikeable guys who were drunk on their own testosterone and for that reason who were losers the way the character McQueen played was. There are different problems in this century, but ... the movie is a good period piece. Not a work of art by any means, because it was a typical Hollywood period piece, a fake version of what real life is like. As such, a failure.
It included silly gamma-level treatment of the NCO who fell in love with the Chinese woman, and, one more time, McQueen was too intense, and not in a good way, to be the sort of guy any guy wants to be around. Chicks digged him, though. For a year or two, until he grew out his beard and sprouted a beer belly that made him look pregnant. Life is hard and nobody likes anybody who does not perform at the expected level.
That is why we need to pray to God to teach us to love others, there are so many people in this world who feel they deserve to be loved but who do not want to do everything we need to do when we want to be kind to others.
God loves us the way we are but loves us too much to let us stay that way. Hollywood movies, even when they are not bad movies, generally fail to express that truth.
It's a tricky tightrope because we are in a certain place and time for a certain purpose, not destiny by any means. One darker film from roughly that period is otto preminger in harm's way, based on James Bassetts novel.
There is perhaps two much shadow to all the characters, for a world war 2 film it didn't offer the affirmations of the genre.
"It included silly gamma-level treatment of the NCO who fell in love with the Chinese woman"
Yeah, poor old Richard Attenborough. IRC, he had to see his Chinese Girlfriend so much he dove off the ship into the cold water, swam to shore, and then died of pneumonia!
The sand pebbles had a great ending. McQueen yelling "I was home. What the Hell happened?"
Bbkingfish@11:30 Yeah, we do, we know that they've been directed to breach the border in California, probably because they can count on sanctuary cities, a greater percentage of Progs and Democrats, and sympathetic judges. The reason why your Democrat party media liars aren't spewing on over the gang of criminals which you twats euphemistically refer to as the Caravan is because they've been busy attacking the president with alternate lies and slanders. But you know as well as I do that as soon as that crowd of criminals and fine people gets close enough, the wretched worms of the Democrat party media will be screaming non-stop about babies in cages. Can't wait...
I listen to Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations in 40wpm morse code on bicycle commutes, a book I typed in in the 80s so as to be able to search it easily, and made into mp3 morse code recently. A form of audio book, I guess.
Anyway it's not like reading it as text, nor like Wittgenstein is recorded reading it for you; more like Wittgenstein is writing it for you live.
The file is 28 hours long. Pick up where you left off each time.
Watched Sand Pebbles for the first time not to long ago. Great movie until the hero dies. Same with Cool Hand Luke. Love Steve McQueen. I don't like my heroes dying. It's unAmerican or something.
"whatever" really means "I know you are right, but I'm pretending to hold on to my idiot opinion"
Ha! In that case it meant that the IQ gap is too large a reach. You really didn’t understand his argument at all, did you Howard? Reject first! Ask rhetorical questions later!
Tell you what Howard, if you want, I will explain the point about “how evolution works” to you, even the reference to Lysenkoism as if to a small child, if you want to hear it.
Aren't there microorganisms that have gone unchanged for a good long time still around today? How long without change until you aren't malleable and an evolutionary dead end? Or is it post hoc reasoning of X went extinct thus it was an evolutionary dead end?
I think maybe Howard’s statement makes sense as a threat. For instance the human beings in the Soviet Union who weren’t “malleable” ended up machine gunned and lying at the bottom of ditches and covered with lime, or starved to death by intentional famine, as in the Ukraine.
"The campaigns of Democrat Andrew Gillum, the gubernatorial nominee, and Democrat Bill Nelson, the incumbent U.S. Senator are both demanding in a court hearing that the vote of a non-American citizen be counted."
The difference between “malleable” and “adaptable” is that adaptation is an action of an individual built on inborn qualities, and “malleable” is change forced on the individual by an all powerful state, like cutting off the tails of mice and expecting the next generation to be born without tales. The kind of change that gives lefties hard ons. It’s no wonder that Lysenko was so popular in the Soviet Union. They were building a new man and he told them exactly what they wanted to hear. And it was scientifical!
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१४३ टिप्पण्या:
Here I am on veterans day watching the kids.
Because all of the schools took the day off.
I like getting to be with my kids.
I will be up very late tonight with work I have to do.
Because everyone else took the day off.
My wife is a nurse. She had to work. She is necessary.
I think our school system is trying to tell us it is not necessary.
At least I don't have to listen to people thanking me for my service today.
They just passed initiative 1639 in Washington State with 60ish% of the vote.
But they totally appreciate my service.
I used to work for a government contractor, and then for a company that did mailings (utility bills, bank statements etc). We always had to work Veterans Day, but it was a nice slow day..
In the past few weeks, They put a bunch of mountain bike trails all over the BLM land we let the dogs run on. I expect it will suck if it becomes popular, but so far no problem.
At least I don't have to listen to people thanking me for my service today.
What was your service that you don't have to listen to people thanking you for?
Army. Afghanistan and Iraq. Bush and Obama administrations.
I have stopped with the unit details because they are sufficiently identifying and there are people who like to camp out at houses and go after families of political enemies on this board.
Never Forget
You have to be (redacted) kidding me, it's like the brain slugs are even hardier up there,
Didn't we used to call that collusion:
Thank you for your service, Achilles.
I do like a nooner. Really just an opportunity for a nap.
Today The Conservative Treehouse website published an insightful article, titled The Cleaner, about Matt Whitaker, the new acting Attorney General.
The article argues that since October 2017 Whitaker has been declassifying and releasing various documents cleverly in order to undermine the DOJ/FBI cabal that has been trying to cover up DOJ/FBI misdeeds.
For example, Whitaker released all the text messages of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.
Whitaker has been doing this legally but has not been taking public credit for doing so. The cabal, however, knows that he is the official who has been doing so.
Serious question. Do you appreciate when people (esp strangers) thank you for your service? Or is it obnoxious to you? Or are you indifferent?
I had a friend who was a veteran. If he saw someone in a restaurant or store who was clearly military, he would thank them for their service very loudly. On one hand I appreciated it. But sometimes I wondered if the people on the receiving end would have preferred to be left alone.
I met a veteran in a bar one time, who told me he never says it, and hates when people say it to him.
Anyway, just curious, since you brought it up.
Those who invest all of their spiritual energies in politics will reap the whirlwind. The evidence is all around us—the paroxysms of inchoate, infantile rage suffered by those who have turned fallible politicians into saviors and devils, godlike avatars of Good versus Evil.
Camille Paglia
Mike Sylwester said...
Today The Conservative Treehouse website published an insightful article, titled The Cleaner, about Matt Whitaker, the new acting Attorney General.
Trump better get on this.
They are actually going to declare Arizona for that piece of shit al quaeda supporter based on a bunch of ballots they are still finding.
Her "lead" is "widening."
If these elections are allowed to be stolen then it is only a matter of time.
I have been telling people Trump is Danton.
History doesn't repeat, but it seems to rhyme.
I see that scumbag Avenatti now is trotting out some fruitcake Latino who accosted Tucker Carlson's daughter at their club. According to this ambulance chasing creepy porn lawyer, Tucker Carlson went out of his way to randomly start attacking a gay latino man, who was just minding his own business. How Tucker was supposed to know that he was a pillow biter, this cunning legal mind doesn't say.
The actual story is that this brave resistance member called Tucker's 19 year old daughter "tucker's whore" and "a cunt." In a just world, he would have been beaten within an inch of his life by Tucker and his son, but they apparently have more restraint than is warranted.
These lefty thugs attacking doors and screaming in people's faces in restaurants need to be violently put down. Not used a generate publicity for creepy porn lawyer. It's getting past the tipping point.
Stan Lee has died.
I'm a vet who didn't serve in a war zone. I don't think Veterans Day is about guys like me, at least not in the way it's about guys like Achilles. So thanks, Achilles.
Andrew said...
Serious question. Do you appreciate when people (esp strangers) thank you for your service? Or is it obnoxious to you? Or are you indifferent?
I appreciate sincerity. I honestly like individuals. I want to help everyone. Honestly help them.
But I hate the empty expressions. The virtue signaling.
The insincerity.
There are things that are more important that whether or not you can get an abortion or how much of my money the government gets to give to you, or whether gay people can get married.
There are rough edges in this shit. The government is a poor tool for solving your problems.
If you support due process, one person one vote, rule of law, right of self defense and speech I find that far more gratifying than any expression of appreciation for my service.
Stan Lee has died.
Arrgghh! In college (West Georgia College, when Newt was a history professor) I was on the committee that picked entertainment for the students. As well as bands and movies, we booked lecturers.
We saw Stan's name and booked him instantly. This was the Monday before the election in 1972. Being a small school, I had to borrow the geology department's van to drive to the Atlanta airport to pick him up. He took it all in grand style and was the best attended speaker we ever had. He also took the time (he didn't really have a choice since I was driving him back) to stop over at my fraternity (Alpha Kappa Psi) house and sign his name on the vast Marvel murals we had painted on our walls.
He had a big and interesting life and will be missed.
Excelsior!, Stan.
You could see it coming, but still a sad day.
This man created a lot of our modern myth and media landscape. You could argue (and litigate) that he got credit for things he shouldn't have, but in the end, no Stan Lee and our world would look very different.
Achilles... a friend's son flew A-10s ground support. Only a few close friends know this. It is not to be discussed. Same reason, but international scale. Thanks for helpin out!
Howard said...
Those who invest all of their spiritual energies in politics will reap the whirlwind. The evidence is all around us—the paroxysms of inchoate, infantile rage suffered by those who have turned fallible politicians into saviors and devils, godlike avatars of Good versus Evil.
Camille Paglia
Paglia sees where the river of history is flowing.
Democrats are willing to destroy our confidence in elections. They are willing to destroy the pillars of the Republic just to win. "Republicans" are helping them do it.
Fuck anyone who supports Synema in Arizona. She is a piece of shit who hates this country. It is perfect that they are frauding this piece of shit into a senate seat.
Anyone who wants Synema to win the election at any cost is just a depressingly sad human being. They are still "finding" votes. Votes that are magically all for Synema.
If those votes were real they would be statistically similar to all of the other votes in Arizona. The election was called because the small but magically growing number of votes had no reasonable chance to honestly change the election.
Anyone who accepts her legitimacy is an enemy of the republic.
A lot of people want to just roll over.
On Veterans Day the democrats are going to declare Kyrsten Synema of all people the winner of that election.
Fuck this.
At least some of the "inchoate, infantile rage" has to do with people being dissatisfied with their lives and themselves for whatever reason. It's a lot easier to blame and demonize someone else than to actually change yourself or take responsibility for your own unsatisfactory situation.
Serious question. Do you appreciate when people (esp strangers) thank you for your service? Or is it obnoxious to you? Or are you indifferent?
I appreciate sincerity. I honestly like individuals. I want to help everyone. Honestly help them.
But I hate the empty expressions. The virtue signaling.
I never say this type of thing to complete strangers because how do I know what their experiences were in the military. What types of action or not action they have seen. I feel that I don't know them well enough to intrude on what might be extremely unpleasant or even very pleasant memories.
Most of my male relatives served in the military. Grandfathers in WWI. Father and Uncles in WWII and Korea, close friends, ex husband in Vietnam, nieces and nephews in Iran and Iraq. All saw combat and most never really wanted to discuss it very much.
While I am very grateful for the "service" of my family members and of everyone who has served and truly honor their experiences, I just feel it to be a weird thing to say to total strangers.
Virtue signaling is a good term for it.
I see that Trump is celebrating Veterans Day by telling Florida not to count military ballots.
Tucker Carlson has a good time bringing lefties on his show and ridiculing them for their inability to answer obvious objections, so now, unsurprisingly, it looks like their answer is violence. The center right media is guilty of amplifying the voices of these nut jobs.
I wasn't immersed in the comic universe and I was always turned off a bit by the Jack Kirby thing. I liked Stan Lee's little cameos in the movies. The loss of another force of good in the world.
Stan Lee has had an outsized impact on my life. I started reading Marvel comics as a kid in the early 80s back when they were 65 cents a piece. I remember hearing Stan Lee's voice every Saturday morning narrating Spiderman and His Amazing Friends and The Incredible Hulk cartoons. The lion share of the cartoons, TV shows, movies, and video games I enjoyed as a kid and young adult probably took some inspiration from something Stan Lee did.
The only other people I can think of who can compare in terms of influence on me personally are Jack Kirby, J. R. R. Tolkien, Gary Gygax, Shigeru Miyamoto, and George Lucas.
Re: Veterans Day and people 'thanking' us for our service
I certainly don't speak for all veterans, but it used to kinda bug me when people thanked me. I didn't do it for the recognition or the thanks. I certainly didn't do it for them. I did it because, well, I thought I should.
However, over the years I've realized if someone didn't serve - for whatever reason - and they want to express their gratitude for those who did? OK. For this one day, fine.
But - for the love of all - learn the difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day.
Lol, Gore's lawyers let out a hearty cheer every time they disqualified a military ballot, and now they are the poster child of the left, because they want time to keep manufacturing votes.
It's like #METOO, it ends when it's Accoster's ox getting gored.
They are under a consent decree to count late military ballots, the late reporting of the rest of these votes violates Florida law.
Thought McSally had a lock on AZ. Then, actually spent week before election in AZ.
Sinema TV commercials 3 to 1. All commercials making McSally look bad. Arizona Republic newspaper cartoonist against McSally.
Most voters get their info from TV and newspaper. Sad, but true.
Veteran here. No combat. C-130 Nav. Had some close calls and lost some friends. Training was dangerous at times. Served some lonely months in some lonely places. And didn’t have it near as rough as the new guys. (I separated in 1990 with 9 years in). They have a much higher ops tempo than I did, and mine was considered high at the time. I got to fly and serve with some good men and women. You can appreciate what I did but no need to thank me anymore. It seems veterans used to get very little thanks and now get too much. That said, I will often ask if the place has a veterans discount. 10% is 10%. So thank you to all those that thank veterans by offering a discount.
Never got into the superhero genre just as I never developed a taste for sci-fi. As a child I read Little Lulu comics and Mad magazine.
The problem with AZ is the same as NV. They got the CA infection. Rats run off the sinking ship and it's docked at the AZ and NV borders. I jumped off the CA ship too, but like a good immigrant, I appreciate my new home and the values that made it attractive to me. I don't want to change it into the sinking ship I just left.
Wow! That brings some old times back. I can remember when Shelton held one of his first cons in the events room at Eastland Mall.
AM I THE ONLY ONE....who is tired of hearing 'women' with nasal, whiny, little-girl voices?
"learn the difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day."
Another good day to avoid looking at retirement fund balances argh!
Professional lady... You called it straight up! Unable or unwilling to see themselves as the eye of their hurricane.
AM I THE ONLY ONE....who is tired of hearing 'women' with nasal, whiny, little-girl voices?
Throw in some uptalk and vocal fry, while you're at it.
Veterans' Day was yesterday, November 11.
bagoh20 said...
The problem with AZ is the same as NV. They got the CA infection. Rats run off the sinking ship and it's docked at the AZ and NV borders. I jumped off the CA ship too, but like a good immigrant, I appreciate my new home and the values that made it attractive to me. I don't want to change it into the sinking ship I just left.
So, you believe most people leave Ca in order to turn their 'new state' into another Ca. Rather than leaving Ca in order to escape the craziness?
Very interesting.
Oh, I should note, you don't take those libral attitudes wit ya. It is only everybody else, am I right?
mockturtle: AM I THE ONLY ONE....who is tired of hearing 'women' with nasal, whiny, little-girl voices?
No. I think I've, er, whined about that myself a few times here. Not only do they speak at a pitch and in a style wildly inappropriate for a grown woman, but they make it even worse by doing it VERY LOUDLY. (Hey lady, if you insist on talking like a 15 year old when you're pushing fifty, could you at least use your, ahem, "inside voice"? Jaysus.)
Don't know who's more nails-on-chalkboard, though - those women, or so many men these days who speak in a frequency range that at one time was never heard from the mouth of any male past puberty. "Estrogen voice". It's truly creepy, and it's everywhere.
Why Trump is Right on California Wildfires How “green policies” are burning the Golden State to a crisp.
Blogger Achilles said...
Howard said...
Those who invest all of their spiritual energies in politics will reap the whirlwind. The evidence is all around us—the paroxysms of inchoate, infantile rage suffered by those who have turned fallible politicians into saviors and devils, godlike avatars of Good versus Evil.
Camille Paglia
Paglia sees where the river of history is flowing.
Democrats are willing to destroy our confidence in elections. They are willing to destroy the pillars of the Republic just to win. "Republicans" are helping them do it.
Fuck anyone who supports Synema in Arizona. She is a piece of shit who hates this country. It is perfect that they are frauding this piece of shit into a senate seat.
Anyone who wants Synema to win the election at any cost is just a depressingly sad human being. They are still "finding" votes. Votes that are magically all for Synema.
If those votes were real they would be statistically similar to all of the other votes in Arizona. The election was called because the small but magically growing number of votes had no reasonable chance to honestly change the election.
Anyone who accepts her legitimacy is an enemy of the republic.
A lot of people want to just roll over.
On Veterans Day the democrats are going to declare Kyrsten Synema of all people the winner of that election.
Fuck this.
Paglia's point was precisely demonstrated in your above rant.
Poster by Love & Rockets creators, Gilbert and Jaime Hernandez. Jaime is a wonderful draftsman in a style reminiscent of Hank Ketcham ( Dennis the Menace) while Gilbert has esoteric fare with a Hundred Years of Solitude vibe.
Gilbert goes by the name Beto. He is a real hispanic, though.
So, you believe most people leave Ca in order to turn their 'new state' into another Ca. Rather than leaving Ca in order to escape the craziness?
@FullMoon, I saw it happen in Virginia. People moving out left-wing lunatic asylum Maryland into Virginia, only to try to turn Virginia into another Maryland.
"Estrogen voice". It's truly creepy, and it's everywhere.
I suspect that at the end we will find that it's because our water supply is chock full of estrogen: birth control pills and the mare's piss that women take for hormone replacement therapy flushed down the toilet, and pee from women taking mare's piss supplements.
@FullMoon, I saw it happen in Virginia. People moving out left-wing lunatic asylum Maryland into Virginia, only to try to turn Virginia into another Maryland.
Yes. Happened in WA, OR and MT, as well. I'm sure they had the best of intentions but they are Californians and they just have to Californicate.
@mockturtle, I see that Kyrsten Sinema was right -- you folks really are the meth lab of the states.
Blogger Big Mike said...
"Estrogen voice". It's truly creepy, and it's everywhere.
I suspect that at the end we will find that it's because our water supply is chock full of estrogen: birth control pills and the mare's piss that women take for hormone replacement therapy flushed down the toilet, and pee from women taking mare's piss supplements.
Do the math: drink groundwater
@Howard, ifeels different this time. The sheer blatancy of the vote theft is different. Chicago brags about voter fraud, but they actually do try to hide it a bit. What's happening in Broward is open and no one is making much effort to hide anything. It's as though the perps have received assurances that they will never be punished.
I left Rhode Island for Massachusetts to escape the craziness. Maybe I'm brining my Rhode Island craziness here.
I would have stayed in Rhode Island if it just had good schools and jobs.
Big Mike said...
@mockturtle, I see that Kyrsten Sinema was right -- you folks really are the meth lab of the states.
To be honest? Most days it's like Florida without the water here.
So, you believe most people leave Ca in order to turn their 'new state' into another Ca. Rather than leaving Ca in order to escape the craziness?
CA is so out there that it's quite possible that people leaving CA for another state results in both states becoming more liberal.
bbkingfish said...
"I see that Trump is celebrating Veterans Day by telling Florida not to count military ballots."
And I see that bbkingfish just got that talking point from his handler. Gary posted that one earlier, bb. Looks like you are sucking hind tit on the Soros Sow.
"Estrogen voice". It's truly creepy, and it's everywhere.
A good voice coach can fix it without too much effort.
@Big Mike -- The Florida thing looks fishy, but the Arizona election is simply how Arizona has decided to do elections. They allow people to mail or drop off sealed mail-in ballots up until the time the polls close. Sealed ballots cannot be opened until the name is verified. This creates a huge post-election-day counting effort.
I think it's unsurprising that this process has bubbled more votes toward Sinema. My guess is that the biggest backlog of late votes will always be in dense urban districts, where Democrats almost always have the high levels of support. I hope that someone does a real analysis once this political season is over for good.
The only thing that makes Sinema's win at all controversial are Republican doubters attached to the election-night number. McSally was ahead! But that was just a snapshot and should never have been presented as a result.
@mockturtle, Arizona can’t be Florida. Florida in the summer is so humid that you almost want to use scuba gear to take a walk outside. My friends from Phoenix assure me that Arizona has a dry heat,
"So, you believe most people leave Ca in order to turn their 'new state' into another Ca. Rather than leaving Ca in order to escape the craziness?
Very interesting.
Oh, I should note, you don't take those libral attitudes wit ya. It is only everybody else, am I right?"
I didn't have any to bring. I have been a conservative/libertarian for decades trapped in CA where everything and everyone I voted for lost nearly every election. Then when I did win, the left would overturn it in the court. I have had no leftist attitudes since I left college in the early 80's. Now I'm in Nevada and it's happening here just as I watched it happen in CA. The vastly more free laws and culture I moved here for are already changing before my eyes. There is a huge influx of CA leftists and mush-headed fools who don't realize that it's their voting that ruined the CA they moved there for originally. They were dumb there, and they are dumb here. Time and experience doesn't lead to wisdom in everyone. If it did, there would be no leftists over 30.
So, you believe most people leave Ca in order to turn their 'new state' into another Ca. Rather than leaving Ca in order to escape the craziness?
Yes. YES YES!!!
I am IN California. Jefferson State. The people from the Bay Area and So Cal who move up here to supposedly get away from the crazy in their areas and then proceed to bring the crazy with them.
Not as much craziness, not as libtardish as where they came from. But still they want to change the area that they moved TO to be more like where they left. They say they want to 'get away', but they just can't help themselves. Stop the things and try to make everything "better"...in their eyes.
Like the guy who buys property next to a cattle ranching operation. Builds a really big house and then bitches about the cattle, noise and flies. Complains because the 4H bake sale doesn't have organic and gluten free cookies. Is annoyed at the people hunting ducks or deer in the areas around his property where they have done so for 100 years. Inevitable.
They don't mean to do it. They just do. Little bits at a time, but change they do. It is like an infectious disease.
Do you think people like Sean Penn and Danny Glover learned anything from their love affair with Hugo Chávez? They still think the whole socialism failure is just an accident that will work right the next time. Trump's fault, no doubt.
It's not just a cliche that most conservatives start out as liberals. I did. What makes us change so radically, and why is that transition so more common than the reverse?
"It's not just a cliche that most conservatives start out as liberals. I did. What makes us change so radically, and why is that transition so more common than the reverse?"
Hardening of the arteries, reduced blood flow to the brain.
I started out conservative and moved leftward when I saw that life wasn't as neat and tidy and black and white as the conservative world view would have it.
mockturtle said...
@FullMoon, I saw it happen in Virginia. People moving out left-wing lunatic asylum Maryland into Virginia, only to try to turn Virginia into another Maryland.
Yes. Happened in WA, OR and MT, as well. I'm sure they had the best of intentions but they are Californians and they just have to Californicate.
Interesting. Only know a dozen or so who have left Ca. No libs in the group. Of course, only anecdotal. You guys actually know any liberal Ca transplants?
Journalist Chris Hooks, who’s based in Texas, noticed something interesting in the exit poll results published by CNN. Overall, Cruz won reelection by about two percentage points. But among those born in Texas, Cruz lost by three points. His overall victory was a function of his wide margin of victory among those who’d moved to Texas.
CO is CA East. + pot heads who vote.
I'm all for legalization but I'm not for how pot heads vote.
Like the guy who buys property next to a cattle ranching operation. Builds a really big house and then bitches about the cattle, noise and flies. Complains because the 4H bake sale doesn't have organic and gluten free cookies. Is annoyed at the people hunting ducks or deer in the areas around his property where they have done so for 100 years. Inevitable.
Ha! Those are the same people who buy a joint near the airport or railroad tracks and then complain about the noise.
I get the feeling most vets like it when you "Thank them for their service".
But I personally don't do it. I never got in the habit.
When I grew up EVERY adult male was a Vet. WW2, Korea, Vietnam and everything in between. If you'd thanked everyone for their service, you'd be doing it all Veterans day.
And most of them didn't want to be thanks. They wanted to move on.
"The problem with AZ is the same as NV. They got the CA infection. Rats run off the sinking ship and it's docked at the AZ and NV borders. I jumped off the CA ship too, but like a good immigrant, I appreciate my new home and the values that made it attractive to me. I don't want to change it into the sinking ship I just left."
My parents moved to Charlotte county Florida from Pennsylvania in 1973, making them darn near natives. It was very conservative at that time. After a few years, bumpers starting popping saying "We don't care how you did it up north". The worm has now turned. Now you cannot replace your front door without a permit. Or an electrical outlet. That's how they do it up north.
I was sorta shocked that the D Senator candidate got elected in Arizona. She was really out there, and I thought Arizona was sorta conservative.
Then I looked up the 2008 POTUS election: Obama got 45% against Johnny McCain.
So, Arizona isn't really that conservative. And hasn't been for quite some time.
The problem with Californians goes way back.
You had Okies who moved out here in the 1930s and kept voting D for 50 years because they'd been D's back in Oklahoma.
The same is true of a lot of people who came here from NYC, Chicago, etc after WW2. They didn't like the racial tensions, the taxes, and the corrupt politics "back East" - so they came to SoCal or the Bay Area. But they kept voting D.
You can't change stupid.
Two things about the AZ senatorial campaign:
1. McSally was a never-Trumper early on.
2. Sinema has passed herself off as a 'moderate'. I didn't watch any of the debates so I'm not sure how convincing she was but some must have been convinced.
I thought I overspent on a 4K OLED TV but it looked really great for sports, as long as you took the over the air broadcast. But then I bought a 4K Apple TV and now the thing is incredible. Lately I have been using Artcast, which is an app that displays 4K images of all kinds of art, the app is free, and there is some pretty good free content, but you can buy a $4.99 a month “Gallery Pass” which gives you the premium content. The picture is stunning, it looks like a glossy magazine printed page. You can sit and watch paintings, each displays for a couple of minutes, and it is surprisingly entertaining. One issue is that some paintings are portrait mode, and some are landscape and they are seldom the exact aspect ratio as the TV.
I started out conservative and moved leftward when I saw that life wasn't as neat and tidy and black and white as the conservative world view would have it.
I think it’s the other way around. It’s not conservatives who believed in “scientific socialism” or that every problem could be solved by some program and a generous dollop of cash. The expression “Better than nothing is a high standard” is a recognition that most often when you try to fix problems with the hammy hands of government, you end up making matters worse on account of the world isn’t as black and white as the liberal world view would have it.
rcocean: This reports where Californians came from decade by decade you can track the Okie pulse. The New York influence is more recent, but are now outstripped by Philippinos
Yeah, I don’t know any conservatives who see the world as black and white, meat and tidy. The left believes human nature is malleable.
Unless you want to be an evolutionary deadend, you better have a malleable nature.
then this happened:
yes, it's like one of those episode from the last season of angel,
Yeah, I don’t know any conservatives who see the world as black and white, meat and tidy. The left believes human nature is malleable.
And by God....they are going to pound you into the shape that THEY determine is the best one for you, whether you like it or not.
Howard: "Unless you want to be an evolutionary deadend, you better have a malleable nature."
Yeah, uh, that's not how evolution works.
But whatever.
btw the French foreign minister denies Erdogan's statement re the khashoggi tape,
DBQ: "And by God....they are going to pound you into the shape that THEY determine is the best one for you, whether you like it or not."
100 Million were killed in the last hundred years by the left for failing the "malleability" "test".
and then there's an uk outfit, advocates international, that appears to have been conducting fraud re asylum claims
Blogger rcocean said...
"But they kept voting D.
You can't change stupid."
I'm friends with a local farm family. In 2008 they had many Democrat signs including an Obama sign at their farm entrance.
In 2012 there were a few local Democrat signs and no Obama sign.
In 2016 and 2018 there were no signs for either party.
Change does occur.
this comes from laura southern, the reporter who was banned from the uk,
Blogger Drago said...
100 Million were killed in the last hundred years by the left for failing the "malleability" "test".
100 Million were killed in the last hundred years by the left as they enforced the "malleability" "test".
Sinema seems to me a better choice for senator than Roy Moore.
Sinema isn't even a better choice than Al Franken for Senator.
Blogger Dust Bunny Queen said...
"And by God....they are going to pound you into the shape that THEY determine is the best one for you, whether you like it or not."
Plan to confiscate guns? Check
Plan to restrict free speech? Check
Plan to persecute a demographic group? Check (white males)
Plan to implement intimidation? Check (Antifa)
Disregard for human life? Check (Pro-choice)
Plan to implement socialism? Check
Tolerance of certain unlawful behavior? Check
"Who counts the votes decides"? Check
Blogger Drago said...
Howard: "Unless you want to be an evolutionary deadend, you better have a malleable nature."
Yeah, uh, that's not how evolution works.
But whatever.
Rapid humanoid evolution highly correlated to the extreme climate change of the Pleistocene
"whatever" really means "I know you are right, but I'm pretending to hold on to my idiot opinion"
In re: commie genocide... The malleable ones escaped persecution while the unyielding rigid people remained to be ground up by the machine
One more thing about the AZ senate election: Look who they elected to the Senate previously. McCain and Flake. So what did we expect, another Goldwater?
The malleable ones escaped persecution while the unyielding rigid people remained to be ground up by the machine
Billy Wilder said something similar about Nazi Germany. The pessimists got out, the optimists stayed and got gassed.
No dog in the hunt for me (my up for grabs Senate seat went early to Mike Braun), but frankly I'm not surprised by the Sinema victory in AZ.
Martha McSally - while an exemplary person - really came across poorly as a candidate. Very preachy. Puked cliches and talking points. Boring when not preachy.
And let's face it, Sinema's pretty easy on the eyes.
Nor do I think this signals anything about the supposed "purpling" of AZ. It's just one election. The Republican won the governor's race handily.
Howard: ""whatever" really means "I know you are right, but I'm pretending to hold on to my idiot opinion"
No, it doesnt.
But when you find yourself out at the end of a lysenkoist branch, you'll pretty much lunge at anything in sight to keep from falling.
His book quotes the remark made by the director Billy Wilder in 1945: "The optimists died in the gas chambers, the pessimists have pools in Beverly Hills."
lysenko... never heard that one. Whatever is a valley-girl go-to dismissal, so gag me with a backhoe
Like the caravan, but internalized:
I know her grasp on reality Is dubious:
The malleable ones escaped persecution
It wasn't their nature that was malleable, just their actions in the moment. If their nature had been malleable than Communism would have been a smashing success.
If you go by the historical record, most wars are as fatuous and ill considered as WWI or the Thirty Years War. That said, you don't live through history but through current events. You show up and do your duty, but keep in mind that future historians will probably regard your sacrifice as not only in vain but foolish and wrong headed......The Mexican-American War had none of the high sounding sentiments that surrounded WWI. It was mostly an imperialistic land grab. Despite that--or maybe because of that--it was the making of our country. I don't think Americans accrued any great benefits from WWI or Vietnam or some of these recent actions that are imbued with such noble purposes......I'm a non combat veteran of the Vietnam era. I don't regret my service, but it was rather pointless and futile. I had a friend who suffered a permanent disability as a result of his combat service. He took pride in his service and, with some radical adjustments, did okay in later life but I can't help thinking (but never saying) that it was all a waste.
The largest contribution of the aefs time in Europe was probably the Thompson sub machine gun that became the gangsters preferred weapon.
Better to Live on your Feet than Die on your Knees.
So it will be interesting to see if John Kyl follows through on his statement that he will only serve as appointed successor to McCain for a short time, and if that means he resigns soon and the Governor appoints Martha McSally to fill the vacancy this time. Arizona with two women Senators would be something.
“Anyone who accepts her legitimacy is an enemy of the republic.”
What nuttery.
“A lot of people want to just roll over.”
Why don’t you start a civil war Captain America?
“On Veterans Day the democrats are going to declare Kyrsten Synema of all people the winner of that election.”
What did Trump do today to honor Veterans? What did he do in France? He was an embarrassment.
“Fuck this.”
Fuck you, enough of your extremist bullshit.
Billy Wilder is an interesting example of somebody who knew a lot about happiness but almost nothing about how to make other people happy. Next time you watch a Billy Wilder movie, try and imagine I am wrong about that. I am not, the movies are good, in that movie buff way, but still .....
Leonard Bernstein, when he was conducting - and he was a good conductor, but could have been better - focused on that (that being, for purposes of this short comment, the ability to show other people what it looks like to feel happy - a trait the best politicians all have) - the same way a good politician does - the body language, the control of the way one looks at the audience, the excitement about being right about something .... the conflict with the imagined others, who simply do not understand ....
Most men are not successful. Women love them anyway, if they are minimally attractive, until such time as they become difficult to love, at which point their attraction drops below the minimal level. (if you understand this sentence, you can skip that plan you had of reading a novel of Houellebecq to understand this world ---- trust me).
I read sometimes the heartfelt complaints of transgender people who feel they are not loved as the women or men they really are, and want to be known as (God bless them), or the complaints of good family men who consider themselves undervalued in this world, or the complaints of cute women who think cute women are not protected enough, and I feel in my heart that they are all right.
God loves me, I know that, and I hope he knows that there were several times - more than five, less than 20 --- when beautiful women wanted to have sex with me and I refused, because I knew that if they fell in love with me they would never - even if they fell in love with me --- forget me as much as I would want them to forget me, in later years when they were with the man who was the man God wanted to be with them as man and wife. And no, as much as I wanted to sleep with them, I did not want them to have that specific memory ....
Yes, what I am saying is I am one of those guys who turned down sex with multiple women because I knew they would not want to marry me, even if they wanted to have sex with me.
All years are strange years, the 80s though today included.
God loves us all. Probably you more than me, but that is just a detail. God loves you, God loves us all, and if I have gone through hard times, that is not your problem, that is not God's problem, that is just my problem. I am fine with that. God is God and God can say he loves all of us, I can't honestly say the same thing, and that is the difference between me - and probably you - and God. Like I said, God loves us all, and all I have ever done is be a little kinder than expected, on my best days.
So ... take my word for it. Billy Wilder was talented, but imagine the best of his movies, but a hundred times better. That is what art is about.
Well sunset boulevard has a light hearted twist even the ending in dark. Stalag 17 likewise also with William Holden, I really have seen enough of ninotcka to evaluate it, by that i mean none.
"in this world you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant"
"I recommend pleasant"
not from a Billy Wilder film
I guess the dialogue is the key, smart and snappy somewhat like mamet but his has a darker rhythm.
I really have seen enough of ninotcka to evaluate it, by that i mean none.
Ninotchka is a delightful film. [Stalag 17 was my favorite movie as a child, oddly enough. One reason, I think, is that there were no love scenes].
There's a classic movie channel that runs many of these, not tmc so I've also seen too ri, and river kwai and sand peoples (some of those are awfully long)
My first boyfriend wore Old Spice after shave on dates and I found some at home in my father's bathroom, put some on a handkerchief and took it to bed with me so I could remember the scent of him. The rest of my life I never liked any other scent on men. Old Spice or nothing. It was a symbol of masculinity and I still find it exciting.
Pebbles, an interesting film among other things that it cast not too positive a light on the kuomintang who were now the govt in Taiwan where they filmed.
Steve McQueen's dilemma as an innocent man who is yet a scapegoat.
Andrea Mitchell is 72. Retire. Go away.
So why did Trump fire Kirstjen Nielson?
Sand Pebbles is a great movie in that it shows what it is like to walk around the engine room of a navy vessel (a riverboat in Sand Pebbles, but ceteris paribus - the engine rooms of cruisers and destroyers and even battleships of the day were not all that different).
It also is good because, back in the 20th century, there were so many intense and unlikeable guys who were drunk on their own testosterone and for that reason who were losers the way the character McQueen played was. There are different problems in this century, but ... the movie is a good period piece. Not a work of art by any means, because it was a typical Hollywood period piece, a fake version of what real life is like. As such, a failure.
It included silly gamma-level treatment of the NCO who fell in love with the Chinese woman, and, one more time, McQueen was too intense, and not in a good way, to be the sort of guy any guy wants to be around. Chicks digged him, though. For a year or two, until he grew out his beard and sprouted a beer belly that made him look pregnant. Life is hard and nobody likes anybody who does not perform at the expected level.
That is why we need to pray to God to teach us to love others, there are so many people in this world who feel they deserve to be loved but who do not want to do everything we need to do when we want to be kind to others.
God loves us the way we are but loves us too much to let us stay that way. Hollywood movies, even when they are not bad movies, generally fail to express that truth.
The rest of my life I never liked any other scent on men. Old Spice or nothing.
It was another brand, English Leather that had the tagline "All my men wear English Leather, or they wear nothing at all!"
In retrospect, you kind of have to wonder about how many men that was, though the pitch was of course to the men who would be buying EL:
It's a tricky tightrope because we are in a certain place and time for a certain purpose, not destiny by any means. One darker film from roughly that period is otto preminger in harm's way, based on James Bassetts novel.
There is perhaps two much shadow to all the characters, for a world war 2 film it didn't offer the affirmations of the genre.
Per Fox, McSally has conceded to Sinema. Arizona voters will get what they want, good and hard. Bon appetit.
The beatings will continue till morale improves its as absurd as it sounds.
Old spice means quality said the Captain to the Bosun.
Mens aftershave - I can remember all kinds of commercials from my childhood - but the whole thing seems to have gone away.
I don't know why.
"It included silly gamma-level treatment of the NCO who fell in love with the Chinese woman"
Yeah, poor old Richard Attenborough. IRC, he had to see his Chinese Girlfriend so much he dove off the ship into the cold water, swam to shore, and then died of pneumonia!
The sand pebbles had a great ending. McQueen yelling "I was home. What the Hell happened?"
Hillary yelled the same thing in November 2016.
lysenko… never heard that one.
Thus demonstrating his great knowledge of evolution.
Remember the Caravan?
Sure..."hundreds of miles away", per Jimmy A.
Anyone remember that whistleblower that outed democrat corruption in Broward county?
Oh he commited suicide you know. Shot himself in the head with a gun police never found.
This district attorneys investigating democrats. They just be shooting themselves in the head.
Bbkingfish@11:30 Yeah, we do, we know that they've been directed to breach the border in California, probably because they can count on sanctuary cities, a greater percentage of Progs and Democrats, and sympathetic judges. The reason why your Democrat party media liars aren't spewing on over the gang of criminals which you twats euphemistically refer to as the Caravan is because they've been busy attacking the president with alternate lies and slanders. But you know as well as I do that as soon as that crowd of criminals and fine people gets close enough, the wretched worms of the Democrat party media will be screaming non-stop about babies in cages. Can't wait...
The Kelli Ward backers turned out to be right.
Andrea Mitchell’s husband is 92 and still on TV regularly.
I listen to Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations in 40wpm morse code on bicycle commutes, a book I typed in in the 80s so as to be able to search it easily, and made into mp3 morse code recently. A form of audio book, I guess.
Anyway it's not like reading it as text, nor like Wittgenstein is recorded reading it for you; more like Wittgenstein is writing it for you live.
The file is 28 hours long. Pick up where you left off each time.
Watched Sand Pebbles for the first time not to long ago. Great movie until the hero dies. Same with Cool Hand Luke. Love Steve McQueen. I don't like my heroes dying. It's unAmerican or something.
True Grit on the other hand .....
Sinema seems to me a better choice for senator than Roy Moore.
She’s a better choice than Bob Menendez too, but we don’t talk about Bob Menendez and his trafficked children “lovers” do we?
Sinema's win means open contempt is a viable path to political power so long as everyone thinks it isn't them that you hate.
"whatever" really means "I know you are right, but I'm pretending to hold on to my idiot opinion"
Ha! In that case it meant that the IQ gap is too large a reach. You really didn’t understand his argument at all, did you Howard? Reject first! Ask rhetorical questions later!
Tell you what Howard, if you want, I will explain the point about “how evolution works” to you, even the reference to Lysenkoism as if to a small child, if you want to hear it.
Aren't there microorganisms that have gone unchanged for a good long time still around today? How long without change until you aren't malleable and an evolutionary dead end? Or is it post hoc reasoning of X went extinct thus it was an evolutionary dead end?
Porn Star Sinema won by Optics. Big, Blonde, with a Rack From Nip/Tuck.
She looked fresh, relatable and said all the right things 'I like conservatives. You're very handsome. I really am bi-party.'
All those little lies women say to get along.
I think maybe Howard’s statement makes sense as a threat. For instance the human beings in the Soviet Union who weren’t “malleable” ended up machine gunned and lying at the bottom of ditches and covered with lime, or starved to death by intentional famine, as in the Ukraine.
"The campaigns of Democrat Andrew Gillum, the gubernatorial nominee, and Democrat Bill Nelson, the incumbent U.S. Senator are both demanding in a court hearing that the vote of a non-American citizen be counted."
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy ..." <<<< This reference comes to mind this morning.
Steal elections, kill the unborn, destroy the Republic.
The difference between “malleable” and “adaptable” is that adaptation is an action of an individual built on inborn qualities, and “malleable” is change forced on the individual by an all powerful state, like cutting off the tails of mice and expecting the next generation to be born without tales. The kind of change that gives lefties hard ons. It’s no wonder that Lysenko was so popular in the Soviet Union. They were building a new man and he told them exactly what they wanted to hear. And it was scientifical!
“The he coon walks at midnight.” - Lawton Chiles
The Florida Governor who appointed all of those judges who turned the law on its head to try and steal the state for Gore.
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