"'Every artist that had a baby, they already put in years in the game. This is your first year. You’re going to mess it up. How are you going to make it?’ While I was pregnant, I kept telling myself, I can’t wait till I’m back out there. I’m going to look hot, and I’m going to be that bitch. Four weeks after giving birth, I was supposed to start rehearsals for a fall tour with
Bruno Mars and I couldn’t even squat down. People don’t really talk about what you go through after pregnancy... When Kulture was born, I felt like I was a kid again; everything was making me cry, and I needed a lot of love. I feel better now, but sometimes I just feel so vulnerable, like I’m not ready for the world yet."
Said Cardi B in a W interview quoted
at Tom & Lorenzo. She didn't go on that tour, she "sacrificed that to stay with my daughter," and that explains, she says, why she physically attacked Nicki Minaj:
[S]he saw that Minaj had liked, and then unliked, a tweet disparaging Cardi’s mothering skills, something Minaj has denied. “I was going to make millions off my Bruno Mars tour, and I sacrificed that to stay with my daughter,” Cardi went on. “I love my daughter. I’m a good-ass fucking mom. So for somebody that don’t have a child to like that comment? So many people want to say that party wasn’t the time or the place, but I’m not going to catch another artist in the grocery store or down the block.”
८५ टिप्पण्या:
They just don't make "good-ass fucking" moms like that anymore.
Another victim of the patriarchy.
Thankfully, out of the loop again. Never heard of her (him?).
Every lawyer/Doctor/Business owner/ CPA/ dentist/law school professor that had a baby, they already put in years in the game.
I used to be that if someone said something disparaging of you (ye olde version of twitter), you go tell them they were wrong and that was the end of it. Throwing punches and hair pulling, that was considered too far.
Given that politics is downstream of culture, is it any surprize to anyone that political disagreements with one side of the political aisle have moved from "you're wrong" to assaults and assassination attempts on baseball fields?
The quality of mental instability seems closely tied to creativity. Add baby hormones into the mix, and i cant bring myself to be surprised by this.
A miserable excuse for a human being.
I turned down tours to be with my kids. Well worth the trade off.
The money was never as much as promised. Getting stiffed is pretty common in the music biz.
The big time lasts for a very short time except for an exceptional lucky few.
Learn a real job skill, girl.
Wait -- what? People are fighting because someone liked, and then didn't, a Tweet? And here I am commenting on that.
I feel shallow.
hey humperdink! from wikipedia....
'People be asking me, 'What do you does? Are you a model? Are you, like, a comedian or something?' Nah, I ain't none of that. I'm a hoe. I'm a stripper hoe. I'm about this shmoney.'"
Cardi B was a member of the Bloods, and has said she became a gang member at the age of 16
Glad to force you back into the loop! When a millionaire stripper hoe physically assaults a person (because they 'thought' that person 'liked' a facebook page; that's TOTALLY COOL! you see, the hoe is a DEMOCRAT
I had a woman in my first year law school class who had a baby. We sat in alphabetical order. Her name began with an M. After the baby was born, she moved to sit after Z. Z and I were friends. He told me that the kid was noisy.
Kids!, can’t live with ‘em, can’t live with ‘em.
At least she is a deep thinker:
" If you read the online comments, it seems like everybody hates the Kardashians. Each and every one of them. But how can that be true if everything they sell sells out?”
Can’t we just get to the “Brave New World” now where some else makes the kids?
I lost track of what the complaint was but husbands will care about it. That's what the crazy-woman hormone is there for. Bonding.
Lol - "artist".
it's coming phil pi, it's coming! and don't worry, there'll be LOTS of soma
Women take a negative view of being pregnant because it sounds like a medical term. All it is is pre-gnant, before birth. Makes it sound natural. (natus, born.)
Nascor is a deponent verb, passive in form and active in meaning. Or maybe to be born (nascere) is actually passive and the verb simply lacks an active form.
formerly gnascor.
She became a Breeder. Which was once a highly honored status back in the days of Christianity.
I like how fast she turned "I couldn’t even squat down" and "I’m not ready for the world yet" into the lament she "sacrificed that to stay with my daughter".
Anybody else starting to think there's a Serena Williams School of Mothering out there?
but I’m not going to catch another artist in the grocery store or down the block.”
I gotta admit, that cracked me up. So practical!
I love that song "Girls" Actually, I like any song "Girls" just about, unless it has to do with the fat white one who made that TV show.
People accused her of appropriating lesbianism, but it wasn't that at all. It's a well known hetero girl display behavior to get straight men hot. Men aren't turned on by lesbians. Men are turned on by sapphic behaviors in straight women.
" If you read the online comments, it seems like everybody hates the Kardashians. Each and every one of them. But how can that be true if everything they sell sells out?”
DJs have long known this about hit songs, people listen to the end to songs they claim to "hate." Republicans are starting to figure this out about Twitter too.
I have no idea how good or bad of a mom she actually is. But she certainly could have made much worse choices regarding having/not having the baby, and going/not going on that tour, so I'll give her credit for that.
I also have no idea how good of an artist she is. I don't like what I've heard of her music, but I'm self-aware enough to know that this is a statement about my tastes, not about the quality of her music.
Sometimes I feel like there's an entire culture (Kulture?) that grew up around me while I was busy working over the years. They started off as a small buzzing around my head- like an occasional annoying mosquito. But very quickly they grew to take over every bit of the media. Their education is shit, and they don't seem very bright, but they're full of degrees and self-assuredness. I worry about their future from time to time. What happens when we're finally gone and they have to make the world work for themselves?
I sure hope Nicki Minaj has some answers for them all.
Or at the very least, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.
If you move the hyphen in "good-ass fucking mom" you get an explanation of why she couldn't squat.
"Every lawyer/Doctor/Business owner/ CPA/ dentist/law school professor that had a baby, they already put in years in the game."
I had my first baby in the last semester of law school, clerked for 1 year for a federal judge, then showed up to work at a Wall Street firm pregnant with my second child. That added an immense level of difficulty, but I had my priorities.
That judge gave a party for his clerks in the late spring or summer before my clerkship began, and when I showed up with the baby, he chided me for not telling him when he interviewed me that I was pregnant — even though the interview had been so long ago that I wouldn't have been pregnant at that time. Back then, I accepted the push back. Maybe I had done something wrong by accepting the clerkship and then going and getting pregnant or by not informing him during the interview that I hoped to get pregnant and giving him the power to reject me on that ground.
I'm going to go with a generational explanation. Here's a thought from my generation.
"What are you gonna do? Give sheep the vote?" - Sam Kinison (1953-1992)
Men aren't turned on by lesbians.
I agree. What do they need me for, to hold scented oils?
I've always had a hard time thinking of a singer as being an artist. An entertainer, yes. But an artist?
Maybe it's just me.
"I’m a good-ass fucking mom. "
Ahh for just a little shift in the location of the hyphen.
Geiko ad, kid taken on planet-exploring space mission, "How long till we get there? How long till we get there? How long till we get there?"
Law school, clerking for a federal judge and working for Big Law is way more difficult than singing songs. Singing!
Is Kulture's middle name Klub?
"he chided me for not telling him when he interviewed me that I was pregnant — even though the interview had been so long ago that I wouldn't have been pregnant at that time."
Did he know about the not-being-pregnant? Was it unreasonable for someone in his position to suspect that he would not get your full attention to the job at hand? Should employers be allowed to consider whether their employees can handle the distinctive "immense level of difficulty" they face?
Law school, clerking for a federal judge and working for Big Law is way more difficult than singing songs.
Well there is millions of dollars sitting there waiting for you to scoop 'em up then!
Crack said: Anybody else starting to think there's a Serena Williams School of Mothering out there?
I have only the vaguest idea who these people are (grocery checkout tabloid covers keep me informed), but this line cracked me up:
"...she 'sacrificed that to stay with my daughter,' and that explains, she says, why she physically attacked Nicki Minaj..."
This was good, too:
"When Kulture was born..."
Hmmm, that dog-whistle "K". Also made me immediately think "Kultur". Sure sounds like a shout out to white supremacists to me!
"I'm a good ass-fucking mom" . - Peggy Sue
I just watched Fracture (2007) where a DA declines Big Law. I don't remember the details but there were bodies and a courtroom.
Kids these days are never going to find their names on stuff in souvenir shops.
I would challenge Cardi B to spend one week with a pregnant recent medical school graduate working in a hospital residency.
Oh, you meant "more time demanding," not harder, fine. Although musicians put in a lot of time. I have put in thousands of hours to my music, and I am passable at best. I like to think I have an artistic touch, but technically, I am just a drooling wannabee when I see some guys. The thing is that the schedule is more self directed. Watch the Showtime documentary on Lynard Skynard if you want a peek into the life of some hard working musicians.
What distinguishes Cardi B’s dilemma from that of others who have recently given birth is that her artistry demands the ability to squat down.
Oddly, I have the opportunity to audition for a Doors' cover band that plays nationally.
The money per gig seems adequate, but it's certainly not a real income.
Of course, playing cover tunes every night gets tiresome. Playing the same tunes every night for weeks gets tiresome even if you wrote the tunes. I would have to commit a lot of time to learning Door's keyboard parts note for note.
I've done the living in hotel rooms and flying from city to city thing. Had enough.
I'd rather play my church and choir gigs. It's a consistent income. And, I get to stay home with my grandkids.
The music business is a steep pyramid and it does have a ruthless weeding out process. Probably worse so since Napster destroyed the royalties model.
why she physically attacked Nicki Minaj
Publicity. And it seems to have worked fairly well since, in my sample of one, I have now heard of these people, and I'm ashamed to say I googled Cardi: a butterface!
I sacrificed that to stay with my daughter
Don't get hurt patting yourself on the back, but the kid'd probably be better off with a Guatemalan nanny than someone who'd name it "Kulture Kiari Cephus".
I just watched Fracture (2007) where a DA declines Big Law.
Justice was not served by persecuting the guy for a justified murder.
So did she ever regain her squatting skills?
I like Cardi-B despite myself. She’s actually kind of practical and I agree with her take on marginal tax rates.
A “former” stripper understands economics better than most Hollywood airheads.
I don't know who any of these people are.
Why should I care?
I like Cardi-B despite myself. She’s actually kind of practical and I agree with her take on marginal tax rates.
That's why I say that I would be happy with just about any black lady off the street on the SCOTUS. As long has she hasn't been corrupted by academia.
Is the kid's name really Kulture B? She shouldn't have given birth to him, she should have just grown him in a petri dish.
Playing the same tunes every night for weeks gets tiresome even if you wrote the tunes.
"Nobody ever asked Van Gogh to 'paint Starry Night again!'" - Joni Mitchel.
Happily, Cardi found a really good squatting coach who believed in her. Now she squats almost like a world champion. She can out-squat Nikki any day of the week. Nikki will deny it, but it's like totally true.
Swear, if I met a mother who gave her kid a good NT name like Paul or Mary, I'd put her in my will.
A good, ass-fucking mother...
Punctuation is important.
my twin sister Jen* named her first born son Abram;
which i admit isn't a NT name, and arguably isn't good... But it Sure Is Biblical
twin sister Jen* technically not Really my twin sister, since we have different parents
Cardi is a good-ass, fucking squatter downer again.
The day she finally got it back was like that scene in Rocky where he's at the top of those steps...only different...because she was squatting down.
an' shit.
Happy Birthday, Cardi B.
I like the lass. Scrappy, ambitious, hard-working. Great American success story.
Plus, she fights.
Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar--for all you grade school teachers looking to shop dirt.
I'd slap Nicki Minaj just for the terrible thing she did to "I Like Big Butts".
I’m a good-ass fucking mom.
What a difference dash placement can make! Oh Laslo where art thou?!
So did she ever regain her squatting skills?
Yes. But she had to sacrifice lots of time to physical therapy. It was worth it because in modern music, squatting matters.
1. "Kulture"?
2. You assaulted someone over a Facebook "like"?
Wow. Issues all the way down.
Blogger holdfast said...
I like Cardi-B despite myself. She’s actually kind of practical and I agree with her take on marginal tax rates.
A “former” stripper understands economics better than most Hollywood airheads.
Have you read "Freakonomics ?"
"When I see the name Kulture, I reach for my gun."
That's the flava Harvard's looking for.
Or she wanted to sacrifice her new born daughter for the tour. But she was stuck with her daughter because she "couldn't squat down".
What a name Kulture! Kulture has a vulture for a mother.
Please no more "sacrifice" for your child. The child did not choose to be born. You chose to make her. She is not a burden. She sacrifices a beautiful life with a more appreciative parent and got stuck with you.
What little I know about Cardi and Nikki and Kanye and the Kardashians I've learned from my post-work supper-time half-skim of the UK Daily Mail-- and from Althouse (well, and from one or two other blogs). My knowledge of these people and their melodramas is sufficient for my needs, I reckon. Someone wants people to volunteer to sing a naked version of Mozart's Don Giovanni for political reasons: I believe I saw that somewhere the other day. Same debasement of culture, just a different flavor or register.
So, she took time off and cared for her child, and in the meantime someone else, perhaps a mother whose children were mature, was employed in her place. It's only a zero-sum game if we devalue motherhood or the housewife. That said, it seems that in a committed relationship, the taxable income earned by one party would be shared. While managing a household, raising children, securing a position in the community, will not earn an income to pay your taxes and is not valued in exchange, it is directly a productive vocation for a couple, and, ultimately (but it should not be exploited for blackmail), the community.
I predict that her child will have a rich vocabulary by the time she enters pre-school.
"So many people want to say that party wasn’t the time or the place, but I’m not going to catch another artist in the grocery store or down the block."
Pity she didn't have an Uzi.
I'm so glad I have no idea who any of these people are.
If she can't squat down, a good ass fucking might be her best option.
She has a point about what she gave up. Tours are the only place a musician can make money these days. Having said that, Cardi B was in a gang, an off shoot of the bloods. I think she’s trash because she still “reps” for them. On twitter she childishly replaces c (c is for their rival The crips) words with the letter b, which is weird considering what her own name starts with.
Pregnancy, the evolution, and care for a new human life, is a milestone for women, and men, too. Rights and responsibilities. Just do it.
I’m a good-ass fucking mom.
I wonder whose ass she is so good at fucking?
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