Asks the NYT.
A New York Times analysis of data from the Facebook and Instagram accounts of hundreds of candidates in next month’s midterm elections reveals that Democrats — and especially Democrats running for House seats — enjoy a sizable national lead in engagement on the two influential platforms....
The data, collected from more than 53,000 posts by more than 1,100 accounts, reflects a month’s worth of social media activity by nearly all of the Republican and Democratic candidates running for House, Senate or governor this year.
Wow. 53,000 posts. It's like the entire history of one lady's Blogspot blog.
The data, which covers 30 days ending Oct. 15, was gathered using a Facebook-owned tool called CrowdTangle. The tool counts the number of times users comment on, react to or share a user’s posts, a measure of popularity known as “total interactions.”
"Interactions." Oh, wait, every comment counts. It's an "interaction." I think I have 53,000 "interactions" in a month just on this blog. But the NYT front pages a study of 53,000 interactions and prods readers to think they're finding out about "who's winning the social media midterms." And it's not just comments, it's every time Facebook folk "comment on, react to or share a user’s posts." The 53,000 includes every click on the "thumb's up" icon. So they counted a lot of trivial things, but let's be clear what they didn't count:
The data includes public posts made by candidates on Facebook and Instagram. It does not include paid ads unless those ads began as organic, non-paid posts that were subsequently “boosted” using Facebook’s advertising tools. It also does not include activity on private accounts, or posts made visible only to specific groups of followers...
When I think of "social media," I think about what ordinary private citizens are sharing. That's excluded here. They began with the
candidates' posts and then counted the reactions to those. I don't think they distinguished "liking" from sharing the post with your own group of friends, which would be a much more valuable "interaction."
Political strategists disagree about the importance of social media popularity. Some think it amounts to a kind of real-time voter sentiment index, while others play it down as, at most, one piece of a successful campaign...
Good. I'm glad they don't know. Or... if they did know, would they tell us?
१५३ टिप्पण्या:
If the Republicans were winning the social media midterms, we wouldn't hear a word about it.
Sounds like they're counting NPC interactions...
What you don’t see, you can’t comment on...
Facebook makes it so conservative posts are seen less. Viral articles by conservatives have the same fate. It’s fake news per Facebook.
Twitter and Google do the same thing.
I am still amazed at how much effort MSM expended in 2016 to convince themselves that their side (the Democrats) were going to win in November. I am even more amazed that they are doing the same thing this year.
Hillary wins! Hillary wins!
Oh. Wait. Never mind.
Their Beto gambit is failing. They really have to stretch for good leftie metrics this time.
Facebook makes it so conservative posts are seen less.
Not just that: Considering the harassment that one gets for voicing pro-Trump or otherwise conservative views, this is a corollary of the 'Bradley effect.' The last time I made a mildly conservative comment on Facebook it found its way back to my hardcore Democrat 91-year-old mother who promptly e-mailed me her sharp disagreement. I don't need that kind of hassle. So I don't put anything political out on FB, and at some point will probably close my account anyway.
I wonder what percentage of voters regularly engage with social media. Sure, there's plenty of people who may have a social media "presence" (like a Facebook page), but they may never use it. I suspect it's actually fairly small. I myself have a Facebook page that I haven't posted to or even checked in almost four years.
Wow. 53,000 posts. It's like the entire history of one lady's Blogspot blog.
But not nearly as stimulating and intelligent as a half dozen posts from that lady's blog.
The Russians have already infiltrated my brain. I'm not even on facebook.
Ban enough Republicans and the numbers begin to trend in your favor! The numbers are meaningless, of course. Lefties have driven me off of Facebook. By "lefties" I mean friends and family whom I got tired of seeing as morons, since I value the relationships, so I had to get off of Facebook. But one thing I know, I would never burn half of my IRL relationships by posting a conservative thought on Facebook.
Sounds like a big nothing, of interest only to those poor souls who think the NYT is a source of news rather than social validation.
Liberals are far easier to deal with in real life, like the song says. "Although we adore them, individually, we agree that as a group they're rather stupid."
The Republicans will win big in the midterm elections.
Ballot requests and absentee voting are way up for Republicans and down for Democrats.
Turnout for Republicans will be sky-high.
In addition, President Trump again will utilize his secret political weapon -- collusion with Vladmir Putin. Trump will send money and advice via super-spy Carter Page to Putin.
Trump will advise Putin which US electorates to target with Facebook ads.
In 2016 Putin spent tens of thousands of dollars on Facebook ads in order give Trump the victory in the US presidential elections.
Again now in 2018, Putin will spend tens of thousands of dollars on Facebook ads, and again Trump will send money and state-targeting advice through super-spy Carter Page.
That collusion enabled the Republicans to win the Presidency in 2016, and similar collusion again will enable the Republicans to win Congressional majorities in 2018.
Paul Joseph Watson explains how dastardly right-wingers use non-player characters (NPCs) to spread political memes on Facebook.
Facebook makes it so conservative posts are seen less.
Not just that: Considering the harassment that one gets for voicing pro-Trump or otherwise conservative views, this is a corollary of the 'Bradley effect.' The last time I made a mildly conservative comment on Facebook it found its way back to my hardcore Democrat 91-year-old mother who promptly e-mailed me her sharp disagreement. I don't need that kind of hassle. So I don't put anything political out on FB, and at some point will probably close my account anyway.
Same here. Hard to not respond to the lunacy sometimes, but honestly there is little point in engauging the crazy.
Heh. Hillary thought social media was helping her too.
Liberal echo chambers. Such a small fraction of the voting public give a rats posterior what others say on Facebook/Twitter/Snapchat.
But feel free to continue your delusion.
FB is dead. My kids -- young voters, mid-20s (ack!) -- are never on their FB accounts. It's foolish to use FB metrics in any way to comment on what young voters will do.
IG is a bit more representative -- but I see very little political interaction on it.
The more politically-active of my two kids is on twitter all the time -- she's very entertaining. The other? I don't know what he does. Stalking him is very difficult.
But we can all agree that if a Russian posts something seen by a thousand people, each of those people then changes his vote from Democrat to Republican.
One of the values of this blog is it offers an alternative to the msm narrative.
Social Media is all about right think, and has been weaponized by the Left.
The potential social cost for a conservative posting is much higher than a Leftist.
My facebook page is closed to friends only. They are people from my hometown in Ohio, jobs in Philly and here in Texas, and family. I also have a good number of these peoples friends as friends.
I post lots and lots of political comments and very often link to this very blog with an interesting post. There are new readers here because of my Althouse links.
During the Trump hysteria a few people unfriended me and many, I am sure, ignore me. However, I do get a lot of conversations going and most people don't get overly upset at disagreements. And there are always otter and doggo posts and memes that keep people looking.
Maybe I am just friends with unusual people, but I don't think so. Politics does have its place, but doesn't destroy in most cases. Normality is not so unusual.
The best way to win social media is not to play.
The left can't meme.
Facebook and Twitter can censor conservatives accounts and content, but they can't control what happpens in the voting booth. Again, all the talking heads, pollsters, and the several lefty cunts who comment on this site are going to be surprised again when their blue wave gets flushed down the toilet.
I wonder what politics trend on Discord?
That ad that keeps showing up on FB with old people talking about how they're going to vote, vote for their retrograde principles, and they know that young people aren't going to bother, has got to be demoralizing for Democrats, especially the younglings. I'd almost call it a Moby tactic, except that Mobyism is almost exclusively a leftist device. It's an own-goal.
FB isn't dead, M&M. Your kids are almost certainly on it. They probably just avoid you.
Hard to not respond to the lunacy sometimes, but honestly there is little point in engauging the crazy.
I just block them. There must be 200 blocked facebook types. I just don't see them so have no idea what they think.
I also do not accept friend requests. I think I have maybe 20 "friends" but they are mostly people I have known for years or family.
President-Mom-Jeans said,
"Again, all the talking heads, pollsters, and the several lefty cunts who comment on this site are going to be surprised again when their blue wave gets flushed down the toilet."
Insty would say, don't get cocky. I knock on wood.
Still, I really don't think a red wave is a sure thing, and talking like it is makes me nervous.
I just worry that the Republicans may be as deluded this year as the Dems were in 2016. I'm working hard for Cruz, and a local pol here in Rockwall.
Henry wins the thread.
Any discussion of the fact that social media discriminates against Rightwingers?
Any discussion of the fact that social media discriminates against Rightwingers?
That's what the Left does.
Maybe they can put MS-13 members carrying clubs at polling places. They have to stop fascism, don't you know.
"Facebook makes it so conservative posts are seen less."
I'm very curious as to whether or not this is a bad thing. If all you see on your social media is the hysteria of competitive wokeness, will you be attracted or repelled by it?
I'm very curious as to whether or not this is a bad thing. If all you see on your social media is the hysteria of competitive wokeness, will you be attracted or repelled by it?
I know my answer.
Social media presence was very important when Mr Obama had it, but of course it's unimportant now.
Like Twitter, Facebook seems to attract a type, so I'd think the useful data (coming exclusively from them) is still limited.
What is the engagement level outside of election time, for serving lawmakers? I would guess Democrats enjoy a lead year-round. I think the left is more active on social media. Just an observation.
Ray SoCal @ 8:50:
What you don’t see, you can’t comment on...
Facebook makes it so conservative posts are seen less. Viral articles by conservatives have the same fate. It’s fake news per Facebook.
Twitter and Google do the same thing.
You describe for social media what professional polls did in 2016. They were blinded by desired outcome and weighted the pool of poll participants according to assumptions rather than facts.
We'll be OK as long as Progressives continue to cling to postmodern philosophies, because that is mostly magical thinking.
Mike @ 9:18
Who’s Winning the Social Mefia Midterms?
Damned if I care, just so long as the Democrats lose the all ones that involve the ballot box on November 6th.
"Who's tilting at windmills?"
I'm very curious as to whether or not this is a bad thing. If all you see on your social media is the hysteria of competitive wokeness, will you be attracted or repelled by it?
I imagine it's probably a good thing for conservatives since it drives them off of social media and back into the Real World™. And it's a bad thing for liberals since it means they no longer have either any influence or are able to collect any meaningful data on conservatives.
And it may be a bad thing overall, since it's exacerbating siloing off of the of our culture into discrete tribes who never communicate or exchange ideas with one another other than in anger.
I am guessing that the Times is excited because they recall that in 2012 Barack Obama’s campaign used social media very effectively to sharpen his message and get out the vote. But that was one campaign, staffed with experts on loan from Silicon Valley. Since then the DNC has been staffed with people who fall for phishing scams and think “passw0rd” is a good password.
Fox News Poll
Democrats +7
The right seems to communicate much more through implicit symbolism.
Secret signs as it were. Rather like the messages, noted in 1857, prior to the Indian Mutiny, in the form of chupattis sent from village to village. A sort of chain letter.
Circle jerk
Big whoop
"my hardcore Democrat 91-year-old mother who promptly e-mailed me her sharp disagreement. "
it finally brought your family together or at least your mom finally took notice of you.
This is even lamer than counting the popular vote.
Are they really preparing the way to say: Sure, the GOP won more House seats, but the Dems won the war on Twitter!!
“Circle jerk
Big whoop”
What do we basically see here in these threads?
Anybody interested in more info than just polls, check this thread:
Actually analyzing ballots requested and ballots returned might hold more value than guesses by pollsters.
Repost from last night because I think it's so much better than the normal horse race crap.
Are they really preparing the way to say: Sure, the GOP won more House seats, but the Dems won the war on Twitter!!
There are a lot of campaigns that win elections and lose the culture.
Announcements and arguments about polls pretty much miss the fact that when it comes to politics and culture, politics is a lagging indicator.
"Nationwide, Trump has a 41 percent approval rating, and Democrats have a 53-42 percent edge in the generic ballot for the House. But inside the 66 districts that are tossups, or only leaning toward one party or the other — the majority makers, or breakers — that lead evaporates into a 46-47 Democrats v. Republicans race.
It’s a similar dynamic — driven by Democratic strength in cities, and weaknesses in rural areas — that is driving House and Senate forecasts in opposite directions, amid a campaign close set to be dominated by the president."
NPC "posters" like Inga hardest hit.
Let’s be reasonable here. Social Media, as typical operated, has no real connection to the average person
@Inga, whatever makes you feel good.
Interesting comments from Birkel and Buwaya.
Those're totally awesome stats. Imagine what it would mean if they actually voted.
Professional politicians are losing the social media game, which is partly why they're starting to lose in political games too. Focusing on posts by politicians, and measuring how people react to them, obscures this phenomenon. Polls comparing politicians against one another also obscures this. We should add Oprah to every poll comparing favorability ratings among politicians.
Facebook and Twitter know. That's why they're deleting conservative accounts using any pretext they can can. Or none at all. They've taken a side.
However much I may seem critical of Mistress Althouse, there is a reason I am HERE and not at FB.
We have a higher class of commenter.
No body "wins" social media.
@Henry, I think that election was 2012.
@Big Mike. 2012 and 2016.
I think it's going to be high for Republicans too. I'm going to vote. I didn't vote in the presidential election and I'm going to vote straight R and it is because of Kavanagh. And I'm not the only one that I know doing that. I don't even know that many people
Naw, it's 53,000 posts worth of interactions, not 53,000 interactions over a much smaller number of posts, as I read that.
Inga: Listen to Drago, this is no time for over-confidence.
Rs keep the House, but Dems win the “popular vote” by going 90-10 in Blue Hells. Then they complain about “gerrymandering.”
All very predictable.
I agree with poster who said this is a corollary of the 'Bradley effect.' I have friends who post obnoxious super liberal posts on social media in their own names, and nothing really bad happens to them. I do not have conservative friends who will do the same thing because of the shocking lack of tolerance on the left. The SJWs are evil but also to a certain degree effective. Who wants to be the next James Damore or other target of an online mob contacting your employer to try and get you fired.
Everything from the right on Facebook is Russian propaganda or white nationalist racism and therefore must be shut down.
Surprise! The Democrats have a bigger social media presence on Facebook.
How'd that happen?
I guess the Republicans are going to win because they are requesting more absentee ballots theory falls flat here.
"Ban enough Republicans and the numbers begin to trend in your favor! The numbers are meaningless, of course."
That is the thing -.all of these platforms have been banning conservatives and Republicans as fast as they can. Trump TV was even shut down. We had another big purge earlier this week. Apparently any speech to the right of Crooked Hillary is Hate Speech, and, thus, violent and violative of their Terms Of Service. So, of course, the NYT touts how much better the Dems are doing on social media, after thousands of conservative and GOP sites and accounts have been shutdown.
I should note that it was all orchestrated and timed by the left, as indicated by how accurately Q predicted the timing.
Oh, wait, every comment counts.
Believe all comments in the age of Russian chat bots.
New numbers from the Secretary of State's Office show more democrats are voting early.”
It is so unfair that Social Media doesn't have its own elected branch of government. Probably another aspect of the US Constitution that was designed just to perpetuate slavery, like the whole State thing, the Senate thing, and the Electoral Collage. When Occasional Cortez is proclaimed Presidente, all will be rectified!
I guess Birkel’s theory is weak.
It is not enough to vote.
One needs to EXPLAIN one's opinion.
For example, my daughter was taught that cops just shoot black men for wearing hoodies.
One hell of an education system we got here...
She thought THOUSANDS of black men were killed per year.
So we looked at numbers...and we looked at cases. She...did not like the cognitive dissonance this caused her.
Shed some sunlight on toxic ideas so you can't be characterized as 'just crazy'.
Also, attempts to suppress the vote will only make voters mad enough to get out and make sure they get to vote, as in Georgia.
And yes, I voted.
No body "wins" social media.
Facebook took in about $40 billion in 2017.
Of course, it ain't over until it is over. We saw video last night showing that the huge caravan from Central America headed up here is being paid for by external sources. Someone (I am betting on Soros) has apparently paid for a bunch of people to come here and storm our borders. No doubt, the MSM is going to pretend that it is organic, and ignore the videos of people being paid to come here. The timing, of course, is suspicious, seemingly aimed at the caravan hitting our border right before the election.
And, then there is the Mueller investigation. They seem to have to indicated that they are waiting until after the election to release their findings. Yes, that is in conformance with DoJ regulations, but those regulations hadn't stopped them before, and, indeed, initiation of the Mueller investigation itself violated DoJ regulations. Could there have been a quid pro quo deal with Trump that they hold off, and so will he with the declassifications of the FISAgate materials. Was the arrest earlier this week of the Treasury employee leaker connected? No doubt there are plenty of Deep State operatives who would love ve to leak some dirt, real or fake, against Trump right before the election, esp since the Dems have vowed that they will terminate the Congressional investigations, tge minute they take over Congress. So, that arrest this week could very well have been a shot across their bow, essentially a promise that if they leak before the election, they will be arrested for it. We shall see how well they can resist.
All your thumbs up, and the leverage they represent, are ours.
Um Inga, Texas early voting does not start until Monday. That article was for the primaries. Sorry.
So, have we kind of decided that this is it, and Trump does not have an October surprise?
If he does, he'd better get it out there so we have time to go through the cycle:
Trump: The Democrats are scum and this proves it!
Media: Trump is a huge liar. Only 90% of what he said is true.
Voters: Wait, what, some of that was true?!
The potential November surprise will be targeted turnout based on social media push-polling and analytics. That's what happened in 2016. Everything Trump does (including the "gaffs") advances this outcome.
Early returns are in for Florida, Ohio, Arizona.
Republican vote requests are higher than 2016.
Democrat vote requests are below 2016.
No point in even sugarcoating it now. The Democrats are going to be really sad when Republicans hold the house. They are Unlikely to be able to filibuster after January.
Annie C said...
Um Inga, Texas early voting does not start until Monday. That article was for the primaries. Sorry.
Ha - good catch there.
Then there is this: Blue wave? Texas Republicans outvoted Democrats in the 2018 primaries — again.
Vote counts Tuesday night once again showed how Texas is a red state. Despite an apparent early rush to the polls for Democrats, Republicans ended up casting more ballots in the 2018 primaries.
Just like Wisconsin. #NovemberIsComing
The problem with stats that show there are more democrats voting in primaries than republicans in Texas is that many republicans had no primary opponents. Many democrats did. It's math.
Oh and the biggest one was the democrat primary for governor, won by Lupy Valdez. That was a highly contested primary.
Mexico dispatches two Boeing 727s full of federal police officers to intercept migrant caravan from Honduras heading to the US that has defied Trump's warnings and continues to grow
A prelude to emigration reform through a good neighbor policy.
And even then, more republicans voted except in parts of Houston, Austin, parts of Dallas and parts of San Antonio. Texas is weird. Also, sorry for multiples instead of a single post, my phone is giving me fits.
This is meaningless- everyone knows that that the GRU interactions are specifically and professionally designed to be 1000 times as effective as silly old progressive interactions.
If Republicans do hold onto the House and win more seats in the Senate, what is your guys predictions for how long Inga stops commenting here? I predict we won't see her again until next Summer.
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
Also, attempts to suppress the vote will only make voters mad enough to get out and make sure they get to vote, as in Georgia.
Yes, the vote is being suppressed in "Glasgow County."
In fact, it has so effectively suppressed that there is no such county.
what is your guys predictions for how long Inga stops commenting here? I predict we won't see her again until next Summer.
Maybe she will join ARM and Garage Mahal in that never never land of Democrats that just vanish.
I kind of worry about regulars here who disappear. I hope it's that they left and not that something happened to them.
If one of us were to get hit by a bus tomorrow, how would we know? We know so much about each other except who we really are. It feels strange sometimes.
Who’s Winning the Social Media Midterms?
Overheard in January 2019 on the Senate floor, just after the Republican formally select the Senate majority leader:
Hey, anyone hear who won the Social Media Midterms?
Yancey Ward: "If Republicans do hold onto the House and win more seats in the Senate, what is your guys predictions for how long Inga stops commenting here?"
If that were to happen, the entirety of the left and the bulk of the Vichy LLR's will seamlessly transition to Phase 3 of Putin Swung The Election in conjunction with Phase Eleventy-zillion of Voter Suppression.
All culminating in Phase Gazillion of Republican Victories Are NOT Legitimate!!
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
Also, attempts to suppress the vote will only make voters mad enough to get out and make sure they get to vote, as in Georgia.
You know what would be a good idea?
Pretend like your opponent is trying to suppress the vote. This will make the voters so mad, you'll get more angry votes!
You know what's a bad idea? Relying on this strategy for decades and miss the fact voters have caught on.
Blogger Drago said...
Yancey Ward: "If Republicans do hold onto the House and win more seats in the Senate, what is your guys predictions for how long Inga stops commenting here?"
As much as I'd like to see Republicans hold the House, History is rather persuasive here. Republicans will keep the Senate, against all odds. But I seriously doubt they're going to keep the house.
Losing 20 or seats is probably the best they can hope for.
More interesting and on the topic of this post.
Google, Twitter, and Facebook have gone explicitly fascist choosing to openly support a political party that is currently melting down and violently attacking their opponents multiple times every day.
Expect it to be politically popular to "regulate" and "break up" these companies.
Invest accordingly.
“If Republicans do hold onto the House and win more seats in the Senate, what is your guys predictions for how long Inga stops commenting here? I predict we won't see her again until next Summer.”
So, when Democrats win on Nov.6 are you all going to disappear?
If one of us were to get hit by a bus tomorrow, how would we know? We know so much about each other except who we really are. It feels strange sometimes.
I used to play chess by mail when I was a teenager. You would send your moves back and forth on blank postcards and over time you might jot a friendly note or ask how the weather was and so find out a little about your opponents. In one game my opponent said he was recovering from a stroke and was playing chess by mail because it was hard for him to get out. About halfway through the game he stopped sending the postcards back. Damn.
Annie, the way Democrats came out in droves for the primaries should tell you something. The significance of the numbers go beyond the “no opponents” theory. It reflects the energy on the Democratic side.
No, Inga, we won't- we aren't nearly as invested in this as you are.
Here’s another, Birkel.
“Democrats in North Carolina have asked for absentee ballots far more often than registered Republicans, a change from the last midterm elections in 2014.”
Read more here:
Inga -- I think it would be good clean fun for us to make predictions about the election results. We could use a Café thread for the guesses. No wagers or steak knife prizes -- just bragging rights. What do you think?
Inga, I hear Glasgow County GA is in the bag for the Dims.
I meant that for all who want to participate -- not just me and my friend Inga.
Well dang. I need new steak knives...
“No, Inga, we won't- we aren't nearly as invested in this as you are.”
Thanks for proving my point about the energy on the Democratic side. We ARE more invested than you folks, can’t blame you though.
My prediction for the House is for a tie. For the Senate, I am now at 54-46 for the Republicans- they will hold TN, NV, and AZ, and win ND, IN, and MO. They have a real shot to win FL and MT, too.
Comments on this article, so far, show that NYT readers are having none of it, and reflect a lot of what is said here. Stay evening, who knows?
Inga, you are datum, not data.
“Democrats in North Carolina have asked for absentee ballots far more often than registered Republicans, a change from the last midterm elections in 2014.”
Naturally. When was the last time a dead person asked for an absentee ballot?
Most of my relatives voted republican their entire lives but once they died they switched over to dem!
I din't know, Inga. I guess we shall see how well the Democrats do here in Texas soon. Here in Rockwall County, we actually have only one dem on the county portion of the ballot. Our State House rep is unopposed in my specific district and our State Senator is only nominally opposed and is sure to get re-elected.
Loopy Valdez has no chance against Abbott, but the State Attorney General race will be interesting.
The thing in Texas is that the State is enormous. The democrats are clustered in a few city districts. Having lived in the midwest and east all my life, I was astounded at the vastness. Lots and lots of small towns. The map is very deceiving.
It will surely be interesting.
"Who’s Winning the Social Media Midterms?"
That's right up there with which beer won the Super Bowl Half-Time show. Cute, but utterly inconsequential.
"Expect it to be politically popular to "regulate" and "break up" these companies."
These companies have made their bet. Now the question is whether they can collect on it, or whether they chose unwisely. With Kavenaugh now on the Supreme Court, the Republicans now have a strong majority. One of his first Cert votes was to grant Cert on a case where one possible outcome is that these mega tech companies, with monopoly positions, are treated like public utilities, and are thus subject to at least some 1st Amdt scrutiny. They should be shitting all over themselves worrying about this, if a lot of Republicans view them as actively assisting the Democrats by so aggressively deplatforming Republicans and conservatives in the last couple months before the election. It is going to be interesting to see if cooler heads prevail, and they step back from the politically biased aggressive deplatforming, or not.
My vote is that they don't step back, but rather double down, based on an employment interview I had with Microsoft a couple decades ago - their IP attys were clueless about the antitrust implications of their Windows and Office EULAs granting them paid up licenses to all their customers' patents and copyright, in exchange for MSFT allowing them to continue to use the products that they had already bought. They thought that my criticism of their new licenses was crazy (and I didn't get a job offer). Within a month, the DoJ had filed suit against them for antitrust violations. My point is that they didn't take our antitrust laws seriously, until too late. This was esp striking to me, having worked closely for several years with IBM attys, who all had taken an in-house antitrust course upon being hired by Big Blue.
Sinema goes slumming
This just posted on my FB from Walker supporters? A fourth former secretary for Gov. Scott Walker has come forward to criticize the Republican governor after resigning from his job leading Madison's economic development agency in order to speak more freely.
Who knows how many clicks this will get.
heh, btw, jimmy carter, 'America's greatest monster' comes out against Cavanaugh, unexpectedly,
Anyone who thinks social media spew translates into actual votes needs his or her head examined.
Oh, the NYT is full of you know what.....who knew?!?
Did the article say whether they count negative comments as "interaction?" So, if one of my loony friends posts a highly biased post, and all her friends post that it's fake news, wrong, post links to articles that fisk, etc, does that all count as positive interaction for the original post?
Secondly, James K. and Connie - you can limit what certain of your friends see, so they never see your conservative postings. Make the troublemakers "Acquaintances" then change your settings so that only friends, but not acquaintances see your posts. I had to do this with several friends, because I got tired of arguing, and trying to keep them on topic.
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So, when Democrats win on Nov.6 are you all going to disappear?
Notice the difference in attitude and tone.
The conservative asks 'if.' The leftist says 'when.'
Pure, fucking arrogance.
FB is only really useful for the Marketplace, which seems to be a better 'go to' than craigslist.
"Jim at said...
So, when Democrats win on Nov.6 are you all going to disappear?
Notice the difference in attitude and tone.
The conservative asks 'if.' The leftist says 'when.'
Pure, fucking arrogance."
That's what they are programmed to say.
I heard on the old Facebook, that the Democrats have some great plans to make the economy even better, reduce spending in government, maintain or improve our tax rates, and simply make things better for everyone inclusively, and just get out of our way so we can do the things we want and like.
Oh, wait, no I didn't.
It isn't who is winning the social media election.
It about who is losing the social media election.
Blackburn thanks restaurant owner for hosting event after social media backlash
“I was called a Nazi sympathizer of all things,” he told the Post. “It’s hurt my business, my staff, me and my family," he said. "I’ve never seen grown people, or whoever is hidden behind the screens, act in such a manner. I have partners.”
Hundreds of online posters have said they will boycott the restaurant for Courtney's decision, the paper reported.
“People have posted they love our food, but will no longer come to the restaurant,” Courtney said. “I have never in my life experienced such a thing. It’s scary.”
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“No, Inga, we won't- we aren't nearly as invested in this as you are.”
Thanks for proving my point about the energy on the Democratic side. We ARE more invested than you folks, can’t blame you though.
You think this because your thug tactics are driving people underground.
But a lot of people are scared.
Of you.
Your violence and thuggery will not help you out at the actual polls.
Would you like to hear about an immigration problem worse than ours ?
The Australian Bureau of Statistics reckons that Australia’s population passed the 25 million mark “just after 11 p.m.” on Aug. 7. That represents a doubling of the country’s population in less than 50 years. An equivalent growth rate in the United States since 1970 would have made for two extra Californias on top of the country’s actual population growth over the last half-century.
I had no idea this was happening to Australia.
They have worse ruling class than we do, and that is saying a lot. They even have "merit based Immigration rules."
Third, Australia has even managed to turn immigration into an export industry. After minerals, Australia’s largest “export” may well be educational services, represented by tuition fees paid by international students studying in Australia. It is an open secret that most of these students view an Australian degree as a back door to permanent residency. In effect, Australian universities are selling more than just a quality education. They are selling the hope of a permanent resident visa along with it.
The GDP growth is not showing much contribution from the new Australians.
The problem with the NY Times analysis is simple. Most of the people who use Facebook or Instagram (Millenials and younger) are not the prime active voters. So it means nothing on voting day! Just another B.S. article from a Liberal media organ written for their tribe.
Althouse: Who’s Winning the Social Media Midterms?
Tim Maguire: That's right up there with which beer won the Super Bowl Half-Time show. Cute, but utterly inconsequential.
Me: The mid-terms are effectively a referendum on Trump. The Dems/MSM/NeverTrumpers and Trump himself have made it so. This Facebook BS is actually a poll having ultimately to do with Trump. All polls even remotely having to do with Trump are shit.
Readers, think back to the just past presidential election. The day of the election the premier Democrat pollster, Nate Silver, had Hillary as a 72% favorite. All the other pollsters were in general agreement with Silver with even larger margins for Hillary’s victory (that did not happen).
Pollsters want attribution by the MSM, face-time on the cable echo chamber and the love they get from the Democrats/MSM. There’s no better advertisement – it’s worth many millions in free advertising. Silver was wrong on the most important poll of his polling company’s life – yet Silver seemed not to suffer a bit from it.
If they do not give the numbers the Left wants they get none of this. My point is that polls, even stupid pseudo-polls such as this Facebook tally, are to be studiously ignored. Whenever cheating has no negative consequences to the cheaters and cheating cannot be proved cheating inevitably occurs.
Believe nothing about Trump coming from the opposition unless it is verifiable and concrete. This Facebook BS is neither.
“Your violence and thuggery will not help you out at the actual polls.”
My thuggery and violence? Hahahaha! I’ll have to tell my family and friends that some lunatic online called me a violent thug. Grandma gonna kick your ass Achilles!
For the second time in a week, a social media company has banned a California Republican House candidate’s biographical ad because it contained what the company deemed “inappropriate content.”
Being a limited government person, the best outcome for me will be if the Democrats with the House and Senate. I’ll settle for the House. Paul Ryno is a complete disaster and asshole so it would please me if he’s gone. Pelosi will go into complete insane overdrive which is good for me. Americans need to get disgusted by unlimited government!
A few days back, I posted a Steve Ferrera ad which was pretty funny.
Every time I search YouTube to show it to a friend, it doesn't come up.
I mean: how many Steve Ferrera ads are there? Unless I type in the SPECIFIC NAME, YouTube won't admit it exists.
That is pretty scary
My post: Absentee ballots and returns
Inga response: Absentee ballots requested
Anybody see the problem?
Who has the heart to tell her?
Also, saying what the total numbers are without relating it to previous years, like so many of the links Inga spammed, is sad. Some of those links gave no perspective AT ALL.
Inga didn't want to make a prediction?
Here's mine -- plus 8 Republicans in the house, plus 4 Republicans in the senate.
My prediction for the Senate has been the same for over a year: at least 58, maybe as high as 63. No prediction for the House other than we won't lose it.
Haha Birkel, sore loser.
So...I got an internet ad for a local candidate.
NOT ONCE did he reveal he was a Democrat.
In any state not True Blue, Democrat candidates do not mention that they are Democrats.
If, as Inga asserts, they are loud and proud and feeling their oats, why is that?
The implications of that to the Democrat brand would be disheartening to anyone with an ounce of self reflection
Shall we look at the scoreboard?
Majority of state houses
Majority of governors
Over to you, Inga.
As one who believed Romney and Clinton would win, I am now a firm believer of "It ain't over 'til it's over"
In California, Gov. candidate Gavin Newsome is literally running ads against the evil Trump. Newsome gonna protect us from the Donald.
He does not even mention his opponent
“Being a limited government person, the best outcome for me will be if the Democrats with the House and Senate. I’ll settle for the House. Paul Ryno is a complete disaster and asshole so it would please me if he’s gone. Pelosi will go into complete insane overdrive which is good for me. Americans need to get disgusted by unlimited government!”
The problem with the Dems taking the House is that every committee will spend every second it has investigating the Trump Administration. Spend too much on drapes? Full blown investigation. One illegal immigrant not released to be with their kid? Full investigation. Etc. On the flip side, if they retake the Senate, expect that not a single judge, or worse, cabinet or sub cabinet member be confirmed. I wouldn’t expect too much Kavenaugh type posturing, because that was a lot of work and energy, but rather Schumer just not bothering to schedule votes, and committee chairs not bothering to schedule hearings.
So essentially, from the outside, it looks like Democrats are asserting that they want to make the country ungovernable unless they are in charge.
How is that a moral position?
Sinema goes slumming
There is another one at The Guardian, Hope Solo, that is leading the charge against "white girls next door".
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Haha Birkel, sore loser.
He was pointing out how shallow and stupid your analysis was.
Inga thinks she is winning because her friends are chasing republicans out of restaurants and attacking the people who work at establishments that associate with republicans.
Inga thinks sending ricin in the mail to republicans is winning.
Inga thinks mobs that beat on cars in traffic is enthusiasm.
Inga thinks deranged losers tearing up yard signs is winning.
Inga thinks twitter and facebook banning opposing viewpoints is winning.
Inga thinks every assault on a republican candidate or staffer is a victory.
Inga thinks every innocent man slimed b an obviously false allegation of sexual assault is a victory.
Democrats are going to get crushed in the election because they conflate fascist thuggery with winning and enthusiasm.
People like Inga are why we have private voting.
This may not touch you, but it touches me. By John Milton
When I consider how my light is spent,
Ere half my days in this dark world and wide,
And that one talent which is death to hide
Lodged with me useless, though my soul more bent
To serve therewith my Maker, and present
My true account, lest He returning chide;
“Doth God exact day-labor, light denied?”
I fondly ask. But Patience, to prevent
That murmur, soon replies, “God doth not need
Either man’s work or His own gifts. Who best
Bear His mild yoke, they serve Him best. His state
Is kingly: thousands at His bidding speed,
And post o’er land and ocean without rest;
They also serve who only stand and wait.”
So, when Democrats win on Nov.6 are you all going to disappear?
Why would noting some commenter's tendency to disappear and change their screen name when bad news happens obligate others to do the same?
Any registered North Carolina voter may request an absentee ballot by mail. No excuse is needed to vote by absentee. To request an absentee ballot, complete the North Carolina Absentee Ballot Request Form. The Absentee Ballot Request Form may only be signed by the voter or a voter’s near relative or legal guardian. According to the law, a "near relative" can be any of the following: spouse, sibling, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, stepparent, or stepchild of the voter.
So if Inga's family lived in NC, she could request absentee ballots for all she knew to be registered Democrats and VOILA! the number shoots up indicating only that Inga herself was super-excited.
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