You know, people expect that if you’re black you have to be Democrat... You know they tried to scare me to not wear this hat, my own friends, but this hat, it gives me power in a way.... [W]hen I put this hat on, it made me feel like Superman. You made us Superman, that’s my favorite superhero, and you made a Superman cape for me.... So, I had the balls, because I have enough balls to put on this hat.... I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I was connected with a neuropsychologist that works with the athletes in the NBA and NFL. He looked at my brain, it’s equal on three parts. I’m gonna go ahead, drop some bombs for you. 98 percentile IQ test, I had a 75 percentile of all human beings when it was counting eight numbers backwards, so I’m gonna work on that one. The other ones, 98 percent, Tesla, Freud. So, he said that I actually wasn’t bipolar, I had sleep deprivation, which could cause dementia 10-20 years from now, where I wouldn’t even remember my sons name. So, all this power that I’ve got, and I’m taking my son to the Sox game and all that, I wouldn’t be able to remember his name, from a misdiagnosis. What we need is, we can empower the pharmaceuticals and make more money... we can empower our factories.... And one of the things we gotta set is, Ford to have the highest designs. The dopest cars. The most amazing. I don’t really say, “dope,” I don’t say negative words and try to flip ‘em. We just say positive, lovely, divine, universal words. So, the flyest, freshest, most amazing car. And what we start with, is – I brought a GIF with me right here. [Scrolls through iPhone to show Trump.] This right here is the iPlane 1. It’s a hydrogen powered airplane, and this is what our president should be flying in.....
October 12, 2018
This is what I've been waiting for: a full transcript of Kanye West's Oval Office monologue.
Here it is (at New York Magazine). I needed it in writing, because it's such an overload when he's speaking. Some highlights:
Ok Kanye. Your work here is done. You can return to planet Krypton now.
We already see and hear the panic from the left regarding Kanye and what his public position might portend for the left.
I guarantee "Jennifer Rubin republican" Chuck will not be far behind.
Now that Chucks lefty media heroes have clearly indicated their mission to destroy Kanye I would expect a nonstop stream of continuing racist comments by Chuck and his lefty media allies to deflect from the truth: Trump and his policies are helping African Americans....and everyone else too.
Except MS13. And Russian mercenaries in Syria. And anti-American trade Chuck.
Where's the part about needing a father figure and Trump's MAGA hat making him feel like Superman and all that?
I think he had more than one monologue....
If he's so smart, why did he marry Kim Kardashian?
I blame it on the candy corn beer.
The big news items today include Kanye West, Roseanne, and Taylor Swift. There was also a hurricane, about which I'm awaiting for either Madonna's or Tom Cruise's views.
Tesla and Freud were 99.99 not 98
98 percentile? I can believe it, but Tesla was on another planet.
Kanye speaking up for the South Side. Mentions the White Sox and Ford, which has a plant on the far southeast side.
Make Chicago Great Again.
Mike Trout had Yikes as his walk up song in the All Star Game.
Kanye West is an excellent business man.
No wonder he likes Trump so much. They're practically the same guy.
See Scott Adams for an analysis as genius.
sounds a bit like he's looking for some new-brand kool-aid
I'm not the intended audience because I already think blacks are being had but perhaps are not smart enough to see it; but then women are being had too, and they're plenty smart enough, so maybe smart isn't the problem.
Trump only needs to carve 10-15% off the Black vote to have another November surprise.
Howard: "Trump only needs to carve 10-15% off the Black vote to have another November surprise."
Thats what scares the crap out of LLR Chuck and the lefties.
Blogger Rob said...
If he's so smart, why did he marry Kim Kardashian?
They seem to be smart enough to make a billion and either they chose good advisors or good investments.
Not so dumb to me.
Howard is in one of his brief sane episodes.
I've been wondering what Crack thinks of this.
Both the Kanye appearance at the white house and the medias reaction to it.
The thought-stream is very Trumpish.
Paul Z - lol
I like how he started.
You could go to Crack's blog, which is often worth a read
Racist means ill will towards the dynamics of democrats taking care of blacks.
I don't think that fails anywhere in actual use.
Follow the link, read the whole thing. Nice mix of crazy and sensible.
West is a dreamer, a visionary, a creative seer. He is describing a future that is not necessarily where he, we will be, but where we could be, and may want to be. Definitely not the lowest common denominator.
I am reminded of the old maxim:
1. Not every thought needs to be spoken; not every utterance, needs to be written down.
Methinks Kanye is more of the oral type, not the written type.
Probably, true for Trump too.
But, that's a mere stylistic quibble.
Promoting the idea that it's ok for blacks to not vote Democrat is, if I may paraphrase VP Joe Biden, a big fuckin' deal.
“If he's so smart, why did he marry Kim Kardashian?”
B- double O- T-Y. You have seen her booty?
Crack’s take is interesting but he’s fixated on New Age. (His redesigned website looks great).
Kanye has some mental health issues, which he freely talks about.
But that Oval Office press show was 99% brand advertisement for Kanye and his Yezzy line at Adidas.
How much did Apple Pay Kanye to pull out that iPhone, $5 million?
My favorite part of the transcript actually comes after Kanye is done with his manifesto when Trump tries to get Jim Brown involved. Big Jim won’t take the bait, but says “That makes a lot of sense.” Only of course it doesn’t, but as a trump knows it didn’t have to make sense to be effective.
I'm more of a Jim Brown guy, than a Kanye West guy.
But, anything that moves blacks off the Democrat political plantation, I'm for.
It makes more sense read as a whole. I don't think it can be summarized. But this isn't a guy who is going to make it as an extemporaneous speaker unless he clocks down the ole CPU.
Howard: "Trump only needs to carve 10-15% off the Black vote to have another November surprise."
I think Trump can do that, *for Trump*.
Whether he can do it for random whiteguy Republican in the midterms is another question.
So, with record low unemployment, limits on immigration, trade deals favoring US workers, justice for black students in higher ed kangaroo courts, what's the plantation got to offer to keep blacks on it?
"what's the plantation got to offer to keep blacks on it"
They don't want to admit that they have wasted 50 years ...
Thanks, Y'all, for the compliments on TMR's new layout. I did another post on Kanye after his SNL visit that I think is more revealing of my thoughts, now, than even the post you referenced.
I just spoke to a group of black friends about Kanye and the consensus seems to be he's garnering respect for his individuality. Nobody's sure what it "means", but they're impressed he's so intimate with power, considering his Rap trajectory.
I think, if the only person we'll all listen to is a black guy with bi-polar disorder, then I'll take it.
Better him than Don Lemon.
exhelodrvr1 said...
"what's the plantation got to offer to keep blacks on it"
"They don't want to admit that they have wasted 50 years ..."
I do not "get" where white guys get this formulation from. Most don't understand the challenges, so how can they assess "waste"? It's just so hard to listen to people speaking so so confidently, yet so ignorantly.
It hits me the way I imagine Louis Farrakhan hits Jews.
When Eminem did this in a tirade against Trump, it was brilliant and incisive rap. Or so said the star-f*cking media.
I think Trump respects Kanye's refusal to be controlled.
That, and the fact that Kanye is worth hundreds of millions - money he made all on his own. Trump respects that also and gives the man his propers.
Most conservative whites insist blacks should've followed Booker T. Washington's admonition, to work under whites and give up voting power, instead of following the Communist W. E. B. Du Bois, but - without W. E. B. Du Bois - there'd be no Kanye sitting with Trump, so which is it?
Are we "wasting" time - or merely not doing what whites think we should do - because whites never do much for us to trust them?
Kanye has to work on his stump speech before running for President in 2024.
I second the motion that Crack’s blog is often worth a read, and upgrade that to “always” worth a read.
As for Trump’s African-American support being transferable to other Republican candidates, we’ll see. Are GOP candidates actively courting African Americans? If not, today would be a good day to begin.
well in Haiti, there was a music entrepreneur, mickey martel, who ran a successful independent presidential campaign, he had much more depth than Kanye,
That, and the fact that Kanye is worth hundreds of millions - money he made all on his own. Trump respects that also and gives the man his propers.
You know why old money despises new money? Because new money knows that old money are a bunch of self indulgent poseurs who couldn't have done it on their own, and old money knows it.
One more thing:
Y'all is always bagging on black people - but you're quick to point out there's poor whites when you want to assume your own victim pose - so here's my question:
Why don't I ever come here and randomly find y'all bagging on THEM?
For a group of people who insist they're not racists, you sure know how to look like it.
It's enough that blacks don't get whipped up into a frenzy to "defeat Trump" to cripple Democrats. Blacks are starting to get what has been obvious from the start, from the time Trump fought the old money wasps in Palm Beach to let Blacks and Jews into Mar a Lago, Trump is not a racist, and comes from a place of trying to help the Black community.
Why don't I ever come here and randomly find y'all bagging on THEM?
Who? Poor whites? The people the Democrats kicked out of their party?
"Are we "wasting" time - or merely not doing what whites think we should do - because whites never do much for us to trust them?"
It's pretty clear that the Democrats approach to issues that disproportionately impact blacks is not working.
Two things crack.
1) I don't care about poor whites any more or less than I care about anyone in this nation. We all have the same opportunity. Go and get it. If you ask for a hand out, I don't care what color you are, I'm probably going to have an issue with it.
2) I do t agree with your perception of, "Ya'll" but I'll be happy to listen to specific examples.
sounds a bit like he's looking for some new-brand kool-aid
Jim Jones could not be reached for comment.
He was a leftist who gave his devoted followers Kool-Aid.
Do you recall Jonestown, Howard?
That right there is some Trump-level gibberish.
And it is so rare these days, that we get to use a word like "gibberish."
You can't keep your boot on the neck of blue collar working whites without stomping on the neck of blue collar working blacks. Democrats should have thought of that.
He definitely needs to work on the eight-numbers-backwards thing. With a little practice he could be smarter than Newton.
The Booker T v DuBois is always intesting a(as is the DuBois Talented Tenth) and still relevant.
But as the US has become less white demographically it hasn’t become more black. To me, it’s very hard for the US to come to terms with legacy of slavery when so many Americans aren’t “white” anymore.
Mexican-Americans are almost 12% of the population now, a number that’s rising. They just passed up the number of Irish Americans and will shortly pass up the number of African Americans. They still lag behind the number of German Americans but will pass them up in 20 years.
Trump is a throw back. For him, blacks are the minority he cares about. Its like its 1978 to him. I think the reason he wants The Wall is because he wants to integrate blacks into the US. Fulfill the promise.
I think it’s a fair criticism of Trump to say he’s anti-Mexican, even Anti-Chinese. Trump is not anti-Black as most GOP have been. The GOP hoped to lock up the Mexican vote, as W did a good job of this. W did a bad job for blacks.
Kanye was right about his criticism of W. It’s not that W hated blacks. It’s that he neglected them. W is pro-Mexican.
Chuck said...
'And it is so rare these days, that we get to use a word like "gibberish."'
I don't know, Chuck. Don't apes gibber? You better be careful.
tim in vermont said...
"Why don't I ever come here and randomly find y'all bagging on THEM?"
Who? Poor whites? The people the Democrats kicked out of their party?
Sure. According to the way y'all talk, they've been "wasting" more than the last 50 years, but y'all don't bag on 'em - why?
exhelodrvr1 said...
"It's pretty clear that the Democrats approach to issues that disproportionately impact blacks is not working."
It's also pretty clear no one's going to Republicans because they want to or like them or their policies.
It's just by default.
eric said...
"1) I don't care about poor whites any more or less than I care about anyone in this nation."
That's not the point: I never come here and see y'all having a field day on the "bad choices" of whites in the Appalachians or whatever. They're not your targets for ridicule - no matter what they've done or how they got there.
You guys are fixated on blacks.
yet he was able to negotiate a trade deal with mexico's lopez obrador who is at odds in significant respects, more than with Trudeau, which would seem to be counterintuitive, except the Canadian cupola, is like the bourbons, they know nothing, and forget nothing,
with the Chinese, it's more strictly economic as well as strategic interests, Belmont spells out part of this,
marshall mathers good god he's a fool, yet he has a following among the young, across the lake you have Justin Bieber,
mccullough said...
"Mexican-Americans are almost 12% of the population now, a number that’s rising."
They're still not as dynamic as blacks are, so I don't worry about 'em, even in greater numbers. I see blacks as being held waaaay back from making our full contribution to this nation, and the world, and it's whites who still dictate that state of affairs.
They still have the ultimate numbers.
narciso said...
"marshall mathers good god he's a fool, yet he has a following among the young, across the lake you have Justin Bieber,"
The Beeb's going through an identity crisis over religion. It's wild to watch. I hope he makes it through alright.
mccullough said...
"Trump is a throw back. For him, blacks are the minority he cares about. Its like its 1978 to him. I think the reason he wants The Wall is because he wants to integrate blacks into the US. Fulfill the promise."
I think so, too. And that would be splendid.
If we started ranking on the bad choices poor whites have made, the comments would be about nothing else. I grew up among poor whites, a lot of cop/criminal element among my peers, but we never thought of ourselves as "poor," just broke on account of some bad choices, like having a huge number of kids, for one. So to me it's obvious that a mindset is what gets a white family out of poverty, anyway.
BTW - I feel compelled to say, over the last few days, I've been gratified to come here and not find comments tinged with racism. I was going to mention it, but thought it better to see if it was a new state of things and, if so, allow it to be established without comment.
We can all do better.
And that's MY Kanye moment.
leadership and culture, one might argue that one stems from the other, is determinative, it's disappointing that a dr. ben carson, and his horatio alger like story of uplift isn't appreciated more, yet Kanye is, heck even Bruno mars would be an improvement,
although teaming up with the baldwin clan, hay dios mio,
"I think the reason he wants The Wall is because he wants to integrate blacks into the US. Fulfill the promise."
I hope he succeeds. I want all our citizens to have the full opportunity that ought to be their American birthright. I don't understand the desire to import poor people to compete with Americans. Struggling Americans have enough going against them, why so much effort to reduce their employment opportunities, make their lives harder?
BTW - I feel compelled to say, over the last few days, I've been gratified to come here and not find comments tinged with racism. I was going to mention it, but thought it better to see if it was a new state of things and, if so, allow it to be established without comment.
Thanks, Crack.
It sounds like everyone is calming down a bit.
tim in vermont said...
"A mindset is what gets a white family out of poverty, anyway."
I wish it was so easy for blacks. I can't tell you the number of times I've set my mind to "positive", only to have that shit rubbed in my face, like America's eternally Jimmy Cagney with a grapefruit. Have that happen enough and - even if you're optimistic by nature - you learn to keep your guard up. Permanently. Then that becomes crippling in a world built on trust, and down you go.
There's a whole lot of psychoanalysis that goes into being black. Hardly any black psychiatrists.
Resilience up the ying-yang.
> I think it’s a fair criticism of Trump to say he’s anti-Mexican, even Anti-Chinese.
"George Bush doesn't care about black people"
Jimmy Cagney with the grapefruit.
Crack has a beautiful mind. People don’t have to agree with him, but he’s a good writer.
but this hat, it gives me power in a way.... [W]hen I put this hat on, it made me feel like Superman. You made us Superman, that’s my favorite superhero, and you made a Superman cape for me.... So, I had the balls, because I have enough balls to put on this hat....
Wearing the hat gives him power because it makes him a rebel. Being a rebel is cool. It's nice of the Left to make supporting a Republican cool. I can't remember that ever being a thing.
Don Lemon Slams Kanye’s Oval Office ‘Minstrel Show,’ Says Rapper’s Mom ‘Rolling Over in Her Grave’
Democrats who know me offline, and my skeptical nature, demand to know why The Coal Train looks pro-Trump, and I tell them, "He's doing better than you are."
They got nothing to compete with Kanye.
Howard: "Trump only needs to carve 10-15% off the Black vote to have another November surprise."
I think Trump can do that, *for Trump*.
Whether he can do it for random whiteguy Republican in the midterms is another question.
I agree.
Struggling Americans have enough going against them, why so much effort to reduce their employment opportunities, make their lives harder?
Because there’re 120 million Mexicans vs 47 million AA?
AAs were sold out in the ‘86 amnesty. It’s a numbers game IMHO.
Kanye was right about his criticism of W. It’s not that W hated blacks. It’s that he neglected them. W is pro-Mexican.
Africans may differ in that opinion. Didn’t W do a lot for Africa? he was even anointed by Bono.
Mary Beth said...
"Wearing the hat gives him power because it makes him a rebel. Being a rebel is cool. It's nice of the Left to make supporting a Republican cool. I can't remember that ever being a thing."
South Park Republicans during W's era.
Here's what I want to see now: a commitment that when Kanye crashes - and he will - we'll still be nice to him. I will, because I'm not trying to exploit a bi-polar artist for ideological purposes, but actually care beyond that, as he's asking. That will send a bigger message to blacks than all your "plantation" talk. Abandoning him would be cruel.
The Crack Emcee: "Democrats who know me offline, and my skeptical nature, demand to know why The Coal Train looks pro-Trump, and I tell them, "He's doing better than you are."
That sounds familiar.
"Those writers who were closest to Ruth attempted to convince the slugger that this was no time to hold out, with millions unemployed and thousands on the point of actual starvation. How much did Babe want, anyway?
“Just what I’ve been getting for the last two seasons,” explained Ruth with what he thought was a great show of patience, “$8o,ooo.”
“$8o,ooo a year! In these times!” expostulated one of the writers. Don’t be silly, Babe. Why that’s more than Hoover gets for being president of the United States.”
“What the hell has Hoover got to do with this?” demanded the Babe. “Anyway, I had a better year than he did.”
Seeing Red said...
"Kanye was right about his criticism of W. It’s not that W hated blacks. It’s that he neglected them. W is pro-Mexican."
I made that point on the blog, a few days ago, here.
"Africans may differ in that opinion. Didn’t W do a lot for Africa? he was even anointed by Bono."
I made that point on the blog, back in 2008, here.
That's a lot of time to stay "current"
Trump is more concerned about the slaves we brought here 200 years ago than the slaves that we're bringing in now. It's no mystery why Trump's popularity with AAs grows.
I found Kanye's verbal expression made more sense than the written transcription. Not sure why, but probably because when someone is speaking and touching on points rapidly my mind automatically fills in the info whereas in the printed version I just see the gaps and the lack of development. Also, with music the meaning sometimes comes through in the phrasing and the emphasis and emotion, and that's completely missing in the written version.
I wanted to respond to some things Crack said -- about why whites attack low income blacks and not low income whites due to some possible inherent racism. I see it differently, that whites are constantly blamed for the lack of economic achievement of blacks, and so there is a natural defense mechanism which pushes back against the blame, putting it back on blacks. Whites are not constantly reminded about low income whites or blamed for their failure to thrive, so no need for that defensive reaction. What if the same reasons were true for the low income whites and low income blacks? Would the black community want to know about it? Does the black community want to examine the psychological causes of crime and poverty and deal with healing it in emotional and psychological terms? I don't think so, Democratic Socialists certainly never will. Kanye seemed to indicate that he wants healing. Institutionalized racism has not stopped him. Racism exists but he transcends it. Trump inspires that transcendence, and that's why Kanye loves him so.
Duck Fon Lemon!
I hear Kanye as saying this:
"I had the courage to support Trump. Like Superman I had a disguise and I took off my disguise and stepped up to help a good man.
I am not crazy. I do not have bipolar disorder but sleep deprivation
I am not stupid. Discussion of IQ In three tests I did well; in counting backward I did poorly so I'm going to practice.
I'm wealthy and powerful and can afford good seats at the World Series which cost thousands of dollars. But even so I could have ended up with dementia from sleep deprivation because I was misdiagnosed as bipolar. I could have ended up forgetting my own son's name due to this misdiagnosis.
We need to attract manufacturing back to the US and car manufacturing back to Detroit and part of that must be that we should aim at having exciting. stylish cars, "the flyest, freshest, most amazing car." I could help with this, I have style insight. And, for instance, Air Force One should be hydrogen powered."
Why does Kanye make good points in that obscure way he does? If only Kanye would use English as I do, he might have a chance at being successful.
Crack, I’ve been on vacation and don’t read everything.
To answer Trump is anti-China: anti Chinese people or anti-government? I’m anti-communist too so HELL YES! Clinton do,d us down that river in the 90s and we’re paying for it now BIGLY. That’s one reason why eprenegotiation of NAFTA was important. We either hang together or we’ll hang separately.
Explanatory media website Vox has been receiving money from a Chinese communist government-backed front organization.
A recent Vox blog post by foreign editor Yochi Dreazen titled, "The big winner of the Trump-Kim summit? China" discloses at the bottom of the piece that the reporting was subsidized by the China-United States Exchange Foundation.
Dated Language, maybe, can see where his imagery might be coming from.
Not the best translation, but still Very Good. Then again, "Languages Learn Languages," according to another literary / imagery gangster, Milorad Pavic.
Very good. Watch as people deliberately misunderstand.
Re: Crack's comment at 5:53 about a better atmosphere in the comments section:
I am reading a book called "Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most.". One of the athors' main points is that it is far more effective to discuss how each party to a conflict has contributed to the dispute (as opposed to simply assigning blame). Another point they make is that we often have different perceptions of what the relevant facts are, and we often think (incorrectly) that we know what the other person's intentions are or were. Just some things to keep in mind while commenting. I am not doing justice to the book. I would recommend reading it.
R.J. Chatt: I wanted to respond to some things Crack said -- about why whites attack low income blacks and not low income whites due to some possible inherent racism.
But that's not true. NR's Kevin Williamson, for example, dumped all over Appalachian whites, claiming they wind up as boorish tweakers BECAUSE they are losers in the first place. And as we all know, Democrats routinely mock poor whites as Deplorables.
Apparently, Crack just chooses not to notice those attacks because he's constantly looking for racism against blacks, and NEEDS to contrast the treatment he thinks poor whites get. In that respect he's the hammer that goes through life obsessively looking for nails.
Bt I have to say: Crack's got a very good website going for him. I'll never understand why he's so obsessed with New Age crackpotism as emblematic of general white beliefs; most of us think it's a crock of shit.
Let's not forget that it's the Left, the Progs, the self-proclaimed champions of racial justice who believe in such bullshit as: homeopathy, acupuncture, osteopathy, naturopathy, Pyramid Power, Gaia, ESP, auras, spoon-bending psychics, Freudianism, feng shui, rolfing, harmonic convergence, "organic" foods, unprecedented/human-caused "climate change", re-incarnation, herbalism, telekinesis, aromatherapy, ouija boards, seances, chakras, channeling, GMO's as Frankenfood, wymyn's way of knowing, megavitamins, colonics, and----most of all and especially----the Nostrum of all Nostrums: Scientific Socialism.
Conservatives, being far more rational than hebephrenic Progs, generally reject such nonsense.
So Crack, when you jeer at New Age stuff, don't blame us!
If we started ranking on the bad choices poor whites have made, the comments would be about nothing else. I grew up among poor whites.... broke on account of some bad choices....
The rules are simple, clear and well known:
Stay in school
Invest in yourself
Don't have kids until married
Don't waste your life on excessive alcohol or drugs
Delay your wants until you can afford them
Don't spend more than you earn, and a few more....
Follow these and your odds of bettering yourself go way up. Obviously there are exceptions. Some holes are much deeper, darker and harder to climb to daylight.
I can see members of my family that moved up from crushing poverty to real wealth - far more than I managed - in one generation. I've seen other family members that stayed down by not following the rules. And, most sadly of all a couple that reversed course and dropped into poverty from a middle class start.
Most of the poorer ones blame bad luck or "the man". Suggesting they try the rules causes grunts of derision.
All of them feel entitled to (even more of) my money (than I've already given them).
So Crack, when you jeer at New Age stuff, don't blame us!
I avoid Crack like the plague,
Hell Crack is just saying don't look at blacks like Hillary looks at you.
Fair enough.
And everyone ought be saying Hell Crack more, in that order, in direct succession.
Hell Crack can dig that.
Were Kanye and Murakami separated at birth? Roommates for years? OK, maybe just soulmates?
Certainly a pair to beat any full house.
Screw the very tired TED horse, I would pay a fortune to sit at their feet at a joint seminar.
"You guys are fixated on blacks."
Actually, on this site I fixate on ignoring him.
If this was David Foster Wallace, we'd call it literature. It's not sleep deprivation, he likely is bipolar, like Wallace, and similarly talented.
Also large-hearted, kind, loving, and courageous.
With respect, sir. Could you entertain the notion that a lot of what you consider to be discrimination is not because of your race or other factors but rather because there is an oversupply of horse's asses in the land?
As an old white guy I have certainly run into far more of them than I deserve. You either develop a thick skin or you go around feeling sorry for yourself.
Then there's always the possibility that you, yourself, are the asshole. Happens.
"If only Kanye would use English as I do, he might have a chance at being successful."
Kanye's English has been quite successful.
Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pound ought and six, result misery.
Charles Dickens, David Copperfield, 1849
"Why don't I ever come here and randomly find y'all bagging on THEM?"
Who? Poor whites? The people the Democrats kicked out of their party?
Sure. According to the way y'all talk, they've been "wasting" more than the last 50 years, but y'all don't bag on 'em - why?
Because everyone accepts the fact that poor White people are poor because they make poor choices and behave counterproductively. No one tries to blame their poverty on the bad actions and/or bad will of other people. No one tries to defend them by bringing up historical grievances that effected their ancestors.
How did the Press treat Taylor Swift endorsing a Democrat?
How did the Press treat Kanye endorsing Trump?
I have no idea what message the Black community takes from this, but it is not a good look for the Democratic party. The optics are horrible.
And Taylor Swift has not lost her Political Virginity. She can't be hesitant anymore because she broke her silence once on the issue.
Guildofcannonballs said..."Hell Crack is just saying don't look at blacks like Hillary looks at you. Fair enough."
Well said.
I am Laslo.
Kaepernick kneels and is called a hero, Kanye tries to actually do something productive and fix the same problems and is trashed by the same people who support Kaepernick. If that doesn’t open your eyes, nothing will. #walkaway
“You guys are fixated on blacks.”
Because black people are fixated on blacks. If black people want to be treated as a group - as many spokespeople (sic) for black people continue to say - then don’t be surprised when anyone not black treats black people as a group.
Seems to me, that the only person "fixated on blacks" on this blog, is Crack.
AllenS said...
Seems to me, that the only person "fixated on blacks" on this blog, is Crack.
How can I spot the racists?
They describe their blindspots so well.
Mr. Majestyk said...
"I am reading a book called "Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most."."
I think I saw an interview with the author on C-SPAN recently. Black kid. He's a Democrat, for what that's worth.
Jay Elink said...
"R.J. Chatt: I wanted to respond to some things Crack said -- about why whites attack low income blacks and not low income whites due to some possible inherent racism.
But that's not true. NR's Kevin Williamson, for example,..."
Kevin Williamson is not participating on this blog.
Jay Elink said...
"So Crack, when you jeer at New Age stuff, don't blame us!"
That's why Trump's hired Dr. Oz and Tom Price?
Michael K said...
"I avoid Crack like the plague"
And he keeps wanting everyone to know it - like anyone asked, or cares, or thinks he's a font of wisdom on any subject but golf carts.
Roy Lofquist said...
With respect, sir. Could you entertain the notion that a lot of what you consider to be discrimination is not because of your race or other factors but rather because there is an oversupply of horse's asses in the land?"
I try to separate that out. For instance, it's the Michael K's and Gahrie's who are big on "plantation" talk, while others merely speak of blacks and Democrats. But, as I said, the Right has Dr. Oz just as the Left has Oprah, so, yes, there's enough horse's asses to go around, otherwise.
"As an old white guy I have certainly run into far more of them than I deserve. You either develop a thick skin or you go around feeling sorry for yourself."
Easy for a white guy to say - what would be your protection in America if you were black?
"Then there's always the possibility that you, yourself, are the asshole. Happens."
Agreed. Unless the evidence says otherwise. I have a blog to chart my opinions, and I'm usually right - my critics are not. But, as you know, an oversupply of horse's asses in the land don't care about that.
Gahrie said...
?Because everyone accepts the fact that poor White people are poor because they make poor choices and behave counterproductively. No one tries to blame their poverty on the bad actions and/or bad will of other people. No one tries to defend them by bringing up historical grievances that effected their ancestors."
That does not explain why you don't bag on them - only why you bag on us.
Jesus, I hate discovering how dumb you are.
FIDO said...
"I have no idea what message the Black community takes from this, but it is not a good look for the Democratic party."
They see rednecks hating football, and liking Kanye, and wonder what they're drinking.
I can't think of a bigger threat to Democrat party dominance of the African American vote then what is happening with Kanye West. They have to accuse Kanye of being mentally ill, otherwise, other African Americans might start questioning democrat party policies. Otherwise, Kanye is a cool celebrity stating a different opinion, that others might want to take also.
There are also facts. If Trump and republicans are so racist, why is African American unemployment at a record low. Why are cities run by democrats such cesspools?
Sloanasaurus said...
"If Trump and republicans are so racist, why is African American unemployment at a record low. Why are cities run by democrats such cesspools?"
The idea all of this happens in a vacuum - with no Republican participation - is one reason I don't like to talk to those on the Right: They lie.
And they give themselves credit for what they always should have done (Chris Rock's definition of a "nigga" by the way). Why are jobs just there NOW? Where were Republicans over the last 50 years blacks (and no one else) were "wasting" our time?
You guys would do well to take courses on integrity - you seem too have everything else locked-up.
Who the fuck is Dr. Oz, why the hell does Crack keep associating him with "the Right", and... oh, never mind.
Thank you for your reply, in which you wrote "Easy for a white guy to say - what would be your protection in America if you were black?"
Are you asserting that there is a significant disparity in the treatment of people based on race in our legal system?
Qwinn said...
"Who the fuck is Dr. Oz, why the hell does Crack keep associating him with "the Right", and... oh, never mind."
Yeah - Google could cleared not up: He's Oprah's quack doctor and he's a Republican.
And Trump just hired him for his Health and Fitness Program.
"The Crack Emcee said...
Mr. Majestyk said...
'I am reading a book called "Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most.".'
I think I saw an interview with the author on C-SPAN recently. Black kid. He's a Democrat, for what that's worth."
You must be thinking of a different book. The one I am reading has three authors, all of them white. They might well be Democrats, though.
Mr. Majestyk said...
"You must be thinking of a different book. The one I am reading has three authors, all of them white. They might well be Democrats, though."
Here's the guy I saw, in case you're interested. It was a good discussion.
Blogger eric said..
I've been wondering what Crack thinks of this.
Cracking open the door to shiite like:
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
Most conservative whites insist blacks should've followed Booker T. Washington's admonition, to work under whites and give up voting power..
Hydrogen has many intriguing possibilities as a fuel.
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