"... most notably 50 years ago, when Richard Nixon used the specter of rioting at the Democratic National Convention to cast the opposing party as the tool of antiwar protesters and violent malcontents.... Earlier this year, when White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was denied service at a Virginia restaurant and when Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was heckled by protesters at a Mexican restaurant, Republicans cast Democrats as overreacting and unable to withhold their animus toward Trump.... 'They have encouraged mob rule,' Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) said on the Senate floor Friday... Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) wondered on Twitter: 'Imagine the coverage on cable news if an angry mob of conservatives stormed the steps of the Supreme Court building.'... At his Saturday night rally in Topeka, Kan., Trump joined in, asserting that 'the radical Democrats have turned into an angry mob.'"
I'm reading "‘An angry mob’: Republicans work to recast Democratic protests as out-of-control anarchy" by Matt Viser and Robert Costa in The Washington Post.
There are 3 things that strike me that Viser and Costa don't talk about (and that others who are promoting women's rage are not talking talking about):
1. Law and order may be an old conservative theme — and I certainly remember how Nixon used it back in the days of angry anti-Vietnam War protests — but rape and sexual assault are violent crimes, and the #MeToo movement demands a more vigorous crack down on crime. Do you want more severe anti-crime enforcement or not? If you do, you're a law-and-order person. Own it!
2. Kavanaugh expressed anger at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, and he was condemned — by Democrats — for lacking the right "temperament." His opponents acted so shocked and disturbed by the display of emotion. Is showing righteous anger a good tactic or not? If it's bad only when the other side does it, you're engaged in the kind of hypocrisy that I collect under the tag "civility bullshit."
3. It's sexist to minimize the threat of violence coming from women. Some people use the term "cat fight" to suggest it's cute or sexy or laughable when women are violent, and women may sometimes take advantage of that low opinion of our capacity to do real damage. Female privilege. I'm seeing that in the current protests, with women expressing open, screaming rage. If these women think they don't deserve a law-and-order reaction, they are trusting that the rest of us hold the sexist opinion that they are ineffectual. Let them explain why that's pro-woman.
९ ऑक्टोबर, २०१८
"Weeks ahead of the midterm elections, Republicans have cast the Trump resistance movement as “an angry mob'... a modern incarnation of the law-and-order thrusts Republicans have used before in tough campaigns..."
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३५१ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 351 पैकी 201 – 351Blogger Freder Frederson said...
But at least they are all getting paid.
I have heard this before. Could you please tell me how I can get paid by George Soros. He has stiffed me so far.
10/9/18, 7:25 AM
Tough question.
Being poorly educated myself, first thing that comes to mind is Google organizations receiving Soros donations. Then,( OMG! ) apply for a job.
"You know where I see angry mobs? At Trump rally. But I guess it is okay to chant "lock her up" if you are on the right side of the issue."
In a just world Clinton the serial criminal would be facing 20,000 Years In Sing-Sing if each count she would have been convicted on was served consecutively. She should be charged and prosecuted for her crimes. It would demonstrate no one is above the law and put the fear of God in the swamp dwellers.
"'The entire Republican base is an angry mob.'
"Impossible. I’m not tired of winning."
That's what so odd...even when they're winning, Republicans are resentful and angry, always certain they're being picked on and their just due is being unfairly withheld from them.
"I cringed a bit when Kavanaugh became overtly disrespectful. Then I thought about Sheldon Whitehouse, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, et. al. and thought 'How can anyone respect these braying asses?'"
Haven't you ever heard of rising above your opponents?
(I have to agree...what little I saw of Booker was sick-making.)
Blogger Robert Cook said...
"I cringed a bit when Kavanaugh became overtly disrespectful. Then I thought about Sheldon Whitehouse, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, et. al. and thought 'How can anyone respect these braying asses?'"
Haven't you ever heard of rising above your opponents?
(I have to agree...what little I saw of Booker was sick-making.)
10/9/18, 11:24 AM
Anybody who did not watch the entire assault on Kavanaugh has no business making judgement on his behavior based on MSM sound bites.
When the shit hits the fan and we see (hypothetically) solid evidence supporting probable cause to charge Trump with dozens of felonies involving bank fraud, mail fraud, FEC violations, state and federal tax fraud
Chuck, I wonder of you are practicing self abuse when you list your litany of imaginary crimes you hope Trump can be charged with.
Republicans are resentful and angry, always certain they're being picked on and their just due is being unfairly withheld from them.
Cookie that is only the case with the left like you and the media.
The voters see the truth. I feel 1994 coming on.
What? Chuck was doing all that at Federalist meetings?
Blogger FIDO said...
how many twitter posts have been Republicans wanting Democrats assassinated?
How many Democrats have begged and prayed that Trump be assassinated?
How many Republicans have been attacked by Democrats in the last two years?
How many have been put in fear of their lives?
Yeah sure..but...Trrruuump!!!
Latest is that freak of a Specious Ed teacher in Mini-Apples musing about someone taking Kavanaugh out "for the team"
Maybe Ellison can shield her, give her a job.
"Did Kavanaugh truly have so little control over himself, or was the the entire spectacle a controlled performance? Either way, he comes off looking bad."
Robert Cook's ideal Kavanaugh:
Thank you Senator Feinstein. May I have another?
The Resistance is objectively an angry mob and always has been. They sure don't like it when they get called on their bullshit or thwarted.
If he had showed no emotion, he would have been "cold, detached"
And you know what that means...
Pretending that Trump is a fascist to justify rage doesn't mean that Trump is a fascist.
Kavanaugh was not a protestor, he was someone who was trying to get a seat on the highest court in the land, whose members do need a judicial temperament. Does anything think this requirement should change just to give Kavanugh a pass? There is a stark difference between a protestor and a person who wants to be a Supreme Court Justice, which shouldn’t be too difficult to acknowledge if one is being an honest observer.
Two things. 1. Just yesterday, I saw a woman slug her husband, hard, in the arm at the grocery store. And my mother-in-law claims "reflex" whenever someone startles her and she turns around and hits them. How is this okay? 2. My daughter and my older son (so far the younger son hasn't done this, but the day is young) have both gone through periods in their teens when they've felt they could say any cruel and unjust thing they pleased to their dad and me, but if we respond to their out-of-bounds words and they're shocked. Of course we call them on it - tell them that the anger of the moment doesn't excuse them from the obligation to keep a civil tongue. It's too bad the Protest Left doesn't just acknowledge that they're a bunch of teenagers and that the conservatives they hate and rail against are in loco parentis; they'd probably feel better for it and we could all stop pretending that their rants deserve any more serious consideration than the similar rants of a hormone-flooded teenager.
I am frustrated.
I'm almost finished with the Robespierre biography I'm reading. The similarity of the present political hysteria resembles that in 1792 France except for the absence of the Guillotine.
“Chuck, I wonder of you are practicing self abuse when you list your litany of imaginary crimes you hope Trump can be charged with.”
Ah I see Chuck is back on Micahel K’s shitlist because he dared say something negative about Trump. How surprising! Fickle.
I mean, really, why should reasonable people give a shit about the rage monkeys feelings? It's all an attempt to manipulate emotions and the media.
Couldn't agree more with Ann in this post.
"Republicans are resentful and angry,"
Watch those videos that Fernandistein linked aove, of the cazy leftists attacking innocent motorists in Portland. If they don't make you angry and resentful that Democrat run local govts allow this to occur, and if it doesn't piss you off that the media will paint right wingers* as violent when someone predictably responds out of fear or righteous anger, then you just might be partisan.
The Democratic party owns these crazy people who are pushing for a fight. It's up to Democrats to stop them, but they don't. They encourage them. The Democrats own this ugliness and they should pay for it at election time.
*It won't matter if the victim who pushes back is right, left or center, the media will reflexively blame the right.
I can only imagine the rage that the right will express after the House and maybe even the Senate are won by Democrats and the investigations begin in earnest.
The "muh temperament" argument talking point is such bullshit on stilts. A major political party tried to destroy a person in public, using their status as government officials, by calling him a serial rapist. They deserved BK's response in public. It was a partisan hit job and his response was perfect.
"But muh temperament" is fucking lame. Grow up. Quit electing douchebags who will do shit like what they did to BK. Oh also, shut up about Trump being rude. The Democrats deserve to be crapped on by someone like Trump.
“You know where I see angry mobs? At Trump rally. But I guess it is okay to chant
'lock her up' if you are on the right side of the issue."
The entire Republican base is an angry mob.”
Indeed. The raging old and middle aged folks with middle fingers extended screaming at the media, during those rallies where Trump calls the press the enemy of thepe people, causing the press to need security. Protestors getting sucker punched in the face...so much more.
"We are calling you a serial gang rapist with zero actual evidence and we want you to be civil and measured when you response to us."
Go fuck yourselves, assholes.
Yea call Trump voters Nazi's, fascists, deplorables, stupid, racists, sexists, homophobes.
Then act shocked when they flip you off and plead for civility. Again, go fuck yourselves.
In 3 months Inga will be adamantly denying that she ever said Democrats were bound to win in November, and indignantly demand that links be provided to prove it.
Bookmark accordingly.
Michael K said...
When the shit hits the fan and we see (hypothetically) solid evidence supporting probable cause to charge Trump with dozens of felonies involving bank fraud, mail fraud, FEC violations, state and federal tax fraud
Chuck, I wonder of you are practicing self abuse when you list your litany of imaginary crimes you hope Trump can be charged with.
I remember very well just a few months ago, people were demanding of me what could Michael Cohen possibly be in trouble for, when all that he was doing was moving his own money or Trump's money, to purchase legal non-disclosure agreements.
And what I said at the time was that the way that they did it, and the non-disclosures involved, could get Cohen indicted for bank fraud, mail fraud, tax law violations and FEC violations.
Back in May.
And that is pretty much what happened.
The Althouse Trumpkins thought that I was imagining Cohen's crimes. But I wasn't.
Inga and etc.s concern trolling about GOP rage is just civility bullshit.
"'Did Kavanaugh truly have so little control over himself, or was the the entire spectacle a controlled performance? Either way, he comes off looking bad.'
"Robert Cook's ideal Kavanaugh:
'Thank you Senator Feinstein. May I have another?'"
Adults know there is a vast distance between "Thank you, may I have another?" and Kavanaugh's childish behavior.
“Althouse and etc.s concern trolling about Liberal rage is just civility bullshit.”
It is childish to deny false allegations of gang rape with anger.
It is perfectly adult and not noteworthy at all to respond to true allegations of boning in the oval office with an equally angry "I did not have sex with that woman..."
The Democrats encourage and/or pay crazy people to harass right-wingers, and when the right-wingers respond with anger they have the nerve to censure them. Democrats can, indeed, go fuck themselves.
As for Kavanaugh's emotional reaction, it was within the realm of acceptable behavior. Know how I know? Because he was confirmed. If Trump and the GOP were unhappy with the polling after his performance they would've pulled him.
So Cookie,
You must think Lindsey Graham was absolutely unhinged.
“As for Kavanaugh's emotional reaction, it was within the realm of acceptable behavior. Know how I know? Because he was confirmed. If Trump and the GOP were unhappy with the polling after his performance they would've pulled him.”
Perfect example of the means justifying the ends. Not one of the best of human traits.
Kavanaugh reacted the way a genuine man would react. I get why Cookie doesn’t understand.
And Cook, let's say we give you the undeserved benefit of the doubt that you, personally, wouldn't have played the "his cold demeanor in answering the charges proves he is guilty, any innocent man would have been outraged" card.
But you're completely full of crap if you deny that nearly every other Democrat and leftist in the country would've responded that way, tools like Inga front and center among them.
“You must think Lindsey Graham was absolutely unhinged.”
Lindsey Graham was auditioning for a role as Attorney General.
There is a stark difference between a protestor and a person who wants to be a Supreme Court Justice, which shouldn’t be too difficult to acknowledge if one is being an honest observer.
Regardless this wasn't a job interview or a court proceeding, it was political theater. As such the standards are different and his reactions were reasonable considering the forum. This isn't difficult for honest observers to acknowledge.
“Kavanaugh reacted the way a genuine man would react.”
Is that how you act when you don’t get your way? Hmmmm, revealing.
Like marching around in a pussy hat.
1. #MeToo may have higher ideals such as a greater crackdown on sexual crimes, but it loses credibility when it serves partisan purposes and promotes "believe all women" instead of a presumption of innocence, due process and basic standards of evidence. If it not about seeking the truth, but instead seeks only political gain, then it's fucking garbage just like the rest of the social justice movement.
2. The man was accused of awful conduct and basically being a sick evil fuck with no evidence. Of course, righteous indication was appropriate. In fact, it was necessary for him to survive the smears against him. But emotion isn't evidence. Kavanaugh weaved in the facts supporting his defense and that lack of corroborating evidence against him into his emotion. Dr. Blatant Fraud had NOTHING. No evidence. No documents. No witnesses. No facts aside from the accusation itself. She may have sounded "sincere" to some people, and fine if you want to believe that, but she didn't help her case by providing zero fucking evidence to support it.
And to compare Kavanaugh's outrage to the outrage of the hysterical loser Democrats whose smear campaign failed is bullshit, too. They're crying and whining because they don't agree with his judicial philosophy, not because he's some monster. They might be angry, but it isn't righteous. No is trying to ruin their lives with outright slander. They lost a political fight. Nothing more.
3. It's called a "Pussy Pass." Hillary got one, too, from James Comey.
Perfect example of the means justifying the ends. Not one of the best of human traits.
With all due respect... go fuck yourself.
Please expand on that EP. Or do you already fear that you won't be able to defend it?
The word civility has two meanings, the first profound and the second banal. The secondary, banal meaning is “politeness,” and Althouse is correct that it’s (almost) always bullshit when people call for it in politics. The profound, primary meaning of civility is the foundational value of a free and civil society: the agreement we won’t try to kill each other when we disagree. It's not bullshit to oppose beating and burning in Berkeley, running over political opponents in Charlottesville, and hunting Congressmen on softball fields in Washington DC, on the grounds that mobs are uncivil.
Trump calls the press the enemy of thepe people, causing the press to need security.
It's revealing Inga carps on such nonsense. Trump's comments don't "cause" them to need security. They choose to engage security as political theater.
Meanwhile left wingers hound people out of restaurants and assault them at intersections because the corrupt left wing culture has established these actions (as well as burnign limos and breaking into stores) as appropriate expressions of leftist beliefs.
1) I will believe the Law and Order swill of the #MeToo Movement when they go after Menendez, Ellison and the Clintons with the same fervor that they went after Kavanaugh, except in those cases, they have FAR more evidence.
Cricket Cricket.
Really, when it boils down to it, this narrative of protestors being “angry mobs” is nothing more than civility bullshit in it purest form by those on the right and their apologists. The excuses made for Kavanaugh and the fake concern over protestors anger is the giveaway.
this narrative of protestors being “angry mobs” is nothing more than civility bullshit in it purest form by those on the right and their apologists.
We just call it "winning".
Night Owl, that was far more respect than is due.
No, Ingie, it’s how I react when someone accuses me of being dishonest or having committed a crime. I don’t mind that some people don’t like me; enemies are inevitable. But I do demand respect. It’s a guy thing — you wouldn’t understand.
One of the Senators - Purdue I believe -- compared the protests to Nazi Brownshirts. That is as ridiculous as people on the left comparing Trump to Hitler. Such comparisons only reveal the speaker's ignorance of history.
Along the same lines, as of late there have been several comparisons on this site of Democrats to Stalin. Really? Stalin murdered over three million and enslaved millions more. And the democrats forced people out of restaurants (three or four?) with chants of "shame on you" and the like, and put there foot in an elevator door and yell. Only a moron would find such a comparison meaningful in any respect.
If politicians can't handle being yelled at on occasion perhaps they should consider another career
Inga, you should be out there chasing down Leyland Keyser for being such a traitor.
Such comparisons only reveal the speaker's ignorance of history.
@steve uhr, your comment reveals your own ignorance of history.
If politicians can't handle being yelled at on occasion perhaps they should consider another career
Maybe you should share this thought with those whining about Kavanaugh speaking harshly to Senators.
You think the leftists are crazy now?
The best part of this is that by the end of the week the Russian Collusion story will be back front and center.
Probably by tomorrow morning.
But the media is going to be throwing up smoke and trying to avoid it because there are top DOJ/FBI people about to get called out and indicted.
Rosenstein flipped after James Baker threw him under the bus.
And all of the same lawyers that were coaching Ford? They put together the Russia Collusion hoax.
The exact. same. people.
We will spend the next month with leftists crying "CANT WE JUST GET ALONG PLEASE?"
It is on like donkey kong bitches.
Or men roundhouse kicking pro-life women, EP.
Oh, and steve, it’s Perdue with an ‘e.’ Purdue with s ‘u’ is a university in the Big Ten.
Yeah..actually, most of the shirts (and hoodies) are black. And then there's scarfs and other accoutrements, like batons etc.
Seeing Red said...Or men roundhouse kicking pro-life women, EP.
Oh..he was "aiming for her phone".
All is forgiven.
That's what so odd...even when they're winning, Republicans are resentful and angry, always certain they're being picked on and their just due is being unfairly withheld from them.
Well Cookie, if One reads enuf out there, one just might think one is being picked on. Especially those in positions of power who use eliminationist rhetoric.
And some pay attention to history.
It must be hard being you trying so hard to float above the fray. History tells the story. You lefties can’t help yourselves.
Yup, Ingie, Rand Paul’s wife now sleeps with a loaded hun close to hand because of her “fake” concern over Democrat mobs.
Of course her husband has been shot at, seriously injured by a hardcore Democrat, and the two of them chased through an airport by a mob. But her concern is “fake.” Suuuuuure.
"@steve uhr, your comment reveals your own ignorance of history"
How so, Big Mike?
“Yup, Ingie, Rand Paul’s wife now sleeps with a loaded hun close to hand because of her “fake” concern over Democrat mobs.”
Mmmmm mmmm a “loaded hun”? What could be better?
@Big Mike -- Rand Paul's wife sleeping with a loaded hun is a hilarious image.
Nobody better hassle her when she's sleeping.
And that the hun is “close at hand” is even more hilarious.
Ach du Lieber on Mr. Germany!
Mr. Israel also hot!
How many Antifa riots have there been? Which side are they aligned with?
How many Republican riots have there been?
The Antifa were only stopped when it was discovered what a PR nightmare they were.
Now the Left is finding out that shrill harridans screaming at Senators also no longer garner the sympathy that it once obtained.
Are shrieking shrill Feminists Brownshirts? No, but they are people trying to silence speech and people trying to bully by dint of their gender.
Alas, maybe the Feminists should have realized that they were forfeiting a very useful card when they dropped Social Chivalry into the Discard pile.
For Lefty women to use that card, first they need to be lovable and necessary.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Yup, Ingie, Rand Paul’s wife now sleeps with a loaded hun close to hand because of her “fake” concern over Democrat mobs.”
Mmmmm mmmm a “loaded hun”? What could be better?
We have noted your support for violence and intimidation.
You can laugh all you want.
You are an amoral violent hate filled piece of shit.
Scream at the sky all you want. You only get one ballot, enraged leftists.
Just like the rest of us.
You know where I see angry mobs? At Trump rally. - Freder
Maybe you need to get out more.
Achilles is a humorless dolt. He completely misses the wordplay. He projects onto his percieved enemies what he has time after time threatened to do to liberals on these very threads. Do you people really want to associate yourselves with his commentary? Think about it.
“We have noted your support for violence and intimidation.
You can laugh all you want.
You are an amoral violent hate filled piece of shit.”
I see angry mobs in Berkley and Charlottesville. I see them in Portland and in Middlebury. I see angry mobs in Evergreen and in Mizzou.
In fact, MOST angry mobs I see are in Academic settings.
Now, I don't know about you other folks, but when I send my kids to college, none of them believe that rioting is justified or that violence is an answer to anything save violence directed at yourself.
So where do all these kids suddenly learn to riot?
Perhaps Professor Althouse might have some insight into that phenomena.
"You know where I see angry mobs? At Trump rally. But I guess it is okay to chant "lock her up" if you are on the right side of the issue."
-- I like how crowds chanting "lock her up" are neatly elided into the same group as left-leaning masked individuals that beat people with bike locks and threatens Jewish academics and homosexual speakers with violence for stating their views.
Some people shouted "lock her up," other people do thousands of dollars in property damage and injure people -- these are not equivalent levels of comparable anger.
"Haven't you ever heard of rising above your opponents?"
-- Republicans tried that by nominating John McCain and Mitt Romney. Obama made fun of McCain's physical handicap and implied Romney killed a woman with cancer.
So. Yeah. Rising above didn't work, and instead, the left rewarded the right by actually crossing over to vote more for Trump than either McCain or Romney. You get more of what you reward and less of what you don't.
Speaking of bad faith: When that Moslem gent went on a shooting rampage, killing dozens of gay men and women in that nightclub, despite being a Democrat. Despite being foreign. Despite having zero ties to Republicans except he might have had to breath the same air as a Republican...
The Right was still blamed for that assassin. Cookie...perhaps this might be a partial answer to your question at our anger: regardless of how many non Republicans set off bombs, shoot up teacher conferences, kill school kids...we constantly get the blame.
Funny how that is. If you were honest, you'd realize how much bad faith Republicans put up with from Dems. If.
A long time ago: "I’m still waiting for the all-women boat on Deadliest Catch."
I'd settle for an all-women sanitation crew.
Inga, we get the wordplay, and we note your eagerness to jump on BM's typo to avoid defending the leftist violence perpetrated repeatedly on the Paul family. You must have been quite relieved that you could turn Mrs. Paul's terror into a punch line.
"Kavanaugh was not a protestor, he was someone who was trying to get a seat on the highest court in the land, whose members do need a judicial temperament."
-- No one had issues with Ginsburg's actually breaking judicial ethics during an election campaign against Trump. So, yeah. Until you call for Ginsburg to be impeached or step down, I don't believe "judicial temperament" is anything more than a useful cudgel.
"I guess it is okay to chant "lock her up" if you are on the right side of the issue"
We agree!
“Inga, we get the wordplay, and we note your eagerness to jump on BM's typo to avoid defending the leftist violence perpetrated repeatedly on the Paul family. You must have been quite relieved that you could turn Mrs. Paul's terror into a punch line”
Are you speaking for Achilles now? Is he not capeable of speaking for himself? I was amused by the typo, why would relief be any part of it? You folks lost your sense of humor? Are you a clone of Achilles? Who is this “we”?
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Achilles is a humorless dolt. He completely misses the wordplay. He projects onto his percieved enemies what he has time after time threatened to do to liberals on these very threads. Do you people really want to associate yourselves with his commentary? Think about it.
They all know they are going to be next.
They all know they cannot openly support Trump in their work place because it will mean retaliation and loss of income if not summary termination.
They all know that if they put a Trump bumper sticker on their car and drive in a blue city it will likely get vandalized.
They all know that if they go to a Trump rally in a blue city the democrat mayor will tell the police to stand down and let thugs attack them.
They know their kids in college cannot freely speak their opinions because of the leftist mobs.
Most importantly they all know when it comes down to it if my side wins we leave people alone.
If your side wins you persecute people who disagree with you and you starve everyone in the countryside.
The people who live in Red States know what you intend. You people have been purposely gutting the manufacturing base that provided flyover country with lively hoods.
We all see how you act and what you support.
Fuck you. War.
FIDO observed that the left reined in its Antifa orcs only after realizing that the scum didn't make for particularly useful optics. I agree. But it's fascinating to think that for a considerable period of time, left leadership assumed the opposite - that footage of masked, black-clad terrorists running amok, braining people with bike locks and setting fire to buildings and cars - would resonate with America's squishy electoral middle. Are their instincts THAT warped, their bubble THAT suffocating? Would seem so. And - also as FIDO observed - the dunces are trying a different tact with their legion of incredible shrieking, door-clawing she demons. Again, this is not a kabuki theatrical troupe that will endear itself to someone pondering whether to vote R or D. "Mmmmmmm....Chamber of Commerce guy or that howling wretch with the Hannibal Lector mask and cloth twat on her head?"
Matthew Sablan said...
-- I like how crowds chanting "lock her up" are neatly elided into the same group as left-leaning masked individuals that beat people with bike locks and threatens Jewish academics and homosexual speakers with violence for stating their views.
It took a while, but they all see right through you Inga.
"The Antifa were only stopped when it was discovered what a PR nightmare they were."
-- Occupy Whatever was stopped for similar reasons; rapes and a murder or two in the camps? Not stopped for that. Democrat poll numbers go down? Clear those camps!
Inga's still pissed James Hodgkinson wasn't a better shot.
[ I like how crowds chanting "lock her up" are neatly elided into the same group as left-leaning masked individuals that beat people with bike locks and threatens Jewish academics and homosexual speakers with violence for stating their views.]
It took a while, but they all see right through you Inga.
That was actually Freder although since none deviate from the hivemind it's almost irrelevant.
The Democrats and the left are more like Mussolini and Italian Fascism—much admired by FDR's advisors in the early 30s—coming out of the Socialists. Blackshirts is much more appropriate.
They all know that if they put a Trump bumper sticker on their car and drive in a blue city it will likely get vandalized.
Or come back the next morning and discover that your pickup truck has been burned out because you have a Trump sticker on your bumper.
You folks lost your sense of humor?
Actually, Inga, we have. We don't think threats of violence are funny. Not one bit. Anymore than if someone "jokingly" threatened you.
The Antifa were only stopped when it was discovered what a PR nightmare they were.
What makes you think they've been stopped? Ask the residents of Portland about yesterday.
If politicians can't handle being yelled at on occasion perhaps they should consider another career
How about shot?
Does that count ?
Thank God the two Capital cops were there because Scalise is the majority whip. If not for them, Democrat Durbin fan, Bernie bro, Hodgkinson might have killed a dozen.
How about invading restaurants and hounding people who are trying to eat dinner ?
@steve uhr, appropriate question. Either you recognize that Hitler's Brown Shirts and Mussolini's Black Shirts applying physical violence and threats of physical violence is effectively the same as antifa in Portland applying physical violence and the raging, screaming mobs trying to intimidate senators into voting the way that they want senators to vote, or you don't. If you don't, then I probably can't help you any more than I can explain the chain rule in calculus.
Blogger mccullough said...
Antifa are mostly white men.
Negative. Not only are the leaders mostly women, and the most violent ones women, but but it's at most a 50/50 breakdown--I'd give the edge towards women.
Watch a few videos. Last weekend in Portland is a good place to start.
"Kavanaugh Doesn't Have The Right Temperament!' Screams Protester Lobbing Grenade Outside Supreme Court."
--satiric headline from the Babylon Bee, quoted in today's
#MeToo is diversitist, notably misandrist, and transhuman, given to violating human and civil rights. #HateLovesAbortion
Not only are the leaders mostly women, and the most violent ones women, but but it's at most a 50/50 breakdown--I'd give the edge towards women.
Maybe in Portland, but in the Bay Area they're mostly white men. For the past twenty years I've watched them smash the windows of minority-owned businesses in the name of no justice, no peace.
So let me summarize what I read in these comments so far.
1. Kavanaugh is not suited to the SCOTUS for an emotional outburst.
2. Republicans at a designated rally spot chanting 'lock her up' is morally equivalent to Democrats physically harassing Republicans in civic spaces. Or perhaps even worse, because... REASONS!
3. Republicans are an 'angry mob', but Democrats are thoughtful citizens.
Is that about right?
It is correct, but it certainly isn't right.
It's like Cookie & Inga are living in some other reality of their own creation where the actual reality doesn't intrude.
1) PROVOKED emotional response
2) physically harassing...shooting, beating with bike locks, pummeling off the lawn mower, doxing their kids...
3) Democrats are thoughtful. They think a lot about attacking and assassinating Republicans. Check their twitter feeds. They talk about it too.
Inga's still pissed James Hodgkinson wasn't a better shot.
She might be pissed that the Capitol policewoman was a much better shot.
Beating with bike locks are a form of loving another person right?
"So Cookie,
You must think Lindsey Graham was absolutely unhinged."
Yes, of course. But then, he's always been an asshole. His behavior also seemed theatrical, done for effect.
"Kavanaugh reacted the way a genuine man would react."
Perhaps, if one thinks a "genuine man" is, in effect, an overgrown 14-year old boy.
I bet if someone permanently stained Cookie's reputation with zero evidence with charges Cookie knew to be false but also knew that half the country was politically motivated to believe and would never drop, he would certainly remain unemotional.
I bet if someone permanently stained Cookie's reputation with zero evidence with charges Cookie knew to be false but also knew that half the country was politically motivated to believe and would never drop, he would certainly remain unemotional.
That's what the fictional character "Robert Cook" would do. The person who writes posts under that name might take it differently.
I'm surprised at Cook. He's an older guy right? You would think with age comes wisdom, no?
Cook - haven't you ever heard of the idea that someone on the sidelines can't judge those who are in the arena? You are a heckler in the crowd, and Kavanaugh has been in the arena for decades. I personally will not judge those who put themselves on the line like that, as I have not been in those shoes. How DARE you presume to judge him.
Oh yeah, if believed, the uncorroborated charges would not only cost Cookie a promotion, but his current job, his pension, and he would be banished forever from polite society, not to mention that the charges themselves are horrifying.
Apparently in this new #MeToo environment, men are expected to literally take it up the ass and do it with a smile.
In all seriousness, this 'listen and believe' stuff is costing young mens' lives. I just read about a young man(17) from the UK who hung himself over a false rape charge and his bereaved mom hung herself several months later. This is a real human cost to this evil fucking ideology and the sooner it's eradicated the better.
"Done for effect." Cookie is the omniscient narrator and we just live in his world.
Cookie, you're a partisan Democrat. You're upset that Hillary lost.
Democrats can't understand the anger of even moderates like Collins and Graham because they find it impossible to even hear arguments from the other side, much understand them. So they make up theories that put everything back to a way that they do understand. This often requires astounding feats of knowledge of what lesser humans might consider unknowable.
There's an 'empathy gap' but it isn't conservatives who are guilty. Just watch CNN/MSNBC every day to get a good dose. You think the likes of Don Lemon would shed a tear if a prominent conservative was eviscerated on live television? Hell Don Lemon would do it himself if he could get away with it.
"Cookie, you're a partisan Democrat. You're upset that Hillary lost."
No, I'm happy Hillary Clinton is not the President. I'm also unhappy Trump is the President. This is the problem with our politics: it's always lose/lose. There's never any candidate who will win who is fit to win, never any candidate put forth by either major party who is fit to be the president.
Perhaps Inga is correct and everyone loves what the Democrats have done and will vote them in in a landslide, giving Senate and House to the 'enlightened people'.
So she has submitted this to a test.
IF people like what the Democrats did and what they stand for, they will win.
And if the Democrats DO NOT WIN, Inga?
Perhaps you may...but it is to laugh. You will take no lesson from a staggering loss any more than you took a lesson from the 1000 other defeats before.
But a SENSIBLE Democrat, if any remain, might take this latest vote as a message...however it falls.
"How DARE you presume to judge him."
Uh...that's what a representative government--assuming we had one--is all about: judging the fitness of those who put themselves forth to, ahem, serve us.
To me, the most distressing thing about the Kav hearings and accusations are the fact that not a single Democrat politician believes the lies they are telling. Schumer does not believe what he says. Niether does Pelosi or Fienstien. or Booker, Harris, etc.
They do have the young people and impressionable people stirred up. Those here who expect a backlash against the left may be disappointed. I hope not. Keep in mind that there are many more voters who are not as immersed in this soap opera as commenters here are. Most people see and hear the constant barrage of anti Trump/Repub stuff, whether by intent, or incidentally when listening to the radio or watching the TV. Not to mention facebook and twitter and news feeds on their cell phones.
There's never any candidate who will win who is fit to win, never any candidate put forth by either major party who is fit to be the president.
Stalin died. Lenin, too.
When you have lost Joe Scarborough...
I wonder why Cookie doesn’t understand why a man who spent a lifetime building up a well-deserved reputation for honesty and integrity would be provoked into honest anger when his reputation is trashed by scum like like the Democrats on the panel. The obvious conclusion is that Cookie himself is lacking in honesty and integrity, perhaps even regards them with a degree of contempt. We get that Cookie doesn’t understand manliness, so just add honesty and integrity to the list of things that, to him, are just words in a dictionary.
Friends don't let friends become liberals. Four years difference
Robert Cook is clever enough not to let his goat get gotten.
If Hillary had been elected, she probably would have nominated Gloria Allred to the Supereme Court.
That's how Democrats characterize pro-human rights activists. #HateLovesAbortion
K was afforded multiple opportunities to lie down, face first, at the front of the bus; kneel at the middle of the bus; or stand at the back of the bus. But his #Jew... WhitePrivilege made him arrogant. Warlocks don't have civil rights.
I note that Inga has not responded at all to people noticing how she laughed at Mrs. Rand having to sleep with a loaded gun to protect herself from Democrats.
This is the same Inga, of course, who took 11 months to decide that shooting Republicans in cold blood was perhaps not a good thing. 11 months!
The videos of antifa chasing down and beating elderly men who "chose the wrong way" strikes her as funny as well--everyone knows anarchy and mob rule is the best! Especially Democrat anarchy and mob rule!
I honestly think Inga loves the violence and Hitlerian tactics of her fellow Democrats. She never condemns them unless directly pushed.
And since her party hates Jews as much as Hitler did, I'm sure she will happily volunteer for some position at Hillary's Fun Camp where Republicans are forced in at gunpoint and only leave in an urn.
Big Mike said...
I wonder why Cookie doesn’t understand why a man who spent a lifetime building up a well-deserved reputation for honesty and integrity would be provoked into honest anger when his reputation is trashed by scum like like the Democrats on the panel. The obvious conclusion is that Cookie himself is lacking in honesty and integrity, perhaps even regards them with a degree of contempt.
This isn't right. He simply understands his position combined withe the "no enemies to the left" ethos means the rules will never be applied to him.
Omniscience is but one of Cookie's God like powers. Superhuman restraint is but another.
Hillary says no civility until the Democrats take back Congress. Unbelievable! Reward Democrat thugs! Elect them to office!
More here, of coursence
U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D.
At a time when Republicans are being shot, stabbed, doxxed, beaten, mailed powder, run out of restaurants, and sent death threats, Hillary Clinton urges Democrats to be even more uncivil. What an irresponsible statement. Every Democrat should denounce.
“We have noted your support for violence and intimidation.
You can laugh all you want.
You are an amoral violent hate filled piece of shit.”
10/9/18, 1:36 PM
Achilles' observation is entirely accurate, Inga. Well, not entirely. He forgot to mention how stupid you are.
“I note that Inga has not responded at all to people noticing how she laughed at Mrs. Rand having to sleep with a loaded gun to protect herself from Democrats.”
I laughed at the visual of her sleeping with a loaded “hun” you humorless dolt. There, now I have responded.
I guess the notion of Jewish Americans being liberals and Democrats hasn’t occured to Vance.
You people are getting nuttier by the day.
And more hate filled, if that’s even possible.
“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about," Clinton said in an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour. "That's why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that's when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength."
All right, we don’t need to waste any time on ‘civilty can start again when we win’, but what does the Republicans want to “destroy what [we] stand for, what [we] care about," mean? What, specifically, is she claiming Republicans want to destroy?
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
“And more hate filled, if that’s even possible.”
Yeah, Inga. We really hate the idea of our Congressmen being shot on a softball field, our Senators and presidential staffers being chased out of restaurants, presidential candidates being whitewashed by the FBI, network news giving 90+% negative coverage to our President, screeching mobs trying to break into the Supreme Courthouse, speakers being chased of campus, mobs in Portland and elsewhere stopping traffic, vandalizing cars and threatening bystanders with violence, etc., etc.
We know you can’t understand, but can you ever forgive us?
Just saw footage from Portland. What was that about?
Blogger Original Mike said...
Just saw footage from Portland. What was that about?
Leftist Mayor who told the cops to let it roll.
"‘An angry mob’: Republicans work to recast Democratic protests as out-of-control anarchy"
They don't have to work to hard at it, though.
Can't make it up:
(Hillary says)
“I remember what they did to me for 25 years — the falsehoods, the lies, which unfortunately people believe because the Republicans have put a lot of time, money, and effort in promoting them,” Clinton said. “So when you’re dealing with an ideological party that is driven by the lust for power, that is funded by corporate interests who want a government that does its bidding, it’s — you can be civil, but you can’t overcome what they intend to do unless you win elections.”
“So when you’re dealing with an ideological party that is driven by the lust for power, that is funded by corporate interests who want a government that does its bidding, it’s — you can be civil, but you can’t overcome what they intend to do unless you win elections.”
That's a decent explanation for the Republican dilemma. Why is she so pissed about being right?
Honestly, why does the media spend anytime interviewing this political has-been? Hillary is as relevant to politics as Pat Paulsen is at this point. 2 time, bitter,loser who won't go awary. Why don't they interview Bill? At least he was a winner and not fucking stupid like his wife.
All Hillary had to do — literally! — was listen to her husband and follow his advice. Loser.
"The Althouse Trumpkins thought that I was imagining Cohen's crimes. But I wasn't."
But Cohen isn'i Trump. Is he.
Oh I know. Bbbbbbut he's Trumps lawyer! And probbly a dozen other peoples lawyer as well. So?
Hillary is a LOSER. She should stop trying to explain her LOSSES. She first LOST to Barack Obama in the primary. She then LOST to Trump in the general election. These are two big LOSSES. And I going to continue to WRITE like this. Because it is quite FUN to do so.
I don't know how you describe Antifa as anything more benign than an angry mob. And looking at videos of how Portland, OR has let them take over their streets, well, yeah, Trump is right enough to be well within the norms of political campaign discourse.
If they don't want to be called an angry mob maybe they should stop BEING an angry mob.
1. Do you want more severe anti-crime enforcement or not? I want anti-crime enforcement that follows the law and due process, not the assumption of guilt, but presumption of innocence.
2. Showing righteous anger is fine as long as your display doesn't disrupt others or stop people from moving freely (like mobs in WA), or drown out others right to express themselves, especially in venues where others have come to hear them.
3. I believe Leftists, especially women have become hysterical and irrational. They are terrifying, and the idea of putting the left in charge is terrifying. They are incapable of rational thought, and are governed by blinding emotions, which is exactly the stereotype men joke about women. They are vindictive and don't see the consequences of their actions.
Freder Frederson said...
But at least they are all getting paid.
I have heard this before. Could you please tell me how I can get paid by George Soros. He has stiffed me so far.
10/9/18, 7:25 AM
I think Michael Avenatti can get you $10 million or so by talking about his penis. (Here's a hint: it's circumcised.)
Althouse says: "Own it!"
Yet another indication she is not as intelligent as her readers give her credit for.
"Own it"
Howsabout some good old rule of law. Ya know. Innocent until proven guilty. Instead a shit like mob rule what we just seen.
There's never any candidate who will win who is fit to win, never any candidate put forth by either major party who is fit to be the president.
This is Robert Cook admitting that he will never become president.
I watched some of the Trump rallies before and after the election. Most of the time when I see the Lock Her Up chant I don't see violent behavior...The crowds are SMILING AND LAUGHING, except for some anti-Trump person who is looking for trouble. The Trump rally folks don't have their pitchforks, black masks on or looking to create violence. That said, most of them think Bill and Hillary are total crooks and hope for due process that will find them guilty of corruption. The Trump rally people are not the mob...they own the small business in your community, are your neighborhood blue collar worker, your grandparents, etc.... From what I have read (95% is my guess) of the problems at the rallies were caused by outside and opposition forces. The media and their co-conspirators, the Democrats, have done a good job at smearing decent folks.
Left-leaning politicians and their power over Law enforcement in certain communities have been the cause of some or most of the violence happening. Charlottesville, recent Silent Sam protest, recent Portland protests just to name a few are the result of law enforcement being held back by corrupt politicians who are willing to create or allow a situation to build into violence. This kind of action has been allowed at colleges, as well. Shameful.
Legal gun owners in this country own 300 million firearms, about a trillion rounds of ammunition.
Tick ... tick ... tick ...
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