Photographers have a lot of stupid ideas. I had a professional photo done and he wanted me to fold my arms. "It just does a thing for your face." Just smile and fold your arms! Stupid me, I ended up looking like every Realtwhore in in the Sunday classifieds.
Then there is the unsmiling folded-arms *Defiant Look* that the MSM loves so much.
Tucker had that videographer on last night. He visited the caravan and found that 90% plus were men. Most who when interviewed and asked why they were heading to the US said they were coming forjobs and economic reasons. This cannot stand. These are not asylum seekers.
@Mark: I stopped visiting Drudge a week or two ago after he Tweeted that ridiculous Fox News-Chyron misalignment thing. At some point over the past year or two he became just aother dull, humorless anti-Trump sky screamer.
The Outrage Machine apparently requires daily feeding. It's like Audrey 2 in Little Shop Of Horrors.
Apparently the current Narrative is that White Nationalists Are Taking Over, And The Proof Is That A Bunch Of White High School Students Are Engaging In The Nazi Salute.
I guess that's a big problem, in spite of the fact that this isn't Germany.
"I’m not alone. Viewers of Trump’s recent speeches have begun noticing minor abnormalities in his movements. In November, he used his free hand to steady a small Fiji bottle as he brought it to his mouth. Onlookers described the movement as “awkward” and made jokes about hand size. Some called out Trump for doing the exact thing he had mocked Senator Marco Rubio for during the presidential primary—conspicuously drinking water during a speech."
Hillary can get thrown into a van like a sack of potatoes, her head can bob like a ballpark toy, and zero curiosity.
The early Bolsheviks were well read in history. Lenin said that he did not want to be Robespierre and never pronounced a capital sentence on a fellow Bolshevik. He was quite enthusiastic about killing his enemies, but he drew the line at executing leftists. He expressed regret at having to execute Fanny Kaplan, the woman who had tried to assasinate him. She was not a Bolshevik, but she was a Social Revolutionary (a party to the left of the Bolsheviks!). Lenin, as noted, expressed his regret at having to execute her, but, at the same time, ordered the murder of all Czarist prisoners in the Peter & Paul Prison as a response to the assassination attempt. Never let a crisis go to waste......Although he didn't want to be Robespierre, he had no objections to being Napoleon. Sadly, his invasion of Poland came to naught. He wasn't Napoleon, and he wasn't Robespierre.......As it turned out, Soviet Union never produced a Robespierrre or a Napoleon. It produced a Stalin.....I don't think America---or for that matter, Germany--will ever produce another Hitler, but some brand new examplar of despotism is always possible. I note the similarity of vowels and consonants in the names Hitler and Hillary, and I fear for our country.
"The official definition of a kilogram has been changing for well over a century, but this week it may be redefined for the final time. After years of debate and discussion, scientists from around the world are meeting in Paris on Friday to vote on whether the kilogram, the mole, the ampere and the kelvin should be changed to more stable and reliable definitions."
It is a Presidential press briefing on the President's premises. He, or his Press Secretary, gets to to set the rules. CNN has not been banned and is welcome to send a reporter who will mind his manners in respect for his host and fellow press representatives.
Entertainment Reporter Sherri Wexler: C. J.? C.J. Cregg: Hey. Entertainment Reporter Sherri Wexler: That was totally uncalled for. C.J. Cregg: Yeah? Entertainment Reporter Sherri Wexler: My competitors are going to show that tape. Every local station in town... C.J. Cregg: What? Are you crazy? That thing's going out to 154 affiliates. Entertainment Reporter Sherri Wexler: Look, I... C.J. Cregg: I changed my clothes because I didn't think it was appropriate to talk about the death of two teenagers while wearing a ball gown, and you knew that, because you're stupid, but you're not stupid. You know what I'm saying? Security's gonna take your press credentials. You'll call my office every day, and I'll decide if you get into the room. I'm taking your spot on Pebble Beach; you can do your stand-ups from Lafayette Park. Entertainment Reporter Sherri Wexler: Who the hell do you... C.J. Cregg: One more word out of your mouth, and every local station in town but yours gets an exclusive with the President. Hunting season on me is over. [Sherri turns and walks away] C.J. Cregg: And the chemical abbreviation for table salt is NaCl.
Judge Timothy J. Kelly, a Trump appointee, has been assigned to the Acosta case. He will hold a hearing about the request for a temporary restraining order Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.
Kelly presided over English v. Trump, a lawsuit related to the Federal Vacancies Reform Act and the successor to the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Richard Cordray, who had resigned in November 2017 to kick off a run for Governor of Ohio. Before resigning, Cordray appointed Leandra English as his deputy. President Trump appointed Mick Mulvaney, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, to serve as acting director. Kelly declined to issue a temporary restraining order and held that Mulvaney could remain as acting director.
He has been a member of the Federalist Society since 2009.
The judge’s first question should be: Does CNN believe corporations have constitutional rights?
The second question: Does the First Amendment require the president to issue a White House pass to every media corporation in the United States or just the billion dollar corporations?
Third question: Dud Acosta apologize for touching the female intern against her will?
Fourth question: Does the president violate the First Amendment by not calling on each of the 100 reporters at a press conference?
Fifth question: Does the president violate the First Amendment by giving individual interviews?
The President is not obligated to conduct in person Press Briefings and neither is Sara Sanders required to stand there and be bombarded with moronic questions. There is no Constitutional right to force the President or anyone else to demand a live press briefing.
They should do what Presidents and Press Secretaries have done in the past. Issue a written statement, to ALL of the press, until the Press morons stop throwing toddler tantrums and recognizes who is President and who is NOT....clue....they are not. The end.
--> Yeah, but see, that was GOOD restricting access to the press, not BAD restricting access. Sort of like, mean tweeting reporters? BAD. Having them arrested on bogus charges of supporting terrorism so you can try and find out who gave them information to circumvent journalist shield laws? GOOD.
Matthew Sablan said. If Acosta is legally required to get a Hard Pass, I'm going to ask for one too.
You CAN'T. The Us Constitution clearly states that 'bona fide' press agents have been granted Titles of Nobility, that give them (AND THEY ALONE) property rights to Presidential access
In the US Constitution's emanations and penumbra, it says that CNN reporters can keep holding a press-conference microphone as long as they want, even if the young woman controlling the microphone is trying to get it back so that another reporter can ask a question.
I say invite him back, give him an award, a crown..and a gaudy pedestal for him to spew from. If he wears the crown and stays on the pedestal, he can stay.
While it's true that Trump puts on a better show with a few dopey foils like Accosta, I've heard a lot of people in the press corps aren't overly fond of Jimmy. They seem to view him as a distraction and as a prima donna who makes the story all about him, or so I've been given to understand.
They seem to view him as a distraction and as a prima donna who makes the story all about him, or so I've been given to understand.
Yet somehow they are willing to stand silently while their employers and professional organizations support Acosta, because attacking Trump overrides all other considerations.
In the interest of forestalling the prophecy of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming, and shared responsibility, the journolists should telecommute when and where the wind is blowing or the sun is shining, and purchase carbon credits to atone for environmental arbitrage in China, under a veil of privacy in America, etc.
The new TargetPoint survey found Democratic voters would revolt if Clinton did secure the nomination. Forty-five percent of early state Democratic primary voters and caucusgoers said they would defect to an independent Sanders candidacy if Clinton were the nominee.
Another 10 percent said they would vote for President Donald Trump.
June 19, 2010 Obama held an off-the-record lunch Thursday at the White House with several prominent political writers and pundits: the Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson, the Wall Street Journal’s Jerry Seib, the New York Times’ Gail Collins and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. (Arianna Huffington was also invited, but according to her own White House reporter, she couldn’t attend because of a scheduling conflict.)
So the President can exclude reporters from meeting with the press.
Important precedent. Once again shinning a light on the double standards of leftists
Nold, a Bellevue lawyer who represents landlords and other creditors of the failed coffee chain, filed the complaint in April. He contended that while Avenatti ran Tully’s parent company, Global Baristas, Avenatti stole millions in state and federal tax withholdings from employee paychecks and fraudulently transferred $100,000 from the coffee business to hire lawyers for his law firm’s unrelated bankruptcy case.
Avenatti has denied the allegations to the bar and blasted Nold as dishonest. On Tuesday, Avenatti wrote in an email to The Times that the outcome of the bar’s investigation demonstrates that.
“I have said all along David Nold is an unethical liar. I was just proven right,” Avenatti’s email said.
Word of the bar investigation clearing Avenatti came Tuesday afternoon, shortly before police in Los Angeles reportedly responded to an incident of alleged domestic violence.
I am hooked on Artcast. The old masters painted stuff that was intended to be looked at for longer than a quick glance and the technology is here to crisply display it with accurate colors in a large format. I wish I had a TV as big as the painting Olympia in that Paris museum. The only problem is that OLED will burn in if you don't keep changing the picture. I wish I could find a slide show of Robert Crumb portraits of women at this resolution.
Avenatti is the best argument I have seen for amending the US Const. (Art I, Sec. 9, par. 3) to remove the "No Bill of Attainder. . . will be passed" clause, just so Congress could pass a bill committing this guy either to exile (or prison for life) w/o a trial. This could be one of those bipartisan things that brings people together.
Mike Sylwester said..The White House should announce that no more press conferences will be conducted until the CNN lawsuit -- including all appeals -- is settled.
Ha. Problem is, Civil service would have to lay people off. There are about 40 people working there, so you would deny them a living.
The Interns would have to play with the cigars and swivel chairs...
I was trying to find an old Althouse post through Google tonight -- apparently, I didn't really have enough to go on; all I remember was the assertion that women like to try to control one another by saying that other women are "mean." Or something like that.
So, off to Google with variations like "Althouse women control mean." I didn't get what I was looking for, but I *did* stumble across these guys:
The Romans too raised their arms in salute. The Left missed a chance by painting Trump as Hitler which was inapt; they should have portrayed him as a modern day Caesar. Cant't you see a portly Trump in a toga -- maybe wearing a laurel wreath as well? The comparison between Washington DC and Ancient Rome is spot on as well.
Correction: NOT Avenatti's wife, he punched a different woman who he kicked out of his Century City apartment. (Stormy? Or Swetnick?)
I don't think this should disqualify Avenatti from running in the Democratic Presidential primary. Clinton proved that Democratic women like the bad boys.
So in my cruising through YouTube, I ran across some folks doing reviews of older Television shows and one of the big shows back then was "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century".
This was in the Age of Star Wars, so for most men my age, we watched this (Erin Gray made up for some poor writing).
And speaking of Erin Gray. In it's second season, the BigWigs (like Earwigs but they don't listen) decided to scrap her part. Just...get rid of her. Cut her part.
Gil Gerard, the star of the show, essentially threatened to quit if she didn't keep her role.
I compare that to how Rosanne's costars treated her.
Joe The Plumber has a real license and is less arrogant and stupid than anyone than any CNN on air propagandist. Let him be a White House correspondent. He might actually ask probative questions instead of sprouting rants. Plumbers have to pass a licensing exam, journalist don't. Anyone could be a journalist which can't be said for being a plumber.
Trump is very like Caesar. A Charismatic rule breaker who has his finger on the...pulse of the masses in ways that the Democrats can't even imagine.
Which makes the Democrats the traitorous, stodgy, Senate, refusing to make changes that the people obviously support and which are not negatives to the nation.
Trump should be careful next March 15th. Just saying.
I saw that last night, it was a great show then, Erin gray was a large reason for that.
What that review didn't tell you is gil gerald wanted the more socially conscious tone, you know what bit player from the second season did make it big about 20 years later.
Well, they used to make alcoholics reporters, so if an alcoholic can do the job, this does not say much about the 'skills' that Acosta brings to the press room.
What that review didn't tell you is gil gerald wanted the more socially conscious tone, you know what bit player from the second season did make it big about 20 years later.
I suppose I could look it up, but I would rather you tell me. That's the reward for being observant and clever, isn't it?
"Buck Rogers" the show was sabotaged by Twiki. As you say, Star Wars was just out and it had a cute droid in R2D2, but somehow the showrunners were unable to distinguish the difference between "cute" and "obnoxious".
The original Buck Rogers stories (his name was Anthony in the originals) are on Project Gutenberg as free downloadable ebooks at:
Despite that, it had been a success of the kitschy variety, I've seen some of the serials based on the original comic series, a little too somber to be properly adapted.
Welcome to brotherhood Illuminati where you can become rich famous and popular and your life story we be change totally my name is Dan Jerry I am here to share my testimony on how I join the great brotherhood Illuminati and my life story was change immediately . I was very poor no job and I has no money to even feed and take care of my family I was confuse in life I don’t know what to do I try all my possible best to get money but no one work out for me each day I share tears, I was just looking out my family no money to take care of them until one day I decided to join the great Illuminati , I come across them in the internet I never believe I said let me try I email them.all what they said we happen in my life just started it was like a dream to me they really change my story totally . They give me the sum of $1,200,000 and many thing. through the Illuminati I was able to become rich, and have many industry on my own and become famous and popular in my country , today me and my family is living happily and I am the most happiest man here is the opportunity for you to join the Illuminati and become rich and famous in life and be like other people and you life we be change totally.If you are interested in joining the great brotherhood Illuminati.then contact him +2348106618681 or for more information +1(705)8062021 or you need my assistance
How bad was the second season, they threw out the great William conrad opening scene, they st in on a star trek type ship, and replaced the voice of twiki.
The comic started out following the novellas very closely, but over time it became a whole other thing. And by the time of WWII, Buck would go into battle with the Martians yelling "Remember Pearl Harbor!".
I have not seen the serials, though the original Flash Gordon serial certainly has a charm about it.
I had all but forgotten the Buck Roger Series. I watched every episode, I think. If I remember it correctly, the show started as a theatrical movie that did well enough to become a television show a few months later. As other mentioned above, it also co-starred the beautiful Erin Gray, whose only other work I ever remember was in Silver Spoons, though I see on IMDb that she is still working today and is quite active, too.
As I remember it, the focus of the show changed in the 2nd season from Earth based to non-Earth based, and my memory is that I didn't like the change.
The warlock hunter is the actual warlock. Something about competing interests, partisan favors, trial by press, public lynching, ethical standards, and far-frame quasi-scientific evidence and often not even that. Extremely liberal (i.e. divergent), and, unfortunately, a progressive (i.e. monotonic) condition in our post-enlightenment society, where Pro-Choice, diversity, political congruence, and conflation of logical domains runs rampant.
NPR reports that a decision is expected today in the Acosta case. Judge Kelly's questions included whether rude behavior is sufficient justification to withdraw the press pass, Acosta's lawyer saying no. DOJ lawyer argued the President has broad discretion.
Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz (1st District) speculates that Democrats are testing election stealing strategies for 2020. Dry plausible. Which is why the perpetrators need to face serious jail time.
Sinema hit for not objecting to Schumer’s re-election as minority leader...
breaking her campaign promise just days after she claimed victory against Republican Martha McSally in a tightly-contested race in Arizona. “I am not going to vote for him,” Sinema told Politico in June
The Arizona Democrat said in a statement that she didn’t object to Schumer’s leadership because there was no one else challenging him.
SO... it took "just days" for the Sinema star to clarify her 'moderate' views; She'll wholeheartedly support ALL demos, ALL of the time; 'cause "there's no else" big surprise
I don't like the way CNN gets away with calling political activism reporting. Acosta's schtick is to annoy, to disrupt press conferences, to grandstand. Those aren't the actions of a free press but of political activists misrepresenting themselves as a free press.
Of course CNN is shortsighted about the whole thing. They won't like the precedent they set once President Leftie is in charge. Perhaps however that will be the least of our worries when that happens...
Amazon scheduled a package to be delivered by AMZL US, their own box trucks. The disadvantage is a variety of drivers, so they don't learn where to leave the box, unlike years-long same mailman and same UPS driver.
Cancel the press conferences. Written questions only. The networks will save big bucks on make-up and wardrobe expenses. Strip Major Garrett of his officer's rank (Sarc).
CNN is after its audience, nothing about news. It's a business. As are all the others as well, just different audiences.
News was last a public service oblication in the 70s, when it was changed to a profit center instead of being a network-subsidized public relations thing.
Althouse you blogged that CNN reporter Jim Acosta “hit a woman” in connection with her attempt to take a press conference microphone away.
Now that the case has turned to litigation, the White House itself has backed off its own claim(s) that Acosta’ press pass was pulled because of any physical contact.
Are you going to revisit your trolling characterization that Acosta “hit a woman”?
Every time (EVERY TIME!) Hilary would walk on stage, she'd have her right arm raised HIGH
This (to me) was an obvious salute: a National Socialist salute. I'd mention it to the (left wing) people i worked with, and they'd say A) she's just waving (although, neither her hand or wrist (or arm) would move or wave) B) i was a paranoid WACKO, seeing things that aren't there
EACH of those coworkers now fervently believe that Trump and his people do nazi salutes daily
Ray - SoCal said... I miss the commentary of Michael K and Buwaya.
11/14/18, 12:54 PM
I know Dr Kennedy has withdrawn sue to blogging's Gresham's Law, but Buwaya? That's a great loss. I didn't like or agree every single thing he ever said, but he was certainly a brilliant conversationalist with a lot of valuable things to say. What drove him off, too many people gigging him for being a mere dog of a foreigner? I saw him as our de Tocqueville.
People who go away often come back, but whether they do or not, there are always new people. I recommend encouraging anyone, especially a new name, if they say anything you like.
Per the last Star Trek movie, the Federation is now fascist. Alphabet wants fascism in terms of politics and economics with them at the top controlling what we see and hear.
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१३६ टिप्पण्या:
Oh my god! I never realized. Bender was a NAZI!
I'm glad the camera at least got the bleachers in focus; otherwise the image would be a complete disaster.
I'm seeing evidence of growing authoritarianism everywhere I look.
Photographers have a lot of stupid ideas. I had a professional photo done and he wanted me to fold my arms. "It just does a thing for your face." Just smile and fold your arms! Stupid me, I ended up looking like every Realtwhore in in the Sunday classifieds.
Then there is the unsmiling folded-arms *Defiant Look* that the MSM loves so much.
Tucker had that videographer on last night. He visited the caravan and found that 90% plus were men. Most who when interviewed and asked why they were heading to the US said they were coming forjobs and economic reasons. This cannot stand. These are not asylum seekers.
I have no idea what I am looking at in that photo.
But...welcome to my blurry world, when I can't find my glasses.
So when did the Washington Post take over the Drudge Report?
More and more nearly everything I see there now I immediately dismiss as another hack listing.
That's what happens, 320, when you interview them without their human rights lawyers, you get the truth.
@Mark: I stopped visiting Drudge a week or two ago after he Tweeted that ridiculous Fox News-Chyron misalignment thing. At some point over the past year or two he became just aother dull, humorless anti-Trump sky screamer.
Upon reflection, white is colorful.
invisible ninja thread pulling his right arm back. He'll flip over in just a moment
Attempted forward pass but forgot the football.
That guy with the hockey mask glued to his face ... but doesn't he only come out at night?
Memes, it seems, fulfill one's dreams.
The old statue of liberty play.
"... what are you seeing as you want to see — in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions?"
I see Steve Bannon. YIKES!
The Outrage Machine apparently requires daily feeding. It's like Audrey 2 in Little Shop Of Horrors.
Apparently the current Narrative is that White Nationalists Are Taking Over, And The Proof Is That A Bunch Of White High School Students Are Engaging In The Nazi Salute.
I guess that's a big problem, in spite of the fact that this isn't Germany.
Tomorrow's Outrage will need to be even bigger.
"FEED ME!!!"
That's the Black Power salute from the 60's. I see cultural appropriation gone wild.
Soviet psychiatrist opines in The Atlantic.
"I’m not alone. Viewers of Trump’s recent speeches have begun noticing minor abnormalities in his movements. In November, he used his free hand to steady a small Fiji bottle as he brought it to his mouth. Onlookers described the movement as “awkward” and made jokes about hand size. Some called out Trump for doing the exact thing he had mocked Senator Marco Rubio for during the presidential primary—conspicuously drinking water during a speech."
Hillary can get thrown into a van like a sack of potatoes, her head can bob like a ballpark toy, and zero curiosity.
Seek and you shall find.
The early Bolsheviks were well read in history. Lenin said that he did not want to be Robespierre and never pronounced a capital sentence on a fellow Bolshevik. He was quite enthusiastic about killing his enemies, but he drew the line at executing leftists. He expressed regret at having to execute Fanny Kaplan, the woman who had tried to assasinate him. She was not a Bolshevik, but she was a Social Revolutionary (a party to the left of the Bolsheviks!). Lenin, as noted, expressed his regret at having to execute her, but, at the same time, ordered the murder of all Czarist prisoners in the Peter & Paul Prison as a response to the assassination attempt. Never let a crisis go to waste......Although he didn't want to be Robespierre, he had no objections to being Napoleon. Sadly, his invasion of Poland came to naught. He wasn't Napoleon, and he wasn't Robespierre.......As it turned out, Soviet Union never produced a Robespierrre or a Napoleon. It produced a Stalin.....I don't think America---or for that matter, Germany--will ever produce another Hitler, but some brand new examplar of despotism is always possible. I note the similarity of vowels and consonants in the names Hitler and Hillary, and I fear for our country.
Good question. Think about it all the time.
Wow, look at the crowd at that NAZI rally, and the modified salute is a nice touch.
To be sure, pretty much all those brat pack movies were about white privilege.
"The official definition of a kilogram has been changing for well over a century, but this week it may be redefined for the final time. After years of debate and discussion, scientists from around the world are meeting in Paris on Friday to vote on whether the kilogram, the mole, the ampere and the kelvin should be changed to more stable and reliable definitions."
Looking for some legal/precedential analysis on the Acosta/CNN lawsuit. Why does it have merit?
Do I have a right to a White House press pass?
It's wrong on the law, and wrong on the facts.
I miss the commentary of Michael K and Buwaya.
Bob Woodward criticizes the Acosta lawsuit but Chris Wallace supports it. Who is right?
Sherrill v. Knight, 569 F2d 124 (1977).
Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186 (1962).
brylun said...
Do I have a right to a White House press pass?
Depends. Do you "identify" as a credentialed journolist?
It is a Presidential press briefing on the President's premises. He, or his Press Secretary, gets to to set the rules.
CNN has not been banned and is welcome to send a reporter who will mind his manners in respect for his host and fellow press representatives.
I'm going to verb neomaxizoomdweebie.
Who appointed the judge deciding the Acosta case? Does this determine the outcome?
Entertainment Reporter Sherri Wexler: C. J.?
C.J. Cregg: Hey.
Entertainment Reporter Sherri Wexler: That was totally uncalled for.
C.J. Cregg: Yeah?
Entertainment Reporter Sherri Wexler: My competitors are going to show that tape. Every local station in town...
C.J. Cregg: What? Are you crazy? That thing's going out to 154 affiliates.
Entertainment Reporter Sherri Wexler: Look, I...
C.J. Cregg: I changed my clothes because I didn't think it was appropriate to talk about the death of two teenagers while wearing a ball gown, and you knew that, because you're stupid, but you're not stupid. You know what I'm saying? Security's gonna take your press credentials. You'll call my office every day, and I'll decide if you get into the room. I'm taking your spot on Pebble Beach; you can do your stand-ups from Lafayette Park.
Entertainment Reporter Sherri Wexler: Who the hell do you...
C.J. Cregg: One more word out of your mouth, and every local station in town but yours gets an exclusive with the President. Hunting season on me is over.
[Sherri turns and walks away]
C.J. Cregg: And the chemical abbreviation for table salt is NaCl.
-The West Wing, On the Day Before
With lefties President Bartlett ranks highest amongst all historical fake Presidents.
Judge Timothy J. Kelly, a Trump appointee, has been assigned to the Acosta case. He will hold a hearing about the request for a temporary restraining order Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.
Kelly presided over English v. Trump, a lawsuit related to the Federal Vacancies Reform Act and the successor to the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Richard Cordray, who had resigned in November 2017 to kick off a run for Governor of Ohio. Before resigning, Cordray appointed Leandra English as his deputy. President Trump appointed Mick Mulvaney, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, to serve as acting director. Kelly declined to issue a temporary restraining order and held that Mulvaney could remain as acting director.
He has been a member of the Federalist Society since 2009.
Bob Woodward criticizes the Acosta lawsuit but Chris Wallace supports it
Chris Wallace is a smug, smarmy, supercilious asshole.
The judge’s first question should be: Does CNN believe corporations have constitutional rights?
The second question: Does the First Amendment require the president to issue a White House pass to every media corporation in the United States or just the billion dollar corporations?
Third question: Dud Acosta apologize for touching the female intern against her will?
Fourth question: Does the president violate the First Amendment by not calling on each of the 100 reporters at a press conference?
Fifth question: Does the president violate the First Amendment by giving individual interviews?
The President is not obligated to conduct in person Press Briefings and neither is Sara Sanders required to stand there and be bombarded with moronic questions. There is no Constitutional right to force the President or anyone else to demand a live press briefing.
They should do what Presidents and Press Secretaries have done in the past. Issue a written statement, to ALL of the press, until the Press morons stop throwing toddler tantrums and recognizes who is President and who is NOT....clue....they are not. The end.
If Acosta is legally required to get a Hard Pass, I'm going to ask for one too.
it's weird, Acosta 'explained' to the President (and me), that
A) there Was NO Invasion
B) NO ONE was jumping fences to get in
But, today; i see
i) it's not happening, it's just my lying eyes
ii) those are families; Women and Children, it Just LOOKS LIKE exclusively military aged males
I REALLY need to get to the ophthalmologist
-The West Wing, On the Day Before
--> Yeah, but see, that was GOOD restricting access to the press, not BAD restricting access. Sort of like, mean tweeting reporters? BAD. Having them arrested on bogus charges of supporting terrorism so you can try and find out who gave them information to circumvent journalist shield laws? GOOD.
Matthew Sablan said. If Acosta is legally required to get a Hard Pass, I'm going to ask for one too.
You CAN'T. The Us Constitution clearly states that 'bona fide' press agents have been granted Titles of Nobility, that give them (AND THEY ALONE) property rights to Presidential access
"Although he didn't want to be Robespierre."
-- Well, yeah. Robespierre failed and got his head chopped off.
The judge could just say Trump/Sanders had reasonable cause to revoke Acosta’s pass.
In the US Constitution's emanations and penumbra, it says that CNN reporters can keep holding a press-conference microphone as long as they want, even if the young woman controlling the microphone is trying to get it back so that another reporter can ask a question.
The White House should announce that no more press conferences will be conducted until the CNN lawsuit -- including all appeals -- is settled.
I say invite him back, give him an award, a crown..and a gaudy pedestal for him to spew from. If he wears the crown and stays on the pedestal, he can stay.
And bring back Jorge, if he wears a sombrero.
Verified account @jorgeramosnews
Nov 11
There are NO stupid questions @realDonaldTrump
The role of journalists is precisely to question those who are in power. Like you.
While it's true that Trump puts on a better show with a few dopey foils like Accosta, I've heard a lot of people in the press corps aren't overly fond of Jimmy. They seem to view him as a distraction and as a prima donna who makes the story all about him, or so I've been given to understand.
End the press briefings and put the swimming pool back.
and the possibility to foul out like basketball
His photo at link is quite nice.
George Conway, whom Donald Trump calls 'Mr. Kelleyanne Conway,' has famously jabbed the president despite being married to one of his top advisers; now he's launched an organization of conservative lawyers who object to what Trump has done to the country
and a shot clock
I think I favor full scale anti trust against all of big tech. Facebook, Twitter, google, apple, Microsoft — break em all up.
They seem to view him as a distraction and as a prima donna who makes the story all about him, or so I've been given to understand.
Yet somehow they are willing to stand silently while their employers and professional organizations support Acosta, because attacking Trump overrides all other considerations.
In the interest of forestalling the prophecy of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming, and shared responsibility, the journolists should telecommute when and where the wind is blowing or the sun is shining, and purchase carbon credits to atone for environmental arbitrage in China, under a veil of privacy in America, etc.
Have the left finally had enough?
The new TargetPoint survey found
Democratic voters would revolt if Clinton did secure the nomination.
Forty-five percent of early state Democratic primary voters and
caucusgoers said they would defect to an independent Sanders candidacy
if Clinton were the nominee.
Another 10 percent said they would vote for President Donald Trump.
June 19, 2010
Obama held an off-the-record lunch Thursday at the White House with several prominent political writers and pundits: the Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson, the Wall Street Journal’s Jerry Seib, the New York Times’ Gail Collins and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. (Arianna Huffington was also invited, but according to her own White House reporter, she couldn’t attend because of a scheduling conflict.)
So the President can exclude reporters from meeting with the press.
Important precedent. Once again shinning a light on the double standards of leftists
A useful corrective to the self importance of today's reporters: The Front Page
fashion faux pas
Poor Steve Bannon - he was not blessed with good looks. And we are a looksist culture.
Michael Avenatti, who became famous for representing Stormy Daniels in her battle with President Trump, has been arrested for felony domestic violence ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ. Our law enforcement sources say Avenatti was arrested Wednesday after his estranged wife filed a felony DV report. We're told her face was "swollen and bruised" with "red marks" on both cheeks. Our sources say the alleged incident occurred Tuesday night, but there was another confrontation Wednesday between the two at an exclusive apartment building in the Century City area of L.A.
Busy day for Mike:
Nold, a Bellevue lawyer who represents landlords and other creditors of the failed coffee chain, filed the complaint in April. He contended that while Avenatti ran Tully’s parent company, Global Baristas, Avenatti stole millions in state and federal tax withholdings from employee paychecks and fraudulently transferred $100,000 from the coffee business to hire lawyers for his law firm’s unrelated bankruptcy case.
Avenatti has denied the allegations to the bar and blasted Nold as dishonest. On Tuesday, Avenatti wrote in an email to The Times that the outcome of the bar’s investigation demonstrates that.
“I have said all along David Nold is an unethical liar. I was just proven right,” Avenatti’s email said.
Word of the bar investigation clearing Avenatti came Tuesday afternoon, shortly before police in Los Angeles reportedly responded to an incident of alleged domestic violence.
yes, he's a Falstaff sort, although he's more a Thomas Cromwell in manner,
I am hooked on Artcast. The old masters painted stuff that was intended to be looked at for longer than a quick glance and the technology is here to crisply display it with accurate colors in a large format. I wish I had a TV as big as the painting Olympia in that Paris museum. The only problem is that OLED will burn in if you don't keep changing the picture. I wish I could find a slide show of Robert Crumb portraits of women at this resolution.
it takes chutzpah doesn't it, what does it take to get disbarred in California, probably supporting republican candidates suffices,
"So the President can exclude reporters from meeting with the press. "
-- If he had gone through with banning Fox from the pool, would they have sued?
If only Trump could get DOJ to spy on Jimmy to try and uncover some damning info.
That seems to have been deemed "presidential".
In his defense, Avenatti told the woman, "You'd better put some ice on that.". So he's got the stuff of a future president!
I see a 1968 Tommie Smith in whiteface. Go for the gold!
Michael Creepanotti - sweetheart of CNN and MSNBC. They love the guy, but that is a dangerous thing.
People have been raising their arms since forever, it’s only because it has been made to reflect badly on Trump that it’s noticed.
Well, that's a shame. I was looking forward to Avenatti's POTUS campaign. I'm being serious.
Michael Avenatti, who became famous for representing Stormy Daniels in her battle with President Trump, has been arrested
This gave me a schadenboner.
Avenatti is the best argument I have seen for amending the US Const. (Art I, Sec. 9, par. 3) to remove the "No Bill of Attainder. . . will be passed" clause, just so Congress could pass a bill committing this guy either to exile (or prison for life) w/o a trial.
This could be one of those bipartisan things that brings people together.
Mike Sylwester said..The White House should announce that no more press conferences will be conducted until the CNN lawsuit -- including all appeals -- is settled.
Ha. Problem is, Civil service would have to lay people off. There are about 40 people working there, so you would deny them a living.
The Interns would have to play with the cigars and swivel chairs...
I was trying to find an old Althouse post through Google tonight -- apparently, I didn't really have enough to go on; all I remember was the assertion that women like to try to control one another by saying that other women are "mean." Or something like that.
So, off to Google with variations like "Althouse women control mean." I didn't get what I was looking for, but I *did* stumble across these guys:
Althouse and Meade
That was unexpected.
The Romans too raised their arms in salute. The Left missed a chance by painting Trump as Hitler which was inapt; they should have portrayed him as a modern day Caesar. Cant't you see a portly Trump in a toga -- maybe wearing a laurel wreath as well? The comparison between Washington DC and Ancient Rome is spot on as well.
Rain Keeps Coming, Rain Keeps Coming Down.
Fox news has a story about Prince Charles, and says "he keeps nuts in his pocket".
I said "what??"
Turns out he leaves nuts in his pocket for squirrels to feed the squirrels.
Oh, that explains somethings
Correction: NOT Avenatti's wife, he punched a different woman who he kicked out of his Century City apartment. (Stormy? Or Swetnick?)
I don't think this should disqualify Avenatti from running in the Democratic Presidential primary. Clinton proved that Democratic women like the bad boys.
Maybe he’s auditioning to be Deputy Chair of the DNC.
So in my cruising through YouTube, I ran across some folks doing reviews of older Television shows and one of the big shows back then was "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century".
This was in the Age of Star Wars, so for most men my age, we watched this (Erin Gray made up for some poor writing).
And speaking of Erin Gray. In it's second season, the BigWigs (like Earwigs but they don't listen) decided to scrap her part. Just...get rid of her. Cut her part.
Gil Gerard, the star of the show, essentially threatened to quit if she didn't keep her role.
I compare that to how Rosanne's costars treated her.
Joe The Plumber has a real license and is less arrogant and stupid than anyone than any CNN on air propagandist. Let him be a White House correspondent. He might actually ask probative questions instead of sprouting rants. Plumbers have to pass a licensing exam, journalist don't. Anyone could be a journalist which can't be said for being a plumber.
Trump is very like Caesar. A Charismatic rule breaker who has his finger on the...pulse of the masses in ways that the Democrats can't even imagine.
Which makes the Democrats the traitorous, stodgy, Senate, refusing to make changes that the people obviously support and which are not negatives to the nation.
Trump should be careful next March 15th. Just saying.
Avenatti will do fine-- he just oozes charm! Besides-
"when you're a Democrat, they let you do it"
I saw that last night, it was a great show then, Erin gray was a large reason for that.
What that review didn't tell you is gil gerald wanted the more socially conscious tone, you know what bit player from the second season did make it big about 20 years later.
Well, they used to make alcoholics reporters, so if an alcoholic can do the job, this does not say much about the 'skills' that Acosta brings to the press room.
It was denis haysbert, future David palmer.
What that review didn't tell you is gil gerald wanted the more socially conscious tone, you know what bit player from the second season did make it big about 20 years later.
I suppose I could look it up, but I would rather you tell me. That's the reward for being observant and clever, isn't it?
Also Jerry orbach (from the rock and role in space episode) future lt briscoe.
I had no idea.
"Buck Rogers" the show was sabotaged by Twiki. As you say, Star Wars was just out and it had a cute droid in R2D2, but somehow the showrunners were unable to distinguish the difference between "cute" and "obnoxious".
The original Buck Rogers stories (his name was Anthony in the originals) are on Project Gutenberg as free downloadable ebooks at:
Armageddon—2419 A.D. by Philip Francis Nowlan
The Airlords of Han by Philip Francis Nowlan
They are seminal works of science fiction and remain very readble.. if you can get past the casual yellow peril racism of the day.
Despite that, it had been a success of the kitschy variety, I've seen some of the serials based on the original comic series, a little too somber to be properly adapted.
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How bad was the second season, they threw out the great William conrad opening scene, they st in on a star trek type ship, and replaced the voice of twiki.
The comic started out following the novellas very closely, but over time it became a whole other thing. And by the time of WWII, Buck would go into battle with the Martians yelling "Remember Pearl Harbor!".
I have not seen the serials, though the original Flash Gordon serial certainly has a charm about it.
Also around the same time, Richard Benjamin's "Quark": A whole mess of unfunny somehow containing one transdescently funny hour-long Star Wars parody.
Orbach had already been a Tony Award-winning actor/singer on Broadway for 10+ years, so I wouldn't say he "made it big 20 years later."
Well gil gerald finally got his wish it was that painfully earnest environmental series that he seems to have purged from his imdb
I had all but forgotten the Buck Roger Series. I watched every episode, I think. If I remember it correctly, the show started as a theatrical movie that did well enough to become a television show a few months later. As other mentioned above, it also co-starred the beautiful Erin Gray, whose only other work I ever remember was in Silver Spoons, though I see on IMDb that she is still working today and is quite active, too.
As I remember it, the focus of the show changed in the 2nd season from Earth based to non-Earth based, and my memory is that I didn't like the change.
As for Avenatti, couldn't happen to a more deserving guy. I am laughing my ass off right now.
As for Avenatti
The warlock hunter is the actual warlock. Something about competing interests, partisan favors, trial by press, public lynching, ethical standards, and far-frame quasi-scientific evidence and often not even that. Extremely liberal (i.e. divergent), and, unfortunately, a progressive (i.e. monotonic) condition in our post-enlightenment society, where Pro-Choice, diversity, political congruence, and conflation of logical domains runs rampant.
Yancey Ward said...
As for Avenatti, couldn't happen to a more deserving guy. I am laughing my ass off right now.
Why? Is there anything funny?
Democrats have stolen 12 elections in the house with votes found days after the election was over.
We are 9 days out and they are still finding ballots.
But you all just act like it is no big deal.
There is a taliban supporter in the senate with votes they found a week later and it is all just fine. They declared her the winner on veterans day.
NPR reports that a decision is expected today in the Acosta case. Judge Kelly's questions included whether rude behavior is sufficient justification to withdraw the press pass, Acosta's lawyer saying no. DOJ lawyer argued the President has broad discretion.
Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz (1st District) speculates that Democrats are testing election stealing strategies for 2020. Dry plausible. Which is why the perpetrators need to face serious jail time.
Sinema hit for not objecting to Schumer’s re-election as minority leader...
breaking her campaign promise just days after she claimed victory against Republican Martha McSally in a tightly-contested race in Arizona.
“I am not going to vote for him,” Sinema told Politico in June
The Arizona Democrat said in a statement that she didn’t object to Schumer’s leadership because there was no one else challenging him.
SO... it took "just days" for the Sinema star to clarify her 'moderate' views;
She'll wholeheartedly support ALL demos, ALL of the time; 'cause "there's no else" big surprise
I don't like the way CNN gets away with calling political activism reporting. Acosta's schtick is to annoy, to disrupt press conferences, to grandstand. Those aren't the actions of a free press but of political activists misrepresenting themselves as a free press.
Of course CNN is shortsighted about the whole thing. They won't like the precedent they set once President Leftie is in charge. Perhaps however that will be the least of our worries when that happens...
Amazon scheduled a package to be delivered by AMZL US, their own box trucks. The disadvantage is a variety of drivers, so they don't learn where to leave the box, unlike years-long same mailman and same UPS driver.
Cancel the press conferences. Written questions only. The networks will save big bucks on make-up and wardrobe expenses. Strip Major Garrett of his officer's rank (Sarc).
CNN is after its audience, nothing about news. It's a business. As are all the others as well, just different audiences.
News was last a public service oblication in the 70s, when it was changed to a profit center instead of being a network-subsidized public relations thing.
Profit center = eyeballs sold to advertisers.
Who names their kid Major? What if he joined the military?
I see people so desperate that they buy into the assumption that any right arm raised is a Nazi salute.
Major Olgive was a pretty good back for bama. Lots of people name their kids Major.
Is that a Federation comm badge on his coat?
Althouse you blogged that CNN reporter Jim Acosta “hit a woman” in connection with her attempt to take a press conference microphone away.
Now that the case has turned to litigation, the White House itself has backed off its own claim(s) that Acosta’ press pass was pulled because of any physical contact.
Are you going to revisit your trolling characterization that Acosta “hit a woman”?
Every time (EVERY TIME!) Hilary would walk on stage, she'd have her right arm raised HIGH
This (to me) was an obvious salute: a National Socialist salute.
I'd mention it to the (left wing) people i worked with, and they'd say
A) she's just waving (although, neither her hand or wrist (or arm) would move or wave)
B) i was a paranoid WACKO, seeing things that aren't there
EACH of those coworkers now fervently believe that Trump and his people do nazi salutes daily
Who names their kid Major?
"Major Olgive was a pretty good back for bama. Lots of people name their kids Major."
Well, there's two.
Ray - SoCal said...
I miss the commentary of Michael K and Buwaya.
11/14/18, 12:54 PM
I know Dr Kennedy has withdrawn sue to blogging's Gresham's Law, but Buwaya? That's a great loss. I didn't like or agree every single thing he ever said, but he was certainly a brilliant conversationalist with a lot of valuable things to say. What drove him off, too many people gigging him for being a mere dog of a foreigner? I saw him as our de Tocqueville.
People who go away often come back, but whether they do or not, there are always new people. I recommend encouraging anyone, especially a new name, if they say anything you like.
That said, I still wish Bissage would come back.
Sign in the corner of an office: "Everyone brings joy to this office, some by entering, some by leaving".
That said, I miss the aforementioned departures.
Stronger Together, Hillary
You can not break a stick when it's in a bundle, fascism.
Salute, shmalute
Per the last Star Trek movie, the Federation is now fascist. Alphabet wants fascism in terms of politics and economics with them at the top controlling what we see and hear.
I miss buwaya, did he announce he was leaving, or is he maybe just busy?
Rh, the other day I found a package delivered to the door of our outbuilding instead of the house.
Baraboo messed with the bull
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