November 9, 2018

At the Fall Snow Café...


... have your midday conversation.


Original Mike said...

I was done with my fall garden clean up on Nov 3. Blows the doors off my previous record.

Original Mike said...

Well, almost done.

rcocean said...

Man, that looks cold. Good thing I don't live in the midwest.

tcrosse said...

For some interesting light reading, here's the draft of the
2018 Form 1040
It is considerably changed from last year.

Jaq said...

We had a recount with that recent “Global Warming is Much Worse Than We Thought!” paper that made the rounds in all of the big news outlets about ocean heat uptake. It seems like the guy who said “It’s a travesty that we can’t find the missing heat!’ in one of those Climategate emails was guilty of motivated reasoning!’

I was going to buy the paper because press accounts made it sound like actual movement toward strengthening the case, something I haven’t really seen in the many years I have been following this story. I can’t wait to read about the retraction in The Guardian and the New York Times, when it inevitably comes.

Curious George said...

Glad I finished raking the last of the leaves to the street. Now time for wiring in the new garage shop heater.

Jaq said...

The findings of the Resplandy et al paper were peer reviewed and published in the world’s premier scientific journal and were given wide coverage in the English-speaking media. Despite this, a quick review of the first page of the paper was sufficient to raise doubts as to the accuracy of its results. Just a few hours of analysis and calculations, based only on published information, was sufficient to uncover apparently serious (but surely inadvertent) errors in the underlying calculations. - Climate Etc...

Funny how the errors in climate science always break the same way, just like recounts in politics. It’s because the paper was “too good to check” just like the Hockey Stick was.

Jaq said...

I had thought they had something new with stratospheric cooling, but it turned out that it was just a new manipulation of pre-satellite data, so it looks like we are going to continue to get snowfalls in November and live on a slowly and gently warming planet.

Bay Area Guy said...

The election get many people excitable. Probably too much time spent on the internet worrying about things and arguing with strangers from the safety of the armchair. I don't exclude myself from this. But here's some objective evidence, based on rudimentary numbers:

1. House: Dems 231-Reps 204
2. Senate: Reps 53 - Dems 47
3. President: Rep
4. SCOTUS: Reps 5-Dems 4
5. Governors: Rep 27-Dem 23
6. State Legislators: Rep 21, Dems 14, 15 divided.

These may be off a bit, because a few seats remain in flux. But the majorities are fixed.

So, is this a Blue Wave when Dems hold the levers of power in 1 of 6 bodies?

I think not.

I think a fair-minded, sane person would say the country is split pretty evenly with a slight edge to the GOP. Period. Full stop. Nothing more, nothing less.

I think the Univerisites and the media are hopelessly slanted towards the Dems so it feels like they have a large advantage due there large megaphones. But the numbers are the numbers.

My 2 cents.

Ps not ignoring the fact that many GOP types are elite, spineless weasels.

Maillard Reactionary said...

No snow yet here in the DPRNJ. May get a frost on Saturday night. We usually don't get a snow that sticks until after Christmas (climate zone 6.5).

I do have the frames made for my herbs. Rosemary and thyme are not quite winter hardy here. Tried to do without the vinyl last year; bad idea. I'll cover them tomorrow. I have my doubts that the tarragon will make it, but the others should be fine.

Mike said...

Keep in mind, Bay Area Guy, that this is from the historic lows for the Democrats from a couple of years ago... or even last week. I think they controlled 30 of the 99 state legislatures at one point, which is incredibly low.

I wish the public knew this, if only to make Democrats start trying to persuade people to vote for them instead of demonizing those who don't. They're still a party in trouble.

Jaq said...

That’s not news! Man bites alligator, that’s news.

mccullough said...

Early snow covers ground leaves. I won’t look at a rake until all the leaves fall from the trees. If the snow comes before then, so be it.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...

Oak trees lose their leaves in the spring. Beech too, I think.

TestTube said...

A Modest Proposal:

As you probably know, there exists a severe shortage of healthy donor organs. Sick and injured people often must wait months or years until a suitable donor is found, resulting in untold misery, suffering, and even death.

Recently, Ruth Bader Ginsburg suffered a debilitating fall which broke three ribs. Immediately, offers came pouring in from well-wishers, volunteering their own ribs and organs (even vital organs, without which the would-be doner could not survive)

Why not send these people a notice that they have been selected as donors to save RBG's life, and to report to a suitable medical facility, where this bounty can be harvested and distributed to the needy?

In this role, RBG could have a happy retirement -- always claiming to be just one organ donation away from returning to the bench -- knowing that she is facilitating the quality of countless lives, while giving the donors a sense of purpose and contentment that far outweighs the downside of a severely curtailed life.

Jersey Fled said...

Then what are those things I'm raking up under my oak trees?

Yancey Ward said...

Here in Oak Ridge, TN we might get the first frost tomorrow morning, but will definitely get it by Saturday morning. A bit late this year- but not abnormally so.

Yancey Ward said...


Any explanation for the change in the form? That just looks weird to me, and I can't see why it is being changed that way- it makes no sense.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I just picked at something at the corner of my mouth and now it's bleeding.

Original Mike said...

”Then what are those things I'm raking up under my oak trees?”

Your neighbor’s elm leaves?

tcrosse said...

Any explanation for the change in the form? That just looks weird to me, and I can't see why it is being changed that way- it makes no sense.

It gets weirder: 2018 1040 Draft Instructions Why? Your guess is as good as mine.

Yancey Ward said...

This should always be posted with discussions of organ donations- just for the fun of it.

Lucien said...


Draft Form 1040 has no explicit line item for capital gain (loss), which used to come from Schedule D> Is it now in Schedule 1? Is there a draft Schedule 1 available?

tcrosse said...


You might find an answer in the draft instructions, linked in my 12:27 comment. This is all news to me, too.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tcrosse said...

2018 Draft Schedule 1

Pianoman said...

We've got Santa Ana winds and fires down here in SoCal. 'Tis the season.

n.n said...

[Catastrophic Anthropogenic] Global Warming... read about the retraction in The Guardian and the New York Times

The Guardian, at least, is hedging its bet and diversified reporting, identifying their next politically congruent target: "white girls next door." Progress.

Original Mike said...

”We've got Santa Ana winds and fires down here in SoCal. 'Tis the season.”

I’d much rather have snow.

John Pickering said...

One of the publications that bores Ann silly is the Wall Street Journal, so it's not likely her readers would have come across this one:

Donald Trump Played Central Role in Hush Payoffs to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal
Federal prosecutors have gathered evidence of president’s participation in transactions that violated campaign-finance laws

Mr. Trump asked Mr. Pecker to quash the story of a former Playboy model who said they’d had an affair. Mr. Pecker’s company soon paid $150,000 to the model, Karen McDougal, to keep her from speaking publicly about it. Mr. Trump later thanked Mr. Pecker for the assistance.

The Trump Tower meeting and its aftermath are among several previously unreported instances in which Mr. Trump intervened directly to suppress stories about his alleged sexual encounters with women, according to interviews with three dozen people who have direct knowledge of the events or who have been briefed on them, as well as court papers, corporate records and other documents.

While President Trump publicly fought with women leading up the the 2016 election, in private he directed schemes to silence their stories of two alleged affairs. Here’s a timeline of Trump’s personal involvement.

Taken together, the accounts refute a two-year pattern of denials by Mr. Trump, his legal team and his advisers that he was involved in payoffs to Ms. McDougal and a former adult-film star. They also raise the possibility that the president of the United States violated federal campaign-finance laws.

The Wall Street Journal found that Mr. Trump was involved in or briefed on nearly every step of the agreements. He directed deals in phone calls and meetings with his self-described fixer, Michael Cohen, and others. The U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan has gathered evidence of Mr. Trump’s participation in the transactions.

(behind a pay wall:

Ann loves this clown because he's so funny. It's going to be so hilarious when he winds up wearing an orange jumpsuit while his orange skin turns grey. Laff riot!

MadisonMan said...

”We've got Santa Ana winds and fires down here in SoCal. 'Tis the season.”

The Camp fire yesterday in NoCal was an amazingly intense and fast-growing one.

I'd also rather have snow.

Birkel said...

Merry Fitzmas, John Pickering.

FullMoon said...

John Pickering said..
It's going to be so hilarious when he winds up wearing an orange jumpsuit while his orange skin turns grey. Laff riot!

Great! Set a precedent for incarcerating a president. Then, President Pence can order charges for Obama, Hillary, etc. with conspiracy regarding their communications via private server. Lock em all up!
Am I right?

Pianoman said...

If you're close enough to the fires, you'll get plenty of "snow" later on ...

FullMoon said...

Blogger MadisonMan said...

”We've got Santa Ana winds and fires down here in SoCal. 'Tis the season.”

The Camp fire yesterday in NoCal was an amazingly intense and fast-growing one.

I'd also rather have snow.

Town of Paradise destroyed. Fire still raging. It ain't over yet.

Phil 314 said...

snow already?

Curious George said...

"Original Mike said...
Oak trees lose their leaves in the spring."

Depends on species. Some lose them in the autumn.

Mike Sylwester said...

John Pickering T 1:02 PM
It's going to be so hilarious when he winds up wearing an orange jumpsuit while his orange skin turns grey.

I think that the entire Clinton crime family should have been imprisoned for their pay-to-play foundation.

harrogate said...

Honestly, I don't give a rat's ass about Acosta's precious access. I think the media's obsession with access is one of its biggest problem in terms of its inability to do anything resembling issue-based engagement.

That said, it is disgusting how the WH edited the Acosta video to make it look like he hit that woman. And I note that Althouse made a big deal about that, stating it as a factual matter that he "hit a woman." This description of events was always bullshit to people who watched the presser in real time, but Althouse ran with it anyway, and as far as I can tell, has maintained radio silence about he fake video with which she ran.

Neutrality indeed.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Fire wind
Oh desert wind
She was born in a desert breeze
And wind her way
Through Canyon Way
From the desert to the silvery sea

Jay Vogt said...

We sold our house with the extensive landscaping and big yard a few months ago. We're in empty nester transition and are renting a "club house" in a managed private neighborhood for the year until we figure out what's next. They do all the exterior stuff, so for the first time in forever, I really had and have essentially no autumn (or ever) yard/exterior responsibilities. Feels weird. Liking it for now. but not sure that we're ready to surrender a private yard for the long haul. For now thought I'm glad to have winter come and take a break from shoveling.

Achilles said...

Trump better pick a strong AG who begins cleaning up the corruption in DC and in elections around the country.

He is starting to look very much like Danton.

The theft of Arizona and Florida cannot be allowed to happen.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

The next thing I knew, there was a pain in my head like
My sinuses were cracking. The Santa Ana winds had come
Back, and the whole city of L.A. was acting like it had
PMS. I heard high heels on the linoleum floor of the outer
Office. She came in wearing a pair of clam diggers that
Had obviously never been to a beach, and a halter top that
Had been in a dryer for three weeks on high. My contact
Lenses popped out and went looking for water. She said
She'd give me three hundred clams if I helped her find
Her uncle...
"Sure, baby."

narciso said...

That's why they stole west Virginia and are on the way to steal Florida and Arizona. To prevent a strong nominee being seated.

Achilles said...

Bay Area Guy said...
The election get many people excitable.

If Arizona and Florida are flipped it better be more than excitable.

People need to start getting their shit together.

Once people lose confidence in elections it is over for the republic.

Every fucking time an election is close more votes are found for dems. I remembered looking down the list on RCP and just sharing .5 percent to every race at 99% reporting and I came out right on.

I remember specifically the Georgia congress seat having a 2000ish spread for the republican with 99% reporting and saying it was over because you knew the Democrat was going to win.

If you all let Democrats steak those elections it is over.

Mike Sylwester said...

Historically the Democratic Party is the USA's political party of voting fraud.

That is why they so strongly oppose voter ID.

Nonapod said...

Russia is very much a country in decline. The Soyuz rocket programs is gradually becoming commercially inviable due to competition from outsiders like Space X. They can't even refit their one and only super carrier for lack of funds.

Meanwhile, China gradually fielding new aircraft carriers, cruisers, and (supposedly) 5th generation figher jets (Chengdu J-20, Shenyang FC-31). How good all this new equipment actually is is still very debatable, but they certainly seem on the rise as much as Russia is in decline.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

For no cheating going on in Florida, the Democrats are sure doing a lot of things that indicate cheating. Clearly the US Justice department and FBI should be looking into potential civil rights violations.

Ken B said...

The point of blatantly false propaganda in the USSR was not to convince the populace. I was, by forcing them to agree with it, to prove that they could be forced to agree with it. The goal was acquiescence not belief.
That is why the Democrats are so open about this. It isn’t important that you believe they won, it is more important that you accept they must win.

iowan2 said...

Gee Pickering, That's a very high pile of horse shit, there must be a pony in there right?

Pony? Maybe. Crime? Not for miles and miles. Not a single crime in all that poo.

DavidD said...

harrogate may want to expand his list of sources beyond just CNN....

Mr. D said...

I’ve got a fun idea. . . .

Trump has not been happy with the do-nothing nature of his Labor Secretary, Alexander Acosta (no relation to Jim), who has essentially let the Obama status quo prevail.
Scott Walker needs something to do.
Trump should ash-can Acosta and nominate Scott Walker as the new Secretary of Labor.

If you thought the confirmation fight over Betsy DeVos was vicious, this would be a full-on brawl.

Freeman Hunt said...

A strange and intense pet peeve: in looking at couches, all the couches that have a backless sticking out part.

mockturtle said...

Attn. Dust Bunny Queen! Are you anywhere near these awful fires? Hope you and yours are safe.

320Busdriver said...

100 percent agree...wrt ELECTIONS. We had better start getting our shit together when it comes down to how these are processed. It is not rocket surgery. We can easily do better with todays technology. I can't fathom the extent to which ballots are mailed in AZ as one example.

And, yes, once there is no confidence in free and fair elections here we are done. Anarchy rules.

JaimeRoberto said...

Even if you think everything is on the up and up in Florida, you should be concerned about the lack of transparency and sloppy methods. It's crap like that that undermines confidence in the elections, not $50K in Facebook ads that nobody sees.

Fabi said...

I'm satisfied with a snow every two or three years.

mikeski said...

Freeman Hunt said...

A strange and intense pet peeve: in looking at couches, all the couches that have a backless sticking out part.

You're chaise'ing after a smaller couch?

Ken B said...

If so many elections end up in court you are doing something wrong.

Whatever happened to scrutineers? I was one, decades ago. You just watch, and can raise objections. We watched each voted counted. I do not recall a single problem. My candidate lost. There was no dispute, no courts. But this was in Canada.

You folks are doing it wrong.

Krumhorn said...

A strange and intense pet peeve: in looking at couches, all the couches that have a backless sticking out part.

Not sure I can picture that, but the couches that should be taken straight to the landfill are those that use cushions for the back that only go halfway up your back. There is no way that ever gets comfortable.

- Krumhorn

rehajm said...

But this was in Canada. You folks are doing it wrong.

Now do healthcare.

320Busdriver said...

I did not think it possible that more irregularities in the investigation and prosecution of Avery and Dassey in the murder of Teresa Halbach could possibly exist after watching the Making a Murderer series on Netflix. The new episodes detail Averys new attorney Kathleen Zellners(complete badass) efforts and subsequent revelations of further problems with the states case.

There are many.

Snark said...

This reminded me of me being amazed last year to learn here that some cities/towns have residents rake their leaves on to the street for cleanup/pickup. It sounds so messy and problem prone. What happens when it gets windy? What happens if it gets wet and sewers clog? How do you rake your leaves from the back yard into the street? I keep hearing a nails-on-chalkboard rake scratching across a driveway in my head!

Jim at said...

It's going to be so hilarious when he winds up wearing an orange jumpsuit

What law or laws were broken?
Be specific.

Snark said...

"I did not think it possible that more irregularities in the investigation and prosecution of Avery and Dassey in the murder of Teresa Halbach could possibly exist after watching the Making a Murderer series on Netflix. The new episodes detail Averys new attorney Kathleen Zellners(complete badass) efforts and subsequent revelations of further problems with the states case.

There are many."

One could argue a lot about this and that about the truth of that case, but the fact that Dassey's confession stands is mind blowing to me. It was just so problematic in just about every way.

mockturtle said...

I keep hearing a nails-on-chalkboard rake scratching across a driveway in my head!

Worse is the sound of leaf blowers.

Drago said...

Harrogate: "That said, it is disgusting how the WH edited the Acosta video to make it look like he hit that woman."

Tsk tsk.

Some talking points have been overcome by events before they are written!


Snark said...

"Worse is the sound of leaf blowers."

But what actually happens? Do people rake their back yard leaves over their driveway to the street? Or leaf blow them? Or both? I can't picture the logistics of this!

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Florida Democrats are cheating.

Florida Democrats have been destroying damaged ballots and filling out new ones in their place without witnesses.

Drago said...

Diogenes of Snope: "Florida Democrats have been destroying damaged ballots and filling out new ones in their place without witnesses."

Well, as Inga has demonstrated numerous times, lefties/dems/LLR's are capable of diving the inner thoughts of others.

Thats why they are always pushing for thought-crime legislation.

320Busdriver said...

@Snark.."One could argue a lot about this and that about the truth of that case, but the fact that Dassey's confession stands is mind blowing to me. It was just so problematic in just about every way."

In new episode 8 (I think), they cover the appeals of the Dassey writ of habeus at the 7th circuit in Chicago. They play the actual recordings(with sketches) of the arguments that took place both when it went before the 3 judge panel and the en banq hearing.

What struck me was the hostility and tone of the some of the judges towards Dasseys attorney Nirider who does an excellent job with her arguments and maintaining composure. It was definitely a "firefight" for attorneys with high stakes.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The LEAVES....OMG! We are not allowed to burn because of the extreme fire danger in California. So, we have been raking the huge maple tree, walnut trees, apple trees leaves that are dropping on the driveway and the lawn areas. We blow the rest that continue to fall into the rose bushes, shrubs along the drive and flower garden area.
The leaves in the orchard stay on the ground for mulch and to keep weeds down. The woodland areas we just leave to their own devices like always.

Since we are never going to be able to burn this year: we have huge piles of leaves to remove before it snows or rains to turn them into soggy moldy piles.... we spent yesterday using the bucket of the tractor to scoop up the piles and put them into our hydraulic dump trailer.

The 8 x 12 foot trailer is densely packed with leaves that we compressed using the bucket of the tractor. Now....what to do?? We can't just dump them along the road or onto other wilderness areas. Well, we could but if we get caught...not good.

So....tomorrow we are going to the dump (35 miles away) with the trailer of leaves and some of the orchard limb trimmings from this spring. (Normally, we burn the limbs and leaves).

The joys of home ownership and acreage.

320Busdriver said...

If you want to hear someone who REALLY dislikes leaf blowers try this

Therapy needed, desperately.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Maple trees....we have 3 along the driveway and 5 out front along the road. Beautiful. But so many leaves!

Jim at said...

The leaves from the Maples aren't as bad as the seedlings. Massive year for seedlings this year. Came from a damp spring.

Jaq said...

News take locally is that Republicans are disrupting the process and there's no need to witness ballot fixes because the election workers are witnessing each other and snitches get stitches. Ok I added that last part.

stevew said...

Nice photo, though I am not disappointed the scene is not duplicated here (Boston).

We started with a sunny day but which quickly deteriorated to raw and gray. To close out the work day, and begin the long weekend, I heated some mulled cider and had a mug full with a generous shot of bourbon added. Mmmmmm.

Thinking we'll watch the first episode of Outlaw King tonight. Busy day tomorrow stacking firewood and progressing woodshop projects.

gilbar said...

Snark said...
This reminded me of me being amazed last year to learn here that some cities/towns have residents rake their leaves on to the street for cleanup/pickup. It sounds so messy and problem prone. What happens when it gets windy? What happens if it gets wet and sewers clog? How do you rake your leaves from the back yard into the street?

In cedar Rapids, they do this. They use the leaves to cover up the old landfill.
They post what day they're doing a neighborhood, presumably they consider weather?
My folks had a big canvas tarp (from camping in the days b4 they invented plastic), and they'd rake the backyard leaves onto the tarp, then drag the tarp around the house once it was full.

Later, my dad made some sort of collector thingie for his riding mower, which filled a chicken wire bin that went on a trailer.
They didn't have sidewalks, so no rasping noise.

*I* just use my mulching lawnmower, and mow the leaves into the ground; i do more leaf mowing then i do grass mowing. Mowing grass is like watering or fertilizing it: it just encourages it.
Let it grow very tall; Then on a really hot day, mow it short: That's the way to keep it in line.

Fritz said...

Last week the acorns came down. It's a mast year and for a week or more, our driveway was covered every day. Many 30 gallon cans worth. Now the leaves are finally starting to fall. Most will get mowed and composted.

campy said...

"To close out the work day, and begin the long weekend, I heated some mulled cider and had a mug full with a generous shot of bourbon added."

Nice! I had my usual mug of hot cocoa with a shot of dark rum to break up another afternoon of retirement.

Francisco D said...

It was cold this morning in Southern AZ - high 50's. I had to put on pants, shoes and socks.

It made it up to 77 this afternoon, so my record of nearly 5 months of shorts and sandals remains unbroken.

I am avoiding the AZ and FL races. It is frustrating to see how the Dems are complete sociopaths, evil people who pretend to be caring and civil.

They are thieves and need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It's another big thing that Trump need to put on his "to do" list.

Henry said...

Freeman Hunt said...
A strange and intense pet peeve: in looking at couches, all the couches that have a backless sticking out part.

Mid-90s I went looking for a couch. Wanted a modernist style and the only way to get one was to pay $$$. All the affordable couches had swooping arms and bloated cushions.

Ten years later, every couch was severe. It was the Ikea effect.

Vance said...

Democrats are cheating swine at best, evil power-mad sociopaths more realistically.

What's going on in Florida should forever, once and for all, destroy any and all credibility on Democrat "No vote fraud here!" claims. They've been caught literally manufacturing votes. "Finding" new votes --all for Democrats, of course.

The state should just throw out Broward county votes all together. And jail the county clerk, who has done this before and just smirks. Open corruption, open vote fraud, and the left is cheering it on loudly.

rhhardin said...

Richard Epstein covers birthright citizenship as a constitutional matter.

Josephbleau said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

Back in the day I read about cars catching fire being parked stop piles of dry leaves swept into the street due to hot catalytic converters, Did they fix that? Or do some number of cars still go up in flames when municipalities have leaf pickup on the streets?

Merny11 said...

Guys most of that defense of Dassey and Avery is manufactured bull. Avery is guilty guilty guilty. He’s a complete scumbag. We live a few miles from the Halbach family - such a tragedy.

narciso said...

Of course he is and when he kills someone else they'll be surprised.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Meanwhile, China gradually fielding new aircraft carriers, cruisers, and (supposedly) 5th generation figher jets (Chengdu J-20, Shenyang FC-31). How good all this new equipment actually is is still very debatable, but they certainly seem on the rise as much as Russia is in decline.”

Apparently, they are having serious problems with the engines for their 5th generation fighters. Their engines apparently cannot supercruise (go supersonic w/o afterburners), and maybe because of that, they still have much too big of a radar and heat signature. Something to do with an inability to create single crystal turbine blades, or some such. They are maybe supposedly using Russian engines now.

They have the one carrier, which, I believe, was originally Russian. Which means that they have essentially no institutional memory for running carriers, which means that they have a huge learning curve ahead of themselves before they can use carriers effectively. Maybe they should have gone the ATOL route that GB, Japan, etc have goneexcept that that seems to be another technology that’s we control, and have a lot of experience with, and they don’t.

Talking about the Russians, one of their largest dry docks apparently sank recently, which means that their largest ships, including their aircraft carrier, are in big trouble. They will have to sail them some 6k nautical miles to work on them, and even then, they probably won’t be able to handle that aircraft carrier.

narciso said...

Oh that explains some things:

wild chicken said...

All the affordable couches had swooping arms and bloated cushions

Now that's what I want. Everything now is drab microfiber and hard as a rock.

Wouldn't want those pesky guests sitting around too long.

narciso said...

What a coincidence:

mockturtle said...

I remember when my mother went 'Danish modern' in our house. Not a comfort to be had. Maybe that was the point.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

OMG, frothing at the mouth Trumpist protesters outside Broward County election office yelling “Lock her up!”

LOL and all you folks had to do was be normal.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

They angry mob!


narciso said...

When people realize the votes of felons and illegals are being privileged over law abiding citizens, well as the Chinese say, interesting times.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“When people realize the votes of felons and illegals are being privileged over law abiding citizens, well as the Chinese say, interesting times.”

Conspiracy theories, always conspiracy theories, can’t you people live in reality? Too boring? What is it with you people?

narciso said...

The latter is Marc elias specialty, the latter was the reason for amendment #4, just like that amendment which handed over redistricting over to 'nonpartisan' commissions.

narciso said...

So the Simi valley shooter actually wanted gun control to eventuate

mockturtle said...

Field goal kicking is, apparently, a lost art.

themightypuck said...

I bought a new car and almost hit a fire hydrant due to icy icy roads. Luckily I avoided that fate. My next door neighbor's car got whacked by a sliding car. First snow is dangerous and I live in a snow town where most people have awd and blizzaks.

Snark said...

Thanks for the leaves-on-the-street explanation gilbar. Appreciated. :)

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Conspiracy theories, always conspiracy theories, can’t you people live in reality? Too boring? What is it with you people?

11/9/18, 9:05 PM

So says the dimwit who has been shrieking about RUSSIA!!!! for the past 2 years.

Buwaya summed you up perfectly - you're vile and stupid.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga believes Dems would NEVER steal an election (although people have been telling jokes about the dead voting in Chicago since before even she was born), but is sure that 50K worth of FB ads flipped the 2016 election for Trump.

Her abject stupidity never fails to amaze. It probably took her 5 years just to learn how to properly take s patient's blood pressure and temperature. They found a book with lots of pictures.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

#PalmBeachCounty elections supervisor bans media cameras from public ballot counting & threatens them with arrest. "

Gee, Inga, isn't this an infringement of freedom of the press? I know how very, very concerned you are when Trump insults the media. Isn't the elections supervisor treating the press like the Enemy of the People?

Why doesn't the supervisor want cameras in there? You're all for transparency, aren't you? What, I wonder, could they be hiding down there in Palm Beach?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Wish I woulda started over,
Thanked Him for gettin' older,
Not made promises unsober.

Dusty pictures on the wall,
frameless memories all.
And no more standin'

Wish I woulda started over...

narciso said...

The same reason Whittaker is taking fire like the USS yorktown.

Guildofcannonballs said...

My original:

Wish I woulda started over,
Thanked Him for getting older.
Not made promises unsober.

Dusty pictures on the wall,
frameless memories all,
and surely some will fall,
And no more standin' tall.

Wish I woulda started over.

Guildofcannonballs said...

In theory yes it's a 21 year old Mercury, given this late 2018 date.

Vance said...

Inga is certain, dead certain, that when a Democrat party election chair, one who has actually been found guilty by the justice system of voter fraud.... when that Democrat Party chair bans witnesses, refuses to comply with the law, refuses to let anyone see what she's doing, and when tens of thousands of votes, all of them for Democrat party candidates, pours out of this office where they are openly admitting they are "manufacturing" votes--

why, says Inga, there's nothing to see here at all! There cannot possibly be any reason at all for people to worry about more vote fraud! It's a conspiracy theory, despite the open defiance of the court system by someone who clearly has nothing to hide!

Right Inga? Hey, count the votes until the Democrat wins, that's the motto! Who can possibly object to that, or have a concern at all about it!

Inga surely doesn't care! As long as the votes say the Democrat won, she couldn't possibly care less how much voter fraud, fake ballots, illegal votes, and plain destroying Republican ballots it takes. What's going on in Broward county is what the Soviet Union did to make sure that their elections always, but always, produced the "right result." 99% Democrat vote from Broward County, as big as the entire rest of the state if need be! Right Inga? Who cares if it's a legitimate vote count, right?

Same in Arizona, Montana ("We counted votes until Tester was ahead, then we stopped!")

Embrace your inner destruction of Democracy, Inga--she who supports the ruination of America.

Guildofcannonballs said...

John Kerry got him a huntin' license, when I only got me myself a 21 year old Mercury.

That is a vehicle.

a machine alright, not flesh for God's sake.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Literally is it or not 21?

I can give 8 defintions, and could have caused 80 cardiac attacks had I chosen law.

God chose for me.

Guildofcannonballs said...

By God's grace we weren't aborted. Not alone, neither God nor grace nor us.

Earnest Prole said...

They say Kristallnacht was eighty years ago tonight but I'm sure "they" are just civility bullshitters because "always."

Craig said...

Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
The election get many people excitable. Probably too much time spent on the internet worrying about things and arguing with strangers from the safety of the armchair. I don't exclude myself from this. But here's some objective evidence, based on rudimentary numbers:

1. House: Dems 231-Reps 204
2. Senate: Reps 53 - Dems 47
3. President: Rep
4. SCOTUS: Reps 5-Dems 4
5. Governors: Rep 27-Dem 23
6. State Legislators: Rep 21, Dems 14, 15 divided.

These may be off a bit, because a few seats remain in flux. But the majorities are fixed.

So, is this a Blue Wave when Dems hold the levers of power in 1 of 6 bodies?

I think not.

I think a fair-minded, sane person would say the country is split pretty evenly with a slight edge to the GOP. Period. Full stop. Nothing more, nothing less.

I think the Univerisites and the media are hopelessly slanted towards the Dems so it feels like they have a large advantage due there large megaphones. But the numbers are the numbers.

My 2 cents.

Ps not ignoring the fact that many GOP types are elite, spineless weasels.

11/9/18, 11:28 AM


Sheeesh. Those numbers are wrong.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Vance, I take it Inga's kids learned their morals from someone other than their mother, or else they'd be doing time in the pen, since their mother is completely indifferent to theft and corruption. I can see her telling her offspring that it's perfectly OK to cheat and steal, the important thing is that your team wins. After all, that's the "morality" she exhibits here on a daily basis.

heyboom said...

Wife and I are flying out to St. Louis and Chicago this coming week. Going to be a 50 degree temperature change from here in California. 82 here today, 30's over there.


walter said...

"Sheeesh. Those numbers are wrong."

Big Mike said...

@mockturtle, Sinema knows her state better than you do. You really are the meth lab of the states.

Chest Rockwell said...

From that wsj article Pickering is so excited about:

"Mr. Trump’s involvement in the payments, by itself, wouldn’t mean he is guilty of federal crimes, according to Richard Hasen, a law professor at University of California, Irvine, who specializes in election law. A criminal conviction would require proof Mr. Trump willfully skirted legal prohibitions on contributions from companies or from individuals in excess of $2,700, he said.

When the Justice Department accused John Edwards, a former senator from North Carolina, of using illegal campaign contributions to conceal an affair during his 2008 presidential run, he argued the money was meant to hide his mistress from his wife, not to influence the election. A jury acquitted him of one charge and deadlocked on the rest."

Of course none of this has anything to do with Russian collusion.

Chest Rockwell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chest Rockwell said...

So if this sample size is an indicator, 10% of Broward County votes are illegal.

And Brenda Snipes is a fucking corrupt moron.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Chest Rockwell said...
So if this sample size is an indicator, 10% of Broward County votes are illegal.

And Brenda Snipes is a fucking corrupt moron.

11/10/18, 7:24 AM

She may or may not be evil, but OMFG she photographs evil.

mockturtle said...

Big Mike proclaims: @mockturtle, Sinema knows her state better than you do. You really are the meth lab of the states.

If that were the case, why are we importing so much meth from Mexico?

narciso said...

Its like a zombie invasion:

bbkingfish said...

Crooked Dems want to count all the votes in FL after the WPP fixed the election fair and square.

Those bastards!

Jaq said...

If you have to break the law to count all the votes you think should be counted, then it's a good idea to destroy the evidence, as was done in AZ, and in Florida, you just tell the judges to pound sand.

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