"The marketing and publicity teams are horrified as no matter what promotional material is released — and let's be honest it's been limited for a show that launches next Tuesday — Roseanne's fans come out in force stating that they won't watch the show. The comments on social media tend to skew in favor of Roseanne and slam The Conners and the cast members who came back. Even dedicated fans of the Conner family feel conflicted about supporting a show that so swiftly eliminated the show's matriarch and creator."
From "EXCLUSIVE: 'People want Roseanne!' ABC execs fear spin-off show The Conners will crash without its fired star when it debuts next week and tell DailyMailTV killing off her character was a hasty 'knee-jerk' decision" (The Daily Mail).
ADDED: I suspect that the execs are angling to bring Roseanne back. I heard that they were going to begin the new show with the news that Roseanne had died, but the first episode hasn't aired yet, and it might be easy to edit the story into just having her away in the hospital, struggling but not yet dead, and then bring her back — the character and the celebrity. I think most Americans these days — especially the subset that watched "Roseanne" — want to see somebody in trouble fight back. Look at Brett Kavanaugh. Trump didn't abandon him, and he didn't apologize and disappear. It's just not a good story going forward if they killed off Roseanne and took the easy way out. The Conner family is about struggling through adversity and sticking together. It's completely incoherent to throw the mother away because she said one bad thing. And an awful lot of people think she was punished not for saying that one bad thing but for liking Trump. A lot of TV-watchers like Trump.
AND: I've been meaning to get around to posting this: "Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture" (The Atlantic). 79% of white people think political correctness is a problem, and the opposition to political correctness is even stronger among Asian-Americans (82%), Hispanics-Americans (87%), and American Indians (88%). Among racial groups, African-Americans are the most supportive of political correctness, but still, 75% are opposed. The only group that supported political correctness was "progressive activists," but even in that group 30% thought it's a problem.
१०७ टिप्पण्या:
More people who think they know their audience but do not have a clue.
It is pretty astounding they took her own show away from her for a tweet about freakin' Valerie Jarrett.
With ABC, shooting itself in the foot is not a bug, it's a feature. Watching Roseanne is very much an acquired taste (I don't share it) but these guys have forgotten the old advertising story. Asked to explain why an ad campaign for pet food had failed, the harried account exec had to say, "But the dogs don't like the dog food!"
And if the folks who watch the Conners show want to see Roseanne--and she's not there, then they won't like the show. That may be too logical for the suits at ABC.
Thinking exactly the same. Why would I want to bother watching The Conners, they are all secondary characters. Plus the whole firing of Roseanne, who is not a racist, over a so called racist tweet was completely idiotic.
Ha ha! This shades my Freud.
Good. I hope the show crashes and burns. The remaining cast members should be ashamed of themselves for undercutting the woman who made them.
Hopefully this shit sandwich of a reboot blows up in ABC's collective faces (love mixing metaphors)...
The cast abandoned Barr when she needed their support against the network and Disney. That is why the old fans won't watch the new show.
I have forgotten what she said that was bad but remember thinking there was nothing wrong with it at the time. She did however apologize which was spineless.
As I recall.
Double down.
I don't know the show from Adam, but i do know that people who like controversial public figures aren't put off by occasional incidents that go over the line.
See, for example, the love Hillary and Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Barack Obama, and Jimmy Carter still get, even after some terrible statements.
What?! You mean all the suits at ABC whose job it is to know beforehand what food the dogs will eat just figured out that the dogs won't eat the dog food?
Everyone involved in this fiasco at ABC/Disney needs to be fired. They need to be fired for not understanding what they were dealing with on the "talent" side (Roseanne Barr has always been controversial in her utterances), & they need to be fired for not understanding that when they stood on principle & shitcanned RB, it was money down the tubes --- there was no turning back.
So, now we get to watch as they publicly admit that their principles just cost the corporation an awful lot of money or they end up kissing racist ass to recover their investment. Either way, I can't imagine the shareholders will like what they see.
”and it might be easy to edit the story into just having her away in the hospital, struggling but not yet dead,”
She’s merely pining.
Let it crash.
Maybe they will replace her with Ford. She could be funny with that voice.
Roseanne Barr has always been controversial in her utterances
This is the woman who dressed up as Hitler and pulled burnt gingerbreadjews out of the oven.
But that was OK because she was a liberal then.
A publicity stunt? Sure, why not. Art imitates a liberal lifestyle.
Well, just so you know, I wasn’t going to watch the show either way. SO THERE!
ABC tries to sell a spoke wheel without a hub.
Bottom line. Advertising dollars.
they publicly admit that their principles just cost the corporation
What principles? Planet of the Apes was populated by a diverse (i.e. colorful) range of apes and humans. Their "principles" are Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, and politically congruent. It's about capital, control, and leverage. Perhaps it was an insurance policy to avoid a coup by the diversity racket and occupation by the social justice adventurers. Perhaps a publicity stunt, but it's a double-edged scalpel, and they don't seem especially concerned about financial backing.
Roseanne tweeted a joke comparing Valerie Jarrett to a fictional character in Planet of the Apes.
Sorry, that is a capital offense. We cannot forgive. She must not work again. It is worse than OJ "allegedly" murdering his wife.
Roseanne is on Rogan today. Just an FYI.
well the chimpanzees were the scientists, the orangutans were the administrators, like the one who lectured taylor, and the gorillas were the military and police,
I see that Joe Rogan had Roseanne on today.
As if nobody had tried to tell them this as soon as the idea was pitched.
I suspect that the execs are angling to bring Roseanne back.
Maybe, or maybe the shorter version of this is "we fired her for you, now you owe it to us to watch the show".
To be fair, Disney/ABC is equal opportunity on this stupidity. They kicked James Gunn off the Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy franchise for some childish tweets. And now Gunn is looking to go salvage the DC Movie University. And probably for dump trucks full of money.
The white left is not all that popular when push comes to shove, that's why they have such a strong need to control the media.
Trumbo is a great movie to show how to face down prigs.
The reboot of Murphy Brown scored a huge coup with Hillary's appearance!
I never really liked the Plant of the Apes movies.
First of all, there's no reason to spend 2 hours watching Charlton Heston, shirtless, in a loin cloth. None. Raquel Welch in One Million Years, B.C.? Hell yeah, but not Charlton Heston.
Also, I didn't get the allegory. Were they saying we need to treat minorities better, because if white astronauts become the minority, life in the future will be rotten, because of those filthy apes? Seems kinda racist, to me.
So, I say no to all 4 permutations:
1. Planet of the Apes
2. Roseanne show with Roseanne
3. Roseanne show without Roseanne
4. Valerie Jarrett
But I wouldn't ban or disparage any of them. Why can't we all just get along?
Billionaire heiress Megan Ellison, daughter of Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison, is reportedly getting stiffed on her father's cash flow after her film studio, Annapurna Pictures, lost a significant amount of money by producing bomb after bomb in leftist propaganda films.
For once today the New York Times web front page had no Trump bashing until "below the fold."
I heard that they were going to begin the new show with the news that Roseanne had died, but the first episode hasn't aired yet, and it might be easy to edit the story into just having her away in the hospital, struggling but not yet dead, and then bring her back — the character and the celebrity.
Didn't Dan die in the original series, only to be brought for the reboot? Couldn't they not only do that for Roseanne, and make a joking reference to it happening before?
Rosanne should make her own show, where the rest of the family got killed....
by Iranian terrorists
Yeah, everyone's against PC. Except those who control:
The Entertainment Industry
And Corporate America.
Otherwise we're all against it.
Roseanneless Roseanne was already predicted, reviewed and cancelled last season on Althouse. In order to bring her back they’re going to have part with the ABC president who fired her after embarrassing Roseanne at the up-fronts by announcing the show would be less political this season.
Never apologize to SJWs.
They just see it as sign of weakness and redouble the attack.
Been true for ever, but the cucks never learn.
The sad thing about this whole debacle is that Roseanne thought Valerie Jarrett was white. I didn’ know she was black until all this came up. I’d heard she was Persian. Turns out that was wrong too. She was born in Iranto American parents.
It’s hard to imagine Disney doing that because they take themselves seriously and also Channing Dungey is the first black network president. After being treated shabbily by some of her cast mates and by the network, why would Roseanne even consider returning?
Roseanne Barr has always been controversial in her utterances
This is the woman who dressed up as Hitler and pulled burnt gingerbreadjews out of the oven.
You do know she’s a Jew, right?
Roseanne Barr has always been controversial in her utterances
This is the woman who dressed up as Hitler and pulled burnt gingerbreadjews out of the oven.
You do know she’s a Jew, right?
She should be rehabilitated and brought back to life. Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them. (Bruce Lee) If Kavanebriated can be erected to the Supreme Court, the bar against Barr should be lifted. Yeah, she's a racist, and he's a drunken Clarence Thomas. In an ideal world, she would be on the Supreme Court, and he'd be the judge on The Peoples' Court. Judge Judy meet Judge Boofy. She passed the bar, and he'd rather be seated at the bar.
The thing about corporations as large as Disney/ABC with such enormous revenues is that the top executives can squander rather large sums of shareholder's money on vanity and moral pretentiousness without suffering any consequences. Barr's best revenge is to squeeze ABC for a lot more money upfront and a better residuals deal. The suits won't lose their jobs but they will be embarrassed.
Yeah, everyone's against PC. Except those who control
PC is more correctly defined as political congruence, which is a prototypical ethical standard that is selective and opportunistic.
Yes, politics in Entertainment. Politics in Sports. Politics in Education. Politics in Law. Politics in Sexual Relations. Politics in Culture. Politics in common Civility. Liberal politics is bullshit.
"It's completely incoherent to throw the mother away because she said one bad thing."
Why? She violated a taboo by ridiculing a half-minority Dem. It is completely coherent to enforce the party line and maintain prog cultural hegemony at all costs.
"And an awful lot of people think she was punished not for saying that one bad thing but for liking Trump.
Yeah. So?
She should make them apologize to her, the cast too.
he thing about corporations as large as Disney/ABC with such enormous revenues is that the top executives can squander rather large sums of shareholder's money on vanity and moral pretentiousness without suffering any consequences. Barr's best revenge is to squeeze ABC for a lot more money upfront and a better residuals deal. The suits won't lose their jobs but they will be embarrassed.
Until they start bleeding like ESPN then they pay attention.
They fired Tim Allen.
Didn't ABC also cancel the very popular Tim Allen show, Last Man Standing?
These people are idiots. Very rich idiots
Not tired of winning. This made me smile. They should have talked to people in the flyover states but they live in a bubble.
I agree with Tank. A public apology should be required in her new contract, as well as a larger portion of the profits, since they clearly proved that she is the primary driver of the show's success. They need to pay up after they publicly proclaimed her a racist despite the clear possibility that her comment was not intended that way. They were cowardly and foolish. Rich, cowardly fools need to pay their golden goose.
Meanwhile, CNN moderators who giggled over comments from its panelists like, "Kanye is what you get when Negroes don't read," and "token house negroe," will keep their shows. Moderators who describe Kanye West's visit as "an assault on our White House," keep their shows. Donna Brazile will keep her fame and fortunes after saying (to borrow Ben Shapiro's words), "A wildly successful black man visits the President at the White House to talk about politics and this sets black people back 155 years? Explain that!"
It's a mad, mad world indeed.
I suspect that the execs are angling to bring Roseanne back.
Were I her, I would be tempted to demand that the contract be at-will on her part, and that the first episode be aired live, with no delay. Then in the first scenes, especially one with Sara Gilbert, I'd go off-script, confront her about what a no-talent, back-stabbing POS she is for trying to steal what she created and built up, then tell her and the execs to go eff themselves, then walk off the set, get into her car and go home.
MayBee said... [hush][hide comment]
It is pretty astounding they took her own show away from her for a tweet about freakin' Valerie Jarrett.
Reruns of her show were pulled also, while Bill Cosby reruns ran on same network.
She won't come back.
I watched the first episode of the reboot. When the grandson announced he wanted to wear dresses to school and Roseanne and Dan said "good for you, be true to yourself" that was enough for me. Despite the occasional favorable nod to Trump, this was SJW TV all the way. Not good enough for me.
Dumping Roseanne for one ill-advised tweet that was benign on its face, and only offensive to SJWs after considerable interpretation, was deplorable.
I won't be watching, with or without RB. There is better stuff out there.
Who did the more insensitive and hurtful thing? Roseanne posted a harmless joke. Yes, harmless. Even if you imagine it in the worse light, do you think Jarrett was hurt by it? She is an adult, very successful woman in a tough field. Every schoolkid gets past worse regularly. No Black person gave a shit about what Roseanne said unless being offended is their hobby/vocation.
She said of Jarett "I thought the bitch was White!" That ought to be a sufficient apology.
I assume Roseanne does not own the rights to the Roseanne show. But it appears she has been forgiven to some degree that she'll be marketable. I'd laugh if another network offered her a similar show just enough different to be law suit proof.
"Barr None", perhaps...
"Rosanne should make her own show, where the rest of the family got killed....
by Iranian terrorists"
Illegal immigrants.
Dumping Roseanne for one ill-advised tweet that was benign on its face, and only offensive to SJWs after considerable interpretation, was deplorable.
Exec who made decision is friends with Obamas. Jarrett is like a member of the Obama family.
Other shows I am ready to pitch Disney, expect immediate backing:
Robin. (Just Robin)
An Island without Gilligan.
I No Longer Dream of Jeannie.
Some Guy who moves into Seinfelds old apartment
Maybe the last one might work.
They actually tried one with Archie Bunker's old house.
"No Black person gave a shit about what Roseanne said unless being offended is their hobby/vocation."
Bagoh20, so close, oh so close to breaking the code.
I did not know that, Rory. Thank you. Learn something new every day!
Sometimes people want something so much, they ignore the obvious.
This was never going to work - maybe the first episode would have good views because people are curious to see what they were going to do - but what 'audience' does this show have without Roseanne?
D2: you overlooked "Facebook Friends."
The toppiest of the top dogs, Trump, pre-poTUS or not, knows Scalia like very, very few others know Scalia.
Modern political correctness is a wonderful example of the Motte and Bailey game:
- Political correctness is just not hurting people's feelings on purpose; and
- My culture is not your goddamn prom dress!
I don't like what Roseanne Barr tweeted about Valerie Jarrett. I don't like Valerie Jarrett. I don't much like Roseanne Barr. But I'm still a believer in something like the following sequence:
1) I disagree with you, and here's why
2) No, I still think you're wrong, and here's why
3) Look, that was a crappy thing to say
4) Wow, you're an asshole.
n) I must destroy you professionally and personally.
An awful lot of people want to start with n these days.
What have they indoctrinated you to believe?
Sixty nine the summer was nothing special.
File this post under: Things No One Cares about. Where's your tag for that?
JMW Turner writes: Hopefully this shit sandwich of a reboot blows up in ABC's collective faces (love mixing metaphors)...
Maybe not all that mixed. A shit sandwich could potentially explode from the methane gas if the sandwich were tightly enclosed in a zip-lock bag. ;-)
knows Scalia like very, very few others know Scalia.
Am I jokin'
A lot of TV-watchers like Trump.
A certain hilarity in that remark.
Perhaps a lot of non-TV-watchers, or non-watchers-of-TV, like him too.
I rarely watch TV, but I'm pretty sure Trump is funnier, and wittier, than any sitcom.
If I wS PAID $40,000 anually I'd quotr Milt ant Nubcl;eu Kr
Bill Buckley.
Mr. Buckley did a lot more than I'll ever: do, claim to, imagine, take credit for, Q.
Well, I can't let this stand about me.
Come, see about me.
This is a link beyond what mere satisfaction ultimate perfection ought having left you...
Everyone here is too stupid: proof is the above.
I hope they do bring her back. From a pure storyline POV, have a show about Roseanne's family without...Roseanne? How stupid is that? Sounds like cancellation guaranteed.
Beyond that, the PC Bravo Sierra, which companies and execs hide behind ("Roseanne's comments are not in alignment with our core principles (?!) of inclusiveness, etc.) is just a ruse, IMO. What they really care about is making sure that no stain comes on their product/from their association with Roseanne. Gotta keep those sales up.
Roseanne's comments did cross a line, but the knee-jerk reaction was beyond proportion.
Everyone here is too stupid...
I've just arrived. Does that include me?
Instead of bringing Roseanne back, they are going to have Murphy Brown move in next door so she can enlighten the Conners. She has several ideas about how they can improve their lives. Special guest appearances by Sec. Hillary Clinton and Dr. Christine Basely Ford (they have been invited for coffee by Murphy, who hopes to trick them into painting her kitchen) will add heart-warming gravitas to this light-hearted and morally instructive foray into America's heartland.
Maybe they will replace her with Ford. She could be funny with that voice.
Thread winner.
The Conners
A ghoulish dream, where Darlene becomes The Wizard Of Oz's Dorothy, pretending she's raising a normal family with "Mom" under the house.
ABC made a mistake. Mistakes are expensive to fix.
So just off the top of my head IF they are interested in re-signing her after destroying her 'reputation' (that really needed to be in quotes. She's an outrageous loon)
-$30 Million SIGNING bonus (not coming back if the show is cancelled)
-Ownership of the franchise. If she goes again, there is no more 'Connors'. But then again, there isn't any more Connors already. Some incentive for her cast members to recall where their bread is buttered.
-Creative control particularly with any Trump joke.
-A POSITIVE interaction with, say, Ivanka Trump as a guest actor.
But honestly, at this point, how does she work with people who were so awful to her publicly?
Honestly, I am shocked to discover that the network actually tried to do this!
The Germans have a word for how I feel about it blowing up in their faces like a bukkake scene from some Japanese porn (to mix Axis metaphors).
We'll go with 'amusement'.
Hell, iirc "Dallas" had a whole season where Bobby (?) Ewing had died, then next season they settled the contract dispute and he came back and they made that previous season into a dream sequence.
This point outlines something that Leftists fear: that they are few and Conservatives are many.
Sure, a lot of people SAY things about tranny rights and illegals, etc. You are face to face and you just say nice things to get along. But at the end of the day, do you want to spend a trillion dollars on new bathrooms, be forced to learn, and criminalized for failing to use the proper 573 pronouns idiot tranny fakers want to play act with, and want more young blonde girls murdered by illegals?
Maaaaayyyybbeeee...not. Not when the rubber hits the road in that voting booth
And one can always identify an asshole. PC culture is about alpha dick power moves. Sorry to Ann: alpha pussy power moves.
How is the moral preening and oppression offered by the Left in any way different than the moral preening by, say the Catholic Church except for the fact that one was kind of based on an immovable text and the other is based in the fashion of the day, hence more dangerous?
What do these network executives do beside either fucking up or realizing they have just fucked up?
What do these network executives do beside either fucking up or realizing they have just fucked up?
Apparently sexually harassing their female reporters and interns. Nice work if you can get it.
Next, NBC can reboot "The Huxtables", but learning from ABC, they can explain Heathcliff working his way through prison. That's must see TV, right?
Just another reminder the elites hate the deplorables.
Roseanne had to be made an example of.
How dare she mock Valerie Jarret!
I am not their target demographic.
I guess SNL won't be doing a cold open where Roseanne gets beaten up by Keith Eliison as punishment for her tweet.
We must fix this situation where a single questionable public statement gets a person fired and their reputation dragged through the mud without even a pause for them to show contrition, if they do choose, and for the mob to collect their thoughts.
It’s not a good look. It’s insulting to us as a people and as a culture. It’s ridiculously over-dramatic and reactionary. And it’s far, far more damaging than the public statement that kicks the whole ugly mess into gear.
Just one more way that social media drags out into the open the worst anti-social traits of human beings who, ironically, fancy themselves as “advanced” and on the “right side of history”.
LOL wanna bet?
Then there is the empathy issue. She claims she was taking Ambien or whatever it was and did not remember even tweeting that - which might be b.s.of course, or it might be true. If it’s true, doesn’t she deserve a little understanding, especially if she follows it up with a real apology? Millions of people take medications and suffer side effects, and the stories with those sleep medications are bizarre and frightening.
Maybe we could at least pretend to have an ounce of compassion even for people we disagree with, instead of lighting torches and grabbing pitchforks.
[insert ‘Supplies!’ GIF here].
Rosannes original quip (sic) - specifically the response to it - demonstrates that race will have to be brought into everything so that the divisiveness can continue. We must never forget that blacks people are special and white people are racist. It’s a Known Fact, the Sience is Settled, etc. brought you you by The Elite Inc.
Meanwhile, in the real world where people actually have to work for a living...
If you thought Two Broke Girls was bad, wait til you see One Broke Family...
Roseanne wasn't always the funniest person on the show but she was the planet the other actors revolves around.
She played the mom's of my friends I grew up with. I grew up in a town like where the Conners live. And, the humor people use to deal with living paycheck to paycheck - Roseanne nailed that humor. It's not always PC.
Roseanne was also right to show that people in these circumstances felt abandoned by the Democrats they used to vote for. They see Trump as their voice. "Trump isn't perfect but at least he didn't forget we exist." And, with 3.2% unemployment, the economy is backing up this claim. Roseanne nailed this sentiment in her non-PC way. I'm sure ABC was more afraid of her voice than one moronic tweet.
"It’s not a good look. It’s insulting to us as a people and as a culture. It’s ridiculously over-dramatic and reactionary. And it’s far, far more damaging than the public statement that kicks the whole ugly mess into gear."
There's also the consideration that people shouldn't be looking at entertainers as models of anything to begin with.
I hope ABC is taking the right lesson from this. If Barr had quit, or even died, people might have been willing to give the show a chance without her. But they fired her, for an asinine reason, and then tried to do the show without her.
That, I think, is what really drove the audience away.
The reboot of Murphy Brown scored a huge coup with Hillary's appearance!
And yet Murphy Brown is tanking. Bummer, but not really. How about some new ideas?
Not surprised that Roseann-less Roseann doesn't sell. ABC execs took the lemon they were handed, removed it, and tried to sell lemonade. Doesn't work. Who wants a chocolate chip cookie without the chocolate chips?
Garfield without Garfield is pretty great, but I don't think that's what they're going for.
The Negro Veto
Talk about bubbles. Did ABC think that re-booting a Roseanne-less Roseanne would really work?
An Island without Gilligan.
You mean with just Ginger and Mary Ann?
Sign me up.
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